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INTRODUCTION ......................................... 4

Army Special Rules .......................................... 5

The Alcatani Fellowship ................................... 6

Al Muktar's Desert Dogs ................................... 8

Anakonda's Amazons ...................................... 10

Asarnil the Dragonlord.................................... 12

Beorg Bearstruck and the Bearmen of Urslo ..... 14

The Birdmen of Catrazza ................................ 16

Braganza's Besiegers....................................... 18

Bronzino's Galloper Guns................................ 19

The Cursed Company ..................................... 22

The Giants of Albion ...................................... 25

Golgfag's Mercenary Ogres ............................. 29

Gotrex and Felix ............................................. 31

Leopold's Leopard Company ........................... 34

Long Drong's Slayer Pirates ............................ 36

Lumpin Croop's Fighting Cocks ...................... 38

Malakai Makaisson's Goblin-Hewer  ................ 40

Marksmen of Miragliano................................. 42

Mengil Manhide's Manflayers ......................... 44

Oglah Khan's Wolfboyz .................................. 47

Pirazzo's Lost Legion ...................................... 49

Ricco's Republican Guard ............................... 51

Ruglud's Armoured Orcs ................................. 53

Tichi-Huichi's Raiders .................................... 56

Vespero's Vendetta ......................................... 59

Voland's Venators .......................................... 61

The Witch hunters .......................................... 63

FOR HIRE .................................................... 65


Updated by: Mathias Eliasson, Mathew

Weiss and Bill J. Wilson.Cover Art: Karl Kopinski.

Art: John Blanche, Alex Boyd, Wayne England, Des Hanley, Toby Hynes, Nuala Kennedy, Paul Smith, John Wigley, Winona Nelson, Daarken,

Warhammer Online. Book Design: Mathias Eliasson. Editing: Mathias Eliasson. Original Book: Nigel Stillman, Anthony Reynolds, Andy Hoare,

Gav Thorpe, Tuomas Pirinen, Rick Priestley. Feedback and Playtesting: Damian Caulfield, Matthew Trindall, Baumann, Zark the Damned,EdSteiner, tarastop, Akbar, number9, KingGarland, Grim Squeaker, Stefan Wolf.

Special Thanks To: Stefan Wolf, Joseph Kagann, and all the players that have contributed with feedback and ideas. 

This book is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.The Chaos devices, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, 'Eavy Metal, Forge World, Games Workshop,Games Workshop logo, Golden Demon, Great Unclean One, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, Lord

of Change, Nurgle, Skaven, the Skaven symbol devices, Slaanesh, Tomb Kings, Trio of Warriors, Twin Tailed Comet Logo, Tzeentch, Warhammer,

Warhammer Online, Warhammer World logo, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters,vehicles, locations, units, illustrations and images from the Warhammer world are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-

2010, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights

Reserved to their respective owners. 

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INTRODUCTIONFamous mercenary regiments acquire a certain

notoriety because they are remarkably successful,

 brutal, adventurous, or for some other reason that

 brings them to the attention of the world. We call them

Regiments of Renown and these units can often befound fighting for many different armies, as long as the

 pay is good!

Individual Regiments of Renown are led by famous

characters, and indeed are frequently named after these

leaders. For example, the notorious Ogre Captain

Golgfag, whose Ogre mercenaries have, at one time or

another, looted and despoiled most civilised parts Old

World... and some not so civilised ones too.

Regiments of Renown do not necessarily have ties to a

 particular country, nor are they a whole new race.

They are bands of warriors and adventurers who live by fighting –  for glory and more importantly for gold!

The Regiments of Renown are made up of skilled

 pikemen, deadly marksmen, Hobgoblin cavalry from

the eastern steppes, Halfling scouts, drunken Dwarf

 pirates, Ogres from the Badlands and Giants from the

misty shores of Albion. Together they ply their trade to

every point of the compass in the Old and New Worlds,

fighting for anybody, any time, any place, anywhere… 

Although the Regiments of Renown have no commonheritage, many find employment in that most notorious

of mercenary breeding grounds, the land of Tilea. Tilea

is an anarchic land and is in an almost constant state ofupheaval, as the wealthy merchant princes of the

independent city states plot against each other. All this

anarchy means mercenaries who travel there can beassured of profitable employment.

Just as there are regiments of mercenaries to hire, there

are just as many lone freelancers. These individuals

wander the Old World, selling their skills to the highest

 bidder. Many are thieves and brigands, and some are

hard bitten mercenaries who will not (or cannot) joinone of the many mercenary regiments. There are thrill-seeking Imperial nobles, fanatical Witch Hunters and

even specialists such as siege engineers, wizards or


In this book, you will find rules and background for

including these most famous of mercenary units, as

well as options for including them into your

Warhammer army.

FIND OUT MOREWhile the Warhammer Expansion: Regiments of

Renown contains everything you need to play the game

with these units, there are always more tactics to use,

different battles to fight and painting ideas to try out.

You can find articles specific to the Dogs of War on

our website: 

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ARMY SPECIAL RULESAll named models (except for Standard Bearers, and

Musicians) in a Regiment of Renown follow the rules

for Characters in the game, with the following

exceptions. These characters cannot leave their unit

(unless specified), but they do not use up any of thecharacter percentage from the army lists (unlessspecified).

If the characters have different equipment than the rest

of the rank and file, this is clearly listed in the

Equipment list. Note that, regardless of their

Leadership value, these characters can never be an

army‘s General. 

Some of these named models are Standard Bearers and

Musicians; these are treated just like normal Standard

Bearers and Musicians, and as such may not be

attacked separately.

All of these units and characters are unique –  you may

only field one of each in your army, unless specified.

When fielding Regiments of Renown in any army other

than Dogs of War, they follow the rules for non-

aligned allies.

REGIMENTS FOR HIRE In the next few pages, you will find all the information

you need to field Regiments of Renown in your

Warhammer battles.

POINTSEach regiment has a basic cost, which includes all the

equipment, characters and their magic items. These

cannot be modified in any way.

PROFILESThe characteristic profiles for the troops and charactersin each unit are given here.

UNIT SIZESEach entry specifies the minimum size for each unit.

 Normally the unit‘s size can be increased by buying

extra models at the cost given, but in some cases unitsalso have a maximum size.

EQUIPMENTThis entry lists the weapons and armour for that

regiment. The value of these items is included in the

 points value.

SPECIAL RULESMany troops have special rules which are described in

this section.

MAGIC ITEMSSome characters carry magic items and their rules aregiven here. Note that the player cannot buy new magic

items for the characters of the Regiments of Renown.



 Pikes are the infantry weapon of choice in Tilea. Twiceas long as a normal spear and longer than acavalryman‟s lance, the front of a unit of pikes is an

impenetrable wall of steel. 

Range Strength Special Rules

Combat As user Requires Two Hands,

Fight in Extra Ranks (3)

When being charged to the front by Cavalry,

Monstrous Cavalry, Monsters or models that cause

Impact Hits, models armed with pikes gains +1 to their

Strength against said troop types in the following Close

Combat phase.

LIGHT CROSSBOW Essentially a hand held version of the crossbow, this

weapon's exquisite construction increases the tension

in the cord when cranked, thus making it a worthwhile

addition to any warrior's arsenal. Better still, given its small size, it's an ideal weapon for horsemen, who can

keep one hand on the reigns of their mount while firing

at enemies.

Range Strength Special Rules

16" 4 -

PAVISEUsed heavily by Braganza's Besiegers, a Free

Company operating in Tilea, these special shields are

designed to protect crossbowmen from ranged attacks

while reloading. Unlike normal shields, the pavise provides a good amount of cover. To use it, the

crossbowman props the shield in front of him.

The Pavise grants a 5+ armour save against ranged

attacks to the unit‘s front, which may be combined

with other armour as normal.

FULL PLATE ARMOURThe Tileans learned the techniques for forging plate

armour from the Dwarfs, and though it's not as high in

quality as Dwarf-forged armour, it is serviceable

enough for Tilean nobles.  Normally, only the

mercenary lords can afford these full plate armours,

and even then, they often have a haphazard


Full plate armour gives the wearer a 4+ armour save.

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THE ALCATANI FELLOWSHIP Miserable do-gooding, no-account, back- stabbing, underhand… „s getting‟ so an honest  landlord

can‟t even relieve a bunch of farmers of their crops without someone stickin‟ their ugly noses in.

 Bunch of lousy, dog-breath… NO I HAVEN‟T ANY LAST WORDS. 

 Last words of Bernado „the rat‟  

It was with some desperation that RoderigoDelmonte surveyed the ruins of his crop.Yesterday he had stood upon the same spot andadmired the unfolding acres of Alcatani ripeningin the hot Tilean sun. today, where once hadgrown apples and citrus, vines and olive trees,there was nothing but charred stumps smouldering

upon a ravaged landscape. The passage of ElCadavo‘s rampaging army had left him animpoverished and broken man. The agricultural

efforts of a long and hard life had proven utterlyand cruelly fruitless.

The life of a farmer, even a wealthy landowner,was never an easy one in the war-torn land ofTilea. When Roderigo Delmonte found himself

Alvarez I don't know why we keep fightingfor poor peasants who've got no money?


Ha! Rich Princes with plenty of

gold always say `I'll pay you after the battle'.Then after the battle they forget to pay us!

Alvarez You mean just like poor peasants?

Roderigo No, not like poor peasants.Remember last year when we fought for thevillage of Scintio? They were honestenough to say that they had no money topay us before the battle even started.

Alvarez Yes, but we fought for themanyway!

Roderigo Well remember that scruffypeasant who was hanging round my tent thismorning?


I can stiff smell hint! What did hewant? Another free battle?

Roderigo He came to express the gratitudeof the villagers of Scintio.

Alvarez Very nice, but how much breakfastwill that buy?


Not much, but he also left us twosacks of goat cheese... and this sack of goldpieces!

destitute he embarked upon the only course ofaction that remained to him: he became a soldier.His workforce, faced with the unappealing optionof starvation, signed up without question. InRemas, Roderigo sold his last and favourite muleand with the proceeds bought some shoddyarmour, a few second-hand helmets, and a batch

of slightly bent pikes. With a bit of elbow grease,a few hammer blows, and the aid of a steamingkettle, Roderigo‘s mean set about preparing

themselves for their first battle. By the time theyhad finished they didn‘t look bad! 

The Alcatani Fellowship‘s first job was not particularly glamorous or lucrative –  escorting aconsignment of dung to a rhubarb grower outsideRemas –  but soon Roderigo began to gain areputation for reliability. The rich and successfulwere prepared to pay top-prices for the best

troops… but for every rich merchant there wereten small scale operators who couldn‘t afford the

services of the more expensive mercenaries. The

Alcatani Fellowship found a niche!

Despite its rather modest origin the AlcataniFellowship has proven itself on more than one

occasion. Their first battle more or less set thetrend. The villagers of Buccolia, a small vinegrowing community in the lee of the ApucciniMountains, found themselves terrorized by a particularly nasty gang of Orcs. These greenskins

had come to Tilea as mercenaries, but had provenso unreliable and untrustworthy that no one wouldemploy them. So they became bandits instead,raiding small farms and villages and generallymaking life miserable for poor, hard-workingvillage folk. In Buccolia the villagers pooled alltheir savings to hire mercenaries to help them, butsadly no one was willing to work for seven ducats,three farthings, and a goat. Even the moneylenders refused to deal with them.

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Rod-rigo, Rod-rigo, marching through thelandRod-rigo, Rod-rigo, with his honest bandFeared by the greedyLoved by the needyRod-rigo, Rod-rigo, Rod-rigo!

When Roderigo Delmonte heard of their plight hewas angered and indignant! The villagers‘ story was a familiar tale of honest hard-working folk(rare enough in Tilea) unable to find justice because they were poor and powerless. Roderigoknew this tale very well indeed. Although he hadnot exactly grown rich as a mercenary, what he

had was enough, and so he decided to help thedesperate villagers. The Alcatani Fellowship

arrived in the dead of night, after a long march inthe pouring rain. From the roadside they could seethe smouldering torches of the Orc raiders as they

climbed down the slopes behind the village. Tiredand hungry as they were, the valiant pikemen

 prepared for battle. It was quite a surprise for theOrcs. They had expected helpless grovelling peasants. Instead they found themselvesconfronted by grim faced men with steel-tipped pikes, who fought with the determination of the possessed! After a short struggle the Orc raiderslay dead and scattered. Roderigo had triumphed.

In return he asked for no money –  but only thethanks of the villagers. This, the villagers weremore than willing to give!

Since that day, the Alcatani Fellowship has foughtmany battles, for many masters, including manyof the richest and most famous mercenarygenerals in Tilea. But even today they are willingto fight for the poor and helpless at rates whichare far below those of most mercenaries. Althoughhe may never be rich himself, amongst thecommon people of the countryside Roderigo

Delmonte is the most popular mercenary captainin the land. He is cheered and greeted wherever hegoes and stories of his unselfish deeds are toldaround the hearths of simple country folkthroughout all Tilea.


CAPTAIN: Roderigo Delmonte.

MOTTO: The Cut-price Cut-throats You Can



APPEARANCE: The Alcatani fellowship wear

simple, some might say cheap, armour and red crested

helmets of unfashionable design. Their clothing is

simple, practical, and somewhat threadbare. They carry

sturdy steel-tipped pikes.

POINTS: Roderigo Delmonte plus nine Pikemen,

including a Standard Bearer and Musician, cost a total

of 85 points. This is the minimum size of unit you can

hire. The regiment may be enlarged by adding extra

Pikemen at a cost of 4 points each.


Roderigo 4 4 4 4 3 2 4 2 8

Pikeman  4 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 7


EQUIPMENT: Pike and light armour. Roderigo is

equipped with two hand weapons and heavy armour.

TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

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AL MUKTAR'S DESERT DOGSWe never had a chance, sir. They came out of nowhere. Before we could turn they were in among

us, shouting their chilling battle-cries as they cut us down. It‟s true we ran from them sir, but these

were not men –  they were demons on horseback.

The mercenary Gunter Friesheim, explaining his part in the infamous Rout of Rifraffa

Young Werner

Glook was sent

 by his parents to

an exclusive

school in

Marienburg –  a

common fate for

children of rich

and famous

 parents who

couldn‘t be

 bothered to raisetheir offspring for

themselves. As a

consequence,childhood was a

lonely and deeply unhappy time for him. The school

masters beat him frequently and the older boys adopted

him as their personal slave. Werner lived in constant

anticipation of a sound thrashing. He learned to endure

things by immersing himself in dreams of foreigntravel and exotic lands.

Years later, Werner Glook stepped from a Tilean

merchant ship onto the harbor of Lashiek –  City of theArabian Corsairs. His eagerness to travel the world had

 brought him to the greatest city in Araby. Swarthy-

skinned boys dressed in rags scampered about his feet,

offering to carry his bags and attempting to pick his


He sent them away with a single word of command.

The boys gawped in amazement and ran away quickly.

They did not expect a blond haired, blue-eyed stranger

to speak their language –  let alone to be so familiar

with the coarse vernacular of Araby. Perhaps he was no

ordinary stranger at all, but the mysterious Al Muktar  –  

the Chosen One –  whose coming was foretold that veryyear!

Werner knew nothing of this old legend. He was

gratified to find the people of Araby friendly and

generous –  at least once he had spoken to them afterwhich they generally stopped trying to steal his

 belongings. The word began to spread through the city.

Werner remained oblivious to his growing fame.

One day he decided to undertake a journey out into the

desert to see some famous ruins. He hired guides and

camels, and set out eastward. After three days the

caravan was attacked by bandits. Werner‘s guides ranoff as soon as the bandits attacked, except for blind Ibn

the beggar boy who didn‘t realize what was going on

until too late, and then ran in exactly the wrong

direction and was easily caught. Werner, being to

obstinate to flee, was capture after a fierce fight in

which he gave a fine display of fist fighting –  a skill

learned by necessity in his school days.

The bandits‘ leader was Sheikh Ahmed Shufti, a

squint-eyed son of the sand, dressed, like his warriors,

in voluminous flowing robes. The Sheikh had never

seen an Old Worlder before, but was impressed by his

captive‘s pluck! The Sheikh decided to stake out

Werner in the desert and beat him to death slowly overseveral days. Whilst they were entertained by his cries

and pitiful pleading, the bandits would roast one of the


After three days of torture and no water, Werner had

uttered not one cry of pain and the only words he had

spoken were to defy his captors and curse their closer

relatives. The Sheikh was impressed, and his men were

getting a bit nervous. Surely no ordinary man couldendure such pain. They were not to know that Werner

was used to beatings, having suffered far worse at the

hands of his fellow pupils at school. Once they had

hung him for three days in the flue of the greatchimney in the headmaster‘s study… he had not

uttered a word then either, not even when old

Meistergriek had lit the fire to warm his old bones.

Werner could hear the bandits muttering about ‗Al

Muktar‘, but he had no idea that it meant ‗the Chosen

One‘. ‗Al Muktarrrr‘ he cried as loudly as he could.

The bandits, who were huddled around their camp fire,

had grown scared of the Old Worlder after Ibn had told

them about the legend and various wonderous things he

had supposedly done in Lashiek. Also, things had

 begun to mysteriously disappear, mostly small valuable

 possessions, and Ibn was careful to explain that thiswas a sure sign that the bandits had fallen under Al

Muktar‘s curse. Consequently, when they heard

Werner‘s cry they threw themselves to the ground

wailing and crying, ‗Al Muktar… Al Muktar… forgive


 Needless to say Werner did forgive them. In fact he

 became one of them –  the life of a desert warrior

sounded adventurous and exciting. He abandoned his

old name, clothes, and habits and became Al Muktar.

Soon the bandits were known and feared all along the

coast of Araby. They became renowned as the Desert

Dogs –  horsemen of unparalleled ferocity wieldingmighty scimitars of gleaming steel. Their battle-cry of

‗Al Muktar‘ became feared throughout the land. 

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Soon, the Desert Dogs became such a nuisance that the

Sheikh of Lashiek was compelled to hire them by

means of large bribes. At first he sent them eastwards

to fight the Undead. Al Muktar very much enjoyed

travelling the land of the Undead, but the Desert Dogs

grew restless, and soon he led them northwards throughthe Badlands and into the Border Princes. The dashing

horsemen proved ideally suited to the fast, mobile kind

of warfare in the pioneer country, and Al Muktar was

soon as famous in the frontiers of the Old World as he

was in Araby!

Only the continued disappearance of small but valuable

items from the pockets and saddlebags of the Desert

Dogs continued to trouble the warriors. Plainly they

must fight harder and more loyally to end the curse that

their mistreatment of Al Muktar had invoked.


CAPTAIN: Al Muktar –  Son of the Desert.

MOTTO: The Desert Dogs have two famous mottos.

There is the official version favored by Al Muktar

himself, ‗Mighty are the Muktarhin!‘ and then there is

the less righteous version often employed by Sheikh

Ahmed Shufti, ‗Desert Dogs Run Faster Because the

Trees are Farther Apart.‘ 

BATTLE-CRY: Al Muktar!

APPEARANCE: The Desert Dogs ride white horses

and are swathed from head to foot in voluminous cloth

to protect them from the fierce desert sun. They insist

on wearing this clothing regardless of the climate they

find themselves in, or whatever time of day or night it

happens to be. All that can be seen are their eyes andhands.

POINTS: Al Muktar, Sheikh Ahmed Shufti, Ibn the

Standard Bearer, a Musician and one Rider cost a total

of 190 points. This is the minimum size of unit you can

hire. The regiment may be enlarged by adding extra

Riders at a cost of 12 points each.

M WS BS S T W I A LdAl Muktar 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8

Shiekh Shufti  4 4 3 4 4 2 4 2 8

Ibn 4 1 1 3 3 1 3 1 6

Desert Dog 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7

Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5


EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon & shield. The Sheikh

carries the Scimitar of Dakisir –  heirloom of his tribe.

The Black Banner is carried aloft by Blind Ibn the

 beggar boy, who cannot see the peril he is in and so isalways at the forefront of battle.

TROOP TYPE: Cavalry.

SPECIAL RULES: Fast Cavalry, Ambushers.

Daemons on Horseback: The combination of the

Desert Dogs‘ surprise attacks and their chilling battle-cries is enough to unnerve even the bravest of soldiers.

The Desert Dogs cause Fear on any turn in which they


MAGIC ITEMS:Scimitar of Dakisir (Magic Weapon)

This scimitar is an heirloom of the tribal sheikhs of the

 Desert Dogs. It was forged centuries ago in the Kasbah

of Dakisir, long ago sacked and ruined by the Undead.

The blade is decorated with magical texts inlaid in


The Scimitar of Dakisir gives Sheikh Ahmed Shufti +1

Strength. When charging, this is increased to +2


Black Banner of the Muktarhin (Magic Standard)Carried by Blind Ibn the beggar boy, this banner is an

heirloom of Al Muktar‟s family. 

The Desert Dogs add +D3 to their combat resolution.

Roll at the end of each close combat. 

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ANAKONDA'S AMAZONS“The jungle seemed to have come to life, raining arrows on us. Those, who didn't die instantly, soon

 sank screaming to the ground, having heavy convulsions and foamy mouths. In my desperate

 situation I seemed to see things which didn't belong to that place. Suddenly a beautiful woman was

 standing right in front of me. She smiled gently, only to draw a dim glowing dagger from beneathher belt. This wasn't a dream!” 

 Marcello Bertolucci in the lunatic asylum of Remas, telling about his travels to Lustria

The jungles of Lustria hold many secrets. Explorers

maintain dubious tales of ancient weapons of power

and tribes of the deadly warrior women known as

Amazons. Such stories, however mocked by the

academics of the Old World, are not without truth.

Some are so old they pass into legend, becoming part

of jungle lore, like Anakonda and her Amazons.

Anakonda and her Amazons are warrior women of the

savage, yet noble Amazonian Sisterhood. The originsof the warband and how many of these warriors exist is

unknown for they have remained hidden for many

years in Lustria's jungles.

What is known from the collected journals and

rambling testimonies of various explorers lucky

enough to have survived prolonged contact with them,

is scant. It is believed they take their names from the

 jungle beasts with which they share their lands. Thesenames are tied into strict ritual and one scholar has

theorised that totemic identities are granted after a

 physical trial akin to a rite of passage. Anakonda, their

leader, is known as such after she wrestled a huge

snake, slew it and flayed its skin to wear as a trophy

and record of her deed. Other warriors in the warband

have performed similar feats and are named


Humming Bird has the honour of bearing the standard

of the Amazons, an unusual banner adorned with plucked feathers. These decorations are taken from

exotic birds held sacred by the Lizardmen. While no

single deed distinguishes Humming Bird, her general

 prowess is second only to Anakonda herself and the

special banner she carries is a proclamation of this.

Pirrana, another of Anakonda's closest sword-sisters,

was so named after she was captured by a band of

Skinks. The diminutive Lizardmen planned to sacrifice

the brave Amazonian in a pond in which a giant piranha fish dwelled. A furious battle ensued in which

the water in the pond ran red with the giant fish's

 blood. Like her leader, Pirrana took the skin of thedead fish as a trophy and now wears it like armour. She

also gutted the beast as a warning to the other denizens

of the jungle. In so doing she found a large conch shellin its stomach. This giant conch shell now acts as

Anakonda's Amazons' war horn, which Pirrana, as the

 band's musician, blows in battle to warn her sisters of

the approach of enemies.

Tales of Anakonda first reached Old Worlders on

Lustria when a band of Tilean explorers became lost in

the depths of the jungle and were set upon by Skinks.

Deadly poison darts spat out of the trees, taking a

heavy toll upon the hapless men, but when death

seemed assured, the Skinks scattered. Out of the

darkness the Amazons emerged.

As a charged calm descended, it wasn't clear whether

the Tileans had been saved or were destined for a much

worse fate. The quick-witted leader of the band, Enrico

Baggio, recognised the delicacy of their predicamentand persuaded the Amazons to help them out of the

 jungle with the promise of gold and some cheap beads!

It cost Enrico and his band their entire haul of loot for

their safe passage. They got to their boats and Enrico

vowed never to return.

Recently, the Tilean captain El Baddo claimed to have

 procured the services of Anakonda and her Amazons to

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ambush a band of Dwarf adventurers. The

unscrupulous Tilean wanted to prevent the Dwarfs

reaching the lost temple of Toca before he did. This

required much gold, and was a mere taster of the true

cost. For after the Dwarfs were betrayed and

ambushed, the Amazons treacherously attacked ElBaddo. Although he miraculously survived, the price of

Amazonian help was dear in both coin and blood.

It seems that the Amazons have not quite grasped the

idea of being mercenaries. They fight for themselves

and care little for anyone else. If anyone pays themgold to fight, it just shows the Amazons how weak they

are! So be warned, if the Amazons accept your gold, it

doesn't mean that they won't come back and sacrifice

you later...


CAPTAIN: Anakonda.

MOTTO: The Old Ones left us the sacred places inthe jungle, and we know how to preserve and defend


BATTLE-CRY: Men are no match for us!

APPEARANCE: Amazons are fierce fighters.

Clothed in the flayed hides of Skinks, many bearing

animal-headed masks, they are a fearsome sight. Some

dye their hair in myriad colours reminiscent of the

exotic birds of the jungle, and raise it with resin and

sap to mimic a Skink's crest. The Amazons' skin is

tanned from the tropical sun, and they wear animal tails

and the long feathers of tropical birds from waist belts.

Awarded for feats of valour in battle, the more

magnificent the tail, the higher the status of the warrior.

Amazons are adorned with all manner of gold, bangles,anklets, rings and other trinkets that they have claimed

from their enemies as battle trophies. Understandably,

most of these are Lizardman in origin.

POINTS: Anakonda and 4 Amazons, including

Humming Bird the standard bearer and Pirrana the

musician, cost a total of 140 points. This is the

minimum unit you can hire. The regiment may be

increased by adding more Amazons at 10 points each.


Anakonda 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8Humming Bird  4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 8

Pirrana 4 4 3 3 3 1 3 2 6

Amazon 4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7


EQUIPMENT: Blades of the Ancients and Skink

hide (counts as light armour).

TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES: Skirmishers, Scouts, ForestStriders. 

BLADES OF THE ANCIENTSThe Amazons carry a special kind of weapon of

unknown origin, which they call the Blades of the

 Ancients. These weapons are rumoured to be rare and

much sought after High Age artefacts. Despite theirvast age they are still powerful, the gems set within

them said to blaze with the captured fires of a falling

 star. They project a shield of arcane energy around the

wearer, and the Amazons can point the Blades at the

enemy and unleash the very flames of the sun itself.

Range Strength Special Rules





6+ Ward save,

Quick to Fire

HIGH AGE ARTEFACTSThe sacred places of the Lustrian jungles hide many strange and valuable artefacts. Invadersseek such items because they are made from gold or gemstones, others because they hold

power that mages may draw upon. Some are covered in mysterious texts said to be the scriptof the gods themselves, and scholars covet these above all others. Of the utmost rarity arethe weapons of the so-called High Age. These can be staffs, rods, blades and various othershapes, and many are more deadly than any other weapon known to the world. Some High

Age weapons project shimmering bolts of light, others propel small missiles many hundredsof metres that bury themselves within the flesh of their targets, only to explode, ripping it

apart in a shower of gore. Such items are highly valued, more than the most potent ofmagical artefacts, and are the subject of legend among scholars. Entire armies have been

raised at the mere hint that such a weapon may be found, and any cost will be paid just for

the chance of acquiring one. To date, only the Amazons have been witnessed bearing suchweapons, and it can only be hoped that no invader gains the power of a High Age artefact. 

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Victory was finally within our grasp. Then, without warning, a vast green Dragon fell from the skies

to bar our way. Its teeth were like scythes, bilious green fumes leaked from its nostrils, and on its

back rode a proud warrior. This was the first we saw of Asarnil.

 Extract from „The glorious adventures of Gunter Friesheim‟  

The Legend of Asarnil the Dragonlord is known

throughout Ulthuan. Asarnil was the son of Aserion,

the hero of a thousand battles. From his earliest years

Asarnil was brought up in the martial traditions of

Caledor. He became a great warrior and one of the few

Elves still able to rouse the Dragons who slept beneath

the mountains of the High Elf realm.

His companion, Deathfang, was one of the greatest

Dragons that the Princes of Caledor could still wake

from their deep slumber. Together they were all but

invincible, and their fame reached far beyond the boundaries of Caledor.

During the Great War Against Chaos, Asarnil foughtwith distinction alongside his brother Dragon Princes.

Asarnil commanded them in battle, and it was because

of him that Caledor was not overrun during those dark


After the Battle of the Finuval Plains, Asarnil had beenordered to link up with the High Elf forces marching

from Lothern. Once the Dragon Princes arrived, the

combined forces of Lothern and Caledor could destroy

the last major Dark Elf force in Ulthuan.

But before Asarnil could fly to the Phoenix King‘s aid,

word came that Caledor itself was under attack. Under

the command of Asarnil, an entire flight of the

Dragonriders sped back through the skies to protect

their homeland. In a brilliant assault the Dragonriders

of Caledor swept the Dark Elves to the sea, and

Caledor was saved. Triumphant, Asarnil headed back

towards the rendezvous with the Phoenix King,

confident that great rewards and honour awaited him

upon his arrival.

On hearing that his orders had been disobeyed, Phoenix

King Finubar became angry. If his troops had come

under attack without the support of the Dragon Princes,

they would have faced destruction. When Asarnil and

his fellow Dragonriders arrived at the Phoenix King‘s

camp, no parade awaited them. Instead, Asarnil wassummoned before the Phoenix King himself. Enraged,

Asarnil declined and swore that he was no longer a

subject of the crown of Ulthuan. The response ofFinubar the Seafarer was quick and harsh. Asarnil

would be stripped of his title and lands and banished

from Ulthuan, unless he would face the Phoenix King‘s

 justice. Proud to the last, Asarnil declined.

Asarnil was now a Prince without a domain, a lord inexile. He gathered his weapons and armour, mounted

Deathfang, and left the blessed island of Ulthuan.

Asarnil headed towards the old ruins of an Elf city inthe south of the Old World. He found that humans now

inhabited the land. His Dragon descended in the city of

Remas in the land of Tilea, much to the dismay of the

citizens. However, the Prince of Remas realized that

such a mighty ally would give them the advantage they

needed in their war. He immediately hired the services

of Asarnil for the war Remas was waging against the

city of Miragliano.

With the help of Asarnil and the awesome might of

Deathfang, Remas decisively defeated their rivals and

 brought the war to a successful conclusion. Indeed,

such was the terror inspired by Deathfang that most ofthe men of Miragliano threw down their arms and fled

from the field without a battle! In the naval battle of the

Siren‘s Rocks, Asarnil and Deathfang destroyed

Miragliano‘s entire fleet, and ended the city‘s

supremacy at sea.

Since those days the proud banner of Asarnil has flown

over countless battlefields in the Old World. Only the

greatest Princes can afford the exorbitant fee of the

Dragonlord, but a general calling upon Asarnil is

almost guaranteed to be victorious.

In his heart of hearts Asarnil still dreams of returningto Caledor in triumph with the riches he has won, but

for now his lance and sword are for hire.

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CAPTAIN: Asarnil the Dragonlord.

MOTTO: Victory is a foregone conclusion.

BATTLE-CRY: ―Wahnil, wahnil!‖ is the battle-cry

of the Caledorians, calling for Vengeance and Death.

APPEARANCE: Attired in all the splendour of the

Dragon Princes of old, Asarnil and his Dragon are a

truly magnificent sight on the battlefield. Glittering

ithilmar armour and shining gems combined with the

sheer presence of the Great Dragon Deathfang are

unforgettable –  if you survive to tell the tale.

POINTS: Asarnil and his mighty Dragon Deathfang

cost a total of 535 points. Asarnil is worth 145 points

and Deathfang is worth 390 points.


Asarnil 5 7 6 4 3 2 7 4 9

Deathfang  6 7 0 7 7 7 2 6 9

UNIT SIZE: Massive!

EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, lance, Dragon armour

and shield.

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Character).

Deathfang: (Monster). Asarnil rides Deathfang, theDragon.

SPECIAL RULES (Asarnil): Always Strikes First. 

Valour of the Ages: Asarnil is a High Elf and can re-

roll failed Psychology tests against Dark Elves.

SPECIAL RULES (Deathfang): Fly, Terror, Large

Target, Scaly Skin (3+), Breath Weapon (Strength

4, Flaming Attacks). 

Dragon Tamer: The Elves of Caledor have a natural

empathy for dragon-kind that is recognised by all. If

Asarnil is fighting in close combat against another

Dragon then the enemy Dragon must take a Leadership

test before it attacks. If the test if failed, the Dragon

may not attack this turn. However, a Dragon will only

refuse to fight so long as it is not attacked itself. Should

the Dragon be attacked it will always fight back.

Dragonrage: Deathfang is Asarnil‘s loyal companion.

Should Asarnil be slain, Deathfang counts as having

rolled a 5-6 on the Monster Reaction table.

MAGIC ITEMS: Dragon Armour (Magic Armour) 

 Asarnil wears an ancient suit of Ithilmar armour and

which has powerful enchants to protect its wearer from


Heavy armour. The Dragon Armour allows Asarnil to

re-roll failed armour saves. In addition, he gains a 2+Ward save to all fire-based attacks.

Amulet of Dragonheart (Talisman)

This amulet was one of the potent artefacts made byCaledor the Dragontamer for the Elven Dragon

 Princes. It is said that the gleaming gem hanging

around Asarnil‟s neck is a stone found at the heart of a

mountain, blessed by Caledor the Dragontamer

himself. The dazzling light of the Amulet of

 Dragonheart makes the shape of Asarnil and his

 Dragon appears blurry and vague, as if glanced

through a haze.

All missile attacks against Asarnil and his Dragon

suffer a -1 to hit penalty.

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 Lock your doors, bar your windows and hide your goats –  the Bearmen are coming! If you have a

horse then flee, but don‟t try and run. They can smell your fear and they‟ll hunt you down like dogs. Ever see what an angry bear does to a dog?

The village elder‟s final advice 

In Ursfjord in the

frozen north the

great hall of Urslo

is to be found. It is built of great

timbers hewn from

mighty trees. In this

hall resides Beorg,

chieftain of the

Bermen of Urslo –  that is when he is

not raiding or


When Beorg, son of Bran, cracked the skulls ofUldsdau and Graill, twin sons of Huern, chieftain of the

tribe of the Wolf, the gods chose to show their

considerable favour. As Beorg threw himself upon his

enemies his back arched and split, his ribs cracked and

turned in upon his body, his face was consumed from

within by a snarling black muzzle. The gift of the were-

 bear was upon him… the gift of the gods to the peopleof Norsca he was Bearstruck.

Beorg is a were-bear of extraordinary power. When he

enters battle he turns into a savage bear of immense

size. This is a great and marvellous thing even amongst

the tribes of the north, many of whose people

spontaneously develop were-shapes in battle. Amongst

Beorg‘s folk, the tribe of the Bear, it is common forwarriors to sprout claws, snarling teeth, mane-like fur,

and bear-shaped muzzles. But alone of all his people,

Beorg carries the full shape of the Bear within him.

Only he is Bearstruck –  the mark of lordship amongst

his people! Beorg was soon acknowledged as the

chieftain of his tribe, the Ursfjordings or Bearmen.

Like all savages of the northlands, Beorg despises the

weakness of lesser men! He cares nothing for the so-

called civilized lands that lie to the south. When the

Chaos armies of Warlord Archaon marched upon thelands of the Empire Beorg gladly joined them. His

warriors had grown tired of easy conquests amongst

the tribes of the north! At the Battle of the Monoliths,

Beorg led his warriors against the army of Arch-Lector

Mannfeld of Nuln. The soldiers of the Empire were

horrified to find themselves confronted by men in half-

 bear shape, snarling and tearing like the savages theywere! Amongst them all was the towering shape of

Beorg casting aside his foes with great swipes of his

claws, knocking heads from shoulders and tearing arms

from their sockets.


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After the battle Beorg realized that the lands of the

south offered plenty of opportunity for bloodletting and

savagery. His warriors fought their way through the

Empire, occasionally finding employment, but more

often living by pillage and robbery. Eventually the

Bearmen crossed the mountains and found themselvesin the Border Princes. This was a time of great battles

and much plundering –  and Beorg‘s fame grew rapidly.

At night the Bearmen would sit around their camp

drinking as only the northmen can, and singing rousing

songs of their great adventures!

It was during one such session of drunken revelry that

the Bearmen were ambushed by Goblin bandits. Many

were shot with black arrows before Beorg strode

forward to snap the Goblin chief‘s neck  like a twig.

During this battle Oerl the Young was struck by an

arrow which took out an eye and left a scar runningacross his face. Despite his injuries Oerl held onto the

tribe‘s banner, the Bear of Urslo, an immense bearskin

slain by Bran to celebrate the birth of his son Beorg.Beorg rewarded the young warrior with gold and the

honoured place in battle –  by his side.


CAPTAIN: Beorg Bearstruck.

MOTTO: The Dark Gods Bless Us.

BATTLE-CRY: Beorg and his men launch

themselves upon the foe with a mighty bear-like

growl… ‗Grrrrowwwwwww.‘ 

APPEARANCE: The Bearmen, like many of the

tribes of Norsca, are affected by the dark power of

Chaos. This has made them as much beasts as men and

all are touched with the mark of the were-bear to some

extent with shaggy hair, brutal ursine faces, massive

teeth, and slashing claws. They wear barbaric clothing

made of furs and held together with leather straps, and

they have wild, unkempt hair. Their iron helmets havehorns which make them look especially ferocious, and

many wear long shaggy cloaks made from wild bears –  

often with the head or claws left on.

POINTS: Beorg and nine Bearmen, including Oerl

the Young (the Banner Bearer) and a Horn Blower,

cost a total of 275 points. This is the minimum size of

unit you can hire. The regiment may be enlarged by

adding extra models at a cost of 10 points each.


Beorg 4 6 0 5 5 3 3 4 8

Oerl the Young 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 2 7

Bearrnan  4 4 3 4 3 1 4 1 7


EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, light armour and

shield. Beorg is a were-bear –  he wears no armour and

fights with his claws and teeth!

TROOP TYPE: Infantry.



Bear Fang (Talisman)This gigantic and ancient yellowed canine tooth is the

 sacred talisman of lordship amongst Beorg‟s tribe.

 Beorg wears it about his neck. The talisman wards ofblows that would otherwise harm its wearer.

The Bear Fang gives Beorg a 4+ Ward save.

Bear Banner (Magic Standard)

Oerl carries the tribe‟s totem into battle –  an entirebear skin whose grizzly head leers out from the top.

The skin‟s power is immense, driving the warriors into

a fury that is almost impossible to stop.

Beorg and the Bearmen of Urslo gains +1 to Hit in the

first round of close combat. This does not apply to any

other character joining the unit.

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THE BIRDMEN OF CATRAZZAThey came out of a clear blue sky, showering crossbow bolts onto our packed ranks. But before we

could react they‟d flown off only to return from a different angle, emptying their quivers into our

unprotected backs once more. Of course we surrendered.

The mercenary Gunter-Friesheim, in his account of the Crookback Pass fiasco.  

Daddallo was a well-known craftsman and windmill

 builder in the city of Verezzo. He became obsessedwith trying to fly like a bird after he acquired some

lost manuscripts of Leonardo da Miragliano.Inspired by the ideas these contained, he began

experimenting with flying devices. Only later did it

emerge that these manuscripts were clever forgeries.However, by then it was far too late; Daddallo‘sobsession had quite taken over his life, ousting any

vestige of common sense from his fevered brain.

Merchant Prince They tell me t theBirdmen of Catrazza cancapture any tower in Tilea,or for that matter theworld. So if you canconvince me that you cansnatch the Orb of theAncients from the Dread

Tower of Dumio, you'rehired!

Daddallo 'Tis simple, my for& I havea cunning plan! First webuzz in low, hedgehoppingfor good measure. Then it's'up and under' and in fromthe sun. Keeping an eye outfor Archie' of course.

Corkscrew and puff out,trying not to prang. Thenthe wingies will strafe. Mynumber two is in and outand we're away!

Merchant Prince

Can yon say thatagain, more slowly?

Biggolo (Whispers to Daddaffo) Idon't think he understands

our banter, old boy!

Daddallo‘s early attempts to fly met with no success.

His efforts caused much amusement among thecitizens who gathered in the piazza to watch him

 jumping off various towers. Fortunately for him,Daddallo‘s version of Leonardo‘s parachute was one

thing that did work!

Daddallo fell afoul of the powerful Batta family ofVerezzo when he plunged through the roof of their

country villa and landed in the marble bath of themistress of the house while she was bathing in it.

Quite apart from this impolite intrusion, Daddallolanded on top of the captain of her bodyguard (who

for some reason or other was also in the same bath),killing him outright. Daddallo was immediatelyimprisoned in the leaning tower of Verezzo, to avoid

further embarrassment to the Republic.

Determined to escape, Daddallo whiled away the

days by ingeniously constructing a pair of wingsusing bed sheets stretched over a framework of

wooden spindles cut from the furniture. Soon he wasready to jump from his prison window, which had

no bars since it was so high up that it was thought noone could escape! Daddallo‘s exit was ratherspectacular. Miraculously, he swooped over the

rooftops to freedom instead of plummeting to his

death in the piazza!

Flying into exile, Daddallo spent the whole of the

following year training a mercenary band of his‗Birdmen‘. Only the best and thinnest marksmen

were chosen. This was so that the Birdmen couldshoot at enemy flyers even whilst they were flying

high in the air.

The Birdmen went into action for the first time at the battle of Motta Zorella and snatched victory bydescending on the enemy general and carrying him

off into captivity. Daddallo‘s Birdmen were

immediately hired by Alfeo Romeo of Remas. Alfeowas determined to rescue the beautiful Isabella

Dellecta from the bent tower of Catrazza, where she

had been shut up by here family until she agreed toan arranged marriage to Grobbo, a rich, ugly, and

cruel merchant from Miragliano. Daddallo‘sBirdmen succeed in this dangerous task despite a

number of marksmen guarding the tower.

Henceforth, the regiment took the name ‗Birdmen ofCatrazza‘, and is much in demand. 

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CAPTAIN: Daddallo

MOTTO: Those Magnificent Men in their Flying



APPEARANCE: All the Birdmen are equipped with

wings made of canvas stretched over a light wooden

frame. This is strapped to their shoulders by means of a

harness that leaves both hands free to shoot the


In flight, the wings can be ‗flapped‘ by means of

stirrups attached to the feet. The Birdmen not only

glide through the air but can flap their wings to regain

height and vary their airspeed.

The Birdmen also wear grotesque masks with long

 bird-like beaks instead of noses, much like those worn

for Tilean carnivals.

POINTS: Daddallo and four Birdmen cost a total of

100 points. This is the minimum size of unit you canhire. The regiment may be increased by adding extra

Birdman models at a cost of +15 points each. 


Daddallo 4 4 5 4 3 2 4 2 8

Birdman  4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7


EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon and light crossbow.

TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES: Fly, Ambushers. 

Shoot on the Wing: The wings of the Birdmen are

flapped by means of stirrups on their feet. This means

that they have both hands free to load and shoot their

crossbows while flying. This in turn means that the

Birdmen can shoot while flying, and suffer no penalty

for shooting on the move unless they move on foot.

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BRAGANZA'S BESIEGERS As they approached the castle our hearts sank. Braganza‟s men never lost or fled and we knew we

were doomed. Our captain began to explain how safe we were behind the walls, but a crossbow bolt

cut him short. No one wanted to be the next victim.

The mercenary Gunter Friesheim, in his report on the capture of the „impregnable‟ Schloss Adlerberg  

The ingenious Borgio "The Besieger", the Prince of

Miragliano, originally employed the famous regiment

of Besiegers, as a special siege unit on crossbowmen.

Borgio wanted marksmen who could pick off defenders

on the walls at close range in the face of hail of enemy

missiles, hold ramparts against assault, provide missile

support for sappers and miners, man siege towers and,

if need be, stand their ground against enemy units

sallying out of besieged fortresses. Braganza's troops

soon proved their worth in Borgio's many sieges and

turned out to be equally good as a rearguard in open


Having stormed, starved out or received the surrender

of pretty well every city and fortress that he ever besieged, Borgio was well pleased with Braganza's

Besiegers and offered to find them work in return for a

cut of the profits. Braganza accepted Borgio's offer at

once, knowing full well that to refuse Borgio's kindness

was not only impolite but also a terminal course of


Soon the Besiegers took ship for Tobaro where they

took part in the siege of the pirate stronghold on the

island of Cera-Scuro. Then they were hired by the

Dwarfs to help recapture a very strong Dwarf outpost

in the Badlands, which had been captured by Orcs.

Braganza was paid handsomely with a massive chest of

 jewels and the regiment began the long trek back to

Miragliano through hostile territory to deliver Borgio's

agreed share of the loot (no one ever double-crossed

Borgio and lived!). They battled their way across the

Apuccinis in winter fought off Dwarf bandits, Orcs,

Beastmen, Empire robber knights, Tilean outlaw band,

renegade Bretonnian commoners who had

treacherously slain their lord, staving and extremely

desperate Halflings, even more hungry and desperateOgres, the notorious Red Company of Remas (whose

captain had a vendetta against Braganza) and various

others winning by forming a hollow square andshooting them all down as they came.

On entering Tilea, they heard news that Borgio had

 been treacherously assassinated and his mighty Dogs of

War army had either disbanded or split into factions

fighting in the streets of Miragliano. Braganza decidedto do the obvious thing and share out the jewels and

continue his career as one of the best mercenary

regiments to come out of Tilea. The Besiegers were

soon hired by Lorenzo Lupo, the Prince of Luccini andsent to Sartosa where the waging war against on of the

many pirate chiefs on the island. Since then, the

Besiegers have fought for many masters in sieges and

open battles, always standing like a wall of steel and

adding to their legendary reputation.

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CAPTAIN: Luka Braganza

MOTTO: Invincibility at No Extra Charge!


APPEARANCE: The Besiegers wear full-plate

armour in the exotic Miragliano style, and carry a large

 pavise on a back-strap.

POINTS: Braganza and nine Besiegers cost a total of

190 points including Standard Bearer and Musician.

This is the minimum size of unit you can hire. Theregiment may be enlarged by adding extra models at a

cost of +12 points each.


Braganza 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8Besieger   4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7


EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, crossbow, full plate

armour and pavise. Luca Braganza is equipped with a

hand weapon, pistol, crossbow and full plate armour.

TROOP TYPE: Infantry.


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BRONZINO'S GALLOPER GUNS  Never seen anything like it in all my years. It ain‟t right, that‟s what. Guns are supposed to stay put,

not gallop off whenever you get anywhere near them. And firing while they‟re doing it is

outrageous! I‟m gonna file a complaint, that‟s what. It ain‟t right. 

 Burkil Burkilsson after the battle of Dead Man‟s Hill  

Bronzino‘s Gallopers were first employed at the Battle

of Pattio. These were, in fact, lightweight cannons

removed from their mountings on the galleys of Remas

and fixed to specially made carriages. This was done

on the instructions of Master Gunner Bronzino who

had been hired by Borgio the Besieger, Prince of

Miragliano. This innovation contributed in no small

measure to the victory and Bronzino proceeded to raise

a battery of specially designed guns forged in the very

same foundry as that used by Leonardo da Miragliano

to cast his colossal brass statues.

Bronzino served Borgio well in many more battles but

following the Prince‘s assassination, and the uncertain

state of affairs in Miragliano, Bronzino sought otheremployment. Since then the battery has turned up in

the armies of several notorious mercenary generals,

 bringing them victory and earning Bronzino enough

gold to forge more and improved designs of

lightweight cannon.

The gunners bring the cannons into action rapidly and

fire at close range. This can have a devastating effect

on the enemy in an open battle. As soon as the enemy

moves near enough to threaten the guns, the gunnershitch them up and gallop off at speed, finding a new

 position further back. If the battle goes badly and it is

necessary to retreat, the precious cannons can be

removed from the battlefield without delay. This not

only saves the guns for use again, but makes it unlikely

that the enemy will capture them. Nor do the guns have

to be abandoned in a hasty retreat like other, more

cumbersome artillery.

Having earned an awesome reputation in Tilea, and

incurred the undying hatred of the survivors of many a

 pike company, Bronzino‘s battery was shipped across

the ocean to take action against the Lizardmen in adoomed treasure hunting expedition led by the Dwarf

 pirate, Kugar Halfbeard. Bronzino used the speed of

Just put down your swords andsurrender,It's worse if you fights or you runs,You can do what you please,You can climb up the trees,But you can't get away from the guns! 

the guns to fight a heroic rearguard action through the

 jungle to the beach, felling pursuing Saurus warriors in

droves as they went. Indeed the guns were still firing

from the longboats as they were pushed out to sea,

sweeping the beach clear of the enemy until they were

safely in open water.

The battery subsequently turned up in Araby and took

 part in the Sultan‘s war against the Undead, where the

speed and mobility of the guns proved decisive in the

open expanses of parched sand. Greatly enriched by his

efforts, Bronzino brought his battery back to Tileawhere he has been reforging and refitting the guns and

considering numerous and very generous offers

arriving every day from rival Merchant Princes plottingto make war on each other.


CAPTAIN: Bronzino.

MOTTO: The biggest bang for your bucks!

BATTLE-CRY: Ready! Aim! Fire!

APPEARANCE: Small, lightweight bronze or brass

cannons harnessed to light limbers drawn by one horse.

One of the gunners rides the horse, the others run

 beside the gun carrying the ramrods and other

equipment. Bronzino is a big man riding his own horse

and wearing ornate armour.

POINTS: Master Gunner Bronzino and one Galloper

Gun team cost a total of 155 points. This is the

minimum size of unit you can hire. You may buy one

extra Galloper Gun team at a cost of 90 points per gun

team in your army, or two extra in a Grand Army.


Bronzino 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8

Crew  4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7Galloper Gun - - - - 6 3 - - -

Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5

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UNIT SIZE: Each Gun has a crew of three, and one

crewman rides a warhorse.

EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon. Bronzino is equipped

with a hand weapon and heavy armour. He rides a


TROOP TYPE: War Machine (Cannon), Cavalry(Bronzino only).


Master Gunner: Bronzino has a wealth of experienceas a gunner aboard various Reman galleys and knows

all aspects of employing cannons in warfare.

Bronzino may lend his expertise to one gun crew per

turn, ensuring that the crew will hit their target.

Bronzino will make corrections to the cannon‘s

elevation etc.

 Nominate one Galloper Gun team within 3" ofBronzino in the Shooting Phase. A cannon crew

following Bronzino‘s instructions is far less likely to

improperly load their cannon, and so may re-roll the

Artillery Dice to determine the distance the cannon ball bounces.

Cannon: The Galloper Guns follow the rules for

Cannons in the Warhammer Rulebook, with the

following exceptions:

 Small Calibre: The Galloper Guns fire uses the

following profile:

Range Strength Special Rules

36" 7 Multiple Wounds (D3),

Ignores armour saves

Due to their small size, Galloper Guns cannot fireGrape Shots.

 Rapid Movement: The Galloper Gun is harnessed to

a warhorse ridden by one of the gunners. This

enables the Gun and its entire crew to move 8" as the

remaining crew members are assumed to jump on the

harness and hitch a lift.

If the galloper gun is charged, the crew may hold or

flee. If they flee, the gun is assumed to be limberedup immediately without any movement penalty.


Deployment: Each gun and its crew operate as anindependent unit. Bronzino may lend his Leadership

to each gun as long as he is within 3" of it.

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THE CURSED COMPANY“Shortly before the arrival of the night, I saw how my brave comrade Alfonzo was killed by the

cursed blade of the leader of this dire party, consisting of immemorial parts of armour and dull

blades, worn by tattered skeletons. The next day during the fight against these cursed I recognized

the award with which our sergeant rewarded us after our last victory on one of these skeletalhorrors. In front of me stood Alfonzo, a half-rotten servant of death! I threw away my sword and

ran for my life, horror- stricken!”  Report from Guiseppe Mancini after the battle in Libtita's Valley

The dark legend of Richter Kreugar the Damned and

his Cursed Company has been told for countless years

across the Empire. A tragic tale of betrayal, greed and

revenge, the details and truth behind the stories have

long become hazy and unclear as the story has been

told and retold for generations.

The most common tales revolving around Richter

Kreugar's tragic curse tell of a young mercenarycaptain, proud, talented, and ruthless. He hired out his

services freely, uncaring whom he fought for as long as

the price was right. Centuries ago in the history of the

Old World, richer was said to have allied with a

 powerful Necromancer, aiding him in his diabolical

campaign against the Empire, terrorizing the heavyforested area around Wolfenburg.

With the leather bound annals of the Historiata

Imperiatus, it is said that the Empire army of

Wolfenburg was suffering horrendous casualties in a

war of attrition that they could not hope to win.

However, they struggled on regardless and began to

wear down the Necromancer, taking the offensive and

 pushing him deeper into the forest, denying him the

time needed to strengthen his undead forces. Seeing the

 Necromancer faltering, Richter accepted the bribes ofan Empire agent, the calculating young mercenary

seeing a chance to make some easy money and be on

the winning side. As the titanic battle hung in the

 balance, Richter played his hand, striking out at the

foul Necromancer, who fell beneath his blade.

However, with his dying breath the unholy sorcerergasped a curse that was to be the eternal undoing of the

enterprising sell-sword.

Before his horrified eyes, Richter's skin began to wither

and within moments he collapsed to the ground, a

lifeless pile of bones and armour. The day was won forthe Empire forces, the tale of Richter's betrayal may

well have been forgotten, had his death not been

accompanied by a tragic twist.

The very next night, Richter rose from the ground. He

stared at the world with his hollow eyes, and all he

surveyed appeared in shades of grey. In anguish and

despair, Richter saw his own skeletal limbs, and the

full horror of the Necromancer's incantation began todawn on him.

As a result, Richter stalks the Old World and beyond.

Hundreds of years since his death he is still seeking

oblivion and peace, yet he is never able to achieve his

final rest. Countless times he has been cut down, only

to wake the following night to his never-ending, hellish

torment. A terrible element of the curse is evoked each

time he slays an enemy, for his defeated foes rise

immediately to serve him in undeath, slave to his will.

He travels the world; living out a tragic parody of hisformer mercenary career, fighting whatever he finds

 battle. His anger and despair momentarily lost in the

 bloodshed, he continues his doomed existence in the

desperate hope that one time when his skeletal body is

slain, he will finally know the relief of true death.


CAPTAIN: Richter Kreugar the Damned.

MOTTO: Dust to dust and bones back in the sand!

BATTLE-CRY: The battle-cry of Richter Kreugar

has long been forgotten by the people of the OldWorld. The silence of the grave hangs over the Cursed

Company as it traverses the land, marching to war

accompanied only by the sound of creaking ancient

leather and the scrape of rusted metal.

POINTS: Richter Kreugar and nine of the Cursed

Company including a standard bearer and musician

cost a total of 210 points. This is the minimum size

regiment you can hire. The size of the regiment may be

increased at the cost of 5 points per model.


Richter Kreugar 4 5 3 4 4 2 5 3 9

Skeleton  4 2 2 3 3 1 2 1 3


EQUIPMENT: Richter Kreugar is armed with a

shield, heavy armour, the Dark Gem of the Cursed and

his unholy sword, Blight. The Skeletons of the Cursed

Company are equipped with hand weapons, shields andlight armour, and the standard bearer carries the Banner

of Malediction.

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SPECIAL RULES: Fear, Unbreakable, Unstable,

Hate Undead (Richter only). 

'Join us in damnation...': As part of Kreugar's curse,

any foe slain by him or one of his company are

withered by dark magic, their flesh aging as if decades

had passed in the blink of an eye. The lifeless victim is

instantly enslaved to the will of Richter, rising toaccompany him in his eternal curse. 

If any model within the Cursed Company (including

Kreugar himself) slays an Infantry or Cavalry model,

then one Skeleton is created in its place.

Models created in this way are added to the Cursed

Company, and are armed in the same manner as the

Company. The Victory Points value of the unit is

unaffected. This rule counts only for models that are

killed in close combat, and not for models killed in any

other way (for example, running down fleeing troops).

Independent: The Cursed Company is a completely

independently acting unit. Richter and the CursedCompany will never use the Leadership of the General,

even if it is better than his own. Additionally, the

Cursed Company cannot be joined by any characters. 

Hate Undead: Richter Kreugar hates all other Undead.

This applies to Richter only.

Undead: The Cursed Company is Undead, and as suchthe following rules apply to them:

  If Richter is killed, the Cursed Company will quickly

 begin to crumble to dust. At the end of the phase

when Richter is killed, and at the beginning of eachof their turns thereafter, the Cursed Company must

take a Leadership test. If the test is failed, the unit

suffers a number of wounds equal to the number they

failed the Leadership test by. No saves of any kind

are allowed against these wounds.

 The Cursed Company can march as long as Richter is

still alive. If Richter dies, the Cursed Company

cannot make march moves.

MAGIC ITEMS:Blight (Magic Weapon)

 Blight is a darkly powerful blade, centuries old and suffused with unholy magic.

Blight confers +1 Strength to all close combat attacks

made by Richter. In addition, the weapon has the

Killing Blow special rule. 

Dark Gem of the Cursed (Talisman)

The Dark Gem of the Cursed glows a blood-red shade

that intensifies when a blow is directed towards Richter, protecting him from harm.

The Dark gem gives Richter a 4+ Ward Save.

The Banner of Malediction (Magic Standard)

The sinister banner of the Cursed Company has been

carried for centuries by various enslaved warriors of

 Richter. It is a dark parody of his original, disgracedmercenary company banner.

The Cursed Company suffers one less wound than they

normally would when defeated in combat. In example,

if the Cursed Company loses a combat by 3, theyshould lose 3 extra models, but because of the Bannerof Malediction, they lose only 2 models.

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The near-naked, savagely painted warriors hurtled over the frozenground, huge weapons gripped tightly. Their hair was matted intospikes, their eyes wild with the fury of battle. Nightmarishdrumming filled the air, joined by harsh war horns that blared theirchallenge. The Undead legion stood statue-still as the wild roarrising from hundreds of throats rolled over them. The ancientfigure of Richter Kreugar stood unmoving at the head of theUndead legion, the empty sockets of his skull lit with a baleful.

menacing glow as the marauders of Chaos charged.The brutal weapons of the ferocious warriors carved through theSkeleton legion. Chips of bone filled the air as skulls and ribs weresmashed with savage force before the Undead reacted. Richterstood unmovable. swinging his ancient sword, Blight, as themarauders swept around him. Glowing with an unholy. red light,the dark weapon cleaved through one warrior, whose painted chesterupted in a shower of crimson blood. Reversing his swing, Richtersliced the magical blade in a vicious arc that severed the head fromanother. Even as the bodies fell to the ground, their skin began towither, tightening over their skeleton frames.

Hair fell from their heads and eyes rotted in their sockets. Screamsdied in throats that disintegrated into dust. Hardly a moment

passed, and the first fallen marauder was rising again to its feet.flesh completely absent from its now skeletal body, followed in aninstant by his headless companion.

Hefting weapons in fleshless fingers, the newly risen Undeadwarriors turned on their former comrades. Master EngineerSiegfrid stared in horrified fascination as the ranks of the Undeadgrew. The powerful charge of the foul Chaos raiders had faltered,stopped in its tracks by the relentless Skeletons. Fighting next tothe Undead, the Halberdiers were faring badly. being pushedsteadily backwards by the savage attack of the marauders.

Raising his long-barrelled Hochland rifle, Siegfrid squintedthrough its crystal eyeglass. He sighted a daemonic-looking

barbarian, covered with swirling blood-tattoos and screamingincoherently as he raced towards the battle. Pulling the trigger,Siegfrid was satisfied to see the figure fall, kicked from his feet asthe lead bullet struck home.

His gaze returning to the battle that raged on the plains below,Siegfrid saw that the Undead ranks continued to swell as Richterhacked his way through the unarmoured, blood-hungry warriors.He had heard stories of the cursed Richter Kreugar - who in theEmpire had not? - but he had never really believed them. Storiestold to frighten children, fantasies exaggerated beyond any shred oftruth, he had thought. And yet here he was, a nightmarish fairy talebrought to life. Brought to unlife, he corrected himself.

The Ostermark scouts had spotted the raiders from the north, andBaron Duchcnoff had decided that this was the best place to standagainst them.While the Empire army were readying their defensive lines to facethe approaching Chaos force, the Undead legion had emerged fromthe forest and panic spread. Turning to face this unexpected threat,the Ostermark Knights of Sigmar were readying themselves tocharge when the Baron called for them to halt, for the Undead hadappeared unconcerned with the humans before them. The figureleading them wore ancient and battle worn Imperial styled armor.As the skeletal legion had marched into position alongside theOstermark formations, word had quickly spread through the ranksthat this was the legendary Cursed Company of Richter Kreugar,damned in an age long past to stalk the world for all eternity.

A deep rumbling sound echoed over the battlefield, and Siegfridturned to see a troop of hellish black-armored knights appear overthe hill to the coast. Their midnight-black mounts snorted andtossed their armored heads, their hooves kicking up great clods of

frozen earth. The Knights of Chaos thundered down the hill, andterror touched its cold hand to Siegfrid's heart. At the head of thedark knights rode a figure that exuded raw power. A great double-headed axe held aloft in his mailed hand. Wisps of steam rose fromthe weapon into the cold air.

The knights thundered into the side of the Cursed Company,smashing skulls and shattering bones with their immense axes and

spiked maces, their fearsome steeds trampling others to dustbeneath their black hooves. The lord roared a challenge, his voiceechoing from within his enclosed helmet. His unholy red eyesmatched those of his steed, burning deep within the darkness of hishelm.

Richter casually chopped down on the shoulder of a Marauder,blood spraying before the flesh withered from the savage's body.He turned to face the challenge of the Knight of Chaos, his cursedminions opening a corridor between the two powerful beings.

The hellish steed of Chaos stamped its hooves impatiently asRichter made his way towards the towering armored figure.Without delay, the Lord struck downwards with a mighty swing ofhis steaming, double-headed axe. The blow was met with Richter's

blade and there was a crackling sound that Sicgfrid could hear,despite the distance, as the dark energies of the two sorcerousweapons met. A series of deadly blows rained down on the Undeadwarrior, and dark hooves flashed towards him. The Champion ofthe Dark Cods feinted a strike to the left, turning his axe in mid-airand striking a sweeping blow towards the right side of Kreugar'sskull. The ruby-red gemstone hanging around the skeletal neck ofthe Undead figure glowed brightly for an instant, and the axerebounded scant inches from its target as if it had hit a stone wall.

The Knight of Chaos reeled backwards off balance at theunexpected resistance.Kreugar stepped in close to the chaotic steed, sweeping his weapontowards the dark beast as it reared above him. His sword slashed

across the creature's chest, and it screamed in torment, midnightskin shrinking back to bare pale bone. Muscles and flesh witheredfrom the beast's body, and it toppled to the ground, leaving a pileof bones and dark barding. The champion of Chaos staggered to hisfeet, raising his axe defensively before him as Blight swept towardshis face.

The first blow knocked the axe to the side, the knight stillstruggling to regain his feet. The second blow arced down onto theblack armored helmet. With a sickening sound, the helmet wascleaved in two. In an instant, the visible pale flesh withered away tonothing, leaving only an empty skull and a suit of lifeless blackarmor where the mighty champion stood scant moments before. Aspark of awareness shone briefly in the hollow eyes of Richter: the

deep yearning pain of a soul trapped for all eternity.Siegfrid stood at the edge of the trees overlooking the carnage thatwas the aftermath of battle. The field was strewn with countlessbodies. and the sinister black shapes of crows were already fightingover the pickings. The Chaos raiders had fled back towards theirfrozen wastes. He raised his telescopic eyeglass to watch the lastranks of the skeletal Cursed Company disappear into the trees. Theregiment had stood motionless for hours after the battle hadconcluded, until on an unspoken signal the regiment, larger nowthan it had been at the start of the battle, turned towards the south.It was a strangely sedated mood Siegfrid found when he returned tothe Ostermark camp. The Empire had won a great victory, and yetthey did not celebrate. Siegfrid found himself thinking of RichterKreugar, the cursed one. No word had been spoken amongst the

Empire ranks of the mysterious, terrifying Undead warrior.It was an unspoken fact that the day would certainly have been losthad it not been for the timely arrival of Kreugar's CursedCompany.

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THE GIANTS OF ALBION I say! It was most unsporting. My fellows and I harried Ranoldo and his band of ruffians all the

way to the Trantine hills. Then Ranoldo unleashed those horrid Albion Giants upon us, led by a

rather hairy looking fellow. They smashed our line, squashed poor old Hoskins Hotshot, whilst

 shouting the loudest uncouth word I have ever heard. If those Giants are typical of that island, I forone am glad it remains unexplored.

 High Elf Lord Daverion, Gentleman Mercenary General

The Druids of Albion say that the race of mighty

Giants that inhabit their island were put there by the

Old Ones to guard the island from invaders. Whether

this is true, who can say? Yet the Giants prowl the

rugged coasts to this day. They wander along the fog

shrouded cliffs and hurl boulders down onto hapless

ships which come too close to the shore, taking a

childlike joy in watching them splinter into matchsticks

and the doomed crew struggling in the fierce waves.

The Druids have a strange power over the Giants andcan goad them into lifting up and carrying huge

 boulders and monoliths. With the help of the great

strength of the Giants, these huge stones are arranged

in rows or circles in order to measure the sun, moons,

and stars.

Greatest of all the Giants is Bologs. He is worshiped as

a god by some of the primitive, cave-dwelling tribes of

Albion, who have carved his image into the chalk hills

of their land, brandishing his mighty chopper.Awesome though he is, Bologs' intellect is dim, even

for a Giant of Albion. The only thing that he can say is

his own name. One day he was roaming the cliff topswhen the mist for a moment to reveal the murky gray

sea and pebbly beach. Bologs spied a landing party of

Elves upon the shore far below. They also saw the

Giant towering above them on the cliff top. The leader

of the Elves shouted up to him in the tongue of the

Druids of Albion, "We come in peace! We seek only

trade!" On hearing the words he could not understand,

the Giant grinned and replied "BOLOGS!" Then he

hurled down a great boulder, which flattened all the

Elves as it embedded itself in the shingle.

The next greatest Giant in Albion is Cachtorr, twin ofthe mighty Bologs. He is slightly more intelligent than

Bologs and is able to understand the speech of the

Druids. It was Cachtorr who fought against the mighty

Dong and, his mate, Mea-Dong, two terrible Giants

from the far north of the Albion. This legendary fight

lasted for several hundred years and involved hurling

huge boulders whenever the mist cleared long enough

for one Giant to see the other. Most of these missed,

 but wherever they landed, they stuck into the ground to

remain their forever as menhirs, marking out theterritories of the feuding Giants.

Albion remained shrouded in the dark mists of legenduntil the renowned Tilean General, Curious Geasar,

first citizen of Remas, set foot on the island, leading his

invincible army. Geasar sought fame and power inRemas and how better to win it than to conquer misty

and mysterious Albion, rumoured to be full of gold and

 pearls and the treasure of the legendary Triton himself.

As the galleys ploughed through the surging surf onto

the shingle on the beach, Cachtorr and Bologs stood on

the cliffs, hurling rocks down onto the ships, smashing

them to pieces. The men were filled with horror and

were scared to wade ashore. So Geasar heaved the

army's pay chest over the side of the ship in to the surf,

scattering the gold among toe pebbles and jumped

ashore after it. Seeing this, the entire army did likewise

until the pay chest was safe behind their battle line.

Ignoring the boulders of the Giants and stepping over

the fallen, Geasar and his army marched up the beach.

Soon they found themselves confronted by all the

savage tribes of Albion, a number of Giants, anddemented Druids uttering dire curses, formed up in

 battle array on the cliffs, and then it rained. The

mercenaries stubbornly refused to go any further!

Curious Geasar was enraged. How could he return to

Remas in triumph now? What exotic booty could he

 bring back to awe the multitudes? How could he boasthis conquest of distant and mysterious Albion?

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Angrily Geasar strode forward and harangued the

multitudes of savage tribesmen. "Oh foolish

 barbarians! I offer you all the benefits of civilization:

roads, hot baths, money, public buildings and Tilean

 poetry. Submit and all these things can be yours!" The

tribes of Albion just glowered at him. Then he heard asingle word bellowing back at him out of the fog and

driving rain: "BOLOGS!" All at once the Giant's battle

cry was taken up by the tribesmen banging their clubs

and stone axes against their shields and the sides of

their chariots and chanting "Bologs, Bologs, Bologs!"

Geasar was dismayed and ordered his men to charge.

The battle was fierce with victory going to neither side.

After a day's fighting, with the mist-shrouded sun

descending into the sea, the two sides paused a few

yards apart, utterly exhausted. Geasar tried one last

gamble to save face. He could not return to Remashumiliated, in order to win popularity with the mob.

Geasar strode forth and shouted: "Give me Giants as

hostages and I will go away." The Druids who knewTilean from their occasional contacts with merchants

considered his offer. They knew that their stone axeswere no match for Tilean steel. At long last old Hengus

volunteered to go and chose two smaller Giants to go

with him. As they strode forward, Geasar shouted, "I

want the big ones!" and pointed to Cachtorr and

Bologs, greatest of Giants. Despite the protests of the

tribesmen, the Druids sent forth the two mighty Giantsto be hostages in Remas in order to save old Albion

from conquest and the tribes from enslavement or

worse, the decadence of luxury and civilization.

Geasar repaired half his fleet and sailed away with his

Giant hostages wading in the sea behind him, tied by

anchor chains. The moment Geasar's fleet arrived in

Remas, word spread throughout the city. Geasar's

 political opponents had waited this very moment and

hastily made way to the harbor. They gathered aroundthe mighty conqueror as he came ashore and showered

him with the usual groveling praises. This was just to

 put him off guard for instantly he was horribly done to

death with many daggers. Up came the cry "Geasar is

dead, long live the republic!"

Geasar's battered and seasick soldiers panicked and

scattered, seizing what gold they could in the

confusion. One of them, out of spite against the city

rather then pity for their plight, broke the chains that

 bound the Giants and released Hengus from the hold.

Moments later Cachtorr and Bologs stormed ashoreand went on a rampage through the streets of Remas,

causing the citizens to flee in abject terror. Soon the

Giants were in open country, spreading fear and panicthroughout Tilea with Hengus close behind.

Since that day, Hengus and the Giants of Albion have

lurked in the landscape, lost and confused, seeking

shade from the hot sun and pining for the fog. Not

surprisingly, various mercenary generals have sought

them out to hire them as dogs of war. Hengus,

willingly agrees to fight in the hope that the campaignwill lead him near to the great ocean and ultimately to


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CAPTAIN: Hengus the Druid.

MOTTO: We've got the Bologs to beat anybody.


APPEARANCE: The Giants of Albion are many and

varied. Most have only one eye in the middle of their

foreheads, and some even have two heads. What little

clothing they have is made of the hides of huge beasts

such as mammoths, sabre tooth tigers, elks and cave

 bears. They wear necklaces made from the tusks of

mammoths and wild boars.

POINTS: Hengus, Cachtorr and Bologs cost a total of

630 points. Hengus is worth 130 points and each of the

Giants is worth 250 pts.


Hengus 4 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 8

Bologs  6 3 3 7 6 6 3 S 10

Cachtorr 6 3 3 7 6 6 3 S 10


EQUIPMENT: Both Giants and Hengus are armed

with a hand weapon.

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Character).

Bologs & Cachtorr: Monster.

MAGIC: Hengus is a Level 1 Wizard who use spells

from the Lore of Life or Beast‘s lists.  

MAGIC ITEMS: Oggum Staff (Arcane Item) 

 Hengus has an Oggum Staff, which is a special kind of

magic item made by the Druids of Albion. Not only dothe Oggum marks on the staff endow the bearer with

 power over Giants to make them serve him, but they

also protect the owner from harm.

This staff gives Hengus +1 to Dispel and a 4+ Wardsave.

SPECIAL RULES:Independent Models: Hengus, Bologs, and Cachtorr

are individual models and move independently, though

they may not join regiments. In addition, as long as

Hengus is within 8" the Giants, Bologs and Cachtorr

may re-roll failed Leadership Tests.

Giants of Albion: Bologs and Cachtorr are Large

Targets, cause Terror and are Stubborn. Note that,

although named, Bologs and Cachtorr do not count as

 being characters. In combat, roll separately for eachgiant.

Fall Over: Giants are ungainly and frequently

 befuddled, as a consequence of which they often fall

down. They are especially prone to this if they've been

raiding the local breweries, which isn't altogether


A Giant must test to see whether it falls over if any of

the following apply:

  If it is beaten in close combat. Test once results are

established but before taking a Break test.

  If it is fleeing at the start of the Movement phase.

 When it crosses an obstacle. Test when the obstacle

is reached.

  If the Giant decides to Jump Up and Down on an

enemy. Test immediately beforehand.

To see if a Giant falls over roll a D6. On a roll of 1, the

Giant falls over. A slain Giant falls over automatically.

To determine in which direction the Giant falls, roll ascatter dice. Place the Fallen Giant template with its

feet at the model's base and its head in the direction ofthe fall —  the Fallen Giant template is a special shaped

template, which otherwise uses all the template rules

from the Warhammer rulebook (so any models lying

completely or partially under it are automatically hit).

A model hit by a falling Giant takes a Strength 6 hitthat has the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule. If the

unit is in combat and the Giant has fallen over whilst

attempting to Jump Up and Down, wounds inflicted by

a falling Giant count towards the combat result.

A Giant that falls over automatically suffers 1 wound.

If the Giant is in combat then this wound counts

towards combat resolution.

Once on the ground (you may lie the model down if

you wish) a Giant may get up in his followingMovement phase, but may not move that turn. Whilst

on the ground a Giant may not attack, but he can still

defend himself after a fashion so the enemy must still

roll to score hits on him. If forced to flee whilst on the

ground the Giant is slain —  the enemy swarm over him

and cut him to pieces. If the Giant gets the opportunity

to pursue his foes whilst he's on the ground he standsup instead. A Giant may attack in close combat as

usual on the turn he stands up.

Giant Special Attacks: Giants do not attack in the

same way as other creatures. They are far too large andfractious to take orders and much too scatterbrained to

have any sort of coherent plan. To determine what

happens in each Close Combat phase, pick a unit in

 base contact with the Giant and roll a D6 on one of the

following tables. Which table you use depends on thesize of the Giant's victim. When fighting characters

who are riding monsters, decide whether to attack the

rider or mount before rolling on the table.

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Big Things Chart

Use this chart when fighting Monsters, Monstrous

 Beasts, Monstrous Infantry, Monstrous Cavalry,

Chariots, War Machines, anything with the Large

Target special rule, and characters riding any of the


D6  Result

1 Yell and Bawl

2-4 Thump with Club

5-6 'Eadbutt

Man-sized or Smaller Things Chart

Use this chart when fighting anything not covered

by the Big Things chart, above.

D6  Result

1 Yell and Bawl2 Jump Up and Down

3 Pick Up and...

4-5 Swing with Club6 BOLOGS!

Yell and Bawl: The Giant yells and bawls at the

enemy. This is not a pleasant experience, as Giants are

deafeningly loud and tend towards poor oral hygiene.

 Neither the Giant nor models in contact with him

actually fight if they have not already done so this

round. The Giant's side automatically wins the combat by 2 points (if both sides have a Giant that Yells and

Bawls, the combat is a draw).

Thump with Club: The Giant brings down his club on

a single model from the target unit, that is in basecontact. The target may attempt to avoid the blow by passing an Initiative test (use the lowest if the model

has several different values). If the test is failed, the

model takes 2D6 wounds with no armour save allowed.

If a double is rolled the Giant's club embeds itself in

the ground and the Giant cannot attack at all in the

following round of the same combat whilst he recovers

his weapon.

'Eadbutt: The Giant head-butts a single enemy model

from the target unit, automatically inflicting 1 wound

with no armour saves allowed. If the victim is wounded

 but not slain, then he is dazed and loses all of hisfollowing attacks. If the target has not yet attacked in

that combat round, he loses those attacks; if he has

already attacked, then he loses the next round's attacks.

Jump Up and Down: The Giant jumps up and downvigorously on top of the enemy. Before he starts, the

Giant must test to determine if he falls over (see

 previous page). If he falls over, work out where he falls

and calculate damage as already described. Any

wounds caused by the fall (on either side) count

towards the combat result. If the Giant remains on his

none-too-nimble feet, the target unit sustains 2D6

Strength7 hits. Work out damage and saves as usual.Giants enjoy jumping up and down on their enemies so

much that a Giant that does so in one combat round

will automatically do so in the following round if he is

able to, assuming that he did not fall over in the

 previous round. A Giant that starts to Jump Up and

Down will therefore continue to do so on the same

target until he falls over, the target is destroyed, or the

combat ends.

Pick Up and...: The Giant stoops down and grabs a

single model in base contact from the target unit (Giant

 player's choice). The target must make a single attack

to try to fend off the Giant's clumsy hand. If this attack

causes an unsaved wound, the Giant's attack fails.Otherwise, the Giant grabs the model and the player

rolls a D6 to see what happens next:

D6 Result

1 Stuff into Bag. The Giant stuffs the victim into

his bag along with sheep, cows and other plunder. The model is removed as a casualty.

2 Throw Back into Combat. The victim is hurledinto his own unit like a living missile. The

victim is removed as a casualty, and D6 Strength3 hits are inflicted on the unit (save as normal).

3 Hurl. The victim is hurled into an enemy unit

within 12" of the Giant –  randomly determine

which. The victim is removed as a casualty, and

the unit takes D6 Strength 3 hits (save asnormal). Unsaved Wounds from these hits count

towards the Giant's combat result. If no enemy

units are in range, treat this as a Throw Back

into Combat result instead.

4 Squash. This doesn't really bear thinking about.Suffice to say the model is removed as a


5 Eat. The Giant gobbles his victim up,

swallowing him whole. The model is removed

as a casualty.

6 Pick Another. The Giant hurriedly stuffs the

victim into his bag or under his shirt (or down

his trousers if they're really unlucky). Treat the

attack as if the Giant had rolled the Stuff into

Bag result, above, and then choose anothervictim. The second victim makes a single attack

as usual to avoid being picked up —  if he fails,

roll again on this table to see what the Giant

does with him.

Swing with Club: The Giant swings his club across

the enemy's ranks. The Giant inflicts D6 Strength 7 hits

on the target unit.

BOLOGS! The Giant picks up a boulder and hurls it

into the enemy unit causing massive damage. Place the

3" template anywhere on the enemy unit. It will scatter

D3-1 inches. Resolve the attack just like a shot from aStone Thrower.

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GOLGFAG'S MERCENARY OGRESWho could forget the Ogres? Not anyone with a sense of smell, that‟s for sure. Worse than Trolls,

and that‟s saying something, but there are few troops you‟d rather have on your side in the heat of


 Elodhir Seamane, Elven gentleman adventurer

Possibly one of the most successful Ogre mercenaries

of all time, Golgfag Maneater forged a reputation for

the Ogres as fearsome killers for hire long before they

 became a relatively common sight in the mercenary

armies of the Old World. He soon found himself

leading a bunch of almost equally brutal Ogre warriors.

He quickly developed a taste for man-flesh and joined

forces with an Orc Warlord called Gnashrak Badtooth.

Gnashrak was busy fighting against the Dwarfs of

Karak Kadrin high up in the Worlds Edge Mountains.

Golgfag wasn‘t sure he liked the taste of Dwarf, but

was more than happy to find out.

Gnashrak thought the Ogres would prove just the kind

of troops he needed to sort out the Dwarfs. However,he soon grew tired of the Ogres‘ appetite for Goblins,

 booze, and raucous singing. After one particularly loud

drinking session Golgfag and Gnashrak got into a huge

fight. Soon all the Ogres and Orcs were scrapping.

Golgfag tore off the Orc‘s arm and used it to bash his

way out of the encampment before leading his lads tosafety. Gnashrak was completely enraged.

Golgfag promptly offered his serviced to the Dwarf

leader Ungrim Ironfist. He showed Gnashrak‘s arm toUngrim as proof of his sincerity. In the face of such a

convincing offer, Ironfist was hardly able to refuse.

Golgfag led his Ogres and a party of Dwarfs along a

secret track the Orc‘s encampment in Broken Leg

Gully –  so called because of its impossibly steep and

treacherous sides. The Orcs were trapped and horribly

slaughtered. Gnashrak was captured and subsequently

 bound in chains and delivered to Ungrim Ironfist.

Pausing only to loot the Dwarf Lord‘s treasury during

the ensuing celebrations, Golgfag headed west into the

Empire. There he took employment in the ranks of the

Imperial army, and it was here that he discoveredHalflings were by far his favorite food. Shortly

afterwards he turned up in the lands of Tilea in the

employ of one Lorenzo Lupo. Lorenzo found the Ogres

to be excellent troops, but a considerable nuisance. The

citizens of Luccini were forever complaining of being beaten, robbed, or bullied by the rowdy Ogres. One

night Golgfag decided to take rather more than his fair

share of wine, directly from Lorenzo‘s warehouses.

When the Ogres fell into a drunken stupor Lorenzo sent

a company of pikemen to arrest them and throw them

into his dungeons.

Fortunately for Lorenzo, an opportunity to be rid of theOgres altogether arrived in the form of a messenger

from one of the Border Princes. The messenger was

hiring mercenaries on behalf of his master. Lorenzo

cheerfully fitted him up with the Ogres, took his fee,

and released Golgfag and his crew from captivity.

Golgfag was understandably annoyed, but faced with a

new offer of employment, a complimentary baggage

train of food and a firing squad of Tilean

crossbowmen, the Ogre decided to let matters lie for

the moment.

Golgfag‘s stay in the Border Princes proved a

successful and profitable one. The Ogres grew fat and

wealthy. They were kept very busy one side or anotherand were given every chance to indulge their appetite

for fresh meat. Golgfag‘s only regret was the scarcity

of Halflings thereabouts. When he heard that troublewas brewing between the Orcs and Dwarfs he headed

northwards once more. He fell in with a bunch of Orcs

and Goblins and was soon feasting upon Dwarf again.

It was after a foray against the Dwarfs that Golgfag

was ambushed by none other than Ungrim Ironfist, hisformer employer. The canny Dwarf Lord led the Orc

army into a trap using a supply convoy as bait. The

convoy consisted entirely of wagons full of cheap ale

which the greenskins duly captured and drained.Golgfag and the Ogres courageously drank themselves

into oblivion along with the rest. When they awoke, the

Ogres found themselves in the dungeons deep below

Karak Kadrin, along with the remnants of the Orc

army. The Dwarfs no doubt expected Golgfag to die in

this cramped and crowded dungeon, and probably

thought this would be easier and safer than trying to

kill the Ogre in some other fashion.

When the Dwarfs finally opened the dungeon some

months later, they were startled to find Golgfag still

alive. He had eaten every other inmate of the dungeon,

including the rest of the Ogres, apart from Skaff. Outof respect for his oldest drinking buddy, Golgfag had

only, so far, eaten one of Skaff‘s legs. A great pile of

Orc, Goblin, and Ogre bones lay in one corner. When

he heard of this, Ungrim Ironfist was so impressed that

he ordered Golgfag to be taken a long way away andreleased.

Golgfag soon gathered together some of his old lads

and other keen young Ogres flocked to join him. Skaff

decided to stick with Golgfag despite everything, and

gratefully accepted the position of standard bearer as

this gave him something to lean on. Before the summer

was out, Golgfag headed south over the GreyMountains in company of an Orc raiding party. It was

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there that he fought his first battles against Bretonnians

and where he would ‗crack a few tinnies‘ and feast

upon man-flesh once more.

From that day to this, Golgfag has never looked back.

His reputation has, if anything, grown and grown. Sohas his girth. But he still has a few scores to settle, not

least with the Dwarfs of Karak Kadrin and with the

treacherous Lorenzo Lupo. However, Ogres are

straightforward folk and such things take second place

to a good fight and a full belly!

Although he could be mistaken for a mere Bruiser,

Golgfag has been in active service for over sixty years,

and has considerable tactical acumen to go with his

lattice-like network of scar tissue. Golgfag‘s reputation

and wealth have grown so considerable that in recent

years he has begun to hire his own mercenary armies,including more and more Ogres as the great migration

gathers speed. The term ‗Maneater‘ was first coined

when, after a drunken argument, Golgfag ate his paymaster whole and left carrying his coffers. He

insists to this day that his name is misleading for, justlike the faithful band of violent thugs that travel with

him, Golgfag really0 isn‘t that fussy about what or who

he eats.


CAPTAIN: Golgfag

MOTTO: You‘ve hired da rest, now try da best! 

BATTLE-CRY: ―Gruugh agh agh waaagh‖ is a

reasonable rendering of Ogrish (a language little

understood by other races and hard going even for

Ogres). The meaning is obscure. It might mean

something like ―Feed me –  feed me now!‖ 

APPEARANCE: Ugly, ferocious, and hungry.

Golgfag‘s Ogres were dirty, patched clothing made ofskins, leather, and such items as they have pillaged or

crudely stitched together from old cloaks, blankets,

tents, canvas awnings, etc. Their appearance is

obviously raggedy and rather crude. Their armour is a

hotchpotch of pieces made for other races and strapped

over strategically vulnerable bits of the Ogre‘s body.Ogres have rough, gnarled and warty skin, and, being

veterans of countless battles, Golgfag‘s lads are

covered in scars.

POINTS: Golgfag and three Ogres, including Skaff

the Standard Bearer and a Musician, cost a total of 275

 points. This is the minimum unit you can hire. The sizeof the regiment may be increased at a cost of 35 points

 per additional Ogre.


Golgfag 6 5 2 5 5 4 3 5 8

Skaff   6 3 2 4 4 3 2 4 7

Ogre 6 3 2 4 4 3 2 3 7


EQUIPMENT: Two hand weapons and heavy


TROOP TYPE: Monstrous Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES: Fear, Ogre Charge, Stubborn

(Golgfag only). 

Maneater: Golgfag in his long mercenary career has

 been given the nickname of Maneater, although as he

insists, this is misleading, for he and his lads don‘tmuch care for who or what they eat.

Golgfag does have a particular love for eating

Halflings and as such, any army that includes Golgfag

and his Ogres may not include any unit of Halflings.

Halflings know of his reputation for eating their kin

and will refuse to hire on with an army employing


 Designer‟s Note: These rules are meant torepresent Golgfag in his younger mercenary days,

as opposed to his current position in Warhammer:Ogre Kingdoms; hence the rules differences. 

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GOTREX AND FELIX “Leave me that oversized lizard!” shouted a voice I instantly recognized. “I didn't have breakfast yet!” 

“That's Gotrek Gurnisson”, said one of the gunners on the hill. “He k ind of lost his mind. I've seen it

with my own eyes, how he guzzled down a whole beer barrel on his own.” Soon I saw how the frenzied

dwarf cleaved a path of destruction through the Orc horde with his axe. Extract from “ My travels with Gotrek ” by Felix Jae ger on the battle of Talabheim 

 Not much is known about Gotrek before he shaved his

head and swore the Slayer Oath and met Felix Jaeger.

The two soon became known as Gotrek and Felix. A

long time ago, before he travelled with Felix, Gotrek

was on an expedition to the stronghold of Karag Dum,

where he found an axe made out of Meteor Iron in the

Chaos Wastes –  the legendary Rune Axe of Karag

Dum, which enhanced his already impressive fighting

skills enormously.

In an epic battle in which a dwarf force from thefortress of Karak Varn fought against an outnumbering

horde of Orcs, Goblins and Beastmen, Gotrek met

Josef Bugman, the famous brewer and the White DwarfGrombrindal. Together these three legendary heroes

turned the tide of battle and saved Karak Varn from

 being pillaged and ravaged by the foul hordes.

Felix Jaeger is the son of a rich and influential

merchant family in Altdorf. He was well-known at itsuniversity but not so much because he was willed to

learn. He participated in drinking contests, played

reckless pranks on his professors and participated in

duels. He was expelled from the University of Altdorfafter killing a fellow student in such a duel and cast out

of his family.

He became a street corner agitator and poet and played

a vital part in the Window Tax march, which ended in

a bloodbath. During this bloodbath he met the Slayer

Gotrek Gurnisson, who was impressed by his

resistance against the Reiksguard, which tried to quell

the rebellion. So impressed in fact, that he lend his aid

against the Reiksguard, thus saving Felix from being

trampled to death.

At the following drinking bout in one of Altdorf's

taverns, Felix then swore the dwarf to accompany him

on his quest for a glorious death and to record his

inevitable end in an epic ballad. Although he already

oftentimes regretted his thoughtless oath he yet loyally

stayed at the dwarf's side and journeyed with him to

some of the most remote and dangerous places of theOld World: from the Great Forest to the lawless plains

of the Borderlands; through the depths of Karak

Eightpeaks to the dry and unforgiveable Chaos Wastes;into the besieged Praag, to the dreaded Syvania and

even to the mist covered island of Albion.

Felix Jaeger became –  though somewhat forced –  an

excellent fighter during his adventures with Gotrek. In

the Badlands they fought against Wolf Riders, whereGotrek lost an eye. Beneath Karak Eightpeaks they

fought dozens of Orcs and a mighty Chaos Troll. It was

there that Felix found a magic blade, which is

commonly known as ―the quick Bronze Blade‖ butrumors go that it is the long lost, legendary sword

Kharagul, the Wyrmslayer Blade.

In Nuln they uncovered the Skavens' secret plans lead

 by the Grey Seer Thanquol and they travelled the

Chaos Wastes in an airship designed and built by the

master engineer Malakai Makaisson. There, in the lost

dwarf keep of Karag Dum it was Gotrek who

spellbound a Greater Demon of Khorne. Since then

they were accompanied by the human wizard

Maximilian Schreiber and the Slayers Malakai

Makaisson, Snorri Nosebiter, Björni Björnisson and

Ulli Ullison. Felix slayed a Chaos Dragon namedSkjalandir on their way to Kislev.

In Kislev, they repelled the Chaos Hordes of Arek

Daemonclaw, which were besieging Praag. Björni and

Ulli lost their lives in this battle. Later, they chased thevampire Adolphus Krieger through the whole Empire.

In the end he was slain by Snorri. While being in

Sylvania during the winter, Gotrek and Felix got

separated from Snorri Nosebiter and Max Schreiber,

only to stumble across the ancient network of the Old

Ones. Through this they arrived in Albion, meeting the

High Elf Archmage Teclis. With his aid and the

 barbaric inhabitants of the misty isle they managed to bring a huge conspiracy of the destructive forces of

Chaos to halt and to close the network forever.

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Gotrek has miraculously survived all of his adventures

and Felix too manages to stay alive each and every

time. However, Teclis became aware of the fact that

the gods played a huge part in Gotrek's and Felix's life

and so did other important personae of all races.Returning through Araby, Tilea and other different

countries of the Old World, Gotrek and Felix witnessed

the magical resurrection of the vampire count Manfred

von Carstein in his castle Drakenhof in Sylvania. They

also participated in the battle against a huge horde of

Greenskins, who besieged Talabheim. In its courseSnorri Nosebiter finally found death in battle, which he

was seeking for long.

Gotrek and Felix obviously belong to the most

notorious heroes of the Old World, whereas they are

mostly known within the Dwarf holds. In the human parts only a few know about the poet and the Slayer.

For the dwarfs however they both are living legends.

Gotrek is regarded with mixed feelings, part awe but heis also the ―least successful Slayer in this age of the

world‖. Felix is almost seen as a saint and many dwarfssay he is one of the greatest heroes of humanity since

Sigmar himself! He has the honourable title ―Bearer of

Firebeard's Hammer‖ as well as Dragonslayer,

although he is neither dwarf nor Slayer, but the dwarfs

seem to consider him so for his travels with Gotrek.

Gotrek Gurnisson and Felix Jaeger travel the whole

Old World and beyond and they are well-known for

their adventures. Gotrek Gurnisson is a famous and

very powerful Daemonslayer, who seeks a glorious

death, accompanied by Felix Jaeger. In the same timehe is also the least successful Slayer of all times, forthough he has slain countless beasts and creatures from

the Bad Lands to the Chaos Wastes, he hasn't found

death through the hands of a worthy foe yet.


CAPTAIN: Gotrek Gurnisson

MOTTO: My glorious death shall not be forgotten!

BATTLE-CRY: ―Oh no, not another monster!‖ (This

isn't a battle-cry per se but oftentimes the last words of

Felix Jaeger before the two of them get involved in

 battles, fights, skirmishes, brawls, etc.)

APPEARANCE: Felix Jaeger is easily recognized

 by his unruly blond hair and his worn out, bright red

coat. And of course by his constant companion Gotrek.

His published work about his adventures with the title

―My Travels with Gotrek‖ were printed in Altdorf,where they have been shrugged off as pipe dreams and


POINTS: Gotrek and Felix cost a total of 350 points.Gotrek is worth 265 points and Felix is worth 85



Gotrek 3 7 3 4 5 3 5 4 10

Felix  4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8

UNIT SIZE: Gotrek and Felix. 

EQUIPMENT: Gotrek carries his Rune Axe, Felix isarmed with the Wyrmslayer Blade. Felix wears light


TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Character).

SPECIAL RULES: Skirmishers.

Gotrek: Gotrek Gurnisson is the most accomplished

Slayer in the Warhammer world, having felled mighty

creatures from the Badlands to the Realms of Chaos.

As a Daemon Slayer he is Unbreakable and while he

lives so is Felix. In addition Gotrek's Strength is alwaysequal to the Toughness of his target, unless it would

normally be higher. This means he always wounds on a

minimum of 4+. As a Dwarf, Gotrek hates all

Greenskins, and pursues and flees 2D6-1". Gotrek is

also relentless (may march within 8" of the enemy).

Gotrek's Doom: The Dwarf Ancestor Gods seem to

have some plan for Gotrek, driving him towards an

unknown doom. Since swearing his oath to accompany

the Slayer, Felix has also been bound into this

mysterious destiny. Although this means that they are

forever wandering, unable to settle, they are also able

to survive battles that see thousands of others die. To

represent this, Gotrek and Felix have a 4+ Ward Save

and Magic Resistance (2). However, Gotrek may never

 join a unit, and so while he still lives Felix may not join

a unit either. If Gotrek is removed as a casualty hisDoom has no further effect on Felix.

MAGIC ITEMS:Gotrek's Axe (Magic Weapon)

Gotrek's mighty Rune Axe is empowered with potent

 spells of cutting and cleaving.

For each of Gotrek's initial Attacks that hit, he gains

one extra Attack. Roll to hit with his first Attacks andthen allocate and roll to hit for any bonus Attacks he

gains. In addition, against enemies with Toughness 5 or

more he has the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule. No

Armour Saves are allowed against Gotrek's axe.

Wyrmslayer Blade (Magic Weapon)

This enchanted sword thirsts for the blood of Dragons,

urging its wielder to confront these monstrous beasts

and imbuing them with unnatural ferocity and speed.

The Wyrmslayer Blade adds +2 to Felix's Attacks. In

addition, if there is a Dragon within his charge range

you must declare a charge against it. Against Dragons,the Wyrmslayer blade allows Felix to re-roll missed

attacks and failed rolls to wound.

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Felix ducked the swipe of a jagged scimitar and lashed out withhis sword. His blow took the skaven beneath the ribs, andcleaved upwards in search of its heart.

The skaven gave an eerie high-pitched shriek, clutched its chestand died. It fell to the ground even as Felix withdrew his bladefrom its chest.

Felix glanced around at the swirling melee. To his right he saw

Heinz dash out the brains of a skaven leader with the cosh heheld in his left hand, white he fended off the attack of anotherskaven with the blade he held in his right. Boris and Stephanfought back-to-back in the teeth of the tide of rat-men.Somewhere in the distance he could hear Gotrek's bellowed warcry.

Right at this moment, it was difficult to tell how the fight wasgoing. The mercenaries seemed to be holding their own againstthe skaven, and the battle seemed to have attracted the attentionof others. Humans were pouring out of the nearby tenements.Some clutched bedpans and pokers and other improvisedweapons. Others carried swords and blunderbusses and other,rather more useful looking instruments of destruction. It

seemed that the citizens had decided that they would rathermeet their end in battle with their foes than be burned to deathin their homes. That was good, thought Felix, for themercenaries needed all the help they could get as more and moreskaven were being drawn through the blazing streets to thesound of battle.

Even as he stood there, a severed head came flying out of thegloom, spinning, spilling blood from disconnected arteries,spraying all those below it with a shower of black raindrops. Itarced straight toward Felix and he batted it aside with hissword. Salty black fluid splattered his face and he fought theurge to lick his lips to clean them. Looking down he saw thatthe head belonged to a huge skaven warrior.

He wiped his face with his cloak quickly, worried thatsomething might take advantage of his blindness and stab him.Shaking his head he moved forward cautiously to where hecould hear Gotrek shouting. Ahead of him he could see anenormous ruck. The Slayer stood poised atop what first Felixtook to be an enormous mound of bodies but swiftly realisedwas a plague cart. A wave of furious skaven scrabbled to reachhim but were being hewn down by the awesomil power of theSlayer's axe.

In the distance, looming over the great mass of lesser skaven,Felix could see a huge wedge of creatures he had come to thinkof as rat-ogres. Gotrek obviously saw them too, for he divedfrom the top of the plague cart into the seething sea of skaven.Within moments, his flickering axe had left a wall of brokenand dying bodies all around him as he thrust his way towardsthe giant monsters that were his goal. Felix debated for only amoment whether to follow him and then pushed forward,shouting: 'Follow me, lads! Let's kill some bloody rat -men.'

As he hacked to left and right, he hoped the mercenaries werelistening and following, otherwise he and Gotrek were in for ahard time when they closed wi t the rat-ogres.

Ahead of them, Felix could see the rat-ogres. They loomedhead and shoulders above the crowd, monstrous creatures, man-shaped but with the heads of immense rabid rats. Vast boilserupted through their mangy fur. The stigmata of a variety of

foul mutations marred their flesh. Each had paws the size ofshovels which ended in claws like daggers. Huge tusk-like fangsdripping with saliva filled their mouths. Their bellows wereaudible even over the din of battle.

At the sight of them, Felix felt the urge to halt an flee. Hecould tell the mercenaries following him felt the same way. Themomentum of their charge was dissipating as they contemplatedthe horrific appearance of their foes. Only Gotrek showed nofear. He ploughed onward, unwilling or unable to be botheredby the fearsome nature of his foes. The rat-ogres were no moretroubled by the Trollslayer's arrival than he was by theirs. Withan ear-shattering roar, they charged rabidly to meet him.

It seemed unlikely to Felix that anything could s urvive the madrush of such huge creatures. It was like expecting someone to beable to withstand the charge of a herd of elephants. Nothingshould have been able to withstand the onslaught of that hugemass of muscle and teeth and claws. For a moment, all headsturned and even the skaven stopped their relentless advance towatch.

Completely undaunted by the fact his opponents were twice hissize, Gotrek came on. His axe flashed, glowing red in the luridblaze of the burning buildings, and one of the rat-ogres tumbledbackwards, its leg chopped off at the knee. As it fell theSlayer's axe slashed back again and severed its arm. Clutching atthe bloody stump with its good paw, the creature rolled over onthe ground, writhing and shrieking.

Another of the immense creatures reached out and made a grabfor the dwarf. Its razor-like talons bit into his ruddy flesh.Bloody droplets appeared on Gotrek's shoulder as the mightybeast raised him high above its head. It opened its huge jaws tothe fullest extension as if intending to drop the Slayer in anddevour him in one bite. Gotrek brought his axe crashing down.Powered by all the awesome strength of the Slayer's mightyarm, it smashed the rat-ogre's head in two. Blood, brains andteeth exploded everywhere. The Slayer went flying backwardsthrough the air, propelled skyward by the reflex action of therat-ogre's death spasm.

Seeing the remaining rat-ogres begin their advance towardsGotrek's recumbent form, Felix mustered all his courage andshouted;: 'Charge! Charge! Let's send these foul vermin back tothe hell that spawned them.

Not daring to look back over his shoulder to see if anyorie wasfollowing him, he raced forward into the fray.

Chang Squik watched in amazement as the air in front of himshimmered. For a moment, it appeared like a small, bright holehad been punched in the very fabric of the world. Through thathole leaked a vile black gas which smelled of

warpstone and dark magic. Even as the assassin watched, thecloud expanded and shimmered until it stood higher than any

skaven. Then the cloud itself parted to reveal a gateway joiningthe privy in which Chang Squik stood to the place where thegrey seer was.

Chang Squik heard a sudden noise behind him and span aroundto see an ornately garbed human enter the privy, fumbling withhis codpiece as if he intended to make water. The human reekedof alcohol. He paused in amazement / and looked at theskulking skaven, then shook his head as if to clear it.

`I say,' he said. 'That's a ruddy good costume!'

Then his eyes widened further as he noticed the ranks ofstormvermin starting to pour through Thanquol's sorcerousgateway. He opened his mouth and had just time for one shriek

of warning before Chang Squik's throwing knife buried itself inhis heart.

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LEOPOLD'S LEOPARD COMPANY„For the Leopard!‟ they roared, and charged the greenskins. The Orc line swayed, then fell apart

under their assault and the rest of our army took up the victorious cry. „For the Leopard!‟ we

roared, and charged too. We‟d all share the glor  y –  and the loot.

 Filimir Tzapinka, mercenary sergeant, on the battle of the Frozen Lakes 

The Leopard Company takes its name from thelegendary Leopard of Luccini which is a badgeand mascot of the city. It is said that this leopardwas the guardian of the divine twins Lucan andLuccini, founders of the city. According to thestory, the twins became lost in the wildernesswhen they were still only children and took refuge

in a cave on the great rock, later to be theacropolis of the city. The cave was the lair of aleopard, but this was no ordinary leopard, she had

two heads and three tails! She could also speak prophecies from one of her heads and warnings

from the other. The leopard protected the twins just as if they were her own cubs until shepherdsfound them. They also found the bones of manyOrcs, wolves, bears, and Trolls around the cavewhich the leopard had slain protecting the twins.

Old Veteran

No I won't join your lot!You give all your money away to templedon't you? If I risk my neck I want to keep

the money!Leopoldo

Well, before we pay the templewe take out expenses. You know essentialthings tike replacing broken pikes anddented armour, making sure everyonelooks smart and each trooper has a cleansilk shirt or two. Doctors aren't cheapeither, and a couple of the best are with usat all times. Then there are supplies. Onlythe finest wine is worthy of servants of thetemple, so we don't skimp on expenses

there. In fact, I think that you'll find wehave an excellent selection from all overTifea. Plenty of it too, as you never knowwhen we'll be stuck in some barbaricbackwater. Our chef used to cook for thePrince of Trantio and demands the freshestand best ingredients. He gets very upset ifwe run out of vital supplies (like those nicebaby octopuses for the pasta) in the middleof a siege. Like I said, once we've taken outour expenses we pay the temple.

Old Veteran Where do I sign?

According to the myth, the leopard prophesiedthat Lucan and Luccina would found a great cityon the rock and rule it as king and queen. Then theother head warned that the descendants of thetwins would fight each other for the realm. Afterhaving thus spoken, the leopard disappeared intothe cave and was never seen again.

The temple of Lucan and Luccina was built overthe cave in which credulous people still believe

the leopard lives. The guards of the temple, hired by the priests and paid for by pious donations

from the merchants of the city, were called theLeopard Company because their sworn duty wasto guard the acropolis as ferociously as theleopard as its badge.

Unfortunately, there was always fighting in the principality between the two lines claiming

descent from Lucan and Luccina. This only endedrecently when Lorenzo Lupo claimed descent

from both and anyone who disagreed either came

to a bad end or has since fled the city.Unfortunately for them, the priests of the temple

of Lucan and Luccina supported the claim ofLorenzo‘s rival Leopold who claimed to be a

direct descendant of Lucan. Under Leopold‘scommand the Leopard Company held theacropolis for many days against Lorenzo‘s troops.The state of civil unrest persisted until the priestsconsulted the oracle of Luccina which came down

in favour of Lorenzo, albeit a very cryptic augury.The priests promptly cast the Leopard Companyfrom their employment in an effort to placate thevengeful Lorenzo. The soldiers had grown used toextremely good pay in gold and always dressedimmaculately and enjoyed the best that the citycould provide in food, wine and entertainment.They were extremely angry.

Consequently, the Leopard Company, forgettingtheir sacred duty, broke down the golden doors ofthe temples, took the pay owed to them and laidhands on the priests who were thrown off theacropolis into the sea. Then they defiantly held

out against Lorenzo for a further two weeks of bloody siege.

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Finally Lorenzo decided to offer Leopold adeal he could not refuse. He would allowLeopold and the Leopard Company to marchout of the city in return for ending the siegeand promising never to make war on him.Leopold reluctantly set aside his claim under pressure from his men who wanted to get away

with the gold from the temple rather than die.Also, they were afraid they had offended thetwo gods of the city and were anxious to leavethe acropolis before divine vengeance struckthem, possibly in the form of a rampant twoheaded leopard!

And so the regiment mached out of Tilea and tookservice with various other Princes. After muchhard campaigning, the regiment had been mauledin many unlucky battles. The superstitious

soldiers regarded this as the vengeance of theleopard which they had sworn to protect and

whose temple they had pillaged. Leopold, anxiousto hold his regiment together, called a meeting onthe stricken battlefield of Terramorta and told his

men they must regain the favour of the gods. Sothey voted to appease the leopard by sending back

a portion of everything they had captured as lootto the temple in Luccini. The next battle ended in

an overwhelming victory against all the odds, withthe Leopard Company taking the lion‘s, or ratherthe leopard‘s share of the loot! For Leopoldo, it

earned him the nickname di Lucci, meaning ‗thefortunate‘. Since then the regiment has gone from

strength to strength fighting in many far distantlands, but always remembering to send something back for the coffers of the priests of the temple atLuccini.


CAPTAIN: Leopoldo di Lucci.

MOTTO: Proceeds to the Luccini temple‘s

restoration fund.

BATTLE-CRY: For the Leopard!

APPEARANCE: Burnished brass armour, very

ornate muscled cuirasses with a leopard's face

embossed on the breastplate. Leather tassets attached to

the cuirass. White uniforms and white crests. They

wear gilded or real wreaths of laurel leaves aroundtheir helmets. The banner bearer and drummer wear

leopard pelts, draped over their shoulders. Their banner

shows a leopard with two heads and three tails.

POINTS: Leopold and nine Pikemen cost a total of

140 points including Standard Bearer and Musician.

This is the minimum unit you can hire. The regiment

may be increased by adding extra models at a cost of 7

 points each.


Leopold 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 4 8

Companion  4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7


EQUIPMENT: Pike and heavy armour. Leopold is

equipped with hand weapon, pistol and heavy armour.

SPECIAL RULES: Immune to Psychology.

Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,disguise fair nature with hard — favouredrage and imitate the action of the Leopard!

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LONG DRONG'S SLAYER PIRATES As soon as their jolly boat touched the sand they roared ashore, charging the waiting Goblins. It

was a short fight. Within moments the greenskins were running for their lives and the pirates were

rewarding themselves with a swift tot of rum.

Von Mirrenburg from his book „My Time with the Dwarfs‟  

Long Drong, who as his

name suggests was a

rather tall Dwarf and

claimed a dubious line of

descent from Drong the

Hard, legendary Dwarf

ancestor known from

many sagas, began his

career as a Dwarf seafarer

in Barak Varr. He worked

his way up from cabin

Dwarf to captain of theDwarf trading ship The

Barrel of Ale which brought fine Dwarf brews by the

sea route to far away colonies. That was until oneterrible voyage around the coast of Sartosa. A storm

 blew up, the worst for a hundred years, and the ship

foundered on the treacherous rocks. Although the crew

was washed up on the shore, the entire cargo of rare

Dwarf ales was lost.

This disaster was something no Dwarf could bear, and

no self-respecting Dwarf captain would wish to

survive. Long Drong knew his career as a Dwarf trader

was over. He resolved to become a Slayer on the sevenseas and to seek a heroic end worthy of a saga. His

crew, who were just as shamed by the loss of the cargo

as their captain, followed his example and swore upon

their ancestors to lead a life of roving Sea Slayers until

a worthy death ended their shame and redeemed them

in legend.

Having thus sworn, Long Drong, now known as Long

Drong Slayer, trekked inland to his destiny, which was

to become the most notorious pirate ever to lurk on

Sartosa. His first act was to storm the stronghold of the

dreaded pirate Capitano Sisicco and capture his ship

and treasure stash. With the latter, Long Drong hiredDwarf craftsmen to rebuild the flimsy vessel into

something a Dwarf could be proud of, not sparing the

iron! He also hired Dwarf smiths to forge cannons for

the vessel, which Long Drong named The Fair Fregar

after a famous Dwarf maiden of Barak Varr, rumoredto be very beautiful. A figurehead representing her was

carved by the crew. Unfortunately, neither Long Drong

nor any of his crew had ever seen a real life Dwarf

maiden, so they had to rely on their imagination and

hearsay. The result, parts of which were shod in brass,

made an awesome ram on the prow of the ship!

The prisoners, now chained in Long Drong‘s dungeons,were freed in return for telling him all they knew about

 buried treasure and handing over any maps they had.

Long Drong learned that the key to success was often

the possession of a pay chest full of gold with which to

hire a mercenary army and hold it together under your

command. Many such pay chests had been lost in

 battles and there were mercenary generals willing to

 pay handsomely for their return, even double the value

of anything in the chest, or a great fortune for the

empty chest alone. This was because recovery of a lost

 pay chest is a matter of pride among mercenary

generals, who regard such chests in the same way as

other races do their army standards!

So Long Drong let it be known that, being a seafaring

Dwarf, he could seek out and rescue a lost pay chest

wherever it may be in the known world and return it toits rightful owner. All he asked was to keep any

treasure that he might find in it, plus a reward in gold

equal to as much as the chest would hold! By the

standards of mercenary generals this was but a small

 price to pay for the restoration of honour and respect,

and soon offers to hire his services came flowing in byswift messengers.

Thus the Fair Fregar voyaged to many distant lands;

Araby, Lustria, Albion, and many uncharted islands,and brought back various pay chests which may or may

not have been genuine. In doing so Long Drong raided

the treasure hoards of many notorious pirates and

corsairs and made countless enemies determined to get

their revenge on him. A price was on his head,

everyone sought to accomplish his doom. What more

could a seafaring Slayer ask for! His only friends

turned out to be those mercenary generals from whom

he had restored honour, and these soon began to hire

Long Drong and his pirate crew to fight as a regiment

in their armies. Their task, needless to say, was to seek

out and capture the enemy pay chest on the battlefield.

Only reckless Dwarf Sea Slayers, seeking a heroic endwould take on or succeed in such a task. As yet Long

Drong has still to meet his doom!

Fifteen Dwarfs and a dead Dwarf's chest,Yo. ho. ho and a flagon of ale.Each one a goner means more for the rest!Yo, ho. ho and a barrel of ale.

Dwarf Pirate sea shanty (it gets worse!)

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CAPTAIN: Long Drong Slayer.

MOTTO: Lost pay chest recovery is our specialty.

BATTLE-CRY: Fifteen Dwarfs and a dead Dwarf‘s

chest, yo ho ho and a flagon of ale… 

APPEARANCE: Long Drong Slayer has a hook

hand, peg leg, eye patch, long red plaited beard, pistols

stuffed down his breeches, and a parrot on his shoulder

which says ‗bits o‘ gold, bits o‘ gold‘ all the time. His

crew is a swarthy bunch of rogues who are proud to

fight under the skull and crossbones flag.

POINTS: Long Drong Slayer plus nine Dwarf pirates

including a Standard Bearer and Drummer cost a total

of 180 points. This is the minimum unit you can hire.

The regiment may be increased up to a maximum of 30models at a cost of 12 points for each additional model.


Long Drong 3 6 4 4 5 2 4 3 10

Slayer Pirate  3 5 3 3 4 1 3 1 10


EQUIPMENT: Loads of pistols (counts as brace of


TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES: Unbreakable.

Ancestral Grudge: Dwarfs have the Hatred special

rule against all models from Warhammer: Orcs &

Goblins and Skaven. You cannot include Dwarfs and

Greenskins in the same army.

Relentless: Units entirely composed of models withthis special rule do not need to pass a Leadership test in

order to march, regardless of the proximity of enemy


Festooned with Pistols: Since they are festooned with

 pistols that they shoot off in a hurricane of destruction,all of their close combat attacks are considered to be

Strength 4 and Armour Piercing. In addition, they do

not suffer the -1 to hit penalty for Stand and Shoot.

Dwarf Rum: When unable to get ale, the Dwarf

 pirates brew their own drink. This dangerous stuff is asort of rum mixed with gunpowder and iron filings, and

each bottle has a skull and crossbones on it as a

warning. The pirates swig so much of this concoctionthat they are now immune to drunkenness, though it

wreaks havoc with their insides. Before a battle theDwarfs will knock back a few bottles each, and the

resultant intestinal rumblings and gurglings leave an

odious mist hanging around the regiment.

Though the pirates claim not to notice the smell, the

effect is dire on the enemy who suffer -1 to hit in CloseCombat. Obviously, Undead troops, Daemons, and

followers of Nurgle won‘t notice the stench either. The

great disadvantage to the pirates is that no other troops

will stand near them. As a result, the regiment may not

 be deployed closer than 6" to any other unit in the armyat the start of the battle.

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LUMPIN CROOP'S FIGHTING COCKS Incredible! We stood quietly robbing carts while two armies were engaged in a scrapping, happily,

a child's play, when we came face to face with a bunch of halflings who walking away from the

 scene of hostilities. Ea sy prey, we thought. This was my first mistake… 

 Ricco, the leader of a band of robbers, captured at the Battle of Dunroamin.

The race of Halflings is

mostly thought of as

 peaceable, well

meaning, honest and

sociable. This, at least,

is the common view,

and it is a view readily

encouraged by the sight

of rosy cheeked, well-

fed Halfling faces and

 broad Halfling smiles.

Such are Nature's giftsto that race. However,

even amongst this tolerant and easy-going people there

is the odd proverbial rotten apple that spoils anotherwise toothsome batch. In this case the rotten apple

goes by the name of Lumpin Croop and the batch in

question is known as Lumpin Croop's Fighting Cocks.

Lumpin Croop was born in the northern Moot, in a

 backwater village, on the wrong side of the river. Hismother was the blacksmith's daughter and his father an

itinerant carrot salesmen. Unfortunately, Lumpin's

father chocked to death on a horseshoe sometime

 before he was born. The Halfling's childhood was not ahappy one. His grandparents resented and disliked him,

and could never forgive their daughter for her unwise

liaison. Lumpin's bright orange hair was a painful

reminder of his parentage.

Young Lumpin was forced to work long hours in the

family forge. His grandfather set him to arduous and

demeaning tasks such as poking the fire and

straightening horseshoes. His mother suffered greatly

from the unremitting disapproval of her parents. She

 became distraught and took to the bottle. Not

surprisingly Lumpin ran away from home as soon as he

could. By this time he had already fallen into a life of pick pocketing and bunko-artistry. These were talents

doubtlessly inherited from his father along with his

 passion for root vegetables.

Lumpin Croop became a poacher. His extraordinarilyacute night vision proved a great advantage on dark

moonless evenings. Lumpin soon learned to support

himself from the surrounding farms and estates. This

was an annoyance to the many gamekeepers who found

their game stocks and reputations plummeting fast.

One day Lumpin happened to visit the Old Pig and

Bucket, a shady hostelry in the otherwise attractivevillage of Beggar's End. The inn's landlord, Raggo

Barrelgut, had been an eager buyer of poached rabbit in

the past. On this occasion, however, rabbit pie was

noticeably absent from the menu. Instead, the snug was

 brimming with angry gamekeepers led by the

notoriously crazed Ned Hamfist. The gamekeepers

were all armed with cudgels. Raggo was hiding in the

corner looking embarrassed and a bit frightened.

Anticipating a sound beating, Lumpin immediately

launched in to a long and complicated story. Once he

had begun he soon found himself spinning a yarn of

excitement, treasure and vast banquets waiting to be

had in the lands over the mountains. The gamekeeperswere taken aback by the young poacher's tirade and

soon put all thoughts of vengeance aside. Eagerly they

found themselves signing up to join Lumpin in his bright and exciting quest to the land of Tilea. Ned

Hamfist bought drinks to toast their bold venture and

some bright spark came up with a name for their band -

Lumpin Croop's Fighting Cocks.

From that day to this, Lumpin has tried very hard togive the Fighting Cocks the slip. However, the

gamekeepers are even better trackers then Lumpin and

always manage to find him and insist that he takes

them along on his adventure. Lumpin's regular attemptsto escape are thought to be 'training exercises' by his

admirers. Similarly, his efforts to misdirect the

Fighting Cocks away from Tilea and any chance of

fighting are considered to be 'initiative tests'.

Unfortunately for Lumpin, the Fighting Cocks are

extraordinarily good at direction finding, being experts

at navigating their way around quietly in the dark.

Their faith in Lumpin and their belief in his adventure

is unshaken.

The truth is that the Fighting Cocks are really rather

good. All of the 'training exercises' and 'initiative tests'

have honed their natural skills to a point where they are

Ye World Renown


Expert Marksmen,

Trackers & Woodsmen.Baggage Train guarding a speciality.

Ask for Lumpin at thesign of the Fat Pig. 

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expert trackers and woodsmen. Their marksmanship is,

as you would expect, second to none. Their

woodsman's clothing and pelt-caps adorned with

feathers are memorable to say the least.

Thanks to several remarkable battles, the FightingCocks have acquired a well-deserved reputation, and

their services are now in great demand. On one

occasion Lumpin was credited with saving an entire

army. An enemy force had worked its way behind the

army's lines and was preparing to launch a devastating

attack. At the same moment Lumpin happened to beleading the Fighting Cocks directly away from the

sound of the fighting. Unknown to him, his route was

taking the Halflings straight towards the encircling

enemy. In the ensuing clash the Fighting Cocks fought

with great enthusiasm and the enemy was soon

scattered. Everyone was very impressed by Lumpin'sforesight; not least Lumpin himself, and the Fighting

Cocks were showered with offers of employment.

Indeed, money has started to flow into the band's

coffers, and Lumpin's impromptu tale of fame andriches is starting to come true. His troops believe in

him utterly and take great pride in their leader's

growing reputation. Lumpin himself is learning to live

with his sudden change of fortune. He is becoming

unexpectedly fond of the Fighting Cocks. Such is his

dedication that even on the eve of battle he can befound in his tent working hard at devising new training


Lumpin Croop‘s Fighting Cocks are well used to

sneaking about in woods and amongst the gorse. Theyuse bird whistles and animal calls to coordinate their

movements in the dark and amongst dense woodland.


Expert Marksmen, Trackers & Woodsmen.

Baggage Train guarding a speciality.

Ask for Lumpin at the sign of the Fat Pig.

No job too small! 


CAPTAIN: Lumpin Croop.

MOTTO: Short, Fat and Dangerous to Know.

BATTLE-CRY: "Hurray! Hurray! The Moot! The

Moot!" This stems from an occasion in a particularlynasty battle when Lumpin Croop attempted to give his

troops new orders. What he actually shouted was, "Run

away! Run away to the Moot!" but his words were lost

upon the wind and his lads charged ferociously withtheir recognizable battle-cry.

APPEARANCE: The regiment is clad in various

greens and browns to better blend into the forest. They

wear no armour as it is difficult to move stealthily and

quickly when weighed down by mail and plate.

POINTS: Lumpin Croop and four Halflings including

 Ned (properly Neddly) Hamfist the Standard Bearerand a Horn Blower cost a total of 95 points. This is the

minimum size regiment you can hire. The size of the

regiment may be increased at a cost of +10 points peradditional Halfling.


Lumpin Croop 4 3 5 3 3 2 6 3 9

 Ned Hamfist  4 2 5 2 2 1 5 2 8

Fighting Cock 4 2 5 2 2 1 5 1 8


EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon and bow. Lumpin

Croop is equipped with hand weapon, bow, shield and

light armour.

TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES: Skirmishers, Scouts, Forest


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MALAKAI MAKAISSON'S GOBLIN-HEWER“Da boss said, we would finish da stunties and „umies off quickly. Then we saw shiny thingies in da

 sky. 'Tis looks nice“, we were thinkin'. Da thingies became bigga an' bigga and closed in fasta an'

 fasta! I told my „omies: What did ze stunties think of tis time?“ A terrible sound of breakin'

armours and burstin' bones. My „omies were gone! Next to me, where my „omies were standing,was a pile of dead, green bodies, with lots and lots of axes stickin' in them. These cursed stunties

and their toys!” Morgua Bonegnawer about the battle in the Valley of Change

MalakaiMakaissonis thoughtto be themostingenious

engineerwho everlived. Histechnical

knowledge was highly valued in the Engineer'sGuild. However, some of Makaissons' inventionswere ill-fated. His Dwarf Iron Clad steam ship,named Unsinkable tragically sank on its maidenvoyage, with Malakai being the only survivor.The Indestructible, the first airship he inventedsuffered the same fate. Again being the onlysurvivor, the master engineer was thrown out of

the Engineer's Guild. Unable to accept thisdisgrace as every proud dwarf would be, Malakaishaved his hair and took the Slayer Oath, whichdidn't stop him from inventing more machines andwar gear for the Dwarf holds.

Eventually, in the year 2500 IC he created asecond airship, the Spirit of Grungni, named afterGrungni, the dwarfen progenitor. He did so at therequest of Borek Forkbeard, a warrior from KaragDum. The dwarfs from Karag Dum were nowtrapped by chaos warriors for nearly 2000 years in

their fortress and were fighting for survival. Relieftroops from other strongholds were fighting in the

Great War against Chaos. Initially, this secondairship should have been named Unstoppable.This was Makaisson's idea but was averted byBorek, who regarded the name ominous,considering the past of Makaisson's inventions.

The Spirit of Grungni turned out to be substantialand reliable, as opposed to Malakai's first airship.Together with Slayers like Gotrek Gurnisson andSnorri Nosebiter –  who both were seekingglorious death against the hordes of Chaos - andFelix Jaeger and other warriors, Malakai travelledthroughout the Chaos Wastes to Karag Dum.

There they managed to save Firebeards's Hammer,a precious rune hammer of Karag Dum's kingtogether with the last survivors of the strongholdand bring them safely to the World EdgeMountains.

The airship was attacked by the giant dragonSkjalandir on the way back, who could only bewarded off with the sacrifice of Varek, BorekForbeard's nephew. While the Spirit of Grungni was repaired and refitted in the Slayer fortress ofKarak Kadrin, Malakai ventured out together withGotrek Gurnisson, Snorri Nosebiter, other Slayersand people from the Empire and Kislev to defeatthe dragon. Afterwards and after the work on theSpirit of Grungni was done, Malakai flew toKislev to warn the Ice Queen against the cominginvasion of Chaos. Subsequently he brought her

and her retinue to Praag. There the infinite hordesof Chaos arrived, lead by Arek Demonclaw.Malakai's ariship's bombing later helped todestroy big parts of the Chaos army and thus theKislevits managed to repel Arek Demonclaw's


Approximately 30 years later Malakai constructedthe Goblin-hewer. With that new invention he became part of the Slayer Cult Army of KarakKadrin, which hurried to aid the Empire againstArchaon's and Grimgor's hordes in the Storm of

Chaos. A rapid-firing, axe-throwing extravaganzaof destruction, the Goblinhewer is capable of

scything through even the most numerousopposition with a hail of blades.Thanks to its design, the Goblin-hewer is capableof hurling a storm of axes into the enemy linesand decimate large regiments of even the best

armoured warriors. A specially developed pair ofgoggles enables Malakai to enhance his vision andguide the hewer's axes safely into an enemy‘sface.

Another of Makaisson's invention is the RepetearHandgun. This gun combines the marksmanshipof dwarf guns with a high rate of fire. At the

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moment Malakai is running lengthy tests toguarantee that this isn't going to be anotherfailure. Due to Makaisson's recent successes theEngineer's Guild offered him an honourable re-entry in the guild, which was rejected by Malakai.He now devotes himself to invent new enignes ofwar to aid the Dwarf holds and the humans in the

never-ending war against Chaos and theGreenskins. Sometimes he can be found inmercenary armies with his Goblin-hewer, if theirmotives serve the dwarfs. He then stays in the firstline of battle, eager to find death in battle througha worthy foe so his name will be purged of thesetbacks of his past.


CAPTAIN: Malakai Makaisson

MOTTO: Precise war engines for Karak Ankor!

BATTLE-CRY: With lever, axe and chain, we split

the Gobbos' brain!

APPEARANCE: Malakai is a shaven-headed Dwarf,

with the customary red-dyed crest and a short leather

 jerkin with a sheepskin collar, a leather cap with long

ear flaps and a cut out for his crest to fit through. He

wears a set of thick optical lenses engraved with a

cross-hairs, though he claims it is simply to improvehis already superb eyesight, rather than to make up for

any deficiency he may be suffering from.

POINTS: Malakai Makaisson and his Goblin-hewer

cost a total of 200 points.


Malakai 3 5 5 4 5 2 4 3 10

Slayer Crew  3 4 3 3 4 1 3 1 10

Goblin-hewer - - - - 7 3 - - -

UNIT SIZE: Malakai Makaisson, two Slayer crew

and a single Goblin-hewer.

EQUIPMENT: The crew are armed with hand

weapons and great weapons. Malakai is armed with a

great weapon and a Repeating Dwarf handgun.

TROOP TYPE: War Machine.

SPECIAL RULES: Unbreakable.

Ancestral Grudge: Dwarfs have the Hatred special

rule against all models from Warhammer: Orcs &

Goblins and Skaven. You cannot include Dwarfs and

Greenskins in the same army.

Engineer: Although seriously deranged and sworn to

the Slayer oath, Malakai is still a formidable expert in

 black powder, mechanics and construction. The

Goblin-hewer may use his Ballistic Skill when firing.

However, he is part of the crew and must stay within

3‖ of the Goblin-hewer at all times.

Malakai may always fire at a different target with his

Repeating Dwarf Handgun than the rest of the Goblin-

hewer if he wishes.

Goblin-hewer: The Goblin-hewer fires using the

following profile:

Range:  Strength:  Special Rules: 

48" 4 Armour Piercing

In order to fire the Goblin-hewer, nominate a target

unit within range and Line of Sight and roll To Hit as

normal (using Malakai‘s BS if he is still alive and not 

firing his repeating handgun).

The spinning axe blades fire a variable number of shotsdepending on the number of ranks in the target unit.

Roll a D6 for every rank the target has –  this is the total

number of rolls to Hit you should make. If the Goblin-hewer is in the flank arc of a unit, then the number of

models in the widest rank is counted as the number of

‗ranks‘ for this purpose. 

For example, against a unit four ranks deep the Goblin-

hewer fires 4D6 shots. If it were six models wide and

hit in the flank, it would fire 6D6 shots. Casualties are

allocated just like normal shooting hits. If firing at asingle model or skirmishers, or other target that does

not use ranks, it fires D6 shots.

REPEATING DWARF HANDGUNThe handguns of the dwarfs feature manyimprovements over the crude devices of the used byother races. These features include improved rifled

barrels, finer powder grain and more reliable firing

mechanisms. The Repeating Dwarf Handgun of

 Malakai takes this design even further, having a

constructed a more rapid-firing version of the standard


Range Strength Special Rules

24" 4 Multiple Shots (3),

Armour Piercing,


Superior Design: A Dwarf handgun has a +1 to hit


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MARKSMEN OF MIRAGLIANO An‟ then Bozgrot got „it, standing next to me „e was. Got it right between the eyes, never knew what

„it „im. Then da Boss went down with three bolts stickin‟ in „im. And finally, after we‟d lost half da  

ladz, we actually got close enough to see „em… 

One-eyed Sukslug, sole Orc survivor of the Porcupine Pass massacre

The crossbow has

always been the

favoured weapon in

Tilea, no doubt

 because its long range

enables the troops to

shoot from high on

the ramparts, across

the broad moats and

ditched into the

enemy hordes.Crossbow bolts have

the striking power to

 pierce armour andinflict mortal wounds on tough and determined

opponents. The crossbow is also handy for use in

confined spaces such as the ramparts, towers,

gateways, and narrow streets of Tilean cities and on

 board Tilean galleys and Man-O-Wars. It is therefore

no surprise that the Tileans never really bothered withordinary bows.

One of the famous regiments to use the crossbow is

known simply, but aptly, as the Marksmen. The

Marksmen have been going for a hundred years or

more, under several different Captains. As one Captain

fell in battle or retired, the most senior surviving

Marksman would assume leadership, and the regiment

would continue. The regiment always recruits its

soldiers from Miragliano, and returns to its home city

every now and again to replenish its ranks and renew

family ties. Any recruit must prove his marksmanship

 by shooting a bolt though the head of the Prince on a

gold ducat. The coin is, of course, placed in the centre

of a target set at a range of 300 paces! Once accepted,recruits hone their marksmanship to perfection with

constant practice. Such is their success that Miragliano

has fewer pigeons than any other city in Tilea and notthat many cats or dogs either.

The list of battles in which the Marksmen have won

distinction and, needless to say, rich rewords in the

Empire alone are too numerous to list! As well as

fighting for the Empire, the regiment has served theTsarina of Kislev and several Dwarf lord. On other

occasions the Marksmen have fought on the same side

as High Elves and have taken part in many overseas


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CAPTAIN: Maximilian Damark.

MOTTO: We hit the right spot every time.


APPEARANCE: The Marksmen are typical of

veteran mercenary companies and wear a variety ofclothing, armour, and equipment gleaned from the four

corners of the Warhammer World. Many of the

Marksmen wear a badge in their caps or hats,

consisting of a tall feather and a pierced gold ducat.

The feather represents the swift flight of the crossbow

 bolt (and it looks very fine too!). The pierced ducat is

the very coin that the trooper must strike from 300

 paces as a test of marksmanship before he is allowed to

 join the Marksmen.

POINTS: Maximilian and nine Marksmen cost a total

of 175 points including a Standard Bearer and

Musician. This is the minimum size of regiment you

can hire. The regiment may be enlarged by adding

extra models at a cost of 11 points each.


Maximilian 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8

Marksman  4 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7


EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, light armour and


TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES: Marksman: Maximilian ignores penalties for shooting

at long range and can re-roll failed rolls to Hit with his


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Even amongst the Dark Elves of Naggaroth, a

nation renowned for its cruelty, ruthlessness andsadistic tendencies, Mengil of Clar Karond is

 particularly noted for his bloodthirsty nature. Suchis his cunning and his gleefully murderous behaviour that many amongst the Dark Elves

regard him as an unhinged killer. While mostDark Elves would happily slit the throat of any

who got in their way in order to further their own political aims or gain more personal power solong as they could get away with it, Mengil kills

for the fun of it, without care or thought of theconsequences. On more than one occasion, he has

slain allies merely on a whim, and many believehe has only a tenuous grip on his sanity. He is

seen as dangerously unpredictable, and regardedwith suspicion and distrust by other Dark Elves.

Mengil‘s father, Kraal the Hearteater, was a crueland powerful noble lord of Clar Karond, whose

ruthless reputation ensured that none would dareto oppose him. He frequently set his sons tasksand trials as they were raised in order to weed outthose he deemed too weak to carry his bloodline,and to test their loyalty to him. Those that failedhis cruel tasks were slain without mercy, theirhearts cut out and offered to Khaine. His youngest

son Mengil was no exception, and he wasroutinely beaten and forced to fight his older brothers. In one such test, Kraal released a humancaptive, a powerful young Norseman, into theBlack Forests outside of the dark city, giving thewarrior weapons and a shield. The young Mengilwas sent to hunt this human, and only once hereturned with evidence of the kill would he beallowed back into the city. 

Through the icy wilderness Mengil tracked his

quarry, eventually coming face to face with the

 Norseman. His speed and skill with the blade wasenough to overcome his larger and more powerfulfoe, and he rejoiced in the thrill of the kill,smeared blood across his face and he drank deeplyfrom the powerful heart of his fallen enemy, before skinning the Norseman and eating his

flesh. While in the wilds, he sharpened his teeth to points, making him look particularly fearsome.Mengil wore the bloodied skin as a cloak as hewalked back into Clar Karond, earning him therespect of his father and the honorific title


The favouritism that Kraal showed for his

youngest and most vicious of sons was regarded jealously by his brothers, and on more than one

occasion Mengil was forced to fight for his lifeagainst his brethren, killing two of his murderoussiblings in one night. He ripped the skin from their

 bodies, and had their bloodied, skinless corpsesdelivered to his one remaining brother as a


When he was old enough, Mengil joined the ranks

of the Corsairs of Clar Karond, and his rapid risewas tarnished only by his increasing viciousness

and unpredictability. Where his superiors wouldhave him conduct lightning quick raids,

slaughtering any defenders and retreating withcaptives before a strong defence could be formedto counter-attack, Mengil would more often thannot stubbornly refuse to retreat and strike at thelarger defensive force.

While his skill, ferocity and powerful leadershipwould often ensure that he was victorious, hewould generally return with few slaves, for hetook perverse pleasure in killing. Even those whogave up their swords Mengil would slay, rejoicingin the flow of blood, and often continuing to hack

and cut at the bodies long after life had left them.He continued his practise of skinning his defeatedfoes, and his father‘s halls in Clar Karond were bedecked with these savage trophies, reaped fromall over the world. Nevertheless, this was merely aslight blemish upon his otherwise praiseworthyname, and the fact that he would sometimes turnon an ally and brutally murder him in cold bloodwas seen more as an eccentricity than any kind of problem.

Within half a century Mengil was himself leading

the majority of raids launched from the Black Arkknown as the Citadel of Spite. This was once amassive castle that guarded the south-western tipof the now sunken lands of Nagarythe before itwas turned into a giant floating fortress by darkmagicks. The Dark Lord of Clar Karond himself

gave Mengil the honour of leading these assaultsfrom the front, making him one of the youngestSlave Captains of any Clar Karond Black Ark.Over the next two decades, the Citadel of Spite became much hated by the High Elves,

synonymous with despair and grief as it routinelyraided Ulthuan‘s coast and shipping lanes, as well

as raiding the coasts of Norsca, Bretonnia, Araby

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and Estalia. Though the Black Ark did not oftenreturn with many living slaves once Mengil haddone with them, the terror that his brutal raidsspread was regarded as pleasing to his superiors.

For a time, the Citadel of Spite controlled theentrance to the Tilean Sea, preying upon

smugglers, pirates and merchants alike, androutinely slaughtering the villages to the south ofRemas and near the pirate-city of Sartosa. Whileengaged on land on one of these raids, the BlackArk came under attack by swift moving Elvenships from Lothern, and the Black Ark was forcedto retreat to deeper waters without Mengil.

The captain of the Black Ark, who had seen histhree predecessors slain in a mad rage by Mengil,decided not to return for the vicious warrior, and

claimed that he was dead. Mengil and his menwere stranded in Tilea. They made their way

inland under the cover of darkness, moving intothe forests and then into the southern ApucciniMountains. After a season of preying

indiscriminately on passing merchants and theirhired guards, Mengil was approached by a

wealthy warrior merchant from Verezzo. Hestruck a deal with Mengil, and thus began the

Dark Elf's new career as a paid killer. He is oftenused by those who wish to make an example ofthe target, for Mengil takes savage pleasure inskinning his foes, often leaving the skinless bodiesof his victims hanging from trees or impaled onspikes in the ground. For many years, he fought atthe side of his old comrade, the renegade Dark Elf

known as Ean Hawkbane, until Mengil gutted,skinned and ate him one night after adisagreement.

Throughout the lands of the Old World Mengilhas plied his trade, and his Dark Elves, known asthe Manflayers, are rightly feared. They areemployed as assassins and murderers, and areoften used to eliminate rivals. Mengil took to thelife as a hired killer with joyous abandon, and haseven returned to Naggaroth several times where

the Dark Lords readily employ him to eliminatetheir foes. On one such return to Clar Karond,

Mengil repaid the captain of the Citadel of Spitefor abandoning him those years before, and thestory of that unfortunate Dark Elf ‘s demise is still

told in dark tales. On occasion, Mengil‘sManflayers will take to the field of battle,

employed to infiltrate deep into enemy territory tospread terror and confusion. 

Captain Alessandro fumbled to draw his pistol as hescrambled painfully backwards through the mud of the

battlefield. His left leg was useless –  two small, blackcrossbow bolts protruded from his bloodied thigh.His men were scattered around him, mostly dead ordying. The battle against the cursed rat-beasts had beengoing well, the cowardly things fleeing from theKnights of the Rose, Luccini‘s famed heavy cavalry,and Alessandro‘s crossbowmen had killed hundredswith their very accurate and disciplined volleys.

Then his men had started dying. In confusion,Alessandro had ordered his men to turn to face thisnew threat, but none could be seen. Still more of his

men fell to the unnervingly accurate bolts. Withinmoments, his regiment was scattering in confusion, andAlessandro himself fell to the ground, two boltspunching through the mail of his thigh. That was whenthe Dark Elves made their appearance, running fromthe dark copse of tall trees to hack at the Tileanmercenaries with massive, barbed blades.

The darkness continued to swirl around them, as if itwas reluctant to relinquish them from its touch.Already the butchery had begun as the cursed Elvesbegan ripping the skin from the bodies of the captain‘s

men. Alessando‘s eyes opened wide as a tall, elegantfigure closed in on him, and he raised his pistol in a

shaking hand. The Dark Elf tutted, shaking his headwith a regretful sigh. The dark figure raised its arm

and a small black bolt punched through Alessandro‘sbicep, forcing him to drop the weapon. Tall and pale,the stranger‘s grace and noble bearing belied themadness in his black eyes –  eyes that held the promiseof pain. He wore a bloody skin over his shoulder as acloak, and Alessandro started when he recognised atattoo on the skin as belonging to his employer.

The Dark Elf closed on the Tilean captain, drawing alarge, viciously barbed knife from its scabbard.

"Don‘t worry. Your skin will soon be joining that of

your benefactor," said Mengil, waving the knifemenacingly.Alessandro fumbled at his belt, pulling out a bulgingcoin pouch, and offered it up to his killer. The DarkElf chuckled.

"It‘s not about the money, friend," he said, the cruelsmile on his face exposing sharpened teeth. "I do thisbecause I enjoy it." 

Mengil‘s eyes gleamed in the darkness as he slashed

the knife across the Tilean‘s throat, and began tomethodically and expertly draw the skin from his


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CAPTAIN: Mengil Manhide

MOTTO: Pleasure in killing.

BATTLE-CRY: The Manflayers do not have a battle-

cry. They work in stealth to ambush their enemies.

APPEARANCE: The Manflayers wear heavy black

armour, purple cloth and the skins of their foes as


POINTS: Mengil and four Manflayers (including a

Standard Bearer and a Musician) cost a total of 220 points. This is the minimum sized regiment that you

can hire. The size of the unit can be increased by

adding additional Manflayers at +22 pts per model, to a

maximum of ten additional Manflayers.


Mengil Manhide 5 6 6 4 3 2 7 3 9

Manflayer   5 5 5 3 3 1 5 1 8


EQUIPMENT: Hand weapons, repeater crossbows,

great weapons and heavy armour. Mengil himself

carries a repeater crossbow-pistol instead of a repeater


TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES: Always Strikes First, Hatred

(High Elves), Skirmishers, Scouts, Poisoned


Murderous Prowess: Models with this epical rule re-

roll all To Wound rolls of a 1 when making closecombat attacks.

Flayers: Mengil and his Manflayers are cannibalistic

killers that skin their foes and wear the flayed hide as

cloaks. The regiment may never pursue enemies that

they break in close combat –  instead, they will flay

those that have fallen, ripping their skin from their

flesh. For each enemy unit that they break or wipe out

in close combat they gain +100 Victory Points.

MAGIC ITEMS:Banner of Kalad (Magic Standard)

 Kalad was one of the black-hearted brothers of Mengil

who showed great natural skill in the manipulation of

dark magicks. Such a practice by males is outlawed by

order of the Witch King, and Mengil took great delight

in skinning his brother alive. He then had the skin

attached to his personal standard. Such was Kalad‟s

 power that a nimbus composed of evil daemon-spirits

constantly hovers around his flesh, keeping his essencealive in torment. These dark spirits form a cloak of

 perpetual darkness around the banner, allowing

 Mengil and his Manflayers to move unseen through the shadows and stealthily approach their enemies as well

as making them difficult to see at a distance.

Any unit wishing to target Mengil‘s Manflayers with

shooting attacks suffer -1 to hit. This is increased to -2

if the Manflayers are more than 12" away from the


REPEATER CROSSBOWThe repeater crossbow unleashes a hail  of deadly

darts. Using a sophisticated magazine and  loading

mechanism it is able to fire a volley of bolts in the sametime it takes an ordinary crossbowman to fire a single


Range Strength Special Rules

24" 3 Multiple Shots (2),

Armour Piercing

REPEATER CROSSBOW-PISTOL Mengil‟s specially designed crossbow-pistol is a light

and flexible weapon, and extremely deadly at closerange.

Range Strength Special Rules12" 3 Multiple Shots (3),

Quick to Fire

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OGLAH KHAN'S WOLFBOYZThe evil Count had us surrounded on all sides! We were cut off from the rest of the army, left with

no choice but to fight to the last man against his Undead horrors. Yet as we steeled ourselves for

this final battle, something strange happened. The Hobgoblin scouts the Count had hired started

 fighting his own troops. Seeing a chance for escape I led the charge… Captain Det lef Veidt from his book „A Mercenaries life in the Border Princes‟  

Far, far in the east, in the untamed steppes beyond the

Dark Lands, lies the dominion of Hobgobla Khan- the

greatest empire in the world. The subjects of HobgoblaKhan are Hobgoblins, a green-skinned race related to

Orcs and Goblins. Hobgoblins are widely abhorred for

their cruelty, wickedness and their appalling standards

of hygiene.

The armies of the great Hobgobla Khan are simplyreferred to as the Great Horde. When all the tribes

under the Great Khan are arrayed for battle, the Hordeis said to stretch from horizon to horizon. The sub-

commanders of the tribes are called Khans, each one

commanding five hundred or more wolf-riding


Oglah Khan was one of the vassals of the Great Khan,

and enjoyed the green-skinned despot. His tent was as

large as the hall of any human noble, and he owned a

hundred wolves, making him a very wealthy

Hobgoblin. In time of war he could summon sixhundred spears to battle. Oglah fought in many battles

for the Great Khan, and became widely known for his

 prowess in combat and his treachery - traits admired by

all Hobgoblins. It seemed that he was destined to

 become one of the most influential warlords of the era.

Oglah Khan's fortunes changed during the infamous

Battle of Xen-Tu, where the Hobgoblins clashed with

the Cathayans of Emperor Pu-Yi. When Hablo Khan,

the commander of the Hobgoblin contingent, was

killed by the Emperor's ChampionTong Po, many ofthe Hobgoblins fled, believing that all was lost. Oglah

Khan, on the other hand, immediately switched sidesand led his ladz to battle against his kinsmen. All was

going well until the main Horde of Hobgobla Khan

arrived. They outnumbered the Cathayans more than a

hundred to one and crushed them swiftly. Oglah Khanturned tail and fled from the wrath of his ruler.

Oglah Khan and his tribe were declared outlaws and

 banished from the Hobgoblin lands. With no other

 place to go, Oglah Khan and his ladz headed west, to

the Old World. Following the Silk Road he arrived inthe Dark Lands and immediately enlisted in the army

of Black Orc Warlord Gordug Smasher. Gordug was


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determined to raid the lands of Tilea, but at the Battle

of Long Knives he suffered a catastrophic defeat as

Oglah Khan switched sides during a crucial moment of

the battle. The Tilean general Giovanni Giuliani

rewarded Oglah Khan generously, and hired the

Hobgoblins to act as scouts and skirmishers in hisarmy.

Since those times Oglah Khan has served as a

mercenary under many generals, and acquired quite a

name for himself. Through only few of his original six

hundred warriors have survived, they are now battlehardened veterans and much in demand. Hobgoblins

are excellent archers and ferocious in hand-to-hand

combat, so there is only one thing a general must

consider when hiring them… will they stay loyal? 


CAPTAIN: Oglah Khan

MOTTO: You payz, we slayz!

BATTLE-CRY: "Hiiyaaarrghh!!!!" –  the traditional

 battle-cry of these warriors from the steppes. The

meaning is obscure, most likely to be offensive and


APPEARANCE: Unwashed, shifty and wicked.

Oglah Khan and his boyz wear furs and exotic scale

armour, as well as spiked helmets. They carry a black

wolftail standard to battle, proclaiming that they do not

come in peace.

POINTS: Oglah Khan and four Hobgoblin Wolfboyz

including the Standard Bearer and a Horn Blower cost

a total of 175 points. This is the minimum size

regiment you can hire. The size of the regiment may beincreased at a cost of +16 points per additional



Oglah Khan 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 7

Wolfboy  4 4 3 3 3 1 2 1 6

Giant Wolf 9 3 0 3 3 1 2 1 3


EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, spear, bow, light

armour and shield.

TROOP TYPE: Cavalry.

SPECIAL RULES: Fast Cavalry. 

Ded Shooty: The constant wars of the hobgoblins and

the experience gained in fighting in the lands of the

east have allowed them to excel at mounted archery.Oglah Khan and his Wolfboyz do not suffer the usual-1 to hit penalty for moving and shooting or choosing

Stand & Shoot as a charge reaction.

Treacherous Gits: Unlike other Greenskins, Oglah

Khan‘s Hobgoblins are not subject to Animosity.

Instead they test for Treachery at the beginning of each

of your turns. Roll a D6. If you roll 2 or more, the unit

has passed the test and may fight normally. If the dice

roll is 1 then the unit has been affected by Treachery.

To determine what the unit does roll a D6 and consult

the table below. Note that you do not need to test if the

Hobgoblins are already engaged in hand-to-hand

combat, less than 5 models or fleeing.

D6 Result

1 Traitor! Oglah Khan decides the battle is

turning for the worse and his services will

 be better served fighting for the other side.

The Hobgoblins halt and shoot at the nearest

regiment in their own army! Turn theHobgoblins towards the unit and resolve the

shooting immediately.

 Note that shooting due to Treachery isworked out before normal shooting. The

Hobgoblins do nothing else this turn. Ifthere isn't an eligible victim, the Wolf Boyz

will Stay 'Ere instead (see below).

2-5 We Stayz ‘Ere! The Hobgoblins refuse the

shoot or charge the enemy, though

otherwise they may act normally.

6 Hiiyaaarrghh! The Hobgoblins decide to

fight till the bitter end! The unit unleashes

their battle-cry and launch themselves at

their foes, immediately moving D6‖towards the nearest visible enemy. If noenemy is visible, they instead move directly


If this move takes the unit into contact with

an enemy, they count as charging. An

enemy unit charged in this way may only

choose to hold or flee as a charge reaction.

MAGIC ITEMS:Pelt of Wulfag (Enchanted Item)

Wulfag was a legendary giant wolf, the steed of

 Khengai Khan, the founder of the Hobgoblin empire.

 Now it is strapped on the shoulders of Oglah Khan.The pelt was a gift from the Great Khan when Oglah

 still enjoyed the favour of the Lord of the Steppes. The

 Pelt carries an ancient blessing of the Hobgoblin

Shamans, so that no enemy who turns his back on the

 Hobgoblins can escape alive. It invigorates the bearer,allowing him to ride faster than normally possible.

When able to pursue a broken enemy, the Wolfboyz

must always do so, and they can add +D6 to their

 pursuit move.

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PIRAZZO'S LOST LEGION And as the Skinks sank back into the swamp in defeat, Lord Xtloli instructed his Temple Guard to

attack once more. This time a cloud of shards from the plunderers' machines slung our warriors

like a cloud of enraged hornets and they too were forced to retreat.Skink Scribe Manquixipolata on the battle against Pirazzo's Lost Legion

Pirazzo‘s Lost Legion

is all that remains of the

expedition sent to

Lustria by the

merchants of Tobaro.The regiment was one

of three recruited in

Tobaro from among the

reckless and poverty-

stricken youths of the

city. The promise ofuntold wealth to be

found in the jungles of

Lustria was a

temptation none could resist and they joined the

colours in droves.

Fernando Pirazzo was hired to command one of the

regiments. Although young, he was already an

experienced mercenary captain skilled in the art of war.

Before the expedition embraced, he trained his men in

the use of both pike and crossbow, the two traditionalweapons of Tilean mercenaries, foreseeing the

conditions that the regiment would encounter in the

 jungles of Lustria.

 No sooner had the expedition arrived in Lustrian

waters than it ran into trouble. When all themercenaries had disembarked, the sailors of the ships,

who were also mercenaries, weighed anchor and

abandoned them, taking the pay chests of the three

regiments with them. Of course, as a precaution against

an opposed landing, the pay chests had been left to last!Pirazzo had advised against this, but had been outvoted

 by the other two captains. Now the mercenaries

realized that he was by far the best leader and the other

two regiments mutinied. Their incompetent and

unfortunate captains were cast adrift on rafts in themangrove swamps and the mercenaries joined togetheras a single regiment under Pirazzo‘s command, calling

themselves the ‗Lost Legion‘.

Everybody knew that obeying Pirazzo‘s orders was

their best hope of survival, and so no one objected

when he insisted that the troops remain encamped onthe coast until everyone was trained to use both pike

and crossbow. After several weeks all the bad elements

among the stranded mercenaries were either dead,

executed or had split off into the jungle, to their

inevitable doom, in small groups. The rest were all

trained to Pirazzo‘s exacting standards and all men hecould rely on to obey his orders. Now he was ready to

lead them into the interior to adventure, riches or


After a grueling march, the Lost Legion came upon

some Lizardmen ruins. Cautiously they entered the

ruined city and soon found gold and gems in various

vaults and chambers. As the mercenaries were

marching out again, laden with treasures, theLizardmen launched a series of ambushes on the

causeways and amid the spawning ponds of the ruined

city. Thanks to Pirazzo‘s foresight in training his men

to use crossbows and pikes, none of the enemy could

get at the regiment in enough numbers to force them

off the causeway. Their first ambush met with a hail ofcrossbow bolts, while the second ran into massed

 pikes. In the afternoon, the Skinks met with crossbow

volleys again and later the Saurus were repulsed by the

 pikes. The losses among Skinks and Saurus were

terrible and soon the ponds were choked with scalycorpses.

Just when heat, thirst, and fatigue were almost beyond

endurance, the Mage Priest called off the attacks. The

enemy seemed to have the answer to both his

skirmishers and his shock troops and so he had to thinkof more cunning tactics. In the pause, Pirazzo found

himself considering the possibility of striking a deal

with the Mage Priest to serve him as a mercenary andultimately to return home rich. It was strangely as if the

idea had been put in his mind from somewhere else.



Do you want riches beyond

your wildest dreams?


(Trained in Lustria)

Recruiting now at the sign ofthe Upturned Halfling.

We know where the gold is!

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Quickly he ordered his men to put down their loot and

retreat along the causeway. He was obeyed without

question, though it broke the men‘s hearts to abandon

the gold! The regiment marched back into the ruins and

made camp in the plaza to await events, although

Pirazzo did not know what to expect. When the sunrose, the sentries were amazed to see not only the piles

of treasure returned to the mercenaries, less the biggest

and best tablets of gold, but also heaps of food and

great gourds of refreshing water. The plaza was lined

with Saurus warriors, permitting only one way out of

the ruins: to the south. The Lost Legion took the loot,the supplies and the road appointed for them.

The legion marched for many weeks to the south. They

did not encounter any more cities, but did find further

 piles of supplies along the route. Eventually they

entered an eerie landscape full of fetid swamps. Herethey were attacked by the Zombie hordes of the

Vampire Coast. Now it was clear that the priests had

sent Pirazzo against their most dreaded enemies. TheLost Legion fought valiantly and defeated the Undead

wherever they met them. At last they reached the sea.Here the mercenaries filled their knapsacks with

treasure from shipwrecks which they found scattered

along the coast. Then, taking the best timbers, they

repaired the most seaworthy of the decaying hulks and

 put to sea.

Just when the hulk was on the verge of sinking, Pirazzo

sighted land. It was the coast of Araby. Not long after

the Lost Legion marched inland, they were hired by

one of the emirs of the corsairs who were afraid of

what Pirazzo and his men might do if he didn‘t hirethem. Since then, Pirazzo‘s Lost Legion has fought itsway across Araby, Sartosa, and into Tilea once more,

serving many masters, winning great wealth and

recruiting the reckless and adventurous to the

regimental banner.


CAPTAIN: Fernando Pirazzo.

MOTTO: Trained in Lustria.

BATTLE-CRY: Death or riches!

APPEARANCE: The regiment wears polished brass

armour, green uniforms and green crests. They wear

their hair long.

POINTS: Pirazzo and four troopers including

Standard Bearer and Musician (these five models are

armed with crossbows), plus five troopers armed with

 pikes, cost a total of 140 points. This is the minimum

size of unit you can hire. The regiment may be

increased by adding extra Crossbowmen at a cost of 9

 points each and extra Pikemen at a cost of 5 points



Pirazzo 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8

Legionnaire  4 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7


EQUIPMENT: Pike or crossbow (see special rules

 below) and light armour. Pirazzo is equipped with two

hand weapons, a crossbow and heavy armour.

TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES:Mixed Formation: The forward ranks of Pirazzo‘s

unit are always made up of crossbow-armed figures,

and all Crossbowmen must be placed as far forward as

 possible. The subsequent ranks are entirely made up of

Pikemen. During the game, remove casualties from the

 back as normal. It is assumed that the pike-armed

models step forward and discard their pikes to pick up

the crossbows of the fallen first and second rankers.Only when all Pikemen have been killed, can casualties

 be taken from the Crossbowmen. 

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RICCO'S REPUBLICAN GUARD No, no, they didn‟t look dangerous, more like a bunch of rich kids out to show off their new armor.

Very flashy they were, all gems and silk. We‟ll have a bit of fun we thought. Easy pickings, we

thought. Well anyone can make a mistake. Poor old captain Malvino, last mistake he ever made...

Overheard in the Old‟ Pig and Whistle, Marienburg  

The Republican Guard was raised in Remas by a

group of rebellious merchants during the time ofdisastrous famines and widespread revolts that

 preceded the birth of the Republic. The regiment played a leading part in overthrowing thetyrannical Merchant Prince of Remas, the

notorious Omilo Mondo. It was upon one of theGuard‘s pikes that Mondo‘s head was paraded

around the city to the drunken applause of themob.

Fat Merchant

I propose that CitizenRiccobe put on trial for misappropriating therevenues of the Republic and executedwithout delay.

Another Fat Merchant Well said,CitizenRotundo! I second that proposal andfurther move that the Republican Guardbe disbanded  - they cost too much!

 [General nods of approval]

Young Noble Citizens! Whatingratitudeto the one man who has saved theRepublic.

Fat Merchant Who said that? Put thatman's name on. a fist! I move that we vote

on the matter without further ado.

Old Veteran

Wait! You can't do that.Thereisn't a quorum of Citizens present in theCouncil Chamber.

 [Enter Captain Ricco with a number ofmen]

Fat Merchant

Hail brave Captain Ricco,

saviour of the Republic! We were justtalking about you...

The revolt involved a great deal of vicious street

fighting, in which no mercy was shown by eitherfaction, and none asked for either. Several

captains of the Republican Guard fell in quicksuccession, often shot in the back by Mondo‘shenchmen who concealed themselves on the

rooftops or high up in the bell towers surroundingthe palace. In the thick of battle a common soldier

 by the name of Ricco, known as ‗Ragged‘ Ricco because of his torn and bloodied clothing,

assumed command. He seemed blessed by thewar-goddess herself and survived even the bloodiest hand-to-hand combat, despite fighting atthe forefront of battle.

With the Republic firmly established, theregiment was showered with praise and honours…if not much actual cash. Their bandaged woundsand numerous scars gave the young Guardsmen plenty of opportunity to talk about their courage in battle! The ladies of Remas proved verysympathetic to the poor wounded soldiers,

listening attentively to their tales of bravery andderring-do as they tended their wounds. The

Guardsmen felt justifiably proud of their torn and bloodstained uniforms and the bandages that proved what fine fighters they were! Another

good reason for their rough appearance was thatthe impoverished new Republic could not afford

much for their loyalty, and pay was usually wellin arrears!

Desperate to bring in some hard cash ‗Ragged‘Ricco led the Republican Guard in search of

employment in other Tilean cities. The Guardfought well and always made sure they were

 promptly paid by threatening to mutiny! Sincethey were far better fighters than any otherregiment in the army in which they happened to be serving, the cash was forthcoming in largeamounts, with a handsome share of any booty ontop.

The reputation of the regiment grew steadily andattracted new recruits from all over Tilea, usuallystrong young peasant lads fed up with tilling fieldsfor rich land owners. ‗Ragged‘ Ricco tramped thelength and breadth of Tilea and helped the citizensof many embattled cities to assert their rights

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against tyrants and oppressors. When the news ofthe regiment‘s success reached the ears of theRepublican Council they immediately sent forRicco. They felt that as a citizen of Remas,leading a regiment raised by pro-republicanmerchants, he owed them a share of thewagonloads of gold and spoils of war won by his


Back in Remas, Ricco and the Republican Guardsoon fell out over the share out, and Ricco orderedseveral wagons of loot to be taken out of the cityunder cover of darkness. When the council foundout, they voted Ricco‘s execution by a majority ofone. Ricco‘s loyal soldiers, who had fought side by side with him in many heroic battles, were inno mood to stand by while their beloved captainwas chopped into tiny bits and impaled on the

leaning tower of Remas! The regiment promptlyrescued Ricco from his dungeon in the tower,

routing all troops sent against them (whichoutnumbered them ten to one) in the process.

With Ricco at their head, the regiment marchedout of Remas with their loot. The citizens cheered

them from the rooftops, and a few tears were shed by the ladies of Remas who threw silken scarves

and handkerchiefs which the troopers tied abouttheir arms and helmets as a memento of thehospitality they had enjoyed. They marched out

from Tilea to Sartosa and travelled over the sea toEstalia, Bretonnia, the Empire, Kislev, and the

 beleaguered Border Princes, where the regimenthas continued to win fame and renown ever since.


CAPTAIN: ‗Ragged‘ Ricco.

MOTTO: Ricco‘s Republican Guard. The Price of


BATTLE-CRY: Liberty! Equity! Liquidity!

APPEARANCE: Ricco‘s Republican Guard wear

ornate, polished full-plate armour and red crested

helmets. They have bloodstained bandages tied around

their arms, legs or heads –  badges of courage of which

they are justifiably proud! Such is their popularity that

they also wear numerous silken scarves donated by

adoring ladies in grateful acknowledgement of their

services. Their armour is the best that money can buy,embellished with gems and gold plate, which is the

ideal way for a soldier of fortune to look good andcarry his wealth close to him.

POINTS: ‗Ragged‘ Ricco plus nine Pikemen,

including a Standard Bearer and Musician, cost a total

of 150 points. This is the minimum size of unit you can

hire. The regiment may be enlarged by adding extraPikemen at a cost of 8 points each.


Ricco 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8

Guard  4 4 3 3 3 1 3 1 7


EQUIPMENT: Pike and full plate armour. Ricco is

equipped with two hand weapons and full plate armour.

TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

In the Republic of Remas all Citizensare equal - anyone who's too tall has

his head chopped off, and anyonewho's too short gets stretched.Popular saying 

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RUGLUD'S ARMOURED ORCSRuglud Bonechewer is

a powerful and

wealthy Orc

mercenary who sells

his services all acrossthe known world, fromthe treacherous

Badlands in the south

up to through the

realm of the Boarder

Princes and

throughout the mountains surrounding the Empire.

Rumours suggest that even the Empire itself has hired

his services on occasion. Ruthless to the core, Ruglud's

only loyalty is to himself and he has been known to

change sides during battle if offered more payment

and, more importantly, more opportunity to loot and

 pillage. Over the years the band has equipped itselfwith a motley assortment of equipment, stripping

scraps of armour from countless defeated foes, and

always taking the crossbows and bolts that they prize

so highly.

Ruglud Bonechewer was once a mighty Orc warlord,

leading the Crooked Eye tribe to countless victories.

Uniting the local tribes, his army stormed through the

Grey Mountains and the World's Edge Mountains. He

staged numerous successful raids on Dwarf strongholdsand Empire towns, as well as upon various Goblin

tribes that refused to grovel before him.

Ruglud suffered one devastating defeat, many miles to

the east of the Old World, and in that defeat he also lost

his position as warlord of the Crooked Eye. Caught in acunning and well implemented ambush by a powerful

Chaos Dwarf force, his tribe were cut down in the

hundreds by the withering hail of missile fire that the

Chaos Dwarfs sent into their midst. The Orcs return

fire was unsurprisingly inaccurate. The heavy armour

worn by the Chaos Dwarfs deflected the few arrows the

found their targets.

As Ruglud fled, many of his tribe turned on him,

 blaming him in typical Orcish manner for the defeat.

Ruglud bullied a small group of Orcs into staying by

his side and fled with them to the south, pursued by

arrows and insults of his former tribe.

They came across an ancient, seemingly impenetrable

stronghold built into the mountainside. It appeared to

 be deserted, and the superstitious Orcs cowered at thesound of the wind howling over its blackened

 battlements. As they picked their war around the huge

 boulders at the base of the stronghold walls, the

smallest member of the group, the runt known only as

"Maggot", tripped and fell. Ruglud blinked in surprise,

for the Goblin had disappeared from sight. Momentslater, he stuck his head through a hole in the ground,

exclaiming that he had found a tunnel.

The Orcs refused to enter the tunnel, scared of the "bad

sprits" that inhabited the stronghold. Ruglud pushed the

Orcs aside roughly, determined to show them that he

was not afraid. Besides, he thought, there might be

something looting inside. Ruglud grabbed Maggot bythe scruff of the neck, forcing him to walk in front ofhim into the low tunnel.

They came upon a scene of devastation, the aftermath

of a titanic battle in the tunnels and grand halls of what

must have been a Dwarf stronghold. Dwarf bodies lay

strewn across the floors in the unbelievable numbers,

and at first it looked to Ruglud as if the dwarf had been

fighting each other. As he looked closer at the bodies,

he saw that some were the Chaos Dwarfs that he had

suffered his great defeat against.

Bloodied armour and weapons were scattered acrossthe stone floor. At Ruglud's feet lay a Dwarf crossbow,

which he picked up absently in one huge hand. His

gaze lingered on the weapon as a sizable lump of

masonry suddenly fell on his thick head, and a moment

of inspiration washed over him. The unexpected

thought filled his cunning Orcish mind: "If ya can't

 beat em, join em!" He began to strip the armour of the

Dwarf bodies, haphazardly strapping the plates to his

oversized frame.

Climbing out of the hole, he stood before his Orc

followers who fell back before him. With a strange,

determined look in his eyes, he growled at the Orcs:"We'll show 'em how it's done."

Thus Ruglud's Armoured Orcs were formed, the onlyknown band of Orcs to implement the combination of

armour and crossbow. They are still disliked and

distrusted by other Orc tribes, but their fighting

qualities are grudgingly accepted. Wherever the band

travels, it fights for gold and for food, and for the

chance to strip the enemy of anything worth taking.


CAPTAIN: Ruglud Bonechewer.

MOTTO: "We'll show 'em how it's done."

BATTLE-CRY: ―Gobbos fer dinner! Gobbos fer tea!

Gobbos when u want ‘em! Gobbos for me!‖ (Note: the

Orcs will substitute the word ‗Gobbos‘ with something

appropriate to the occasion, eg, ‗Stunties‘, ‗‘Umies‘ or


APPEARANCE: Ruglud and 'is ladz wear heavy

armour made from scrap found on the battlefield,

including breastplates and shields, which they have

strapped to their arms and upper body for protection.

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POINTS: Ruglud, Maggot, a Musician and seven

Armoured Orcs cost a total of 190 points. This is the

minimum size regiment you can hire. The size of the

regiment may be increased at the cost of 10 points per



Ruglud 4 5 3 4 5 2 3 3 8Maggot  4 4 3 3 3 1 2 1 6

Armoured Orc 4 3 3 3 4 1 2 1 7


EQUIPMENT: Choppa, crossbow and heavy


TROOP TYPE: Infantry.


Ignore Greenskin Panic: Ruglud and his ArmouredOrcs have great disdain for their own kind. When a

friendly Greenskin unit is destroyed, breaks or flees

 past their unit, Ruglud and his Orcs (including Maggot)

do not need to test for Panic.

Choppa: Ruglud‘s Armoured Orcs carry brutal

cleavers and clubs, and add +1 to their Strength in the

first round of combat. (Note that Maggot does not carry

a choppa, just a normal hand weapon).

Maggot: Maggot the Goblin accompanies Ruglud

wherever he goes, acting as his standard bearer. He has

survived countless battles and is regarded as a lucky

mascot. His presence encourages the Orcs to fight all

the more fiercely. The banner that Maggot

enthusiastically waves adds +2 to combat resolutionrather than +1.

Animosity: Ruglud‘s Orcs suffer from Animosity like

any other Greenskin unit, and must test each turn so

long as the unit is not engaged Close Combat, is not

fleeing, and numbers at least five models.In the Start of the Turn phase roll a D6 for Ruglud's

Armoured Orcs —  on a 2+ the unit passes the test and

moves/fights normally this turn. On a roll of 1 the unit

fails the test. To determine what happens, roll a D6 and

consult the table below:

D6 Result

1-2 Let’s show ’em what these crossbows can

do!Ruglud‘s Armoured Orcs shoot at the

closest unit, friend or foe. All models in theunit can fire without movement penalty at

the nearest target in any direction, ignoring

the usual restrictions for line of sight and

fire arcs –  this is an exception to the normal

rules for shooting. The shots are worked out

immediately, not in the Shooting phase, andthe models themselves are not moved. The

unit cannot do anything else that turn. If

there are no units within range, the unit

Squabbles instead.

3-6 Squabble. An internal squabble amongstthe ranks soon grows into a minor riot with

fists and curses flying. This throws the unit

into disorder and prevents all moving and

shooting this turn. The unit can do nothing

this turn, while Ruglud cracks heads

together to restore order. 

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Ruglud was pleased. He had heard rumours of much activity onthe other side of the great mountains, and had managed to bullythe Black Spider tribe into hiring his services when he heardthey were making the journey. Ruglud and his mercenaries hadtravelled beneath the great mountains with the tattooed Goblintribe, though the forest-dwellers disliked being so far beneaththe earth. The superstitious Goblins had cowered at the slightestnoise in the darkness, and stared in wide-eyed, bewildered

wonder at the crossbows strapped to the backs of Ruglud and hiscompany. Since emerging into the twisted forest on the otherside of the mountains, the fighting had been almost constant.The crazed Goblin Shaman Stikrit had paid Ruglud well. givinghim first pickings of the bodies. And there had been lots ofbodies in the last week.

A savage, braying roar echoed beneath the dark canopy of trees.Ruglud slapped a crossbow bolt into place, his huge handsworking the mechanism with surprising dexterity. His massiveframe was covered in scraps of armour stripped from defeatedfoes: some pieces were black and spiked. others were painted incoloured lacquer, while still other pieces were long rusted.Attired similarly in an assortment of mismatched armour, theOrcs around him mirrored his actions, readying their crossbows.

Dark, hunched shapes raced through the trees towards the linesof Goblins. Cloven hoofs pounded the wet soil as twistedBeastmen ducked under branches and leapt over fallen logs.Their faces were contorted masks of brutish hatred, lips fleckedwith foam curling back to expose sharp teeth. Tall horns rosefrom their brows, and they carried huge, crude axes in theirhands.

Maggot, the small Goblin that stood at Ruglud's side, looked upat the large Orc.

"Third lot this week. Good for business, eh boss? " Rugludmerely grunted in response.

The Black Spider Shaman Stikrit turned his gaze towardsRuglud. His eyes were glazed behind the spider tattoo coveringhis face, a result of self-induced toxins racing through his body.

"Kill them." the Shaman stated flatly.

Ruglud grinned menacingly at the Goblin leader, huge brokenteeth protruding at all angles from his maw, and swung hiscrossbow up towards the rapidly approaching Beastmen. A boltsliced through the air from the crossbow of one of the Orcs,embedding itself harmlessly in a tree.

"Not before my signal!" bellowed Ruglud, turning and punching

the Orc in the face with a huge, balled fist.Grumbling, Ruglud raised his crossbow once more, squintingone eye to focus on one of the approaching creatures. a twistedbeast with bloody, swirling patterns painted on its fur. As theBeastmen got rapidly closer, the drugged Shaman looked atRuglud in alarm. Concern for his personal well-being pushedthrough the mind-altering toxins that coursed through his veins.Ruglud's large, fleshy tongue protruded from the side of hismouth as he concentrated on his target.

"Nail 'em!" Ruglud shouted at the last moment.

A flurry of black bolts hurtled through the air, many thuddinginto trees along the way, but still more finding their mark. The

first wave of Beastmen fell to the ground, their cries of painsounding strangely Human. The target Ruglud himself had

picked out rolled on the ground, blood frothing around the boltprotruding from its throat.

Waving a bundle of bones wrapped in hair, the Shamanscreeched an incantation. A pair of Beastmen running towardshim fell to the ground as if pole-axed, blood pouring from theircars and broad noses.

As his vision shifted and shimmered before him. Stikrit grinnedmaniacally at the feeling of power, and spittle dribbled down hischin.

The Orcs quickly began to load more bolts in their crossbowsas another herd of Beastmen raced towards them. The smell ofblood seemed to drive them into a frenzy, and they leapt,snorting and bellowing, over their fallen comrades. On eitherside of Ruglud's Orcs, the Beastmen had reached the lines ofGoblins, and had begun to butcher the diminutive Greenskins,axes rising and falling in brutal, bloody arcs. Shaman Stikritsmiled to himself, pleased that he himself was standing with hisOrc hirelings.

Great black spiders dropped from the darkened canopy above,

tattooed Goblins clinging onto their bristling backs. They fellon the Beastmen, latching into their muscular forms withspindly black limbs before biting downwards with vicious,venom-coated fangs.

Ruglud and his Orcs loosed another volley of bolts into thechaotic mass of creatures.

At such close range, many of the barbed crossbow bolts punchedright through the unarmoured bodies, and another line of thefoul beings fell screaming into the undergrowth. Ruglud noticedthat the creatures were not all the same, as he had first thought.Some of them did not look like beasts at all, but more likeHumans. albeit particularly malformed ones. One of them had a

series of barbed tentacles sprouting from its bare chest, each onewrithing uncontrollably, making Ruglud feel oddly queasy. Thecreature's face was a mask of agony and despair.

"Get 'em!" roared Ruglud. His Orcs needed no encouragement,and they swung their crossbows over their shoulders, drawingtheir crude but brutally effective cudgels and cleavers. Theyleapt to meet the Beastmen and mutants head on, and the twoforces clashed with terrible force and savagery. Ruglud swunghis huge blade with immense power behind the blow. Theweapon sank deep into the shoulder of a heavily muscledcreature, nearly severing the limb. He bashed his crossbow, heldin his left hand into the creature's fact. Before it had a chance toretaliate, Ruglud pulled his blade free, and swung it again, this

time backing deeply into the creature's neck.The Orcs and creatures of Chaos exchanged blows, both groupsignoring injuries that would have instantly felled a Human.Blood flowed freely, the Orcs relishing the fight against suchtough opponents. Almost as tough as Orcs, Ruglud thoughtwith grudging respect as he hammered another opponent to theground with several powerful blows.

Through the press of bodies he could see a large shape pushingto the front of the fighting. The Beastmen and mutants drewback from this figure and lowered their gaze as it passed. Thisnew enemy wore a heavy fur cloak over completely enclosed,ornate black armour. A pair of wickedly curved, serrated swordswere held firmly in black gauntleted hands. Ruglud stared at the

warrior's finely wrought armour in wide-eyed greed.

‖Dat one's mine!"

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TICHI-HUICHI'S RAIDERS By Grungi! Great value for money, these Lizards. They fight for only a couple of mere strips of

 gold! Dwarf Lord Borik, on hiring Tichi –Huichi‟s Raiders. 

On the five thousandth cycle of the sun, at the

equinox of Topec, on the meridian of the SerpentStar a spawning occurred in the sacred pools ofthe ruined temple Enxilada. All sacred plaques

which might have predicted this spawning hadlong since been destroyed. The temple was remotefrom the city of Zlatlan in the South Lands andhad been abandoned for a long time. No SlannMage-Priest had turned their minds in thisdirection for many years and the spawning wentunnoticed. Indeed it was a sporadic spawning,evoked purely by the unusual portents and astralconjunctions. It was perhaps the mysterious willof Sotek.

Only one mature Lizardman was there to witnessthe spawning. It was Tichi-Huichi. He watched

over the ruined temple and chanted the salute tothe sun as it rose every day. He was the lastEnxilada, all others having perished years agofrom a mysterious pestilence.

Tichi-Huichi saw that the markings upon theSkink spawn in the sacred pools were good. They

were indeed favored by the gods. He feltsomehow privileged and chosen for such a thingto occur in his time. He watched as the tadpoles

reached maturity and came out upon the land to bask. He could see that they were of the greater

crested kind, the sort who could master the ColdOnes. This thought gripped the mind of Tichi-

Huichi and he went to look in the dark cavernsdeep below the ruins. His expectations werecorrect and a symbiotic spawning had occurred

here as well. The eggs had hatched and the tinyHorned Ones, a rare race of Cold Ones, bore

similar markings to the Skinks. It was certainlythe will of the Old Ones that these spawnings

should occur at the same time.

A few years later Tichi-Huichi had trained therising generation of Skinks in all the lore ofEnxilada that he knows that he knew. They looked

upon him as their mentor and leader. Over thesame time the Horned Ones had grown to full sizeand already the Skinks were taming and ridingthem. It happened almost naturally, the empathy between the species was preordained. One becamemaster to the other.

It was at this moment that the mind of the SlannMage-Priest in faraway Zlatlan focused onEnxilada. Profound thoughts were evoked withinthe alert mind of Tichi-Huichi. Now his purpose became clear. His duty to the Old Ones was tolead the chosen regiment that had been spawned by their will. It was the season of monsoon. In thefetid, steamy nights that followed, Tichi-Huichiwas troubled by dreams. He perceived faraway places, and strange races and creatures. In theirmidst he became aware of the presence of great

treasures- potent talismans of the Old Ones, things

which had been looted from Enxilada and other places, sacred artifacts which the Old Onesdesired him to bring back.

 Now Tichi-Huichi knew his mission and the purpose of the spawning. His destiny was clear. It

was he who had been chosen to go out into thewider regions to find and bring back the relics thatthe Old Ones had revealed to him. Following hisinstinct and allowing the thoughts of those greaterthen himself to direct his plans, Tichi-Huichi set

out, leading his fine regiment of Cold One Riders.They had not been idle during the monsoon. They

had mastered the techniques of riding and fighting

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from Cold Ones. It had come upon them as if byinstinct. Instruction had hardly been necessary.

On encountering the first settlement of 'new ones',who happened to be a nomadic tribe of Arabians,Tichi-Huichi remained enigmatic, seeking only tofollow the current of events unfolding before him

 by the will of the gods. The Arabian Sheikh, awe-struck at the sight of a real Al Saurim before hisvery eyes, seemed eager to hire Tichi-Huichi'sregiment. Many treasures were cast upon the sand before him, but he merely blinked his yellow eyesat their brightness in the glare of the sun. Then hecaught sight of a sacred talisman that he had seenin his dream and let out a rasping croak of delight.The Sheikh laughed and gave it to Tichi-Huichi.A deal had been struck. The regiment rode withthe Arabians on many raids into the land of

 Nehekhara. Tombs were pillaged in the outlyingnecropolises of that desolate land. Then came the

day when Skeleton warriors rose up from thesands and then slew the Arabians to the last man, but Tichi-Huichi's Raiders fought them to a

standstill in the scorching sun. Then the LichePriest raised his staff and stayed the Skeleton

warriors. He brought out a bundle of rags andunwrapped the object concealed within. Tichi-

Huichi saw the sacred plaque of his second dream.

Tichi-Huichi signalled for the standard to bedipped. The priest understood. The quarrel wasended and instead, Tichi-Huichi was recruited intothe army of the Tomb King, who sat enthronedwithin his pyramid and seemed to be animatedwith an inspired thought, as if from afar. Therefollowed years of fighting along the northern

margins of the desert. Dwarfs were the quarry.They were easily pursued and caught as the vainlytried to escape, laden down with plunder.

One day, Tichi-Huichi pursued for several daysand ventured too far. The Dwarfs were standingready to die, and there was an uneasy pause beforethe last charge. Then Tichi-Huichi saw a statue ofthe monkey god out of a rucksack of a Dwarf. Awell-aimed dart struck the strap, and the bag fellopen. The golden statue tumbled out. As the

Dwarf struggled to gather up his ill-gotten loot,his lord's hefty, hob-nailed boot imprinted itself

upon his round behind: "Leave it, Grongi!" hesnarled "It's our only chance, lad!" The Dwarfsedged back and Tichi-Huichi signaled forward a

Skink to recover the sacred statue; the onerevealed in his third dream. The Dwarfs warily

turned and began to march away, shadowed at adistance by the Skink Cold One Riders.

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So it went on to this day. The Dwarf Lord ofBarak-Varr, in a strange meeting in which theDwarf Lord believed he was advised to hire theSkinks by a long-dead ancestor, hired Tichi-Huichi. Even so, the bargaining had been long, but three gold plaques had done the trick betterthan a massive chest of gems. Strange creatures

these Lizardmen, thought the Dwarfs, but greatvalue for the money! And so a Dwarf wouldthink! One who was accustomed to valuing gold by its weight alone; a creature ignorant of theintentions of the gods; one for whom sacred plaques are just so much metal to get melteddown! Did they not know that the Old Ones wroteon gold only because is imperishable!

And so Tichi-Huichi's Raiders fought against Orcsand Goblins. Then they were hired them in their

turn, serving Goblin chiefs who were convincedthat Mork or Gork or both had inspired them.

They fought battles and regained many more lostrelics. With every change of the fortune, a sacredartifact appeared. Though the masters he served

might flee or be wiped out utterly, strangelyTichi-Huichi's Raiders were still there at the end

of every battle. Mysteriously their foes alwayssaw the wisdom of hiring them, and the futility of

a fight in which the Skinks would slaughter many before dying themselves. Without knowing aword of mannish or Orcish or Khazalid or Elvin

tongue, a deal was always struck. Were thethoughts of their foes directed by some greater

mind, enthroned upon a pyramid temple in Zlatlan perhaps? Inscrutable are the ways of the OldOnes!


CAPTAIN: Tichi-Huichi

MOTTO: Cold-Blooded efficiency.

BATTLE-CRY: "Tupyn tzlaga anapaq quito qrizliz"(rough translation: Get out of the way because the

Horned Ones are thirsty!)

APPEARANCE: Tichi-Huichi's Raiders are light

green skinned with red crests and scales. Tichi-Huichi

himself is a crimson red and he has a black crest and

scales. The Raiders wield short spears that are

obsidian-tipped and coated in poisons from the jungles

of Lustria, as well as small round shields to deflect the blows of their attackers. The Raider's Horned One

mounts are black skinned with red scales and more

often than not, the blood of the enemies of the Old

Ones dripping from their mouths.

POINTS: Tichi-Huichi and four Skink Horned One

Riders including a Standard Bearer and Musician cost

185 points. This is the minimum unit you can hire. The

regiment may be increased by adding more Skink

Horned One Riders at +20 points each.


Tichi-Huichi 6 4 5 4 3 2 6 3 7Gt. Crested Skink   6 2 3 3 2 1 4 1 6

Horned One 8 3 0 4 4 1 3 2 5


EQUIPMENT: Hand weapons, spears and shields.

TROOP TYPE: Cavalry.

SPECIAL RULES: Fast Cavalry, Scaly Skin (6+),

Poisoned Attacks (Skinks only). 

Cold-blooded: Skinks are cold-blooded and slow to

react to psychology. Roll three dice when testing

against Leadership and choose the two lowest scores.

Horned Ones: Horned Ones cause Fear and give their

rider +2 to their Armour saves in place of the usual +1

for mounted troops.

Blessed by the Old Ones: Tichi-Huichi and his Skink

Cold One Riders enjoy the special favour of the Old

Ones. They belong to a portentous spawning, broughtforth for a mission devised untold millennia ago, and

consequently a mysterious aura of protection pervadesthe regiment. A strange, tropical fatigue descends on

the foe, securing Tichi-Huichi‘s chance to get away. 

Enemies will never pursue Tichi-Huichi‘s Raiders ifthey beat them in combat.

On a Mission from the Gods: Tichi-Huichi regularly

has dreams or has visions which lead him on a search

to recover lost artefacts of the Lizardmen which are

deemed vital by the Serpent God Sotek.

Roll a D6 when Tichi-Huichi's Raiders successfully

charge a unit containing an enemy character; on a 4+Tichi-Huichi recognizes one of the items carried by the

enemy character (be they magical or mundane) to be

the artefact seen in his dreams. Tichi-Huichi and his

unit will fight all the harder to recover this item, and

will benefit from the Devastating Charge rule this turn.

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VESPERO'S VENDETTA A poisoned knife between the ribs is the sort of gift that most mercenary generals wish on their foes,

but few would relish themselves. This keeps assassins like Vespero in constant employment, if only

to make sure they‟re not working for the other side!  

The rivalry between

the merchants ofTilea is so violent

that everyone ofconsequence hires bodyguards. These

 bodyguards protect

their master from plotters, assassins,

rebels, and the like.Inevitably

 bodyguards end upfighting in the streetswith the bodyguards

of rivals. Street battles frequently break out in thenarrow alleys and piazzas of Tilean cities in times of

war, revolt, or civil disturbance, or in other words,

 pretty much every day!

It is said that Stabbio the Bad, exiled Prince of

Luccini, was the first to train his bodyguards asexpert duellists, armed in what has since become the

traditional duellist style. Others started to copy thisinnovative style of fighting after suffering at the

hands of Stabbio‘s henchmen! 

Contract ofemployment

Duke Gaston de Baguette of theChateau Miral graciously agrees

to hire the mercenary CaptainVespero and his brave company ofwarriors as his personal bodyguardfor the sum of 80 gold coins per


In return, Vespero and his menagree to provide for the safety ofthe person of the esteemed Duke

and his family and to protect themfrom vile assassins and cutthroats. 

A Prince finding himself an exile or a fugitive from

his city is wise to hire a band of freelance duellistsand use their services to regain or usurp power.

Indeed, not only Princes but also adventurers,ambassadors, and explorers often hire an escort ofduellists who will appear to the uninitiated to be

ordinary travelling companions until they are

required to cast aside their cloaks to protect theirmaster. Various mercenary generals have even hired

duellists for use in battle, to protect the vulnerableflanks and rear of their mercenary pike companies. 

The most notorious band for hire in Tilea and thelands beyond is that of Vespero: a young and

reckless nobleman, much given to self indulgenceand dubious escapades. Vespero is known as ‗The

Wasp‘ because of his personal duelling style which

is best summed up as stubborn persistence ending ina very nasty sting! Vespero was the younger son of a powerful merchant in Luccini, but due to a quarrel

with a rival family over the favors of a noble lady,he was forced into exile in Verezzo where he joined

a mercenary bodyguard. Unfor tunately, Vespero‘sromantic adventures got him into trouble here as

well and his expert skill resulted in the untimely endof so many noble youths in the city that theirfamilies all swore vendettas against him and put a bounty of one million gold ducats on his head!Hunted through the streets by rival duellists, he

 barely escaped from the city with his life.

From that moment, Vespero, together with his band

of reckless young duellists (hand-picked by him as

the best exponents of their art) were up for hire tothe highest bidder. They soon earned a notoriousreputation, not only in street fights but in various

 battles, coups, and revolts throughout Tilea and beyond.

Recently, Vespero turned up in Miragliano, where

Borgio gave him the opportunity to get even with his pursuers as part of the great Prince‘s politicalintrigues. After the last and most successful

assassination attempt of Borgio, and the streetfighting in Miragliano which followed, Vespero

disappeared, although he was in no way implicated

since he had been paid well and so was presumablyas loyal as could be expected. His motive is more

likely to be to seek out those behind Borgio‘s demiseto get posthumous revenge as a final act of loyalty tohis former protector. Who knows where Vespero

will turn up next?

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Assassination's a dirty job, butsomeone's got to do it!



CAPTAIN: Vespero.

MOTTO: Vengeance with a Smile.

BATTLE-CRY: Prepare to Die!

APPEARANCE: The duellists of Vespero‘s

Vendetta wear tight-fitting, black clothing and carry a

cloak. They are youthful and agile, wear their hair long

and dress in the latest Tilean styles. They are armedwith an elegant duelling sword and a left-handed

dagger, as well as carrying numerous throwing kniveson their person. The daggers are used to parry

opponents‘ sword thrusts and its hilt is therefore

shaped so as to catch an adversary‘s blade. These

weapons are kept concealed beneath their cloak so that

the duellists can accompany their master, carry

messages for him, or walk the streets of the city

without attracting unnecessary attention or revealing

that they are armed. In combat, the cloak itself is used

to skilfully parry and catch opponents‘ weapon strikes.Vespero, like many of his men, has several impressive

duelling scars.

POINTS: Vespero and four Duellists cost a total of130 points. This is the minimum size of unit you can

hire. The regiment may be enlarged by adding extra

models at a cost of +9 points each.


Vespero 4 6 5 4 4 2 6 3 8

Duellist  4 4 3 3 3 1 4 1 7


EQUIPMENT: Two hand weapons, throwing knives

and cloaks.

TROOP TYPE: Infantry.

SPECIAL RULES: Killing Blow (Vespero only),


Cloak & Dagger: The duellists are armed with twohand weapons –  a sword and a dagger. The duellists

also carry a cloak which is draped over the dagger arm,

with both the cloak and dagger used to parry and catchan opponent‘s weapon thrusts in hand-to-hand combat.

Vespero and the Duellists have a 6+ Parry save, even if

attacked in the flank or rear.

MAGIC ITEMS:Grimacing Death Mask (Enchanted Item) Vespero likes to hide his identity behind a mask when

he prowls the narrow alleys, pursuing the dubious

 political ambitions of whatever Prince he is serving at

the time. The mask, which represents the grimacing

 face of death, is the last thing Vespero‟s duelling

opponents see before they meet their sudden end. 

Models in base contact with Vespero lose one attack inthe first round of Close Combat. This has no effect on

models Immune to Psychology.

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VOLAND'S VENATORS It‟s not just losing, it‟s losing to them. They‟re barely even proper soldiers. No discipline, no

uniforms, and the worst breath you‟ve ever smelt on anyone that wasn‟t an Ogre. So why do they

 fight like the personal guard of the Emperor?

Count Emmerschein von Mirrenburg

Voland came to Tilea from

somewhere within the

Empire. At the time he was

 just one of many mercenary

heroes hired by the Tileans in

the never-ending wars. He

rose to prominence as leader

of a band of mercenary

knights called the Venators,

which means ‗hunters‘ in low

Tilean. The motives of

Voland and his brother knights could not have beenmore different from the Bretonnian or even the Empire

traditions of knighthood! They were soldiers of fortune

interested only in two things, namely money andspending it! They were also expert cavalry whose

thunderous charge could scatter the deepest enemy

formations –  something which the Tileans desperately

needed, but lacked until that time.

Those who joined Voland were often as not thedispossessed, and frequently disgraced, sons of the rich

and famous, owning nothing but magnificent suits of

armor and well-bred warhorses. Their ambitions turned

mainly to fighting and money though not necessarily inthat order. Not only were they good at fighting, but

they were eager to practice and get even better. These

young wastrels were joined by renegade knights from

the Empire, and one or two Bretonnian Knights Errant

who somehow forgot their noble errands, leading to a

lot of good humoured rivalry and brawling.

Voland decreed that the Venators should abandon all

identifying family crests and adopt new names in order

to obscure their true origins. It is rumoured that Voland

himself was really the disgraced son of some well-

known Empire count. There were also rumours that he

was none other than the bastard son of the Emperor!Voland himself never sought to affirm or contradict

any of these tales, which consequently grew ever more

elaborate and unlikely over the years. The story that he

was the shameful offspring of the Fay Enchantress of

Bretonnia and an extraordinarily intelligent, one-eyed pig called Eric is one of the less credible yarns spun

about Voland‘s mysterious past. 

Voland‘s Venators fought their way through the Old

World hiring themselves out for gold, which they spent

mainly on debauched drinking sessions in which wine

was consumed by the gallon. For a while they travelled

east where they were hired by some of the moredesperate of the Border Princes, tenaciously holding on

to their tiny realms in the Orc-infested wastes. For

entertainment between battles the Venators joust

against each other while their companions make

wagers on the outcome. It is quite common for

Venators to be seriously injured or even killed in these

fights, or in the drunken brawls which inevitably

follow. The regiment is accompanied on the march by

a long baggage train of servants, grooms, and raucous

camp followers piled on top of trundling wagons

loaded with casks of looted wine. The noise of their

camp can be heard miles away.

Voland and his men once shocked Bretonnian chivalry by their sheer audacity of turning up at the great

tourney of Couronne with their armour still tarnished

with the mud and blood of Kislevite battlefields.Despite nursing gargantuan hangovers and against all

expectations the Venators unhorsed the King‘s

champion and a score of the best knights in the realm.

The King of Bretonnia was so incensed that he swore

Voland would never enter his realm again except in

chains! Despised by Bretonnian knights and shunned by knights of the Empire, the Venators care not a fig!

They have fought in many hard battles, against the

worst of enemies, in places where nobler and more

sober knights have never been seen.

For HireVoland's Venators

The Answerto all your...

Outstanding Territorial ClaimsPretensions to Power

Political Opposition

Ungrateful Subjects

Treacherous Relatives

Noisy Neighbours?

No questions asked!

The cost?very reasonable

Find us at the sign of the Slaughtered Orc  

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THE SONG OF VOLANDWe are Voland's VenatorsThe drunken cavalry!We cannot march, we cannot fightWhat wretched knights are we!

But when we see the enemyOur heads are very clearWe charge straight for their baggage campAnd liberate their gear!

One of the favourite drinking songs of Voland'sVenators (the others are too rude to print).



MOTTO: Voland‘s Venators. The Answer. NoQuestions Asked.

BATTLE-CRY: Last One to Die‘s a Sissy! 

APPEARANCE: The regiment wears burnished

 brass armour and no heraldry except a V sign.

POINTS: Voland and four Venators cost a total of

200 points including a Standard Bearer and Musician.

This is the smallest unit you can hire. The regiment

may be enlarged by adding extra models at a cost of 25

 points each.


Voland 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 8

Venator   4 4 3 4 3 1 3 1 8

Warhorse 8 3 0 3 3 1 3 1 5


EQUIPMENT: Hand weapon, lance, full plate

armour, shield, barded warhorse.

TROOP TYPE: Cavalry.

SPECIAL RULES: Drunken Cavalry: More often than not, Voland and

his fellow knights will turn up to the battle still nursing

hangovers. They are even known to carry a smallflagon of wine or other alcohol with them as they ride

into battle. The effect of their drinking combined with

their hard fought experience in countless battles against

the worst of enemies lends them a sort of courage not

found among nobler knights.

Voland‘s Venators may always re-roll failed

Psychology tests. However, their ill-disciplined manner

also means they must re-roll successful tests to March,

Reform and Restrain from Pursuit.

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“ I already could smell the vampire‟s foul breath and saw his pointy teeth shimmering. I thought of

my Martha. Two shots rang through the night and the two ghostly figures to the left and right of the

count of darkness fell to the ground. Filled with rage, the vampire turned to face the new adversary.

 A sudden chant, almost like a prayer, seemed although to slow his movements. I assume that the shiny tip of the stake was the last thing his und ead eyes cast their sight upon.”  Mercenary Marcel Wilbendorf on the victory at Drakenhof  

In the grim

reality of the Old

World, secretcults plot the

coming of Chaos,Sorcerers meddle

with dark magicsand the Undead

stalk the earth.But there are

those who battleagainst the

unnatural horrorsof the Old World. They are the Witch Hunters –  driven men who wander the Old World rooting out


Witch Hunters are a secret order of scattered men,

obsessed with the destruction of Chaos, Undead,mutants, deviants, unbelievers, blasphemers and

 potentially anyone else except other Witch Hunters.

Many people find their fanaticism disturbing andtheir extreme beliefs threatening, so the Witch

Hunters are rarely welcome to stay anywhere forlong. Who know who will fall under suspicion next?

A single wrong word may condemn you!

Johann van Hel is perhaps the most famous of all the

Witch Hunters of the age, the slayer of the Vampire

Gunther von Blodfel and the man who purged thehaunted castle of Reikwald. Where he comes from

and why he has chosen to become a Witch Hunter,remain unknown. Johann does not talk about his past

and it is unwise to question this grim and moodyman about things he does not want to discuss. But

those who are well versed in the Lore of the Empireknow that he shares the name of the infamous Van

Hel, the dreaded Necromancer of ancient times. Allof the descendants of Van Hel have strived to atone

for the evil deeds of their ancestor, but withoutsuccess. For each evil Sorcerer destroyed ten newones step onto the path of Damnation. For every

Vampire slain an entire noble family will be infectedthe curse of Vampirism. One can only guess the

weight of guilt and angst that Johann carries.

Johann has only one companion, and he is not part

of the order of Witch Hunters. He is Wilhelm

Hasburg, a priest of Sigmar whose temple was burned by Chaos worshipers. Some say he became

insane watching his life's work go up in flames, butnone dare to dispute his faith and piety, which he

shows with horrific self-mutilation and ceaseless prophesies of the end of the world.

It is believed that his faith and continuous prayers protect him from evil magic, and he is certainly able

to crush the skull of any blasphemer, using the staff

he found in the ruins of his temple.

When facing supernatural foes, many desperategenerals draw the Mark of the Hammer on roads

signs and town gates, calling the legendary Witch

Hunters to come their aid. Johann will offer hisservices to anyone who is willing to pay. All of the

gold that he does not need himself is donated to thechurch of Sigmar.

So when the forces of Undeath threaten or thedarkness of Chaos falls upon the Old World, Johann

van Hal and Wilhelm come. They face the most

terrible foes without fear, and attack foul Undead or

terrifying Daemons with cold fury and hatred burning in their eyes. After the battle they claimtheir prize and depart without a word. Most are glad

to see them go.

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CAPTAIN: Johann van Hal.

MOTTO: Burn Them All!

BATTLE-CRY: "It's a Witch!" is not Johann's

official battle cry, but is often the last thing hisopponents hear.

APPEARANCE: Johann wears a white coat and

 black cloak, topped off with a broad-brimmed hat.

Wilhelm wears a long brown robe, and carries a

number of holy Sigmarite relics on him.

POINTS: Johann van Hal and Wilhelm Hasburg cost

a total of 190 points. Johann is worth 80 points and

Wilhelm is worth 110 pts. 

M WS BS S T W I A LdJohann van Hal 4 5 5 4 4 2 5 3 9

Wilhelm Hasburg  4 4 3 4 4 2 4 2 8

UNIT SIZE: Johann van Hal and Wilhelm Hasburg. 

EQUIPMENT: Johann carries a brace of pistols, an

assorted collection of stakes, holy relics and the Stake

of Sigmar. Wilhelm is armed with the Holy Staff and

carries the great book –  the Hammer of Witches. 

TROOP TYPE: Infantry (Character).

SPECIAL RULES: Immune to Psychology,

Hatred, Skirmishers (unless joining a non-

skirmishing unit). 

Battle Prayers: Wilhelm is granted exceptional

 powers by his divine patron which he can wield tosmite his foes in battle.

Wilhelm knows the three Battle Prayers listed below.

Battle Prayers are innate bound spells (power level 3).

Battle Prayers are augment spells that target Wilhelm

and his unit.


Hammer of Sigmar: Wilhelm and his unit may re-roll failed To Wound rolls in close combat until the

start of the next friendly Magic phase.

 Shield of Faith: Wilhelm and his unit gain a 5+Ward save against all Wound inflicted in close

combat until the start of the next friendly Magic


 Soulfire: Wilhelm and his unit gain the Flaming

Attacks special rule until the start of the next friendly

Magic phase. In addition, when cast, all enemy

models in base contact with Wilhelm suffer a

Strength 4 hit. Undead, and models with theDaemonic special rule in base contact suffer a

Strength 5 hit instead, with no armour save allowed.

Divine Power: Wilhelm is blessed by Sigmar and can

invoke the god‘s protection against the sorcerous

 powers of the enemy. He can channel power and dispel

dice in the same manner as Wizards.

Accusation: After deployment, but before the first turn begins, select a single model in your opponent‘s army

to accuse of heresy. This is Johann‘s primary quarry.

Johann may re-roll all failed To Hit against his primary

quarry. Every hit he inflicts on that models also has the

Killing Blow special rule, even if they were from a

shooting attack. Finally, Johann may also choose toshoot at the primary quarry as if he had the Sniper

special rule.

Witch Hunter Weapons: Johann is armed with pistols

loaded with silver bullets that have been blessed by

Wilhelm one by one. Thus all his shooting attackscount as magical. In addition, when attacking Wizards,

Undead or Daemons, Johann may re-roll failed rolls To


MAGIC ITEMS:Stake of Sigmar (Magic Weapon)This ancient relic is said to be a fragment of the tree

 felled by Sigmar with a single stroke when the

Unberogen tribe started building the city of Altdorf. It

was held in the temple of Obersdorf until Orcs and

Goblins sacked the town and the relic was lost. Now Johann van Hel carries it.

Requires two hands. The Stake of Sigmar fills Johann

van Hel with the strength and purpose of Sigmar

himself. It doubles Johann‘s Strength when he isfighting against any Undead creatures or Daemons. In

addition, a single unsaved wound caused by the Stake

automatically slays any Vampire outright with no saves


Holy Staff (Magic Weapon)

 Atop this ironwood staff is mounted the jawbone which

it is said, was used by Sigmar when he single-handedly

destroyed an army of Skaven. Wilhelm found it buried

under the ruins of his temple.

Requires two hands. Wilhelm may add +2 to his

Strength when fighting in Close Combat. In additionthe staff will automatically wound any Skaven,

Daemon, or Undead creature.

The Hammer of Witches (Talisman) Wilhelm is a fanatical priest of Sigmar, obsessed withthe destruction of the forces of Undead and Chaos.

When he reads the litanies of banishment from his holy

book called „the Hammer of Witches‟, he radiates an

aura of holiness and utter faith.

Against any Chaos, Dark Magic or Necromantic spell

targeted towards Wilhelm or Johann, they gains a

Magic Resistance equal to the number of dice used tocast the spell.

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FOR HIREIf you wish to add Regiments of Renown to your existing

Warhammer army, then you should check the For Hire

table below. You'll see that each Regiment of Renown is

available for hire to a limited selection of armies. This is

not because the mercenaries are choosy who they fight for(far from it!), but because some armies would never hire

certain races or individuals. No self-respecting Dwarfgeneral is going to hire Morgrog the Dwarf Crusher now

is he?

The Bretonnians have far too much pride to even considerhiring others to fight their battles. Indeed, even if

outnumbered ten to one, they would rather fight on and

retain their pride than stoop so low as to pay others to

fight for them! Therefore, the only units they may hire are

those who do not fight for gold but a greater cause like

glory and honour!

Even the most foolhardy general would have a hard timeconvincing his men to fight for a Bloodthirster. Likewise,

the inhuman Beastmen carry little in terms of valuables or

even an understandable language to appeal to mercenaries.

Therefore, Daemons of Chaos and Beastmen may neverinclude Regiments of Renown.










Orcs &









of Chaos



The Alcatani

FellowshipSpecial Core Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special

Pirazzo’s Lost

LegionSpecial Core Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special



Special Core Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special




Special Core Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special

Marksmen of

MiraglianoSpecial Core Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special


BesiegersSpecial Core Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special


VendettaSpecial Core Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special


VenatorsSpecial Core Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special

Al Muktar’s

Desert DogsSpecial Core Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special Special





Rare Special Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Special Rare Rare Rare Rare




Rare Special Rare Rare Rare Special Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare

Long Drong’s

Slayer PiratesSpecial Special Rare Rare Rare Rare



and the

Bearmen of


Rare Special Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Special

Oglah Khan’s

WolfboyzRare Special Special Special Rare Rare Rare Rare


RaidersSpecial Rare Rare Special Rare Rare Rare Rare




Rare Special Rare Rare Special Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare




Special Special Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare

The Cursed

CompanyRare Special Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare


AmazonsRare Rare Special Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare

The Birdmen

of CatrazzaRare Rare Rare Rare


Galloper GunsRare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare Rare



Goblin- Hewer

Rare Rare Rare

The Giants of


Asarnil the

DragonlordHero Hero Hero Hero Hero


WitchhuntersHero Hero Hero Hero Hero Hero Hero

Gotrek and

Felix Hero Hero Hero Hero

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Famous mercenary regiments acquire a certain

notoriety because they are remarkably successful

Inside you will find:


Rules and descriptions for every Regiment of

Renown available for hire.