programme 会议日程 · 2016-06-20 · programme 会议日程 2016.06.28 (tuesday星期二)...

PROGRAMME 会议日程 2016.06.28 (Tuesday星期二) 2016.06.29 (Wednesday 星期三) 09:00- 12:00 14:00- 17:00 14:00- 17:00 ICSC Asia Shopping Center Awards Briefing ICSC亚太购物中心大奖讲座 ICSC China Shopping Centers Management Learning Series Ⅲ – Marketing Workshop ICSC中国购物中心管理培训 Ⅲ – 市场营销研习班 Customer Value and Effective Shopping Center Membership System 客户价值及高效购物中心会员系统 (Separate registration fee is required, Chinese language only) (需要另外付费注册, 中文讲课) Amy Xu, Branding Director, Marketing Depart- ment of Commercial Management Center, Joycity Property Co Ltd (Confirmed) 徐蓁,大悦城地产商业管理中心品牌总监 (已确认) Beijing Shopping Center Guided Tour —(IKEA) LIVAT Centre Beijing 北京购物中心考察 —北京(宜家)荟聚中心 Simultaneous interpretation in Mandarin and English is available on 29 June 2016. The above program is for reference only and subject to change without prior notice. 6月29日主会议上提供普通话及英语的同声传译。以上日程如有修改恕不另行通知。 Updated on 更新: 2016.06.15 08:00- 17:00 07:45- 09:15 09:15 11:05 11:30 Conference Registration 参会签到 Introduction by Conference Chairman 会议主持人介绍 Payment Innovation: Be Closer with Customer Wallets 消费创新:与消费者钱包更贴近 The Success Formula of Shopping Center Marketing in the Mobile Digital Age 移动时代购物中心营销必胜之道 Coffee Break and Networking 茶歇及联谊 China Shopping Center Marketing Conference 中国购物中心营销论坛 Females in Real Estate (FIRE) SIG Breakfast Meeting 商业地产女性专业小组早餐会 (Limited complimentary pass for ICSC members registered for Marketing Conference Separate registration is required) (已注册参加营销论坛的ICSC会员免费参会,名额有限需单独注册) (Separate registration fee is required, Chinese language only) (需要另外付费注册,中文讲课) Karen Tam, AGM – Promotion & Marketing, Harbour City Estates Limited (Confirmed) 谭嘉莹,海港城置业有限公司 助理总经理-推广及市场 (已确认) Karen Tam, AGM – Promotion & Marketing, Harbour City Estates Limited (Confirmed) 谭嘉莹,海港城置业有限公司 助理总经理-推广及市场 (已确认) Carrie Liu, Project Director of RHXC, Director of Central, Marketing and CRM, China Xintiandi (Confirmed) 刘梦洁,瑞安房地产瑞虹新城项目总监及中国新天地 市务推广及策略传播总监(已确认) 09:25 Engaging your Customer with Context Marketing 情景营销激发客户互动 Benjamin Wei MD, Mobile, GroupM China (Confirmed) 魏玮 群邑中国移动营销董事总经理 (已确认) Lisa Lee Manager, Marketing Dept,SCPG Retail (Confirmed) 李丽莎 印力集团商业管理公司市场部经理 (已确认) 09:55 10:45 Towards a Genuine O2O Business Model & Big Data Analysis O2O营销的部署构思和大数据在营销的未来方向 Kenny Chien VP, China, Cherrypicks (Confirmed) 钱国强 创奇思中国区副总裁 (已确认) Sullivan Zhou CEO, DataQuest China; Secretary General, Commercial Property Big Data Union (Confirmed) 周长青,中商数据CEO; 中国商业地产大数据联盟秘书长 (已确认) Eric Zhou GM, Planning Dept, Commercial Management Co., Ltd, Redstar Macalline Group. (Confirmed) 周宇珩,红星商业企划部总经理 (已确认) 10:20 From Awareness to Acquisition – the New Thinking of Using Big Data to Increase Customer Footfall 从认知到抓取:大数据导流新思维 Royn Rao, BD Director, WeChat Payment Dept, Tencent (Confirmed) 饶谦,腾讯微信支付联合产品部商务总监(已确认) Karen Zu Marketing VP, Pico VR (Confirmed) 祖昆仑 Pico VR市场部副总裁 (已确认) 11:55 14:00 Panel Discussion: Key Success Factors of Customer-Centric Marketing 讨论会: 消费者为中心营销的成功要素 Grand Opening Case Study: Phase II Shanghai JoyCity 开业推广案例:上海大悦城二期开业 17:00 Closing Remarks 闭幕总结 17:30 Conference Ends 会议结束 Coffee Break and Networking 茶歇及联谊 16:20 16:00 New Trend in Social Marketing 社交营销新趋势 How to Unleash the Power of Net Celebrity Economy 如何释放网红经济的力量 Wilson Wei, Deputy GM, Shanghai JoyCity, Asst. GM, Shanghai Branch, Joy City Property (Confirmed) 危建平,上海大悦城副总经理 大悦城地产上海分公司总经理助理(已确认) Steven Zheng,Member Of Management Committee And Head Of the Brand Promotion Of Shenzhen avic 9 Square Real Estate Management Co, Ltd(Confirmed) 郑有坤,九方资产管理有限公司决策会成员兼品牌推广负责人 (已确认) Panelists 讨论会嘉宾: Herman Chui, General Manager Taikoo Hui(Guangzhou)Development Company Limited (Confirmed) 隋颂伟,太古汇(广州)发展有限公司总经理(已确认) Wilson Wei, Deputy GM, Shanghai JoyCity, Asst. GM, Shanghai Branch, Joy City Property(Confirmed) 危建平,上海大悦城副总经理 大悦城地产上海分公司总经理助理 (已确认) Taylor Zheng, Marketing Director, China World Mall (Confirmed) 郑铁,国贸商城市场总监(已确认) 14:25 ICSC China Awards Winning Case: Thomas’ s 70th Anniversary ICSC 获奖案例分享:托马斯70周年 16:40 15:40 Coffee Break and Networking 茶歇及联谊 12:40 How to Cash-in the Fans Economy 粉丝经济的"变现" Mr Perry (Confirmed) 小P老师 (已确认) 14:55 Opportunities of VR at Shopping Centers 虚拟现实在购物中心的机遇 15:20 Brand new car Sharing, Brand new service of Shopping Center 全新共享出行,打造商业地产新亮点 Richard Yang, Car2Share Business Lead, Business Innovation, Daimler (Confirmed) 杨昱,戴姆勒商业创新 Car2Share业务负责人(已确认) Chen Shen Chairman, Panda iMedia (Confirmed) 申晨 熊猫传媒集团董事长 (已确认) Jennie So, GM, Weibo International, Weibo Internet Technology (China) Co.,Ltd. (Confirmed) 苏珍妮, 微梦创科网络科技(中国)有限公司微博国际 部总经理 (已确认) ICSC China Shopping Center Marketing Conference ICSC 中国购物中心营销论坛 2016.06.28-29 New World Beijing Hotel 北京新世界酒店

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Page 1: PROGRAMME 会议日程 · 2016-06-20 · PROGRAMME 会议日程 2016.06.28 (Tuesday星期二) 2016.06.29 (Wednesday 星期三) 09:00-12:00 14:00-17:00 14:00-17:00 ICSC Asia Shopping

PROGRAMME 会议日程2016.06.28 (Tuesday星期二)

2016.06.29 (Wednesday 星期三)




ICSC Asia Shopping Center Awards BriefingICSC亚太购物中心大奖讲座

ICSC China Shopping Centers Management Learning Series Ⅲ – Marketing WorkshopICSC中国购物中心管理培训 Ⅲ – 市场营销研习班Customer Value and Effective Shopping Center Membership System 客户价值及高效购物中心会员系统

(Separate registration fee is required, Chinese language only) (需要另外付费注册, 中文讲课)

Amy Xu, Branding Director, Marketing Depart-ment of Commercial Management Center, Joycity Property Co Ltd (Confirmed)徐蓁,大悦城地产商业管理中心品牌总监 (已确认)

Beijing Shopping Center Guided Tour—(IKEA) LIVAT Centre Beijing北京购物中心考察 —北京(宜家)荟聚中心

Simultaneous interpretation in Mandarin and English is available on 29 June 2016. The above program is for reference only and subject to change without prior notice.6月29日主会议上提供普通话及英语的同声传译。以上日程如有修改恕不另行通知。Updated on 更新: 2016.06.15






Conference Registration参会签到Introduction by Conference Chairman会议主持人介绍

Payment Innovation: Be Closer with Customer Wallets消费创新:与消费者钱包更贴近

The Success Formula of Shopping Center Marketing in the Mobile Digital Age移动时代购物中心营销必胜之道

Coffee Break and Networking茶歇及联谊

China Shopping Center Marketing Conference中国购物中心营销论坛

Females in Real Estate (FIRE) SIG Breakfast Meeting商业地产女性专业小组早餐会(Limited complimentary pass for ICSC members registered for Marketing Conference Separate registration is required)(已注册参加营销论坛的ICSC会员免费参会,名额有限需单独注册)

(Separate registration fee is required, Chinese language only)(需要另外付费注册,中文讲课)

Karen Tam, AGM – Promotion & Marketing,Harbour City Estates Limited (Confirmed)谭嘉莹,海港城置业有限公司助理总经理-推广及市场 (已确认)

Karen Tam, AGM – Promotion & Marketing,Harbour City Estates Limited (Confirmed)谭嘉莹,海港城置业有限公司助理总经理-推广及市场 (已确认)

Carrie Liu, Project Director of RHXC, Director of Central, Marketing and CRM, China Xintiandi (Confirmed)刘梦洁,瑞安房地产瑞虹新城项目总监及中国新天地市务推广及策略传播总监(已确认)


Engaging your Customer with Context Marketing情景营销激发客户互动

Benjamin WeiMD, Mobile, GroupM China (Confirmed)魏玮群邑中国移动营销董事总经理 (已确认)

Lisa LeeManager, Marketing Dept,SCPG Retail (Confirmed)李丽莎印力集团商业管理公司市场部经理 (已确认)



Towards a Genuine O2O Business Model & Big Data Analysis O2O营销的部署构思和大数据在营销的未来方向

Kenny ChienVP, China, Cherrypicks (Confirmed)钱国强创奇思中国区副总裁 (已确认)

Sullivan ZhouCEO, DataQuest China; Secretary General, Commercial Property Big Data Union (Confirmed)周长青,中商数据CEO; 中国商业地产大数据联盟秘书长(已确认)

Eric ZhouGM, Planning Dept, Commercial Management Co., Ltd, Redstar Macalline Group. (Confirmed)周宇珩,红星商业企划部总经理 (已确认)


From Awareness to Acquisition – the New Thinking of Using Big Data to Increase Customer Footfall从认知到抓取:大数据导流新思维

Royn Rao, BD Director, WeChat Payment Dept, Tencent (Confirmed)饶谦,腾讯微信支付联合产品部商务总监(已确认)

Karen ZuMarketing VP, Pico VR (Confirmed)祖昆仑Pico VR市场部副总裁 (已确认)



Panel Discussion: Key Success Factors ofCustomer-Centric Marketing讨论会: 消费者为中心营销的成功要素

Grand Opening Case Study: Phase II Shanghai JoyCity开业推广案例:上海大悦城二期开业

17:00 Closing Remarks 闭幕总结

17:30 Conference Ends 会议结束

Coffee Break and Networking茶歇及联谊



New Trend in Social Marketing社交营销新趋势

How to Unleash the Power of Net Celebrity Economy如何释放网红经济的力量

Wilson Wei, Deputy GM, Shanghai JoyCity,Asst. GM, Shanghai Branch, Joy City Property (Confirmed)危建平,上海大悦城副总经理大悦城地产上海分公司总经理助理(已确认)Steven Zheng,Member Of Management Committee And Head Of the Brand Promotion Of Shenzhen avic 9 Square Real Estate Management Co, Ltd(Confirmed)郑有坤,九方资产管理有限公司决策会成员兼品牌推广负责人(已确认)

Panelists 讨论会嘉宾:Herman Chui, General Manager Taikoo Hui(Guangzhou)Development Company Limited(Confirmed)隋颂伟,太古汇(广州)发展有限公司总经理(已确认)

Wilson Wei, Deputy GM, Shanghai JoyCity,Asst. GM, Shanghai Branch, Joy City Property(Confirmed)危建平,上海大悦城副总经理大悦城地产上海分公司总经理助理 (已确认)

Taylor Zheng, Marketing Director, China World Mall (Confirmed)郑铁,国贸商城市场总监(已确认)


ICSC China Awards Winning Case: Thomas’s 70th AnniversaryICSC 获奖案例分享:托马斯70周年



Coffee Break and Networking茶歇及联谊


How to Cash-in the Fans Economy粉丝经济的"变现"

Mr Perry (Confirmed)小P老师 (已确认)


Opportunities of VR at Shopping Centers虚拟现实在购物中心的机遇


Brand new car Sharing, Brand new service of Shopping Center全新共享出行,打造商业地产新亮点

Richard Yang, Car2Share Business Lead, Business Innovation, Daimler (Confirmed)杨昱,戴姆勒商业创新 Car2Share业务负责人(已确认)

Chen ShenChairman, Panda iMedia (Confirmed)申晨熊猫传媒集团董事长 (已确认)

Jennie So, GM, Weibo International, Weibo Internet Technology (China) Co.,Ltd. (Confirmed)苏珍妮, 微梦创科网络科技(中国)有限公司微博国际部总经理 (已确认)

ICSC China Shopping CenterMarketing ConferenceICSC 中国购物中心营销论坛2016.06.28-29 New World Beijing Hotel 北京新世界酒店