presents sancta civitas & dona nobis pacem: the … sancta civitas & dona nobis pacem: the...

Sunday Afternoon, June 11, 2017, at 2:00 Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage Iris Derke, Co-Founder and General Director Jonathan Griffith, Co-Founder and Artistic Director presents Sancta Civitas & Dona Nobis Pacem: The Music of Vaughan Williams DISTINGUISHED CONCERTS ORCHESTRA DISTINGUISHED CONCERTS SINGERS INTERNATIONAL NINA NASH-ROBERTSON, Guest Conductor LATOYA LAIN, Soprano ERIC TUCKER, Bass-Baritone RALPH VAUGHAN Dona Nobis Pacem WILLIAMS 1. Agnus Dei 2. Beat! Beat! Drums! 3. Reconciliation 4. Dirge for Two Veterans 5. The Angel of Death 6. Glory to God Intermission PLEASE SWITCH OFF YOUR CELL PHONES AND OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES. (continued) 6-11 DCINY.qxp_Carnegie Hall Rental 6/1/17 12:16 PM Page 1

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Page 1: presents Sancta Civitas & Dona Nobis Pacem: The … Sancta Civitas & Dona Nobis Pacem: The Music of Vaughan Williams DISTINGUISHED CONCERTS ORCHESTRA DISTINGUISHED CONCERTS SINGERS

Sunday Afternoon, June 11, 2017, at 2:00Isaac Stern Auditorium / Ronald O. Perelman Stage

Iris Derke, Co-Founder and General DirectorJonathan Griffith, Co-Founder and Artistic Director


Sancta Civitas & Dona NobisPacem: The Music of



LATOYA LAIN, SopranoERIC TUCKER, Bass-Baritone

RALPH VAUGHAN Dona Nobis Pacem WILLIAMS 1. Agnus Dei

2. Beat! Beat! Drums!3. Reconciliation4. Dirge for Two Veterans5. The Angel of Death6. Glory to God




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Presentation of 2017 DCINY Educator Laureate Award to Dr. Craig Jessop, Conductor Laureate


CRAIG JESSOP, Conductor LaureateKERRY WILKERSON, Baritone

RALPH VAUGHAN Sancta Civitas (The Holy City) WILLIAMS (Carnegie Hall Premiere)

1. I was in the spirit2. And I saw Heaven opened3. And I saw an angel standing in the sun4. Babylon the great is fallen5. Rejoice over her O Heavens6. And I saw a new heaven7. Therefore are they before the throne of God8. And I saw a pure river9. Holy, Holy, Holy10. Heaven and earth are full of Thy glory

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DCINY thanks its kind sponsors in education: Artist Travel Consultants,VH-1 Save the Music, Education Through Music, High 5 – Arts Connection,and WQXR.

For information about performing on DCINY’s series or about purchasingtickets, e-mail [email protected], call (212) 707-8566, or visit ourwebsite at


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RALPH VAUGHAN WILLIAMS (1872-1958)Dona Nobis Pacem (40 minutes)

Ralph Vaughan Williams was born intoEngland’s upper class, destined for thenonworking life of a gentleman. He grewup during a renaissance in English music,spurred by knighted composers CharlesHubert Parry, Charles Villiers Stanford,and George Grove. At London’s RoyalCollege of Music, Vaughan Williamsstudied composition under Parry, whobelieved England should have its owndistinct music, free of German influence.Vaughan Williams and his friend GustavHolst dedicated themselves to creatingEnglish-defined music, reviewing eachother’s compositions with honesty andvision for 40 years. In January 1915, thefirst German Zeppelin air raid hit Eng-land. Vaughan Williams, 42 years old,enlisted in the Royal Army MedicalCorps, determined to go to the frontimmediately rather than wait to betrained and commissioned. He wasassigned ambulance duties, transportingthe wounded from the front lines. Hewitnessed the ravages of the Third Battleof Ypres at Flanders, the result of a terri-ble British miscalculation of the Germanarmy’s strength. The battle raged formonths instead of weeks and led to anastounding 1,265,000 British, French,and German soldiers killed and countlesswounded. By the end of the war, over 8.5million would perish. Disoriented by thepostwar environment, Vaughan Williamsat first was only able to compose musicthat looked backward. Then, in 1926, hebegan to move forward again. DonaNobis Pacem, premiered in 1936, openswith a heartrending cry. VaughanWilliams’ perspective was no longerbound to the geography of England. Hisempathy now enfolded a world faced

with another war. In setting biblical andpoetic text to music, he paid subtle trib-ute to Verdi’s Requiem, which headmired. Dona Nobis Pacem also antici-pated by 25 years Benjamin Britten’s WarRequiem, with its dramatic settings ofLatin liturgical text and poetry and itsemphasis on reconciliation.

Agnus DeiThe cantata opens with a soprano solo,one voice offering an apprehensiveAgnus Dei. The chorus joins in a ferventcry for peace. In answer, distant drumssound, no longer a contagious dancerhythm of centuries past but instead, theharbinger of war.

Beat! Beat! Drums!Beat! Beat! Drums! is based on a poemfrom Drum Taps, poetry Walt Whitmanwrote after his service as a nurse in theAmerican Civil War. He and the nationwere stunned by the death toll of over600,000 in that war’s four-year duration.This movement erupts with articulatefear, depicting a violence that destroyspeaceful daily lives. In the examples –merchants and scholars disappearingwhile others pray, weep, and entreat – wesense the numbers of people being sweptinto war’s unremitting violence.

ReconciliationReconciliation transcends the threateningatmosphere with a striking, bittersweetmoment. Set like a lullaby, Whitman’stext offers a promise to the dead enemy –“a man divine as myself” – that time willwash away the awful deeds of war, apromise sealed with a kiss.

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Dirge for Two VeteransDirge for Two Veterans is a moonlitscene very different from that of aromantic tryst, usually associated withmoonlight. A mother, portrayed by themoon, watches over the funeral marchfor her son and husband, who werekilled together, symbolic of all families’losses in lives cut short from one genera-tion to the next. A compassionate worldwitnesses the scene with one heart, givinglove as the moon gives light.

The Angel of DeathThe text of The Angel of Death is fromrenowned English orator John Bright’s1855 lament to the House of Commonsabout the technically advanced, militarilyincompetent Crimean War (600,000dead). With the fearful news of the deathangel’s presence, the chorus bursts intoanother cry for peace, but only more

trouble rolls across the land. In the lastmovement, Vaughan Williams compiles anumber of wise biblical sayings urgingcommunal action for peace. Whoeversaid peace is boring compared to war hasnot heard the final paean to characterredeemed in the strength required to laydown arms.

Glory to GodThe Glory to God climax has a well-placed familiarity. Repetitions of thephrase “and on earth peace, good-willtoward men” ring with celebratory opti-mism. Only the soprano soloist’s “donanobis pacem” floating hauntingly over-head sounds a warning that we mustheed, lest we revert and again sacrifice“righteousness and peace” to war.

Notes by Nina Nash-Robertson

For a professed agnostic, VaughanWilliams sure did not shy away fromusing liturgical and Biblical texts in hisworks, especially in the years followingWorld War I. He experienced the sense-less brutality and carnage of the war firsthand. Although nearly 42, he enlistedand served as a wagon orderly with theRoyal Army Medical Corps in Franceand on the Salonika (Greece) front, laterreturning to France as an artillery officer. The musical vision of the Holy City, anew heaven and earth as described in theBook of Revelation by St. John [of Pat-mos], may have seemed an odd choice in1923 with a world spiritually and mate-rially bankrupt, but Vaughan Williamssaw the artist as a missionary, destined tokeep hope alive. He picked the text fromvarious early English translations, includ-ing the King James version and the olderTaverner’s Bible. He finished it in 1925. The text is mysterious, and even more so

is the quote – in the original Greek –from Plato’s Phaedo, which prefaces themanuscript:

“Now to assert that these things areexactly as I have described wouldnot be reasonable. But that thesethings, or something like them, aretrue concerning the souls of men andtheir habitations after death, espe-cially since the soul is shown to beimmortal, this seems to me fittingand worth risking to believe. For therisk is honorable, and a man shouldsing such things in the manner of anincantation to himself.”

Sancta Civitas consists of ten sections,each one consisting of fragments of thebiblical text stitched together by the com-poser into a quasi narrative: Theprophetic and metaphoric vision as theconsummation of the marriage of the

RALPH VAUGHAN WILLIAMS Sancta Civitas (The Holy City)(30 minutes)

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Lamb (Section 1); the conquering of theearth by the angelic army of theAlmighty, symbolized by the fall of Baby-lon (Sections 2-5); the vision of the newcity and the throne of God (Sections 6-8);the final praise of God (Sections 9-10).

Musically, the work follows the same tra-jectory, developing in color and mood inaccordance with the text. It is primarilychoral, but the baritone takes on the roleof the visionary in those sentences thatbegin with “I saw” or “I heard.” Thetenor, however, appears only at the veryend, the voice of God. The choral writingis homophonic and declamatorythroughout, emphasizing the pure text,uncomplicated with interweaving contra-puntal lines.

Vaughan Williams dramatizes eachvision comprising the narrative withchanges in tempo and orchestral andchoral texture. For example, Section 3,which describes the victory of the King ofKings over the armies of all the nationsand the carrion feast of all the birds, isappropriately military, with extensivetone painting. Yet, he follows with adirge for the fall of Babylon. The visionof the Holy City features orchestralsoloists: English horn, trumpet and par-ticularly a violin soaring above the fullorchestra and voices.

The final two parts, the hymns of praise,rise to an enormous climax, but the lastphrases by the tenor soloist fade away,symbolic of eternal peace.

Notes by Joseph & Elizabeth Kahn


1. Agnus DeiAgnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi Dona nobis pacem.

Lamb of God, you take away the sins ofthe world

Grant us peace.

2. Beat! Beat! Drums!Beat! beat! drums! – blow! bugles!

blow!Through the windows – through the

doors – burst like a ruthless force, Into the solemn church, and scatter the

congregation,Into the school where the scholar is

studying;Leave not the bridegroom quiet – no

happiness must he have now with hisbride,

Nor the peaceful farmer any peace,ploughing his field, or gathering in hisgrain,

So fierce you whirr and pound youdrums – so shrill you bugles blow.

Beat! beat! drums! – blow! bugles!blow!

Over the traffic of cities – over the rum-ble of wheels in the streets;

Are beds prepared for the sleepers atnight in the houses?

No sleepers must sleep in those beds,No bargainers’ bargains by day – would

they continue?Would the talkers be talking? Would the

singer attempt to sing? Then rattle quicker, heavier drums – you

bugles wilder blow. Beat! beat! drums! – blow! bugles!

blow!Make no parley – stop for no expostula-

tion,Mind not the timid – mind not the

weeper or prayer,

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Mind not the old man beseeching theyoung man,

Let not the child’s voice be heard, northe mother’s entreaties,

Make even the trestles to shake thedead where they lie awaiting thehearses,

So strong you thump O terrible drums –so loud you bugles blow.

3. ReconciliationWord over all, beautiful as the sky,Beautiful that war and all its deeds of

carnage must in time be utterly lost,That the hands of the sisters Death and

Night incessantly, softly, wash againand ever again this soiled world;

For my enemy is dead, a man divine asmyself is dead,

I look where he lies white-faced and stillin the coffin I draw near,

Bend down and touch lightly with mylips the white face in the coffin.

4. Dirge for Two VeteransThe last sunbeamLightly falls from the finished Sabbath,On the pavement, here, and there

beyond it is looking Down a new-made double grave.Lo, the moon ascending,Up from the east the silvery round

moon, Beautiful over the house-tops, ghastly,

phantom moon, Immense and silent moon. I see a sad

procession,And I hear the sound of coming full-

keyed bugles, All the channels of the city streets

they’re flooding As with voices and with tears.I hear the great drums pounding,And the small drums steady whirring,And every blow of the great convulsive

drums Strikes me through and through.For the son is brought with the father,

In the foremost ranks of the fierceassault they fell,

Two veterans, son and father, droppedtogether,

And the double grave awaits them.Now nearer blow the bugles, and the

drums strike more convulsive,And the daylight o’er the pavement

quite has faded,And the strong dead march enwraps

me.In the eastern sky upbuoying, the sor-

rowful vast phantom moves illumined,Tis some mother’s large transparent face.In heaven righter growing,O strong dead march you please me! O

moon immense with your silvery face,you soothe me!

O my soldiers twain! O my veteranspassing to burial.

The moon gives you light, and thebugles and the drums give you music,

And my heart gives you love.

5. The Angel of DeathThe Angel of Death has been abroad

throughout the land;you may almost hear the beating of his

wings.There is no one as of old to sprinkle

with blood the linteland the two side-posts of our doors,that he may spare and pass on.

Dona nobis pacem.We looked for peace, but no good came; and for a time of health, and behold

trouble!The snorting of his horses was heard

from Dan;the whole land trembled at the sound of

the neighing of his strong ones;for they are come, and have devoured

the land and those that dwell therein The harvest is past, the summer is

ended, and we are not savedIs there no balm in Gilead?; is there no

physician there?Why then is not the health of the

daughter of my people recovered?

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6. Glory to God‘O man greatly beloved, fear not, peace

be unto thee, be strong, yea, bestrong.’

‘The glory of this latter house shall begreater than of the former, and in thisplace will I give peace.’

‘Nation shall not lift up a sword againstnation,

neither shall they learn war any more.And none shall make them afraid, neither the sword go through their

land.Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed

each other.Truth shall spring out of the earth,and righteousness shall look down from

heaven.Open to me the gates of righteousness, I will go into them.Let all the nations be gathered together,

and let the people be assembled; and let them hear, and say, it is the

truth.And it shall come, that I will gather all

nations and tongues.And they shall come and see my glory.And I will set a sign among them,and they shall declare my glory among

the nations.For as the new heavens and the new

earth,which I will make, shall remain before

me,so shall your seed and your name

remain forever.’Glory to God in the highest, and on

earth peace, good-will toward men.

Sancta Civitas (The Holy City)RALPH VAUGHAN WILLIAMS

1. I was in the spiritI was in the spirit and I heard a great

voice of much people praising Godand saying 'Alleluia, salvation andglory, honour and power unto theLord our God. Alleluia, Amen.

Praise our God, all ye his servants andye that fear Film both small and great.'

And I heard as it were the voice of agreat multitude and as the voice ofmany waters saying 'Alleluia. For theLord God Omnipotent reigneth. Let usbe glad and rejoice and give honour toHim. For the marriage of the Lamb iscome, and his wife hath made herselfready.'

And to her it was given that she shouldbe array'd in fine linen, clean andwhite.

Blessed are they that are called to themarriage supper of the Lamb.

2. And I saw Heaven openedAnd I saw Heaven opened. And behold

a white horse and he that sat thereonwas called Faithful and True and inrighteousness he doth make war.

His eyes were as a flame of fire, and onhis head were many crowns: and hehad a name written that no one knewbut he himself: and the armies whichwere in heaven, followed him uponwhite horses clothed in fine linen,white and clean.

And out of his mouth goeth a two-edged sword, that with it he shouldsmite the nations, and he shall rulethem with a rod of iron; and he tread-eth the wine press of the fierceness andwrath of Almighty God.

And on his vesture and on his thighthere was a name written, King ofKings and Lord of Lords.

3. And I saw an angel standing in thesunAnd I saw an angel standing in the sun:

and he cried with a loud voice sayingto all the fowls that fly in the midst ofheaven. 'Come, gather yourselvestogether'.

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And the Kings of the earth and theirarmies were gathered together to makewar against him that sat upon thehorse and against his army and wereslain with the sword of him who satupon the horse and all the fowls werefilled with the, flesh.

4. Babylon the great is fallenBabylon the great is fallen. Alas, alas: that great city Babylon, that

mighty city! For in one hour is thy judgment come.The kings of the earth shall bewail her

and lament over her. And the merchants of the earth shall

weep and mourn over her. And the fruits thy soul lusted after are

departed from thee. And all things which were dainty and

goodly are departed from thee andthou shalt find them no more at all.

Alas. alas; that great city that wasclothed in fine linen, and purple andscarlet a precious stones.

What city is like unto this great city! For in one hour art thou made desolate.

5. Rejoice over her O HeavensRejoice over her O heavens for God

hath avenged you on her. And a mighty angel took up a millstone

and cast it into the sea, saying: 'Thus with violence shall that great city

Babylon be thrown down, and shall befound no more at all.'

And the voice of the harpers shall beheard no more at all in thee.

And the light of a candle shall shine nomore at all in thee, and the voice ofthe bridegroom and the bride shall beheard no more at all in thee.

Babylon the great is fallen.

6. And I saw a new heavenAnd I saw a new heaven and anew

earth; for the first earth and the test

heaven were passed away: and therewas no more sea. And I saw the holycity coming down from heaven pre-pared as a bride adorned for her hus-band, having the glory of God.

And her light was like unto a stonemost precious even like a jasper stone,clear as crystal: and had twelve gatesand on the gates twelve angels, and thetwelve gates were twelve pearls: andthe street of the city was pure gold, asit were transparent glass.

And I saw no temple therein. For theLord God Almighty is the temple of it.

And the city had no need of the Sun,neither the Moon, to lighten her forthe glory of God did lighten her; andthe gates of it shall not be shut at allby day: for there shall be no nightthere and they shall bring the gloryand the honour of the nations into it.

7. Therefore are they before the throneof GodTherefore are they before the throne of

God, and serve him day and night inhis Temple. They shall hunger no moreneither thirst any more. For he that sit-teth on the throne shall feed them andshall lead them unto living fountainsof waters.

8. And I saw a pure riverAnd I saw a pure river of the water of

fife, and on either side of the river wasthere the tree of life, and the leaves ofthe tree were for the healing of thenations.

And they shall see his face: and hisname shall be in their foreheads. andthey shall need no candle. and thereshall be no night there, for the LordGod shall give them light and theyshall reign for ever and ever.

9. Holy, Holy, HolyHoly, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty.

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Dr. Nina Nash-Robertson has served,since 1982, as Director of Choral Activi-ties at Central Michigan University,where she was awarded the Excellence inTeaching Award. She received her firstmusical training in her native Dublin, Ire-land and, upon arriving in the UnitedStates, became the founding director ofthe award-winning Shamrock IrishDancers. She holds degrees in music edu-cation, voice, and conducting fromAlverno College, the Wisconsin Conser-vatory of Music, and the University ofIllinois, and sang with the Skylight Operaand the Florentine Opera Companies. Dr.Nash-Robertson has led student groupson thirteen European tours where per-forming sites included WestminsterAbbey, Canterbury Cathedral, and St.Peter’s Basilica. She also led two concert

tours to China, performing in Beijing,Shanghai, and Xian. She has conductedat Blue Lake and Interlochen Center forthe Arts, as well as in the Bahamas, Peru,and Canada, and served as music direc-tor of the International InvitationalChoral Festival in Dublin, Ireland. She ispast-president of American ChoralDirectors Association – Michigan, whichawarded her the Maynard Klein Award,“in recognition of artistic excellence anda lifetime of leadership in the field ofchoral music.” Tonight’s performancemarks her fourth time conducting inCarnegie Hall. The Central MichiganUniversity choral program has enjoyed along tradition of excellence, dating backto our first performance of Handel’sMessiah almost 120 years ago. ConcertChoir (about 80 mostly undergraduatestudents) and Chamber Singers (appx.25, mostly upper-level and graduate stu-dents) include students who represent avariety of specialties within the univer-sity. Festival Chorus includes students,faculty, staff, and community members.In addition to regular on-campus performances, the groups have traveledextensively throughout Europe andChina, and regularly perform majorchoral/orchestral works with the Mid-land and Grand Rapids Symphonies, inaddition to four previous performancesin Carnegie Hall.


THE Artists

10. Heaven and earth are full of ThygloryHeaven and earth are full of Thy glory.

Glory be to Thee. O Lord most High.

Behold. I come quickly. I am the brightand the morning star. Surely I comequickly. Amen, even so come Lord.

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Applauded for her “wonderfully rich,”“powerful,” and “captivating” voice,young American soprano LaToya Lain,a native of New Orleans, Louisiana,studied voice at the University ofCincinnati-College Conservatory ofMusic, Florida State University, and theUniversity of Nevada. She is also agraduate of Chautauqua Opera’sYoung Artist Program, under the direc-tion of Jay Lesenger. Dr. Lain’s mostrecent engagements have included oper-atic performances at the Alte Oper inFrankfurt, Hamburgische Oper inHamburg, and the Köln Philharmoniein Köln, Germany. She has recently pre-sented recitals at the American Churchin Paris, France, at the Dutch ReformChurch in Harare, Zimbabwe, and at

the Reapertura de la Iglesia SantaTeresa in Cochabamba, Bolivia. She hasalso presented recitals and master-classes at Oberlin College & Conserva-tory of Music, University of New Mex-ico, Alma College, Murray State Uni-versity, and at SongFest in Los Angeles,California. She continues to performopera, oratorio, and solo recitalsthroughout the United States and inter-nationally, namely Europe, SouthAmerica, and Africa. Dr. Lain currentlyserves on the Voice Faculty of CentralMichigan University where she is alsochair of the Music Theatre Department.She has performed numerous roles,including; Countess Almaviva (LeNozze di Figaro), Carmen (Carmen),Suzuki (Madame Butterfly), Polinesso(Ariodante), La Principessa (SuorAngelica), Baba (The Medium), andJežibaba (Rusalka). She has also per-formed as the soloist in Mozart’sRequiem, Vivaldi’s Gloria, Verdi’sRequiem, Handel’s Messiah, Bach’sMagnificat, and St. Matthew’s Pas-sion. Her awards include Art SongPreservation Society of New York(Semi-Finalist), Metropolitan OperaNational Council Auditions (3rd PlaceRegional Winner), Gerder LissnerCompetition (Encouragement Award),and National Association of Teachersof Singing (1st Place State, 2nd PlaceRegional).


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Dr. Eric Hoy Tucker – the son of sec-ond-generation coal miners from Fair-mont, West Virginia – holds musicdegrees from Florida State University,The University of Illinois, and TheOhio State University. His musical men-tors include Janice Harsanyi, AndreThomas, and John Wustman. Dr.Tucker made his Carnegie Hall debut inHaydn’s Creation in 2013. He hasappeared as a bass soloist with regionalsymphony orchestras across the U.S., inworks such as Bach’s Christmas Orato-rio and Saint John Passion, Faure’s

Requiem, Handel’s Messiah, Haydn’sCreation, Saint-Saëns’ Christmas Ora-torio, Beethoven’s Mass in C, Mozart’sRequiem, and Rossini’s Stabat Mater.He was the featured bass soloist for the2010 World’s Fair presentation of theFauré Requiem in Shanghai, China. Hewas engaged twice as a soloist with theInternational Bach Festival in Trujillo,Peru. Tucker has appeared as an artist-in-residence for the Orfeo Music Festi-val in Vipiteno, Italy for two summersas well as Il Corso Estivo per GiovanniCantante Lirici located in Sant’Angeloin Vado, Italy. His operatic portrayalsinclude the major roles of Mozart, Puc-cini, and Britten. Dr. Tucker has beenteaching at the collegiate level for thepast twenty years. His students havegone on to appear with The Metropoli-tan Opera, Lyric Opera of Chicago, SanFrancisco Opera, Arizona Opera, Vir-ginia Opera, Kentucky Opera, Pitts-burgh Opera, Opera Carolina, SarasotaOpera, and the Merola program. Hisstudents appear on Broadway as well asnational tours of Beauty and Beast andLes Misérables, in addition to regionalmusical theatre productions and cruiseship entertainment.

ERIC TUCKER, Bass-Baritone

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Dr. Craig Jessop is Professor of Musicand the founding Dean for the CaineCollege of the Arts at Utah State Uni-versity. These appointments follow Dr.Jessop’s distinguished tenure as musicdirector of the world famous MormonTabernacle Choir and Head of theDepartment of Music at Utah State. Heis the founder and Music Director ofthe American Festival Chorus andOrchestra and has served as the musicdirector of the Carnegie Hall NationalHigh School Choral Festival sponsoredby the Weill Institute of Music atCarnegie Hall. Prior to his appointmentwith the Tabernacle Choir, Dr. Jessopwas a Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S.Air Force music programs, where heserved as director of the U.S. Air ForceSinging Sergeants in Washington, D.C.(1980-1987); as commander and con-ductor of the Band of the U.S. AirForces in Europe at Ramstein, Ger-many (1987-1991); and as commanderand conductor of the Air Combat Com-mand Heartland of America Band(1991-1995). He has also been musicdirector of the Maryland Choral Soci-ety, the Rhineland-Pfalz InternationalChoir of Germany and the OmahaSymphonic Chorus. Dr. Jessop has a

Bachelor of Science from Utah StateUniversity, 1973; Master of Arts fromBrigham Young University, 1976; and aDoctor of Musical Arts in Conductingfrom Stanford University, 1980. Underhis direction, the Tabernacle Choirreceived numerous awards, includingthe coveted National Medal of Arts in aceremony at the White House. He hasrecorded over 15 CDs on the Telarc andMTC labels with the Choir and in 2008received a Grammy nomination for hiswork with the Mormon TabernacleChoir and Orchestra at Temple Square.At the Opening Ceremony of the 2002Winter Olympic Games in Salt LakeCity, Dr. Jessop conducted the MormonTabernacle Choir and the Utah Sym-phony, working with world-renownedartists Sting and Yo-Yo Ma, and com-posers John Williams and MichaelKamen. Other artists with whom he hascollaborated include Renée Fleming,Frederica von Stade, Bryn Terfel, AudraMcDonald, The King’s Singers, AngelaLansbury, Claire Bloom, WalterCronkite, and Charles Osgood. In2003, Dr. Jessop conducted the choirand prepared the singers for a perfor-mance of A German Requiem at theprestigious Tanglewood Festival withthe Boston Symphony Orchestra andRafael Frübeck de Burgos. A muchsought-after guest conductor, Dr. Jessophas been on the American choral scenefor more than three decades. His tenureas Music Director of the MormonTabernacle Choir and as director of theUnited States Air Force SingingSergeants in Washington D.C. hastaken him to the most prestigious con-cert halls of the nation and around theworld including Carnegie Hall and Lin-coln Center in New York, the KennedyCenter in Washington, D.C., RoyalAlbert Hall in London, and throughout

CRAIG JESSOP, Conductor Laureate, 2017 DCINY Educator Laureate Recipient

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Europe and Asia. In 2013, Dr. Jessopwas selected by the American ChoralDirectors Association to conduct Benjamin Britten’s monumental War

Requiem with the Dallas SymphonyChorus and Orchestra at their nationalconvention. This is Dr. Jessop’s secondconducting appearance with DCINY.

Kerry Wilkerson’s solo career has takenhim up and down the east coast per-forming renowned oratorios and excit-ing recitals. A resonant singer withunique evenness in register, the Wash-ington Post has described him as an“exuberant” performer having the“amber tone of a lyric baritone with theimposing weight demanded by Handel’slow-lying writing.” He has enjoyed acelebrated career as a military musi-cian; singing and conducting for worldleaders, Supreme Court Justices, politi-cians and dignitaries of many nationsduring official ceremony and protocol

events. Kerry has sung professionallywith the U.S. Air Force SingingSergeants, U.S. Army Chorus, and thecritically acclaimed Robert Shaw Festi-val Singers in many of the most presti-gious concert halls throughout theUnited States and Canada. Kerry is wellknown to Washington, D.C. audiencesthrough his solo recitals and regularguest appearances with choruses andorchestras such as the Handel Choir ofBaltimore, the National PhilharmonicChorale and Orchestra, City Choir ofWashington, Choralis, and the Orato-rio Society of Virginia. Recent perfor-mances include Dvorak’s Stabat Materwith the North Carolina MasterChorale and Vaughan Williams’ DonaNobis Pacem with the Air Force Sym-phony Orchestra at the acclaimedKennedy Center. The 2016/17 seasonincludes his debut in Handel’s Messiahwith the Austin Symphony Orchestraand return appearances as bass soloistwith Choralis in Brahms’ Requiem andGloria Musicae (Sarasota, FL) inVerdi’s Requiem. Kerry is a graduate ofthe University of North Carolina atGreensboro (B.M.) and George MasonUniversity (M.A.).



The DCINY Educator Laureate Awardacknowledges an individual’s contributionto music education. It recognizes a personalcommitment to instilling a life-long love ofmaking music. Dr. Craig Jessop, the thirdrecipient of this award, demonstrates all ofthe attributes associated with this recogni-tion. Past recipients of the award are Dr. Donald D. Donaldson, professor

emeritus of Asbury College and formerchoral director at Shawnee Mission SouthHigh School and chair of the music depart-ment at Kansas Wesleyan University, andDr. Eph Ehly, formerly the Director ofChoral Studies at the Conservatory ofMusic at the University of Missouri-KansasCity and DCINY Advisory Board Member.

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Founded in 2008 by esteemed choraland orchestral conductor, Dr. JonathanGriffith, Distinguished ConcertsOrchestra (DCO) is the resident orches-tra for Distinguished Concerts Interna-tional New York (DCINY), the city’spreeminent producer of choral andorchestral concerts in New York’s mostprestigious concert venues. The DCOis comprised of some of the top orches-tral musicians in the area includingnumerous graduates of Juilliard, TheManhattan School of Music, The NewEngland Conservatory and BostonConservatory. While the vast majorityof these players have performed inevery DCINY production since itsinception, those players who have leftthe New York area have gone on to per-manent posts in orchestras such as theBoston Symphony, Los Angeles Philhar-monic and the London Philharmonic.

Under the direction of Jonathan Grif-fith and DCINY’s roster of notableguest conductors, the DCO performs atCarnegie Hall and Lincoln Center.Whether performing choral/orchestralmasterworks or premiering adventure-some new compositions, the DCO hasbeen lauded by conductors and review-ers alike for its fresh interpretations,musical subtlety and virtuosic ensembleplaying. Griffith and the DCO are pastwinners of the prestigious AmericanPrize in the professional orchestra cate-gory, awarded in 2014 and semi-final-ists for the 2015 and 2016 competi-tions. Distinguished Concerts Orches-tra is driven by passion, innovativevision, a total belief in its artists, and anunwavering commitment to bring forthan unforgettable musical experience forperformer and public alike.


Distinguished Concerts Singers Interna-tional (DCSI) forms the backbone ofDistinguished Concerts InternationalNew York (DCINY), the city’s preemi-nent producer of choral and orchestralconcerts in New York’s most presti-gious concert venues. DCSI is com-prised of singers and chorus membersfrom around the world. Between 30-40% of the singers are alumni of DCSIand have sung in 2 or more of theDCINY concert series over the years.The DCSI has drawn members from 43

countries and 6 continents. While themajority of singers are dedicated ama-teur musicians, many professional andsemi-professional ensembles, as well asindividual professional singers, havealso participated in the DCSI. Allsingers and/or ensembles go through anaudition process reviewed by theDCINY Artistic team in order toreceive an invitation to appear on theDCINY concert series. The DCSI canvary in size from between 100 to 500singers, depending upon the repertoire.

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Distinguished Concerts Singers International*American Festival Chorus (UT), Craig Jessop, DirectorCentral Michigan University Choirs (MI), Nina Nash-Robertson, DirectorChemeketa Community College Concert Choir (OR), Kerry Burtis, DirectorThe Choir and Choristers of St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Cheshire (CT),

Stuart Paul Duncan, DirectorThe CHORALE (IL), Julie Beyler, Director*Douglas County Chamber Singers (GA), Vickie Orme, Director*Elm City Girls’ Choir (CT), Rebecca Rosenbaum, DirectorFirst Congregational Church Motet Choir, Muskegon (MI), Thomas J. Clark,Director

Geneva Choir of First Presbyterian Church, Grand Haven (MI), MaryanneBeery, Director

John Glenn High School Varsity Choir (MI), Adam Gardner-Northrop, DirectorMembers of the Stanford Symphonic Chorus (CA), Stephen M. Sano, DirectorMuskegon Community College “Collegiates” Choir (MI), Thomas J. Clark,Director

New Century Chorale (MI), Sarah Stockton, DirectorPark Church Chancel Choir (OH), Patrick Coyle, DirectorSaginaw Arts and Sciences Academy High School Choir (MI), Bradley A. Fergin,Director

Saginaw Choral Society (MI), Jeremiah J. Kraniak, DirectorSpence School Select Choir (NY), Evan Wels, DirectorVOICES, the Chapel Hill Chorus (NC), Sue T. Klausmeyer, DirectorWest Bloomfield High School Choirs (MI), Sheryl Hauk, DirectorAnd Individual Singers from around the globe

*Denotes DCINY Alumni


DCINY would like to thank our Performing Arts Partners, who, with their financial sup-port, have made this performance possible.

Distinguished Concerts Singers InternationalLisa AbeyounisPrincess AggreyArmstrong AlannaChris AlianoJan AllenEmily C. AlletzhauserBrandon AmbsCaleb AscencioBill AshbyNorma AshbyGrace AzaulaIzzy AzaulaStarri BaaseEthan BachRiva BaconJessica Bain

Jasroop BainsBecki BairdBonni BairdConnor BakerLora BakerLisa A. BaleStephanie BaleCollin BareMary BartlingRick BartlingCynthia Bates-TwiningEthan BeebeMaryanne BeeryGeorge BellBrandy BellingerMarion Belson

Ross BelsonMarida Della BerlinMaryanne BerryJulie BeylerSana BhakooLonnie BickelAlexandra BillhartzAnn BjerkeErin BjerkeLeslie BlackEmma BlairOlivia BloomerMargaret BlumeAidan BoganJoanne BogartRichard Bogart

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Catherine BorthwickOlivia BowyerMolly BozeHaley Jane BrackenFergin BradleyKristen BrownMadeline BrownBrandon BuckleyLauren BuddArianna BurtisMiranda CapraPeggy CareySusan CarlsonAndy CelellaCaitlin CelellaKatrina CessnaZoe ChanErin ChenSuzette ChinLinda ChineryAnnalisa ChristensenNathaniel ChristensenTeresa ChristensenCynthia CiardellaRichard CiardellaBarckholtz ClaireThomas ClarkSadie ClaytonLuke CoffeeDeb ColletMeghan CookKaitlyn CortezErika CourlanderPatrick CoyleKyle CozadWendy CrowderAngela CudneyMorgan DarkeKenneth DavisMildred DavisPhoebe DavisRa'Miah DavisCara DayJanet DealClaire DettloffHreedi DevNate DillKristine DinkaAudrey DitriJoseph DixonDakota DobersteinJohn DohrmannAbigail DonbrockJoshua DoubblesteinJessica DraperClyde D'souzaDaniel D'souza

Destiny DukeStephen DunnRosalind EdmondsTeresa ElderSue EmmonsRichard Epperly, Jr.John ErnsteBrett FallisGabrielle FaulkAlex FegleyAlex FegleyBlake FiliusRegina FinkDaniela FinlaySandra FinnertyMary FoleyAshlyn FordAmber FosterJada FountainEmma Leigh FreelLorien FrenchMargaret T FullerCharlotte GalassoAdam Gardner-NorthropAlannah GarrettCarolyn GausBeth GazellaMargaret GeorgeCarol GessGene GessHannah Elisabeth GeyerJesse GishHeather GodboutAnna GoldmanKruttika GopalLily GorenElizabeth GottwaldJulia GrahamLeilani GrahamMelanie Rose GrassoAnthony GreaniasOlivia GreaniasTiesa GreenDiane GreenbergAmara GreenshpunCourtney GreifenbergerLaura GriswoldMaggie Guarino-TrierCora Marieke HagensAshley HalesBriana Robinson HamborLaurel HammisTom HammondJudi HarrisAudrey HartsonMichael HastyTrevor Headley

Caitlin HegenbartCalista HernandezHarriet HindererSara HobartEthan HodgdonRhianna HolleyNoel HolstKathy HopperLynn HopperFrances HornbostelJonathan HorriganDavid HorwathMichael HouleNatalie Rose HoultonSean HumbleDanielle HuntressMichael HuntressTerri HutchinsKaren HutslarMarilyn HuttonJim HylenAubree JeanJessica JenemaAudrey JohnsonGail JohnsonSungMi Anna JohnsonSusan JohnsonZoe JohnsonAndrea JorgensenMichael JuryAurelia M. KeberleMaxine KeeneJosh KellerPatrick KemmerlingAnnalise KennedyJacob KernAbryana Kevelier-WilliamsEllen KingJohn KiszlaMary KlaasenAshley KlaassenDavid KlingerEva KnaggsSpencer KniatKermit KoesterEfrosinia KonovalovAngela KoreshKathy KortgeJason KosciukBrian KrafcisinJeremiah KraniakAustin Jenna KrauseChristine KriveHannah KrollTina KyriakisRacheal LamaScott LaMont

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Joseph LauermanCalista LayleJeff LederRyanna LemuelJean LennonClayton LeroueJoyce LeroueJean Anne LeuchtenburgCourtney LiNaomi LigonMeredith LincolnWarton-Kin LoMark LodensteinJoan LongLoretta LopezSusanne LuryBenajamin MacdonaldHolly MacfarlaneAnn MacLeodAlison MaczkaElisabeth MajorAshley MalettJeri MaoStephanie MapesRios MarcelloMichelle MartinCatherine MattheisSamantha MatuszewskiLaurel MaughanPaula MauranoTalia Fay MayersonJames McCloyKelsey McCormackMeri McGinnisAngela McIntireLynda McLaughlinJay McMahonJennifer MichnowiczJulia MichnowiczKelly MierkowskiElizabeth MillerChelsea MolinKahla MoodyAbigail MooreJennifer MooreOttavia MorfinoNahoko MoriyaBill MorrisonKaren MorrisonPatrick MulvannyMcKenna MurphyJeremy MyersYulia NagaiGinevra NaillWilliam NaillSawyer NiehausKathy Noravian

Robert NordinSusan NorthrupAngie NucoloHeather NutterDiane NyeMichael OatmanVictoria OffuttSandy OgdenDavid OliverBeverly OlsonMadison OlsonSiew Teng OngMark OrcholskiVickie OrmeDorothy ParniawskiGrace PawluszkaNita PellegromEmma PendergrassGrace PennyTre' PerryKristin PetersRachel PetruskaAndrew PlummerElisabeth PollackCraig PollockAdam PottsRussell PriceSara PriceRichard ProbstEmmaline PursleyJoy QiangMarilyn QuailFred RandallCameron RasmussenJanet RectorRiley ReedsGillian Nicole ReganOlivia RenkerSophie RenkerCharlotte RezakChandra RhysEli RibiatRebecca RichardsonVerlin RichardsonAllan RiggsCalla RinggenbergKano RiveraAudrey RivettaMary Elizabeth RobbinsRichard RobertsAlexandra RoeTyler RoemerAnthony RomeoEmma Lydia RossNicholas RossRichard RotmanDamon Rubley

Ashley RuegerCruz RussickSavannah RussoLois SadlerJacob SalisburyJonathan SaylesDavid SchallertAnna ScheerhornMarti ScherpenisseHanna SchmiedeknechtDavid SchofieldMary SchoonoverHunter SchuurGabbi ScottRebecca ScottCelia ScowcroftLizbeth SecklerDurga ShankerAnthony ShortlandAmanda SmithCallie SmithDee SmithEmily SmithIsaac SmithTammie SmithWillow Lee SmithAlan SmitheeClara SnyderEric SnyderMeggie SnyderAlaura SotoJoshua SpicerClaudia SpringBrittany StackMarla StarkDavid StaynerMatthew StaynerSandra StaynerNaylor StevenNancy StevensonDan StewertStephen StimpsonSarah StocktonKathryn StoutKent StratfordRebecca StrubleEmily SwierzbinAnnie TanAllison TaylorJasmine S. TaylorO'Connor ThereseCarol ThompsonErik ThorsonAnthony TibbittsJessica TomczakLauren TougasDantzer Travis

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Iris Derke, Co-Founder and General DirectorJonathan Griffith, Co-Founder, Artistic Director & Principal ConductorDanuta Gross, Director of Finance & AdministrationKevin Taylor, Director of Program DevelopmentJames M. Meaders, Associate Artistic Director & ConductorJason Mlynek, Associate Director of Program DevelopmentMark Riddles, Program DevelopmentKatie Sims Silvestre, Program DevelopmentJulia Falkenburg, Program DevelopmentMaria Braginsky, Program Development AssistantKimberly Wetzel, Program Development AssistantJeff Binner, Program Development AssistantJason Arnold, Program Development AssistantTabitha Glista, Production ManagerAndrea Niederman, Associate Director of Marketing, Box Office & PromotionsKatherine Shen, Box Office & Marketing AssistantDeAnna Choi, Office Operations Manager, Accounting & BillingMarisa Tornello, Concert Operations AssociateMorgan Yachinich, Concert OperationsGary Crowley, Graphic Design & WebsiteJessica Zakula, Intern

For PR and media inquiries, please contact [email protected] or (212) 707-8566 Ext. 307.

The Performing Arts Partners list includes names supplied by directors. Any questionsregarding missing or misspelled names should be addressed to the individual directors.

Colby TribbleEllen TrippElizabeth TrudellAngela TurnerJoshua TurnerMegan UrquhartTanya UrschelPieter van HeiningenElizabeth Van NoyAllyson Kay Van WyckLauren VanAtterTimothy VanAtterMadison VandecarJacob VandenBoomGina Vander HeidenCraig Vander Maas

Tosha VanderkooiTosha VanderkooiDebbie VanderWierLaurie VelzenRandall VelzenNancy VinclerGabrielle VoglerRachel VosKassidy VredeveldAlexander WalburgSamuel WaldoAmy WallingLynn WandreyKristin B. WebbDouglas J. WebsterDavid Wedding

Emma WelchJeffrey WheelerKathy WheelerAnna WichanskyJody WilkSierra WilliamsBrooke WilsonJacquie WilsonNancy WittkoppAlexandria WitulskiRichard WoolleySusan WyattNancy YangDiane YeramianAlev Sibel Yorulmaz

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DCINY 2017 Concert SeriesPlease join us for one of our upcoming events:

Saturday Evening, June 17, 2017 at 7:00Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, Carnegie HallSong/PlayAlberto Grau: La DoncellaCristian Grases, Guest ConductorAlberto Grau: La Avispa Brava (WORLD PREMIERE)María Guinand, Guest ConductorAlberto Grau, DCINY Composer-in-ResidenceDistinguished Concerts Orchestra and Distinguished Concerts Singers InternationalCharlotte Symphony Youth Orchestra (NC)Ernest Pereira, Director

Monday Evening, June 26, 2017 at 7:00Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, Carnegie HallCanta! Canta! Canta!The Music of Francisco NúñezFrancisco Núñez, Composer/ConductorDistinguished Concerts Singers InternationalEnsemble Monterey Chamber Orchestra & Cabrillo Symphonic and Youth Choirs (CA)John D. Anderson, DirectorCheryl M. Anderson, Director

Sunday Evening, October 1, 2017 at 7:30Weill Recital Hall, Carnegie HallThe Music of Dinos ConstantinidesDinos Constantinides, Composer

Sunday Evening, November 19, 2017 at 8:30Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, Carnegie HallThe Music of Mark Hayes and Randol BassMark Hayes: International Carol Suite (NEW YORK PREMIERE)Mark Hayes, Composer/ConductorThe Music of Randol BassJonathan Griffith, DCINY Artistic Director and Principal ConductorRandol Bass, DCINY Composer-in-ResidenceDistinguished Concerts Orchestra and Distinguished Concerts Singers International

Sunday Afternoon, November 26, 2017 at 2:00Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, Carnegie HallMessiah…Refreshed!George Frideric Handel: Messiah (Goossens’ Edition)Jonathan Griffith, DCINY Artistic Director and Principal ConductorDistinguished Concerts Orchestra and Distinguished Concerts Singers International

Monday Evening, November 27, 2017 at 7:00Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, Carnegie HallThe Music of Joseph Martin featuring Dailey & VincentJoseph Martin: Appalachian WinterJoseph Martin: Rhapsody in Bluegrass (WORLD PREMIERE)Joseph Martin, Composer/ConductorGrammy Award-winning Bluegrass ensemble, Dailey & VincentDistinguished Concerts Singers International

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Celebrating DCINY’s 10th Anniversary Season:Monday Evening, January 15, 2018 at 7:00Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage, Carnegie HallThe Music of Sir Karl JenkinsJenkins: The Armed Man: A Mass for PeaceJenkins: Sing! The Music Was Given (WORLD PREMIERE, Courtesy of the DCINY Premiere Project)Jonathan Griffith, DCINY Artistic Director and Principal ConductorSir Karl Jenkins, DCINY Composer-in-ResidenceDistinguished Concerts Orchestra and Distinguished Concerts Singers International

For DCINY’s full season listing, visit


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