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All about wine in Qingdao and beyond.


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The Wine 美酒篇14 Italy uncovered 意大利发现之旅 24 Valerio Vinci’s top picks 意大利佳品28 Beware of imitations 谨防假冒36 Shandong’s new wine 山东新酒43 Outstanding outback 澳洲美酒

The Knowledge 知识篇6 How to taste wine like an expert 如何像专家一样品酒8 Pairing wine with food 美酒美食搭配30 Are all Chinese wines created equally? 中国葡萄酒市场44 Red Wine Street revealed 红酒一条街

The Food 美食篇10 An Italian Indulgence 意式风情,神之美味18 New Zealand Fresh 新西兰新鲜美味21 A cheese odyssey 芝士梦之旅34 Spanish sensations 体验西班牙38 Trattoria Verde 北绿岛40 Cheese and Chocolate 芝士与巧克力

目录 Contents

Creative Team 策划团队Ian Burns, Neil Bhullar, Tim Lyddiatt, David Chen, Apple Tan, Aaron Bird, Zoe Zheng, Mika Wang, Riemy Wan, Fanny Texier, Jim Boyce Cover photography by marc montebelloAdvertising Enquiries 广告征订(+86 532) 8097-0521 / 8388-2269Publication Enquiries 出版物咨询[email protected]

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... wine connoisseurs of Qingdao, to REDSTAR’s inaugural wine supplement, your guide to the world of wine available here. It wasn’t a hard decision to make in creating what follows; we are REDSTAR, we like wine! And Shandong, being the province in which more wine is produced than any other, is at the heart of the burgeoning wine industry. At the same, as China’s palette matures and becomes more knowledgeable, more and more of the world’s greatest producers are looking to China as a new and vibrant market. Some of the best are now in Qingdao.

Inside, join us as we explore this new world of wine. You’ll hear from importers and distributers from established wine producers from as far afield as France and Spain, New Zealand and Australia. We explore the uniquely symbiotic relationship between food and wine, and learn how to taste wine like a pro. We visit some of Qingdao’s best restaurants and how they pair the grain with the grape, and take a walk down the city’s famous Red Wine Street. Also inside, join the debate as to the reality of Chinese, and specifically Shandong, wines: sides have been taken and lines drawn.

We hope you enjoy reading as much as we have enjoyed learning.





image © Liyue

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The Knowledge 知识篇

品酒速成指南Henke Trading’s Henry Niu teaches you to taste wine like a pro. 牛海涛教您像专家一样品酒

Your Eyes Pour a glass of wine and take a good look at it. Tilt the glass away from you and check out the colour of the wine from the rim edges to the middle of the glass.

What colour is it? If it’s a red wine is the colour maroon, purple, ruby, garnet, red, brick or even brownish? If it’s a white, is it clear, pale yellow, straw-like, light green, golden, amber or brown in appearance? Move on to the wine’s opacity. Is the wine watery or dark, translucent or opaque, dull or brilliant? An older red wine will often have more orange tinges on the edges of colour than younger red wines. Older white wines are darker than younger white wines when comparing the same varietal at different ages.




Your Nose Our sense of smell is critical in properly analysing a glass of wine. To get a good impression of your wine’s aroma, swirl your glass for a solid 10-12 seconds (this helps vaporise some of the wine’s alcohol and release more of its natural aromas) and then take a quick sniff to gain a first impression. Now stick your nose down into the glass and take a deep inhale through your nose. What are your second impressions? Do you smell oak, berry, flowers, vanilla or citrus? A wine’s aroma is an excellent indicator of its quality and unique characteristics. Swirl the wine and let the aromas mix and mingle, and sniff again.

鼻嗅 靠 嗅 觉 来 分 析

酒 是 很 重 要 的 。 想要很好的嗅出酒的芳香,您需要将酒杯轻摇10-12秒(这样可以使葡萄酒的酒精挥发,散发出更多天然芳香)第一次是快速的闻一下。随后将鼻子探入酒杯深吸。第二次感觉如何?您是否闻到橡木,浆果,鲜花,香草或柑橘的味道?葡萄酒的芳香能完美的展示出它们的品质与特性。轻摇酒杯,让香气混合,再深深地闻一下。

Wine Tasting

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The Finish Assesses how long the

flavour impression lasts after it is swallowed. This is where the wine culminates, and where the aftertaste comes into play. Did it last several seconds? Was it light-bodied (like the weight of water), medium-bodied (similar in weight to milk) or full-bodied (like the consistency of cream)? Do you want another sip or was the wine too bitter at the end? What was your last flavour impression - fruit, butter, oak? Does the taste persist or is it short-lived?



品酒后,您或许会记录下一些感受。总体来说您喜欢这杯葡萄酒吗?是甜的,咸的还是苦的?酸度如何?味道均衡吗?配着芝士,面包 或 大 餐 饮 用 效 果 是 否 更好?您还会买吗?答案是肯定的,就请记录下葡萄酒名称,酿造商,年份,供以后参考。

The Attack PhaseThe initial impression

that the wine makes on your palate. The Attack is comprised of four pieces of the wine puzzle: alcohol content, tannin levels, acidity and residual sugar. These four puzzle pieces display initial sensations on the palate. Ideally these components will be well-balanced and one piece will not be more prominent than the others.



The Evolution PhaseThe wine’s actual taste on the palate. In this phase

you are looking to discern the flavour profile of the wine. If it’s a red wine you may start noting fruit - berry, plum, prune or fig; perhaps some spice - pepper, clove, cinnamon, or maybe a woody flavour like oak, cedar, or a detectable smokiness. If you are in the Evolution Phase of a white wine you may taste apple, pear, tropical or citrus fruits, or the taste may be more floral in nature or consist of honey, butter, herbs or a bit of earthiness.



Your Mouth

Next, take a taste. Start with a small sip

and let it roll around your mouth. There are

three stages of taste: the Attack phase, the Evolution phase and the Finish.

嘴尝 最后小呷一口,细细

品味。品尝共分三步:初 尝 阶 段 , 细 品 阶


CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve just tasted wine like a professional!

好了,您现在像一位专业的品酒师了。Henke Trading: 8589-7696

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The Knowledge 知识篇

Flavour InteractionsYou are only able to detect four distinct flavours with your tongue: sweet, sour, salty and bitter; while your nose is able to decipher over 200 different aromas. Between the combination of sensory uptakes from both your tongue and your mouth you are able to experience a vast array of flavour characteristics and nuances.

As you begin to pair wines with foods, keep in mind that the flavours of the foods can both contradict and compliment wine selections, and both can be good. For example, a sweet Riesling can make a bag of salty chips taste even more appealing by contrasting the saltiness while yielding some of its intrinsic sweetness, or when paired with a rich dessert such as cheesecake, the sweetness of the wine would likely mellow in flavour due to the overriding influence of the cheesecake.

Rumour has it that there are lists and lists of rules and regulations that require strict adherence in order to obtain the perfect wine and food pairing. Rumour also has it that the rumour is wrong. The most important rule of food and wine pairing is that there are no rules, none!

There are, however, guidelines; and many popular or even famous matches have been documented elsewhere. Ultimately however, the best match is what pleases your palate; it is truly a personal preference but in deference to those guidelines, here are some hints to help you determine what might be palate-pleasing for you personally.

The Right Wine美酒配美食Like a good marriage, wine and food were meant for each other. So why is it so daunting to try to pair foods with wines?


Heavy vs. Light Next, consider whether a dish is ‘heavy’ or ‘light’ in nature, the difference between a meal consisting of steak and potatoes or one that tends toward a chicken and vegetable stir-fry. In general, most people seem to prefer heartier foods paired with fuller-bodied red wines and lighter fare to be complimented by more delicate white wines. Again, these are preference generalisations, a place to start and then experiment with your own combinations. Some tend to find it easier to remember red wines with red meats and white wines enhance white meats.

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More to Consider When looking at pairing potentials, consider the foods acidity. Acidic foods, like a Greek salad or lemon-based sauce work well with wines that share an acidic undertone (Pinot Grigio for example). While foods that lean to the sweeter side, like a chicken apple salad, tend to pair well with wines that are just a bit drier than the food they are to compliment (for example an off-dry Riesling).

Whatever match you make with foods and wines, enjoy the adventure, and don’t get too caught up in those rumoured regulations. Make a note of pairings you’ve enjoyed for future reference and keep mixing and matching to learn how each component offers influences, be they subtle or strong. Most importantly, enjoy your food and enjoy your wine - neither should be an exam.


食的“轻重”性质,即一道牛排土豆佳肴与炒制鸡肉蔬菜的不同。一般大部分人喜欢用丰盛的美食搭配醇厚的红葡萄酒,用口味细腻的白葡萄酒搭配清淡食物。但这些 只 是 大 概 的 搭 配 指 导 方针,初级搭配基石,随后就需要你自己不断变化组合。有人觉得,红配红、白配白的搭配简单易记(红葡萄酒配红肉,白葡萄酒配白肉)。


物的酸度。酸性食物如希腊沙拉、含柠檬酱的食物,最好与酸味葡萄酒(如灰比诺)搭配。甜性食物,如鸡肉苹果沙拉,比食物干的葡萄酒搭配更佳,如半干性雷司令 。

尽情享受美酒美食的搭配过程,享受这种惊喜与历险 , 不 必 太 计 较 所 谓 的 规律。记住令你味蕾跳动的元素,不断尝试各类搭配,体验各元素之间的相互影响,享受此消彼长间的乐趣。尽情享受美食美酒。

For the

best choices in wine and food pairing, read about our Napolitan feast, overleaf

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How many times have in Qingdao have you been looking forward to meal - perhaps you are celebrating something, or simply looking forward to spending time with friends or a loved one – and been disappointed by the speed at which your meals are dispatched from the kitchen, quickly followed by you and your party into the night, unsure of what to do next? For this author, far too often. Not so at Napoli

that afternoon. Service was distinctly European. More specifically, it exemplified the southern European tradition of those that innately understand that food and wine is love; that speed has no place at the table when there are friends to be made and relationships to bolster. Southern Europeans value only one thing over their food and wine: family and friends. And to eat at their table is to be given the time to

appreciate them all, the one playing off the other. It is a tradition that vast swathes of the planet could learn from.Our first course proper was simplicity itself: a light plate of smoked salmon with fennel and a lime dressing. As you might expect from these ingredients, the plate was light and delicate, with just a suggestion of piquancy from the lime. The fennel especially, was a treat that I have not tasted since arriving

Food of the Gods神之美味Continued from the December issue of REDSTAR, Napoli 68 puts on a showcase of paired food and wine. 续12月红星杂志,拿波里68餐厅美食搭配精选意式葡萄酒。

Tim Lyddiatt images © marc montebello

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美食篇 The Food



我,这产自那不勒斯附近的隆戈巴尔迪山,常见的开胃菜。这三道菜上菜速度都不是很快,以便让食客有时间充分品味各种独特风味,也与我们清新爽口的佐餐酒Greco Di Tufo I Captani绝搭。拿波里的供应商Gianpaolo向我们解释到选择这款酒的原因,“此酒适合与海鲜和沙拉搭配。她有着天然的酸度,但又没有太多果香,是款干白葡萄酒。”接下来登场的葡萄酒, Gianpaolo 的爸爸Giuseppe称其为他们“最棒的白葡萄酒”。大家都聆听着Giuseppe的讲述。“葡萄丰收后,经过严格的挑选,Traminer Bastie由精选出 的 最 棒 葡萄 酿 造 而成。

in Qingdao. Smoked salmon too has become a restaurant treat, something that I miss being able to combine with dill and mousse at home.

This was followed by a gratin of imported Belon oyster and then by beef Bresaola with shaved parmesan, fine dishes both: elegant, refined and not trying too hard to be anything other than what they were. That said, the Bresaola did come incognito. I thought it was Carpaccio, that thinly sliced beef served raw. The Bresaola was just as thinly sliced, but had been cured to enhance the meat’s flavour. Stefano told me that it was produced in the mountains of Longobardi, near Naples and is a common way to start a meal.

All three of these courses were delivered slowly, giving diners the chance to savour their unique and distinct

On the first truly cold day of a Qingdao winter, our hearts were warmed by the flavours of Italy.

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flavours. They were also perfectly matched the wine, a Greco Di Tufo I Captani, which was clean and refreshing and crisp. Gianpaolo, Napoli 68’s supplier, explained he had selected that wine because the wine needs to be drunk with food as “it contains a lot of natural acidity, is not too fruity. It is a very dry white wine that pairs well with sea food and salads.”

Languidly, we continued onward. The next wine, according to Giuseppe, Gianpaolo’s father, was their “best white wine.” To a silenced table, he told us all a story. “Only the best grapes are used to make this wine, the best of the best are selected as the harvest is taken, put aside and used only to make the Traminer Bastie. As a result, only 2-3000 bottles are ever produced at one time and we only sell it to those know to ask for it.” It is a privilege of knowledge that affords you this great wine, not something that can

be bought and paid for by anyone with credit card. To accompany the Traminer, we were served a soup of pumpkin, cream cheese and crispy bacon followed by a wild mushroom risotto. The former was creamy and sweet as you would expect, but the addition of the bacon added a very pleasing saltiness. Of the latter, Giuesppe declared Stefano, “the champion of risottos,” before expressing his disbelief “at where he gets his porcini mushrooms!” It is a secret that Stefano would later only reveal in part. “I have a supplier in Shanghai who tells me they are porcini, but I am not so sure. Whatever they are, they are the best I have found in China and are certainly from Europe.” By this he means that have that strong taste of the forest that more local fungus lacks: strong, dark and musty, like old leather or a dampened fire. Both dishes worked well with the strong bold flavours of the Traminer and its fruity, vanilla aroma.

Moving on to the reds, our one pasta dish - macaroni with a traditional Neapolitan ragout - was accompanied by a Barbera Lucrezia Flavio Marchisio from D’Alba, a town famous for its truffles. The wine was deep in colour with a solid flavour of balanced tannins and high acidity. With aromas of plum, raspberry and lightly singed meat, it went down easily with the rich meat sauce.

Next up, grilled tenderloin of Australian beef was accompanied by a Merlot Nardi which, upon its pouring, Gianpaolo noted how, “red wines must be at least three years old, otherwise they are no good.” The wine was deeply indulgent with chocolate and caramel. For me, it was a favourite:, it was a soprano hitting all the high notes.

Just before desert was served, a Panna Cotta served with strawberries and chocolate, there was time for cheese. Stefano

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Traminer所搭配的美食是奶油南瓜培根汤和野生蘑菇烩饭。前道菜在奶油南瓜的香甜上配以培根的丝丝咸意。用牛肝菌菇制作的后道菜,那可是“烩饭之王”。这是Stefano的独家秘密,不能全部公布于众。“我有一个上海的供应商,他们说这是牛肝菌菇。不管相信与否,这是我在中国找到最好的来自欧洲的蘑菇。”这也说明为何细细品味烩饭,会更加独具森林气息-浓烈香郁。这两道菜品很适合与口感醇正浓烈、散发果香和香草气息的Traminer搭配,随之而来的是传统那不勒斯蔬菜炖肉通心粉和与之相搭配的是来自因松露而闻名的小镇D’Alba的Barbera Lucrezia Flavio Marchisio红葡萄酒。此酒色泽浓郁,单宁和酸度结合

的恰到好处,散发李子、树莓的清香还有丝丝肉香,适合搭配肉类。焦香乳猪这道菜,也在此款酒的水果香气中更添风味。接下来是,烤澳洲牛柳搭配Merlot Nardi葡萄酒。在倒酒过程中,Gianpaolo告诉我们“三年陈酿的红葡萄才是好酒。”此款酒很适合与巧克力和焦糖搭配。美食无与伦比。

上意大利乳酪布丁配草莓 和 巧 克 力 甜 点 前 , 我 们还 有 点 时 间 再 来 品 尝 点 芝士。Stefano用蜂蜜搭配芝士,未曾品尝过的人总感觉怪怪的。其实不然,蜂蜜和芝士的味道都更加分明,蜂蜜的甜味与芝士的奶香遥相呼应,美妙滋味不可言喻。Stefano知道美食精髓所在,到处搜寻最佳食材以制作地道佳肴。这就是为什么我们不舍得离开的原因。“所有爱好美食者一定要来拿波里。”不知谁说出了我的心声。


serves his cheese with honey which, until you’ve tried it, may sound a bit odd. It is divine; the sweetness of the honey contrasts with the creamy sharpness of the cheeses, transforming them into something utterly unexpected but wonderful. Next time you’re there, you simply have to try them.

But then, none of this should come as a surprise to anyone who has met Stefano. He knows his food and is passionate about sourcing the best ingredients to create the dishes he loves from home. It is why, as we were reluctantly leaving, going out once again in to the cold of a Chinese city, I overheard one of our number saying that “people who know good food go to Napoli.” I couldn’t have put it better myself.

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When you think of wine producing countries, what is the first that leaps to mind? For many, that country will be Gallic and its president’s wife will have recently given birth to a baby girl. It may come as a surprise then, that the world’s largest producer of wine is in fact Italy, which produces nearly half a million tonnes more each year than its nearest rival, France. “There are more than 18000 wine producers in Italy,” says Antonello Perrucci, GM at Pentagon Enterprises, one of the new breed of wine importers to be testing the waters in China. “Most of them are very small, and unheard of outside of their home regions.”

Tony, as he is known by those that have met him more than once, says that Italian wine is among “the best in the world” and can hold its own against any of its rivals. “There are only two reasons that French wine is so well known around the world: “their wineries are huge,

giving them the financial muscle to promote themselves abroad, and for twenty years the French government has encouraged and incentivised wine producers to push into far off markets, especially China.” He says that the net result is that “China is awash with French wine, and only now is Italian wine finding a market.”

The story of Tony’s Italian wine is akin to the story of Nokia. Long before Nokia became the world’s largest producer of mobile phones, the company produced industrial rubber boots. Similarly, Tony’s company first came to Qingdao to be closer to the factories that produced the high performance tyres they still sell all over the world. Once here however, Tony noticed a “huge opportunity in wine” and set about preparing the ground for its import into “Qingdao, Shandong and beyond.” The first consignment arrived last year. He says

The PassionAntonello Perrucci tells REDSTAR why you should be paying attention to Italian wines.Antonello Perrucci向红星读者讲述意大利葡萄酒的过人之处

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美酒篇 The wine

当您想起红酒制造国时,脑海中最先想到的是什么?多数人会想到法国和他们那刚刚诞下女儿的第一夫人。事实却不尽如此,世界上最大的葡萄酒制造国其实是意大利,每年的产量比法国要多出50多公吨。派达格进出口有限公司总经理Antonello Perrucci向我们介绍到:“在意大利有13000多家红酒制造商,规模基本不大,很少被他们家乡之外的人所熟知。”




这 里 虽 盛 产 各 种 葡 萄酒,Tony仅选择了几种适合中国人口味的酒,“那种可以配着食物喝的葡萄酒,特别是黑曼罗和普里米蒂沃这两种颜色深,果实大而饱满的葡萄产的酒。配着中餐饮用,可以保留其浓重的口味。”


its early days, “but so far the response has been good. We import wines from two large Italian co-operatives, wineries that have won awards for quality and flavour the world over.” His wines come from the south of the country: “from Apulia, in the ‘heel’ of Italy, a region where wine has been produced since ancient times.”

The region produces a lot of wine, but Tony has selected wines that suit both the Chinese palette “and it’s food. The wines, particularly those produced from the Negroamaro and Primitivo variety of grape are deep, strong and full bodied.” He says that they go well with Chinese food because they can stand up to its strong flavours.

Negroamaro and Primitivo are some of the many native varieties of grapes in the southern Italy and are grown almost exclusively in Apulia, and particularly in Salento where the wineries operate on a land along its Adriatic coast “Negroamaro produce wines very deep in colour and rustic in character, combining perfume with an earthy bitterness. Both the grapes produce some of the best red wines of Apulia.”

Whilst it may be tempting to accuse Tony of simply trying to cash in on China’s current fascination with European wine - “it is definitely en vogue” - he says too that he is

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The wine 美酒篇

here for the long haul and is more interested in developing “wine culture” than simply shifting units. “Europe has had thousands of years to come to love and understand wine. China is just starting out.” He talks a lot about the “culture of wine,” something by which he is referring to wine being “not just something you drink, it is something you love and learn from.”

“It is life,” adds Paulo, an associate who joined us for the conversation. Whatever wine is, it is fairly safe to say that it is currently something completely different in China than to those with a long history of producing and consuming wine. Tony wants to change all that.

“We have only been importing wine for a little while, and there is still a lot of work to be done here. But everything we do is about educating people, not only about our individual products, but about everything that goes along with them.” To date he has hosted a number of tastings that sought “to introduce our wines, but also their heritage and history and what makes Italian wine so special.” This, he says, is in contrast to the French model in that, “Italian producers tend to be small, family run operations, with secrets passed down through the generations.” With such a tightly knit knowledge base, it is easy to see how it would be difficult to spread their message far and wide.

But Tony says that this is a message just waiting to be heard. “Italian wines are special. They have a very good price to quality ratio, meaning that some exceptional wines are very affordable.”

For now, he says, his approach to marketing his wines is similar to the way it has been produced for thousands of years. “by concentrating on small, knowledgeable and passionate distributers we want to let the wine speak for itself.”


对 于 将 欧 洲 葡 萄 酒 引 入 中 国 的 这 一 举动,Tony认为一定会成为风尚标,他将致力于发展“葡萄酒文化”,而并非只是单纯的转移投资目标。“欧洲对于葡萄酒的热爱和了解已有上千年的历史,而在中国却只是刚刚起步。葡萄酒文化不仅仅是去喝还要从中体会,深入了解。”




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The Food 美食篇

What or who led you to the kitchen?My grandmother- a terrific and passionate cook- used to let me cook with her, and my mother also. My mother has fantastic multicultural food knowledge, which comes from living in different countries. I took this for granted as a child, but of course, as I grew up and became a chef, I realised that I had been bought up in an environment that had me fascinated with food. You learn so much about people and culture through their dishes and their recipes and ingredients - but also in the way that people share food.

Like most New Zealanders, my parents always had a vegetable garden and my mother’s family were farmers, so food and food production were a big part of my heritage. In New Zealand and Fiji - where I grew up - we still have farm grown vegetables and fruit, fresh fish and locally sourced meat easily accessible through local markets and roadside stalls. They are both countries with agriculture as the backbone of the economy. 

How long have you been cooking?

I have been cooking for all of my professional life, 30 years now. There was never anything else I wanted to do. I was bought up in New Zealand and the Pacific Islands where we have access to beautiful fresh ingredients; it’s a bit like showing a young artist a great set of paints with vibrant colours - it makes you want to paint!

What do you like most about cooking with New Zealand ingredients?Freshness of flavour. I trust New Zealand food; the seafood smells and tastes like the ocean its from - clean and pure. New Zealand meat - lamb and beef – has a great farm raised flavour because they are raised in the traditional farming methods, albeit with modern efficiencies. Good food is a result of two things: good people (production and practice) and a good environment: New Zealand has both.

What ingredients are available in China?Not enough! Most people know about New Zealand lamb and New Zealand Green-shell mussels, but we have so much more. There

Fresh and Fabulous新鲜美味之享

New Zealand Gastronaught, Robert Oliver, tells REDSTAR why his home cuisine is something special.名厨Robert Oliver告诉笔者新西兰美食独特之处。

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美食篇 The Food







我在世界各地都工作过。美国的纽约、拉斯维加斯、迈阿密都留下过我的印记,还与好莱坞女星Marisa Tomei在美国合办餐厅。有几年时间在加勒比为酒店打理餐厅,当然也在新西兰和斐济工作过。现在代表新西兰贸易和企业商会来到中国,以提高新西兰高质量产品在中国的认可度。



is a huge array of beautiful seafood - oysters, paua (New Zealand native black abalone - so good!), cod, shellfish. There is of course our kiwifruit, manuka honey, cheeses and milk and cream, I see New Zealand ice creams here now. That is part of my job here - to bring awareness of the food products that New Zealand can offer.

We have terrific grass fed Wagyu beef, and I miss that. A lot of the very small producers in New Zealand do not have access to the China market and I wish they did as they make such unique and beautiful products - olive oils, avocadoes, apples, and wines. China is just starting to appreciate New Zealand wine and I am glad to see that. I just found a great source in Shanghai ( and Terry from New Zealand China Direct (who is based in Qingdao) tells me that the Waitiri Creek and Waitiri Creek wines which are both awesome are available in many places in Qingdao including China Wine Club in Hisense and Wanda plazas.

New Zealand China Direct and both carry a good range of New Zealand foods and they have a presence in Qingdao. 187 6626-8653

A lot of the very small producers in New Zealand do not have access to the China

market and I wish they did.

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The Food 美食篇



新 西 兰 是 一 个 年 轻 的国 家 , 我 们 的 美 食 也 是 如此。1000年前,我们的祖先来到了这片土地,在此定居。而那时的中国已经历经好几个朝代, 菜肴品种繁多。现今的新西兰菜肴注重原料,力求简单。最近,新西兰在日趋壮大的太平洋岛国中更加多元化,也引入了更多中国和印度的美食元素。




我 们 用 顶 级 青 草 喂 养 牛类。很多新西兰小型生产者没有接触到中国市场,我希望他们可以尽快把他们生产的独特产品,如橄榄油、鳄梨、苹果,当然还有葡萄酒引入中国市场。我很高兴的看到,中国市场开始接受新西兰葡萄酒,这只是开始。我坚信新西兰出产的葡萄酒是世界顶级的。在上海的时候,我刚发现了一个好地方和来自祁仪唐贸易有限公司的Terry,从这两个地方得到的消息看,Waitiri Creek和

Waitiri Creek两款葡萄酒已进入青岛海信广场和万达广场的葡萄酒专区等岛城众多零售场所。

祁 仪 唐 贸 易 有 限 公 司 和都有很多优质的新西兰产品,假如需要请拨打:187 6626-8653



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美食篇 The Food

Who knew Qingdao had such delicious cheese to offer? Whether you are French or not, if you are looking for some luxury cheeses this giving season, France Bacchus is the ideal place to check out before you start planning your Christmas dinner. 

We began our fine French cheese and wine pairing experience by entering a cozy wine shop, off the beaten track, just behind Carrefour. Our whole time there was to experience a warm sense of authenticity about both the place and the people that worked there. Owner Wuimin Wong offered us many different kinds of French cheese and some absolutely delicious aged Dutch gouda that had a strong, yet delicate flavour. A nice bonus is that many of the cheeses come in various sizes depending on how stinky you want your fridge to smell!

It was not surprising to hear that the founder of Beijing-based cheese company Le Fromager de Pékin spent many years training in France. You could tell the second the cheese platter was placed in front of you, from its intoxicating scent.

A dream in Cheese芝士梦之旅French wine and cheese connoisseur Wuimin Wong tells us how to get the most from our taste buds.法国葡萄酒和芝士行家Wuimin Wong告诉我们品味之道。

Words and images © Fanny Texier 21

你知道在青岛也能享受正宗美味的芝士吗?圣诞前夕,只要在寻找极品芝士,在规划圣诞大餐之前,笔者极力推荐你先去France Bacchus逛逛。美味无敌,不虚此行。

我们从这里踏上了优良法国芝士和葡萄酒搭配品味之旅。France Bacchus(法博诗)位于香港中路家乐福北面,典雅温馨的店内设计,热情周到的服务,专业详尽的解答。法博诗总经理Wuimin Wong为我们提供了各式法国芝士和绝顶美味的荷兰豪达芝士(荷兰豪达口味较浓郁)。店内各种大小尺寸的芝士都有,想让你的冰箱充斥着浓浓的芝士香味,那就来一块超大的吧。




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Their special cheese, which I personally enjoyed the most, was to die for. The Creamy grey cheese, very close to what French people call ‘camembert’, comes covered with Provence herbs (a mixture of bay leaves, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme) and has a delicate salty taste. Another nice option was the pyramid of goat cheese, which was mild and creamy but also light with no sourness. The Tomme was just as sensational. According to Wuimin, the best white wine to accompany these cheeses is the Muscat Sec 2010,

which is dry and not too strong. Although it smells sweet, its acidity and bitterness are balanced with a fat taste which makes it smoother. Surprisingly, says Wuimin, it also matches perfectly with spicy foods such as Sichuan cuisine. When sniffing my glass I detected strawberry, however. “The wine is best known for its white flower smell, such as jasmine,” said Wuimin. “But there are dozens of adjectives to describe the unpredictable aromas of wines. You just need to allow yourself to be creative and make a note of your initial impressions.”

Next we followed up with blue cheese that has a more complex taste. Creamy and soft, it almost sticks to the palate before deliciously melting in your mouth. An interesting white wine that would certainly accompany this cheese well is the Vin d’Alsace, Gewurztraminer 2007, a well-known dessert wine. If you like the combination of sweet and bitter, try some pieces of pears on the side. This is what makes pairing cheese and wine delicious as well as interesting and complex. Harmony should always exist between the two! 





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Wuimin介绍到,搭配此类芝士的最佳的白葡萄酒是2010年产的Muscat Sec,干白色酒体,口味又非太浓。气味芬芳,酸苦适中,口味纯厚,口感顺滑。出乎意料的是,Wuimin说道此款葡萄酒也是进食辛辣食物,如川菜的完美搭配。摇晃酒杯可以轻嗅到草莓的气味。然而,“本款葡萄酒最为世人所知的还是她富含的白色花朵,如茉莉的芬香。”Wuimin又为我们讲解到“有太多太多的词语可以用来形容葡萄酒摄人心脾的香气。尽情发挥你的想象力,第一感觉往往比较准确。”


1. Pyramid (Goat Cheese)


2. Tomme 多姆

3. Blue Cheese 北京蓝奶酪

4. Aged Gouda 荷兰哥达奶酪

5. Mini Crottin 粪球

6. Herbs de Provence 普罗旺斯的味道

Know Your Cheese:

软化,享受慢慢融化在口中的感觉,味蕾翩翩起舞的感觉。2007年份Vin d’Alsace, Gewurztraminer(法国阿尔萨斯琼瑶浆)白葡萄酒可以算是北京蓝奶酪的最佳拍档。再搭配上梨还会有种甜中带苦的滋味。芝士与葡萄酒的搭配既复杂有趣又多滋多变。两者之间的“和谐”跟“度”是很重要的。

Wuimin帮我们挑选的葡萄酒很受我们喜欢,但请记住这仅仅是其的一点建议而已。闲暇时,尝试一下自己搭配,也许配出完美的感觉让身在青岛的你一下子感受到在法国的美丽一日。France Bacchus,周末不休,零售芝士,也常组织葡萄酒和芝士 品 尝 鉴 赏 活 动 。 F r a n c e Bacchus职员都会讲英文,喜欢和客人一起分享品尝经验。芝士价格从32元到210元不等。



Although we loved the wines Wuimin specifically chose for us, keep in mind that these are just recommendations. Experiment with your own pairings and see if there’s a good combination that briefly transforms Qingdao into a beautiful French day. France Bacchus mainly sells cheese to individual customers, and often organise wine and cheese tastings. They are open 7 days a week and most of their employees speak English and enjoy sharing their expertise with you. Prices range from ¥32 to ¥210.

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The wine 美酒篇

What are the top 3 wines for drinking pleasure? The Barolo DOCG “Antica Torre”, which has just arrived in Qingdao. This is without a doubt one of the most prestigious Italian wines and a cornerstone of Italian oenology. Everything about it represents its nobility: from the intense, ruby red colour, to the strong scents and violet hints, to the taste, which is very harmonious and complex. I also favour the Barbera IGT Gold, one of the best sellers in Qingdao. It is very fresh, with a fruity and vinous bouquet , a shiny deep ruby-red colour, and a persistent flavour with the aroma of berries. For whites, I would choose the Pinot Grigio DOC Platinum. It has a faint yellow colour with a brown gloss, a refreshing and delicate fruity taste and a delightful aftertaste of green apple.

What would you recommend for wine food pairing? If salmon sashimi and spicy clams are on the menu, I’d recommend the Spumante Brut Gold: an apparently surprising choice my guests never regret. A fantastic red wine that would certainly

accompany steak and red meat in general is the Barbera DOC Platinum. Deep ruby-red colour with pomegranate glints, full bodied with aromatic hints of over-ripe fruit (prune, and dried fig) and vanilla due to the maturation in oak barrels. The flavour is intense, persistent, and mellow with a balanced presence of tannin. Our newly arrived Recioto di Soave DOCG “Il Mondello” is a perfect match for pan fried goose liver (it is similar to Sauternes, which is the best choice for fois gras) but is also a fantastic dessert wine. This great wine is clear and golden in colour and the the nose is intense, fruity, fresh with hints of honey, toasted almonds and vanilla. The taste is velvety, rich, and buttery with clear hints of honey offering a well-balanced aftertaste.

What’s Special About Your Sparkling Wine? Our Spumante Brut is different from other sparkling you might have tried before: it is fruity, with some note of bread-crust, neither too sweet nor too dry, and this makes it versatile, as aperitif or whole-meal wine. On top of that, for the coming months, we will have a promotion: buy 2 cases of 6 bottles, and the third is free. Salute a tutti!

The Best of Italy 意大利佳品Valerio Vinci, General Manager of WinItaly and all-round connoisseur picks his favourite Italian wines for a quality dining experience. WinItaly总经理Valerio Vinci,专业品酒行家,挑选其最钟爱的意大利葡萄酒向我们娓娓道来他的高端


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美酒篇 The wine


首先,我第一个要推荐的是用内比奥罗葡萄生产的Antica Torre Barolo DOCG ( “ 安 蒂 卡 托 尔 ” 巴 罗 洛DOCG干红) 葡萄酒。刚刚到店的一款葡萄酒。毫无疑问,此款是意大利最富盛名的葡萄酒,也是意大利酿酒产业的基石。星星点点都透露着贵族气息:耀眼的宝石红、暗含紫罗兰的香气、口感顺滑。建议品尝之前,先醒酒一小时,让葡萄酒充分的呼吸空气,然后就请尽情享受美酒了。

其次我要推荐,Barbera IGT “Gold”Winitaly (金牌巴贝拉干红葡萄酒)。深红宝石色,并有石榴红光泽,浓郁持久,醇厚的葡萄和果香。

最后,我选择Pinot Grigio DOC“Platinum”Winitaly (白金级干白葡萄酒),我最喜欢的白葡萄酒。色泽淡黄略有棕色光泽,带有“金冠”苹果的回甘味,芳香持久,精妙的口感令人感到心情愉悦。

开 胃 菜 , 尤 其 是 三 文鱼 刺 身 和 辣 蛤 蜊 , 我 推 荐搭配Spumante Brut metodo Charmat“Gold”Winitaly (金牌干肃坦特汽泡酒) 。

一支好的Barbera DOC“Platinum”Winitaly


到的Recioto di Soave DOCG “Il Mondello”(“蒙德罗”蕊乔托 D.O.C.G 甜葡萄酒) ,是甜点和煎鹅肝的最佳拍档。这款葡萄酒口感爽滑纯厚,色泽金黄,气味浓郁,果香纯正,暗含蜂蜜、烤杏仁和香草的回甘味。

能介绍一下店内的汽泡酒吗? 地道。我们的汽泡酒跟您

以前喝的不同,浅黄色,香气纯久,很容易联想起香脆、金黄的面包外皮,带有杏仁的香甜回甘味。我们Spumante Brut metodo Charmat“Gold” Winitaly对外批发的价格是98元,目前我们正有一个促销活动买两箱共六瓶,送一箱。是婚礼、生日、庆典必备美酒。

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The Wine 美酒篇

The best wines are expensive the world over.

According to, a 2000 Chateau Lafite Rothschild retails at around $2500, with earlier vintages costing even more. In China, demand for this über fashionable label is such that prices are even higher. And, just as with designer watches, bags or clothes, these are the perfect ingredients for the creation of a new industry: an industry of fakes and counterfeits.

Dale Lam heads up Gourmet Passion, a Qingdao importer of Spanish wines and food. He says that fake wines are rife in China and that the counterfeit industry is capitalising on current trends. About Chateau Lafite, he says: “It is more like a brand now. Because of the prestige

associated with its name; despite the fact that it is only an estate, it has become a brand.” Like all top brands, when something is desirable, people want it and will pay for it. Dale says that “many consumers in China don’t really care about prices as a lot of purchases are for gifting and companies.” It is not the wine that is desired, it is the act of owning and gifting it.

Dale is quick to point out that “fake is a strong word for what is happening in China. The wine is still wine, it is just not the wine you are paying for, the labels or the bottles are faked.” He says that in the case of Chateau Lafite “the best fakes will look the part, will have the five arrows logo of the Rothschild family on the label, but the wine will be from some new world appellations where

the Rothschild family own wineries, such as South America. It may even come from estates in France which are owned by the Rothschild family, just not from Chateau Lafite Rothschild in Pauillac, Bordeaux.”

Less good fakes will have labelling errors, such as spelling mistakes or inaccuracies in the French or English text. But if the label is good, how can you really tell that you have bought a fake? Dale says that the best way to spot a fake is the price. “You have to know the price of the bottle at source; taxation adds to the price, plus the cost of running a business here. If you know what you’re buying and it costs less than the source price plus costs, then it’s a fake.”

Know your Claret from your Beaujolais火眼金睛识好酒As European wine becomes ever more fashionable in China, fake wines are becoming more and more of a problem.欧洲葡萄酒在国内掀起一轮高过一轮的热潮,假葡萄酒的问题也日趋严重

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据wine.com统计,2000年Chateau Lafite Rothschild红葡萄酒零售价在2500美元左右,年份越早价格越昂贵。在中国,这个标签的葡萄酒价格更贵。就如,名牌手表、包包、服饰一样,这些都是建造一个新兴产业--假货和冒牌工业,必不可少的元素。

Dale Lam是青岛西班牙葡萄酒和食品进口商Gourmet Passion创始人。他说,假葡萄酒在中国很盛行,造假行业紧跟流行趋势。对于Chateau Lafite而言,“它就像一个全新的品牌,因为这个名字就是她的声望所在。即便这只是一个酒庄名称,但已然成为一个品牌。”像所有顶级品牌一样,人们渴望得到,就愿意为此付出金钱。Dale认为“中国的许多消费者对于价格并不十分在意,多数是作为馈赠购买或者是公司大量采购。”这就不是真正的好酒者,而是别有用途的行为。”

同时,Dale也指出“假冒在中国是一个很严肃的词汇。虽然葡萄酒还是葡萄酒,但却与你所支付的价格不成比例,标签或者酒瓶是伪造的。”以Chateau Lafite为例,“最好的假货拥有完美的外观,标识上带有拉菲家族的经典五箭标志,但是葡萄酒来自拉菲家族在其他国家(如南非)所经营的酒庄,也可能是来自法国由Rothschild家族经营的酒庄,但都不是来自波尔多波亚克的Chateau Lafite Rothschild。”



A Taste of SpainGourmet Passion imports food and wine from Spain, with years of experience in importing European wine and food. Why this new focus on Spain? “We’ve always found Spain has more to offer in terms of passion and style, and is a better fit for Chinese consumers - Spanish food and wine is sweeter, and closer to Chinese food than French.” It is better value too, especially than French imports which are “too often considered ‘luxury items’”.

Available from Gourmet Passion: Spanish Jamon, Chorizo Lomo sausages, Salchichon, olives, Rioja and Cava. For further details:; 186 6022-5559.

品味西班牙 Gourmet Passion,西班牙食品和葡萄酒进口商。Dale从事

欧洲葡萄酒和食品进口工作多年,“Gourmet Passion越发觉得西班牙的美食和品位带给我越来越多的惊喜。更适于中国消费者,口味稍甜,与法国食品相比,更接近中国美食。”与法国进口食品昂贵的售价相比,西班牙食品的价位也更趋于合理。

Gourmet Passion所售产品有:西班牙火腿,香肠,橄榄,里奥哈,气泡酒。更多信息,请联系186 6022-5559,


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The Knowledge 知识篇

Shandong holds the seat of power when it comes to wine in China.

It easily outperforms every other province and region - from Xinjiang to Hebei to Liaoning - in terms of wine production. It is home to an experienced wine work force. It offers ports for those who wish to import bulk wine from Chile, Spain and Australia, mix it with local output, and bottle the blend under Chinese labels. And perhaps most importantly, it provides good access from its east coast location to the vast majority of the country’s wine consumers.

Shandong also has some historical bragging rights, at least in the modern wine era, as Chang Bishi set up the now-massive operation Changyu here in 1892.It holds much promise for wine

Close, but No Cigar一招不慎,满盘皆输

tourism given this history, its annual harvest festivals and its growing number of extravagant, and at times over-the-top, wineries with amenities that range from tasting rooms to restaurants to golf courses. And it is home to high-profile projects: Chateau Lafite, the most famous foreign wine brand in China, is working with CITIC on a vineyard here.

Shandong has a great deal going for it. But one thing it doesn’t have – or at least hasn’t demonstrated yet – is an ability to consistently make good wine. Most wine experts I talk to consider Shandong far from ideal and cite issues such as excess rainfall and humidity that can lead to vineyard diseases and, in turn, heavy spraying with fungicides. The resulting quality issues can be compounded by practices

such as picking the grapes too early. Some operations are working on improving quality, and Huadong and Treaty Port have been cited as examples. For others, perhaps there has been a lack of urgency given that many consumers in China do not buy wine based on taste but on an association with wealth and sophistication, perceived health benefits, and brand names.

But the China wine market is rapidly changing. Good inexpensive imported wine is pouring in. Consumers are gaining more experience and, in some cases, becoming more demanding. And the rapid growth of the market has new producers popping up throughout the country and creating competition for the established ones. While Shandong still rules

Beijing Blogger, Jim Boyce, tells REDSTAR that whilst Shandong might produce the most wine, it doesn’t necessarily produce the best wine. In his opinion.北京博客写手Jim Boyce向红星读者讲述自己的观点,或许山东有能力生产最棒的葡萄酒,但确实没有必要这么做。

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山西怡园酒庄是此次潮流的领军人物。虽然其他企业也能一直或者一段时间产出相对优良的葡萄酒,但是怡园酒庄在品质方面十年如一日,一枝独秀。出产的葡萄酒品类有:霞多丽、赤霞珠、桃乐丝葡萄酒,价位从60元到488元(顶级葡萄酒--怡园庄主珍藏)每瓶不等;精选系列有,188元每瓶起的精选干红、干白葡萄酒;珍藏系列有,188元每瓶起的丽珠红葡萄酒。 在附近的宁夏和陕西也有葡萄种植园。由Torres China经销。


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The Knowledge 知识篇

in terms of size, the biggest quality gains are being made in the northwest, in spots such as Shanxi, Ningxia and Xinjiang. These areas also face challenges, whether it is distance to market or the need to bury vines in the winter to protect them from harsh cold. But they are slowly compiling a track record of making clean and pleasant wines that are arguably the nation’s best.

The leader of this movement is Grace Vineyard in Shanxi. While some operations might make one consistently good wine, or perhaps a handful for a few years, family-owned Grace stands alone in producing a quality portfolio for almost a decade. That portfolio ranges from Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon and Rose from ¥60 per bottle to the top-flight Chairman’s Reserve at ¥488. The premium level, from ¥118, includes Cabernet-Merlot and Chardonnay, while the Tasya’s Reserve level, from ¥188, features an interesting Cabernet Franc. Grace is looking ahead with its experimental vineyards in nearby Shaanxi and Ningxia. The wines are distributed here by Torres China.

Among the more successful foreign-local hookups in China is Domaine Helan Mountain in Ningxia. With investment and technical help from global drinks giant Pernod Ricard, this operation produces about

a million bottles per year of easy-to-drink wine. The Special Reserve wines retail for ¥228 though there is good value with the Winemakers Selection series, particularly the 2008 Cabernet Sauvignon, at less than ¥100. Look for the team in Ningxia to introduce a Pinot Noir as early as next year.

Silver Heights in Ningxia is a small family-owned winery that popped onto the scene with its impressive inaugural vintage - 2007 - of Bordeaux-style wines. Production is small, with just over 10,000 bottles of the top labels Family Reserve and The Summit planned for this year, and those wines haven’t come cheap at ¥276 and ¥416 respectively, but they are worth tracking down. Silver Heights is distributed by Torres China.

Sunshine Valley in Gansu is a new brand from Moen Estate, a project that pairs local wine operation Mogao with Enos Partners of Greece. The company released its first wines this year, a Pinot Noir for ¥198 and a Cabernet

Sauvignon for ¥298. The company plans to boost quality next year with closer control of the harvest and it may also introduce a single-vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon from a separate operation found near the Gobi desert. Sunshine Valley wines are distributed by Globus ([email protected]).

Helan Qing Xue in Ningxia became an overnight international sensation a few months ago when its Jia Bei Lan 2009 Cabernet beat hundreds of wines to become the first Chinese wine to win an “international trophy” from British magazine Decanter. Of course, Jia Bei Lan did not come out of thin air, but resulted from a joint venture between a wine industry association and private individuals, with arguably the country’s best wine consultant providing advice, and years of work. While the wine retails for about ¥220 in Ningxia, this operation does not yet have a China distributor. When it does, expect the list price of Helan Qing Xue to be much higher.

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知识篇 The Knowledge


宁夏小家族式银色高地酒庄,凭借其首次出产的葡萄佳酿--2007年类似于波尔多红的葡萄酒,进入人们视线。产量不大,今年预计出产高档产品家族珍藏(276元)和阙歌干红(416元)1000多瓶,售价不低。但是值得一品。由Torres China经销。

莫恩酒业在甘肃的旭源葡萄酒是一个新兴品牌,由当地生产商莫高和希腊Enos合作出品。今年该公司酿造的第一批葡萄酒上市,旭源2009黑品诺,售价198元每瓶,旭源赤霞珠干红葡萄酒,售价298元每瓶。计划在来年通过详尽监控收获环节,更进一步提高葡萄酒品质,也有计划在戈壁沙漠附近新开辟一块单独的赤霞珠葡萄园。由Globus经销。更多信息请咨询[email protected]




Page 34: Redstar Wine Guide 2011


The Wine 美酒篇

When you think of Spain, what flavours spring to mind? Perhaps it is deep, salty tang of wafer thin slices of Ibérico ham, or the sweet fragrance of tomato and olive oil. For wine lovers, the sensation you maybe salivating over is the promise of a deep spicy Rioja, or the sharp fizz of an ice cold Cava. Whatever your imaginings, Spain is a culinary spectacle of rich intense flavours and cooking that some would risk the bull for.

Gourmet Passion was set up by Dale Lam specifically to meet the flavourial needs of

Sublime Spanish Sensations品味西班牙

people who value Spanish food over all others. He says that his company caters to this “world of sensations, opening a bridge between China and Europe to bring the unique the best European products to the Chinese consumer.” When he talks about these ‘best European products’ he his discussing the kind of produces that are of, “limited production, those little gems produced by family businesses that are little known outside their immediate locale.” These are

the secret things, the things you love on holiday because you know you will never find them in a supermarket at home.

He says that “all our products are the result of traditional know-how and the experience of farmers and vintners, fishermen and artisans who for generations have passed on their legacy to bring delicacies with an honest, authentic taste of the highest quality to our table.”

Extra Virgin Olive OilGourmet Passion’s olive oil is sourced from the finest groves in Spain through a mechanical processes that extracts only the oily juice of a fruit. Dale says that “under the right circumstances, olive oil is practically the only oil that can be consumed as is obtained from the fruit; good preparation sees that the oil retains its natural flavour and all the healthy goodness of this miraculous fruit.” Indeed, the consumption of olive oil as part of their every day diets is widely considered by scientists as to be a fundamental reason why Mediterranean people live for so long.

Jamón Ibérico de BellotaHailing from Salamanca, this Iberian ham is a pleasure to see, smell and taste. Cured exclusively from the black Iberian pig it is particular to the south and west of Spain and is a speciality of the region. It is produced

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美酒篇 The Wine


Dale Lam成立的Gourmet Passion公司,主要为西班牙美食美酒狂热者服务,满足他们蠢蠢欲动的味蕾。公司的宗旨是“品味世界,在中国和欧洲之前搭起一座桥梁,让中国消费者有机会品尝到顶级欧洲产品。”

Dale Lam口中的“顶级欧洲产品”是“鲜为外人所知的家族企业出产的限量高品质产品”。他们是度假时候的最爱,因为你知道这在本地超市根本买不到。

Dale Lam介绍到“我们引进的产品来自那些使用传统秘方、拥有丰富经验,世


特级初榨橄榄油Gourmet Passion的橄榄

油,原料油橄榄果来自西班牙最好的果园,经物理冷压后,油水自然分离的果油。Dale介绍到“在正常情况下,是世界上唯一可以直接饮用的植物油、纯天然的果汁;完全保存了天然营养成分、脂溶性维生素、不饱和脂肪酸同时又不含胆固醇。” 事实上,科学家也证实了地中海居民广泛食用橄榄油和其延延益寿有一定关系。





除西班牙和法国葡萄酒在Gourmet Passion有售外,还出售帝王蟹、三文鱼、白兰地和各种果味葡萄酒。

更多信息:gourmetpassion.es186 6022-5559

from piglets that have been fattened on a diet of barley and maize before being allowed to roam in pasture and oak groves to feed naturally on grass, herbs, acorns and roots until it is nearly time for slaughter, at which point they are fed exclusively on acorns - in the case of the best jamón ibérico.

After slaughter, the hams are then salted and left to begin drying for two weeks, after which they are rinsed and left to dry for another four to six weeks.

Gourmet Passion also has a range of both Spanish and French wines, is a supplier of King Crab and Salmon as well as Brandy and a range of fruity wine alternatives.

For further details: gourmetpassion.es186 6022-5559

美食篇 The Food 35

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The Wine 美酒篇

Qingdao Great River Hill Winery General Manager Sandy Cheng and Vineyard manager Chloe Simon talk to Fanny Texier about their upcoming ventures…

青岛大好河山葡萄酒业有限公司总经理Sandy Cheng和葡萄园经理Chloe Simon向笔者介绍企业未来发展方向。

Your Winery was created only 3 years ago… Our winery project started in 2008. The owner, Dr Karl Heinz Hauptmann, already had wineries in Bulgaria and Romania before he began his venture in China. At a dinner in Shanghai, he thought that the wine his friend ordered was too expensive, given its quality. Then he did some research on the best place to make wine in China and heard about Shandong Province. After a lot of investigation, he decided to establish his first winery at Nine Peaks Mountain, in Laixi. The first phase of plantation

was on a 16 hectare piece of land in 2009. We should be able to bottle our wine in a few months.

Why grow wine almost two hours away from Qingdao?Shandong Province has the same latitude as Portugal, so it has perfect weather conditions to grow wine. Plus, our site has a lot of stones and other mineral elements that help the soil breathe. We also have a river behind our winery. It is supposed to give more light and sunshine to our grapes due to reflection. The water brings energy and balances the climate. The

The New Wine in Town葡萄酒新军

Fanny Texier

fact that we are close to a hill helps filter the water out at a fast pace during the intense rain season. These are just a few of the reasons why it wasn’t possible for us to locate in Qingdao.

What kind of wine making process do you follow?We basically follow the ‘Old World’ tradition. The selected grape plantlets are imported from France and planted under the guidance of master experts from Bordeaux. Every grape-tree will get the best result from a traditional French vintage process. We are lucky to be in

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挚爱葡萄酒的德国人Kar l-Heinz Hauptmann博士继在保加利亚和罗马尼亚成功打造了优秀的葡萄酒庄园后,又展现出要做中国最优秀葡萄酒庄园的雄心壮志。有次在上海用餐,他认为朋友点的中国葡萄虽然酒品很好,但是价格太贵了。之后,他对中国最适合酿造葡萄酒的地方做了些调查工作,得出结论山东省是比较适合项目发展的省份。经过多次勘察论证,Karl-Heinz Hauptmann博士将他在中国的第一个葡萄酒庄园建在了青岛市莱西武备镇的一块风水宝地——九顶山。酒庄第一期工程已经完成700亩种植园的开发,相信不久的将来,我们就可以酿出第一瓶美酒。





基本上是遵循“旧世界”葡萄酒酿造传统。精选的葡萄植株是从法国进口的,在波尔多专家的指导下种植,每株葡萄树在法国传统种植方法的培育下争取收获最棒的葡萄。也很庆幸能和从业25年的法国酿酒师Marc Dworkin先生合作。2009年5月种植了赤霞珠葡萄,接下来的两年时间里,将种植多达84公顷的赤霞珠、梅乐、霞多丽、维欧尼和慕合怀特。

the hands of Marc Dworkin, a French winemaker with 25 years’ experience. Excellent Cabernet Sauvignon grapes were planted in May 2009. In the next 2 years, more than 84 hectares of Cabernet, Merlot, Chardonnay, Viognier and Mourvèdre will be planted.

How do you think the Chinese market will react to your wine?We think the reaction will be positive. Thanks to its heavy taste, our wine matches perfectly with spicy Chinese food such as Sichuan style cuisine. It creates a very

balanced sensation on the tongue. One can feel dark berries, because of its strong and complex taste. Its quality is very impressive, not only is it very fruity, but it is also a healthy wine. Compared to most Chinese wines, ours is really smooth, it doesn’t give you the bad reaction from your stomach due to the alcohol. That is why people will quickly learn to trust our product.

What are your plans for the future?We should have 60,000 bottles on the market next year, so we are really excited.

We want to test the local market and see how it goes. We are also hoping to finish the construction of our building very soon. It will be built in an Italian style and some wine tastings will be organised there. We think this will all be very successful in China. The harvest this year was quite triumphant, so hopefully next year we can offer genuinely good wine. But we still need to wait for 6 more months!

Email [email protected] for more information.





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The food 美食篇

When REDSTAR visited, early on a blustery November Wednesday, the table at which we were seated was the only table not pre-booked in advance. The place was rammed, with all its tables filled with happy smiling faces, digging in to steaming bowls of pasta, or getting stuck in to the generous baskets of freshly baked bread.

The menu, though extensive, is paired to down to Italian essentials. A starter of Bruschetta came replete with crunchy bread and ruby red tomato, fresh basil and just enough olive oil - something that is very easy to overdo. It was delicious. Similarly, a simple salad of rocket and parmesan was perfectly seasoned and tasted as fresh and clean as an alpine stream.

Trattoria Verde北绿岛意大利名菜餐厅

Tim Lyddiatt

67A Zhangzhou Road8589-8530漳州路67号甲

These are both Italian classics and were executed with confidence and precision.

Mains are divided into the triptych of Italian cuisine: Pizza, pasta and meat or fish dishes. The pizzas are made fresh to order in an open kitchen that shows off the skills of their huge team. In fact, it is a favourite pastime of this author to watch as the bases are transformed from solid mounds of dough into the light crispy bases that arrive at the table. What the chefs lack in flair, they make up for is gentility of touch; these bases are not thrown or spun around like an errant Frisbee, instead they are gently cajoled and caressed into shape. Spellbinding.

But tonight we would be having pasta; me

a Carbonara, and my companion a ravioli of spinach and ricotta in a gentle tomato sauce. Of the two, the ravioli won out; the freshly made pasta retained its bite, before softly segueing into its rich, creamy contents. The Carbonara was as creamy as it should be, was perfectly cheesed and seasoned, but lacked the smoky richness of long cured Pancetta. Given that we are in China not Naples, I can hardly hold this against them. Both were delicious and disappeared in a trice.

The dessert menu is short, but well executed. An affogato was homemade and its shot of espresso fresh brewed and dispensed at the table. The resulting ooze was both sweet and bitter. Heavenly. A layer cake came with a maple syrup sauce and managed to satisfy even the sweetest tooth of my companion.

Trattoria Verde also has an extensive wine list but, on this occasion (a school night) we opted for half-litre carafe of their house red. It’s good, and very well priced. The same house red is also available by the glass, but is not as good value.

With attentive service and a warm homely atmosphere, Trattoria Verde is a great way to cheer up even the coldest midweek suppertime.

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The food 美食篇

There’s a village in at the base of a hill in Laoshan, and a family there has a farm with around 10 cows and 50 sheep. I went weekly and got 25kg of milk from each. With the cows milk I make a mozzarella and sheep milk, feta.

5000 years ago, Egyptians started making cheese. Nowadays we use rennet from a baby cow’s fourth stomach, a complex of enzymes that digests milk and separates it into curds and whey. We have to buy that from the US. You need good milk - it has to be fresh, it can’t be from the supermarket. We use our cheese in our pizza, greek salad, and sell it.

La Villa owner Lao Zhang on making his own cheese

崂山脚下一个小村庄里 , 那 里 有 个 家 庭




5 Xianggang Zhong Lu8388-6833香港中路5号

images © marc montebello

Page 41: Redstar Wine Guide 2011 41

If you are talking chocolate, you are talking only about two countries: Belgium or Switzerland. Certainly Croatia doesn’t get a look in. Whilst both have their fans - and famous brands - the true chocoholic generally comes down on the side of Flanders. Why so, well Wilfred, Qingdao’s very own

Imagine if real Belgian Chocolates were produced in Qingdao…

resident Chocolatier, says it’s because Belgium chocolate “has a pure cocoa flavour, made possible because no vegetable shortening is used in its production.” It is unadulterated then, purely and simply the traditional mix of cocoa paste, sugar and cocoa butter in varying proportions. Yum.

提到巧克力,其实我们主要是在谈论两个国家的巧克力:比利时、瑞士。他们各自有各自忠实的粉丝,各自的知名品牌。巧克力狂热者大多来自佛兰德斯。原因何在?青岛当地巧克力商Wilfred向我们娓娓道来,“比利时巧克力,纯正的可可口味,制作过程中完全不用植物起酥油”。 可可粉、糖、可可脂按不同比例混合制作出不同口感的巧克力。美味!



W i l f r e d 生 产 各 类 巧 克力,总有一款适合你。

Wilfred, who produces his chocolate lovingly at home continues, saying: “Dark Belgian chocolate uses the most cocoa, milk chocolate mixes in milk, and white chocolate is made be extracting only the butter from the cocoa. Pure cocoa butter is the fundamental ingredient.” 

Wilfred produces a range of chocolates that will meet the needs of even the sweetest tooth.

186 2689-0607

Chocolate Paradise巧克力天堂

美食篇 The food

images © Fanny Texier

Page 42: Redstar Wine Guide 2011

New Zealand Wine新西兰葡萄酒 青岛订购电话:

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Page 43: Redstar Wine Guide 2011 43

美酒篇 The Wine

Hailing from the Swan Hill and Rutherglen wine making regions of Victoria, Australia, Buller Wines, a fourth generation, family run vineyard is a new addition to the Chinese wine market. And we, the people of Qingdao, are all the better for it! The vineyard has won praise from reviewers as well as a number of awards in recent years, proof that there is something very special captured between that glass and cork.

Of its Langdon Rutherglen 2009 Shiraz, the wine maker says: “only the best grapes from the best years are used in the making of the new Langdon range.” And as if to prove the point, the wine picked up a gold medal at this year’s Hong Kong International Wine Challenge.

Of its Calliope Shiraz 2006, the winery says the Calliope Shiraz is big and powerful in the tradition of North East Victoria’s ‘Wines for Heroes’. But it is a rare treat, they say: “It is only possible to make wine of this quality in good years. In fact, since 1991, this is only the ninth Calliope Shiraz.”

Outstanding Outback澳洲傲人之处

In addition to these, Buller wines produces a number of others spanning a full range of wine styles and productions techniques. Reds include a number of Merlots, Pino Noirs and Cabernet Sauvignons; in whites they produce a wide variety of Cahrdonays and Sauvignons. Also interesting are the range of fortified and dessert wines the hail from the winery.

Their Portly Gentleman Tawny dwells in an Australian tradition that can be traced back to the 1840s. Then, Australia’s Mediterranean climate favoured cultivation of the vine and the early winemakers drew on the traditions of southern Europe when they made their wine. Fortified Australian Tawny has evolved from these beginnings.

It is a style of its own, made using the time honoured methods that have changed little in nearly 200 years.

This is an interesting wine producer, one that should have time spent upon its exploring.


葡 萄 酒 酿 造 者 介 绍 Langdon Rutherglen 2009 Shiraz道“选用最好年份的最佳葡萄生产Langdon系列。”该葡萄酒获得今年香港葡萄酒挑战赛金奖,验证了这一说法。

说到 Calliope Shiraz 2 0 0 6 , 葡 萄 酒 酿 造 者 介 绍道 , 单 宁 饱 满 的 C a l l i o p e Shiraz是东北维多利亚传统的“葡萄酒英雄”。想要品尝此酒却非易事。“只有好年份的上佳葡萄才能酿造Calliope Shiraz。实际上,从1991年仅有9瓶。”



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Just inside the twisting, hilly district of Shibei and near Qingdao’s scenic waterfront, Yan’an Yi Lu has, since a 2009 project to transform the area, been renamed in homage to all things Vin. Not far from the more famous Beer Street, it is a procession of temples to the fruit of the gods.

Its official website describes the area, in its charmingly broken English as, “the domestic first-class fashion wine-consuming area and a wine avenue with international standard.” Certainly there is a world of wine on offer. The first thing you notice as you stroll the quiet and gently undulating pavements are the flags of the world that flutter gently in the breeze outside impressive looking

glass fronted shops. France is prominent, but so too are the standards of Spain, Chile, the Unites States and, intriguingly, Canada. Bizarrely, though the doors were open, few of the lights were on.

We went inside the first boutique. Wine is a status thing here, it would appear, and it is important to be in the know about imported wine. Inside there were racks and racks of dark wooden cases, and huge glass cases displaying wine consuming paraphernalia, ephemera and object d’art. Ranging from the beautiful to the gaudy, the useful to the fun, on offer were a range of medieval looking corkscrews and devices for storing wine. And, next to them, a myriad forms

of wine delivery mechanism - bottles and barrels obviously, but cannons and horse carts too - were displayed on shelves in the windows inviting passersby to take a second look.

And then there was the wine. This place, adorned with three bristling drapeau tricolores specialised in wines from the world’s second largest producer, France. On offer were tipples in red, white and rose from Bordeaux and Burgundy and the Rhône and Loire valleys. All were labelled in their original Français with the Chinese translations labelled below. This is important because, as you will see elsewhere in this supplement (p.28), counterfeit wine - or wine that is merely bottled

A Walk on the Wine Side畅游葡萄酒街Qingdao’s Red Wine Street brings a whole world of wine closer to home.青岛葡萄酒街引入众多美酒,不出远门品味世界

Tim Lyddiatt

The Knowledge 知识篇

Page 45: Redstar Wine Guide 2011 45

wine supplement


市北区道路起伏上下,葱葱郁郁的树木种植在狭窄的道路两边,遮掩着古老的日耳曼式外墙,秋日阳光下偶见远处大海波光粼粼。青岛老城区延安一路离啤酒街不远,在2009年打造成一条葡萄酒特色街, 整条街遍布葡萄美酒。






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in Europe, their contents derived from who-knows-where, before being imported back into China, is a growing problem here.

Also adorning the bottles - or the shelves that housed them - were prices that made this European weep. We all know how expensive non-Chinese wine can be, and have come to expect it because, you know, it has to be imported and suffer vast taxation on the way in. But some of these wines were selling at

more than ¥1000 and that is serious money for any wine, irrespective of where and when they have come from.

We moved on, toward those white maple leaves of Canada. I had heard about ice wine before, a type of dessert wine produced from grapes frozen whilst still on the vine. Because the sugars and other dissolved solids do not freeze, but the water does, when pressed the resulting wine is more concentrated and much sweeter than when pressing unfrozen vines. I may have heard about them, but I had never seen so many of them, and never from the frozen north of Canada. There were

‘Hey, this is Qingdao, there is a street for everything.’ And so began a journey of a thousand metres and the whole world - in wine.

other goodies available too: dessert wines made from blueberries, cranberries and passion fruit. All were produced by the Blossom Winery in Okanagan Valley in British Columbia. These were expensive too, but interesting enough to be noted here.

We continued. Through the old and new world, we saw wines from all over: a Chilean Shiraz that, if good, would just about be in the realm of reasonableness for a special occasion, multiple merlots

from California, Australia and New Zealand, and a Spanish Rioja that was deep and dark and endless like a desert at night. It was an impressive range.

Right at the end of the strip however is probably the best of the bunch. Looking more like a British off licence than any of the others: no Jade or marble flooring, no high minded sales women looking down her nose at us (unused to laowei as these shops seemingly are), the air was thick with the soft smell of dust from fresh wine brought up from a cellar and the rough unpolished wood of the packing cases

it is delivered in. Here, with no flags flying except for a sorry looking la rojigualda, are packing cases piled high and filled with wines from apparently random corners of the world: Both old and new world was in evidence and at one end of the shop, a whole wall was devoted to the best in the world of spirits at prices that rival the supermarkets. In fact, the wine here is also much more reasonable priced too.

We saw a lot in our stroll done

Red Wine Street. But the one thing we did not see were customers. In every place we visited, we were the only souls searching. It seems a shame, but perhaps because the venture was simply - and cynically, some might say - bolted on to the ever popular beer street just around the corner as a means of raising the profile of the area: its cache and cadence, it doesn’t seem to be nearly as well populated as its much older cousin. Or perhaps China isn’t as ready for high wine culture as it would have the rest of the world believe.

The Knowledge 知识篇

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知识篇 The Knowledge






继续我们的路途,这里有来自世界各地的葡萄酒:智利 西拉(特别庆典上物美价廉的不错选择);各种来自加利福尼亚、澳大利亚和新西兰的梅乐葡萄酒;西班牙里奥哈葡萄酒(深宝石红色,整晚享用无尽的甜点)等等。




Page 48: Redstar Wine Guide 2011


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Closed on MondaysAddress: Jia, 67 Zhangzhou LuPhone: 8589-8530

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Zhangzhou Er Lu

Xianggang Zhong Lu

Old Jack’s Book City

China EasternAir Hotel

Zhangzhou Yi Lu

Yan’erdao Lu

Places to Enjoy a GlassCanvas 1-3 Yunling Lu, near Sophia Hotel (152 6920-5247) 云岭路1-3号 (靠近青岛索菲亚国际酒店)

Korona Grill House (kě luó jiā xī cān tīng) 5 Zhanghua Lu (8589-9721, 8589-9280) 可罗嘉西餐厅 彰化路5号

La Villa (lā wéi lā fǎ guó cān tīng) 5 Xianggang Zhong Lu (8388-6833) 拉维拉法国餐厅 香港中路5号

Trattoria Verde (běi lǜ dăo yì dà lì míng cài cān tīng) 67(Jia) Zhangzhou Lu (8589-8530) 北绿岛意大利名菜餐厅 漳州路67号甲

Cassani (kǎ sà nī) 90 (Yi) Minjiang Lu (8581-8263) 卡萨妮 闽江路90号乙

Napoli 68 (ná bō lĭ 68 xī cān tīng) 43 Xianggang Xi Lu (oppo. Haitian Hotel) (8386-2200) 拿波里68西餐厅 香港西路43号(海天大酒店对面)

Places to Buy a Bottle Great River Hill Winery 8-7 Aomen Garden Qingdao-Laixi city (8640-6766) 青岛莱西市澳门花园8-7 (021 6380 8097)

Gourmet passion (186 6022-5559)

Henke Trading 504, Bldg A, Hong Kong Gardens,

3 Quanzhou Lu (8589-7696) 泉州路3号香港花园A座504

France Bacchus Bldg 9, 3 Xuzhou Lu (8589-8830) [email protected] 徐州路3号9号楼

Pentagon Enterprise Co., Ltd B-2302, Guohua Bldg, 2 Minjiang Lu (8079-5256) 派达格进出口有限公司 闽江路2号国华大厦B-2302

Buller Wines A1-616 #12 Shanqing Lu (136 6885-3362) 青岛天道进出口有限公司 上清路12号A1-616室

WinItaly Room 2557, Zhong-shang Mansion, 100 Xiang-gang Zhong Lu (8592-6326) 香港中路100号中商大厦2557

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