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  • 8/8/2019 Raymund Saplad Staffing



    Nursing is a unique profession concerned with all variables affecting clients

    in their environment. It is a science and an art that focuses on quality of life as

    defined by persons and families. It encompasses autonomous and collaborative

    care of individuals of all ages, families, groups and communities, sick or well andin all settings. Nursing includes the promotion of health, prevention of illness, and

    the care of ill, disabled and dying people.

    Team nursing empowers patients, guiding them toward healthy behaviors

    and support them in time of need. When patients are able, nurses encourage and

    teach them how to care for themselves. Nurses provide physical care only when

    patients cannot do so for themselves. It is a challenge for a team on how they

    could be a patients advocate which is to protect the interests of patients when the

    patients themselves cannot because of illness or inadequate health knowledge.

    A single soldier cannot go and fight with the battle without its team. One

    cannot do and accomplish a task without the help of its colleagues. Team nursing

    indeed is a strategy in delivering quality and efficient nursing care with the supportof other health care team in providing the adequate needs of individuals seeking

    for health consultations. A nursing team consists of registered nurses, licensed

    practical nurses, and unlicensed assistive personnel. In the students setting, it is

    being led by a team leader who retains responsibility and authority for client care

    but delegates appropriate tasks to other team members. In team nursing, the team

    approach increases the efficiency of the members. It is through it that true

    camaraderie is being put to test.

    The Nurse's


    Oh my God

    Give to my heart compassion and understanding

    To my hands skill and tenderness,

    A gentle touch with patience and love

    To my ears the ability to listen

    To my lips words of comfort

    When I falter and tire,

    Give me courage and strength

    When I weaken because I'm human,

    Inspire me on to greater length

    In humility, Lord, I labor long hours,

    And though I may sometimes fret;

    My mission is mercy.

    Abide with me that I may never forget

    Lord, give me the intelligence,Intuition, and knowledge to assess

    The reason, rationality,

    And understanding so I may plan

    Energy, agility, and tenderness during implementation

    The wisdom, perception, and fairness to evaluate

    Most of all, Lord, give me patience,

    Compassion, and kindness for all people,

    To those I am called to serve.


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    The Nightingales Pledge

    I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly

    to pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully.

    I will abstain from what is deleterious and mischievous and will not take or

    knowingly administer any harmful drug.

    I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate the standard of my

    profession and will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my

    keeping and family affairs coming to my knowledge in the practice of my calling.

    With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician in his work and devote

    myself to the welfare of those committed to my care.

    So help me God and Notre Dame.


    Within 8 hours of duty, the student nurses will be able to:

    General:As a team, provide quality nursing care and service to patients in order for

    them to attain their optimum level of wellness by restoring their health.


    know and understand the different functions in team nursing;

    exercise the different function of each team members with full

    sense of responsibility;

    know the information, cases, and health status of the patients;

    establish good rapport with the patients and /or significant others,

    as well as with the hospital staff and personnel;

    plan appropriate and necessary procedures needed for the welfare

    of the patients;

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    apply the basic nursing principles and interventions learned in

    providing care to the patients;

    Assess the patient properly and thoroughly in order to make right

    diagnoses and appropriate interventions.

    implement planned, routine procedures such as vital signs taking

    and recording, bedside and morning care, monitoring, regulating

    and changing IVF, and carrying out doctors order;

    Observe 12 Rs in giving medication to the patient

    Give effective and necessary health teachings to the patients

    and/or significant others; and

    Document accurately the routine procedures and/or interventions

    done and report any significant findings with regard to the health

    status of the patients.

    Work as a team through good communication and cooperation in

    giving quality care to the patient.

    Plan of Activities


    6:00 am

    6:15 am

    Arrival at the hospital

    Morning circle:


    checking of

    To observe punctuality and avoid being


    Able to prepare on thing waiting ahead

    with full preparations

    To prepare in providing quality and

    efficient nursing care to the patients

    with the application of the nursing

    process to help the clients restore theirholistic well-being and their optimum

    level of functioning.

    To ask God for full guidance and

    provision of wisdom

    To thank God for another day of

    opportunity and blessing

    To check the complete presence of the

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    6:30 am


    checking of

    uni form and


    Orientation about the

    hospital policies, facility

    and its settings


    student nurses ready for the coming


    To ensure completeness of materials,

    supplies and things needed to carry out

    duty effectively including completeness

    of ward uniforms. To avoid delay in carrying out the

    procedures at the bedside

    To familiarize the place of work at the

    same time determine the limitation of

    actions due to imposed policies,

    regulations and protocols.

    In order for the team leader to orient

    the other members of the team with

    their assigned tasks, the objectives of

    the day, the eating schedules, and the

    endorsement of patients during the

    breaks. Important details and reminders

    are given to each member of the team

    to faci li ta te uni ty and proper

    coordination of significant information.

    Questions regarding the incoming duty

    can be raised and answered. This is

    lead by the team leader.

    7:00 am

    7:15 am

    Listen to endorsement

    of the patients chart

    with the patients needs

    and new doctors orders

    Do handwashing

    The medication nurse

    will clean the

    medication area and

    will initially prepare the

    medicines that will be

    given at 8 am with the

    supervision of the team


    To give us the latest information about

    the patients and their conditions

    Reflected on the patients chart are the

    latest interventions made to the client

    and other interventions pending for thepatient which may need follow-up

    To reduce microorganism to the SNs

    hand avoiding cross infection and


    To observe the universal precaution on

    infection prevention

    Initial preparation of medication before

    the nurses round would provide the

    medication nurse enough time to

    prepare the 8 am meds properly. This

    will also give her the opportunity to go

    with the nurses round in order for her

    to personally see the patients to avoid

    confusion and exchanging of

    medications during administration.

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    7:30 am

    7:45 am

    Charge nurse, team

    leader and the bedside

    nurse go with the

    nurses rounds

    The medication nurse

    supported by the team

    leader will recite to the

    clinical instructor the

    drug study of the

    medications to be


    To interact with the patient for the first

    time on that specific date of duty.

    Charge nurse is the one who should

    know information about the correct

    census, condition of the patients andother information

    Team leader ensures correct patients

    loaded under the care of the student

    nurses at the same time oversees the

    flow of the team.

    Bedside nurse interacts to the patients

    and attend to all the needs of the


    Appropriate drug studies should be

    made regarding the drugs to be

    administered so that the medication

    nurse will know the rationale why the

    certain drug must be given to a certain

    patient, thus, its importance. Presenting

    a drug study would also increase the

    medication nurses confidence in

    medicating because it makes no room

    The Bedside nurse will:

    Check the latest

    vital signs

    Do initial


    Check all the

    contraptions on

    the patient


    with the patient

    and significant


    Check the


    for errors.

    To establish baseline data and note

    any abnormalities from the normalvalues, thus enabling the student

    nurses to give immediate interventions

    if needed. In case of noted situations

    beyond control, the student nurses can

    also report readily to the team leader so

    that it will be forwarded immediately to

    the clinical instructor then to the staff.

    To take note on the attachments on the

    patients body, by checking its patency,

    purpose and function

    To get along with the patient even with

    the significant others.

    Identifying label would able us to note

    the specific I.V for each patient

    Checking for the level would help the

    nurse identify the baseline of the fluid

    intake per hour, at the same time

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    8:00 am

    fluid, its label

    and level

    The medication nurse

    administers the

    medication together

    with the team leader

    and the clinical

    instructor observing the

    12 rights of medication.

    The bedside nurse and

    the charge nurse will

    conduct their morning

    care and bedside care

    to the patients

    Arrange the


    Stretch the


    comparing it to the specific date and

    time of its infusion would help us to

    calculate the expected time.

    So as to double check the

    administration of medication and to

    ensure proper and effective giving of

    prescribed drugs.

    To make the patients feel fresh and

    comfortable. This will boost the clients

    self esteem and will somehow aid in the

    progress of the clients health status

    Morning care provides the patients with

    the proper hygiene, made them feel

    comfortable and pleasant smelling.

    Assisting in activities would help

    patients assume their functioning as

    well as self care.

    Bedside care provides a positive area

    8:30 am

    Changes the

    linens as


    Assist in


    activities such

    as oral care,

    sponge bath as

    indicated and


    The team leader will

    collect from the charge

    nurse and the bedside

    nurse the v/s for 8 am

    and record it in the v/s

    sheet; she will also

    remind the medication

    nurse and the bedsidenurse of those patients

    who needs careful

    monitoring, has an I

    and O monitoring, and

    those who incoming

    procedures are to be


    The charge nurse will

    prepare the charts for

    the doctors rounds

    The medication nurse

    for sleep and rest, which is comfortable.

    To organize the data obtained from the

    initial v/s taking so that the charge

    nurse wont have a hard time

    documenting it in the chart during the

    final charting. Reminding the other

    members of the team would also

    promote a collaborative effort and

    would avoid errors and negligence.

    This would provide the information to

    other team members as well as the

    staff nurses

    To allow easy access of the charts if

    the doctors will have their rounds.

    Is done to gather information about the

    past and present health condition of the

    patients in accordance to the patients

    ability to recognize their condition. The

    information obtained could be vital in

    assessing for the patients current level

    of functioning. Health teachings are

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    9:00 am

    and the bedside nurse

    will conduct the nursing

    history taking to the

    patients as well as to

    the significant others;

    health teachings are

    also done.

    The team leader will

    have his snack break

    and will endorse

    obligations to the

    charge nurse.

    The charge nurse will:

    Attend and

    assist during

    the doctors


    Will carry out

    the doctors

    orders and do


    also done to help increase the patients

    knowledge as well as the significant

    others regarding patients condition.

    Endorsement of tasks is necessary so

    that no work would be left behindduring student nurses break.

    To gather relevant information about

    the patients current status as told by

    the physician and to personally observe

    the orders written by the physician.

    To immediately follow up or implement

    what the doctor ordered for the patients

    to facilitate comfort or to alleviate pain.

    Documenting the orders that have been

    carried out is necessary for legalitys

    sake and for the continuation of care as

    to be made basis by the next shift.

    To prioritize the intervention to be made

    9:15 am



    with the

    assistance of

    the medication


    Review the

    patients chart

    for any

    interventions to

    be made, follow

    up laboratory


    medications to

    be administered

    and other data.

    The medication nurse

    will have her snackbreak and will endorse

    her obligations to the

    bedside nurse.

    The bedside nurse will

    make her drafts of the

    nurses notes to be

    check by the team

    leader before giving to

    the clinical instructor.

    and arrange the schedules for the

    medications including laboratory

    request to be administered or done to

    the patient. To further know the case of

    the patient.

    Endorsement of tasks is necessary so

    that no work would be left behind

    during student nurses break.

    Making drafts is necessary in order to

    ensure cleanliness upon final charting

    since the chart is a legal document.

    Drafts also allow the team leader and

    the clinical instructor to make


    So that the other members of the health

    team would be aware of the latest

    orders from the doctor and implement

    this order.

    Endorsement of tasks is necessary so

    that no work would be left behind

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    9: 45 am


    Endorsement of new

    orders by the charge

    nurse to the medication

    nurse and the bedside


    The charge nurse will

    have her snack breakand will endorse her

    responsibility to the

    team leader.

    The medication nurse

    will help the bedside

    nurse in making her

    drafts for the nurses


    The bedside nurse will

    have her snack break

    and will endorse thepatients to the

    medication nurse

    The medication nurse

    will clean the

    medication area and

    will initially prepare the

    medicines that will be

    given at 12 pm with the

    supervision of the team


    during student nurses break.

    For fast completion of the draft nurses

    notes improving time management and


    Endorsement of tasks is necessary so

    that no work would be left behind

    during student nurses break.

    Initial preparation of medication would

    provide the medication nurse enough

    time to prepare the 12 pm meds


    To render continuous care to the

    patients ensuring they receive

    adequate care.

    Intake and output monitoring is

    necessary since this provide




    The charge nurse will

    make her rounds to

    monitor the condition of

    the patients, monitor I

    and O, and to check

    the IVF and regulatethem if needed.

    Checking of drafts of

    the nurses notes by

    the team leader

    The charge nurse

    returns to the stationand prepares the other

    patients charts whose

    doctors havent made

    rounds yet

    The bedside nurse

    assumes her

    responsibility in the


    Interview the

    patient about

    continuous monitoring of fluids and

    electrolytes that takes in and out of the


    To make corrections for the easy

    checking of the clinical instructor.

    To prepare for incoming doctors


    To ensure continuous monitoring of the

    patients condition.

    To gather cues, information and data

    about patients daily living

    Helps the nurse identify and prioritize

    the problems

    To strengthen the medical diagnosis

    through using the nursing diagnosis

    and take note of the effects of illness to

    the pat ients opt imum level of


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    the functional

    health pattern,


    history and

    other pertinent

    information for


    assessmentand problem


    Checking of drafts of

    the nurses notes to the

    clinical instructor

    The team leader will

    have his lunch break

    and will endorse his job

    to the charge nurse

    The bedside nurse

    makes the necessaryrevisions for the

    nurses notes

    The charge nurse will

    have her lunch break

    and will endorse her

    obligation to the team


    The medication nurse

    supported by the team

    leader will recite to the

    To make the drafts ready for final

    charting thus saves and manage time


    Endorsement of tasks is necessary so

    that no work would be left behindduring student nurses break.

    To revise the corrections made by the

    clinical instructor.

    Endorsement of tasks is necessary so

    that no work would be left behind

    during student nurses break.

    Appropriate drug studies should be

    made regarding the drugs to be

    administered so that the medication

    nurse will know the rationale why the

    certain drug must be given to a certain

    patient, thus, its importance. Presenting

    a drug study would also increase the

    medication nurses confidence in

    12:00 nn

    clinical instructor the

    drug study of the

    medications to be


    Recheck the

    drug to the





    Remember the

    12 rights of



    correct dose,

    check correct


    The bedside nurse will

    take the v/s of the

    patients for 12 pm

    The medication nurse

    medicating because it makes no room

    for errors.

    To note down any changes in the v/s

    based on the baseline data and to

    document and report any unusualities

    and to make the necessary nursing

    interventions or referrals if needed.

    Ensure that the patients condition is

    not contraindicated for medication


    So as to double check the

    administration of medication and to

    ensure proper and effective giving of

    prescribed drugs.

    Drug administration is a dependent

    nursing function for patients

    pharmacological needs to relieve

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    1:00 pm

    administers the

    medication together

    with the team leader

    and the clinical

    instructor observing the

    12 rights of medication.

    The bedside nurse will

    have her lunch break

    and will endorse her

    job to the medication


    The medication nurse

    will have her lunch

    break and will endorse

    her responsibility to the

    bedside nurse

    The team leader will

    collect from the

    bedside nurse the v/s

    for 12 pm and record it

    in the v/s sheet; he will

    also remind the

    bedside nurse of those

    patients who needs

    careful monitoring, has

    an I and O monitoring,

    symptoms if not directly the disease.

    Endorsement of tasks is necessary so

    that no work would be left behind

    during student nurses break.

    Endorsement of tasks is necessary so

    that no work would be left behind

    during student nurses break.

    To organize the data obtained from the

    initial v/s taking so that the charge

    nurse wont have a hard t ime

    documenting it in the chart during the

    final charting. Reminding the other

    members of the team would also

    promote a collaborative effort and

    would avoid errors and negligence.

    The data as well as the interventions

    must be recorded. The patients official

    1:30 pm

    2:00 pm

    and those who

    incoming procedures

    are to be done.

    Final charting of the

    nurses notes, graphing

    of the vital signs, filling

    up the I and O sheet

    and IVF checking.

    After care of the area,

    paraphernalia and


    record is used by all members of the

    health care team to communicate the

    patients progress and the current


    To connect the previous vital signs

    result of the patient for progressmonitoring.

    To provide information for the incoming


    Everything should be documented for

    legal purposes and references

    As part of our duty, we should be

    responsible in maintaining our working

    area clean and free from


    To ensure the paraphernalia for the

    next use, minimizing or eliminating the


    Endorsement is done to relay the

    patients condition to the incoming shift.

    The pending interventions, activities

    done and ongoing procedures are all

    stated in the endorsement. This is to

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    2:30 pm

    2:45 pm

    3:00 pm

    Endorsement done by

    the charge nurse

    Post conference:

    Sharing of

    learning and

    insights and

    clarification of

    concerns with

    the clinical


    Closing Prayer


    provide adequate and updated

    information to the incoming staff with

    regards to the clients.

    To evaluate the activities done

    throughout the duty; to strengthen and

    commend the strong points, and to

    improve the weak points of the team.

    To give further information and to

    evaluate the skills performed by the

    team members.

    To thank God for the guidance given for

    the whole shift and ask for safety in

    going home


    The essence of team nursing is teamwork. As a team, each member should show

    cooperation and proper collaboration. We should always consider that the success of a team is

    by its members. Everyone has its vital functions and each one has complex responsibilities in

    providing care for the promotion of health and disease prevention. Every member is essential to

    the group where they work as one for one goal. Team nursing makes members flexible in the

    different roles that a nurse should act.

    This is the second time that we will be having our team nursing, I hope I could perform

    my task and duties as a team leader, ensuring quality and competent one in rendering care to

    my patient. It is also a challenge on my part regarding time management and how will I handle

    my colleagues efficiently. I should ensure that each members of our team will be able to do and

    accomplish task without any dispute and problem. I must ensure that the charge nurse will be

    able to carry out doctors order without any delays and mistakes. Ensuring that the bedside

    nurse will be able to render and provide adequate care and concerns for the patient and the

    medication will be able to give and ensure right drugs given to each patient. And I as the team

    leader will be able to develop sense of leadership and management through teamwork and

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    collaboration with each team members in my team in providing efficient and quality care for

    patients optimum functioning.

    Individual Roles and Responsibilities

    Team Leader

    Checks the attendance, paraphernalia and uniforms of the team members.

    Makes the plan of the activities, special tasks and schedules lunch and

    break time of members.

    Checks the sample charting of the bedside nurses.

    Follows-up the activities of the team members.

    Goes with the doctors rounds together with charge nurse.

    Gives pre and post conference.

    Informs the clinical instructor about any clinical procedures done to the


    Ensures harmonious relationship of the team and to the nursing staff.

    Evaluates the performance of the team members.

    Give supplemental care in the absence of one of the members.

    Carries responsibility for any untoward incidents made by the team


    Checks the drug and know everything about the patient.

    Helps any team leader who is not through with their tasks.

    Acts as a substitute for any absences or tardiness that will be made by any

    members of the team.

    Coordinates with staff activities.

    Assist the charge nurse in carrying out doctors orders.

    Evaluate the team through a post conference.

    Does the final rounds with the charge nurse.

    Charge Nurse

    Knows the member and the manner of patient about the team.

    Acts as a team leader in cases where the team leader is absent.

    Receives and does the endorsement from outgoing and ongoing shift.

    Makes the patients list and vital signs sheet.

    Makes the ward class and journal reading related to the selected topic.

    Goes with the Doctors and nurses rounds.

    Receives new admission, endorses any special or new orders or

    procedures to the bedside nurses and follow-ups requisition.

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    Informs the medication nurse in any changes in drug order.

    Maintains harmonious relationship of the team members and the nursing


    Informs the bedside nurse for the patients vital signs and I and O


    Gives the list of IVF follow ups of every patient to the bedside nurses.

    Informs the team leader for any procedures that will be done to the patient.

    Maintains the cleanliness and the orderliness of the nurses station.

    Receives the endorsement of the patients status from the bedside nurses

    every now and then.

    Medication Nurse

    Makes the drug study.

    Knows the drug of the patient ahead of time.

    Prepares the medications while observing the 12 Rs.

    Prepares the meds ahead of time but with special precaution that are to be


    Reports any error in drug administration to the team ahead of time.

    Makes the prescriptions for unavailable medications.

    Records all give n me dication.

    Administers medication in front of the leader and the clinical instructor.

    Coordinates with the head nurse before and after giving meds.

    Coordinates with the charge nurse in any changes or new drug orders.

    Coordinates with the bedside nurses for PRN medications for any unusual

    changes in the patients condition.

    Explains to the patient the indication of the drug.

    Checks the condition of the patient before administering the drug.

    Bedside Nurse

    Knows the list, kinds of cases, room number of the patient ahead of time.

    Receives endorsement and goes with the nurses rounds.

    Monitors the vital signs and I and O of the patients.

    Educates the patient about disease process.

    Endorse the latest vital signs of the patient.

    Report any unusual changes in the patients vital signs.

    Maintains the cleanliness of the patients unit.

    Knows the IVF level of the patient and regulate it properly.

    Does the morning care to the patient.

    Follow up all the IVF consumed by the patient.

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    Provides the immediate care needed by the patients.

    Makes the nurses notes.

    Performs procedures with the supervision of the team leader and clinical


    General Paraphernalia

    Ballpen Red, Blue and Black. This item is essential in documentation. It is

    necessary to use permanent marker for the legality of patients chart. Each color

    indicate specific function (specially in graphing chart) in order to appreciate more

    the pattern of patients condition without having trouble reading.

    Bandage Scissors. Offer a safe and easy way for nurses to remove a patient's

    bandage. Because of their blunt ends and flat blades, bandage scissors can

    effectively cut through thick material while protecting the patient's skin. Bandage

    scissors are often made of surgical-grade stainless steel and can have serrated

    edges for more heavy-duty cutting.

    Sphygmomanometer. An instrument of recent invention for measuring the blood

    pressure. The name is derived from sphygmos, the pulse; manos, thin, rare; and

    meter, a measure.

    Stethoscope. An acoustic medical device forauscultation, or listening to, internal

    sounds in a human or animal body. It is most often used to listen to heart sounds

    and breathing. It is also used to listen to intestines and blood flow in arteries and

    veins. Less commonly, "mechanic's stethoscopes" are used to listen to internal

    sounds made by machines, such as diagnosing a malfunctioning automobile

    engine by listening to the sounds of its internal parts. It can also be used to leak

    check vacuum chambers for scientific purposes.

    Jot Down Pocket Notebook. Used by student nurses for initial documentation

    and partial details needed to be recorded regarding patients condition.

    Medicine Glass. Used for accurately measure liquid form drugs to be administer

    by the nurse.

    Nail Cutter. Use for trimming uncut nails of patients in order to prevent infectionand promote self-wellness of the patients.

    Pencil with eraser. For documentation purposes.

    Penlight. A small, pen-sized flashlight, usually containing two AA batteries orAAA

    batteries, use in checking orifices of patients like mouth, eyes and nose.

    Pentel Pen. For intravenous line marking and writing patients identification.

    Small Medicine Tray. It helps the medication nurse in providing an organized and

    arranged manner for administration of medications to patients thus preventing

    wrong giving of medication.

    Six inch ruler. Use in graphing vital signs of patients neatly.

    Tape Measure. A strong, narrow, woven strip of cotton, linen, etc., use to

    measure the anthropometric measurement of patients.

    Thermometer (oral and rectal). An instrument for determining temperature;

    especially: one consisting of a glass bulb attached to a fine tube of glass with a

    numbered scale and containing a liquid (as mercury or colored alcohol) that is

    sealed in and rises and falls with changes of temperature

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    Thread and Needle. Used to fix tangles uniform.

    Gloves. Provides a safety accessories that ensure sanitaryhospital conditions by

    limiting patients' exposure to infectious matter. They also serve to protect health

    professionals from disease through contact with bodily fluids.

    Mask. Serves as a protection of nursing students against communicable diseases,


    Medicine dropper. A short glass tube fitted with a rubber bulb and used to

    measure liquids by drops

    Plaster. Usually being used in anchoring the IV needle.

    Alcohol. A liquid prepared for topical application prepared from specially

    denatured alcohol and containing 68.5-71.5% vol./vol. of absolute (ie. 100%)

    ethanol (ethyl alcohol). Individual manufacturers can use their own "formulation

    standards" in which the ethanol content usually ranges from 70-95%.



    Louise Jane N. Cabangal

    Team Leader

    Dinna Vi Boje

    Charge Nurse

    Jesse Concepcion

    Bedside Nurse 2

    Julie Condino

    Bedside Nurse 3

    Liwayway Lozano

    Bedside Nurse 1

    Rachelle Bondad

    Medication Nurse

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    Louise Jane N. Cabangal, SN (Team Leader) 9:00-9:15 am

    Dinna Vi Boje, SN (Charge Nurse) 9:15-9:30 am

    Rachelle Bondad,SN (Medication Nurse) 9:30-9:45 am

    Liwayway Lozano, SN (Bedside Nurse 1) 9:45-10:00 am

    Jesse Concepcion, SN (Bedside Nurse 2) 9:45-10:00 am

    Julie Condino, SN (Bedside Nurse 3) 9:45-10:00 am



    Louise Jane Cabangal, SN (Team Leader) 12:30-1:00 pm

    Rachelle Bondad, SN (Medication Nurse) 11:00-11:30 pm

    Dinna Vi Boje, SN (Charge Nurse) 12:00-12:30 pm

    Liwayway Lozano, SN (Bedside Nurse 1) 11:30-12:00 pm

    Jesse Concepcion, SN (Bedside Nurse 2) 11:00-11:30 am

    Julie Condino, SN (Bedside Nurse 3) 11:00-11:30 am

  • 8/8/2019 Raymund Saplad Staffing


    Attendance Record


    Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

    In Out Signature In Out Signature In Out Signature

    Louise Cabangal

    (Team Leader)

    Dinna Boje

    (Charge Nurse)

    Rachelle Bondad


    Liwayway Lozano

    (Bedside Nurse )


    (Bedside Nurse)

    Julie Condino

    (Bedside Nurse)

    Attendance Record

  • 8/8/2019 Raymund Saplad Staffing


    Checking of General Paraphernalia

    Paraphernalia Boje Bondad Burgos Cabangal Condino Concep

























    Ballpen -Black



    Bandage Scissor



    Jotdown notebook

    Medicine glass


    Pencil with eraser


    Pentel Pen

    Small medication


    6 ruler

    Tape Measure

    Thermometer (Oral

    and Rectal)

    Thread and Needle

    Clean gloves


    Day 1 Day 2 Day 3

    In Out Signature In Out Signature In Out Signature

    Louise Cabangal

    (Team Leader)

    Dinna Boje(Charge Nurse)

    Rachelle Bondad


    Liwayway Lozano

    (Bedside Nurse)

    Jesse Concepcio

    (Bedside Nurse)

    Julie Condino

    (Bedside Nurse)

  • 8/8/2019 Raymund Saplad Staffing


    Sterile Gloves


    Medicine Dropper




    Checking of Ward Uniform

    Paraphernalia Boje Bondad Burgos Cabangal Condino Concepcion























    Day 2

    Ward uniform

    Caduceus pin

    Nurses Cap/


    Name plate

    Wrist watch

    with second



    Smock gown




    Book Assignment

    Liwayway Lozano, SN

    Nursing Diagnosis Handbook

    Medical-Surgical Book (Udan)

    Jesse Concepcion,SN

    Assessment Book


    Dinna Vi Boje, SN

  • 8/8/2019 Raymund Saplad Staffing


    Health Assessment

    Drug Handbook

    Medical-Surgical Book part 2

    Louise Cabangal, SN

    Nurses pocket Guide

    Medical Dictionary

    Health Assessment

    Rachelle Bondad, SN

    Pharmacology Book

    G & A

    Julie Condino, SN

    NCP Book

    Nurses pocket Guide


    Louise Jane Cabangal, SN Team Leader

    Dinna Vi Boje,SN Charge Nurse

    Rachelle Bondad, SN Medication


    Liwayway Lozano, SN Bedside Nurse


    Jesse Concepcion, SN Bedside Nurse


    Julie Condino, SN Bedside Nurse


  • 8/8/2019 Raymund Saplad Staffing


    Anecdotal Report

    Summary of Extension Duties

    Table of Contents



    Nurses Prayer

    Nightingales Pledge


    Plan of Activities

    Individual Roles

    Team Leader

    Charge Nurse

    Medication Nurse

    Bedside Nurse

    General Paraphernalia description

    Organizational Structure

    Schedule of Breaks

    Snack Time

    Lunch Time

    Attendance Record


    Louise Jane Cabangal, SN

    Dinna Vi Boje,SN

    Rachelle Bondad, SN

    Liwayway Lozano, SN

    Erika Burgos, SN

    Jesse Concepcion, SN

    Julie Condino

  • 8/8/2019 Raymund Saplad Staffing


    Paraphernalia Record

    Ward Uniform

    TPR Sheet

    Book Assignment

    Anecdotal Report

    Summary of Extension Duties


    Marist Brothers

    Notre Dame of Dadiangas University

    Marist Avenue, General Santos City



    General Santos City Hospital

    Submitted by:

    Louise Jane Cabamgak, SN

    Team Leader

    Submitted to:

    Mrs. Esperanza Alaan, RN,Clinical Instruc

  • 8/8/2019 Raymund Saplad Staffing
