prog pract a dist 70 primera mitad (1)

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  • 8/11/2019 Prog Pract a Dist 70 Primera Mitad (1)





    SABER Ingls todava NO servir para hablarlofluido y sin esfuerzo hasta lograr la ABI!I"A" en

    la #e#oria de los odos y la lengua

    $rogra#a para ablar


    S%luido& sin esfuerzo& y sin olvido

    En solo "IE' "IAS$RA()I(IN* ORA! EN*!IS ON (AS+A! (ON,ERSA)ION "OESN-)

    *I,E NI(E RES+!)S BE(A+SE I) IS AN ABS)RA() !AN*+A*E

  • 8/11/2019 Prog Pract a Dist 70 Primera Mitad (1)



    "I%%EREN) %RO. S$ANIS / I( IS S0S)E.A)I'E"1 %AR BE))ER IS) E .O"E!IN* S0S)E. / I( +SES ) E ,ER0 !EARNER-S SE!%A+RA! /A0 /I) O+) "E$EN"IN* ON O) ERS !I2E )EA( ERS&


    BE(A+SE ) E0 "ON-) .A2E ) E )ON*+E /OR21

    $ra3ti3ar Ingls hablado en(onversa3i4n (asual& inter3a#bio& o3on audios o videos NO fun3iona por

    ser este un Idio#a Abstra3to


    S+B6E() A!O+"& )O ) EN (!OSIN* ) EBOO2 SA0 SO.E) IN* SI.I!AR ) E


    IN*!ES %+!! $RA()I(A y (ON,ERSA(ION "ES"E E!$RI.ER .ES BASI(O1 Av1 uayna 2apa3 778 9 /an3ha: 9

    (us3o ; $eru1 %ono 7

  • 8/11/2019 Prog Pract a Dist 70 Primera Mitad (1)



    lentamente, es costoso en tiempo y dinero, y da muy escasa ganancia al#inal. Los materiales de audio y video con el ngl s ninguna ganancia enhabilidad oral dar)n, siendo mucho m)s #)cil, pr)ctico y r)pido usar la v7ainterna o aural aut4noma del propio practicante.

    A",ISAB!E1; ave this progra# printed in paper so that don-t dependon a 3o#puter1

    $RO*RA.A "E $RA()I(A ORA! EN IN*!ES=1; (o#o hablar Ingls fluido1; Esta etapa tiene, a su ve dos #asesa. ablar a@n 3on errores1; &olo uno de cada veinte estudiantes logra hablar ngl s#luido durante los meses de estudio, por0ue solo ste porcenta"e es consciente de 0ue nadiepuede e igirles hablar sin errores, y por tanto, simplemente lo hablan a3n con tales errores. Estoes lo acertado, mientras el hablante logre 0ue los dem)s le entiendan. 8ero si el estudiante no lo

    ha hecho a3n, el procedimiento para lograrlo es muy r)pido y sencillo cuando el as7 lo decida.b. (orregir los errores al hablar1; 8ara corregir errores, previamente hay 0ue cometerlosganando la habilidad aun0ue sea de#ectuosa. &i el estudiante nunca se anima a intentar algo,nunca cometer) errores y por tanto nunca tendr) la oportunidad de corregirlos. En sta etapa contal habilidad ya previamente ganada, los errores se corrigen solos, con el tiempo y la insistenteaplicaci4n de tal habilidad, 0ue es en s7 la clave del ito. 8or tanto, Es posible lograr hablar #luidosin m)s demora 0ue tomar la decisi4n siendo estudiante b)sico'intermedio y con #ormaci4n solote4rica.

    9asi todo estudiante siente, como producto de su imaginaci4n solamente, 0ue cuando va hahablar en ngl s, tiene 0ue hacerlo sin errores en gram)tica, pronunciaci4n, etc. Este es elprincipal #actor 0ue no permite al estudiante hablar con desenvoltura y seguridad. El primer paso

    para masterar cual0uier idioma hablado es simplemente hablarlo, y el segundo paso es corregirlos errores progresivamente. Los mismos nativo'hablantes aplican una e presi4n cotidiana 0uedista mucho de ser per#ecta.

    A los T:E& D A& de aplicar el presente programa, la memoria corporal sintoni ar) el ngl s, y eles#uer o psicol4gico 0ue es la principal resistencia para hacer la pr)ctica, ya nunca m)s ser)necesario.

    ay dos 3lases de palabras respe3to de su signifi3ado5 las :ue tienen efe3to genri3o& esde3ir :ue tienen un al3an3e generalizado para e presar #u3has ideas y las :ue tienen unsignifi3ado espe3fi3o& es de3ir :ue se refieren a 3ada 3aso de #anera #u3ho #sespe3fi3a y e a3ta1 $o3a gente usa las palabras 3on signifi3ado espe3fi3o1 Es el 3aso delos niCos de edad te#prana& :ue estn en 3ondi3iones de hablar toda idea :ue deseen apartir de un vo3abulario sola#ente genri3o1 )odo nativo;hablante solo 3ono3e alrededor del 7D de las palabras de su propio idio#a& por:ue el resto se halla dividido en dosgrandes grupos5 a1; los ar3as#os Fpalabras antiguasG :ue e:uivalen a un =D & y ellenguaHe t3ni3o de 3ada rea o3upa3ional& 3o#o son la #e3ni3a auto#otriz& la ingeniera3ivil& la 3o3ina& la #edi3ina& et31 :ue e:uivale a un DD 1 ueda entendido :ue el pra3ti3antedebe seguir aprendiendo todas las palabras adi3ionales :ue pueda luego de lograr lahabilidad de AB!AR IN*!ES SIN ES%+ER'O $SI(O!O*I(O& tal 3o#o o3urre 3on elidio#a nativo de 3ada uno& en el :ue todos siguen aprendiendo #s y #s palabras 3adada seg@n a la ne3esidad e presiva1

    E6E.$!OS "E EJ$RESIONES (ON ,O(AB+!ARIO *ENERI(O y (ON ,O(AB+!ARIOES$E(I%I(O EN ES$AKO!E presi4n *enri3a E presi4n Espe3fi3aEstoy malEstoy bien

    Estoy enfermoEstoy con buena salud

  • 8/11/2019 Prog Pract a Dist 70 Primera Mitad (1)



    Han discutido fuerteHemos chocado fuerteHa llovido fuerteHemos recibido fuerte apoyoQuiero entrar al ejercitoTodava puedes entrar al ejrcito

    Quiero salirme de ese clubTodava puedes salirte

    Han discutido acaloradamenteHemos chocado gravementeHa llovido intensamenteHemos recibido apoyo mayoritarioQuiero enrolarme en el ejrcitoTodava puedes inscribirte, alistarte

    Quiero desligarme de ese clubTodava puedes pedir tu baja


    E presi4n *enri3a Espe3fi3aEstoy enfermoEst arreglando el carroEstoy bien de saludC mprame ese T!Estoy de acuerdo

    "# $ue hora lleg l all%Enrolarse en el ejrcito

    & am not '(He)s *or+ing on the car& am '(

    et me that T!'(

    -hat time did he get there%.tep in the army

    & am illHe)s fi/ing the car& am in good health0uy that T! to me& agree

    -hat time did he arrive in there%Enlist in the army

    $or lo de#ostrado en los 3uadros de arriba& lo i#portante NO es saber #u3ho Ingls& sinoA(OS)+.BRARSE a usar el po3o o el #u3ho Ingls aprendido& de #anera pr3ti3a 3o#ova indi3ado en la 3olu#na 3entral :ue se refiere al uso del vo3abulario genri3o1

    Etapas de la pr3ti3a del Ingls hablado1; Estos pasos son estrictos en el orden a seguir,por0ue de otra manera no se dar)n resultados tangibles.

    1. ablar en soledad .' La ra 4n es por0ue nadie estar) dispuesto a esperar mientras alguienintenta e presarse sin estar en condiciones de hablar #luido todav7a.

    2. (orregir errores al hablar .' Al persistir en el uso de las habilidades una ve ganadas ya enmedios interactivos con otras personas, los errores cometidos al hablar se corregir)nprogresiva y autom)ticamente, sin necesidad de tomar curso alguno.

    6. a3er 3onversa3i4n 3on interlo3utor .' La conversaci4n inter'activa solo puede proceder ydar resultados cuando el interesado ya est) en condiciones de hablar #luido y de poderpreguntar con suma #acilidad, es decir con tal habilidad ya previamente ganada. &i a3n no loest), esta conversaci4n en grupo, solo le desalentar) y le decepcionar) de si mismo. Lo m)simportante, logrando las habilidades mencionadas en soledad, ya no ser) necesario reali ar laconversaci4n inter'activa, con #ines de pr)ctica.

    $ara $ra3ti3ar la abilidad de (onversar 1. &olo puede conversar alguien 0ue pueda hablar y adicionalmente preguntar con #acilidad. Elnoventa por ciento de la habilidad de conversar es poder preguntar.

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    a. The oral practice has to ta e place in strict loneliness, so no teacher, no classmate, nolistener, no children, no #riends, no relatives around. ust tal to a guy or a lady picture #i edon the !all. &o, no nervousness, no evaluation, no criticism, no impatience, no boring, nopressing !hile trying to spea .

    b. The oral practice has to go by #irst reading the modeled te t provided in this program, thenclosing the boo trying to tell the same thing the most similar possible, and trying to add

    every comment possible on the learner imagination, #ar #rom the casual conversation or anyoral e pression'interchange !hich gives $% results on English as it gives on &panish.c. The modeled te t is to be read "ust %$9E, and no repetition #or the trainee to learn to pay

    attention. $o notes, no pencil, no pen, no boo , no noteboo , no dictionary, no boo are tobe used !hile practicing.

    d. A#ter reading the modeled te t, the learner closes the boo and tal s in turn, trying toremember everything he listened #rom himsel# !hile reading. $o interruptions, i# the traineedoesnt remember something, he must invent something similar to tell about #rom his o!nimagination.

    e. The learner spea s using generic !ords "ust !ithin the vocabulary he no!s, so not to haveto loo at the dictionary.

    #. Try to spea #ormal and in#ormal, even cra y ideas are recommended to get a better

    chance on spea ing on a !ider !ay. That is !hy it is advisable that the trainee to be alone!hile practicing.g. Everything said, i# understandable & >AL D even !ith #aulty grammar.h. Any teaching or 0uestion, or consultation to the teacher, or to the dictionary, or to the boo

    is going to be done at another time but the oral practice time.i. # the trainee doesnt no! some !ord, he has to avoid it, or to use a similar one, or invent

    a !ord, or use that !ord in &panish, this !ay to learn to be independent and to manage byhimsel# on tal ing nonstop. By these means, the trainee gets used to #inding a !ay toe press !hat he !ants using his only resources. 9orrections o# #i ings on the language areto be done once and only a#ter gaining the spea ing nonstop ability, and $%T !hile thepracticing course.

    ". 8racticing on as ing lots and lots o# 0uestions !ith no ans!ers during the training course!ill ma e the learner e pert ma ing conversation, because the C= o# the conversationtechni0ue is as ing 0uestions very easily. $o ans!ers are necessary !hile as ing0uestions, because ans!ering is very easy and it doesnt re0uire any practice.

    . The program !or s on spea ing nonstop, and as ing lots and lots o# 0uestions.

    $RE,IO+S (!ARI%I(A)ION

    1.' The casual inter'change procedure is not applicable #or English, but #or &panish and othersystematic languages. Being English an abstract language, the only e##ective procedure #or it is themodeling one, apart #rom the #act that this last procedure doesnt interrupt the spea er !hilepracticing.2.' This program is not going to inter#ere !ith the English 0uantity the trainee no!s or hispronunciation, because such aspects are something personal being possible to spea enoughEnglish no!ing only the %$E T-%*&A$D generic !ords.6.' The program is not going to inter#ere !ith the grammar level the trainee no!s because it isvalid spea ing !ith per#ect, imper#ect or !ithout grammar at all. The trainer only recommends thatthe trainee spea !ith the best grammar he can, because grammar is not o# en#orced use !hilespea ing even in real li#e, but only advisable.

    Este programa de 8:A9T 9A %:AL es absolutamente serio, y por tanto altamente e#ectivo. -ay0ue aplicarlo con la #irme decisi4n de lograr hablar ngl s ya. :ecordar 0ue muchas personaspasan T%DA LA > DA estudiando ngl s y lo aprenden, y lo olvidan y lo vuelven a aprender, pero$*$9A logran hablarlo satis#actoriamente por no saber c4mo reali ar la pr)ctica y por no tomar

    esta decisi4n #irme. El programa est) dise5ando para L%+:A: LA -AB L DAD DE -ABLA:$+LE& & $ -A9E: E& *E:F% 9E:EB:AL. Es

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    ine periencia inherentes e inevitables en todo principiante. &%L% es necesario saber el lengua"egen rico, tal y como lo #ue con el propio idioma cuando la persona logr4 hablarlo a la edad de tresa5os. $% preguntar, ni consultar libros ni el diccionario al momento de hablar. -acer un es#uer opara encontrar la manera de e presarse oralmente, A*$ con imper#ecciones. El momento decorregir y per#eccionar vendr) DE&8*E& de este curso y $% paralelamente a l. Toda obra seriatiene 0ue ser reali ada por partes y de manera secuencialmente ordenada. En caso de $%

    conocer todav7a alguna palabra re0uerida evitarla, si no es posible evitarla usar una consigni#icado apro imado, o inventar una hasta mientras, o usar tal palabra en Espa5ol, pero $%interrumpir la pr)ctica. &olo hablar continuadamente, cueste lo 0ue cueste. Esto para aprender aser $DE8E$D E$TE de los dem)s. ntentar consultar, o buscar correcciones al momento detomar la palabra, DE&$AT*:AL FA y destruye la oportunidad de hacer la pr)ctica seriamente. Elmomento de consultar, preguntar, o averiguar E& %T:%, pero $% cuando el practicante va ahablar. &olo alguien 0ue tenga la costumbre de actuar independientemente puede desenvolversea cabalidad en cual0uier medio humano. :epetir ahora en vo alta las siguientes e presiones?+ood morning, &e5orita. Than s #or being my amigo. Lets eat some papa'rellenas and lets drinsome pi5a'coladas. Do you hablar ngl sH am going to the pla a de armas. Do you no! ho! tooperate a computadoraH @e are going to retroceder a little. have to learn some other palabras.@hat bo , &e5orH Lets have some drin s as cerve as and vinos to become really #eli guys. Ta e

    your chance on tal ing on the 0uinientos sub"ects e posed in this boo . Todos hablan su idiomautili ando palabras en otro idioma cuando es inevitable, lo cual es de lo m)s normal? >oy a pasarun casting.

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    o# 0uestions to so get able to ma e conversation !hich a complementary ability to "ust being ableto spea .

    B1; $ro3edure1; ust read AL@A/& &8EAQ $+ AL%*D, trying to memori e or at least toremember all the developed sub"ect, pre#erably "ust %$E T

  • 8/11/2019 Prog Pract a Dist 70 Primera Mitad (1)



    a Doctor. Anthony !or s in the 9entral -ospital in $e! /or . Anthony is graduate #rom the*niversity o# $e! /or . -e lives in $e! /or #or a very long time. thin he lives in the*&A since little child. -e lives in $e! /or #or t!enty years so #ar. thin . Anthony Evansis very important in $e! /or , because he is a good doctor. -e !or s in the hospitaleveryday. &ometimes, he !or s day and night, and sometimes he !or s on !ee ends too.

    Anthony Evans loves his "ob very much, really because it is an important "ob and it is goodmoney #or him. Lots o# people in $e! /or loo #or Anthony !hen not being %Q, and

    Anthony helps them right a!ay. Anthony !or s in the hospital #rom eight A< to t!o 8

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    morning S @hat is your hobbyH S @here in the *&A do you liveH S -o! do you li e yourcountryH S @hat do you do #or #unH S -o! do you go to !or H S Do you have a driverslicenseH S @hat time do you start !or everydayH S -o! much time is your !or 'dayH S@hat time do you leave !or everydayH S @here do you have lunch S Do you no! ho!to s!imH S @hat else are you good atH S Are you good at drivingH S @hat is your #avouritemusicH S Do you play any musical instrumentH S @here did you go to elementary schoolH

    S Do you li e to go dancingH S @hat are your li esH S @here is your #ather #romH S @hatis your ma"orH S Do you live in a house or in an apartmentH S @hat can you tell me aboutyour countryH S -o! many rooms does your apartment haveH S Do you no! ho! tooperate a computerH S Do you !atch T> #or #un S @hat other languages do you spea H S@hat does a tour'guide doH S Do you have a stereo in your roomH S @hat is your "ob inyour countryH S n !hat country is $e! /or locatedH S @hat is the o##icial language inyour countryH S -o! many people live in the *&AH S @hen !ere you bornH S @hat doyou no! about +eorge BushH S @hat do you do on your birthdayH S @hat do you do!hen at a partyH S Do you li e having partiesH S -o! much does a Dr. ma e a month inthe *&AH S Do you read boo s or maga inesH S @hat do you do on &undaysH S Do youli e #i ing thingsH S @hat is a good time to go to bed in the eveningH S @hat do the peopledo on holidays in your countryH S @hat is the !eather li e in your cityH S Do you li e goingto the chat'roomsH S @hat do you thin o# internet serviceH S Do you !ear a uni#orm #or!or H S @hen is summer in your countryH S @hat is your dream'house li eH S Do you li epi aH S @ho is

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    hundred 0uestions in a single act, #or e ample. The classrooms in my institute are verybig, modern, and nice. They have lots o# des s, a computer, a T>, a stereo system, a niceboard, big !indo!s and everything necessary to give good instruction, practice, and #ullcom#ort to the students.

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    #uture, so to get a chance to ma e lots and lots o# money. +etting lots and lots o# money isvery necessary to get all !hat !e !ant in li#e. &o, am going to save my money to ma eeven more money and to get those big companies !hich are my ambition in li#e.Everything am going to do is to get my !ishes come true in the #uture, so to en"oy li#every !ell. or e ample, am planning to open a very nice #irst'class tourist hotel locateddo!nto!n in my city, because hotel business is really good money there due to the intensetourism activity. %nce get all the money !ant, am planning to go traveling around the!orld and to visit every important country, every important city and every important tourist'attraction. am planning to help the poor people opening a ind o# home, !here to adoptlots and lots o# poor children to give them everything necessary to be happy and to get agood #uture, #or e ample. &o, by doing all those things am going to become and to #eelsomeone important in li#e and am going to get a real satis#action, because lots o# peopleare going to remember me and my name in the #uture. &o, really !ant to become a very#amous man in the !orld and it all depends on ho! much and ho! hard am going to !oron ma ing the money am going to need to get my dreams come true. @hish me luc ,guys.

    As 1= #ree 0uestions here

    ?1; /hat is your 3ity liMe 1; %Q, my city is called 9usco and it is located in 9uscoDepartment in 8eru. 9usco is a nice and important city, even !hen being small. 9usco isnot a big city, because "ust three hundred thousand people live in it. 9usco is located in the8eruvian high lands #ar #rom the ocean. 9usco is really important in 8eru, because it is atourist attraction, so lots and lots o# national and international tourists visit it everyday allalong the year due to the intense tourism activity. &o, 9usco has every nice place to givecom#ort to all those tourists, !ho pay very !ell #or everything they get in my city. Thetourism activity is so big and important in 9usco that lots and lots o# 9us0uenian people

    !or on that business, because it gives really good money and other chances o# all indsto all those living in my city, and even to #oreigner companies that !or in there too. 9uscohas every necessary business'place #or the tourists to go shopping or to get a goodservice o# any ind and right a!ay, #or e ample. &o, there are lots o# hotels o# diverse

    inds, discothe0ues, bars, restaurants, mar ets, stores, ba aars, shops, pla as, etc, in9usco. There are lots o# houses o# diverse inds in 9usco all around, !hich are modernbuildings, concrete houses, adobe historical houses, stony houses, etc. 9usco hashistorical streets and places !hich are very important tourist attractions too. t has bigavenues and nice par s all around. 9usco has big and very important tourist hotels suchas

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    >1; .y English study story1; %Q. started studying English #or the #irst time in my li#e!hen entering the indergarten at #ive years age. ept studying English all along theelementary and high school time, but !hat learned along that time !as not enough tobecome able to spea that language at least acceptably. didnt get a chance to study inan English nstitute because didnt have the money to pay #or it as the #ees !here verye pensive due to there !ere very #e! English institutes in my city. inally, !hen !as a 62years'old guy, seriously and #ormally started studying English in 1CC= !hen got a realchance, and a good program to. &o, registered in a small English nstitute, !hich o##ereda nine'months lasting short program, so decided to ta e it. !ent to my institute !ithout#ailing going to class, and really studied conscientiously #or t!o hours everyday. madehigh grades all along the study time, and practiced, ans!ered 0uestionnaires, memori edevery lesson, doing every tas re0uired very seriously and trying really hard not "ust topass the courses. But, !hen #inishing my study, #ound mysel# unable to spea #luent,certain, and enough English yet. &o, reali ed that that program thought me "ust grammarand theory, and it didnt teach me the prioriti ed daily vocabulary !ho no!s !hy. Thatday, decided to eep studying and learning getting more !ritten, audio, and videomaterials. got some poc et'boo American novels, and maga ines to read and to learnmore and more vocabulary. A#ter some months reali ed have learned a huge butunnecessary amount o# vocabulary, but even so !asnt able to really spea English yet. had to analy e and to tal to lots o# other students to #ind out !hat !ent !rong !ith myEnglish study. A#ter researching #or a long time, concluded that the ey to become able tospea English is learning the prioriti ed vocabulary about daily li#e, and no all thevocabulary. The only problem is that there !as no!here to get that vocabulary in#ormationorgani ed by application, so had to ma e a long list o# a phrase'dictionary to study. At thesame time, decided to really and seriously practice my oral English getting absolutelyalone in a room, !ith no teacher, no classmates, no trainer. ust alone, too long lists o#diverse sub"ects and 0uestions, and began to tal about everyone o# them, the longest

    possible #or at list #ive minutes each. got to spea up to one hundred and eighty sub"ectsin a single three hours lasting session, but a#ter tal ing about some #our hundred sub"ectsin total "ust #or #ive days became able to really spea #luent, e##ortless, and automaticEnglish. -appily.

    Q1; /hat is the $oli3e 1; The police is a protective institution that !or s day and night too##er sa#eness to the people and their goods all around. The police is a very big publicinstitution organi ed to !atch, to intervene, to prevent accidents, to help, and to stop thecrime every!here. Lots o# guys and madams !or #or the police institution as policeo##icers. Those police o##icers have to !ear uni#orms at !or to be easily recogni ed by theordinary people. The police o##icers are constantly !atching everything and every activity

    so that the civilian people can move around, or stay sa#e all the time. @hen somethinggoes !rong around, the police o##icers intervene right a!ay to stop and to prevent, or maybe to arrest the ones causing the problem. @hen something bad happens, the policeintervenes stopping everything so to help, or to get the responsible ones #or causing theproblems and to ta e them to the police station !here they are investigated about thecauses and responsibilities, and i# #ound responsible to denounce them to the "udicialpo!er to be "udged to be send into prison in the "ails. @hen the criminals decide to ta etheir chances to runa!ay, the police runs a#ter them in persecution to get them. The policepursues the crime all the time day and night. The police patrols every place in cities "ust!al ing, or driving around their patrol cars or motorbi es, and they eep !atchingeverything, loo ing around constantly so that everything goes on normally. All the peopleneed the police protection all the time, day and night. The madams !hen going shopping,the guys !hen at !or , the children !hen going to school, the #amilies !hen going home,the people !hen traveling, or "ust !hen being at home need the police protection and

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    security to do their activities normally. The police institution is very necessary #or thepeople to #eel sa#e, and protected all the time. The police protects the public institutionstoo and even they protect the government house. Everything, every institution, every placein a modern country need the police protection day and night. The police o##icers are good#riends #or all the people all around and all the time. The police o##icer "ob is verydangerous, because they sometimes have to #ight delin0uents to stop and to arrest them.&ometimes, the police o##icers have to use their guns to shoot the criminals, but they canbe shot bac by dangerous delin0uents too. Lots and lots o# hurt police o##icers are ta ento the police'hospital everyday, "ust because o# their dangerous !or . &o, it is necessarythat all the people no! that the police o##icer "ob is not any easy and it is very dangerous,on purpose to protect everyone. This is time that everyone learns ho! to support thepolice on their o!n bene#it.

    As 2= #ree 0uestions here

    =81; )ell Everything About Study1; The study is a very important activity the people do tolearn, to practice, and to gain necessary abilities to become good or e perts on certainmatters and business. The people o# all ages have to study to get a good "ob, or to donecessary !or s to bene#it themselves, their #amilies, or the other people. Lots o# !or sre0uire e pert people to do comple "obs, #or e ample. Lots o# people are doctors,teachers, engineers, technicians, repairmen, etc. All those people that got a certaine pertise, got it than to study and practice. @hen the people study very !ell, they get realchances to become important, and so to become someone in li#e. All the people have tostudy certain courses and careers to get a chance to !or !ell in bene#it o# the society,and so to get a retribution #or their !or o# course. The little children start studying at about#our age at indergartens, to then eep studying in school and to get a ma"or in higheducation institutes or universities. There are every ind o# education institutions o##ering

    careers so the people can get a chance to have a ma"or or specialty !hich they really li ein the #uture, because it is very important that the people study and ma"or in !hat theyreally !ant, li e and en"oy doingO other!ise they dont become really good pro#essionals.@hen the people study very !ell they get a great importance #or the abilities they have todo sometimes di##icult !or s the regular people couldnt ever do. or e ample, the doctors!ho to become so have to go to the university, to then practice a lot in hospitals or medicalcenters to then become real e pert doctors and so to be able to cure the sic people. Tobecome good engineers, the students the same !ay have to study and to practice a lot, tothen become very important #or the society that needs them very much on constructionpro"ects and !or s. @hen the people study seriously, they do very important and valuable!or s, #rom !hich they can ma e lots and lots o# money as salaries or as pro#its. &tudy is

    a very important activity all the people have to do to get good chances on becomingimportant and to get !hat they !ant in li#e. @hen the people study, they are going toprobably be very happy, and !hen the people dont study, they are not probably going tobe as happy. That is the di##erence bet!een those t!o inds o# people. &o, personallyrecommend start studying !hat is pleasant #or you the sooner the better.

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    ==1; /hat is Internet 1; nternet is an electronic in#ormation service that comes #rom a#ar#rom all the computers set on line all over the !orld. Every computer in the !orld has lotso# in#ormation stored in itsel# !hich can share !ith other computers i# being set on line toso being connected to other computers, #rom !hich they can get in#ormation or they cangive a!ay their o!n in#ormation too, and so that !ay interchange their in#ormation. &o, lots

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    and lots o# computers all over the !orld can ma e a connection !eb. Every on'linecomputer is connected through the telephone line, or the telephone signal so that they canget or give in#ormation #rom each other. Lots o# people use nternet because they reallyneed that service at present time, because internet gives every ind o# in#ormation such aslessons, courses, boo s, videos, music, publicity, art, techni0ues, communication, publicity,

    photos, pictures, etcO right a!ay and #rom the distance. The people o# all ages bene#it #rominternet everyday. or e ample, the students to do their home!or , the madams to learnho! to coo , the guys to learn important and necessary in#ormation, techni0ues andprocedures, the police o##ices to investigate crimes, the businessman to do publicity or tosell their products a!ay. %thers desiring to share the in#ormation they get, or have, orproduce can upload it in internet to be o##ered #or #ree or #or a price in e change so that theinterested ones can, in time do!nload it on their bene#it. &haring the in#ormation by up'loading the stu## everyone has on line is very easily "ust using the !eb'pages, and the #ilesin every computer to be e amined, to then be uploaded "ust by a clic . nternet servicegoes all over the !orld #or all the people !ho need it. The little children, the madams, theboys, the girls, the guys need internet service #or lots o# activities they have to doeveryday. There are public places called internet'ca#es #or e ample, !here there are lots o# connected computers placed to rent to the people !ho need to get on line so they can useinternet service on the streets too. Lots o# #amilies have internet service at home too.

    nternet is important not only #or in#ormation, but #or communication through the electronicmail, and the !eb'pages #or the people and companies to eep in touch all the time, #orpublicity, and to get sales a!ay. Those people using internet can get music, videos,in#ormation, boo s, photos, teaching courses, communication, products, etcO very easilyand right a!ay by "ust do!nloading !hat they !ant on 9Ds, or on *&B memories. Thebene#it the people can get #rom internet is so big that it !ould be very di##icult telling aboutit in this article because it is really unimaginable, depending on the interest on every oneconnected on'line. &o, "ust sur#ace nternet to #ind every bene#it you can get #rom, and youare going to get really surprised and #ascinated all in all.

    =71; /hy is ,a3ation I#portant 1; >acation is a brea 'time all the !or ing and studyingpeople need to ta e #rom time to time. A#ter !or ing or studying #or a long time the peopleget stressed, bored, and impatientO !hich means that they are tired and #ed'up o# doing acertain ind o# activity #or a long time #ollo!ing the same routine day a#ter day. Lots o#people have to !or , to get up early everyday, to ma e money to support the #amily, tohurry to accomplish their duty day a#ter day, and month a#ter month. The students have togo to school or to the university every day, lots o# times catching a bus, ta ing a ta i, or

    "ust !al ing or even running to get to class in time all time hurried. Every activity thepeople have to do #or a long time tires, bores them and #eds them upO and it is !hen thevacation time is necessary. &ome people ta e a one'!ee lasting vacation, others ta e amonth lasting vacation, or maybe a longer vacation. t depends on the possibilitieseveryone gets to go on vacation and on ho! long time they are !or ing nonstop !ithoutta ing a brea . +oing on vacation is very good to ta e a rest, to have some #un, to reladoing di##erent ind o# activities #rom those the people have to do daily. &ome people needto go traveling, others need to stay at home maybe "ust !atching T> resting in bed havingtheir #avorite #ruit'"uice, others !ant to play some sports, and others !ant to #i somepersonal problems, or "ust !or around home to get the rela they need, because lots o#

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    time "ust !or ing around home gives a great rela , !hile others ta e their chances onstudying some courses or something li e that. The rich people ta e their chances ontraveling #ar a!ay, lots o# times to visit other countries to go touring around the !orldspending lots o# money to get a great e perience. But, the non'rich people ta e theirchances on rela ing on vacation too, !ithout spending lots o# money "ust #inding other

    !ays to depending on their creativeness. or e ample, they "ust travel a!ay to visit acountry community, or to visit their relatives or close #riends !ho live in other to!ns orcities. -aving a good vacation doesnt necessary re0uire spending lots o# money, but "ustchanging the activities the people regularly do. +oing on vacation is al!ays a good idea tohave some interesting time in li#e, a!ay #rom !or , #rom duties, problems inevitablyeveryone has at home or at !or . @hen the busy people avoid ta ing a vacation, theystart #ailing at !or or on duty, so they see decreasing the 0uality o# their ideal !or 'per#ormance in li#e. &o, go on vacation no!.

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    necessary #or the people, because nobody can be sure that he or she is not going to needthem sometime in li#e. &o, may you recover !ell soon. :eally.

    = 1; Bill *ates1; Bill +ates is a very #amous, e traordinarily intelligent, and importantbusiness'man in the modern computeri ed !orld. Bill +ates !as born in the *nited &tates

    in 1C 6, and he !as very intelligent since a little child. Bill +ates !or ed very much oncomputers o# all inds since he !as a school student because computers !ere his hobbyin li#e. -e !or ed so much on computers that one day he discovered and invented an easylanguage #or personal computers, so that every person including little children and house'!ives could operate a computer easily !ithout being very intelligent and !ithout having tostudy long, comple and di##icult courses on computer operation #irst, or !ithout beinge perts. Be#ore Bill +ates !or , operating a computer !as very di##icult, and it re0uired tohave studies, and to be really an e pert computer operator. n the past, be#ore getting achance to use a computer, it !as necessary to study very hard and #or very long, apart#rom the cost it meant to #inally become able to operate them. %ne day,

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    has become a necessity #or everyone that loo s #or advancement in li#e. But studying, andlearning English is not enough to become able to really spea and to understand it easily,e##ortlessly, automatically, and un#orgettablyO but practicing hard on its use. The practice tobe ta en, as on every other techni0ue, is to be applied only once in li#e, and not as lots o#people thin that it must be practiced constantly all along the li#e not to #orget it. The

    practice time i# !ell done, is #or all the li#e, because it is a gained ability by the learner. Theproblem is that the current English programs mostly are designed on a commercialpurpose, #ar #rom a really teaching and training purpose, so they hide the daily vocabularyalong the #irst teaching years, so to save it as an attraction to o##er post'grade courses, sodenying the student the possibility on practicing easily #rom the beginning o# their study.&pea ing English is easy, provided the program gives a complete basic in#ormation to thestudents and a proper procedure applied.

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    =P1; )ell .e About your %a#ily1; %Q.

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    any!ay i# #ollo!ing the rail road, as said be#ore, to get there. They serve every ind o# tasty, delicious, nutritious, and assorted #ood and meals there. or e ample, they serve#ried'chic en and potatoes, or bee#'stea and rice, or maybe "ust #ried eggs and ricedepending on the customers pre#erence or money they are carrying. They serve sea'#ooddishes too. &o any dish the customer !ants to try, he can get there on order, and #or areasonable price, !hich is not cheap neither e pensive, and right a!ay. Lots o# people gothere to have their #avorite dishes, no matter !hat they pre#er to have, as they serve everydish ordered. As lots and lots o# people go there to have their #avorite dishes, the !or ersin that restaurant try really hard to have every #ood on hand and ready to prepare and toserve, so pre#er to go there, and to ta e my #amily there specially on !ee ends. The!aiters and !aitresses are really help#ul, polite and they help the customers right a!ayclearing the tables, !iping them, ta ing the orders, and serving the #ood, no problem. Thecashier is collecting the money the customers pay #rom the service they got very 0uic lyand e actly too. The atmosphere is nice there too, because it has lots o# room #or lots o# customers to seat and to #eel com#ortable. t has a nice scenery #or bands to sho! and ithas a ball room in the middle #or the customers to dance i# !anted. The music, the lights,the tables, and the other #urniture are very nice there. The tables are very nice so thechairs in there too. There is a gigantic #ish'tan that decorates the entrance. The !indo!sare very nice and !ide, so the pieces o# decoration there. The #loor and the !alls looreally #ine and clean there too. thin the atmosphere is really attractive there, so it invitesthe customers to stay there #or a long time, and to go bac very o#ten.

    =>1; /hy is Saturday so Ni3e 1; @ell, &aturday is a very nice day that starts the!ee end every!here. &aturday is the si th and the nicest day o# the !ee . thin it is the#inest day o# the !ee because it means a lot #or all the people living in to!ns or cities.&aturday means #un, e ercising, shopping, dancing, partying, meeting, dating, etc.&aturday is a magic day along the !ee , so it is really e citing. &aturday is a day thatgives, or at least o##ers a nice perspective to all the people, including the little children. Thepeople have to !or or they have to study, or to do their duty all along the !ee , !hichdrives them certainly bored and a little tired, but everyone !or s gladly !ith their minds seton the !ee end, and mainly on &aturday as a re!ard. &aturday is so nice that i# it !erent#or it, the people !ould live !ithout a hope nor e pectancy on really en"oying their lives atleast a little. But, !hy is &aturday that magic dayH t is because it starts the #un'time on the!ee end. The people spend their &aturday doing the most pleasant #avorite activities theyconsider the nicest #or everyone sometimes no matter the e pense. &ome people havelots o# #un going shopping, others get lots o# pleasure going to play a sport, others get their

    chance on having or on going to a party. %ther people get their chance on dating theirmates. Lots o# people have lots o# #un going to eat to the big restaurants, and others ta etheir chance to go traveling or "ust driving around "ust #or pleasure. Lots o# &aturday'business places are open up to receive the &aturday'customers, #or e ample. Thediscothe0ues, the restaurants, the bars, the ba aars, the shopping centers, the #airs, thegyms, etcO are the #avorite places #or the people to get !hat they !ant to satis#y theire citement, so all those places meaning really good money'business #or the traders,merchants, service givers and so. The little children #ind a great meaning on &aturday too,so they call their #riends to meet them, to go to the pim'ball places or to go s!imming or todo any other e citing activity on having #un too. The girls thin o# going shopping #orclothing, the madams thin o# going to a social gathering, lots o# guys thin o# goingdrin ing. n general, all the people e pect getting something special #rom every &aturday

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    they have in li#e, and than +od there is a &aturday !aiting #or the people to en"oy everyseven days. -o! much #un everyone is going to have on &aturday depends on theirintelligence, imagination and on ho! much money they are carrying. By the !ay, !hat isup #or &aturdayH &hall call you onH

    As 2= #ree 0uestions here

    =Q1; .y house1; Advisable tal ing about your dream'houseM @ell, have a nice house tolive in !ith my #amily, !i#e and children.

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    visited, o# course. Those days there !ere absolutely e citing and really un#orgettable #orme. !ent shopping #or lots o# souvenirs and #or everything considered necessary toma e my stay in that city a really great time. !ent to the discothe0ues, to the bars andother clubs to have lots o# #un and to ma e lots o# #riends there. got a nice chance topractice my English ma ing lots o# #riends all around the city. spent lots and lots o# money

    getting all the #un !as able to. too my chance to got s!imming to the beaches too, o#course. did so many activities that it !ould be di##icult describing everything did, andeverything didnt do !hen visiting that #antastic city. Those days in $e! /or !ere themost e citing vacation'time ve had in li#e, so hope to be able to visit that city again in the#uture, but this time planning my activities on a more e pert !ay a#ter the e pertise gained there. A vacation time in $e! /or is one o# the best ideas anyone can get, so really recommend visiting that city at least one time in li#e. >isiting $e! /or is one o# themost e traordinary e periences the people can get all in all.

    7=1; .y Neighborhood1; @ell, my neighborhood is a 0uiet place located in the suburbs in9usco 9ity.

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    ungle area in my country called El

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    territory o# the current 9olombia, 8eru and 9hile countries called the n as Empire.

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    because it is necessary becoming really e pert and organi ed to accomplish the !or andthe customers orders !ithout ma ing a mess o# glasses, bottles, drin s, and other #oodsand materials all aroundO because every customer orders a di##erent ind o# hard'drin and!ants to get !hat he or she ordered and right a!ay. A barman re0uires a good table, asin , a good blender, a sha ing bottle, lots o# bottles o# hard'drin s, lemons, eggs, some

    #ruits, sugar, etcO to do his !or e##iciently or at list acceptably. To become a good barman,it is necessary studying a speciali ed course, and to then practice a lot in a bar. Barmanmaybe a rather stressing "ob, because !hen at !or , the customers order #or verydiversi#ied inds o# drin s #rom the menu, so the barman got the responsibility on preparingvery !ell every diverse drin ordered, and in a short time enough to #ace the customerimpatience to get it satis#actorily. t is necessary that the barman really loves his "ob to sosurvive the pressure under !hich he is going to probably !or day a#ter day. &o, barman isa speciali ed "ob and so it is very much appreciated every !here there is a socialgathering o# any ind. A barman can ma e a good salary provided he is really good at!or . Barman is a very #un "ob not only #or the !or er, but #or the customers that get agreat time "ust !atching ho! the barman or barmen do their !or !hat is 0uite a sho!,because o# the organi ed !ay they !or in. Barman is a very old "ob and it !as al!aysvery important, re0uired, and nice #or the customers, mainly on &aturday evenings, or!hen having a holiday or a vacation time. 9heers, cheers, my dear barmen #rom thedistance, !herever you are.

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    boo stores all around. At present time, there are boo s on sale uploaded in nternet too,!hich can be do!nloaded a#ter paying a certain price, being them sometimes o##ered #or#ree to the do!nloader. $o!adays, it is 0uite possible ma ing hand'made boo s "ust usingthe computer and the photocopier machine to ma e them on a limited issue, or even tocopy original boo s. The boo s are the most important material all the studious people

    need to get the no!ledge and techni0ue they !ant at a very reasonable cost.7?1; "iego .aradona1; @ho is Diego

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    the people are very rich, they get a limousine and a chau##er to drive the #amily !hereverthey !ant to go. There are other inds o# cars #or other diverse purposes, o# course. Thereare bigger people'transporting cars as vans, buses or huge t!o #loors high buses, !hichcan carry up to seventy passengers, #or e ample. And, there are other inds o# carsdesigned to transport things such as pic 'up truc s, truc s, huge truc s, trailers etc. At

    present time, there are so big truc s that can transport up to #i#ty tons o# things, #ore ample. The streets, the avenues, the roads and the high!ays are very important #or thecars to run on their transportation purposes at present time. The road'system in every cityis so developed that it really gives all the possibility and com#ort #or the cars to accomplishtheir duty very 0uic ly every!here at any time. The cars are part o# the city at present time,so that every citi en has learned ho! to move around according to the cars movement allaround. The cars are so important that the people organi e almost every activity aroundthem and their activity and #unction, #or e ample.

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    7Q1; (hrist#as )i#e1; 9hristmas is a magic time that comes almost reaching the year'end in the 9hristian calendar. 9hristmas time is to remember esus 9hrist birthday, !hich!as a universally important event that too place more than t!o thousand years ago.9hristmas Time is the most e pected holiday all along the year every!here all over the9hristian !orld and even the non'9hristian !orld in some cases. All the #amilies get readyand very e cited as the 9hristmas time is coming. The children get e tremely an ious ande cited !hen 9hristmas time is coming, #or e ample. The parents have to get their savings#or that special holyday, year a#ter year. @hen it is the 9hristmas eve, all the people e pectsomething special #rom the ne t hours. The parents ta e the #amilies out to havesomething special in the restaurants, to then go shopping #or the presents. The littlechildren e pect mainly toys, and the bigger children may e pect #or some clothing. A#terthe shopping hours, every #amily thin s o# going home to eep having a great time there.Lots o# #amilies thin o# having a party or at least a gathering at home. They set 9hristmasmusic on their stereos, and mothers prepare something to eat and something to drin #orthe #amily. The 9hristmas tree is very popular in every home, so lots o# #amilies set the9hristmas tree someplace at home. Lots o# #amilies love setting the esus'9hrist birth'place putting up a mimic o# a cave !here they set the >irgin

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    The dogs are almost people, because they share lots o# activities !ith their master. Theytravel by the car loo ing out o# the !indo!s, they share the time in the living room, theycan !al on the streets !atching the oncoming cars. &ome dogs, depending on their si eeven guard their master, or they guard the house !here they live. The dog is so importantat a home that it has its o!n house, its clothing, its dish, its trusted doctor, etc. There are

    dog'doctors and even dog'hospitals in cities at present time. Lots o# people spend lots o#money to eep their dogs !ell attended, !ell #ed, medically chec ed, and clean. &o, thedog is the ideal animal #or the #amilies to pet. The dog gives and receives a so #inetreatment in its relationship !ith humans as no other animal does, so at leastunconsciously they are considered as a ind o# people no!adays because they even no!ho! to !al on the streets !atching the oncoming cars, the tra##ic lights, etc. Lots o# dogshave a duty to accomplish being their masters house guards, and even some dogs arepolice'o##icers on duty to help to discover crimes such as drug'dealing or terrorism. &o,any doubts on the dogs being a ing o# peopleH

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    and lots o# pleasure #or all the people. All the humanity dreams o# getting a chance to en"oyan eternal summer, even !hen having to move a!ay every certain time "ust to #ind a place!here the summer is, #or e ample. The rich people travel a!ay #ollo!ing the summerseason all the time, even so !hen it means having to spend lots and lots o# money. Thesummer al!ays goes associated to li#e, to beauty, to sports, to parties, and to "oy. &o, the

    summer is the ideal time to ta e a vacation #or e ample. # only all the time !here aperpetual summer, the earth !ould become into a real vacation paradise. @ell, at leastthere is al!ays a summer coming every nine months a year, and that is a greate pectancy that eeps the peoples enthusiasm. Than +od #or the summer.

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    important that "ust having to thin o# it, all the people get e cited on their chance to try thisor that ind o# #ood. Than +od #or all that much #ood the people have in the !orld, and #orso cheap prices, because a #ull stomach means a happy heart. inally, dont #orget that allthose #ood en"oyed every!here comes #rom the #armers hard !or , !ho at least deservegratitude and respect, i# not lots o# money in e change. Bon appetite, everybody.

    1; )he !aLyers1; The la!yers are o##icial and elegant dressing legal advisers all thepeople need sometime in li#e. As the modern society is organi ed in a base o# la!s andrules #or every activity the people do or they are planning to do, a legal adviser is mostnecessary every!here and all the time. Everything the people decide to do has to go on alegal !ay and most o# the times it is ruled by and speci#ic la! about it, and so the la!yersare necessary to sho! the people !hat those right legal rules, procedures and !ays are tota e. Even !hen lots o# people hate la!yers stating that they are liars, and that they aretric y'guys, cruel, and non'sensible, un#air, !ho act only interested in ma ing money usingtheir no!ledge on dirty !ays and lies to get all the incomes and advantages they !antOthe true is that !ithout la!yers, the !orld'social'organi ation !ould become into 0uite achaos and mess. &o, it is not possible thin ing o# an active and e##icient society !ithoutla!yers every!here the social organi ation is present. To become a la!yer, it is necessarygoing to the *niversity #or at least #ive years be#ore graduating and becoming able to !or .Qeep reading lots o# la! and philosophy boo s constantly is very necessary to becomeand to eep being an e pert la!yer, because some rules, la!s and concepts are changingconstantly as the time is passing by. The la!yers have to dress elegant and #ormally all thetime, to so sho! in #ront o# the people, because that !ay the people listen to them. # ala!yer doesnt dress elegant, he doesnt re#lect his real no!ledge, e pertise and

    category, so nobody !ould be !illing to listen to him. La!yer is a very important anduniversally ac no!ledged ma"or, and so very necessary !herever a social organi ation ispresent and active. There are diverse inds o# la!yers being the most popular ones thecivilian, the criminal, and the procedure la!yers. To be an eminent la!yer it is necessarybeing very !ell learned, updated, #riendly, tal ative, !ell connected and brave, so he canget all the chances necessary to get !hat his customers need and !ant. Becoming ane pert la!yer ta es long years even a#ter graduating, because it is a comple "ob, so !henloo ing #or a de#endant la!yer it is advisable ta ing an old la!yer, instead o# a young one,because o# the e pertise the old one has.

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    create, eep and develop the living organs. &o, the #eeling that comes !hen playing#ormally a sport is something really good as it rises the happiness, satis#action, and lots o##un. Everyone #eels and no!s that they must choose and play a suitable sport #or him or#or her, but "ust some people decide on playing them seriously and no! better thantomorro!.

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    morning. $ot no!ing !hat to do, :osa

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    !ould turn into a mess and chaos in the itchen and the !or !ould give poor'0ualityresults, and !ould drive the che# into despair, and the customers into disbelie#. The che#'!or is not any easy, so to be a good che# it is necessary to have a real vocation to !or inthe itchen preparing good meals, and to love the "ob. The che# !or has to do !ith a #ineart not only about preparing, but about the meals presentation, so that the consumer gets

    #avorably impressed at the #irst sight he gets on the meals served. The che# is e pected tono! not only ho! to coo , but ho! to balance the diverse #oods on their nutritiouscomponents and on their compatibility among them so to get the best o# them in bene#it o#the eaters, so avoiding the bad'balance !hich !ould a##ect the eaters health and com#ort,such as giving him a bad stomachache, or maybe some diarrhea. The che#s are !ell paid#or their !or every!here a good and #ine coo ing is re0uired, so they have a big andal!ays present demand every!here there are lots o# hungry people around. At presenttime, lots and lots o# che#s are increasingly needed every!here mainly due to the tourismactivities increasing all over the !orld. The che# "ob has been gaining importance anddemand due to the economic possibilities that have been gained every!here in thismodern !orld as the people every!here are ma ing more and more money, their livinglevel is getting higher and higher too, so their e igency and e pectancy o# en"oying a reallynice cuisine. Bon appetite, everybodyO and dont #orget ac no!ledging the che#s e##ort #oreverything.

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    economic po!er, and other inds o# satis#action such us dominance, or other evendeviating purposes. All the people dream o# one day getting lots and lots o# money to sobuy everything they !ant, because money may mean richness and po!er, and a chanceto get happiness. But, becoming able to ma e money re0uires certain gi#ts and abilities, #or e ample? no!ledge, e pertise, boldness, intelligence, smartness, lots o# connections,

    strength, good health, hard'!or , etc. There are certain pro#essions that give lots o# moneysuch as the medicine, management, or civil engineeringO because they re0uire a highleveled 0uali#ication not easy to get, o# course.

    1; )he Best .ovie I-ve Ever Seen1; @ell, thin the best movie ve ever seen is 8atch Adams. t is about the history o# a

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    made by others to generate it by themselves, !ho are called musicians. Those musiciansi# very good as singers, guitarists, composers, etc can get lots o# chances into ma ing lotso# money issuing music 9Ds, and giving concerts, such as &ha ira. The music is so nicean art that it gives lots o# pleasure and e citement to the listening people all the time andall around. There are diverse inds o# music, so there are slo!s and lively inds o# music

    re0uired in time depending on the personal pre#erence or circumstance. &o, there is a indo# music appropriate #or every li ing, #or every event, and #or every activity andcircumstance in li#e. or e ample, lots o# people set some music to !or in the o##ices, or!hen traveling, or !hen partying. The music is very necessary, and even essential atparties, at social gatherings, or at ceremonies o# all inds, including military ones, #ore ample because it even may determine the success o# those events. There is a ind o#music appropriate #or babies, #or little children, #or school students, #or military schools andinstitutions as military marches, #or homes, #or bars and discothe0ues, #or traveling, #ormovies, #or theater plays, etc. &o, the ind o# music needed to rela is very di##erent #romthe music needed to get e cited, so there is a ind o# music ideal to ma e the peoplesleep, and there is a ind o# music ideal to ma e the people dance or to eep very active#or long hours even #or all night. &o, the music is a ind o# +od'bless that #alls on thelisteners ears to rela or to e cite them depending on each purpose. There are electronice0uipments that ma e the music sound on very sophisticated and synthetic !ays atpresent time, !hich contributes to the #abulous sounds that reach the modern peopleears. There are stereo systems, sound ampli#iers, sound mi ers, sound e0uali ers, electricguitars and pianos that ma e the music a ind o# modern concept on sound and "oy. Themusic sounds so beauti#ul according to the pre#erence that is one o# the best things thepeople have to en"oy in li#e. The music is so important in li#e that all the people en"oy andneed it #rom little children to the elderly people #or lots and lots o# activities they !ant tocarry out. Than +od #or the music and #or the musicians.

    As ;= #ree 0uestions here

    P1; /hat do 0ou "o to 2eep 0our English Alive 1; do diverse activities to eep myEnglish alive. or e ample, sometimes go to the tourist attraction sites to meet someinternational tourists, and once there try to get in touch !ith them. "ust say hello, am anEnglish student. -o! do you li e my countryH And things li e that, and the tourists sayhello bac , ho! are youH, or things li e that. %r "ust !ait #or big groups to come over, and

    get close to them to ta e a !al !ith them side by side. # someone as s me !hat mybusiness is there, tell them that am an English student, and that !ant to stay close tointernational tourists to practice my English. &ometimes, meet my classmates to ma econversation !ith them, or sometimes visit my old teachers to practice my oral abilities!ith them. %# course, got some material to practice my listening s ills. or e ample,having movie scripts and their sound 9D is use#ul, because they give e pertise enough tounderstand spo en English. But, thin the most important thing to do along the practiceterm, #rom the beginning, is tal ing about lots and lots o# sub"ects or 0uestions inloneliness at home, previously learning at least "ust the one thousand prioriti ed !ords.&o, ta e my list o# sub"ects and 0uestions and get into my room to tal about every o#those sub"ects. tal about one hundred o# those sub"ects spea ing on each #or about #our

    or #ive minutes along three hours a day. @hen #inishing the sub"ects list, start again.&pea ing English is easy !hen getting a good training on using "ust the no!n English.Lots o# students thin that no!ing lots and lots o# !ords is absolutely necessary, but it

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    isnt true. The most important thing to spea English is being used to using the no!nEnglish, and that is all. or e ample, ve no!n in the past about some students that a#terstudying English #or #our months became able to spea English all day, "ust because theygot a good, and intensive training. &o, as a conclusion to practice and to eep our Englishalive, a trainer, or a mate are not most necessary. %n the contrary, a learner must learn tobe independent to practice alone, #irst tal ing about sub"ects then training on as ing lotsand lots o# 0uestions everyday, because becoming able to ma e conversation re0uiresbeing able to as lots o# 0uestions easily. %ne thing is no!ing English and a di##erentthing is being able to spea it easily. But spea ing English is not enough, because ma ingconversation is something di##erent. As it !as said be#ore, to become able to ma econversation getting a lot o# training on as ing 0uestions o# all inds is absolutelynecessary. @hen spea ing, sho!ing happiness is very advisable, and spea ing #ormallyand in#ormally, even telling "o es. Telling #antasies, or even cra y ideas is advisable too.

    ?1; )he Bea3h1; % . The beach is a plain and sandy place located ne t to the sea. Thereis a lot o# sand in the beach, and it loo s very nice, so it is a very e citing place to stay.

    rom the beach, the people can see lots and lots o# sea !ater, bathers, and boats andeven ships voyaging in the distance. rom the beach the people can see so much !aterthat they cant believe, mainly !hen not being coastal peopleO !hich ma es the visitorthin o# the greatness o# the universe. The beach is a 0uite place to visit and to stay. Thepeople in the beach can get into the !ater to s!im or "ust to ta e a bath, or maybe "ust tota e !al s alongO or "ust lie do!n to ta e sun'baths. The beach is a nice place to have #un,to e ercise, or to play some sports such as volley ball or soccer, or "ust to ta e long !al s.Lots and lots o# people love going to the beach, mainly on !ee ends !hen they havesome #ree time to stay there #or #un, #or rela , #or ta ing a rest, or "ust #or listening to music.8eople o# all ages go to the beach to !al , to run, to e ercise, to s!im, to have a picnic, toeat ice'cream, to meet their #riends or to #orget the !or ing days rush, and even some

    people go to the beach to camp there. The people love having houses in the beach to seethe sea #rom their !indo!s. thin it !ould be e citing living in the beach, but a littledangerous because !hen the sea leaves its place to go on the cities it may cause reallybig catastrophes ta ing people, houses, and cars bac !ith it. Lots o# people !or in thebeach as traders, as che#s, as peddlers or doing other activities and "obs to ma e somemoney #rom the beach'goers. The beach is a good place to go on vacation and to haveparties, or to go on camping. The temperature in the beach is nice, because it is !arm allthe time. &o, the people can go on camping to sleep at night in the beach. +oing to thebeach is the #avorite activity #or lots and lots o# people o# all categories and ages #rom richones to poor ones, #rom elderly ones to young ones, etc. hope to go to the beach on myne t vacation !ith all my #amily and #riends and to stay in a hotel near the sea to en"oy all

    those good vie!s and 0uietness it gives #rom the !indo! o# the rooms. The only problemto go to the beach on vacation at least #or a !ee is the money. The people sometimesdont have enough money to pay #or the e pense o# going on vacation to those places, but

    thin they are !orth it, especially i# going there !ith relatives and #riends. A goodcompanion in the beach is the best thing anyone can e pect, really.

    >1; )he %riends1; The #riends are the close trusted people everyone needs to have total , to help, to support, and to count on #or every activity done in the daily li#e. The #riendsare very good and necessary people everyone must have, considering the humans aresocial beings. Everyones ambition is having the most possible #riends all around and all

    the time. The more #riends a guy has the more proud he #eels on himsel# on those,because having #riends is something li e having a big richness. @hen the people have lotso# #riends, they sho!'o## in #ront o# the others, and they cant hide their satis#action on that,

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    #or e ample. The #riends are beloved people to us, and at the same time they are thepeople that love us. eeling beloved is one o# the most important goals that people can getin li#e. The #riendship is so important #or humanity that it determines the support, thesolidarity, the sympathy, and the social com#ort in !hich everyone !ants to live. -avinglots o# #riends is most advisable because o# the happiness that #eeling gives and because

    o# the chances having lots o# #riends mean. En"oying a #riendly midst is so important #oreveryone, that it ma es possible a really social and economic development in li#e. $obodycan state that he or she doesnt !ant or doesnt need any #riends around. &o, one o# theinterests that eeps busy all the humanity every!here, is ma ing the most possible #riendsno matter !hat doing. But, ma ing #riends is not very easy, specially #or little children oryoung people. The ma ing'#riends ability re0uires some e pertise and #avorable pre'disposition !hich can be gained "ust through a decision on being very #riendly, through thedevelopment o# certain strategies, or "ust through the time and e perience. As aconclusion, really recommend that everyone to sho! the most #riendly possible !hereverhe goes, to !hoever he meets, and !henever he can. The ey is very simple? "ust thin ingtenderly, nicely and merci#ully on everyone around.

    As 6= #ree 0uestions here

    Q1; .y Best $arty Ever1; @ithout a doubt, my best party ever !as my sons !eddingparty !hich too place some years ago. thin it !as due to the #act that recently and#inally mastered the dancing s ill. As !as an English teacher #rom "ust #e! years ago, #inally got my chance o# practicing dancing !ith my #emale'students !ho #orced me intodancing #rom the beginning o# my teacher'business'time. &o, a#ter some years o# havingparties and parties in that English nstitute !or ed #or, #inally got lots o# 0uali#ication to#eel mysel# a real dancer. remember that my sons !edding party started at around ten inthe evening, !ith lots and lots o# guests among gentlemen, ladies, boys, girls and somechildren all around the partying room. The music set at that party !as so nice and assortedthat gave me a real chance to sho! my recent e pertise. &o, decided to have really lotso# #un that night ta ing every lady around not "ust to dance !ith them, but to teach themthe basic dancing art. &omething ne! have seen !as those lots and lots o# bottled !ater,ne t to the !his ey bottles served on every table, so that the guests got their chances onchoosing i# to have a hard'drin or "ust !ater to drin . &urely, didnt only sho!ed in #ronto# all those guests, but taught the dancing art to so many ladies !hich made it the 0uiteun#orgettable party it !as giving me those lots o# #un, and the a real satis#action !hich #eel even a#ter all the years that passed by since that day. &o i# really !anting to have lotso# #un at parties, the best recommendation can give is previously learning ho! to danceand practicing a lot, even getting a dancing instructor i# necessary, because it really is!orth it as dancing is not only a ind o# art, but a ind o# physical e ercise.

    As ;= #ree 0uestions here

    D81; )he Night1; The night is a part o# the geographic day that comes !hen the sun goesdo!n a#ter everyday. The night #alls at about G.6= in the evening !ith the sun'set untilabout G.== in the morning the ne t day !hen the sun'rise comes, so it lasting about t!elvehours. The night comes !ith dar ness due to the gone sun'light at the day end. @hen thenight #alls, everyplace gets dar and the people #eel that they must loo #or a place or a

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    re#uge !here to stay overnight. The night is a necessary time along the day, because thepeople use it to stay at home, to rela , to meet the #amily, to have some #un !atching T>,or "ust listening to music be#ore going to bed to sleep and to rest until the ne t day, so thenight means a resting time. A normal use o# the night consists in sleeping to recover #romthe tiring !or ing or studying day. &leeping at night'time is a very big pleasure the peoplehave everyday, so !hen it is time to go to bed, all the people #eel a real promise o# havinga nice recovering and rela ing time !hich, o# course is 0uite a pleasure. The people haveto sleep to recover #rom their activities along the day, and to so be ready to #ace anotheractive day, and so day a#ter day. But at present time, the night has other concepts anduses too in the modern !orld. Lots o# people use the night to have lots and lots o# #ungoing to discothe0ues, going drin ing, meeting the relatives and #riends, partying, etc.@hen the night is very active on #un and business in a city the people say that it is thenight'li#e there. The nigh'li#e may be very active depending on !hat city it is. @hen thecities are very big, and they have a nice !eatherO and they have lots o# tourist activity, thenight li#e is very active #or #un and business. The night'time business places are thediscothe0ues, the bars, ba aars, stores, hotels, restaurants, etc. There are certain cities!here the night li#e is so intense due to the 0uantity o# people !al ing on the streets thathave lots o# day and night places to satis#y those people needs and !ishes, #or e ample.The night may mean lots o# pleasure #or the people too, provided they have enough moneyto spend along it. At present time, there are lots o# people that instead o# going to have restat night a#ter a hard !or ing day as it !ould be natural, use some drugs as the cocaine to

    eep %Q all night so not needing to sleep, nor to rest. The night sometimes has lots o#romantic times too. &o, good night everybody. &o, rest !ell, sleep #ast and dream o# theangels.

    D=1; )he Open;(ountry1; The open country is a 0uiet place !here there arent lots o#people, houses, streets nor avenues, no cars running on them on a non'stop #ashion

    around. The open'country is a part o# the lands that have very #e! human presence andactivity. The open'country is used on diverse purposes such us agricultural, mining,landscaping, traveling, etc. The biggest areas in the open country are used on agriculturalpurpose every!here !hich is one o# the most important activity that supports the people allaround the !orld, because ninety percent o# the #ood the people need comes #romagriculture. Agriculture re0uires very big areas in lands to get its chances o# eeping activeand to develop. or e ample, the gro!ing #ields need to be huge lands to gro! and to giveits vegetal products by big 0uantities, and the same !ay the cattle racing and breedingbusiness re0uires really huge lands !here the cattle can #eed, gro!, #atten and breed. &o,the open country gives all the necessary #ood #or the people to have in the mar ets andsupermar ets. But, living in the open'country gives very #e! chances on ma ing money,

    but on getting some productsO so most o# the people pre#er to live in cities !here they canma e lots o# easy money instead. But on the other hand, living in the country gives peace,0uietness, and rela O so those lots o# people even !hen getting #ull com#ort, money, andpleasure in cities, they dream o# someday to live in a so peace#ul place as the open'country is, because it is the nearest place to the nature that can e ist. The days are verynice in the open country, but the nights are very sad !here there is no electric energy andso light around, and there is no night'li#e activity there, because there arent lots o# peoplearound, ho!ever. As there arent lots o# people all around, the open country is a ind o#lonely place too. As a conclusion, it depends on everybody pre#erence !here to live and tospend the best time o# their e istence, bet!een them the open country is a good optiondepending on the !ishes everyone has about the place !here to live. By the !ay, ho!about going on a picnic to the country on &undayH

    As ;= #ree 0uestions here

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    D71; )he /orM1; The !or is a #ormal and dully organi ed activity the people do to produceor to generate some goods or services necessary #or themselves or #or the others. The!or is the most popular activity all the people do everyday on diverse purposes. Lots o#!or s are done to get #ood, to get money, to ma e a house, to #i the house, to !ash theclothes, to clean the house, to help someone, to coo the meals, to teach something, etc.@hen the people have something to do, they #eel %Q and happy, so !or is mostnecessary to eep the people busy and calm. There are very diverse inds o# !or s thepeople do, #or e ample lots o# people !or in the o##ice, other people !or in the repair'shops, other people !or in the stores, others !or in the country, other people !or inhospitals, or maybe in streets as vendors, lots o# madams !or very hard at home, etc.@hen the people #ind themselves "obless, they go into despair, because !hat the people!ant is to !or all the time. @or is the easiest !ay o# getting the things the people !antincluding money. &o, !hen someone !ants to get something, the easiest and mostpractical !ay to getting it is getting a "ob. Lots o# !or s are done on purpose o# ma ingmoney, but other lots o# !or are done on purpose o# getting other goals such ascleanness, #ood, help, attendance, etc. Lots o# madams !or very hard at home, #ore ample, "ust on purpose o# helping their husband and children not being paid any!ay,and they still #eel very satis#ied "ust seeing that their #amily is satis#ied on their !or , beingit their best re!ard. All the humanity no!s that they must produce something to socontribute to their social group, and the best !ay to get it is !or ing. @hen the people gets illed on certain techni0ues, and abilities they get very big re!ards #rom their !or , suchas the politicians, the managers, the businessman, the doctors, the civil engineers, etcObeing it a ind o# a very sophisticated and comple !or they can do. @or is verynecessary, even essential #or the humanity to get !hat they !ant and !hat they need, on a

    ind !ay. &o get busy right a!ay, please. There are lots o# !or !aiting #or, not to get in!or up to your ears later.


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    !ho told me that it !as su##ering #rom a bad'virus attac and that there !as no !ay to giveit a medical treatment. A#ter a day, the veterinarian decided to ill +ugu by a lethal in"ectionnot being any other solution to save it. isiting The &tatue o# Liberty is a

    ind o# trophy #or everyone that gets it, so the best thin every visitor can thin o# is ta inga picture o# themselves !ith the statue on the bac ground to proudly sho! it to their#riends and relatives as a proo# o# that very important visiting event. The &tatue o# Liberty!as made in rance and it is made o# iron and other metals. t !as a present given by the

    rench people to the *nited &tates as a proo# o# #riendship bet!een both countries. Lotsand lots o# photos and pictures ta en #rom the &tatue o# Liberty decorate posters andmurals in almost every city all over the !orld. t is so #amous that "ust by seeing a pictureo# it the people all over the !orld thin o# the most outstanding symbol o# the *nited &tateso# America. The &tatue o# Liberty sho!s a very beauti#ul lady #ace !hich is a nice piece o#decoration !hen being sho!ed in photos or in posters. &o, really recommend that youvisit the &tatue o# Liberty at least once in li#e. :eally

    As ;= #ree 0uestions here

    DD1; About "an3ing1; Dancing is a ind o# art that consists in moving the body to therhythm o# the music. Dancing is a ind o# physical e ercise #or the people too. Dancingmay be lots o# #un provided the people no! ho! to, and it is lots o# #un #or the spectatorseeing the per#orming dancers too, even more i# they are #ine dancers. Dancing is not aneasy art, because it re0uires lots o# practice to learn ho! to #ollo! the rhythm #irst, thensome other movements that is going to ma e everyones art. Dancing a lot and very o#tenis a ind o# therapy #or lots o# stressed people too, so !hen the people is a ind o# bored o# the daily routine going dancing is a great !ay o# rela ing and having lots o# #un. &o,dancing a lot gives a great satis#action to the people every certain time. There are several

    inds o# dance depending on the ethnic #actors. or e ample the :ussian dance, the

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    dancing styles the humanity can en"oy all over the !orld. There are lots o# places !herethe people can go dancing mainly on !ee ends or !hen on vacation such as the danceclubs, discothe0ues, etc. Dancing is not only a physical e ercise but a mind e ercise.@hen the people dance artistically, they develop their intelligence mainly through thecomple dancing movements !hich re0uire a certain cerebral'e##ort !hich develops itscapacities. &o, dancing is advisable #or all the people including the little children, because!hen being boosted into dancing those children are going to develop their intelligence notonly #or dancing, but #or math, physics, and languages. The best !ay into boosting thechildren into dancing is through the e ample. &o, the young parents must dance a lot in#ront o# their children to sho! them that dancing is something normal and a nice activity inli#e. That is !hy the teachers in schools get a time to teach and to have the childrendancing #rom time to time, !hich is one o# the nicest activities to do in schools.

    DP1; )he %uture /orld1; Everybody !onders !hat the human !orld in the #uture !ill beli e. t is understood that the !orld in the #uture !ill be very di##erent as the time passes by,and the science and the technology nonstop development.

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    visiting and learning about #oreign cultures in'situ are called tourists. There are diverseinds o# tourist'attractions all over the !orld such as archaeological sites, natural

    landscapes, museums, historical pla as and places, gastronomic, esoteric, mystic,adventure tourism, etcU depending on every country. There are lots o# tourist'companiessuch as travel agencies that o##er tour pac s to almost every interesting place around the!orld. Those tourist attractions may be historical, natural, social, archaeological,gastronomical, etc. or e ample in Bolivia, the 9he'+uevara route is 0uite a tourist'attraction #or lots and lots o# people around the !orld, !hich is very !ell e ploited bytourist companies in that country. Lots o# apanese, +erman, or English people havecuriosity o# visiting and learning about the 9he'+uevara revolutionary guerrilla activities inBolivia. Tourism is a very important economic activity in many countries being lots o# areas!hich live almost e clusively on that business. Tourism is 0uite and industry in manyplaces, because the people that live there ma e money #rom those activities. There areeven 0uite companies devoted to the tourist'activity such as hotels, travel agencies,transportation companies, restaurants, vacation centers, night'clubs, etc. @hen thetourism in a place reaches international levels, it is a #ar better business #or everybody.@hen the tourists visit a place they spend their money there !hich means income #or thatplace and the people !ho live in it. The tourism activity in the *nited &ates, #or e ample isvery important because almost everybody all around the !orld has the ambition onsometime in li#e visiting its tourist attractions such the &tatue o# Liberty, the modern cities,the huge bridges, the avenues and the high!ays. There are other areas in the !orld thato##er great natural tourist'attractions such as A#rica !ith its "ungle and #abulous animals, or&outh'America !ith its incredible "ungle and really gigantic rivers such as the Ama onriver. %ther areas o##er incredible anti0ue buildings such as the 9hinese @all, or 1; )he +niversity1; The *niversity is a -igh'Top'Level Education nstitution made up o#several speciali ed schools, !here the students can choose a ma"or to study and tomaster. The *niversity is the top level education institution !here the students get achance on becoming someone very important in li#e. Every students top ambition isentering and studying in the university. mportant schools in universities are the la! school,the medicine school, the engineering school, the accountancy school, the administration

    school, the nursing school, the education school, the architecture school, etc. @hen thestudents graduate #rom high school, their #irst ambition is entering the university, butgetting a place in the public university is not any easy as the students have to #ace a verymuch disputed contest as an entering test !hich is going to determine "ust the beststudents being admitted, so the other alternative le#t is the private university provided theapplicants get the money to pay #or the studying #ees and e pense month a#ter month.&tudying in the university is the #irst step to success in li#e #or everyone, and it is a reallynice e perience to live, but it is a pity that "ust a percentage o# the people get that chance.The best thing a student can do is trying to enter the university, because it is the base o#the scienti#ic and technological society development every!here in the !orld. The*niversity is composed by nice classrooms, libraries, o##ices, laboratories, !or 'shops,stores o# every ind, and co##ee'shops so that the students can get everything and everyservice necessary #or their pro#essional 0uali#ication, and development. The main purposeo# the *niversity is ma ing sel#'teaching pro#essionals through the lots and lots o#

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    education activities to be carried out along the study years. @hen a student graduates#rom the *niversity it must be understood that that graduate is sel#'su##icient, !hich meansthat the ne! citi en is not very depending on instructors any longer, but on himsel#. Thereare very #amous and important universities all over the !orld such us the *niversity o#9ali#ornia, % #ord *niversity, &tan#ord, /ale, !hichis essential chec ing be#ore deciding !hat activities to do, and !hat places to visit. Thesummer and the spring'time is the more !anted, and the !inter time is the more hated byall the humanity, #or e ample.

    P81; /hat I did !ast /eeMend1; &pea #antasy hereM Last !ee end !as a very activetime #or me as every !ee end is. got up very early as every &aturday to go to the gym!here e ercised #or one hour, to then ta e a sho!er in hot !ater. A#ter changing intostreet clothes, !ent to the #lea'mar et to have a loo #or some material need as the #leamar et runs only on &aturdays. !al ed around the mar et #or about t!o hours, !here guess got everything need to !or at home all along the ne t !ee . A#ter that, !enthome to !or around the house doing some important and necessary #i ings, as #i ing andrepairing is my hobby on !ee ends. At noon, too the #amily to our #avorite restaurant!here !e had a really big'lunch considering !as really hungry a#ter a so active morning.

    n the a#ternoon, !ent home to rela #or t!o hours seeing a movie to then go shopping #or #ood'supplies to the supermar et !ith my !i#e and children. n the evening, called my#riends on the telephone to go to a bar !here !e had some hard'drin s !hile tal ing andhaving some #un to then go dancing to an e clusive discothe0ue located around. @edanced there #or long hours until early in the morning guess, as my hobby is going

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    dancing on &aturday evenings, to then go home to sleep. slept in on &unday as !ent tobed very late on &aturday. guess slept until ten in the morning to then get up to have abig brea #ast to then ta e the #amily #or a drive around the city to have a loo around, tothen go to a sea#ood restaurant to have really big lunches. n the a#ternoon, !e !ent bachome !here rela ed #or t!o hours seeing some movies on the T>, to then go to do someimportant !or on the computer #or about another t!o hours. n the evening, !e !ent tovisit my parents !ho live #ar #rom us. @e visited them #or about one hour !here !e !eretal ing about nice things to then go home to go to bed early as !e are supposed ande pected to get up early on

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    0uic #or house'!ives, husbands, and !or ers in charge o# doing the shopping. The bigger a store is, the cheaper its products prices are, the diverse its stoc is and the easiershopping there is, so lots o# people pre#er to go shopping to the biggest stores !heneverpossible as the bigger and the more organi ed a store is the more convenient #or itscustomers it is. Every!here the people live or go, they are surely going to #ind a storearound to buy everything they need right a!ay, !ithout having to go #ar a!ay loo ing #oreverything necessary, or having someone to ma e the product they need. There are every

    ind o# stores o##ering the most diverse products or materials such as boo stores,drugstores, clothing stores, hard'!are stores, motor'part stores, ba aars !here the peopleo# all ages and condition can go shopping depending on the ind o# products they !ant tobuy. The modern !orld is #ull o# stores o# all inds every!here and all around the peoplego or live, so that they can get every product they need right at hand and right a!ay very0uic ly and easily, "ust having to pay a really cheap price #or their buying because thebusiness organi ation, and the manu#acturing development in big #actories, and themar eting strategies has additionally dre! the prices so cheap that no other !ay couldpossibly o##er or compete them. The cler s, the storage'men, the pac age'man, and thecashier are very important at a store to give the customer a 0uality service. At presenttime, there are virtual stores that o##er lots o# products on order #rom the distance "ust on atelephone call to be delivered at the customers home !herever and !henever he !antsand decides, and again #or really cheap prices o# course. There are lots o# products thatmaybe sold a!ay virtually through internet such as videos, programs, music, boo s, etcOtoo. &o much #acility #or buying products ma es the humanity #eel really proud andcon#ident on their intelligence and organi ation capacities.


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    the place out o# home. The young people used to meet out o# home a lot, and the samething happened to the adult people. &ince the T> is ept on at every home, the people lostlots o# interest in social, sport, technological, and other inds o# activities, becoming verypassive to so let the actor on T> do every activity #or the people to become "ust spectatorso# li#e, leaving their old roll o# being an actor o# his o!n li#e. Are you planning to go hi ingHDont, much better turn your T> on and !atch us ho! !e do it in your instead, the T>#orecasters say and announce as o##ering a great com#ort. Dont leave home, nor leave thecity on the !ee end, "ust stay home to !atch every activity on choice the T> is going tosho!, the #orecasters recommend. &o as a conclusion the T> immobili ed lots and lots o#people o##ering them to sho! every activity the people !anted to do by themselves, #or avery cheap price and on a very easy !ay.

    P 1; /hat I a# *oing to do Ne t /eeMend1; have a really active plan #or the ne t!ee end, because as !or very hard and #or long hours every !ee day, so being the!ee end my only #ree time to do diverse things out o# !or . am going to ta e my chancesduly organi ing everything to do since the very beginning o# the !ee end that is &aturdaymorning. am