roman policier américain - bnf

Notices thématiques en relation (5 ressources dans Termes plus larges (2) Littérature policière américaine Roman américain Termes plus précis (2) Roman noir américain Roman policier historique américain Termes reliés (1) Auteurs de romans policiers américains Roman policier américain Thème : Roman policier américain Origine : RAMEAU Domaines : Littératures Autre forme du thème : Romanzi polizieschi americani (italien) Data 1/12

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Page 1: Roman policier américain - BnF

Notices thématiques en relation (5 ressources dans

Termes plus larges (2)

Littérature policière américaine Roman américain

Termes plus précis (2)

Roman noir américain Roman policier historique américain

Termes reliés (1)

Auteurs de romans policiers américains

Roman policier américain

Thème : Roman policier américain

Origine : RAMEAU

Domaines : Littératures

Autre forme du thème : Romanzi polizieschi americani (italien)



Page 2: Roman policier américain - BnF

Documents sur ce thème (128 ressources dans

Livres (128)

Front criminel(2018)

, Benoît Tadié, Paris : PUF ,DL 2018

The nightmare of mychoice(2018)

, Giulio Segato, Fano (PU) :Aras edizioni , 2018

Origins and legacies ofMarcel Duhamel's Sérienoire(2018)

, Clara Sitbon, Marie-LaureVuaille-Barcan, AlistairCharles Rolls, Leiden ;Boston : Brill Rodopi

A history of Americancrime fiction(2017)

, New York : Cambridgeuniversity press , 2017

Hard-boiled crime fiction &the decline of moralauthority(2016)

, Susanna Lee, Columbus :the Ohio state universitypress , 2016

Dreams for dead bodies(2016)

, Michelle Robinson, AnnArbor : University ofMichigan press

Justice and revenge incontemporary Americancrime fiction(2015)

, Stuart Sim, Basingstoke :Palgrave Macmillan , 2015

Small towns in recentAmerican crime fiction(2015)

, David Geherin, Jefferson(N.C.) : McFarland , 2015

America is elsewhere(2014)

, Erik Dussere, Oxford ; NewYork : Oxford UniversityPress , 2014

Dime novels and the rootsof American detectivefiction(2013)

, Pamela Bedore, New York: Palgrave Macmillan , 2013

Pimping fictions(2013)

, Justin Gifford,Philadelphia : TempleUniversity Press , 2013

Des femmes dans le noir(2012)

, Elizabeth Legros Chapuis,Paris : le Coin du canal ,2012

100 American crime writers(2012)

, Houndmills, Basingstoke,Hampshire ; New York :Palgrave Macmillan , 2012

100 American crime writers(2012)

, Basingstoke (GB) ; NewYork : Palgrave Macmillan ,2012

From revolution tomigration(2012)

, Helen Oakley, Oxford ;New York : P. Lang , cop.2012

Wilkie Collins, VeraCaspary and the evolutionof the casebook novel(2011)

, A.B. Emrys, Jefferson,N.C. : McFarland &Company , c2011

No long goodbye for Mr.Chandler(2011)

, Verona : Fiorini , c2011 The millennial detective(2011)

, Jefferson, N.C. :McFarland & Company ,2011



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Language, ideology andidentity in serial killernarratives(2011)

, Christiana Gregoriou, NewYork : Routledge , 2011

Women writers anddetectives in nineteenth-century crime fiction(2010)

, Lucy Sussex, London :Palgrave Macmillan , 2010

Darkly perfect world(2010)

, Stanley Orr, Columbus :the Ohio state universitypress , cop. 2010

Making the detective storyAmerican(2010)

, J. Kenneth Van Dover,Jefferson (N.C.) :McFarland , cop. 2010

The Boy detectives(2010)

, Michael G. Cornelius,Jefferson (N.C.) :McFarland & Company ,2010

Body, letter, and voice(2010)

, Maria Plochocki, Frankfurtam Main ; Berlin ; Bern ;Bruxelles ; New York, NY ;Oxford ; Wien : P. Lang ,2010

The Cambridge companionto American crime fiction(2010)

, Cambridge (GB) :Cambridge university press, 2010

Murder 101(2009)

, Jefferson (N.C.) :McFarland , 2009

Policing narratives and thestate of terror(2009)

, Robin Truth Goodman,Albany (N.Y.) : SUNY press, 2009

Verhandlungen mitMordsfrauen(2009)

, Brigitte Frizzoni, Zürich :Chronos , 2009

The line up(2009)

, New York : Little, Brown ,2009

Hard-boiled sentimentality(2009)

, Leonard Cassuto, NewYork : Columbia universitypress , cop. 2009

Nancy Drew and her sistersleuths(2008)

, Jefferson (N.C.) :McFarland & company ,cop. 2008

It didn't mean anything(2008)

, Alexander N. Howe,Jefferson : McFarland ,cop. 2008

Deviance in contemporarycrime fiction(2007)

, Christiana Gregoriou,Basingstoke : PalgraveMacmillan , 2007

Great women mysterywriters(2007)

, Elizabeth BlakesleyLindsay, Westport (Conn.) :Greenwood press , 2007

The female investigator inliterature, film, and popularculture(2007)

, Lisa M. Dresner, Jefferson: McFarland , cop. 2007

Lesbian detective fiction(2006)

, Phyllis Marie Betz,Jefferson : McFarland ,2006

Masquerade, crime, fiction(2006)

, Linden Peach,Basingstoke (GB) :Palgrave Macmillan , 2006

Le polar américain, lamodernité et le mal(2006)

, Benoît Tadié, Paris :Presses universitaires deFrance , DL 2006

Unless the threat of deathis behind them(2006)

, John T. Irwin, Baltimore :the J. Hopkins universitypress , cop. 2006

Cracking the hard-boileddetective(2006)

, Lewis D. Moore, Jefferson: McFarland , 2006



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The origins of the Americandetective story(2006)

, LeRoy Lad Panek,Jefferson : McFarland ,2006

The gay male sleuth in printand film(2005)

, Drewey Wayne Gunn,Lanham : the Scarecrowpress , 2005

Crime fiction(2005)

, John Scaggs, London :Routledge , 2005

Detective fiction(2005)

, Charles J. Rzepka,Cambridge (GB) : Polity ,2005

Hard-boiled masculinities(2005)

, Christopher Breu,Minneapolis : University ofMinnesota press , 2005

We must have certainty(2005)

, J. Kenneth Van Dover,Selinsgrove : Susquehannauniversity press , 2005

"Polar noir"(2005)

, Groupe de recherchesanglo-américaines.Symposium. Tours (2001 ;Tours), Tours : Pressesuniversitaires François-Rabelais , 2005

Murder on the reservation(2004)

, Ray Broadus Browne(1922-2009), Madison(Wis.) : the university ofWisconsin press : Popularpress , 2004

The Maurice F. Nevillecollection of modernliterature Part II(2004)

, Sotheby's New York, NewYork : Sotheby's , 2004

The gay detective novel(2004)

, Judith A. Markowitz,Jefferson (N. C.) :McFarland , 2004

Crime fictions(2004)

, Paris : Presses del'Université de Paris-Sorbonne , 2004

Inspecting Jews(2004)

, Laurence Roth, NewBrunswick (N.J.) ; London :Rutgers university press ,2004

Crime fiction, 1800-2000(2004)

, Stephen Thomas Knight,Basingstoke : PalgraveMacmillan , 2004

The detective fictionreviews of CharlesWilliams, 1930-1935(2003)

, Charles Williams(1886-1945), Jefferson(N.C.) ; London : McFarland, 2003

The American police novel(2003)

, LeRoy Lad Panek,Jefferson (N.C.) ; London :McFarland , 2003

Sleuthing ethnicity(2003)

, Madison (N.J.) : FarleighDickinson university press, 2003

The devil himself(2002)

, Westport (Conn.) :Greenwood press , 2002

Sleuths in skirts(2002)

, Frances A. DellaCava,Madeline H. Engel, NewYork ; London : Routledge ,2002

Shaman or Sherlock ?(2002)

, Gina MacDonald, AndrewMacdonald, Westport(Conn.) : Greenwood press, 2002

The dynamic detective(2002)

, Karin MolanderDanielsson, Uppsala :[Uppsala universitet] , 2002



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Nice and noir(2002)

, Richard B. Schwartz,Columbia (Miss.) ; London: University of Missouripress , 2002

The noir thriller(2001)

, Lee Horsley, Basingstoke: Palgrave , 2001

Polar N° 24(2001)

, Paris : Ed. Payot &Rivages , 2001

Contemporary Americancrime fiction(2001)

, Johannes Willem Bertens,Theo D'Haen, Basingstoke(GB) ; New York : Palgrave ,2001

Anatomy of murder(2001)

, Carl Darryl Malmgren,Bowling Green : BowlingGreen State Universitypopular press , 2001

Academe in mystery anddetective fiction(2000)

, John E. Kramer, Lanham(Md.) ; London : TheScarecrow Press , 2000

The American thriller(2000)

, Paul Cobley, Basingstoke: Palgrave , 2000

The contemporaryAmerican crime novel(2000)

, Andrew Pepper, Edinburgh(GB) : Edinburgh universitypress , 2000


, Erin Ann Smith,Philadelphia (Pa.) : Templeuniversity press , 2000

Murder most fair(2000)

, Michael Cohen, Madison(N.J.) : Fairleigh Dickinsonuniversity press , 2000

Gumshoe America(2000)

, Sean McCann, Durham(N.C.) ; London : Dukeuniversity press , 2000

Detective fiction and therise of forensic science(1999)

, Ronald R. Thomas,Cambridge [GB] :Cambridge university press, 1999

Poe's children(1999)

, Tony Magistrale, Sidney B.Poger, New York : P. Lang ,1999

Talking murder(1999)

, Charles L. P. Silet,Princeton, N.J. : Ontarioreview press , 1999

American mystery anddetective novels(1999)

, Larry N. Landrum,Westport (Conn.) :Greenwood press , 1999

Detective agency(1999)

, Priscilla Lee Walton,Manina Jones, Berkeley :University of Californiapress , cop. 1999

Multicultural detectivefiction(1999)

, New York : Garland publ. ,cop. 1999

The web of iniquity(1998)

, Catherine Ross Nickerson,Durham (N.C.) ; London :Duke university press ,1998

Busybodies, meddlers, andsnoops(1998)

, Kimberly J. Dilley,Westport (Conn.) ; London: Greenwood press , 1998

Mystery fiction and modernlife(1998)

, R. Gordon Kelly, Jackson :University press ofMississippi , 1998



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A reader's guide to thesuspense novel(1997)

, Mary Johnson Jarvis, NewYork : G.K. Hall ; London ;Mexico City ; New Delhi[etc.] : Prentice HallInternational , 1997

Criminal proceedings(1997)

, Chicago (Ill.) ; London :Pluto press , 1997

Sleuths, sidekicks andstooges(1997)

, Joseph Green, Jim Finch,Aldershot : Scolar press ,cop. 1997

Isn't justice always unfair ?(1996)

, J. Kenneth Van Dover,John F. Jebb, BowlingGreen (Ohio) : BowlingGreen university popularpress , cop. 1996

The naked city(1996)

, Ralph Willett, Manchester; New York : Manchesteruniversity press , cop. 1996

St. James guide to crimeand mystery writers(1996)

, Detroit (Mich.) ; New York; Toronto [Ont.] (etc) : St.James press , 1996

Modern crime andsuspense writers(1995)

, New York ; Philadelphia(Pa.) : Chelsea house ,1995

The girl sleuth(1995)

, Bobbie Ann Mason,Athens (Ga.) : theUniversity of Georgia press, 1995

The critical response toRaymond Chandler(1995)

, Westport (Conn.) ; London: Greenwood press , 1995

Crime fiction II(1994)

, Allen J. Hubin, New York :Garland , 1994

Murder by the book ?(1994)

, Sally Rowena Munt,London : Routledge , 1994

A case of mis-takenidentity(1994)

, Helen Lock, New York : P.Lang , cop. 1994


, John Williams, Paris :Rivages , 1994

The Nancy Drew scrapbook(1993)

, Karen Plunkett-Powell,New-York : St. Martin'spress , 1993

Female detectives inAmerican novels(1993)

, Frances A. DellaCava,Madeline H. Engel, NewYork : Garland publ. , 1993

Viaje al sueño americano(1992)

, John Williams, Valencia :Edicions Alfons elMagnànim , 1992

Into the badlands(1991)

, John Williams, London :Paladin Grafton books ,1991

Whatever happened toSherlock Holmes?(1991)

, Robert Sydney Paul,Carbondale (Ill.) ;Edwardsville (Ill.) :Southern Illinois universitypress , 1991

Twentieth-century crimeand mystery writers(1991)

, Chicago ; London : StJames press , 1991

Detective fiction andliterature(1990)

, Martin Priestman, London: Macmillan , 1990

Watching the detectives(1990)

, Basingstoke : Macmillan ,1990

Synod of sleuths(1990)

, Metuchen (N.J.) ; London: Scarecrow press , 1990



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Probable cause(1990)

, LeRoy Lad Panek, BowlingGreen (Ohio) : BowlingGreen state universitypopular press , 1990

The crime novel(1990)

, Anthony Channell Hilfer(1936-2008), Austin, Tex. :University of Texas press ,1990

Trouble is their business(1990)

, John Conquest, New-York; London : Garlandpublishing , 1990

Gender, genre and narrativepleasure(1989)

, London ; Boston ; Sydney: Unwin Hyman , 1989

Mother of detective fiction(1989)

, Patricia D. Maida, BowlingGreen, Ohio : Bowling Greenstate university popularpress , 1989

Suspense in the formulastory(1989)

, George N. Dove, BowlingGreen (Ohio) : BowlingGreen state universitypopular press , 1989

Deadly excitements(1989)

, Robert Sampson, BowlingGreen, Ohio : Bowling GreenState university popularpress , 1989

1981-1985 supplement to"Crime fiction, 1749-1980"(1988)

, Allen J. Hubin, New York ;London : Garland , 1988

The Sleuth and the scholar(1988)

, New York ; London :Greenwood press , 1988

American crime fiction(1988)

, New York : St. Martin'spress , 1988

Sisters in crime(1988)

, Maureen T. Reddy, NewYork : Continuum , 1988

Raymond Chandler(1986)

, William Marling, Boston,Mass. : Twayne , 1986

Heroes and humanities(1986)

, Ray Broadus Browne(1922-2009), BowlingGreen, Ohio : Bowling GreenState University popularpress , 1986


, Edward Thorpe, Paris :Mazarine , 1985

Murder in the millions(1984)

, J. Kenneth Van Dover,New York : F. Ungar , cop.1984.

Crime fiction, 1749-1980(1984)

, Allen J. Hubin, New York :Garland , 1984

Mystery, detective andespionage magazines(1983)

, Michael L. Cook,Westport, Conn. :Greenwood press , 1983

Erzählsituationen undFigurenperspektiven imDetektivroman(1983)

, Beatrix Finke, Amsterdam: B. R. Grüner , 1983

Which way did he go ?(1981)

, Edward Margolies, NewYork ; London : Holmes andMeier , 1982

The Lady investigates(1981)

, Patricia Craig, MaryCadogan (critiquelittéraire), London : V.Gollancz , 1981

The Pendex(1981)

, Susannah Bates, New York; London : Garland , 1981

Hardboiled America(1981)

, Geoffrey O'Brien, NewYork ; Cincinnati ; Toronto[etc.] : Van NostrandReinhold , cop. 1981



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Form and ideology in crimefiction(1980)

, Stephen Thomas Knight,London ; Basingstoke :Macmillan , 1980

Der Detektivroman(1978)

, Paul Gerhard Buchloh,Jens-Peter Becker,Darmstadt :WissenschaftlicheBuchgesellschaft , 1978

A Catalogue of crime(1971)

, Jacques Barzun(1907-2012), WendellHertig Taylor (1905-1985),New York ; San Francisco ;London : Harper and Row ,cop. 1971

Twentieth-century crimeand mystery writers

, London ; Basingstoke :Macmillan , 1980

Documents (Roman policier américain) (8 ressources dans

Livres (8)

A new omnibus of crime(2010)

, Oxford (GB) : Oxforduniversity press , 2010

Early American detectivestories(2008)

, Jefferson : McFarland ,cop. 2008

Les reines du crime(2006)

, Paris : Pocket , impr. 2006 A new omnibus of crime(2005)

, New York : Oxforduniversity press , 2005

Toutes les femmes sontfatales(2004)

, Paris : Librio , 2004 Les reines du crime(2002)

, [Paris] : Presses de la Cité, 2002

Women authors ofdetective series(2001)

, Moira Davison Reynolds,Jefferson (N.C.) :McFarland & company ,2001

Le crime de Jasper(1878)

, Henry Morford(1823-1881), CharlesDickens (1812-1870),Wilkie Collins (1824-1889),Paris : E. Dentu , 1878



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Auteurs en relation avec le thème: "Roman policier américain" (128 ressources dans

Auteur du texte (90)

Jacques Barzun (1907-2012) Johannes Willem Bertens

Phyllis Marie Betz Christopher Breu

Ray Broadus Browne (1922-2009) Mary Cadogan (critique littéraire)

Leonard Cassuto Paul Cobley

Michael Cohen John Conquest

Michael G. Cornelius Patricia Craig

Frances A. DellaCava Theo D'Haen

Kimberly J. Dilley George N. Dove

Lisa M. Dresner Madeline H. Engel

Jim Finch Brigitte Frizzoni

David Geherin Robin Truth Goodman

Joseph Green Christiana Gregoriou

Drewey Wayne Gunn Anthony Channell Hilfer (1936-2008)

Lee Horsley Alexander N. Howe

Allen J. Hubin John T. Irwin

Mary Johnson Jarvis John F. Jebb

Manina Jones R. Gordon Kelly

Stephen Thomas Knight John E. Kramer

Larry N. Landrum Elizabeth Legros Chapuis

Elizabeth Blakesley Lindsay Helen Lock



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Andrew Macdonald Gina MacDonald

Tony Magistrale Patricia D. Maida

Carl Darryl Malmgren Edward Margolies

Judith A. Markowitz William Marling

Bobbie Ann Mason Sean McCann

Karin Molander Danielsson Lewis D. Moore

Henry Morford (1823-1881) Sally Rowena Munt

Catherine Ross Nickerson Stanley Orr

LeRoy Lad Panek Robert Sydney Paul

Linden Peach Andrew Pepper

Maria Plochocki Karen Plunkett-Powell

Sidney B. Poger Martin Priestman

Maureen T. Reddy Moira Davison Reynolds

Michelle Robinson Alistair Charles Rolls

Laurence Roth Charles J. Rzepka

Robert Sampson John Scaggs

Richard B. Schwartz Giulio Segato

Charles L. P. Silet Stuart Sim

Clara Sitbon Erin Ann Smith

Sotheby's New York Lucy Sussex

Benoît Tadié Wendell Hertig Taylor (1905-1985)

Ronald R. Thomas Edward Thorpe

J. Kenneth Van Dover Marie-Laure Vuaille-Barcan



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Priscilla Lee Walton Ralph Willett

Charles Williams (1886-1945) John Williams

Éditeur scientifique (27)

Ian Arthur Bell Harold Bloom (1930-2019)

Jon L. Breen Michael G. Cornelius

Graham Daldry Brian Docherty

Malcah Effron Dorothea Fischer-Hornung

Philippa Gates Elizabeth George

Stacy Gillis Adrienne Johnson Gosselin

Martin Harry Greenberg Melanie E. Gregg

Lesley Henderson Kathleen Gregory Klein

Jared C. Lobdell Peter Browning Messent

Monika Mueller Catherine Ross Nickerson

Jay P. Pederson Otto Penzler

Steven Powell Chris Raczkowski

John Marsden Reilly Edward J. Rielly

J. Kenneth Van Dover

Traducteur (4)

Pilar Aguilar (traducteur) Charles Bernard-Derosne (1825-1904)

Martine Leconte Olivier Schwengler



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Préfacier (3)

Taryn Benbow-Pfalzgraf Katherine V. Forrest

Stephen Thomas Knight

Auteur prétendu du texte (2)

Wilkie Collins (1824-1889) Charles Dickens (1812-1870)

Directeur de publication (1)

François Guérif

Collaborateur (1)

Mary-Ann Sheridan

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