repelling the injustices


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AMEF :: Presents :: The English Translation of Abdullah Azzam Brigades Release [Entitled] "|( Repelling the Injustices )|" By Al-Sheikh Siraaj Ad-Deen Zuraiqaat


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Sheikh Sirajuddin Zurayqat, a Friday sermon preacher in the mosques of Beirut, assigned by the Lebanese Dar-ul-Fatwa and one of the working Dai’is who had a role in supporting the Syrian revolution, he was exposed to arrest, surveillance and severe pressure from the army intelligence and state agencies until he was forced to leave his family and land making Hijrah to Allah with his religion.

بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيمAlhamdulillah who said in His Book: (We draw them near to destruction by degrees from whence they know not -182- And I grant them respite; surely My scheme is effective -183-) Surah Al-Araf, and peace and blessing be upon our messenger who said: “Allah gives respite to the oppressor, but when He takes him over, He never releases him”.


To my people and loved ones from Ahli Sunnah in Lebanon, their elders and youth, men and women, we have reached to a situation in Lebanon where we cannot bear the pain of the strikes which the body of Ahl Al-Sunna wa Al-Jama'ah is exposed to, and no longer can anyone be patient on our painful reality except who got used to the humiliation until the painful strikes on his body have no effect on him:

UArabic poetry

Be becomes humiliated humiliation becomes

easy for him like an wound cannot hurt a deceased

My people and loved ones:

The Baathist regime in Syria and its ally in Lebanon the “Party of Iran” – Hezbollah -, and who takes orders from it from the state agencies - headed by the army intelligence – and those who sold their religion for the Dunya of Hassan (Nasrallah) and his party from those considered to be from Ahli Sunnah, and their stinky media outlets, have declared it a war against us and aimed at us with one bow and O’ our people you see:

That the party of Iran which claims resistance, reluctance and fighting the Jews, is guarding the borders of Israel day and night, and prevents fighting them under the pretext of the country’s stability, while he assaults with its

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“resistance” arms on our areas and enters to Beirut with its arms as it did in the famous 7th of May publicly, and enters every day to our areas secretly.

So he secured the Jews in the northern Palestine, and terrorized the Muslims in Beirut and other regions of Lebanon.

The party of Iran on the 7th of May terrorized our people, scared our children, burned our properties and shed our blood in the streets just because we are from Ahl Al-Sunna wa Al-Jama'ah, do not believe it claim that its motive for that assault was political, since its soldiers “who resist the Jews” were attacking our people yelling in the name of Hussein – may Allah be pleased with him – which shows that their war was ideological not political.

The party of Iran hasn’t fired one bullet at the Jews since 2006 but rather he vowed to the West to protect them, but he shot bullets and shells on the Lebanese from Ahli Sunnah and others as long as they disagree with it and protest against it.

The party of Iran lead by Hassan of the black turban and heart, claims that he is concerned for the security of Lebanon while he and his party are the biggest seekers to Fitnah and striking the sects against each other and even the sons of the same sect against each other, so it recruits among Ahli Sunnah and in their areas armed groups which it arms, trains and finances and their only goal is to terrorize people and penetrate the ranks for its interest with its “honorable” money and “clean” arms, and this is no place for speaking in detail or we would have clarified its deeds with the evidence.

It also does so among the Christian and Druze to penetrate the sects and appear to be that he is the one who maintains the civil peace, but the truth is that it only seeks to spread the project of “Wilayat Al-Faqih” - Guardianship of the Jurist – and give it empowerment.

And speaking about that point I ask a question to the Lebanese in general by saying to them: Isn’t the Southern Suburb totally under the control of the party, isn’t this suburb as recognized by the party and its media outlets before its opponents, has become an environment that harbors drug dealers, gangs of robbery, murderers and criminals, and the party cannot dominate it and set security plans to police it? In every week in the suburb there armed clashes, robberies and assaults on the people, so if the party cannot ensure its areas how you Lebanese approved that the country be handed over to it?

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The party carrying arms today under the pretext of resistance has become an exposed lie, exposed by its deeds that are contrary to its resonant slogans, no matter how much it introduces of anniversaries held by it and festivals it organizes, since Ahli Sunnah – and the other sects – now know that the purpose of these weapons is to control the country and humiliate and enslave the people to “Al-Wali Al-Faqih”.

And I say to those whom Satan made their deeds seem fair to them from those considered to be from Ahli Sunnah who followed the party under the pretext of fighting Israel and supporting Palestine, haven’t you seen what the Jews have done to children of Gaza on 2008, and the party remained still except for the tongue of Hassan?

And some of the youth of Ahli Sunnah launched rockets on the Jews the alleged “master of resistance and liberation” considered them agents to the Jews! So is guarding the Jews reluctance and resistance, while striking the Jews is treachery and disloyalty? (What has happened to you? How do you judge?) 36 Surah Al-Qalam.

So hasten to leave this party which is rapidly heading to the abyss with the support of the Lord of the creatures, and do not believe it promises and it shows to you from making your deeds seem fair to you and it vow to support you: (And when the Shaitan made their works fair seeming to them, and said: No one can overcome you this day, and surely I am your protector: but when the two parties came in sight of each other he turned upon his heels, and said: Surely I am clear of you) 48 Surah Al-Anfal.

From the injustice that is on us in Lebanon is that the ruling party led by Hassan gives a free hand for the army intelligence and the other security agencies over Ahli Sunnah, so only our youth are arrested, and only our elders are offended, and only our honors are violated, and the walls of the defense ministry and the offices of investigation only knew our blood, and the party always makes itself far away from what has been done by the army, but that isn’t surprising from whose policies are based on lying, deceit and hypocrisy, the Almighty says: (Shall I inform you (of him) upon whom the Shaitans descend? -221- They descend upon every lying, sinful one -222- They incline their ears, and most of them are liars -223-) Surah Ash-Shuara.

Today O’ our people it has reached to humiliating the sheikhs from the Ulema of the Muslims! The army intelligence that is watchful for the security of the Jews in the south, arrests our sheikhs in Beqaa, Beirut, Al-Jabal and the North, there is a sheikh whom they entered his home before his wife puts on the

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Hijab, and they put a sheikh in the intelligence vehicle with a bag on his head, and took him to their branch, and they fired at a sheikh’s house, and sheikh Ahmed Abdulwahid was killed by the party by the hands army at a checkpoint as our youth are killed on the streets.

For them it is forbidden for any officer or soldier to be held accountable for shedding the blood of Ahli Sunnah, because our blood in this country is wasted by the Fatwas of the rented turbans of the party.

As well as severe harassment, frequent surveillance, and daily threats to the sheikhs, and I’m one of them, I was arrested and interrogated for false accusations, and the harassment continued until I left the Dunya and everything in it making Hijrah with my religion to Allah Almighty and I ask Him rightness.

Several sheikhs in Beirut were threatened with death for supporting the revolution of our people Syria, and there aren’t investigations conducted, or judiciary that looks at it, or security that search, but rather its despicable complicity.

The heroism of the investigators and the prestige of the judiciary and the security of the country appear only if the accused was from Ahli Sunnah.

This is the status that our sheikhs and Ulema have reached, but the turbaned of the party, who touches them, or libels them or stopped them at a checkpoint, have committed a great crime and exposed the security of the country to danger. Show me – if there was any – a turbaned belonging the party who was humiliated or arrested or imprisoned or stopped at a checkpoint!

And from the injustices that we are exposed to on the hands of the party executed by the state agencies, the continual arrest of our youth wrongfully in the prisons with trails or without trails, and their charge is terrorism! We wish if they explain to us what they mean by terrorism! Because to struck the Jews from Ahli Sunnah he is accused of terrorism, and who wanted to fight Israel and prepared for that he is accused of terrorism, and who owned in his home a firearms he is accused of terrorism! All these their fate is jail on charges of terrorism if they were from Ahli Sunnah! But who was a head of the Counter-Terrorism Branch, the Aouni agent who is in concord with the party that “resists” Israel, who acknowledged his treachery with the Jews, goes out of prison like a liberated captive!

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You have been exposed through the days that showed your concord with the Jews from the April Understanding to now, after you deceived the people by your long alleged resistance!

Is there anything more clearly than this? So the one who still justifies for the party its actions is either one of two, he is either a mercenary parasite who lives on the rotten body of party, or an ignorant who has a blind heart and insight (Verily, it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the breasts that grow blind) 46 Surah Al-Hajj.

I have a comment on the triplicity which they are always talking about “the army, people and resistance”, but its real order is “the party then its follower the army then who supports them from the people” this is the actual equation existing in Lebanon, and they say that this triplicity protects the country from the Jews and America and the agents, so I say that the party is guarding the Jews, and the army and the security agencies is being trained and supported by the America, and its leaders acknowledge the cooperation with the CIA and the Western intelligence, which the party claims that it considers it like being an agent to the Mossad, and who deals with the Jews from the people is a national hero who enjoys his full rights, so what triplicity is this? It is the triplicity of treachery, betrayal and underestimating the minds of the people!

And I say to the party and the intelligence agencies and the heroes of the defense ministry:

Stop searching for the cells of terrorism and Al-Qaeda and who they recruit and where they are, because your injustice which falls on Ahli Sunnah which establishes in the hearts of our youth a base to resist you, and confront your humiliation to our people, your violation of our honors is what recruits our youth, your killing of our sheikhs is what is creating our cells, to repel the aggressor and establish justice.

O’ Ahli Sunnah in Lebanon, this is our situation which isn’t a secret on you, and my advice you to get out from this situation with three verses from the Book Allah Almighty:

The first is the saying of the Almighty: (O ye who believe! Endure, outdo all others in endurance, be ready, and observe your duty to Allah, in order that ye may succeed) 200 Surah Aal-e-Imran

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And the second is the saying of the Almighty: (And obey Allah and His Messenger and do not quarrel for then you will be weak in hearts and your power will depart, and be patient; surely Allah is with the patient) 46 Surah Al-Anfal

And the third is the saying of the Almighty: (And prepare against them what force you can and horses tied at the frontier, to frighten thereby the enemy of Allah and your enemy and others besides them, whom you do not know (but) Allah knows them; and whatever thing you will spend in Allah's way, it will be paid back to you fully and you shall not be dealt with unjustly) 60 Surah Al-Anfal

Know my brothers that victory is in the hands of Allah Almighty, and we have reminded you of what we are exposed to in Lebanon.

Be prepared for the coming days, since what will happen in Al-Sham in general, which makes the patient uncertain, and the babies go gray.

I allocate our honorable Ulema from Ahli Sunnah with a word, today you are – our sheikhs – in the vanguard of the people, the events made you return to the status that you should be in, of leading the people and guiding, so carry the banner of lifting the injustice over the people, make your Minbars torches of light in the darkness which our people in Bilad Al-Sham in general are living in, if anyone of you was killed declaring the truth his status will be the status of master of the martyrs, as have the seal of the prophets peace and blessings of Allah be upon him have clarified, and let your advice to our people the advice of Musa to his people: (Musa said to his people: Ask help from Allah and be patient; surely the land is Allah's; He causes such of His servants to inherit it as He pleases, and the end is for those who guard (against evil)) 128 Surah Al-Araf.

And we bless to the sheikhs establishing Muslim Ulema Committee in Lebanon which declared it will seek supporting our causes in Lebanon and Syria, may Allah reward those who are responsible for it, and we ask Allah for them to be steadfast, and we tighten on their hands to continue and be patient and don’t pay any attention to the politicians, who aren’t concerned for the good for our Ummah and aren’t trusted on that.

In conclusion: A salutation to our people in Syria of Al-Sham, who are engaged in a final battle to demolish the wall that protects the Jews on their land, which is represented by Bashar, his army and followers. How good are you people of

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Al-Sham, how great are your sacrifices for the sake of Allah and the pride of Islam and Muslims! We reckon you to be so and Allah is your reckoner.

Arabic poetry

They went drinking death as a delicious cup despite that the taste of death is bitter

They refused to live as slaves in a world ruled by injustice and dominant by Kufr

Grievance cannot be accepted by a proud soul and no one free in his religion can accept humiliation

There is no life in who lives in humiliation even if he lives forever

The end of the Alawite rule in Syria will be a preface for the liberation of Palestine and Al-Aqsa mosque, Allah willing.

O’ Allah give victory for our people in Al-Sham over Bashar and his evil soldiers, O’ Allah preserve the honors of our people in Syria and strengthen their hearts and make their feet steadfast and the feet of their mujahidin, and preserve for them their religion.

And peace and blessings be upon the messenger of Allah and all his family and Sahabah.

(and Allah is the master of His affair, but most people do not know)

Wa Akhiru Dawana anil Hamdulliahi Rabbil alameen.

Issued by Abdullah Azzam Brigades Ramadan 1433 A.H. / 2012-08

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