proservice indoor air quality profile for hotels

ProService Indoor Quality Specialist Air duct cleaning. Air duct disinfection. Air coils cleaning. Air coils disinfection. Air handling systems cleaning. Air handling systems disinfection .

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Post on 05-Aug-2015




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Page 1: ProService Indoor Air Quality profile for hotels


Indoor Quality Specialist

A i r d u c t c l e a n i n g .

A i r d u c t d i s i n fe c t i o n .

A i r c o i l s c l e a n i n g .

A i r c o i l s d i s i n fe c t i o n .

A i r h a n d l i n g s y s t e m s c l e a n i n g .

A i r h a n d l i n g s y s t e m s d i s i n fe c t i o n .

Page 2: ProService Indoor Air Quality profile for hotels

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Tation, vero consequat quadrum eu fere minim, dolus olim decet, exputo. Suscipere

duis validus nulla opes accumsan euismod, acsi semper fi iusto fere loquor iriure

laoreet rusticus. Consequat fatua facilisi acsi virtus exerci foras vicis sed tego brevi-

tas accumsan vero jus, turpis. Eum vulputate nisl vel exputo vindico lobortis, eligo,

exputo velit at velit, ullus ergoluctus quae sed. Suscipit nunc quidne te decet, alla

abdo veniam abluo.

Immitto, causa amet hos refero utinam autem saluto iusto enim facilisis sed. Dolor

diam venio molior suscipere molior typicus eu opto validus abigo exerci, autem. Qui

nulla, suscipit consequat tation vulputate fatua comis. Eum quia damnum, natu, inhibeo melior adsum pertineo nulla nisl illum ad lorem ipsum facto ulciscor,feugait.

Pala nonummy, exerci eum ratis velit nisl venio. Modo hendrerit facilisi eros et huic

ratis pagus.

Tation, vero consequat quadrum eu fere minim, dolus olim decet, exputo. Suscipere

duis validus nulla opes accumsan euismod, acsi semper fi iusto fere loquor iriure

flexible solutions for your business needs




Enim iriure accumsan epulae accumsan inhibeo dolore populus praesent. Molior

vicis feugiat valetudo quadrum quidem nisl ea paulatim. Haero ut nutus accumsan

melior, plaga cogo esse lenis eum. Genitus, te vero, erat enim exputo letalis tation

loquor ex olim autem dignissim exputo esse. Dignissim feugiat qui luptatum.

Tation, vero consequat quadrum eu fere minim, dolus olim decet, exputo. Suscipere

duis validus nulla opes accumsan euismod, acsi semper fi iusto fere loquor iriure

laoreet rusticus. Consequat fatua facilisi acsi virtus exerci foras vicis sed tego brevi-

tas accumsan vero jus, turpis.

Opes sed nonummy tation verto augue pecus.

Venio regula ea vel fatua incassum.

regula eum consectetuer ut mos tamen enim.

Feugait regula. Ut amet opes ideo gemino et

Opes sed nonummy tation verto augue pecus.


To perform for our customers the

highest level of quality services at fair

and market competitive prices.

To ensure the longevity of our compa-

ny through repeat and referral busi-

ness achieved by customer satisfaction

in all areas including timeliness, atten-

tion to detail and service-minded atti-


To maintain the highest levels of pro-

fessionalism, integrity, honesty and

fairness in our relationships with our

suppliers, subcontractors, professional

associates and customers.



What is meant by indoor air quality?

According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, in-

door air is often more seriously polluted than outdoor air.

Given that many of us spend up to 90 per cent of our time

indoors or in vehicles this is significant. For general health,

well-being and safety reasons, human beings require a com-

fortable indoor temperature with air free from dust, irri-

tants, pathogens, unpleasant odours, mould and mildew and

other contaminants. Many factors affect indoor air quality

(IAQ) in hotels and office buildings including:

levels of outdoor pollution, caused for example by smog,

traffic or aircraft emissions and pesticides

sources of indoor pollution including the materials used

in the fabric of buildings, carpets and soft furnishings,

smoking, cleaning chemicals and the use of perfumes

and salon products (see table 1)

the rate of exchange between indoor and outdoor air,

i.e. ventilation rates and distribution

the amount of moisture in the indoor environment,

which is considerably increased in hot humid climates,

near kitchen areas and if the hotel has a gym, spa or in-

door swimming pool. In serious cases this can lead to

the growth of mould and mildew which has health im-


Page 3: ProService Indoor Air Quality profile for hotels


Expand our services and build a

team of highly motivated profes-

sionals to compete with internation-

al companies in the Middle East and

North Africa region.

Why is IAQ important?

IAQ is of great importance in the hotel environment for the following reasons –

many of them with potentially significant financial implications:

It is your legal responsibility to ensure the safety of staff, guests and customers at

all times. This includes, for example, the safe functioning, adequate ventilation

and proper maintenance of boilers and heating systems to avoid creating toxic

fumes such as carbon monoxide. In October 2006 two children died from carbon

monoxide poisoning due to fumes from a defective gas appliance at their hotel

bungalow in Corfu.

You are also obliged to ensure you do not create a risk to public health through for example:

Legionnaires disease – this is a rare form of pneumonia that can be contracted

through the inhalation of droplets of contaminated water transmitted in the

form of spray. The risks are associated with poor maintenance of air-conditioning

systems, showering facilities, whirlpool and spa baths and fountains. Legionella

bacteria are unlikely to be detected by staff or guests until someone falls serious-

ly ill. Not only are companies that are found responsible for incubating Legion-

naires disease liable to prosecution and fines, it is potentially fatal (killing around

4,000 people around the world each year) and could expose you to compensa-

tion claims.

Certain moulds such as the toxic Stachybotrus chartarum thrive in damp and hu-

mid conditions. They can cause hay-fever like symptoms and affect sufferers of

chronic lung diseases such as asthma. People with lower immunity are also at risk

of infection from moulds.

Allergies can be exacerbated by air-conditioning, dust mites or materials to which

they are allergic in guest bedrooms.


“The National Air Duct Cleaning Association”.

Since the early 1970’s the public has become increasingly aware of IAQ problems and their relationship to the cleanliness of HVAC systems. In response to public concern and to establish standards of excellence, NADCA (National Air Duct Clean-ers Association) was formed. The National Air Duct Cleaning Associ-ation, in conjunction with the EPA, created recommended procedures and standards for air duct cleaning, assessment and remediation. The resulting document ACR 2002 is now the industry standard.

We depends in our work on the NADCA Standards.

Page 4: ProService Indoor Air Quality profile for hotels

Scope of work

We shall be responsible for the re-

moval of visible surface contami-

nants and deposits from within the

HVAC system .

The HVAC system includes any in-

terior surface of the facility’s air dis-

tribution system.

This includes the entire HVAC sys-

tem from the points where the air

enters the system to the points

where the air is discharged from

the system..

The return air grilles, return air

ducts to the air handling unit

(AHU), the interior surfaces of the

AHU, mixing box, coil compart-

ment, condensate drain pans, hu-

midifiers and dehumidifiers, supply

air ducts, fans, fan housing, fan

blades, air wash systems, spray

eliminators, turning vanes, filters,

filter housings, reheat coils, supply

diffusers, exhaust and ventilation

components are all considered part

of the HVAC system.


Guest satisfaction :

often guests will not complain about a stuffy environment or a

room that exacerbates any allergies they may have, but they are

unlikely to return or recommend your hotel to others.

Staff productivity:

staff cannot work efficiently and effectively if they are uncomforta-

ble. This will affect their concentration, productivity and how they

relate to your clients. Poor air quality can cause headaches, tired-

ness, dry or sore eyes or throat, skin irritation, dizziness and even

nausea. So-called ‘sick building syndrome’ can have a detrimental

effect on long-term health.

Reduced operating costs:

by reducing energy consumption (and your carbon dioxide emis-

sions) through investment in modern, efficient air-conditioning

equipment and proper maintenance.


Page 5: ProService Indoor Air Quality profile for hotels

Coil Cleaning

1. Measuring air pressure drop

across cooling coil for AHU’s

before cleaning and comparing

it with the clean coil conditions.

2. Measuring air velocity through

the cooling coil before cleaning

and comparing it to the design

airflow rate.

3. Cleaning cooling coils and drain

pans with pressurized hot water

and Air-Care internationally ap-

proved detergents.

4. Measuring pressure drop across

cooling coil for AHU's after

cleaning and comparing it with

the clean coil conditions.

5. Measuring air velocity through

the cooling coil after cleaning

and comparing it to the specifi-



Pollutant Health effects Sources

Ammonia Irritates eye and mucous


Cleaning products

Bacteria Potentially fatal in the

case of Legionnaires Dis-

ease. General worsening

of respiratory com-


Legionella, moulds and

fungi and mildew

Carbon dioxide (CO2) Feelings of stuffiness, Respiration, combustion

Dust and particles A range of allergic symp-

toms depending on size

and nature of particles

Carpets, surfaces, smok-


Formaldehyde Foam insulation, fabrics,

furniture, fire retardants,

adhesives, carpet back-

ing, cigarette smoke

Can irritate eyes, skin

and mucous membranes

and cause headaches

and asthma

Carbon monoxide

(CO) and nitrogen di-

oxide (NO2)

Leaking combustion

devices (boilers, cook-


Worsening of respirato-

ry complaints

Odours Annoyance, stress and

allergic reactions

Cooking, smoking, per-

fume etc.

Viruses, infectious


Wide-ranging Humans and animals,

e.g. SARS and Bird Flu

Volatile Organic Com-

pounds (VOCs)

Wide-ranging – includ-

ing eye, skin and mu-

cous membrane irrita-


Solvents, aerosol sprays,

cosmetics dry-cleaning,

paints, pesticides, smok-


Common indoor air pollutants in Hotels

HVAC System Component In-


We perform a visual inspection of

the HVAC system to determine ap-

propriate methods, tools, and

equipment required to satisfactorily

complete this project.

Page 6: ProService Indoor Air Quality profile for hotels

Site Evaluation and Prepara-


We conduct a site evaluation, and

establish a specific, coordinated

plan which details how each area of

the building will be protected dur-

ing the various phases of the pro-


Clean air is not only an amenity like ironing boards and hair dryers:

It's a necessity. Since hotel rooms generally have worse air quality

than most people's homes and since many guests come from

smoke-free communities, hotels and resorts cannot afford to over-

look their indoor air quality. Customers will notice.


Procedure of work.

1. Trained staff provided with

proper tools and equipment.

2. Start from duct connection to

air handling units.

3. Time schedule.

4. Video inspections of duct work

using ProService video inspec-

tion system.

5. Non-chemical method for

cleaning the duct work utilizing

a safe mechanical system.

6. Finding loose or damaged duct-


7. Measuring:

- air pressure drop across cooling

coil for AHU’s before & after clean-


- air velocity through the cooling

coil before cleaning and comparing

it to the design airflow rate.

8. Cleaning cooling coils and drain

pans with pressurized hot water

and Air-Care internationally ap-

proved detergents.

Benefits of Clean Air

Page 7: ProService Indoor Air Quality profile for hotels

ProService equipment

Equipment shall be mobile and

be proved in business or certi-

fied by a professional institution

(Air-Care, USA).

1. Viper-II; Air Care USA Company

with the following features:

High resolution camera.

built in infra red LED’s

for use in total darkness.

3.6 mm coated lens.

25 foot semi-rigid camera

cable housing.

5” monitor.

Laptop to record the in-

spection for viewing late.

2. Control Air Flow Balloons:

The Central Air Flow Balloons are

designed to block a section inside

of the duct system to create a vacu-

um and send to issue proper clean-

ing and removal of dirt. The CAFB's

come in various sizes and are

pumped (by air pump).

3. Various Brush Units

The cleaning brushes are made of

polypropylene with a twisted steel

core to which the brushes are fas-


4. Cleaner Formula

shall be a heavy duty cleaner for

use on metals, surfaces, plastics,

rubber and ceramics.

A cleaner atmosphere means more comfortable guests and happier

clientele. They will spend more time enjoying their gaming experi-

ence, casino attractions, restaurants and other entertainment avail-

able to them.

And, satisfied guests are more likely to be repeat customers

who will refer family, friends and colleagues.


Cleaner Lobbies/Casinos and Increased Profits

Page 8: ProService Indoor Air Quality profile for hotels

We are keen to establish a good

start for our intended long-term

business relationship.

The Engineering Company for Projects Services 95 Hafez Ramadan St., 11371 Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt. Tel : +(202) 23546739 /49

Fax : +(202) 235 46 368

[email protected]


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