reductio ex absurdo!

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  • 8/11/2019 Reductio ex Absurdo!


    Reductio ex absurdo!

    The potential impact of the Hobby Lobby case

    Investor Relations Magazine

    September 3, 2014 | By Ian Williams

    Religious tolerance can only go so far

    The Supreme Court seems to have been replaced by some religious conventicle. In the course of

    ignoring reality to fit theology, it has previously created some awesome precedents, but the

    Hobby Lobby case is a doozy.

    For any American ostriches with their heads in the sand or non-US readers who thought it was

    just a strip from Ripleys Believe it Or Not!, this is the recent ruling that says a corporation

    owned by religious believers has the right to opt out of providing otherwise mandatory

    contraceptive services to its employees under their healthcare plans if it offends the owners


    It has always been surprising how many Americans imbue the Supreme Court with some

    objective detached legal wisdom, as it has always interpreted laws in a highly partisan way. In its

    glory days, at the time of the Dred Scott case, the Supreme Court invoked states rights to

    protect the rights of citizens from slave states to retrieve their property, even in states that did not

    recognize that people could be property.

    In the Hobby Lobby case, the Supreme Court follows the famous Citizens United case in

    endowing corporations with powers, souls and consciences. I can hardly count the ways this

    ruling offends common sense. The justices seem to have a very circumscribed view of religion,somewhat contiguous with the Vatican (before the current pope, at least). First, the same court

    ruled some years ago that using peyote in American Indian religious ceremonies was still illegal,

    and somehow I cant see the learned justices even considering the documented use of big spliffs

    in Rastafarian liturgy.

    So would a sincere religious belief in the virtues of slavery as espoused by almost all churches

    in the South before 1860, and a few even since allow companies to enslave the sons of Ham?

    (This is, of course, hypothetical it is much cheaper to employ them on Federal minimum


    I foresee an almost endless line of petitioners for religious exemptions: Christian Scientists who

    own companies will want exemptions from providing surgery in employee healthcare plans;

    Jehovahs Witnesses will want to exclude blood transfusion services. Shakers and similar sects

    eschew procreation will they be allowed to avoid providing pregnancy services and maternity

    leave for their fecund employees? The courts have previously frowned on Quakers and other

    pacifist sects objecting to paying taxes to support military spending will those same sects now

    be allowed to refuse legal leave to military reservists if it offends their sensibilities?

  • 8/11/2019 Reductio ex Absurdo!


    There are also interesting business implications. To begin with, once the Green family

    incorporated its Hobby Lobby business, it became a separate person, surely? But if the

    personhood of the owners is coterminous with that of the company, what happens to limited

    liability? If the company goes bust, doesnt it follow that if the owners and the company are one

    and the same thing that those owners should accept the moral hazard of the financial or indeedcriminal charges against the company?

    When a company breaks the law, it cannot be imprisoned, executed or otherwise returned to the

    path of righteousness. Its owners and managers can practice corporate mayhem and escape

    unscathed. If the Green family and Hobby Lobby are coterminous in conscience, should they not

    be coterminous in consequences? If the company does wrong, shouldnt the full force of the law

    come down on the owners who cannot draw any distinction between themselves and the

    company when it suits?

    There is more than a moral hazard here. As Forbes enterprisingly discovered, most of its pensionplan is invested in companies making precisely the same type of products it refuses to allow its

    health plans to buy. Should the Green family be sued for its failure to maximize returns by

    discouraging employees from using products that would enhance the companys pension funds?

    Why not?