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  • 8/3/2019 Proiect Conta an II Sem II
















    Accountancy / Taxes Paper

    Cojanu Raluca

    Transilvania University, Economical Sciences,Business Administrastion

    Year II, Group 8881

  • 8/3/2019 Proiect Conta an II Sem II


    CHAPTER 1. Theoretical consideration regarding taxes

    General consideration regarding taxes

    Presentation of direct taxes (short comparison with other countries from E.U.)

    Presentation of indirect taxes

    CHAPTER 2. Company presentation

    2.1 Short history

    2.2 Organizational structure

    2.3 Trading partners

    2.4 Field of activity

    CHAPTER 3. Case study

    3.1 Main accounting operations with taxes at the company and at the end make a trial

    balance (Calculate a minimum of 3 taxes)

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    CHAPTER 1. Theoretical consideration regarding taxes

    General consideration regarding taxes

    From an etymological notion tax is origin from Latin impozitum, which leads to a

    public obligation.

    Defined, generally through its classical functions, the charge is a contribution

    required to provide public service obligations of the state and local activities.

    As a category of financial history, whose appearance and use is linked to the

    existence and state money, which reflects the internal relations of the tax

    system, tax is a form of removal of part of income and / or wealth of individuals

    and legal to meet public needs.

    Tax is a form of removal of part of income and / or assets of individuals

    and businesses to the state to cover public expenditure. This sampling is not

    necessarily on a non-refundable and non contraprestaie directly from the state.

    The tax has the following characteristics: - a binding sampling conducted on

    behalf of public authority, meaning that the payment is due the state imposed on

    all individuals and / or legal persons who derive income from legal sources or

    possess a certain kind of wealth that in accordance with the law due to tax - does

    not require a service or benefit directly and immediately from the authority,

    execution of non-public services state is for the entire human community, namely

    the general interest of society and not one or another, either separately - is a

    sample budget and the final grant.

    Right to establish and levy returns only the state: the - throughout the country -

    and county - at the local political administrative entities, under the sovereignty of

    the state tax.

    By establishing and levying of taxes by the state is made a major redeployment

    of gross domestic product. In this process is the role of taxes on financial,

    economic and social. In the financial plan, the tax is that it represents the main

    instrument or funds to purchase the cash resources necessary to cover stategovernment expenditure. On the economic role of the tax is as a tool for training

    or stimulation of an activity. In the social role of the tax itself through the utility

    by the state as an instrument of redistribution of an important part of GDP

    The direct and indirect taxes

    Direct Taxes

    Real Land Tax

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    Tax on buildings

    Tax on industrial activities

    Tax on commercial activities and free professions

    Tax on wealth


    Tax on inheritance

    tax donation

    tax soul (capitation)

    Tax on items of consumption

    Indirect taxes

    Fees consumption (excise)

    In the luxury goods

    On the other goods

    Tax on turnover

    fiscal monopolies

    The production

    On sale

    The production and sale

    Customs duties

    The import

    For Export

    The transit

    Other charges

    The stamp


    On the circulation of property

    Other duties

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    Presentation of direct taxes (short comparison with other

    countries from E.U.)

    1. Features direct taxes

    "Direct Taxes is the oldest form of taxation."

    Direct taxes have a characteristic that is fixed in nominal load of natural or

    legal person, depending on their income or assets, the tax rates specified in law.

    They are charged directly to the subject at some tax before set deadlines. For

    these taxes, and subject tax payers, are intent legislature, one and the same

    person, although in practice, sometimes they do not coincide.

    We appreciate that direct taxes shall have the following advantages:

    - a secure income for the state, known in advance, which may be

    based on certain time intervals;

    - meet goal of tax justice, because they are exempt minimum income

    necessary to subsist and that take account of family tasks,

    - are easily calculated and perceived.

    Direct taxes have the following disadvantages:

    - there are delightful payers, it is considered that it would not be

    productive, whereas the lead Member would not have interest to

    become unpopular by the size of these taxes,

    - could lead to abuses in the settlement and collection of taxes.

    Direct taxes can be real and personal.

    Real Taxes (object) are referred to objects, goods, various items of

    property taxpayers, without concerning to watch these many persons paying for

    the situation and their family. Therefore, taxes are the real abstraction of the

    person possessing, using good, considering the good income producer. For these

    reasons, actual taxes creates state fiscal unequalities. So a pile of debt owner

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    pays the same taxes and free of any pregnancy. It notes that two taxpayers,

    contribute to the unequal pay of a equal tax.

    The most widespread real taxes were internationally imposing on land,

    buildings, various agricultural activities such as movement of capital and cash.

    In the last century, when land was the main form of wealth and the most

    important means of production in several countries of Europe was established the

    land tax (on land). Initially, the amount of land tax payable is calculated on the

    basis of land area, it is the simplest method, which has long practiced in different


    Land tax was calculated by the amount of productive land, measured in

    terms of average number of years.

    In modern law, land tax is determined by the average yield, simple

    method of calculation and is tax stimulating manufacturer.

    Progress in the settlement and collection of land tax was the introduction

    of cadastre. Cadastre is the land inventory and description of each locality,

    switching them into a book, specifying the ground surface, the value of each

    parcel of land together with the revenue realized from the land in question,

    based on cadastre to calculate land tax. Cadastre is actually marital land.

    Cadastre has been used not only for tax finance, but also called for other land


    Personal taxes. Personal taxes of direct individual taxpayer who is

    required, or the total income of its various sources of income are grouped into

    classes, taking into account liabilities and duties of his family. It is assumed thatpersonal taxes are to distinguish between what the person charged and what the

    payment is subject to evaluate.

    Oldest capitation tax was established on the head in a fixed amount. A

    second form of personal tax was a tax class, which occurs over time when there

    is a greater contrast between village life and city life. During concentration of

    trades in the city, where trade is growing, establish classes of tax revenue. The

    most improved tax is personal income tax.

    Forms of the personal taxes are taxes on income and wealth taxes.

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    Pulse is actually income that you get from an economic activity to a period

    of time, the pulse of economic assets is expressed in money and the power

    contribution of the tax payer.

    Taxes on income were established during periods in which there was asufficient differentiation of income made by various social categories.

    Income tax was established to differentiate the individuals and the legal.

    2. Profit Tax

    Due to the economic reorganization of our country as by self, business,

    etc.. Was necessary to adopt appropriate fiscal and financial instruments through

    which the state budget revenues made.

    This system of taxation has been determined that from the profits

    obtained by operators in different fields, they should pay a different tax.

    To avoid this situation, since 1991 has created a uniform legal framework

    to ensure equitable participation in the formation of economic income in relation

    to the size of profits obtained by establishing the tax.

    Profit tax is paid on the state budget or local budgets, as appropriate by:

    - Romanian legal persons, for the taxable profit obtained from any source, both

    from Romania and abroad;

    - Foreign legal persons carrying out activities through a permanent establishment

    in Romania, for the taxable profit related to that permanent establishment;

    - Legal and foreign individuals operating in Romania as a partner in acombination that does not give rise to a legal person, all income derived from

    work carried out in Romania;

    - Legal and physical Romanian revenue from a combination of them which does

    not give rise to a legal person. In this case, the tax payable by individuals is

    calculated shall be retained and paid by the legal person.

    Rates of tax are proportionate and differentiated. Thus economic share

    is 38%. Taxable profit of a foreign legal person achieved through a permanent

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    establishment in Romania are taxed at a rate of additional tax on the profits of


    For taxpayers who performed annually at least 80% of income from

    agriculture, the rate of tax is 25%.

    Payers who get income in the area of authorized gambling, including bars

    and clubs on a night, pay an additional tax rate of 22% if the share of revenue

    from these activities exceed 50% of total revenue.

    National Bank of Romania shall pay a tax calculated by applying a rate of

    80% on revenue remaining after subtracting deductible expenses and power

    reserve fund.

    Are exempt from paying taxes on profit organizations the blind and

    disabled persons, associations of disabled people and their economic units,

    associations and charities.

    Are also exempt from tax the production and use of products and objects

    of worship necessary work carried out by units belonging to religious cults.

    Taxpayers who have a number of over 250 employees and have created

    jobs protected, especially organized and at least 3% are considered persons with

    disabilities in terms of their physical ability and intellectual benefits of reducing

    corporation tax in proportion to share of those employees in total employees.

    Is exempt from tax on foreign profits as follows:

    - Investment in industry, agriculture and construction for a period of

    5 years from the beginning productive work;

    - Investments made in exploration and exploitation of naturalresources, communications and transport, for a period of 3 years

    from the beginning of that activity;

    - Investments made in trade, tourism, banking and insurance, and

    other services for a period of 2 years from the date of

    commencement of activity.

    After the ending of the periods above are granted discounts to pay tax as


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    - 50% of the related tax profit used to set up unit in Romania for the

    enlargement and modernization of technical materials,

    manufacturing technologies and business expansion, to obtain

    additional profits, and investments intended to protect the


    - 25% if it meets at least one of the following conditions:

    Shall import a minimum of 50% of raw materials, energy,


    Exported at least 50% of products and services performed;

    It uses over 10% of costs for the research and developmentof new technologies in Romania for information and training;

    It creates at least 50 new jobs through a new investment or

    development of existing investments;

    3. Tax on dividends

    The tax rate is calculated by 10% and take the state budget.

    Companies owned or majority state determines taxable dividends net

    profit remaining after payment of tax, of parts of the fund for the participation of

    employees to profit at the rate of up to 10% and a fund for development

    modernization, technology, growth in the proportion of sources up to 50%.

    Companies are required to correctly calculate and remit to the state tax

    on dividends when the actual payment of dividends to shareholders or members

    of society.

    The delay in paying taxes is punished with an increase of 0.3% for each

    day of delay but not more than the tax due.

    4. Local taxes

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    Local taxes are revenue budgets owned by administrative-territorial

    units and are used to finance such expenditure budgets.

    Tax on buildings. Pay this tax and other taxes local individuals, legal

    persons, family associations, agricultural associations, economic units of legalpersons, and those of political and public organizations, public institutions,

    foundations, etc.., Religious establishments, subsidiaries , branches and

    representatives authorized to operate in Romania, which are natural persons and

    foreign legal and similar.

    This tax is paid annually by individuals and legal entities, owners of

    buildings, regardless of where they are located and what its destination is given.

    In calculating the tax shall have regard to both buildings are in service and

    those who are in reserve or conservation.

    It also require buildings placed in service, even if they have been fully

    amortized, in this case the tax is calculated on the basis of the value that was

    entered into evidence.

    New buildings, acquired during the year, in whatever form is required from

    the first month following that in which they were acquired. In such cases, the tax

    is calculated on the new name of the taxpayer in proportion to the time perioduntil the end of the year.

    Rates of tax are proportional differentiated categories of payers and

    destination buildings. Thus, for individuals share is 1% for other payers by 1.5%.

    All the rate of 1.5% and required the buildings to individuals in locations that are

    registered by companies or other economic activities.

    In the case of taxpayers, taxes are calculated by the local tax on the tax

    declaration by the owner of the building. Others paying their own taxes

    calculated on the basis of tax declaration, which is submitted to the territorial

    fiscal and verified by them.

    Annual tax is paid quarterly in installments equal to 15 months including

    the last quarter.

    From tax is granted some facilities. Such are exempt from tax public

    buildings, except those used for other purposes, buildings are considered

    historical monuments, architecture and archeology, museums and memorial

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    houses, except those areas used for other purposes; buildings in the destination

    places of worship belonging to religious organizations recognized by law. Also

    exempt are buildings and disabled war veterans.

    Buildings or parts of buildings demolished, destroyed and sent to theproperty management or other taxpayer for the year, subtracting the tax from

    the date of the first month following that in which were these changes.

    Failure to pay tax on time is punished with the first increase of 0.3% for

    each day of delay which apply over the delay in payment.

    If tax has not been charged and was paid or undervalued, it can

    recalculate retroactively for two years from the date of.

    5. Tax on land

    The tax is paid by individuals, legal persons, family associations, agricultural

    associations, economic units of legal persons, and those of political and public

    organizations, public institutions, foundations, religious establishments,

    subsidiaries, branches authorized to operate in the territory Romania, belonging

    to individuals and foreign legal entities that hold ownership of land area located

    in towns, cities and communes.

    Under the settlements, land classification areas are made by local councils,

    depending on the position of land from the villages of the area, proximity or

    remoteness from the ways of communication, and other factors specific to each


    Taxpayers who acquire ownership of state-owned land previously taken in

    the administration or use tax, due on the land since the first month following that

    in which the change occurred.

    Land tax is payable annually and quarterly in equal installments, by 15

    including the last month of each quarter.

    This tax does not apply to land tax to be paid for using state-owned land

    for purposes other than agricultural production and forestry.

    6. Tax on vehicles

    This fee is paid by individuals and legal persons of Romania and foreign

    companies who have vehicles with traction and mechanical means of

    transportation on water.

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    Tax on vehicles with mechanical traction is determined depending on the

    engine cylinder capacity for each 500 cm and tensile capacity of below 500 cm

    (cars, buses, motorcycles, vans, motorcycles, road, etc.).. For trailers, caravans

    and semitrailers, fees are determined based on the tonnage transported and

    represent 50% of the tax vehicle that carries them. Tax on means of transport on

    water shall be determined annually in the amount varied types of vehicles such

    as boat, no motor boats used for recreational and personal use, no motor boats

    used for other purposes; motor boats; jokes and floating bridges, boat, yachts,

    boats, etc.. Tax on means of transport is determined by the radius of the

    territorial tax payers who have their domicile or headquarters, as appropriate,

    based on tax declaration.

    The fee is paid quarterly in equal installments, by 15 including last month

    of each quarter. For means of transport acquired during the year, the fee payable

    shall be divided in equal amounts, payment periods remaining until the end.

    Legal entities and foreign individuals, seeking temporary registration of vehicles

    are obliged to pay the tax due date to take into evidence by the tax.

    Tax on vehicles is due since the first month in which they were acquired,

    and if the transfer or deletion of records of the police or the captains of ports,

    where appropriate, the fee is given to decrease since First of the month in whichto come up one of these situations.

    Cars, motorcycles with sidecar and motor tricycles which are disabled and are

    adapted to their disability are exempt from tax.

    Public institutions and legal persons whose activity profile passenger

    share the settlements are exempt from this fee. Benefit of this exemption and

    the transport of passengers from outside the villages up to a certain distance, if

    practiced in the rates established transport.

    They are also exempt from tax the boats used by locals in the Danube

    Delta and the Big Island of Braila for transport use.

    Presentation of indirect taxes

    1. Features of indirect taxes

    Another important source of state revenue is represented by indirect

    taxes (on consumption and expenditure).

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    Indirect taxes are obtained from the sale of certain consumer goods

    and personal services, by adding the tax rate to the prices of goods and services

    charges. These taxes are levied on all persons buying products encumbered

    indirect tax, regardless of income, property or the personal situation of the

    persons concerned that they appear to be borne equally by all social categories.

    Indirect taxes are set proportional quotas in the price of goods subject

    to sales and services or a fixed amount per unit of measure of goods. Thereby,

    creating the false impression that indirect taxes would be largely borne equally

    by all social categories and that therefore the tax burden would be assigned in a

    balanced manner. In reality, the allocation of indirect taxes on taxable items is

    not made based on income, but depending on the personal consumption of each

    member of society. Given the size discrepancy between revenue and expenditure

    of different groups of population is found that indirect taxes have a regressive

    character pronounced. If the person obtains a lower income, it is poor, so the tax

    indirectly supports a relatively increase. Indirect taxes are to be remitted to the

    state budget, usually by the industrialists, traders, but are borne by consumers,

    as reflected in the price of goods. Both direct taxes and indirect lead to lower

    living standards of citizens, but by different routes, direct taxes have the effect of

    lowering the nominal incomes of the population while indirect taxes diminishing

    real income, reducing the purchasing power of citizens.

    While direct taxes are known by payers, indirect taxes are unknown by the

    citizens regarding their increase, they are camouflaged in prices without the

    payer to give out to observe, to feel that they pay indirect taxes.

    Indirect taxes can be found in many forms. The following may be the

    main indirect taxes.

    2.Value added tax

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    Value added tax is virtually a new indirect tax worldwide, originally

    adopted in France at the initiative of M. Laure, 1954. The proposal in the

    Financial Community, value added tax was adopted on 1 January 1970 by all the

    market, replacing taxes on goods movement that leads to the imposition of the


    Value added tax is an indirect tax on consumption of a general nature that

    apply once to the products, whether consumer goods or means of production,

    and to execution of works and services.

    Value added tax applies only on the difference between the selling price and the

    purchase price, only on what is called value added by each public participate in

    the production and movement of goods.

    Value added tax is a tax on net turnover, a tax collected multistage on sales

    during the production, in trade and on imports.

    Value added tax can be calculated by applying the proportionate share in the

    following way:

    a) The value added in each stage you browse merchandise from producer to


    b) The selling price of the state concerned in achieving this kind of tax on thesale price of the previous stage.

    Value added tax applicable on sale price of goods or works carried out tariffs and

    services. To calculate the tax is determined from the total volume of sales, or

    services, i.e. turnover per month, quarter, etc... On which tax rate applies.

    Value added tax has the following characteristics: it is a general indirect tax, a

    tax neutral towards prices, unique, but with payment split. Value added tax is

    characterized by transparency, meaning that allows each citizen or employer to

    know exactly what the size of the tax is. This tax is characterized by uniqueness,

    i.e. regardless of the circuit that it produces the raw material to finished product,

    respectively, on how to go public until it obtains a certain commodity, and the fee

    is the same size, which means that only depends on size of the circuit that avoids

    overlapping taxation. Another characteristic feature of value added tax is that its

    application is only in the country where the product is consumed. Also value

    added tax has the following advantages: creating equal conditions of

    competition, prices spheres together with the production of consumption creates

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    conditions for the participation of national economies to processes of economic

    integration through the common mechanism of taxation.

    Value added tax applicable on payment systems and on those treated as such,

    conducted by an independent manner by natural and legal persons such as:

    -Supply of movable property and services made in the exercise of

    professional activity;

    -Transfer of ownership of real estate Companys public, and between

    them and public institutions or individuals;

    -Imports of goods and services.

    Public undertakings are required to calculate value added tax

    from the date of delivery of movables, transfer of property and real estate

    services. It treats the supply of goods and services following operations:

    - Sale-pay rate or rental of goods under a contract clause with the

    transition of ownership of such goods after the last payment rate at some time;

    - Processing by the public of manufactured or purchased by it for use in

    any form for personal or to be made available to other persons or bodies in

    charge, except those which fall within the limits set for made donations for

    humanitarian purposes and to support social, cultural, sporting and protocol

    expenses, advertising and publicity;

    -Providing the operators of free services for other natural or legal persons,

    except as provided above;

    -The use by the public for its own activity, of goods or services made in

    their establishments, except those that were built directly into the goods orservices subject to value added tax.

    In case of transfer of ownership of property by two or more people, through

    several transactions, each transaction is considered a separate delivery is taxed

    separately, even if the property is transferred directly to the final beneficiary.

    Not applicable value added tax on operations of goods and services

    resulting from authorized activities carried out by:

    - Associations non-profit activities with social and philanthropic;

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    - Organizations-self kind of religious, political or civil

    - Union organizations, for activities related to collective defense of

    the moral and material interests of their members;

    - Public institutions for their social, administrative, educational

    defense, public order, State security, cultural and sporting activities.

    These kinds of legal persons shall pay value added tax for operations

    conducted in a systematic way, directly or through subordinate units to achieve


    The meaning of taxable goods or services, excluding value added tax.

    Prices negotiated between seller and buyer, and taking into account other

    expenses payable by the buyer of goods which was never included in the price.

    These prices include excise laws;

    - Negotiated rates for services;

    - Amounts resulting from the application rate or amount of

    commission due to the transactions between partners


    - Market prices or, failing that, the costs of goods produced by the

    operators for their own use or given different forms to employees or

    other persons;

    - The customs value determined under the law, plus customs duty,

    excise and other taxes due on goods and services imported;

    - Market prices or, failing that, costs of services for own use by the

    public free of charge or for other legal or natural persons;

    - Prices from sales made or customs warehouses established by


    - The price of tickets to participate in forms of lottery, forecasts,

    gambling gambling, etc..

    Does not include in the tax base:

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    commissions and other price reductions granted by the

    supplier as direct purchaser;

    Amounts received by way of penalty for failure of all or part of

    their contractual obligations;

    The interest charged on late payments.

    In applying value added tax using some rules of taxation, namely:

    Certain transactions are taxable mandatory; they shall apply to the rate law. For

    these operations, the fee is calculated on the amounts obtained from sales of

    goods or services at each stage of the circuit of selling goods or services at each

    stage of the economic circuit, up to including the final consumer. Fee amounts

    billed properly representing the value of goods or services tax is deducted for

    goods and services purchased or produced at the completion of operations for its


    In other operations shall apply the so-called zero rate.

    Value added tax is a tax which presents some disadvantages related to the

    large number of transaction accounts on its administration (calculate, record,

    control how the correctness of determination and payment, etc...) Require a large

    volume of work, staff more so and is a regressive, and taxes on the movement of

    goods, compared to income population.

    3. Duty

    Excise duty is a form of consumption taxes (an indirect tax) very

    widespread in the economic market in the selling price of the goods, or products

    and completed (sold) in the country, appreciated that there are strict necessity in

    the population.

    Public purchasing of individual producers for marketing those products,

    are required to calculate the flow and the state budget for duty.

    Duty prior to value added tax is calculated by applying percentage rates

    or fixed amounts of base tax. Calculus excise is made by multiplying the price of

    goods excluding excise duty (manufacturing cost plus profit) to share the duty.

    Basically, this method of calculating the excise duty is to eliminate double


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    The duty is due to: the date of customs clearance for importers, date of

    purchase of goods for public purchasers, the date of the sale of goods for goods

    entering the country by individuals not registered as public, but marketed by the


    4. Duties

    Customs duties are the amounts to be levied by the customs for import, export

    and transit of goods. Duties by the state can protect the national economy.

    Import duties are the most common and are designed to replenish the

    state budget revenues, to limit to a certain extent, imports of goods and thus to

    decrease the possibility that indigenous goods to be completed by aliens.

    Sometimes these fees are a real pike that does not allow foreign goods entering

    the country. Some other Member States grant special advantages with regard to

    foreign trade, up to and import duties preferential lower for goods imported from

    those countries.

    Import duties have been put to use fully the advantages of participating in

    international division of labor in the economic growth potential, technical and

    scientific and the country in order to use a wider economic and financial tools to

    refine the business of foreign trade and economic cooperation and technical-


    The import duty is differentiated depending on whether the imported

    goods: facilities, equipment, machinery, raw materials, luxury goods, consumer


    Export customs duties applicable to finished products, from raw materialsor semi.

    The duties may be specific to apply is calculated and charged on the

    natural units of measurement (weight-tons, pieces, boxes, etc.., Volume,

    capacity, etc..) Ad valorem, which shall be established and charged on the

    customs the goods, the protectionist role in the creation of customs barriers on

    some goods, which would compete indigenous products; prohibitive set

    excessively high by the state for goods to be imported in order to encourage

    production, being a means to fight competition;

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    Transit duties are levied on goods passing through a country. These fees

    are used because the aim of developing transit of goods obtained in foreign

    currency receipts.

    The duties apply to the customs as a share of the price of imported goods.Customs value is made up of import prices, French-Romanian border, turned into

    legal norms according to Lei.

    Import duties shall not apply to goods imported from countries with which

    trade is carried out under international agreements and protocols, without

    customs duties.

    From customs duties are exempt the following categories of goods:

    evidence for Experiments and materials, books and other printed matter;

    impressions sound and film, objects of cultural and teaching received on the

    basis of agreements with foreign partners; goods from testamentary succession

    or aid social, cultural, humanitarian, etc..

    VAT is, after 1.01.2000, the most important source of revenue to the state

    budget. In terms of the tax payers for most, the obligation to pay the highest

    weight, both in terms of payment obligations, as well as in terms of

    implementation complexity.

    The coverage of the VAT has become more extensive, both in terms of

    operations, as well as in terms of contribuabililor.Este known fact that most of

    them register as VAT payer since the beginning of activity of several

    considerations of which the most important is that platitorii are disadvantaged by

    the VAT to pay this obligation in the event that supplies from natural or legal

    persons non-VAT.

    Regarding the application of VAT, both as taxpayers and the control face many

    problems, most difficult to solve. Many provisions, sometimes modified to a two-

    days, which contain numerous and unclear interpretation and application, is a

    difficult problem both for taxpayers and for the control. Actually reached in

    situations in which neither the best specialists in the field can not correctly

    interpret and apply the laws in force at a certain date, inrt a particular month or

    during particular periods more distant past.

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    From republishing his MO 288/12.12.1995, GO 3 / 1992 on VAT has been

    changed till 1.01.2000 20 times, by different laws, ordinances and governmental

    decisions. Besides these acts with the force of law, were issued 14 other laws,

    ordinances and governmental decisions that have brought numerous and very

    important line regulations on VAT, but without modifying GO 3 / 1992. If these 24

    laws, ordinances and governmental decisions added tens of methodological

    standards, specifications, instructions, single data solutions in applying the

    various provisions of the VAT on the line can be found, easily, that may be

    difficult to speak of the interpretation correct an article in the GO 3 / 1992.

    Analysis of the state budget law for the past nine years shows an increase in

    excise taxes total indirect, and total incomes in taxes. This increase is datoreza

    extend the scope of this tax indirectly, to products considered luxury (crystal

    items, jewelry, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products) up to mineral and aerated

    waters containing sugar or flavored substances. Simultaneously, an increase was

    recorded allowance impunereaplicate on these types of products most affected

    are the fuel, cars, electronic equipment and registration.

    Increase in excise duty is close connection with the consumption of certain

    categories of goods. This indicates that in periods of economic avint with high

    demand and comsumului excise duties will have a high tax efficiency.Corresponding to that principle, in periods of economic crisis production and

    consumption will register a concurrent and complementary involution, which will

    lead to reduced incomes based on tax rates.

    The duty can be rightly considered a pirghie economic frinare consumption

    of certain goods considered luxuries (alcohol, tobacco, furs, cars).

    Increasing fuel duty to determine the increase of transport costs-

    aprovizionarepentru all categories of goods or service charges. In particular, once

    we increase the price per unit of fuel, increasing the cost of strict necessity goods

    (bread, milk, medicines), electricity, transport collectively. Therefore one can

    appreciate that the uncontrolled growth of excise duty to certain categories of

    products can generate lower levels of living of the population.

    Excise taxes that affect consumption in the first row trader importing,

    because it may hold an important category of financial resources when

    introducing goods into the country.

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    According to legal regulations in force, traders importers are obliged to pay on

    importation, when drawing up the customs declaration, customs duties, the

    commission customs, excise and VAT on them. Without paying these fees, the

    economic importatot can not enter into possession of the goods at customs. In

    the absence of available financial trader is required, also to pay fees during

    storage warehousing such goods. Thus, with both goods will station a long time in

    customs, so the fees payable will be higher, all influence the price of the final

    product on the market.

    Subsequently, as the trader importer selling those products and the

    possibility to recover the amounts invested for that purpose to purchase such

    goods. Often, however, is the recovery of amounts over time, the depreciation of

    money is intense. This is the explanation for which, often, the final consumer can

    buy at a lower price the same product from a retailer, wholesaler product that

    has in storage at a price much higher. This apparently paradoxical for a market

    economy, adversely affect the developer individually trigger favoring state of

    incapacity to pay and ultimately bankrupt enterprise commerce.

    Often the tendency is for the legislature frina the import of certain goods,

    justified by market saturation from these products or in order to protect the

    products of the same kind of domestic.

    Increased prices for consumer goods affects of the financial and budget of every

    buyer who will make decisions more stringent with regard to purchase such

    goods subject to excise duty. General tendency is to reduce the level of living of

    the population and increased general discontent, with implications for social and

    demographic. Population migration to other areas is due first of all, lack of

    consumer products or inaccesibilitatii for the vast majority of the population.

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    CHAPTER 2. Company presentation

    2.1 Short history

    The Company Drink for pleasure SRL from Arges, was constituted in the

    year 1990, being registered at the Trade Register Arges, under the number

    J30/1230/1990. Since its beginning it was declared like a commercial company,

    payable of VAT, having the Registration Number 19169659.

    The principal field of activity is alcoholic drinks selling, en-gross and en-detail.

    The level and the structure of this company had an ascending evolution on theperiod of its functioning.

    The company borne from the necessity of population of county Arges, to have its

    own supplier of alcohol, as in that time was very difficult to find and procure


    2.2 Organizational structure

    The organizational and functional structure of the company is like follows:

    - 2 Directors

    - 2 Sales person

    - 1 Accountant

    - 1 Responsible with salaries

    - 2 Drivers

    - 1 Secretary

    - 1 billing operator

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    The Organigram looks like follows:

    2.3 Trading partners

    As trading partners we have the following:

    Suppliers As suppliers we recognize the producers of alcoholic drink such as

    Metaxxa, Jack Daniels, Ballantines, Campari and others.

    Partners are the small boutiques, shops, who buy the drinks in en-gross

    mode from our company and also the clubs and the bars having like purpose

    the selling of drinking

    Clients Natural persons who are acquiring the drinks for personal purpose


    2.4 Field of activity










    E WITH








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    The main field of activity of the company, is the selling en-gross and en-detail,

    alcoholic drinks, the activity of this company registering in this domain, 90%

    from the turnover annually.

    The supply with the respective goods mandatory in fulfilling the field of activity,

    is made on the basis of contracts with manufacturers and importers of suchgoods, contracts concluded in most cases over more than a year, for which

    society benefits from the features embodied in the financial discounts distribution

    and development of commercial network, and depending on market opportunities

    for sales.

    CHAPTER 3. Case study

    3.1 Main accounting operations with taxes at the company

    and at the end make a trial balance (Calculate aminimum of 3 taxes)

    Main accounting operations:

    1. In 03.07.2009 the company acquires goods and packaging with the invoice no

    1099122 from SC Medasimpex SRL in value of 5900,00 lei and VAT 19%

    % = 401 5900,00 lei

    371 3240,00 lei

    381 1900,00 lei

    4426 760,00

    2. In 05.07.2009 it moves on en-detail good in value of 1230,00 and VAT 19%

    371.1 = % 1230,00 lei

    371 17,20 lei

    378 196,38 lei

    3. In 07.07.2009 its registered the invoice no. 0352647 from SC Mobile

    Distribution SRL for the phone services in value of 320,00 lei and VAT 19%

    % = 401 320,00 lei

    626 269,00 lei

    4426 51,00 lei

    4.In 11.07.2009 it supplies the consumables (office) with the invoice no 0185078 from

    SC Simba Invest SRL in value of 540,00 and VAT 19%

    % = 401 540,00 lei

    3028 453,78 lei

    4426 86,22 lei

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    5.In 12.07.2009 are given in the consumption consumables purchased by the invoice

    no 0185078 .

    6028 = 3028 453,78 lei

    6.In 12.07.2009 it is bought a technological installation in value of 720,00 lei and

    VAT 19% with the invoice no. 021743 from SC Ramses SRL% = 404 720,00 lei

    2131 604,04 lei

    4426 114,96 lei

    7.It is estimated that the costs of dismantling and decommissioning technology to end

    the useful life will be 180.00 lei and under IAS 16 "Intangible assets" constitute the


    2131 = 1513 180,00 lei

    8.On 13.07.2009 is paid by cashier supplier invoice no. 0185078, with the receipt0888453 in value of 540.00 lei

    401 = 5311 540,00 lei

    9.On 17.07.2009 is recorded management retail sale of merchandise and receiving

    cash in the fiscal receipt and deposit the cashier with money No 4572 in the amount of

    1200.00 lei

    * Registration money: 5311 = % 1200,00 lei

    707.1 1008,40 lei

    4427 191,60 lei

    * Registration by download management of retail goods sold:

    % = 371.1 1200,00 lei

    607.1 935,98 lei

    378 72,42 lei

    4428 191,60 lei

    10.In 15.07.2009 sells to a customer goods from acquisition with the invoice no

    1216851 in value of 978,00 lei and VAT 19%:

    4111 = % 978,00 lei

    707 821,85 lei

    4427 156,15 lei

    11. In 31.07.2009 is discharghed the management of goods sold:

    607 = 371 821,85 lei

    12.On 17.07.2009 is cashed by the cashier the value of the invoice no 1216851 with

    the receipt no. 481901

    5311 = 4111 978,00 lei

    13.On 18.07.2009 is issued the invoice no 1216879 representing the rent for the monthJune 2009 under the lease contract no 1/2006 in value of 1800,00 lei and VAT 19%

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    4111 = % 1800,00 lei

    706 1512,61 lei

    4427 287,39 lei

    14.In 19.07.2009 is cashed by the bank account available the value of the debt of the

    customers in value of 1420,00 lei:

    5121 = 4111 1420,00 lei

    15.On 19.07.2009 is issued the invoice no 1216881 meaning provisioning services in

    value of 1000,00 lei, and VAT 19 %:

    4111 = % 1000,00 lei

    704 840,34 lei

    4427 159,66 lei

    16.On 20.07.2009 is registered the deposit amount of 5250,00 lei in the current

    account from bank with the payment sheet No. 410:

    581 = 5311 5250,00 lei

    5121 = 581 5250,00 lei

    17.It collects in the bank account the value of the invoices 1216879 and 1216881 :

    5121 = 4111 2800,00 lei

    18.On 20.07.2009 are paid in the employees accounts the net salaries in value of

    12.432,00 lei:

    421 = 5121 12.432,00 lei

    19.In 20.07.2009 are paid through cashier net salaries in value of 2314,00 lei:

    421 = 5311 2314,00 lei

    20.On 23.07.2009 is engaging in the sale of a building with a book value of

    100,000.00 lei with a useful life of 100 years, and actual duration of 60 years. Selling price

    including VAT is 11,900.00 lei, VAT 19%, and the amortization method used is linear


    461 = % 11.900,00 lei

    7583 10.000,00 lei4427 1900,00 lei

    % = 212 100.000,00 lei

    2812 60.000,00 lei

    6583 40.000,00 lei

    21.On 25.07.2009 are made platile payments owed to the state budget through your


    *contribution of company at social insurance 4311 = 5121 3828,00 lei

    * Employee social security contribution 4312 = 5121 1863.00 lei

    *Employer contribution to health at social security 4313 = 5121 1080.00 lei

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    *Employee contribution to health at social security 4314 = 5121 1254.00 lei

    * Company Contribution to the Unemployment Fund Price 4371 = 5121 196.00 lei

    * Employee Contribution to the Unemployment Fund Price 104.00 lei 4372 = 5121

    * Income taxes 441 = 5121 2947.62 lei

    * VAT to pay 4423 = 5121 476.00 lei

    * Wage tax 444 = 5121 1665.00 lei

    * contribution Price at risk and accid fund 4471 = 5121 108.00 lei

    * Fee ITM 4472 = 5121 221.00 lei

    * Contribution of unit for medical wares 167.00 lei 4473 = 5121

    * Contribution to the Guarantee Fund 4474 = 5121 49.00 RON

    22.On 31.07.2009 is registered the spending on wages of staff:

    641 = 421 19632,00 lei

    23.On 31.07.2009 is paid the bank fees due of 281,00 lei

    627 = 5121 281,00 lei

    24.On 31.07.2009 are registered the following cuts from salaries:

    *Employee contribution at social insurance (10,5%) 421 = 4312 1863,00 lei

    * Employee contribution at health social insurance (5,5%) 421 = 4314 1254,00 lei

    *Employee Contribution at Unemployment Fund (0,5%) 421 = 4372 104,00 lei

    *Wage Tax(16%) 421 = 444 1665,00 lei

    25.On 31.07.2009 is registered the employee contribution at social insurance (20,8%)

    6451 = 4311 3828,00 lei

    26.On 31.07.2009 is registered the employee contribution at health social insurance


    6453 = 4313 1080,00 lei

    27.On 31.07.2009 is registered the employee Contribution at Unemployment Fund


    6452 = 4371 196,00 lei

    28.On 31.07.2009 is registered the employer contribution at risk and accid fund


    635 = 4471 108,00 lei

    29.On 31.07.2009 is registered the employer contribution for sick leaves (0,85%)

    635 = 4473 167,00 lei

    30. On 31.07.2009 is registered the ITM commission (0,75%)

    635 = 4472 147,00 lei

    31.On 31.07.2009 is registered a wage guarantee fund (0,25%)

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    635 = 4474 49,00 lei

    32.On 25.07.2009 is registered the closing account of VAT

    4427 = % 2794,80 lei

    4426 1012,18 lei

    4426 1682,62 lei

    33.On 31.07.2009 are closed the accounts of expenditure:

    121 = % 68.054,83 lei

    626 269,00 lei

    6028 453,78 lei

    607.1 935,98 lei

    607 821,85 lei

    6583 40.000,00 lei

    641 19.632,00 lei

    627 281,00 lei

    6451 3828,00 lei

    6453 1080,00 lei

    6452 196,00 lei

    635 471,00 lei

    34.On 31.07.2009 are closed the revenue accounts:

    % = 121 14.183,20 lei

    707.1 1008,40 lei

    707 821,85 lei

    706 1512,61 lei

    704 840,34 lei

    7583 10.000,00 lei

    Se calculeaza impozitul pe profit si se inregistreaza utilizand formula:

    Profit impozabil = Venituri Cheltuieli + Cheltuieli Nedeductibile

    Deduceri Fiscale

    70996,52-68054,83 = 2941,69 reprezentand profitul

    cota de impozitare 16%

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    2941,69 x 16% = 470,67