rep. hinchey/newburgh solar 2011-09-22

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  • 8/4/2019 Rep. Hinchey/Newburgh Solar 2011-09-22


    Hinchey Helps Secure Nearly $2

    Million inEconomic Development Grants toEstablish New York

    Renewable Energy Cluster inNewburgh

    Washington, DC -- Congressman Maurice Hinchey

    (D-NY) today announced he has helped secure $1.95million in federal grants to establish a New YorkRenewable Energy Cluster (NYREC) in Newburgh, NewYork. The federal funds will allow The Solar EnergyConsortium (TSEC) to expand its industry-led cleanenergy manufacturing cluster into Orange Countythrough a partnership with Orange County CommunityCollege (SUNY Orange) and Gateway to Entrepreneurial

    Tomorrows (GET). Hinchey helped establish TSEC in2007, and wrote and called the Department of Commercein support of TSEC's application for federal funding toestablish a NYREC in Newburgh.

    "This is going to create a lot of jobs for the City ofNewburgh, and it is exactly the type of economicdevelopment I envisioned when I spearheaded the

    creation of TSEC in 2007," said Hinchey. "I stronglysupported these programs in the federal budget, and Istrongly supported TSEC's grant application. The City ofNewburgh is a great city, which continues to struggletowards revitalization, and this new partnership betweenTSEC, SUNY Orange, and Gateway to Entrepreneurial
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    Tomorrows, is going to help the City's revitalizationthrough new economic development and the creation ofgreen jobs. The program will help to provide expertise tonew homegrown green energy businesses, and it will help

    educate and train local workers who can be employed bythose businesses. This is outstanding news for Newburgh,and I know it will give a big boost to the region."

    As part of the overall $2 million package, threegrants have been awarded. An $800,000 Jobs andInnovation Accelerator Challenge Grant has beenawarded to TSEC by the U.S. Department of Commerce's

    Economic Development Administration (EDA). Thisfunding will be used to establish cluster developmentmechanisms intended to become permanent features ofNYREC's long-term development strategy. Activities willfocus on business support services to start-ups, includingmarket research, site analysis, and access to capital.

    A $1 million grant has been awarded to SUNY

    Orange by the U.S. Department of Labor's Employmentand Training Administration (ETA). This funding will beused to increase course offerings at participating schoolsand tailor them more precisely to renewable energycluster needs, thereby enhancing their value as job-generating training. These courses will continue to beoffered and expanded through tuition payments andDepartment of Labor funding.

    A $150,000 grant has been awarded to Gatewayto Entrepreneurial Tomorrows (GET) by the SmallBusiness Administration to specifically targetunderserved and disadvantaged residents in Newburghand provide the following services: mentoring, business

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    plan development, export-readiness, technologycommercialization, international and domestic marketing,accounting and legal business structures, internetcommerce and employee management. Client referrals

    will be made to renewable energy industry experts whocan vet business ideas for feasibility. Clients atappropriate stages of business development will beconnected with venture capital groups and alternativefinancing entities, and receive assistance withapplications for state and federal R&D funding includingfederal Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR).

    Since helping to establish The Solar EnergyConsortium in 2007, Hinchey has secured $31 million forTSEC and its partner companies, creating hundreds ofnew jobs in the Hudson Valley. Over 600 jobs throughoutthe region have been created as a result.
