rock μουσική

Καραγιάννη Κατερίνα Γούλα Μαρία Ιμσινέσκη Θεσσαλία Γεωργαντζή Ρέα

Upload: 6lykeiovolou

Post on 14-Apr-2017




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1. Rock 2. 3. 3.1 60 3.2 70 3.3 80 3.4 90 3.5 2000 4. 5. 6.

Rock (rock) , , , . , . , , , , reggae, soul , hip hop, . rock and roll, 1940 1950, . 1940 1950. rhythm and blues country.

, . Little Richard Chuck Berry , . , . 1950, , . , , .

21 1956 The coral sea, .[ , . 1956 , . Rock Around thw Clock , .

. 1957 , , Rock and Roll . , , Venus.

" , , . , , , , , , , . , , , . (, 29.9.1956)

. ( ), Electric Corner () ( ). 45 , , . . 1957 , , Rock and Roll . .

60 1960 . 62 Forminx . Idols, Olimpians, MGC, Blue Birds, The Charms, Teenagers, Vikinks..


1970 . . Woodstock . , . , , ,

, , ''''. . , , . punk .

80 1980 , , . '' '' . . , reggae funk. '''' .

1981 . , , .. .

1980 The last drive, . 1985 , '''' 1983 -punk . - 1987 '' 13'' . 1987 ' ' '' new wave punk . 1980 heavy metal, indie rock, rock punk. metal Spitfire, Rotting Crist Varathron.

90 90' '' '' , . . '' '' . '''', '' '', '''', '' '', '' '', '' '', '''' .. Heavy metal 90' , Septic Flesh . 2000.

2000 2000 . frontman , , jazz reggae. Raining Pleasure - Reflections 2004 ( New York Rock'n'Roll Ensemble 1967). Firewind Heavy metal . 2000 metalcore/punk hardcore/ screamo/ deathcore.

1967. , Socrates Drank the Conium. Socrates 1971, .

, Aphrodites Child ( Formynx), ( Idols) . .

1968. , MGC .

1969. , .

1973. ( ) "".

1976. , , .

1977. , , .

1979. 6 1990. , Rodeo Club 1984.

1980. , "Skylab", , . .

1983. punk , 80, . , , .

, "" 1983.

1984. , Woodstock, , 21 22 . , .

1985. , .

1987. , . , Salvador , .

1991. "" acoustic sessions .

1993. , , , .

. . , , . , . : . :1. 2. , 3. 4. .

, , . . !. , Us and Them, .

, , , . . , . , , .