rosh hashana - 5773 day 2

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  • 7/31/2019 Rosh Hashana - 5773 Day 2


    Rosh Hashana 5773

    Day 2, Drasha

    Rabbi Shaanan Gelman

    Three Visions of Kedusha

    Tehilim , Psalm 81 deals with sounding of the shofarupon the

    holiday of Rosh Hashana:

    If one looks further into this kpitel, he will note that there is a

    peculiar focus upon one individual in particular Yaakov Avinu:

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    2Sing aloud unto God our strength; shout unto the God of


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    5For it is a statute for Israel, an ordinance of the God of Jacob.


  • 7/31/2019 Rosh Hashana - 5773 Day 2


    Rosh Hashana is thus the holiday in which we make contact with

    God, but more specifically, on this day we beseech the God of


    And though the is often referred to as the 1

    the month of the Avot, there seems to be a vested interest in

    Yaakov Avinu.

    The Midrash (Tehilim, as well as Yalkut Shimoni) picks up on the

    fact that Yaakov has been singled out as the sole representative of

    Rosh Hashana and the month of Tishrei, using the followingparable:

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    There was once a King who had three dear and beloved

    servants. And the King decided to build a Palace in a certain


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  • 7/31/2019 Rosh Hashana - 5773 Day 2




    He brought the first servant and said I would like to build a

    palace, to which the servant replied I recall that this place

    used to be a mountain.


    ,He called the second one overand he replied I recall that

    this used to be a field.


    , ,

    Finally, he called the third servant overwho replied I recall

    that this used to be a Palace. Upon hearing his reply, the

    King said I hereby promise to build that palace, and I will

    name it after you.

    And Midrash explains the nimshal:


  • 7/31/2019 Rosh Hashana - 5773 Day 2


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    Abraham called the Temple a mountain, Yitzchak referred to it as

    a field but Yaakov called the Beit Hamikdash a house.

    Says the Kadosh Baruch Hu, I will name the house after you,

    Jacob, hence it is called the .

    The chazal provide for us 3 distinct visions of greatness:

    , , Mountain, field and a house.

    What is a mountain and why is that the vision of Avraham Avinu?A mountain is an insurmountable height. It is a challenge, a test of

    the wills, a . To climb a mountain, you must be a revolutionary,

    a person who confronts the norms of your world, who doesnt


  • 7/31/2019 Rosh Hashana - 5773 Day 2


    cower in the face of opposition, who cultivates social and religious

    upheaval. There is a phrase for this kind of individual is so brazen

    so as to go against the grain in Torah thought an , one

    who uproots mountains.

    Over the course of Avrahams life, he is presented with one

    after another, each challenge more difficult than the previous.

    How appropriate that when he arrives at his most awesome test,

    the , that he is told to do so atop a mountain, !

    He therefore sees Kedusha, or the (which is the

    epitome of kedusha) in the shape of a mountain, because climbing

    that mountain was so central to the Jewish world which he had


    Yitzchak envisions a alternative picture of , primarily because

    his portfolio is so drastically different than his fathers.

    Yitzchaks role isnt to climb and create something new, rather, his

    is to maintain and to consolidate.

    Yitzchak, the , doesnt struggle to perform the akeidah,though he is undeniably affected by it. He doesnt climb the

    mountain, he is led there. Yitzchak doesnt struggle with leaving

    Israel, he doesnt even have to worry about dating, he just stands


  • 7/31/2019 Rosh Hashana - 5773 Day 2


    there in his , his field, praying as shows up in his life. In

    meantime, was nearly killed by and trying to make

    the shidduch a reality.

    Yitzchak doesnt dig wells, he maintains them. He doesnt oppose

    the world like his father had, he strengthens what has been already

    built, fortifies the existing foundation.

    To him, holiness isnt a mountain; it is a field a .

    The is the market place, it is where the Jew interacts in the

    business world, and yet preserves the values established by theprevious generation.

    But then Yaakov enters the scene, and he is the perfect

    amalgam of his father and grandfather. Yaakov sees the

    vision of a building, a home and knows that is the true

    shape of the Shechinas resting place. Why a home?

    Because the is something which needs to built, but it is

    constructed atop the existing foundation. Unlike the

    which demands only going into neutral, one has to be

    forward thinking and innovative to construct a house, but

    not in the radical fashion of Avraham Avinu. The

    must advance the cause but he is no revolutionary.


  • 7/31/2019 Rosh Hashana - 5773 Day 2


    It is that vision of greatness which the Sages chose to

    invoke the , the house of Jacob.Jacob, the man

    who contributed, but never altered; who took

    strides forward but was ever mindful of the steps

    which had been taken before him.

    There is an immaturity of sorts which permeates current

    Jewish thinking in many circles. It is the arcane notion that

    to establish holiness, I have to be different than my

    parents and my grandparents; that everything has to

    radically shift in order for God to reside in my presence.

    Young adults, more and more are under the impression

    that the values passed down have become irrelevant, that

    they dont speak to a new generation, that in order to find

    God we need to change religion and parenting styles and

    what we eat and how we dress.

    In truth, there was a time in recent history when we had to

    be revolutionary: immediately after the destruction of

    European Jewish civilization, we were in survival mode. In

    the 40s, 50s and a little bit afterwards the objective was

    to build Judaism from ground up. To establish Yeshivot, to


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    found the State of Israel to climb the proverbial


    But as we established Jewish life, we learned to coast, to

    maintain, to hold onto the newfound Yiddish revival. In

    short, we shifted from the to the , wherein it was no

    longer an uphill climb, but an act of consolidation. The

    hero was no longer the person who founded a day

    school but the person who sent their children to a

    Jewish day school.

    You see, to Yitzchak, it is still a mountain, its just that

    from the top, it looks like a field.

    Thats why, after the akeida, Avraham descends the

    mountain but Yitzchak doesnt accompany his father. For

    Yitzchaks mission statement is different.

    Alas, we have entered a new generation, the third

    generation after the holocaust has arrived, and now we

    have to build a atop the field, which rests on that

    mountain of Avraham Avinu.

    And the question is what have we accomplished? Have we

    indeed constructed that home? Or are we stuck on one of

    the first two modus operandi of Avraham and Yitzchak?


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    We either attempt change everything we see, to climb a

    new mountain, or we have set assail into the sea eternal

    boredom with the flat of Yitzchak.

    Radical reformation of Judaism is certainly rampant, but so

    is over satisfaction.

    So many of us have simply gone into cruise control we

    dont see the need to grow, to cultivate and to add to what

    has been established 40 years ago.

    We think that our schools are perfect, that our educational

    system is not in need of any tweaking, and if someone

    suggests so then they are not a Zionist or they are an

    extremist. And we think that our shuls are perfect, but if

    someone wants to have a davening free of conversation

    he or she should shop elsewhere. Worse yet, we think that

    we are the fully developed and fully perfected Jew and we

    say to our children things like whats wrong with the

    way I turned out? Am I not religious enough?

    On Rosh Hashana we must ask:

    What are we going to add in the coming year? What kind

    of house are we going to construct?


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    As the descendants of Yaakov we are mindful of our past

    while we take careful steps forward.

    As the this has meaning on two levels, the

    personal and the global:

    In the realm of the personal:

    We must continue a life of shemirat mitzvoth and amidst

    the challenges of tuition of aging parents of paying the

    bills and struggling to carve out a niche socially, we have

    to make room for growth, for a Binyan. No more status

    quo! No more waiting around in the field for miracles to

    happen! Because our homes wont become holy if we

    merely become preservers of the old and act as docents in

    a museum. Judaism has to come alive again. Not different

    than yesterday, but not stale.

    Sometimes you get the impression that the seuda on

    Shabbos has been preserved for centuries in a jar of

    formaldehyde, our kids deserve more than that... for them

    we must build. But at the same time, they have to know

    that they are on top of the mountain because someone

    made the climb for them, that it is a zechus to be Jewish,

    that they ought to be proud of what their parents

    constructed though never too proud to make some repairs

    and add a new coat of paint.


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    But there is also an important message for the Jewish

    people as a whole:

    The free countries of this earth are shaking in their

    collective boots at the prospect of a nuclear armed Iran.

    And what has been their response? In Europe they have said

    nothing, in America, they are too busy campaigning to save their

    political careers to notice that it is their lives in need of rescue.

    Because most of the world is preoccupied with a business as usual

    attitude. An attitude, that none can affect me, and that I

    will remain secure indefinitely. There was a time and a place for

    such an attitude, the golden era of Post WWII and perhaps

    immediately after the Cold War, when in the States it was assumed

    that we were the worlds economic superpower and undisputed

    military giant. But Iran has stripped us of that leisure, and

    everyone knows it.

    And why is the world silent in the face of perhaps the most

    frightening reality since the dawn of humanity?

    We are the ones who took on Nazi Tyranny and who told theRussians to take down the wall! What happened to the land of the

    free and the home of the brave?

    The answer is that everyone has put their hopes in Israel.


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    The world is not afraid because they all say Israel will take care of it.

    Because Israel understands that if there is a problem, Im not going to

    wait around for someone else to be my partner, if there is a hungry person,

    I am going to feed them our mantra of means after me, we go

    firstand the world can sleep a little easier because this little tiny country

    called Israel will not quail or withdraw in the face of a challenge.

    And on that day when David comes forward to fight Goliath the world

    will sigh in relief.

    This is the of our father Jacob, who runs away from his maniacal

    brother Esav, when he has a dream. In that dream he envisions a place of

    serenity and security and as he probes into that vision a little further and

    he sees a house, suddenly, he awakens and proclaims:

    Yaakov had discovered the secret of Jewish survival


    Build a Jewish family, bring Jewish children into this world,

    dont be afraid when they tell you its not economically

    sound and that tuition costs are too high!If you had a target on your head like Yaakov did, you

    probably would not decide that it was the best time to

    marry four women and bear twelve sons, but Yaakov did.


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    Because he understands that in order for the contributions

    of Avraham and Yitzchak to mean anything at all, he has to

    continue to grow.

    And when the will undoubtedly confront the of

    our time We will do so because it is in our nature

    not to wait for catastrophe to strike, not to sit idly by

    and let the world fall to pieces. We do not take comfort in

    the past deeds and we do not accept the notion that Esav

    has the bomb.

    And when all is said and done, and they condemn us in the

    UN and in the public arena, those fair whether friends will

    retire to their homes and mutter in an undertone Thank

    God for Israel.

    And one day, may it be soon, the children of Jacob will

    build that very he envisioned so many years ago, and

    we will gather, followed by every nation on this earth and

    pray to the Almighty in the ,

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