
«Χαρακτηριστικά της δυστοπίας στον κινηματογράφο της δεκαετίας του ΄90: Τα παραδείγματα του Dark City του Alex Proyas και του 12 Monkeys του Terry Gilliam». Επιβλέπουσα: Δρ. Τατιανή Ραπατζίκου Διπλωματική Εργασία: Παρασκευοπούλου Αικατερίνη

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90: Dark City Alex Proyas 12 Monkeys Terry Gilliam.

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(Poststructuralism)Jameson, Fredric Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism Utopianism and Anti-utopianism The Jameson Reader, . Michael Hardt Kathi Weeks, Blackwell Publishers, Oxford; UK, 2000Jameson, Fredric, Postmodernism and Consumer Society Postmodern Culture, . Hal Foster, Pluto Press, London, 1985Hutcheon, Linda, A Poetics of Postmodernism: History, Theory, Fiction, Routledge, London and New York, 1988.Hutcheon, Linda, The Politics of Postmodernity, Routledge, London and New York, 1990.Baudrillard, Jean, Symbolic Exchange and Death Simulacra and Simulations Selected Writings, . Mark Poster, Polity Press, Cambridge, 1988Baudrillard, Jean, Simulacra and Simulation, The University of Michigan Press, U.S.A., 2006.

McHale, Brian, Postmodernist Fiction, Routledge, New York, 1996.Cobley, Paul, Narrative, Routledge, London and New York, 2001.Graham, Allen, Intetextuallity, Routledge, New York, 2000 Science Fiction and the Dystopian Imagination, . Tom Moylan Raffaella Baccolini, Routledge, New York, 2003Dark Horizons: Science Fiction and the Dystopian Imagination, . Tom Moylan Raffaella Baccolini, Routledge, London; New York, 2003 Liquid Metal: The Science Fiction Film Reader, . Sean Redmond, Wallflower Press, London; New York, 2004Alien Zone: Cultural Theory and Contemporary Science Fiction Cinema, . Annette Kuhn, Verso, London; New York, 1990 Ferguson, Paul, After the Past: Noir Legacies in an [Un]certain Future. William Gibsons Virtual Light and Terry Gilliams Twelve Monkeys. :, . . 16 2011Hayles, N. Katherine Gessler, Nicholas, The Slipstream of Mixed Reality: Unstable Ontologies and Semiotic Markers in The Thirteenth Floor, Dark City, and Mulholland Drive", PMLA, Vol. 119, No. 3, Special Topic: Science Fiction and Literary Studies: The Next Millennium (May 2004), . 482-499., . . 22 . 2010

12 Monkeys Terry Gilliam (1995) - (time travel)

Dark City Alex Proyas (1998) , ,


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, pastiche, neo-noir .

Dark City:

Dark City , neo-noirTo Metropolis Fritz Lang , , , ,

12 Monkeys:

- (Hypertext)To neo-noirLa Jetee Chris Marker, Vertigo Hitchcock : ,

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, , Brian McHale.

Dark City: Hyperreal pastiche : , 12 Monkeys: (Time travel) (time-loop paradoxes) Seedy realism : ,

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Dark City: , , : 12 Monkeys : , , : Gilliam

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