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  • 8/13/2019 Python Day4


    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    Part VI

    Scientific Computing in Python

    Tobias Neckel: Scripting with Python... and beyond

    Compact Course @ GRS, June 03 - 07, 2013 80

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    More on Maths


    Constants piand e

    Functions that operate onintand float

    All return values float

    c e i l ( x )f l o o r ( x )

    e x p ( x )

    f a b s ( x ) # s am e as g lo ba ll y d ef in ed ab s ()

    l de xp ( x , i ) # x * 2** i

    l og ( x [ , b as e ])

    l o g 1 0 ( x ) # == log (x , 10)modf ( x ) # ( f r a ct i on a l , i n te g er p ar t )

    p ow ( x , y ) # x ** y

    s q r t ( x )

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    Module math (2)

    Trigonometric functions assume radians

    c os ( x ); c os h ( x ); a co s ( x)

    s in ( x ); . ..

    t an ( x ); . ..

    d e g r e e s ( x ) # rad -> d eg r a d i a n s ( x ) # deg -> r ad

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    Module math (2)

    Trigonometric functions assume radians

    c os ( x ); c os h ( x ); a co s ( x)

    s in ( x ); . ..

    t an ( x ); . ..

    d e g r e e s ( x ) # rad -> d eg r a d i a n s ( x ) # deg -> r ad


    f l o a t (" i n f " )

    f l o a t (" - i n f " )

    f l o a t (" n a n " )

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    Module math (2)

    Trigonometric functions assume radians

    c os ( x ); c os h ( x ); a co s ( x)

    s in ( x ); . ..

    t an ( x ); . ..

    d e g r e e s ( x ) # rad -> d eg r a d i a n s ( x ) # deg -> r ad


    f l o a t (" i n f " )

    f l o a t (" - i n f " )

    f l o a t (" n a n " )

    Use module cmathfor complex numbers

    Tobias Neckel: Scripting with Python... and beyond

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    Now to Real Maths. . .

    Standard sequence types (list, tuple, . . . )

    Can be used as arrays

    Can contain different types of objects

    Very flexible, but slow

    Loops are not very efficient either For efficient scientific computing, other datatypes and methods


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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    Now to Real Maths. . .

    Standard sequence types (list, tuple, . . . )

    Can be used as arrays

    Can contain different types of objects

    Very flexible, but slow

    Loops are not very efficient either For efficient scientific computing, other datatypes and methods






    Tobias Neckel: Scripting with Python... and beyond

    Compact Course @ GRS, June 03 - 07, 2013 83

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen


    Tobias Neckel: Scripting with Python... and beyond

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    Module numpy

    Homogeneous arrays

    NumPy provides arbitrary-dimensional homogeneous arrays


    from numpy import *

    a = a rr ay ( [ [1 , 2 , 3 ] , [4 , 5 , 6 ]] )print a

    t y p e ( a )

    a . s h a p e

    print a [ 0 , 2 ]

    a [0 ,2] = -1

    b = a * 2print b

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    Array creation

    Create from (nested) sequence type

    Direct access with method []

    a = a rr ay ( [1 , 2 , 3 ,4 , 5 , 6 ,7 , 8] )


    a = a r ra y ( [ [1 , 2 , 3 , 4] , [ 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ]] )

    a [ 1 , 1 ]

    a = a r ra y ( [ [ [1 , 2] , [3 , 4] ] , [ [5 , 6] , [7 , 8] ]] )

    a [ 1 , 1 , 1 ]

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    Array creation

    Create from (nested) sequence type

    Direct access with method []

    a = a rr ay ( [1 , 2 , 3 ,4 , 5 , 6 ,7 , 8] )


    a = a r ra y ( [ [1 , 2 , 3 , 4] , [ 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 ]] )

    a [ 1 , 1 ]

    a = a r ra y ( [ [ [1 , 2] , [3 , 4] ] , [ [5 , 6] , [7 , 8] ]] )a [ 1 , 1 , 1 ]

    Properties of arrays

    a . n d i m # n um be r of d im en si on s

    a . s h a p e # d i m en s io n s

    a . s i z e # n um be r of e le me nt s

    a . d t y p e # data type

    a . i t e m s i z e # n umb er o f byt es

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    Data Types

    Exact, C/C++-motivated type of array elements can be specified

    Otherwise, defaults are used

    Some types (different storage requirements):

    int_, int8, int16, int32, int64, float_, float8, float16, float32, float64, complex_, complex64, bool_, character, object_

    Standard python type names result in default behaviour

    a r ra y ( [ [1 , 2 , 3 ] , [4 , 5 , 6] ] , d ty p e = i nt )

    a r ra y ( [ [1 , 2 , 3 ] , [4 , 5 , 6] ] , d ty p e = c o m pl e x )

    a r ra y ( [ [1 , 2 , 3 ] , [4 , 5 , 6] ] , d ty p e = i n t8 )a r ra y ( [ [1 , 2 , 3] , [ 4 , 5 , 1 00 0] ] , d t yp e = i n t8 ) # w ro ng

    a r r a y ( [ [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] , [ 4 , 5 , " h i " ]] , d t yp e = o b j ec t )

    Exception: object_stores pointers to objects

    Tobias Neckel: Scripting with Python... and beyond

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    Create Arrays

    (Some) default matrices (optional parameter: dtype)

    a ra ng e ( [a , ] b [ , s tr id e ] ) # as range , 1 D

    z er os ( (3 , 4) )

    o ne s ( (1 , 3 ,4) )

    e mp ty ( (3 , 4) ) # u ni n it ia l iz e d ( f as t )

    l in sp ac e (a , b [ , n ]) # n e qu id is ta nt in [a , b]

    l og sp ac e (a , b [ , n ]) # 10** a to 10** b

    i d e n t i t y ( n ) # 2 d

    f r o m f u n c t i o n ( lambda i , j : i +j , (3 , 4) , d ty pe = i nt )

    def f ( i , j ) :return i + j

    f r o mf u n ct i o n ( f , ( 3 ,4 ) , d t yp e = i n t )

    Tobias Neckel: Scripting with Python... and beyond

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    Manipulate Arrays

    Reshaping arrays

    a = a ra ng e ( 12 )

    b = a . r e sh ap e ( (3 , 4 ))

    a . r e s i z e ( ( 3 , 4 ) ) # in - p la ce !

    a . t r a n s p o s e ( )a . f l a t t e n ( )

    # E xa mp le use - c as e :

    a = a ra ng e ( 14 4)

    a . r e s i z e ( ( 1 2 , 1 2 ) )

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    Create Arrays (2)

    Create/Copy from existing data

    a = a ra ng e ( 1 2) ; a . r es iz e ( (3 , 4 ))

    c o p y ( a )

    d ia g ( a ); t ri l ( a ); t ri u ( a)

    e m p t y _ l i k e ( a ) # c op y s ha pe

    z e r o s _ l i k e ( a )o n e s _ l i k e ( a )

    a = l oa dt xt ( " m a t r i x . t x t " ) # f ro mf il e () if b in ar y

    # p le nt y of o pt io ns : c om me nt s , d el im . , u se co ls , . ..

    Matrix output

    a . t o l i s t ( )

    s a v e t x t (" m a t r i x . t x t " , a ) # t of il e () if b i na ry

    Tobias Neckel: Scripting with Python... and beyond

    Compact Course @ GRS, June 03 - 07, 2013 90

    S i ifi C i i C S i T h i h U i i M h

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    Array Access and Manipulation

    Typical slicing operations can be used

    Separate dimensions by comma

    a = a ra ng e ( 2 0) ; a . r es iz e ( (4 , 5 ))


    a [ 1 : 2 , : ]

    a [ : , : : 2 ]a [ : : 2 , : : 2 ]

    a [ :: 2 , :: 2] = [[0 , -2 , -4] ,[ -10 , -12 , -14]]

    a [ 1 : :2 , 1 :: 2 ] = - 1* a [ 1 : :2 , 1 :: 2 ]

    Selective access

    a [ a > 3 ]

    a [ a > 3] = -1

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    S i tifi C ti i C t S i T h i h U i it t M h

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    Array Access

    Iterating over entries

    for row in a :

    print row

    b = a ra ng e ( 3 0) ; b . r es iz e ( (2 , 3 , 4) )for row in b :

    for col in row:

    print col

    for entry in a . f l a t :

    print entry

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    Computing with Arrays

    Fast built-in methods working on arrays

    a = a ra ng e ( 1 2) ; a . r es iz e ( (3 , 4 ))

    3* a


    a + a ^ 2

    s i n ( a )

    s q r t ( a )p r o d ( a )

    s u m ( a )

    it = t ra ns po se ( a )

    x = a rr ay ( [1 , 2 , 3])y = a rr ay ( [ 10 , 2 0 , 30 ])

    i nn er ( x , y )

    d ot ( it , x )

    c r o s s ( x , y )

    Tobias Neckel: Scripting with Python... and beyond

    Compact Course @ GRS, June 03 - 07, 2013 93

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    Computing with Arrays

    There is much more. . .

    var () cov () std ()

    mean () median ()

    min () max ()


    t e n s o r d o t ( )


    Matrices (withmat) are subclasses of ndarray, but strictlytwo-dimensional, with additional attributes

    m = mat ( a )

    m . T # t r an sp os em . I # i nv er se

    m . A # as 2 d ar ray

    m . H # c o nj ug at e t ra ns po s e

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen



    Draw from plenty of different distributions

    More powerful than module random

    Work on and return arrays

    from numpy.random import *

    b i no m ia l ( 10 , 0 .5 ) # 10 t ri al s , s uc ce ss 5 0%

    b in om ia l ( 10 , 0.5 , 1 5)

    r an di nt ( 0 , 10 , 1 5) # [0 , 10) , i nt

    rand() # [0 , 1)r a n d ( 3 , 4 ) # (3 x4 ) arr ay

    Tobias Neckel: Scripting with Python... and beyond

    Compact Course @ GRS, June 03 - 07, 2013 95

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

    Submodules (2)


    Core linear algebra tools

    n or m ( a ) ; n or m ( x )

    i n v ( a )

    s ol ve ( a , b ) # L AP AC K LU d ec om p .d e t ( a )

    e i g ( a )

    c h o l e s k y ( a )

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    p g p ,

    Submodules (2)


    Core linear algebra tools

    n or m ( a ) ; n or m ( x )

    i n v ( a )

    s ol ve ( a , b ) # L AP AC K LU d ec om p .d e t ( a )

    e i g ( a )

    c h o l e s k y ( a )


    Fourier transforms

    Tobias Neckel: Scripting with Python... and beyond

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    Scientific Computing in Computer Science, Technische Universitat Munchen

  • 8/13/2019 Python Day4


    Submodules (2)


    Core linear algebra tools

    n or m ( a ) ; n or m ( x )

    i n v ( a )

    s ol ve ( a , b ) # L AP AC K LU d ec om p .d e t ( a )

    e i g ( a )

    c h o l e s k y ( a )


    Fourier transforms

    There is more. . .

    Tobias Neckel: Scripting with Python... and beyond

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    Version Mania

    Current Situation





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    Tobias Neckel: Scripting with Python... and beyondCompact Course @ GRS, June 03 - 07, 2013 99

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    What is it?

    Object-oriented library for plotting 2D

    Designed to be similar to the matlab plotting functionality

    Designed to plot scientific data, built on numpy datastructures

    Tobias Neckel: Scripting with Python... and beyondCompact Course @ GRS, June 03 - 07, 2013 100

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  • 8/13/2019 Python Day4


    Several Ways to do the Same

    python/ipython interactive

    > i py th on

    import s c ip y , m a t pl o tl i b . p y l ab

    x = s ci py . r a nd n ( 1 00 00 )

    m atplo tlib . pylab . hist (x , 100)

    > i py th onimport n u m py . r an d om , m a t p l o tl i b . p y l ab

    x = n um p y . r a nd o m . r a nd n ( 1 0 0 00 )

    m atplo tlib . pylab . hist (x , 100)

    ipython in pylab mode

    > i py th on - p yl ab

    x = r an dn ( 1 00 00 )

    h is t ( x , 1 00 )

    Tobias Neckel: Scripting with Python... and beyondCompact Course @ GRS, June 03 - 07, 2013 101

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    Example - First Plot

    partially taken from

    from pylab import *

    x = a ra ng e (0.0 , 2* pi , 0 .0 1)

    y = sin (x )p lo t (x , y , l in ew i dt h = 4)

    p l o t ( x , y )

    x l a b e l ( L a b e l f o r x a x i s )

    y l a b e l ( L a b e l f o r y a x i s )

    title( S i m p l e p l o t o f s i n )g r i d ( T r u e )


    Tobias Neckel: Scripting with Python... and beyondCompact Course @ GRS, June 03 - 07, 2013 102

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    Example Using Subplots

    from pylab import *def f ( t ) :

    s1 = cos ( 2* p i *t )

    e1 = exp ( -t )

    return m u l t i p l y ( s 1 , e 1 )

    t1 = a ra ng e (0.0 , 5.0 , 0 .1)t2 = a ra ng e (0.0 , 5.0 , 0 .0 2)

    t3 = a ra ng e (0.0 , 2.0 , 0 .0 1)

    show() # giv es e rro r but hel ps ; -)

    s u b p l o t ( 2 , 1 , 1 ) # rows , co lum ns , w hi ch to s ho w p lo t ( t1 , f ( t 1 ) , g o , t2 , f ( t2 ), k - - )

    s u b p l o t ( 2 , 1 , 2 )

    p lo t ( t3 , c os ( 2* p i * t 3 ) , r . )

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    Example Using Subplots

    # p re vi ou s s li de c on ti nu ed

    s u b p l o t ( 2 , 1 , 1 )

    g r i d ( T r u e )

    title( A t a l e o f 2 s u b p l o t s )y l a b e l ( D a m p e d o s c i l l a t i o n )

    s u b p l o t ( 2 , 1 , 2 )

    g r i d ( T r u e )

    x l a b e l ( t i m e ( s ) )

    y l a b e l ( U n d a m p e d )

    Tobias Neckel: Scripting with Python... and beyondCompact Course @ GRS, June 03 - 07, 2013 104

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    Example - Histogram

    # s ta rt i py th on - py la b or us e i mp or ts :# f ro m m at p lo tl i b . m la b i mp or t *

    # f ro m m at p lo tl i b . p yp lo t i mp or t *

    from numpy import *

    mu , sigma = 100 , 15

    x = mu + s ig ma * r an do m . ra nd n ( 10 00 0)n , bins , p at ch es = hist (x , 50 , no rm ed =1 , \

    f a c e c o l o r = g r e e n , a l ph a = 0 . 7 5)

    # add a best fit line

    y = n orm pd f ( bins , mu , s igm a )

    p lo t ( bi ns , y , r - - , l i ne w id t h = 1 )

    a xi s ([40 , 160 , 0 , 0 .0 3] )

    p l t . s h o w ( )

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  • 8/13/2019 Python Day4


    More than NumPy?

    SciPy depends on NumPy

    Built to work on NumPy arrays

    Providing functionality for mathematics, science and engineering

    Still under development

    NumPy is mostly about (N-dimensional) arrays

    SciPy comprises a large number of tools using these arrays

    SciPy includes the NumPy functionality (only one importnecessary)

    A lot more libraries for scientific computing are available, some ofthem using NumPy and SciPy

    Here, just a short overview will be given

    www.scipy.orgfor more material (incl. the content of thefollowing slides)

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    SciPy Organisation - Subpackages

    cluster Clustering algorithmsconstants Physical and mathematical constantsfftpack Fast Fourier Transform routinesintegrate Integration and ordinary differential equation solversinterpolate Interpolation and smoothing splinesio Input and Outputlinalg Linear algebra

    maxentropy Maximum entropy methodsndimage N-dimensional image processingodr Orthogonal distance regressionoptimize Optimization and root-finding routinessignal Signal processing

    sparse Sparse matrices and associated routinesspatial Spatial data structures and algorithmsspecial Special functionsstats Statistical distributions and functionsweave C/C++ integration

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    Special Functions

    Airy functions

    Elliptic functions Bessel functions (+ Zeros, Integrals, Derivatives, Spherical,


    Struve functions

    A large number of statistical functions

    Gamma functions Legendre functions

    Orthogonal polynomials (Legendre, Chebyshev, Jacobi,...)

    Hypergeometric functios

    parabolic cylinder functions

    Mathieu functions

    Spheroidal wave functions

    Kelvin functions


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    Example: Interpolation - Linear

    import n ump y as np

    import m a tp l ot l i b . p y p lo t a s p lt

    from scipy import interpolate

    x = np . a r an ge ( 0 , 10 )

    y = np . e xp ( - x / 3. 0)

    f = i nt e rp ol a te . i nt er p1 d ( x , y )

    x ne w = n p . ar an ge ( 0 ,9 , 0 .1 )

    p l t . p l o t ( x , y , o , x n e w , f ( x n e w ) , - )

    p l t . t i t l e ( L i n e a r i n t e r p o l a t i o n )

    p l t . s h o w ( )

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