russian revolution - animal farm

THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION THE REAL PLAYERS described as they correspond to characters in ANIMAL FARM

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Post on 07-Nov-2014




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Descriptions of the real players as they relate to the events in Animal Farm by Orwell


  • 1. THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION THE REAL PLAYERS described as theycorrespond to characters in ANIMAL FARM
  • 2. Czar Nicholas II King like - Russia starved while he lived in ultimate luxury Had really really bad advisors Obsessed with WWI Brutal with opponents Sometimes practiced random kindness Fooled into thinking the Russian world was perfect and Russian people loved him People were afraid to be honest with him
  • 3. Karl Marx Wrote Communist Manifesto Envisions a world where basic needs are met and people work together for the greater good "workers of the world unite" dies before Russian Revolution Ideas go on to influence the world
  • 4. Communism As planned = all people equal Government owns everything People own the Government Soin theory, everyone owns everything All needs met & all people contribute UTOPIA relies on the goodness within Perfect in theory Has never worked in practice WHY? The greed and corruption of a few paired with the ignorance and willingness to follow of many.
  • 5. LENIN Leader of Russian Revolution - Adopted the Communist Ideal Recognized the value of Propaganda and emotional appeals Recognized the need for a better Russia Changed Russia to USSR Had two trusted menStalin and Trotsky DIED and power struggle ensued
  • 6. Leon Trotsky Intellectual idealist well educated Great speaker with Great plans Brutal but only with his enemies Pure communist true to Marxs ideas Wanted to improve life for all in Russia Leader with Stalin in Revolution Forced out of USSR by Stalin Assassinated in Mexico by Stalins KGB
  • 7. Joseph Stalin Changed his name to Stalin or Steele not a good speaker, not educated BRUTAL ERRATIC CRUEL - PARANOID didnt follow and stay true to Marxs ideas Power hungry - killed all that opposed him used KGB against the people allowed church but propagandized it Minimum of 15 million deaths attributed to Stalin counting starvation upward of 33 mil Hated to be questioned about anything
  • 8. KGB Secret Police Highest most feared force in USSR Often killed entire families for disobedience or for even the hint of questioning Stalins practices MILLIONS died or disappeared at the hands of KGB The great PURGE IF KGB showed up People died Controlled people and enforced Stalins rule through fear.
  • 9. Religion in the Revolution Marx called religion an "Opiate of the people" Marx and Lenin said it was a lure to keep the masses in check so he did not include it in the Communist plan In revolution it was used to make people not complain and do their work THEN IT WAS OUTLAWED Stalin allowed some aspects and altered others to Stalins needs because it made people work more with hope. AgainLured people into complacency w/ promise of greater reward Stalin promoted non-belief then used the church to promote himself when needed Stalin knew religion would stop violent revolutions pacify the masses with afterlife
  • 10. Pravda Newspaper Propaganda department of Lenins government worked for Stalin to support his image used any lie to convince the people to follow Stalin benefited from the fact that education was controlled PROPAGANDA MACHINE
  • 11. Bourgeois Society Lenin blamed this group for demise of Russia and the plight of the Russian people Lenin said this group is the reason Communism is needed in the world Wealthy, vain, spoiled, selfish, educated but UNeducated people in Russia and world Only concerned with their own comfort and trivial matters (gossip-whos wearing what- whats fashionable-whats conventional, etc) Most went to other countries to escape the ugliness of the revolution
  • 12. Believers/Workers in USSR Dedicated, but tricked communist supporters Gave everything they had to the cause Believed in Stalin because he was "Communist" many stayed loyal after it was obvious Stalin a tyrant betrayed by Stalin who ignored and killed them
  • 13. Skeptic/Apathetic Poor Skeptical down trodden people in Russia Knew revolution would not change their condition of life Realized their leaders were not true Communist Born poor and hungry Died poor and hungry No hope
  • 14. The Ignorant Masses Believed anything Questioned nothing Willing to go along with what they are told Extreme respect for use of power Do not think only need to belong Follow one dogma after another Repeat what they are told without thought Will get behind anything with a slogan
  • 15. FIVE YEAR PLAN 1928Stalin set high targets for production to protect the USSRand to industrialize his farms. He demanded: 111% increase in coal production, 200% increase in iron production 335% increase in electric power.Eventually, factory workers who did not perform well orwere sick were killed or sent to camps in undesirable placesto work.Skilled workers disappeared and common laborersincreased. The country failed and the helpless peoplestarved. -- Stalin and his generals lived in luxury and power.
  • 17. NOW, READ CHAPTER ONE AND TWO Graduate Orientation to the Learning Management System