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    Maison Ferrand Brands Named in Top 75 Five Star Spirits, 2014

    Citadelle Gin Citadelle Gin Reserve Solera 2013 Mathilde Cassis Liqueur Mathilde Framboise Liqueur Pierre Ferrand Ancestrale Cognac Pierre Ferrand Selection des Anges Cognac Plantation Rum Guadeloupe 1998 Vintage Plantation Rum Jamaica 2001 Vintage

    December 2014

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    Rhum Plantation rum La Maison Ferrand a ds lorigine entretenue des relations privilgies avec les meilleures distilleries des Carabes auxquelles elle vend des fts ayant contenu son brandy. Les fts de la Maison Ferrand sont trs priss par certains producteurs de rhum qui les utilisent pour affiner leur produit. Au cours de ces changes, Alexandre Gabriel eu loccasion de dcouvrir de trs vieux lots avec une richesse aromatique et une diversit darmes extraordinaires. Disponibles en toutes petites quantits, ces rhums taient, soit destins la consommation personnelle du matre de chai de la distillerie dont ils taient issus, soit pour donner du style des assemblages de rhums industriels. Cest donc tout naturellement que la Maison Ferrand sest dcide commercialiser ces lots hors du commun, dans une srie de millsimes rares. La Collection rhum Plantation Rum tait ne Aujourdhui, rhum Plantation Rum est une gamme complte de 15 rhums allant des rhums millsims aux rhums dassemblage labor par le Matre de Chai de la Maison Ferrand. Chaque rhum est lexpression parfaite des traditions de son pays dorigine, de son terroir et de sa distillerie.




    Une richesse aromatique et une diversit GDU{PHV extraordinaires

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    O F F I C I N E A R H U M

    D I R T Y D I C K U N T I K I B A R

    E N P L E I N P A R I S Par Caroline Jolivet

    Cette fois, je vous propose de vivre un voyage unique sans mme quitter la capitale : direction le Dirty Dick, un Tiki bar nich en plein cur du So-Pi, le South Pigalle, le nouveau quartier branch de la rive droite. Hant depuis toujours par la culture Tiki, lAmricain Scott Schuder vit Paris de-puis environ 15 ans. Il a rcemment ralis son rve en ouvrant en 2013 ce bar, vritable temple

    Rumporter AVRIL 201476 SOMMAIRE

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    du rhum. Un spiritueux que Scott affectionne depuis toujours : Le rhum, cest le partage , lche-t-il et il sinscrit parfaitement dans la culture Tiki qui se veut joyeuse et festive .

    Rsultat ? Le bar du Dirty Dick propose de trs nombreuses rfrences avec plus de 55 rhums diffrents. On joue avec toutes les les. On a aussi bien du Mount Gay, Karukera, Zacapa ou encore de lAppleton. Limportant est de laisser

    le choix au client. Dans tous les bars de Los Angeles et Las Vegas, mme haut de gamme, il ny a que quatre rhums : Captain Morgan, Bacardi, Malibu et une autre marque. Ce nest vraiment pas suffisant selon moi .

    Du coup, Scott ne lsine pas sur les moyens pour dnicher la perle rare. Et le voyage fait partie de ses plans pour y arriver. Il devrait dailleurs senvoler pour Miami au mois davril pour le Rum Renaissance. Loccasion de d-couvrir de nouvelles rfrences, comme cela a rcemment t le cas avec larrive de Khukri en provenance du Npal ou encore du Clairin Casimir dHati. Jai limpression de manger du poisson lorsque je le dguste. Jaime beau-coup galement le rhum de Jamaque Smith & Cross qui dvoile un style aromatique et par-ticulirement plein de flaveurs. En fait, nous navons pas de contrat avec une marque en par-ticulier. Du coup, on propose vraiment ce quon aime, comme les rhums Plantation que jadore, notamment pour les cocktails.

    Et les amateurs de rhums ne sy sont pas trom-ps. Ils arrivent en grand nombre pour dgus-ter des cocktails, raliss 80 % dentre eux base de rhums. Le best seller ? Le Zombie, compos de 12 rhums diffrents ! Et comme tout rhum addict qui se respecte, Scott est en perptuelle recherche de nouvelles saveurs. Il aurait aim acqurir le Harewood Rum Light 1780, distill Barbados, et rcemment mis aux enchres par Christies ou encore une bou-teille El Dorado 25 ans. De belles cuves qui, esprons-le, seront un jour au menu du Dirty Dick ! !

    Dirty Dick10 Rue Frochot, 75009 Paris



    Y D


    Rumporter AVRIL 2014 77

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    UDIILQp Plantation ramne le rhum dans les les

    La marque de rhum Plantation, cre par Alexandre Gabriel pour le compte de la Maison Ferrand, qui a comme but de commercialiser des lots de rhum achets auprs de distilleries de diffrentes origines aprs les avoir fait vieillir en ft de cognac, fts appartenant dj laMaison Ferrand. Aujourdhui, un peu plus dune dizaine de rfrences KRUVVLQJOHVFDVNVsont disponibles sous cette marque en passant des rhums de la Barbade, ceux de laJamaque, du Nicaragua ou encore de Grenade. Dans un souhait dexpansion commercial, cette marque souhaite aujourdhui stablir dans le berceau du rhum, les carabes. Et quelle stratgie adopter pour vendre du rhum dans les pays des rhums? Nous avons pos la question /LVHWWH'DYLV, une grenadine devenue ambassadrice de la marque pour la rgion carabe.


    Lisette Davis: Un choix des cieux ULUHV, non je plaisante, mais je suppose que a devait forcment tomber sur moi. Je suis une passionne du rhum sous toutes ses formes. Aprs avoir eu loccasion de goter, dguster et juger une grande quantit de rhums de nombreuses occasions, je suis tombe sur les rhums Plantation, que jai jug de la mme faon. Etant curieuse de nature, jai continu mintresser leurs produits et jai fait un certain nombre de recherches leur sujet et sur ce que proposait cette marque. Jai donc tout naturellement particip plusieurs confrences donnes par Alexandre Gabriel et par la suite, jai eu loccasion de lui rendre visite au domaine de la Maison Ferrand Cognac. Sur place, je suis littralement tombe amoureuse de ce rhum, et non pas de lui ULUHV, mme si je dois avouer quil a un certain charme. Par la suite, nous avons trs vite compris que nous devions travailler ensemble et lancer les rhums Plantation dans les carabes.


    L.D: Ca dpend des jours et cest trs vari. Il faut tre trs dynamique, car travailler pour Plantation amne avec soit quil y a toujours autre chose qui se passe ou qui va se passer, mais je pense que le travail au quotidien reste de faire comprendre aux gens quel pointPlantation est unique. Je dois leur montrer la magie quil y a voir travers des sminaires ou des dgustations, lors dvnements publiques ou privs, contenir de bonnes relations avec les bars et certains htels qui servent nos produits et continuer faire partie des projets quAlexandre met sur pied.


    L.D: Oui, je tiens une auberge thme, qui tourne autour du rhum, et qui se situe dans une partie rurale de lle de Grenade DXVVLDSSHOpHOvOHDX[pSLFHV. Lauberge se nomme Rumboat Retreat .


    L.D: Non, cest mme plutt linverse. Le palais cariben et capable de discernement (concernant le rhum)car le rhum est la boisson des les. Les locaux identifient facilement un simple blend pauvre en got ou un produit mal vieillit. Ici on a faire des gens qualifis par exprience et le concept de Plantation, avec ce second vieillissement en ft de cognac, est plutt intressant pour ces locaux. Nous avons dailleurs reu beaucoup de retours trs positifs et commenons tout doucement devenir une rfrence auprs des consommateurs locaux ayant dj got nos produits.


    L.D: Certainement! Nous continuons tout simplement faire ce que nous faisons de mieux! Faire dexcellent rhums que les gens aiment dguster. Travailler dure, avoir le souci du dtail et travailler avec amour et passion au sein dune quipe exceptionnelle. Voil notre stratgie.


    L.D: Nous avons une clientle trs diversifie pour le coup, allant des professionnels du secteur aux touristes, en passant par le simple pcheur qui veut lui aussi, partager un moment privilgi avec un bon verre de rhum. Je pense que les rhums Plantation sont vraiment des produits phares pour les gens qui souhaitent consommer quelque chose de diffrent et de raffin, et qui aiment simplement savourer les bonnes choses de la vie.


    L.D: Nous sommes toujours heureux de pouvoir participer ce genre dvnement, surtout quand des experts, juges ou grands amateurs font qu la fin nous dcrochions des mdailles pour nos produits. Alexandre, quant lui, adore donner des confrences devant des audiences captives de par sa passion du rhum. Cette anne, nous avons dores et dj particip auRhumfest dans les Bahamas, ou nous avons gagn une mdaille dor et une dargent, puis Miami o nous avons remport pas moins de 8 mdailles galement, ainsi quun prix Best in Class . Sinon, pour la suite, nous seront prsent un vnement nomm Tales of the Cocktails qui se tiendra la Nouvelle Orlans au mois de juillet. Nous avons beaucoup de projets et tenons toujours notre public au courant via notre page facebook.




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    Rhums blancs Premiums - Une catgorie naissante.

    Le rhum blanc, est une rfrence centrale pour beaucoup de marques, tant bien traditionnelles quagricoles. En effet, jusqu rcemment le rhum blanc tait, dans sa gnralit, plutt destin aux cocktails (Cuba Libre, Mojito, Pia Colada). Les meilleurs exemples aujourdhui restent encore les grandes marques comme Bacardi ou Havana Club, dont les rhums blancs sont souvent uniquement associs cette image et que seuls de rares consommateurs viendront boire sec ou sur glace comme on peut le faire avec un rhum vieux.

    Cette tendance est pourtant en train de changer et on pourrait bien voir merger une catgorie de rhums blancs premiums susceptibles de venir jouer dans la cour des Grey Goose et autre Belvdre. En effet, malgr lchec de Ten Cane, de plus en plus defforts sont mis en oeuvre par les producteurs de tous styles et origines confondus, pour faire surgir au sein de leurs gammes, des rhums blancs de dgustation destins la consommation pure ou aux cocktails haut-de-gamme Cest ainsi que nous avons vu arriver sur la march les Flor de Cana Extra Dry, Diplomatico Blanco Reserva, Plantation 3 toiles ou encore le tout nouveau Bacardi Gran Reserva Maestro de Ron (actuellement uniquement disponible en Duty Free).


    Ces rfrences sont des rhums qui lors dune premire tape sont vieillis en fts, tels des rhums vieux, mais qui dans une seconde tape sont blanchis via un procd de filtration au charbon de bois. Cette filtration leur permet de garder le caractre et la profondeur dun rhum vieux tout en gardant la transparence cristalline et la texture raffine dun rhum blanc. Les rhums agricoles des Antilles franaises, de leur ct, considrent bien videmment et depuis bien longtemps leurs rhums blancs comme des produits de dgustation. Ils ne les conoivent dailleurs que rarement mlangs dans des cocktails, hormis les Ti-punch et autres Planteurs, qui relvent finalement plus de la tradition et de la culture locale que de relles crations mixologistes. Nanmoins, depuis une dizaine dannes, ils lancent des sries limites avec des modes dlaboration originaux et des packaging lgants destines changer une image parfois vieillotte impose surtout par leur mode de distribution. Dans cet tat desprit nous avons dcouvert il y a peu en Mtropole le Fleur de Canne de Saint James qui fait cho aux Cuves millsimes de HSE ou encore la Canne Bleue de Clment. Fleur de Canne est une dition limite produit chaque anne partir de cannes sucres mres, rcoltes en pleine priode sche vers la fin de la campagne de rcolte. Lattente permet ainsi de ne garder que les armes de canne sucre sans ce ct vgtale que lon retrouve dans certains rhums agricoles blancs de base. Cest dailleurs dans les flches au sommet des tiges de canne sucre arrives maturit, faisant penser une fleur, que ce rhum de qualit a trouv son nom. Ces rhums agricoles blancs dexception que lon peut tout aussi bien dguster en ti-punch que purs devraient, paradoxalement, galement servir de porte dentre dans le monde de la mixologie comme le montre le dossier Cocktail du numro 3 de Rumporter






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    Plantation lance son pineapple rum

    Comme son nom lindique, la nouvelle rfrence de la marque de rhum Plantation sera donc un rhum lananas, le Plantation Pineapple Rum Stiggins Fancy.

    On compte aujourdhui beaucoup de rfrences de rhums infuss lananas, et cela surtout aux USA, comme le Bacardi Pineapple Fusion (Ananas & Noix de coco/ 35%ABV) lanc lanne dernire ou encore la liqueur Malibu Pineapple(21%ABV). Un effet de mode et des produits succs, sur une vague quAlexandre Gabriel, le propritaire de la marque Plantation, ne compte pas rater.

    Pour loccasion, il a collabor avec lhistorien en cocktail et spiritueux David Wondrich, pour concocter cette nouvelle recette de rhum lananas, en se basant sur danciennes recettes quasi disparues ce jour, datant du dbut du 19me sicle, poque laquelle cette boisson tait la mode.

    La spcificit de ce nouveau produit est le fait davoir fait infuser des ananas Queen Victoria dans du Plantation Original Dark Rum, pendant une dure de 3 mois. En parallle, la marque a cr une essence dananas sur base de lcorce du fruit (partie dans laquelle se situent toutes les huiles essentielles de lananas). En faisant infuser ces corces dans du rhum, puis en distillant celui-ci, ils ont obtenu une essence dananas quils ont par la suite combin au rhum infus prcdemment pour obtenir un rhum lananas trs aromatique avec un degr dalcool titillant les 40%.

    A la diffrence des rhums arrangs, les rhums infuss ne conservent pas les ingrdients dans la bouteille finale et ceux-ci sont donc filtrs avant dtre embouteills. La loi amricaine interdit dailleurs la vente de rhum arrang sous la forme que nous connaissons et comme nous pouvons trouver chez nous en mtropole et en Europe.

    Le nouveau Pineapple Rum de chez Plantation sera officiellement prsent lors du Tales of the Cocktail Festival, un festival ddi aux amateurs de cocktail, se droulant annuellement la Nouvelle Orlans, aux Etats-Unis, et qui se droulera cette anne du 16 au 20 juilletprochains.

    Cest ce festival dailleurs, que lune des deux autres crations dAlexandre et David datant de prcdentes collaborations, a t lance en 2011 et prime en 2012, savoir le Pierre Ferrand 1840 Original Formula Cognac ,

    Cette dition limite de Plantation Pineapple Rum Stiggins Fancy (1000 bouteilles disponibles) nest actuellement pas prvue la

    vente en France, mais est uniquement rserv au march amricain.





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    En Mai, les Rhums Plantation vous rservent une belle


    Il faut tre assez fort pour sHJULVHUDYHFXQYHUUHGHDXHWUsister une bouteille de rhum Gustave Flaubert

    En Mai, les Rhums Plantation vous rservent une belle surprise avec la sortie dun coffret dgustation avec 6 flacons scrupuleusement slectionn par Alexandre Gabriel, lu meilleur matre de chai monde 2012 aux Golden Rum Barrel Awards. On retrouvera dans cette slection le Trinidad 1999, le Jamaca 2011, le Plantation 3 Stars, le Plantation 20me Anniversaire, le Guatemala ou encore le Barbados 5 ans, formant dans lensemble un vritable voyage aromatique vers les Carabes !

    Dans un coffret comme une boite de cigare, ce cadeau conviendra parfaitement pour la fte des pres pour peu que la figure paternelle ait dj dans son buffet des flacons de la maison Cognac Ferrand.

    Bien videmment, labus dalcool est dangereux pour la sant et YKW vous incite le consommer avec modration et de manire responsable.


    Avril 2014


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    Plantation St Lucia 2003 () en tte






    Finish, Plantation St Lucia 2003 et Mount Gay Black Barrel en tte.

    Alambic Magazine

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    N2 Automne 2014


    Actu Cave rhums dition limite Slection cadeaux de ILQGDQQpH

    Dossier Classification des rhums

    Culture rhum Les rhums Plantation

    Rhums mag Le rhum passionnment !

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    New cocktails include BobV)UHVK3UHVV0RMito (Plantation 3 Stars White Rum, fresh pressed lime juice and sugar cane

    juice, fresh mint)


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    B E V E R A G E S


    Rum was produced in Barbados in the early 1600s.

    EVERY ISLAND IN THE CARIBBEAN PRODUCES RUM USING TRADITIONAL TECHNIQUES. THE PLANTATION RUM COLLECTION IS A SERIES OF RUM WHERE EACH HAS ITS OWN UNIQUE AND DISTINCT TASTE AND TRADITION.TH E B EVE R AG E RU M has been known since the 1600s and is originally from Asia. Spanish settlers brought sug-arcane to the Caribbean during Christopher Columbus second voyage in the late 1500s. The first time rum was mentioned in a literary work was in Barbados 1647, but it is known that the drink was produced on the island in the early 1600s. In the French Antilles, rum-production didnt start until the late 1600s, and only as medicine. The slaves drank the cheap rum of low quality as a substitute for cognac or sherry. Not until the 1700s, when the distil-lation-technique was improved, and with that the quali-ty, rum was spread to Europe and North America.

    Rum is the largest distilled alcohol product in the world and is produced in every continent, Asia, Latin America, Oceania, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. But the most expensive rum varies in both flavor and aroma depending on where it is produced. Some people claim that rum is the most important component in Car-ibbean and Latin American culture. Production technol-ogy has obviously evolved a lot through the years, espe-cially in terms of quality and sophistication, but some

    distilleries have been hidden among the cane-fields for generations.

    Many years ago, Alexandre Gabriel, owner of the co-gnac house Ferrand, discovered some old barrels of rum of diverse origins. The extraordinary complexity the rum showed after a few years of storage made Alexandre cu-rious to see the differences between regions and terroir. Until he was sure of the uniqueness, the discovered rum was only consumed in private, or sometimes to bring character and style to simple industrial rum. Alexandre began bottling rum with designation of origin and vin-tage Plantation Rum was born.

    TH E PL ANTATION RU M Collection is a unique Caribbean treasure that has managed to escape the industrial stand-ardization. The rum is manufactured according to each countrys traditional technology. It is made from the best of the Caribbean rum and comes from the best produc-ers in the Caribbean, South and Central America. Cognac Ferrand carefully selects the best dark rum, which, after aging in the country of origin is shipped over to France to

    B E V E R A G E S

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    Alexandre Gabriel is the owner of Plantation and Cognac Ferrand where the Plantation-rum is refined.


    be stored in cognac barrels. This way, the high quality is controlled and only the best of the best is selected. Planta-tion has a palette of aromas and flavors that can be com-pared to the best of Armagnac or Cognac.

    To produce rum one of two different methods are used, either traditional rum that is made of molasses, a byprod-uct of sugar manufacturing, or Rum Agricole, made out of fermented and distilled sugar cane juice. Potstill have been used for over 700 years and makes the drink smooth and aromatic. Distillation columns were invented in the 1800s, and make a light and elegant brew.

    Traditional rum is the original product, where the freshly harvested sugar cane is pressed and crushed to get out as much as possible of the sweet juice, which is then gently heated and turned into molasses or only fer-mented into vesou. This results in a dough-like molasses, which is distilled either in the potstill or distillation col-umn. Sugar production became less profitable during the late 1700s when slavery was abolished and Europe discov-ered the sugar beet. Sugar production ceased in the Car-ibbean and thus also the by-product molasses.

    Method number two means that instead of heating the juice it is left to ferment naturally. The rising alcoholic va-por condenses when it comes up to the cool surface. The aromatic liquid that remains is distilled into rum. This

    method is mandatory for Rum Agricole, rum from Mar-tinique and Guadeloupe, where the concept of AOC Ap-pellation Origine Contrle is used.

    To produce rum, the sugar canes are cut in lengths of 20 cm and crushed as soon as possible after harvest. The juice is then prepared for fermentation into alcohol using yeast. Fermentation time is anywhere from a few hours to several weeks, depending on the complexity you want to achieve. Distillation begins when sugar wine (7%) is clear, and occurs both in small potstills and in distilla-tion columns. When the distillation is complete, the rum is bottled or stored in oak barrels. The storage of the Plan-tation Rum products begins in the Caribbean and ends in France.

    Plantation today stretches over at least eight regions: Trinidad, Barbados, St. Lucia, Jamaica, Grenada, Guyana, Nicaragua, Guatemala and Panama. Besides vintage rum, several blends are produced.

    Today, there are three different types of rum:English style, from Barbados, Jamaica and Guyana,

    rich and aromatic products with long fermentation.Spanish style, light rum, with short or medium fer-

    mentation, often from Cuba.Rum agricole, made from sugar cane juice from Marti-

    nique and Guadeloupe.

    B E V E R AG E S

    New York Hong Kong Dubai Palm Beach Tuscany


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    The drink Mojito was born in Cuba in the beginning of 1900s, and most probably in the famous bar La Bodeguita del Medio in Havana, where the writer Ernest Hemingway was one of the regulars.

    Mojito 46 cl rum2 cl lime juice2 teaspoons sugara few sprigs of fresh mintsoda


    SYSTE M BOL AG ETS STAN DARD IN DEX features two prod-ucts, both of which are Premium avec, double-layered dark vintage rum with an elegant and balanced taste:

    Plantation Grande Reserve BarbadosAn excellent all-round rum, aged three to four years in bourbon barrels and finished in cognac barrels.Art No 10310, price 269 SEK.

    Plantation 20th Anniversary is silky smooth rum stored eleven years in bourbon bar-rels and finished in cognac barrels for about two years.Art No 509, price 499 SEK.

    The range available on request:Plantation Old Reserve TrinidadThe distillation column rum has been stored in selected bourbon barrels and then about two years in cognac bar-rels. It has a powerful tone with a hint of smokiness that you can recognize from whiskey.

    After a short fermentation the rum is distilled in dis-tillation columns. After that, stored in selected bourbon barrels for about nine years before it is stored a few more years on cognac barrels in France.

    A large and complex aroma, slightly smoky roasted nuts, leather, caramel and vanilla. The taste is full and fiery with a hint of vanilla, leather, herbs and arrack.

    Art No 87333, 399 SEK.

    Plantation 3 Stars White RumPlantation 3 Stars White Rum is a cleverly composed rum with the best of Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad. Each component of White Rum is stored for several years, which actually makes it dark, but the producer has used carbon filtration to remove the dark color. Each island has a distinct character and style, developed over centu-ries, each of which contributes to the Plantation 3 Stars. Trinidad stands for maturity and elegance, Barbados adds a sophisticated, balanced flavor and Jamaica provides a clear structure and rustic edge. The rum from Barbados and Trinidad is distilled in column boilers while the rum from Jamaica has been distilled in potstills.

    3 Stars White Rum has a delicate fragrance of tropical fruits, brown sugar and pears. This rum with its sophis-ticated tone is perfect with an ice cube or as the base in a classic drink or cocktail.Art No 86775, 249 SEK. O

    B E V E R A G E S

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    A very pleasant rum from a small nation that surely deserves its place on the rum map

    The Rum : Belize 7 yo Prime Minister Edition by Plantation for The Nectar (Belgium) 43 abv

    Origin: Belize

    Distilled: ca 2006

    Bottled: 2013 cask 2/6 450 bottles. Late Harvest Cask Finish

    Belize y yo Prime Minister Edition Plantation

    Nose: First impression is cognac, but also some very nice fruity notes: tropical fruits followed by peaches. Soft

    herbal with a little whiff of vanilla. Soft nose without any aggressive alcohol. After a good 15 minutes in the glass a

    delicate floral perfume with more vanilla now.

    Taste: A rather strange but very pleasant mixture of sweet raisins, banana (pisang), chocolate with nuts and

    even some smoke. In the middle of the palate a little bitter note that quickly drowns in the overall sweetness of

    the rum.

    Finish: Retakes all the flavours of the taste, being a little less sweeter and more wood influence. Long finish.

    Our score : 16/20. For not even 50 this is a stunner indeed.

    Remarks: A very pleasant rum from a small nation that surely deserves its place on the rum map. This 7 yo

    shows great maturity. I suppose this is a sister cask of the Belize 7 yo Late Harvest bottled for Juuls Vin &


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    The Sugarcane Collection February 2014




    This is subtle and powerful at the same time

    The Rum: Jamaica 1983 sc Plantation for the Nectar (Belgium) 42 abv. Cask 1/1 150 bottles only. Origin: Jamaica. My guess.Long Pond distillery (well known for the Captain Morgan brand). Distilled: 1983 Bottled: 2011 Maturation: Finished in Cognac casks.

    Nose: This is subtle and powerful at the same time. Raisins, and candied orange. A little whiff of mocha and crme brle. Even a slight vegetal side too. Taste : my first impression was that this rum was a bit punchier than 42 abv. Perfect sweetness, without ever becoming too sweet. For an almost 30 yo rum with the main part of the maturation in tropical Jamaica the influence of the oak isnt too overpowering at all. Its there all right, but gentle playing on the background. After a good 15 minutes in the glass, I get more vanilla and chocolate notes. Finish: Sweet again, but in good balance with the wood. A little nuttiness, and on the back of the tongue some verbena.

    Our score : 18/20. Excellent rum indeed. Remarks: This actually was a bargain in 2011, selling for about 75. Now however almost impossible to find.

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    IT IS RATHER LOVELY Plantation St Lucia 2003 Vintage

    A Work of Friendship

    When we met Alexandre Gabriel of Cognac Ferrand at the recent Paris Rhum Festival he was found to be clutching a bottle of rum (which is hardly unusual) marked only with a handwritten label bearing the words Plantation Saint Lucia 2013 Barrel Sample, noting also a signature, the date and a contents ABV of 43%. Alexandre was particularly keen for us to taste this and to tell us a little about the story behind it as it was the product of a great friendship between two men with a passion for rum.

    Background Note: There seems to be an acknowledgement from Alexandre Gabriel that his first St. Lucia Vintage release (and I can only assume he means the 2001) wasnt very good, as time passes he seems expresses more regret at its release and seems to want to atone. Im not sure why this is with any certainty Im not sure that Ive tasted the 2001, although there may have been a single occasion and I certainly dont recall thinking it was horrible. Perhaps when you strive for the very best you become your own harshest critic? Stepping back in time to 2003 to a conversation between Alexandre Gabriel and Laurie Bernard of St Lucia Distillers. Laurie (whom sadly passed away in 2012) issues Alexandre with a challenge to make a St. Lucian rum the finest in the Plantation range. Challenges like this seem to inspire Alexandre and it was accepted wholeheartedly. St. Lucia Distillers is well known for having a variety of stills from which they can produce their rum and it was the spirit from the John Dore pot still that Alexandre preferred. However, Laurie preferred the spirit from his Vendome pot still a spicier distillate. Debating the two styles, the friends reach an agreement for a blend of both (80% John Dore, 15% Vendome) along with 5% of their column still rum. This rum was laid down in American White Oak for a few years in St. Lucia, then transferred to Cognac Ferrand for a second ageing in French oak as is the norm for the Plantation rums. The result is the 2003 St. Lucia Vintage and it is rather lovely. I am sad that my friend Laurie is no longer with us because we wanted to present the outcome of our teamwork together said Alexandre Gabriel. I am proud to be able to introduce this fine rum, the fruit of our labour, our shared passion and our friendship. I am sure Laurie is looking down with a smile of a passionate producer, happy to see people enjoying one of his best rums We hope that this 2003 Vintage allows Alexandre to stop fretting about the previous St. Lucian rum as he has more than atoned with this release. Official Tasting Notes: Plantation St. Lucia 2003 Vintage reveals a powerful nose combining notes of currants, frangipane, dried apricot, spice and vanilla. It is rich and harmonious on the pallet, mingling flavours of tobacco and toasted almonds. The finish is exceptionally long and generous. Quite simply, a tasting experience that takes you to rum paradise. Plantation St. Lucia 2003 Vintage will be available in Europe from the end of April 2014. Retail price : 45 Euros




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    French dr i nks gr oup Cognac Fer r and w i l l unve i l a new p ineapple r um at Ta l es o f the Cockta i l i n New Or leans next w eek .

    Plantation Pineapple Rum Stigginss Fancy, created by company

    founder Alexandre Gabriel and cocktail historian David Wondrich, is

    inspired by several traditional recipes used in the 1800s.

    Gabriel infused ripe Queen Victoria pineapples in Plantation

    Original Dark Rum for three months, before adding the distillate of

    rum macerated ith the bare rind of the fruit.

    The resulting 40% abv rum is described as having notes of tropical

    fruit, smoke, citrus peel and clove.

    David and I did this project in part out of sheer curiosity, Gabriel

    said. Mostly, however, we did it because the pineapple is the

    symbol of hospitality and also the symbol of the Tales of the Cocktail Apprentice program.

    The new expression is also named after the Reverend Stiggins, a character in Charles Dickens The Pickwick

    Papers whose favoured tipple was pineapple rum.

    Stigginss Fancy is our liquid thank you to the Tales Apprentices who do so much for all of us. We hope you all

    enjoy drinking it as much as we did making it.

    The 1824 Journal of Patent Inventions notes that it was customary in the West Indies to offer pineapple rum to

    visiting European friends. Following the West Indian tradition, Plantation Pineapple Rum is our gift to you.

    The expression, of which only 1,000 bottles have been produced, will initially only be available in New Orleans,

    but will be rolled out to key US markets later this summer. It carries an RRP of US$29.99 for 750ml.




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    0LOOHVLPHV - 16 (50ml) What is it? A single-barrel rum from Trinidad, flown to the Pierre Ferrand estate in Cognac, France, for maturation in ex-Cognac and ex-Banyuls (A fortified wine from the slopes of the Catalunian Pyrenees, on the Spanish border) casks. How does it smell? As one would imagine an Eau de Sweetie Shop. A thick fug of vanilla extract, confectioners sugar and maple syrup defines a positively diabetes-inducingly sweet nose. Probe a little deeper, though, for beneath the dumb saccharinity theres complexity, with stewed strawberries, overripe banana, light leather and jasmine tea.

    How does it taste? As vanilla-candy heavy as the nose might suggest,

    but arrives augmented with a zippy lime oil top note, cinnamon and nutmeg. Dies away quite quickly for a premium sipping rum, but swiftly reveals the curious genius that led to cellar-master Alexandre Gabriels choice to bottle at a slightly higher than standard ABV of 47% the slight tingle on the tongue after swallowing holds your attention before of peppery aromatics zooms back up the throat on exhalation.

    How should I drink it? Really, youll only get everything this stuff has to offer neat, preferably in a natty nosing glass. Resist the urge to water it down or take it with ice and youll be rewarded with an amazingly dynamic rum. And its from boring old Trinidad!



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    Despite the historical links with pirates and sailors, you dont have to take to the seas to enjoy this spicy spirit. In fact, Agostino Perrone, award-winning director of Mixology at the Connaught Hotel, says rum has never been so trendy.

    With tropical flavours ranging from light and sweet to dark, rich and treacly, rum comes increasingly high on peoples lists of favourite spirits, not just for its smoothness, but also for its character, he says.

    Each country of origin has its own individual style, he says. Cubans, for instance, have round flavours and dry fruits while Jamaican rums are rich, round and tropical, with a sweeter finish.

    There are different colours too - white rum, gold rum, dark rum and black rum.

    Plantation 3 Stars White Rum

    White rum, which can be aged or unaged, is the clear and most commonly used as the base for a daiquiri or mojito, says Agostino. He picks this vibrant and well-balanced bottle which comes from the three stars of the Caribbean Barbados, Jamaica and Trinidad.

    The Independent

    April 2014


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    -HII%HDFKEXP%HUU\JLYHVP\VWLFDOWLSVRQPDNLQJWLNLGULQNVDW7DOHVRIWKH&RFNWDLONew Orleans' resident tiki god issued spiritual guidance on making rum-based drinks to a crowd of devotees at 7DOHVRIWKH

    &RFNWDLO on Thursday in New Orleans. "The drink will tell you how it wants to be made," said -HII%HDFKEXP%HUU\, sharing the wisdom of Japanese bartender Kazuo Uyeda during a seminar titled "Which Rum, What Cocktail and Why?" The answer to "why" is simple, Berry said: "Rum was cheap as dirt." The liquor grew popular in the U.S. during Prohibition, when whiskey was tough to get and bathtub gin could kill you, he said. In contrast, with rum, "the label glued to the bottle was probably real," Berry said. "You weren't going to die or become paralytic," he said. However, after Prohibition ended, Americans returned to their "beloved" gin and whiskey, resulting in a large surplus of unwanted rum. A response to the "which rum, what cocktail" portion of the title proved a bit more complex and mystical. Cocktail enthusiasts sometimes try to be purists, striving to recreate certain famed drinks down to the detail, said the seminar's panelists, which also included moderator Philip Duff, Smuggler's Cove owner Martin Cate, and Plantation Rum distiller Alexandre Gabriel. But recreating exact replicas of cocktails gets tricky when working with rum, a spirit that started as a byproduct and has a history mired in slavery. "Rum as we know it is not how it began," said Duff, describing how plantations began distilling rum as a means of efficiency. Rum has changed, palates have changed, and the precise recipes of tiki pioneer Don the Beachcomber remain a mystery. "He was a master of secrecy," Berry said. "Nobody really knows what went into his drinks." Berry described Don as a wizard of sorts, who concocted slings and exotic punches, playing with various combinations of rums, juices and liqueurs; in the process, he took a cheap liquor ignored by most and created not just a set of drinks, but a lifestyle and attitude. "This was new and exciting, and it was a whole new way to drink," Berry said. That spirit of experimentation must be summoned when facing the "tyranny of choice" presented by the overwhelming rum options available today, panelists said. "Rum is like winethe spectrum is enormous," Berry said. Cate said he has 540 kinds of rum at his bar and another 350 offsite, for example. "There's the right rum for the right drink," Cate said. "You've got to ask yourself: What would taste good? What would taste right?" The audience, a generally laidback bunch clad in Hawaiian shirts and tropical-print dresses, got a chance to taste five kinds of rum and then compare and contrast several Mai Tais and two Negronis made with the sample rums. The exercise showed how spirits could be equally admirable but not equally suited for a specific cocktail, Berry said. To divine the right spirit, "think about how that cocktail wants to be made," Berry said. He's been taking that advice in crafting a Mai Tai for his planned bar, /DWLWXGH "I've been endlessly ripping this drink apart," he said, even varying from the trusty Trader Vic's recipe. "Let the drink tell you," Berry emphasized throughout the seminar. "Don't let somebody who ZULWHVDFRFNWDLOERRN tell you," he added, to laughter from the crowd.

    0DL7DL9HUVLRQ 0DNHVFRFNWDLO 2 ounces Plantation Rum 3 Star 0.5 ounce Pierre Ferrand Dry Curacao 0.75 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice 0.25 ounce orgeat syrup 0.25 ounce rich sugar syrup* (2:1) Garnish: Mint sprig Garnish: Shell of squeezed lime Combine all ingredients except garnish in a shaker with ice and shake well. Serve in a tall glass over crushed ice. Add garnishes. *Rich sugar syrup is made with two parts sugar dissolved in one part water. Refrigerate any leftover syrup.

    0DL7DL9HUVLRQ 0DNHVFRFNWDLO 2 ounces Plantation Rum Jamaica Vintage 0.5 ounce Pierre Ferrand Dry Curacao 0.75 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice 0.25 ounce orgeat syrup 0.25 ounce rich sugar syrup * Garnish: Mint sprig Garnish: Shell of squeezed lime Combine all ingredients except garnish in a shaker with ice and shake well. Serve in a tall glass over crushed ice. Add garnishes. *Rich sugar syrup is made with two parts sugar dissolved in one part water. Refrigerate any leftover syrup.

    0DL7DLYHUVLRQ 0DNHVFRFNWDLO 1 ounce Plantation 3 Star Rum 1 ounce Plantation Rum Jamaica Vintage 0.5 ounce Pierre Ferrand Dry Curacao 0.75 ounce freshly squeezed lime juice 0.25 ounce orgeat syrup 0.25 ounce rich sugar syrup* Garnish: Mint sprig Garnish: Shell of squeezed lime Combine all ingredients except garnish in a shaker with ice and shake well. Serve in a tall glass over crushed ice. Add garnishes. *Rich sugar syrup is made with two parts sugar dissolved in one part water. Refrigerate any leftover syrup.

    5XP1HJURQL9HUVLRQ 0DNHVFRFNWDLO 1 ounce Plantation Rum Grand Reserve 5 Year 1 ounce Campari 1 ounce sweet vermouth Garnish: Orange zest Stir all ingredients except garnish together in a mixing glass. Strain and serve over ice in a rocks glass. Add garnish.

    5XP1HJURQL9HUVLRQ 0DNHVFRFNWDLO 1 ounce Plantation Rum Trinidad Overproof 1 ounce Campari 1 ounce sweet vermouth Garnish: Orange zest Stir all ingredients except garnish together in a mixing glass. Strain and serve over ice in a rocks glass. Add garnish. Ice: Rocks July 2014



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    It was no surprise that Plantation took home the most awards for the second year in a row

    MIAMI COCKTAIL WEEK: Welcome to the jungle

    The week of rum-soaked festivities commenced on Monday, April 21, with a kick-off party sponsored by Plantation Rum and featuring a pop-up

    bar with cocktails from Caa Rum Bar in Los Angeles. Held at The Broken Shaker in Miami Beach, the laid-back event gave early arrivals and

    locals a chance to mingle and sample some inventive concoctions.

    The vibe and weather were perfect as attendees soaked up both the atmosphere and complimentary cocktails with equal gusto. Rum fest

    organizers Robert A. Burr and Robin Burr, along with son Robert V. Burr, chilled out and entertained guests as if they were hosting an informal

    backyard party at their home. At the time, I thought the Burrs were enjoying the calm before the storm, but a storm never arrived. The weather

    was perfect all week (clear and sunny days, mild nights), and the festival seemed to run without a hitch.

    The Broken Shaker was the perfect spot to open the first Miami Cocktail Week, not only because of its past association with the festival, but also

    due to its status as a James Beard Award-nominated bar. Im sure well be seeing lots more of this venue as the Miami Cocktail Week event

    grows. For many festivalgoers, one of the highlights of the week is the annual sojourn to the legendary Mai-Kai Polynesian restaurant, the 57-

    year-old historic landmark in Fort Lauderdale that carries the torch for old-school rum and Tiki cocktails. Many are so enamored, in fact, that they

    return again and again throughout the week, despite the 40-mile trek up from Miami. We ran into a lively crew including rum judges and fellow

    bloggers from the U.K.s Floating Rum Shack on quite a few occasions, ensconced in The Molokai bar with a wide array of tropical drinks and pu-

    pu platters. It was no surprise that Plantation took home the most awards for the second year in a row, including a sweep of all three medals in

    the Special Cask category. After winning five in medals 2013, the Cognac Ferrand boutique label snagged eight awards, proving that its varied

    offerings from throughout the Caribbean are not only still hot, but are getting hotter

    A CORNUCOPIA OF RUM: The Grand Tasting Exhibitions

    Saturday and Sunday brought the main event of the festival, the public opening of the convention center for rum producers to show off their

    wares and give enthusiasts a chance to taste a seemingly limitless array of fine spirits. Brands from around the world were on display, showcasing

    many different styles and products. The Plantation booth was a must stop, for all the reasons cited above. With eight-award winning rums, it was

    hard to decide which ones to taste. Plantation 20th Anniversary (gold medal for Premium Aged Rum) is a solid aged rum, full of banana and

    fruit flavors. But the one that stood out was Plantation Guyana 2005, named Best in Class for Special Cask. Plantation rums swept that

    category with the collection of cask-aged rums tied to specific years of vintage. The Guyana 2005, essentially Plantations version of a Demerara

    rum, is smooth and smokily pungent like any good Demerara should be. But the sophistication that Plantation brings to the table with its unique

    dual-aging process gives it extra polish. I would rank this right up with the hard-to-find Lemon Hart 80 and El Dorado 8 (gold medal winner for

    Aged Rum, 4-8 years) as one of the best all-around mixing rums in the Demerara style. And its a nice sipping rum too. I did catch what was

    supposed to be the finale of the competition. The Bacardi U.S. Tiki Team, including mixologists from The Broken Shaker and the Orange Blossom

    on Miami Beach, appeared on stage to wow the judges with a unique and flavorful Tiki drink. They made a riff on the Yellow Bird called the Cat in

    the Jungle, featuring Plantation and Appleton rums. The presentation was definitely unique (see photo above) with the drink poured into a vessel

    that celebrated the feline form.

    The Atomic Grog

    May 2014


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    :KLFK 5XP :KDW &RFNWDLO DQG:K\"This seminar was presented by 3ODQWDWLRQ5XPand held by Jeff Berry, Alexandre Gabriel, Martin Cate and Philip Duff and the room was packed and of course all the usual suspects were there.

    They took us through the history of rum, the tiki era, Don the Beachcomber, Trader Vic and then a very interesting theory about the rums Trader Vic used in his Mai Tais, or rather the Martinique rum part. Most of us (if not all ?) have always thought that the Martinique rum Trader Vic used was an agricole rum, but there is a new theory on this that the rum actually was a molasses based rum and not an agricole.


    Well, there seem to be some things that points to that, for example the Martinique rum was described at the time as a rum with a heavy coffee color, here is the points according to Martin Cate including a pic of the jet-black Barum bottled in Jamaica:

    . Very few agricoles were exported to the US at that time. Only brand I can see in the US is Saint James. Don Beach had no agricoles at all on his 1940s rum menu. Don describes Martinique rum as Heavy-bodied, medium pungency and Not as dry as the Cuban nor as rummy as the Jamaican no word about grassiness or a different raw material at all.

    . His first Adjusted Mai Tai recipe uses Coruba- lightly aged black Jamaican rum. Heavier bodied, but no depth of character.

    . He described using Trader Vics brand Martinique rum in the 1950 to match the desired nutty flavor of the older Jamaican.

    . Trader Vics 1946 Book of Food and Drink (and 1947 and 172 Bartenders Guide) describe Martinique rum as Commonly known as French rums, they are usually heavy in body, coffee-colored, very similar to Jamaica rums, but in many cases have the dry burned flavor of the Demerara.

    Theres just no way thats agricole. Also, Vic cited and used Negrita- a black rum from the French islands that is molasses based.

    9LFV0DUWLQLTXH5XP/LVW Outstanding brands: Bellows Martinique* Black Head* Rhum St. James Barum* Casa Grazia (?) Goslings Martinique* Rhum Charleston* Rhum Chauvet* Rhum Risetta* Rhum Negrita*

    *All Traditionelle


    This rum was made to recapture the characteristics of the original 17-year-old rum. First he skillfully blended Jamaican rums and then added Martinique rum for its elusive and wonderful nutlike flavor (ed thats got to be rhum traditionelle) and a bit of light Virgin Island rum for the smoothness of body. (ed. thats just padding to keep the cost down) This combination became the Trader Vic Mai Tai rum as we know it today. (Today being the 1960s)

    So to me it looks like its true that the Martinique rum was actually molasses based. The rum world is really interesting stuffSure I wrote a note about this when I reviewed the 'HQL]HQ0HUFKDQWV5HVHUYH rum which is a blend with both Jamaican rums and molasses based Martinique rum (Grand Arome) but being at this seminar and Martin Cate helped me get more and deeper understanding of the details.

    Martin Cate is still of the opinion though, that making a Mai Tai with half Jamaican and half Agricole is delicious regardless! I tend to agree

    Next up, more about rum.yeah I have a hard time staying away from any seminar talking about my favorite cane spirit.

    And to wrap it all up I would recommend anyone to go to the Tales! its such an experience, its fun, you meet fun and interesting people and you learn a lot!

    Next post coming up soon the tastings!

    A Mountain of Crushed Ice July 2014



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    Aged Rum: Sweet Nectar You Should Be Sipping

    7KHVH DUH UXPV ZRUWK VSHQGLQJ \RXU PRQH\ RQWhen it comes to alcoholic beverages, Im a wine guy first and foremost, then a Scotch & bourbon

    guy. Until recently if someone mentioned rum and didnt say Coke right after it or mention

    mojitos, I wasnt quite sure what they were getting at. But then aged rum started hitting my

    periphery. One reason was some friends who enjoyed and extolled its virtues and another was my

    love of Single Malt Scotch. Over the last couple of years it became clear to me that some of my

    favorite expressions of Scotch were ones that were finished in more than one type of cask. Among

    those is The Balvenie 14 Year Old Caribbean Cask. Its aged for 12 years in whiskey barrels and then

    spends the last two years aging in ex- rum casks. Thus the desire to sample more aged rums

    increased. The more examples I tried it became clear how distinct they could be from one another

    as well as what a world apart they are from the typical rums used as mixers. The next step was

    obvious; I needed to sample numerous aged rums side by side to see the real differences. Over the

    last couple of weeks I have tried more than four dozen different rums from a host of producers. I

    tasted each one several times. My glass of choice was a brandy snifter and I sampled each rum both

    neat and with a single ice cube. Some of the rums work better with ice while most were better

    neat. Of the many examples of rum I tasted, those listed below are the ones I recommend you

    spend your money on.

    Heres why:

    Kanich Rserve It was distilled and aged in bourbon casks in Barbados. Kanich was then

    transported to the Cognac Ferrand estate in France, where it was finished in ex-Cognac casks. This rum

    sells for right around $18. Caramel and papaya aromas fill the nose here. Spices carry the day through

    the palate along with hints of crme brle and macadamia nut. It has a nice finish with vanilla bean and bits of clove. At under $20 this is an outstanding value. For

    this price you wont mind making cocktails with it, but its worthy of being sipped neat.

    Plantation XO 20th Anniversary This offering is made by combining some of the companys oldest reserved rums from Barbados. After blending, they allow

    the married rum to age for another 12 to 18 months in oak casks in France. It has a suggested retail price of $39.99. In the glass it has a deep, dark hue that brings to

    mind double-brewed tea. The nose is off the charts with bits of toasty oak, vanilla bean galore, and spices to spare. The palate is generous and powerfully layered

    with a bevy of precise and complex fruit and spices. Dates, coconuts, and mountain fig are all present and accounted for along with a hint of anise and toasted

    pecan. The prodigious finish brings to mind Fig Newtons dipped in dark chocolate. A hint of Seville orange provides a final distinct note. I recommend enjoying this

    impressive rum neat.

    The Daily Meal April 2014



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    Plantation Rum Dinner at Osteria Mazzantini

    Osteria Mazzantini hosts a five-course meal that features various Plantation Rum pairings. Seating is limited.

    Aperitivo Panino, crispy pork belly, tomato conserva, arugula. Bruschetta, cauliflower "Crudo" with golden raisins, capers, pinenuts. Pairing: "Rejuvenation" featuring, three-star Silver R.

    Antipasti Calzone Di Carnevale, pork, veal, scarmorza and ricotta calzone, salsa verde, bagna cauda. Pairing: "Lei Down Sally" featuring, five-year Grande Reserve Barbados Rum.

    Pesce Snapper Crudo Marco Polo, gulf red snapper, white soy, grapefruit, chili, watercress. Pairing: "Calypso Coke" featuring three-star Silver Rum.

    Secondi Agnello con Olive, braised lamb belly, black olives, oregano, capers. Cauliflower Purea, crispy shallots, soffrito. Pairing: "Old-Fashioned Voodoo" featuring 20th Anniversary Rum.

    Dolce Torta di Ananas, pineapple torte, preserved cherries, Plantation caramel. Pairing: "Pina Colada" featuring Plantation Original Dark 73 overproof Rum and Plantation 20th Anniversary Rum.

    DATE Monday, June 23rd, 2014 at 7 p.m.

    LOCATION Osteria Mazzantini 2200 Post Oak Boulevard Houston, TX 77056 WEBSITE www.osteriamazzantin... PHONE 713-993-9898 TICKET INFO $70 per person, all inclusive.

    Culture Map Houston

    July 2014


    Osteria Mazzantini hosts a five-course meal that features various Plantation Rum pairings

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    Highest Recommendation

    Guadeloupe 1998 Vintage*

    Jamaica 2001 Vintage* Guyana 2005 Vintage

    *named Top 75 Five Star Spirits, 2014

    Highly Recommended

    Original Dark

    Original Dark Overproof 20th Anniversary XO

    3 Stars Grande Reserve 5 Year Old

    Trinidad 1999 Vintage

    December 2014

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    Le gin tonic, le seul cocktail qui devrait tre rembours par la Scu Avec la folie des micro-distilleries de gin qui sempare du globe, le cocktail ringard des annes 80 opre un retour fracassant en mode chic et craft. Les lecteurs de Slate ayant connu les annes 80 se souviendront de deux flaux qui ont fait beaucoup de tort la libido de la jeunesse: les coupes de cheveux masculines, qui auraient fait passer les footballeurs de 2014 pour des modles Carita; et le gin tonic, le cocktail le plus populaire lpoque, qui vous envoyait la tte dans les toilettes avant la fin de la soire. En ces temps radieux que les moins de 40 ans ne peuvent pas connatre, o le mojito navait pas pris dassaut les bars et vos tables de cuisine, le gin to rgnait en matre. Mais trop de mauvais gins et dpouvantables tonics ont fini par expdier ce cocktail chic des seventies dans les oubliettes de la ringardise. Injuste destin pour le gin, qui avait pourtant noblement commenc sa carrire dans les pharmacies, et dont linvention est souvent attribue un mdecin hollandais, Franciscus Sylvius. Apparu au XVIIe sicle en Hollande sur les bases de son moyengeux anctre le genever (genivre), cet alcool redistill avec des baies de genivre et diverses herbes et pices tait en effet rput pour ses proprits diurtiques et anti-diarrhiques, et soignait aussi bien les maux destomac que la goutte, les calculs rnaux, les lumbagos A peu prs la mme poque, sur lautre rive des ocans, la comtesse de Cinchon, pouse du vice-roi du Prou, contracte la malaria dans les Andes. Et ne doit son salut quaux indiens Quechua qui lui firent ingurgiter une potion amre base dcorce dun curieux arbre fivre. Si la lgende est trop belle, reste que la quinine extraite de lcorce savrait un antipaludique efficace, qui soulageait en outre les crampes, les hmorrodes, les varices et les affections de la bouche et de la gorge. Longtemps les Espagnols ont empch lexportation des graines darbre fivre, le quinquina, sarrogeant un prcieux monopole du commerce de la quinine en Europe, o le remde faisait fureur. Jusqu ce que les Anglais tentent (sans succs) de limplanter en Inde et au Sri Lanka, et que les Hollandais russissent lacclimater Java, au milieu du XIXe sicle. Rendons grce aux Britanniques qui, dfaut davoir eu la main verte, ont invent ds lors le mdicament gnrique universel dont rvent tous les labos pharmaceutiques du monde. Les militaires de la Couronne stationns en Inde, pour faire passer lamertume de la quinine qui leur vitait les foudres du paludisme, eurent lide de la diluer et de ladoucir dans une confortable dose de gin allonge deau gazeuse sucre. Le gin tonic tait n, et reste ce jour la seule chose positive que lon doive aux moustiques. Depuis quelques annes, le gin-to opre un fracassant retour sous des latitudes o la malaria noffre pas dexcuse sa consommation. En Espagne, dabord, o pas loin de 300 gins conversent aimablement avec des dizaines de tonics, servis dans de grands verres piscines. Si la France se fait encore un peu prier, de lAngleterre aux Etats-Unis, de lAllemagne aux Pays-Bas, partout la fivre du gin tonic se propage, porte par le boom des micro-distilleries et encourage par les bartenders qui lchent la vodka pour les gins artisanaux plus sophistiqus. On a enfin compris que le gin trs bon march se payait en ralit deux fois: la premire quand on lachte, la seconde le lendemain quand on est malade comme un chien, ironise Alexandre Gabriel, qui labore Cognac lune des stars internationales du gin couture, le Citadelle. Pourtant, le spiritueux le plus cratif du moment (nous reviendrons bientt sur le sujet) se retrouve aussitt recouvert dun flot de tonic au sucre et aux armes synthtiques. A quoi bon fabriquer des gins de trs haute qualit si cest pour les noyer ensuite dans un mauvais tonic? sinterroge Charles Rolls. Faites le test: versez-vous plusieurs excellents gins et compltez avec un tonic basique: vous ne pourrez plus faire la diffrence. Accordons Charles Rolls le droit de rler au moins deux titres: en tant quancien directeur de la distillerie de gin Plymouth, et en tant que cofondateur de la gamme de tonics 100% naturels Fever Tree, qui arrive (enfin!) cet t dans les Monoprix. Tel un chasseur de plantes, Rolls a traqu la quinine jusquau Congo, choisi 3 espces de gingembre en Cte dIvoire, au Nigeria et Cochin, slectionn les citrons en Sicile pour en extraire lessence par pression froid, comme en parfumerie. Choisir des ingrdients naturels de qualit suprieure nest ni un luxe ni une aberration conomique, se dfend-il, car on les utilise en trs petite quantit. Prenez la quinine. Sa concentration est limite quelque 80 parts par million (ppm) dans les tonics, trs loin du demi-million ncessaire pour combattre la malaria. Pour chasser la fivre au gin-tonic avec les doses actuelles, il faudrait en remplir une baignoire et boire leau du bain! Les rgles de sant publique le dconseillent fermement. Et cest pourquoi le gin-to nest ce jour pas rembours par la Scu.

    5 trucs qui changent tout au gin tonic 1. Servez-le dans un verre piscine ou un gros verre bire pied de forme ballon (type Leffe). Pas dans le verre collins troit et haut, o le tonic flotte la surface et o le gin coule au fond sans laisser remonter ses armes. 2. Passez un zeste de citron sur lintrieur et lextrieur du verre, pied y compris. Les huiles essentielles se diffuseront pour titiller vos sens. 3. Remplissez le verre aux trois quarts de gros glaons, jamais de glace pile qui fond trop vite. Ajoutez une mesure de (bon) gin et 4 mesures de (bon) tonic que vous ferez glisser le long du manche dune cuillre pour ne pas casser les bulles. Mlangez. Ajoutez le zeste de citron. 4. Pour un gin-to light (franchement, quel intrt ?), vitez les tonics au sucre synthtique qui collent au palais et prfrez ceux qui utilisent du fructose. 5. Pour changer : un zeste dorange la place du citron, un zeste de pamplemousse avec celui du citron (passez-le galement sur le verre), quelques baies de genivre dans le verre, un bton de cannelle ou des rpures de fve tonka pour accompagner le zeste. Et, pour un gin-to faon vieille Anglaise (2 doses de tonic pour 1 de gin, et non linverse), quelques feuilles de menthe frache. Inutile de servir dans une thire. Christine Lambert





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    An Intro to Citadelle Gins with Alexandre

    Gabriel OK! So I recently wrote an article about a Rum Master Class I attended. Well, during that same week I got to attend another session with Alexandre Gabriel, but this time it was to learn more about Citadelle Gins, another product that Cognac Ferrand produces.

    Alexandre started this session by telling us the story as to how he got started with gin. The original recipe for Citadelle Gin was developed by a distillery in Dunkirk in 1771 (at the time an important port for the spice trade). In 1775, Louis XVI authorized two Frenchmen, Carpeau and Stival, to open a distillery making genivre at the Citadelle of Dunkirk, which soon became a royal distillery with an exclusive 20-year charter. The two founders had 12 traditional copper pot stills made for the distillery, allegedly the first of its type in France.

    Skip forward a few hundred years, Citadelle Gin is now produced in Cognac. Back in the late 80s Alexandre

    Gabriel decided it was time to distil a gin and began doing research, working his way through old records and

    files in Flanders and then developing a modern plan to distil gin at the Pierre Ferrand cognac distillery.

    After coming across the story of Citadelle Gin, Alexandre decided that a gin bottled under the Citadelle name

    and distilled in a similar way to that of the original, produced after more than a centurys absence, would be

    befittinEof his vision of bringing back excitement and diversity back to the gin category.

    By 1989, the research was complete and Gabriel and his team were getting ready to produce the very first

    batch. Although the production techniques have improved over the centuries, Citadelle Gin is still made

    according to principles laid down in the original recipe. This includes some of the botanicals stated back in

    1775. However, it wasnt until 1995 that the gin was officially distilled. No one had ever received permission

    to make gin in cognac pot stills in France before and getting permission to do so required braving the French

    bureaucracy, gin had never been considered.

    Alexandre Gabriel recounts I was more trying desperately to convince the French government to allow me to

    produce gin at my cognac distillery. You know, by French AOC laws we can only distil cognac from November

    through March and after that our beautiful little pot stills were idle! Since I had done extensive research and

    learned that historically gin was produced in pot stills over a naked flame. Perfect! That is exactly how our


    pot stills were designed! But no one in France had ever approached the government with this request. It took


    five long years to finally receive the AOC approval to distil gin in cognac!.

    Citadelle Gin is triple-distilled from wheat and spring water; before being steeped in neutral alcohol, the master distiller selects the botanicals that will complement the freshness of the juniper with tart, floral and exotic flavours. I learnt that the goal of any master distiller is to enhance the main taste or flavour if you will his main goal is to allow the main ingredient or element to shine through! A work of fine balance, allows the flavours and aromas to intermingle in a perfect harmony. Once the steeping is complete, the infusion is then distilled in small Charentais pot stills with an open flame. The slow distillation allows the distiller to precisely select the heart of the gin, whilst the relatively low swans neck favours the concentration of essential oils; all of which contributing to the gins aromatic quality.

    I learnt about how different pot stills are used, how the height of the swan neck determines the weight of the alcohol, how distillation occurs, the differences between open flame distillation (that was used in the old days) versus the newer steam distillation process. [Note: Flames and high proof alcohol have proven to be a unreliable combination resulting in numerous distilleries burning to the ground!] I also learnt about how botanicals are introduced in a progressive fashion because every botanical behaves differently. [Forgive me if my languaging around this is still simplified - I'm still in learning mode!] Over the course of meeting Alexandre Gabriel over a few days I realised that hes passionate about learning his craft; and continues to do so. I love his stories, how hes always aiming to produce better quality products and how he continues to research the products he current produces. Hes an avid collector of Rum, Gin and Cognac always searching out products from the past to compare and learn from them!

    Cognac Ferrand Cognac Ferrand is the result of the encounter in 1989 between Alexandre Gabriel and one of the oldest winegrowing families in the Cognac region. Alexandre Gabriels intention was to breathe new life into Cognac Ferrand and make the worlds best cognac. He wanted to keep the ages-old craft-based production methods which were worlds apart from mass production techniques, and sought to bring back to market the true expression of the great terroir of Grande Champagne, known as Cognacs finest region. It is around these core values of authenticity and character that Cognac Ferrand has built its business, first with cognac, then with other distinctive fine spirits like gin whose particular character is based on a unique production method, and their rums which are matured using a very special technique. Today, Cognac Ferrand is a highly regarded company that distributes its fine spirits in more than 40 countries in some of the worlds most prestigious outlets. Cognac Ferrand draws on a dynamic team of people with a passionate interest in what they do.

    Zurina Bryant Photography

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    Cognac Ferrand's Citadelle Gin Reserve Solera 2013

    Category - Spirits, gin, 44% abv

    Available - From this month

    Location - US, nation-wide

    Price - SRP of US$34.99 per bottle

    Cognac Ferrand has launched an extension to its Citadelle gin range that has been aged using the solera process.

    The French company claims it is the first gin to be aged in this way, and provides an alternative for classic cocktails such as the Martini and gin & tonic. The process involves putting new-made Citadelle into three different types of casks for two to five months.

    The casks are ex-Cognac, ex-Pineau des Charente and American oak.

    Just Drinks

    April 2014


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    GLOBAL : Cognac Ferrand unveils bottle

    redesign for Citadelle Gin By Andy Morton | 20 January 2014

    Cognac Ferrand has launched a new bottle for its Citadelle Gin.

    The design, which resembles a vintage siphon seltzer bottle, will go on sale worldwide from early this year, Cognac Ferrand said last week. The bottle features copper accents that refer to the copper stills the gin is made in and images of the 19 botanicals infused in the liquid.

    Citadelle Gin has such an interesting history that we wanted to make sure the story came

    through on the bottle, said Cognac Ferrand owner Alexandre Gabriel.

    Citadelle Gin claims to be the only gin distilled in small, Charentais copper pot stills over an open flame.

    US on-trade gin volumes dropped by 4% in the third quarter of last year, according to figures released in October.

    Just Drinks January 2014


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    &LWDGHOOHVQHZERWWOHWHOOVWKHJLQVVWRU\ Cognac Ferrand has introduced new packaging for its small batch, copper pot distilled, Citadelle Gin.

    The inspiration for the new blue fluted bottle with copper accents came from vintage blue siphon seltzer bottles and visual cues tell the Citadelle gin story.

    Citadelle Gin has such an interesting history that we wanted to make sure the story came through on the bottle, says Alexandre Gabriel, proprietor of Cognac Ferrand and creator/producer of Citadelle. After Cognac, gin is my passion and this gin makes the pot stills sing long after Cognac distillation is finished. We thought that the bottle and the description of our craft ON the bottle should be as beautiful as the craft INSIDE the bottle.

    The copper accents and the copper pot still illustration refer to the copper pot stills used to distill Citadelle. Citadelle is the only gin distilled in small, Charentais copper pot stills, the same ones used to make the companys famed Pierre Ferrand Cognac.

    The words distilled with time mean that it takes time to make Citadelle because it is pot distilled (not column) in Charentais copper pot stills one small batch at a time a method that

    Citadelles new bottle tells the gins story.

    The Drinks Report January 2014


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    imparts a smooth and creamy texture. In addition, Citadelle uses a cold infusion process to infuse each botanical into the gin, which takes a week.

    The second statement on the label naked flame distillation denotes that Citadelle is distilled in these Cognac pot stills over a naked flame, making it the only gin that uses this technique. Distilling gin on an open flame requires a deft touch and far more attention than a column still or steam distillation, which is otherwise used. The naked flame concentrates flavours and releases more essential oils giving Citadelle a creamier texture and bigger mouthful.

    The 1775 Distillerie Royale medallion on he bottle pays tribute to Alexandre Gabriels years of research which brought to light that the first patented French Genivrerie was established in 1775 by decree of King Louis XVI. Forgotten for hundreds of years, Gabriels exploration uncovered Citadelles original recipe.

    Images of the 19 botanicals infused in Citadelle encircle the foot of the bottle. Citadelle is the only gin infused with this combination of botanicals, which enhance the juniper and create a sophisticated, juniper-forward London Dry Gin.

    Citadelle Gin is elegant, soft and smooth on the palate, with a long finish that expresses its aromatic complexity to the fullest. At 44% alcohol by volume (88 proof), Citadelle achieves the perfect balance between intensity and finesse. Its taste has won many awards.

    Citadelle Gin is available in the US, Europe (UK, Spain, Italy, Germany), Asia (Japan, Malaysia, Thailand) and Canada. The new packaging is currently being rolled out in Europe and is expected to reach the US in early 2014. Citadelle Gin and barrel-aged Citadelle Reserve Gin are imported to the US by Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits RRP US$24.99/750ml and US$31.99/1 litre.

    For more information, visit

    21 January 2014 - Felicity Murray The Drinks Report, editor

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    Citadelle Gin unveils new bottle design 20th January, 2014 by Amy Hopkins Cognac Ferrand has given its Citadelle Gin a packaging makeover to emphasise the EUDQGVSUHPLXPFUHGHQWLDOVDQGUich heritage.

    Citadelle Gin has unveiled a new bottle design which emphasises the brands heritage

    The new fluted bottle tells the story of Citadelle Gin through visual cues including: copper accents, to refer to the Cognac copper pot stills used to distill the gin; a new slogan distilled with time, drawing attention to the small batch creation of the liquid; and recognition of the gins naked flame distillation, to show that Citadelle is uniquely distilled over a naked flame.

    A badge reading 1775 Distillerie Royale has also been added to the bottle design in order to pay tribute to the origin of Citadelle Gins original recipe.

    Images of 19 botanicals used to create the gin are also visible at the bottom of the bottle.

    Citadelle Gin has such an interesting history that we wanted to make sure the story came through on the bottle, says Alexandre Gabriel, proprietor of Cognac Ferrand and founder of Citadelle Gin.

    After Cognac, gin is my passion and this gin makes the pot stills sing long after Cognac distillation is finished. We thought that the bottle and the description of our craft on the bottle should be as beautiful as the craft inside the bottle.

    With an abv of 44%, Citadelle Gin is available across the US, Europe, Asia and Canada at an RRP of US$31.99 for one litre bottles.

    The Spirits Business January 2014


    A SDFNDJLQJPDNHRYHUWRHPSKDVLVHWKHEUDQGVpremium credentials and rich heritage.


    Ci ta de l l e Res er ve

    Cognac Ferrand has been producing a barrel-aged gin under its Citadelle brand since 2007, but founder Alexandre Gabriel changes the recipe up every year to experiment with the emerging technique. The first batch was not sold for general consumption, but the second batch, released in 2008, was very well received. Since then, Citadelle Reserve has been tweak constantly to find the best outcome. In 2009 Gabriel focused on delicateness; in 2010 he discovered the original gin recipe needed tweaking; in 2011 he introduced new botanicals like yuzu; the 2012 release included genepi, a botanical that grows in the Alps; and 2013 used a solera vatting process for the first time.




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    Ci tade l l e Reser ve

    Cognac Ferrand has been producing a barrel-aged gin under its Citadelle brand since 2007, but founder Alexandre Gabriel changes the recipe up every year to experiment with the emerging technique. The first batch was not sold for general consumption, but the second batch, released in 2008, was very well received. Since then, Citadelle Reserve has been tweak constantly to find the best outcome. In 2009 Gabriel focused on delicateness; in 2010 he discovered the original gin recipe needed tweaking; in 2011 he introduced new botanicals like yuzu; the 2012 release included genepi, a botanical that grows in the Alps; and 2013 used a solera vatting process for the first time.




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    Citadelle Gin Slips into a New Bottle The house of Cognac Ferrand and proprietor Alexandre Gabriel have introduced new packaging for their award-winning Citadelle Gin. The new blue fluted bottle with copper accents, inspired by vintage blue siphon seltzer bottles, debuts globally. In the U.S. it is expected on shelves in early 2014.

    "Citadelle Gin has such an interesting history that we wanted to make sure the story came through on the bottle," says Alexandre Gabriel, proprietor of Cognac Ferrand and creator/producer of Citadelle. "After Cognac, gin is my passion and this gin makes the pot stills sing long after Cognac distillation is finished. We thought that the bottle and the description of our craft on the bottle should be as beautiful as the craft inside the bottle."

    The new bottle tells the Citadelle gin story in visual cues:

    COPPER ACCENTS and the COPPER POT STILL refer to the pot stills used to distill Citadelle. Citadelle is the only gin distilled in small, Charentais copper pot stills, the same ones used to make the company's famed Pierre Ferrand Cognac. "DISTILLED WITH TIME" means that it takes time to make Citadelle: distilled one small batch at a time (not column distillation), allowing the Master Distiller to precisely cut the 'heads' and 'tails' and only keeping the precious, flavorful 'heart.' This costly gin distillation method imparts a smooth and creamy texture only found in spirits distilled this way. In addition, Citadelle uses a cold infusion process to infuse each botanical into the gin which takes a week's time. "NAKED FLAME DISTILLATION" denotes that Citadelle is distilled in these Cognac pot stills over a naked flame, making it the only gin that uses this technique. Distilling gin on an open flame requires a deft touch and far more attention than a column still or steam distillation which is otherwise used. The naked flame concentrates flavors and releases more essential oils, giving Citadelle a creamier texture and bigger mouthful. 1775 DISTILLERIE ROYALE pays tribute to Alexandre Gabriel's years of research in dusty 18th century archives which brought to light that the first patented French genivrerie was established in 1775 by decree of King Louis XVI. Forgotten for hundreds of years, Gabriel's exploration uncovered Citadelle's original recipe. IMAGES OF THE 19 BOTANICALS that are infused in Citadelle encircle the foot of the bottle. Citadelle is the only gin infused with this combination of botanicals, which enhance the juniper and create one of the most sophisticated, juniper-forward London dry gins available today.

    The Tasting Panel January 2014


    Citadelle Gin is made in small batches infused with 19 select botanicals and is the only gin in the world distilled in small, Charentais copper pot stills over an open flame. Citadelle Gin is elegant, soft and smooth on the palate, with a long finish that expresses its aromatic complexity to the fullest. At 44% alcohol by volume (88 proof), Citadelle achieves the perfect balance between intensity and finesse. Its taste has won many awards including: Grand Gin Master 2012 by The Spirit Business, Double Gold Medal at the 2012 San Francisco Spirits Competition and Gold Medal at the 2012 International Wine & Spirits Competition, to name a few. The suggested retail price is $24.99/750ml and $31.99/1 liter.

    A truly yummy sipping experience

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    A truly yummy sipping experience

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    Exclusive: Top Spirits And Wine Wholesalers On Pace For Hard-Earned Growth In 2014,

    Reports Impact

    The Citadelle Gin Reserve Solera 2013 coming soon in the U.S. market

    Impacts exclusive report on the U.S. markets top 10 spirits and wine distributors reveals that nearly all of the middle tiers key players are on pace for revenue growth in 2014, but achieving it wont be easy. Five years after the country suffered one of its worst economic downturns in decades, the on-premise channel continues to struggle across much of the U.S. And in markets where that business has recovered, momentum has been lost over the past year, as the upscale casual chains that are so crucial to the success of the spirits and wine trade have endured declines both in traffic and the average ticket.

    With overall market conditions tough and both spirits and wine growth slowing in the U.S. market in 2013, 2014 is shaping up to be a challenging year for the leading spirits and wine distributors. Things really seem to be tightening, says Richard Leventhal, president of New Jerseys Fedway Associates, the U.S. markets 10th largest distributor. Given the way things are going, it looks like suppliers may hold the line on prices instead of increasing them.

    Still, nine of the top 10 U.S. spirits and wine distributors are on pace for revenue growth in 2014even as one of the harshest winters in recent history has hampered the drinks business across much of the Midwest and East Coast in the first quarter of the yearand theyre projecting aggregate growth of around 5% (compared to 2013s 8% rise). Theyre achieving this solid progress via a potent mix of organic growth and new businessboth in existing markets and new territory.

    News Briefs:

    Cognac Ferrand is debuting the Citadelle Gin Reserve Solera 2013 to the U.S. market this month. The French companys latest release from its gin range is aged in three different casks for between two and five months and is then poured into a main solera vat before being bottled to achieve solera aging, the first gin to be produced in this method, according to the company. The casks used are ex-Cognac, ex-Pineau des Charente and American oak casks. The 44%-abv Citadelle Gin Solera Vintage 2013 is available nationwide in the U.S. for a suggested retail price of $34.99 a 750-ml. Cognac Ferrand proprietor Alexandre Gabriel first released aged Citadelle Gin Reserve Limited Edition in 2008.

    Ste. Michelle's Washington state-based Snoqualmie Winery has unveiled a package redesign. Currently available nationwide, Snoqualmie's new bottles, which are made with lightweight, sustainable materials, use 25% less glass than a traditional wine bottle and require less fuel to transport. Their labels, meanwhile, are printed using 100% post-consumer waste materials and feature an updated, more contemporary design. Concurrent with the packaging change, Snoqualmie Winery has simplified its lineup, renaming its "Naked" range to "ECO" and color coding each tier to create better differentiation. Snoqualmie, which recently relocated its production facility to Paterson, Washington, claims to be the state's largest certified organic vineyard.


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    &'h^market early this year. Citadelles new blue fluted bottle is inspired by vintage blue siphon e companys Pierre Ferrand Cognac. At 44% abv, Citadelle Gins suggested retail price is $24.99 a 750dh^&t^>

    Shanken News Daily January 2014



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    Aged Gin & Tonic

    The Gin & Tonic is one of the greatest cocktails ever created - a simple trilogy of gin, tonic, and lime. The combination is nothing less than euphoric, especially in the summer time. There's something quite magical about the combination of juniper, quinine, and lime. Perfection. There are some simple things you can do to up your gin and tonic game: first of all, invest in good tonic, and get good gin. So you've mastered that? The Aged Gin & Tonic is your next step to G & T Nirvana.

    I love Citadelle Reserve, a Solera aged gin. Citadelle is the world's ILUVW solera aged gin - a fractional aging process traditionally used to age rum, cognac, whiskey, wine, beer, and vinegar. So you might be asking, what is Solera aging? The solera process uses a succession of barrels of different ages - usually varying by one year. The oldest container (the mother) is drained of part of it's content for bottling, and is then is re-filled from the next-oldest container, which is re-filled from the next-oldest, and so on. The process never fully drains any barrel because the oldest barrel holds the majority of the flavor, and blends the gin from year to year. Citadelle is distilled over a naked flame, and then first aged in a variety of casks including ex-Cognac casks, ex-Pineau de Charente, and American Oak casks. After spending some time in these casks, the gin is then moved into the youngest solera cask to begin the solera aging process. The result is a light yet fragrant gin that has flavors of yuzu, grapefruit, lime, and toasted straw, with flavors of honey, peppercorns, bright citrus, ginger, liquorice, and a slight minty finish. It marries beautifully with the tonic and the lime, but has a hint of caramel and creamy baking spices. Garnish with a few juniper berries and fresh lime, and you've got yourself a proper cocktail! Cheers! Aged Gin & Tonic

    2 oz Citadelle Reserve Gin 3 oz Fever Tree Tonic Lime and Juniper Berries to Garnish Build over ice, stir, and serve!


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    Mention solera aging in the beverage world and people think of sherry, Madeira, Spanish brandy and even some rums. But usually not gin. Until now. From the acclaimed house of Cognac Ferrand in Cognac, France comes Citadelle Gin Reserve Solera 2013, the first solera-aged gin in the world.Cognac Ferrand proprietor Alexandre Gabriel has produced aged Citadelle Reserve since 2008, considered a pioneer and the first modern aged gin. With his first solera-aged gin, he has taken gin-aging in a direction never before used. Packaged in Citadelles new bottle, Citadelle Gin Reserve Solera 2013 provides a vibrant yet m