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  • 8/10/2019 PRO1_15E [ ] [ ]


    Contents Page

    Overview of Documentation Facilities ................................................................................... 2

    Block Documentation ....................................................................................................................... 3

    Print Preview ..................................................................................................................................... 4

    Page Setup ....................................................................................................................................... 5

    Other Documentation Facilities .................................................................................................. 6


    Ascertaining the Size of a Project ..................................................................................................... 8

    Archiving on Diskette ................................................................................................................... 9

    Copying a Program onto a Memory Card ........................................................................................ 10

    Storing Data on the Hard Disk ........................................................................................................... 11

    Uploading a Program from the CPU to the PG ................................................................................. 12Exercise: Achiving a Project ............................................................................................................. 13

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    Overview The slide shows the different documentation facilities available. All theocumen a on oo s ave a pr n unc on.

    Printer The printer used for documentation is the one installed under Windows. If you wantto use a different printer, you must set it up with the Windows Control Panel.

    DOCPRO The DOCPRO optional software is also available for superior documentation and forwriting wiring manuals.

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    Block Comments The slide above shows the different comment facilities available for a program block, , .

    Printing To start the Print function: Click the printer icon or Select the menu options File --> Print.

    Print Setup You can change the printer settings by selecting the menu options File --> PrintSetup.

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    Print Preview For a preview of what your printout will look like, select the menu options File ->r n rev ew.

    Note The appearance of LAD program printouts depends on the settings made with themenu options Options -> Customize.

    Example: The setting for the length of the address field affects the number ofcontacts that can appear side by side in the printout and the number of charactersof the symbol name that fit on a line above the contacts.

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    Page Setup When you select the menu options File --> Page Setup a dialog box in which youcan se ec e pr n orma e.g. arg n appears.

    Headers/Footers In the SIMATIC Manager, you can set, for an entire project, the headers and footersfor the documentation with all the tools.

    Select the menu options File -> Headers and Footers to display a dialog box forentering texts for the headers and footers.Fields for printing out the current date of the printout, the page number or the nameof the object are provided in the headers and footers (e.g. {Date} {Time}, Page{Page}, {Object}).

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    Reference Data If you print out the reference data it makes troubleshooting, in particular, easier. You" "w n more n orma on n e c ap er rou es oo ng .

    Symbol Table The symbol table contains the association between absolute address, symbol nameand symbol comment. See the chapter "Symbols" for more information.

    Configuration Configuration data generated with the HW Config tool. The printout is in text form. Ifyou want a graphic printout, you can copy the graphics into the clipboard and theninsert it in another program e.g. Winword and print it out.

    Network Displays in graphic form, the stations of a networked system with the relevantConfiguration configuration data such as the MPI address.

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    Note With certain CPUs (e.g. CPU 416), you can also describe the memory card in the. o o so, use e menu op ons - own oa o emory ar

    on CPU.

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    Introduction If a project needs more than 1.44 MB of memory, you can still save it on diskette byarc v ng compress ng rs .

    Explorer You can find out the size of a project in the Explorer:

    Click the project folder with the right mouse button or

    Select the project folder and then choose the menu optionsFile -> Properties.

    In both cases the "Properties" window opens.

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    Introduction Since the data in a project can take up a lot of memory space and would not fit onto as e e, an arc ve unc on s prov e .

    This compresses the data so that it only takes up approx. 1/8 of the original amount of

    memory. It uses the normal file compression utilities, such as PKZIP, ARJ, LHARC,RAR or WINZIP. One of these programs must be installed on the PG. If you want touse long file names for the projects, you will require PKZIP, WinZip or RAR.The file compression utilities ARJ and PKZIP are supplied with STEP 7.

    You set the path for the archive program by selecting the menu options Options ->Customize -> Archive in the SIMATIC Manager.

    Archiv ing The project to be archived must be closed in the SIMATIC Manager. Select the menu options File --> Archive. Select the project to be archived in the dialog window. Select the name for the archive in the next dialog box. In the last dialog box, you can choose between the following options:

    - Disk-crossing archive = Split the archive file onto several

    diskettes or not- Incremental archiving = Only the files with the ACR attribute

    (STEP7 files) are archived.

    - Reset archive bit = Only archive the files that have beenchanged since the project was last


    - Consistency check = Compare the files to be archived(only for ARJ)

    Retrieving Select the menu options File -> Retrieve. Select the archive file.

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    n e nex a og ox, se ec e arge rec ory or e ex rac e pro ec . Use the last dialog box to select options for overwriting and restoring the

    storage path.

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    Requirements The memory card driver must be installed in the STEP 7 software. If not, click the" "ar u on an se ec ma c - - emory ar arame er ss gnmenand install the driver. There will then be a Memory Card icon in the toolbar of the

    SIMATIC Manager.The memory card must be erased before you can copy your program onto it.

    Open two windows in the SIMATIC Manager:

    One containing the user program you want to save

    The other with the memory card

    " "opy ng e ec e oc s you wan or e oc s o ec rom e ar s an rag eminto the Memory Card window with the mouse.

    Note With certain CPUs (e.g. CPU 416), you can also describe the memory card in theCPU. To do so, use the menu options PLC -> Download to EPROM Memory Cardon CPU.

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    SIMATIC Manager You can obtain an overview of the data of one or more projects with the SIMATIC" "anager. e s e s ows e pro ec y _ w a s o ers an o ec s.

    Project A project contains all the data created for the project: One or more user programs The symbol table The configuration and parameter assignments of the modules The network configuration.

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    Uploading a When you have completed the startup phase, you should have a copy of therogram rom na vers on o e program on e ar s o e .

    CPU to PG The best way of doing this is to save the program with all its comments and symbols

    on the hard disk before starting it up on the PLC. When you make changes to theprogram, you should always save the modified blocks on the hard disk immediatelyso that you don't lose the comments and symbols.

    If the program is not on your PG, you can upload the blocks from the CPU. In thiscase, the comments and symbols will be missing. Don't forget to upload the systemdata blocks because they contain configuration and communication data.

    What to Do To upload an entire program from the CPU to the PG, carry out the following steps: Create a new S7 program in the SIMATIC Manager

    Click the "ON" online icon in the toolbar

    Open the S7 program and select the "Blocks" object (user program)

    Select the menu options PLC --> Upload.

    Note: The blocks are stored in the "Blocks" folder (user program) on the hard diskof the PG.

    Uploading a Station You can also upload an entire station to the PG, i.e. a hardware station is alsocreated in the project. The advantage of this is that you can change the parametersof the hardware immediately.

    What to do: Create a new project in the SIMATIC Manager.

    Select the menu options PLC -> Upload Station.

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    Task To archive your project because you have made additions to the program and wanto a e e pro ec w you on s e e.

    What to Do 1. Change to the SIMATIC Manager.

    2. Close all opened projects.

    3. Select the menu options File -> Archive -> Project

    4. Select the project "My Project" in the next dialog box.

    5. Enter the file name "" in the "Archive - Select Archive" dialog" " .

    6. Confirm with "OK" in the "Archive - Options" window.

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