prosperians 昕物 vol.11


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Annual Publication of the HSBC Prosperity Hall, City University of Hong Kong - Vol.11


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PROSPERIANS 昕物Volume 11 第十一期June 2015

Published by:HSBC Prosperity HallCity University of Hong Kong

Copyright © HSBC Prosperity HallAll rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any form, or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage and retrieval systems without prior permission of the publisher.

AcknowledgementSome graphics used in this publication were “Designed by”

In the CityU Student Residence community, or within HSBC Prosperity Hall, you may often heard of this word “Prosperians”. Actually, do you know what is “Prosperians” ?

Prosperians can be abstract. It may refer to an identity. As we are all living in the HSBC Prosperity Hall, we call ourselves Prosperians. It represents a sense of belongings to the Hall. We treat the Hall as our home and we share a strong sense of pride as Prosperians.

Prosperians can be concrete. Just like the English name of this annual magazine is also called Prosperians. The intention of producing the annual magazine is to familiarize Prosperians with the history, culture and recent developments of the Prosperity Hall. It provides a medium for current prosperians to recall their treasured memories and for new residents to experience the warmth and honor of living in the Prosperity Hall.


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Jasper Yesterday

Longin Yesterday

Zoe Yesterday

SoSo Yesterday

ChingChing Yesterday

Mandy Yesterday

Christy Yesterday

Arianna Yesterday

Janice Yesterday

Memo Yesterday

Karris Yesterday


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Elaine, Cas, Jelly


Jasper: 希望你地會中意呢本 magazine lah, 有好多大家 ge 心血. 仲有多謝其他 editors ge 全程投入 :)

Longin: It cannot be more exciting for myself to take part in the magazine publication. I believe all the Prosperians would somewhat get the sweet moments when staying in the hall and the best way to share such moments is words or images. Every snapshot counts and every cheer matters. Hope you can treasure every moment in this hall, pass the sweet and love on, and make Prosperians proud!!

Zoe: It is such a great experience to engage in this magazine publication and cooperate with all my dear editors. I have learnt a lot throughout the publication process and surely, this will benefit me a lot in the future careers. Hope you will enjoy this magazine! :D

Soso: 很高興能參與昕物的編輯,記載在 Hall 2 所發生的點滴,希望大家會喜歡 (^ω^)

ChingChing: It is my pleasure to be taking part in publishing the Prosperians. It was fun to get our hall life recorded in this way. Hope all Prosperians will like this magazine.

Mandy: 希望大家睇呢本 magazine 個陣感受到我地嘅誠意同心血啦,你地睇得開心,我地都做得開心!

Christy: I am very happy to work with other editors. And I have learnt a lot during the preparation. Hope all of u can feel sweet while reading our magazine

Arianna: It is my first time to participate in the magazine editing work. I really enjoy working with other committee members. Hope you like our magazine.

JaniceChing: I am really grateful to be one of the editors of the hall magazine and work with all wonderful committee members. This is definitely a memorable experience to me. I hope you all will enjoy reading our magazine!

Memo: 第二年參與《昕物》製作,投放左好多心機,學到好多關於出版的知識,希望你地一路睇一路會感受到 Hall 2 既甜啦!

Karris: 原來期待個仔出世係咁既感覺!哈!

3:00 AM


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006 HallSong堂歌

007 WhatisthesweetestmemoryyouhaveinHall2?


010 ProsperityHallFacilities

019 ResidenceMaster

020 RTTeam舍堂導師

023 RACouncil

026 Residents’ Association宿生會

028 ThingsyouexperienceinHall


029 Floorsintroduction

052 DoorDecorationContest

054 FloorDecorationContest

056 奇異?貳?2?文化

060 ActivitiesTimelineJan2014-Jan2015

062 StudyTour-Taiwan2015

068 相遇

070 Picturecardsoftrendyexpressions



072 Wordsfromnewresidents

076 感昕

082 Hall2,thelittlethingssurvey


083 HallTee,Mix&Match

088 YipYanCandycomic業昕糖

090 DessertRecipe

097 搵食筆記



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Hall Song堂歌


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What is the SWEETEST

memory you have in Hall 2 ?


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t M














t M



Sweet Memories Sweet Memories Sweet Memories Sweet Memories

Sweet Memories Sweet Memories Sweet Memories Sweet Memories008

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Sweet M

emories Sw

eet Mem

ories Sweet M

emories Sw

eet Mem

oriesSweet Memories Sweet Memories Sweet Memories Sweet Memories

Sweet Memories Sweet Memories Sweet Memories Sweet Memories 009

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- 47 inch 3D TV- Karaoke System- Audio & Video Players


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Tips for using washing machines ! Remember to bring a $5 coin !! 記住帶五蚊銀呀!


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FLOOR 9, 10


FLOOR 7, 11


FLOOR 7,8,9,10,11


Basic Equipments

Flying Pan Sieve




Egg Beater

Sandwich Maker


Bread Roller

樓 層 特 別 用 品Special Equipmenton different Floors


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Words to ‘Prosperians’ from the Residence MasterTo all our new residents a very warm welcome to HSBC Prosperity Hall! All our returning residents already know that they are wished a very warm welcome back to their global family in Hong Kong. Our hall motto is “Diversity is Prosperity” and this encapsulates the spirit of our hall. This is a remarkable time in all of your lives when you have the opportunity to develop life skills and self-management as well as meet people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. Some of these people will become lifelong friends providing future opportunities to remain in touch and continue to learn from your differences and similarities.

I refer to this as a remarkable time in your lives because there will never be a better opportunity to live alongside others in our large family, learn new ways of living your lives in productive ways that will bring joy to you and those around you, and, of course, have fun and enjoy the energy and optimism you have about now and the future. I have already had the pleasure of meeting most of you at Prosperian nights and other hall events and I am always excited and energised by your zest for living-sometimes even at 3am!

You are the future, and you stand on the edge of a new life as competent and creative professionals who will contribute to shaping your communities in Hong Kong and further afield. The education your parents have worked so hard to provide for you has given you opportunities they perhaps never had. I know you understand that this is a great responsibility, and I would urge all of you to spend some time thinking about and discussing the sort of future you want and the sort of people you want to be. As a resident of prosperity Hall you are in the very best place to do this. Maintaining your energy and enthusiasm through the years after you leave the Prosperian family is critical to your future success and happiness and the friendships you forge now will help you in the future when you face unexpected challenges in your life. I hope you will all learn and re-learn the value of giving to others and to your community. That opportunity begins with your residence in our global village-please do your best to take advantage of it.

I am always available to talk to any of you about your plans and fears so do not hesitate to contact your Residence Tutor or me should you have anything you wish to discuss. Have a wonderful time in HSBC Prosperity Hall and remember ‘Diversity is Prosperity’!

Dr. Kevin DowningResidence Master


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Jelly TamHello, my name is Jelly. I am responsible for the fifth and the sixth floor. My majors are criminology and psychology. Becoming a residence tutor is a very special experience. However, it is irreplaceable memory and can train you to become a tough person. I love Japanese anime, reading and tea. “Clannad” is one of my favorite movies. Please watch it when you are free. You will realize the meaning of family and love. Besides, Dr. Ma Ka Fai’s books are recommended. They definitely broaden your horizons!

喜愛茗茶度 偽文青度

桃花度 易發脾氣度



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Oscar Or

I am Oscar, a final year student from EE. I am responsible for taking care of the 1st and 2nd floor. I have been living in Hall for 2 years. Residence Tutor is a big challenge for me. I am shy to talk with others and express my opinion from the start. However, I am mainly responsible for Professor Edmond Ko Cup. There are many meetings and briefings. It forced me to change. As for the rating, my room is clean from my point of view and I do not bring boys back Hall that often.





Defer 值

Elaine Wong被取笑度




I’m Elaine and I’m the year 3 student studying in Social Work. I’m frankly grateful to be the RT in HSBC Prosperity Hall, especially on the 3rd and the 4th floor. Living in Hall 2 is just like living in a warm big family. I really enjoy being a family member here and serve others as a RT. It’s great to describe me as a super laughter because I can’t stop when I start laughing. Moreover, it’s sad but true that my cooking is very poor. If I cook, I may destroy the kitchen unluckily. (Shy>_<)


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Queenie Fung喜愛飲酒度





Hi everyone, I am 11/F RT Queenie. I am a final year student majoring in Applied Biology. Being a RT give me an opportunity to build closer relationship with hallmates. I enjoy my time in Hall 2 very much. Hall life will surely be one of the greatest memories in my university life. It’s true that I really like drinking! You’re always welcome if you look for drinking buddy. I like doing sports like swimming, volleyball etc. Friends who do judo are cooler than judo itself. On the other hand, I can be really quiet, but it’s difficult to discover that side of me. I like cooking very much, so sometimes people think I am frugal.

Hi Prosperians! My name is Cas and I am a final year student studying in Applied Biology! I live in 702B and am responsible for the 7th and 8th floor. This is my honour to be in HSBC Prosperity Hall with every one of you ,to share daily life, laughters and tears with you like we are a family. I generally appreciate to be rated as a “sexy, exotic, geeky big sis who love parties” although I am not sure where are these come from, hahaha.

Cas Choi




異國風情度開 P 度



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I. To safeguard the rights and privileges of the members of the AssociationII. To approve activities of the AssociationsIII. To deal with complaints of the AssociationIV. To approve the Constitution and Terms of Reference of subsidiary organization of the AssociationV. To establish or dissolve any subsidiary organization of the AssociationVI. To control financial matters of the AssociationVII. To accept resignation of members of Council (HSBC Prosperity Hall).

The Residents' Association


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It is kind of weird for me to be a member of Council for three years? Somebody may even think that I lost my mind. What I believe is that I cannot always stay behind the others and seek for their help, that’s why I take up the challenge as a chairman of the Council. To describe this year, it is really far from my expectation. This also bring us lots of challenges. Here, I really want to say thank you to all the council members for supporting me during this year. Jacky, as the president of the former executive committee, he always give a lot of support and backup to this newbie. Tsun, also a former member of the pervious executive committee, bring us lots of joy, Memo, as a resident last year, gives us a lot of new and interesting ideas which remind us not to fix our view and restrict our thoughts. Here I would like to thank an alumni of this hall, Kuen, though we do not talk much, he show me a very important element in this hall, legacy. All culture in this hall never pop up by itself, they all rely on our efforts to maintain them. This is how we build our culture and I hope they will not lose in the future.

Although this year may be harsh to us, let’s cross that bridge when we come to it.



Hello ! My name is Jacky, you may call me Fatty, as I am very fat !!

I usually play LOL during day time. At night, when my lovely hallmates came back from their busy works, we will play MahJong together until mid-night.


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This is my second year living in hall. Last year, I was a member of the Executive committee and we held a brunch of activities for Prosperians. We got many help from residence tutors, RA councils and former Exco members, especially during the orientation camp. I broke my arm on the first night of the camp. Luckily, the others help me to handle my job and I was able to take a rest. Here I would like to give a special thanks to you all for helping me in the last year.

With the experience from last year, I wish I could help the new committee in this year. However, this could not become true. We share the responsibly of Executive committee with RTs. Unfortunately, some of the activities are canceled due to different reasons. I was frustrated with the situation as it seems to be I haven’t done my job well.

The night is darkest just before the dawn. In this semester, Prosperians’ night and Mahjong competition has finished successfully with the help of provisional executive committee and RTs. The activities could bring a wonderful hall life to residents in Hall 2.

This is my second year living in Hall 2. Last year, like most of you, I am just an ordinary resident to this hall. It is my honor to join the RA council this year and I would like to thank you resident who support me during this year. As a member of council in this hall is not easy and would like to give special thanks to my members, Resident tutors and members of the provisional executive committee for taking care of me very much. It is an unforgettable experience in this year, all of us put great effort and we scarify our time to make a better life in this hall. Though we face difficulties, we fail sometimes, it become worthy when we found our residents enjoy our life in this hall. It is happy to be with all of you, no matter when it is working or playing, thank you for giving this precious memory to me.




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I am Jacky and I’ve been living in Hall 2 for 2 years. Most of the residents have already known what sort of person I am. As the president of the Provisional Executive Committee, I am outgoing and cheerful, sometimes childish. I enjoy the moment when serving residents through organizing activities and providing them a feeling of warmth. It’s pleasant to see their happy faces when they’re signing up for hall activities and enjoying the events held by us.

I realized I’ve changed a lot during the 2-year hall life. I sent old friends away and welcomed new “family members”. I learnt how to get along with different kinds of people. There will be somebody cheering you up when somebody pissed you off. Every day you will face new challenges and that’s why I improved a lot this year.

To be honest this is the second year for me to be the president of the RA Committee. I’ve been through all changes these years. I hope everyone can treat here as their 2nd home, a home with joyous memories with every other Prosperians!

Hi, I’m Joyce. This is my first year living in Hall 2. During my leisure time at hall, my favorite thing to do is playing mahjong with my hallmates. More than that, being part of the Provisional Executive Committee is one of the most fruitful experiences for me throughout the year. Not only I have gained experiences in organizing activities, it also equipped me with better interpersonal skills to work with others. It was definitely a memorable and worthwhile experience. I look forward to the joys and exciting hall life in the upcoming days.



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我叫 Jess,在業昕生活了一年。自己比較怕悶,所以喜歡找不同的人聊天,慢慢在宿舍就認識很多的朋友,我很開心可以每天在宿舍跟朋友聊天、打麻雀、溫書。


Hello 我是Soso! 在業昕的生活原來已經有一年了,這一年好像過得很快,但我學會了不少事情。決定當臨委成員的那時,心裡其實有很多憂慮,因為我已經是三年級生,課業漸漸增加,同時需要兼顧莊務的話,害怕自己不能應付。

儘管如此,仍希望透過這次機會挑戰自己,認識不同的朋友。果然,成為臨委後花了更多的時間去籌備活動及協調,但看見各位 Enjoy 和開心的表情,覺得再辛苦也是值得的。

大家好, 我是呀智! 為什麼我會成為臨委呢? 雖然之前也有聽說過”上莊”很花時間, 會很chur, 經歷了一年, 的確需要花費很多平常休閒的時間在宿舍的活動上, 但我覺得這樣正好讓一向是 deadline fighter 的我學習如何去衡量和安排時間。除此之外, 我期望可以通過成為臨委, 為Hall2 作出貢獻, 而且學懂接受挑戰, 解決難題, 加強與莊員的關係, 如果能夠做到這樣, 即使損失一些時間也是值得的!



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打牌 Play MahJong X 屎 X食 Hell Can


Sweet soup夜訓通頂冇難度Work & Play


杯麵是朋友Cup noodles as our friend

地 Com 唱 KSing Karaoke at G/F Common

日日 Hall TeeEveryday

半夜吹水心事台Midnight chatting028

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Synergy 1 Life at Prosperious Hall has been my unforget-table memory. In addition to having easy access to intellectual university facilities, during this residen-tial life, I am so pleasure to know my roommate and neighbours who comes from different culture and background. We not only have our gathering including our cooking gatherings, card games and big parties, but we also live harmoniously and take care each other which leads to our lasting friend-ship.Besides, the residential environment stimulates our learning that I am able to learn from other peers such as their sophisticate and knowledge. I’m so glad and await to explore and enrich my life in Prosperious Hall. BY Jack Chan

I am a freshman of this year. In the

semester A, I lived in Prosperity Hall and

have become a member of this family. Liv-

ing here, I feel very warm and make many

good friends. I think we live just like a

family. We play with others on leisure

time, consult with each other when faced

with academic problems and sometimes

cook together. The life is very harmonious

and happy. I hope to have been living in

this family and enjoy the warmth of this

family continuously. BY Cristiano Lam


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Living in 1st floor, initially I thought, Why, I want to live higher! However, everything turns out well. 1st floor isn’t as noisy from the lawn as I imagined, and I get sunlight in the morning: these are the two things that I was most concerned with. What’s more awesome than that is that I have a bunch of cheerful, down-to-earth, and really kind floor mates! Just by talking to them when I feel stressful, it releases my tension and sometimes laughter can even be heard through the wall haha:D We share foods, we cheer for hall sport team, we hang out outside of school, we take lots of selfies, we gossip…there are so much we want to do if time permits. Half a semester has gone and some students are leaving. What would I do without them? Nothing lasts forever and this is the moment I cherish, treasured, and never would it be forgotten. Thank you all the 1st floor angels for bringing me joy :) ! BY Jia Xin Koh.

This is my second semester living at Hall 2. I

should say this is a fruitful semester before my

exchange. I meet a lot of interesting friends

and have a nice time with my floormates. We

play, laugh and share. If you are willing to

give, it is no doubt that you will receive lots

more than you expected. Definitely, I receive

a lot of invisible gifts, including care and love

during my hall life. Trying to be a committee of

hall activities is challenging, but unforgettable.

You will find it incredible after you complete

the mission. Lastly, thanks those who care and

are nice to me. Wish you would have a wonder-

ful hall life like me. :) BY Eddie Lau

These four months are amazing for me! Peo-

ple are nice and interesting in first floor, and

I really enjoy the life with you guys! In the

first floor meeting, I’m surprised that there

are so many exchange students living in first

floor and my floormates are coming from

different background, and we get along very

well. We cook together, chat together and

do enjoy spending time with each other. It

seems that most of us are leaving and I have

no idea if we can gather again. Of course

I’m sad, but I’m also looking forward to

the day we meet in the future. Hope you all

have a wonderful time next year! BY Dada Wu


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Wing (205A)This is my second year in HSBC Prosperity Hall. I’m very glad that I have joined the family. I spent most of my time here and I met a lot of new friends. I do enjoy my fruitful hall life so I hope all members of Hall 2 enjoy their lives here too!

William (204A)Living in 2nd floor of Hall 2 has been a great experience to feel with. Gathering, communicating, and sharing between neighbors of different culture makes me learn a lot of global exposure, especially with the dessert night to make us feel closer to each other.


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Janice (203B) It is my pleasure to be one of the prosperians. Hall 2 is not only a place to live but also a home for me. I am really grateful to meet many nice hallmates and friends who have been really good to me. They become part of my daily life and even family of mine. My days in Hall 2 definitely add colors to my university life and I consider it an irreplaceable memory to treasure.

Arianna (203B)I really enjoy my hall life since I moved in. After staying here for the first semester, I realized why people say that having a hall life is a must throughout the university life. Apart from saving my time traveling back to school, I met friends from different countries. They are all so nice and we can share our own cultures with each other. I think hall life is definitely an unforgettable experience.


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Jasper (303B)住左 Hall 2 一年啦,同呢度既人更加熟絡!可以吹水,一齊玩,一齊通宵睇戲,好正!好感謝班 hallmates,鍾意留喺 Hall 多過返屋企。feel like home,黎緊喺 Hall 2 更精彩!

Ringo (306A)今年,已經是我第三年居住於滙豐業昕堂。起初,我認為自己經歷舍堂的活動已





Terry (305A)As a student from mainland, I have to say that there exists some inconvenience in communicating with other members at the beginning. However, people in the 3rd floor are all friendly and kind, which helps me a lot to integrate into this group. We had several kinds of activities like Dessert Night. To conclude, we who live in the 3rd floor seems like a family.

Channing (305A)Amazing! The floor-mates are warmhearted. Though we come from different places, have different cultures, it’s easy to communicate with each other. We have many activities, which strengthen our friendship and make the living experience pleasant. The RT is really nice. She organizes those activities. I’m enjoying living on the 3rd floor!

Robin (305B)Hall 2 is one of the warmest halls I have lived in . The people on

the third floor are very warm and friendly. I occasionally chat

with my hall mates whenever we met. I also especially enjoyed the

weekly dessert night that Elaine organized. Hall 2 just means the

sweetest home.


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Nitin (305B)The third floor is the epitome of entertainment and enjoyment. There is a

certain bond among the residents here which you can’t seem to understand

because to them it’s a home away from home. The atmosphere is friendly

as everyone wants to invite you for events such a dessert night, hot pot

night etc. All in all the best start for my freshman year and I wouldn’t

change it for anything.

Anthony (306A)It is so glad to have a group of hall mates living together to make my university life more colorful. We also watch movies together in our rooms and cook together at Christmas. The warmest moments are playing games overnight and going to have breakfast together and see whether we could attend the lesson on 9am. Admit it, I am always the loser.

Shirley (302B)

It is the 3rd year that I spend on 3rd floor. My life in 3rd floor

bestowed me a scent of harmony and happiness. Sharing a

common living space with people from different backgrounds

is such a precious experience that helps you come out of your

comfort zone and learn to get along with new friends. In 3F, we

live, we love and we learn.

Aces 3


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YB (401B)四樓的宿生生活融洽,Hall tutor 為人親切,但煮東西很難吃,所以我們時常一起外出吃飯,也很高興。

Rocky (404B)

At the first day of my university life, the warm and

friendliness of 4F was right there waiting for me. RT

Elaine gave me a gracious welcome, and floormates

kindly chatted with me in the common room. For the

whole semester, life in Hall 2 4F played an important

role. I often cooked in the common room thanks to the

good facilities. We had dessert night every Tuesday,

when floormates shared cuisines and enjoyed the time

together. Living here gave me much comfort and sense

of belonging, and I think that’s what international

students especially seeking for!

Rike (401A)





Yannes (405B)業昕堂•四樓住左好多不同國藉、






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Shan (403B)四樓好 international,有好多來自五湖四海嘅人,四樓比我好有安全感嘅感覺。雖然唔係成日一齊玩,但係都唔陌生。一齊食多啲樓飯 yeah!

Keith (401B)


藉的宿生,而 Hall tutor 給我們溫



I am very happy to live on

4/F, Hall 2. The Resident

tutor is nice and friendly. I

hope she can pay for us to

have more desserts.


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Jeff (503B)

When I first arrived on to the hall it

was empty, quiet, and a bit lonely at

first. Soon, as the other residents

started to move back in things started

to change. Everybody I met on the

floor was very friendly and extremely

kind, I would be in the common room

and everybody would stop and say

hello and chat with me. I look forward

to the rest of the semester and

enjoying life on the 5th floor.

Joseph (506B)I am an exchange student

from America. I really love it

here in Hong Kong. People here

have been so friendly! I have

really enjoyed learning about

Chinese culture. I have been

taken aback by how Hong Kong

is a mixture and melting pot of

Eastern and Western cultures.

Elvis (503A)我在去年住進了HALL2 的 5/F。5樓的大家真的很是有趣,大家都待人超和善,每日在 common room 打打鬧鬧也很有趣。RT Jelly 超級可愛的。在 5 樓很開心。

Resonance 5


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Li Wang (502B)As a non-local student, I treat Hong Kong as

my second hometown and of course, Prosperity

Hall is my home in the town. When I was in the

US for exchange study, my housemates asked

me if I felt homesick. I said “Yes” and what

I was referring to is just here. This is such a

place that people from eastern and western

world could share their living space as well as

their thought. For example, I can’t find a hall

could make the common rooms so “common”

like Hall 2. I see the harmony and friendliness

in spirit here. That’s why I choose to be a

Prosperian for 3 years.

Longin (501A)

To be frank, I didn’t expect to be

allocated a single-sex floor place as it

seemed much “HE-HE”. But soon after

that, it proves my conception to be flawed

as I discover many happy memories among

the brotherhood: we can behave freely

on the floor without much hesitation. We

dare to share almost everything together,

with laughters and hilariousness. We have

many football topics to talk about......and

perhaps, Bromance is the most precious

thing in the hall ever.

Dan (504A)第一次來到香港城市大學學生宿舍,就有一種驚奇的感覺,不同於大陸大學的宿舍,這裡的宿舍就像一個小賓館。每一層,都有一個common room,不僅讓宿生交流

娛樂,還有齊全的餐具設備供宿生自己下廚。而我有幸地住到了 hall 2 的 5 樓,這是 hall 2 唯一一層男層,大家平時就像兄弟一樣,每


Jason (504A)Hall 2 的溫馨生活令人有置身家中的感覺,和諧的氛圍與豐富的活動令人身心愉悅,此間之樂難於言表,唯望這美麗之地常在。

Resonance 5


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Effervescence 6


Marco(602B)Being a Prosperian is really won-

derful as I can earn many invalua-

ble things like friendship, love, care

and warmth. Whenever I feel low,

my warm hall mates and roommate

provide me with care, power and

strength. I’m really proud to be

a Prosperian! How much you earn

here depends on how much effort

you put or how much you contrib-

ute. I really get much here. I truly

do, and so do you and so will you!












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I have been living in Hall 2

over 2 years. Nice friends,

enjoyable activities and

peaceful environment have

been parts of my student

journey. I can feel the

warmth and wonderful-

ness from this hall. I am

proud to be a Prosperian.

Hui Ting (606B)Living in hall 2 is such a wonder-

ful experience. This is where I meet great people from different

backgrounds and countries. I love to join hall activities espe-cially the dessert night, mainly because eating dessert and min-

gling around with people are my

all time favorites. I hope all of you will enjoy your hall life and

wish you a fruitful year ahead!

Xinhong (604B)This is my third year in hall 2, living in the exactly the same room as two years ago. I think I got lucky enough to keep staying and have so many kind friends just living around, mak-ing my life colorful and enjoy-able. This is not only a place to be alive, but to feel.Hall 2 is definitely the best, and, floor 6 is the best of the best.”

Mandy (606A)

住到 hall 2 令我感受到濃厚嘅人情





令宿生們更加投入享受hall life ,



晚活動倍增精彩!好開心係 hall 2

搵到一班好好玩好癲好 caring嘅

floormates 。因為她們,我的 hall

life 才會如此精彩。業昕人萬歲!

Zoe(605A)好開心今年有得同sammi做roommate一齊住hall。六樓好多local,所以好爆好好玩好熱鬧,睇我地啲door dec幾靚就知啦!哈哈! 我地呢層個個都好夜訓,就算做deadline fight-er都大把人陪xd !yeah!我地係業六素!


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Pixie 7

Christy Ho (704A)










Daisy Choi (704B)七樓,女層。大家都以為女層好靜,但是七樓成日好嘈仲好warm。在七樓,冬天涷冰冰經過common會有floormate煮野食,請你飲一碗暖笠笠既湯。糖水會一定會一大堆人出黎講下笑吹下水:D肚餓既時候,floormate會切蘋果俾你食:p好開心今年可以成為七樓既一份子:D

ChingChing Kwok (705B)

My favorite time on the floor

is the dessert night. This is

the time that all of us gather

together and share among

each other. We chat like we

are long distance couple that

nobody wants to leave. Love

in 7/F is a stream, it might

not be a wild one, but it is

always running on and on.

Hyun Seung (701B)This is my first time that staying in a hall in a foreign country. At first, I feel a little weird when Cas said that all people in 7/F would meet every Tuesday night and enjoy self-made dessert together. But now, I think it was very good because I am getting more familiar with people living in 7/F. All people in 7/F are nice, and enable me to kick off many friendship.

Chingching Ng (704A)

7樓給我的第一印象是: 靜。可




自從在floor meeting互相認識之








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Rebecca Tsui (706B)Hall2 has always been famous of its various and sufficient cooking uten-sils in the common room,especially in 7/F. As it is a female floor and girls tend to cook more often, there are microwave oven, cooker, baker and two toasters kept in good condi-tion, so that every floormate is free to cook at anytime they want. Now, even when my friends want to prepare a dinner gathering by them-selves, they would definitely choose to do it in hall2!

Lu yao(706A)最愛溫馨滿滿,熱氣騰騰的交誼












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Sensation 8

Alex (805B)係hall2住左一個sem,真係好正好開心!hall2既floor-mates個個都好nice好玩得!大家可以無啦啦係common撞到,然後吹水吹通宵(心事台),仲要三更半夜一齊出ssp食宵夜。呢d生活真係不得了!希望今個sem既hall life繼續咁warm咁正la!

Audrey Au (802B)今年是我第二年住在業昕堂,很慶幸身邊有一群經常晚上十二點呼喚我夜夜笙歌的hallmates,令我每年也充滿著歡樂和回憶。

Emily (803A)住左hall2 半年幾,一個禮拜一次既糖水會好正啊!難忘食到floormate親手整既湯丸。平時係hall得閒冇野做又可以去common R水吹。冇米冇廁紙even冇錢都可以拍門借! :D 住到8樓係開心既!

Ray (805A)Hall life on the 8th floor rocks especially on every Wednesday night when the desert nights are held. We share great snacks and drinks prepared with ingenuity and more pre-ciously, we are chatting and enjoying the moments then. Those are truly great opportu-nities for us in building bonds with each other.


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Belikse (803B)Since the day I arrived on the

8th floor, I am surrounded by

friendly, ever- smiling and warm

community of the residents. The

bonds between us, have been formed immediately since the

very beginning, and are getting

stronger and stronger day by

day. In our company you can feel

acceptance, tolerance, interna-

tional spirit and always have fun

whenever and wherever you are.

Jess (804B)









Kengo (806A)

I am really glad to live in

the 8th floor because we

have many kinds of people in

character. They are so open-

minded, talkative, and con-

siderate. I feel now as if I

have another family. We have

many enjoyable events and

moments. I will never forget

this precious experience.

Victoria (803B)The eighth floor as a whole has always been energetic, fun and enjoyable with kind and consid-erate residents. There is a great environment for not only resting, but also studying and having fun. The eighth floor is definitely one of the best floors in all the student residence! Never regret-ted to be living here and meet all those lovely floormates!


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Omn ipo ten t 9

Chloe Chan (901B)

The moments we had on 9/F

When I first met my 9/F floor mates, my first impression on them is that they are funny and welcoming. In joining the weekly dessert gatherings and playing card games and board games together, I get to know that they are actually very crazy and playful, yet caring and warm. We jam music together, play games together, make dessert together, decorate the outer wall of the common room together......every single moments spending with them are one of the fondest memories I have this year. Thank you you all for giving me this wonderful hall life!


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Hui Fung (903B)我第一次住 Hall 就係 Hall 2。人地成日話,Hall 2 係摺 Hall,冇咩好玩。但經過呢年,我反而覺得 Hall 2 係最 WARM 既 HALL。我地有糖水會,有樓飯,有湯飲,有好多好玩既活動。最勁既係,Hall 2 係全個 HALL AREA 唯一既煮飯勝地,有好多朋友第一次入 Hall 2 就會話:「嘩,你地 Hall D 廚具咁齊既?」。最深刻既經驗係 HALL 2 既 STUDY TOUR,大家真係落手落腳一齊去搞,沿途又笑料百出。當然少不了既係要多謝一班 HALL TUT 同 COMMITTEE 盡心盡力、勞苦功高為 HALL 2 增添不少色彩! Proud to be one of the Prosperians!

Joyce Chan (901B)9/F, a place where I made sweet and cherishable memories with my floormates. My floormates are always so funny and playful. Their jokes never failed to make me laugh. We play games, have dessert, jam music and chit chat together till the middle of the night but we never get tired of it. These memories we made will stay forever in my heart.

Thank you all of you for giving me a memorable freshman year! :) <3


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JacobA Curious Pirate Ship

After a long and tiring day of working and sitting

through seemingly endless lectures every student

needs a place to go to that he can call home. A place

where he can just sit around and wile away the hours,

easily forgetting about being productive and the

stresses that the day brought.

When I talk about the 10th of floor of HSBC Pros-

perity Hall I feel that I may be at risk of using the

clichéd expression “Home away from home”. But

there is simply no way around it. The tenth floor is

a home (and a pirate ship) to all of us who are lucky

enough to live there. There is never any shortage of

activities, stupid jokes or bad cooking, but these

things only serve to spice up life on the tenth floor.

If you ever feel a bit homeless or just need a place to

chill come to the 10th floor – All strays are welcome.

Lawrence ChungHall-life is one of the most important things in my University life. When the first time I came to 10th floor, I saw some decora-tions in the corridor. This was beautiful and I could feel the unity of this floor. Before I lived in hall, I had heard that foreign floor mates seldom play with the local. However, after living in my floor for two semesters, I can prove this is wrong because we can make good friends with foreign floor mates like Jacob, Rik, and Michael. We always played, dined, shared, and decorated our floor together. Therefore, there is no doubt that 10th floor is already like a big family and this is memorable.


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Rhapsody 10

Michael Hagino

Hall 2 and the 10th floor community have

played a huge role in my life. I have grown

ever so fond towards everyone in the hall,

especially the people on the 10th floor.

We have done many activities and events

together and all of these have accumu-

lated which made us ever so close to each

other. They have changed from being just

friends to feeling like a family, a second

family for me. I am ever so grateful to

interact with locals and foreigners from

different background and be able learn,

express and experience my hall life with

them. Hall 2 has truly nurtured me and it

is definitely unforgettable.

Ivan Lau今年很好運能夠入住 hall2 的

十樓。在整整一年間,我好像多了一個家一樣。除了一張床,一張,更多的是與鄰居及交流生的互動。令 hall2


Captain Yu不經不覺已經在 HALL 2



work hard play hard 不論







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Soso (1101A)

雖然是 year 3 卻第一



著精彩的hall life。聊

天聊到next day有早課


水, 很珍惜和妳們在一

起的時間 (=^‥^=)

Jessica (1101A)It is very delightful to be in City Uni-versity as an exchange student and living in Hall 2. CityU is such a lovely place because of the sophisticated infrastructure, relaxing environment and strong academic atmosphere. It is a great honor to be staying in Hall 2 since the people here are nice and friendly, allowing me to experience the local life well. They give me the feeling that we are family. I am sure I will be here spending a perfectly pleasing semester.

Bella (1106A)

Life in Hall 2 is warm and happy. The two

years I live here is really of great fun and

will always be the most memorable experi-

ence. There are many hall activities with dif-

ferent kinds of themes every semester and

you can always find out your interest among

all of them. There are many other opportuni-

ties for us to make friends with people all

over the world and enjoy ourselves together.

All the people including the security guards

and tutors are extremely friendly and nice

as they are willing to help you whenever you

encounter problems. Hall 2 is like a big fam-

ily where we share happiness and sadness.

We support each other and improve our-

selves. The hall life here is amazing!

Pops i es 11


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Melody (1106A)Living in Hall 2 is a wonderful experience. I have been living here for nearly two years and have known a lot of friends who make my life much more interesting than ever. The most impressive part of the hall life is the dessert night which we have with floor mates every week. This is a great time for sharing, talking and enjoying delicious food. Various activi-ties during every semester also give us a lot of fun. The floor/ door decoration competition is my favorite one. After decorating the common room or the door of our room, we feel more like home here. Prosperians are always the best!

Beth (1102B)

Living in Hall 2 is extraordinary.

I enjoy the time staying here as

it is truly convenient in access-

ing to other parts of the cam-

pus, when compared with some

other halls. My floor is giving

me the feeling no different from

home as everybody is nice and

friendly to me. I have regarded

CityU and Hong Kong my home

since day one of arrival.

Rose (1105B)This is my first time to live on campus in Hong Kong, and it is awesome! Living in Hall 2 is like being back in home since every-one is so friendly and generous to help.It has been ever more exciting to have a lot of tradi-tions here, such as the Prosperi-ans’ Night and dessert night. I am sure I will enjoy the rest of exchange life here. Thank you, Hall 2 and the Prosperians!

Victoria (1105A)

I have spent almost half a year in Hall 2 as

a mainland student who left her hometown

for the first time. Hall 2 has provided me

with a fabulous feeling which makes me

feel like at home. We have great securitie

guards who do care a lot about our daily

life; and nice senior students who often

grant me a helping hand. One thing that

impress me the most is the Hall Ocamp. The

warm-hearted group members and local

students had helped me overcome the fear

of uncertainty when I first arrived in HK.

In a word, I definitely appreciate the time

I spent in Hall 2 up till now and hope that I

will have the chance to stay in Hall 2 with

everybody I like!

Ann (1105B)It is an honor to be a member of the Hall2 fam-

ily. The loving, helping and sharing atmosphere

here grants me a deep sense of belonging. Eve-

ryone in Hall 2 is hospitable and nice. What’s

more, I feel so lucky and grateful that I can

live in my dearest 11/F for two years. The

experience of living with all the lovely girls

together is fantastic and enjoyable. Living

with the friendly and helpful RT, the cute

roommate and all other unique floor mates, I

really can’t figure out another word besides

“sisters” to describe our close and friendly

relationship. Hall 2 is the place with love and

care. I am sure I will always remember the

time I spent in Hall2 in my whole life and I will

always be proud of being a Prosperian.Pops i es 11


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雷文洛克(Ray Kroc)曾說:「經營漢堡飽業務,我們比誰都更認真」。他這份認真和投入,奠定了麥當勞的經營基石。正所謂 : 深夜肚餓好難頂,識叫麥麥送好鬼醒!




bell chan 嘅香脆即炸魚柳,加上 double 足三兩嘅

juicy juicy 十成熟牛扒,配埋一杯涷到入心嘅 82 年可

樂,可謂人生一大享受!特別係忙碌嘅十二月 exam

period ,窩心嘅麥麥送係宿生們嘅恩物。

M 記已經成為我生活不可缺一嘅一部份,無左 m 記我點


In the cold and hungry night, our very first choice will be

ordering 24 Hours McDelivery! This is very common for

Prosperians to order McDelivery because it is convenient

and the food are delicious!

奇 2 文化


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不可一!不可再!向 m 記說得!向 hall life 說得!

奇 2 文化


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如果你想 hall life 過得充實d , 首先你要發出比較有震

撼性既聲音,我可以示範下 : 睇鬼片啊!其實一班人

一齊喺 hall 睇鬼片係不可不試,可能你唔睇唔知身



情,你咪話唔 warm!前一分鐘讓人嚇得發抖,但下



Instead of gathering in the ground floor common room, what else can we do?

Watching horrible movies can be one of your choices! It’s scary but funny when

you are being with your best friends. Let’s gather with your friends now and try this special activity! YA!


其實睇鬼片又有咩好怕 wo ~


Well Actually I am not afraid of

watching horrible movies but

I do enjoy the time we spend


奇 2 文化


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做定係其他原因,如果你想過一個有意義嘅夜晚,黎 uncle Jack 星級專業兼親身到場指教嘅吉他班 la!傳說

中嘅 Uncle Jack ,氣宇軒昂,英俊瀟灑,被稱為 Hall 2

吉他小王子,拥有兩個以上嘅小粉絲。因此於2014年9月1號9時9分9秒決心為廣大的 Hall 2 宿生開辦了史無前例嘅吉他班,造福廣大業昕宿生!至目前為止,已有多位宿生參與,希望大家給予熱烈支持!

In Hall 2 , we have a guitar class proposed

by uncle Jack, one of our student

residents. This guitar class is specially

designed for beginners to learn guitar.

Thanks Uncle Jack and the class, there are

already some prosperians who now know

how to play chords and finger style!

now I will recap in English ,其實




白痴嘅我都覺得 uncle Jack 嘅教學


奇 2 文化059

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JAN 2014Prosperians’ Night Sem B

JAN 2014Dumplings Making Class

JAN 2014Floor Decoration

APR 2014Hall 2 Carnival

MAR 2014Annual Dinner


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APR 2014Hall 2 Singing Contest

SEP 2014Orientation Camp

SEP 2014Door Decoration

SEP 2014Prosperians’ Night Sem A

NOV 2014Welfare Day

JAN 2015Study Tour


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This year, a group of 13 residents joined the Taiwan Cultural Study Tour. The six days trip mainly focus on historical and cultural places in Taiwan. This study tour aims to broaden students’ horizon by providing them with the opportunity to learn and immerse themselves in other cultural environment. It helps developing students’ analytical and critical thinking abilities through the interaction with university students in Taiwan. In addition, this tour provides an excellent opportunity to enhance students’ communication skills through exposure to the Taiwan society. After the tour, the tour participants organized a focus group to share their experience during the trip.


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The study tour was definitely one of the highlights of the fruitful hall life I had this year. Not to mention that the beautiful scenery in the places we visited like Alishan and XiaoLiuqiu were so fantastic, what made this trip so special to me were the satisfaction I had after all the efforts we made in researching about the place and planning the itinerary. Apart from that, the close and intimate friendships we developed with each other, especially with the girls were also irreplaceable. I will always remember those nights when we chatted together and had a heart-to-heart talk every midnight. The study tour was such a memorable experience and these memories we made will stay forever in my heart.

Joyce Chan


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A journey with hall-mates — the best way to spend your semester break!

‘What to do during semester break?’ I bet this is one of the most commonly asked questions. Embarking a journey with hall mates is perhaps one of the best choices to fill it with colours and memories. I am glad to have gone for a six-days-five-nights trip in Taiwan with 12 other hall-mates during the January break.

Trips can be mind-numbingly boring or fascinating, but this trip is definitely the latter one. Other than visiting iconic tourist spots, we explored authentic places with spectacular sceneries. In XiaoLiuQiu we experienced the tranquility of the fishing village; in FenQiHu we appreciated the traditional culture special to the place; in Alishan we admired beautiful sceneries at an altitude of 2500 meters …and in many more places that we visited, we built wonderful and unique memories together.

A tour is wonderful not just because of the destinations, but also because of the amazing people you go with. This is an experience that I would treasure throughout my u-life, and I bet you will have one if you join the tour with us next year!

Chloe Chan


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她叫雙番南時 你打南

他在單吊西時 你打西







則看你的造化 . . . . . .


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寒冷之夜,等待著思雅的不是空無一人的交誼室。Lift 門甫開,傳來已是陣陣誘人的沙嗲香味。只見思雅喉嚨低低咕嚕了一聲,緊握左手的肥牛,右手的啤酒,往著燈火璀璨的地方前進。 一門之隔,便把整個宇宙濃縮在這小小的空間內,沸騰著那些年的青春熱血。 隨著裊裊坎煙,僅是一牆之隔,香濃的沙嗲味便轉換成清幽的腐竹雞蛋糖水,整個空間甜蜜蜜地等待著來品嚐它的人。

正在烹調糖水的是4樓 RT,糖水會是業昕堂的傳統,一星期一間房,連綿不絕,如細水長流。除了完塊腐皮的腐竹雞蛋,「黑珍珠」更是她的拿手好菜,你可以試著幻想她右手拿著鑊鏟,唔係,係拿著湯舀係一煲晶螢剔透的水中撈出一顆又一顆的黑色珍珠。「此珠只應天上有」是眾人給它的評價—純天然,無添加,so pure, so true!此時電話一震,絕對不是來自她的男朋友,為何? 她的笑容更為甜美,那是嗅到美食的幸福表情,絕非男女之情能媲美。「現在,立刻,等我!」再附加一個笑喊符號,信息還沒送出,便一枝箭咁熛出去。

那段信息來自九樓的甜品大廚。焗好了,煲好了,整好了,短短數字發出去之後,人情的溫暖便會自自然然聚集於此,任誰也不覺寒冷。寒夜,喝著一碗熟悉的熱紅豆沙,咬著剛燒好的焦糖燉蛋,於願足矣。九樓的呼喚,連繫著數代宿生的回憶。不管你是新知或舊好,濟濟一堂,共聚一室。那是僅屬於 Hall 2 的回憶,甜品的浪漫,你懂嗎?「噓!那箱不許偷食!那是留給…」

焦糖燉蛋紅豆沙爆谷鬆餅蘋果批…滿滿的放在地下大堂,他們在等待著,等待著您的到來。來吧!不用客氣!伸手取一件吧!這是屬於你的時代,屬於你的甜品時代。來,一起把這甜蜜的故事,延續下去。Hall 2,the sweetest home。到你了。

小白還沒到步,遠遠的「2」字早已點起燈來,為你提示家的方向。拍卡而入,呆在拍卡器上面的兩隻雪人,為你微微點頭。「嘟」,家的門打開了。繞過大堂的巨型聖誕樹,準備撳 lift 之際。「今日外面好凍,夠衫著架你?」保安員玲姐熟識的問候,令小白停下腳步,讓冰冷的環境,添加了一份溫暖。讓寂幕的黑夜,添加數分熱鬧。

春暖秋涼,花開花落,玲姐已在業昕堂工作了十一個年頭了,與小白只有半年的交情。論資輩,玲姐絕對是開朝元老,若然他朝 Hall 2 倒塌了,第一個回來獻花的,必然是她。雖然,每年都有宿生來之走之,但每當有舊生回來,寒暄數句,還是暖意無限。 「玲姐還好嗎?」舊生思雅左一袋,右一袋,笨拙地向玲姐打聲招呼,便往那曾經熟悉的 common room 進發。


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【Hall 草】(The lawn area)


Hall 草


Hell can

hall cou2

Hell can

tong4 seoi2 wui3

【糖水會】(Dessert Night)


【英】 Every room take turns to prepare desserts for their floormates, once a week.


每星期一次的糖水會, 各個房間為各自樓層宿生輪流準備糖水或甜品


業昕潮語卡Picture cards of Trendy Expressions in

Hong Kong Cantonese

【英】Lawn area outside Moon-Chun Multi-function Hall


【Hell can】(Hell can)

【中】Canteen 的別稱

【英】Nickname of Canteen

【例】如果唔係要考試,有邊個想食Hell can 丫


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【業昕人宴】(Prosperians Night)


【英】 It is an event held every semester. That night, residents will gather to enjoy delicious meal, lucky draw and games


Prosperians Night

每個學期都有嘅活動, 當晚宿生會一齊享受美味嘅晚餐,仲有精彩遊戲同豐富嘅抽獎

Hi Bye橋Hi Bye kiu4

【Hi Bye 橋】(flyover)

【中】 通往學生宿舍的天穚

【英】 The flyover that connect campus and Student Residence

【例】 一陣兩點喺 Hi Bye 橋等啦


【樓 飯】(floor dinner)

【中】 每一個 sem 每層一齊煮既飯

【英】Each floor will will cook dinner together each semester

【例】今次既樓飯又有咕嚕肉,又有蒸魚,好豐富 樓 飯

lau4 faan6

今次嘅 Prosperians’ Night 我地全層決定扮漢堡神偷去參加


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Mandy, local HK student住在業昕堂有什麼得益?認識到一堆好 close,好 caring 既 floormate。我地經常一齊去食 hall can,夜晚又會通頂溫書,跟住仲會一齊嗌M記。其實佢地就好似家人一樣,有時做錯野既時候,佢地會教我。有時又會學識點去 organize D野,有時又會參加hall既活動,從中學識與不同的人、不同國藉的人相處、溝通。在這個過程中,感受到什麼是青春。

如何與 floormate 建立關係?因為我是從 waiting list 搬入 Hall 2,所以並沒參加過o camp,所以比較難識到 floormate。一開始是在糖水會時,大家便會聚集在一齊,人才濟濟。這時候,他們便會了解大家的近況,然後有時會一齊煮飯仔,這令大家的關係更加深入。尤其在 exam period 的時候,大家一齊溫書,一齊食麥麥送,食宵夜。咁樣就好似共過患難,一同打敗考試。

在業昕堂最深刻的故事來到hall 2之後,我學識了照顧自己。我還記得我第一天搬進 hall 的時候,有兩個 floormate 走黎拍門,問我適不適應 hall 2 的生活,並主動邀請我參加 prosperians night。剎那間,我覺得 floormate 好 caring 同埋好 warm。

請用一些形用詞形用充滿力量的。因為大家成日都係埋一齊。在同一間房裡,打機食野傾計傻笑,唔駛驚覺得悶,因為總會有一大班人陪你一齊嗌一齊笑。就算玩足 24 小時,大家的樣子也像是充滿力量一樣。若然抽身來看,他們像是痴線一樣,簡直就是從青山走出來的渾蛋。

你喜歡糖水會嗎?十分鍾意。在糖水夜,總會有不同的驚喜出現,你不會預計到有怎樣的糖水,說不定還有傳說中的黑暗料理。其實一邊傾計,一邊品嚐到不同特色的糖水,會令到整個氣氛更加 sweet 更加 warm.因為我們品嚐的不單是糖水,更是 floormate 與 floormate 一星期之間的互動。

講起 “甜” 你會想到什麼?諗起甜我會諗起業昕堂的人情味。其實業昕堂就好像一個小型的市區,每層也住了不同的人,雖然表面上大家也有著不同的生活習慣,但經過一段時間的相處,我發現大家都有共同的特點,那便是互相關懷他人。業昕堂真係好warm!


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Rachel, Korean exchange student comes from CanadaI really love to talk to people. Once I start the discussion, I introduce myself and say “hi, I am Rachel”....., and starts to find out some common interests, say, when I talked to Anthony and we found out that we liked hiking so much. Just one thing the most important for making friend -- BE OPEN YOURSELF AND BE CONFIDENT.

I was surprised at the common room, cooking utensil here. In Canada, we don’t have those kinds of environment. Although they have their own kitchen. The kitchen is very big here. And it is very impressive here to have cleaning worker in the common room.

Proseprians night is very impressive and well-organized. I wish we may have opportunity to sit for other floors. After the ending of the dinner, we have a better chance to talk with other people. Moreover, the games is pretty good. The raffle draw is pretty fun. I really love the hall master. He is very nice. I could better join other hall activities in the rest of times and know the hall 2 better.

Bliss. Experiencing sweet encounters with other people, hearing sweet words, and even enjoying sweet food once in a while leaves me in a state of bliss. I often find myself saying, “oh you are so sweet” or “how sweet of you” to others when they are kind, loving, and warm towards me.


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Danny, Student from Taiwan“Sweet” . It is a feeling when you have a connection with this hall. For example, smiles from hallmates. Everyone in Hall 2 is so friendly. Every time you encounter them, you feel like meeting a very old friend and then have a warm smile with each other. Or you simply enter or leave the hall, the security staff will show their warmth smile to you and make you feel sweet.

You can go to lesson very quickly. And you can have lots of friends and build up a strong connection with other people. To me, I am an international student. In terms of rent, the hall fee is cheaper than other places outside the campus. Moreover, it can make use of the hall to have a good discussion with other students. Besides, the facilities provided in the hall is thorough. For example, the G/F room is a good place to study . Furthermore, if I have free time, computer room is a good place to stay.

Energetic. When you live in hall 2, you always laugh. They usually share funny and interesting story and ultimately make you laugh. Besides, Relaxing can be used to describe Hall 2 as everyone treats you like a very good friend. Live in Hall 2, you don’t need to saturate with lots of boring stuff as you can easily find your friends and have a chat together.


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Caesar, student from HunanIn hall 2, I can meet many friends and acquire different experiences. For example, cooking, playing mahjong and practicing Cantonese. Frankly speaking, Hall 2 is my first place to learn about the Hong Kong culture. For example, the tradition dessert in Hong Kong. It also makes me feel like home as the equipment here is easy to use and thorough.

The food in Hong Kong is totally different from Hunan. Because my hometown eats spicy food while HK’s food is mostly sweet. Of course, when compared with the hometown’s food, I still miss the food in Hunan. Sometimes, I cook the meal with spicy ingredients brought from my hometown and share the food with hallmates. Besides, barbecued pork”叉燒” is my favorite food which cannot be found in Hunan. It is delicious when spicy oil is added.

Warm. the residents and the equipment are nice. And it is very interesting because there are many activities. For example, Prosperians night, Weekly Dessert night. Besides, the care from friends, the comfortable environment and the friendly atmosphere in hall 2 are contributing to the feeling of warm.

Yes. I can taste so many deserts with different cultural style and the dessert night provides me a special opportunity to prepare a desert. It also give me a chance to communicate with my floormates and cement our friendship.


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感 昕。


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Chloe, Joyce, Fred 和 阿峯 同為第一年入

住 Hall 2 的同學。Chloe 和 Joyce是一年級



Chloe 和 Joyce 是中學同學,阿峯和 Fred




對於宿舍生活,Chloe 坦言在短短的一個學

期的同宿生活, 她跟 Joyce 的友誼已經昇華


「每天回到宿舍看到 Joyce,就好像回到家


所以,當問起 Chloe 她在宿舍的事,她二話

不說就要感謝她的室友 Joyce。她明白到,



Joyce 也永遠給她很大的支持。



Joyce 亦非常喜歡 Chloe,她表示大學這個


多 uncertainties 。Joyce 最開心的是每每

遇到疑難時都可以跟 Chloe 傾訴,可以跟她







非常感興致。問到 Fred 對於室友阿峯的看

法,Fred 說道:「好開心有他當我的室友,

一個會跟我 order麥麥送的好朋友。有時侯

他明明肚子不太餓都會幫我一起 Order 到60



此時,阿峯也笑著說起 Fred 的趣事,「有

一天 Fred 在房間做引體上升,怎知道那條杆

掉下來,Fred 整個人〈砰!〉的一聲跌倒了









呀?」,你會會心微笑,it is my family.


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Stopped by the 806A door, a tiny Japanese flag was the first thing came into my sight. I knocked on the door and it was warmly answered by a radiating grin from Kengo. Behind Kengo, there were Alex and Edwin, sitting on the chairs and peaking out with smile.

Kengo is an exchange student with one-year program of Economics and Finance in our school, while Alex and Edwin are both local students who study in Accounting and Electronic engineering respectively. Living on the 8th floor, as an exchange student in such dramatically different scenery, Kengo is grateful to have Alex and Edwin as his dorm mates, and would like to thank them through this interview.

“Alex and I are belonged to the same dorm, Sirius, in the hall orientation camp. Since I was the only Japanese in my dorm, at first it was difficult for me to understand the game instructions and what happened around. Alex

was really kind and nice to me that he always stayed by my side and translated words for me!” Truly, the 3-night-2-day orientation camp not only allows our new Prosperians to know more about this hall, more importantly, it creates bondings between each of us.

“On the other hand, Edwin is my roommate that we spend a lot of time together. He was very mysterious to me at first because I didn’t see him in the first week. He only wrote down ‘Are you Japanese? What is your name?’ on my whiteboard. But now we are very good friends. We watch videos together and we are planning to go to Taiwan together!” While Kengo was talking, Edwin was carefully taking care of the vegetables they planted in their room.




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Roommate is always the very important character in hall life. Not only that, Kengo is also thankful to have everyone around him in this hall. “Actually, almost all students here are very kind to me. They speak in English to me and sometimes even some Japanese! I still remember the most touching moment in the orientation camp. In Japan, there is no such event therefore everything was so new to me! On the last day, I saw the committee members cried so much and I understand that they put a great effort for this camp and for us! I was very moved and very glad to be one of the Prosperians.”

Even though they are from different majors with different backgrounds, it seems that hall life has pulled them together and formed a strong bonding among themselves, this strong bonding, undoubtedly, is valuable and is called, friendship.


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業昕 無聊大搜查Hall 2, the little things survey








7% 15% 60% 10% 8%Before 12

健康 JJHealthy Stars

12-2 AM稀有品種

Rare Species

2-4 AM 至叻小人類Super Stars

4-6 AM爆肝一族High Risk


No need 2 sleep


27% 40% 13% 19% 1%打電話俾 roomate

(Roomate 是最好的)

Call your roomate

直接衝入 toiletmate 房

(Toiletmate 的 浪漫)

Go straight through toiletmates’room

搵保安開鎖 (咁就冇左$20

蚊)Call the

Security Guard

燥底 講粗口 (xyz#@!?)

Get mad Fxxx . . . !

匿埋後樓梯喊 (灰到世界盡頭)

Hide & Cry


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CITYUHALL2Struggling how to match hall tee with different styles?Here are some recommended outfits by Hall 2 fashionista. Don’t hesistate and try it now! Enjoy;D

有太多 Hall tee 唔知點襯好?仲諗咩呀 呢 part 啱晒你喇!有唔同嘅 look 任君選擇 潮流嘅尖端仲唔係你!?


貼文 粉絲 追蹤名單

28 205 0

2014 2013 2012

2011x 2011 2010

2009 2008 2007


Page 86: Prosperians 昕物 Vol.11 Instagram

cityuhall21 hour ago

cityuhall22 hour ago

cityuhall2 Happy Chilling you make my day ! #2014halltee #abc

cityuhall2 不解釋。 #2014halltee #hkboygod #忘了愛 #MK

156 others like this

102 others like this084

Page 87: Prosperians 昕物 Vol.11 Instagram

cityuhall25 hour ago

cityuhall28 hour ago

cityuhall2 等‧一個人‧咖啡‧ #2013halltee #hkvintage

cityuhall2 Do you wanna dance? Hey man yo check this out!#2013halltee #blue #hiphop #dance

152 others like this

112 others like this085

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cityuhall21 day ago

cityuhall29 hour ago

cityuhall2 住hall 成日宵夜~係時候減肥啦! Just do it! #2012halltee #running

cityuhall2 는 내 집 입니다 #2014halltee #Korean

163 others like this

99 others like this086

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cityuhall21 day ago

cityuhall21 day ago

cityuhall2 睡衣party!!衴頭大戰~ #2013hallteeyellow #2012hallteepink

cityuhall2 其實自己一個更開心 !! Alone...#2009halltee #頹廢生活

109 others like this

89 others like this


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The Gift from Heaven

Oh!My Candy !!我粒糖呀!


Ooops !

What’s up !


係初戀嘅感覺 ~So Sweet !!

喺邊先搵得返呢種感覺呀!?I Wanna taste it again !!


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就係哩種感覺喇!Yes! I found it !!

睇完個故仔係咪都好想試下天神跌落凡間嘅禮物呢?恭喜你,你已經成為第 9999 ...... 位昕物嘅讀者,可以一嘗業昕糖嘅滋味!糖果隨書附送。

You wanna try prosperians candy? Congratulations! You are the 9999 reader of “Prosperians”. You may try it now!


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In hall2, Weekly Dessert Night is one of the popular activities. Wonderful anddelicious desserts are made by Prosperians whole-heartedly. Wide varieties , speciality and internationalityof our floor desserts are similar to the famous introduced by the Michelin Guide.




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your turn!



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Door Decoration Contest

Door decoration contest is held annually starting from year 2012. The contest aims at providing an opportunity for residents to work with their roommates to make their rooms unique, one and the only.

It is hoped that residents can take the chance to develop friendship and build sense of belonging to the hall by coloring the room with their own features and ideas.

大家可跟 roommate 一齊為自己的房門佈置,為這一年的住所增添特色,設計出你倆覺得最喜愛的房門!

而你又覺得哪個樓層及房門 deco 最好呢??


1.Knead water, pandan and glutinous rice flour lightly.2.Pinch a small piece of dough (about 15 g each) and flatten lightly. Fill the center of the dough with palm sugar. 3.Roll them in your palm to form a smooth ball.4.Cook the glutinous rice balls in the boiling water.5.When the rice balls float to the surface, remove and coat them with grated coconut.


250g Glutinous Rice Flour200ml Pandan Juice150g Gula Melaka, finely chopped100g Grated Coconut


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1.Soak the glutinous rice in water for 2hours.2.Steam the rice until read or microwave for 5-10 minutes under high heat.3.Add one cup of coconut milk and half cup of water into a pan.4.Heat the mixture but do not let it boil.5.Stir and keep adding sugar until the mixture is sweet enough.6.Add the mixture onto the rice, then cover it and let the rice absorb in the mixture.7.Cut mangoes while waiting.8.put the mangoes beside the rice.


1/2 bowl of glutinous rice250ml Coconut milk2 Mangoes


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1.Wash and peel the sweet potatoes.2.Cut them into small pieces and soak them for 4 hours, changing water five or six times during soaking.3.Heat the pot by medium heat and pour some oil.4.Put the ginger into the pot and stir for a while.5.Add the sweet potatoes into the pot and fry them for a while.6.Add 750g water and boil the water.7.Add borneol sugar and cook until it dissolves.


1000g Sweet potatoes25g Ginger200g Bornel sugar25g Oil


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1.Mash banana in a bowl.2.Crack open an egg in another bowl and stir until egg whites and yolk is fully mixed.3.Combine mashed banana and stirred egg.4.Put in quick oats,milk,and cinnamon.Mix well.5.In medium heat, pour in oil and place spoonfuls of the mix to fry.6.Fry until golden brown. Add optional toppings if desired.


1 Banana1 Egg1/2 Cup of quick oats1 tbsp of milkPinch of cinnamonOil


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唔想再食學校canteen 頹頹飯?

Hall 附近有咩好野食?


城大宿舍位於九龍塘呢個咁中心既位置, 搵好野食係Easy job! *你可以經石硤尾公園行落南山村 *可以行過天橋既巴士站搭2F 落深水埗 *或者湊夠人數搭的士落九龍城


Feeling hungry? Don’t worry! Located at Kowloon Tong, our CityU Hall Residence is such a convenient place to find something to eat! * Go to Nam Shan Estate by passing through Shek Kip Mei Park *Take Bus 2F next to Shek Kip Mei Park which goes to Sham Shui Po *Take taxi with several friends Please enjoy our recommendation!!


搵 食 筆 記


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泰仔美食Thai Hot G/F, 30-32 Nam Kok Road, Kowloon City 九龍城九龍城南角道30-32號地下...............................................................................................

2383 1998 / 60885448...............................................................................................

Thai ...............................................................................................

Mon-Sun : 12:00-00:00...............................................................................................


Home Restaurant搵食筆記


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金滿堂甜品 Golden Hall Dessert Shop 5,6,9 Shing Nam Road, Kowloon City 九龍城城南道5,6,9號舖...............................................................................................

2383 3102...............................................................................................

Hong Kong Style / Desser...............................................................................................

Mon-Sun : 15:00-02:00...............................................................................................

Below $50...............................................................................................

泰好味 Thai Good Food

TOP* Review Message Traffic

2 Shing Nam Road, Kowloon City 九龍城城南道2號...................................................................................................

2382 4622...................................................................................................

Thai / Seafood / Curry ...................................................................................................

Below $50...................................................................................................

Kowloon City 九龍城


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萬發海鮮菜館 Man Fat Restaurant G/F, 3-5 Yiu Tung Street, Shek Kip Mei 石硤尾耀東街3-5號地下.....................................................................................

2383 3102.....................................................................................

Guangdong / Seafood / Restaurant .....................................................................................

Mon-Sun : 17:00-04:00.....................................................................................


Home Restaurant搵食筆記


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南樂園 Nan Shan Estate, Shek Kip Mei 石硤尾南山村熟食檔平台1號..................................................................................

2778 8720..................................................................................

Hong Kong Style / Dai Pai Dong..................................................................................

Mon-Sun : 06:00-14:30.................................................................................. Below $50..................................................................................

TOP* Review Message Traffic

Shek Kip Mei 石硤尾


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G/F, Tung Lo Court,140 Tai Po Road, Sham Shui Po 深水埗大埔道140號東盧大廈地下................................................................................... 2777 6888................................................................................... Guangdong / Dim Sum / Chinese Restaurant / Group Dining................................................................................... Mon-Sun : 06:00-22:00................................................................................... $51-$100...................................................................................

中央飯店 Central Restaurant

文記車仔面 G/F, Fuk Wing Street, Sham Shui Po 深水埗福榮街121號地下................................................................................. Hong Kong Style / Food Stall Noodles................................................................................. Below $50.................................................................................

Home Restaurant搵食筆記


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綠林甜品 Luk Lam Dessert 77-79 Un Chau Street , Sham Shui Po 深水埗元州街77-79號地下................................................................................... 2361 4205................................................................................... Hong Kong Style / Dessert................................................................................... Mon-Sun : 15:00-01:30................................................................................... below $50...................................................................................

新香園 G/F, 38 Kweilin Street, Sham Shui Po 深水埗桂林街38號A地下..................................................................................... 2386 2748..................................................................................... Hong Kong Style / Tea Restaurant..................................................................................... Below $50.....................................................................................

TOP* Review Message Traffic

Sham Shui Po 深水埗


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