przylaszczka pospolita anemone hepatica

Przylaszczka pospolita Anemone hepatica About the plant: a genus of herbaceous perennials in the buttercup family, native to central and northern Europe, Asia and eastern North America. Some botanists include Hepatica within a wider interpretation of Anemone. Flowers with pink, purple, blue, or white sepals and three green bracts appear singly on hairy stems from late winter to spring. Photo by Hubert Szulc Text based on: tica POLAND Lublin

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Page 1: Przylaszczka  pospolita Anemone hepatica

Przylaszczka pospolita Anemone hepatica

About the plant:a genus of herbaceous perennials in the buttercup family, native to central and northern Europe, Asia and eastern North America. Some botanists include Hepatica within a wider interpretation of Anemone. Flowers with pink, purple, blue, or white sepals and three green bracts appear singly on hairy stems from late winter to spring.

Photo by Hubert SzulcText based on:


Page 2: Przylaszczka  pospolita Anemone hepatica

Łączeń Baldaszkowaty Flowering Rush

About the plant: the sole genus in the monogeneric plant family Butomaceae, containing the single species Butomus umbellatus, also known as grass rush.

Photo by Hubert SzulcText based on:


Page 3: Przylaszczka  pospolita Anemone hepatica

Grążel żółtyYellow water-lily

About the plant:an aquatic plant of the family Nymphaeaceae, native to temperate regions of Europe, northwest Africa, and western Asia. Stylized red leaves of the yellow water lily, known as pompeblêden are used as a symbol of Frisia. The flag of the Dutch province of Friesland features seven pompeblêden.

Photo by Hubert SzulcText based on:


Page 4: Przylaszczka  pospolita Anemone hepatica

Bodziszek łąkowy Meadow Cranesbill

About the plant:a species of hardy flowering herbaceous perennial plant in the genus Geranium, Geraniaceae family. The leaves are deeply divided into 7-9 lobes and 3-6 inch wide, and the flowers are pale blue. It is native to much of Europe and Asia, but is cultivated and naturalized elsewhere.

Photo by Hubert SzulcText based on:


Page 5: Przylaszczka  pospolita Anemone hepatica

Begonia Begonia

About the plant:a genus of perennial flowering plants in the family Begoniaceae. The genus contains about 1,400 different plant species. The Begonias are native to moist subtropical and tropical climates. Some species are commonly grown indoors as ornamental houseplants in cooler climates. In cooler climates some species are cultivated outside in summertime for their bright colorful flowers.

Photo by Hubert SzulcText based on:


Page 6: Przylaszczka  pospolita Anemone hepatica

Dalia Dahlia

About the plant: a genus of bushy, tuberous, herbaceous perennial plants native mainly in Mexico, but also Central America, and Colombia. There are at least 36 species of dahlia, with hybrids commonly grown as garden plants. This great variety results from dahlias being octoploids—that is, they have eight sets of homologous chromosomes, whereas most plants have only two.

Photo and Hubert SzulcText based on:


Page 7: Przylaszczka  pospolita Anemone hepatica

Kąkol polny Corncockles

About the plant: The species is a weed of cereals and other crops, probably with a centre of origin in the eastern Mediterranean. Nowadays declining in its native range because of improved seed cleaning, it is found as a weed worldwide.

Photo by Hubert SzulcText based on:


Page 8: Przylaszczka  pospolita Anemone hepatica

Glicynia Wisteria

About the plant: a genus of flowering plants in the pea family, Fabaceae, that includes ten species of woody climbing bines native to the Eastern United States and to China, Korea, and Japan. Some species are popular ornamental plants, especially in China and Japan. An aquatic flowering plant with the common name wisteria or 'water wisteria' is in fact Hygrophila difformis, in the family Acanthaceae.

Photo by Hubert SzulcText based on:


Page 9: Przylaszczka  pospolita Anemone hepatica

Mniszek pospolity Dandelion

About the plant:a flowering herbaceous perennial plant of the family Asteraceae (Compositae). It can be found growing in temperate regions of the world, in lawns, on roadsides, on disturbed banks and shores of water ways, and other areas with moist soils.

Photo by Hubert SzulcText based on:


Page 10: Przylaszczka  pospolita Anemone hepatica

Śledziennica skrętolistna Golden Saxifrage

About the plant: a genus of 57 species of flowering plants in the family Saxifragaceae. Species can be found throughout the arctic and northern temperate parts of the Northern Hemisphere, with the highest species diversity in eastern Asia; two species are found disjunctly in South America.

Photo by Hubert SzulcText based on: