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    Safety data sheet

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    BASF Pakistan (Private) Limited Safety data sheetDate / Revised: 19.06.2007 Version: 1.0Product: Primasol Level V (Primasol* V)


    Date of print 23.11.2011

    1. Substance/preparation and company identification

    Primasol Level V (Primasol* V)

    Use: auxiliary / finishing agent for the textile industry

    Company:BASF Pakistan (Private) Limited

    46-A, Block 6, P.E.C.H.S, Karachi-75400PAKISTANContact address:Telephone: +92 21 111-550550Telefax number: +92 21 4547-815 / 4546-552E-mail address: [email protected]

    Emergency information:International emergency number:Telephone: +49 180 2273-112

    2. Composition/information on ingredients

    Chemical nature

    polyacrylate, in water

    3. Hazard identification

    No particular hazards known.



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    BASF Pakistan (Private) Limited Safety data sheetDate / Revised: 19.06.2007 Version: 1.0Product: Primasol Level V (Primasol* V)


    Date of print 23.11.2011

    4. First-aid measures

    General advice:Remove contaminated clothing.

    If inhaled:If difficulties occur after vapour/aerosol has been inhaled, remove to fresh air and seek medicalattention.

    On skin contact:Wash thoroughly with soap and water.

    On contact with eyes:Wash affected eyes for at least 15 minutes under running water with eyelids held open.

    On ingestion:Rinse mouth and then drink plenty of water.

    Note to physician:Treatment: Treat according to symptoms (decontamination, vital functions), no known specificantidote.

    5. Fire-fighting measures

    Suitable extinguishing media:water spray, dry extinguishing media, foam

    Specific hazards:harmful vapoursEvolution of fumes/fog. The substances/groups of substances mentioned can be released in case offire.

    Further information:Contaminated extinguishing water must be disposed of in accordance with official regulations.

    6. Accidental release measures

    Personal precautions:Use personal protective clothing.

    Environmental precautions:Contain contaminated water/firefighting water. Do not discharge into drains/surfacewaters/groundwater.

    Methods for cleaning up or taking up:For large amounts: Pump off product.For residues: Pick up with suitable absorbent material. Dispose of absorbed material in accordancewith regulations.

    Additional information: High risk of slipping due to leakage/spillage of product.



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    BASF Pakistan (Private) Limited Safety data sheetDate / Revised: 19.06.2007 Version: 1.0Product: Primasol Level V (Primasol* V)


    Date of print 23.11.2011

    7. Handling and storage


    No special measures necessary provided product is used correctly.

    Protection against fire and explosion:No special precautions necessary.


    Further information on storage conditions: Keep container tightly closed and in a cool place.

    Protect from temperatures above: 40 C

    8. Exposure controls and personal protection

    Components with workplace control parameters

    acrylamide, 79-06-1; (Content (W/W): < 40 PPM)TWA value 0.03 mg/m3 (ACGIHTLV)Skin Designation (ACGIHTLV)The substance can be absorbed through the skin.

    Personal protective equipment

    Respiratory protection:Respiratory protection not required.

    Hand protection:Chemical resistant protective glovesSuitable materials also with prolonged, direct contact (Recommended: Protective index 6,corresponding > 480 minutes of permeation time according to EN 374):e.g. nitrile rubber (0.4 mm), chloroprene rubber (0.5 mm), polyvinylchloride (0.7 mm) and otherSupplementary note: The specifications are based on tests, literature data and information of glove

    manufacturers or are derived from similar substances by analogy. Due to many conditions (e.g.temperature) it must be considered, that the practical usage of a chemical-protective glove inpractice may be much shorter than the permeation time determined through testing.Manufacturer's directions for use should be observed because of great diversity of types.

    Eye protection:Safety glasses with side-shields.

    General safety and hygiene measures:Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Wearing of closed workclothing is recommended.

    9. Physical and chemical properties

    Form: liquid



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    BASF Pakistan (Private) Limited Safety data sheetDate / Revised: 19.06.2007 Version: 1.0Product: Primasol Level V (Primasol* V)


    Date of print 23.11.2011

    Colour: colourlessOdour: product specific

    pH value: 7 - 8.5(20 C)(measured with the undilutedsubstance)

    solidification temperature: approx. 0 Cboiling temperature: approx. 100 C

    Flash point: > 100 C (DIN 51758)Flammability: not self-igniting

    Ignition temperature: > 200 C (DIN 51794)Explosion hazard: not explosive

    Vapour pressure: approx. 24 mbar(20 C)

    Density: approx. 1.1 g/cm3(20 C)

    Solubility in water: completely soluble(20 C)

    Miscibility with water:miscible in all proportions

    Viscosity, dynamic: approx. 4,000 mPa.s(20 C)

    (DIN EN ISO 2555)

    10. Stability and reactivity

    Hazardous reactions:No hazardous reactions when stored and handled according to instructions.

    Hazardous decomposition products:

    No hazardous decomposition products if stored and handled as prescribed/indicated.

    11. Toxicological information

    Acute toxicity

    LD50 rat (oral): > 5,000 mg/kg

    rat (by inhalation): 7 h (IRT)No mortality within the stated exposition time as shown in animal studies.


    Primary skin irritation rabbit: non-irritant (Draize test)



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    BASF Pakistan (Private) Limited Safety data sheetDate / Revised: 19.06.2007 Version: 1.0Product: Primasol Level V (Primasol* V)


    Date of print 23.11.2011

    Primary irritations of the mucous membrane rabbit: non-irritant (Draize test)

    12. Ecological information


    Toxicity to fish:LC50 (96 h) > 100 mg/l, Leuciscus idusThe product has not been tested. The statement has been derived from products of a similarstructure and composition.

    Microorganisms/Effect on activated sludge:

    > 2,000 mg/l (DEV-L2)Inhibition of degradation activity in activated sludge is not to be anticipated during correctintroduction of low concentrations.

    Persistence and degradability

    Elimination information:< 20 % COD reduction (OECD 302B; ISO 9888; 88/302/EEC,part C) Poorly eliminated from water.

    sum parameter

    Chemical oxygen demand (COD): 160 mg/g

    Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD): 15 mg/g

    Other adverse effects

    Adsorbable organically-bound halogen (AOX):This product contains no organically-bound halogen.

    Additional information

    Other ecotoxicological advice:Do not release untreated into natural waters.

    13. Disposal considerations

    Must be dumped or incinerated in accordance with local regulations.A waste code in accordance with the European waste catalog (EWC) cannot be specified, due todependence on the usage.Observe national and local legal requirements.

    Contaminated packaging:Uncontaminated packaging can be re-used.Packs that cannot be cleaned should be disposed of in the same manner as the contents.

    14. Transport information

    Domestic transport:Not classified as a dangerous good under transport regulations



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    BASF Pakistan (Private) Limited Safety data sheetDate / Revised: 19.06.2007 Version: 1.0Product: Primasol Level V (Primasol* V)


    Date of print 23.11.2011

    Sea transportIMDG

    Not classified as a dangerous good under transport regulations

    Air transportIATA/ICAO

    Not classified as a dangerous good under transport regulations

    15. Regulatory information

    Regulations of the European union (Labelling)

    The labelling is based on our own experience.not subject to labelling

    Other regulations

    16. Other information

    textile industry Information on intended use: This product is of industrial quality and unless otherwisespecified or agreed intended exclusively for industrial use. This includes the mentioned andrecommended usage. Any other intended applications should be discussed with the manufacturer. Inparticular this concerns the application for products that are the object of special standards andregulations.

    Vertical lines in the left hand margin indicate an amendment from the previous version.

    The data contained in this safety data sheet are based on our current knowledge and experience anddescribe the product only with regard to safety requirements. The data do not describe the product'sproperties (product specification). Neither should any agreed property nor the suitability of the product forany specific purpose be deduced from the data contained in the safety data sheet. It is the responsibilityof the recipient of the product to ensure any proprietary rights and existing laws and legislation areobserved.