private client russia - smcfeaturing 20+ speakers & international sessions on russian...

Private Client Planning for Russian Non-Doms, HNWIs & Family Businesses 20+ International speakers with knowledge of: WHY YOU SHOULD ATTEND: Switzerland UK Russia St Kitts & Nevis Jersey Cyprus Bermuda Cayman Islands Monaco France 4 Interactive Panel Debates Plus Plenary Sessions: Where Should I Go? A Jurisdictional Overview for Russian HNWIs Featuring discussion on Immigration and a jurisdictional comparison of the UK, Switzerland and the Caribbean. Transferring Power in the Family Business Benefit from case study accounts on how to preserve family governance The Toy Box – Protecting Assets Inside the Family Home Learn about the tax and risk management structures of Art, Yachts and Private Jets Creating the Russian Family Office This session will provide the advantages of setting up a family office as a dedicated service provider What Tax Efficient Structures Should Russian HNWIs Use – The Past & Present This session offers practical case studies of failed Russian trust structures – including the signs and the traps? Global Structuring Challenges for the Russian International Entrepreneur Disclosure and Compliance - the New Era Looking at the latest regulatory changes and the provisions your clients need. Structuring and Administration of Private Wealth Outside Russia and CIS Through Comprehensive Fiduciary Structures 29th November 2011, Chelsea Football Club, London THE SPEAKER PANEL: Liz Henson, PwC LeGrand Elebash, CHRISTOPHE HARBOUR Kamal Rahman, MISHCON DE REYA Ashley Crossley, BAKER & MCKENZIE Mark Summers, SPEECHLY BIRCHAM Andrei Nurutsky. PwC Katie Booth, Family Office Consultant Sharon Thomas, PLURIMI CAPITAL John Heaps, ROYAL BANK OF CANADA TRUST Alex Woodfield, FIELD FISHER WATERHOUSE Stephen Coleclough, PwC Richard Prosser, APPLEBY Bart Peerless, CHARLES RUSSELL Raymond Kirsche, HYPERION FAMILY OFFICE Neil Micklethwaite, BROWN RUDNICK Salpy Kouyoumijian, BAKER & MCKENZIE Graeme Nuttall, FIELD FISHER WATERHOUSE Igor Ishchenko, RUSSIAN COMMERCIAL BANK Svetlana Ryabokon, ORACLE CAPITAL GROUP Private Client Russia & CIS Featuring 20+ Speakers & International Sessions on Russian Succession, Tax, Chattels and Family Governance Book by 7th October 2011 & SAVE £200 Call: +44 (0) 20 7017 7790 Fax: +44 (0)20 7017 7824 E-Mail: [email protected] For latest programme or to register: Organised by: Media Partner: Scan with smartphone OR Reader App 6 CPD hours * SRA IBC's Private Client Series Presents Gold Partners: Luca Moretti, SMC TRUST OFFICE S.A.

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Page 1: Private Client Russia - SMCFeaturing 20+ Speakers & International Sessions on Russian Succession, Tax, Chattels* and Family Governance Book by 7th October 2011 & VE £200 Call: +44

PPrriivvaattee CClliieenntt PPllaannnniinngg ffoorr RRuussssiiaann NNoonn--DDoommss,, HHNNWWIIss && FFaammiillyy BBuussiinneesssseess

2200++ IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall ssppeeaakkeerrss wwiitthh kknnoowwlleeddggee ooff::


✓ SSwwiittzzeerrllaanndd✓ UUKK✓ RRuussssiiaa ✓ SStt KKiittttss && NNeevviiss ✓ JJeerrsseeyy

✓ CCyypprruuss✓ BBeerrmmuuddaa✓ CCaayymmaann IIssllaannddss✓ MMoonnaaccoo ✓ FFrraannccee

44 IInntteerraaccttiivvee PPaanneell DDeebbaatteess

PPlluuss PPlleennaarryy SSeessssiioonnss::

✓ WWhheerree SShhoouulldd II GGoo?? AA JJuurriissddiiccttiioonnaall OOvveerrvviieeww ffoorr RRuussssiiaannHHNNWWIIssFeaturing discussion on Immigration and a jurisdictionalcomparison of the UK, Switzerland and the Caribbean.

✓ TTrraannssffeerrrriinngg PPoowweerr iinn tthhee FFaammiillyy BBuussiinneessssBenefit from case study accounts on how to preserve familygovernance

✓ TThhee TTooyy BBooxx –– PPrrootteeccttiinngg AAsssseettss IInnssiiddee tthhee FFaammiillyy HHoommeeLearn about the tax and risk management structures of Art,Yachts and Private Jets

✓ CCrreeaattiinngg tthhee RRuussssiiaann FFaammiillyy OOffffiiccee This session will provide the advantages of setting up afamily office as a dedicated service provider

✓ WWhhaatt TTaaxx EEffffiicciieenntt SSttrruuccttuurreess SShhoouulldd RRuussssiiaann HHNNWWIIss UUssee –– TThheePPaasstt && PPrreesseennttThis session offers practical case studies of failed Russian truststructures – including the signs and the traps?

✓ GGlloobbaall SSttrruuccttuurriinngg CChhaalllleennggeess ffoorr tthhee RRuussssiiaann IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaallEEnnttrreepprreenneeuurr

✓ DDiisscclloossuurree aanndd CCoommpplliiaannccee -- tthhee NNeeww EErraaLooking at the latest regulatory changes and the provisions yourclients need.

✓ SSttrruuccttuurriinngg aanndd AAddmmiinniissttrraattiioonn ooff PPrriivvaattee WWeeaalltthh OOuuttssiiddee RRuussssiiaaaanndd CCIISS TThhrroouugghh CCoommpprreehheennssiivvee FFiidduucciiaarryy SSttrruuccttuurreess 29th November 2011, Chelsea Football Club, London




● AAsshhlleeyy CCrroosssslleeyy,, BBAAKKEERR && MMCCKKEENNZZIIEE


● AAnnddrreeii NNuurruuttsskkyy.. PPwwCC

● KKaattiiee BBooootthh,, FFaammiillyy OOffffiiccee CCoonnssuullttaanntt




● SStteepphheenn CCoolleecclloouugghh,, PPwwCC

● RRiicchhaarrdd PPrroosssseerr,, AAPPPPLLEEBBYY



● NNeeiill MMiicckklleetthhwwaaiittee,, BBRROOWWNN RRUUDDNNIICCKK

● SSaallppyy KKoouuyyoouummiijjiiaann,, BBAAKKEERR && MMCCKKEENNZZIIEE




Private ClientRussia & CIS

FFeeaattuurriinngg 2200++ SSppeeaakkeerrss && IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall SSeessssiioonnss oonn RRuussssiiaann SSuucccceessssiioonn,, TTaaxx,, CChhaatttteellss aanndd FFaammiillyy GGoovveerrnnaannccee

Book by

7th October 2011


SAVE £200

Call: +44 (0) 20 7017 7790 Fax: +44 (0)20 7017 7824 E-Mail: [email protected] For latest programme or to register:

Organised by:

Media Partner:

Scan withsmartphone OR

Reader App

66 CCPPDD hhoouurrss** SSRRAA

IBC's Private Client Series Presents

Gold Partners:

Luca Moretti, SMC TRUST OFFICE S.A.●

Page 2: Private Client Russia - SMCFeaturing 20+ Speakers & International Sessions on Russian Succession, Tax, Chattels* and Family Governance Book by 7th October 2011 & VE £200 Call: +44

Dear Private Client Practitioner,

TTooddaayy iinn RRuussssiiaa,, tthheerree aarree oovveerr 11,,220000 UUHHNNWWIIss wwoorrtthh aa

ccoommbbiinneedd $$664400 bbiilllliioonn..

(Source - Wealth-X report 2011)

This figure takes into account shares in public and

private companies, residential and investment

properties, art collections, planes, cash and other

investable assets.

So it is a surprise that as many as 90 per cent of

wealthy Russian entrepreneurs have no succession

plans to hand over their business to the next

generation. (Source - UBS report 2011)

Therefore, IBC conferences has worked closely with

private client practitioners from Russia and other

leading minds in the international trust arena to bring

you this unique outlook on the current state of play for

the region.

The speakers and I look forward to welcoming you in


Kind regards,

Jonathan Olver,

Senior Conference Producer,

IIBBCC GGlloobbaall CCoonnffeerreenncceess

Tel: +44 (0)20 7017 7790 Fax: +44 (0)20 7017 7824 Email: kkmmrreeggiissttrraattiioonn@@iinnffoorrmmaa..ccoommFor latest programme or to register: wwwwww..iibbcc--eevveennttss..ccoomm//ppccrruussssiiaa

Private Client Russia & CIS09:00 Registration & Coffee

09:30 Opening Remarks from Conference ChairLiz Henson, PwC

09:40 Where Should I Go? A JurisdictionalOverview for Russian HNWIs• Immigration – the recent Visa changes• UK as a jurisdiction • New statutory residence test • Non-Dom consultation and remittance

strategies• The Swiss update • The advantages of lump sum taxation • The Swiss cantons (choices and

challenges)• Comparison of UK and Switzerland• Citizenship via Investment – St Kitts &

NevisModerated by:Liz Henson, PwCPanel Members: LeGrand Elebash, CHRISTOPHE HARBOURKamal Rahman, MISHCON DE REYAMark Summers, SPEECHLY BIRCHAMStephen Coleclough, PwC

10:30 Structuring and Administration ofPrivate Wealth Outside Russia andCIS through ComprehensiveFiduciary Structures• Changes in the wealth planning landscape

for Russian and CIS centric clients• Key themes for the future• Case StudiesIgor Ishchenko,RUSSIAN COMMERCIAL BANK


WWaanntt ttoo pprrooffiillee yyoouurr ssoolluuttiioonnss aanndd eexxppeerrttiisseeiinn ffrroonntt ooff tthhiiss sseenniioorr--lleevveell ddeelleeggaattiioonn ooffRRuussssiiaann pprriivvaattee cclliieenntt pprraaccttiittiioonneerrss??

A wide range of sponsorship openings areavailable, including speaking opportunities,

branded networking functions, tailored marketingcampaigns, exhibition areas and product


CCoonnttaacctt DDaavviidd GGoolldd ttoo ddiissccuussss::+44 (0)20 7017 7243

or [email protected]

GGoolldd PPaarrttnneerrss::RRuussssiiaann CCoommmmeerrcciiaall BBaannkk ((CCyypprruuss)) LLiimmiitteedd

RCB is a boutique bank that offerscomprehensive wealth management services tosuccessful private clients managing their familywealth outside Russia and the CIS. It also

provides investment and corporate banking services for thecompanies they own. RCB was founded in 1995 in Cyprus andoperates as a member of the VTB Group, a leading internationalfinancial services group of Russian origin. RCB’s network includestwo branches in Cyprus and representative offices in London and inMoscow.

CChhrriissttoopphhee HHaarrbboouurr

Christophe Harbour – An Incomparable Resortfor St. Kitts Christophe Harbour Development

Company, Limited (CHDC), a venture led by Kiawah DevelopmentPartners (KDP), is the master developer for Christophe Harbour.CHDC, Fazio Golf Course Designers, Inc., and several prominenthotel, real estate, architecture, environmental, and engineeringcompanies have joined forces to create an incomparable master-planned resort.

“The international themes of the conference were great”(D Jurado, Ogier Fiduciary Services)

Paper sourced from sustainable forests


Page 3: Private Client Russia - SMCFeaturing 20+ Speakers & International Sessions on Russian Succession, Tax, Chattels* and Family Governance Book by 7th October 2011 & VE £200 Call: +44

Tel: +44 (0)20 7017 7790 Fax: +44 (0)20 7017 7824 Email: kkmmrreeggiissttrraattiioonn@@iinnffoorrmmaa..ccoommFor latest programme or to register: wwwwww..iibbcc--eevveennttss..ccoomm//ppccrruussssiiaa

Private Client Planning for Russian Non-Doms,HNWIs & Family Businesses

11:10 Coffee

11:30 Global Structuring Challenges for theRussian International Entrepreneur• Outbound holding company structures for Russian

clients and double tax treaty planning • Pre-IPO planning • Managing companies offshore • Good corporate governance criteriaLiz Henson, PwCAndrei Narutsky, PwC

12:10 Transferring Power in the Family Business• Passing the business on to the next generation• Securing and preserving the wealth for the next

generation• Understanding the succession process in the family

business• Family constitutions• ProtectorshipModerated by:Katie Booth, Family Office Consultant


13:00 Lunch hosted by

14:00 What Tax Efficient Structures ShouldRussian HNWIs Use – The Past & Present• Case study of failed Russian trust structures – what

are the signs and the traps?• Use of ‘traditional’ structure - Russia/BVI/Cyprus:

advantages and limitations• PTC structures• Life Insurance Wrappers• FoundationsAshley Crossley, BAKER & MCKENZIESalpy Kouyoumijian, BAKER & MCKENZIE

14:40 The Toy Box – Protecting Assets Inside theFamily Home• VAT issue for yachts• Investment strategies for art• Private jets• Risk management• Structuring considerationsModerated by:Alex Woodfield, FIELD FISHER WATERHOUSE Panel Members:Richard Prosser, APPLEBYAviation Speaker (to be announced)

15:30 Tea

15:50 Creating the Russian Family Office This session will consider the advantages of settingup a family office as a dedicated service provider forrunning tailored asset holding structures for high networth individuals and their families. The session willalso provide an overview of tax efficient structuringfor Russian domiciliaries with international assets.Moderated by:Liz Henson, PwC

Panel Members: Bart Peerless, CHARLES RUSSELLRaymond Kirsche, HYPERION FAMILY OFFICE Ashley Crossley, BAKER & MCKENZIESvetlana Ryabokon, ORACLE CAPITAL GROUP

16:40 Disclosure and Compliance - the New Era• What to expect• Regulatory changes• Exchange of information• What providers need• Structuring solutions• When to say "no"Neil Micklethwaite, BROWN RUDNICK

17:20 Closing Remarks from Conference ChairLiz Henson, PwC

17:30 Close of Conference

17:35 Drinks reception




Forthcoming IBC Private Client Events• IBC's Annual Trusts Congress

6th & 7th December 2011, London

• Wealth Forum India 17th & 18th January 2012, Mumbai, India

• Entertainers Tax Conference,January 2012, London

""EExxcceelllleenntt ssppeeaakkeerrss aanndd ccoonntteenntt aanndd aa vveerryy

uusseeffuull ooppppoorrttuunniittyy ttoo ccoonnnneecctt iinn tthhee bbrreeaakkss""(M, Le Toca, Guernsey Financial Services Commission)

“Good speakers and great interaction on the panels”

(H Donill, IFM Group)

“All the speakers were engaging, balancinggood content with effective presentation”

(W Pearson, RBC)

Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF)

Wendy Philips, SOTHERBY'SMark Delaney,BAKER & MCKENZIE

Page 4: Private Client Russia - SMCFeaturing 20+ Speakers & International Sessions on Russian Succession, Tax, Chattels* and Family Governance Book by 7th October 2011 & VE £200 Call: +44

The VAT rate is subject to change and may differ from the advertised rate. The amount you are chargedwill be determined when your invoice is raised. Savings include Multiple Booking & Early BookingDiscounts. All discounts can only be applied at the time of registration and discounts cannot be combined.All discounts are subject to approval (apart from early booking discounts which are available toeveryone). Please note the conference fee does not include travel or hotel accommodation costs. 50%Discount for 3rd and subsequent delegates.

We are happy to accept a replacement delegate for the whole event, however delegate passes cannot besplit or shared between delegates under any circumstances.

FKW5226629th November 2011


Venue: Conference Centre,Chelsea Football Club,Stamford Bridge, Fulham Road,London SW6 1HS

Telephone:44 (0)20 7017 7790Please remember to quote FKW52266

Fax:Complete and send this registration form to:+44 020 7017 7824

Email:[email protected]

Private Client Russia & CIS29th November 2011, Chelsea Football Club, London



Payment should be made within 14 days ofregistration. All registrations must be paid inadvance of the event.Your vip code is above. Ifthere is no VIP code,please quote FKW52266


Register by 7th October 2011

Register after 4thNovember 2011

Register by 4thNovember 2011

■■ £799 plus VAT @ 20% = £958.80SAVE £200

■■ £999 plus VAT @20% = 1198.80

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Attendance at this conference is subject to the IIR Tax and Accounting Delegate Terms andConditions at Your attention is drawn in particular toclauses 6, 8 and 14 of the IIR Tax and Accounting Delegate Terms and Conditions which have been set out below:Cancellation Policy: You may cancel your registration in accordance with this Condition 6. You will receive a refund ofyour fees paid to IIR Tax and Accounting (if any): (i) if you cancel your registration 28 days or more before the Conference,subject to an administration charge equivalent to 10% of the total amount of your fees plus VAT; or (ii) if you cancel yourregistration less than 28 days, but more than 14 days before the Conference, subject to an administration charge equivalentto 50% of the total amount of your fees plus VAT. IIR Tax and Accounting regrets that the full amount of your fee remainspayable in the event that your cancellation is 14 days or less before the Conference or if you fail to attend the Conference.All cancellations must be sent by email to [email protected] marked for the attention of Customer Services andmust be received by IIR Tax and Accounting. You acknowledge that the refund of your fees in accordance with Condition 6is your sole remedy in respect of any cancellation of your registration by you and all other liability is expressly excluded.Changes to the conference: IIR Tax and Accounting may (at its sole discretion) change the format, speakers, participants,content, venue location and programme or any other aspect of the Conference at any time and for any reason, whether or

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Unable to Attend Event DocumentationNothing compares to being there – but you need not miss out! Don’t delay and order your documentation todaySimply tick the box, complete your details above and send the form along with payment.� Private Client Russia & CIS £225 (+20% VAT) We regret Documentation Orders can only be processed on receipt of Credit Card details

Delegates are responsible for the arrangement and payment of their own travel and accommodation. IBC has arranged a special room rate at a number of hotels. If you wish to book a room, please call VenueSearch on +44 (0) 208 546 6166 stating that you are an IIR delegate.


not due to a Force Majeure Event, in each case without liability. Data protection: The personal information which you provideto us will be held by us on a database. You agree that IIR Tax and Accounting may share this information with othercompanies in the Informa group. Occasionally your details may be made available to selected third parties who wish tocommunicate with you offers related to your business activities. If you do not wish to receive these offers please contact thedatabase manager. For more information about how IIR Tax and Accounting use the information you provide please see ourprivacy policy at: If you do not wish your details to be available tocompanies in the Informa Group, or selected third parties, please contact the Database Manager, Informa UK Ltd, 29Bressenden Place, London, SW1E 5DR, UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 7017 7077, fax: +44 (0)20 7017 7828 or [email protected] Incorrect Mailing: If you are receiving multiple mailings or you would like us to change any details, orremove your name from our database, please contact the Database Manager at the above address quoting the referencenumber printed on the mailing label. By completing and submitting this registration form, you confirm that you have read andunderstood the IIR Tax and Accounting Delegate Terms and Conditions and you agree to be bound by them. AdditionalRequirements: Please notify Informa at least one month before the conference date if you have any additional requirementse.g.wheelchair access, large print etc

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