preview of “mod dbms monitoring.ppt” - técnico lisboa ... consumer-producer chain of a dbms’s...

Administração e Optimização de Bases de Dados 2012/2013 Performance Monitoring Bruno Martins DEI@Técnico e DMIR@INESC-ID Performance Monitoring Goals ! Monitoring should check that the performance-influencing database parameters are correctly set and if they are not, it should point to where the problems are ! Alternatively, one can sit and wait for the usersʼ complaints Monitoring preventive method OR Correct problems when detected reactive method

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Administração e Optimização de Bases de Dados 2012/2013

Performance Monitoring

Bruno Martins DEI@Técnico e DMIR@INESC-ID

Performance Monitoring Goals !! Monitoring should check that

the performance-influencing ! database parameters are

correctly set and if they are not, it should point to where the problems are !

! Alternatively, one can sit and wait for the usersʼ complaints


Monitoring !preventive method !

OR !

Correct problems when detected ! reactive

method !

How to monitor a DBMS? !! By extracting relevant performance ! indicators, (counters, metrics, and details

of internal DBMSʼs activities) !

! By comparing the obtained values of these indicators against ideal values !! But… there are many indicators! !

Recurrent Patterns of Problems !

! An overloading high-level ! consumer

!" Ex: query accessing too many rows

!! A poorly parameterized subsystem

! " Ex: disk subsystem that stores tables, indexes, logging in a single disk

!! An overloaded primary resource ! " Ex: CPU busy because non-DB

processes are using it at the same time


A Consumer-Producer Chain of a DBMS’s Resources ! High Level

!sql commands ! Consumers




Intermediate !



probing spots ! for

indicators !





Resources/ Consumers !



Primary !NETWORK Resources


A Systematic Approach to !Monitoring !Extract indicators to answer the following questions !

! Question 1: Are critical ! queries being served in

!the most efficient manner? !! Question 2: Are DBMS

! subsystems making optimal use of resources? !! Question 3: Are there

! enough primary resources available and are they configured adequately, given the current and expected workload? !

Investigating High Level Consumers: !Critical query monitoring !

Find !critical

queries !

Investigate no intermed. level !

Found any? !

yes ! Check Quest. 1


no Overcon- ! sumption?


yes Tune problematic ! queries


Investigating Intermediate and Primary Resources: routine !monitoring ! Check Quest. 3


Check Quest. 2 !

Tune yes Problematic subsystems subsystems? !

no Problems at yes ! OS level?


no Investigate ! upper level


Tune low-level resources


Tools used to gather information !

! Event monitors !

! Query plan explainers

! Performance monitors


Investigating High Level Consumers ! ! Answer question 1:

! “Are critical queries being served in the most efficient manner?” !

1. !2. !3. !

Identify the critical queries Analyze their access plans Profile their execution !

Query profiling indicators !! Duration information involves 3 indicators: ! " Elapsed time for the query: time it took to process it as

perceived by the user !" CPU time: time the CPU was actually used to process the

query !" Wait time: time the query was not processing and waiting

for a resource to become available !

! Resource consumption information includes: ! " (I/O) Physical and logical reads/writes

!" (Locking) Maximum nbr locks held, nbr lock escalations, nbr deadlocks/timeouts, total time spent waiting for locks

!" (SQL activity) Nb sorts and temporary area usage: gives an idea of the time spent in expensive overhead activity


Two common scenarios !1.


2. !

Elapsed query time close to CPU time, wait time negligible. Consumption fair: reasonable nb pages being accesses, most of them are logical accesses; nb locks low or inexistent and no deadlocks or lock escalations; if there were sorts, they !didnʼt augment the nb of logical/physical reads/writes

! Access plan is executed in the best way possible; if the rest ! of the chain is balanced, this is the best performance the

system can deliver for this query !

Noticeable discrepancy between elapsed and CPU time, wait time fills the gap. So there must be a problem in !resource consumption: contention (probably waiting for locks) or poorly performing resource (ex. if area allocated for sorting is small, additional I/O). !" To distinguish between contention and physical resource

consumption problem, run the query in isolation !

Investigating Primary Resources ! •

Answer question 3: “Are there enough primary resources available for a DBMS to consume?”

Primary resources: CPU, disk/controllers, memory, and network •

Analyze specific OS-level indicators to discover bottlenecks. •

A system-level performance monitor is the right tool here

CPU Consumption Indicators at the OS Level !

Sustained utilization !

CPU % of

utilization !

100% !

70% !

total usage !

system usage !

time !

over 70% should trigger the alert. !System utilization !shouldn’t be more

than 40%. !DBMS (in a non-

dedicated machine) !should be getting a decent time share. !

Disk Performance Indicators at the OS Level ! Should be

!close to zero !Average Queue Size


Disk Transfers /second


Idle disk with pending requests? !Check controller

contention. ! Also, transfers

should be !balanced among

disks/controllers !

New requests Wait queue ! Wait times

should also be close to

zero !

Memory Consumption !Indicators at the OS Level !

Page faults/time !should be close to zero. If paging

happens, at least

% of pagefile in use (it’s used a fixed file/partition) will tell ! you how much memory is “lacking”. !

not DB cache pages. real

! memory !

pagefile !

virtual memory !

Investigating Intermediate Resources/Consumers ! •

Answer question 2: “Are subsystems making optimal use of resources?”

Main subsystems: Cache Manager, Disk subsystem, Lock subsystem, and Log/Recovery subsystem •

Extract and analyze relevant perf. indicators •

A Performance Monitor is usually useful, but sometimes specific tools apply !

Cache Manager Performance !Indicators !

Table scan !

readpage() !

If page is not in the cache, readpage

(logical) generate an actual IO (physical). !Ratio of readpages that

did not generate !physical IO (cache hit !ration) should be 90% !Cache Pick

!Manager victim

!strategy Data Pages !

Free Page slots !

or more !

Pages are regularly saved to disk to make ! free space.

!Page reads/ writes

!# of free slots should

always be > 0 !

Disk Manager Performance !Indicators ! rows


page !

Storage !Hierarchy extent

!(simplified) !

file !

disk !

Row displacement: should kept under 5% of rows


Free space fragmentation: pages with few space should ! not be in the free list

!Data fragmentation: ideally files that store DB objects

(table, index) should be in one or few contiguous extents (<5) !

File position: should balance workload evenly among all disks !

Lock Manager Perf. Indicators !

Lock !request !

Object Lock Type !

Lock List !

Locks !pending list



Lock wait time for a transaction should be a

small fraction of the whole ! transaction time.

!Number of locks on wait !should be a small fraction of the number of locks on ! the lock list, under 20% !

Deadlocks and timeouts ! should be virtually

!inexistent or extremely low (no more than 1% of the transactions) !

Logging Subsystem Performance Indicators !! Log is used by every transaction that alters, inserts

or deletes data !! Well tuned logging subsystem should write log

records at a pace that doesnʼt slow active transactions

!! Indicatores to measure: ! " Number of log waits to confirm that the disks storing the log

files are keeping pace with the transaction workload - should be zero

!" Nb of log expansions or log archives due to lack of space - if bigger than zero indicates a configuration problem

!" Log cache-hit ratio to check whether the size of the log buffer is adequate


Conclusion !

! Monitoring a DBMSʼs performance can be done in a systematic way ! " The consumption chain helps distinguishing

problems’ causes from their symptoms !" Existing tools help extracting relevant performance indicators !" The three questions guide the whole monitoring process !