rmxprt12使用指南 (1)

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  • 8/9/2019 RMxprt12 (1)



    Table of Contents

    1 Getting Started with RMxprt

    CreatingaProjectandInsertingaNewRMxprtDesign ............ 1-3OpeningExistingRMxprtProjectsandSavingasNew............ 1-4

    OpeningRMxprtProjects.............................. 1-4

    OpeningRecentRMxprtProjects ........................ 1-4

    SavingRMxprtProjects ............................... 1-4

    SavingaNewRMxprtProject ........................... 1-4

    SavingtheActiveRMxprtProject ........................ 1-5

    SavingaCopyofanRMxprtProject ..................... 1-5

    SavingRMxprtProjectDataAutomatically................. 1-5

    RecoveringRMxprtProjectDatainanAuto-SaveFile .. 1-6

    RMxprtFiles ........................................ 1-7

    SavingProjectNotesinRMxprt......................... 1-7

    TheRMxprtDesktop....................................... 1-8

    RMxprtTitleBar ..................................... 1-9

    WorkingwiththeRMxprtMenuBar...................... 1-10

    WorkingwiththeRMxprtShortcutMenus ................. 1-11

    ShortcutMenuintheToolbarsArea ................ 1-11

    ShortcutMenusintheProjectManagerWindow ...... 1-11

    WorkingwiththeRMxprtToolbars ....................... 1-12

    UndoingRMxprtCommands...................... 1-12

    RedoingRMxprtCommands...................... 1-12

    WorkingwiththeRMxprtStatusBar...................... 1-13

    WorkingwiththeRMxprtMachineEditorWindows .......... 1-13

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    SettingtheWindowView......................... 1-14

    PrintinginRMxprt............................... 1-14

    WorkingwiththeRMxprtProjectManager................. 1-15

    WorkingwiththeRMxprtProjectTree ............... 1-15

    ViewingRMxprtDesignDetails.................... 1-15

    WorkingwiththeRMxprtPropertiesWindow............... 1-16ShowingandHidingtheRMxprtPropertiesWindow.... 1-16

    WorkingwiththeRMxprtProgressWindow................ 1-17

    WorkingwiththeRMxprtMessageManager ............... 1-17

    ClearingMessagesfortheRMxprtProject ........... 1-17

    ClearingMessagesfortheRMxprtModel ............ 1-17

    CopyingMessagesinRMxprt ..................... 1-17

    QuickStartforRMxprt...................................... 1-19

    RMxprtExamplePart1:CreateaNewProject............. 1-19

    RMxprtExamplePart2:SelectaMachine................. 1-19

    RMxprtExamplePart3:InputDesignData ................ 1-20RMxprtExamplePart4:AnalyzetheDesign. .............. 1-28

    RMxprtExamplePart5:CreateReportsandViewOutput.... 1-29

    RMxprtExamplePart6:OutputDesignData............... 1-34

    2 Setting Up RMxprt Projects

    SettingUpAMachineModel................................. 2-2

    DesignSettingsinRMxprt................................... 2-3

    SettingtheMaterialThresholdinRMxprt .................. 2-3

    RMxprtExportOptions................................ 2-4

    SettingUserDefinedDataFileforaDesign ............... 2-4

    ValidatingRMxprtProjects.................................. 2-6

    SettingGeneralOptionsinRMxprt ............................ 2-7

    SettingRMxprtOptions ..................................... 2-8

    RMxprtOptions:GeneralOptionsTab .............. 2-8

    RMxprtOptions:SolverTab....................... 2-9

    RMxprtOptions:ExportOptionsTab................ 2-9

    SettingMachineOptions .................................... 2-10

    SpecifyingtheMaterialThreshold ....................... 2-10

    SettingModelUnits................................... 2-10

    SpecifyingtheMachineOptionforWireSetting............. 2-10

    EditingWireData .................................... 2-11

    SettingExportOptions ................................ 2-12

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    EditACWindings.......................................... 2-14

    EnableWindingEditor ................................ 2-14

    EditWindingConfiguration ............................. 2-17

    ViewWindingConnections............................. 2-19

    WorkingwithVariablesinRMxprt ............................. 2-21

    AddingaProjectVariableinRMxprt...................... 2-21

    AddingaDesignVariableinRMxprt...................... 2-22AddingDatasetsinRMxprt ............................. 2-23

    ModifyingDatasetsinRMxprt........................... 2-23

    DefiningMathematicalFunctionsinRMxprt................ 2-23

    DefininganExpressioninRMxprt ....................... 2-24

    UsingValidOperatorsforExpressionsinRMxprt ...... 2-24

    UsingIntrinsicFunctionsinExpressionsinRMxprt .... 2-25


    RMxprt ....................................... 2-27

    UsingDatasetExpressionsinRMxprt ............... 2-27

    AssigningVariablesinRMxprt.......................... 2-27

    ChoosingaVariabletoOptimizeinRMxprt ................ 2-28

    IncludingaVariableinaSensitivityAnalysisinRMxprt....... 2-28

    ChoosingaVariabletoTuneinRMxprt................... 2-29

    IncludingaVariableinaStatisticalAnalysisinRMxprt ....... 2-29

    3 Wire Specification Libraries

    ConfigureWireSpecificationLibrary........................... 3-2

    SpecifytheWireSetting .................................... 3-3

    EditWireData............................................ 3-5

    EditRoundWireData ................................. 3-6EditRectangularWireData ............................ 3-7

    WireShapeLimit ............................... 3-7

    RecommendedWireSides ....................... 3-7

    WireSides .................................... 3-8

    Export/ImportWireData.......................... 3-8

    SaveWireData ................................ 3-8

    4 Working with Materials in RMxprt

    MaterialLibraryManagementforRMxprt ....................... 4-2

    Soft-MagneticMaterials..................................... 4-3AddingNewMaterialstoanRMxprtProject................ 4-3

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    RelativePermittivityforRMxprtMaterial .................. 4-4

    RelativePermeabilityforanRMxprtMaterial............... 4-5


    Permeability................................... 4-5

    BulkConductivityforanRMxprtMaterial .................. 4-6

    DielectricLossTangentforRMxprtMaterial ............... 4-6

    MagneticLossTangentforRMxprtMaterial ............... 4-7

    MagneticCoercivityforanRMxprtMaterial ................ 4-7

    CoreLossTypeforanRMxprtMaterial................... 4-7

    CalculatingPropertiesforCoreLossinRMxprt(BPCurve)... 4-8


    LossCurve.................................... 4-9


    LossCurves................................... 4-12


    LossCurves................................... 4-13

    MassDensityforRMxprtMaterial ....................... 4-14

    CompositionforRMxprtMaterial ........................ 4-14

    PermanentMagnetMaterialsinRMxprt ........................ 4-15

    Nonlinearvs.LinearPermanentMagnets ................. 4-15


    Magnet ............................................ 4-15

    CalculatingthePropertiesforaLinearPermanentMagnet .... 4-16

    UsingDemagnetizationCurves ......................... 4-17

    HysteresisLoop................................ 4-17

    DemagnetizationCurve.......................... 4-18RecoilLines................................... 4-19

    RecoilMagneticPermeability...................... 4-20

    InflectionPoint ................................. 4-21

    CurveFittingofDemagnetizationCurves.................. 4-21

    ThreeParameterCurveFitting..................... 4-22

    FourParameterCurveFitting...................... 4-24

    ConductorData........................................... 4-27

    SettingtheMaterialThresholdforRMxprt................. 4-27

    EditingConductivityPropertiesinRMxprt................. 4-27

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    5 Specifying RMxprt Solution Settings

    GeneratingaCustomDesignSheetforRMxprt .................. 5-3

    KeyWordsinOutputDataforRMxprt .................... 5-3

    CreatingRMxprtCustomizedDesignSheetTemplate............. 5-5


    PreferredStyles ..................................... 5-5ResorttoKeyWordsinDesignOutput .............. 5-6


    RMxprt ....................................... 5-7

    InsertFiguresintoTemplateforRMxprt ............. 5-8

    UseDifferentLanguagesforRMxprtDesignSheets.... 5-9

    Post-processDataforRMxprt..................... 5-10

    6 Running an RMxprt Simulation

    AbortingRMxprtAnalyses ................................... 6-2

    Re-solvinganRMxprtProblem ............................... 6-3

    7 Post Processing and Generating Reports in


    ViewingRMxprtSolutionData ............................... 7-2

    BrowseSolutionsinRMxprt............................ 7-3

    SpecifyingOutputVariablesinRMxprt ......................... 7-4

    AddingaNewOutputVariableinRMxprt.................. 7-4

    BuildinganExpressionUsingExistingQuantities ........... 7-4

    DeletingOutputVariablesinRMxprt ..................... 7-5

    ExportingaMaxwellorSIMPLORERModel..................... 7-7CreateaMaxwellDesign ................................... 7-8

    CreatingReportsinRMxprt.................................. 7-9

    ModifyingReportsinRMxprt ........................... 7-9

    OpeningAllReportsinRMxprt .......................... 7-10

    DeletingAllReportsinRMxprt.......................... 7-10

    SelectingtheDisplayTypeinRMxprt..................... 7-10

    Creating2DRectangularPlotsinRMxprt............ 7-10

    Creating3DRectangularPlotsinRMxprt............ 7-11

    CreatingDataTablesinRMxprt.................... 7-12

    WorkingwithTracesinRMxprt.......................... 7-13RemovingTracesinRMxprt....................... 7-14

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    ReplacingTracesinRMxprt....................... 7-14

    AddingBlankTracesinRMxprt.................... 7-14

    SweepingaVariableinaReportinRMxprt ................ 7-14

    SelectingaFunctioninRMxprt.......................... 7-15


    RMxprt............................................. 7-19

    CreatingQuickReportsinRMxprt ............................ 7-21

    RMxprtQuickReportCategories........................ 7-21

    8 Specifying RMxprt Winding Data

    SettingtheWindingType.............................. 8-2

    WindingTypesAvailableforMachines.............. 8-2

    EnabletheWindingEditor........................ 8-3

    EditWindingConfiguration........................ 8-5

    SettingtheNumberofWindingLayers .............. 8-5

    ConnectingandDisconnectingWindings ............ 8-5Poly-phaseWindingEditor.................................. 8-6

    WindingsBasicTerminology ........................... 8-8

    PolyPhaseACWinding .......................... 8-9

    Whole-coiledWindings........................... 8-10

    Half-coiledWindings............................. 8-10

    Single-LayerWindings ........................... 8-10

    Lap-typeWindings.............................. 8-12

    Concentric-typeWindings ........................ 8-14

    Double-LayerWindings.......................... 8-15Fractional-PitchWinding ......................... 8-17

    Auto-arrangementofACWindings ................. 8-18

    PhaseSpread.................................. 8-20

    CoilArrangement............................... 8-20

    CoilConnections ............................... 8-25

    ConnectionofDouble-poleDual-speedWindings...... 8-29

    DCWindings ........................................ 8-31

    WaveWinding ....................................... 8-32

    Frog-legWinding..................................... 8-32

    VirtualSlots......................................... 8-34

    EquipotentialConnectors......................... 8-34

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    PoleWindings ....................................... 8-35

    LimitedSpaceforWireArrangement ..................... 8-37

    RoundWireWinding ............................ 8-38

    CylinderCoil ................................... 8-39

    EdgewiseCoil.................................. 8-40

    PoleWindingwithHalfTurns...................... 8-40ExportingWindingData..................................... 8-42

    9 RMxprt Machine Types

    Three-PhaseInductionMotors............................... 9-2

    AnalysisApproachforThree-PhaseInductionMotors........ 9-2

    DefiningaThree-PhaseInductionMotor.................. 9-4


    InductionMotor................................. 9-4

    GeneralDataforThree-PhaseInductionMotors....... 9-5


    InductionMotor................................. 9-5

    StatorDataforThree-PhaseInductionMotors........ 9-6


    InductionMotor................................. 9-7

    StatorSlotDataforThree-PhaseInductionMotors..... 9-7


    InductionMotor................................. 9-8


    Motors ........................................ 9-13


    Motors ........................................ 9-16


    InductionMotor................................. 9-16

    RotorDataforThree-PhaseInductionMotors......... 9-17


    InductionMotor................................. 9-18


    Motors ........................................ 9-18


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    InductionMotor................................. 9-19

    RotorWindingforThree-PhaseInductionMotors ...... 9-19

    RotorVentDataforThree-PhaseInductionMotors .... 9-20


    InductionMotor................................. 9-21

    ShaftDataforThree-PhaseInductionMotors ......... 9-21


    InductionMotor ...................................... 9-21

    SolutionDataforThree-PhaseInductionMotors ...... 9-22

    Single-PhaseInductionMotors ............................... 9-23

    AnalysisApproachforSingle-PhaseInductionMotors ....... 9-23

    DefiningaSingle-PhaseInductionMotor .................. 9-25


    InductionMotor................................. 9-26

    GeneralDataforSingle-PhaseInductionMotors...... 9-27

    DefiningtheStatorDataforaSingle-PhaseInductionMotor .. 9-28

    StatorDataforSingle-PhaseInductionMotors ........ 9-29


    InductionMotor................................. 9-29

    StatorSlotDataforSingle-PhaseInductionMotors.......... 9-30


    InductionMotor................................. 9-31


    Motors ........................................ 9-38


    Motor......................................... 9-41

    RotorDataforSingle-PhaseInductionMotors ........ 9-42


    Motors ........................................ 9-42

    RotorSlotDataforSingle-PhaseInductionMotors..... 9-42


    InductionMotors................................ 9-43

    RotorWindingDataforSingle-PhaseInductionMotors ........................................ 9-43

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    InductionMotor................................. 9-44


    Motor......................................... 9-44

    ShaftDataforSingle-PhaseInductionMotors ........ 9-44

    SettingUpAnalysisParametersforaSingle-PhaseInductionMotor ...................................... 9-45

    SolutionDataforSingle-PhaseInductionMotors...... 9-45

    Adjust-SpeedSynchronousMachines ......................... 9-47


    Machines ........................................... 9-47


    Source ....................................... 9-48

    StatorWindingFedbyaDCtoACInverter........... 9-51

    DefininganAdjustable-SpeedSynchronousMotor .......... 9-53


    SynchronousMachine........................... 9-54


    Machines ..................................... 9-54


    Machines ..................................... 9-57


    SynchronousMachine........................... 9-57

    DefiningtheStatorDimensionsandSlots ............ 9-58StatorDataforAdjust-SpeedSynchronous

    Machines ..................................... 9-58


    Machines ..................................... 9-59


    anAdjust-SpeedSynchronousMachine............. 9-59


    Machines ........................................... 9-69


    SynchronousMachine........................... 9-70

    RotorDataforAdjust-SpeedSynchronousMachines... 9-71

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    SynchronousMachine........................... 9-71


    Machines ..................................... 9-73


    SynchronousMachine........................... 9-73

    ShaftDataforAdjust-SpeedSynchronousMachines ... 9-73


    SynchronousMachine ................................ 9-73


    Machines ..................................... 9-74

    Permanent-MagnetDCMotors ............................... 9-76

    AnalysisApproachforPMDCMotors ..................... 9-76

    DefiningaPermanent-MagnetDCMotor .................. 9-77

    DefiningtheGeneralDataforPMDCMotors ......... 9-77

    GeneralDataforPMDCMotors .................... 9-78

    DefiningtheStatorDataforaPMDCMotor .......... 9-78

    StatorDataforPMDCMotors ..................... 9-79

    DefiningtheStatorPoleforaPMDCMotor........... 9-79

    StatorPoleDataforPMDCMotors................. 9-80

    DefiningtheRotorDataforaPMDCMotor ........... 9-81

    RotorDataforPMDCMotors ...................... 9-81

    DefiningtheRotorSlotsforaPMDCMotor........... 9-82

    RotorSlotDataforPMDCMotors ....................... 9-82DefiningtheRotorWindingsandConductorsfora

    PMDCMotor................................... 9-83

    DefiningDifferentSizeWiresforaPMDCMotor....... 9-87

    RotorWindingDataforPMDCMotors............... 9-87


    Motor......................................... 9-89

    CommutatorandBrushDataforPMDCMotors............. 9-90

    DefiningtheShaftDataforaPMDCMotor........... 9-91

    ShaftDataforPMDCMotors...................... 9-91SettingUpAnalysisParametersforaPMDCMotor ......... 9-91

    SolutionDataforPMDCMotors.................... 9-92

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    Three-PhaseSynchronousMachines.......................... 9-93


    Machines ........................................... 9-93

    DefiningaThree-PhaseSynchronousMachine............. 9-96


    SynchronousMachine........................... 9-97


    Machines ..................................... 9-97


    Machine............................................ 9-97

    StatorDataforThree-PhaseSynchronousMachines ........ 9-98


    SynchronousMachine........................... 9-99

    StatorSlotDataforThree-PhaseSynchronousMachines .... 9-99


    Three-PhaseSynchronousMachine................ 9-100


    SynchronousMachines .......................... 9-108


    Machines ..................................... 9-111


    Machine............................................ 9-112


    SynchronousMachines................................ 9-113


    SynchronousMachine........................... 9-114


    SynchronousMachine........................... 9-115


    Machines ..................................... 9-117

    DefiningtheRotorDamperData ................... 9-117


    Machines ..................................... 9-117

    DefiningtheShaftDataforaThree-PhaseSynchronousMachine........................... 9-118

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    Machines ..................................... 9-119


    SynchronousMachine ................................ 9-119


    Machines ..................................... 9-120BrushlessPermanent-MagnetDCMotors ...................... 9-121

    AnalysisApproachforBrushlessPMDCMotors ............ 9-121

    DefiningaBrushlessPermanent-MagnetDCMotor ......... 9-123


    PMDCMotor................................... 9-123

    GeneralDataforBrushlessPMDCMotors ................ 9-124


    PMDCMotor................................... 9-125

    CircuitDataforBrushlessPMDCMotors ............ 9-126


    PMDCMotor................................... 9-127

    StatorDataforBrushlessPMDCMotors ............. 9-127


    PMDCMotor................................... 9-128

    StatorSlotDataforBrushlessPMDCMotors .............. 9-128


    foraBrushlessPMDCMotor ...................... 9-129


    DCMotor ..................................... 9-138

    StatorWindingDataforBrushlessPMDCMotors...... 9-139


    Motor......................................... 9-140

    RotorDataforBrushlessPMDCMotors ............. 9-141


    Motor......................................... 9-141

    RotorPoleDataforBrushlessPMDCMotors......... 9-143

    DefiningtheShaftDataforaBrushlessPMDCMotor......................................... 9-143

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    ShaftDataforBrushlessPMDCMotors ............. 9-143


    Motor .............................................. 9-143

    AnalysisOffered ................................ 9-144

    SolutionDataforBrushlessPMDCMotors........... 9-145

    SwitchedReluctanceMotors................................. 9-147AnalysisApproachforSwitchedReluctanceMotors ......... 9-147

    DefiningaSwitchedReluctanceMotor ................... 9-149


    ReluctanceMotor ............................... 9-150

    GeneralDataforSwitchedReluctanceMotors ........ 9-151


    ReluctanceMotor ............................... 9-151

    CircuitDataforSwitchedReluctanceMotors ......... 9-153


    ReluctanceMotor ............................... 9-153

    StatorDataforSwitchedReluctanceMotors.......... 9-154


    ReluctanceMotor ............................... 9-154


    ReluctanceMotor ............................... 9-156


    Motors ........................................ 9-157

    DefiningtheRotorDataforaSwitchedReluctanceMotor ............................... 9-157

    RotorDataforSwitchedReluctanceMotors.......... 9-158


    ReluctanceMotor ............................... 9-158

    ShaftDataforSwitchedReluctanceMotors .......... 9-159


    ReluctanceMotor.................................... 9-159

    SolutionDataforSwitchedReluctanceMotors ........ 9-159

    Line-StartPermanent-MagnetSynchronousMotors .............. 9-161AnalysisApproachforLine-StartPMSynchronous

    Motors ............................................. 9-161

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    Motor .............................................. 9-163


    SynchronousMotor ............................. 9-164


    Motors ........................................ 9-164DefiningtheStatorDataforaLine-StartPM

    SynchronousMotor ............................. 9-164

    StatorDataforLine-StartPMSynchronousMotors .... 9-165


    SynchronousMotor ............................. 9-166


    Motors ........................................ 9-166


    aLine-StartPMSynchronousMotor ................ 9-167


    SynchronousMotor ............................. 9-170


    Motors ........................................ 9-171


    MotorStator ................................... 9-173


    SynchronousMotor ............................. 9-173

    RotorDataforLine-StartPMSynchronousMotors ..... 9-174


    SynchronousMotor ............................. 9-174


    Motors ........................................ 9-175


    SynchronousMotor ............................. 9-175


    SynchronousMotor ............................. 9-176ShaftDataforLine-StartPMSynchronousMotors ..... 9-176

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    SynchronousMotor ................................... 9-176


    Motors ........................................ 9-177

    UniversalMotors.......................................... 9-179

    AnalysisApproachforUniversalMotors .................. 9-179

    DefiningaUniversalMotor ............................. 9-180

    DefiningtheGeneralDataforaUniversalMotor....... 9-181

    GeneralDataforUniversalMotors ................. 9-181

    DefiningtheStatorDataforaUniversalMotor ........ 9-182

    StatorDataforUniversalMotors ................... 9-182

    DefiningtheStatorPoleforaUniversalMotor ........ 9-183

    StatorPoleDataforUniversalMotors ............... 9-185


    aUniversalMotor ............................... 9-185


    StatorWinding ................................. 9-187

    StatorWindingDataforUniversalMotors ............ 9-188

    DefiningtheRotorDataforaUniversalMotor ......... 9-188

    RotorDataforUniversalMotors.................... 9-189

    DefiningtheRotorSlotsforUniversalMotors......... 9-190

    RotorSlotDataforUniversalMotors..................... 9-190


    aUniversalMotor ............................... 9-191DefiningDifferentSizeWiresforaUniversalMotor

    RotorWinding.................................. 9-195

    RotorWindingDataforUniversalMotors ............ 9-195


    Motor......................................... 9-197

    CommutatorandBrushDataforUniversalMotors .......... 9-198

    DefiningtheShaftDataforaUniversalMotor ......... 9-199

    ShaftDataforUniversalMotors .................... 9-199

    SettingUpAnalysisParametersforaUniversalMotor ....... 9-199SolutionDataforUniversalMotors ................. 9-200

    GeneralDCMachines ...................................... 9-201

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    AnalysisApproachforGeneralDCMachines .............. 9-201

    DCMachineOperatingasaMotor ................. 9-202

    DCMachineOperatingasaGenerator .............. 9-203

    DefiningaGeneralDCMachine ......................... 9-204

    DefiningtheGeneralDataforaGeneralDCMachine .. 9-204

    GeneralDataforGeneralDCMachines ............. 9-205DefiningtheStatorDataforaGeneralDCMachine .... 9-205

    StatorDataforGeneralDCMachines ............... 9-206

    DefiningtheStatorPoleforaGeneralDCMachine.... 9-207

    StatorPoleDataforGeneralDCMachines ........... 9-207


    Machine ...................................... 9-208

    StatorFieldDataforGeneralDCMachines .......... 9-208

    ShuntDataforGeneralDCMachines ............... 9-208

    SeriesDataforGeneralDCMachines............... 9-209

    CompensatingDataforGeneralDCMachines ........ 9-210

    CommutatingDataforGeneralDCMachines ......... 9-211

    WindingDataforCommutating .................... 9-212

    DefiningtheRotorDataforaGeneralDCMachine .... 9-212

    RotorDataforGeneralDCMachines ............... 9-213

    DefiningtheRotorSlotsforaGeneralDCMachine .... 9-214

    RotorSlotDataforGeneralDCMachines............ 9-214


    GeneralDCMachine ............................ 9-215


    MachineRotorWinding .......................... 9-219

    RotorWindingDataforGeneralDCMachines........ 9-219

    VentDataforGeneralDCMachines ................ 9-221


    DCMachine................................... 9-222


    DCMachines .................................. 9-223DefiningtheShaftDataforaGeneralDCMachine..... 9-224

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    ShaftDataforGeneralDCMachines ............... 9-224

    SettingUpAnalysisParametersforaGeneralDCMachine ... 9-224

    SolutionDataforGeneralDCMachines............. 9-225

    Claw-PoleAlternators...................................... 9-227

    AnalysisApproachforClaw-PoleAlternators .............. 9-227

    RotorEquippedwithanExcitationWinding........... 9-228

    RotorEquippedwithaPermanentMagnetOnly ....... 9-228

    PowerandEfficiency ............................ 9-229

    DefiningaClaw-PoleAlternator ......................... 9-230

    DefiningtheGeneralDataforaClaw-PoleAlternator... 9-231

    GeneralDataforClaw-PoleAlternators ............. 9-231

    DefiningtheStatorDataforaClaw-PoleAlternator .... 9-231

    StatorDataforClaw-PoleAlternators ............... 9-232


    Alternator ..................................... 9-233StatorSlotDataforClaw-PoleAlternators ........... 9-233


    Alternator ..................................... 9-234

    StatorWindingDataforClaw-PoleAlternators ............. 9-238

    DefiningtheRotorDataforaClaw-PoleAlternator ..... 9-240

    RotorDataforClaw-PoleAlternators................ 9-241

    DefiningtheRotorPoleforaClaw-PoleAlternator ..... 9-241

    RotorPoleDataforClaw-PoleAlternators ........... 9-241

    DefiningtheShaftDataforaClaw-PoleAlternator ..... 9-242ShaftDataforClaw-PoleAlternators ................ 9-242

    SettingUpAnalysisParametersforaClaw-PoleAlternator ... 9-242

    SolutionDataforClaw-PoleAlternators ............. 9-243

    Three-PhaseNon-SalientSynchronousMachines(NSSM)......... 9-244


    SynchronousMachines................................ 9-244

    DefiningThree-PhaseNon-SalientSynchronousMachines... 9-248

    DefiningtheGeneralDataforaThree-PhaseNSSM... 9-248

    DefiningtheStatorforThree-PhaseNSSM........... 9-249

    DefineNSSMRotorData ......................... 9-253

    DefineNSSMShaftData......................... 9-256

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    Machines ........................................... 9-256

    AddSolutionSetupforNSSM..................... 9-256

    ValidateNSSMSolutionSetup .................... 9-257

    DesignOutputforNon-SalientSynchronousMachines....... 9-257

    ViewPerformance .............................. 9-257ViewDesignSheet .............................. 9-258

    ViewCurves................................... 9-259

    CreateReports ................................. 9-263

    TransientFEAoftheNon-SalientSynchronousMachines.... 9-263

    CreateMaxwell2DDesign........................ 9-264

    ReviewMaxwell2DDesignSetups ................. 9-264

    StatorVentData .......................................... 9-272

    RotorVentData ........................................... 9-273

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    Getting Started with RMxprt 1-1


    Getting Started with RMxprt

    Rotational Machine Expert (RMxprt) is an interactive software package used for designing and

    analyzing electrical machines.

    Using RMxprt, you can simulate and analyze the following types of machines:

    Three-phase and single-phaseinduction motors.

    Three-phase synchronous motors and generators.

    Brushless permanent-magnet DC motors.

    Adjust-speed synchronous motors and generators.

    Permanent-magnet DC motors.

    Switched reluctance motors.

    Line-start permanent-magnet synchronous motors.

    Universal motors.

    General DC motors and generators. Claw-pole alternators.

    When you start a new model in RMxprt, you first select one of the above motor or generator types.

    You then enter the parameters associated with that machine type in eachRMxprt Properties win-

    dow.Theproperties windowsare accessed by clicking each of the machine elements (for example,

    stator, rotor, shaft) under Machinein the project tree. General options are available directly at the

    Machinelevel of the project tree. Solution and output options (such as the rated output power) are

    set when you add a solution setup (by right-clicking Analysisin the project tree).

    Related Topics:

    The RMxprt Desktop

    RMxprt CommandsSetting Up A Machine Model

    Creating a New RMxprt Project

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    1-2 Getting Started with RMxprt

    Specifying RMxprt Machine Data

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    Getting Started with RMxprt 1-3

    Creating a Project and Inserting a New RMxprt DesignTo create a new project:

    1. Click File>New.

    A new project is listed in the project tree. It is named Projectnby default, where nis the order

    in which the project was added to the current session.

    Project definitions, such as material assignments, are stored under the project name in the

    project tree.

    2. Click Project>Insert RMxprt Designor click theRMxprt icon on the toolbar.

    The Select Machine Typewindow appears.

    3. Select the machine type you want, and click OK.

    You specify the name of the project when you save it using the File>Saveor File>Save Ascom-mands.

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    1-4 Getting Started with RMxprt

    Opening Existing RMxprt Projects and Saving as NewYou may also create new projects from existing ones, by saving them under new file names.

    To create a new project from an existing one:

    1. If you are already in the existing project, click File>Save As. The Save Aswindow appears.

    (Otherwise, open the existing project you want to copy first.)

    2. Enter a new name for the new project, and click Save.

    The new project is now saved, with the same information as the existing project.

    Opening RMxprt Projects

    Open a previously saved project using the File>Opencommand.

    1. Click File>Open.

    The Opendialog box appears.

    2. Use the file browser to find the RMxprt version 6 project file.

    By default, files that can be opened or translated by RMxprt are displayed.

    3. Select the file you want to open.

    4. Click OK.

    The project information appears in the project tree.

    Opening Recent RMxprt Projects

    To open a project you recently saved:

    Click the name of the project file at the bottom of the Filemenu.

    Saving RMxprt Projects

    Use the File>Save Ascommand to do the following:

    Save a new project. Save the active project with a different name or in a different location.

    Save the active project in another file format for use in another program.

    Use the File>Savecommand to save the active project.

    Related Topics

    Saving a New Project

    Saving the Active Project

    Saving a Copy of a Project

    Saving a New RMxprt Project

    1. Click File>Save As.

    The Save Asdialog box appears.

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    Getting Started with RMxprt 1-5

    2. Use the file browser to find the directory where you want to save the file.

    3. Type the name of the file in the File namebox.

    By default, all files will have the .mxwlextension.

    4. Click Save.

    RMxprt saves the project to the location you specified.

    Related Topics

    Saving the Active Project

    Saving a Copy of a Project

    Saving the Active RMxprt Project

    Click File>Save.

    RMxprt saves the project over the existing one.

    Related Topics

    Saving a New Project

    Saving a Copy of a Project

    Saving a Copy of an RMxprt Project

    To save an existing, active project with a new name, a different file extension, or to a new location:

    1. Click File>Save As.

    2. Use the file browser to find the directory where you want to save the file.

    3. Type the name of the file in the File namebox.

    4. Click Save.RMxprt saves the project with the new name or file extension to the location you specified.

    Related Topics

    Saving a New Project

    Saving the Active Project

    Saving RMxprt Project Data Automatically

    RMxprt stores recent actions you performed on the active project in an auto-save file in case a sud-

    den workstation crash or other unexpected problem occurs. The auto-save file is stored in the same

    directory as the project file and is named Projectn.rmpt.autoby default, where nis the order in

    which the project was added to the current session. RMxprt automatically saves all data for the

    project to the auto-save file, except solution data. By default, RMxprt automatically saves projectdata after every ten edits. An "edit" is any action you perform that changes data in the project or the

    Warning Be sure to save machine models periodically. Saving frequently helps prevent the

    loss of your work if a problem occurs. Although RMxprt has an "auto-save" feature,

    it may not automatically save frequently enough for your needs.

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    1-6 Getting Started with RMxprt

    design, including actions associated with project management, model creation, and solution analy-


    With auto-save activated, after a problem occurs, you can choose to re-open the original

    project file (Projectn.rmpt) in an effort to recover the solution data or to open the auto-save file.

    To modify the auto-save settings:

    1. Click Tools>Options>General Options.

    The Optionsdialog box appears.

    2. Under the Project Optionstab, verify that Do Autosaveis selected.

    This option is selected by default.

    3. In the Autosave intervalbox, enter the number of editsthat you want to occur between

    automatic saves. By default, this option is set at 10.

    4. Click OKto apply the specified auto-save settings.

    Once the specified number of edits is carried out, a "model-only" save occurs. This means thatRMxprt does not save solutions data or clear any undo/redo history.

    When RMxprt auto-saves, an ".auto" extension is appended to the original project file name.

    For example, Project1.rmpt will automatically be saved as Projectn.rmpt.auto.

    Related Topics

    Recovering Project Data in an Auto-Save File

    Recovering RMxprt Project Data in an Auto-Save File

    Following a sudden workstation crash or other unexpected problem, you can recover the projectdata in its auto-save file.

    To recover project data in an auto-save file, if RMxprt has unexpectedly crashed:

    1. Launch RMxprt from your desktop.

    2. Click File>Open,.

    3. Select the original Projectn.rmpt project file for which you want to recover its Pro-

    jectn.rmpt.auto auto-save file.

    The Crash Recoverywindow appears, giving you the option to open the original project file

    Note Auto-save alwaysincrements forward; therefore, even when you undo a command,

    RMxprt counts it as an edit.

    Warning When you close or rename a project, RMxprt deletes the auto-save file. RMxprt

    assumes that you have saved any desired changes at this point.

    Warning When you recover a project's auto-save file you cannotrecover any solutions data;

    recovering an auto-save file means you will lose any solutions data that existed in

    the original project file.

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    Getting Started with RMxprt 1-7

    or the auto-save file.

    4. Select Open project using autosave file to recover project data in the auto-save file, and then

    clickOK. RMxprt replaces the original project file with the data in the auto-save file.

    RMxprt immediately overwrites the original project file data with the auto-save file data,

    removing the results directory (solutions data) from the original project file as it overwrites to

    the auto-save file.

    Related Topics

    Saving Project Data Automatically

    RMxprt Files

    When you create any project in the Maxwell desktop, including an RMxprt project, it is given a

    .mxwlfile extension and stored in the directory you specify. Any files related to that project are

    also stored in that directory.

    Some common file and folder types are listed below:

    Saving Project Notes in RMxprtYou can save notes about a project, such as its creation date and a description of the device being

    modeled. This is useful for keeping a running log on the project.

    To add notes to a project:

    1. Click RMxprt>Edit Notes.

    The Design Notesdialog box appears.

    2. Click in the window and type your notes.

    3. Click OKto save the notes with the current project.

    To edit existing project notes:

    1. Double-click the Notes icon in the project tree.The Design Noteswindow appears, where you can edit the project's notes.

    2. Click OKto save any changes, or click Cancelto exit without saving edits.

    Warning If you choose to recover the auto-save file, you cannot recover the original project

    file that has been overwritten; recovering data in an auto-save file is notreversible.

    .mxwl Maxwell or RMxprt project.

    project_name.mxwlresults Folder containing results data for a project.

    design_name.results Folder containing results data for a design. This folder is stored in

    theproject_name.mxwlresults folder.

    design_name.asol Results data for a design. This file's contents may be empty if a

    solution is unavailable. This file is stored in the

    project_name.mxwlresults folder.

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    1-8 Getting Started with RMxprt

    The RMxprt DesktopRMxprt is integrated within the Maxwell desktop. Consistent with the Maxwell desktop, the RMx-

    prt interface consists of 9 desktop components: a title bar, a menu bar, toolbars, a status bar, a

    project manager window, a properties window, a message manager window, a progress window,

    and a machine editor window. The project manager window, the properties window, the message

    manager window and the progress window are dockable and resizable.You can open multiple machine editor windows to display different parts at the same time. One can

    remain fixed on the winding, one on the diagram, and one on the main desktop window. To open a

    new window, click Window>New Window.

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    Getting Started with RMxprt 1-9

    To move back and forth between windows, select the Windowsmenu, and select the window you

    want to view.

    RMxprt Title Bar

    The title bar is located at the top of the application window. It displays the information of the active

    design. If a machine editor window is maximized, its title is appended in the title bar within squarebrackets. The information of the active design includs the desktop name, the project name, the

    design name and the design type. For an RMxprt design, the design type is Machine.

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    1-10 Getting Started with RMxprt

    Working with the RMxprt Menu Bar

    The menu bar enables you to perform all Maxwell, ePhysics, and/or RMxprt tasks, depending on

    the software you purchased. Such tasks include managing project files, customizing the desktop,

    drawing objects, and setting and modifying all project parameters.

    RMxprt contains the following menus, which appear at the top of the desktop:

    Related Topics

    Getting Help

    File menu Use the Filemenu commands to manage RMxprt project files and printingoptions.

    Edit menu Use the Editmenu commands to modify properties in the active design,

    manage designs in one or more projects, delete projects, and undo and redo


    View menu Use the Viewmenu commands to display or hide desktop components, and

    change the machine editor window view.

    Project menu Use the Projectmenu commands to add a Maxwell 3D, Maxwell2D, or

    RMxprt design to the active project, analyze all designs of the active project,

    and define project variables and datasets.

    Machine Use the Machinemenu to work with the machine data, such as edit windinglayout, edit wire size, and set dimension unit for the active editor window.

    RMxprt Use the RMxprtmenu commands to validate design input data, analyze

    designs, set up parameters, add analysis setups, set up Optimetrics, post

    process solutions, export equivalent circuits, create Maxwell 3D designs, and

    other design tasks.

    Tools menu Use the Toolsmenu to modify the active project's material library, arrange the

    material libraries, run and record scripts, update project definitions from

    libraries, display options, customize the desktop's toolbars, and modify many

    of the software's default settings.

    Window menu Use the Windowmenu commands to rearrange theapplication windows andtoolbar icons.

    Help menu Use the Helpmenu commands to access the online help system and view the

    current software version information.

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    Getting Started with RMxprt 1-11

    Working with the RMxprt Shortcut Menus

    A variety of shortcut menus menus that appear when you right-click a selection are available

    in the toolbars area of the desktop, in the Machine Editorwindow, in the Project Managerwin-

    dow, in the Propertieswindow, and in the Message Managerwindow.

    Shortcut Menu in the Toolbars Area

    Use the shortcut menu in the toolbars area of the desktopto show or hide windows or toolbars, and

    customize the toolbars.

    To access theshortcut menu in the toolbars area:

    Right-click in the toolbars area at the top of the desktop.

    A check box appears next to a command if the item is visible. For example, if a check box appears

    next to the Project Managercommand, then the Project Managerwindow is currently visible on

    the desktop.

    Click Customize to open the Customizedialog box, which enables you to modify the toolbar set-

    tings on the desktop.

    Shortcut Menus in the Project Manager Window

    Each node, or item, in the project tree has a shortcut menu.

    To access the shortcut menu in the Project Manager window, for a particular node:

    Select a node or item.

    Right-click in the Project Managerwindow.

    In the toolbars area Use theshortcut menu in the toolbars area of the desktop to show or

    hide windows or toolbars, and customize the toolbars.In Machine Editor


    Use the shortcut menu in the Machine Editorwindow to edit

    winding layout, display or hidden coil connection, change the view,

    and copy to Clipboard.

    In the Project Manager


    Use the shortcut menus in the Project Managerwindow (or the

    project tree) to manage project files and design properties; these

    commands duplicate menu commands at the top of the screen.

    In Properties window Use the shortcut menus in the Propertieswindow to edit (cut, copy,

    paste or delete) property values.

    In Message Manager


    Use the shortcut menus in the Message Managerwindow to clear,

    copy message, or see message details.

    Note Most of the commands on the shortcut menus are also available on the menu bar.

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    1-12 Getting Started with RMxprt

    Working with the RMxprt Toolbars

    The toolbar buttons and shortcut pull-down lists act as shortcuts for executing various commands.

    You can rearrange the position of the various toolbars.

    To execute a command, click a toolbar button or click a selection on the shortcut pull-downlist.

    To display a brief description of the toolbar button, move the pointer over the button.

    To relocate a toolbar, click on the left edge of a toolbar and drag it to new location..

    Undoing RMxprt Commands

    Use the Undocommand on the Editmenu to cancel, or undo, the last action you performed on the

    active project or design.

    1. In the Project Managerwindow, do one of the following:

    To undo the last action you performed on the active project, such as inserting a design,

    click the project icon. To undo the last action you performed on the active design, click the design icon.

    2. Click Edit>Undo.

    Your last action is now undone.

    Related Topics

    Redoing Commands

    Redoing RMxprt Commands

    Use the Redocommand on the Editmenu to reapply, or redo, the last action that was canceled, or

    undone. You can redo a canceled action related to project management, model creation, and post-


    1. In the Project Managerwindow, do one of the following:

    To redo the last action you canceled on the active project, such as inserting a design oradding project variables, click the project icon.

    To redo the last action you canceled on the active design, such as drawing an object ordeleting a field overlay plot, click the design icon.

    2. Click Edit>Redo.

    Hint To modify the toolbars on the desktop, click Tools>Customize. To display all toolbar

    buttons, click theReset Allbutton in the Customizewindow.

    Note You cannot undo an analysis that you have performed on a model, that is, the


    Note When you save a project, RMxprt always clears the entire undo/redo history for the

    project and its designs.

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    Getting Started with RMxprt 1-13

    Your last canceled action is now reapplied.

    Related Topics

    Undoing Commands

    Working with the RMxprt Status Bar

    The status bar is located at the bottom of the application window. It displays information about the

    where mouse is pointed.

    To display or hide the status bar:

    Click View>StatusBar.

    A check box appears next to this command if the status bar is visible.

    Working with the RMxprt Machine Editor Windows

    You can open multiple machine editor windows in RMxprt. One can remain fixed on the Winding

    Editor, one on the Diagramtab, and one on the Maintab. To open a new window, click Win-dow>New Window. To move back and forth between windows, select the Windowsmenu, and

    select the window you want to view.

    You can cascade all Machine Editorwindows, tile them horizontally or vertically. You can maxi-

    mize, minimize or close a Machine Editorwindow by clicking the relevant button on the right-top

    corner of the window. If no Machine Editorwindow is displayed, you can use RMxprt>Machine

    Editorto bring one window up. When only one Machine Editorwindow is maximized, the win-

    dow title is displayed within square brackets in the Title Barof the main application window.

    As you enter appropriate property values, the Machine Editorwindow dynamically updates the

    rotor, stator, slots, and windings in the Main, Diagramand Winding Editortabs. As you provide

    winding information, the Winding Editortab displays a table of values.

    Related Topics

    Setting the Window View

    Note When you save a project, RMxprt always clears the entire undo/redo history for the

    project and its designs.

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    1-14 Getting Started with RMxprt

    Printing in RMxprt

    Setting the Window View

    To fit the entire diagram in the window:

    Click View>Fit All.

    To zoom into the diagram in the window:

    Click View>Zoom In.To zoom out of the diagram in the window:

    Click View>Zoom Out.

    Printing in RMxprt

    The printing commands enable you to print the display in the active window.

    To print the project:

    1. Click File>Print.

    ThePrintdialog box appears.

    2. You can change the print quality (a higher dpi produces a higher quality print but takes more

    time and printer memory), or you can send the output to a .prnfile.3. Do one of the following:

    Click OK to print the project.

    Click Cancelto dismiss the window without printing.

    Click Properties to define printer settings.

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    Getting Started witn RMxprt 20-15

    Working with the RMxprt Project Manager

    The Project Managerwindow displays the open project's structure, which is referred to as the

    project tree. The Project Managerwindow displays details about all projects open in the Maxwell

    Desktop, regardless of type.

    To show or hide the Project Managerwindow, do one of the following:

    Click View>Project Manager.

    A check box appears next to this command if the Project Managerwindow is visible.

    Right-click in the toolbars area on the desktop, and then click Project Manageron the short-cut menu.

    A check box appears next to this command if the Project Managerwindow is visible.

    Related Topics

    Working with the RMxprt Project Tree

    Shortcut Menus in the Project Manager Window

    Working with the RMxprt Project Tree

    The project tree is located in the Project Managerwindow and contains details about all open

    projects. The top node listed in the project tree is the project name. It is named Projectnby default,where nis the order in which the project was added to the current session of the Maxwell Desktop.

    Expand the project icon to view all designs and material definitions belonging to the project. For

    RMxprt projects, the project tree shows where you can select each portion of the machine to open

    the corresponding tab sheet in the Propertieswindow. The project tree lists options for the general

    motor characteristics, the stator, the rotor, and other options such as winding data or commutating

    data. The specific options depend on the machine type you have selected.

    Related Topics

    Viewing RMxprt Design Details

    Automatically Expand the Project Tree

    Setting the RMxprt Project Tree to Expand AutomaticallyYou can set the project tree to automatically expand when an item is added to a project.

    1. Click Tools>Options>General Options.

    The Optionsdialog box appears.

    2. Click the Project Options tab.

    3. Under Additional Options, select Expand Project Tree on Insert.

    4. Click OK.

    Viewing RMxprt Design Details

    Once you insert an RMxprt design into a project, it is listed as the second-level node in the project

    tree. It is named RMxprtDesignnby default, where nis the order in which the design was added tothe project. Expand the design icon in the project tree to view specific data about the model.

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    20-16 Getting Started with RMxprt

    The RMxprtDesignnnode contains the following project details:

    Working with the RMxprt Properties Window

    The Propertieswindow displays the attributes, or properties, of an item selected in the project tree-and enables you to edit an item's properties. The properties, and the ability to edit them in the Prop-

    ertieswindow vary depending on the type of item selected. The tabs available in the Properties

    window also vary depending the selection.

    Single clicking on an item in the Machine section of the project tree displays a docked Properties

    window located under the project tree. A horizontal scroll bar lets you adjust the view of the prop-

    erties if necessary. Changes to values in the docked properties window apply immediately to the

    selected object.

    Double-clicking on an item in the Machine section of the project tree opens a floating Properties

    window. The floating window can be moved for convenience in viewing the RMxprt Machine

    Editor window. Some objects have tabs on the window to control the properties displayed.

    Changes to values in the floating window are not applied until you click the OKbutton.

    Related Topics

    Showing and Hiding the Properties Window

    Setting the Properties Window to Open Automatically

    Showing and Hiding the RMxprt Properties Window

    To show or hide the Propertieswindow on the desktop, do one of the following:

    Click View>Property Window.

    A check box appears next to this command if the Propertieswindow is visible.

    Right-click in the toolbars area at the top of the desktop, and then clickPropertieson the

    shortcut menu.A check box appears next to this command if the Propertieswindow is visible.

    Machine Allows you to specify parameters for various aspects of the machine. A

    whole or part geometry will be drawn in the Maintab of the Machine

    Editorwindow (based on the values you enter).

    Parameters Allows you to assign parameters to solve for.

    Analysis Displays the solution setupsfor an RMxprt design. A solution setupspecifies how RMxprt computes the solution.

    Optimetrics Displays any Optimetrics setupsadded to an RMxprt design.

    Results Displays anypost-processing reportsthat have been generated.

    Note To edit a project's design details:

    In the project tree, double-click the design setup icon that you want to edit.

    A dialog box appears with that setup's parameters, which you can then edit.

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    Working with the RMxprt Progress Window

    The Progresswindow monitors a simulation while it is running.

    To display or hide the Progresswindow on the desktop, do one of the following:

    Click View>Progress Window.

    A check box appears next to this command if the Progresswindow is visible.

    Right-click in the toolbars area at the top of the desktop, and then clickProgresson the short-cut menu.

    A check box appears next to this command if the Progresswindow is visible.

    Working with the RMxprt Message Manager

    The Message Managerdisplays messages associated with a project's development, such as error

    messages about the design's setup or informational messages about the progress of an analysis.

    To display or hide the Message Managerwindow on the desktop, do one of the following:

    Click View>Message Manager.

    Right-click in the toolbars area at the top of the desktop, and then clickMessage Manageronthe shortcut menu.

    A check box appears next to this command if the Message Manageris visible.

    Related Topics

    Clearing Messages for the RMxprt Project

    Clearing Messages for the RMxprt Model

    Copying Messages in RMxprt

    Clearing Messages for the RMxprt Project

    You can clear all the messages for a particular project.

    To clear messages:

    1. Right-click theproject#in the Message Manager.

    A pop-up appears.

    2. Click Clear messages for Project#.

    Clearing Messages for the RMxprt Model

    You can clear all the messages for a particular model.

    To clear messages:

    1. Right-click theMaxwellModel#in the Message Manager.

    A pop-up appears.

    2. Click Clear messages for RMxprtDesign#.

    Copying Messages in RMxprtYou can copy all the messages for a particular project.

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    20-18 Getting Started with RMxprt

    To copy messages:

    1. Right-click in the Message Manager.

    A pop-up appears.

    2. Click Copy messages to clipboard.

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    Getting Started with RMxprt 20-19

    Quick Start for RMxprtThis section briefly introduces how to enter the environment of the software RMxprtand quick

    mastering its main functions by providing a simple example.

    The basic process flow chart is shown below.

    RMxprt Example Part 1: Create a New Project

    To create a new project:

    1. Start Maxwell from the desktop.

    2. Click File>Newfrom the menu bar.

    This creates a new project folder in the project window with the default name of Projectn.

    RMxprt Example Part 2: Select a Machine

    To select a machine to insert into the new project:

    1. Click Project>Insert RMxprt Designor click the RMxprt icon in the tool bar.

    This displays the Select Machine Typewindow.2. From the list of machine types, for this example, select Brushless Permanent Magnet DC

    Motorand click OK.

    Create a new Project

    Select the machine type.

    Input design data.

    Create a Maxwell 2D

    Project for electromagnetic

    field analyses

    Create an electric machine

    model for Simplorer System


    Analyze the design.Create Reports and View output

    characteristics curves.

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    20-20 Getting Started with RMxprt

    This closes the window and inserts the Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor design in the


    Continue to Part 3 of the example to Input Design Data.

    RMxprt Example Part 3: Input Design Data

    In this part of the example, you provide values for the design and for various parts.

    1. Click the + symbol by the RMxprt:Designnicon in the project tree to view the design hierar-chy.

    This displays the Machine Icon.

    2. Double-click the icon to view the Machine Properties window.

    Set the values as indicated below.

    3. Click OK to close theMachine properties window.

    4. Click the + symbol by the Machine icon to view the design hierarchy of the motor.

    5. Double-click the Circuit icon to view the Circuit properties window.

    Machine Type Brushless Permanent Magnet DC Motor

    Number of Poles Set this to 4

    Rotor Position Set to Inner

    Frictional Loss Set this to 11 (Frictional and wind loss is typically within the range of

    1%~3% of the rated output power, in this example, 2% is estimated.) This

    value is referred to the given Reference Speed. The frictional loss at thecomputed rated speed will be modified if the computed rated speed is

    different from the given rated speed.

    Wind Loss 0

    Reference Speed Set this to 1500

    Control Type DC

    Circuit Type Set this to C2.

    Click the button to display the Select Circuit Type window.

    Select the C2 button, and OK to close the window.

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    Getting Started with RMxprt 20-21

    Set the values as indicated below.

    6. Click OK to close the circuit properties window.

    7. Double-click the Stator icon to view the Stator properties window.

    Set the values as shown below.

    Lead Angle of


    Set this to 0 to obtain the maximum average emf for the following phase in

    the trig_on period.

    Trigger Pulse


    Set this to 90

    Transistor Drop Set this to 2

    Diode Drop Set this to 2

    Outer Diameter Set this to 120.

    Inner Diameter Set this to 75.Length Set this 65 for the length of the Stator iron core.

    Stacking Factor 0.95

    Steel Type Click on the button to display the Materialswindow. Select RMxprt

    library in theLibrariesbox in the upper right corner of the Materials

    window: then select M19-24G.

    Note: If RMxprt is not listed in the libraries box in the upper right corner of

    the Materials window, quit the Materials window, click Tools>Configure

    Libraries, add RMxprt(under materials) and click the Save as Default

    check box. Then click OK.

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    20-22 Getting Started with RMxprt

    8. Click OKto close the Stator Properties window.

    Take a moment to look at the Maxwell Design window. If you click the Maintab, you will see

    two concentric rings that represent the inner and outer diameters you specified. If you click the

    Winding Editor tab, you see a table of the coils, with columns for Phase, turns, the in slots,

    and the out slots. There is also a drawing showing the placement of the 24 slots of the type that

    you defined here.

    9. Click the + symbol by the Statoricon to view the hierarchy under the stator.

    10. Double-click the slot icon to view the Slot Properties window.

    Set the values as shown below. Some of the properties will not appear until you disable the

    Auto Designproperty in the first row.

    Number of Slots Set this to 24.

    Slot Type Select 2 as the Slot type. Click the button on the row cell to display the

    Select Slot Type window.

    Click the 2 button and OK to close the window.

    Skew Width Set this to 1. (To skew one slot pitch.)

    Auto Design Uncheck the box to disable auto design. Close the properties window and

    open it again. Then set the given values for the slot shapes.

    Parallel Tooth Uncheck this box. The Tooth Width property becomes invisible.

    Tooth Width

    Hs0 Set to 0.5

    Hs1 Set to 1.0

    Hs2 Set to 8.2

    Bs0 Set to 2.5

    Bs1 Set to 5.6

    Bs2 Set to 7.6

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    20-24 Getting Started with RMxprt

    13. Click OK to close the stator Winding Properties window.

    14. Click Machine>Wiiding>Connect All Coils.

    The Windingtab in the main window shows all coils connected.

    15. Double-click the Rotor Icon to view the Rotor Propertieswindow.

    Set the values as shown below.

    End Adjustment Set this to 0 for the linear overhang of the end part of the coil

    out of the iron core as shown below. In this example, the coil

    turns immediately at the slot opening, therefore input 0.

    Base Inner Radius 0

    Tip Inner Diameter0

    End Clearance 0Slot Liner Set this to 0.3 for the single side thickness of slot insulation.

    Wedge Thickness 0

    Layer Insulation 0

    Limited Fill Factor 0.75

    Outer Diameter Set this to 74.0. This is the Stator inner diameter - 2* AirGap.

    Inner Diameter Input26for the inner diameter of the rotor core. This is also the diameter to

    match the shaft

    Length Input 65for the length of the rotor core. In this example, the lengths of the

    iron cores of the stator and the rotor are the same.

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    Getting Started with RMxprt 20-25

    16. Click OK to close the Rotor Properties window.

    17. Click the + symbol by the Rotor icon to open the project hierarchy under the rotor.

    18. Double-click the Pole icon to view the Pole Properties window.

    Steel Type SelectM19-24for the brand of the silicon-steel sheet for the rotor. In this

    example, the laminations are punched together on the same sheet; therefore,

    the brands of the silicon-steel sheet and the stacking factors are the same for

    the stator and the rotor.

    Stacking Factor Input 0.95.

    Pole Type Select 1. Click on the button on the Pole Type field to display the Select

    Pole Type window.

    Click the 1 button and OK to close the window.

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    20-26 Getting Started with RMxprt

    Set the values as shown below.

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    Getting Started with RMxprt 20-27

    Embrace Input 0.7. Embraceof the rotor represents the ratio of the rotor central angle

    corresponding to the arc length along the rotor surface of an arched

    permanent-magnetic piece to the rotor central angle corresponding to a rotor

    pole. In a four pole machine with Embrace, 1, each arched permanent-

    magnetic piece covers 90 mechanical degrees along the rotor surface.

    Similarly, Embrace0.667 means 60 mechanical degrees of the coverage of

    the magnet as shown in the figure.

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    20-28 Getting Started with RMxprt

    19. Click OK to close the Pole Properties window.

    To continue to Part 4 of the example, go to Analyze the Design.

    RMxprt Example Part 4: Analyze the Design.Before analyzing a design project, a few options should be decided by the following procedures:

    1. Click Tools>Options>Machine Options.

    The Machine Options window appears. The Wire setting should be set to American.

    2. Click OK to close the window.

    3. Click RMxprt>Analysis Setup>Add Setup.

    This displays the Solution Setup window. Add the following values.

    Offset Input 0. The arched permanent-magnetic pieces to form the magnets of the

    rotor might not be concentric with the rotor as shown in the figure. In the

    electric machines with non-uniform air-gap, there exists an offset between

    the two centers. RMxprtterms it as Pole Arc Offset. This example uses

    uniform air-gap; therefore, the offset is set to 0.

    Magnet Type SelectXG196/96. This permanent-magnetic steel possesses residual flux

    density 0.96 Tesla, coercive force 690 kA/m, maximum magnetic energy

    product 183 kJ/m3, and relative recoil magnetic permeability 1.0.

    Magnet Thickness Input 3.5for the thickness of the permanent-magnetic steel.

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    Getting Started with RMxprt 20-29

    4. Close the dialog to save the Setup.

    5. Click RMxprt>Validation Checkto ensure that all values have been set.

    If any items do not pass validation, use the diagnostic information in the Message Window to

    resolve any issues.

    6. When the design has been validated, click RMxprt>Analyze All.

    The progress of the analysis is shown in the Progress window.

    To continue to Part 5 of the example, go to Create Reports and View Output.

    RMxprt Example Part 5: Create Reports and View Output

    After you have run an analysis, you can view the solution data.

    1. Click RMxprt>Results>Solution Data.

    This opens the Solutionswindow with the Solutionstab selected, and the Full Load Operation

    Data displayed. TheSolutionswindow contains tabs for the following:

    Solution Data - the Data field in the Solutions window is a drop down menu from whichyou can select the following:

    Full Load Operation

    Material Consumption

    No Load Operation Permanent Magnet

    Rotor Data

    Stator Slot

    Stator Winding

    Steady State Parameters


    Design Sheet

    Curves - Selecting the Curvestab lets you view pre-defined graphs.

    2. With the Solution tab selected, select Stator Winding as the Dataselected.

    Except for a few data corresponding to the wire gauge, this part of data should be the same as

    the data input in the Stator Winding Properties window. Since automatic design function for

    Load Type Const Power

    Rated Output


    0.55 kW

    Rated Voltage 220

    Rated Speed 1500




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    20-30 Getting Started with RMxprt

    the wire gauge is selected in the input, RMxprtcalculates the following data:

    The electromagnetic wire with Wire Diameterof 0.8118is equivalent to AWG 20. Stator

    Slot Fill Factorrepresents the percentage of occupation of the slot area, i.e. the ratio of the

    total square sectional area of wires (including Wire Wrap Thickness) in a slot to the total slot

    area less the slot insulation.

    a. Now that Wire Diameterof the electromagnetic wire is calculated by RMxprt, you can

    open the Winding Propertieswindow and specify the value.

    b. For Wire Size, open the Wire Size selection window, select 0.8118for the electromag-

    netic wire diameter, which corresponds to 20for the wire gauge.

    c. In the slot Wire Wrapfield, input 0.08for the insulation thickness of the electromagnetic


    d. Click OK to close the properties window.

    e. Click RMxprt>Analyze All.

    After the second analysis is completed, click RMxprt>Results>Solution Datato view the

    effect of Wire Wrap Thicknessof the electromagnetic wire on Stator Slot Fill Factor.

    3. In the Solutionswindow, change the Data selection to Rotor Data.

    The Rotor data is displayed.

    Here most of the data is the same as input in the Rotor Poleproperties window. The only dif-

    ference is that the Pole Arcradius replaces Pole Arc Offsetand, in addition to Mechanical

    Pole Embrace which is input basedon the physical geometry, ElectricalPole Embraceis

    also given.Electrical Pole Embraceis calculated by the ratio of the average magnetic flux

    density to the maximum magnetic flux density according to the magnetic flux density distribu-

    tion along the air-gap.4. In the Solutions window, change the Data selection to Permanent Magnet.

    Wire Diameter


    0.8118for the diameter of the electromagnetic wire.

    Wire Wrap

    Thickness (mm):

    0for the insulation thickness of the electromagnetic wire. Because input

    wire wrap is 0, RMxprt picks it up from the selected wire library

    (American wire), but it still 0based on the wire wrap data in the library.Stator Slot Fill

    Factor (%):


    Wire Diameter



    Wire Wrap

    Thickness (mm):


    Stator Slot Fill

    Factor (%):


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    Getting Started with RMxprt 20-31

    This part displays the characteristic data of the permanent magnets as well as the Demagnetiza-

    tion Flux density, the Recoil Residual Flux density and Recoil Coercive Force of the recoil line

    based on the demagnetization flux density, which are used for finite element analysis when a

    linear PM characteristics must be specified.

    5. In the Solutionswindow, change the Data selection to Steady State Parameters.

    This part displays the stator winding factor, direct- and the quadratic-axis inductances, the

    leakage inductance, the resistance of the phase winding, the direct- and the quadratic-axis timeconstants, the ideal torque constant KTand the ideal back emf constant KE.

    6. In the Solutionswindow, change the Data selection to No-Load Operation.

    This part displays the magnetic flux densities in the teeth and the yoke of the stator, and the

    yoke of the rotor. The maximum value among the three magnetic flux densities is 1.52Tesla,

    which locates at the knee part of the B-H curve, below the saturation situation.

    The mmfs of the teeth and the yoke of the stator, the air-gap, the yoke and the permanent mag-

    net of the rotor are given respectively for half magnetic reluctance path.

    The armature reaction mmf due to the armature current is referred to the demagnetization mmf.

    The magnetic flux leakage coefficient takes into account the part of the magnetic flux in the

    rotor not linking with the stator. The correction factors for the yoke lengths of the stator and

    the rotor to calculate the yoke mmfs of the stator and the rotor are also given here.

    The no-load revolution speed of this machine is equal to 2001rpm.

    7. In the Solutions window, change the Data selection to Full Load Operation.

    At Rated Output Power (kW):0.550, the following characteristic parameters of the machine

    are calculated as:

    Parameters Calculated Values Units

    Average Input Current 2.93 A

    (of input current waveform in one voltage period)

    RMS Armature Current 2.45 A

    (of phase current waveform in one voltage


    Armature Thermal Load 70.88 A2/mm3

    (product of Specific Electric Loadingand

    Armature Current Density


    Specific Electric Load 14.97 A/mm

    (stator current distribution per circumferential

    length along air-gap)

    Armature Current Density 4.73 A/mm2

    (through cross-sectional area of stator wire)

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    20-32 Getting Started with RMxprt

    8. In the Solutionswindow, select the Design Sheettab, and scroll down to Winding Arrange-

    ment.This is the layout and the arrangement of the whole two-phase winding of phases A and B, and

    the short coil pitch factor 5is taken into account.

    Frictional and Wind Loss 11.46 W

    (at computed Rated Speed)

    Iron-Core Loss 20.24 W

    (due to loss curves of stator and rotor iron-core


    Armature Copper Loss 53.87 W

    (stator winding ohmic loss)

    Transistor Loss 9.32 W

    (transistor switching loss)

    Diode Loss 0.69 W

    (diode power consumption)

    Total Loss 95.6 W

    (sum of above losses)

    Output Power 550 W

    (the rated operating point is derived based on

    Output Power)

    Input Power 645.6 W

    (product of Rated Voltageand Average Input


    Efficiency 85.2 %

    (ratio of Output Powerto Input Power)

    Rated Speed 1562 rpm

    (at Rated Output Power)

    Rated Torque 3.36 Nm

    (at Rated Output Power)

    Locked-Rotor Torque 32.3 Nm

    (starting torque at zero revolution speed)

    Locked-Rotor Current 47.6 A

    (starting current at zero revolution speed)

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    Getting Started with RMxprt 20-33

    The 2-phase, 2-layer winding can be arranged in 6 slots as below:


    9. In the Solutionswindow with the Design Sheet table selected, scroll down to Transient FEA

    Input Data. (This is at the very bottom.)

    The following data of the armature winding corresponds to one phase armature winding.

    The following data is the equivalent values used to 2D electromagnetic field analyses.

    10. In the Solutionswindow, click the Curvestab.

    This displays the Input DC Current Versus Speed graph. If the text is too small to read, you can

    resize the window. You can view other predefined graphs by selecting from the drop down

    menu in the Name field.

    Selecting the Curves tab lets you view pre-defined graphs for the following relations:

    Inut DC Current Versus Speed

    Efficiency Versus Speed

    Output Power Versus Speed Output Torque Versus Speed

    Angle per slot (elec. degrees): 30

    Phase-A axis (elec. degrees): 105

    First slot center (elec. degrees): 0

    Number of Turns 360

    (total number of turns viewed into output terminals)

    Parallel Branches 1

    Terminal Resistance 4.5 Ohm

    (stator winding dc resistance under given operating

    temperature, 75oC)

    End Leakage Inductance 1.7 mH

    (of stator winding)

    Equivalent Model Depth 65 mm

    Equivalent Stator Stacking Factor 0.95

    Equivalent Rotor Stacking Factor 0.95

    Equivalent Br(residual flux density) 0.87 Tesla

    Equivalent Hc(coercive force) 690 kA/m

    Estimated Rotor Moment of Inertia 0.0015 kg.m2

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    20-34 Getting Started with RMxprt

    Cogging Torque in Two Teeth

    Induced Coil Voltages at Rated Speed

    Air-Gap Flux Density

    Induced Winding Phase Voltage at Rated Speed

    Winding Currents Under Load

    Phase Voltage Under LoadYou can also create additional plots with multiple curves.

    11. For example, click RMxprt>Results>Create Report.

    This displays the Create Report dialog box. Click OKto display the Traceswindow.

    12. In the Traceswindow, select Input DC Current and Efficiency vs Speed, and click the Add

    Tracebutton. Then select Output Torque.

    13. These traces appear in the Tracesfield. Click Doneto close the Traceswindow and display

    the combined graph.

    To continue to part Six of the example, go to Output Design Data.

    RMxprt Example Part 6: Output Design Data

    To export the model for Maxwell 2D Analysis:

    1. Click RMxprt>Set Export Options.

    This opens the Export Optionswindow.

    Periodic According to the geometric symmetry, the structure of electric machine

    can be divided into several periods. The four pole electric machine in this

    example has a whole slot number per pole per phase, therefore, it can be

    divided into four periods. Choose the smaller period to shorten the run-

    time for 2D Maxwell analyses.

    Difference The angular displacement from the rotor to the stator in electric degrees.

    Band Arc The air-gap is divided uniformly along the circumference. Band Arcisthe central angle corresponding to each division. The effective range of its

    value is between 1oto 5o, the default value is 3o. In 2D electromagnetic

    field analysis to the torque with 2D Maxwell, the value of Band Arcis

    sensitive. The lower the value, the finer the air-gap meshes, the more

    accurate the torque calculation, but longer the computation time in order.

    Teeth to Teeth If you select this box, the central lines of the rotor teeth or the rotor

    magnet poles coincide with the periodic dividing lines, otherwise, the

    central lines of the rotor slots or the interpole lines of the rotor magnet

    poles coincide with the periodic dividing line. Nevertheless, the central

    lines of the stator teeth always coincide with the periodic dividing lines.

    Design Sheet This lets you specify an Excel Spreadsheet template for a customized

    design sheet.

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    2. Click RMxprt>Analysis Setup>Export>Maxwell 2D.

    This displays theExport Maxwell 2Dwindow.

    3. Specify a ProjectName.

    4. Click OK.

    5. The Progresswindow shows activity.

    6. To export a Simplorer model, click RMxprt>Analysis Setup>Export>Simplorer Model.This displays the Export Simplorerwindow.

    7. Provide a project name and a location.

    8. Click OK.

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    20-36 Getting Started with RMxprt

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    Setting Up RMxprt Projects 2-1


    Setting Up RMxprt Projects

    An RMxprt project is a folder that includes one or more models, or designs. Each design ultimately

    includes a geometric model, material assignments, and field solution and post-processing informa-


    A new project calledProjectnis automatically created when the software is launched, where nis a

    number. You can also open a new project by clicking File>New. In general, use the Filemenu

    commands to manage projects. If you move or change the names of files without using these com-

    mands, the software may not be able to find information necessary to solve the model.

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    2-2 Setting Up RMxprt Projects

    Setting Up A Machine ModelTo set up an RMxprt model, follow this general procedure:

    1. Insert an RMxprt design. (ClickProject>Insert RMxprt Design., and specify the machine

    type from the Select Machine Typewindow.)

    2. Use the Toolsmenu commands to specify general options (such as post-processing and auto-

    save settings), solver options (such as the default process priority), and specific RMxprt

    options. Also specify the Machine options (such as theunitsand thewire settingsuch as the