raising godly children intercessors

Raising Godly Children Intercessors 培培 培培培培培 培培培培培培培培 一、

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Raising Godly Children Intercessors. 培育一个爱上帝、虔诚的儿童代祷者. Mal 4:6 NKJV And he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.“ 玛拉基书 4 : 6 他必使父亲的心转向儿女,儿女的心转向父亲,免得我来用诅咒毁灭这地方。. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Raising Godly Children


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Mal 4:6 NKJVAnd he will turn The hearts of the fathers to the children,And the hearts of the children to their fathers,Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.“

玛拉基书 4 : 6


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The Urgency 这是一个紧急事件 :-• Increase in wickedness and ungodly values邪恶势力的增长

• Day of Judgement is coming 审判日即将到来The Result 结果 :-• Love God and do not love the world爱上帝,不爱世俗• Obey God and be subject to His Authority服从上帝与祂的权威• Understand God’s heart and mind 明白上帝的心灵于思想

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Luke 1:17 NKJVHe will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, 'to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,' and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."

路加福音 1 : 17他将以先知以利亚的心志和能力做主的先锋,使父亲的心转向儿女,使叛逆的人回转、顺从义人的智慧,为主预备合用的子民。”

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Psalms 78:4-8 NKJVTelling to the generation to come the

praises of the Lord…His Strength…His wonderful works.

要把耶和华当受称颂的作为,祂的权能和所行的奇事告诉下一代(诗篇 78 : 4-8 )• That the generation to come might 好让下一代将能够 :-1. Know the Words of God 认识与明白神的话语2. Set their hope in God 全心全意信靠耶和华3. Not forget the works of God 不忘记上帝的伟绩4. Keep His Commandments 谨守祂的诫命5. Set heart aright before God 常一耶和华为念6. Have a spirit faithful to God 拥有忠于上帝的心灵

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John 4:24 NKJV

God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

约翰福音 4 : 24


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1 Thess 5:23-24 NKJV

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, who also will do it.

帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:23-24愿赐平安的上帝使你们完全圣洁!愿祂保守你们的灵、魂、体,使你们在主耶稣基督再来的时候无可指责! 呼召你们的主是信实可靠的,祂必为你们成就这事。

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Raising a godly generation of spirit-filled children 但以理书 7:15帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:23

罗马书 12 : 2– 要随着思想的不 断更新而改变雅各书 1 : 21 – 领受真道

马太福音 12 : 34 – 心里充满的, 口里自然会说出来箴言 4:23 – 生命之泉从心中涌出

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Raising a godly generation of spirit-filled childrenDaniel 7:151 Thess 5:23

Romans 12:2 – renewed in the mindJames 1:21 – receive the

implanted wordMatt 12:34 – abundance of the heart

Proverbs 4:23 – out of it flows issues of life

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Children are sensitive in the spirit 孩童对属灵的领域是敏感的Romans 8:14-16 罗马书 8 :

14-16Examples in the Bible 圣经里的例子 :-• Jesus Luke 2:40 耶稣路加福音 2 : 40• John the Baptist Luke 1:39-45施洗者约翰 路加福音 1 : 39-45• Samuel 撒母耳

Examples in modern times 近代的例子• Children with visions of heaven看见天堂异象的孩童• Children with visions of hell看见地狱异象的孩童

• Ministered to the Lord 1 Sam 2:11事奉主 撒母耳记上 2 : 11• Heard the voice of God 1 Sam 3听见神的声音 撒母耳记上 3

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Children can be filled with the Spirit孩童可以被圣灵充满Joel 2:28 约珥书 2 :

28• Acts 2:38,39 使徒行传 2 : 38-

39Manifestations of a spirit filled child :孩童被圣灵充满的表现:• Speaking in tongues 能说方言• Love to worship and pray 爱敬拜上帝及祷告• Love to read and take in God’s Word 爱阅读并采用神的话语• Sensitive to Spirit prompting 能感应圣灵的促使 / 提示• Obedient and of a godly character 乖巧听话、虔诚

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Prayer is caught more than taught祷告习惯的形成都通过身旁的人的感染,而非口头教学1 Sam 1: 10- 11 –Hannah’s intercession撒母耳记上 1 : 10-11 – 哈娜的代祷

Parents should set the example家长应以身教树立好榜样

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Proverbs 22:6 –Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it箴言 22:6 - 教导孩童走正路,他到老也不偏离。

1 Sam 2:29, 3:13 –Avoid Eli’s mistake撒母耳记上 2 : 29; 3 : 13 – 避免重犯以利的错误

Train children from young教导孩童走正路要趁早!

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Prayer and worship祷告与敬拜上帝Praying according to God’s desires根据上帝的意愿祈祷Waiting on God耐心等候神的指示

Teach children to minister to God教导孩童如何事奉上帝1 Samuel 2:11,18; 1 Samuel 3:1 撒母耳记上 2 : 11 , 18 ; 3 :1

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Prayer and worship builds God consciousness in children祷告和敬拜可以提高孩童对上帝的觉悟

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Speak and teach God’s word often每天教导与讲论神的法律和诫命Deuteronomy 6:7 (申命记 6 :7 )

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Let them hear God’s voice让他们听见神的声音Make prayer the first option in any situation在任何情况下,让祷告成为第一选项

Allow children to experience the reality of God让孩子体验上帝的现实

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Recognizing spiritual attacks辨认属灵的攻击Taking authority in Christ在基督的名义下宣誓权威Repentance of sin忏罪

Teach on spiritual warfare教导孩童属灵的战争

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“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them

diligently to your children…”-Deuteronomy 6:6,7-

要将我今天吩咐你们的话牢记在心, 并教导你们的儿女,无论在家在外,或起或卧,都要讲论这些律例和诫命。申命记 6:6-7

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“My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”

-Isaiah 56:7-我必领他们到我的圣山,到向我祷告的殿内,使他们欢欣。他们献上的燔祭和其他祭物必蒙悦纳,因为我的殿必被称为万民祷告的殿。”

(以赛亚书 56 : 7 )