
康樂性社團 Recreational Clubs 康樂性社團 Recreational Clubs Clubs Overview 2018

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康樂性社團Recreational Clubs

康樂性社團Recreational Clubs



2018 Clubs Overview

康樂性社團 Recreational Clubs

火舞社NTNU Fire Dance Club

桌上型遊戲社NTNU Board Game Club

熱舞社NTNU HIP-HOP Dance Club

昕韻手語社NTNU SignLanguage Club

師大國樂社NTNU Chinese Music Club

道德重整熱音社NTNU Moral Re-armament

Popular Music Club

管樂隊NTNU Symphony Band

國際標準舞社NTNU Ballroom Dance

美容彩妝社NTNU Cosmetics Club

口琴研究社NTNU Harmonica Club

晨型人社NTNU Dawn Catcher

街頭舞蹈研究社NTNU Breakin' Crew

魔術研習社NTNU Magic

嚕啦啦社NTNU Lulala

烏克麗麗社NTNU Ukulele

師大合唱團NTNU Chorus

吉他社NTNU Guitar

嘻哈文化研究社NTNU Hiphop Club

康樂性社團 Recreational Clubs

魔術研習社 NTNU Magic


  We are a group of people who share the same interest together﹘MAGIC! The

best training and lots of opportunities are already here for you. Want to be a pro-

fessional magician and discover wonderful secrets of magic? If you do, just join us!!

[email protected]

吉他社 NTNU Guitar


  NTNU Guitar Club is an extraordinary club for people who enjoy music. We play

not only acoustic music but also full-band style. The only qualification to join the

club is a sincerer passion for music. Most important of all, performing opportunities

are always open to all of our members. The best audio equipment and professional

PA are available to support your music dream. SO what are you waiting for? THIS

is the moment for you to embrace your passion for music with NTNU Guitar Club!

[email protected]


師大合唱團 NTNU Chorus


  Founded in 1960, National Taiwan Normal University Chorus (NTNUC) is one of

the most well-known student choruses in Taiwan. In addition to having concerts at

the end of every semester, NTNUC has held concert tours during summer vacation

for over 20 years, endeavoring to promote choral music in various places, and

doing social services in accordance with the utmost purpose of NTNUC, “Music

beautifies the society; Chorus purifies the soul.” Any of you can join us as long as

you like to sing!

[email protected]

烏克麗麗社 NTNU Ukulele

  我們是一群喜歡烏克麗麗的人,邀請你加入我們的行列,在歡樂輕鬆的氛圍中,刷下屬於我們的旋律,譜出我們的樂章,不管你有沒有接觸過烏克麗麗,歡迎你跟我們一起學習和交流,創造我們獨一無二的烏克style!「師大烏克 非你不可」只要你喜歡烏克麗麗,你就是我們的夥伴囉!

  We are a group of people who like Ukulele, invite you to join us! In the happy

and relaxed style, brush the melody that belongs to us, and write our own move-

ments, whether you have played Ukulele or not, welcome to learn and communicate

with us, create our unique Ukustyle! "NTNU Ukulele, do not without you." As long

as you love Ukulele, you are our partner!

[email protected]



康樂性社團 Recreational Clubs

街頭舞蹈研究社 NTNU Breakin' Crew

  師大街舞社今年第七年正式運作,從一開始人進人出,到中間成團(Keep On Movin' Crew),


  This is seventh year NTNU Breakin' Crew officially started. Bboys came and

went at the first, but assistance from many people made us courageous to take the

responsibility. We are devoted to promote Hip-hop culture, aiming at bringing the

greatness of hip-hop to people who don't know it, bettering the society, and start-

ing from people around us. The way we realize hip-hop is dancing Breaking(

Bbboying). Hopefully, anyone who are interested in can join us.Let's ,bettering the

world together!

[email protected]

道德重整熱音社NTNU Moral Re-armament Popular Music Club

  師大道德重整熱音社邁入第48年,從早期以合唱團的形式建立開始,我們的宗旨便是以音樂為媒介,向世界吶喊出心中的熱情,及使社員在享受音樂的過程中,找到自我。我們希望喜愛音樂、熱衷於樂團的朋友們能齊聚一堂,一起揮灑青春的汗水、享受生命的熱度。若你是身經百戰的音樂好手,這裡多的是讓你大膽表現的舞台;倘若是初出茅廬的熱音種子,這裡也有豐富的師資課程伴隨你成長。道整,是洗滌靈魂的湧浪;熱音,是奔流血液的自我,請準備好你的靈魂,let's Make

Rock Altogether!道整熱音,歡迎你的加入!

  Moral Re-Armament of NTNU Founded originally as a form of chorus, this club

aims at conveying great enthusiasm to the world through member’s music perfor-

mances. We recharge energy and realize ourselves while enjoying our music hearti-

ly. Therefore, we strongly recommend people who love music and rock band be a

part of us. Whether you are a novice or not, you are sure to have a platform with

ample resources to demonstrate your young bold dream. Welcome!

[email protected]

康樂性社團 Recreational Clubs

晨型人社 NTNU Dawn Catcher


  NTNU DAWN CATCHER aims to exercise mental strength and change oneself.

Change your life and create your own personality through early exercise. Volleyball

or morning running led by professionals allows you to find your own appearance in

the sport, and then let yourself make improvements and changes through sharing

and discussion. Every year, we also participate in the volleyball competition orga-

nized by the elite youth club, and communicate with colleges and universities

across the country as well as international schools. In the activities of the club, we

can not only recognize the powerful seniors in different fields, but also change the

personality and habits that bother you through sports and listening to lectures.

Welcome to join us!

[email protected]

熱舞社 NTNU HIP-HOP Dance Club

  YO~大家好!歡迎大家來到師大!臺師大熱舞社是由一群熱愛跳舞的人創立的大家庭,不論你是否曾經接觸過舞蹈,我們這邊都有最棒的跳舞環境跟社團體驗。目前熱舞社有Hip Hop、Girl


  If you are a dance enthusiast, the NTNU Dance Club will be the perfect place

for you to rev up your passion for dance! We have a diverse community and our

members include students graduating from the school, students from neighboring

universities, high school students and even adults.Lessons are conveniently held at

NTNU and membership is open to everyone. What’s more, a basic membership fee

is all that is needed, so sign up and you’re good to go!

[email protected]


NTNU 晨型人社

康樂性社團 Recreational Clubs

嚕啦啦社 NTNU Lulala


  It’s one of the branches of China Youth Corps. The group members come from

various universities and colleges of Taiwan. We will be trained once a month for a

year. Besides, in NTNU LULALA, we have courses every week to improve the abili-

ties, such as group activities, art, knowledge of hiking and activity planning. We are

just like a big family, and you don’t be shy. You will be crazy about showing your-

self after joining NTNU LULALA. We sincerely invite you! > __ ^ we are waiting for


[email protected]

國際標準舞社 NTNU Ballroom Dance


  Welcome to NTNU Ballroom Dance Club ! NTNU Ballroom Dance Club majors in

Latin dance, such as Cha-cha-cha, Rhumba, Jive, Samba, Pasodoble.

With common dreams,we are together here. Dance wish us and be crazy and happy

forever:)))You definitely can't miss this if you come to NTNU!!! Come to join us :p

[email protected]


康樂性社團 Recreational Clubs

美容彩妝社 NTNU Cosmetics Club


  We can't determine one's personality with their appearance, but the "first

impression" is really important. Appropriate makeup may improve your advantag-

es, and good dressing will catch one's sight. We provide the course about the

makeup skills and an opportunity for training. Makeup is not for beauty only, but

polite. We'll teach you how to show yourselves with makeup, and skin care is also

important. Hope everyone can share beautiful things here too. Finally, welcome to

join this beauty family.

[email protected]

口琴研究社 NTNU Harmonica Club


  NTNU Harmonica Club can offer you not only harmonica skills but also precious

friendship. You will enjoy music and even share the joy with others through har-

monica.We have classes every week and also have other activities like going hiking

and voluntary works.JOIN US!!!!

師大 美容彩妝社

[email protected]

康樂性社團 Recreational Clubs

管樂隊 NTNU Symphony Band


  NTNU Symphony Band was established in 1950.Most of the members are stu-

dents in Music Department while others are fantastic players from different depart-

ments.We devote to ourself improving our performances quality.We also have

some interaction and exchange with foreign countries.The experience of the

exchange concerts and activities broaden our mind.

[email protected]

火舞社 NTNU Fire Dance Club


  We are able to provide all kinds of information about fire dance for you. For

some one disiring to become a fire performer, we can teach you all the technique

and knowledge. Now, we invite you-- sharing common interest or trying to be a

better fire dancer, even just eager to witness how playing fire with safety-- to join

in our club time,when you discover the origin of fire dance and its evolution, per-

forming arts and the security of fuel and fire using.

[email protected]

康樂性社團 Recreational Clubs


昕韻手語社 NTNU SignLanguage Club


[email protected]

臺師大昕韻手語社NTNU Sign Language Club

桌上型遊戲社 NTNU Board Game Club


  We are NTNU Board Game Club. Board games refer to almost any game that

can be played on table, including chess, blocks, and card games. And we focus on

board game originated from Europe. Playing board games enables you to promote

interpersonal relationship, to train brain power and creativity, and even to improve

the oral expression skills.

[email protected]

  Welcome to NTNU Sign Language Club! We have courses to teach sign lan-

guage ,and we also hold many exciting and interesting activities to let more people

know about sign language. Besides,at the end of a semester,we hold a show to dis-

play our achievements. NTNU Sign Language Club is a warm and lovely family. If

you want to make friends and enjoy sign language,then NTNU Sign Language Club

will be your best choice. Welcome to join us. >_O

康樂性社團 Recreational Clubs

師大國樂社 NTNU Chinese Music Club

  無論你是初次邂逅國樂,抑是延續與國樂的牽絆,我們都是愛好音樂的孩子,在這一起學習、一起成長。除了音樂,我們也有出遊、寒假集訓、國樂週…等!歡迎加入我們!一、教學部1. 組課:每週一次,配合個人程度安排課程。2. 實驗團:隔週一次,讓初學者也能享受合奏的樂趣。3. 成果發表會:每學期一次,提供每個人展現成果的舞台。二、樂隊部1. 團練:每週一次,由學生指揮帶領樂團為音樂比賽和表演做準備。2. 音樂比賽:每年一次,參與全國學生音樂比賽。3. 年度音樂會:每年一次,正式演出音樂會,並推廣國樂。

  NTNU Chinese Music Club is where people interested in Chinese music gather

together. No matter if you are a beginner or an old-timer, we can all enjoy music

and have fun here.

-Musical Instrument Classes:You are welcomed to learn musical instruments here as

a beginner or non-beginner.

-Orchestra Practices:Orchestra practices are held weekly to prepare for annual

music competition and other performances.

-Activities for Fun:Other than musical events, welcoming party, karaoke meet-up,

one-day trip, and several other events will also be held to help us get to know each

other and have fun!

[email protected]

NTNU Hiphop 臺師大嘻哈文化研究社

嘻哈文化研究社 NTNU Hiphop Club


  Develop the hiphop culture in NTNU,and provide an environment for those who

likes hiphop culture,rap lyrics,and melody arrangement!

[email protected]

康樂性社團 Recreational Clubs