
Learning How to Learn Focused and diffuse modes of thinking Sleep Mindsets

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Learning How to Learn

Focused and Diffuse modes of thinking

Focused and Diffuse Modes of Thinking Topic A The focused mode is associated with the concentrating abilities of the brains prefrontal cortex, located right behind your forehead. Turn your attention to something and bamthe focused mode is on, like the tight, penetrating beam of a flashlight. Diffuse-mode thinking is what happens when you relax your attention and just let your mind wander. This relaxation can allow different areas of the brain to hook up and return valuable insights. Unlike the focused mode, the diffuse mode is not affiliated with any one area of the brainyou can think of it as being diffused throughout the brain. Diffuse-mode insights often flow out of preliminary thinking thats been done in the focused mode. (The diffuse mode must have clay to make bricks!)

Focused and Diffuse modes of thinking

Focused and Diffuse Modes of Thinking Topic A The best way to learn somethingNew, is to alternate between theTwo modes of thinking :

In the Focused Mode, you concentrate on the new information, then switch intoThe Diffuse Mode in order to allow your brain to perform the best connection, so you can have the big picture more easyIn order to be effective, the learning procees, you should practice . It is not likely to happen over night.The best way is to recall and repeat the information during a longer period of time, allowing your brain to move the new concepts into the long-term memory .

Sleep Topic B During the day, our brain assimilate new informationAlso, it creates toxins that will not allow our brain to run effectively.

During sleep, the brain falls into a diffuse mode of thinking.Also, during sleep, the brain is cleaned by toxins accumulated during the day.In order to understand new concepts and new skills, for a long term purpose, it is very important to get enough sleep.

MINDSET TOPIC CMind-sets are those collection of beliefs and thoughts that make up the mental attitude, inclination, habit or disposition that predetermines a person's interpretations and responses to events, circumstances and situations.We usually have two types of mindsets : Fixed mindsets or Growth mindsetsIt is important for us to observ what type of mindset we have and, if necessary, change The fixed mindset (if exists) with a growth mindsetSimply by changing your mind-set it is possible to change not only your outlook in life by also the actual results you obtain in life.

Examples of Mindsets

Citations How Pinball Helps Explain Ways We Think and Learn -BARBARA OAKLEY