repaso teoria

PRONOMBRES PERSONALES Los pronombres cumplen la función de sustituir a un nombre. Los pronombres personales sujeto realizan la acción del verbo, mientras que en los de objeto recae la acción del verbo. He builts houses. John hit me . John gave a present to me . Pron. Pers. Sj Pron. Pers. Obj. (Od) Pron. Pers. Obj. (Oi) El pronombre reflexivo se usa para situaciones en las que la acción del verbo recae sobre el mismo sujeto. I shave myself . (Me afeito.) Pron. Pers. SUJETO Pron. Pers. OBJETO Pron. REFLEXIVO I Me Myself You You Yourself He Him Himself She Her Herself It It Itself We Us Ourselves You You Yourselves They Them Themselves ADJETIVOS Y PRONOMBRES POSESIVOS Los adjetivos posesivos, al igual que cualquier otro adjetivo, van delante del nombre indicando quien es el poseedor. El pronombre posesivo sustituye a un adjetivo posesivo y al nombre al que acompaña, por ejemplo: This is my car ----> This is mine. ADJETIVO posesivo PRONOMBRE posesivo My Mine Your Yours His His Her Hers Its Its Our Ours Your Yours Their Theirs There’s no need you lend me your soap. I will wash myself with mine, it’s in my bag. (No es necesario que me prestes tu jabón. Me lavaré con el mío, está en mi bolsa.) ADJETIVOS Y PRONOMBRES INDEFINIDOS Los adjetivos y pronombres indefinidos los utilizamos para referirnos a personas, animales o cosas no determinadas. ADJETIVOS No (ningún) No horse can run faster than mine. Every (todos) Every seat in the theatre was taken. Some (algun) en afirmativas) Leave us some oranges. 1

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Gramática de inglés para alumnos de segundo de bachillerato.



PRONOMBRES PERSONALESLos pronombres cumplen la funcin de sustituir a un nombre.

Los pronombres personales sujeto realizan la accin del verbo, mientras que en los de objeto recae la accin del verbo.

He builts houses.

John hit me.

John gave a present to me.

Pron. Pers. Sj

Pron. Pers. Obj. (Od)Pron. Pers. Obj. (Oi)

El pronombre reflexivo se usa para situaciones en las que la accin del verbo recae sobre el mismo sujeto.

I shave myself. (Me afeito.)

Pron. Pers. SUJETO

Pron. Pers. OBJETO



























Los adjetivos posesivos, al igual que cualquier otro adjetivo, van delante del nombre indicando quien es el poseedor.El pronombre posesivo sustituye a un adjetivo posesivo y al nombre al que acompaa, por ejemplo:

This is my car ----> This is mine.

ADJETIVO posesivo

PRONOMBRE posesivo

















Theres no need you lend me your soap. I will wash myself with mine, its in my bag.

(No es necesario que me prestes tu jabn. Me lavar con el mo, est en mi bolsa.)ADJETIVOS Y PRONOMBRES INDEFINIDOS

Los adjetivos y pronombres indefinidos los utilizamos para referirnos a personas, animales o cosas no determinadas.ADJETIVOS

No (ningn)

No horse can run faster than mine.

Every (todos)

Every seat in the theatre was taken.

Some (algun) en afirmativas)Leave us some oranges.

Any (algun) en inter, y neg.)Did you buy any apple juice?

Joe doesnt have any brother or sister.

Many (muchos contables plural)We take many photographs.

Few (unos pocos )I have a few oranges to squeeze.

Much (mucho incontables)We didnt do much shopping.

Little (poco incontables)

I have a little work to do.

A lot of (mucho)

We spent a lot of money.

Plenty of (demasiado)

There was plenty of food in the buffet.

Each (cada)

Each one of you must do his part of the work.

Both (ambos)

Both restaurants are very good.Neither (ningn)

Neither restaurant is expensive.

Either (cualquiera)

We can go either restaurant, I dont mind.

All (todos)

All of us enjoyed the party.

Whole (al completo)

Have you eaten the whole packet of biscuits?


Somebody/one(alguien +)Somebody has stolen my bike in the parking.

Anybody/one(alguien y ?)Can anybody help me, please?


Nobody likes the film.

Nobody doesnt like the film.* (no puede ir con formas negativas.)

Lo mismo con something, anything y nothing. (algo, nada).LAS PREPOSICIONES

En la mayora de los casos, la traduccin de una preposicin est determinada por palabra a la que acompaa en la oracin, determinados verbos se usan con determinadas preposiciones, por ejemplo depend ON, get IN, UP (son los conocidos como phrasal verbs). Depende del precio/ It depends on the price.

So con Mara/ I dreamt about Maria.

Insisti en pagar/ He insisted on paying.

A veces se usa una preposicin en espaol pero no en ingls:

Se va a casar con mi hermana/ he is going to marry my sister.

O al contrario: Mira esta foto/ look at this fotograph.

De lugar De movimiento

On- en along- a travs de...

in- en down- debajo de...

under- debajo de...

into- dentro de...

above- encima de... out of- fuera de...

behind- detrs de... over- sobre...

in front of- frente a... past- pasadas las...

next to- cerca de... through- a travs de.../ por.

between- entre below- debajo de...

by- por up- encima de...

De tiempo:

in- ; In 1994, In may, In the morning.

on- On Sunday, On Friday evening, On 12 th July.

at- At eight o` clock, at the weekend.FOR, SINCE, AGO, WHILE & DURING

Estas preposiciones y adverbios son importantes principalmente para los tiempos Perfect.

For y Since ambas se usan para decir cuanto tiempo dura algo:

For se usa par un perodo de tiempo (two hours, six weeks, etc.)

Ive waiting for two hours.

Since para indicar el inicio de un perodo de tiempo (8 oclock, Monday, 1985)

Ive waiting since 8 oclock.

En interrogativas con When ? (+Past Simple) pregunta por el inicio as que la respuesta requiere Past Simple + ago.

When did it start raining? It started raining an hour ago/ at 1 oclock.

(puede que haya escampado)

En interrogativas con How long ? (+Pres. P) pregunta por el perodo de tiempo y la respuesta necesita P.P + for, since

How long has it been raining? Its been raining for an hour/ since 1 oclock.

(sigue lloviendo).

No debes confundir for con during, aunque las dos se traduzcan al espaol por durante.

For + perodo de tiempo - se usa para decir cuanto dura algo

During + nombre - se usa para decir cuando pasa algo

Ive slept for 10 hours today.

I fell asleep during the film.

Tampoco debes confundir during con while, while (mientras) se usa seguido de una oracin (S + V)

I fell asleep while I was watching the film.EL ADVERBIOLos adverbios son palabras que hacen referencia a las circunstancias o estados en las que se encuentran las cosas o personas de las que hablamos.

Los adverbios de modo se forman generalmente aadiendo "ly" al adjetivo (slow/slowly), ello trae consigo las siguientes modificaciones ortogrficas:

- los adjetivos terminados en "le", cambian la "e" en "y" (confortable/confortably)

- Los acabados en "ll" slo aaden una "y" (full/fully);

- Los terminados en "y" sustituyen esta letra por una "i" antes del sufijo "ly" (noisy/noisily);

- Los acabados en "ue" pierden la "e" (true/truly)

Algunos adjetivos se usan como adverbios (fast, straight, tight, etc...).

Los principales adverbios de cantidad son: "little/poco, much/ms, almost/casi, rather/ms bien,bastante, un poco, quite/completamente, very/muy, too/demasiado, enough/bastante, etc...

Los adverbios de lugar ms usados son: "above/arriba, across/a travs, along/por, around/por aqu, alrededor, away/fuera, back/detrs, behind/detrs de, below/abajo, down/debajo, far/lejos, here/aqu, in/dentro, near/cercano, off/fuera, there/all, up/arriba, where/dnde, beside/al lado de, junto a, etc..

Los adverbios de tiempo ms comnmente empleados son after/despus, again/de nuevo, ago/hace, already/ya, always/siempre, before/antes, early/temprano, ever/siempre, formerly/anteriormente, late/tarde, never/nunca, now/ahora, often/a menudo, once/una vez, seldom/raramente, sometimes/a veces, soon/temprano, still/todava, an, then/luego, today/hoy, when/cuando, yesterday/ayer, yet, etc...

Los comparativos y los superlativos de los adverbios siguen las mismas reglas que la de los adjetivos. ADVERBS AND EXPRESSIONS OF FREQUENCY

Always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never

Estos adverbios van en mid-position (posicin intermedia), en general van antes del verbo y despus del sujeto, pero van despus de am, are, is, was, were (be).

Im nearly always at home in the evenings. I hardly ever go out.

I often go to the theatre.

She is often late.

Cuando un verbo tiene varias partes (tiempos de perfecto o continuo, o verbos con auxiliar o modal) la posicin ms comn es detrs del primer verbo auxiliar.

We have always lived in this house.

This job will never be finished.

Ann doesnt usually smoke.Algunos adverbios pueden ir en posicin inicial.

Ocasionally I try to write poems.

Sometimes we have parties in the garden.

Often es un caso especial que puede ir tanto en posicin intermedia como final.

Do you often come here?

Do you come here often?ADJETIVOS COMPARATIVOS Y SUPERLATIVOSLa formacin del comparativo y el superlativo de los adjetivos en ingls depende del nmero de slabas de la palabra.

Los adjetivos de una slaba, excepto aquellos que terminan en -ed (bored, scared), forman el comparativo agregando -er, y el superlativo agregando -est.

Ej: Tall (alto), taller (ms alto que),tallest (el ms alto).

Big (grande), bigger (ms grande que), biggest (el ms grande) .

A los adjetivos que terminan en -e slo se les agrega una "r" para formar el comparativo y "st" para el superlativo.

Ej: wise (sabio), wiser (ms sabio que), wisest (el ms sabio).

La mayora de los adjetivos de dos slabas y los de una slaba como bored ( aburrido ) o scared (asustado ), forman el comparativo usando la partcula "more" y el superlativo con la palabra "most"; Ej:

Famous more famous most famous

careful more careful most careful

Los adjetivos terminados en -y, -le o -ow, forman el comparativo agregando -er y el superlativo agregando -est.


heavy heavier heaviest

simple simpler simplest

hollow hollower hollowest

Algunos adjetivos pueden formar el comparativo y el superlativo de ambas maneras; Ej:

(comn) common: commoner/ more common (comparativo)

commonest/ most common (superlativo)

(listo) clever: cleverer/ more clever (comparativo)

cleverest/ most clever (superlativo).

Los adjetivos de ms de dos slabas forman el comparativo usando more y el superlativo usando most; Ej:

interesting more interesting most interesting

Algunos adjetivos de uso frecuente (good, bad, far, etc...) tienen comparativos y superlativos irregulares, (good-better-best, bad-worse-worst, far-farther-farthest, etc.)

Cambios ortogrficos: Al agregar los sufijos -er y -est a algunos adjetivos, cambia la ortografa. Si se trata de un monoslabo que termina en consonante + vocal + consonante, se dobla la consonante final.

Ej.: big bigger biggest thin thinner thinnest

En el ingls britnico la -l final siempre se dobla al agregarle un sufijo:

Ej.: cruel crueller cruellest

Si una palabra termina en -y precedida de consonante, la -y se sustituye por -i al aregar -er o est.

Ej.: early earlier earliest


-ER/MORE (adjetivo) THAN

This car is faster than that. COMPARACIONES DE INFERIORIDAD

LESS (adjetivo) THAN

The Italian restaurant is less elegant than the French one.


AS (adjetivo) AS (nombre)

This house is as big as a mansion.(Esa casa es TAN grande COMO una mansin.)



The more you eat the fatter you become.(Cunto ms comas ms gordo te pondrs.)ESTRUCTURAVERBAL


Los verbos auxiliares cumplen una importante funcin en el idioma ingls, pues sirven para formar los tiempos compuestos, la voz pasiva, el futuro y el condicional. Tambin algunas formas auxiliares se emplean para formar la interrogacin, la negacin, question tag.DO

El auxiliary do/does (3 sing.) se utiliza para el presente simple.

La forma did se usa en el pasado simple.

Present SimpleAffirmativeI work

He works

NegativeThey dont work

She doesnt work

InterrogativeDo you work?

Does it work?

Past Simple-ed/ irregularI worked

He worked.


They didnt work

She didnt work.


Did you work?

Did it work?Con algunos modales

have to

I have to work

He has to work


They dont have to workShe doesnt have to work.


Did you have to work?Did it have to work?(In the past)Had to/ didnt/


I dont need to workdoes/ doesn't

Do I need to work?


El verbo to be se utiliza con ING en los tiempos continuos.

Present Continuous

I am working

(am, are, is)

You arent working

Is she working?

Past Continuous

She was working


They werent working

Were you working?

Be going to

You are going to work

(In the past: was/ were)

We arent working

Is it going to work?


El verbo have + PAST PARTICIPLE (3 COLUMNA) es necesario para todos los tiempos verbales PERFECTO.

Present Perfect Simple

You have worked


I havent worked

Have you worked?

Present Perfect ContinuousYou have been working(3rd) has

Past Perfect Simple

He had worked

(HAD)Past Perfect Continuous

I had been working


Simple Future

I will work

He wont work


El Present Simple se usa:

- para decir que algo ocurre de forma general o que pasa repetidamente:

It doesnt rain very much in summer in Spain.

- situaciones permanentes:

I live in Madrid, Ive lived there all my life.

Present Simple para el futuro:

- para horarios, programacin, etc.

What time does the film begin?

- para planes que ya estn fijados (como por un horario)

What time do you finish work tomorrow?

El Present Continuous se usa:

- para algo que ocurre en el momento del habla (la accin no ha terminado):

We cant go out. Its raining now.

- situaciones temporales:

Im living in Madrid with some friends until I find a flat. (por una temporada)

Present Continuous para el futuro:

- para decir lo que ya hayas preparado hacer de antemano

What are you doing on Saturday evening? Im going to the theatre.


Will se usa cuando se decide algo en el momento de habla (el hablante no se haba decidido antes).

Ann is in hospital. Oh, really? I didnt know. Ill go and visit her.

Be going to se usa cuando ya se ha decidido de antemano.

Ann is in hospital. Yes, I know. Im going to visit her tomorrow.

A veces no hay much diferencia entre will y be going to. Por ejemplo, puedes decir:

I think the weather will/is going to be nice later.

Si usamos be going to + inf es porque pensamos que ocurrir porque la situacin que hay en el presente as lo hace prever (deduccin)

Look at those black clouds. Its going to rain.(aqu no se puede usar will)

En otro tipo de situaciones es ms seguro usar will:

I think Ann will like the present we bought for her. (no hay indicios que indiquen que le gustar)

Sin embargo el uso del Present Continuous si indica certeza porque se trata de planes ya fijados:

Tom will probably arrive at night. (no sabes a que hora)

Tom is arriving at night. Im meeting him at the bus-stop. (sabes que llega porque has quedado en recogerle).


El Past Simple se usa para acciones ya completas, finalizadas:

I walked home after the party last night.

El Past Continuous se utiliza cuando algo an estaba ocurriendo:

I was walking home when I met Dave.

A menudo se usan los dos tiempos juntos para decir que algo ocurri en mitad de otra accin:

I was walking along the road when I saw Dave. So I stopped and we had a chat.

Compara:When Karen arrived, we were having dinner. (ya estabamos cenando cuando lleg)

When Karen arrived, we had dinner. (1 lleg, despues cenamos todos).


El Present Perfect es un tiempo de presente. Siempre nos dice algo sobre ahora.

Tom has lost his key. (Tom no tiene su llave ahora)

El Past Simple nos habla solo del pasado. Si alguien dice Tom lost his key, no sabemos si la tiene o no; slo sabemos que la perdi en algn momento del pasado.

No uses el Present Perfect si no hay conexin con el presente (e.g. cosas que pasaron hace mucho tiempo)

The Chinese invented printing.(not have invented)

Usa un tiempo de pasado para preguntar: When ?What time ?

When did they arrive?

What time did you finish work?

Cuando hables de un tiempo ya terminado (e.g. yesterday/ ten minutes ago / in 1985 / when I was a child), usa un tiempo de pasado.

I ate a lot of sweets when I was a child. (not have eaten)

Pero para un perodo de tiempo que contina desde el pasado hasta el presente usa el Present Perfect (e.g. today/ this week/ since 1985)

Ian lives in London. He has lived there for seven years.

Ian lived in Scotland for ten years. Now he lives in London.


El Present Perfect Continuous se usa para actividades que ya han terminado (recientemente) o acaban de terminar. Hay una conexin con ahora que se deduce por las circunstancias.

P.P.S. I Have run 3 kilometres this morning.

P.P.C. You look tired and youre sweating. Oh, yes. Ive been running.

Con el Present Perfect Continuous hay mas interes en la actividad, no importa si est terminada o no.

Anns clothes are covered in paint. She has been painting the ceiling.

Se usa para preguntar o decir cuanto tiempo dura algo How long ? (para una actividad que an contina)

How long have you been reading this book? (todava no lo ha terminado)

Con el Present Perfect Simple lo importante es que la accin ha terminado, interesa el resultado de la accin no la actvidad en s.

The ceiling was white. Now it is blue. She has painted the ceiling.

Se usa para preguntar o decir cunto o cuntas veces How much/ many/ many times ? (acciones completas)

How many pages of that book have you read?

How much soup have you eaten?

Theyve played cards three times this week.


El Past Perfect Simple (had + past participle) normalmente se usa para situar una accin antes de otra que ocurri en un momento del pasado, as que es comn que lo encuentres en una oracin junto al Past Simple.

When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul wasnt there. He had gone home.

Paul arrivedPaul wentSarah arrived




El Past Perfect Continuous, de la misma forma que el Pres.P.C., indica una conexin, en este caso; con el pasado y tambin debe haber una deduccin por las circunstancias.

Yesterday it had been raining.

(Yesterday morning I got up and looked out of the window. The sun was shining but the ground was very wet.)TIME CLAUSES

En las oraciones subordinadas adverbiales de tiempo, normalmente encuentras un tiempo verbal diferente de la prinicipal.

Despues de las conjunciones when, as soon as, before y while si el tiempo en la principal es futuro (will) en la subordinada usamos el presente simple.

Ill give him a punch when I see him. (not when Ill see him)

Ill phone you as soon as I arrive.

En el pasado con while, la principal va en pasado simple y la subordianda en pasado continuo:

Somebody shouted in the cinema while we were watching the film.

En el pasado con when, la subordinada va en pasado simple y la principal puede ir en pasado continuo o pasado perfecto.

When I called upon him, he was watching TV.

When I called upon him, he has gone out.By this time se utiliza para expresar que en el futuro algo habr ocurrido en el tiempo expresado en la oracin, es por esto que se utiliza el future perfect. (will have + participio)

By this time next week, they will have finished their work.O tambien se usa para decir que en ese momento an estar hacindose algo: future continuous.

By this time next week, they will be working.


Los tres se usan con tiempos Perfect.

Just (hace poco tiempo)Would you like something to eat? No, thanks. Ive just had lunch.

(normalmente se traduce por acabar de. No gracias, acabo de comer.)

Already (ya) se usa para decir que algo ha ocurrido antes de lo que se esperaba.

What time is Mark leaving? He has already gone.

Yet (hasta ahora, todava) muestra que el hablante espera que pase algo. Solo se usa en interrogativas y negativas.

Has it stopped raining yet?

Ive written the letter but I havent posted it yet.


Un relativo da informacin sobre el sujeto o el objeto de una sentencia u oracin; en la oracin siempre va detrs del nombre al que hace referencia, puesto que los pronombres sustituyen al nombre aparecen despus en la oracin en su lugar. Todos las particulas relativas se pueden traducir por que.

Who: (quin) Se usa para personas:

Mr. Collins, who lives next door to me/ Mr. Collins, que vive ....

Which: (que) Se usa para animales y cosas: Madrid, which is in central Spain/ Madrid, el cual est....

Whom: (quin) Se usa en un ingls formal para personas (normalmente va detrs de preposiciones): This is the boy whom I met on the train/este es el chico que conoc....

That: (qu) (es el ms comn, pues puede sustituir al resto de pronombres)

Here's the boy that broke our window/aqu est el chico que rompi...

Where: (dnde) Se usa para lugares. The school where I studied has been closed/ el colegio en el cual (donde) yo estudi ha sido cerrado.

Whose: (cuyo) Se usa para indicar posesin: (en las frases aparecen posesivos o genitivo sajn) The man whose car was stolen has called the police/el hombre cuyo coche fue robado le ha llamado la polica.

When: (donde) Se usa para indicar tiempo: I remember when we first met/recuerdo cuando nos conocimos por primera vez.


Para el cambio de activa a pasiva es imprescindible que haya un verbo transitivo (con complemento directo).






complemento directo

PASIVASujeto pacientebe+ participio verboBY + complemento agente




La pasiva se forma siempre con el auxiliar BE + PAST PARTICIPLE:

Tiempos verbales:

Present Simple:

We keep the butter here.

The butter is kept here.

Present ContinuousThey are repairing the bridge.

The bridge is being repaired.

Past Simple

Someone broke the window.

The window was broken.

Past Continuous

They were carrying the injured player to hospital.

The injured player was being carried to hospital.

Present Perfect

They have sold the house.

The house has been sold.

Pres.Perf. Cont.

They have been painting the walls.

The walls have been being painted. (raro)

Past Perfect

I thought they had told you the news.

I thought the news had been told to you.

you had been told the news.

Los verbos modales (can, could, must ) no cambian y siguen manteniendo su posicin: en activa antes del verbo principal, y en la pasiva antes del auxiliar BE:

(You can buy tickets on the bus.)R

Tickets can be bought on the bus.


Verbos con dos objetos (Oi y Od > somebody something)

Hay dos maneras de transformar a pasiva, de la misma forma que en la activa hay dos variantes: una con TO y otra sin l.

The postman gave me a letter. (Oi, Od)

The post man gave a letter to me. (Od, Oi)

En la primera estructura el complemento directo pasa a ser el sujeto de la pasiva, y ste necesita To despus del verbo ya en forma past participle:

A letter was given to me (by the postman) (Od > S pct)

Con la segunda el elemento que pasa a ser sujeto en la pasiva es el complemento indirecto, por lo que ser un nombre (que hace referencia a persona/s o un pronombre personal que ya no estar en caso object me sino que pasa a subject I)

I was given a letter (by )(Oi > S pct) (+ usada)CONDICIONALES

Hay 3 tipos de condicionales, aunque tambin se puede incluir otro tipo:

ZERO CONDITIONAL (se utiliza para expresar verdades generales)


If you heat water to 100 C, it boils.

(Si calientas agua hasta los 100 grados, hierve)

FIRST CONDITIONAL (consejos, posibles hechos futuros)



If you dont sleep, youll be tired tomorrow.

(Si no duermes, maana estars cansado)

SECOND CONDITIONAL (situaciones imposibles, Hechos hipotticos; pero posibles)



If they were richer, they would buy a yacht.

(Si fuesen ms ricos, compraran un yate)

THIRD CONDITIONAL (lamento, arrepentimiento, situaciones sin solucin)


If you had studied more, you have passed the exam.

(Si hubieras estudiado ms, habras aprobado el examen.)

* En realidad en la tercera tambin va infinitivo despus del modal, pero en este caso es el infinitivo de perfecto que se forma con have (en infinitivo) + past participle (3 columna).Otro nexo muy comn que suele aparecer es UNLESS (= IF NOT)

If it doesnt rain, we will go camping.

Unless it rains, we will go camping.

(Si no llueve, iremos de acampada)INDIRECT SPEECH

Con el paso de estilo directo (She said I want to stop) al indirecto (She said that she wanted to stop) la oracin sufre algunos cambios: cambia el tiempo de los verbos, los modales, y los adverbios que hagan referencia al tiempo, adems de los pronombres. No olvides el nexo THAT que introduce la subordinada.

Tiempos verbales:

Simple Present > Past simple

want > wantedI want to sleep alone, she said.

She said that she wanted to sleep alone.

Present Continuous > Past ContinuousIm cleaning > I was cleaningWe are cleaning our bedrooms, they said.

They said that they were cleaning their bedrooms.*

Present perfect > Past perfect

I have finished > had finishedSue has finished her homework, Peter said.Peter said that she had finished her homework.

Past simple > Past perfect

I saw > had seenThey saw an old film, he said.

He said that they had seen an old film.

Past continuous> Past perf. Cont.

I was watching >had been watchingYou have been watching TV till late, she said.She said that I had been watching TV till late.

Past perfect > past perfect(NO CAMBIA)I had come > had comeHe had come home before us we said.

We said that he had come home before us.

(Jill told Mary Ive just finished cleaning the room.)R

Jill said to Mary that she had finished cleaning the room right then.


Can > could

should > =

Will > would

would > =

May > might

might > =

Must > had to

Have to > had to

(The policeman asked the thief Where were you yesterday at 10?)

The policeman asked the thief where he had been the previous day at 10.


Here > there

this > that, the

now > then

At this moment> at that moment/time

today > that day

Tonight > that night

tomorrow > the next day, the following day

Next Monday > the following Monday

Yesterday> the day before, the previous day

Last Monday > the previous Monday* Ten en cuenta casos como este ejemplo en el que debes cambiar tambin los pronombres personales, posesivos y demostrativos desde el punto de vista del hablante.We are cleaning our bedrooms, they said.

They said that they were cleaning their bedrooms.INTERROGACIN

Al formar la interrogativa en ingls debes tener en cuenta el cambio en el orden de palabras:

SUJETO + VERBO She has gone de la afirmativa pasa a

VERBO + SUJETO Has she gone en la interrogativa, pero esto es as en los tiempos compuestos; los tiempos verbales simples necesitas el auxiliar.

I go/She goes/We wentDo I go?/Does she go?/ Did we go?

En caso de aparecer una particula interrogativa en la oracin est va en primer lugar y el orden sigue siendo inverso vb+sj.Where do we go?Who told Mary a joke?He told Mary a joke.SujetoWh + V

Who did he tell a joke?He told Mary a joke.ObjetoWh + Aux + S + V

What did he hit?

He hit the ball.What hit him?

A ball hit him.PARTCULAS INTERROGATIVASSe utilizan para requerir informacin.

Son las conocidas 6w1. What(qu)

2. Where (dnde)

3. When(cundo)

4. Why (por qu)

5. Who(quin)

6. How (cmo) Whose- De quin

A las que podemos aadir:

How many (cuntos) (contables en plural)

How much (cuanto) (incontables)

How long (cunto tiempo) normalmente con Prs. P. How long have you been waiting?

How often(con qu frecuencia)


(qu) Se traduce igual what pero which aparece en oraciones en las que te dan opciones a elegir, por lo que sera ms exacto traducirlo por cual.

What sport do you like?

Which sport do you like, football or basketball?



Se usan para conseguir informacin que creemos correcta, confirmar lo que creemos.

Cuando el verbo principal est en afirmativa la question tag es positiva.

Ej.: You like ice-cream, don't you ?

Cuando el verbo principal est en negativa la question tag es negativa.

Ej.: Aleck didn't stay up all night, did he ?

Si el verbo principal es "to be", "to have", "can" o "to do", se repite en la question tag.

Ej.: You haven't got two dogs, have you ?CONNECTORES En ingls hay tres tipos de conectores:

Conjunciones: unen dos frases( S V conjunctionS V )

Preposiciones: despues de una preposicin necesitas un nombre o un verbo en gerundio

( prep + N / V ing)

Adverbios: se usan para entrelazar y dar coherencia, unen oraciones.

( O. (adverb) O) la posicin del adverbio vara.



when, while, as cosas que suceden al mismo tiempo:

When I was watching TV, the telephone rang.

As they were walking down the street, they saw Mary.

I listen to the radio while Im having breakfast.

when, after, before, as soon as, until (till) cosas que ocurren unas despues de otras:

When I had finished breakfast, I went out.

Ill phone you as soon as I get home.

We waited until he arrived.*

After he left school, he started working in a bank.*

* Until, before y after tambin se pueden considerar como preposiciones, pues pueden ir seguidos de nombres o verbos en ing:

We waited untill 5 oclock.

After leaving school, he started working in a bank.


Whenever I go shopping, I buy sweets.

2. CONCESIVA: (ponen un impedimento al cumplimiento de la accin)

Conjunciones:although, even though, though(aunque)

Although I dont like football, Ill go to the match.

Preposiciones:in spite of, despite (a pesar de)

(Although it was raining, we went to the country.)R

Despite the rain, we went to the country.

(Even though they were late, they didnt hurry.)R

In spite of being late, they didnt hurry.

(Although they live very far, we visit them very often.)R

Despite the fact they live very far, we visit them very often.

Adverbios:however, nevertheless, yet, still, though (sin embargo)

They live very far. However/yet, we visit them very often.

He was very rude to us, yet/still we forgave him.

I dont like tennis. I like basketball though.


Conjunciones: while, whereas, but

I am very lazy, whereas my brother is very hardworking.

Preposiciones:in contrast to, contrary to

In contrast to/ contrary to other TV shows, this one is very amusing.

(I am very lazy, whereas my brother is very hardworking.)R

In contrast to me, my brother is very hardworking.

Adverbio:on the one hand .. on the other hand, on the contrary

(On the one hand) the city offers lost of entertainments. On the other hand it is very noisy.* (opcional)

A: I thought you liked Italian food. B: On the contrary, I hate it.


Conjunciones: because, since, as, for

Bob left early because he had an appointment.

As it was raining, we didnt go to the country.

Since it was late, the shops were all closed.

I asked them to leave for I had a lot of work.

Preposiciones: because of, owing to, due to, on account of, the reason for

(We arrived late because the traffic was terrible.)R

We arrived late because of/ owing to the terrible traffic.

Adverbios:thats why, thats the reason why

(The reason for the planes delay is fog)R

The reason why the plane arrives late is fog.


Conjunciones:to, in order to, so as to + infinitivo

in order that, so that + frase con verbo modal

I went to Paris to/ in order to/ so as to learn French.

We got up early in order NOT to/ so as Not to be late.* (no NOT to).

Ill give you a key so that/ in order that you can unlock the door.

Preposiciones:for + sustantivo

We went to a restaurant for lunch.


Conjunciones:so, so (adjetivo o adverbio) that, such (sustantivo) that

He was late so he ran to the station.

The film was so good that I went to see it again.

It was such a good film that I went to see it again.

(It was such a cold night that we stayed at home.)R

The night was so cold that we stayed at home.

Adverbios:as a result, therefore, consequently, thus

He was late. Therefore he ran to the station.

It was raining hard. As a result, we didndt go out.

He copied in the exam; thus he passed it.

Preposicion:as a result of

As a result of her high marks, she was accepted to university.A/AN and THEUsamos the cuando pensamos en un algo en particular, por ejemplo compara:

Tom sat on the chair nearest the door. (esa silla en concreto).

Tom sat on a chair. (en cualquiera de la habitacin)

The se usa cuando slo hay uno, es nico:

The Earth goes round the sun.Al referirse a cosas o personas en general no usamos el determinante the:

Doctors are paid more than teachers.

Banks spend your savings in advertisements.

Si por el contrario hablamos de una cosa o alguien en particular si necesitamos the:

Im ill, Im going to the doctor.

The bank in the corner was robbed yesterday.

Al hablar de alguien o alguna cosa como una unidad, pero sin especificar cual usamos a/an:

My friend is a doctor.

Is there a bank near here?


Para expresar posesin en ingles es muy comn el uso de genitivo sajn, para lo que recurrimos al uso del apstrofe s.

La casa de Juan. ( Poseedor s posesin ( Juans house.

Pero si el poseedor no es un animal o una persona sino una cosa, normalmente se usa OF y se forma al igual que en espaol.

The name of the book (el nombre del libro.)

Aunque a veces nos aparece la misma forma del genitivo sajn pero sin s.

The garage door (la puerta del garaje).


Se usa el plural para una cosa que consiste en dos partes, scissors, trousers.

My trousers are too long.Otros nombres sin embargo (terminados en ics) electronics, economics usan el verbo en singular.

Physiscs is my favourite subject.

Algunos sustantivos en singular se usan con el verbo en plural government, family, team, police, people, company.

People are kind if you smile.

My family are waiting for you to eat.THERE and IT

En ingles se usa la forma THERE BE (conjugado) para nuestro hay.

Hay un restaurante nuevo en esa calle.There is a new restaurant in that street.

Las oraciones en ingles siempre necesitan un sujeto, para haber recurrimos a there.

I dont like this town. There are yonkies everywhere.

Date cuenta que despus de there be siempre hay un SUSTANTIVO, sin embargo en las oraciones que utilizan be como sujeto lo que sigue es un ADJETIVO.

I dont like this city.----THERE is a lot of noise here. (SUSTANTIVO)

----IT is very noisy. (ADJETIVO)VERBOS MODALES

Los verbos modales tienen la misma forma para todas las personas, excepto have to que se conjuga en la tercera persona (has to), en la interrogativa y negativa necesita el uso del auxiliar do y pasa a ser: (Does he have to) y (doesnt have to).

Para el pasado se utiliza el infinitivo de perfecto (have + past participle).

I wonder why Kay didnt answer the phone. She may have been asleep.

HABILIDADCan (negativa cant/ cannot): Se usa para decir que alguien tiene la habilidad de hacer algo.

Can you speak any foreign language?

Im afraid I cant come to the party on Friday.

Can solo tiene dos formas can (presente) y could (pasado), asi que recurre a be able to cuando es necesario:

Present Perfect: I havent been able to sleep recently.

Infinitivo:Tom might be able to come tomorrow. (*2 modales seguidos)

Could se usa como el pasado de can si de lo que hablamos es de una habilidad general en el pasado:

Jack was an excellent ping-pong player. He could beat anyone.

Para hablar de una habilidad que tuvo lugar en una situacin particular se usa was/ were able to o managed to (+ infinitivo).

Jack and Alf had a game of tennis yesterday. Alf played very well but in the end Jack was able to beat him.

Couldnt se puede utilizar en todas las situaciones:

Alf played well but he couldnt beat Jack.

OBLIGACION Y NECESIDADMust y Have To: los dos se usan para decir que es necesario hacer algo, normalmente no hay diferencia entre los dos, pero hay un matiz que a veces s es importante.

Must: es personal, se usa cuando el hablante da su opinin personal. Solo se usa en presente y futuro, no en pasado: (not We must go yesterday)

Have To: es impersonal, se usa para hechos, no para algo personal.

I must get up early tomorrow. There a lot of things I want to do.

I have to get up early tomorrow. Im going away and my train leaves at 7:30.

En preguntas y negaciones con Have To normalmente se usa el auxiliar do.

Why did I have to go to the hospital?

Karen doesnt have to work on Saturdays.

Aunque tambin es posible la opcin de Have got to Had you got to ? / Karen hasnt got to .

Mustnt y dont have to son completamente diferentes:

You mustnt do smth

(es necesario que NO hagas asi que No lo hagas)

You dont have to do smth(no tienes que hacer algo pero Hazlo si quieres).

Neednt es parecido a dont have to (el significado es el mismo)

Weve got plenty of time. We neednt hurry. (no hace falta que nos demos prisa)

En lugar de neednt + inf se puede usar dont need to + inf.

En pasado el sentido de la oracin puede cambiar dependiendo de que parte del verbo sea pasado, puede ser el verbo need > didnt need o el infinitivo > infintivo de perfecto:

I didnt need to get up early, so I didnt.

(No era necesario que hiciera algo, lo saba en ese momento).

I got up early beacause I thought the bus came in the morning, but it came in the evening, so I neednt have got up so early. I could have stayed in bed longer. (Hice algo de lo que ahora me doy cuenta que no era necesario que hubiese hecho).

Should no indica obligacin pues no es tan fuerte como must, se usa ms para dar consejos o expresar una opinin, nos habla de lo bueno o correcto que hacer.

You look tired. You should go to bed.

Ought to se puede intercambiar con should.

Shouldnt and ought not to inidican lo que no se debera hacer.

Had better se usa para decir que es aconsejable hacer algo porque si no se hace, habr algun problema.

Shall I take an umbrella? Yes, Youd better. It might rain.

Had better es similar a should pero no exactamente iguales. Had better solo se usa para una situacin en particular no para cosas en general.

Youd better slow down, youre driving too fast.

People should drive more slowly.

DEDUCCION, POSIBILIDADUsamos may o might para decir que algo es posible (se pueden intercambiar)

It might be true. It may be true.

(En el rewriting puedes encontrar: perhaps, maybe, its possible that , I dont know whether .).

Las formas negativas son may not y mightnt (might not)It mightnt be true. (quiz no sea verdad)

Could puede tener un significado similar a may.

The phone is ringing. It could be Tim. (podra ser Tim)

Pero en negativa (couldnt) es diferente de may not:

She was too far away, so he couldnt have seen you. (no fue posible que te viera; couldnt = past of cant)

Must se usa para decir que se tiene la seguridad de que es verdad.

You have been working all day. You must be tired.

En el rewriting puedes encontrar (Im sure that , Surely, I have no doubt, I perfectly know that )

Cant indica que con seguridad algo no es posible.

Youve just woke up. You cant be tired.

En el rewriting puedes encontrar (Its impossible, Im sure + not )



Si imaginamos una escala de probabilidad, sta quedara as:

may/ might



may not/ mightnt


12. Complete these sentences with one of the modals explained above.

1. When Tim was 16, he was a fast runner. He run 100 metres in 11 seconds.

2. Are you in a hurry? No, Ive got plenty of time. I wait.

3. I was feeling sick yesterday. I .. eat anything.

4. Can you speak up a bit? I .. hear you very well.

5. Laura had hurt her leg and . walk very well.

6. My grandmother loved music. She play the piano very well.

7. A girl fell into the river but fortunately we . rescue her.

8. Im afraid I cant come tomorrow. I work late.

9. Im sorry I couldnt come yesterday. I .. work late.

10. I dont want anyone to know. You .. tell anyone.

11. He .. wear a suit to work but he usually does.

12. You wash those tomatoes. Theyve already been washed.

13. This is a valuable book. You . look after it carefully and you .. lose it.

14. Im in a difficult position. What do you think I do?

15. I get up early tomorrow. Ive got a lot of to do.

16. I think everybody .. learn a foreign language.

17. I cant find George anywhere. I wonder where he is. He .. have gone shopping.

18. Do you think she saw you? No, she was too far away. She have seen me.

19. You got here very quickly. You . have walked very fast.

20. Bill and Sue go away on holiday very often, so they . be short of money.TIEMPOS VERBALES


1. Cosas que pasan de forma general o repetidamente

Lions eat meat.

2. Situaciones permanentes

I always eat rice on Sundays.



3. Cosas que pasan en el momento del habla

Look at that dog, its eating rubbish.

4. Situaciones temporales

He fired his kitchen, now hes eating in restaurants.

5. (para el FUTURO) si indica certeza porque se trata de planes ya


Tomorrow night we are eating in this restaurant, we booked a week ago.


6. Acciones ya completas, finalizadas

They ate roast chicken yesterday.


7. Cuando algo an estaba ocurriendo

They were eating toasts yesterday morning.



8. Algo que ha ocurrido y tiene consecuencias en el presente.

Ive eaten too much this morning (now I have heartburn)


9. Algo que se ha estado haciendo y que an no est terminado

Ive been eating out all this week.


10. Una accin que ocurri antes que otra en el pasado

Last month Fatty Lucy had eaten more than 30 cakes.


11. Algo que ocurri y tuvo consecuencias en el pasado.

She had been eaten only bread and water for a month.


12. Algo que ocurrir (se decide en el mismo momento)

That bar is the only one open today. We will eat there.


13. Algo que estar ocurriendo en un momento determinado

This time next Tuesday we will be eating fish in the beach.FUTURO PERFECTOBY + FECHA EN EL FUTURO

14. Algo que habr ocurrido en un momento determinado

By July we will have eaten all the frozen pizzas that we have in the fridge.BE GOING TO

ALGO EN EL FUTURO PERO MS PRXIMO15. Algo que suceder en el futuro y que se tiene decidido de antemano

You dont have to cook tonight, we are going to eat out, dont you remember?


Algo sucedi mientras otra accin estaba ocurriendo

16. WHEN en la frase en Pasado Simple

I was eating pop-corn, when I started to cough.

17. WHILE en la frase en Pasado Continuo

Someone came into my house through the kitchen while I was eating in the dining-room.PASADO SIMPLE Y PASADO PERFECTO

18. BEFORE Dos acciones que tuvieron lugar en el pasado pero una (Ps P) ocurri antes que la otra (Ps S)

Mary phoned Telepizza because we had eaten everything in the fridge before.


19. SO/THAT WHY/BECAUSE Dos acciones que tuvieron lugar en el pasado pero una (Ps S) es consecuencia de la otra (Ps P C)

Mary still had ketchup in her mouth because she had been eating hamburgers.RELLENA LOS HUECOS

1. When I _____ (arrive), the train _____ (leave), so I had to take a taxi.

2. James doesnt feel good, _____ (do) he?

3. A: _____ (you/listen) to the radio?

B: No, you can turn it off.

4. A: Ann is in hospital.

B: Oh, really? I didnt know. I _____ (go) and visit her.

5. The thief _____ (steal) our bag while we _____ (not/look).

6. How long _____ (she/paint) the ceiling? She hasnt finished it yet.

7. If he _____ (win) the lottery he would _____ (buy) a Ferrari.

8. I was sad when I sold my car. I _____ (have) it for a vey long time.

9. The wall was dirty, now its clean. She _____ (clean) it.

10. Kate enjoys _____ (smoke), but I hate it.

11. My cousins _____ (take) the bus everyday to _____ (go) to school, but today their mum _____ (drive) them now.12. This time in August they _____ (travel) to Cayman Islands.

13. A: Ann is in hospital.

B: Yes, I know. I _____ (visit) her tomorrow.

14. Yesterday morning a lamppost _____ (tear off) the ground by a lorry.

15. Anns clothes were covered in paint. She _____ (paint).

16. It _____ (start) snowing an hour ago.

17. When Sarah _____ (arrive) at the party, Paul wasnt there. He _____ (go) home.

18. Wait till September, your favourite writer ______ (publish) his new book by then.19. I _____ (live) in Madrid with some friends until I find a flat in Mostoles.

20. Sam _____ (live) in London, he ______ (live) there all his life.

21. Last night Marys dog _____ (bark) when it suddenly ______ (shut) up, because a canister _____ (explode).

22. A: What _____ (you/do)?

B: Im fixing this radio.A: Well, I _____ (help) you.

23. Tom _____ (mow) the lawn so he had leaves of grass all over his face.

24. The River Nile _____ (flow) into the Mediterranean.

25. _____ (she/not brush) her teeth yet?

26. A: Look, theres a lot of water coming through that hole in the boat.

B: Oh no, the boat _____ (sink).

27. The computers _____ (restart) by the technician this morning.

28. Their skins are brown, they _____ (sunbathe).

29. If the horse _____ (move) the blacksmith will hurt it.

30. You were looking for some keys, _____ (be) you?

31. _____ (rest) is one of the most important things for a sportsman.32. Dont turn off the light. I _____ (read).

33. At this moment next weekend we ______ (fly) to Tenerife.

34. When the plane _____ (land), we could _____ (unfasten) our belts.

35. The clothes are still warm, my mum _____ (iron).

36. While we _____ (sleep) our father _____ (close) the window because it was cold.

37. You look tired. Tonight you dont have to cook, we _____ (dinner) out.

38. Can you _____ (lend) me a pen?

39. Tomorrow at ten this series _____ (finish).

40. Paper _____ (invent) centuries ago.

41. The soup is very hot. He _____ (burn) up his tongue.

42. Look at the river. It _____ (flow) very fat today much faster than usual.

43. James _____ (just/phone) you, but you _____ (be) at home.

44. Who is that man? Why _____ (he/shout) at us?

45. If the soldiers _____ (not/shoot) at him, he wouldnt _____ (die).

1. Why _____ (you/look) at me like that? Whats the matter?

2. Rice _____ (not/grow) in Britain.

3. Im looking for Mike. _____ (you/see) him?

4. A: Is your father at home?

B: No, Im afraid he _____ (go) out.

A. When exactly _____ (he/go) out? B: About ten minutes ago.

5. John and I went for a walk. I had difficulty keeping up with him because he _____ (walk) so fast.

6. Mary was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath. She _____ (run).

7. When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They _____ (eat).

8. When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table and talking. Their mouths were empty but their stomachs were full. They _____ (eat).

9. When I arrived, Kate _____ (wait) for me. She was rather annoyed with me because I was late and she _____ (wait) for a very long time.

10. The rain started two hours ago. Its still raining now. It _____ (rain) for two hours.

11. Theres a party tonight. What _____ (you/wear)?

12. Oh, Ive left the door open. I _____ (shut) it.

13. Dont phone me between 7 and 8. _____ (we/have) dinner then.

14. They didnt want to come with us at first but we _____ (be able to) persuade them.

15. If he _____ (get up) earlier, he wouldnt have lost the train.

16. Now! Look over there, that cat _____ (attack) by those dogs.

17. A: Will you be free at 11.30?B: Yes, the meeting _____ (finish) by that time.

18. There are a lot of black clouds in the sky. It _____ (rain).

19. I _____ (not/use) the car this evening, so you can have it.

20. Your car looks very clean. _____ (you/wash) it?

21. She _____ (read) a magazine, when the bulbs _____ (blow up) because there _____ (be) a storm.

22. The dinner _____ (smell) good. What _____ (you/cook) tonight?

23. This time next week, the wood _____ (burn) by the fire.

24. You should _____ (speak) up so that those in the last row can _____ (hear) you.

25. Molly lives in Dublin. She _____ (live) there all her life.1. When she _____ (come), the play _____ (start), so she had to seat at the back.

2. Giles crossed the railways, _____ (do) he?

3. A: _____ (he/use) the computer?

B: No, you can take it.

4. A: Marks come back from the USA.B: Oh, really? I didnt know. I _____ (invite) him to the party.

5. The polices car _____ (have) an accident while they _____ (chase) a fugitive.

6. How long _____ (you/play) computer games? Your eyes are red.

7. If I _____ (be) you I wouldnt _____ (lend) him anything, he _____ (not/give back) it.

8. She was happy when she finished her garden house. She _____ (work) so hard.

9. The chicken was alive. Now its dead. She _____ (kill) it.

10. Do you like _____ (dance)? I love it.

11. We usually _____ (eat) fruit for dinner, but tonight _____ (have) a steak.

12. This time next July we _____ (enjoy) our holidays.

13. A: Do you know Sally has given birth to a lovely boy?B: Oh, of course I know. I _____ (give) them a present tomorrow.

14. This afternoon a dustbin _____ (burn) by some vandals.

15. The wheels of that car are smoking, the driver _____ (brake) hard.

16. The baby _____ (start) crying an hour ago.

17. When Geri _____ (get) the money, it was too late, the jeweller _____ (sell) the ring.

18. By this time tomorrow, Sony _____ (release) its new game console.

19. He _____ (collect) stamps at the time, but soon he will have a new hobby.

20. They _____ (run) away from the fans, when the elevator _____ (fall).

21. She _____ (collect) cans of beer, she ______ (collect) them since she was a teenager.

22. A: Is your father at home? B: No, he _____ (travel) to N.Y.A: Ok, dont worry, I _____ (send) him an e-mail.

23. Sally has oil stains in the apron, she _____ (fry) something.

24. This kind of beetle only _____ (put) its eggs inside rotten wood.

25. Claire _____ (make) the luggage yet.

26. A: There are a lot of rabid dogs coming towards us. B: Jesus!!! We _____ (die).

27. Those salmons _____ (fish) by an old fisherman this very morning.

28. His has tears in his eyes, he _____ (cry).

29. If he _____ (fail), somebody will get hurt.

30. He was smiling at another girl, _____ (be) he?

31. _____ (talk) is the best instrument for communication.

32. Turn the volume down, your brother _____ (study).

33. At this moment tomorrow, we _____ (celebrate) our birthday.

34. When the weather _____ (improve), the scouts restarted the excursion.

35. Your lip is split and your nose bleeding, you _____ (fight).

36. I _____ (surprise) my mother while she _____ (toss) in my wardrobe.

37. Why dont we go to the fair, we _____ (have) a good time.

38. May I _____ (come) in, please?

39. Next Friday at twelve the swimming-pool _____ (open). 40. America ______ (discover) in 1492.

41. Theres a terrible traffic-jam. We _____ (be) late.

42. Listen to that noise, a hen _____ (lay) an egg.

43. Ulrich _____ (already/bring) some muffins, take one they _____ (be) still hot.44. Hurry up, dad _____ (wait) for us.

45. If you _____ (not/leave) the meat outside the fridge, we wouldnt _____ (have) to buy some extra chops.