rhinosinusitis jamur

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  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    Rhinosinusitis merupakan inflamasi mukosa pada hidung dan sinus

     paranasalis. Rhinosinusitis secara klinis dapat dibedakan menjadi tipe akut dan

    kronis. Rhinosinusitis diklasifikasikan menjadi rhinosinusitis akut (RSA) apabila

    memenuhi beberapa kriteria. Kriteria tersebut antara lain gejala yang dialami

     berlangsung kurang dari 12 minggu episode akut terjadi kurang dari ! kali

     pertahunnya dan mukosa yang normal kembali setelah menjalani tatalaksana

    medik yang adekuat. "iagnosis rhinosinusitis akut ditegakkan apabila terdapat 2

    gejala mayor atau 1 gejala minor dengan lebih dari 2 gejala minor. #ejala mayor 

    antara lain cairan hidung yang bersifat purulen  post-nasal drip  purulen ,  dan

     batuk sedangkan gejala minor terdiri dari sakit kepala nyeri pada $ajah edema

     periorbital nyeri telinga halitosis nyeri gigi nyeri tenggorok oeningkatan

    wheezing  dan demam. Rhinosinusitis dikatakan kronis apabila berlangsung

    selama lebih dari 12 minggu dengan episode akut lebih dari ! kali pertahun dan

    re%ersibilitas mukosa yang abnormal setelah terapi yang adekuat.


    Afifah ' Said . Rinosinusitis dalam& *anto +hris editor. Kapita selektakedokteran. ,akarta& -edia Aesculapius d. ! 2/1!0 1/!3.

    Aring A- +han -- Acute Rhinosinusitis in Adults. American family physician.

    2/11 -ay& 4ol 56 (3)& 1/786.

    Sesuai anatomi sinus yang terkena sinusitis dapat dibagi menjadi sinusitis

    maksila sinusitis etmoid sinusitis frontal dan sinusitis sfenoid. 9ilamengenai

     beberapa sinus disebut multisinusitis sedangkan bila mengenai semua sinus

     paranasal disebut pansinusitis (-angunkusumo dan Rifki 2///).

    Sumber& -angunkusumo Rifki '. Sinusitis dalam& Soepardi A :skandar '

    (editor). 9uku Ajar :lmu Kesehatan *elinga idung *enggorokan Kepala ;eher.

    disi ke7. ,akarta. 9alai

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    :nfeksi pada hidung dapat mengenai hidung luar yaitu bagian kulit hidung

    dan ongga dalam hidung yaitu bagian mukosanya. Rhinitis ditandai dengan

    adanya proses inflamasi mukosa hidung yang dapat disebabkan oleh infeksi

    alergi atau iritasi.1 Rhinitis dapat terjadi bersamaan dengan sinusitis dikarenakan

    mukosa dari hidung masih terhubung ke sinus paranasalis.12  Angka kejadia

    rhinosinusitis jamur meningkat dengan meningkatnya pemakaian antibiotik

    kortikosteroid obatobat imunosupresan dan radioterapi.6

    -angunkusumo dkk. menuliskan bah$a jenis jamur yang paling sering

    menyebabkan infeksi pada daerah sinus paranasal adalah Aspergillus dan

    +andida.6  9erbeda dengan Adams dkk. yang menyatakan bah$a +andida sp.

     jarang menyerang hidung. Aspergilosis seringkali terjadi sebagai penyakit paru

    kronik namun dapat pula sebagai infeksi granulomatosa kronik pada sinus

     paranasalis hidung telinga tengah dan liang telinga.!

    Rhinosinusitis dapat diklasifikasikan berdasakan sifatnya menjadi

    rhinosinusitis jamur in%asif dan rhinosinusitis jamur nonin%asif. Rhinitis jamur 

    nonin%asif dapat menyerupai rhinolit  dengan inflamasi mukosa yang lebih berat.

     Rhinolit  pada rhinosinusitis jamur sebenarnya merupakan gumpalan jamur 

    ( fungus ball ). Rhinosinusitis jamur yang bersifat in%asif ditandai dengan

    ditemukannya hifa jamur pada lamina propria. :n%asi jamur apabila terjadi hingga

    lapisan submukosa dapat menyebabkan perforasi septum.1

    *erapi yang diberikan pada rhinosinusitis jamur nonin%asif adalah dengan

    mengangkat seluruh gumpalan jamur. bat yang diberikan antara lain amfoterisin 9 yang

    terkadang diberikan bersama rifampisin atau flusitosin agar lebih efektif.6

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur



    1. ?ardani RS -angunkusumo . :nfeksi idung dalam& Soepardi A dkk (editor). 9uku Ajar :lmu Kesehatan *elinga idung *enggorokan Kepala

    ;eher. disi ke. ,akarta. 9alai

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    (minimal 2 minggu pemberian) dan dilakukan sebelum terapi

     pembedahan sinus) serta nasoendoskopi dan siskopi (bila tersedia).

    Kriteria rujukan

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    Aial +* scan of sinuses sho$s a right fungal maillary sinusitis $ith an epanding mass

    (possibly aspergillosis).

    History of the Procedure

    =ungal infections of the paranasal sinuses are uncommon and usually occur in

    indi%iduals $ho are immunocompromised. o$e%er recently the occurrence of 

    fungal sinusitis has increased in the immunocompetent population.

    *he most common pathogens are from Aspergillus and Mucor  species.

    Aspergillosis can cause nonin%asi%e or in%asi%e infections. :n%asi%e infections are

    characteriDed by dark thick greasy material found in the sinuses. :n%asi%e

    infections can cause tissue in%asion and destruction of adjacent structures (eg

    orbit +'S). 'onin%asi%e infections cause symptoms of sinusitis and the sinus

    in%ol%ed is opacified on radiographic studies. Routine cultures from the sinuses

    rarely demonstrate the fungus. o$e%er the fungus is usually suspected upon

    re%ie$ing the +* scan result and is detected on remo%al of the secretions from the



    =ungal infections of the paranasal sinus can manifest as 2 distinct entities.

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    *he more serious infection commonly occurs in patients $ith diabetes or in

    indi%iduals $ho are immunocompromised and is characteriDed by its

    in%asi%eness tissue destruction and rapid onset. arly detection and treatment are

    %ital for these infections because of the high mortality rate.

     'onin%asi%e infections are chronic and are usually treated for etended periods

    aschronic sinusitis before the condition is recogniDed.


    Noninvasive fungal sinusitis

    *$o forms are described in this category& allergic fungal sinusitis and sinus


    -ost commonly Curvularia lunata, Aspergillus fumigatus, and Bipolaris and

     Drechslera species cause allergic fungal sinusitis.

     A fumigatus and dematiaceous fungi most commonly cause sinus mycetoma.

    A study by ;u-yers et al found that socioeconomic factors differed bet$een

     patients $ith allergic fungal rhinosinusitis and those $ith chronic rhinosinusitis

    $ith the latter tending to be $hite and older $ith a higher income and greater 

    access to primary care. *he study $hich in%ol%ed a total of 15 patients (36

     patients in each group) also found that patients $ith allergic fungal rhinosinusitis

    tended to ha%e greater Euantitati%e serum immunoglobulin (:g) le%els and

    higher ;und-ackay scale scores than did patients $ith chronic rhinosinusitis. B!C

    nvasive fungal sinusitis

    :n%asi%e fungal sinusitis includes the acute fulminant type $hich has a high

    mortality rate if not recogniDed early and treated aggressi%ely and the chronic and

    granulomatous types.


  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    Saprophytic fungi of the order -ucorales including  Rhizopus ,Rhizomucor,

     Absidia, Mucor, Cunning hamella, Mortierella ,Sasenaea, and

     Apoph!som!ces species cause acute in%asi%e fungal sinusitis.

     A fumigatus is the only fungus associated $ith chronic in%asi%e fungal sinusitis.

     Aspergillus flavus eclusi%ely has been associated $ith granulomatous in%asi%e

    fungal sinusitis.


    "llergic fungal sinusitis

    Allergic rhinitis is pre%alent in this group and is considered to be the trigger 

    mechanism behind allergic fungal sinusitis.

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    diagnosis. +* scanning of the sinuses re%eals opacification $ith concretions

    and@or calcifications.

    Sinus mycetoma

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur



    *he treatment of choice for all types of fungal sinusitis is surgical (see Surgicaltherapy).

    %elevant "natomy

    See Surgical therapy.


    All forms of fungal sinusitis reEuire surgical treatment. *he only contraindications

    to surgical management relate to the general condition of the patient. 9efore

    surgery is recommended risks and benefits of the surgical procedure should be

    $eighed against the risks of  general anesthesia.

    &aboratory Studies

    See the list belo$&

    • le%ated total fungusspecific :g concentrations are often found in

     patients $ith allergic fungal sinusitis. *his is less common in patients $ith

    sinus mycetoma.

    • sing enDymelinked immunosorbent assays one study eamined the

    sinonasal tissue and secretions in patients $ith chronic rhinosinusitis for 

    the presence of mycotoins (ie aflatoin deoyni%alenol Dearalenone

    ochratoin and fumonisin) to determine their possible role if any in

    chronic rhinosinusitis. 'o mycotoins $ere found ecept ochratoin in !

    of 15 samples. *he clinical significance of these results has not been

    determined. B8C

    • -iddlebrooks et al de%ised a se%en%ariable computed tomography (+*)

    scanFbased diagnostic model for acute in%asi%e fungal rhinosinusitis. *hey

    reported that an abnormality associated $ith one of the modelGs %ariables

     H$hich consist of periantral fat bone dehiscence orbital in%asion septal

    ulceration the pterygopalatine fossa the nasolacrimal duct and the


  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    lacrimal sacHhas a positi%e predicti%e %alue of 58I a negati%e predicti%e

    %alue of 37I a sensiti%ity of 37I and a specificity of 5I $hile the

    in%ol%ement of t$o %ariables gi%es the model a specificity of 1//I and a

     positi%e predicti%e %alue of 1//I.B5C

    maging Studies

    See the list belo$&

    • +* scanning of the paranasal sinuses in the coronal %ie$s is essential in

    the e%aluation of patients in $hom fungal sinusitis is suspected. B3 1/C• -R: $ith enhancement may be helpful in assessing patients $ith allergic

    fungal sinusitis and in patients in $hom in%asi%e fungal sinusitis is

    suspected. B1/C

    • -R: may sho$ lo$ signal intensity suggesting a fungal process %ersus a

    solid mass in allergic fungal sinusitis.

    • -R: is helpful in e%aluating +'S spread in in%asi%e fungal sinusitis.

    Histologic Findings

    :n allergic fungal sinusitis allergic mucin contains intact and degenerated

    eosinophils +harcot;eyden crystals cellular debris and sparse hyphae. *he

    sinus mucosa has mied cellular infiltrate of eosinophils plasma cells and

    lymphocytes. *he mucus membrane is not in%aded by fungi.

     'o allergic mucin is present in sinus mycetoma. o$e%er the sinus contains

    dense material that consists of hyphae separate from but adjacent to the mucosa.

    *he sinus mucosa is not in%aded.

    istopathologic studies in acute in%asi%e fungal sinusitis re%eal hyphal in%asion

    of the mucosa submucosa and blood %essels including the carotid arteries and

    ca%ernous sinuses0 %asculitis $ith thrombosis0 hemorrhage0 and tissue infarction.

     'ecrosis of the mucosa submucosa and blood %essels $ith lo$grade

    inflammation is obser%ed in chronic in%asi%e fungal sinusitis.

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    #ranuloma $ith multinucleated giant cells $ith pressure necrosis and erosion is

    obser%ed in granulomatous in%asi%e fungal sinusitis.

    'edical (hera!y

    *he treatment of choice for all types of fungal sinusitis is surgical. -edical

    treatment depends on the type of infection and the presence of in%asion.

    "llergic fungal sinusitis

    *he treatment of choice is generally surgery. Systemic steroids may be indicated

    once surgery is performed and the diagnosis is confirmed. Some authors suggest alo$ dose of prednisone (/.7 mg@kg) in a tapering dose $ith alternateday dosage

    o%er a 6month period. *opical nasal steroids are helpful postoperati%ely.

    Aggressi%e nasal salt$ater $ashes are recommended. :mmune therapy for 

    specific allergens is contro%ersial e%en though some reports suggest benefit from

    this treatment. Systemic antifungals are not indicated in the absence of in%asion.

    Sinus mycetoma

    *he recommended treatment is surgical. >nce the fungus ball is remo%ed no

    further medical treatment is indicated ecept for the underlying condition. 'o

    antifungal treatment is necessary.

    #hronic invasive fungal sinusitis

    Surgical treatment is mandatory. :nitiate medical treatment $ith systemic

    antifungals once in%asion is diagnosed. Amphotericin 9 (2 g@d) is recommended0

    this can be replaced by ketoconaDole or itraconaDole once the disease is under 


    A study by -ehta et al suggested that itraconaDole may be as effecti%e as

    amphotericin 9 in the treatment of chronic in%asi%e fungal sinusitis. :n a

     prospecti%e randomiDed unblinded study of 2 immunocompetent patients one

    group (1/ patients) $as treated $ith amphotericin 9 and the other (1 patients)$ith itraconaDole. A complete cure $as achie%ed in t$o patients in the

    amphotericin9 group and fi%e in the itraconaDole group $hile four 

    amphotericin9 patients and se%en itraconaDole patients eperienced persistent

    disease and one amphotericin9 patient and three itraconaDole patients had

    relapses. :n addition three patients died and one $as lost to follo$up. 9ased on

    relati%e risk analysis the in%estigators concluded that itraconaDole and

    amphotericin 9 $orked eEually $ell against chronic in%asi%e fungal sinusitis.B11C

    "cute invasive fungal sinusitis

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    mergent treatment is necessary once this condition is suspected. :nitiate systemic

    antifungal treatment after surgical debridement. igh doses of amphotericin 9 (1

    1.7 mg@kg@d) are recommended. >ral itraconaDole (!// mg@d) can replaceamphotericin 9 once the acute stage has passed. *reatment of the underlying

    immune deficiency if possible is desirable.

    #hronic granulomatous fungal sinusitis

    Surgical debridement is the mainstay of treatment follo$ed by systemic

    antifungal medications. Recurrence of this condition is rare.

    Surgical *herapy

    "llergic fungal sinusitis

    Surgery is generally considered the treatment of choice. #oals of surgical therapy

    are conser%ati%e debridement of the allergic mucin and polyps (if present) from

    the in%ol%ed sinuses and restoration of sinus aeration. #oals may be achie%ed

    endoscopically if possible. An eternal approach can be considered if the lesion is

    not accessible endoscopically. AdeEuate %entilation of the sinus is essential to

     pre%ent relapse or recurrence of the disease once the disease is eenterated.

    Sinus mycetoma

    Surgical remo%al of the fungus ball $ith aeration of the sinus is the only

    reEuirement. >nce this is accomplished no further medical treatment is indicated

    ecept for the underlying condition. ndoscopic lesion remo%al can be performed

    $hen the lesion is accessible. +onsider an eternal approach in patients in $hom

    the mycetoma cannot be remo%ed endoscopically.

    "cute invasive fungal sinusitis

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur



    "llergic fungal sinusitis

    ;ongterm follo$up care is reEuired for maintenance of the sinus ca%ities0 this

    may be achie%ed %ia endoscopic eamination and debridement in the office. A

    short course of systemic steroids may be readministered if any signs of relapse or 

    recurrence are seen. Surgical debridement may be necessary if systemic steroids

    fail to control the disease.

    Sinus mycetoma

    ;ongterm follo$up care is not reEuired once the lesions are healed and patency

    of the sinuses is maintained.

    "cute invasive fungal sinusitis

    *his condition is rare and is usually associated $ith a high mortality rate.

    Sur%i%ors may ha%e facial deformities and reEuire longterm follo$up care by

    se%eral specialists including head and neck surgeons infectiousdisease

    specialists and immunodeficiency specialists.

    #hronic invasive fungal sinusitis

    *his condition tends to recur. *herefore longterm follo$up care is


    #hronic granulomatous fungal sinusitis

    perience $ith this condition is limited.

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    necrosis. +a%ernous sinus thrombosis and in%asion of the +'S are common and

    carry a mortality rate of 7/5/I.

    #hronic invasive fungal sinusitis

    :n%asion into adjacent structures is not as common as in the acute type. o$e%er

    erosion into the orbit or +'S is likely if the disease is left untreated.

    #hronic granulomatous fungal sinusitis

    rosion into the adjacent structures (eg orbit +'S) is likely. :nitiate aggressi%e

    therapy to a%oid erosion.

    +utcome and Prognosis

    "llergic fungal sinusitis

    *his disorder carries a good prognosis follo$ing adeEuate surgical debridement

    and aeration of the sinuses. +lose follo$up care is important. ;ongterm use of 

    topical steroids controls relapses. Shortterm systemic steroids may be reEuired

    $hen relapses occur.

    Sinus mycetoma

    *his condition has an ecellent prognosis once the fungus ball is remo%ed andadeEuate aeration of the sinus is restored. 'o longterm follo$up care is reEuired

    for most patients.

    "cute invasive fungal sinusitis

    *his condition carries a poor prognosis. -ortality rate is reported at 7/I e%en

    $ith aggressi%e surgical and medical treatment. Relapses are common during

    subseEuent episodes of neutropenia. *reatment $ith systemic antifungals as

     prophylais is indicated in cases of neutropenia.

    #hronic invasive fungal sinusitis

    #ood prognosis has been noted in patients $ho recei%e a prolonged course of 

    systemic antifungals.

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    1. ussain S Salahuddin ' Ahmad : Salahuddin : ,ooma R. Rhinocerebral

    in%asi%e mycosis& occurrence in immunocompetent indi%iduals. ur ,

    Radiol. 1337 ,ul. 2/(2)&1717. B-edlineC.2. Scharf ,; Soliman A-. +hronic rhiDopus in%asi%e fungal rhinosinusitis in

    an immunocompetent host. ;aryngoscope. 2//! Sep. 11!(3)&17667.


    6. SiddiEui AA Shah AA 9ashir S. +raniocerebral aspergillosis of 

    sinonasal origin in immunocompetent patients& clinical spectrum and

    outcome in 27 cases. 'eurosurgery. 2//! Sep. 77(6)&/2110 discussion

    116. B-edlineC.

    !. ;u-yers J "eal A- -iller ," et al. +omparison of Socioeconomic

    and "emographic =actors in tolaryngol ead 'eck Surg. 2/17 Apr 

    28. B-edlineC.7. tolaryngol ead 'eck Surg. 2/16 Aug. 7&2553!. B-edlineC.

    B=ull *etC.12. ?allace "4 "yke$icD -S 9ernstein ": et al. *he diagnosis and

    management of rhinitis& an updated practice parameter. , Allergy +lin

    :mmunol. 2//5 Aug. 122(2 Suppl)&S15!. B-edlineC.

    16. Anselmo;ima ?* ;opes R

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    1. deShaDo R" >L9rien - +hapin K SotoAguilar - #ardner ; S$ain R.

    A ne$ classification and diagnostic criteria for in%asi%e fungal sinusitis.

    Arch >tolaryngol ead 'eck Surg. 1338 'o%. 126(11)&11515. B-edlineC.18. #illespie -9 >L-alley 9? ,r =rancis ?. An approach to fulminant

    in%asi%e fungal rhinosinusitis in the immunocompromised host. Arch

    >tolaryngol ead 'eck Surg. 1335 -ay. 12!(7)&72/. B-edlineC.

    15. #osepath , -ann ?,. Role of fungus in eosinophilic sinusitis. +urr >pin

    >tolaryngol ead 'eck Surg. 2//7 =eb. 16(1)&316. B-edlineC.

    13. ,ahrsdoerfer RA jercito 4S ,ohns -- +antrell R? Sydnor ,9.

    Aspergillosis of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Am , >tolaryngol. 1383

    =all. 1(1)&1!. B-edlineC.

    2/. ;ansford 9K 9o$er +- Seibert R?. :n%asi%e fungal sinusitis in the

    immunocompromised pediatric patient. ar 'ose *hroat ,. 1337 Aug.

    8!(5)&786. B-edlineC.21. >chi ,? arris ,tolaryngol ead 'eck Surg. 2//! 'o%.

    161(7)&8/!1/. B-edlineC.

    28. ?ashburn R#. =ungal sinusitis. +urr +lin *op :nfect "is. 1335. 15&/8!.

    B-edlineC.25. ?ise SK 4enkatraman # ?ise ,+ "el#audio ,-. thnic and gender 

    differences in bone erosion in allergic fungal sinusitis. Am , Rhinol. 2//!

     'o%"ec. 15()&638!/!. B-edlineC.

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    Fungal rhinosinusitis refers to a broad group of conditions caused by fungal

    infections of the paranasal sinuses.

    Fungus Ball

    In this condition, an isolated paranasal sinus is completed filled with a ball of fungal

    debris, most frequently in the maxillary sinuses. Patient symptoms include fullness,

    pressure and discharge. Treatment for a fungus ball requires surgery for complete

    removal of all fungal elements. The prognosis is good.

     llergic Fungal !hinosinusitis

     llergic fungal rhinosinusitis "F!#$ is characteri%ed by it the sinus secretions, which

    have a characteristic golden&yellow color and have a consistency li'e rubber cement.

    These secretions contain proteins from degranulated eosinophils "a type of

    inflammatory cell$ plus some fungal elements. Patients often will have received

    multiple treatments "including steroids$ for chronic rhinosinusitis before the diagnosis

    of F!# is confirmed. (any F!# patients also have asthma. )ndoscopic sinus

    surgery is required for diagnosis and mechanical cleansing of the sinuses, but

    surgery must be combined with long&term medical management. (edical sinus

    infection treatments include systemic and topical corticosteroids and antifungals as

    well as antibiotics for bacterial infection.

     cute Fulminant Fungal !hinosinusitis

     cute fulminant invasive rhinosinusitis "also 'now as rhinocerebral mucormycosis or

    simply *mucor+$ occurs when fungal organisms invade the sinus tissues in patients

    who are immunosuppressed. lassically, these patients have suppressed immune

    systems due to chemotherapy administered for cancer treatment, or they have

    diabetes which leads to immune suppression. In the early stages, patients have an

    area of necrotic tissue "i.e., dead tissue due to invasion by the fungus$ within the

    sinuses, but within hours, it can rapidly progress to eye and brain involvement.

    Prognosis is poor. )mergency surgery is necessary to confirm the diagnosis and to

    mechanically remove all dead tissue. #ystemic antifungal treatment is also provided.

    If possible, the efforts to reverse the underlying immune suppression should be


    hronic Invasive Fungal !hinosinusitis

    In chronic invasive fungal rhinosinusitis, the process of invasion of the sinus tissues

    occurs over a period of wee's or months, rather than hours. (any patients with this

    relatively rare condition have subtle abnormalities in their immune system due to

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    diabetes or chronic steroid use. Patients can present with eye swelling and

    blindness. -rgent surgery is necessary to confirm the diagnosis and to remove all

    involved tissues. gain, systemic antifungal treatments are also critically important.

    ranulomatous Fungal !hinosinusitis

    The onset of granulomatous fungal rhinosinusitis is also gradual. This condition is

    characteri%ed by a specific long&term inflammatory response, 'nown as

    granulomatous inflammation to fungal organisms that have invaded the sinus tissues.

     lmost all cases occur in the #udan and neighboring countries.

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur



    /evyani 0al, (/.


    Fungus is ubiquitous, present in all our surroundings and the air we inhale. (ost

    healthy people do not react to the presence of fungus due to a functioning immune

    system. 1owever, in rare instances, fungus may cause inflammation in the nose and

    the sinuses. Fungal sinusitis can come in many forms, differing in pathology,

    symptoms, course, severity and the treatment required. It is broadly classified into

    invasive and non&invasive types.

      simplified classification of fungal sinusitis is as follows2

     . 3on&invasive fungal sinusitis

    i. Fungus ball

    ii. llergic fungal sinusitis

    iii. 3on&allergic fungal sinusitis

    B. Invasive fungal sinusitis

    i. cute invasive fungal sinusitis

    ii. hronic invasive fungal sinusitis

    iii. ranulomatous invasive fungal sinusitis


    Fungus Ball2 This is a non&invasive form of fungal sinusitis. In essence, there isan overgrowth of fungal elements in the sinuses. (ost commonly molds suchas  Aspergillus are responsible. The most commonly involved sinuses arethe maxillary and the sphenoid sinuses, where the fungus finds favorable conditionssuch as warmth and humidity for growth. #ometimes, bacteria can cause super&added infection in the sinus affected by the fungus ball. Typically, only a single sinusis involved, and the disease has a classic appearance on T or (!I scans.Treatment involves removal of the fungus ball through endoscopic sinus surgery.-sually a peanut&butter li'e appearance of the fungal ball is noted. (ost patientshave excellent results from surgery, and may not require any further treatment.


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     llergic Fungal #inusitis "F#$2 llergic Fungal #inusitis "F#$2 Patients withallergy to certain fungi may develop allergic fungal sinusitis. ommon fungi belongingto the /ematiaceous family are usually involved in F#. These include lternaria,Bipolaris and urvularia species. The presence of fungus in the sinuses causes anallergic response, resulting in production of allergic mucin and nasal polyps. -sually,the disease affects more than one sinus on one side. 1owever, all sinuses on bothsides may be involved in severe cases. Patients have a typical appearance on nasalendoscopy with the presence of allergic mucin and polyps. llergy testing to fungi ispositive. #inus T scans also have a typical appearance. Tissue examination underthe microscope shows allergic mucin containing fungal elements without tissueinvasion. Treatment involves endoscopic sinus surgery to clear polyps and allergicmucin, and to restore the ventilation and drainage of sinuses. This has to becombined with aggressive medical therapy with corticosteroids which can be usednasally and4 or systemically. Patients may also benefit from treatment of allergywith immunotherapy "allergy shots or drops$ and antihistamines. nti&fungaltreatment is usually not required, as it is the reaction to the fungus that needs to bemodulated. 1owever, in severe recurrent disease, anti&fungal therapy may beneeded.



  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    3on&allergic fungal sinusitis2 In some instances, mucin and fungus may beidentified in patients with sinusitis in the absence of any allergy to fungus. Fungusmay also be found in the sinuses of patients that have had previous surgery. 5hether these fungi are innocent bystanders or are the cause of sinus disease is currentlyunder investigation and a sub6ect of great debate.


     cute Invasive Fungal #inusitis2 This is the most dangerous and life&threatening form of fungal sinusitis. Fortunately, it is very rare, and usually onlyaffects severely immunocompromised patients "people whose immune systems don7t

    wor' properly$. These include patients with leu'emia, aplastic anemia, uncontrolleddiabetes mellitus, and hemochromatosis. Patients undergoing anti&cancerchemotherapy or organ4 bone&marrow transplantation are especially susceptible. spergillus or members of the class 8ygomycetes "(ucor, !hi%opus$ are the mostfrequent causative agents. The disease has an aggressive course, with fungusrapidly growing through sinus tissue and bone to extend into the surrounding areas of the brain and eye. )ndoscopically, "meaning when we loo' with a small scope in thenose$ areas of dead tissue and eschar are noted. (icroscopic examination showsinvasion of blood vessels by the fungus, causing tissue to die. Treatment involves acombination of aggressive surgical and medical therapy. !epeated surgery may benecessary to remove all dead tissue. (edications such as anti&fungal drugs andthose that help restore the immune status of the patient are 'ey to improving survival,

    as this disease is frequently fatal.


  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    hronic invasive fungal sinus2 -nli'e acute invasive fungal sinusitis whosetypical course is less than 9 wee's "and can actually progress over hours and days$,chronic invasive fungal sinusitis is a slower destructive process. The disease causesrare vascular invasion, sparse inflammatory reaction and limited involvement of surrounding structures. It is usually seen in patients with I/#, diabetes mellitus or chronic corticosteroid treatment. The disease most commonly affects the ethmoidand sphenoid sinuses, but may involve any sinus. The typical time course of thedisease is over : months. Tissue cultures show fungus in over half the patients, and spergillus fumigatus is the most commonly grown fungus. Treatment involvessurgery in combination with medical therapy "anti&fungal drugs and measures torestore the patient7s immune system$.

    ranulomatous invasive fungal sinusitis2 This form of fungal sinusitis israre in the -nited #tates. It is usually seen in patients from #udan, India, Pa'istanand #audi rabia. Patients have normal immune status. The disease has a relativelyslow time course over : months, and patients present with an enlarging mass in thechee', orbit, nose, and sinuses. (icroscopically, it is characteri%ed by formation of granulomas, and this differentiates it from chronic invasive fungal sinusitis. spergillus flavus is usually the causative organism. Treatment may involve surgeryin combination with antifungal agents.


    There are many forms of fungal sinusitis. complete evaluation by your rhinologistwill help to determine if you have a form of fungal sinusitis and how it needs to be

    treated, as some forms of fungal sinusitis have distinctly different medical andsurgical treatments.


  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    $"'B"%"N %"D+&+$ %N+SN,S(S -"',% 

    +leh .

    (,(,( S%/&,D-EN$ (0

    RS" "r. ?ahidin Sudiro usodo Kota -ojokerto


    :nfeksi jamur pada hidung sinus paranasal insidennya mulai meningkat

     pada dasa$arsa ini pada beberapa penelitian disebutkan 1/I pasien penuh

    dengan rinosinusitis jamur memerlukan tindakan bedah baik yang kon%ensional

    seperti +ald$ell ;uc ataupun bedah sinus endoskopik fungsional (9S=).

    ampir sebagian besar pasien dengan sinusitis kronis terjadi infeksi jamur.

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    10  Definisi dan klasifikasi

    Rinosinusitis jamur adalah infeksi pada hidung dan sinus paranasal yang

    menyebabkan reaksi hipersensitifitas sampai kerusakan jaringan dan destruksi


    *erdapat beberapa macam pembagian rinosinusitis jamur yaitu& 1. akut

    (fulminan@in%asif) 2. kronis (indolen@in%asif) 6. misotema !. sinusitis alergi jamur.

    Ada yang membagi rinosinusitis jamur menjadi in%asi%e dan non in%asi%e.

    Rinosinusitis jamur non in%asi%e terdiri dari mikosis superfisial sinonasal0

    misotema ( fungal ball ) dan sinusitis alergi jamur (SA,). Sedangkan yang in%asi%e

    terdiri dari sinusitis jamur akut (fulminan) dan sinusitis jamur kronik 


    Rinositis jamur non in%asif dapat timbul pada penderita dengan status imun

    yang baik jarang menimbulkan in%asi jaringan dan destruksi tulang dalam jangka

    $aktu yang cukup panjang.

    Rinosinusitis jamur in%asif merupakan infeksi oportunistik yang terjadi pada

     penderita immunocompromised seperti penderita A:"S leukimia diabetes

    mellitus sedang menjalani radiasi atau kemoterapi.

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    gangguan pembauan sefalgi proptopis gangguan penglihatan deficit neurologist

    kejang dan gangguan sensoris.

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    30  $ambaran radiologi rinosinusitis jamur

    ,enis pemeriksaan radiologi yang dapat dilakukan untuk melihat kelainan

     pada daerah sinus paranasal yaitu &

      Foto !olos ke!ala

    =oto polos kepala merupakan pemeriksaan a$al kelainan sinus paranasal.

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur



    etmoidalistmoid ant O


    +ukup jelas


     'asi O Sinus




    anya bagian


  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


      Sinus 'aksila

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    sphenoid. -) karena mengurangi

    timbulnya artefak logam misalnya tumpatan gigi (amalgam).

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    -ukosa sinus paranasal yang normal tipis sehingga kadang F kadang tidak 

    tampak pada +* scan hanya gambaran tulang dan udara. Apabila terjadi

     penebalan mukosa dan jaringan lunak merupakan proses inflamasi yang terjadi

     pada sinus disebabkan oleh proses infeksi atau non infeksi fibrosis atau

    neoplasma. #ambaran inflamasi pada sinusitis jamur serta airfluid le%el tampak 

     jelas pada irisan koronal. Sinusitis jamur sering terjadi pada sinus maksila dan

    sinus etmoid jarang terjadi pada sinus frontal dan sphenoid. #ambaran +* scan

    sinusitis jamur ber%ariasi sesuai pembagiannya in%asi%e atau non in%asi%e.

      #( scan rinosinusitis jamur non invasive

    Rinosinusitis jamur non in%asif yang tersering gambarannya berupa

    aspergilosis pada sinusitis alergi jamur. *ampak bayangan hiperdense pada sinus

    yang mengalami infeksi jamur aspergilosis ini disebabkan oleh deposit meineral

     berupa kalsium mangan magnesium dan elemen feromagnetik. "idapatkan pula

    erosi tulang yang disebabkan remodelling akibat tekanan massa jamur bukan

    disebabkan in%asi jamur atau destruksi akibat jamur tampak pada gambar 2.

    ampir 2/I penderita sinusitis alergi jamur didapatkan erosi tulang pada

    gambaran +* scan sering terjadi pada lamina parirasea sehingga dapat in%asi ke

    orbita serta atap etmoid (lamina kibriformis) seperti pada gambar 6 ! dan 7.

    #ambar 6& +* koronal erosi lamina papirasea dan lamina kribosa menyebabkan

    ektensi intra orbita dan fosa kranii anterior.

    #ambar !& +* aksial erosi kli%us oleh sinusitis sfenoetmoid bilateral

    menyebabkan ekstensi ke fosa kranii posterior.

    #ambar 7& +* aksial erosi dinding posterior sinus frontal.

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


      -ukosa merupakan jenis sinusitis jamur yang menyerang sinus sphenoid

    akibat tumpukan kalsium sulfat kalsium fosfat Dat besi (fe) magnesium dan

    mangan maka pada gambaran +* scan tampak bentukan funganl ball atau

    gambaran mirip kulit ba$ang (onion sin appearance) yang berupa massa dengan

    densitas tulang yang dikelilingi gambaran dengan densitas jaringan mukosa atau

     jaringan lunak. Seperti tampak pada gambar .

    #( scan rinosinusitis jamur invasive

    #ambaran sinusitis jamur in%asi%e pada +* scan mirip keganasan dimana

    terjadi destruksi dinding sinus dan jaringan sekitarnya akibat mucormikosis atau

    in%asi%e aspergilosis seperti tampak pada gambar 8.

  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    membedakan massa tumor dengan kelainan akibat sumbatan ostium sinus atau

    komplek ostiomeatal.

    60  %ingkasan

    ntuk menegakkan diagnosis rinodinusitis jamur diperlukan anamnesis yang

    cermat pemeriksaan klinis histopatologi@mikologi imunologi@tes alergi dan

     pemeriksaan radiology.

    Skrining penderita yang dicurigai menderita rinosinusitis jamur masih

    memerlukan foto polos kepala dengan beberapa posisi +ald?ell ?aters

    submento%erte dan lateral. -engingat fasilitas +* scan dan -R: hanya ada

    di kotaF kota besar.

    #ambaran aspergilosis pada sinusitis jamur dimana tampak bayangan

    hiperdense sedangkan rinosinusitis jamur in%asi%e mirip dengan gambaran

    keganasan dengan destruksi dinding sinus dan jaringan sekitarnya sehingga

    diperlukan konfirmasi klinis histopatologi@mikologi dan imunologi@tes alergi.

    +* scan memeberikan resolusi tulang yang sangat baik disbanding foto

     polos dan -R: sehingga diperlukan sebelum dilakukan 9S=.

    -R: dapat membedakan jaringan lunak lebih baik dibandingkan +* scan

    sehingga diperlukan bila terjadi in%asi jamur ke intracranial.

    Daftar !ustaka

    1. "hong , ;anDa "+. =ungal rhinosinusitis. :n Kennedy "? 9olger ?

    Peinreich S,. "isease of the sinuses& "iagnosis O management. 9+ "ecker :nc

    amilton 2//1& 183 F 37.


  • 8/18/2019 Rhinosinusitis Jamur


    !. =ello$s "? Pinreich S,. *he paranasal sinuses O nasal ca%ity. :n& ;ee S Rao

    K+ Pimmerman RA eds. +ranial -R: O +* 'e$ Jork& -+#ra$ill 1333&

    526 7!.

    7. "onald tolaryngology 6 ed. 4ol :::.