proposal of a 1-ampere-class deuteron single-cell linac

Proposal of a 1-ampere-class deuteron single-cell linac for nuclear transmutation By Hiroki OKUNO, * 1,Hiroyoshi SAKURAI, * 1 Yoshiharu MORI, * 2 Reiko FUJITA * 3 and Masatoshi KAWASHIMA * 3 (Communicated by Toshimitsu YAMAZAKI, M.J.A.) Abstract: A 1-ampere-class high-intensity deuteron linac (ImPACT2017 model) is proposed for mitigating long-lived ssion products (LLFPs) by nuclear transmutation. This accelerator consists of single-cell rf cavities with magnetic focusing elements to accelerate deuterons beyond 1 A up to 200 MeV/u. Keywords: SCL (single cell linac), LLFP (long-lived ssion product), nuclear transmutation 1. Introduction High-level radioactive waste from nuclear power plants has caused notable social problems. Deep geological disposal has been a policy of several governments, however, the identication of appro- priate locations for the disposal station is seriously challenging. To address these social problems, the research and development of partitioning and trans- mutation technologies are essentially important to determine the most ecient methods for the reduc- tion of radioactivity in waste material. 1) With respect to transmutation, two schemes have been proposed and discussed; fast-breeder reactor-based and accelerator-based transmutation. In the former scheme, the transmutation of mainly long-lived minor actinides has been investigated in terms of utilizing fast neutrons in the reactors. On the other hand, the transmutation of long-lived ssion products (LLFPs) in waste material is also crucial for reducing the risk of their diusion into the geosphere and hydrosphere. The transmutation cross sections of LLFPs by thermal and fast neutrons are regrettably low. As such, an alternative scheme using a high-energy, high-intensity accelerator that can produce much faster neutrons to make the trans- mutation ecient for any LLFP nuclear species has been investigated. We hereby propose a reasonably feasible trans- mutation scheme with high-energy neutrons pro- duced by a deuteron beam, where liquid lithium is utilized for the production target. 2) Concerning the major LLFP nuclides ( 93 Zr, 99 Tc, 107 Pd, 129 I and 135 Cs), the transmutation throughput with high- energy neutrons is higher than that with direct irradiation of a primary deuteron beam at 100200 MeV/u. 3) This is because thick LLFP materials can be used owing to the long mean free path of neutrons in the materials. The required beam intensity for the deuteron beam is estimated to be 1 A, which results in a transmutation throughput of LLFP at the same level as that of the Rokkasho reprocessing facility. The highest beam intensity among all accelerators worldwide is on the order of 1 mA. The construction cost of an accelerator is scaled as the square root of the beam power. 4) Therefore, the total cost of one thousand 1-mA accelerators is about 30-times higher than that of one 1-A accelerator. Thus, the design of a 100200 MeV/u deuteron accelerator with an intensity of 1 A is highly desired for the transmutation of LLFP nuclides. We consider a linac that can accelerate deuterons to such a high current. Most modern high- power linacs 2),5)7) use a radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ) as a front-end accelerator, which performs the adiabatic rf capture of a direct current (DC) beam from an ion source, transverse focusing, and acceleration. The typical aperture of an RFQ is 1 cm. However, the size of the 1-A beam from an ion source * 1 RIKEN, Nishina Center for Accelerator-based Science, Wako, Saitama, Japan. * 2 Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan. * 3 Japan Science and Technology Agency, Tokyo, Japan. Correspondence should be addressed: H. Okuno, RIKEN, Nishina Center for Accelerator-based Science, 2-1, Wako, Saitama, Japan (e-mail: [email protected]). Proc. Jpn. Acad., Ser. B 95 (2019) [Vol. 95, 430 doi: 10.2183/pjab.95.030 ©2019 The Japan Academy

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Page 1: Proposal of a 1-ampere-class deuteron single-cell linac

Proposal of a 1-ampere-class deuteron single-cell linacfor nuclear transmutation

By Hiroki OKUNO,*1,† Hiroyoshi SAKURAI,*1 Yoshiharu MORI,*2

Reiko FUJITA*3 and Masatoshi KAWASHIMA*3

(Communicated by Toshimitsu YAMAZAKI, M.J.A.)

Abstract: A 1-ampere-class high-intensity deuteron linac (ImPACT2017 model) is proposedfor mitigating long-lived fission products (LLFPs) by nuclear transmutation. This acceleratorconsists of single-cell rf cavities with magnetic focusing elements to accelerate deuterons beyond 1Aup to 200MeV/u.

Keywords: SCL (single cell linac), LLFP (long-lived fission product), nuclear transmutation

1. Introduction

High-level radioactive waste from nuclear powerplants has caused notable social problems. Deepgeological disposal has been a policy of severalgovernments, however, the identification of appro-priate locations for the disposal station is seriouslychallenging. To address these social problems, theresearch and development of partitioning and trans-mutation technologies are essentially important todetermine the most efficient methods for the reduc-tion of radioactivity in waste material.1)

With respect to transmutation, two schemeshave been proposed and discussed; fast-breederreactor-based and accelerator-based transmutation.In the former scheme, the transmutation of mainlylong-lived minor actinides has been investigated interms of utilizing fast neutrons in the reactors.On the other hand, the transmutation of long-livedfission products (LLFPs) in waste material is alsocrucial for reducing the risk of their diffusion into thegeosphere and hydrosphere. The transmutation crosssections of LLFPs by thermal and fast neutrons areregrettably low. As such, an alternative scheme usinga high-energy, high-intensity accelerator that canproduce much faster neutrons to make the trans-

mutation efficient for any LLFP nuclear species hasbeen investigated.

We hereby propose a reasonably feasible trans-mutation scheme with high-energy neutrons pro-duced by a deuteron beam, where liquid lithium isutilized for the production target.2) Concerning themajor LLFP nuclides (93Zr, 99Tc, 107Pd, 129I and135Cs), the transmutation throughput with high-energy neutrons is higher than that with directirradiation of a primary deuteron beam at 100–200MeV/u.3) This is because thick LLFP materialscan be used owing to the long mean free path ofneutrons in the materials. The required beamintensity for the deuteron beam is estimated to be1A, which results in a transmutation throughput ofLLFP at the same level as that of the Rokkashoreprocessing facility. The highest beam intensityamong all accelerators worldwide is on the order of1mA. The construction cost of an accelerator isscaled as the square root of the beam power.4)

Therefore, the total cost of one thousand 1-mAaccelerators is about 30-times higher than that ofone 1-A accelerator. Thus, the design of a 100–200MeV/u deuteron accelerator with an intensity of1A is highly desired for the transmutation of LLFPnuclides. We consider a linac that can acceleratedeuterons to such a high current. Most modern high-power linacs2),5)–7) use a radio-frequency quadrupole(RFQ) as a front-end accelerator, which performsthe adiabatic rf capture of a direct current (DC)beam from an ion source, transverse focusing, andacceleration. The typical aperture of an RFQ is 1 cm.However, the size of the 1-A beam from an ion source

*1 RIKEN, Nishina Center for Accelerator-based Science,Wako, Saitama, Japan.

*2 Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science,Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.

*3 Japan Science and Technology Agency, Tokyo, Japan.† Correspondence should be addressed: H. Okuno, RIKEN,

Nishina Center for Accelerator-based Science, 2-1, Wako, Saitama,Japan (e-mail: [email protected]).

Proc. Jpn. Acad., Ser. B 95 (2019) [Vol. 95,430

doi: 10.2183/pjab.95.030©2019 The Japan Academy

Page 2: Proposal of a 1-ampere-class deuteron single-cell linac

is expected to be over 10 cm in diameter. It istherefore evident that an RFQ cannot accommodatesuch large beams with 1A.

In this study, we propose a novel linac thatconsists of single-cell cavities with magnetic focusingelements to accept a 1-A beam with a large bore. Thesingle-cell linac (SCL) has the following advantagesfor the acceleration of high-intensity beams:• Low-frequency rf cavities with a large bore can

be used to mitigate strong space-charge forcesowing to a lower beam current density.

• The voltage and phase of each cell can beindependently selected to compensate for thespace-charge effects, and also to implement anefficient bunching function for a DC beam, likean RFQ entrance section.

2. Scheme

2.1. Outline. The 1-A deuteron SCL(ImPACT2017 model) consists of four sections: (1)the ion source section, (2) the low-O section, (3) themedium-O section, and (4) the high-O section.Figure 1 shows a schematic layout of this systemand the typical parameters of each section arepresented in Table 1. In this scheme, a large trans-verse normalized RMS emittance of 25:mm·mrad isassumed at the injection of the SCL, which issufficient for relaxing the space-charge effect in thebeam dynamics. A relatively low rf frequencyacceleration system is suitable for a large bore.

In the SCL, the fundamental mode of thelongitudinal space-charge force could be compensatedcell by cell through individual fine rf detuning tobeam bunches. The SCL also facilitates individualstrong beam focusing against the transverse space-charge force with external magnetic focusing ele-ments, such as solenoids and quadrupole magnets.

2.2. Ion source and LEBT. The ion sourceproduces a current of deuterons, with a magnitudeabove 1A. A cusp-field-confinement-type ion sourcewith a large extraction area was chosen because amulti-hole beam extraction system is inevitable for

Fig. 1. Schematic of a single-cell linac, ImPACT2017 model.

Table 1. Basic parameters of the single-cell linac ImPACT2017.QWR stands for quarter-wave resonator

Ion Source and LEBT

Energy range (MeV/u) 0.1

Type of IS Cusp ion source

Particle deuteron

Beam current (A) 1

Emittance (normalized) 25:mm·mrad

Low-O section

Energy range (MeV/u) 0.1–5

Number of cell 90

Cell length (m) 0.25

rf cavityNormal conducting

Single gap

Focusing Solenoid

Medium-O section

Energy range (MeV/u) 5–40

Number of cell 44

Cell length (m) 1.38

rf cavitySuperconducting

QWR, Double gaps

Focusing Quadrupole magnet

High-O section

Energy range (MeV/u) 40–200

Number of cell 200

Cell length (m) 0.8

rf cavitySuperconducting

Single gap

Focusing Quadrupole magnet

Proposal of a 1-ampere-class deuteron single-cell linac for nuclear transmutationNo. 7] 431

Page 3: Proposal of a 1-ampere-class deuteron single-cell linac

the extraction of such large beam currents. Such ionsources are used for NBI (neutral beam injector) inTokamak fusion reactors. The structure of the ionsource can be seen, for example, in ref. 8. The Child-Langmuir law estimates that a current of 20mA/cm2

can be extracted at maximum through one hole witha diameter of 14mm when an extraction voltage of6 kV is applied to a gap of 3mm. At least 37 holesare required to extract 1A, assuming that the ratioof DD to the total current, including Dþ

2 , etc., is 85%,as shown in Fig. 2. The beam extracted from the ionsource was electrostatically accelerated to 100 keV/ufor injection into the low-O section. The normalizedRMS emittance of the accelerated beam was deter-mined to be 12.1:mm·mrad, as shown in Fig. 2. Forthe design of the succeeding linac, the normalizedRMS emittance was set to be 25:mm·mrad, therebymaintaining a safety margin.

The low-energy beam transport (LEBT) sectionconsists of a series of beam-focusing solenoids, a linebeam chopper, and an achromatic bending system, asshown in Fig. 3. The beam size and the dispersionfunction for the LEBT are shown in the top andbottom panels in Fig. 4. We assumed no neutraliza-tion of the space-charge force in calculating the beamsize. The dispersion function exhibited no chroma-ticity at the exit from the LEBT. The magnetic-field

intensity of the beam-focusing solenoid was approx-imately 1T, which is sufficient for suppressing thespace-charge forces and for matching the beamoptical parameters to those of the following low-Olinac. A line-type beam chopper, as in a reference9)

can be used to match a longitudinal beam size to therf bucket of the following low-O section by choppingoff a less than 30% portion of the DC beam non-acceptable in the rf bucket.

2.3. Low-O section. The low-O section iscomposed of approximately 90 single cells, and eachcell includes a single rf cavity with a 25MHz resonantfrequency and a focusing solenoid. A schematic of asingle-cell unit of the low-O section is shown in Fig. 5.

The rf cavity has a capacitive plate to maintainthe outer diameter of under 92m, and the maximalrf voltage is approximately 300 kV, which is approx-imately 1.2KL, where KL is the discharge limit, givenas a function of the frequency by Kilpatrick.10) Thetransit time factor at 5MeV/u exceeds 0.95. The rfpower, except for the beam power dissipated by theentire single-cell cavity system, is approximately5MW. The basic parameters of the rf cavity aregiven in Table 2.

The rf voltage and the phase of every singlecavity were appropriately selected to optimize thebeam capture and acceleration. The optimization wasperformed by evaluating the adiabatic parameter, asshown in the following:11)–13)

Fig. 2. Multi holes for the extraction of deuteron beams (a) and atransversal phase plot of the accelerated beam at 200 keV (b).The ellipse in the graph (b) indicates the normalized RMSemittance of 12.1:mm·mrad.

Fig. 3. Schematic of the LEBT.

Fig. 4. Beam size (top panel) and dispersion function, 2 (bottompanel), in the LEBT. The solid and dotted lines in the top graphshow the results with and without space-charge forces,respectively.

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�s � 1





����; ½1�

where A is an rf bucket area and +s is the phase(synchrotron) oscillation frequency; from this crite-rion, an adiabatic parameter is defined as

na ¼ �sTs

1� ½Vi=ðVi þ�V Þ�1=2: ½2�

Here, Vi is the rf voltage, "V the increment of rfvoltage per cell and Ts the transit time per cell.

Good adiabaticity is achieved when the value ofthe adiabatic parameter, na, exceeds 10 and the DCbeam from the ion source can be well-captured by the

rf bucket, and consequently accelerated. The phaseand rf voltage variations should be appropriatelyoptimized to preserve the adiabaticity of the beamcapture and acceleration, following the conditionexpressed by Eq. [1]. The longitudinal beam behaviorwas simulated for these conditions and the resultsare plotted in Fig. 6. Evidently, the beam is wellcaptured and is accelerated adiabatically.

An enormous deuteron beam current in excess of1A is projected in this model, and the compensationof large space-charge forces is an issue of significantinterest in beam dynamics. Obviously, space-chargeeffects are significant in the low-energy region; thus,methods for suppressing and managing the trans-verse and longitudinal space-charge forces are im-portant in the low-O section of this SCL.

In the transverse direction, two defocusing forcesshould be managed; one is caused by the rf gap field,while the other one is due to the space-charge effect.Both are axial symmetric forces; thus, solenoidfocusing is used. The transverse beam size (analyzedusing an envelope equation14)–16) is shown in Fig. 7.The length of the solenoid is 18 cm for each of the first15 cells and 34 cm for the remainders. The maximummagnetic field of the solenoid is approximately 5T,which could be realized to use a high-temperaturesuperconductor with the maximum critical magneticfield of more than 10T.17) It is evident in Fig. 7 thatthe beam size becomes relatively small after reaching5m away from the injection, so that furtheroptimization of the cavity design (length, bore size,etc.) may be required.

The longitudinal beam emittance deterioratesowing to the rf bucket deformation associated withthe space-charge force and the beam-loading effect,which can be overcome with an rf feedback and/ordetuning of the rf cavity of each cell. The fundamental

Fig. 5. Schematic of a single-cell unit of the low-O section (left:outline, right: cross section).

Table 2. Basic parameters of the rf cavity of the low-O section

StructureReentrant with

capacitive plate

Frequency (MHz) 25

Cavity diameter (m) 2

Aperture radius (cm) 15

Cell length (m) 0.25–0.4

Maximum rf voltage per cell (kV) 300

Shunt impedance (M+) 0.775

Q0 20066

Transit time factor (@5MeV/u) 0.966


3 2 1 0 1 2 3

















[rad]Phase [Rad]

3− 2− 1− 0 1 2 3












Fig. 6. Beam capture and acceleration: the left panel shows theentire longitudinal beam motion in the low-O section, while theright plot shows the initial phase of the beam capture andacceleration.

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mode of the longitudinal force (space-charge impe-dance) can be compensated using ordinary methods,such as cavity detuning18),19) and feedback and/orfeedforward beam loading compensation. At a rela-tively low beam current, the beam loss can besuppressed only if a proper rf feedback system isutilized for the fundamental mode. However, it isnecessary to implement a higher-mode rf compensa-tion system because the nonlinear higher-order modesbecome stronger as the beam current increases.

We estimated the beam losses caused by the rfbucket distortion that is induced by the space-chargeimpedance of the second and third-order higherharmonics. Figure 8 shows the calculated longitudi-nal beam emittance, which is affected by the higherorder harmonics of the nonlinear space-charge forces.The emittance growth is more than twice as large aswhen the beam current is 1A. However, if the space-charge field of the second harmonic is compensated,it largely suppresses the emittance growth, as shownin Fig. 8.

It is expected that beam losses should occurowing to the rf bucket distortion caused by the higherharmonics of the nonlinear space-charge forces.Figure 9 shows the relative beam survival along theposition of each cell in the low-O section of the SCL.According to the calculations, beam losses of morethan 10% are unavoidable if there is no compensationfor higher-order harmonics when the beam currentexceeds more than 1A. However, if the second-harmonic field is compensated by using an appro-priate feedback system invoked by impedance tuning,the beam loss could be significantly reduced, asshown in Fig. 9. Although the beam losses take placemostly at low energy (9500 keV), the higher har-monic field compensation seems to be preferable forstable beam operation.

Three-dimensional beam envelope simulations inthe low-O section were performed using TRACK,20) acode that includes the space-charge effect and non-linear phenomena owing to this effect. No actionsof the wake field from the rf cavities and beam pipeson the beams were included in these simulations.The initial distribution of the beam is a water bagdistribution. Two cases were compared: the firstone (Case I) fully included longitudinal space-chargeeffects, while the second case (Case II) did notinclude these effects. Case II corresponds to asituation in which the longitudinal space-chargeforces are fully compensated. Figure 10 shows thebeam envelopes in the transverse direction and thelongitudinal phase plots for the cells for which thebeams are adiabatically captured. Although the

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45










e x(


Fig. 7. Variation of the RMS beam size in the transversedirection of the system. The horizontal axis shows the distancefrom the entrance of the low-O section, while the vertical axisshows the


p �RMS beam size.

* I=0A

* I=1A

with 2nd-harmonics compensation

* I=0A

* I=1A

w/o higher-harmonics compensation

Fig. 8. Emittance growth owing to the nonlinear space-chargefield of higher-order harmonics for a beam current of 1Acompared to a value of 0A at the exit of the low-O section. Thetop graph is the beam emittance without higher harmonicscompensation and the bottom graph shows that with second-harmonics compensation, respectively.

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phase plots indicate that the DC beams weresuccessfully captured in both cases, the phase plotsfor Case I indicates that strong space-charge forcesdistort the beam distribution. The survival ratewas 98.0% and 98.2% in Cases I & II, respectively.Approximately 1.4% of the total number of particlesis widely distributed in the phase plot for Case I,apart from the center of the beam. These particleswill be lost in the succeeding medium and high-Osections, which suggests that space-charge compen-sation of the longitudinal space-charge forces isimportant in suppressing of uncontrolled beam lossnot only in the low-O section, but also in thesucceeding sections.

2.4. Medium-O section. The deuteron beamfrom the low-O section is accelerated up to 40MeV/uvia the medium-O section, which consists of 44superconducting quarter-wave resonators (QWRs)at 50MHz and quadruple magnets between theresonators. The superconducting and/or permanentmagnets act as a quadrupole magnet. The schematiclayout of the QWR is shown in Fig. 11. The heightand diameter of the outer cylinder are 1.62m and

Fig. 9. Beam survival for different beam currents under thenonlinear space-charge field of high-order harmonics. The dotsin the figure indicate the beam survival without higher-orderharmonics compensation. The black line represents the beamsurvival with a second-harmonic compensation when the beamcurrent is 1A.

Fig. 10. Results of the three dimensional simulation for the low-O section. In this figure, the graphs of (a), (b), (c) and (d) show thelongitudinal phase plots after the 3rd, 6th, and 9th 12th cells without longitudinal space-charge forces, and, (e), (f ), (g) and (h) showlongitudinal phase plots after the 3rd, 6th, and 9th 12th cells with longitudinal space-charge forces, respectively. The transverse beamenvelope and RMS of the beam are also shown in (i). The bold lines in (i) show the inner radius of the cavities or the beam pipes.

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1.16m, respectively and the maximal rf voltage is1.24MV. The transit-time factor is approximately0.74 at 40MeV/u and the gap distance is 0.58m,which corresponds to O6/2 at 18MeV/u. The typicalspecifications of the rf cavities are listed in Table 3.The beam-steering effect due to the asymmetry of theQWR is estimated to be 0.5mm of the displacementand having an angle of 0.7mrad, after passingthrough one cavity. This is not negligible; thus, somemeasures are necessary. Tilting of the drift tube facesmay be one solution for suppressing the aforemen-tioned vertical kick.21)

The beam dynamics in the section was studiedusing TRACK20) in the case of a 1A current, wherethe space-charge forces are dominant. NormalizedRMS emittance values of the initial distribution ofthe beams were acquired from the values at the exitof the low-O section. A stronger quadrupole field cancompensate for the transverse space-charge forces.To compensate for the longitudinal space-chargeforce, the cavity voltage and the phase were changed,to yield stronger focusing forces and to maintain thesame acceleration gain as that for 0A. For example,the synchronous phase was changed from 60 to 45degrees, and the voltage was changed from V0 toV0 sin(60°)/sin(45°). Figure 12 shows the envelopeand the longitudinal phase plot at the exit. The ratioof the inner radius of the cavities and the beam pipesto the RMS of the beam envelope is approximately 4at the entrance and 5 at the exit, resulting in beamlosses of approximately less than 1 kW, assuming aGaussian distribution of the beam. To achieveacceptable beam losses, beam scrapers are placedbetween the low-O and the medium-O sections andfurther study will be made to suppress the beam halo.

2.5. High-O section. The deuteron beam fromthe medium-O section is accelerated up to 100–200MeV/u through the high-O section, consisting of200 superconducting reentrant cavities at 100MHzand quadruple magnets between the resonators. Thesuperconducting and/or permanent magnets serve asthe quadrupole magnet. The schematic layout of thereentrant resonator is shown in Fig. 13. The diameterand the length of the cavity are 1.25m and 0.6m,respectively, and the maximal rf voltage is 2.3MV.The transit time factor is approximately 0.96 at200MeV/u. Typical specifications of the rf cavitiesare listed in Table 4.

The beam dynamics in this section was studiedusing TRACK20) in the case of a 1A current in whichthe space-charge forces are dominant. NormalizedRMS emittance values of the initial distribution ofthe beams were acquired from the values at the exitof the medium-O section. A stronger quadrupole fieldcan compensate for the transverse space-chargeforces. To compensate for the longitudinal space-charge force, the cavity voltage and the phase werechanged to yield stronger focusing forces and tomaintain the same acceleration gain as that for 0A.For example, the synchronous phase was changedfrom 60 to 45 degrees and the voltage was changedfrom V0 to V0 sin(60°)/sin(45°). Figure 14 shows theenvelope and the phase plot at the exit. The ratio ofthe inner radius of the cavities and beam pipes to

Fig. 11. Structure of QWR.

Table 3. Typical specifications of the rf cavity of the medium-Osection

Structure QWR

Frequency (MHz) 50

Diameter of the outer cylinder (m) 1.16

Height of the outer cylinder (m) 1.62

Aperture radius (cm) 15–25

Maximum rf voltage per cell (MV) 1.24

Shunt impedance (+) 1.0 # 1012

Q0 2.0 # 109

Geometrical O 0.193

Transit time factor (@40MeV/u) 0.74

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RMS of the beam envelope can be estimated to beapproximately 4 at the entrance and 6 at the exit,resulting in beam losses of approximately less than

1 kW, assuming a Gaussian distribution of the beam.To achieve acceptable beam losses, beam scrapersare placed between the medium-O and the high-Osections, and further study will be made to suppressbeam halo.

3. Discussion and summary

A high-intensity deuteron linac with a single-cellcavity system (SCL; ImPACT2017 model) wasproposed for the mitigation of LLFPs by nucleartransmutations. Deuterons with a current in excess of1A can be accelerated up to 200MeV/u. A largetransverse-normalized RMS beam emittance of 25:mm·mrad is assumed at the injection of the SCL,which is sufficient for relaxing the space-charge effectin the beam dynamics. A relatively low rf frequencyacceleration system is suitable in the case of a largeacceptance.

Fig. 13. Structure of a reentrant-type cavity.

Fig. 12. Results for the beam dynamics study in the medium O section. The top graphs shows horizontal (left), vertical (center), andlongitudinal (right) phase plots. The bottom graph shows the RMS beam size and the beam envelope as a function of the distancefrom the entrance of the medium-O section. The bold lines in the bottom graph show the inner radius of the cavities or the beam pipes.

Table 4. Typical specifications of the rf cavity for the high-Osection

Structure Reentrant

Frequency (MHz) 100

Cavity diameter (m) 1.25

Aperture radius (cm) 10–15

Cavity length (m) 0.6

Maximum rf voltage per cell (MV) 2.3

Shunt impedance (+) 1.72 # 1011

Q0 1.2 # 109

Transit time factor (@200MeV/u) 0.96

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The accelerator consists of the ion source andthree different types of rf acceleration structures: (1)the low-O section, (2) the medium-O section, and (3)the high-O section. Each section is based on adifferent type of single-cell rf cavity with magneticfocusing elements. In the low-O section, a low-frequency normal conducting cavity of 25MHz isused for every single cell and the beam from the ionsource is well-captured and accelerated adiabaticallyby appropriately manipulating the rf phase andvoltage of each cavity properly. The beam is focusedtransversely with the superconducting solenoidsplaced at each cell. The medium-O section acceleratesthe beam up to 40MeV/u and in each cell, a quarterwave resonator (QWR) type of :-mode supercon-ducting rf cavity is used. Variable-field permanentquadrupole magnets were placed between each cellfor proper beam focusing. The high-O section was alsocomposed of many single cells, and accelerates thebeam up to 200MeV/u. In each cell, reentrant-typesuperconducting rf cavities were used, and variable-field permanent quadrupole magnets were also placedat the end of each cell for transverse beam focusing.

The blow-up of the beam owing to transversespace-charge forces can be compensated for by tuningthe strength of the quadrupole fields. Longitudinalspace-charge forces can also be compensated for bytuning the synchronous phase and cavity voltage,to obtain larger focusing forces. Resonators in themedium-O and high-O section have large sizescompared with that of superconducting cavities, thatare made of Nb bulk sheets in the existing linear

accelerators. Alternative methods, such as sputteringNb on the Cu structure, may be applied to largecavities in these sections.

The electric power requirements for the rf andfocusing elements are summarized in Table 5. The rfpower requirements are divided into three parts:beam power and wall loss in the cavities and heatload in the cryomodules for focusing magnets and rfcavities. Beam power dominates the electrical powerin the case of medium-O and high-O sections, whilewall loss constitutes approximately half of the beampower in the case of the lower-O section. Table 5clearly shows that the focusing elements do not needhigh electrical power compared to the rf components.

To reduce the radiotoxicity of the high-levelradioactive waste, the harmful nuclides in LLFPs,i.e., 129I, must be considered. One 200MeV/udeuteron irradiating a liquid lithium target22) trans-mutes 92 atoms of 129I located around the lithiumtarget3) and the intensity of 1A gives transmutation

Fig. 14. Results of the beam dynamics study for the high-O section. The top graphs show horizontal (left), vertical (center), andlongitudinal (right) phase plots. The bottom graph shows the RMS beam size and the beam envelope as a function of the distancefrom the entrance of the high-O section. The bold lines in the lower graph show the inner radius of the cavities or the beam pipes.

Table 5. Electrical power (MW) consumed by beam powerloading (Beam), wall current ohmic loss in the rf cavities(Wall loss) and heat loads into the magnet cryostats and rfcryomodules (Heat load)

Section Beam Wall loss Heat load

IS and LEBT 0.2 — —

Low-O 9.8 6 2

Medium-O 70 0.47 0.3

High-O 320 4.3 1.3

Total 400 10.8 3.6

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Page 10: Proposal of a 1-ampere-class deuteron single-cell linac

throughputs of 9100 kg/year. This corresponds to129I production from approximately twenty 1-GWreactors. The total electric power of 400MW for the1-A deuteron accelerator is 92% of the total powerproduced by 20 reactors.

In summary a 1-ampere-class deuteron linac(ImPACT2017 model) was proposed for mitigatinglong-lived fission products (LLFPs) by nuclear trans-mutation. This model consists of single-cell rf cavitieswith magnetic focusing elements to accelerate deu-terons beyond 1A. The beam dynamics and con-ceptual design for each section were presented anddiscussed.


This work was funded by the ImPACT Programof Council for Science, Technology and Innovation(Cabinet Office, Government of Japan). The authorswould like to thank Dr. Kobayashi, Dr. Mustapha,Mr. Aoki, Dr. Tsutsui, Dr. Miyashita, Dr. Matsuda,Mr. Sennyu, and Dr. Chiba for assistance withconceptual design of this linear accelerator, andexpress their sincere appreciation to the colleaguesof the ImPACT Fujita project for proceeding withthis interesting project.


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(Received Mar. 19, 2019; accepted June 7, 2019)

Proposal of a 1-ampere-class deuteron single-cell linac for nuclear transmutationNo. 7] 439