relationship marketing in a social media world

It’s Not About You, It’s About Bacon Relationship Marketing in a Social Media World Brian Basilico Internationally Recognized Author/Speaker B2b Interactive Marketing, Inc.

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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It’s Not About You, It’s About BaconRelationship Marketing in a Social Media World

Brian BasilicoInternationally Recognized Author/Speaker

B2b Interactive Marketing, Inc.

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Today You Will Learn• How Social Media is a tool to growing

relationships in your business

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•30 Years Marketing


•Large & Small Corps

•Presenter & Professor

•Mostly a STUDENT!!!

About Me

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Agenda• Getting To Know You - Networking• You Like Me - Social Networking• Earning Trust - Getting The Business• Hanuna Matata - The Circle of Life• Know Your Audience - Be Accessible• Content is King - Getting People to Share• Grow Relationships - Types• Conclusion - Wrap It Up Nice

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Relationship Marketing in a Social Media World!

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What is Relationship Marketing?

• It’s About People

• It’s About Friendships

• It’s About Giving

• It’s About Patience

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What is Relationship Marketing?

• It’s About Branding

• It’s About Community

• It’s About Crowdsourcing

• It’s About Influence

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The Book

• Soft Cover Book

• Why-To not How-To

• 300 Pages

• 29 Chapters

• Grow Your Business

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The 3 Step Boogie

• Networking is a Process

• Step 1 - KNOW

• Step 2 - LIKE

• Step 3 - TRUST

• Cannot Skip Steps

Be MemorableBe Memorable

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• Can Not get to 2nd Base...

• Without Touching 1st Base

• You will be Called OUT

• Same with Social Media...

• Cannot Skip Steps

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Getting to Know You

• Face-to-Face Network

• One-On-Ones

• Make Connections

• Be The Google

• Be Consistent & Active

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You Like Me?

• Social Networking

• Be Yourself

• Don’t Sell (Too Much)

• Edu-tain & Info-tain

• Be Active & Responsive

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Pictures Are Worth 1000 Shares...

• Shared 1200+ Times

• Seen by Over 100,000

• Going Viral

• Lightening in a Bottle

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Earning Trust

• Trust has to be Earned

• Testimonials

• Recommendations

• Great Service =

• Referrals

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Gaining Trust

• Give 100%

• All of the Time

• Expect Nothing

• Watch What Happens?

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Hakuna Matata

• The Circle of Life

• Website

• Measurement

• Social Networking

• & Content

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Measure This

• Google Analytics

• Traffic

• Pages

• Time On Pages

• Referrals

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3 Clicks & 2 Minutes

Average 10 Clicks a Day 300 per month

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Social Networkingvs Social ME-dia?

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Social Media

• Social Media - Whys

• Facebook

• LinkedIn

• Twitter

• Pinterest

• Google+

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Complete Your Profile

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Share In Groups

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Content Is King

• Blogs

• Articles

• Ebooks

• White Papers

• Share Other’s Content

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5,000 Connections5,000 Connections5,000 Connections5,000 Connections


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100,000 Connections100,000 Connections100,000 Connections100,000 Connections


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1,000,000 Connections1,000,000 Connections1,000,000 Connections1,000,000 Connections


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Be Real-ational

• New People

• Family & Friends

• Power Partners

• Current Customers

• Past Customers

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Be Where People Are...Not Where You Want Them To


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Friends & Neighbors

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Power Partners

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Current Customers

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The Leaky Bucket

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20 NewFollowers


What’s With the Bacon?

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How Did I Learn All This Stuff?

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• Websites - HTML / Wordpress / 1 Pagers

• Google Analytics / Places / Google + / Maps

• Social Media - Facebook Business Pages

• Teaching - Classes & Presentations

• Training - Personal Webinars

Learn By Doing - Ready • Fire • Aim

Being My Own Tester

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Move The Needle

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Move The Needle

"Move the Needle"

• Google Yourself• Google Your Brand or Business• Do Some Posts that are Them Focused

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• Why Social Media advertising is not working

• How to create relationships that create business

• Why a personal profile can be more important than a business page

• Face to face networking IS important - Relationships are the currency of business

• How to make you business and personal brand stand out from the noise!

Key Takeaways

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Thank You!

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