sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


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Page 1: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


वषय पान करपरसतावना 2

जन ततव का राषटर नमारण म उपयोग -

साध सममलन क माधयम स


शरमण सघ - नई पढ नई सोच नई दशा 8

साध-साधवी परशण हत कायरयोजना 14

शरमण सघ क परबलकरण म सािधवयक नार शकती को बलवान करन कनई कायरयोजना


साधक-साधका परचारक इस नई कटगरका नमारण करना


आदशर चातमारस - एक नया दिषटकोण 29

ContentsPreface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57

(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)



दनाक ०९०३२०१५

परमपMय आचाय सNाट डॉ ी 1शवमनजी मसा

एव सभी साध-सािवयक चरणो म

कोट) कोट) वदन

आचाय ी डॉ 1शवमनीजी मसा क आदशानसार अSखल भारतवषVय

Wवताबर थानकवासी जन कॉYफरYस 9क नायम अय2 ी नमीनाथजी

जन क नतव म आयोिजत साध समलन हत मर) हादक शभकामनाए |

मण सघ सDढ हो और नई उचाईतक पहच यह पर दशभर क जनीओक7

भावना ह | माच २०१५ का यह साध समलन समाज एव दश कल)य 1मल

का पथर सा_बत होगा | २८ साल क बाद आनवाल इस सनहर अवसर का

वधायक उपयोग करक लना चाहय | इस Dट)स दो माह पव मन इदोर

जाकर ी न1मनाथजी एव वaरठ पदाधीकार)य क साथ साध समलन स2म

बनान हत चतन-मनन 9कया | उसपर ी नमीनाथजी न इस चतन को आग

बढान कल)य मझ एव जन समाज क वaरठ नता ी शातीलालजी कवाड को

इस समलन म मागदशक 9क भ1मका नभानक आदश दय |

ी शातीलालजी कवाड यह जन समाज क एक भावशाल) नता ह | उYहोन

भी पना म आकर इस वषय पर मर चतन को समझन 9क को1शश 9क |

तपWयात परमपMय आचाय ी डॉ 1शवमनजी मसा वaरठ साध-सािव

एव पदाधकार)ओक साथ वचार वमश करनका हम मौका 1मला |

इस सदभ म हमन हमार चतन को आग बढाकर बनयाद) सझाव आचायीजी

को दन चाहय इसपर सहमती हई | इस1लय इस वषयपर सोचकर मर नजी


वचार आपक7 सवा म षत करनका यास कर रहा ह | मर म इतनी

2मता नह 9क म आचायीजी को सझाव द सक | इस1लय इसको सझाव क

eप म न दखकर यह समाज चतन ह इस Dट)स दख | म जो चतन रख

रहा ह यह मर) नजी राय ह | इसम महवपण वषय दय हय ह | यह

चतन अतम सझाव नह) ह | इसम 1सफ महवपण _बYदओको छन 9क

को1शश 9क ह | ी शातीलालजी कवाड इनक7 भी अलग सोच एव सझाव हो

सकत ह | हर लgय को परा करन कल)य अलग अलग रात भी हो सकत ह|

यह चतन अYय लोग अलग तर)कस भी रख सकत ह | इसपर जो भी नणय

आचायी लhग यह पर समाज कल)य 1शरोधाय होगा और हम सब उसका

नठास पालन करhग |

इस चतन म माi और माi धम एव समाज 9क सवा यह उjश ह | इसम

9कसी भी साध-सावी एव पदाधकार) 9क अलोचना करनका तनक भी उjश

नह ह | इसम एक kयापक Dट)कोन दया हआ ह | अगर मर वचारो स

9कसी क दल को ठस पहची हो तो म 2मायाचना करता ह |

आपका आlाकार)

शातीलाल मथा


जन तव का रा नमाण म उपयोग -

साध स+मलन क मायम स

वWव क सबस ाचीन धमm मh स एक जन धम अहसा और वय -

नयiण का माग दशाता ह जो उसक अनचर क 1लए मो2 ािnत का

मायम बन सकता ह अहसा अपaरpह और अनकाYतवाद य तीन मख

1सqात इस धम क7 जड़h हs जो भगवान महावीर क7 1श2ाओ स पट होता

ह भगवान महावीर क इन वचार मh इतनी गहराई ह 9क वय महामा

गाधीजी भी भगवान महावीर न बताए हए कई तव का कड़ा पालन करत

जन धम का तवlान और उसक तव मनयमाi तथा कत क7 गती

मh नत उचत रह हs आज जब 9क चार ओर घणा हसा अYयाय और

असहणता का वातावरण फला हआ ह ऐस मh य तव और तवlान खास

कर अधक मायन रखत हs इन तवपर वWवभर मh अधक स अधक

aरसच 9कया जा रहा ह और वWवपर छाय अशािYत क बादलो मh इन तव

को सरज क7 9करण माना जा रहा ह इस महान धम क अनचर होन क नात

हम सब भाuयशाल) हs तव तथा qाओ क7 एक समq परपरा िजसमh

हम मh स हर एक को आयािमक शqता तथा आमlान क माग पर ल

जान क7 शि8त हमh वरासत मh 1मल) ह हम सभी को भगवान महावीर क

बताए माग पर चलन का भरसक यास करना चाहए

इसी भावना क साथ हमार छोट - बड़ झगड़ जो हमार वतमान का एक

हसा हs जो हमार दनदन अितव को भावत करत हs और जो हमh पर)

तरह स लपट मh ल सकत हs उनका याग करन क7 नतक िजमदार) हम

उठाए यद हमh जन तव क सvच उपासक बनना ह तो हमh साधारण

चीज़ क पर जा कर सोचन और काय करन क7 शि8त वय मh जटानी होगी

हमार आपसी भद जो जन धम क वशाल 1सqाYतो क सामन कोई मायन

नह) रखत उनक ऊपर उठकर सोचना होगा इन तव क सार करन और


सपण वWव मh उनक7 अvछाई भरन क माग तथा मायम पर हमh अपना

यान किYyत करना आवWयक ह

एक समदाय क eप मh जनी भारत क7 कल जनसzया क माi 05 हs और

मण सघ इस अपसzयक गट का एक बहत ह) छोटा हसा ह 9फर भी

जनय क पास जीवन क मलभत तव का खजाना ह जो क7 पढ़) दर

पढ़) आग चलता आया ह मण सघ िजसका अवभाMय अग ह उस जन

धम क समपत अनचरवारा न1मत यह पजी माi जन समदाय ह) नह)

बिक समच दश क 1लए उपयोग मh लाना आवWयक ह सघ जन धम क

कछ अयधक भावशाल) वचारक तथा सारक क एक_iत होन स बना ह

और उनक वचार उनक वचन मzय वाह मh लाना और अधक स अधक

लोग तक पहचाना अत आवWयक ह जनय का योगदान दश क सपण

समाज मh तथा अYतररा)य तर पर भी साaरत होना आवWयक ह जनय

को सना जाए दखा जाए और उनका अितव महसस 9कया जाए इसक

1लए सघ न जन 1सधाYतका सारमायम क व1भYन उपलध मचक

मायम स यास करना आवWयक ह

इस बात को शी अयावWयकता क भाव स तथा ल2त eप मh 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह इस दशा मh काय करन क 1लए सभाkय कतीरखा कछ इस

तरह क7 हो सकती ह -

1 -मण सघ वारा साध और सािवय क2 एक क4मट6 बनायी जाए

जन तवको दश और दनीया क सामन सार मयमक उपयोग

वारा तत करन का उतरदायव सपा जाए |

2 इस क4मट6 वारा व4भgtन सामािजक दाशनक प पकाए

काशन तथा िजनक2 समाज मA सदर तक पहच ह ऐस अgtय

मायम मA लख 4लख जाए |


3 वयमान उपलFध साGहय मA अ4भवIी करन का जन वरासत

उसका काय और गत कई वषK मA Lकए गए अनसgtधान को सचाM

ाMप मA लNखत करन का लOय रखA और उसक पPचात य

दतावज व4भgtन मच स बाहर6 दनया को Gदखाए | रा 6य

अतरा 6य workshops स4मनास एव अgtय मचका उपयोग कर

जन 4सधाgtतको दश और दनीया क सामन लाया जाए इस X ट6

स क4मट6 क2 थापना |

4 जन धम जन सथाओ का तथा समदाय क काय क बार मA

जानकार6 साZरत करन क 4लए अ[धकत वता क Mप मA कछ

[गन - चन महवपण सदय को नयत करA |

5 सय पZरिथत मA १३०० साध-सािवय मA काफ2 लोगोन

Graduation Post graduation एव Doctorates क2 पदवया हा4सल

क2 ह | इस Zरसोस का हमन परा लाभ लना आवPयक ह | इनमस

कछ लोग का Think Tank बनाकर इस वषय को Movement क2

तरह चलाना आवPयक ह |

6 दश मA Gहसाचार अयाचार बलाकार c टाचार क2 घटनाय

लगातार बढ़ती जा रह6 ह | इस वषय पर दरदशन क कई चनeस

पर घटो घटो बहस होती ह | अGहसा क पजार6 रहनवाल हमार कई

ववान साध-सािव इन सब वषयपर लगातार बहस मA Gहसा

लकर पण भारत वष क समाज पर अपना भाव डाल सकत ह |

इसमA धम और समाज दोनोक2 भी बड़ी सवा होती ह | इस बात

को इस स+मलन मA काफ2 गभीरतास लना आवPयक ह |


य शeआती 9कYत महवपण कदम इस मवमYट क बार मh जागत नमाण

करन क तथा भगवान महावीर का सYदश फलान क काय मh बहत उपय8त

1सq हो सकत हs य यास पर वWव मh जनय क7 पहचान बनान का काय

करhग वWव मh जनय का योगदान अधक सzया मh लोग वारा और

अधक गहराई स वीकारा जाएगा इसीस अपन समदाय स पर जा कर

मानवता क7 सवा करना चाहनवाल जनी तथा जन सथाओ क 1लए अनक

अवसर खल जाएग यह सह) मायन म भगवान महावीर वारा बताए माग

पर चलना 1सq होगा और जनय को जन धम क अनचर क यथोचत eप

स मनयमाi तथा मानवता क7 सवा करन 1लए वय को समपत करन का

अवसर ाnत होगा


-मण सघ - नई पढ6 नई सोच नई Gदशा

जन धम क व1भYन सदाय क आदरणीय एव ववान साध-सािवय न

साथ 1मलकर मण सघ का गठन 9कया | यह 1950 क दशक क7 अत महवपण

घटनाओ मh स एक थी | यह सगम उन सभी साध-सािवय का एक सगठत यास था

िजसक वारा व जन धम क 1सqात का चार कर वWव मh शािYत और सदभाव क7

थापना करना चाहत थ | दश क इतहास मh जन सघ का यह यास अभतपव था |

पछल 65 वषm क अपन इतहास मh मण सघ न अपनी Dढ़ता और समपण वारा

अनक वपर)त पaरिथतय मh समाज क हत हत अपन अितव क7 र2ा क7 ह |

कई साध-सािवय मh वचाaरक मतभद क7 िथतया भी उपYन हई हs | इस कार क7

कई अवाछत घटनाए समय-समय पर सघ क अितव और मल उjWWय क 1लए

खतरा बनकर उभर) हs | इन सबक बावजद जन धम क7 मजबत सqातक बनयाद क

कारण सघ न इन सभी आतaरक मतभद एव बदलत समय क7 चनौतय स ऊपर

उठकर अपना अितव कायम रखा और अपनी नीव को कभी भावत नह) होन दया |

आज इस सघ मh 1300 ववान उvच1श2त और lानी साध-सािवया हs जो जन

समाज क 1सqात क पaरचायक हs | यह निWचत eप स गव क7 बात ह | 9कYत

समय-समय पर उपYन होन वाल मतभद और मनमटाव न सभी क मन मh यह सशय

उपYन 9कया ह क7 ऐस मसल सघ क मल अितव क 1लए खतरा पदा कर सकत हs |

इसस पहल क7 यह बचन करन वाल सकत वशाल समया का eप धारण करh हमh हर

एक जनी क मन स इन नकारामक शि8तय को 1मटाना होगा|अब समय आ गया ह

9क सभी साध-सािव यह ठान लh क7 व सपण इमानदार) एव नठा क साथ सघ मh

परा वWवास रखत हए इसक मल 1सqात का चार करन मh सहयोगी एव सहभागी

हग |

आज हम एक ऐस चौराह पर खड़ हs जहा स 9कय गए माग का चनाव ह) सघ क भवय

को नधाaरत करगा |अतः २८ वषm क लब अतराल क बाद आयोिजत 9कया गया यह

समलन सघ क7 सरचना क7 सर2ा क7 ओर 1लया गया महवपण कदम ह |यह


समलन सvच मन स 9कया गया वह यास होना चाहए जो सभी साध-सािवय मh

वचार क7 एकता उपYन कर सघ क एकमत Dिटकोण को सामन ला सक और सभी

क वारा इस आमसात 9कया जा सक| सघ क7 कशलता क 1लए जर) ह क7 सभी

साध-सािव Dढनठा स सकप लत हए उन लgय और 1सqात को अपनाए

िजनको सघ का समथन ाnत ह |जब तक सभी साध-सािव समान वचार और कथन

को धारण नह) करत सघ क7 एकता को बनाय रखना दन-ब-दन कठन होता जाएगा |

यह बदलाव लान क 1लए सघ को अपन वचारो मh कई महवपण और kयापक

बदलाव लान हग | इन बदलाव क 1लए सभी सदय क7 सहमती आवWयक ह एव यह

भी आवWयक ह क7 सदय बड़ पमान पर सघ क7 जन समाज क7 और जन 1सqात क7

र2ा और चार क बार मh सोचh |

इस चनौतीपण पठभ1म क आधार पर सघ क7 कायशल) मh हम कछ बदलाव

ितवत कर रह हs और इसका मzय उjWय सघ क7 सरचना को आतaरक मजबती

दान करना ह | इस हत नन ताव हs

bull सघ क Xि टकोण क बार मA एक वतत दतावज ३-४ मह6न क2 अव[ध

मA बनाया जाकर तत Lकया जाना चाGहए | यह दतावज आचायK

यवाचायK एव वतक वारा 4मलकर बनाया जाना चाGहए यह दतावज

बनान कल6य बाहर6 ोफशनलस क2 मदद ल6 जा सती ह |

bull इस दतावज मA न+न4लNखत बातA शा4मल होनी चाGहए

bull सघ का तवjान (Philosophy) Xि टकोण (Vision) लOय (Mission)

उkPय और वशष काय (Aims amp Objectives)

bull सघ क यक महवपण ओहद एव थान स स+ब[धत भ4मका

िज+मदार6 और कायकाल का ववरण


bull सघ क यक सदय क 4लए आचार-सGहता

bull सघ क भव य क2 सभी योजनायA एव पव-नधाZरत लOय सभी लघ-

काल6न एव द6घ-काल6न योजनायA

bull सघ क महवपण आयोजन जस Lक चातमास एव साध-सावी स+मलन

क 4लए Gदशा-नदlश| चातमास क आयोजन क 4लए सघ क पदा[धकाZरय

को -ावक सघ एव जन काmA स क सदय स सलाह लकर Gदशा-नदlश

नधाZरत करन हग |

bull सघ क2 Lयाए एव 4शकायत नवारण णाल6

bull दरदशn Xि टकोण का यह दतावज सघ क सभी सदय को उपलFध

कराया जाना चाGहए िजसस Lक सभी क आचरण और लOय मA समानता

और एकMपता बनी रह

bull आचायK क 4लए कायकाल 15 वषK का हो और उनक2 आय 70 स अ[धक

ना हो |यह इस4लए आवPयक ह यLक 15 वषK क2 अव[ध उस ओहद क

oयित क 4लए सघ नमाण हत लOय नधारण और उन लOय क

न पादन हत काफ2 ह | कायकाल नधारण स यवा नताओ को भी नयी

सोच क साथ सघ को गतशील बनान का मौका 4मल सकगा |आय सीमा

क नधारण स बढती उq स उपgtन वाय स+बgtधी समयाओ स

सघ क काय भावत नह6 हग |


bull 15 वषK क कायकाल क पPचात आचायK को महा-आचाय या गणा[धपत

का थान ाrत होगा िजसक तहत व सघ क दनक कायK स नवत होत

हए भी और अ[धक स+मानीय और उsच पद पर वराजमान हग |

सभी वतकवात नय उपायाओ एव सचव क 1लए 5 वषm का

कायकाल नधाaरत 9कया जाना चाहए |यह आवWयक ह 8य9क पाच वष

का समय 9कसी kयि8त क 1लए सभी सभावनाओ को खोजन और अपनी

काय2मता क अनसार सघ क हत मh उYहh कायािYवत करन क 1लए

काफ7 ह |

हर पाच वष मh अSखल भारतीय साध-सावी समलन का आयोजन होना

चाहए | इसस सभी साध-सािवय को एक मच ाnत होगा जहा व साथ

1मलकर खल सवाद वारा बहत कछ 1सखन क साथ ह) अपन अनभव भी

बाट सकत हs | इन सवाद क वारा सघ क7 गत क 1लए और

आवWयक सधार क 1लए नणय 1लए जा सकh ग | समलन क आयोजन

स यक पाच वषm मh नए पदाधकाaरय क7 नयि8त क7 घोषणा भी क7

जा सकगी |इसस यह भी सनिWचत होगा क7 एक आचाय अपन कायकाल

मh अपन नतव और मागदशन मh ३ समलन मh हसा ल सकh ग |

यह Dिटकोण दतावज भवय मh सYदभ क eप मh सघ क नए सदय क 1लए

उYमखीकरण 1श2ण मोयल तयार करन मh मददगार 1सq हग |इस कार

सघ को 1श2त एव कायशील साध-सावी 1मल सकh ग |


कायm क7 समी2ा एव षण क 1लए भी एक नयी णाल) क7 आवWयकता

ह | पदाधकार) एक चौमासी षण व समी2ा णाल) तय कर सकत हs

िजसक वारा व आचायm को पव नधाaरत ाeप मh aरपोट द सकh | यह

aरपोट बहआयामी होनी चाहए िजसम सभी योजनाओ क7 वात-िथत

लgय ािnत एव चनौतय को शा1मल 9कया गया हो |आचाय को यह

सनिWचत करना होगा क7 उनक और सघ क सभी सदय क बीच एक

बतर सवाद क7 थापना हो सक | लgयपत और व1भYन कायm क7

माग क अनसार आचाय को समय-समय पर सदय क 1लए दशा-नदश

जार) करन हग |

एक द2 और भावी 1शकायत नवारण णाल) (Grievance Redressal

system) क7 थापना करक सघ को उस अपनाना चाहए | चौमासी

aरपोट स उपYन सभी समयाओ को दज 9कया जाना चाहए और इनक

नवारण हत उपय8त तर)क क7 पहचान होनी चाहए और उनक7 गभीरता

भापकर उनक नवारण होना चाहए | सभी छोट) समयाओ (िजनक7

साफ़ पaरभाषा Dिटकोण दतावज मh 1लSखत हो) का नवारण वतक

वारा 9कया जाना चाहए | गभीर और नाजक मामल मh (गभीर और

नाजक समयाओ क7 साफ़ पaरभाषा दतावज मh 1लSखत होनी चाहए)

आचायm को नराकरण करना चाहए | सभी छोट या बड़ ववाद

अधकतम एक मह)न क7 अवध मh सलझा दया जान चाहए |


आचाय वारा एक ऐसी स1मत का गठन 9कया जाना चाहए जो जन

समदाय वारा रानमाण और दश क हत मh मानवतापण कायm मh

योगदान दन क तर)क क7 ववचना कर सकh |

हर साध-सािवय वारा 9कसी न 9कसी गाव शहर मh चातमास होत ह)

ह| कछ जगह पर ावक वारा तो कछ जगह पर साध-सतो क कहनपर

अनाप-शनाप खचा 9कया जा रहा ह | इस बात को काफ7 गभीरतास

सोचकर चातमास कस हो उसम नमiण प_iकाए पोटस Banners

Advertisements मडप इयाद वषयपर एक Comprehensive

guidelines को बनाना अयत आवWयक ह| इसमh चातमास क साथ साथ

द)2ा एव साध समलन इन कायyenम का भी समावश होना चाहए |

काफ7 साध-सतक समह मh एक मख साध एव सािवयक साथ ३-४ स

लकर १०-१२ तक अYय साध एव सािवया रहती ह | खास करक यह पर

समह मh स १-२ लोग Most Active दखाई दत ह | अYय साध-सािव

भी काफ7 भावशाल) पढ़ 1लख एव active होत ह | इस महवपण

resource का मzय वाह मh ववध वषयक ऊपर उपयोग कस करक

ल इस Dिट स इस document मh हर जगह पर Action Plan मौजद ह |


साध-सावी 4शtण हत काययोजना

-मण सघ जन Pवता+बर सदाय क बीच जन धम क 4सIात का बहतर

चार करन क 4लए अितव मA आया ह | पछल कई वषK स यह सघ हमार

साध-सािवय क मडल मA जन धम क मख उuयPय को बढ़ावा दता रहा ह |

इन सभी बात का सार यह) ह 9क मण सघ क Dिटकोण मzय सYदश

वचार और उjWWय सपण सघ मh एकeपता स सचाaरत ह | सघ क

1सqात का समानता स सभी सदय तक पहचना और उनक वारा एक eप

मh pहण 9कया जाना सघ क अितव हत अत-आवWयक ह 8य9क य सभी

सदय एक बड़ अनyenम का हसा हs |

सघ क तकाल)न समाननीय सदय क मागदशन मh द)2ा लन क उपरात

जब 9कसी kयि8त का गणीजन क7 पवi सगत स थम पaरचय होता ह तो

यह उमीद क7 जाती ह 9क वह मण सघ क 1सqात का पaरचायक बनकर

रह और साथ ह) अपन गजन स ाnत kयि8तपरक धा1मक 1श2ा का

अनसरण भी करता रह |

यह तभी सभव होगा जब मण सघ क 1सqात का मानक7करण करक एक

नधाaरत तर)क स उYहh द)2ाथV को समझाया जाय ता9क द)2ा क पव ह)

वह धा1मक lान क साथ इन 1सqात को भी आमसात कर सक| इस तरह

का 1श2ण सघ क सदय मh गटनरप2ता और वचाaरक सहमत बनाय

रखन मh सहायक 1सq होगा| अतः हम इस कार क 4शtण कायम क

बनाय जान का ताव रखना चाहत हw | इसस मण सघ क7 1श2ा सामpी

और 1सqात का मानक7करण हो सकगा | मलतः यह 1श2ण कायyenम पव-

नधाaरत एव सीमाबq तर)क स सचा1लत होगा ता9क सभी सदय क मय

1श2ण सामpी और Dिटकोण सदव समान रहh |


इस ताव को साकार करन क 1लए नन1लSखत तर)क अपनाय जा सकत हs

a) -मण सघ क2 कA z6य स4मत - िजसम आचाय यवाचाय और वतक

शा4मल हग - वारा दशभर मA चार मय 4शtण कA z थापत

Lकय जाए जहा न+न4लखीत मलभत 4शtण दान Lकया जाएगा |

b) कA z6य स4मत 4शtण का ाMप और सामी तयार करन का िज+मा

कछ स+माननीय साध-सािवय को सप सकत हw िजgtहA -मण सघ

वारा अनमोGदत Lकया गया हो |

c) कA z6य स4मत वारा आतZरक (जरत पड़न पर बाहर6 भी) 4शtक

क2 पहचान और नयित क2 जानी चाGहए | यह 4शtक नधाZरत

सामी क अनसार 4शtण दान करAग |

उपरो8त आवWयकताओ को यान मh रखत हए नन कार क 1श2ण

मॉडयल बनाय जा सकत हs | उनक ायोिजत लाभ भी यहा दए गए हs

a) मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) वतमान मh द)2ा क पव साध-सािवय वारा द)2ाथय को

एक तय अवध क अतगत 1श2ण दया जाता ह 9कYत यह 9कसी

नधाaरत ाeप मh नह) होता ह| यह कारण ह 9क कड़ 1श2ण और

गहराई स दान क7 गयी 1श2ा क बावजद भी तi क भीतर ह) द)2ा लन

क7 वध मh असमानताए पायी गयी हs| 1श2ण को सवाह) बनान और

एकeपी 1श2ण सामpी क अभाव स जYमी असमानताओ को 1मटान क

1लए सघ को कh y)य तर पर एक मलभत साध-सािव 1श2ण कायyenम को शी पिYवत करना चाहए | इस 1श2ण कायyenम क अतगत

द)2ाथV मल धा1मक और सधािYतक 1श2ा ाnत कर सकh ग | इस

1श2ण कायyenम मh कछ हद तक लचीलापन भी होना चाहए ता9क साध-सािवय क नजी अनभव और lान को भी समाहत 9कया जा सक |


इस मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) क2 कायणाल6 न+न4लखीत पIत नसार कायािgtवत क2 जा

सकती ह |

bull मण सघ वारा इस नग का Sylabus तय कर लना चाहए | उसक7

9कताब एव training modul तयार करक एक training kit बनाना

चाहए |

bull यह training kit guidelines क साथ सभी साध-सिवओको वतaरत

करना चाहए | िजसका उपयोग कर 1श2ओ को एकeपी 1श2ा दान

कर सकh |

bull आज िजस तरह साध-सािव अपन 1शय को द)2ा क पहल training दत

ह उसी तरह यहास आग भी वो अपन 1शय को खदह) training दhग |

ल9कन यह training training kit क guidelines स दया जायगा |

bull इस training kit क7 मदद स साध-सावी द)2ा क 1लए 1श2ण दत

समय नधाaरत मापदड क अनसार सपण और सरचत 1श2ा द सकh ग |

bull इस कायyenम क वारा यक द)2ाथV क7 नजी 2मता समझ एव

इvछाशि8त का भी आकलन 9कया जा सकगा | इसस मण सघ को उस

kयि8त क7 2मताओ का सह) उपयोग सघ क कायm मh करन मh मदद

1मलगी |

b) नए सदय हत -मण सघ का अ4भवgtयास 4शtण (Shraman

Sangh Orientation training for new members)मण सघ क

सभी सदय वारा एक समान आचार सहता का अनपालन 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह और इसक 1लए यक सदय को सघ क Dिटकोण

वचार 1सqात कायशल) और लgय स भल)भात पaरचत होना

आवWयक ह | यह 1श2ण कायyenम सभी नए सदय को उपरो8त बात

स पaरचत करन क साथ ह) सभी सदय को समान उjWWय स बाधन


का काय करगा | इस कायyenम क7 अवध छः मह)न क7 हो सकती ह

और इस मzय 1श2ण कh y स 1श2त 1श2क वारा ह) चलाया जाना

चाहए |

अ4भवgtयास 4शtण स न+न लाभ हग

bull इसस सघ क सभी सदय क इराद और काय सगठत हग और एकह)

लgय पर किYyत गतवधया भी हगी |

bull इसस मतभद और अलगाव क मामल भी कम हो सकh ग |

उपरो8त दोन (a) तथा (b) 1श2ण ाnत करन क उपरात ह) 1श2 को

द)2ा दान क7 जाएगी |

c) मौजदा साध-सािवय का -मण सघ अ4भवgtयास 4शtण

(Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing

SadhuSadhavis)मण सघ वारा लघ अवध क kयापक

अ1भवYयास 1श2ण कायyenम 1श2त 1श2क वारा दशभर मh मौजद

साध-सािवय क समह क 1लए भी बनाय जान चाहए | इसस साध-

सािवय क अधकाधक समह मण सघ क मल Dिटकोण और 1सqात

स पaरचत हो सकh ग |

d) वषयक 4शtण (Subject trainings)जन धम स सबधत

व1भYन वषय पर सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत और जड़ हए साध-सािवय

को अपनी वीणताक आधार पर 1भYन कार क 1श2ण कायyenम तयार

करन चाहए | उदहारण क तौर परयान वया पर 1श2ण कायyenम

जन बालकबा1लकाओ क 1लए सकार 1श2ा एव जन धम क आधारभत

1सqात जस 9क अहसा अपaरpह और अनकावाद पर वषयगत 1श2ण

िजसका लाभ सामाYय जन नागaरक भी ल सकh | इसक वारा जनय मh

समता अहसा शात पश सर2ा 1श2ा एव वाnotय क महव पर

जागeकता उपYन क7 जा सकगी |


इन वशष 4शtण कायम स यह लाभ हग

bull गभीर सामािजक श2Sणक और मानवीय मसल पर कशल साध-सावी

सामाYय जन को सबोधत कर सकh ग |

bull साध-सािवय क lान और अनभव का उचत लाभ और सहयोग मण

सघ क Dिटकोण और 1सqात क चार हत 1मल सकगा |

e) साधक-सा[धका चारक 4शtण (Training for sadhak-sadhika

Pracharak) सघ क कh y)य तर पर साधक-साधका चारक क

1लए एक 1श2ण कायyenम बनाया जाना चाहए | यह 1श2ण उYहh

मzय कYy क मायम स दया जाना चाहए िजसस व सघ क

Dिटकोण एव लgय स पaरचत होकर अपन उचत और नधाaरत

कतkय का पालन सह) ढग स कर सकh | इस 1श2ण कायकरण स

साधक-साधका चारको क7 कायशल) अप2ाओ एव कतkय मh

एकeपता बनी रहगी | साथ ह) व पण पारद1शता स अपन कतkय का

नवाह कर सकh ग |

साधक-साधका चारक इस कड़ी का नमाण होन क बाद एव इनक7

समाचार) को अतम eप दन क बाद यह साधक-साधका चारक 1श2ण

(Training for sadhak-sadhika Pracharak) पाmacrयyenम तयार 9कया

जाना चाहए |


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 2: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan



दनाक ०९०३२०१५

परमपMय आचाय सNाट डॉ ी 1शवमनजी मसा

एव सभी साध-सािवयक चरणो म

कोट) कोट) वदन

आचाय ी डॉ 1शवमनीजी मसा क आदशानसार अSखल भारतवषVय

Wवताबर थानकवासी जन कॉYफरYस 9क नायम अय2 ी नमीनाथजी

जन क नतव म आयोिजत साध समलन हत मर) हादक शभकामनाए |

मण सघ सDढ हो और नई उचाईतक पहच यह पर दशभर क जनीओक7

भावना ह | माच २०१५ का यह साध समलन समाज एव दश कल)य 1मल

का पथर सा_बत होगा | २८ साल क बाद आनवाल इस सनहर अवसर का

वधायक उपयोग करक लना चाहय | इस Dट)स दो माह पव मन इदोर

जाकर ी न1मनाथजी एव वaरठ पदाधीकार)य क साथ साध समलन स2म

बनान हत चतन-मनन 9कया | उसपर ी नमीनाथजी न इस चतन को आग

बढान कल)य मझ एव जन समाज क वaरठ नता ी शातीलालजी कवाड को

इस समलन म मागदशक 9क भ1मका नभानक आदश दय |

ी शातीलालजी कवाड यह जन समाज क एक भावशाल) नता ह | उYहोन

भी पना म आकर इस वषय पर मर चतन को समझन 9क को1शश 9क |

तपWयात परमपMय आचाय ी डॉ 1शवमनजी मसा वaरठ साध-सािव

एव पदाधकार)ओक साथ वचार वमश करनका हम मौका 1मला |

इस सदभ म हमन हमार चतन को आग बढाकर बनयाद) सझाव आचायीजी

को दन चाहय इसपर सहमती हई | इस1लय इस वषयपर सोचकर मर नजी


वचार आपक7 सवा म षत करनका यास कर रहा ह | मर म इतनी

2मता नह 9क म आचायीजी को सझाव द सक | इस1लय इसको सझाव क

eप म न दखकर यह समाज चतन ह इस Dट)स दख | म जो चतन रख

रहा ह यह मर) नजी राय ह | इसम महवपण वषय दय हय ह | यह

चतन अतम सझाव नह) ह | इसम 1सफ महवपण _बYदओको छन 9क

को1शश 9क ह | ी शातीलालजी कवाड इनक7 भी अलग सोच एव सझाव हो

सकत ह | हर लgय को परा करन कल)य अलग अलग रात भी हो सकत ह|

यह चतन अYय लोग अलग तर)कस भी रख सकत ह | इसपर जो भी नणय

आचायी लhग यह पर समाज कल)य 1शरोधाय होगा और हम सब उसका

नठास पालन करhग |

इस चतन म माi और माi धम एव समाज 9क सवा यह उjश ह | इसम

9कसी भी साध-सावी एव पदाधकार) 9क अलोचना करनका तनक भी उjश

नह ह | इसम एक kयापक Dट)कोन दया हआ ह | अगर मर वचारो स

9कसी क दल को ठस पहची हो तो म 2मायाचना करता ह |

आपका आlाकार)

शातीलाल मथा


जन तव का रा नमाण म उपयोग -

साध स+मलन क मायम स

वWव क सबस ाचीन धमm मh स एक जन धम अहसा और वय -

नयiण का माग दशाता ह जो उसक अनचर क 1लए मो2 ािnत का

मायम बन सकता ह अहसा अपaरpह और अनकाYतवाद य तीन मख

1सqात इस धम क7 जड़h हs जो भगवान महावीर क7 1श2ाओ स पट होता

ह भगवान महावीर क इन वचार मh इतनी गहराई ह 9क वय महामा

गाधीजी भी भगवान महावीर न बताए हए कई तव का कड़ा पालन करत

जन धम का तवlान और उसक तव मनयमाi तथा कत क7 गती

मh नत उचत रह हs आज जब 9क चार ओर घणा हसा अYयाय और

असहणता का वातावरण फला हआ ह ऐस मh य तव और तवlान खास

कर अधक मायन रखत हs इन तवपर वWवभर मh अधक स अधक

aरसच 9कया जा रहा ह और वWवपर छाय अशािYत क बादलो मh इन तव

को सरज क7 9करण माना जा रहा ह इस महान धम क अनचर होन क नात

हम सब भाuयशाल) हs तव तथा qाओ क7 एक समq परपरा िजसमh

हम मh स हर एक को आयािमक शqता तथा आमlान क माग पर ल

जान क7 शि8त हमh वरासत मh 1मल) ह हम सभी को भगवान महावीर क

बताए माग पर चलन का भरसक यास करना चाहए

इसी भावना क साथ हमार छोट - बड़ झगड़ जो हमार वतमान का एक

हसा हs जो हमार दनदन अितव को भावत करत हs और जो हमh पर)

तरह स लपट मh ल सकत हs उनका याग करन क7 नतक िजमदार) हम

उठाए यद हमh जन तव क सvच उपासक बनना ह तो हमh साधारण

चीज़ क पर जा कर सोचन और काय करन क7 शि8त वय मh जटानी होगी

हमार आपसी भद जो जन धम क वशाल 1सqाYतो क सामन कोई मायन

नह) रखत उनक ऊपर उठकर सोचना होगा इन तव क सार करन और


सपण वWव मh उनक7 अvछाई भरन क माग तथा मायम पर हमh अपना

यान किYyत करना आवWयक ह

एक समदाय क eप मh जनी भारत क7 कल जनसzया क माi 05 हs और

मण सघ इस अपसzयक गट का एक बहत ह) छोटा हसा ह 9फर भी

जनय क पास जीवन क मलभत तव का खजाना ह जो क7 पढ़) दर

पढ़) आग चलता आया ह मण सघ िजसका अवभाMय अग ह उस जन

धम क समपत अनचरवारा न1मत यह पजी माi जन समदाय ह) नह)

बिक समच दश क 1लए उपयोग मh लाना आवWयक ह सघ जन धम क

कछ अयधक भावशाल) वचारक तथा सारक क एक_iत होन स बना ह

और उनक वचार उनक वचन मzय वाह मh लाना और अधक स अधक

लोग तक पहचाना अत आवWयक ह जनय का योगदान दश क सपण

समाज मh तथा अYतररा)य तर पर भी साaरत होना आवWयक ह जनय

को सना जाए दखा जाए और उनका अितव महसस 9कया जाए इसक

1लए सघ न जन 1सधाYतका सारमायम क व1भYन उपलध मचक

मायम स यास करना आवWयक ह

इस बात को शी अयावWयकता क भाव स तथा ल2त eप मh 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह इस दशा मh काय करन क 1लए सभाkय कतीरखा कछ इस

तरह क7 हो सकती ह -

1 -मण सघ वारा साध और सािवय क2 एक क4मट6 बनायी जाए

जन तवको दश और दनीया क सामन सार मयमक उपयोग

वारा तत करन का उतरदायव सपा जाए |

2 इस क4मट6 वारा व4भgtन सामािजक दाशनक प पकाए

काशन तथा िजनक2 समाज मA सदर तक पहच ह ऐस अgtय

मायम मA लख 4लख जाए |


3 वयमान उपलFध साGहय मA अ4भवIी करन का जन वरासत

उसका काय और गत कई वषK मA Lकए गए अनसgtधान को सचाM

ाMप मA लNखत करन का लOय रखA और उसक पPचात य

दतावज व4भgtन मच स बाहर6 दनया को Gदखाए | रा 6य

अतरा 6य workshops स4मनास एव अgtय मचका उपयोग कर

जन 4सधाgtतको दश और दनीया क सामन लाया जाए इस X ट6

स क4मट6 क2 थापना |

4 जन धम जन सथाओ का तथा समदाय क काय क बार मA

जानकार6 साZरत करन क 4लए अ[धकत वता क Mप मA कछ

[गन - चन महवपण सदय को नयत करA |

5 सय पZरिथत मA १३०० साध-सािवय मA काफ2 लोगोन

Graduation Post graduation एव Doctorates क2 पदवया हा4सल

क2 ह | इस Zरसोस का हमन परा लाभ लना आवPयक ह | इनमस

कछ लोग का Think Tank बनाकर इस वषय को Movement क2

तरह चलाना आवPयक ह |

6 दश मA Gहसाचार अयाचार बलाकार c टाचार क2 घटनाय

लगातार बढ़ती जा रह6 ह | इस वषय पर दरदशन क कई चनeस

पर घटो घटो बहस होती ह | अGहसा क पजार6 रहनवाल हमार कई

ववान साध-सािव इन सब वषयपर लगातार बहस मA Gहसा

लकर पण भारत वष क समाज पर अपना भाव डाल सकत ह |

इसमA धम और समाज दोनोक2 भी बड़ी सवा होती ह | इस बात

को इस स+मलन मA काफ2 गभीरतास लना आवPयक ह |


य शeआती 9कYत महवपण कदम इस मवमYट क बार मh जागत नमाण

करन क तथा भगवान महावीर का सYदश फलान क काय मh बहत उपय8त

1सq हो सकत हs य यास पर वWव मh जनय क7 पहचान बनान का काय

करhग वWव मh जनय का योगदान अधक सzया मh लोग वारा और

अधक गहराई स वीकारा जाएगा इसीस अपन समदाय स पर जा कर

मानवता क7 सवा करना चाहनवाल जनी तथा जन सथाओ क 1लए अनक

अवसर खल जाएग यह सह) मायन म भगवान महावीर वारा बताए माग

पर चलना 1सq होगा और जनय को जन धम क अनचर क यथोचत eप

स मनयमाi तथा मानवता क7 सवा करन 1लए वय को समपत करन का

अवसर ाnत होगा


-मण सघ - नई पढ6 नई सोच नई Gदशा

जन धम क व1भYन सदाय क आदरणीय एव ववान साध-सािवय न

साथ 1मलकर मण सघ का गठन 9कया | यह 1950 क दशक क7 अत महवपण

घटनाओ मh स एक थी | यह सगम उन सभी साध-सािवय का एक सगठत यास था

िजसक वारा व जन धम क 1सqात का चार कर वWव मh शािYत और सदभाव क7

थापना करना चाहत थ | दश क इतहास मh जन सघ का यह यास अभतपव था |

पछल 65 वषm क अपन इतहास मh मण सघ न अपनी Dढ़ता और समपण वारा

अनक वपर)त पaरिथतय मh समाज क हत हत अपन अितव क7 र2ा क7 ह |

कई साध-सािवय मh वचाaरक मतभद क7 िथतया भी उपYन हई हs | इस कार क7

कई अवाछत घटनाए समय-समय पर सघ क अितव और मल उjWWय क 1लए

खतरा बनकर उभर) हs | इन सबक बावजद जन धम क7 मजबत सqातक बनयाद क

कारण सघ न इन सभी आतaरक मतभद एव बदलत समय क7 चनौतय स ऊपर

उठकर अपना अितव कायम रखा और अपनी नीव को कभी भावत नह) होन दया |

आज इस सघ मh 1300 ववान उvच1श2त और lानी साध-सािवया हs जो जन

समाज क 1सqात क पaरचायक हs | यह निWचत eप स गव क7 बात ह | 9कYत

समय-समय पर उपYन होन वाल मतभद और मनमटाव न सभी क मन मh यह सशय

उपYन 9कया ह क7 ऐस मसल सघ क मल अितव क 1लए खतरा पदा कर सकत हs |

इसस पहल क7 यह बचन करन वाल सकत वशाल समया का eप धारण करh हमh हर

एक जनी क मन स इन नकारामक शि8तय को 1मटाना होगा|अब समय आ गया ह

9क सभी साध-सािव यह ठान लh क7 व सपण इमानदार) एव नठा क साथ सघ मh

परा वWवास रखत हए इसक मल 1सqात का चार करन मh सहयोगी एव सहभागी

हग |

आज हम एक ऐस चौराह पर खड़ हs जहा स 9कय गए माग का चनाव ह) सघ क भवय

को नधाaरत करगा |अतः २८ वषm क लब अतराल क बाद आयोिजत 9कया गया यह

समलन सघ क7 सरचना क7 सर2ा क7 ओर 1लया गया महवपण कदम ह |यह


समलन सvच मन स 9कया गया वह यास होना चाहए जो सभी साध-सािवय मh

वचार क7 एकता उपYन कर सघ क एकमत Dिटकोण को सामन ला सक और सभी

क वारा इस आमसात 9कया जा सक| सघ क7 कशलता क 1लए जर) ह क7 सभी

साध-सािव Dढनठा स सकप लत हए उन लgय और 1सqात को अपनाए

िजनको सघ का समथन ाnत ह |जब तक सभी साध-सािव समान वचार और कथन

को धारण नह) करत सघ क7 एकता को बनाय रखना दन-ब-दन कठन होता जाएगा |

यह बदलाव लान क 1लए सघ को अपन वचारो मh कई महवपण और kयापक

बदलाव लान हग | इन बदलाव क 1लए सभी सदय क7 सहमती आवWयक ह एव यह

भी आवWयक ह क7 सदय बड़ पमान पर सघ क7 जन समाज क7 और जन 1सqात क7

र2ा और चार क बार मh सोचh |

इस चनौतीपण पठभ1म क आधार पर सघ क7 कायशल) मh हम कछ बदलाव

ितवत कर रह हs और इसका मzय उjWय सघ क7 सरचना को आतaरक मजबती

दान करना ह | इस हत नन ताव हs

bull सघ क Xि टकोण क बार मA एक वतत दतावज ३-४ मह6न क2 अव[ध

मA बनाया जाकर तत Lकया जाना चाGहए | यह दतावज आचायK

यवाचायK एव वतक वारा 4मलकर बनाया जाना चाGहए यह दतावज

बनान कल6य बाहर6 ोफशनलस क2 मदद ल6 जा सती ह |

bull इस दतावज मA न+न4लNखत बातA शा4मल होनी चाGहए

bull सघ का तवjान (Philosophy) Xि टकोण (Vision) लOय (Mission)

उkPय और वशष काय (Aims amp Objectives)

bull सघ क यक महवपण ओहद एव थान स स+ब[धत भ4मका

िज+मदार6 और कायकाल का ववरण


bull सघ क यक सदय क 4लए आचार-सGहता

bull सघ क भव य क2 सभी योजनायA एव पव-नधाZरत लOय सभी लघ-

काल6न एव द6घ-काल6न योजनायA

bull सघ क महवपण आयोजन जस Lक चातमास एव साध-सावी स+मलन

क 4लए Gदशा-नदlश| चातमास क आयोजन क 4लए सघ क पदा[धकाZरय

को -ावक सघ एव जन काmA स क सदय स सलाह लकर Gदशा-नदlश

नधाZरत करन हग |

bull सघ क2 Lयाए एव 4शकायत नवारण णाल6

bull दरदशn Xि टकोण का यह दतावज सघ क सभी सदय को उपलFध

कराया जाना चाGहए िजसस Lक सभी क आचरण और लOय मA समानता

और एकMपता बनी रह

bull आचायK क 4लए कायकाल 15 वषK का हो और उनक2 आय 70 स अ[धक

ना हो |यह इस4लए आवPयक ह यLक 15 वषK क2 अव[ध उस ओहद क

oयित क 4लए सघ नमाण हत लOय नधारण और उन लOय क

न पादन हत काफ2 ह | कायकाल नधारण स यवा नताओ को भी नयी

सोच क साथ सघ को गतशील बनान का मौका 4मल सकगा |आय सीमा

क नधारण स बढती उq स उपgtन वाय स+बgtधी समयाओ स

सघ क काय भावत नह6 हग |


bull 15 वषK क कायकाल क पPचात आचायK को महा-आचाय या गणा[धपत

का थान ाrत होगा िजसक तहत व सघ क दनक कायK स नवत होत

हए भी और अ[धक स+मानीय और उsच पद पर वराजमान हग |

सभी वतकवात नय उपायाओ एव सचव क 1लए 5 वषm का

कायकाल नधाaरत 9कया जाना चाहए |यह आवWयक ह 8य9क पाच वष

का समय 9कसी kयि8त क 1लए सभी सभावनाओ को खोजन और अपनी

काय2मता क अनसार सघ क हत मh उYहh कायािYवत करन क 1लए

काफ7 ह |

हर पाच वष मh अSखल भारतीय साध-सावी समलन का आयोजन होना

चाहए | इसस सभी साध-सािवय को एक मच ाnत होगा जहा व साथ

1मलकर खल सवाद वारा बहत कछ 1सखन क साथ ह) अपन अनभव भी

बाट सकत हs | इन सवाद क वारा सघ क7 गत क 1लए और

आवWयक सधार क 1लए नणय 1लए जा सकh ग | समलन क आयोजन

स यक पाच वषm मh नए पदाधकाaरय क7 नयि8त क7 घोषणा भी क7

जा सकगी |इसस यह भी सनिWचत होगा क7 एक आचाय अपन कायकाल

मh अपन नतव और मागदशन मh ३ समलन मh हसा ल सकh ग |

यह Dिटकोण दतावज भवय मh सYदभ क eप मh सघ क नए सदय क 1लए

उYमखीकरण 1श2ण मोयल तयार करन मh मददगार 1सq हग |इस कार

सघ को 1श2त एव कायशील साध-सावी 1मल सकh ग |


कायm क7 समी2ा एव षण क 1लए भी एक नयी णाल) क7 आवWयकता

ह | पदाधकार) एक चौमासी षण व समी2ा णाल) तय कर सकत हs

िजसक वारा व आचायm को पव नधाaरत ाeप मh aरपोट द सकh | यह

aरपोट बहआयामी होनी चाहए िजसम सभी योजनाओ क7 वात-िथत

लgय ािnत एव चनौतय को शा1मल 9कया गया हो |आचाय को यह

सनिWचत करना होगा क7 उनक और सघ क सभी सदय क बीच एक

बतर सवाद क7 थापना हो सक | लgयपत और व1भYन कायm क7

माग क अनसार आचाय को समय-समय पर सदय क 1लए दशा-नदश

जार) करन हग |

एक द2 और भावी 1शकायत नवारण णाल) (Grievance Redressal

system) क7 थापना करक सघ को उस अपनाना चाहए | चौमासी

aरपोट स उपYन सभी समयाओ को दज 9कया जाना चाहए और इनक

नवारण हत उपय8त तर)क क7 पहचान होनी चाहए और उनक7 गभीरता

भापकर उनक नवारण होना चाहए | सभी छोट) समयाओ (िजनक7

साफ़ पaरभाषा Dिटकोण दतावज मh 1लSखत हो) का नवारण वतक

वारा 9कया जाना चाहए | गभीर और नाजक मामल मh (गभीर और

नाजक समयाओ क7 साफ़ पaरभाषा दतावज मh 1लSखत होनी चाहए)

आचायm को नराकरण करना चाहए | सभी छोट या बड़ ववाद

अधकतम एक मह)न क7 अवध मh सलझा दया जान चाहए |


आचाय वारा एक ऐसी स1मत का गठन 9कया जाना चाहए जो जन

समदाय वारा रानमाण और दश क हत मh मानवतापण कायm मh

योगदान दन क तर)क क7 ववचना कर सकh |

हर साध-सािवय वारा 9कसी न 9कसी गाव शहर मh चातमास होत ह)

ह| कछ जगह पर ावक वारा तो कछ जगह पर साध-सतो क कहनपर

अनाप-शनाप खचा 9कया जा रहा ह | इस बात को काफ7 गभीरतास

सोचकर चातमास कस हो उसम नमiण प_iकाए पोटस Banners

Advertisements मडप इयाद वषयपर एक Comprehensive

guidelines को बनाना अयत आवWयक ह| इसमh चातमास क साथ साथ

द)2ा एव साध समलन इन कायyenम का भी समावश होना चाहए |

काफ7 साध-सतक समह मh एक मख साध एव सािवयक साथ ३-४ स

लकर १०-१२ तक अYय साध एव सािवया रहती ह | खास करक यह पर

समह मh स १-२ लोग Most Active दखाई दत ह | अYय साध-सािव

भी काफ7 भावशाल) पढ़ 1लख एव active होत ह | इस महवपण

resource का मzय वाह मh ववध वषयक ऊपर उपयोग कस करक

ल इस Dिट स इस document मh हर जगह पर Action Plan मौजद ह |


साध-सावी 4शtण हत काययोजना

-मण सघ जन Pवता+बर सदाय क बीच जन धम क 4सIात का बहतर

चार करन क 4लए अितव मA आया ह | पछल कई वषK स यह सघ हमार

साध-सािवय क मडल मA जन धम क मख उuयPय को बढ़ावा दता रहा ह |

इन सभी बात का सार यह) ह 9क मण सघ क Dिटकोण मzय सYदश

वचार और उjWWय सपण सघ मh एकeपता स सचाaरत ह | सघ क

1सqात का समानता स सभी सदय तक पहचना और उनक वारा एक eप

मh pहण 9कया जाना सघ क अितव हत अत-आवWयक ह 8य9क य सभी

सदय एक बड़ अनyenम का हसा हs |

सघ क तकाल)न समाननीय सदय क मागदशन मh द)2ा लन क उपरात

जब 9कसी kयि8त का गणीजन क7 पवi सगत स थम पaरचय होता ह तो

यह उमीद क7 जाती ह 9क वह मण सघ क 1सqात का पaरचायक बनकर

रह और साथ ह) अपन गजन स ाnत kयि8तपरक धा1मक 1श2ा का

अनसरण भी करता रह |

यह तभी सभव होगा जब मण सघ क 1सqात का मानक7करण करक एक

नधाaरत तर)क स उYहh द)2ाथV को समझाया जाय ता9क द)2ा क पव ह)

वह धा1मक lान क साथ इन 1सqात को भी आमसात कर सक| इस तरह

का 1श2ण सघ क सदय मh गटनरप2ता और वचाaरक सहमत बनाय

रखन मh सहायक 1सq होगा| अतः हम इस कार क 4शtण कायम क

बनाय जान का ताव रखना चाहत हw | इसस मण सघ क7 1श2ा सामpी

और 1सqात का मानक7करण हो सकगा | मलतः यह 1श2ण कायyenम पव-

नधाaरत एव सीमाबq तर)क स सचा1लत होगा ता9क सभी सदय क मय

1श2ण सामpी और Dिटकोण सदव समान रहh |


इस ताव को साकार करन क 1लए नन1लSखत तर)क अपनाय जा सकत हs

a) -मण सघ क2 कA z6य स4मत - िजसम आचाय यवाचाय और वतक

शा4मल हग - वारा दशभर मA चार मय 4शtण कA z थापत

Lकय जाए जहा न+न4लखीत मलभत 4शtण दान Lकया जाएगा |

b) कA z6य स4मत 4शtण का ाMप और सामी तयार करन का िज+मा

कछ स+माननीय साध-सािवय को सप सकत हw िजgtहA -मण सघ

वारा अनमोGदत Lकया गया हो |

c) कA z6य स4मत वारा आतZरक (जरत पड़न पर बाहर6 भी) 4शtक

क2 पहचान और नयित क2 जानी चाGहए | यह 4शtक नधाZरत

सामी क अनसार 4शtण दान करAग |

उपरो8त आवWयकताओ को यान मh रखत हए नन कार क 1श2ण

मॉडयल बनाय जा सकत हs | उनक ायोिजत लाभ भी यहा दए गए हs

a) मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) वतमान मh द)2ा क पव साध-सािवय वारा द)2ाथय को

एक तय अवध क अतगत 1श2ण दया जाता ह 9कYत यह 9कसी

नधाaरत ाeप मh नह) होता ह| यह कारण ह 9क कड़ 1श2ण और

गहराई स दान क7 गयी 1श2ा क बावजद भी तi क भीतर ह) द)2ा लन

क7 वध मh असमानताए पायी गयी हs| 1श2ण को सवाह) बनान और

एकeपी 1श2ण सामpी क अभाव स जYमी असमानताओ को 1मटान क

1लए सघ को कh y)य तर पर एक मलभत साध-सािव 1श2ण कायyenम को शी पिYवत करना चाहए | इस 1श2ण कायyenम क अतगत

द)2ाथV मल धा1मक और सधािYतक 1श2ा ाnत कर सकh ग | इस

1श2ण कायyenम मh कछ हद तक लचीलापन भी होना चाहए ता9क साध-सािवय क नजी अनभव और lान को भी समाहत 9कया जा सक |


इस मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) क2 कायणाल6 न+न4लखीत पIत नसार कायािgtवत क2 जा

सकती ह |

bull मण सघ वारा इस नग का Sylabus तय कर लना चाहए | उसक7

9कताब एव training modul तयार करक एक training kit बनाना

चाहए |

bull यह training kit guidelines क साथ सभी साध-सिवओको वतaरत

करना चाहए | िजसका उपयोग कर 1श2ओ को एकeपी 1श2ा दान

कर सकh |

bull आज िजस तरह साध-सािव अपन 1शय को द)2ा क पहल training दत

ह उसी तरह यहास आग भी वो अपन 1शय को खदह) training दhग |

ल9कन यह training training kit क guidelines स दया जायगा |

bull इस training kit क7 मदद स साध-सावी द)2ा क 1लए 1श2ण दत

समय नधाaरत मापदड क अनसार सपण और सरचत 1श2ा द सकh ग |

bull इस कायyenम क वारा यक द)2ाथV क7 नजी 2मता समझ एव

इvछाशि8त का भी आकलन 9कया जा सकगा | इसस मण सघ को उस

kयि8त क7 2मताओ का सह) उपयोग सघ क कायm मh करन मh मदद

1मलगी |

b) नए सदय हत -मण सघ का अ4भवgtयास 4शtण (Shraman

Sangh Orientation training for new members)मण सघ क

सभी सदय वारा एक समान आचार सहता का अनपालन 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह और इसक 1लए यक सदय को सघ क Dिटकोण

वचार 1सqात कायशल) और लgय स भल)भात पaरचत होना

आवWयक ह | यह 1श2ण कायyenम सभी नए सदय को उपरो8त बात

स पaरचत करन क साथ ह) सभी सदय को समान उjWWय स बाधन


का काय करगा | इस कायyenम क7 अवध छः मह)न क7 हो सकती ह

और इस मzय 1श2ण कh y स 1श2त 1श2क वारा ह) चलाया जाना

चाहए |

अ4भवgtयास 4शtण स न+न लाभ हग

bull इसस सघ क सभी सदय क इराद और काय सगठत हग और एकह)

लgय पर किYyत गतवधया भी हगी |

bull इसस मतभद और अलगाव क मामल भी कम हो सकh ग |

उपरो8त दोन (a) तथा (b) 1श2ण ाnत करन क उपरात ह) 1श2 को

द)2ा दान क7 जाएगी |

c) मौजदा साध-सािवय का -मण सघ अ4भवgtयास 4शtण

(Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing

SadhuSadhavis)मण सघ वारा लघ अवध क kयापक

अ1भवYयास 1श2ण कायyenम 1श2त 1श2क वारा दशभर मh मौजद

साध-सािवय क समह क 1लए भी बनाय जान चाहए | इसस साध-

सािवय क अधकाधक समह मण सघ क मल Dिटकोण और 1सqात

स पaरचत हो सकh ग |

d) वषयक 4शtण (Subject trainings)जन धम स सबधत

व1भYन वषय पर सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत और जड़ हए साध-सािवय

को अपनी वीणताक आधार पर 1भYन कार क 1श2ण कायyenम तयार

करन चाहए | उदहारण क तौर परयान वया पर 1श2ण कायyenम

जन बालकबा1लकाओ क 1लए सकार 1श2ा एव जन धम क आधारभत

1सqात जस 9क अहसा अपaरpह और अनकावाद पर वषयगत 1श2ण

िजसका लाभ सामाYय जन नागaरक भी ल सकh | इसक वारा जनय मh

समता अहसा शात पश सर2ा 1श2ा एव वाnotय क महव पर

जागeकता उपYन क7 जा सकगी |


इन वशष 4शtण कायम स यह लाभ हग

bull गभीर सामािजक श2Sणक और मानवीय मसल पर कशल साध-सावी

सामाYय जन को सबोधत कर सकh ग |

bull साध-सािवय क lान और अनभव का उचत लाभ और सहयोग मण

सघ क Dिटकोण और 1सqात क चार हत 1मल सकगा |

e) साधक-सा[धका चारक 4शtण (Training for sadhak-sadhika

Pracharak) सघ क कh y)य तर पर साधक-साधका चारक क

1लए एक 1श2ण कायyenम बनाया जाना चाहए | यह 1श2ण उYहh

मzय कYy क मायम स दया जाना चाहए िजसस व सघ क

Dिटकोण एव लgय स पaरचत होकर अपन उचत और नधाaरत

कतkय का पालन सह) ढग स कर सकh | इस 1श2ण कायकरण स

साधक-साधका चारको क7 कायशल) अप2ाओ एव कतkय मh

एकeपता बनी रहगी | साथ ह) व पण पारद1शता स अपन कतkय का

नवाह कर सकh ग |

साधक-साधका चारक इस कड़ी का नमाण होन क बाद एव इनक7

समाचार) को अतम eप दन क बाद यह साधक-साधका चारक 1श2ण

(Training for sadhak-sadhika Pracharak) पाmacrयyenम तयार 9कया

जाना चाहए |


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 3: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


वचार आपक7 सवा म षत करनका यास कर रहा ह | मर म इतनी

2मता नह 9क म आचायीजी को सझाव द सक | इस1लय इसको सझाव क

eप म न दखकर यह समाज चतन ह इस Dट)स दख | म जो चतन रख

रहा ह यह मर) नजी राय ह | इसम महवपण वषय दय हय ह | यह

चतन अतम सझाव नह) ह | इसम 1सफ महवपण _बYदओको छन 9क

को1शश 9क ह | ी शातीलालजी कवाड इनक7 भी अलग सोच एव सझाव हो

सकत ह | हर लgय को परा करन कल)य अलग अलग रात भी हो सकत ह|

यह चतन अYय लोग अलग तर)कस भी रख सकत ह | इसपर जो भी नणय

आचायी लhग यह पर समाज कल)य 1शरोधाय होगा और हम सब उसका

नठास पालन करhग |

इस चतन म माi और माi धम एव समाज 9क सवा यह उjश ह | इसम

9कसी भी साध-सावी एव पदाधकार) 9क अलोचना करनका तनक भी उjश

नह ह | इसम एक kयापक Dट)कोन दया हआ ह | अगर मर वचारो स

9कसी क दल को ठस पहची हो तो म 2मायाचना करता ह |

आपका आlाकार)

शातीलाल मथा


जन तव का रा नमाण म उपयोग -

साध स+मलन क मायम स

वWव क सबस ाचीन धमm मh स एक जन धम अहसा और वय -

नयiण का माग दशाता ह जो उसक अनचर क 1लए मो2 ािnत का

मायम बन सकता ह अहसा अपaरpह और अनकाYतवाद य तीन मख

1सqात इस धम क7 जड़h हs जो भगवान महावीर क7 1श2ाओ स पट होता

ह भगवान महावीर क इन वचार मh इतनी गहराई ह 9क वय महामा

गाधीजी भी भगवान महावीर न बताए हए कई तव का कड़ा पालन करत

जन धम का तवlान और उसक तव मनयमाi तथा कत क7 गती

मh नत उचत रह हs आज जब 9क चार ओर घणा हसा अYयाय और

असहणता का वातावरण फला हआ ह ऐस मh य तव और तवlान खास

कर अधक मायन रखत हs इन तवपर वWवभर मh अधक स अधक

aरसच 9कया जा रहा ह और वWवपर छाय अशािYत क बादलो मh इन तव

को सरज क7 9करण माना जा रहा ह इस महान धम क अनचर होन क नात

हम सब भाuयशाल) हs तव तथा qाओ क7 एक समq परपरा िजसमh

हम मh स हर एक को आयािमक शqता तथा आमlान क माग पर ल

जान क7 शि8त हमh वरासत मh 1मल) ह हम सभी को भगवान महावीर क

बताए माग पर चलन का भरसक यास करना चाहए

इसी भावना क साथ हमार छोट - बड़ झगड़ जो हमार वतमान का एक

हसा हs जो हमार दनदन अितव को भावत करत हs और जो हमh पर)

तरह स लपट मh ल सकत हs उनका याग करन क7 नतक िजमदार) हम

उठाए यद हमh जन तव क सvच उपासक बनना ह तो हमh साधारण

चीज़ क पर जा कर सोचन और काय करन क7 शि8त वय मh जटानी होगी

हमार आपसी भद जो जन धम क वशाल 1सqाYतो क सामन कोई मायन

नह) रखत उनक ऊपर उठकर सोचना होगा इन तव क सार करन और


सपण वWव मh उनक7 अvछाई भरन क माग तथा मायम पर हमh अपना

यान किYyत करना आवWयक ह

एक समदाय क eप मh जनी भारत क7 कल जनसzया क माi 05 हs और

मण सघ इस अपसzयक गट का एक बहत ह) छोटा हसा ह 9फर भी

जनय क पास जीवन क मलभत तव का खजाना ह जो क7 पढ़) दर

पढ़) आग चलता आया ह मण सघ िजसका अवभाMय अग ह उस जन

धम क समपत अनचरवारा न1मत यह पजी माi जन समदाय ह) नह)

बिक समच दश क 1लए उपयोग मh लाना आवWयक ह सघ जन धम क

कछ अयधक भावशाल) वचारक तथा सारक क एक_iत होन स बना ह

और उनक वचार उनक वचन मzय वाह मh लाना और अधक स अधक

लोग तक पहचाना अत आवWयक ह जनय का योगदान दश क सपण

समाज मh तथा अYतररा)य तर पर भी साaरत होना आवWयक ह जनय

को सना जाए दखा जाए और उनका अितव महसस 9कया जाए इसक

1लए सघ न जन 1सधाYतका सारमायम क व1भYन उपलध मचक

मायम स यास करना आवWयक ह

इस बात को शी अयावWयकता क भाव स तथा ल2त eप मh 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह इस दशा मh काय करन क 1लए सभाkय कतीरखा कछ इस

तरह क7 हो सकती ह -

1 -मण सघ वारा साध और सािवय क2 एक क4मट6 बनायी जाए

जन तवको दश और दनीया क सामन सार मयमक उपयोग

वारा तत करन का उतरदायव सपा जाए |

2 इस क4मट6 वारा व4भgtन सामािजक दाशनक प पकाए

काशन तथा िजनक2 समाज मA सदर तक पहच ह ऐस अgtय

मायम मA लख 4लख जाए |


3 वयमान उपलFध साGहय मA अ4भवIी करन का जन वरासत

उसका काय और गत कई वषK मA Lकए गए अनसgtधान को सचाM

ाMप मA लNखत करन का लOय रखA और उसक पPचात य

दतावज व4भgtन मच स बाहर6 दनया को Gदखाए | रा 6य

अतरा 6य workshops स4मनास एव अgtय मचका उपयोग कर

जन 4सधाgtतको दश और दनीया क सामन लाया जाए इस X ट6

स क4मट6 क2 थापना |

4 जन धम जन सथाओ का तथा समदाय क काय क बार मA

जानकार6 साZरत करन क 4लए अ[धकत वता क Mप मA कछ

[गन - चन महवपण सदय को नयत करA |

5 सय पZरिथत मA १३०० साध-सािवय मA काफ2 लोगोन

Graduation Post graduation एव Doctorates क2 पदवया हा4सल

क2 ह | इस Zरसोस का हमन परा लाभ लना आवPयक ह | इनमस

कछ लोग का Think Tank बनाकर इस वषय को Movement क2

तरह चलाना आवPयक ह |

6 दश मA Gहसाचार अयाचार बलाकार c टाचार क2 घटनाय

लगातार बढ़ती जा रह6 ह | इस वषय पर दरदशन क कई चनeस

पर घटो घटो बहस होती ह | अGहसा क पजार6 रहनवाल हमार कई

ववान साध-सािव इन सब वषयपर लगातार बहस मA Gहसा

लकर पण भारत वष क समाज पर अपना भाव डाल सकत ह |

इसमA धम और समाज दोनोक2 भी बड़ी सवा होती ह | इस बात

को इस स+मलन मA काफ2 गभीरतास लना आवPयक ह |


य शeआती 9कYत महवपण कदम इस मवमYट क बार मh जागत नमाण

करन क तथा भगवान महावीर का सYदश फलान क काय मh बहत उपय8त

1सq हो सकत हs य यास पर वWव मh जनय क7 पहचान बनान का काय

करhग वWव मh जनय का योगदान अधक सzया मh लोग वारा और

अधक गहराई स वीकारा जाएगा इसीस अपन समदाय स पर जा कर

मानवता क7 सवा करना चाहनवाल जनी तथा जन सथाओ क 1लए अनक

अवसर खल जाएग यह सह) मायन म भगवान महावीर वारा बताए माग

पर चलना 1सq होगा और जनय को जन धम क अनचर क यथोचत eप

स मनयमाi तथा मानवता क7 सवा करन 1लए वय को समपत करन का

अवसर ाnत होगा


-मण सघ - नई पढ6 नई सोच नई Gदशा

जन धम क व1भYन सदाय क आदरणीय एव ववान साध-सािवय न

साथ 1मलकर मण सघ का गठन 9कया | यह 1950 क दशक क7 अत महवपण

घटनाओ मh स एक थी | यह सगम उन सभी साध-सािवय का एक सगठत यास था

िजसक वारा व जन धम क 1सqात का चार कर वWव मh शािYत और सदभाव क7

थापना करना चाहत थ | दश क इतहास मh जन सघ का यह यास अभतपव था |

पछल 65 वषm क अपन इतहास मh मण सघ न अपनी Dढ़ता और समपण वारा

अनक वपर)त पaरिथतय मh समाज क हत हत अपन अितव क7 र2ा क7 ह |

कई साध-सािवय मh वचाaरक मतभद क7 िथतया भी उपYन हई हs | इस कार क7

कई अवाछत घटनाए समय-समय पर सघ क अितव और मल उjWWय क 1लए

खतरा बनकर उभर) हs | इन सबक बावजद जन धम क7 मजबत सqातक बनयाद क

कारण सघ न इन सभी आतaरक मतभद एव बदलत समय क7 चनौतय स ऊपर

उठकर अपना अितव कायम रखा और अपनी नीव को कभी भावत नह) होन दया |

आज इस सघ मh 1300 ववान उvच1श2त और lानी साध-सािवया हs जो जन

समाज क 1सqात क पaरचायक हs | यह निWचत eप स गव क7 बात ह | 9कYत

समय-समय पर उपYन होन वाल मतभद और मनमटाव न सभी क मन मh यह सशय

उपYन 9कया ह क7 ऐस मसल सघ क मल अितव क 1लए खतरा पदा कर सकत हs |

इसस पहल क7 यह बचन करन वाल सकत वशाल समया का eप धारण करh हमh हर

एक जनी क मन स इन नकारामक शि8तय को 1मटाना होगा|अब समय आ गया ह

9क सभी साध-सािव यह ठान लh क7 व सपण इमानदार) एव नठा क साथ सघ मh

परा वWवास रखत हए इसक मल 1सqात का चार करन मh सहयोगी एव सहभागी

हग |

आज हम एक ऐस चौराह पर खड़ हs जहा स 9कय गए माग का चनाव ह) सघ क भवय

को नधाaरत करगा |अतः २८ वषm क लब अतराल क बाद आयोिजत 9कया गया यह

समलन सघ क7 सरचना क7 सर2ा क7 ओर 1लया गया महवपण कदम ह |यह


समलन सvच मन स 9कया गया वह यास होना चाहए जो सभी साध-सािवय मh

वचार क7 एकता उपYन कर सघ क एकमत Dिटकोण को सामन ला सक और सभी

क वारा इस आमसात 9कया जा सक| सघ क7 कशलता क 1लए जर) ह क7 सभी

साध-सािव Dढनठा स सकप लत हए उन लgय और 1सqात को अपनाए

िजनको सघ का समथन ाnत ह |जब तक सभी साध-सािव समान वचार और कथन

को धारण नह) करत सघ क7 एकता को बनाय रखना दन-ब-दन कठन होता जाएगा |

यह बदलाव लान क 1लए सघ को अपन वचारो मh कई महवपण और kयापक

बदलाव लान हग | इन बदलाव क 1लए सभी सदय क7 सहमती आवWयक ह एव यह

भी आवWयक ह क7 सदय बड़ पमान पर सघ क7 जन समाज क7 और जन 1सqात क7

र2ा और चार क बार मh सोचh |

इस चनौतीपण पठभ1म क आधार पर सघ क7 कायशल) मh हम कछ बदलाव

ितवत कर रह हs और इसका मzय उjWय सघ क7 सरचना को आतaरक मजबती

दान करना ह | इस हत नन ताव हs

bull सघ क Xि टकोण क बार मA एक वतत दतावज ३-४ मह6न क2 अव[ध

मA बनाया जाकर तत Lकया जाना चाGहए | यह दतावज आचायK

यवाचायK एव वतक वारा 4मलकर बनाया जाना चाGहए यह दतावज

बनान कल6य बाहर6 ोफशनलस क2 मदद ल6 जा सती ह |

bull इस दतावज मA न+न4लNखत बातA शा4मल होनी चाGहए

bull सघ का तवjान (Philosophy) Xि टकोण (Vision) लOय (Mission)

उkPय और वशष काय (Aims amp Objectives)

bull सघ क यक महवपण ओहद एव थान स स+ब[धत भ4मका

िज+मदार6 और कायकाल का ववरण


bull सघ क यक सदय क 4लए आचार-सGहता

bull सघ क भव य क2 सभी योजनायA एव पव-नधाZरत लOय सभी लघ-

काल6न एव द6घ-काल6न योजनायA

bull सघ क महवपण आयोजन जस Lक चातमास एव साध-सावी स+मलन

क 4लए Gदशा-नदlश| चातमास क आयोजन क 4लए सघ क पदा[धकाZरय

को -ावक सघ एव जन काmA स क सदय स सलाह लकर Gदशा-नदlश

नधाZरत करन हग |

bull सघ क2 Lयाए एव 4शकायत नवारण णाल6

bull दरदशn Xि टकोण का यह दतावज सघ क सभी सदय को उपलFध

कराया जाना चाGहए िजसस Lक सभी क आचरण और लOय मA समानता

और एकMपता बनी रह

bull आचायK क 4लए कायकाल 15 वषK का हो और उनक2 आय 70 स अ[धक

ना हो |यह इस4लए आवPयक ह यLक 15 वषK क2 अव[ध उस ओहद क

oयित क 4लए सघ नमाण हत लOय नधारण और उन लOय क

न पादन हत काफ2 ह | कायकाल नधारण स यवा नताओ को भी नयी

सोच क साथ सघ को गतशील बनान का मौका 4मल सकगा |आय सीमा

क नधारण स बढती उq स उपgtन वाय स+बgtधी समयाओ स

सघ क काय भावत नह6 हग |


bull 15 वषK क कायकाल क पPचात आचायK को महा-आचाय या गणा[धपत

का थान ाrत होगा िजसक तहत व सघ क दनक कायK स नवत होत

हए भी और अ[धक स+मानीय और उsच पद पर वराजमान हग |

सभी वतकवात नय उपायाओ एव सचव क 1लए 5 वषm का

कायकाल नधाaरत 9कया जाना चाहए |यह आवWयक ह 8य9क पाच वष

का समय 9कसी kयि8त क 1लए सभी सभावनाओ को खोजन और अपनी

काय2मता क अनसार सघ क हत मh उYहh कायािYवत करन क 1लए

काफ7 ह |

हर पाच वष मh अSखल भारतीय साध-सावी समलन का आयोजन होना

चाहए | इसस सभी साध-सािवय को एक मच ाnत होगा जहा व साथ

1मलकर खल सवाद वारा बहत कछ 1सखन क साथ ह) अपन अनभव भी

बाट सकत हs | इन सवाद क वारा सघ क7 गत क 1लए और

आवWयक सधार क 1लए नणय 1लए जा सकh ग | समलन क आयोजन

स यक पाच वषm मh नए पदाधकाaरय क7 नयि8त क7 घोषणा भी क7

जा सकगी |इसस यह भी सनिWचत होगा क7 एक आचाय अपन कायकाल

मh अपन नतव और मागदशन मh ३ समलन मh हसा ल सकh ग |

यह Dिटकोण दतावज भवय मh सYदभ क eप मh सघ क नए सदय क 1लए

उYमखीकरण 1श2ण मोयल तयार करन मh मददगार 1सq हग |इस कार

सघ को 1श2त एव कायशील साध-सावी 1मल सकh ग |


कायm क7 समी2ा एव षण क 1लए भी एक नयी णाल) क7 आवWयकता

ह | पदाधकार) एक चौमासी षण व समी2ा णाल) तय कर सकत हs

िजसक वारा व आचायm को पव नधाaरत ाeप मh aरपोट द सकh | यह

aरपोट बहआयामी होनी चाहए िजसम सभी योजनाओ क7 वात-िथत

लgय ािnत एव चनौतय को शा1मल 9कया गया हो |आचाय को यह

सनिWचत करना होगा क7 उनक और सघ क सभी सदय क बीच एक

बतर सवाद क7 थापना हो सक | लgयपत और व1भYन कायm क7

माग क अनसार आचाय को समय-समय पर सदय क 1लए दशा-नदश

जार) करन हग |

एक द2 और भावी 1शकायत नवारण णाल) (Grievance Redressal

system) क7 थापना करक सघ को उस अपनाना चाहए | चौमासी

aरपोट स उपYन सभी समयाओ को दज 9कया जाना चाहए और इनक

नवारण हत उपय8त तर)क क7 पहचान होनी चाहए और उनक7 गभीरता

भापकर उनक नवारण होना चाहए | सभी छोट) समयाओ (िजनक7

साफ़ पaरभाषा Dिटकोण दतावज मh 1लSखत हो) का नवारण वतक

वारा 9कया जाना चाहए | गभीर और नाजक मामल मh (गभीर और

नाजक समयाओ क7 साफ़ पaरभाषा दतावज मh 1लSखत होनी चाहए)

आचायm को नराकरण करना चाहए | सभी छोट या बड़ ववाद

अधकतम एक मह)न क7 अवध मh सलझा दया जान चाहए |


आचाय वारा एक ऐसी स1मत का गठन 9कया जाना चाहए जो जन

समदाय वारा रानमाण और दश क हत मh मानवतापण कायm मh

योगदान दन क तर)क क7 ववचना कर सकh |

हर साध-सािवय वारा 9कसी न 9कसी गाव शहर मh चातमास होत ह)

ह| कछ जगह पर ावक वारा तो कछ जगह पर साध-सतो क कहनपर

अनाप-शनाप खचा 9कया जा रहा ह | इस बात को काफ7 गभीरतास

सोचकर चातमास कस हो उसम नमiण प_iकाए पोटस Banners

Advertisements मडप इयाद वषयपर एक Comprehensive

guidelines को बनाना अयत आवWयक ह| इसमh चातमास क साथ साथ

द)2ा एव साध समलन इन कायyenम का भी समावश होना चाहए |

काफ7 साध-सतक समह मh एक मख साध एव सािवयक साथ ३-४ स

लकर १०-१२ तक अYय साध एव सािवया रहती ह | खास करक यह पर

समह मh स १-२ लोग Most Active दखाई दत ह | अYय साध-सािव

भी काफ7 भावशाल) पढ़ 1लख एव active होत ह | इस महवपण

resource का मzय वाह मh ववध वषयक ऊपर उपयोग कस करक

ल इस Dिट स इस document मh हर जगह पर Action Plan मौजद ह |


साध-सावी 4शtण हत काययोजना

-मण सघ जन Pवता+बर सदाय क बीच जन धम क 4सIात का बहतर

चार करन क 4लए अितव मA आया ह | पछल कई वषK स यह सघ हमार

साध-सािवय क मडल मA जन धम क मख उuयPय को बढ़ावा दता रहा ह |

इन सभी बात का सार यह) ह 9क मण सघ क Dिटकोण मzय सYदश

वचार और उjWWय सपण सघ मh एकeपता स सचाaरत ह | सघ क

1सqात का समानता स सभी सदय तक पहचना और उनक वारा एक eप

मh pहण 9कया जाना सघ क अितव हत अत-आवWयक ह 8य9क य सभी

सदय एक बड़ अनyenम का हसा हs |

सघ क तकाल)न समाननीय सदय क मागदशन मh द)2ा लन क उपरात

जब 9कसी kयि8त का गणीजन क7 पवi सगत स थम पaरचय होता ह तो

यह उमीद क7 जाती ह 9क वह मण सघ क 1सqात का पaरचायक बनकर

रह और साथ ह) अपन गजन स ाnत kयि8तपरक धा1मक 1श2ा का

अनसरण भी करता रह |

यह तभी सभव होगा जब मण सघ क 1सqात का मानक7करण करक एक

नधाaरत तर)क स उYहh द)2ाथV को समझाया जाय ता9क द)2ा क पव ह)

वह धा1मक lान क साथ इन 1सqात को भी आमसात कर सक| इस तरह

का 1श2ण सघ क सदय मh गटनरप2ता और वचाaरक सहमत बनाय

रखन मh सहायक 1सq होगा| अतः हम इस कार क 4शtण कायम क

बनाय जान का ताव रखना चाहत हw | इसस मण सघ क7 1श2ा सामpी

और 1सqात का मानक7करण हो सकगा | मलतः यह 1श2ण कायyenम पव-

नधाaरत एव सीमाबq तर)क स सचा1लत होगा ता9क सभी सदय क मय

1श2ण सामpी और Dिटकोण सदव समान रहh |


इस ताव को साकार करन क 1लए नन1लSखत तर)क अपनाय जा सकत हs

a) -मण सघ क2 कA z6य स4मत - िजसम आचाय यवाचाय और वतक

शा4मल हग - वारा दशभर मA चार मय 4शtण कA z थापत

Lकय जाए जहा न+न4लखीत मलभत 4शtण दान Lकया जाएगा |

b) कA z6य स4मत 4शtण का ाMप और सामी तयार करन का िज+मा

कछ स+माननीय साध-सािवय को सप सकत हw िजgtहA -मण सघ

वारा अनमोGदत Lकया गया हो |

c) कA z6य स4मत वारा आतZरक (जरत पड़न पर बाहर6 भी) 4शtक

क2 पहचान और नयित क2 जानी चाGहए | यह 4शtक नधाZरत

सामी क अनसार 4शtण दान करAग |

उपरो8त आवWयकताओ को यान मh रखत हए नन कार क 1श2ण

मॉडयल बनाय जा सकत हs | उनक ायोिजत लाभ भी यहा दए गए हs

a) मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) वतमान मh द)2ा क पव साध-सािवय वारा द)2ाथय को

एक तय अवध क अतगत 1श2ण दया जाता ह 9कYत यह 9कसी

नधाaरत ाeप मh नह) होता ह| यह कारण ह 9क कड़ 1श2ण और

गहराई स दान क7 गयी 1श2ा क बावजद भी तi क भीतर ह) द)2ा लन

क7 वध मh असमानताए पायी गयी हs| 1श2ण को सवाह) बनान और

एकeपी 1श2ण सामpी क अभाव स जYमी असमानताओ को 1मटान क

1लए सघ को कh y)य तर पर एक मलभत साध-सािव 1श2ण कायyenम को शी पिYवत करना चाहए | इस 1श2ण कायyenम क अतगत

द)2ाथV मल धा1मक और सधािYतक 1श2ा ाnत कर सकh ग | इस

1श2ण कायyenम मh कछ हद तक लचीलापन भी होना चाहए ता9क साध-सािवय क नजी अनभव और lान को भी समाहत 9कया जा सक |


इस मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) क2 कायणाल6 न+न4लखीत पIत नसार कायािgtवत क2 जा

सकती ह |

bull मण सघ वारा इस नग का Sylabus तय कर लना चाहए | उसक7

9कताब एव training modul तयार करक एक training kit बनाना

चाहए |

bull यह training kit guidelines क साथ सभी साध-सिवओको वतaरत

करना चाहए | िजसका उपयोग कर 1श2ओ को एकeपी 1श2ा दान

कर सकh |

bull आज िजस तरह साध-सािव अपन 1शय को द)2ा क पहल training दत

ह उसी तरह यहास आग भी वो अपन 1शय को खदह) training दhग |

ल9कन यह training training kit क guidelines स दया जायगा |

bull इस training kit क7 मदद स साध-सावी द)2ा क 1लए 1श2ण दत

समय नधाaरत मापदड क अनसार सपण और सरचत 1श2ा द सकh ग |

bull इस कायyenम क वारा यक द)2ाथV क7 नजी 2मता समझ एव

इvछाशि8त का भी आकलन 9कया जा सकगा | इसस मण सघ को उस

kयि8त क7 2मताओ का सह) उपयोग सघ क कायm मh करन मh मदद

1मलगी |

b) नए सदय हत -मण सघ का अ4भवgtयास 4शtण (Shraman

Sangh Orientation training for new members)मण सघ क

सभी सदय वारा एक समान आचार सहता का अनपालन 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह और इसक 1लए यक सदय को सघ क Dिटकोण

वचार 1सqात कायशल) और लgय स भल)भात पaरचत होना

आवWयक ह | यह 1श2ण कायyenम सभी नए सदय को उपरो8त बात

स पaरचत करन क साथ ह) सभी सदय को समान उjWWय स बाधन


का काय करगा | इस कायyenम क7 अवध छः मह)न क7 हो सकती ह

और इस मzय 1श2ण कh y स 1श2त 1श2क वारा ह) चलाया जाना

चाहए |

अ4भवgtयास 4शtण स न+न लाभ हग

bull इसस सघ क सभी सदय क इराद और काय सगठत हग और एकह)

लgय पर किYyत गतवधया भी हगी |

bull इसस मतभद और अलगाव क मामल भी कम हो सकh ग |

उपरो8त दोन (a) तथा (b) 1श2ण ाnत करन क उपरात ह) 1श2 को

द)2ा दान क7 जाएगी |

c) मौजदा साध-सािवय का -मण सघ अ4भवgtयास 4शtण

(Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing

SadhuSadhavis)मण सघ वारा लघ अवध क kयापक

अ1भवYयास 1श2ण कायyenम 1श2त 1श2क वारा दशभर मh मौजद

साध-सािवय क समह क 1लए भी बनाय जान चाहए | इसस साध-

सािवय क अधकाधक समह मण सघ क मल Dिटकोण और 1सqात

स पaरचत हो सकh ग |

d) वषयक 4शtण (Subject trainings)जन धम स सबधत

व1भYन वषय पर सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत और जड़ हए साध-सािवय

को अपनी वीणताक आधार पर 1भYन कार क 1श2ण कायyenम तयार

करन चाहए | उदहारण क तौर परयान वया पर 1श2ण कायyenम

जन बालकबा1लकाओ क 1लए सकार 1श2ा एव जन धम क आधारभत

1सqात जस 9क अहसा अपaरpह और अनकावाद पर वषयगत 1श2ण

िजसका लाभ सामाYय जन नागaरक भी ल सकh | इसक वारा जनय मh

समता अहसा शात पश सर2ा 1श2ा एव वाnotय क महव पर

जागeकता उपYन क7 जा सकगी |


इन वशष 4शtण कायम स यह लाभ हग

bull गभीर सामािजक श2Sणक और मानवीय मसल पर कशल साध-सावी

सामाYय जन को सबोधत कर सकh ग |

bull साध-सािवय क lान और अनभव का उचत लाभ और सहयोग मण

सघ क Dिटकोण और 1सqात क चार हत 1मल सकगा |

e) साधक-सा[धका चारक 4शtण (Training for sadhak-sadhika

Pracharak) सघ क कh y)य तर पर साधक-साधका चारक क

1लए एक 1श2ण कायyenम बनाया जाना चाहए | यह 1श2ण उYहh

मzय कYy क मायम स दया जाना चाहए िजसस व सघ क

Dिटकोण एव लgय स पaरचत होकर अपन उचत और नधाaरत

कतkय का पालन सह) ढग स कर सकh | इस 1श2ण कायकरण स

साधक-साधका चारको क7 कायशल) अप2ाओ एव कतkय मh

एकeपता बनी रहगी | साथ ह) व पण पारद1शता स अपन कतkय का

नवाह कर सकh ग |

साधक-साधका चारक इस कड़ी का नमाण होन क बाद एव इनक7

समाचार) को अतम eप दन क बाद यह साधक-साधका चारक 1श2ण

(Training for sadhak-sadhika Pracharak) पाmacrयyenम तयार 9कया

जाना चाहए |


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 4: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


जन तव का रा नमाण म उपयोग -

साध स+मलन क मायम स

वWव क सबस ाचीन धमm मh स एक जन धम अहसा और वय -

नयiण का माग दशाता ह जो उसक अनचर क 1लए मो2 ािnत का

मायम बन सकता ह अहसा अपaरpह और अनकाYतवाद य तीन मख

1सqात इस धम क7 जड़h हs जो भगवान महावीर क7 1श2ाओ स पट होता

ह भगवान महावीर क इन वचार मh इतनी गहराई ह 9क वय महामा

गाधीजी भी भगवान महावीर न बताए हए कई तव का कड़ा पालन करत

जन धम का तवlान और उसक तव मनयमाi तथा कत क7 गती

मh नत उचत रह हs आज जब 9क चार ओर घणा हसा अYयाय और

असहणता का वातावरण फला हआ ह ऐस मh य तव और तवlान खास

कर अधक मायन रखत हs इन तवपर वWवभर मh अधक स अधक

aरसच 9कया जा रहा ह और वWवपर छाय अशािYत क बादलो मh इन तव

को सरज क7 9करण माना जा रहा ह इस महान धम क अनचर होन क नात

हम सब भाuयशाल) हs तव तथा qाओ क7 एक समq परपरा िजसमh

हम मh स हर एक को आयािमक शqता तथा आमlान क माग पर ल

जान क7 शि8त हमh वरासत मh 1मल) ह हम सभी को भगवान महावीर क

बताए माग पर चलन का भरसक यास करना चाहए

इसी भावना क साथ हमार छोट - बड़ झगड़ जो हमार वतमान का एक

हसा हs जो हमार दनदन अितव को भावत करत हs और जो हमh पर)

तरह स लपट मh ल सकत हs उनका याग करन क7 नतक िजमदार) हम

उठाए यद हमh जन तव क सvच उपासक बनना ह तो हमh साधारण

चीज़ क पर जा कर सोचन और काय करन क7 शि8त वय मh जटानी होगी

हमार आपसी भद जो जन धम क वशाल 1सqाYतो क सामन कोई मायन

नह) रखत उनक ऊपर उठकर सोचना होगा इन तव क सार करन और


सपण वWव मh उनक7 अvछाई भरन क माग तथा मायम पर हमh अपना

यान किYyत करना आवWयक ह

एक समदाय क eप मh जनी भारत क7 कल जनसzया क माi 05 हs और

मण सघ इस अपसzयक गट का एक बहत ह) छोटा हसा ह 9फर भी

जनय क पास जीवन क मलभत तव का खजाना ह जो क7 पढ़) दर

पढ़) आग चलता आया ह मण सघ िजसका अवभाMय अग ह उस जन

धम क समपत अनचरवारा न1मत यह पजी माi जन समदाय ह) नह)

बिक समच दश क 1लए उपयोग मh लाना आवWयक ह सघ जन धम क

कछ अयधक भावशाल) वचारक तथा सारक क एक_iत होन स बना ह

और उनक वचार उनक वचन मzय वाह मh लाना और अधक स अधक

लोग तक पहचाना अत आवWयक ह जनय का योगदान दश क सपण

समाज मh तथा अYतररा)य तर पर भी साaरत होना आवWयक ह जनय

को सना जाए दखा जाए और उनका अितव महसस 9कया जाए इसक

1लए सघ न जन 1सधाYतका सारमायम क व1भYन उपलध मचक

मायम स यास करना आवWयक ह

इस बात को शी अयावWयकता क भाव स तथा ल2त eप मh 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह इस दशा मh काय करन क 1लए सभाkय कतीरखा कछ इस

तरह क7 हो सकती ह -

1 -मण सघ वारा साध और सािवय क2 एक क4मट6 बनायी जाए

जन तवको दश और दनीया क सामन सार मयमक उपयोग

वारा तत करन का उतरदायव सपा जाए |

2 इस क4मट6 वारा व4भgtन सामािजक दाशनक प पकाए

काशन तथा िजनक2 समाज मA सदर तक पहच ह ऐस अgtय

मायम मA लख 4लख जाए |


3 वयमान उपलFध साGहय मA अ4भवIी करन का जन वरासत

उसका काय और गत कई वषK मA Lकए गए अनसgtधान को सचाM

ाMप मA लNखत करन का लOय रखA और उसक पPचात य

दतावज व4भgtन मच स बाहर6 दनया को Gदखाए | रा 6य

अतरा 6य workshops स4मनास एव अgtय मचका उपयोग कर

जन 4सधाgtतको दश और दनीया क सामन लाया जाए इस X ट6

स क4मट6 क2 थापना |

4 जन धम जन सथाओ का तथा समदाय क काय क बार मA

जानकार6 साZरत करन क 4लए अ[धकत वता क Mप मA कछ

[गन - चन महवपण सदय को नयत करA |

5 सय पZरिथत मA १३०० साध-सािवय मA काफ2 लोगोन

Graduation Post graduation एव Doctorates क2 पदवया हा4सल

क2 ह | इस Zरसोस का हमन परा लाभ लना आवPयक ह | इनमस

कछ लोग का Think Tank बनाकर इस वषय को Movement क2

तरह चलाना आवPयक ह |

6 दश मA Gहसाचार अयाचार बलाकार c टाचार क2 घटनाय

लगातार बढ़ती जा रह6 ह | इस वषय पर दरदशन क कई चनeस

पर घटो घटो बहस होती ह | अGहसा क पजार6 रहनवाल हमार कई

ववान साध-सािव इन सब वषयपर लगातार बहस मA Gहसा

लकर पण भारत वष क समाज पर अपना भाव डाल सकत ह |

इसमA धम और समाज दोनोक2 भी बड़ी सवा होती ह | इस बात

को इस स+मलन मA काफ2 गभीरतास लना आवPयक ह |


य शeआती 9कYत महवपण कदम इस मवमYट क बार मh जागत नमाण

करन क तथा भगवान महावीर का सYदश फलान क काय मh बहत उपय8त

1सq हो सकत हs य यास पर वWव मh जनय क7 पहचान बनान का काय

करhग वWव मh जनय का योगदान अधक सzया मh लोग वारा और

अधक गहराई स वीकारा जाएगा इसीस अपन समदाय स पर जा कर

मानवता क7 सवा करना चाहनवाल जनी तथा जन सथाओ क 1लए अनक

अवसर खल जाएग यह सह) मायन म भगवान महावीर वारा बताए माग

पर चलना 1सq होगा और जनय को जन धम क अनचर क यथोचत eप

स मनयमाi तथा मानवता क7 सवा करन 1लए वय को समपत करन का

अवसर ाnत होगा


-मण सघ - नई पढ6 नई सोच नई Gदशा

जन धम क व1भYन सदाय क आदरणीय एव ववान साध-सािवय न

साथ 1मलकर मण सघ का गठन 9कया | यह 1950 क दशक क7 अत महवपण

घटनाओ मh स एक थी | यह सगम उन सभी साध-सािवय का एक सगठत यास था

िजसक वारा व जन धम क 1सqात का चार कर वWव मh शािYत और सदभाव क7

थापना करना चाहत थ | दश क इतहास मh जन सघ का यह यास अभतपव था |

पछल 65 वषm क अपन इतहास मh मण सघ न अपनी Dढ़ता और समपण वारा

अनक वपर)त पaरिथतय मh समाज क हत हत अपन अितव क7 र2ा क7 ह |

कई साध-सािवय मh वचाaरक मतभद क7 िथतया भी उपYन हई हs | इस कार क7

कई अवाछत घटनाए समय-समय पर सघ क अितव और मल उjWWय क 1लए

खतरा बनकर उभर) हs | इन सबक बावजद जन धम क7 मजबत सqातक बनयाद क

कारण सघ न इन सभी आतaरक मतभद एव बदलत समय क7 चनौतय स ऊपर

उठकर अपना अितव कायम रखा और अपनी नीव को कभी भावत नह) होन दया |

आज इस सघ मh 1300 ववान उvच1श2त और lानी साध-सािवया हs जो जन

समाज क 1सqात क पaरचायक हs | यह निWचत eप स गव क7 बात ह | 9कYत

समय-समय पर उपYन होन वाल मतभद और मनमटाव न सभी क मन मh यह सशय

उपYन 9कया ह क7 ऐस मसल सघ क मल अितव क 1लए खतरा पदा कर सकत हs |

इसस पहल क7 यह बचन करन वाल सकत वशाल समया का eप धारण करh हमh हर

एक जनी क मन स इन नकारामक शि8तय को 1मटाना होगा|अब समय आ गया ह

9क सभी साध-सािव यह ठान लh क7 व सपण इमानदार) एव नठा क साथ सघ मh

परा वWवास रखत हए इसक मल 1सqात का चार करन मh सहयोगी एव सहभागी

हग |

आज हम एक ऐस चौराह पर खड़ हs जहा स 9कय गए माग का चनाव ह) सघ क भवय

को नधाaरत करगा |अतः २८ वषm क लब अतराल क बाद आयोिजत 9कया गया यह

समलन सघ क7 सरचना क7 सर2ा क7 ओर 1लया गया महवपण कदम ह |यह


समलन सvच मन स 9कया गया वह यास होना चाहए जो सभी साध-सािवय मh

वचार क7 एकता उपYन कर सघ क एकमत Dिटकोण को सामन ला सक और सभी

क वारा इस आमसात 9कया जा सक| सघ क7 कशलता क 1लए जर) ह क7 सभी

साध-सािव Dढनठा स सकप लत हए उन लgय और 1सqात को अपनाए

िजनको सघ का समथन ाnत ह |जब तक सभी साध-सािव समान वचार और कथन

को धारण नह) करत सघ क7 एकता को बनाय रखना दन-ब-दन कठन होता जाएगा |

यह बदलाव लान क 1लए सघ को अपन वचारो मh कई महवपण और kयापक

बदलाव लान हग | इन बदलाव क 1लए सभी सदय क7 सहमती आवWयक ह एव यह

भी आवWयक ह क7 सदय बड़ पमान पर सघ क7 जन समाज क7 और जन 1सqात क7

र2ा और चार क बार मh सोचh |

इस चनौतीपण पठभ1म क आधार पर सघ क7 कायशल) मh हम कछ बदलाव

ितवत कर रह हs और इसका मzय उjWय सघ क7 सरचना को आतaरक मजबती

दान करना ह | इस हत नन ताव हs

bull सघ क Xि टकोण क बार मA एक वतत दतावज ३-४ मह6न क2 अव[ध

मA बनाया जाकर तत Lकया जाना चाGहए | यह दतावज आचायK

यवाचायK एव वतक वारा 4मलकर बनाया जाना चाGहए यह दतावज

बनान कल6य बाहर6 ोफशनलस क2 मदद ल6 जा सती ह |

bull इस दतावज मA न+न4लNखत बातA शा4मल होनी चाGहए

bull सघ का तवjान (Philosophy) Xि टकोण (Vision) लOय (Mission)

उkPय और वशष काय (Aims amp Objectives)

bull सघ क यक महवपण ओहद एव थान स स+ब[धत भ4मका

िज+मदार6 और कायकाल का ववरण


bull सघ क यक सदय क 4लए आचार-सGहता

bull सघ क भव य क2 सभी योजनायA एव पव-नधाZरत लOय सभी लघ-

काल6न एव द6घ-काल6न योजनायA

bull सघ क महवपण आयोजन जस Lक चातमास एव साध-सावी स+मलन

क 4लए Gदशा-नदlश| चातमास क आयोजन क 4लए सघ क पदा[धकाZरय

को -ावक सघ एव जन काmA स क सदय स सलाह लकर Gदशा-नदlश

नधाZरत करन हग |

bull सघ क2 Lयाए एव 4शकायत नवारण णाल6

bull दरदशn Xि टकोण का यह दतावज सघ क सभी सदय को उपलFध

कराया जाना चाGहए िजसस Lक सभी क आचरण और लOय मA समानता

और एकMपता बनी रह

bull आचायK क 4लए कायकाल 15 वषK का हो और उनक2 आय 70 स अ[धक

ना हो |यह इस4लए आवPयक ह यLक 15 वषK क2 अव[ध उस ओहद क

oयित क 4लए सघ नमाण हत लOय नधारण और उन लOय क

न पादन हत काफ2 ह | कायकाल नधारण स यवा नताओ को भी नयी

सोच क साथ सघ को गतशील बनान का मौका 4मल सकगा |आय सीमा

क नधारण स बढती उq स उपgtन वाय स+बgtधी समयाओ स

सघ क काय भावत नह6 हग |


bull 15 वषK क कायकाल क पPचात आचायK को महा-आचाय या गणा[धपत

का थान ाrत होगा िजसक तहत व सघ क दनक कायK स नवत होत

हए भी और अ[धक स+मानीय और उsच पद पर वराजमान हग |

सभी वतकवात नय उपायाओ एव सचव क 1लए 5 वषm का

कायकाल नधाaरत 9कया जाना चाहए |यह आवWयक ह 8य9क पाच वष

का समय 9कसी kयि8त क 1लए सभी सभावनाओ को खोजन और अपनी

काय2मता क अनसार सघ क हत मh उYहh कायािYवत करन क 1लए

काफ7 ह |

हर पाच वष मh अSखल भारतीय साध-सावी समलन का आयोजन होना

चाहए | इसस सभी साध-सािवय को एक मच ाnत होगा जहा व साथ

1मलकर खल सवाद वारा बहत कछ 1सखन क साथ ह) अपन अनभव भी

बाट सकत हs | इन सवाद क वारा सघ क7 गत क 1लए और

आवWयक सधार क 1लए नणय 1लए जा सकh ग | समलन क आयोजन

स यक पाच वषm मh नए पदाधकाaरय क7 नयि8त क7 घोषणा भी क7

जा सकगी |इसस यह भी सनिWचत होगा क7 एक आचाय अपन कायकाल

मh अपन नतव और मागदशन मh ३ समलन मh हसा ल सकh ग |

यह Dिटकोण दतावज भवय मh सYदभ क eप मh सघ क नए सदय क 1लए

उYमखीकरण 1श2ण मोयल तयार करन मh मददगार 1सq हग |इस कार

सघ को 1श2त एव कायशील साध-सावी 1मल सकh ग |


कायm क7 समी2ा एव षण क 1लए भी एक नयी णाल) क7 आवWयकता

ह | पदाधकार) एक चौमासी षण व समी2ा णाल) तय कर सकत हs

िजसक वारा व आचायm को पव नधाaरत ाeप मh aरपोट द सकh | यह

aरपोट बहआयामी होनी चाहए िजसम सभी योजनाओ क7 वात-िथत

लgय ािnत एव चनौतय को शा1मल 9कया गया हो |आचाय को यह

सनिWचत करना होगा क7 उनक और सघ क सभी सदय क बीच एक

बतर सवाद क7 थापना हो सक | लgयपत और व1भYन कायm क7

माग क अनसार आचाय को समय-समय पर सदय क 1लए दशा-नदश

जार) करन हग |

एक द2 और भावी 1शकायत नवारण णाल) (Grievance Redressal

system) क7 थापना करक सघ को उस अपनाना चाहए | चौमासी

aरपोट स उपYन सभी समयाओ को दज 9कया जाना चाहए और इनक

नवारण हत उपय8त तर)क क7 पहचान होनी चाहए और उनक7 गभीरता

भापकर उनक नवारण होना चाहए | सभी छोट) समयाओ (िजनक7

साफ़ पaरभाषा Dिटकोण दतावज मh 1लSखत हो) का नवारण वतक

वारा 9कया जाना चाहए | गभीर और नाजक मामल मh (गभीर और

नाजक समयाओ क7 साफ़ पaरभाषा दतावज मh 1लSखत होनी चाहए)

आचायm को नराकरण करना चाहए | सभी छोट या बड़ ववाद

अधकतम एक मह)न क7 अवध मh सलझा दया जान चाहए |


आचाय वारा एक ऐसी स1मत का गठन 9कया जाना चाहए जो जन

समदाय वारा रानमाण और दश क हत मh मानवतापण कायm मh

योगदान दन क तर)क क7 ववचना कर सकh |

हर साध-सािवय वारा 9कसी न 9कसी गाव शहर मh चातमास होत ह)

ह| कछ जगह पर ावक वारा तो कछ जगह पर साध-सतो क कहनपर

अनाप-शनाप खचा 9कया जा रहा ह | इस बात को काफ7 गभीरतास

सोचकर चातमास कस हो उसम नमiण प_iकाए पोटस Banners

Advertisements मडप इयाद वषयपर एक Comprehensive

guidelines को बनाना अयत आवWयक ह| इसमh चातमास क साथ साथ

द)2ा एव साध समलन इन कायyenम का भी समावश होना चाहए |

काफ7 साध-सतक समह मh एक मख साध एव सािवयक साथ ३-४ स

लकर १०-१२ तक अYय साध एव सािवया रहती ह | खास करक यह पर

समह मh स १-२ लोग Most Active दखाई दत ह | अYय साध-सािव

भी काफ7 भावशाल) पढ़ 1लख एव active होत ह | इस महवपण

resource का मzय वाह मh ववध वषयक ऊपर उपयोग कस करक

ल इस Dिट स इस document मh हर जगह पर Action Plan मौजद ह |


साध-सावी 4शtण हत काययोजना

-मण सघ जन Pवता+बर सदाय क बीच जन धम क 4सIात का बहतर

चार करन क 4लए अितव मA आया ह | पछल कई वषK स यह सघ हमार

साध-सािवय क मडल मA जन धम क मख उuयPय को बढ़ावा दता रहा ह |

इन सभी बात का सार यह) ह 9क मण सघ क Dिटकोण मzय सYदश

वचार और उjWWय सपण सघ मh एकeपता स सचाaरत ह | सघ क

1सqात का समानता स सभी सदय तक पहचना और उनक वारा एक eप

मh pहण 9कया जाना सघ क अितव हत अत-आवWयक ह 8य9क य सभी

सदय एक बड़ अनyenम का हसा हs |

सघ क तकाल)न समाननीय सदय क मागदशन मh द)2ा लन क उपरात

जब 9कसी kयि8त का गणीजन क7 पवi सगत स थम पaरचय होता ह तो

यह उमीद क7 जाती ह 9क वह मण सघ क 1सqात का पaरचायक बनकर

रह और साथ ह) अपन गजन स ाnत kयि8तपरक धा1मक 1श2ा का

अनसरण भी करता रह |

यह तभी सभव होगा जब मण सघ क 1सqात का मानक7करण करक एक

नधाaरत तर)क स उYहh द)2ाथV को समझाया जाय ता9क द)2ा क पव ह)

वह धा1मक lान क साथ इन 1सqात को भी आमसात कर सक| इस तरह

का 1श2ण सघ क सदय मh गटनरप2ता और वचाaरक सहमत बनाय

रखन मh सहायक 1सq होगा| अतः हम इस कार क 4शtण कायम क

बनाय जान का ताव रखना चाहत हw | इसस मण सघ क7 1श2ा सामpी

और 1सqात का मानक7करण हो सकगा | मलतः यह 1श2ण कायyenम पव-

नधाaरत एव सीमाबq तर)क स सचा1लत होगा ता9क सभी सदय क मय

1श2ण सामpी और Dिटकोण सदव समान रहh |


इस ताव को साकार करन क 1लए नन1लSखत तर)क अपनाय जा सकत हs

a) -मण सघ क2 कA z6य स4मत - िजसम आचाय यवाचाय और वतक

शा4मल हग - वारा दशभर मA चार मय 4शtण कA z थापत

Lकय जाए जहा न+न4लखीत मलभत 4शtण दान Lकया जाएगा |

b) कA z6य स4मत 4शtण का ाMप और सामी तयार करन का िज+मा

कछ स+माननीय साध-सािवय को सप सकत हw िजgtहA -मण सघ

वारा अनमोGदत Lकया गया हो |

c) कA z6य स4मत वारा आतZरक (जरत पड़न पर बाहर6 भी) 4शtक

क2 पहचान और नयित क2 जानी चाGहए | यह 4शtक नधाZरत

सामी क अनसार 4शtण दान करAग |

उपरो8त आवWयकताओ को यान मh रखत हए नन कार क 1श2ण

मॉडयल बनाय जा सकत हs | उनक ायोिजत लाभ भी यहा दए गए हs

a) मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) वतमान मh द)2ा क पव साध-सािवय वारा द)2ाथय को

एक तय अवध क अतगत 1श2ण दया जाता ह 9कYत यह 9कसी

नधाaरत ाeप मh नह) होता ह| यह कारण ह 9क कड़ 1श2ण और

गहराई स दान क7 गयी 1श2ा क बावजद भी तi क भीतर ह) द)2ा लन

क7 वध मh असमानताए पायी गयी हs| 1श2ण को सवाह) बनान और

एकeपी 1श2ण सामpी क अभाव स जYमी असमानताओ को 1मटान क

1लए सघ को कh y)य तर पर एक मलभत साध-सािव 1श2ण कायyenम को शी पिYवत करना चाहए | इस 1श2ण कायyenम क अतगत

द)2ाथV मल धा1मक और सधािYतक 1श2ा ाnत कर सकh ग | इस

1श2ण कायyenम मh कछ हद तक लचीलापन भी होना चाहए ता9क साध-सािवय क नजी अनभव और lान को भी समाहत 9कया जा सक |


इस मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) क2 कायणाल6 न+न4लखीत पIत नसार कायािgtवत क2 जा

सकती ह |

bull मण सघ वारा इस नग का Sylabus तय कर लना चाहए | उसक7

9कताब एव training modul तयार करक एक training kit बनाना

चाहए |

bull यह training kit guidelines क साथ सभी साध-सिवओको वतaरत

करना चाहए | िजसका उपयोग कर 1श2ओ को एकeपी 1श2ा दान

कर सकh |

bull आज िजस तरह साध-सािव अपन 1शय को द)2ा क पहल training दत

ह उसी तरह यहास आग भी वो अपन 1शय को खदह) training दhग |

ल9कन यह training training kit क guidelines स दया जायगा |

bull इस training kit क7 मदद स साध-सावी द)2ा क 1लए 1श2ण दत

समय नधाaरत मापदड क अनसार सपण और सरचत 1श2ा द सकh ग |

bull इस कायyenम क वारा यक द)2ाथV क7 नजी 2मता समझ एव

इvछाशि8त का भी आकलन 9कया जा सकगा | इसस मण सघ को उस

kयि8त क7 2मताओ का सह) उपयोग सघ क कायm मh करन मh मदद

1मलगी |

b) नए सदय हत -मण सघ का अ4भवgtयास 4शtण (Shraman

Sangh Orientation training for new members)मण सघ क

सभी सदय वारा एक समान आचार सहता का अनपालन 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह और इसक 1लए यक सदय को सघ क Dिटकोण

वचार 1सqात कायशल) और लgय स भल)भात पaरचत होना

आवWयक ह | यह 1श2ण कायyenम सभी नए सदय को उपरो8त बात

स पaरचत करन क साथ ह) सभी सदय को समान उjWWय स बाधन


का काय करगा | इस कायyenम क7 अवध छः मह)न क7 हो सकती ह

और इस मzय 1श2ण कh y स 1श2त 1श2क वारा ह) चलाया जाना

चाहए |

अ4भवgtयास 4शtण स न+न लाभ हग

bull इसस सघ क सभी सदय क इराद और काय सगठत हग और एकह)

लgय पर किYyत गतवधया भी हगी |

bull इसस मतभद और अलगाव क मामल भी कम हो सकh ग |

उपरो8त दोन (a) तथा (b) 1श2ण ाnत करन क उपरात ह) 1श2 को

द)2ा दान क7 जाएगी |

c) मौजदा साध-सािवय का -मण सघ अ4भवgtयास 4शtण

(Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing

SadhuSadhavis)मण सघ वारा लघ अवध क kयापक

अ1भवYयास 1श2ण कायyenम 1श2त 1श2क वारा दशभर मh मौजद

साध-सािवय क समह क 1लए भी बनाय जान चाहए | इसस साध-

सािवय क अधकाधक समह मण सघ क मल Dिटकोण और 1सqात

स पaरचत हो सकh ग |

d) वषयक 4शtण (Subject trainings)जन धम स सबधत

व1भYन वषय पर सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत और जड़ हए साध-सािवय

को अपनी वीणताक आधार पर 1भYन कार क 1श2ण कायyenम तयार

करन चाहए | उदहारण क तौर परयान वया पर 1श2ण कायyenम

जन बालकबा1लकाओ क 1लए सकार 1श2ा एव जन धम क आधारभत

1सqात जस 9क अहसा अपaरpह और अनकावाद पर वषयगत 1श2ण

िजसका लाभ सामाYय जन नागaरक भी ल सकh | इसक वारा जनय मh

समता अहसा शात पश सर2ा 1श2ा एव वाnotय क महव पर

जागeकता उपYन क7 जा सकगी |


इन वशष 4शtण कायम स यह लाभ हग

bull गभीर सामािजक श2Sणक और मानवीय मसल पर कशल साध-सावी

सामाYय जन को सबोधत कर सकh ग |

bull साध-सािवय क lान और अनभव का उचत लाभ और सहयोग मण

सघ क Dिटकोण और 1सqात क चार हत 1मल सकगा |

e) साधक-सा[धका चारक 4शtण (Training for sadhak-sadhika

Pracharak) सघ क कh y)य तर पर साधक-साधका चारक क

1लए एक 1श2ण कायyenम बनाया जाना चाहए | यह 1श2ण उYहh

मzय कYy क मायम स दया जाना चाहए िजसस व सघ क

Dिटकोण एव लgय स पaरचत होकर अपन उचत और नधाaरत

कतkय का पालन सह) ढग स कर सकh | इस 1श2ण कायकरण स

साधक-साधका चारको क7 कायशल) अप2ाओ एव कतkय मh

एकeपता बनी रहगी | साथ ह) व पण पारद1शता स अपन कतkय का

नवाह कर सकh ग |

साधक-साधका चारक इस कड़ी का नमाण होन क बाद एव इनक7

समाचार) को अतम eप दन क बाद यह साधक-साधका चारक 1श2ण

(Training for sadhak-sadhika Pracharak) पाmacrयyenम तयार 9कया

जाना चाहए |


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 5: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


सपण वWव मh उनक7 अvछाई भरन क माग तथा मायम पर हमh अपना

यान किYyत करना आवWयक ह

एक समदाय क eप मh जनी भारत क7 कल जनसzया क माi 05 हs और

मण सघ इस अपसzयक गट का एक बहत ह) छोटा हसा ह 9फर भी

जनय क पास जीवन क मलभत तव का खजाना ह जो क7 पढ़) दर

पढ़) आग चलता आया ह मण सघ िजसका अवभाMय अग ह उस जन

धम क समपत अनचरवारा न1मत यह पजी माi जन समदाय ह) नह)

बिक समच दश क 1लए उपयोग मh लाना आवWयक ह सघ जन धम क

कछ अयधक भावशाल) वचारक तथा सारक क एक_iत होन स बना ह

और उनक वचार उनक वचन मzय वाह मh लाना और अधक स अधक

लोग तक पहचाना अत आवWयक ह जनय का योगदान दश क सपण

समाज मh तथा अYतररा)य तर पर भी साaरत होना आवWयक ह जनय

को सना जाए दखा जाए और उनका अितव महसस 9कया जाए इसक

1लए सघ न जन 1सधाYतका सारमायम क व1भYन उपलध मचक

मायम स यास करना आवWयक ह

इस बात को शी अयावWयकता क भाव स तथा ल2त eप मh 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह इस दशा मh काय करन क 1लए सभाkय कतीरखा कछ इस

तरह क7 हो सकती ह -

1 -मण सघ वारा साध और सािवय क2 एक क4मट6 बनायी जाए

जन तवको दश और दनीया क सामन सार मयमक उपयोग

वारा तत करन का उतरदायव सपा जाए |

2 इस क4मट6 वारा व4भgtन सामािजक दाशनक प पकाए

काशन तथा िजनक2 समाज मA सदर तक पहच ह ऐस अgtय

मायम मA लख 4लख जाए |


3 वयमान उपलFध साGहय मA अ4भवIी करन का जन वरासत

उसका काय और गत कई वषK मA Lकए गए अनसgtधान को सचाM

ाMप मA लNखत करन का लOय रखA और उसक पPचात य

दतावज व4भgtन मच स बाहर6 दनया को Gदखाए | रा 6य

अतरा 6य workshops स4मनास एव अgtय मचका उपयोग कर

जन 4सधाgtतको दश और दनीया क सामन लाया जाए इस X ट6

स क4मट6 क2 थापना |

4 जन धम जन सथाओ का तथा समदाय क काय क बार मA

जानकार6 साZरत करन क 4लए अ[धकत वता क Mप मA कछ

[गन - चन महवपण सदय को नयत करA |

5 सय पZरिथत मA १३०० साध-सािवय मA काफ2 लोगोन

Graduation Post graduation एव Doctorates क2 पदवया हा4सल

क2 ह | इस Zरसोस का हमन परा लाभ लना आवPयक ह | इनमस

कछ लोग का Think Tank बनाकर इस वषय को Movement क2

तरह चलाना आवPयक ह |

6 दश मA Gहसाचार अयाचार बलाकार c टाचार क2 घटनाय

लगातार बढ़ती जा रह6 ह | इस वषय पर दरदशन क कई चनeस

पर घटो घटो बहस होती ह | अGहसा क पजार6 रहनवाल हमार कई

ववान साध-सािव इन सब वषयपर लगातार बहस मA Gहसा

लकर पण भारत वष क समाज पर अपना भाव डाल सकत ह |

इसमA धम और समाज दोनोक2 भी बड़ी सवा होती ह | इस बात

को इस स+मलन मA काफ2 गभीरतास लना आवPयक ह |


य शeआती 9कYत महवपण कदम इस मवमYट क बार मh जागत नमाण

करन क तथा भगवान महावीर का सYदश फलान क काय मh बहत उपय8त

1सq हो सकत हs य यास पर वWव मh जनय क7 पहचान बनान का काय

करhग वWव मh जनय का योगदान अधक सzया मh लोग वारा और

अधक गहराई स वीकारा जाएगा इसीस अपन समदाय स पर जा कर

मानवता क7 सवा करना चाहनवाल जनी तथा जन सथाओ क 1लए अनक

अवसर खल जाएग यह सह) मायन म भगवान महावीर वारा बताए माग

पर चलना 1सq होगा और जनय को जन धम क अनचर क यथोचत eप

स मनयमाi तथा मानवता क7 सवा करन 1लए वय को समपत करन का

अवसर ाnत होगा


-मण सघ - नई पढ6 नई सोच नई Gदशा

जन धम क व1भYन सदाय क आदरणीय एव ववान साध-सािवय न

साथ 1मलकर मण सघ का गठन 9कया | यह 1950 क दशक क7 अत महवपण

घटनाओ मh स एक थी | यह सगम उन सभी साध-सािवय का एक सगठत यास था

िजसक वारा व जन धम क 1सqात का चार कर वWव मh शािYत और सदभाव क7

थापना करना चाहत थ | दश क इतहास मh जन सघ का यह यास अभतपव था |

पछल 65 वषm क अपन इतहास मh मण सघ न अपनी Dढ़ता और समपण वारा

अनक वपर)त पaरिथतय मh समाज क हत हत अपन अितव क7 र2ा क7 ह |

कई साध-सािवय मh वचाaरक मतभद क7 िथतया भी उपYन हई हs | इस कार क7

कई अवाछत घटनाए समय-समय पर सघ क अितव और मल उjWWय क 1लए

खतरा बनकर उभर) हs | इन सबक बावजद जन धम क7 मजबत सqातक बनयाद क

कारण सघ न इन सभी आतaरक मतभद एव बदलत समय क7 चनौतय स ऊपर

उठकर अपना अितव कायम रखा और अपनी नीव को कभी भावत नह) होन दया |

आज इस सघ मh 1300 ववान उvच1श2त और lानी साध-सािवया हs जो जन

समाज क 1सqात क पaरचायक हs | यह निWचत eप स गव क7 बात ह | 9कYत

समय-समय पर उपYन होन वाल मतभद और मनमटाव न सभी क मन मh यह सशय

उपYन 9कया ह क7 ऐस मसल सघ क मल अितव क 1लए खतरा पदा कर सकत हs |

इसस पहल क7 यह बचन करन वाल सकत वशाल समया का eप धारण करh हमh हर

एक जनी क मन स इन नकारामक शि8तय को 1मटाना होगा|अब समय आ गया ह

9क सभी साध-सािव यह ठान लh क7 व सपण इमानदार) एव नठा क साथ सघ मh

परा वWवास रखत हए इसक मल 1सqात का चार करन मh सहयोगी एव सहभागी

हग |

आज हम एक ऐस चौराह पर खड़ हs जहा स 9कय गए माग का चनाव ह) सघ क भवय

को नधाaरत करगा |अतः २८ वषm क लब अतराल क बाद आयोिजत 9कया गया यह

समलन सघ क7 सरचना क7 सर2ा क7 ओर 1लया गया महवपण कदम ह |यह


समलन सvच मन स 9कया गया वह यास होना चाहए जो सभी साध-सािवय मh

वचार क7 एकता उपYन कर सघ क एकमत Dिटकोण को सामन ला सक और सभी

क वारा इस आमसात 9कया जा सक| सघ क7 कशलता क 1लए जर) ह क7 सभी

साध-सािव Dढनठा स सकप लत हए उन लgय और 1सqात को अपनाए

िजनको सघ का समथन ाnत ह |जब तक सभी साध-सािव समान वचार और कथन

को धारण नह) करत सघ क7 एकता को बनाय रखना दन-ब-दन कठन होता जाएगा |

यह बदलाव लान क 1लए सघ को अपन वचारो मh कई महवपण और kयापक

बदलाव लान हग | इन बदलाव क 1लए सभी सदय क7 सहमती आवWयक ह एव यह

भी आवWयक ह क7 सदय बड़ पमान पर सघ क7 जन समाज क7 और जन 1सqात क7

र2ा और चार क बार मh सोचh |

इस चनौतीपण पठभ1म क आधार पर सघ क7 कायशल) मh हम कछ बदलाव

ितवत कर रह हs और इसका मzय उjWय सघ क7 सरचना को आतaरक मजबती

दान करना ह | इस हत नन ताव हs

bull सघ क Xि टकोण क बार मA एक वतत दतावज ३-४ मह6न क2 अव[ध

मA बनाया जाकर तत Lकया जाना चाGहए | यह दतावज आचायK

यवाचायK एव वतक वारा 4मलकर बनाया जाना चाGहए यह दतावज

बनान कल6य बाहर6 ोफशनलस क2 मदद ल6 जा सती ह |

bull इस दतावज मA न+न4लNखत बातA शा4मल होनी चाGहए

bull सघ का तवjान (Philosophy) Xि टकोण (Vision) लOय (Mission)

उkPय और वशष काय (Aims amp Objectives)

bull सघ क यक महवपण ओहद एव थान स स+ब[धत भ4मका

िज+मदार6 और कायकाल का ववरण


bull सघ क यक सदय क 4लए आचार-सGहता

bull सघ क भव य क2 सभी योजनायA एव पव-नधाZरत लOय सभी लघ-

काल6न एव द6घ-काल6न योजनायA

bull सघ क महवपण आयोजन जस Lक चातमास एव साध-सावी स+मलन

क 4लए Gदशा-नदlश| चातमास क आयोजन क 4लए सघ क पदा[धकाZरय

को -ावक सघ एव जन काmA स क सदय स सलाह लकर Gदशा-नदlश

नधाZरत करन हग |

bull सघ क2 Lयाए एव 4शकायत नवारण णाल6

bull दरदशn Xि टकोण का यह दतावज सघ क सभी सदय को उपलFध

कराया जाना चाGहए िजसस Lक सभी क आचरण और लOय मA समानता

और एकMपता बनी रह

bull आचायK क 4लए कायकाल 15 वषK का हो और उनक2 आय 70 स अ[धक

ना हो |यह इस4लए आवPयक ह यLक 15 वषK क2 अव[ध उस ओहद क

oयित क 4लए सघ नमाण हत लOय नधारण और उन लOय क

न पादन हत काफ2 ह | कायकाल नधारण स यवा नताओ को भी नयी

सोच क साथ सघ को गतशील बनान का मौका 4मल सकगा |आय सीमा

क नधारण स बढती उq स उपgtन वाय स+बgtधी समयाओ स

सघ क काय भावत नह6 हग |


bull 15 वषK क कायकाल क पPचात आचायK को महा-आचाय या गणा[धपत

का थान ाrत होगा िजसक तहत व सघ क दनक कायK स नवत होत

हए भी और अ[धक स+मानीय और उsच पद पर वराजमान हग |

सभी वतकवात नय उपायाओ एव सचव क 1लए 5 वषm का

कायकाल नधाaरत 9कया जाना चाहए |यह आवWयक ह 8य9क पाच वष

का समय 9कसी kयि8त क 1लए सभी सभावनाओ को खोजन और अपनी

काय2मता क अनसार सघ क हत मh उYहh कायािYवत करन क 1लए

काफ7 ह |

हर पाच वष मh अSखल भारतीय साध-सावी समलन का आयोजन होना

चाहए | इसस सभी साध-सािवय को एक मच ाnत होगा जहा व साथ

1मलकर खल सवाद वारा बहत कछ 1सखन क साथ ह) अपन अनभव भी

बाट सकत हs | इन सवाद क वारा सघ क7 गत क 1लए और

आवWयक सधार क 1लए नणय 1लए जा सकh ग | समलन क आयोजन

स यक पाच वषm मh नए पदाधकाaरय क7 नयि8त क7 घोषणा भी क7

जा सकगी |इसस यह भी सनिWचत होगा क7 एक आचाय अपन कायकाल

मh अपन नतव और मागदशन मh ३ समलन मh हसा ल सकh ग |

यह Dिटकोण दतावज भवय मh सYदभ क eप मh सघ क नए सदय क 1लए

उYमखीकरण 1श2ण मोयल तयार करन मh मददगार 1सq हग |इस कार

सघ को 1श2त एव कायशील साध-सावी 1मल सकh ग |


कायm क7 समी2ा एव षण क 1लए भी एक नयी णाल) क7 आवWयकता

ह | पदाधकार) एक चौमासी षण व समी2ा णाल) तय कर सकत हs

िजसक वारा व आचायm को पव नधाaरत ाeप मh aरपोट द सकh | यह

aरपोट बहआयामी होनी चाहए िजसम सभी योजनाओ क7 वात-िथत

लgय ािnत एव चनौतय को शा1मल 9कया गया हो |आचाय को यह

सनिWचत करना होगा क7 उनक और सघ क सभी सदय क बीच एक

बतर सवाद क7 थापना हो सक | लgयपत और व1भYन कायm क7

माग क अनसार आचाय को समय-समय पर सदय क 1लए दशा-नदश

जार) करन हग |

एक द2 और भावी 1शकायत नवारण णाल) (Grievance Redressal

system) क7 थापना करक सघ को उस अपनाना चाहए | चौमासी

aरपोट स उपYन सभी समयाओ को दज 9कया जाना चाहए और इनक

नवारण हत उपय8त तर)क क7 पहचान होनी चाहए और उनक7 गभीरता

भापकर उनक नवारण होना चाहए | सभी छोट) समयाओ (िजनक7

साफ़ पaरभाषा Dिटकोण दतावज मh 1लSखत हो) का नवारण वतक

वारा 9कया जाना चाहए | गभीर और नाजक मामल मh (गभीर और

नाजक समयाओ क7 साफ़ पaरभाषा दतावज मh 1लSखत होनी चाहए)

आचायm को नराकरण करना चाहए | सभी छोट या बड़ ववाद

अधकतम एक मह)न क7 अवध मh सलझा दया जान चाहए |


आचाय वारा एक ऐसी स1मत का गठन 9कया जाना चाहए जो जन

समदाय वारा रानमाण और दश क हत मh मानवतापण कायm मh

योगदान दन क तर)क क7 ववचना कर सकh |

हर साध-सािवय वारा 9कसी न 9कसी गाव शहर मh चातमास होत ह)

ह| कछ जगह पर ावक वारा तो कछ जगह पर साध-सतो क कहनपर

अनाप-शनाप खचा 9कया जा रहा ह | इस बात को काफ7 गभीरतास

सोचकर चातमास कस हो उसम नमiण प_iकाए पोटस Banners

Advertisements मडप इयाद वषयपर एक Comprehensive

guidelines को बनाना अयत आवWयक ह| इसमh चातमास क साथ साथ

द)2ा एव साध समलन इन कायyenम का भी समावश होना चाहए |

काफ7 साध-सतक समह मh एक मख साध एव सािवयक साथ ३-४ स

लकर १०-१२ तक अYय साध एव सािवया रहती ह | खास करक यह पर

समह मh स १-२ लोग Most Active दखाई दत ह | अYय साध-सािव

भी काफ7 भावशाल) पढ़ 1लख एव active होत ह | इस महवपण

resource का मzय वाह मh ववध वषयक ऊपर उपयोग कस करक

ल इस Dिट स इस document मh हर जगह पर Action Plan मौजद ह |


साध-सावी 4शtण हत काययोजना

-मण सघ जन Pवता+बर सदाय क बीच जन धम क 4सIात का बहतर

चार करन क 4लए अितव मA आया ह | पछल कई वषK स यह सघ हमार

साध-सािवय क मडल मA जन धम क मख उuयPय को बढ़ावा दता रहा ह |

इन सभी बात का सार यह) ह 9क मण सघ क Dिटकोण मzय सYदश

वचार और उjWWय सपण सघ मh एकeपता स सचाaरत ह | सघ क

1सqात का समानता स सभी सदय तक पहचना और उनक वारा एक eप

मh pहण 9कया जाना सघ क अितव हत अत-आवWयक ह 8य9क य सभी

सदय एक बड़ अनyenम का हसा हs |

सघ क तकाल)न समाननीय सदय क मागदशन मh द)2ा लन क उपरात

जब 9कसी kयि8त का गणीजन क7 पवi सगत स थम पaरचय होता ह तो

यह उमीद क7 जाती ह 9क वह मण सघ क 1सqात का पaरचायक बनकर

रह और साथ ह) अपन गजन स ाnत kयि8तपरक धा1मक 1श2ा का

अनसरण भी करता रह |

यह तभी सभव होगा जब मण सघ क 1सqात का मानक7करण करक एक

नधाaरत तर)क स उYहh द)2ाथV को समझाया जाय ता9क द)2ा क पव ह)

वह धा1मक lान क साथ इन 1सqात को भी आमसात कर सक| इस तरह

का 1श2ण सघ क सदय मh गटनरप2ता और वचाaरक सहमत बनाय

रखन मh सहायक 1सq होगा| अतः हम इस कार क 4शtण कायम क

बनाय जान का ताव रखना चाहत हw | इसस मण सघ क7 1श2ा सामpी

और 1सqात का मानक7करण हो सकगा | मलतः यह 1श2ण कायyenम पव-

नधाaरत एव सीमाबq तर)क स सचा1लत होगा ता9क सभी सदय क मय

1श2ण सामpी और Dिटकोण सदव समान रहh |


इस ताव को साकार करन क 1लए नन1लSखत तर)क अपनाय जा सकत हs

a) -मण सघ क2 कA z6य स4मत - िजसम आचाय यवाचाय और वतक

शा4मल हग - वारा दशभर मA चार मय 4शtण कA z थापत

Lकय जाए जहा न+न4लखीत मलभत 4शtण दान Lकया जाएगा |

b) कA z6य स4मत 4शtण का ाMप और सामी तयार करन का िज+मा

कछ स+माननीय साध-सािवय को सप सकत हw िजgtहA -मण सघ

वारा अनमोGदत Lकया गया हो |

c) कA z6य स4मत वारा आतZरक (जरत पड़न पर बाहर6 भी) 4शtक

क2 पहचान और नयित क2 जानी चाGहए | यह 4शtक नधाZरत

सामी क अनसार 4शtण दान करAग |

उपरो8त आवWयकताओ को यान मh रखत हए नन कार क 1श2ण

मॉडयल बनाय जा सकत हs | उनक ायोिजत लाभ भी यहा दए गए हs

a) मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) वतमान मh द)2ा क पव साध-सािवय वारा द)2ाथय को

एक तय अवध क अतगत 1श2ण दया जाता ह 9कYत यह 9कसी

नधाaरत ाeप मh नह) होता ह| यह कारण ह 9क कड़ 1श2ण और

गहराई स दान क7 गयी 1श2ा क बावजद भी तi क भीतर ह) द)2ा लन

क7 वध मh असमानताए पायी गयी हs| 1श2ण को सवाह) बनान और

एकeपी 1श2ण सामpी क अभाव स जYमी असमानताओ को 1मटान क

1लए सघ को कh y)य तर पर एक मलभत साध-सािव 1श2ण कायyenम को शी पिYवत करना चाहए | इस 1श2ण कायyenम क अतगत

द)2ाथV मल धा1मक और सधािYतक 1श2ा ाnत कर सकh ग | इस

1श2ण कायyenम मh कछ हद तक लचीलापन भी होना चाहए ता9क साध-सािवय क नजी अनभव और lान को भी समाहत 9कया जा सक |


इस मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) क2 कायणाल6 न+न4लखीत पIत नसार कायािgtवत क2 जा

सकती ह |

bull मण सघ वारा इस नग का Sylabus तय कर लना चाहए | उसक7

9कताब एव training modul तयार करक एक training kit बनाना

चाहए |

bull यह training kit guidelines क साथ सभी साध-सिवओको वतaरत

करना चाहए | िजसका उपयोग कर 1श2ओ को एकeपी 1श2ा दान

कर सकh |

bull आज िजस तरह साध-सािव अपन 1शय को द)2ा क पहल training दत

ह उसी तरह यहास आग भी वो अपन 1शय को खदह) training दhग |

ल9कन यह training training kit क guidelines स दया जायगा |

bull इस training kit क7 मदद स साध-सावी द)2ा क 1लए 1श2ण दत

समय नधाaरत मापदड क अनसार सपण और सरचत 1श2ा द सकh ग |

bull इस कायyenम क वारा यक द)2ाथV क7 नजी 2मता समझ एव

इvछाशि8त का भी आकलन 9कया जा सकगा | इसस मण सघ को उस

kयि8त क7 2मताओ का सह) उपयोग सघ क कायm मh करन मh मदद

1मलगी |

b) नए सदय हत -मण सघ का अ4भवgtयास 4शtण (Shraman

Sangh Orientation training for new members)मण सघ क

सभी सदय वारा एक समान आचार सहता का अनपालन 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह और इसक 1लए यक सदय को सघ क Dिटकोण

वचार 1सqात कायशल) और लgय स भल)भात पaरचत होना

आवWयक ह | यह 1श2ण कायyenम सभी नए सदय को उपरो8त बात

स पaरचत करन क साथ ह) सभी सदय को समान उjWWय स बाधन


का काय करगा | इस कायyenम क7 अवध छः मह)न क7 हो सकती ह

और इस मzय 1श2ण कh y स 1श2त 1श2क वारा ह) चलाया जाना

चाहए |

अ4भवgtयास 4शtण स न+न लाभ हग

bull इसस सघ क सभी सदय क इराद और काय सगठत हग और एकह)

लgय पर किYyत गतवधया भी हगी |

bull इसस मतभद और अलगाव क मामल भी कम हो सकh ग |

उपरो8त दोन (a) तथा (b) 1श2ण ाnत करन क उपरात ह) 1श2 को

द)2ा दान क7 जाएगी |

c) मौजदा साध-सािवय का -मण सघ अ4भवgtयास 4शtण

(Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing

SadhuSadhavis)मण सघ वारा लघ अवध क kयापक

अ1भवYयास 1श2ण कायyenम 1श2त 1श2क वारा दशभर मh मौजद

साध-सािवय क समह क 1लए भी बनाय जान चाहए | इसस साध-

सािवय क अधकाधक समह मण सघ क मल Dिटकोण और 1सqात

स पaरचत हो सकh ग |

d) वषयक 4शtण (Subject trainings)जन धम स सबधत

व1भYन वषय पर सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत और जड़ हए साध-सािवय

को अपनी वीणताक आधार पर 1भYन कार क 1श2ण कायyenम तयार

करन चाहए | उदहारण क तौर परयान वया पर 1श2ण कायyenम

जन बालकबा1लकाओ क 1लए सकार 1श2ा एव जन धम क आधारभत

1सqात जस 9क अहसा अपaरpह और अनकावाद पर वषयगत 1श2ण

िजसका लाभ सामाYय जन नागaरक भी ल सकh | इसक वारा जनय मh

समता अहसा शात पश सर2ा 1श2ा एव वाnotय क महव पर

जागeकता उपYन क7 जा सकगी |


इन वशष 4शtण कायम स यह लाभ हग

bull गभीर सामािजक श2Sणक और मानवीय मसल पर कशल साध-सावी

सामाYय जन को सबोधत कर सकh ग |

bull साध-सािवय क lान और अनभव का उचत लाभ और सहयोग मण

सघ क Dिटकोण और 1सqात क चार हत 1मल सकगा |

e) साधक-सा[धका चारक 4शtण (Training for sadhak-sadhika

Pracharak) सघ क कh y)य तर पर साधक-साधका चारक क

1लए एक 1श2ण कायyenम बनाया जाना चाहए | यह 1श2ण उYहh

मzय कYy क मायम स दया जाना चाहए िजसस व सघ क

Dिटकोण एव लgय स पaरचत होकर अपन उचत और नधाaरत

कतkय का पालन सह) ढग स कर सकh | इस 1श2ण कायकरण स

साधक-साधका चारको क7 कायशल) अप2ाओ एव कतkय मh

एकeपता बनी रहगी | साथ ह) व पण पारद1शता स अपन कतkय का

नवाह कर सकh ग |

साधक-साधका चारक इस कड़ी का नमाण होन क बाद एव इनक7

समाचार) को अतम eप दन क बाद यह साधक-साधका चारक 1श2ण

(Training for sadhak-sadhika Pracharak) पाmacrयyenम तयार 9कया

जाना चाहए |


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 6: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


3 वयमान उपलFध साGहय मA अ4भवIी करन का जन वरासत

उसका काय और गत कई वषK मA Lकए गए अनसgtधान को सचाM

ाMप मA लNखत करन का लOय रखA और उसक पPचात य

दतावज व4भgtन मच स बाहर6 दनया को Gदखाए | रा 6य

अतरा 6य workshops स4मनास एव अgtय मचका उपयोग कर

जन 4सधाgtतको दश और दनीया क सामन लाया जाए इस X ट6

स क4मट6 क2 थापना |

4 जन धम जन सथाओ का तथा समदाय क काय क बार मA

जानकार6 साZरत करन क 4लए अ[धकत वता क Mप मA कछ

[गन - चन महवपण सदय को नयत करA |

5 सय पZरिथत मA १३०० साध-सािवय मA काफ2 लोगोन

Graduation Post graduation एव Doctorates क2 पदवया हा4सल

क2 ह | इस Zरसोस का हमन परा लाभ लना आवPयक ह | इनमस

कछ लोग का Think Tank बनाकर इस वषय को Movement क2

तरह चलाना आवPयक ह |

6 दश मA Gहसाचार अयाचार बलाकार c टाचार क2 घटनाय

लगातार बढ़ती जा रह6 ह | इस वषय पर दरदशन क कई चनeस

पर घटो घटो बहस होती ह | अGहसा क पजार6 रहनवाल हमार कई

ववान साध-सािव इन सब वषयपर लगातार बहस मA Gहसा

लकर पण भारत वष क समाज पर अपना भाव डाल सकत ह |

इसमA धम और समाज दोनोक2 भी बड़ी सवा होती ह | इस बात

को इस स+मलन मA काफ2 गभीरतास लना आवPयक ह |


य शeआती 9कYत महवपण कदम इस मवमYट क बार मh जागत नमाण

करन क तथा भगवान महावीर का सYदश फलान क काय मh बहत उपय8त

1सq हो सकत हs य यास पर वWव मh जनय क7 पहचान बनान का काय

करhग वWव मh जनय का योगदान अधक सzया मh लोग वारा और

अधक गहराई स वीकारा जाएगा इसीस अपन समदाय स पर जा कर

मानवता क7 सवा करना चाहनवाल जनी तथा जन सथाओ क 1लए अनक

अवसर खल जाएग यह सह) मायन म भगवान महावीर वारा बताए माग

पर चलना 1सq होगा और जनय को जन धम क अनचर क यथोचत eप

स मनयमाi तथा मानवता क7 सवा करन 1लए वय को समपत करन का

अवसर ाnत होगा


-मण सघ - नई पढ6 नई सोच नई Gदशा

जन धम क व1भYन सदाय क आदरणीय एव ववान साध-सािवय न

साथ 1मलकर मण सघ का गठन 9कया | यह 1950 क दशक क7 अत महवपण

घटनाओ मh स एक थी | यह सगम उन सभी साध-सािवय का एक सगठत यास था

िजसक वारा व जन धम क 1सqात का चार कर वWव मh शािYत और सदभाव क7

थापना करना चाहत थ | दश क इतहास मh जन सघ का यह यास अभतपव था |

पछल 65 वषm क अपन इतहास मh मण सघ न अपनी Dढ़ता और समपण वारा

अनक वपर)त पaरिथतय मh समाज क हत हत अपन अितव क7 र2ा क7 ह |

कई साध-सािवय मh वचाaरक मतभद क7 िथतया भी उपYन हई हs | इस कार क7

कई अवाछत घटनाए समय-समय पर सघ क अितव और मल उjWWय क 1लए

खतरा बनकर उभर) हs | इन सबक बावजद जन धम क7 मजबत सqातक बनयाद क

कारण सघ न इन सभी आतaरक मतभद एव बदलत समय क7 चनौतय स ऊपर

उठकर अपना अितव कायम रखा और अपनी नीव को कभी भावत नह) होन दया |

आज इस सघ मh 1300 ववान उvच1श2त और lानी साध-सािवया हs जो जन

समाज क 1सqात क पaरचायक हs | यह निWचत eप स गव क7 बात ह | 9कYत

समय-समय पर उपYन होन वाल मतभद और मनमटाव न सभी क मन मh यह सशय

उपYन 9कया ह क7 ऐस मसल सघ क मल अितव क 1लए खतरा पदा कर सकत हs |

इसस पहल क7 यह बचन करन वाल सकत वशाल समया का eप धारण करh हमh हर

एक जनी क मन स इन नकारामक शि8तय को 1मटाना होगा|अब समय आ गया ह

9क सभी साध-सािव यह ठान लh क7 व सपण इमानदार) एव नठा क साथ सघ मh

परा वWवास रखत हए इसक मल 1सqात का चार करन मh सहयोगी एव सहभागी

हग |

आज हम एक ऐस चौराह पर खड़ हs जहा स 9कय गए माग का चनाव ह) सघ क भवय

को नधाaरत करगा |अतः २८ वषm क लब अतराल क बाद आयोिजत 9कया गया यह

समलन सघ क7 सरचना क7 सर2ा क7 ओर 1लया गया महवपण कदम ह |यह


समलन सvच मन स 9कया गया वह यास होना चाहए जो सभी साध-सािवय मh

वचार क7 एकता उपYन कर सघ क एकमत Dिटकोण को सामन ला सक और सभी

क वारा इस आमसात 9कया जा सक| सघ क7 कशलता क 1लए जर) ह क7 सभी

साध-सािव Dढनठा स सकप लत हए उन लgय और 1सqात को अपनाए

िजनको सघ का समथन ाnत ह |जब तक सभी साध-सािव समान वचार और कथन

को धारण नह) करत सघ क7 एकता को बनाय रखना दन-ब-दन कठन होता जाएगा |

यह बदलाव लान क 1लए सघ को अपन वचारो मh कई महवपण और kयापक

बदलाव लान हग | इन बदलाव क 1लए सभी सदय क7 सहमती आवWयक ह एव यह

भी आवWयक ह क7 सदय बड़ पमान पर सघ क7 जन समाज क7 और जन 1सqात क7

र2ा और चार क बार मh सोचh |

इस चनौतीपण पठभ1म क आधार पर सघ क7 कायशल) मh हम कछ बदलाव

ितवत कर रह हs और इसका मzय उjWय सघ क7 सरचना को आतaरक मजबती

दान करना ह | इस हत नन ताव हs

bull सघ क Xि टकोण क बार मA एक वतत दतावज ३-४ मह6न क2 अव[ध

मA बनाया जाकर तत Lकया जाना चाGहए | यह दतावज आचायK

यवाचायK एव वतक वारा 4मलकर बनाया जाना चाGहए यह दतावज

बनान कल6य बाहर6 ोफशनलस क2 मदद ल6 जा सती ह |

bull इस दतावज मA न+न4लNखत बातA शा4मल होनी चाGहए

bull सघ का तवjान (Philosophy) Xि टकोण (Vision) लOय (Mission)

उkPय और वशष काय (Aims amp Objectives)

bull सघ क यक महवपण ओहद एव थान स स+ब[धत भ4मका

िज+मदार6 और कायकाल का ववरण


bull सघ क यक सदय क 4लए आचार-सGहता

bull सघ क भव य क2 सभी योजनायA एव पव-नधाZरत लOय सभी लघ-

काल6न एव द6घ-काल6न योजनायA

bull सघ क महवपण आयोजन जस Lक चातमास एव साध-सावी स+मलन

क 4लए Gदशा-नदlश| चातमास क आयोजन क 4लए सघ क पदा[धकाZरय

को -ावक सघ एव जन काmA स क सदय स सलाह लकर Gदशा-नदlश

नधाZरत करन हग |

bull सघ क2 Lयाए एव 4शकायत नवारण णाल6

bull दरदशn Xि टकोण का यह दतावज सघ क सभी सदय को उपलFध

कराया जाना चाGहए िजसस Lक सभी क आचरण और लOय मA समानता

और एकMपता बनी रह

bull आचायK क 4लए कायकाल 15 वषK का हो और उनक2 आय 70 स अ[धक

ना हो |यह इस4लए आवPयक ह यLक 15 वषK क2 अव[ध उस ओहद क

oयित क 4लए सघ नमाण हत लOय नधारण और उन लOय क

न पादन हत काफ2 ह | कायकाल नधारण स यवा नताओ को भी नयी

सोच क साथ सघ को गतशील बनान का मौका 4मल सकगा |आय सीमा

क नधारण स बढती उq स उपgtन वाय स+बgtधी समयाओ स

सघ क काय भावत नह6 हग |


bull 15 वषK क कायकाल क पPचात आचायK को महा-आचाय या गणा[धपत

का थान ाrत होगा िजसक तहत व सघ क दनक कायK स नवत होत

हए भी और अ[धक स+मानीय और उsच पद पर वराजमान हग |

सभी वतकवात नय उपायाओ एव सचव क 1लए 5 वषm का

कायकाल नधाaरत 9कया जाना चाहए |यह आवWयक ह 8य9क पाच वष

का समय 9कसी kयि8त क 1लए सभी सभावनाओ को खोजन और अपनी

काय2मता क अनसार सघ क हत मh उYहh कायािYवत करन क 1लए

काफ7 ह |

हर पाच वष मh अSखल भारतीय साध-सावी समलन का आयोजन होना

चाहए | इसस सभी साध-सािवय को एक मच ाnत होगा जहा व साथ

1मलकर खल सवाद वारा बहत कछ 1सखन क साथ ह) अपन अनभव भी

बाट सकत हs | इन सवाद क वारा सघ क7 गत क 1लए और

आवWयक सधार क 1लए नणय 1लए जा सकh ग | समलन क आयोजन

स यक पाच वषm मh नए पदाधकाaरय क7 नयि8त क7 घोषणा भी क7

जा सकगी |इसस यह भी सनिWचत होगा क7 एक आचाय अपन कायकाल

मh अपन नतव और मागदशन मh ३ समलन मh हसा ल सकh ग |

यह Dिटकोण दतावज भवय मh सYदभ क eप मh सघ क नए सदय क 1लए

उYमखीकरण 1श2ण मोयल तयार करन मh मददगार 1सq हग |इस कार

सघ को 1श2त एव कायशील साध-सावी 1मल सकh ग |


कायm क7 समी2ा एव षण क 1लए भी एक नयी णाल) क7 आवWयकता

ह | पदाधकार) एक चौमासी षण व समी2ा णाल) तय कर सकत हs

िजसक वारा व आचायm को पव नधाaरत ाeप मh aरपोट द सकh | यह

aरपोट बहआयामी होनी चाहए िजसम सभी योजनाओ क7 वात-िथत

लgय ािnत एव चनौतय को शा1मल 9कया गया हो |आचाय को यह

सनिWचत करना होगा क7 उनक और सघ क सभी सदय क बीच एक

बतर सवाद क7 थापना हो सक | लgयपत और व1भYन कायm क7

माग क अनसार आचाय को समय-समय पर सदय क 1लए दशा-नदश

जार) करन हग |

एक द2 और भावी 1शकायत नवारण णाल) (Grievance Redressal

system) क7 थापना करक सघ को उस अपनाना चाहए | चौमासी

aरपोट स उपYन सभी समयाओ को दज 9कया जाना चाहए और इनक

नवारण हत उपय8त तर)क क7 पहचान होनी चाहए और उनक7 गभीरता

भापकर उनक नवारण होना चाहए | सभी छोट) समयाओ (िजनक7

साफ़ पaरभाषा Dिटकोण दतावज मh 1लSखत हो) का नवारण वतक

वारा 9कया जाना चाहए | गभीर और नाजक मामल मh (गभीर और

नाजक समयाओ क7 साफ़ पaरभाषा दतावज मh 1लSखत होनी चाहए)

आचायm को नराकरण करना चाहए | सभी छोट या बड़ ववाद

अधकतम एक मह)न क7 अवध मh सलझा दया जान चाहए |


आचाय वारा एक ऐसी स1मत का गठन 9कया जाना चाहए जो जन

समदाय वारा रानमाण और दश क हत मh मानवतापण कायm मh

योगदान दन क तर)क क7 ववचना कर सकh |

हर साध-सािवय वारा 9कसी न 9कसी गाव शहर मh चातमास होत ह)

ह| कछ जगह पर ावक वारा तो कछ जगह पर साध-सतो क कहनपर

अनाप-शनाप खचा 9कया जा रहा ह | इस बात को काफ7 गभीरतास

सोचकर चातमास कस हो उसम नमiण प_iकाए पोटस Banners

Advertisements मडप इयाद वषयपर एक Comprehensive

guidelines को बनाना अयत आवWयक ह| इसमh चातमास क साथ साथ

द)2ा एव साध समलन इन कायyenम का भी समावश होना चाहए |

काफ7 साध-सतक समह मh एक मख साध एव सािवयक साथ ३-४ स

लकर १०-१२ तक अYय साध एव सािवया रहती ह | खास करक यह पर

समह मh स १-२ लोग Most Active दखाई दत ह | अYय साध-सािव

भी काफ7 भावशाल) पढ़ 1लख एव active होत ह | इस महवपण

resource का मzय वाह मh ववध वषयक ऊपर उपयोग कस करक

ल इस Dिट स इस document मh हर जगह पर Action Plan मौजद ह |


साध-सावी 4शtण हत काययोजना

-मण सघ जन Pवता+बर सदाय क बीच जन धम क 4सIात का बहतर

चार करन क 4लए अितव मA आया ह | पछल कई वषK स यह सघ हमार

साध-सािवय क मडल मA जन धम क मख उuयPय को बढ़ावा दता रहा ह |

इन सभी बात का सार यह) ह 9क मण सघ क Dिटकोण मzय सYदश

वचार और उjWWय सपण सघ मh एकeपता स सचाaरत ह | सघ क

1सqात का समानता स सभी सदय तक पहचना और उनक वारा एक eप

मh pहण 9कया जाना सघ क अितव हत अत-आवWयक ह 8य9क य सभी

सदय एक बड़ अनyenम का हसा हs |

सघ क तकाल)न समाननीय सदय क मागदशन मh द)2ा लन क उपरात

जब 9कसी kयि8त का गणीजन क7 पवi सगत स थम पaरचय होता ह तो

यह उमीद क7 जाती ह 9क वह मण सघ क 1सqात का पaरचायक बनकर

रह और साथ ह) अपन गजन स ाnत kयि8तपरक धा1मक 1श2ा का

अनसरण भी करता रह |

यह तभी सभव होगा जब मण सघ क 1सqात का मानक7करण करक एक

नधाaरत तर)क स उYहh द)2ाथV को समझाया जाय ता9क द)2ा क पव ह)

वह धा1मक lान क साथ इन 1सqात को भी आमसात कर सक| इस तरह

का 1श2ण सघ क सदय मh गटनरप2ता और वचाaरक सहमत बनाय

रखन मh सहायक 1सq होगा| अतः हम इस कार क 4शtण कायम क

बनाय जान का ताव रखना चाहत हw | इसस मण सघ क7 1श2ा सामpी

और 1सqात का मानक7करण हो सकगा | मलतः यह 1श2ण कायyenम पव-

नधाaरत एव सीमाबq तर)क स सचा1लत होगा ता9क सभी सदय क मय

1श2ण सामpी और Dिटकोण सदव समान रहh |


इस ताव को साकार करन क 1लए नन1लSखत तर)क अपनाय जा सकत हs

a) -मण सघ क2 कA z6य स4मत - िजसम आचाय यवाचाय और वतक

शा4मल हग - वारा दशभर मA चार मय 4शtण कA z थापत

Lकय जाए जहा न+न4लखीत मलभत 4शtण दान Lकया जाएगा |

b) कA z6य स4मत 4शtण का ाMप और सामी तयार करन का िज+मा

कछ स+माननीय साध-सािवय को सप सकत हw िजgtहA -मण सघ

वारा अनमोGदत Lकया गया हो |

c) कA z6य स4मत वारा आतZरक (जरत पड़न पर बाहर6 भी) 4शtक

क2 पहचान और नयित क2 जानी चाGहए | यह 4शtक नधाZरत

सामी क अनसार 4शtण दान करAग |

उपरो8त आवWयकताओ को यान मh रखत हए नन कार क 1श2ण

मॉडयल बनाय जा सकत हs | उनक ायोिजत लाभ भी यहा दए गए हs

a) मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) वतमान मh द)2ा क पव साध-सािवय वारा द)2ाथय को

एक तय अवध क अतगत 1श2ण दया जाता ह 9कYत यह 9कसी

नधाaरत ाeप मh नह) होता ह| यह कारण ह 9क कड़ 1श2ण और

गहराई स दान क7 गयी 1श2ा क बावजद भी तi क भीतर ह) द)2ा लन

क7 वध मh असमानताए पायी गयी हs| 1श2ण को सवाह) बनान और

एकeपी 1श2ण सामpी क अभाव स जYमी असमानताओ को 1मटान क

1लए सघ को कh y)य तर पर एक मलभत साध-सािव 1श2ण कायyenम को शी पिYवत करना चाहए | इस 1श2ण कायyenम क अतगत

द)2ाथV मल धा1मक और सधािYतक 1श2ा ाnत कर सकh ग | इस

1श2ण कायyenम मh कछ हद तक लचीलापन भी होना चाहए ता9क साध-सािवय क नजी अनभव और lान को भी समाहत 9कया जा सक |


इस मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) क2 कायणाल6 न+न4लखीत पIत नसार कायािgtवत क2 जा

सकती ह |

bull मण सघ वारा इस नग का Sylabus तय कर लना चाहए | उसक7

9कताब एव training modul तयार करक एक training kit बनाना

चाहए |

bull यह training kit guidelines क साथ सभी साध-सिवओको वतaरत

करना चाहए | िजसका उपयोग कर 1श2ओ को एकeपी 1श2ा दान

कर सकh |

bull आज िजस तरह साध-सािव अपन 1शय को द)2ा क पहल training दत

ह उसी तरह यहास आग भी वो अपन 1शय को खदह) training दhग |

ल9कन यह training training kit क guidelines स दया जायगा |

bull इस training kit क7 मदद स साध-सावी द)2ा क 1लए 1श2ण दत

समय नधाaरत मापदड क अनसार सपण और सरचत 1श2ा द सकh ग |

bull इस कायyenम क वारा यक द)2ाथV क7 नजी 2मता समझ एव

इvछाशि8त का भी आकलन 9कया जा सकगा | इसस मण सघ को उस

kयि8त क7 2मताओ का सह) उपयोग सघ क कायm मh करन मh मदद

1मलगी |

b) नए सदय हत -मण सघ का अ4भवgtयास 4शtण (Shraman

Sangh Orientation training for new members)मण सघ क

सभी सदय वारा एक समान आचार सहता का अनपालन 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह और इसक 1लए यक सदय को सघ क Dिटकोण

वचार 1सqात कायशल) और लgय स भल)भात पaरचत होना

आवWयक ह | यह 1श2ण कायyenम सभी नए सदय को उपरो8त बात

स पaरचत करन क साथ ह) सभी सदय को समान उjWWय स बाधन


का काय करगा | इस कायyenम क7 अवध छः मह)न क7 हो सकती ह

और इस मzय 1श2ण कh y स 1श2त 1श2क वारा ह) चलाया जाना

चाहए |

अ4भवgtयास 4शtण स न+न लाभ हग

bull इसस सघ क सभी सदय क इराद और काय सगठत हग और एकह)

लgय पर किYyत गतवधया भी हगी |

bull इसस मतभद और अलगाव क मामल भी कम हो सकh ग |

उपरो8त दोन (a) तथा (b) 1श2ण ाnत करन क उपरात ह) 1श2 को

द)2ा दान क7 जाएगी |

c) मौजदा साध-सािवय का -मण सघ अ4भवgtयास 4शtण

(Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing

SadhuSadhavis)मण सघ वारा लघ अवध क kयापक

अ1भवYयास 1श2ण कायyenम 1श2त 1श2क वारा दशभर मh मौजद

साध-सािवय क समह क 1लए भी बनाय जान चाहए | इसस साध-

सािवय क अधकाधक समह मण सघ क मल Dिटकोण और 1सqात

स पaरचत हो सकh ग |

d) वषयक 4शtण (Subject trainings)जन धम स सबधत

व1भYन वषय पर सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत और जड़ हए साध-सािवय

को अपनी वीणताक आधार पर 1भYन कार क 1श2ण कायyenम तयार

करन चाहए | उदहारण क तौर परयान वया पर 1श2ण कायyenम

जन बालकबा1लकाओ क 1लए सकार 1श2ा एव जन धम क आधारभत

1सqात जस 9क अहसा अपaरpह और अनकावाद पर वषयगत 1श2ण

िजसका लाभ सामाYय जन नागaरक भी ल सकh | इसक वारा जनय मh

समता अहसा शात पश सर2ा 1श2ा एव वाnotय क महव पर

जागeकता उपYन क7 जा सकगी |


इन वशष 4शtण कायम स यह लाभ हग

bull गभीर सामािजक श2Sणक और मानवीय मसल पर कशल साध-सावी

सामाYय जन को सबोधत कर सकh ग |

bull साध-सािवय क lान और अनभव का उचत लाभ और सहयोग मण

सघ क Dिटकोण और 1सqात क चार हत 1मल सकगा |

e) साधक-सा[धका चारक 4शtण (Training for sadhak-sadhika

Pracharak) सघ क कh y)य तर पर साधक-साधका चारक क

1लए एक 1श2ण कायyenम बनाया जाना चाहए | यह 1श2ण उYहh

मzय कYy क मायम स दया जाना चाहए िजसस व सघ क

Dिटकोण एव लgय स पaरचत होकर अपन उचत और नधाaरत

कतkय का पालन सह) ढग स कर सकh | इस 1श2ण कायकरण स

साधक-साधका चारको क7 कायशल) अप2ाओ एव कतkय मh

एकeपता बनी रहगी | साथ ह) व पण पारद1शता स अपन कतkय का

नवाह कर सकh ग |

साधक-साधका चारक इस कड़ी का नमाण होन क बाद एव इनक7

समाचार) को अतम eप दन क बाद यह साधक-साधका चारक 1श2ण

(Training for sadhak-sadhika Pracharak) पाmacrयyenम तयार 9कया

जाना चाहए |


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 7: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


य शeआती 9कYत महवपण कदम इस मवमYट क बार मh जागत नमाण

करन क तथा भगवान महावीर का सYदश फलान क काय मh बहत उपय8त

1सq हो सकत हs य यास पर वWव मh जनय क7 पहचान बनान का काय

करhग वWव मh जनय का योगदान अधक सzया मh लोग वारा और

अधक गहराई स वीकारा जाएगा इसीस अपन समदाय स पर जा कर

मानवता क7 सवा करना चाहनवाल जनी तथा जन सथाओ क 1लए अनक

अवसर खल जाएग यह सह) मायन म भगवान महावीर वारा बताए माग

पर चलना 1सq होगा और जनय को जन धम क अनचर क यथोचत eप

स मनयमाi तथा मानवता क7 सवा करन 1लए वय को समपत करन का

अवसर ाnत होगा


-मण सघ - नई पढ6 नई सोच नई Gदशा

जन धम क व1भYन सदाय क आदरणीय एव ववान साध-सािवय न

साथ 1मलकर मण सघ का गठन 9कया | यह 1950 क दशक क7 अत महवपण

घटनाओ मh स एक थी | यह सगम उन सभी साध-सािवय का एक सगठत यास था

िजसक वारा व जन धम क 1सqात का चार कर वWव मh शािYत और सदभाव क7

थापना करना चाहत थ | दश क इतहास मh जन सघ का यह यास अभतपव था |

पछल 65 वषm क अपन इतहास मh मण सघ न अपनी Dढ़ता और समपण वारा

अनक वपर)त पaरिथतय मh समाज क हत हत अपन अितव क7 र2ा क7 ह |

कई साध-सािवय मh वचाaरक मतभद क7 िथतया भी उपYन हई हs | इस कार क7

कई अवाछत घटनाए समय-समय पर सघ क अितव और मल उjWWय क 1लए

खतरा बनकर उभर) हs | इन सबक बावजद जन धम क7 मजबत सqातक बनयाद क

कारण सघ न इन सभी आतaरक मतभद एव बदलत समय क7 चनौतय स ऊपर

उठकर अपना अितव कायम रखा और अपनी नीव को कभी भावत नह) होन दया |

आज इस सघ मh 1300 ववान उvच1श2त और lानी साध-सािवया हs जो जन

समाज क 1सqात क पaरचायक हs | यह निWचत eप स गव क7 बात ह | 9कYत

समय-समय पर उपYन होन वाल मतभद और मनमटाव न सभी क मन मh यह सशय

उपYन 9कया ह क7 ऐस मसल सघ क मल अितव क 1लए खतरा पदा कर सकत हs |

इसस पहल क7 यह बचन करन वाल सकत वशाल समया का eप धारण करh हमh हर

एक जनी क मन स इन नकारामक शि8तय को 1मटाना होगा|अब समय आ गया ह

9क सभी साध-सािव यह ठान लh क7 व सपण इमानदार) एव नठा क साथ सघ मh

परा वWवास रखत हए इसक मल 1सqात का चार करन मh सहयोगी एव सहभागी

हग |

आज हम एक ऐस चौराह पर खड़ हs जहा स 9कय गए माग का चनाव ह) सघ क भवय

को नधाaरत करगा |अतः २८ वषm क लब अतराल क बाद आयोिजत 9कया गया यह

समलन सघ क7 सरचना क7 सर2ा क7 ओर 1लया गया महवपण कदम ह |यह


समलन सvच मन स 9कया गया वह यास होना चाहए जो सभी साध-सािवय मh

वचार क7 एकता उपYन कर सघ क एकमत Dिटकोण को सामन ला सक और सभी

क वारा इस आमसात 9कया जा सक| सघ क7 कशलता क 1लए जर) ह क7 सभी

साध-सािव Dढनठा स सकप लत हए उन लgय और 1सqात को अपनाए

िजनको सघ का समथन ाnत ह |जब तक सभी साध-सािव समान वचार और कथन

को धारण नह) करत सघ क7 एकता को बनाय रखना दन-ब-दन कठन होता जाएगा |

यह बदलाव लान क 1लए सघ को अपन वचारो मh कई महवपण और kयापक

बदलाव लान हग | इन बदलाव क 1लए सभी सदय क7 सहमती आवWयक ह एव यह

भी आवWयक ह क7 सदय बड़ पमान पर सघ क7 जन समाज क7 और जन 1सqात क7

र2ा और चार क बार मh सोचh |

इस चनौतीपण पठभ1म क आधार पर सघ क7 कायशल) मh हम कछ बदलाव

ितवत कर रह हs और इसका मzय उjWय सघ क7 सरचना को आतaरक मजबती

दान करना ह | इस हत नन ताव हs

bull सघ क Xि टकोण क बार मA एक वतत दतावज ३-४ मह6न क2 अव[ध

मA बनाया जाकर तत Lकया जाना चाGहए | यह दतावज आचायK

यवाचायK एव वतक वारा 4मलकर बनाया जाना चाGहए यह दतावज

बनान कल6य बाहर6 ोफशनलस क2 मदद ल6 जा सती ह |

bull इस दतावज मA न+न4लNखत बातA शा4मल होनी चाGहए

bull सघ का तवjान (Philosophy) Xि टकोण (Vision) लOय (Mission)

उkPय और वशष काय (Aims amp Objectives)

bull सघ क यक महवपण ओहद एव थान स स+ब[धत भ4मका

िज+मदार6 और कायकाल का ववरण


bull सघ क यक सदय क 4लए आचार-सGहता

bull सघ क भव य क2 सभी योजनायA एव पव-नधाZरत लOय सभी लघ-

काल6न एव द6घ-काल6न योजनायA

bull सघ क महवपण आयोजन जस Lक चातमास एव साध-सावी स+मलन

क 4लए Gदशा-नदlश| चातमास क आयोजन क 4लए सघ क पदा[धकाZरय

को -ावक सघ एव जन काmA स क सदय स सलाह लकर Gदशा-नदlश

नधाZरत करन हग |

bull सघ क2 Lयाए एव 4शकायत नवारण णाल6

bull दरदशn Xि टकोण का यह दतावज सघ क सभी सदय को उपलFध

कराया जाना चाGहए िजसस Lक सभी क आचरण और लOय मA समानता

और एकMपता बनी रह

bull आचायK क 4लए कायकाल 15 वषK का हो और उनक2 आय 70 स अ[धक

ना हो |यह इस4लए आवPयक ह यLक 15 वषK क2 अव[ध उस ओहद क

oयित क 4लए सघ नमाण हत लOय नधारण और उन लOय क

न पादन हत काफ2 ह | कायकाल नधारण स यवा नताओ को भी नयी

सोच क साथ सघ को गतशील बनान का मौका 4मल सकगा |आय सीमा

क नधारण स बढती उq स उपgtन वाय स+बgtधी समयाओ स

सघ क काय भावत नह6 हग |


bull 15 वषK क कायकाल क पPचात आचायK को महा-आचाय या गणा[धपत

का थान ाrत होगा िजसक तहत व सघ क दनक कायK स नवत होत

हए भी और अ[धक स+मानीय और उsच पद पर वराजमान हग |

सभी वतकवात नय उपायाओ एव सचव क 1लए 5 वषm का

कायकाल नधाaरत 9कया जाना चाहए |यह आवWयक ह 8य9क पाच वष

का समय 9कसी kयि8त क 1लए सभी सभावनाओ को खोजन और अपनी

काय2मता क अनसार सघ क हत मh उYहh कायािYवत करन क 1लए

काफ7 ह |

हर पाच वष मh अSखल भारतीय साध-सावी समलन का आयोजन होना

चाहए | इसस सभी साध-सािवय को एक मच ाnत होगा जहा व साथ

1मलकर खल सवाद वारा बहत कछ 1सखन क साथ ह) अपन अनभव भी

बाट सकत हs | इन सवाद क वारा सघ क7 गत क 1लए और

आवWयक सधार क 1लए नणय 1लए जा सकh ग | समलन क आयोजन

स यक पाच वषm मh नए पदाधकाaरय क7 नयि8त क7 घोषणा भी क7

जा सकगी |इसस यह भी सनिWचत होगा क7 एक आचाय अपन कायकाल

मh अपन नतव और मागदशन मh ३ समलन मh हसा ल सकh ग |

यह Dिटकोण दतावज भवय मh सYदभ क eप मh सघ क नए सदय क 1लए

उYमखीकरण 1श2ण मोयल तयार करन मh मददगार 1सq हग |इस कार

सघ को 1श2त एव कायशील साध-सावी 1मल सकh ग |


कायm क7 समी2ा एव षण क 1लए भी एक नयी णाल) क7 आवWयकता

ह | पदाधकार) एक चौमासी षण व समी2ा णाल) तय कर सकत हs

िजसक वारा व आचायm को पव नधाaरत ाeप मh aरपोट द सकh | यह

aरपोट बहआयामी होनी चाहए िजसम सभी योजनाओ क7 वात-िथत

लgय ािnत एव चनौतय को शा1मल 9कया गया हो |आचाय को यह

सनिWचत करना होगा क7 उनक और सघ क सभी सदय क बीच एक

बतर सवाद क7 थापना हो सक | लgयपत और व1भYन कायm क7

माग क अनसार आचाय को समय-समय पर सदय क 1लए दशा-नदश

जार) करन हग |

एक द2 और भावी 1शकायत नवारण णाल) (Grievance Redressal

system) क7 थापना करक सघ को उस अपनाना चाहए | चौमासी

aरपोट स उपYन सभी समयाओ को दज 9कया जाना चाहए और इनक

नवारण हत उपय8त तर)क क7 पहचान होनी चाहए और उनक7 गभीरता

भापकर उनक नवारण होना चाहए | सभी छोट) समयाओ (िजनक7

साफ़ पaरभाषा Dिटकोण दतावज मh 1लSखत हो) का नवारण वतक

वारा 9कया जाना चाहए | गभीर और नाजक मामल मh (गभीर और

नाजक समयाओ क7 साफ़ पaरभाषा दतावज मh 1लSखत होनी चाहए)

आचायm को नराकरण करना चाहए | सभी छोट या बड़ ववाद

अधकतम एक मह)न क7 अवध मh सलझा दया जान चाहए |


आचाय वारा एक ऐसी स1मत का गठन 9कया जाना चाहए जो जन

समदाय वारा रानमाण और दश क हत मh मानवतापण कायm मh

योगदान दन क तर)क क7 ववचना कर सकh |

हर साध-सािवय वारा 9कसी न 9कसी गाव शहर मh चातमास होत ह)

ह| कछ जगह पर ावक वारा तो कछ जगह पर साध-सतो क कहनपर

अनाप-शनाप खचा 9कया जा रहा ह | इस बात को काफ7 गभीरतास

सोचकर चातमास कस हो उसम नमiण प_iकाए पोटस Banners

Advertisements मडप इयाद वषयपर एक Comprehensive

guidelines को बनाना अयत आवWयक ह| इसमh चातमास क साथ साथ

द)2ा एव साध समलन इन कायyenम का भी समावश होना चाहए |

काफ7 साध-सतक समह मh एक मख साध एव सािवयक साथ ३-४ स

लकर १०-१२ तक अYय साध एव सािवया रहती ह | खास करक यह पर

समह मh स १-२ लोग Most Active दखाई दत ह | अYय साध-सािव

भी काफ7 भावशाल) पढ़ 1लख एव active होत ह | इस महवपण

resource का मzय वाह मh ववध वषयक ऊपर उपयोग कस करक

ल इस Dिट स इस document मh हर जगह पर Action Plan मौजद ह |


साध-सावी 4शtण हत काययोजना

-मण सघ जन Pवता+बर सदाय क बीच जन धम क 4सIात का बहतर

चार करन क 4लए अितव मA आया ह | पछल कई वषK स यह सघ हमार

साध-सािवय क मडल मA जन धम क मख उuयPय को बढ़ावा दता रहा ह |

इन सभी बात का सार यह) ह 9क मण सघ क Dिटकोण मzय सYदश

वचार और उjWWय सपण सघ मh एकeपता स सचाaरत ह | सघ क

1सqात का समानता स सभी सदय तक पहचना और उनक वारा एक eप

मh pहण 9कया जाना सघ क अितव हत अत-आवWयक ह 8य9क य सभी

सदय एक बड़ अनyenम का हसा हs |

सघ क तकाल)न समाननीय सदय क मागदशन मh द)2ा लन क उपरात

जब 9कसी kयि8त का गणीजन क7 पवi सगत स थम पaरचय होता ह तो

यह उमीद क7 जाती ह 9क वह मण सघ क 1सqात का पaरचायक बनकर

रह और साथ ह) अपन गजन स ाnत kयि8तपरक धा1मक 1श2ा का

अनसरण भी करता रह |

यह तभी सभव होगा जब मण सघ क 1सqात का मानक7करण करक एक

नधाaरत तर)क स उYहh द)2ाथV को समझाया जाय ता9क द)2ा क पव ह)

वह धा1मक lान क साथ इन 1सqात को भी आमसात कर सक| इस तरह

का 1श2ण सघ क सदय मh गटनरप2ता और वचाaरक सहमत बनाय

रखन मh सहायक 1सq होगा| अतः हम इस कार क 4शtण कायम क

बनाय जान का ताव रखना चाहत हw | इसस मण सघ क7 1श2ा सामpी

और 1सqात का मानक7करण हो सकगा | मलतः यह 1श2ण कायyenम पव-

नधाaरत एव सीमाबq तर)क स सचा1लत होगा ता9क सभी सदय क मय

1श2ण सामpी और Dिटकोण सदव समान रहh |


इस ताव को साकार करन क 1लए नन1लSखत तर)क अपनाय जा सकत हs

a) -मण सघ क2 कA z6य स4मत - िजसम आचाय यवाचाय और वतक

शा4मल हग - वारा दशभर मA चार मय 4शtण कA z थापत

Lकय जाए जहा न+न4लखीत मलभत 4शtण दान Lकया जाएगा |

b) कA z6य स4मत 4शtण का ाMप और सामी तयार करन का िज+मा

कछ स+माननीय साध-सािवय को सप सकत हw िजgtहA -मण सघ

वारा अनमोGदत Lकया गया हो |

c) कA z6य स4मत वारा आतZरक (जरत पड़न पर बाहर6 भी) 4शtक

क2 पहचान और नयित क2 जानी चाGहए | यह 4शtक नधाZरत

सामी क अनसार 4शtण दान करAग |

उपरो8त आवWयकताओ को यान मh रखत हए नन कार क 1श2ण

मॉडयल बनाय जा सकत हs | उनक ायोिजत लाभ भी यहा दए गए हs

a) मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) वतमान मh द)2ा क पव साध-सािवय वारा द)2ाथय को

एक तय अवध क अतगत 1श2ण दया जाता ह 9कYत यह 9कसी

नधाaरत ाeप मh नह) होता ह| यह कारण ह 9क कड़ 1श2ण और

गहराई स दान क7 गयी 1श2ा क बावजद भी तi क भीतर ह) द)2ा लन

क7 वध मh असमानताए पायी गयी हs| 1श2ण को सवाह) बनान और

एकeपी 1श2ण सामpी क अभाव स जYमी असमानताओ को 1मटान क

1लए सघ को कh y)य तर पर एक मलभत साध-सािव 1श2ण कायyenम को शी पिYवत करना चाहए | इस 1श2ण कायyenम क अतगत

द)2ाथV मल धा1मक और सधािYतक 1श2ा ाnत कर सकh ग | इस

1श2ण कायyenम मh कछ हद तक लचीलापन भी होना चाहए ता9क साध-सािवय क नजी अनभव और lान को भी समाहत 9कया जा सक |


इस मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) क2 कायणाल6 न+न4लखीत पIत नसार कायािgtवत क2 जा

सकती ह |

bull मण सघ वारा इस नग का Sylabus तय कर लना चाहए | उसक7

9कताब एव training modul तयार करक एक training kit बनाना

चाहए |

bull यह training kit guidelines क साथ सभी साध-सिवओको वतaरत

करना चाहए | िजसका उपयोग कर 1श2ओ को एकeपी 1श2ा दान

कर सकh |

bull आज िजस तरह साध-सािव अपन 1शय को द)2ा क पहल training दत

ह उसी तरह यहास आग भी वो अपन 1शय को खदह) training दhग |

ल9कन यह training training kit क guidelines स दया जायगा |

bull इस training kit क7 मदद स साध-सावी द)2ा क 1लए 1श2ण दत

समय नधाaरत मापदड क अनसार सपण और सरचत 1श2ा द सकh ग |

bull इस कायyenम क वारा यक द)2ाथV क7 नजी 2मता समझ एव

इvछाशि8त का भी आकलन 9कया जा सकगा | इसस मण सघ को उस

kयि8त क7 2मताओ का सह) उपयोग सघ क कायm मh करन मh मदद

1मलगी |

b) नए सदय हत -मण सघ का अ4भवgtयास 4शtण (Shraman

Sangh Orientation training for new members)मण सघ क

सभी सदय वारा एक समान आचार सहता का अनपालन 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह और इसक 1लए यक सदय को सघ क Dिटकोण

वचार 1सqात कायशल) और लgय स भल)भात पaरचत होना

आवWयक ह | यह 1श2ण कायyenम सभी नए सदय को उपरो8त बात

स पaरचत करन क साथ ह) सभी सदय को समान उjWWय स बाधन


का काय करगा | इस कायyenम क7 अवध छः मह)न क7 हो सकती ह

और इस मzय 1श2ण कh y स 1श2त 1श2क वारा ह) चलाया जाना

चाहए |

अ4भवgtयास 4शtण स न+न लाभ हग

bull इसस सघ क सभी सदय क इराद और काय सगठत हग और एकह)

लgय पर किYyत गतवधया भी हगी |

bull इसस मतभद और अलगाव क मामल भी कम हो सकh ग |

उपरो8त दोन (a) तथा (b) 1श2ण ाnत करन क उपरात ह) 1श2 को

द)2ा दान क7 जाएगी |

c) मौजदा साध-सािवय का -मण सघ अ4भवgtयास 4शtण

(Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing

SadhuSadhavis)मण सघ वारा लघ अवध क kयापक

अ1भवYयास 1श2ण कायyenम 1श2त 1श2क वारा दशभर मh मौजद

साध-सािवय क समह क 1लए भी बनाय जान चाहए | इसस साध-

सािवय क अधकाधक समह मण सघ क मल Dिटकोण और 1सqात

स पaरचत हो सकh ग |

d) वषयक 4शtण (Subject trainings)जन धम स सबधत

व1भYन वषय पर सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत और जड़ हए साध-सािवय

को अपनी वीणताक आधार पर 1भYन कार क 1श2ण कायyenम तयार

करन चाहए | उदहारण क तौर परयान वया पर 1श2ण कायyenम

जन बालकबा1लकाओ क 1लए सकार 1श2ा एव जन धम क आधारभत

1सqात जस 9क अहसा अपaरpह और अनकावाद पर वषयगत 1श2ण

िजसका लाभ सामाYय जन नागaरक भी ल सकh | इसक वारा जनय मh

समता अहसा शात पश सर2ा 1श2ा एव वाnotय क महव पर

जागeकता उपYन क7 जा सकगी |


इन वशष 4शtण कायम स यह लाभ हग

bull गभीर सामािजक श2Sणक और मानवीय मसल पर कशल साध-सावी

सामाYय जन को सबोधत कर सकh ग |

bull साध-सािवय क lान और अनभव का उचत लाभ और सहयोग मण

सघ क Dिटकोण और 1सqात क चार हत 1मल सकगा |

e) साधक-सा[धका चारक 4शtण (Training for sadhak-sadhika

Pracharak) सघ क कh y)य तर पर साधक-साधका चारक क

1लए एक 1श2ण कायyenम बनाया जाना चाहए | यह 1श2ण उYहh

मzय कYy क मायम स दया जाना चाहए िजसस व सघ क

Dिटकोण एव लgय स पaरचत होकर अपन उचत और नधाaरत

कतkय का पालन सह) ढग स कर सकh | इस 1श2ण कायकरण स

साधक-साधका चारको क7 कायशल) अप2ाओ एव कतkय मh

एकeपता बनी रहगी | साथ ह) व पण पारद1शता स अपन कतkय का

नवाह कर सकh ग |

साधक-साधका चारक इस कड़ी का नमाण होन क बाद एव इनक7

समाचार) को अतम eप दन क बाद यह साधक-साधका चारक 1श2ण

(Training for sadhak-sadhika Pracharak) पाmacrयyenम तयार 9कया

जाना चाहए |


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 8: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


-मण सघ - नई पढ6 नई सोच नई Gदशा

जन धम क व1भYन सदाय क आदरणीय एव ववान साध-सािवय न

साथ 1मलकर मण सघ का गठन 9कया | यह 1950 क दशक क7 अत महवपण

घटनाओ मh स एक थी | यह सगम उन सभी साध-सािवय का एक सगठत यास था

िजसक वारा व जन धम क 1सqात का चार कर वWव मh शािYत और सदभाव क7

थापना करना चाहत थ | दश क इतहास मh जन सघ का यह यास अभतपव था |

पछल 65 वषm क अपन इतहास मh मण सघ न अपनी Dढ़ता और समपण वारा

अनक वपर)त पaरिथतय मh समाज क हत हत अपन अितव क7 र2ा क7 ह |

कई साध-सािवय मh वचाaरक मतभद क7 िथतया भी उपYन हई हs | इस कार क7

कई अवाछत घटनाए समय-समय पर सघ क अितव और मल उjWWय क 1लए

खतरा बनकर उभर) हs | इन सबक बावजद जन धम क7 मजबत सqातक बनयाद क

कारण सघ न इन सभी आतaरक मतभद एव बदलत समय क7 चनौतय स ऊपर

उठकर अपना अितव कायम रखा और अपनी नीव को कभी भावत नह) होन दया |

आज इस सघ मh 1300 ववान उvच1श2त और lानी साध-सािवया हs जो जन

समाज क 1सqात क पaरचायक हs | यह निWचत eप स गव क7 बात ह | 9कYत

समय-समय पर उपYन होन वाल मतभद और मनमटाव न सभी क मन मh यह सशय

उपYन 9कया ह क7 ऐस मसल सघ क मल अितव क 1लए खतरा पदा कर सकत हs |

इसस पहल क7 यह बचन करन वाल सकत वशाल समया का eप धारण करh हमh हर

एक जनी क मन स इन नकारामक शि8तय को 1मटाना होगा|अब समय आ गया ह

9क सभी साध-सािव यह ठान लh क7 व सपण इमानदार) एव नठा क साथ सघ मh

परा वWवास रखत हए इसक मल 1सqात का चार करन मh सहयोगी एव सहभागी

हग |

आज हम एक ऐस चौराह पर खड़ हs जहा स 9कय गए माग का चनाव ह) सघ क भवय

को नधाaरत करगा |अतः २८ वषm क लब अतराल क बाद आयोिजत 9कया गया यह

समलन सघ क7 सरचना क7 सर2ा क7 ओर 1लया गया महवपण कदम ह |यह


समलन सvच मन स 9कया गया वह यास होना चाहए जो सभी साध-सािवय मh

वचार क7 एकता उपYन कर सघ क एकमत Dिटकोण को सामन ला सक और सभी

क वारा इस आमसात 9कया जा सक| सघ क7 कशलता क 1लए जर) ह क7 सभी

साध-सािव Dढनठा स सकप लत हए उन लgय और 1सqात को अपनाए

िजनको सघ का समथन ाnत ह |जब तक सभी साध-सािव समान वचार और कथन

को धारण नह) करत सघ क7 एकता को बनाय रखना दन-ब-दन कठन होता जाएगा |

यह बदलाव लान क 1लए सघ को अपन वचारो मh कई महवपण और kयापक

बदलाव लान हग | इन बदलाव क 1लए सभी सदय क7 सहमती आवWयक ह एव यह

भी आवWयक ह क7 सदय बड़ पमान पर सघ क7 जन समाज क7 और जन 1सqात क7

र2ा और चार क बार मh सोचh |

इस चनौतीपण पठभ1म क आधार पर सघ क7 कायशल) मh हम कछ बदलाव

ितवत कर रह हs और इसका मzय उjWय सघ क7 सरचना को आतaरक मजबती

दान करना ह | इस हत नन ताव हs

bull सघ क Xि टकोण क बार मA एक वतत दतावज ३-४ मह6न क2 अव[ध

मA बनाया जाकर तत Lकया जाना चाGहए | यह दतावज आचायK

यवाचायK एव वतक वारा 4मलकर बनाया जाना चाGहए यह दतावज

बनान कल6य बाहर6 ोफशनलस क2 मदद ल6 जा सती ह |

bull इस दतावज मA न+न4लNखत बातA शा4मल होनी चाGहए

bull सघ का तवjान (Philosophy) Xि टकोण (Vision) लOय (Mission)

उkPय और वशष काय (Aims amp Objectives)

bull सघ क यक महवपण ओहद एव थान स स+ब[धत भ4मका

िज+मदार6 और कायकाल का ववरण


bull सघ क यक सदय क 4लए आचार-सGहता

bull सघ क भव य क2 सभी योजनायA एव पव-नधाZरत लOय सभी लघ-

काल6न एव द6घ-काल6न योजनायA

bull सघ क महवपण आयोजन जस Lक चातमास एव साध-सावी स+मलन

क 4लए Gदशा-नदlश| चातमास क आयोजन क 4लए सघ क पदा[धकाZरय

को -ावक सघ एव जन काmA स क सदय स सलाह लकर Gदशा-नदlश

नधाZरत करन हग |

bull सघ क2 Lयाए एव 4शकायत नवारण णाल6

bull दरदशn Xि टकोण का यह दतावज सघ क सभी सदय को उपलFध

कराया जाना चाGहए िजसस Lक सभी क आचरण और लOय मA समानता

और एकMपता बनी रह

bull आचायK क 4लए कायकाल 15 वषK का हो और उनक2 आय 70 स अ[धक

ना हो |यह इस4लए आवPयक ह यLक 15 वषK क2 अव[ध उस ओहद क

oयित क 4लए सघ नमाण हत लOय नधारण और उन लOय क

न पादन हत काफ2 ह | कायकाल नधारण स यवा नताओ को भी नयी

सोच क साथ सघ को गतशील बनान का मौका 4मल सकगा |आय सीमा

क नधारण स बढती उq स उपgtन वाय स+बgtधी समयाओ स

सघ क काय भावत नह6 हग |


bull 15 वषK क कायकाल क पPचात आचायK को महा-आचाय या गणा[धपत

का थान ाrत होगा िजसक तहत व सघ क दनक कायK स नवत होत

हए भी और अ[धक स+मानीय और उsच पद पर वराजमान हग |

सभी वतकवात नय उपायाओ एव सचव क 1लए 5 वषm का

कायकाल नधाaरत 9कया जाना चाहए |यह आवWयक ह 8य9क पाच वष

का समय 9कसी kयि8त क 1लए सभी सभावनाओ को खोजन और अपनी

काय2मता क अनसार सघ क हत मh उYहh कायािYवत करन क 1लए

काफ7 ह |

हर पाच वष मh अSखल भारतीय साध-सावी समलन का आयोजन होना

चाहए | इसस सभी साध-सािवय को एक मच ाnत होगा जहा व साथ

1मलकर खल सवाद वारा बहत कछ 1सखन क साथ ह) अपन अनभव भी

बाट सकत हs | इन सवाद क वारा सघ क7 गत क 1लए और

आवWयक सधार क 1लए नणय 1लए जा सकh ग | समलन क आयोजन

स यक पाच वषm मh नए पदाधकाaरय क7 नयि8त क7 घोषणा भी क7

जा सकगी |इसस यह भी सनिWचत होगा क7 एक आचाय अपन कायकाल

मh अपन नतव और मागदशन मh ३ समलन मh हसा ल सकh ग |

यह Dिटकोण दतावज भवय मh सYदभ क eप मh सघ क नए सदय क 1लए

उYमखीकरण 1श2ण मोयल तयार करन मh मददगार 1सq हग |इस कार

सघ को 1श2त एव कायशील साध-सावी 1मल सकh ग |


कायm क7 समी2ा एव षण क 1लए भी एक नयी णाल) क7 आवWयकता

ह | पदाधकार) एक चौमासी षण व समी2ा णाल) तय कर सकत हs

िजसक वारा व आचायm को पव नधाaरत ाeप मh aरपोट द सकh | यह

aरपोट बहआयामी होनी चाहए िजसम सभी योजनाओ क7 वात-िथत

लgय ािnत एव चनौतय को शा1मल 9कया गया हो |आचाय को यह

सनिWचत करना होगा क7 उनक और सघ क सभी सदय क बीच एक

बतर सवाद क7 थापना हो सक | लgयपत और व1भYन कायm क7

माग क अनसार आचाय को समय-समय पर सदय क 1लए दशा-नदश

जार) करन हग |

एक द2 और भावी 1शकायत नवारण णाल) (Grievance Redressal

system) क7 थापना करक सघ को उस अपनाना चाहए | चौमासी

aरपोट स उपYन सभी समयाओ को दज 9कया जाना चाहए और इनक

नवारण हत उपय8त तर)क क7 पहचान होनी चाहए और उनक7 गभीरता

भापकर उनक नवारण होना चाहए | सभी छोट) समयाओ (िजनक7

साफ़ पaरभाषा Dिटकोण दतावज मh 1लSखत हो) का नवारण वतक

वारा 9कया जाना चाहए | गभीर और नाजक मामल मh (गभीर और

नाजक समयाओ क7 साफ़ पaरभाषा दतावज मh 1लSखत होनी चाहए)

आचायm को नराकरण करना चाहए | सभी छोट या बड़ ववाद

अधकतम एक मह)न क7 अवध मh सलझा दया जान चाहए |


आचाय वारा एक ऐसी स1मत का गठन 9कया जाना चाहए जो जन

समदाय वारा रानमाण और दश क हत मh मानवतापण कायm मh

योगदान दन क तर)क क7 ववचना कर सकh |

हर साध-सािवय वारा 9कसी न 9कसी गाव शहर मh चातमास होत ह)

ह| कछ जगह पर ावक वारा तो कछ जगह पर साध-सतो क कहनपर

अनाप-शनाप खचा 9कया जा रहा ह | इस बात को काफ7 गभीरतास

सोचकर चातमास कस हो उसम नमiण प_iकाए पोटस Banners

Advertisements मडप इयाद वषयपर एक Comprehensive

guidelines को बनाना अयत आवWयक ह| इसमh चातमास क साथ साथ

द)2ा एव साध समलन इन कायyenम का भी समावश होना चाहए |

काफ7 साध-सतक समह मh एक मख साध एव सािवयक साथ ३-४ स

लकर १०-१२ तक अYय साध एव सािवया रहती ह | खास करक यह पर

समह मh स १-२ लोग Most Active दखाई दत ह | अYय साध-सािव

भी काफ7 भावशाल) पढ़ 1लख एव active होत ह | इस महवपण

resource का मzय वाह मh ववध वषयक ऊपर उपयोग कस करक

ल इस Dिट स इस document मh हर जगह पर Action Plan मौजद ह |


साध-सावी 4शtण हत काययोजना

-मण सघ जन Pवता+बर सदाय क बीच जन धम क 4सIात का बहतर

चार करन क 4लए अितव मA आया ह | पछल कई वषK स यह सघ हमार

साध-सािवय क मडल मA जन धम क मख उuयPय को बढ़ावा दता रहा ह |

इन सभी बात का सार यह) ह 9क मण सघ क Dिटकोण मzय सYदश

वचार और उjWWय सपण सघ मh एकeपता स सचाaरत ह | सघ क

1सqात का समानता स सभी सदय तक पहचना और उनक वारा एक eप

मh pहण 9कया जाना सघ क अितव हत अत-आवWयक ह 8य9क य सभी

सदय एक बड़ अनyenम का हसा हs |

सघ क तकाल)न समाननीय सदय क मागदशन मh द)2ा लन क उपरात

जब 9कसी kयि8त का गणीजन क7 पवi सगत स थम पaरचय होता ह तो

यह उमीद क7 जाती ह 9क वह मण सघ क 1सqात का पaरचायक बनकर

रह और साथ ह) अपन गजन स ाnत kयि8तपरक धा1मक 1श2ा का

अनसरण भी करता रह |

यह तभी सभव होगा जब मण सघ क 1सqात का मानक7करण करक एक

नधाaरत तर)क स उYहh द)2ाथV को समझाया जाय ता9क द)2ा क पव ह)

वह धा1मक lान क साथ इन 1सqात को भी आमसात कर सक| इस तरह

का 1श2ण सघ क सदय मh गटनरप2ता और वचाaरक सहमत बनाय

रखन मh सहायक 1सq होगा| अतः हम इस कार क 4शtण कायम क

बनाय जान का ताव रखना चाहत हw | इसस मण सघ क7 1श2ा सामpी

और 1सqात का मानक7करण हो सकगा | मलतः यह 1श2ण कायyenम पव-

नधाaरत एव सीमाबq तर)क स सचा1लत होगा ता9क सभी सदय क मय

1श2ण सामpी और Dिटकोण सदव समान रहh |


इस ताव को साकार करन क 1लए नन1लSखत तर)क अपनाय जा सकत हs

a) -मण सघ क2 कA z6य स4मत - िजसम आचाय यवाचाय और वतक

शा4मल हग - वारा दशभर मA चार मय 4शtण कA z थापत

Lकय जाए जहा न+न4लखीत मलभत 4शtण दान Lकया जाएगा |

b) कA z6य स4मत 4शtण का ाMप और सामी तयार करन का िज+मा

कछ स+माननीय साध-सािवय को सप सकत हw िजgtहA -मण सघ

वारा अनमोGदत Lकया गया हो |

c) कA z6य स4मत वारा आतZरक (जरत पड़न पर बाहर6 भी) 4शtक

क2 पहचान और नयित क2 जानी चाGहए | यह 4शtक नधाZरत

सामी क अनसार 4शtण दान करAग |

उपरो8त आवWयकताओ को यान मh रखत हए नन कार क 1श2ण

मॉडयल बनाय जा सकत हs | उनक ायोिजत लाभ भी यहा दए गए हs

a) मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) वतमान मh द)2ा क पव साध-सािवय वारा द)2ाथय को

एक तय अवध क अतगत 1श2ण दया जाता ह 9कYत यह 9कसी

नधाaरत ाeप मh नह) होता ह| यह कारण ह 9क कड़ 1श2ण और

गहराई स दान क7 गयी 1श2ा क बावजद भी तi क भीतर ह) द)2ा लन

क7 वध मh असमानताए पायी गयी हs| 1श2ण को सवाह) बनान और

एकeपी 1श2ण सामpी क अभाव स जYमी असमानताओ को 1मटान क

1लए सघ को कh y)य तर पर एक मलभत साध-सािव 1श2ण कायyenम को शी पिYवत करना चाहए | इस 1श2ण कायyenम क अतगत

द)2ाथV मल धा1मक और सधािYतक 1श2ा ाnत कर सकh ग | इस

1श2ण कायyenम मh कछ हद तक लचीलापन भी होना चाहए ता9क साध-सािवय क नजी अनभव और lान को भी समाहत 9कया जा सक |


इस मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) क2 कायणाल6 न+न4लखीत पIत नसार कायािgtवत क2 जा

सकती ह |

bull मण सघ वारा इस नग का Sylabus तय कर लना चाहए | उसक7

9कताब एव training modul तयार करक एक training kit बनाना

चाहए |

bull यह training kit guidelines क साथ सभी साध-सिवओको वतaरत

करना चाहए | िजसका उपयोग कर 1श2ओ को एकeपी 1श2ा दान

कर सकh |

bull आज िजस तरह साध-सािव अपन 1शय को द)2ा क पहल training दत

ह उसी तरह यहास आग भी वो अपन 1शय को खदह) training दhग |

ल9कन यह training training kit क guidelines स दया जायगा |

bull इस training kit क7 मदद स साध-सावी द)2ा क 1लए 1श2ण दत

समय नधाaरत मापदड क अनसार सपण और सरचत 1श2ा द सकh ग |

bull इस कायyenम क वारा यक द)2ाथV क7 नजी 2मता समझ एव

इvछाशि8त का भी आकलन 9कया जा सकगा | इसस मण सघ को उस

kयि8त क7 2मताओ का सह) उपयोग सघ क कायm मh करन मh मदद

1मलगी |

b) नए सदय हत -मण सघ का अ4भवgtयास 4शtण (Shraman

Sangh Orientation training for new members)मण सघ क

सभी सदय वारा एक समान आचार सहता का अनपालन 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह और इसक 1लए यक सदय को सघ क Dिटकोण

वचार 1सqात कायशल) और लgय स भल)भात पaरचत होना

आवWयक ह | यह 1श2ण कायyenम सभी नए सदय को उपरो8त बात

स पaरचत करन क साथ ह) सभी सदय को समान उjWWय स बाधन


का काय करगा | इस कायyenम क7 अवध छः मह)न क7 हो सकती ह

और इस मzय 1श2ण कh y स 1श2त 1श2क वारा ह) चलाया जाना

चाहए |

अ4भवgtयास 4शtण स न+न लाभ हग

bull इसस सघ क सभी सदय क इराद और काय सगठत हग और एकह)

लgय पर किYyत गतवधया भी हगी |

bull इसस मतभद और अलगाव क मामल भी कम हो सकh ग |

उपरो8त दोन (a) तथा (b) 1श2ण ाnत करन क उपरात ह) 1श2 को

द)2ा दान क7 जाएगी |

c) मौजदा साध-सािवय का -मण सघ अ4भवgtयास 4शtण

(Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing

SadhuSadhavis)मण सघ वारा लघ अवध क kयापक

अ1भवYयास 1श2ण कायyenम 1श2त 1श2क वारा दशभर मh मौजद

साध-सािवय क समह क 1लए भी बनाय जान चाहए | इसस साध-

सािवय क अधकाधक समह मण सघ क मल Dिटकोण और 1सqात

स पaरचत हो सकh ग |

d) वषयक 4शtण (Subject trainings)जन धम स सबधत

व1भYन वषय पर सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत और जड़ हए साध-सािवय

को अपनी वीणताक आधार पर 1भYन कार क 1श2ण कायyenम तयार

करन चाहए | उदहारण क तौर परयान वया पर 1श2ण कायyenम

जन बालकबा1लकाओ क 1लए सकार 1श2ा एव जन धम क आधारभत

1सqात जस 9क अहसा अपaरpह और अनकावाद पर वषयगत 1श2ण

िजसका लाभ सामाYय जन नागaरक भी ल सकh | इसक वारा जनय मh

समता अहसा शात पश सर2ा 1श2ा एव वाnotय क महव पर

जागeकता उपYन क7 जा सकगी |


इन वशष 4शtण कायम स यह लाभ हग

bull गभीर सामािजक श2Sणक और मानवीय मसल पर कशल साध-सावी

सामाYय जन को सबोधत कर सकh ग |

bull साध-सािवय क lान और अनभव का उचत लाभ और सहयोग मण

सघ क Dिटकोण और 1सqात क चार हत 1मल सकगा |

e) साधक-सा[धका चारक 4शtण (Training for sadhak-sadhika

Pracharak) सघ क कh y)य तर पर साधक-साधका चारक क

1लए एक 1श2ण कायyenम बनाया जाना चाहए | यह 1श2ण उYहh

मzय कYy क मायम स दया जाना चाहए िजसस व सघ क

Dिटकोण एव लgय स पaरचत होकर अपन उचत और नधाaरत

कतkय का पालन सह) ढग स कर सकh | इस 1श2ण कायकरण स

साधक-साधका चारको क7 कायशल) अप2ाओ एव कतkय मh

एकeपता बनी रहगी | साथ ह) व पण पारद1शता स अपन कतkय का

नवाह कर सकh ग |

साधक-साधका चारक इस कड़ी का नमाण होन क बाद एव इनक7

समाचार) को अतम eप दन क बाद यह साधक-साधका चारक 1श2ण

(Training for sadhak-sadhika Pracharak) पाmacrयyenम तयार 9कया

जाना चाहए |


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 9: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


समलन सvच मन स 9कया गया वह यास होना चाहए जो सभी साध-सािवय मh

वचार क7 एकता उपYन कर सघ क एकमत Dिटकोण को सामन ला सक और सभी

क वारा इस आमसात 9कया जा सक| सघ क7 कशलता क 1लए जर) ह क7 सभी

साध-सािव Dढनठा स सकप लत हए उन लgय और 1सqात को अपनाए

िजनको सघ का समथन ाnत ह |जब तक सभी साध-सािव समान वचार और कथन

को धारण नह) करत सघ क7 एकता को बनाय रखना दन-ब-दन कठन होता जाएगा |

यह बदलाव लान क 1लए सघ को अपन वचारो मh कई महवपण और kयापक

बदलाव लान हग | इन बदलाव क 1लए सभी सदय क7 सहमती आवWयक ह एव यह

भी आवWयक ह क7 सदय बड़ पमान पर सघ क7 जन समाज क7 और जन 1सqात क7

र2ा और चार क बार मh सोचh |

इस चनौतीपण पठभ1म क आधार पर सघ क7 कायशल) मh हम कछ बदलाव

ितवत कर रह हs और इसका मzय उjWय सघ क7 सरचना को आतaरक मजबती

दान करना ह | इस हत नन ताव हs

bull सघ क Xि टकोण क बार मA एक वतत दतावज ३-४ मह6न क2 अव[ध

मA बनाया जाकर तत Lकया जाना चाGहए | यह दतावज आचायK

यवाचायK एव वतक वारा 4मलकर बनाया जाना चाGहए यह दतावज

बनान कल6य बाहर6 ोफशनलस क2 मदद ल6 जा सती ह |

bull इस दतावज मA न+न4लNखत बातA शा4मल होनी चाGहए

bull सघ का तवjान (Philosophy) Xि टकोण (Vision) लOय (Mission)

उkPय और वशष काय (Aims amp Objectives)

bull सघ क यक महवपण ओहद एव थान स स+ब[धत भ4मका

िज+मदार6 और कायकाल का ववरण


bull सघ क यक सदय क 4लए आचार-सGहता

bull सघ क भव य क2 सभी योजनायA एव पव-नधाZरत लOय सभी लघ-

काल6न एव द6घ-काल6न योजनायA

bull सघ क महवपण आयोजन जस Lक चातमास एव साध-सावी स+मलन

क 4लए Gदशा-नदlश| चातमास क आयोजन क 4लए सघ क पदा[धकाZरय

को -ावक सघ एव जन काmA स क सदय स सलाह लकर Gदशा-नदlश

नधाZरत करन हग |

bull सघ क2 Lयाए एव 4शकायत नवारण णाल6

bull दरदशn Xि टकोण का यह दतावज सघ क सभी सदय को उपलFध

कराया जाना चाGहए िजसस Lक सभी क आचरण और लOय मA समानता

और एकMपता बनी रह

bull आचायK क 4लए कायकाल 15 वषK का हो और उनक2 आय 70 स अ[धक

ना हो |यह इस4लए आवPयक ह यLक 15 वषK क2 अव[ध उस ओहद क

oयित क 4लए सघ नमाण हत लOय नधारण और उन लOय क

न पादन हत काफ2 ह | कायकाल नधारण स यवा नताओ को भी नयी

सोच क साथ सघ को गतशील बनान का मौका 4मल सकगा |आय सीमा

क नधारण स बढती उq स उपgtन वाय स+बgtधी समयाओ स

सघ क काय भावत नह6 हग |


bull 15 वषK क कायकाल क पPचात आचायK को महा-आचाय या गणा[धपत

का थान ाrत होगा िजसक तहत व सघ क दनक कायK स नवत होत

हए भी और अ[धक स+मानीय और उsच पद पर वराजमान हग |

सभी वतकवात नय उपायाओ एव सचव क 1लए 5 वषm का

कायकाल नधाaरत 9कया जाना चाहए |यह आवWयक ह 8य9क पाच वष

का समय 9कसी kयि8त क 1लए सभी सभावनाओ को खोजन और अपनी

काय2मता क अनसार सघ क हत मh उYहh कायािYवत करन क 1लए

काफ7 ह |

हर पाच वष मh अSखल भारतीय साध-सावी समलन का आयोजन होना

चाहए | इसस सभी साध-सािवय को एक मच ाnत होगा जहा व साथ

1मलकर खल सवाद वारा बहत कछ 1सखन क साथ ह) अपन अनभव भी

बाट सकत हs | इन सवाद क वारा सघ क7 गत क 1लए और

आवWयक सधार क 1लए नणय 1लए जा सकh ग | समलन क आयोजन

स यक पाच वषm मh नए पदाधकाaरय क7 नयि8त क7 घोषणा भी क7

जा सकगी |इसस यह भी सनिWचत होगा क7 एक आचाय अपन कायकाल

मh अपन नतव और मागदशन मh ३ समलन मh हसा ल सकh ग |

यह Dिटकोण दतावज भवय मh सYदभ क eप मh सघ क नए सदय क 1लए

उYमखीकरण 1श2ण मोयल तयार करन मh मददगार 1सq हग |इस कार

सघ को 1श2त एव कायशील साध-सावी 1मल सकh ग |


कायm क7 समी2ा एव षण क 1लए भी एक नयी णाल) क7 आवWयकता

ह | पदाधकार) एक चौमासी षण व समी2ा णाल) तय कर सकत हs

िजसक वारा व आचायm को पव नधाaरत ाeप मh aरपोट द सकh | यह

aरपोट बहआयामी होनी चाहए िजसम सभी योजनाओ क7 वात-िथत

लgय ािnत एव चनौतय को शा1मल 9कया गया हो |आचाय को यह

सनिWचत करना होगा क7 उनक और सघ क सभी सदय क बीच एक

बतर सवाद क7 थापना हो सक | लgयपत और व1भYन कायm क7

माग क अनसार आचाय को समय-समय पर सदय क 1लए दशा-नदश

जार) करन हग |

एक द2 और भावी 1शकायत नवारण णाल) (Grievance Redressal

system) क7 थापना करक सघ को उस अपनाना चाहए | चौमासी

aरपोट स उपYन सभी समयाओ को दज 9कया जाना चाहए और इनक

नवारण हत उपय8त तर)क क7 पहचान होनी चाहए और उनक7 गभीरता

भापकर उनक नवारण होना चाहए | सभी छोट) समयाओ (िजनक7

साफ़ पaरभाषा Dिटकोण दतावज मh 1लSखत हो) का नवारण वतक

वारा 9कया जाना चाहए | गभीर और नाजक मामल मh (गभीर और

नाजक समयाओ क7 साफ़ पaरभाषा दतावज मh 1लSखत होनी चाहए)

आचायm को नराकरण करना चाहए | सभी छोट या बड़ ववाद

अधकतम एक मह)न क7 अवध मh सलझा दया जान चाहए |


आचाय वारा एक ऐसी स1मत का गठन 9कया जाना चाहए जो जन

समदाय वारा रानमाण और दश क हत मh मानवतापण कायm मh

योगदान दन क तर)क क7 ववचना कर सकh |

हर साध-सािवय वारा 9कसी न 9कसी गाव शहर मh चातमास होत ह)

ह| कछ जगह पर ावक वारा तो कछ जगह पर साध-सतो क कहनपर

अनाप-शनाप खचा 9कया जा रहा ह | इस बात को काफ7 गभीरतास

सोचकर चातमास कस हो उसम नमiण प_iकाए पोटस Banners

Advertisements मडप इयाद वषयपर एक Comprehensive

guidelines को बनाना अयत आवWयक ह| इसमh चातमास क साथ साथ

द)2ा एव साध समलन इन कायyenम का भी समावश होना चाहए |

काफ7 साध-सतक समह मh एक मख साध एव सािवयक साथ ३-४ स

लकर १०-१२ तक अYय साध एव सािवया रहती ह | खास करक यह पर

समह मh स १-२ लोग Most Active दखाई दत ह | अYय साध-सािव

भी काफ7 भावशाल) पढ़ 1लख एव active होत ह | इस महवपण

resource का मzय वाह मh ववध वषयक ऊपर उपयोग कस करक

ल इस Dिट स इस document मh हर जगह पर Action Plan मौजद ह |


साध-सावी 4शtण हत काययोजना

-मण सघ जन Pवता+बर सदाय क बीच जन धम क 4सIात का बहतर

चार करन क 4लए अितव मA आया ह | पछल कई वषK स यह सघ हमार

साध-सािवय क मडल मA जन धम क मख उuयPय को बढ़ावा दता रहा ह |

इन सभी बात का सार यह) ह 9क मण सघ क Dिटकोण मzय सYदश

वचार और उjWWय सपण सघ मh एकeपता स सचाaरत ह | सघ क

1सqात का समानता स सभी सदय तक पहचना और उनक वारा एक eप

मh pहण 9कया जाना सघ क अितव हत अत-आवWयक ह 8य9क य सभी

सदय एक बड़ अनyenम का हसा हs |

सघ क तकाल)न समाननीय सदय क मागदशन मh द)2ा लन क उपरात

जब 9कसी kयि8त का गणीजन क7 पवi सगत स थम पaरचय होता ह तो

यह उमीद क7 जाती ह 9क वह मण सघ क 1सqात का पaरचायक बनकर

रह और साथ ह) अपन गजन स ाnत kयि8तपरक धा1मक 1श2ा का

अनसरण भी करता रह |

यह तभी सभव होगा जब मण सघ क 1सqात का मानक7करण करक एक

नधाaरत तर)क स उYहh द)2ाथV को समझाया जाय ता9क द)2ा क पव ह)

वह धा1मक lान क साथ इन 1सqात को भी आमसात कर सक| इस तरह

का 1श2ण सघ क सदय मh गटनरप2ता और वचाaरक सहमत बनाय

रखन मh सहायक 1सq होगा| अतः हम इस कार क 4शtण कायम क

बनाय जान का ताव रखना चाहत हw | इसस मण सघ क7 1श2ा सामpी

और 1सqात का मानक7करण हो सकगा | मलतः यह 1श2ण कायyenम पव-

नधाaरत एव सीमाबq तर)क स सचा1लत होगा ता9क सभी सदय क मय

1श2ण सामpी और Dिटकोण सदव समान रहh |


इस ताव को साकार करन क 1लए नन1लSखत तर)क अपनाय जा सकत हs

a) -मण सघ क2 कA z6य स4मत - िजसम आचाय यवाचाय और वतक

शा4मल हग - वारा दशभर मA चार मय 4शtण कA z थापत

Lकय जाए जहा न+न4लखीत मलभत 4शtण दान Lकया जाएगा |

b) कA z6य स4मत 4शtण का ाMप और सामी तयार करन का िज+मा

कछ स+माननीय साध-सािवय को सप सकत हw िजgtहA -मण सघ

वारा अनमोGदत Lकया गया हो |

c) कA z6य स4मत वारा आतZरक (जरत पड़न पर बाहर6 भी) 4शtक

क2 पहचान और नयित क2 जानी चाGहए | यह 4शtक नधाZरत

सामी क अनसार 4शtण दान करAग |

उपरो8त आवWयकताओ को यान मh रखत हए नन कार क 1श2ण

मॉडयल बनाय जा सकत हs | उनक ायोिजत लाभ भी यहा दए गए हs

a) मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) वतमान मh द)2ा क पव साध-सािवय वारा द)2ाथय को

एक तय अवध क अतगत 1श2ण दया जाता ह 9कYत यह 9कसी

नधाaरत ाeप मh नह) होता ह| यह कारण ह 9क कड़ 1श2ण और

गहराई स दान क7 गयी 1श2ा क बावजद भी तi क भीतर ह) द)2ा लन

क7 वध मh असमानताए पायी गयी हs| 1श2ण को सवाह) बनान और

एकeपी 1श2ण सामpी क अभाव स जYमी असमानताओ को 1मटान क

1लए सघ को कh y)य तर पर एक मलभत साध-सािव 1श2ण कायyenम को शी पिYवत करना चाहए | इस 1श2ण कायyenम क अतगत

द)2ाथV मल धा1मक और सधािYतक 1श2ा ाnत कर सकh ग | इस

1श2ण कायyenम मh कछ हद तक लचीलापन भी होना चाहए ता9क साध-सािवय क नजी अनभव और lान को भी समाहत 9कया जा सक |


इस मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) क2 कायणाल6 न+न4लखीत पIत नसार कायािgtवत क2 जा

सकती ह |

bull मण सघ वारा इस नग का Sylabus तय कर लना चाहए | उसक7

9कताब एव training modul तयार करक एक training kit बनाना

चाहए |

bull यह training kit guidelines क साथ सभी साध-सिवओको वतaरत

करना चाहए | िजसका उपयोग कर 1श2ओ को एकeपी 1श2ा दान

कर सकh |

bull आज िजस तरह साध-सािव अपन 1शय को द)2ा क पहल training दत

ह उसी तरह यहास आग भी वो अपन 1शय को खदह) training दhग |

ल9कन यह training training kit क guidelines स दया जायगा |

bull इस training kit क7 मदद स साध-सावी द)2ा क 1लए 1श2ण दत

समय नधाaरत मापदड क अनसार सपण और सरचत 1श2ा द सकh ग |

bull इस कायyenम क वारा यक द)2ाथV क7 नजी 2मता समझ एव

इvछाशि8त का भी आकलन 9कया जा सकगा | इसस मण सघ को उस

kयि8त क7 2मताओ का सह) उपयोग सघ क कायm मh करन मh मदद

1मलगी |

b) नए सदय हत -मण सघ का अ4भवgtयास 4शtण (Shraman

Sangh Orientation training for new members)मण सघ क

सभी सदय वारा एक समान आचार सहता का अनपालन 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह और इसक 1लए यक सदय को सघ क Dिटकोण

वचार 1सqात कायशल) और लgय स भल)भात पaरचत होना

आवWयक ह | यह 1श2ण कायyenम सभी नए सदय को उपरो8त बात

स पaरचत करन क साथ ह) सभी सदय को समान उjWWय स बाधन


का काय करगा | इस कायyenम क7 अवध छः मह)न क7 हो सकती ह

और इस मzय 1श2ण कh y स 1श2त 1श2क वारा ह) चलाया जाना

चाहए |

अ4भवgtयास 4शtण स न+न लाभ हग

bull इसस सघ क सभी सदय क इराद और काय सगठत हग और एकह)

लgय पर किYyत गतवधया भी हगी |

bull इसस मतभद और अलगाव क मामल भी कम हो सकh ग |

उपरो8त दोन (a) तथा (b) 1श2ण ाnत करन क उपरात ह) 1श2 को

द)2ा दान क7 जाएगी |

c) मौजदा साध-सािवय का -मण सघ अ4भवgtयास 4शtण

(Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing

SadhuSadhavis)मण सघ वारा लघ अवध क kयापक

अ1भवYयास 1श2ण कायyenम 1श2त 1श2क वारा दशभर मh मौजद

साध-सािवय क समह क 1लए भी बनाय जान चाहए | इसस साध-

सािवय क अधकाधक समह मण सघ क मल Dिटकोण और 1सqात

स पaरचत हो सकh ग |

d) वषयक 4शtण (Subject trainings)जन धम स सबधत

व1भYन वषय पर सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत और जड़ हए साध-सािवय

को अपनी वीणताक आधार पर 1भYन कार क 1श2ण कायyenम तयार

करन चाहए | उदहारण क तौर परयान वया पर 1श2ण कायyenम

जन बालकबा1लकाओ क 1लए सकार 1श2ा एव जन धम क आधारभत

1सqात जस 9क अहसा अपaरpह और अनकावाद पर वषयगत 1श2ण

िजसका लाभ सामाYय जन नागaरक भी ल सकh | इसक वारा जनय मh

समता अहसा शात पश सर2ा 1श2ा एव वाnotय क महव पर

जागeकता उपYन क7 जा सकगी |


इन वशष 4शtण कायम स यह लाभ हग

bull गभीर सामािजक श2Sणक और मानवीय मसल पर कशल साध-सावी

सामाYय जन को सबोधत कर सकh ग |

bull साध-सािवय क lान और अनभव का उचत लाभ और सहयोग मण

सघ क Dिटकोण और 1सqात क चार हत 1मल सकगा |

e) साधक-सा[धका चारक 4शtण (Training for sadhak-sadhika

Pracharak) सघ क कh y)य तर पर साधक-साधका चारक क

1लए एक 1श2ण कायyenम बनाया जाना चाहए | यह 1श2ण उYहh

मzय कYy क मायम स दया जाना चाहए िजसस व सघ क

Dिटकोण एव लgय स पaरचत होकर अपन उचत और नधाaरत

कतkय का पालन सह) ढग स कर सकh | इस 1श2ण कायकरण स

साधक-साधका चारको क7 कायशल) अप2ाओ एव कतkय मh

एकeपता बनी रहगी | साथ ह) व पण पारद1शता स अपन कतkय का

नवाह कर सकh ग |

साधक-साधका चारक इस कड़ी का नमाण होन क बाद एव इनक7

समाचार) को अतम eप दन क बाद यह साधक-साधका चारक 1श2ण

(Training for sadhak-sadhika Pracharak) पाmacrयyenम तयार 9कया

जाना चाहए |


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 10: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


bull सघ क यक सदय क 4लए आचार-सGहता

bull सघ क भव य क2 सभी योजनायA एव पव-नधाZरत लOय सभी लघ-

काल6न एव द6घ-काल6न योजनायA

bull सघ क महवपण आयोजन जस Lक चातमास एव साध-सावी स+मलन

क 4लए Gदशा-नदlश| चातमास क आयोजन क 4लए सघ क पदा[धकाZरय

को -ावक सघ एव जन काmA स क सदय स सलाह लकर Gदशा-नदlश

नधाZरत करन हग |

bull सघ क2 Lयाए एव 4शकायत नवारण णाल6

bull दरदशn Xि टकोण का यह दतावज सघ क सभी सदय को उपलFध

कराया जाना चाGहए िजसस Lक सभी क आचरण और लOय मA समानता

और एकMपता बनी रह

bull आचायK क 4लए कायकाल 15 वषK का हो और उनक2 आय 70 स अ[धक

ना हो |यह इस4लए आवPयक ह यLक 15 वषK क2 अव[ध उस ओहद क

oयित क 4लए सघ नमाण हत लOय नधारण और उन लOय क

न पादन हत काफ2 ह | कायकाल नधारण स यवा नताओ को भी नयी

सोच क साथ सघ को गतशील बनान का मौका 4मल सकगा |आय सीमा

क नधारण स बढती उq स उपgtन वाय स+बgtधी समयाओ स

सघ क काय भावत नह6 हग |


bull 15 वषK क कायकाल क पPचात आचायK को महा-आचाय या गणा[धपत

का थान ाrत होगा िजसक तहत व सघ क दनक कायK स नवत होत

हए भी और अ[धक स+मानीय और उsच पद पर वराजमान हग |

सभी वतकवात नय उपायाओ एव सचव क 1लए 5 वषm का

कायकाल नधाaरत 9कया जाना चाहए |यह आवWयक ह 8य9क पाच वष

का समय 9कसी kयि8त क 1लए सभी सभावनाओ को खोजन और अपनी

काय2मता क अनसार सघ क हत मh उYहh कायािYवत करन क 1लए

काफ7 ह |

हर पाच वष मh अSखल भारतीय साध-सावी समलन का आयोजन होना

चाहए | इसस सभी साध-सािवय को एक मच ाnत होगा जहा व साथ

1मलकर खल सवाद वारा बहत कछ 1सखन क साथ ह) अपन अनभव भी

बाट सकत हs | इन सवाद क वारा सघ क7 गत क 1लए और

आवWयक सधार क 1लए नणय 1लए जा सकh ग | समलन क आयोजन

स यक पाच वषm मh नए पदाधकाaरय क7 नयि8त क7 घोषणा भी क7

जा सकगी |इसस यह भी सनिWचत होगा क7 एक आचाय अपन कायकाल

मh अपन नतव और मागदशन मh ३ समलन मh हसा ल सकh ग |

यह Dिटकोण दतावज भवय मh सYदभ क eप मh सघ क नए सदय क 1लए

उYमखीकरण 1श2ण मोयल तयार करन मh मददगार 1सq हग |इस कार

सघ को 1श2त एव कायशील साध-सावी 1मल सकh ग |


कायm क7 समी2ा एव षण क 1लए भी एक नयी णाल) क7 आवWयकता

ह | पदाधकार) एक चौमासी षण व समी2ा णाल) तय कर सकत हs

िजसक वारा व आचायm को पव नधाaरत ाeप मh aरपोट द सकh | यह

aरपोट बहआयामी होनी चाहए िजसम सभी योजनाओ क7 वात-िथत

लgय ािnत एव चनौतय को शा1मल 9कया गया हो |आचाय को यह

सनिWचत करना होगा क7 उनक और सघ क सभी सदय क बीच एक

बतर सवाद क7 थापना हो सक | लgयपत और व1भYन कायm क7

माग क अनसार आचाय को समय-समय पर सदय क 1लए दशा-नदश

जार) करन हग |

एक द2 और भावी 1शकायत नवारण णाल) (Grievance Redressal

system) क7 थापना करक सघ को उस अपनाना चाहए | चौमासी

aरपोट स उपYन सभी समयाओ को दज 9कया जाना चाहए और इनक

नवारण हत उपय8त तर)क क7 पहचान होनी चाहए और उनक7 गभीरता

भापकर उनक नवारण होना चाहए | सभी छोट) समयाओ (िजनक7

साफ़ पaरभाषा Dिटकोण दतावज मh 1लSखत हो) का नवारण वतक

वारा 9कया जाना चाहए | गभीर और नाजक मामल मh (गभीर और

नाजक समयाओ क7 साफ़ पaरभाषा दतावज मh 1लSखत होनी चाहए)

आचायm को नराकरण करना चाहए | सभी छोट या बड़ ववाद

अधकतम एक मह)न क7 अवध मh सलझा दया जान चाहए |


आचाय वारा एक ऐसी स1मत का गठन 9कया जाना चाहए जो जन

समदाय वारा रानमाण और दश क हत मh मानवतापण कायm मh

योगदान दन क तर)क क7 ववचना कर सकh |

हर साध-सािवय वारा 9कसी न 9कसी गाव शहर मh चातमास होत ह)

ह| कछ जगह पर ावक वारा तो कछ जगह पर साध-सतो क कहनपर

अनाप-शनाप खचा 9कया जा रहा ह | इस बात को काफ7 गभीरतास

सोचकर चातमास कस हो उसम नमiण प_iकाए पोटस Banners

Advertisements मडप इयाद वषयपर एक Comprehensive

guidelines को बनाना अयत आवWयक ह| इसमh चातमास क साथ साथ

द)2ा एव साध समलन इन कायyenम का भी समावश होना चाहए |

काफ7 साध-सतक समह मh एक मख साध एव सािवयक साथ ३-४ स

लकर १०-१२ तक अYय साध एव सािवया रहती ह | खास करक यह पर

समह मh स १-२ लोग Most Active दखाई दत ह | अYय साध-सािव

भी काफ7 भावशाल) पढ़ 1लख एव active होत ह | इस महवपण

resource का मzय वाह मh ववध वषयक ऊपर उपयोग कस करक

ल इस Dिट स इस document मh हर जगह पर Action Plan मौजद ह |


साध-सावी 4शtण हत काययोजना

-मण सघ जन Pवता+बर सदाय क बीच जन धम क 4सIात का बहतर

चार करन क 4लए अितव मA आया ह | पछल कई वषK स यह सघ हमार

साध-सािवय क मडल मA जन धम क मख उuयPय को बढ़ावा दता रहा ह |

इन सभी बात का सार यह) ह 9क मण सघ क Dिटकोण मzय सYदश

वचार और उjWWय सपण सघ मh एकeपता स सचाaरत ह | सघ क

1सqात का समानता स सभी सदय तक पहचना और उनक वारा एक eप

मh pहण 9कया जाना सघ क अितव हत अत-आवWयक ह 8य9क य सभी

सदय एक बड़ अनyenम का हसा हs |

सघ क तकाल)न समाननीय सदय क मागदशन मh द)2ा लन क उपरात

जब 9कसी kयि8त का गणीजन क7 पवi सगत स थम पaरचय होता ह तो

यह उमीद क7 जाती ह 9क वह मण सघ क 1सqात का पaरचायक बनकर

रह और साथ ह) अपन गजन स ाnत kयि8तपरक धा1मक 1श2ा का

अनसरण भी करता रह |

यह तभी सभव होगा जब मण सघ क 1सqात का मानक7करण करक एक

नधाaरत तर)क स उYहh द)2ाथV को समझाया जाय ता9क द)2ा क पव ह)

वह धा1मक lान क साथ इन 1सqात को भी आमसात कर सक| इस तरह

का 1श2ण सघ क सदय मh गटनरप2ता और वचाaरक सहमत बनाय

रखन मh सहायक 1सq होगा| अतः हम इस कार क 4शtण कायम क

बनाय जान का ताव रखना चाहत हw | इसस मण सघ क7 1श2ा सामpी

और 1सqात का मानक7करण हो सकगा | मलतः यह 1श2ण कायyenम पव-

नधाaरत एव सीमाबq तर)क स सचा1लत होगा ता9क सभी सदय क मय

1श2ण सामpी और Dिटकोण सदव समान रहh |


इस ताव को साकार करन क 1लए नन1लSखत तर)क अपनाय जा सकत हs

a) -मण सघ क2 कA z6य स4मत - िजसम आचाय यवाचाय और वतक

शा4मल हग - वारा दशभर मA चार मय 4शtण कA z थापत

Lकय जाए जहा न+न4लखीत मलभत 4शtण दान Lकया जाएगा |

b) कA z6य स4मत 4शtण का ाMप और सामी तयार करन का िज+मा

कछ स+माननीय साध-सािवय को सप सकत हw िजgtहA -मण सघ

वारा अनमोGदत Lकया गया हो |

c) कA z6य स4मत वारा आतZरक (जरत पड़न पर बाहर6 भी) 4शtक

क2 पहचान और नयित क2 जानी चाGहए | यह 4शtक नधाZरत

सामी क अनसार 4शtण दान करAग |

उपरो8त आवWयकताओ को यान मh रखत हए नन कार क 1श2ण

मॉडयल बनाय जा सकत हs | उनक ायोिजत लाभ भी यहा दए गए हs

a) मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) वतमान मh द)2ा क पव साध-सािवय वारा द)2ाथय को

एक तय अवध क अतगत 1श2ण दया जाता ह 9कYत यह 9कसी

नधाaरत ाeप मh नह) होता ह| यह कारण ह 9क कड़ 1श2ण और

गहराई स दान क7 गयी 1श2ा क बावजद भी तi क भीतर ह) द)2ा लन

क7 वध मh असमानताए पायी गयी हs| 1श2ण को सवाह) बनान और

एकeपी 1श2ण सामpी क अभाव स जYमी असमानताओ को 1मटान क

1लए सघ को कh y)य तर पर एक मलभत साध-सािव 1श2ण कायyenम को शी पिYवत करना चाहए | इस 1श2ण कायyenम क अतगत

द)2ाथV मल धा1मक और सधािYतक 1श2ा ाnत कर सकh ग | इस

1श2ण कायyenम मh कछ हद तक लचीलापन भी होना चाहए ता9क साध-सािवय क नजी अनभव और lान को भी समाहत 9कया जा सक |


इस मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) क2 कायणाल6 न+न4लखीत पIत नसार कायािgtवत क2 जा

सकती ह |

bull मण सघ वारा इस नग का Sylabus तय कर लना चाहए | उसक7

9कताब एव training modul तयार करक एक training kit बनाना

चाहए |

bull यह training kit guidelines क साथ सभी साध-सिवओको वतaरत

करना चाहए | िजसका उपयोग कर 1श2ओ को एकeपी 1श2ा दान

कर सकh |

bull आज िजस तरह साध-सािव अपन 1शय को द)2ा क पहल training दत

ह उसी तरह यहास आग भी वो अपन 1शय को खदह) training दhग |

ल9कन यह training training kit क guidelines स दया जायगा |

bull इस training kit क7 मदद स साध-सावी द)2ा क 1लए 1श2ण दत

समय नधाaरत मापदड क अनसार सपण और सरचत 1श2ा द सकh ग |

bull इस कायyenम क वारा यक द)2ाथV क7 नजी 2मता समझ एव

इvछाशि8त का भी आकलन 9कया जा सकगा | इसस मण सघ को उस

kयि8त क7 2मताओ का सह) उपयोग सघ क कायm मh करन मh मदद

1मलगी |

b) नए सदय हत -मण सघ का अ4भवgtयास 4शtण (Shraman

Sangh Orientation training for new members)मण सघ क

सभी सदय वारा एक समान आचार सहता का अनपालन 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह और इसक 1लए यक सदय को सघ क Dिटकोण

वचार 1सqात कायशल) और लgय स भल)भात पaरचत होना

आवWयक ह | यह 1श2ण कायyenम सभी नए सदय को उपरो8त बात

स पaरचत करन क साथ ह) सभी सदय को समान उjWWय स बाधन


का काय करगा | इस कायyenम क7 अवध छः मह)न क7 हो सकती ह

और इस मzय 1श2ण कh y स 1श2त 1श2क वारा ह) चलाया जाना

चाहए |

अ4भवgtयास 4शtण स न+न लाभ हग

bull इसस सघ क सभी सदय क इराद और काय सगठत हग और एकह)

लgय पर किYyत गतवधया भी हगी |

bull इसस मतभद और अलगाव क मामल भी कम हो सकh ग |

उपरो8त दोन (a) तथा (b) 1श2ण ाnत करन क उपरात ह) 1श2 को

द)2ा दान क7 जाएगी |

c) मौजदा साध-सािवय का -मण सघ अ4भवgtयास 4शtण

(Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing

SadhuSadhavis)मण सघ वारा लघ अवध क kयापक

अ1भवYयास 1श2ण कायyenम 1श2त 1श2क वारा दशभर मh मौजद

साध-सािवय क समह क 1लए भी बनाय जान चाहए | इसस साध-

सािवय क अधकाधक समह मण सघ क मल Dिटकोण और 1सqात

स पaरचत हो सकh ग |

d) वषयक 4शtण (Subject trainings)जन धम स सबधत

व1भYन वषय पर सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत और जड़ हए साध-सािवय

को अपनी वीणताक आधार पर 1भYन कार क 1श2ण कायyenम तयार

करन चाहए | उदहारण क तौर परयान वया पर 1श2ण कायyenम

जन बालकबा1लकाओ क 1लए सकार 1श2ा एव जन धम क आधारभत

1सqात जस 9क अहसा अपaरpह और अनकावाद पर वषयगत 1श2ण

िजसका लाभ सामाYय जन नागaरक भी ल सकh | इसक वारा जनय मh

समता अहसा शात पश सर2ा 1श2ा एव वाnotय क महव पर

जागeकता उपYन क7 जा सकगी |


इन वशष 4शtण कायम स यह लाभ हग

bull गभीर सामािजक श2Sणक और मानवीय मसल पर कशल साध-सावी

सामाYय जन को सबोधत कर सकh ग |

bull साध-सािवय क lान और अनभव का उचत लाभ और सहयोग मण

सघ क Dिटकोण और 1सqात क चार हत 1मल सकगा |

e) साधक-सा[धका चारक 4शtण (Training for sadhak-sadhika

Pracharak) सघ क कh y)य तर पर साधक-साधका चारक क

1लए एक 1श2ण कायyenम बनाया जाना चाहए | यह 1श2ण उYहh

मzय कYy क मायम स दया जाना चाहए िजसस व सघ क

Dिटकोण एव लgय स पaरचत होकर अपन उचत और नधाaरत

कतkय का पालन सह) ढग स कर सकh | इस 1श2ण कायकरण स

साधक-साधका चारको क7 कायशल) अप2ाओ एव कतkय मh

एकeपता बनी रहगी | साथ ह) व पण पारद1शता स अपन कतkय का

नवाह कर सकh ग |

साधक-साधका चारक इस कड़ी का नमाण होन क बाद एव इनक7

समाचार) को अतम eप दन क बाद यह साधक-साधका चारक 1श2ण

(Training for sadhak-sadhika Pracharak) पाmacrयyenम तयार 9कया

जाना चाहए |


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 11: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


bull 15 वषK क कायकाल क पPचात आचायK को महा-आचाय या गणा[धपत

का थान ाrत होगा िजसक तहत व सघ क दनक कायK स नवत होत

हए भी और अ[धक स+मानीय और उsच पद पर वराजमान हग |

सभी वतकवात नय उपायाओ एव सचव क 1लए 5 वषm का

कायकाल नधाaरत 9कया जाना चाहए |यह आवWयक ह 8य9क पाच वष

का समय 9कसी kयि8त क 1लए सभी सभावनाओ को खोजन और अपनी

काय2मता क अनसार सघ क हत मh उYहh कायािYवत करन क 1लए

काफ7 ह |

हर पाच वष मh अSखल भारतीय साध-सावी समलन का आयोजन होना

चाहए | इसस सभी साध-सािवय को एक मच ाnत होगा जहा व साथ

1मलकर खल सवाद वारा बहत कछ 1सखन क साथ ह) अपन अनभव भी

बाट सकत हs | इन सवाद क वारा सघ क7 गत क 1लए और

आवWयक सधार क 1लए नणय 1लए जा सकh ग | समलन क आयोजन

स यक पाच वषm मh नए पदाधकाaरय क7 नयि8त क7 घोषणा भी क7

जा सकगी |इसस यह भी सनिWचत होगा क7 एक आचाय अपन कायकाल

मh अपन नतव और मागदशन मh ३ समलन मh हसा ल सकh ग |

यह Dिटकोण दतावज भवय मh सYदभ क eप मh सघ क नए सदय क 1लए

उYमखीकरण 1श2ण मोयल तयार करन मh मददगार 1सq हग |इस कार

सघ को 1श2त एव कायशील साध-सावी 1मल सकh ग |


कायm क7 समी2ा एव षण क 1लए भी एक नयी णाल) क7 आवWयकता

ह | पदाधकार) एक चौमासी षण व समी2ा णाल) तय कर सकत हs

िजसक वारा व आचायm को पव नधाaरत ाeप मh aरपोट द सकh | यह

aरपोट बहआयामी होनी चाहए िजसम सभी योजनाओ क7 वात-िथत

लgय ािnत एव चनौतय को शा1मल 9कया गया हो |आचाय को यह

सनिWचत करना होगा क7 उनक और सघ क सभी सदय क बीच एक

बतर सवाद क7 थापना हो सक | लgयपत और व1भYन कायm क7

माग क अनसार आचाय को समय-समय पर सदय क 1लए दशा-नदश

जार) करन हग |

एक द2 और भावी 1शकायत नवारण णाल) (Grievance Redressal

system) क7 थापना करक सघ को उस अपनाना चाहए | चौमासी

aरपोट स उपYन सभी समयाओ को दज 9कया जाना चाहए और इनक

नवारण हत उपय8त तर)क क7 पहचान होनी चाहए और उनक7 गभीरता

भापकर उनक नवारण होना चाहए | सभी छोट) समयाओ (िजनक7

साफ़ पaरभाषा Dिटकोण दतावज मh 1लSखत हो) का नवारण वतक

वारा 9कया जाना चाहए | गभीर और नाजक मामल मh (गभीर और

नाजक समयाओ क7 साफ़ पaरभाषा दतावज मh 1लSखत होनी चाहए)

आचायm को नराकरण करना चाहए | सभी छोट या बड़ ववाद

अधकतम एक मह)न क7 अवध मh सलझा दया जान चाहए |


आचाय वारा एक ऐसी स1मत का गठन 9कया जाना चाहए जो जन

समदाय वारा रानमाण और दश क हत मh मानवतापण कायm मh

योगदान दन क तर)क क7 ववचना कर सकh |

हर साध-सािवय वारा 9कसी न 9कसी गाव शहर मh चातमास होत ह)

ह| कछ जगह पर ावक वारा तो कछ जगह पर साध-सतो क कहनपर

अनाप-शनाप खचा 9कया जा रहा ह | इस बात को काफ7 गभीरतास

सोचकर चातमास कस हो उसम नमiण प_iकाए पोटस Banners

Advertisements मडप इयाद वषयपर एक Comprehensive

guidelines को बनाना अयत आवWयक ह| इसमh चातमास क साथ साथ

द)2ा एव साध समलन इन कायyenम का भी समावश होना चाहए |

काफ7 साध-सतक समह मh एक मख साध एव सािवयक साथ ३-४ स

लकर १०-१२ तक अYय साध एव सािवया रहती ह | खास करक यह पर

समह मh स १-२ लोग Most Active दखाई दत ह | अYय साध-सािव

भी काफ7 भावशाल) पढ़ 1लख एव active होत ह | इस महवपण

resource का मzय वाह मh ववध वषयक ऊपर उपयोग कस करक

ल इस Dिट स इस document मh हर जगह पर Action Plan मौजद ह |


साध-सावी 4शtण हत काययोजना

-मण सघ जन Pवता+बर सदाय क बीच जन धम क 4सIात का बहतर

चार करन क 4लए अितव मA आया ह | पछल कई वषK स यह सघ हमार

साध-सािवय क मडल मA जन धम क मख उuयPय को बढ़ावा दता रहा ह |

इन सभी बात का सार यह) ह 9क मण सघ क Dिटकोण मzय सYदश

वचार और उjWWय सपण सघ मh एकeपता स सचाaरत ह | सघ क

1सqात का समानता स सभी सदय तक पहचना और उनक वारा एक eप

मh pहण 9कया जाना सघ क अितव हत अत-आवWयक ह 8य9क य सभी

सदय एक बड़ अनyenम का हसा हs |

सघ क तकाल)न समाननीय सदय क मागदशन मh द)2ा लन क उपरात

जब 9कसी kयि8त का गणीजन क7 पवi सगत स थम पaरचय होता ह तो

यह उमीद क7 जाती ह 9क वह मण सघ क 1सqात का पaरचायक बनकर

रह और साथ ह) अपन गजन स ाnत kयि8तपरक धा1मक 1श2ा का

अनसरण भी करता रह |

यह तभी सभव होगा जब मण सघ क 1सqात का मानक7करण करक एक

नधाaरत तर)क स उYहh द)2ाथV को समझाया जाय ता9क द)2ा क पव ह)

वह धा1मक lान क साथ इन 1सqात को भी आमसात कर सक| इस तरह

का 1श2ण सघ क सदय मh गटनरप2ता और वचाaरक सहमत बनाय

रखन मh सहायक 1सq होगा| अतः हम इस कार क 4शtण कायम क

बनाय जान का ताव रखना चाहत हw | इसस मण सघ क7 1श2ा सामpी

और 1सqात का मानक7करण हो सकगा | मलतः यह 1श2ण कायyenम पव-

नधाaरत एव सीमाबq तर)क स सचा1लत होगा ता9क सभी सदय क मय

1श2ण सामpी और Dिटकोण सदव समान रहh |


इस ताव को साकार करन क 1लए नन1लSखत तर)क अपनाय जा सकत हs

a) -मण सघ क2 कA z6य स4मत - िजसम आचाय यवाचाय और वतक

शा4मल हग - वारा दशभर मA चार मय 4शtण कA z थापत

Lकय जाए जहा न+न4लखीत मलभत 4शtण दान Lकया जाएगा |

b) कA z6य स4मत 4शtण का ाMप और सामी तयार करन का िज+मा

कछ स+माननीय साध-सािवय को सप सकत हw िजgtहA -मण सघ

वारा अनमोGदत Lकया गया हो |

c) कA z6य स4मत वारा आतZरक (जरत पड़न पर बाहर6 भी) 4शtक

क2 पहचान और नयित क2 जानी चाGहए | यह 4शtक नधाZरत

सामी क अनसार 4शtण दान करAग |

उपरो8त आवWयकताओ को यान मh रखत हए नन कार क 1श2ण

मॉडयल बनाय जा सकत हs | उनक ायोिजत लाभ भी यहा दए गए हs

a) मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) वतमान मh द)2ा क पव साध-सािवय वारा द)2ाथय को

एक तय अवध क अतगत 1श2ण दया जाता ह 9कYत यह 9कसी

नधाaरत ाeप मh नह) होता ह| यह कारण ह 9क कड़ 1श2ण और

गहराई स दान क7 गयी 1श2ा क बावजद भी तi क भीतर ह) द)2ा लन

क7 वध मh असमानताए पायी गयी हs| 1श2ण को सवाह) बनान और

एकeपी 1श2ण सामpी क अभाव स जYमी असमानताओ को 1मटान क

1लए सघ को कh y)य तर पर एक मलभत साध-सािव 1श2ण कायyenम को शी पिYवत करना चाहए | इस 1श2ण कायyenम क अतगत

द)2ाथV मल धा1मक और सधािYतक 1श2ा ाnत कर सकh ग | इस

1श2ण कायyenम मh कछ हद तक लचीलापन भी होना चाहए ता9क साध-सािवय क नजी अनभव और lान को भी समाहत 9कया जा सक |


इस मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) क2 कायणाल6 न+न4लखीत पIत नसार कायािgtवत क2 जा

सकती ह |

bull मण सघ वारा इस नग का Sylabus तय कर लना चाहए | उसक7

9कताब एव training modul तयार करक एक training kit बनाना

चाहए |

bull यह training kit guidelines क साथ सभी साध-सिवओको वतaरत

करना चाहए | िजसका उपयोग कर 1श2ओ को एकeपी 1श2ा दान

कर सकh |

bull आज िजस तरह साध-सािव अपन 1शय को द)2ा क पहल training दत

ह उसी तरह यहास आग भी वो अपन 1शय को खदह) training दhग |

ल9कन यह training training kit क guidelines स दया जायगा |

bull इस training kit क7 मदद स साध-सावी द)2ा क 1लए 1श2ण दत

समय नधाaरत मापदड क अनसार सपण और सरचत 1श2ा द सकh ग |

bull इस कायyenम क वारा यक द)2ाथV क7 नजी 2मता समझ एव

इvछाशि8त का भी आकलन 9कया जा सकगा | इसस मण सघ को उस

kयि8त क7 2मताओ का सह) उपयोग सघ क कायm मh करन मh मदद

1मलगी |

b) नए सदय हत -मण सघ का अ4भवgtयास 4शtण (Shraman

Sangh Orientation training for new members)मण सघ क

सभी सदय वारा एक समान आचार सहता का अनपालन 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह और इसक 1लए यक सदय को सघ क Dिटकोण

वचार 1सqात कायशल) और लgय स भल)भात पaरचत होना

आवWयक ह | यह 1श2ण कायyenम सभी नए सदय को उपरो8त बात

स पaरचत करन क साथ ह) सभी सदय को समान उjWWय स बाधन


का काय करगा | इस कायyenम क7 अवध छः मह)न क7 हो सकती ह

और इस मzय 1श2ण कh y स 1श2त 1श2क वारा ह) चलाया जाना

चाहए |

अ4भवgtयास 4शtण स न+न लाभ हग

bull इसस सघ क सभी सदय क इराद और काय सगठत हग और एकह)

लgय पर किYyत गतवधया भी हगी |

bull इसस मतभद और अलगाव क मामल भी कम हो सकh ग |

उपरो8त दोन (a) तथा (b) 1श2ण ाnत करन क उपरात ह) 1श2 को

द)2ा दान क7 जाएगी |

c) मौजदा साध-सािवय का -मण सघ अ4भवgtयास 4शtण

(Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing

SadhuSadhavis)मण सघ वारा लघ अवध क kयापक

अ1भवYयास 1श2ण कायyenम 1श2त 1श2क वारा दशभर मh मौजद

साध-सािवय क समह क 1लए भी बनाय जान चाहए | इसस साध-

सािवय क अधकाधक समह मण सघ क मल Dिटकोण और 1सqात

स पaरचत हो सकh ग |

d) वषयक 4शtण (Subject trainings)जन धम स सबधत

व1भYन वषय पर सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत और जड़ हए साध-सािवय

को अपनी वीणताक आधार पर 1भYन कार क 1श2ण कायyenम तयार

करन चाहए | उदहारण क तौर परयान वया पर 1श2ण कायyenम

जन बालकबा1लकाओ क 1लए सकार 1श2ा एव जन धम क आधारभत

1सqात जस 9क अहसा अपaरpह और अनकावाद पर वषयगत 1श2ण

िजसका लाभ सामाYय जन नागaरक भी ल सकh | इसक वारा जनय मh

समता अहसा शात पश सर2ा 1श2ा एव वाnotय क महव पर

जागeकता उपYन क7 जा सकगी |


इन वशष 4शtण कायम स यह लाभ हग

bull गभीर सामािजक श2Sणक और मानवीय मसल पर कशल साध-सावी

सामाYय जन को सबोधत कर सकh ग |

bull साध-सािवय क lान और अनभव का उचत लाभ और सहयोग मण

सघ क Dिटकोण और 1सqात क चार हत 1मल सकगा |

e) साधक-सा[धका चारक 4शtण (Training for sadhak-sadhika

Pracharak) सघ क कh y)य तर पर साधक-साधका चारक क

1लए एक 1श2ण कायyenम बनाया जाना चाहए | यह 1श2ण उYहh

मzय कYy क मायम स दया जाना चाहए िजसस व सघ क

Dिटकोण एव लgय स पaरचत होकर अपन उचत और नधाaरत

कतkय का पालन सह) ढग स कर सकh | इस 1श2ण कायकरण स

साधक-साधका चारको क7 कायशल) अप2ाओ एव कतkय मh

एकeपता बनी रहगी | साथ ह) व पण पारद1शता स अपन कतkय का

नवाह कर सकh ग |

साधक-साधका चारक इस कड़ी का नमाण होन क बाद एव इनक7

समाचार) को अतम eप दन क बाद यह साधक-साधका चारक 1श2ण

(Training for sadhak-sadhika Pracharak) पाmacrयyenम तयार 9कया

जाना चाहए |


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 12: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


कायm क7 समी2ा एव षण क 1लए भी एक नयी णाल) क7 आवWयकता

ह | पदाधकार) एक चौमासी षण व समी2ा णाल) तय कर सकत हs

िजसक वारा व आचायm को पव नधाaरत ाeप मh aरपोट द सकh | यह

aरपोट बहआयामी होनी चाहए िजसम सभी योजनाओ क7 वात-िथत

लgय ािnत एव चनौतय को शा1मल 9कया गया हो |आचाय को यह

सनिWचत करना होगा क7 उनक और सघ क सभी सदय क बीच एक

बतर सवाद क7 थापना हो सक | लgयपत और व1भYन कायm क7

माग क अनसार आचाय को समय-समय पर सदय क 1लए दशा-नदश

जार) करन हग |

एक द2 और भावी 1शकायत नवारण णाल) (Grievance Redressal

system) क7 थापना करक सघ को उस अपनाना चाहए | चौमासी

aरपोट स उपYन सभी समयाओ को दज 9कया जाना चाहए और इनक

नवारण हत उपय8त तर)क क7 पहचान होनी चाहए और उनक7 गभीरता

भापकर उनक नवारण होना चाहए | सभी छोट) समयाओ (िजनक7

साफ़ पaरभाषा Dिटकोण दतावज मh 1लSखत हो) का नवारण वतक

वारा 9कया जाना चाहए | गभीर और नाजक मामल मh (गभीर और

नाजक समयाओ क7 साफ़ पaरभाषा दतावज मh 1लSखत होनी चाहए)

आचायm को नराकरण करना चाहए | सभी छोट या बड़ ववाद

अधकतम एक मह)न क7 अवध मh सलझा दया जान चाहए |


आचाय वारा एक ऐसी स1मत का गठन 9कया जाना चाहए जो जन

समदाय वारा रानमाण और दश क हत मh मानवतापण कायm मh

योगदान दन क तर)क क7 ववचना कर सकh |

हर साध-सािवय वारा 9कसी न 9कसी गाव शहर मh चातमास होत ह)

ह| कछ जगह पर ावक वारा तो कछ जगह पर साध-सतो क कहनपर

अनाप-शनाप खचा 9कया जा रहा ह | इस बात को काफ7 गभीरतास

सोचकर चातमास कस हो उसम नमiण प_iकाए पोटस Banners

Advertisements मडप इयाद वषयपर एक Comprehensive

guidelines को बनाना अयत आवWयक ह| इसमh चातमास क साथ साथ

द)2ा एव साध समलन इन कायyenम का भी समावश होना चाहए |

काफ7 साध-सतक समह मh एक मख साध एव सािवयक साथ ३-४ स

लकर १०-१२ तक अYय साध एव सािवया रहती ह | खास करक यह पर

समह मh स १-२ लोग Most Active दखाई दत ह | अYय साध-सािव

भी काफ7 भावशाल) पढ़ 1लख एव active होत ह | इस महवपण

resource का मzय वाह मh ववध वषयक ऊपर उपयोग कस करक

ल इस Dिट स इस document मh हर जगह पर Action Plan मौजद ह |


साध-सावी 4शtण हत काययोजना

-मण सघ जन Pवता+बर सदाय क बीच जन धम क 4सIात का बहतर

चार करन क 4लए अितव मA आया ह | पछल कई वषK स यह सघ हमार

साध-सािवय क मडल मA जन धम क मख उuयPय को बढ़ावा दता रहा ह |

इन सभी बात का सार यह) ह 9क मण सघ क Dिटकोण मzय सYदश

वचार और उjWWय सपण सघ मh एकeपता स सचाaरत ह | सघ क

1सqात का समानता स सभी सदय तक पहचना और उनक वारा एक eप

मh pहण 9कया जाना सघ क अितव हत अत-आवWयक ह 8य9क य सभी

सदय एक बड़ अनyenम का हसा हs |

सघ क तकाल)न समाननीय सदय क मागदशन मh द)2ा लन क उपरात

जब 9कसी kयि8त का गणीजन क7 पवi सगत स थम पaरचय होता ह तो

यह उमीद क7 जाती ह 9क वह मण सघ क 1सqात का पaरचायक बनकर

रह और साथ ह) अपन गजन स ाnत kयि8तपरक धा1मक 1श2ा का

अनसरण भी करता रह |

यह तभी सभव होगा जब मण सघ क 1सqात का मानक7करण करक एक

नधाaरत तर)क स उYहh द)2ाथV को समझाया जाय ता9क द)2ा क पव ह)

वह धा1मक lान क साथ इन 1सqात को भी आमसात कर सक| इस तरह

का 1श2ण सघ क सदय मh गटनरप2ता और वचाaरक सहमत बनाय

रखन मh सहायक 1सq होगा| अतः हम इस कार क 4शtण कायम क

बनाय जान का ताव रखना चाहत हw | इसस मण सघ क7 1श2ा सामpी

और 1सqात का मानक7करण हो सकगा | मलतः यह 1श2ण कायyenम पव-

नधाaरत एव सीमाबq तर)क स सचा1लत होगा ता9क सभी सदय क मय

1श2ण सामpी और Dिटकोण सदव समान रहh |


इस ताव को साकार करन क 1लए नन1लSखत तर)क अपनाय जा सकत हs

a) -मण सघ क2 कA z6य स4मत - िजसम आचाय यवाचाय और वतक

शा4मल हग - वारा दशभर मA चार मय 4शtण कA z थापत

Lकय जाए जहा न+न4लखीत मलभत 4शtण दान Lकया जाएगा |

b) कA z6य स4मत 4शtण का ाMप और सामी तयार करन का िज+मा

कछ स+माननीय साध-सािवय को सप सकत हw िजgtहA -मण सघ

वारा अनमोGदत Lकया गया हो |

c) कA z6य स4मत वारा आतZरक (जरत पड़न पर बाहर6 भी) 4शtक

क2 पहचान और नयित क2 जानी चाGहए | यह 4शtक नधाZरत

सामी क अनसार 4शtण दान करAग |

उपरो8त आवWयकताओ को यान मh रखत हए नन कार क 1श2ण

मॉडयल बनाय जा सकत हs | उनक ायोिजत लाभ भी यहा दए गए हs

a) मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) वतमान मh द)2ा क पव साध-सािवय वारा द)2ाथय को

एक तय अवध क अतगत 1श2ण दया जाता ह 9कYत यह 9कसी

नधाaरत ाeप मh नह) होता ह| यह कारण ह 9क कड़ 1श2ण और

गहराई स दान क7 गयी 1श2ा क बावजद भी तi क भीतर ह) द)2ा लन

क7 वध मh असमानताए पायी गयी हs| 1श2ण को सवाह) बनान और

एकeपी 1श2ण सामpी क अभाव स जYमी असमानताओ को 1मटान क

1लए सघ को कh y)य तर पर एक मलभत साध-सािव 1श2ण कायyenम को शी पिYवत करना चाहए | इस 1श2ण कायyenम क अतगत

द)2ाथV मल धा1मक और सधािYतक 1श2ा ाnत कर सकh ग | इस

1श2ण कायyenम मh कछ हद तक लचीलापन भी होना चाहए ता9क साध-सािवय क नजी अनभव और lान को भी समाहत 9कया जा सक |


इस मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) क2 कायणाल6 न+न4लखीत पIत नसार कायािgtवत क2 जा

सकती ह |

bull मण सघ वारा इस नग का Sylabus तय कर लना चाहए | उसक7

9कताब एव training modul तयार करक एक training kit बनाना

चाहए |

bull यह training kit guidelines क साथ सभी साध-सिवओको वतaरत

करना चाहए | िजसका उपयोग कर 1श2ओ को एकeपी 1श2ा दान

कर सकh |

bull आज िजस तरह साध-सािव अपन 1शय को द)2ा क पहल training दत

ह उसी तरह यहास आग भी वो अपन 1शय को खदह) training दhग |

ल9कन यह training training kit क guidelines स दया जायगा |

bull इस training kit क7 मदद स साध-सावी द)2ा क 1लए 1श2ण दत

समय नधाaरत मापदड क अनसार सपण और सरचत 1श2ा द सकh ग |

bull इस कायyenम क वारा यक द)2ाथV क7 नजी 2मता समझ एव

इvछाशि8त का भी आकलन 9कया जा सकगा | इसस मण सघ को उस

kयि8त क7 2मताओ का सह) उपयोग सघ क कायm मh करन मh मदद

1मलगी |

b) नए सदय हत -मण सघ का अ4भवgtयास 4शtण (Shraman

Sangh Orientation training for new members)मण सघ क

सभी सदय वारा एक समान आचार सहता का अनपालन 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह और इसक 1लए यक सदय को सघ क Dिटकोण

वचार 1सqात कायशल) और लgय स भल)भात पaरचत होना

आवWयक ह | यह 1श2ण कायyenम सभी नए सदय को उपरो8त बात

स पaरचत करन क साथ ह) सभी सदय को समान उjWWय स बाधन


का काय करगा | इस कायyenम क7 अवध छः मह)न क7 हो सकती ह

और इस मzय 1श2ण कh y स 1श2त 1श2क वारा ह) चलाया जाना

चाहए |

अ4भवgtयास 4शtण स न+न लाभ हग

bull इसस सघ क सभी सदय क इराद और काय सगठत हग और एकह)

लgय पर किYyत गतवधया भी हगी |

bull इसस मतभद और अलगाव क मामल भी कम हो सकh ग |

उपरो8त दोन (a) तथा (b) 1श2ण ाnत करन क उपरात ह) 1श2 को

द)2ा दान क7 जाएगी |

c) मौजदा साध-सािवय का -मण सघ अ4भवgtयास 4शtण

(Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing

SadhuSadhavis)मण सघ वारा लघ अवध क kयापक

अ1भवYयास 1श2ण कायyenम 1श2त 1श2क वारा दशभर मh मौजद

साध-सािवय क समह क 1लए भी बनाय जान चाहए | इसस साध-

सािवय क अधकाधक समह मण सघ क मल Dिटकोण और 1सqात

स पaरचत हो सकh ग |

d) वषयक 4शtण (Subject trainings)जन धम स सबधत

व1भYन वषय पर सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत और जड़ हए साध-सािवय

को अपनी वीणताक आधार पर 1भYन कार क 1श2ण कायyenम तयार

करन चाहए | उदहारण क तौर परयान वया पर 1श2ण कायyenम

जन बालकबा1लकाओ क 1लए सकार 1श2ा एव जन धम क आधारभत

1सqात जस 9क अहसा अपaरpह और अनकावाद पर वषयगत 1श2ण

िजसका लाभ सामाYय जन नागaरक भी ल सकh | इसक वारा जनय मh

समता अहसा शात पश सर2ा 1श2ा एव वाnotय क महव पर

जागeकता उपYन क7 जा सकगी |


इन वशष 4शtण कायम स यह लाभ हग

bull गभीर सामािजक श2Sणक और मानवीय मसल पर कशल साध-सावी

सामाYय जन को सबोधत कर सकh ग |

bull साध-सािवय क lान और अनभव का उचत लाभ और सहयोग मण

सघ क Dिटकोण और 1सqात क चार हत 1मल सकगा |

e) साधक-सा[धका चारक 4शtण (Training for sadhak-sadhika

Pracharak) सघ क कh y)य तर पर साधक-साधका चारक क

1लए एक 1श2ण कायyenम बनाया जाना चाहए | यह 1श2ण उYहh

मzय कYy क मायम स दया जाना चाहए िजसस व सघ क

Dिटकोण एव लgय स पaरचत होकर अपन उचत और नधाaरत

कतkय का पालन सह) ढग स कर सकh | इस 1श2ण कायकरण स

साधक-साधका चारको क7 कायशल) अप2ाओ एव कतkय मh

एकeपता बनी रहगी | साथ ह) व पण पारद1शता स अपन कतkय का

नवाह कर सकh ग |

साधक-साधका चारक इस कड़ी का नमाण होन क बाद एव इनक7

समाचार) को अतम eप दन क बाद यह साधक-साधका चारक 1श2ण

(Training for sadhak-sadhika Pracharak) पाmacrयyenम तयार 9कया

जाना चाहए |


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 13: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


आचाय वारा एक ऐसी स1मत का गठन 9कया जाना चाहए जो जन

समदाय वारा रानमाण और दश क हत मh मानवतापण कायm मh

योगदान दन क तर)क क7 ववचना कर सकh |

हर साध-सािवय वारा 9कसी न 9कसी गाव शहर मh चातमास होत ह)

ह| कछ जगह पर ावक वारा तो कछ जगह पर साध-सतो क कहनपर

अनाप-शनाप खचा 9कया जा रहा ह | इस बात को काफ7 गभीरतास

सोचकर चातमास कस हो उसम नमiण प_iकाए पोटस Banners

Advertisements मडप इयाद वषयपर एक Comprehensive

guidelines को बनाना अयत आवWयक ह| इसमh चातमास क साथ साथ

द)2ा एव साध समलन इन कायyenम का भी समावश होना चाहए |

काफ7 साध-सतक समह मh एक मख साध एव सािवयक साथ ३-४ स

लकर १०-१२ तक अYय साध एव सािवया रहती ह | खास करक यह पर

समह मh स १-२ लोग Most Active दखाई दत ह | अYय साध-सािव

भी काफ7 भावशाल) पढ़ 1लख एव active होत ह | इस महवपण

resource का मzय वाह मh ववध वषयक ऊपर उपयोग कस करक

ल इस Dिट स इस document मh हर जगह पर Action Plan मौजद ह |


साध-सावी 4शtण हत काययोजना

-मण सघ जन Pवता+बर सदाय क बीच जन धम क 4सIात का बहतर

चार करन क 4लए अितव मA आया ह | पछल कई वषK स यह सघ हमार

साध-सािवय क मडल मA जन धम क मख उuयPय को बढ़ावा दता रहा ह |

इन सभी बात का सार यह) ह 9क मण सघ क Dिटकोण मzय सYदश

वचार और उjWWय सपण सघ मh एकeपता स सचाaरत ह | सघ क

1सqात का समानता स सभी सदय तक पहचना और उनक वारा एक eप

मh pहण 9कया जाना सघ क अितव हत अत-आवWयक ह 8य9क य सभी

सदय एक बड़ अनyenम का हसा हs |

सघ क तकाल)न समाननीय सदय क मागदशन मh द)2ा लन क उपरात

जब 9कसी kयि8त का गणीजन क7 पवi सगत स थम पaरचय होता ह तो

यह उमीद क7 जाती ह 9क वह मण सघ क 1सqात का पaरचायक बनकर

रह और साथ ह) अपन गजन स ाnत kयि8तपरक धा1मक 1श2ा का

अनसरण भी करता रह |

यह तभी सभव होगा जब मण सघ क 1सqात का मानक7करण करक एक

नधाaरत तर)क स उYहh द)2ाथV को समझाया जाय ता9क द)2ा क पव ह)

वह धा1मक lान क साथ इन 1सqात को भी आमसात कर सक| इस तरह

का 1श2ण सघ क सदय मh गटनरप2ता और वचाaरक सहमत बनाय

रखन मh सहायक 1सq होगा| अतः हम इस कार क 4शtण कायम क

बनाय जान का ताव रखना चाहत हw | इसस मण सघ क7 1श2ा सामpी

और 1सqात का मानक7करण हो सकगा | मलतः यह 1श2ण कायyenम पव-

नधाaरत एव सीमाबq तर)क स सचा1लत होगा ता9क सभी सदय क मय

1श2ण सामpी और Dिटकोण सदव समान रहh |


इस ताव को साकार करन क 1लए नन1लSखत तर)क अपनाय जा सकत हs

a) -मण सघ क2 कA z6य स4मत - िजसम आचाय यवाचाय और वतक

शा4मल हग - वारा दशभर मA चार मय 4शtण कA z थापत

Lकय जाए जहा न+न4लखीत मलभत 4शtण दान Lकया जाएगा |

b) कA z6य स4मत 4शtण का ाMप और सामी तयार करन का िज+मा

कछ स+माननीय साध-सािवय को सप सकत हw िजgtहA -मण सघ

वारा अनमोGदत Lकया गया हो |

c) कA z6य स4मत वारा आतZरक (जरत पड़न पर बाहर6 भी) 4शtक

क2 पहचान और नयित क2 जानी चाGहए | यह 4शtक नधाZरत

सामी क अनसार 4शtण दान करAग |

उपरो8त आवWयकताओ को यान मh रखत हए नन कार क 1श2ण

मॉडयल बनाय जा सकत हs | उनक ायोिजत लाभ भी यहा दए गए हs

a) मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) वतमान मh द)2ा क पव साध-सािवय वारा द)2ाथय को

एक तय अवध क अतगत 1श2ण दया जाता ह 9कYत यह 9कसी

नधाaरत ाeप मh नह) होता ह| यह कारण ह 9क कड़ 1श2ण और

गहराई स दान क7 गयी 1श2ा क बावजद भी तi क भीतर ह) द)2ा लन

क7 वध मh असमानताए पायी गयी हs| 1श2ण को सवाह) बनान और

एकeपी 1श2ण सामpी क अभाव स जYमी असमानताओ को 1मटान क

1लए सघ को कh y)य तर पर एक मलभत साध-सािव 1श2ण कायyenम को शी पिYवत करना चाहए | इस 1श2ण कायyenम क अतगत

द)2ाथV मल धा1मक और सधािYतक 1श2ा ाnत कर सकh ग | इस

1श2ण कायyenम मh कछ हद तक लचीलापन भी होना चाहए ता9क साध-सािवय क नजी अनभव और lान को भी समाहत 9कया जा सक |


इस मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) क2 कायणाल6 न+न4लखीत पIत नसार कायािgtवत क2 जा

सकती ह |

bull मण सघ वारा इस नग का Sylabus तय कर लना चाहए | उसक7

9कताब एव training modul तयार करक एक training kit बनाना

चाहए |

bull यह training kit guidelines क साथ सभी साध-सिवओको वतaरत

करना चाहए | िजसका उपयोग कर 1श2ओ को एकeपी 1श2ा दान

कर सकh |

bull आज िजस तरह साध-सािव अपन 1शय को द)2ा क पहल training दत

ह उसी तरह यहास आग भी वो अपन 1शय को खदह) training दhग |

ल9कन यह training training kit क guidelines स दया जायगा |

bull इस training kit क7 मदद स साध-सावी द)2ा क 1लए 1श2ण दत

समय नधाaरत मापदड क अनसार सपण और सरचत 1श2ा द सकh ग |

bull इस कायyenम क वारा यक द)2ाथV क7 नजी 2मता समझ एव

इvछाशि8त का भी आकलन 9कया जा सकगा | इसस मण सघ को उस

kयि8त क7 2मताओ का सह) उपयोग सघ क कायm मh करन मh मदद

1मलगी |

b) नए सदय हत -मण सघ का अ4भवgtयास 4शtण (Shraman

Sangh Orientation training for new members)मण सघ क

सभी सदय वारा एक समान आचार सहता का अनपालन 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह और इसक 1लए यक सदय को सघ क Dिटकोण

वचार 1सqात कायशल) और लgय स भल)भात पaरचत होना

आवWयक ह | यह 1श2ण कायyenम सभी नए सदय को उपरो8त बात

स पaरचत करन क साथ ह) सभी सदय को समान उjWWय स बाधन


का काय करगा | इस कायyenम क7 अवध छः मह)न क7 हो सकती ह

और इस मzय 1श2ण कh y स 1श2त 1श2क वारा ह) चलाया जाना

चाहए |

अ4भवgtयास 4शtण स न+न लाभ हग

bull इसस सघ क सभी सदय क इराद और काय सगठत हग और एकह)

लgय पर किYyत गतवधया भी हगी |

bull इसस मतभद और अलगाव क मामल भी कम हो सकh ग |

उपरो8त दोन (a) तथा (b) 1श2ण ाnत करन क उपरात ह) 1श2 को

द)2ा दान क7 जाएगी |

c) मौजदा साध-सािवय का -मण सघ अ4भवgtयास 4शtण

(Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing

SadhuSadhavis)मण सघ वारा लघ अवध क kयापक

अ1भवYयास 1श2ण कायyenम 1श2त 1श2क वारा दशभर मh मौजद

साध-सािवय क समह क 1लए भी बनाय जान चाहए | इसस साध-

सािवय क अधकाधक समह मण सघ क मल Dिटकोण और 1सqात

स पaरचत हो सकh ग |

d) वषयक 4शtण (Subject trainings)जन धम स सबधत

व1भYन वषय पर सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत और जड़ हए साध-सािवय

को अपनी वीणताक आधार पर 1भYन कार क 1श2ण कायyenम तयार

करन चाहए | उदहारण क तौर परयान वया पर 1श2ण कायyenम

जन बालकबा1लकाओ क 1लए सकार 1श2ा एव जन धम क आधारभत

1सqात जस 9क अहसा अपaरpह और अनकावाद पर वषयगत 1श2ण

िजसका लाभ सामाYय जन नागaरक भी ल सकh | इसक वारा जनय मh

समता अहसा शात पश सर2ा 1श2ा एव वाnotय क महव पर

जागeकता उपYन क7 जा सकगी |


इन वशष 4शtण कायम स यह लाभ हग

bull गभीर सामािजक श2Sणक और मानवीय मसल पर कशल साध-सावी

सामाYय जन को सबोधत कर सकh ग |

bull साध-सािवय क lान और अनभव का उचत लाभ और सहयोग मण

सघ क Dिटकोण और 1सqात क चार हत 1मल सकगा |

e) साधक-सा[धका चारक 4शtण (Training for sadhak-sadhika

Pracharak) सघ क कh y)य तर पर साधक-साधका चारक क

1लए एक 1श2ण कायyenम बनाया जाना चाहए | यह 1श2ण उYहh

मzय कYy क मायम स दया जाना चाहए िजसस व सघ क

Dिटकोण एव लgय स पaरचत होकर अपन उचत और नधाaरत

कतkय का पालन सह) ढग स कर सकh | इस 1श2ण कायकरण स

साधक-साधका चारको क7 कायशल) अप2ाओ एव कतkय मh

एकeपता बनी रहगी | साथ ह) व पण पारद1शता स अपन कतkय का

नवाह कर सकh ग |

साधक-साधका चारक इस कड़ी का नमाण होन क बाद एव इनक7

समाचार) को अतम eप दन क बाद यह साधक-साधका चारक 1श2ण

(Training for sadhak-sadhika Pracharak) पाmacrयyenम तयार 9कया

जाना चाहए |


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 14: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


साध-सावी 4शtण हत काययोजना

-मण सघ जन Pवता+बर सदाय क बीच जन धम क 4सIात का बहतर

चार करन क 4लए अितव मA आया ह | पछल कई वषK स यह सघ हमार

साध-सािवय क मडल मA जन धम क मख उuयPय को बढ़ावा दता रहा ह |

इन सभी बात का सार यह) ह 9क मण सघ क Dिटकोण मzय सYदश

वचार और उjWWय सपण सघ मh एकeपता स सचाaरत ह | सघ क

1सqात का समानता स सभी सदय तक पहचना और उनक वारा एक eप

मh pहण 9कया जाना सघ क अितव हत अत-आवWयक ह 8य9क य सभी

सदय एक बड़ अनyenम का हसा हs |

सघ क तकाल)न समाननीय सदय क मागदशन मh द)2ा लन क उपरात

जब 9कसी kयि8त का गणीजन क7 पवi सगत स थम पaरचय होता ह तो

यह उमीद क7 जाती ह 9क वह मण सघ क 1सqात का पaरचायक बनकर

रह और साथ ह) अपन गजन स ाnत kयि8तपरक धा1मक 1श2ा का

अनसरण भी करता रह |

यह तभी सभव होगा जब मण सघ क 1सqात का मानक7करण करक एक

नधाaरत तर)क स उYहh द)2ाथV को समझाया जाय ता9क द)2ा क पव ह)

वह धा1मक lान क साथ इन 1सqात को भी आमसात कर सक| इस तरह

का 1श2ण सघ क सदय मh गटनरप2ता और वचाaरक सहमत बनाय

रखन मh सहायक 1सq होगा| अतः हम इस कार क 4शtण कायम क

बनाय जान का ताव रखना चाहत हw | इसस मण सघ क7 1श2ा सामpी

और 1सqात का मानक7करण हो सकगा | मलतः यह 1श2ण कायyenम पव-

नधाaरत एव सीमाबq तर)क स सचा1लत होगा ता9क सभी सदय क मय

1श2ण सामpी और Dिटकोण सदव समान रहh |


इस ताव को साकार करन क 1लए नन1लSखत तर)क अपनाय जा सकत हs

a) -मण सघ क2 कA z6य स4मत - िजसम आचाय यवाचाय और वतक

शा4मल हग - वारा दशभर मA चार मय 4शtण कA z थापत

Lकय जाए जहा न+न4लखीत मलभत 4शtण दान Lकया जाएगा |

b) कA z6य स4मत 4शtण का ाMप और सामी तयार करन का िज+मा

कछ स+माननीय साध-सािवय को सप सकत हw िजgtहA -मण सघ

वारा अनमोGदत Lकया गया हो |

c) कA z6य स4मत वारा आतZरक (जरत पड़न पर बाहर6 भी) 4शtक

क2 पहचान और नयित क2 जानी चाGहए | यह 4शtक नधाZरत

सामी क अनसार 4शtण दान करAग |

उपरो8त आवWयकताओ को यान मh रखत हए नन कार क 1श2ण

मॉडयल बनाय जा सकत हs | उनक ायोिजत लाभ भी यहा दए गए हs

a) मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) वतमान मh द)2ा क पव साध-सािवय वारा द)2ाथय को

एक तय अवध क अतगत 1श2ण दया जाता ह 9कYत यह 9कसी

नधाaरत ाeप मh नह) होता ह| यह कारण ह 9क कड़ 1श2ण और

गहराई स दान क7 गयी 1श2ा क बावजद भी तi क भीतर ह) द)2ा लन

क7 वध मh असमानताए पायी गयी हs| 1श2ण को सवाह) बनान और

एकeपी 1श2ण सामpी क अभाव स जYमी असमानताओ को 1मटान क

1लए सघ को कh y)य तर पर एक मलभत साध-सािव 1श2ण कायyenम को शी पिYवत करना चाहए | इस 1श2ण कायyenम क अतगत

द)2ाथV मल धा1मक और सधािYतक 1श2ा ाnत कर सकh ग | इस

1श2ण कायyenम मh कछ हद तक लचीलापन भी होना चाहए ता9क साध-सािवय क नजी अनभव और lान को भी समाहत 9कया जा सक |


इस मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) क2 कायणाल6 न+न4लखीत पIत नसार कायािgtवत क2 जा

सकती ह |

bull मण सघ वारा इस नग का Sylabus तय कर लना चाहए | उसक7

9कताब एव training modul तयार करक एक training kit बनाना

चाहए |

bull यह training kit guidelines क साथ सभी साध-सिवओको वतaरत

करना चाहए | िजसका उपयोग कर 1श2ओ को एकeपी 1श2ा दान

कर सकh |

bull आज िजस तरह साध-सािव अपन 1शय को द)2ा क पहल training दत

ह उसी तरह यहास आग भी वो अपन 1शय को खदह) training दhग |

ल9कन यह training training kit क guidelines स दया जायगा |

bull इस training kit क7 मदद स साध-सावी द)2ा क 1लए 1श2ण दत

समय नधाaरत मापदड क अनसार सपण और सरचत 1श2ा द सकh ग |

bull इस कायyenम क वारा यक द)2ाथV क7 नजी 2मता समझ एव

इvछाशि8त का भी आकलन 9कया जा सकगा | इसस मण सघ को उस

kयि8त क7 2मताओ का सह) उपयोग सघ क कायm मh करन मh मदद

1मलगी |

b) नए सदय हत -मण सघ का अ4भवgtयास 4शtण (Shraman

Sangh Orientation training for new members)मण सघ क

सभी सदय वारा एक समान आचार सहता का अनपालन 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह और इसक 1लए यक सदय को सघ क Dिटकोण

वचार 1सqात कायशल) और लgय स भल)भात पaरचत होना

आवWयक ह | यह 1श2ण कायyenम सभी नए सदय को उपरो8त बात

स पaरचत करन क साथ ह) सभी सदय को समान उjWWय स बाधन


का काय करगा | इस कायyenम क7 अवध छः मह)न क7 हो सकती ह

और इस मzय 1श2ण कh y स 1श2त 1श2क वारा ह) चलाया जाना

चाहए |

अ4भवgtयास 4शtण स न+न लाभ हग

bull इसस सघ क सभी सदय क इराद और काय सगठत हग और एकह)

लgय पर किYyत गतवधया भी हगी |

bull इसस मतभद और अलगाव क मामल भी कम हो सकh ग |

उपरो8त दोन (a) तथा (b) 1श2ण ाnत करन क उपरात ह) 1श2 को

द)2ा दान क7 जाएगी |

c) मौजदा साध-सािवय का -मण सघ अ4भवgtयास 4शtण

(Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing

SadhuSadhavis)मण सघ वारा लघ अवध क kयापक

अ1भवYयास 1श2ण कायyenम 1श2त 1श2क वारा दशभर मh मौजद

साध-सािवय क समह क 1लए भी बनाय जान चाहए | इसस साध-

सािवय क अधकाधक समह मण सघ क मल Dिटकोण और 1सqात

स पaरचत हो सकh ग |

d) वषयक 4शtण (Subject trainings)जन धम स सबधत

व1भYन वषय पर सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत और जड़ हए साध-सािवय

को अपनी वीणताक आधार पर 1भYन कार क 1श2ण कायyenम तयार

करन चाहए | उदहारण क तौर परयान वया पर 1श2ण कायyenम

जन बालकबा1लकाओ क 1लए सकार 1श2ा एव जन धम क आधारभत

1सqात जस 9क अहसा अपaरpह और अनकावाद पर वषयगत 1श2ण

िजसका लाभ सामाYय जन नागaरक भी ल सकh | इसक वारा जनय मh

समता अहसा शात पश सर2ा 1श2ा एव वाnotय क महव पर

जागeकता उपYन क7 जा सकगी |


इन वशष 4शtण कायम स यह लाभ हग

bull गभीर सामािजक श2Sणक और मानवीय मसल पर कशल साध-सावी

सामाYय जन को सबोधत कर सकh ग |

bull साध-सािवय क lान और अनभव का उचत लाभ और सहयोग मण

सघ क Dिटकोण और 1सqात क चार हत 1मल सकगा |

e) साधक-सा[धका चारक 4शtण (Training for sadhak-sadhika

Pracharak) सघ क कh y)य तर पर साधक-साधका चारक क

1लए एक 1श2ण कायyenम बनाया जाना चाहए | यह 1श2ण उYहh

मzय कYy क मायम स दया जाना चाहए िजसस व सघ क

Dिटकोण एव लgय स पaरचत होकर अपन उचत और नधाaरत

कतkय का पालन सह) ढग स कर सकh | इस 1श2ण कायकरण स

साधक-साधका चारको क7 कायशल) अप2ाओ एव कतkय मh

एकeपता बनी रहगी | साथ ह) व पण पारद1शता स अपन कतkय का

नवाह कर सकh ग |

साधक-साधका चारक इस कड़ी का नमाण होन क बाद एव इनक7

समाचार) को अतम eप दन क बाद यह साधक-साधका चारक 1श2ण

(Training for sadhak-sadhika Pracharak) पाmacrयyenम तयार 9कया

जाना चाहए |


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 15: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


इस ताव को साकार करन क 1लए नन1लSखत तर)क अपनाय जा सकत हs

a) -मण सघ क2 कA z6य स4मत - िजसम आचाय यवाचाय और वतक

शा4मल हग - वारा दशभर मA चार मय 4शtण कA z थापत

Lकय जाए जहा न+न4लखीत मलभत 4शtण दान Lकया जाएगा |

b) कA z6य स4मत 4शtण का ाMप और सामी तयार करन का िज+मा

कछ स+माननीय साध-सािवय को सप सकत हw िजgtहA -मण सघ

वारा अनमोGदत Lकया गया हो |

c) कA z6य स4मत वारा आतZरक (जरत पड़न पर बाहर6 भी) 4शtक

क2 पहचान और नयित क2 जानी चाGहए | यह 4शtक नधाZरत

सामी क अनसार 4शtण दान करAग |

उपरो8त आवWयकताओ को यान मh रखत हए नन कार क 1श2ण

मॉडयल बनाय जा सकत हs | उनक ायोिजत लाभ भी यहा दए गए हs

a) मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) वतमान मh द)2ा क पव साध-सािवय वारा द)2ाथय को

एक तय अवध क अतगत 1श2ण दया जाता ह 9कYत यह 9कसी

नधाaरत ाeप मh नह) होता ह| यह कारण ह 9क कड़ 1श2ण और

गहराई स दान क7 गयी 1श2ा क बावजद भी तi क भीतर ह) द)2ा लन

क7 वध मh असमानताए पायी गयी हs| 1श2ण को सवाह) बनान और

एकeपी 1श2ण सामpी क अभाव स जYमी असमानताओ को 1मटान क

1लए सघ को कh y)य तर पर एक मलभत साध-सािव 1श2ण कायyenम को शी पिYवत करना चाहए | इस 1श2ण कायyenम क अतगत

द)2ाथV मल धा1मक और सधािYतक 1श2ा ाnत कर सकh ग | इस

1श2ण कायyenम मh कछ हद तक लचीलापन भी होना चाहए ता9क साध-सािवय क नजी अनभव और lान को भी समाहत 9कया जा सक |


इस मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) क2 कायणाल6 न+न4लखीत पIत नसार कायािgtवत क2 जा

सकती ह |

bull मण सघ वारा इस नग का Sylabus तय कर लना चाहए | उसक7

9कताब एव training modul तयार करक एक training kit बनाना

चाहए |

bull यह training kit guidelines क साथ सभी साध-सिवओको वतaरत

करना चाहए | िजसका उपयोग कर 1श2ओ को एकeपी 1श2ा दान

कर सकh |

bull आज िजस तरह साध-सािव अपन 1शय को द)2ा क पहल training दत

ह उसी तरह यहास आग भी वो अपन 1शय को खदह) training दhग |

ल9कन यह training training kit क guidelines स दया जायगा |

bull इस training kit क7 मदद स साध-सावी द)2ा क 1लए 1श2ण दत

समय नधाaरत मापदड क अनसार सपण और सरचत 1श2ा द सकh ग |

bull इस कायyenम क वारा यक द)2ाथV क7 नजी 2मता समझ एव

इvछाशि8त का भी आकलन 9कया जा सकगा | इसस मण सघ को उस

kयि8त क7 2मताओ का सह) उपयोग सघ क कायm मh करन मh मदद

1मलगी |

b) नए सदय हत -मण सघ का अ4भवgtयास 4शtण (Shraman

Sangh Orientation training for new members)मण सघ क

सभी सदय वारा एक समान आचार सहता का अनपालन 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह और इसक 1लए यक सदय को सघ क Dिटकोण

वचार 1सqात कायशल) और लgय स भल)भात पaरचत होना

आवWयक ह | यह 1श2ण कायyenम सभी नए सदय को उपरो8त बात

स पaरचत करन क साथ ह) सभी सदय को समान उjWWय स बाधन


का काय करगा | इस कायyenम क7 अवध छः मह)न क7 हो सकती ह

और इस मzय 1श2ण कh y स 1श2त 1श2क वारा ह) चलाया जाना

चाहए |

अ4भवgtयास 4शtण स न+न लाभ हग

bull इसस सघ क सभी सदय क इराद और काय सगठत हग और एकह)

लgय पर किYyत गतवधया भी हगी |

bull इसस मतभद और अलगाव क मामल भी कम हो सकh ग |

उपरो8त दोन (a) तथा (b) 1श2ण ाnत करन क उपरात ह) 1श2 को

द)2ा दान क7 जाएगी |

c) मौजदा साध-सािवय का -मण सघ अ4भवgtयास 4शtण

(Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing

SadhuSadhavis)मण सघ वारा लघ अवध क kयापक

अ1भवYयास 1श2ण कायyenम 1श2त 1श2क वारा दशभर मh मौजद

साध-सािवय क समह क 1लए भी बनाय जान चाहए | इसस साध-

सािवय क अधकाधक समह मण सघ क मल Dिटकोण और 1सqात

स पaरचत हो सकh ग |

d) वषयक 4शtण (Subject trainings)जन धम स सबधत

व1भYन वषय पर सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत और जड़ हए साध-सािवय

को अपनी वीणताक आधार पर 1भYन कार क 1श2ण कायyenम तयार

करन चाहए | उदहारण क तौर परयान वया पर 1श2ण कायyenम

जन बालकबा1लकाओ क 1लए सकार 1श2ा एव जन धम क आधारभत

1सqात जस 9क अहसा अपaरpह और अनकावाद पर वषयगत 1श2ण

िजसका लाभ सामाYय जन नागaरक भी ल सकh | इसक वारा जनय मh

समता अहसा शात पश सर2ा 1श2ा एव वाnotय क महव पर

जागeकता उपYन क7 जा सकगी |


इन वशष 4शtण कायम स यह लाभ हग

bull गभीर सामािजक श2Sणक और मानवीय मसल पर कशल साध-सावी

सामाYय जन को सबोधत कर सकh ग |

bull साध-सािवय क lान और अनभव का उचत लाभ और सहयोग मण

सघ क Dिटकोण और 1सqात क चार हत 1मल सकगा |

e) साधक-सा[धका चारक 4शtण (Training for sadhak-sadhika

Pracharak) सघ क कh y)य तर पर साधक-साधका चारक क

1लए एक 1श2ण कायyenम बनाया जाना चाहए | यह 1श2ण उYहh

मzय कYy क मायम स दया जाना चाहए िजसस व सघ क

Dिटकोण एव लgय स पaरचत होकर अपन उचत और नधाaरत

कतkय का पालन सह) ढग स कर सकh | इस 1श2ण कायकरण स

साधक-साधका चारको क7 कायशल) अप2ाओ एव कतkय मh

एकeपता बनी रहगी | साथ ह) व पण पारद1शता स अपन कतkय का

नवाह कर सकh ग |

साधक-साधका चारक इस कड़ी का नमाण होन क बाद एव इनक7

समाचार) को अतम eप दन क बाद यह साधक-साधका चारक 1श2ण

(Training for sadhak-sadhika Pracharak) पाmacrयyenम तयार 9कया

जाना चाहए |


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 16: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


इस मलभत साध-सावी द6tा4शtण (Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha

training) क2 कायणाल6 न+न4लखीत पIत नसार कायािgtवत क2 जा

सकती ह |

bull मण सघ वारा इस नग का Sylabus तय कर लना चाहए | उसक7

9कताब एव training modul तयार करक एक training kit बनाना

चाहए |

bull यह training kit guidelines क साथ सभी साध-सिवओको वतaरत

करना चाहए | िजसका उपयोग कर 1श2ओ को एकeपी 1श2ा दान

कर सकh |

bull आज िजस तरह साध-सािव अपन 1शय को द)2ा क पहल training दत

ह उसी तरह यहास आग भी वो अपन 1शय को खदह) training दhग |

ल9कन यह training training kit क guidelines स दया जायगा |

bull इस training kit क7 मदद स साध-सावी द)2ा क 1लए 1श2ण दत

समय नधाaरत मापदड क अनसार सपण और सरचत 1श2ा द सकh ग |

bull इस कायyenम क वारा यक द)2ाथV क7 नजी 2मता समझ एव

इvछाशि8त का भी आकलन 9कया जा सकगा | इसस मण सघ को उस

kयि8त क7 2मताओ का सह) उपयोग सघ क कायm मh करन मh मदद

1मलगी |

b) नए सदय हत -मण सघ का अ4भवgtयास 4शtण (Shraman

Sangh Orientation training for new members)मण सघ क

सभी सदय वारा एक समान आचार सहता का अनपालन 9कया जाना

आवWयक ह और इसक 1लए यक सदय को सघ क Dिटकोण

वचार 1सqात कायशल) और लgय स भल)भात पaरचत होना

आवWयक ह | यह 1श2ण कायyenम सभी नए सदय को उपरो8त बात

स पaरचत करन क साथ ह) सभी सदय को समान उjWWय स बाधन


का काय करगा | इस कायyenम क7 अवध छः मह)न क7 हो सकती ह

और इस मzय 1श2ण कh y स 1श2त 1श2क वारा ह) चलाया जाना

चाहए |

अ4भवgtयास 4शtण स न+न लाभ हग

bull इसस सघ क सभी सदय क इराद और काय सगठत हग और एकह)

लgय पर किYyत गतवधया भी हगी |

bull इसस मतभद और अलगाव क मामल भी कम हो सकh ग |

उपरो8त दोन (a) तथा (b) 1श2ण ाnत करन क उपरात ह) 1श2 को

द)2ा दान क7 जाएगी |

c) मौजदा साध-सािवय का -मण सघ अ4भवgtयास 4शtण

(Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing

SadhuSadhavis)मण सघ वारा लघ अवध क kयापक

अ1भवYयास 1श2ण कायyenम 1श2त 1श2क वारा दशभर मh मौजद

साध-सािवय क समह क 1लए भी बनाय जान चाहए | इसस साध-

सािवय क अधकाधक समह मण सघ क मल Dिटकोण और 1सqात

स पaरचत हो सकh ग |

d) वषयक 4शtण (Subject trainings)जन धम स सबधत

व1भYन वषय पर सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत और जड़ हए साध-सािवय

को अपनी वीणताक आधार पर 1भYन कार क 1श2ण कायyenम तयार

करन चाहए | उदहारण क तौर परयान वया पर 1श2ण कायyenम

जन बालकबा1लकाओ क 1लए सकार 1श2ा एव जन धम क आधारभत

1सqात जस 9क अहसा अपaरpह और अनकावाद पर वषयगत 1श2ण

िजसका लाभ सामाYय जन नागaरक भी ल सकh | इसक वारा जनय मh

समता अहसा शात पश सर2ा 1श2ा एव वाnotय क महव पर

जागeकता उपYन क7 जा सकगी |


इन वशष 4शtण कायम स यह लाभ हग

bull गभीर सामािजक श2Sणक और मानवीय मसल पर कशल साध-सावी

सामाYय जन को सबोधत कर सकh ग |

bull साध-सािवय क lान और अनभव का उचत लाभ और सहयोग मण

सघ क Dिटकोण और 1सqात क चार हत 1मल सकगा |

e) साधक-सा[धका चारक 4शtण (Training for sadhak-sadhika

Pracharak) सघ क कh y)य तर पर साधक-साधका चारक क

1लए एक 1श2ण कायyenम बनाया जाना चाहए | यह 1श2ण उYहh

मzय कYy क मायम स दया जाना चाहए िजसस व सघ क

Dिटकोण एव लgय स पaरचत होकर अपन उचत और नधाaरत

कतkय का पालन सह) ढग स कर सकh | इस 1श2ण कायकरण स

साधक-साधका चारको क7 कायशल) अप2ाओ एव कतkय मh

एकeपता बनी रहगी | साथ ह) व पण पारद1शता स अपन कतkय का

नवाह कर सकh ग |

साधक-साधका चारक इस कड़ी का नमाण होन क बाद एव इनक7

समाचार) को अतम eप दन क बाद यह साधक-साधका चारक 1श2ण

(Training for sadhak-sadhika Pracharak) पाmacrयyenम तयार 9कया

जाना चाहए |


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 17: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


का काय करगा | इस कायyenम क7 अवध छः मह)न क7 हो सकती ह

और इस मzय 1श2ण कh y स 1श2त 1श2क वारा ह) चलाया जाना

चाहए |

अ4भवgtयास 4शtण स न+न लाभ हग

bull इसस सघ क सभी सदय क इराद और काय सगठत हग और एकह)

लgय पर किYyत गतवधया भी हगी |

bull इसस मतभद और अलगाव क मामल भी कम हो सकh ग |

उपरो8त दोन (a) तथा (b) 1श2ण ाnत करन क उपरात ह) 1श2 को

द)2ा दान क7 जाएगी |

c) मौजदा साध-सािवय का -मण सघ अ4भवgtयास 4शtण

(Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing

SadhuSadhavis)मण सघ वारा लघ अवध क kयापक

अ1भवYयास 1श2ण कायyenम 1श2त 1श2क वारा दशभर मh मौजद

साध-सािवय क समह क 1लए भी बनाय जान चाहए | इसस साध-

सािवय क अधकाधक समह मण सघ क मल Dिटकोण और 1सqात

स पaरचत हो सकh ग |

d) वषयक 4शtण (Subject trainings)जन धम स सबधत

व1भYन वषय पर सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत और जड़ हए साध-सािवय

को अपनी वीणताक आधार पर 1भYन कार क 1श2ण कायyenम तयार

करन चाहए | उदहारण क तौर परयान वया पर 1श2ण कायyenम

जन बालकबा1लकाओ क 1लए सकार 1श2ा एव जन धम क आधारभत

1सqात जस 9क अहसा अपaरpह और अनकावाद पर वषयगत 1श2ण

िजसका लाभ सामाYय जन नागaरक भी ल सकh | इसक वारा जनय मh

समता अहसा शात पश सर2ा 1श2ा एव वाnotय क महव पर

जागeकता उपYन क7 जा सकगी |


इन वशष 4शtण कायम स यह लाभ हग

bull गभीर सामािजक श2Sणक और मानवीय मसल पर कशल साध-सावी

सामाYय जन को सबोधत कर सकh ग |

bull साध-सािवय क lान और अनभव का उचत लाभ और सहयोग मण

सघ क Dिटकोण और 1सqात क चार हत 1मल सकगा |

e) साधक-सा[धका चारक 4शtण (Training for sadhak-sadhika

Pracharak) सघ क कh y)य तर पर साधक-साधका चारक क

1लए एक 1श2ण कायyenम बनाया जाना चाहए | यह 1श2ण उYहh

मzय कYy क मायम स दया जाना चाहए िजसस व सघ क

Dिटकोण एव लgय स पaरचत होकर अपन उचत और नधाaरत

कतkय का पालन सह) ढग स कर सकh | इस 1श2ण कायकरण स

साधक-साधका चारको क7 कायशल) अप2ाओ एव कतkय मh

एकeपता बनी रहगी | साथ ह) व पण पारद1शता स अपन कतkय का

नवाह कर सकh ग |

साधक-साधका चारक इस कड़ी का नमाण होन क बाद एव इनक7

समाचार) को अतम eप दन क बाद यह साधक-साधका चारक 1श2ण

(Training for sadhak-sadhika Pracharak) पाmacrयyenम तयार 9कया

जाना चाहए |


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 18: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


इन वशष 4शtण कायम स यह लाभ हग

bull गभीर सामािजक श2Sणक और मानवीय मसल पर कशल साध-सावी

सामाYय जन को सबोधत कर सकh ग |

bull साध-सािवय क lान और अनभव का उचत लाभ और सहयोग मण

सघ क Dिटकोण और 1सqात क चार हत 1मल सकगा |

e) साधक-सा[धका चारक 4शtण (Training for sadhak-sadhika

Pracharak) सघ क कh y)य तर पर साधक-साधका चारक क

1लए एक 1श2ण कायyenम बनाया जाना चाहए | यह 1श2ण उYहh

मzय कYy क मायम स दया जाना चाहए िजसस व सघ क

Dिटकोण एव लgय स पaरचत होकर अपन उचत और नधाaरत

कतkय का पालन सह) ढग स कर सकh | इस 1श2ण कायकरण स

साधक-साधका चारको क7 कायशल) अप2ाओ एव कतkय मh

एकeपता बनी रहगी | साथ ह) व पण पारद1शता स अपन कतkय का

नवाह कर सकh ग |

साधक-साधका चारक इस कड़ी का नमाण होन क बाद एव इनक7

समाचार) को अतम eप दन क बाद यह साधक-साधका चारक 1श2ण

(Training for sadhak-sadhika Pracharak) पाmacrयyenम तयार 9कया

जाना चाहए |


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 19: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


-मण सघ क बल6करण म सािवयक2 नार6 शती

को बलवान करन Lक नई काययोजना

वतमान मh मण सघ १३०० साध-सािवय का सघठन ह िजसक7 कh y)य

स1मत मh आचाय यवाचाय उपायाय वतक सyenटर)ज और वात नया हs|

सघ मh 900 सािवया (लगभग 70) एव ४०० साध (30) हs | एक

kयविथत और पव-नधाaरत ढाच क अतगत यह 1300 साध-सािवय का

समह एक ह) तरह क दायव का नवाह कर रह हs |

द)घ eप मh हमार दश मh महलाओ को रा नमाण का मख हसा बनान

हत ोसाहत 9कया जा रहा ह | इसक बावजद कई काय2i ऐस हs जहा

महलाओ क7 उपिथत माi 15 स अधक नह) ह | इसक वपर)त मण

सघ मh 70 सािवया हs जो सघ क 1लय सश8त eप स कायशील हs | इस

च9कत करन वाल) सzया क अलावा यह सािवया स9yenय उN क7 होन क

साथ ह) स1श2त और सयोuय भी हs | सघ क 1लए यह अत आवWयक ह

9क वह इन सािवय क7 शि8त और सामnotय का उपयोग सह) दशा मh करत

हए सघ क7 गतवधय मh उYहh ल2त eप स कायािYवत करh | मण सघ

न जन धम क हत मh अभतपव काय सपादत 9कय हs और सघ को चाहए

क7 वह इस गामी झकाव का परा परा लाभ उठाए तथा ऐसा एक

Mechanizum तsup2यार कर जो सघ क नटवक मh य काय करना सभव


यह तभी सभव ह जब इन 900 सािवय क गट क समथन मh समह मh स

एक सचाe चालन रचना का गठन 9कया जाय | वतमान गतवध सचालन

मh ह) एक ऐसा पयव2क एव सहायक तi समाहत होना चाहए जो सािवय

क समह का स2मीकरण भी करता रह | बहतर काय2मता हत सघ क7

वतमान सरचना मh कछ पaरवतन अनवाय हs |


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 20: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


इस वषय पर न+न4लNखत सझाव

1 मण सघ क सावी वग को एक वशष दजा दकर मण सघ क

अYतगत उनक 1लए एक वशष कायणाल) का नमाण करना

2 आचाय वारा इस 900 सािवय क समह क 1लए पाच वष क7 अवध

क 1लए एक सावी मखा क7 नयि8त करना

3 सावी मखा को नन1लSखत वषय पर काय करन क 1लए उचत

अधकार दान करना

4 सावी मखा को अपना कतkय नभान तथा उस दए गए सनिWचत

उjWWय को परा करन क 1लए व1शट मागदशक सचनाए दना

5 सघ क7 आचार सहता का पालन न करन पर जो मख समयाए आ

सकती हs उYहh पaरभाषत करना और उYहh आचाय तक पहचाना और

जो छोट) समयाए हs उYहh सावी मखा क तर पर नपटाना

6 हर पाच वष क7 अवधी क 1लए सावी समह न कौन स वशष ोpाम

पर काम करना ह इसका नणय करना और इन कायyenम क7 पतV

करन का उतरदायव सावी मखा को सsup3प दना

सावी मखा क2 भ4मका और दायव इस कार हग

I सभी सािवय क 1लए पयव2क एव सहायक क7 भ1मका का नवाह

करना |

II सभी 900 सािवय का सव2ण करक उYहh उN 1श2ा दलचपी और

अYय मापदड क आधार पर रखािYवत करना ता9क उYहh उचत सावी

ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क दायव सsup3प जा सकh |


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 21: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


III उन महवपण वषय क7 पहचान करना जहा सावी ससाधन समह

(Sadhavi Resource Groups) पव नधाaरत लgय सहत महवपण

योगदान द सकत हs| हर पाच वषm मh इन वषय क7 समी2ा क7 जाए

और उनमh कटौती या बढ़ौiी करन क7 गजाईश हो|

IV सव2ण क वारा रखािYवत सािवय को उचत ससाधन समह मh

थान दान कर समह को स9yenय करना और समह क सदय को हर

पाच वष क अतराल पर बदलना |

V यक सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क 1लए एक

मख क7 नयि8त करना िजसका कायकाल पाच वषm का होगा|

VI सघ क7 कh y)य स1मत को निWचत समय एव ाeप मh aरपोट दान


VII एक बाहर) सलाहकार स1मत (external advisory council) क7 नयि8त

करना (वह महलापष हो सकत हs) जो गभीर वषय पर सह) सलाह

द सकh |

VIII सावी ससाधन समह क7 सचाता बनाय रखन क 1लए कh y)य स1मत

स परामश लना|

सावी ससाधन समह (Sadhavi Resource Groups) क2 मख सावी सGहत

थापना क न+न4लNखत उkPय और कायt हो सकत हw इन वषयोम

बदलाव Lकय जा सकत ह|

I यान साधना यान साधना इस वषय पर दनीया मh काफ7 सशोधन

चल रह ह | इस सद) का यह महवपण वषय माना जा सकता ह |

हमार वतमान आचाय डॉ 1शवमनजी इनका इस वषय पर काफ7 गहरा

और असामाYय चतन ह | इस यान साधना को उYहन अपन िजदगी


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 22: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


क साथ जोड़कर एक नया मकाम हा1सल 9कया ह | अब आवWयकता ह

इस यान साधना को एक mission क eप मh खड़ा करक इस दश मh

एक नयी Revolution ला सक | इस 1लए एक वतत project

report बनाकर उसक action plan को नधाaरत कर इस वषय को

दश और वWव मh अलग Dट) स पश करना | इस mission को आग

बढ़न क1लए िजन सािवयक7 दलचपी ह ऐस सािवयक समह को

इसमh जोड़ा जा सकता ह |

II सकार 4शवर (Sanskar Shibirs) जन समदाय क बvच अपन धम स

दर होत जा रह दखायी द रह हs| थानक मh उनक7 उपिथत लगातार

कम हो रह) ह जो जन समदाय क 1लए एक गहर) चYता का वषय

ह| इन बvच और यवाओ को जन धम क 1सqात और तवlान क7

ओर आकषत करन तथा उYहh जन दशनशाi मh मान1सक आधार

1मलन हत सकार 1शवर आयोिजत 9कय जान चाहए| यह 1शवर नई

पीढ़) को यान मh रखकर मiीपण और सरल ाeप मh आयोिजत 9कया

जान चाहए| इन 1शवर मh उvच और नई तकनीक क साथ क7 अpजी

भाषा का भी योग 9कया जा सकता ह िजसस नई पीढ़) क साथ सवाद

थापत हो सक|

III आदश चातमास (Ideal Chaturmas) कछ वष पव भारतीय जन सगठन

(बीजएस) वारा आदश चातमास क7 सकपना paraडजाईन एव आयोजन

वधमान थानकवासी सघ 1शवाजीनगर पण मh 9कया गया था | यह

आयोजन महासती ीतसधाजी क मागदशन मh हआ था | इस चातमास

क7 खा1सयत यह थी क7 इसक आयोजन मh यक आय क लोग क7

eच को यान मh रखा गया था और यह) इसक7 सफलता का कारण

बना | इसपर एक aरपोट और दतावज भी तयार क7 गयी िजसस

भवय मh रणा 1ल जा सक | तपWचात जलगाव मh भी इसी कारका

चातमास बीजएस वारा आयोिजत 9कया गया था| बीजएस वारा तयार


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 23: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


क7 गयी aरपोट का अययन कर दशभर क अYय थानक सघ भी ऐस

10 - 20 पायलट चातमास का आयोजन कर सकत हs | ऐस आयोजन

अवWय होन चाहए और बीजएस सदव इस कार क कायyenम को

अनक थानक मh करन क 1लए सहायता दान करन हत तपर ह |

a यवतय का सtमीकरण (Empowerment of girls) अतरजातीय ववाह

क बढ़त हए मामल जन समदाय मh सामन आ रह हs | यवा लड़9कय

क अपन पaरवार क साथ मतभद भी बढ़ रह हs | आज क समय मh

एक ऐस सjढ ढ़ मच क7 आवWयकता ह जो यवतय को बाहर) दनया

क7 सvचाई बतात हए उYहh अपनी भावनाए kय8त करन का मौका भी

द | इसस वह अपन पaरवार और समाज को एक नए और सलझ हए

नजaरय स दख सकती हs | अतः जन समदाय क7 यवतय क 1लए

व1भYन थान पर यवतय का स2मीकरण कायyenम आयोिजत 9कया

जाना चाहए |

b मGहला सगठनो को एकजट करना (Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans)

आज व1भYन थान पर अनक जन महला सगठन मौजद हs |समाज

क 1लए यह अयत हतकार) होगा यद इन सभी समह को एक साथ

जोड़ दया जाय और एक समान उjWय स इYहh कायािYवत 9कया जाय

| इस तरह इनक वारा 9कय कायm स अधकाधक लाभ होगा | इस

तरह क सगठन क7 पहचान कर उYहh आपस मh जोड़ना जर) ह ता9क

गभीर और आवWयक मसल पर व एकजट होकर समाज कयाण क

काय कर सकh और बहतर नतीज ाnत ह |

c सावी सहायता एव 4शकायत नवारण को ठ (Sadhavi Support and

Grievance Redressal Cell)- यह 900 सािवय का समह सचाe और

सखद eप स पaरचा1लत करन हत इनक7 समयाओ और अYय मसल

का तरत नराकरण करना आवWयक ह | कायशल) सर2ा 1श2ा

शोषण या अYय महला-किYyत समयाए कभी भी उपYन हो सकती


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 24: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


हs | समय पर इनका नराकरण हो इसक 1लए एक सावी सहायता एव

4शकायत नवारण को ठ बनाया जाना चाGहए | इस कार सभी

सािवया अपन-अपन 2i मh निWचYत होकर बहतर)न तर)क स काय

कर सकh गी | सावी मख को छोट मसल पर नणय लन का अधकार

ाnत होन चाहए एव गभीर समयाओ क 1लए व कh yय स1मत क7

मदद ल सकती हs |

यह सभी वषय 1सफ उदाहरण क तौरपर दए गए ह | इन वषयोमh स कछ

कम 9कए जा सकत ह तथा कछ बढ़ाय जा सकत ह | हर ५ वष बाद

आवशकता नसार वषय मh बदल 9कया जा सकता ह |


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 25: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


साधक-सा[धका चारक इस नई कटगर6

का नमाण करना

सन १९५० क दशक मh थानकवासी समाज क व1भYन सदाय क साध-

सािवयन 1मलकर एक छiछाया क अतगत आन क7 इvछा kय8त क7 | इस

वचार मथन क मायम स थानकवासी जन समाज क7 एक भkय सथा का

नमाण हआ | जो मण सघ क eप मh आज भी कायरत ह | पछल छ

दशक मh मण सघ क अतगत हजारो साध-सािवया पर दशभर मh जन

धमका चार और सार एव जन 1सqाYतोको दशभर मh फलान का काम बड़

जोश और उमग स कर रह ह |

अगर हम पछल ४-५ दशक का वचार करh तो कई भावी साध-सािवया

मण सघ छोड़कर अYय वचारधारा को जाकर 1मल ह | इस वषयपर साध

समलन मh गहरा चतन होगा | आज क मण सघ मh मौजदा १३०० साध-

सािवयको दखत ह तो हर एक kयि8त स2म वजनर) व कतववान ह |

ल9कन अपन अपन वचारधाराओ एव माYयताओ मh थोडबहत मतभद एव

मनभद होन क7 बात सामन आती ह | खासकर पछल ३ दशक स दश मh

आमलाp बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी सामन आयी ह दरदशन क इकलौत

चनल क बजाय २०० स अधक ट)वी चनल माक ट मh उपलध ह |

कयनकशनक मायम मh बहतह) बदलाव हो चक ह | ट8नोलॉजी क साथ

साथ मोबाईल और सोशल 1मparaडया अपना भाव तजीस डाल रह) ह | इन

सार) बदलती पaरिथतय को सामन दखकर साध-सािव भी भावत हो रह

ह | बहत सार साध-सािवया बहतह) कठोर नयमका सौ-तशत पालन करत

ह आज क ज़मान मh यह बड़ी बात ह | ल9कन कछ साध-सािवया वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल फसबक एव सोशल 1मparaडया का भी इतमाल कर रह ह

और करना चाहत ह | इस1लए यह साध समलन इस Dिटकोण स महवपण

ह क7 मण सघ क7 दशा 8या होनी चाहए एक ओर कड़ नयमका पालन


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 26: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


होन क7 माग उभरकर आयी ह और कड़ नयम का पालन न करनवाल

kयि8तओपर कारवाई करन क7 माग भी सामन आती ह | तो दसर) तरफ

वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया इसका उपयोग करन मh कोई

हज नह) ऐसा कहनवाल साध-सािवय क7 सzया भी बढ़ रह) ह | यह साध

समलन इस Dट) स पण जन समाज क 1लए टनग पॉइट 1सq हो सकता

ह | नणय 8या होन चाहए इसपर सभी साध-सािवय मh काफ7 उसकता ह

| इस सYदभ मh कछ भी नणय 1लया गया तो मण सघ मh दो अलग अलग

वचारधारा क pप होन क7 सभावना ह | उदा बहत कड़ नयम 9कए गय तो

िजनको इन नयम मh 1शथलता चाहए वो लोग मण सघ स नाराज हग

एव इन नयम मh 1शथलता द) तो जो लोग कड़ नयम करना चाहत ह वह

लोग मण सघ स नाराज होन क7 आशका ह |

इस बड़ी समया को लकर हम कछ नया सझाव दना चाहत ह


१ जन समाज क7 नीव यागपर रची गई ह | मण सघ क साध-सािव

क 1लए जो समाचार) १९८७ क पना समलन मh वीकत क7 गई ह

उसमh माइक पख जसी छोट) छोट) बातh छोड़ अYय 9कसी मzय तव

मh बदल करनक7 आवWयकता नह) ह ऐसा हमh लगता ह | ल9कन जो

भी समाचार) तय होगी उसका ततोतत पालन होना और उस Dट) स

कड़ कदम उठाना यह नतात आवWयक ह |

सझाव क लाभ

जन समाज यागपर खड़ा ह | यह सभी साध-सािवया अपन घर पaरवार

सपित यागकर द)2ा लत ह | आज क ज़मान मh इस कार याग

करनवाल लोगक7 सzया बहतह) कम होती जा रह) ह | इस कार क

aरसोसस को दश क 1लए ह) नह) बिक पर वWव क 1लए महवपण मान

जान चाहए | यह हमार समाज का सबस बड़ा Asset ह | इसक7 तलना


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 27: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


धरती क 9कसी अYय चीज स नह) क7 जा सकती | यह 8वािYटट) स नह)

8वा1लट) स सामन आना चाहए |

सझाव क नकसान

साध-सािवय मh कछ लोग ऐस हग क7 िजनको लगता ह क7 वाहन

ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया क मायम स हम अपन

पोटिYशअल को अvछordm तरह स इतमाल कर सकत हs समाज और दश का

बड़ा काम कर सकत हs | कम समय मh अधक काम कर सकत हs| इस

मायम स समाज व दश बदल सकत हs | समाज को नई ऊचाई तक ल जा

सकत हs जन समाज क 1सqाYत का चार व सार जोर स कर सकत ह |

इस कार क7 माYयता क साध-सािव भी इस समह मh हो सकत ह | इस1लए

बहतह) कड़ नयम 9कय तो इस कार क साध-सािवया मण सघ स नाराज

होन क7 सभावना को नकारा नह) जा सकता |

इस साध समलन मh कोई भी एक नणय 1लया तो दसरा pप नाराज होकर

दसरा राता ढढन क7 को1शश करगा आज यह सार) शि8तया मण सघ क

एक छi क नीच काम कर रह) हs इनमh स कछ नाराज हग और ऐसा न हो

इस1लए इन दोन माYयताओ को मण सघ क7 raquoiछाया मh काय करन का

समान अवसर 1मलना चाहए इस1लए हमार कछ सझाव हs जो नीच दए हए ह |

२ साधक-साधका चारक (अलग नामकरण 9कया जा सकता ह) इस

कटगर) का नमाण करना | मण सघ क िजन साध-सािवय को ऐसा

लगता ह क7 वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव सोशल 1मparaडया आद

सभी साधन का उपयोग होना चाहए व इस कटगर) मh अपना योगदान

दhग | इनक 1लए अलग समाचार) का ावधान होना चाहए |



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 28: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan



१ जो साध-सािवया कठोर समाचार) मh नह) रहना चाहत ह और

ऊपaरनदट साधन का उपयोग करना चाहत ह ऐस लोग क 1लए

मण सघ क तरफ स इस णी क7 नमाण होन क7 वजहस सवधा

ाnत होगी और उYहh मण सघ छोड़न क7 जरत नह) पड़गी |

२ जो अभी साध-सावी नह) ह ल9कन िजनको अपन पaरवार का याग

करक जन धम क 1सqाYत का चार सार करना ह ऐस सभाkय

लोग क 1लए कड़ी समाचार) का पालन न करत हए मण सघ स जड़

रहन क 1लए यह णी वरदान 1सq होगी |

३ आज जन समाज मh पण समपत एव वाहन ट8नोलॉजी मोबाईल एव

सोशल 1मparaडया आद सवधाय8त चारक का कडर नह) ह | खास

करक कड़ी समाचार) का पालन करनवाल साध-सािवय को दशभर मh

एक जगह स दसर) जगह जान क 1लए काफ7 मिWकलh आती ह | इस

Dट) स य साध-सािवया य2 उन जगह पर नह) पहच पाती हs

उनक वचार समाज तक पहचान क 1लए यह चारक णी उपय8त हो

सकती ह | Sfrac14Wचन धम व तरापथ सदाय मh इस कार क7 णाल)

काफ7 लाभदायक सा_बत हई ह |

हमार) यह ाथना ह क7 इस नई 9yenया का उदय इस साध समलन मh होना

आवWयक ह | इसस हर कारक7 वचारधारा रहनवाल) साध-सािवय को

मण सघ स जड़ रहन का मौका 1मलगा एव मण सघ मजबत होगा |

इस णाल) को शe करत समय conference क पदाधकाaरयो को भी

वWवास मh लना उनक साथ इस कड़ी क7 समाचार) तय करना एव उनको

लगनवाल वाहन उनका mentainance मोबाइल computers आद

technology साधन मानवससाधन एव रोज क लगनवाल खच इन सभी

_बYदओपर गहराई स वचार वमश कर योजना तयार करनी चाहए |


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 29: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


आदश चातमास - एक नया Xि टकोण

दशभर क गाव-गाव मh जन समाज क हजारो थानक बन हए ह | समाज न

इन थानक का काफ7 उपयोग भी 9कया ह | जहा चातमास नह) होता वहा

पर सालभर इन थानक का परा उपयोग नह) 9कया जाता | जहा चातमास

होत ह वहा ४ माह छोड़कर अYय ८ माह मh भी इसका परा उपयोग नह) 9कया

जाता | पछल कछ वषm मh छोट बvच और यवा वग थानकस काफ7 दर

जात हए दखाई द रह ह | इसक कई कारण ह इसका अथ यह नह) क7 धम

क त उनका झान नह) ह बिक वहा चलनवाल) गतवधयम

समयानसार बदलाव क7 आवWयकता ह | बvचको एव यवाओको धम क साथ

जोड़ रखना यह आज सबक सामन बड़ी चनौती ह |

हम इस वषयपर आदश चातमास क मायम स एक नया Dिटकोण लाना

चाहत ह | िजसस थानक का योuय उपयोग भी हो और बvच और यवा धम

थानकस जड़ रह | यह एक काफ7 चनौतीभरा काम ह जो कछ वष पहल

पना क 1शवाजीनगर थानक मh योग क तौर पर भारतीय जन सघटन

(बीजएस) क मायम स लाग 9कया गया था | यह सारा ोpाम वल

डॉ8यमhटड ह | हमार) यह अप2ा ह क7 भारतवष मh १०-२० बड़ शहर क

थानक मh इसको एक पायलट क7 तरह समाज क सामन पश 9कया जाय |

सचाe eपस इस डॉ8यमhट 9कया जाय और 9फर कछ वष बाद अYय जगहपर

लाग करन का सोचा जा सकता ह | भारतीय जन सघठनन जो इस ोज8ट

को कामयाब 9कया ह उनक7 इस वषय मh पर) मदद लकर इस आदश

चातमास क7 सकपना को कायािYवत 9कया जा सकता ह |


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 30: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


1शवाजीनगर जन थानक मh आयोिजत चातमास क7 कछ झल9कया

नन1लSखत शदम द) गई ह

Holistic Development of Family (एचडीएफ)


वWवभर क जनधमVय सकती परपराए और लोकोपकार) काय स समq

तथा उयमशील समदाय क eप मh जान जात हs

जन समदाय न सार भारतवष मh और सभी सदाय मh धा1मक

आयािमक तथा सामािजक उपयोग क हत थानक भवन जस धा1मक

सथापन का नमाण 9कया ह हमार जन साध सावी इYह) सथापन क

मायम स समाज मh जन सकती नतकता और मय अYतनवट करन

क 1लए अथक पaरम करत आए हs

9कYत गत कछ समय स धा1मक थलपर होनवाल कायyenम क ोता

दशक गण क Dिटकोण मh हम बदलाव दख रह हs हमार आज क समाज मh

कछ अलगाव-सा आ गया ह हमार) नई पढ़) व1भYन कारण स इन

कायyenम क7 ओर आकषत नह) हो रह) हमार समाज क बलथान को एक-

दसर स जोड़न तथा उYहh और बढ़ावा दन क 1लए हर जन पaरवार एक

वशाल नटवक का हसा होन क7 तथा विWवक तर पर पहचन क7

आवWयकता ह

समदायक7 जeरतh सहभाग कम होन क कारण तथा लोग को सहभागी होन

क 1लए कस aरत 9कया जाए इन बात पर चचा करन क 1लए भारतीय जन

सगठन न एक वWलषणामक अfrac12यास 9कया िजसमh थमतः पर समाज क7

एक बठक ल) गई और उसक पWचात व1शट आय - गट क अनसार अलग

- अलग सभाए ल) गई


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 31: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


इस वWलषण मh आज क जन थानक स अYय अप2ाए रखत हs ऐसा एक

मjा सामन आया य अप2ाए ऐसी हs -

1 नटव9कग (लोग का मलजोल)

2 िकल डवलपमYट (कौशल वकास)

3 नॉलज अपpडशन (lान का उYनतीकरण)

4 जeरत पर आधाaरत आय - गट अनसार कायyenम

5 ऐसी एक जगह जहा पaरवार क सभी सदय अपन - अपन समान

अYय जन क साथ जड़ सकh तथा एक बलशाल) जन समदाय का

नमाण कर सकh

यह ोज8ट अfrac12यासपण ट8नोलॉजी पर आधाaरत लSखत (डॉ8यमhटड) तथा

वतार2म (कलबल) होगा और इसमh पaरवार क सभी सदय क 1लए

kयाzयान गोठordm वक शॉप 1श2ा वग क eप मh कायyenम हग जो

व1भYन थान पर चलाए जा सकh ग

कायणाल6 (Methodology)

हो1लिटक डवलपमYट ऑफ फ1मल) ोज8ट मh नन1लSखत महवपण 2i

मh सभी आय - गट क 1लए कायyenम सिम1लत हs -

1 4लल एrलोरस (4 - 13 वष) - 1श2ाािnत क7 आय मh

एि8टवट)ज का जोर बq नतक तथा मय 1श2ा को ए8ा

कaर8यलर एि8टवट)ज शार)aरक तYदती आद) बढ़ान पर होता ह

2 वाय - जनरशन (14 - 24 वष) - िजसक 1लए एिnटiquestयड एससमYट

सॉAgraveट िकस का वकास कaरअर मागदशन लड़9कय का

स2मीकरण ववाह आद) बात पर जोर होता ह

3 यवा oयावसायक (25 - 40 वष पMष) - यह जीवन का ऐसा मोड़ ह

जहा वकास क7 तीAacute इvछा को साथी जन बYधओ क वशाल नटवक


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 32: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


का आधार 1मलता ह जहा नजी तथा kयावसायक सफलता पान हत

वचार तथा कपनाओ का आदान - दान 9कया जा सकता ह उvच

1श2ा ाnत क7 जा सकती ह और अvछordm कायपqतय का lान बाटा

जा सकता ह

4 ल6डग लडीज (25 - 40 वष िया) - घर चलान क सजनशील

कौशल मh बढ़ौiी करना जस खाना पकाना घर सजाना 1शश सगोपन

आद) बात मh व1भYन वषय क वशषl क kयाzयान का आयोजन

5 पZरवार मख (40 स अ[धक वष) - सखी पaरवार बYध kयवसाय को

मजबती और पर काम सsup3पना और नणय लना गव क साथ नवती

वाnotय सबYधी जानकार) क7 समयाओ का समाधान

महाराज साहब क साथ परामश करक कायyenम का एक सचाe कलYडर

तsup2यार 9कया गया ह िजसमh उनक वारा नयोिजत चातमास क7 9yenयाए

ाथ1मकता स सिम1लत क7 गई हs और शष समय मh जन समदाय क7

जeरतh पर) करनवाल) अYय 9yenयाए सिम1लत क7 गई हs यह कलYडर सभी

जन पaरवार को जानकार) क हत तथा ऐस कायyenम मh सहभागी होन को

aरत करन हत समय स पहल भजा गया ह

िजन थान पर थानक भवन जस धा1मक सथापन का उपयोग जन

समदाय समाज क 1मलन क 1लए चातमास क अलावा सपण वष मh 9कया

जा सकता ह वहा य कायyenम अपन - अपन पर समय तक चलत हs


1 पaरवार क सभी सदय मh थानक पर आन क7 सकती का नमाण

2 धम क त लगाव बढ़ाना

3 एक मजबत नटवक वाल समाज का हसा बनन का अवसर

4 समदायक गट का नमाण

5 सामािजक सर2ा


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 33: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


6 lान मh वq

7 चनौतय का सामना करन क 1लए नय कौशल वक1सत करन क


8 वक शॉप तथा 8लासस क 1लए दर मh कमी

9 पaरवार तथा समाज मh जो गप हs उYहh परा करना

10 समदाय मh वाnotय क7 अvछordm जानकार)

11 समदाय क सभी उप - गट को एक होन क 1लए एक nलटफाम

अतZरत सझाव -

1 वयमान मख साध-सािवय क वचन क वषय का एक अलग

कलYडर बनाया जाए िजसस समदाय मh और अधक जानकार)

साaरत क7 जा सकती ह और लोग को थानक मh आन को aरत

9कया जा सकता ह |

2 दनदन वचन क वीparaडयो वबसाईट you tube पर अपलोड करन

क7 9yenया शe क7 जाए ता9क जो लोग वचन क 1लए य2

उपिथत ना रह पाए उYहh भी इसस लाभ हो सक इसका बYध

ऐसा हो िजसस वWवभर क हमार जन बYध चातमास दख सकh साथ

1मल सकh साध-सािवय क वचन सन सकh तथा अvछा जीवन

_बतान क बार मh वचार कर सकh |




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 34: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan




Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 35: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan



Preface 37

Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles for nation building 39

Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation new thoughts and new

direction 41

Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis 45

Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of Sadhavi wing under Shraman

Sangh 49

Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed Cadre of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh 53

Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective 57


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 36: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


(Strictly for Internal and private circulation only)


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 37: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


Preface Date 9th March 2015


Parampujya Acharya Samrat Dr Shivmuniji MS and to all respected


Koti Koti Vandan

On the occasion of the Sadhu Sammelan organized under the aegis of the All

India Shwetambar Sthanakwasi Jain Conference held at the behest of Hrsquoable

Acharya Dr Shri Shivmuniji MS and led under the able leadership of

respected Shri Neminath ji Jain I hereby extend my warmest and deepest

regards to one and all

It is an earnest desire on behalf of the entire Jain community for the

Shraman Sangh to emerge as a powerful institution prepared to scale much

greater heights This Sadhu Sammelan -March 2015 will establish itself as a

major milestone for our community as well as our nation We must ensure

that such a momentous and promising occasion which has arisen after 28

long years must not go waste and should herald the beginning of a very

decisive and fundamental journey to be undertaken in the times to come

With this intent I had the privilege to share my ideas and thoughts with

Shri Neminath ji and few other senior office bearers two months back

during my visit to Indore with a view to strengthening Shraman Sangh in

different ways In order to take these ideas forward Shri Neminath ji urged

me along with Shri Shantilal ji Kawad a very senior leader of the Jain

Samaj to offer ourselves in the advisory role for this Sadhu Sammelan Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad is a very charismatic leader of the Jain Samaj and he

took the pains to visit me in Pune to understand my views in greater depth

Subsequently we also got the opportunity to exchange our ideas with

Parampujya Acharya Shri Dr Shivmuniji MS few senior SadhusSadhavis

and the office bearers of Shraman Sangh


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 38: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my si

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

you all to consider these views as a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought pro

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

These views can also be presented and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

everyone with deepest regard and commitment

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

attempted to offer my views with a multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Yours obediently

Shantilal Muttha

It was decided that we should offer some fundamental suggestions to

Acharya ji in this regard Hence this is a humble attempt from my side to

put forth my personal views to strengthen the institution of Shraman

Sangh I neither possess nor claim to possess the capability to offer

lsquosuggestionsrsquo to somebody of Acharya jirsquos stature Hence I sincerely request

a perspective and as a prerogative and

not in the form of suggestions The views presented by me are entirely my

own and revolve around several important topicsissues By no means are

these views to be construed as the final expression of my thought process

This is simply an attempt to touch upon certain critical aspects Shri

Shantilal ji Kawad may also have his personal views and perspectives in this

regard Multiple means can be conceived towards achieving a common end

ted and articulated in different ways by

different people The decisions taken by Hrsquoable Acharya ji based on these

thoughts will be binding on the entire Jain community and will be abided by

Service to Jainism and service to the community is the sole objective behind

this effort I have absolutely no intent of criticizing or causing hurt to the

sentiments of any SadhuSadhavi andor office bearer I have only

multi dimensional perspective I would

like to offer my sincere apologies in case my views offend anybody


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 39: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


Sammelan A call for harnessing Jain principles

for nation building

Spreading the message of Jainism Jainism one of the oldest religions prescribes a path of ahimsa and self

control the means by which its followers can attain liberation It is a

religion deeply rooted in the cardinal principles of Ahimsa (non violence)

Aparigriha ( non possessiveness) and Anekantavada (non absolutism) as is

evident from the teachings of the Lord Mahavir Such is the profundity of

these thoughts of Lord Mahavir that Mahatma Gandhi was himself an ardent

practitioner of some of the principles espoused by Lord Mahavir

The philosophy and principles of Jainism have been eternally relevant for

the furtherance of mankind and nature They especially find great merit in

todayrsquosrsquo turbulent times wrecked by hatred violence injustice and

intolerance These principles are increasingly being researched worldwide

and are being acknowledged as the panacea for the disquiet that is looming

large upon the world As followers of this great religion we are all blessed

to inherit a rich tradition of principles and beliefs that have the power to

take each one of us on the path of spiritual purity and enlightenment This

legacy that has been bequeathed on us is not without good reason This

inheritance comes with a message a message that we all are the

ambassadors of each of the profound principles which forms the cornerstone

of Jainism and that we must all strive to follow the path suggested by Lord


It is with this spirit that we must assume the moral responsibility of letting

go of our petty squabbles that can consume us simply because they are a

part of our present and affect our daily existence If we are to be the true

practitioners of Jain principles we must empower ourselves to think and act

beyond the mundane think beyond our mutual differences which are

inconsequential in relation to the larger cause of Jainsim We must

concentrate on ways and means to propagate these principles and infuse the

world at large with their goodness

Jains as a community constitute barely 05 of the total population of India

and Shraman Sangh is a miniscule part of this minority However inspite of

this fact the Jains possess a treasure trove of the most fundamental


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 40: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


principles of life which have been passed on from one generation to the

next This asset created by the devout followers of Jainism of which the

Shraman Sangh forms an integral part should be utilized for the society at

large and not be restricted only to the Jain community The Sangh is an

amalgamation of some of the most powerful thinkers and ambassadors of the

Jain philosophy and it is of utmost importance that their views their

discourses be brought into the mainstream and be made available to a wider

audience The contribution of Jains should spread out throughout the socio-

political landscape of the country and in the international circles The Sangh

must endeavour to make the Jain presence felt seen and heard more

emphatically from a wide range of media platforms available

This has to be done with a sense of urgency and in a focused manner

A possible line of action to this effect is proposed as follows

a) The Shraman Sangh should constitute a committee of Sadhus and Sadhavis which should be entrusted with the responsibility of projecting the work of Jains to the external world

b) This committee should contribute to articles in the social political

philosophical journals publications and other forms of media which

have a greater penetration and reach

c) The committee should aim at upgrading the current literature

available document the Jain legacy its work and the research

carried out over the years in a presentable format which should then

be showcased to the external world at a variety of forums and


d) The committee should appoint few key members to be officially designated as spokespersons to spread the word on Jainism and the work of Jain institutions and the community

These initial but significant steps can go a long way in creating awareness of this movement and in spreading the message of Lord Mahavir This effort shall serve to preserve the identity of the Jains in the whole world The contributions of Jains to the world will be more widely and deeply acknowledged and it will throw open a plethora of opportunities for Jains and Jain institutions to serve the mankind looking beyond their own community This will truly result in walking along the path prescribed by Lord Mahavir and enable the Jains to offer themselves to the service of mankind and humanity in a manner befitting of the followers of Jainism


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 41: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


Shraman Sangh Towards a new generation

new thoughts and new direction

Suggestions for Strengthening Shraman Sangh The era of the 1950s witnessed a momentous phenomenon when highly

revered and scholarly SadhusSadhavis belonging to various sects of Jainism

came together to form the Shraman Sangh in 1952 This confluence signified

a united effort to promote the cause of Jainism and spread the message of

love and peace to the world at large through a concerted effort on the part

of Jain monasticism

Over last 65 years of its existence the Shraman Sangh has stood firm and

undeterred inspite of several upheavals in the past There have been

instances of differences in ideology and outlook amongst several Sadhus and

Sadhavis resulting in their dissention from the Sangh These and several

other undesirable occurrences have threatened to crush and mar the core

fabric of the Sangh However the Sangh firmly rooted in a rock solid

foundation of Jain principles has withstood the test of time and has so far

managed to overcome the internal strife that has regularly attempted to

rock the foundation

Today the Sangh comprises an overwhelming pool of 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis all of whom are highly intellectual competent and are an epitome

of what Jainism stands for This is indeed a matter of great pride for

Shraman Sangh Yet a pervasive undercurrent of contention disharmony has

been sensed by one and all from time to time which is detrimental to the

fundamental existence of the Sangh In the light of these disquieting signals

it is felt that the time has come to contain these overpowering forces

present within each one of us before they assume alarming proportions The

time has come to urge all the members to owe and swear a much greater

degree of allegiance to the Sangh and its mission and go forward with an

unwavering faith in the larger cause which the Sangh promotes

Today we are all standing at a crossroad The future of the Sangh will largely

be determined by the direction that we all henceforth resolve to venture

into Hence this sammelan organized after 28 long years has the potential

to serve as the tipping point for the existence of the Sangh This Sammelan

is a sincere attempt to bring together the Sadhus and Sadhavis in their

thoughts and action so that a common unified vision of the Sangh can be


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 42: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


put forth and internalized by each one This is essential to the well being of

the Sangh because unless all members swear allegiance to a common cause

espoused by the Sangh unless they share common beliefs and speak the

same language it would be difficult to hold the Sangh together with each

passing day In order to facilitate this transformation certain sweeping

changes need to be made in the manner in which the Sangh conducts itself

It is desired that the members be open to these changes for the larger good

of the Sangh the Jain community and above all for the principles of Jainism

Against this challenging backdrop certain changes are being proposed in the

functional aspects of the Sangh with the sole intention of strengthening it

from within These are as follows

1) A comprehensive vision document should be produced within a

stipulated time of 3-4 months This document should be jointly prepared

by the Acharya Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks after consultations with

two external professionals This document should incorporate the


a) the philosophy vision mission aims objectives guiding principles

of the Sangh

b) roles and responsibilities tenures for every position held in the


c) the code of conduct for every member of the Sangh

d) the future roadmap for the Sangh with well defined milestones

short term and long term goals

e) Guidelines for the conduct of important events core to the Sangh

like Chaturmas and Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelans The guidelines for

Chaturmas should be created by the office bearers of the Sangh in

consultation with Shravak Sangh and members of the Jain


f) The grievance redressal system and procedures for the Sangh

2) This vision document should be made accessible to every member of the

Sangh for achieving uniformity in intent and action

3) The tenure for the Acharya should be decided for 15 years not

exceeding the age of 70 This is necessary because 15 years is an

optimum time for an individual of that stature to envision plan and

execute the plan in alignment with the roadmap The tenure of 15 years

also paves the way for a younger leader for the subsequent term who


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 43: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


can infuse fresh thoughts and ideas into the Sangh The age limit of 70

takes care of any limitation that may be posed by the age factor on

account of health or otherwise and serves in the larger interest of the


4) After serving the tenure of 15 years the Acharya will be elevated to the

position of Mahacharya or Ganadhipati thereby commanding a higher

degree of veneration serving in an advisory capacity and refraining from

assuming an active role in the routine functions of the Sangh

5) The PravartaksPravartinis Upadhyayas and the Secretaries will have a

fixed tenure of 5 years This is essential because five years is an

optimum time for the designated member to explore and fruitfully

utilize hisher own potential to the area of work accorded to himher

6) The All India Sadhu Sadhavi Sammelan must be organized every five

years This is vital because the Sammelan will provide a platform for all

Sadhus and Sadhavis to come together have an open dialogue to share

the learnings experiences and challenges encountered It will also

enable the Acharya and the office bearers to review and reflect along

with the entire group on the progress and achievements of the Sangh

and provide an opportunity for constructive deliberations for course

corrections if any The Sammelans must be organized every five years

to provide an open platform for declaring and appointing new office

bearers for the next term of five years Having a Sammelan every five

years will ensure that an Acharya can witness three Sammelans under his

leadership and guidance

7) The vision document should serve as a reference document for designing

the training modules for Sangh Orientation Training which is to be

imparted to new people getting initiated into the order and for existing

Sadhus Sadhavis

8) A revamped system of reporting and review needs to be established The

office bearers can decide upon a quarterly system of reporting to the

Acharya as per a pre defined format The reporting should be multi

faceted and include the status of the plans drawn goals achieved as

well as the challenges reported The Acharya must ensure that a smooth

communication channel is established between himself and the members


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 44: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


of the Sangh He must issue regular guidelines to the members of the

Sangh as per the demands of the work undertaken

9) An efficient Grievance Redressal system should be established and

adopted by the Sangh All the issues emerging from the quarterly reports

or otherwise should be recorded and appropriate channels for redressal

as per the gravity of the issues should be established Minor issues (with

clear definitions of the term lsquominorrsquo as mentioned in the vision

document) should be resolved by the Pravartaks Critical and sensitive

matters (with clear definitions of the terms lsquocriticalrsquo and lsquosensitiversquo as

mentioned in the vision document) should be resolved by the Acharya

All the issues major or minor must be resolved within a maximum time

frame of 1 month

10) The Acharya must also constitute a committee which should decide and

deliberate on the multiple ways in which the Jain community can

contribute to the broader goal of nation building by addressing national

concerns through humanitarian work


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 45: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


Action Plan for Training of SadhusSadhavis

Training Need Identification for Shraman Sangh The Shraman Sangh has been constituted at the helm for Jain monasticism

for the Sthanakwasis with the larger aim of propagating the philosophy of

Jainism amongst the Jain community Over last so many years this body has

been instrumental in furthering the cause of Jainism with its network of

Sadhus and Sadhvis

It is of an utmost essence that the philosophy vision mission aims and

objectives of the Shraman Sangh be percolated uniformly down the monastic

order It is fundamental to the existence of the Sangh that there be

homogeneity of approach in the dissemination of the Sanghrsquos principles so

that a homogeneity is maintained in the understanding of all its members

each of whom is a significant part of the larger order

When an individual is initiated into the hallowed coterie of Sadhus and

Sadhavis after attaining Diksha accorded by the revered SadhusSadhavis of

the Shraman Sangh it is expected that the newly initiated member would be

an embodiment of the principles propounded by the Shraman Sangh while

still practicing the religious teachings received from hisher respective

SadhuSadhavi This is only possible if a systematic plan is adopted to

standardize the Shraman Sangh centric ideological training that needs to be

imparted alongside the religious training as a pre requisite to attaining

Diksha In the absence of such training we run the risk of non alignment on

the part of its members with the mission of the Shraman Sangh Hence we

propose the creation of a structured training program with a view to achieve

a definite degree of standardization in the content of the ideological

teachings of the Shraman Sangh It is desired that the core training programs

be conducted within the boundaries of a well defined protocol to achieve

uniformity in content and approach

The mechanism which may be adopted to facilitate this concept is as


a) The central body of the Shraman Sangh comprising the Acharya

Yuvacharyas and the Pravartaks will need to establish four prime

training centres in the country for conducting the core training

program as explained later


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 46: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


b) The central body should assign the task of designing the core

training modules to few identified SadhusSadhavis which should be

vetted and approved by the central body of the Shraman Sangh

c) Internal (and if need be external) trainers should be identified by

the central body to conduct the core training modules so prepared

and finalized

Following types of training capsulesmodules have been identified in

accordance with the need mentioned above Their intended benefits have

also been stated below

a) Core Sadhu-Sadhavi Diksha training Currently the training for

obtaining the Diksha is imparted to the disciples by the Sadhus and

Sadhavis over a specific duration without a prescribed structure

Hence although the trainings are extremely rigorous and attuned to

the demands of the order the absence of a uniform structure has

resulted in considerable variations across the network in the manner

of obtaining the Diksha To streamline the process in order to

minimize these variations arising because of high level of

subjectivity it is imperative that a Core Sadhu Sadhavi Diksha

training module be designed at the central level This training will

comprise core religious and philosophical teachings for the trainees

to obtain the Diksha This training module should accommodate a

fair degree of flexibility to incorporate and enrich the module with

the personal learnings and experiences of the SadhusSadhavis

The handbook of this training module should be provided to all

SadhusSadhavis to encourage them to follow this process to achieve

uniformity in delivery The benefits of this training module would be

bull This training module with its handbook would enable the

SadhusSadhavis to conduct the Diksha training in a structured

manner with well defined checkpointsmilestones

bull This training module with its handbook would provide a good

documentary base for showcasing the program to a wider external


bull This module would also provide an effective metrics to gauge the

strength the comprehension and the capacity of each disciple based


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 47: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


on which the central body of Shraman Sangh may decide the

pathway to utilize each onersquos potential for future trainings

b) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for new members In order to

ensure conformity to a common code of conduct within the Shraman

Sangh it is vital that all its members be acquainted with its ideology

vision mission aims and objectives This course will essentially

comprise the training module to orient all the new members on the

same and ensure a unified sense of purpose The duration of this

module could be of 6812 months and should be conducted from

the designated prime training centres by qualified trainers

The benefits of this orientation training would be

bull It would ensure the members of the Shraman Sangh to be unified in

intent and action and in sync with the Sanghrsquos mission

bull This unification would bring down instances of dissention and


The Diksha would be bestowed upon the new members on successful

completion of (a) and (b) training programs mentioned above

c) Shraman Sangh Orientation training for existing SadhuSadhavis

The Shraman Sangh Orientation training should also be made

available as short term comprehensive capsules and be conducted by

qualified trainers at different locations within the country to orient

the existing groups of SadhusSadhavis towards the philosophy and

mission of the Sangh

The benefit of these short term capsules would be to ensure that the

philosophy vision mission aims and objectives of the Sangh are

well percolated throughout the Sanghrsquos order for the same reasons

as mentioned in the previous point

d) Subject trainings A variety of training programs on wide ranging

topics central to the theme of Jainism should be identified by the

central body of the Sangh and designed by few SadhusSadhavis

identified by the central body as per their proficiency and interest

level in the specified areas Eg Training modules on topics like art

of meditation sanskar teachings of Jainism for Jain children


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 48: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


structured thematic training capsules on the cardinal principles of

Jainism namely Ahimsa Aparigriha and Anekant vad which can be

applicable to the general public even outside of the Jain community

for spreading the message of peace and non violence establishment

of cattle shelters establishment of schools establishment of

hospitals etc

The benefit of these subject specific training modules would be

bull To enable critical social educational humanitarian issues to be

addressed by a group of proficient and interested


bull To enable proper utilization of the potential of the

SadhusSadhavis for the larger vision and mission of the Shraman


e) Training for ShramanShramani With reference to the proposed

group of ShramanShramani a training program should be designed

at the central level and conducted from the prime training centres

for the ShramanShramanis to acquaint them with the Sanghrsquos

mission with their roles and responsibilities in this context

The benefit of this dedicated ShramanShramani training program

would be for ensuring uniformity in the duties roles and

expectations from this group and enabling them to discharge their

duties with perfect clarity


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 49: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


Channelizing Woman Power by Creation of

Sadhavi wing under Shraman Sangh

Suggestions for Structural Changes for Empowerment of

Sadhavis Currently Shraman Sangh is a network of approximately 1300 Sadhus and

Sadhavis governed by the Central Body comprising the Acharya Yuvacharyas

and PravartaksPravartinis Out of these 900 (almost 70) are Sadhavis

while the remaining 400 (30) are Sadhus Presently this entire group of

1300 performs similar functions in the absence of a well defined and

differentiated functional structure

At a macro level our country is encouraging women to come forward and

participate more actively in nation building Yet several work spheres face a

deficit in female representation which is not more than 15 of the total

workforce within that sector Shraman Sangh on the contrary has to its

credit an astounding 70 of its current strength as Sadhavis who represent a

strong active force for the Sangh Besides their strength in numbers most of

them work wise fall under the active age bracket and all of them are very

well qualified It is of paramount importance for the Sangh to realize the

might and merit of this resource pool and leverage the same for taking

forward the mission of Sangh in a more targeted manner Shraman Sangh

with its phenomenal body of work dedicated to the larger cause of Jainism

should capitalize on these progressive trends and evolve a mechanism which

will allow this to happen within its network

This can be done only when the present group of 900 Sadhavis is supported

by an appropriate operational structure carved out of the existing pool This

entire group must be empowered with a supervisory and a supporting

mechanism integrated into the current scheme of operations Hence a

streamlining of the present structure is proposed for better operational

efficiency of the Sangh This can be done in the following manner

a) The Sadhavi community of the Shraman sangh should be accorded a

special status and a separate system for their working should be

instated within the Shraman Sangh


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 50: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


b) The entire group of 900 Sadhavis must be headed by a Sadhavi

Pramukha who should be appointed by the Acharya for a tenure of 5


c) The Sadhavi Pramukha should be entrusted with suitable powers to

operationalise the working as per the focus areas mentioned below

d) The Sadhavi Pramukha must be given specific guidelines to discharge

her duties and accomplish the defined goals within a period of five


e) The major issues which can arise in relation to non compliance to

the code of conduct of the Sangh should be so defined and brought

to the notice of the Acharya but the minor issues in this context

must be resolved at the level of the Sadhavi Pramukha

f) The focus areas which need to be decided every five years for the

Sadhavis to work on should be decided and the responsibility for

their completion should be handed over to the Sadhavi Pramukha

g) The roles and responsibilities for the Pramukha would be as under

I to serve in the supervisory and supportive capacity for the

entire group of Sadhavis working under her

II to conduct a survey of the 900 Sadhavis for the purpose of

profiling on the basis of age qualifications interest areas and

any other parameter(s) as deemed fit which shall be

instrumental in creation of Sadhavi Resource Groups

III to identify focus areas in which the Sadhavi Resource Groups

can actively contribute with pre defined targets The focus

areas must be revisited every five years with scope for


IV to identify and group the Sadhavis as per the profiling drawn

out through the survey in order to activate the various

Sadhavi Resource Groups The Resource Group members

should be changed every five years


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 51: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


V to appoint the Head of each Sadhavi Resource Group with a

tenure of five years

VI to report to the central body of the Sangh at a pre determined

frequency ampformat

VII to appoint an external advisory council (comprising male

andor female members) to provide guidance and inputs on

critical matters

VIII To seek guidance from the central body in various matters

crucial for the smooth functioning of the Sadhavi Resource


h) The focus areas for which various Sadhavi Resource Groups will be

set up with a Head of the Group for planning supervising and

reporting the progress regularly to the Pramukh could be as under

I Sanskar Shibirs It has been observed that the young children

of the Jain community are distancing themselves from their

religion There has been a decline in their presence in the

sthanaks and is a matter of grave concern for the Jain

community In order to attract the younger generation towards

the principles of Jainism and enable them to find an anchor in

the Jain philosophy Sanskar shibirs for Jain kids must be

conducted in a format which will be friendly and more

acceptable to the children of today Hence such shibirs must be

supported with the use of appropriate technology and be

conducted preferably in English to generate a higher level if

interest amongst the targeted audience

II Ideal Chaturmas Few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted by Bharatiya Jain

Sanghatana at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi Sangh Shivajinagar

Pune in the presence of Mahasati Preetisudhaji The uniqueness

of this Chaturmas was that the views of all age groups were

taken into consideration while designing This success story has

been completely documented with reports for reference and

was also successfully conducted in Jalgaon the following year

Such ideal Chaturmas programs should be replicated in 10-20

sthanaks in the country after a proper study based on the


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 52: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


experience of BJS The assistance of BJS can also be sought for

scaling up this program in multiple locationssthanaks

III Empowerment of girls It has been noticed that inter religion

marriages are on the rise within the Jain community Similarly

there are rising tensions between young girls coming of age and

their respective families Hence there is a need to provide a

platform for interaction with the young girls of our community

and sensitize them towards these issues which are of

immediate concern to their ownselves to their families and the

community at large Thus campsworkshops for empowerment

of young girls of the Jain community should be conducted at a

regular frequency at various locations

IV Mobilizing Mahila Sangathans Currently various Mahila

Sangathans within the Jain community exist in various

locations It would be very advantageous for the community if

these Sangathans were brought together and mobilized to work

on a common agenda to multiply the impact of their work on

the ground There is a need to identify such Sangathans and

strengthen them by augmenting their existing capacities and

capabilities in order to drive them towards certain common

actionable areas for them to deliver results on

V Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal Cell- In order to

facilitate the smooth running of a large community of 900

Sadhavis it is important to promptly deal with several issues

that may arise with respect to the nature of work performed by

them These may involve matters pertaining to their safety

security harassment other women centric problems as much

as issues centred around their self development like facilities

for research further studies etc This entails setting up of a

Sadhavi Support and Grievance Redressal cell to expedite the

redressal mechanism and also to provide the required support

and resources to encourage the Sadhavis striving for excellence

in their field The Sadhavi Pramukh should be empowered to

take disciplinary action for minor issues and consult the central

body in case of major issues


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 53: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


Action Plan for Creation of a Selfless Committed

Cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak for Shraman Sangh

Around the 1950s the sthanakwasi community witnessed a never seen

before phenomenon when the Jain sadhussadhavis from different sects

expressed an earnest desire to form a conglomeration for the common

purpose of spreading the message of Jainism This led to the inception of a

great institution known as Shraman Sangh which is functional over last 6

decades wherein thousands of Sadhus and Sadhavis have taken on the

mantle of preaching the fundamental principles of Jainism throughout the

country with great perseverance

However we need to take cognizance of the fact that over last 4-5 decades

numerous Sadhus and Sadhavis of great intellectual prowess have deflected

from the Shraman Sangh and gone their own separate ways for reasons

which must be understood and be reflected upon Inspite of this exodus the

remaining 1300 Sadhus and Sadhavis who continue to owe their allegiance to

the Sangh are extremely proficient and have greatly contributed to the

cause of Jainism The fact that the current community of Sadhus and

Sadhavis too continue to battle differences with the Sanghrsquos philosophy time

and again must not be overlooked These differences have largely been

compounded by the onset of technology over last 3 decades Just to put

things in perspective today we have the option to resort to an assortment of

over 200 satellite channels in place of one Doordarshan The spurt of digital

technology has transformed the way in which communication works today

Mobile platforms along with social media have completely tamed the

traditional modes of communication and are here to stay for the better The

presence of technology in every sphere of our lives has but naturally caught

the eye of several members of the SadhuSadhavi community who find great

merit in their usage

This has led to a digital divide of sorts within the Shraman Sangh community

On one hand there exists a faction within the monastic order which believes

in complete non possessiveness and refrain from using any form of

technology while on the other hand we have a set of Sadhus and Sadhavis

who would like to avail the use of different forms of communication like

vehicles and media like mobiles and social networking sites to work more

efficiently Such conflicting viewpoints have resulted in a great degree of


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 54: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


resentment among both factions The more austere believe that adherence

to the code of conduct be strictly enforced and the necessary disciplinary

action be invoked wherever the code of conduct has been violated whereas

the more flexible group believes that the Sangh should provide some leeway

in this regard in keeping with the changing times Hence this Sadhu

Sammelan holds special importance in order to decide the future direction

and policy of the Sangh and it holds the promise of being a major turning

point for the entire Jain community Every concerned member is waiting in

anticipation for the future course of action that the Sangh will resort to Any

decision that will be taken in this regard may result in permanent fissures

arising in the Sangh on account of the contradictory thought processes Eg A

decision to enforce the prevailing code of conduct very stringently may

result in a high rate of dissention from the Sangh by the increasing numbers

of Sadhus and Sadhavis who desire for some relaxation in the norms on the

use of technology and communication The same may hold true for the

opposite group if a decision is taken otherwise In order to overcome this

crisis facing the Sangh we have put forth certain choices which the Sangh

may consider evaluating

1) Jain community is hinged on the principle of renunciation We are of the

opinion that the Code of Conduct for Sadhus and Sadhavis which was

created in 1987 during the Poona Sammelan and accepted by all is

complete in itself barring the necessity of a few trivial inclusions like

the provision of a mike system fans etc However changes if need to

be done should be incorporated with due deliberations and the final

revised Code of Conduct be rigorously enforced without leaving any

leeway It is only then that Shraman Sangh can demonstrate its

alignment to the fundamentals of renunciation

Proposed benefit

The Jain philosophy and the Jain community is hinged on the principle of

renunciation wherein we have all the Sadhus and Sadhavis having

renounced their homes families and wealth to be granted the Diksha

This degree of austerity and sacrifice is hard to come by in the current

times This resource must be held in high esteem and considered

extremely valuable not only for the country but for the entire world

This is the most prized asset which the Jain community has to offer to

the world and which remains unparalled in its quality a fact which must

be brought to light in a befitting manner


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 55: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


Potential risk

The promulgation and enforcement of a very stringent and austere code

of conduct which maintains that Sadhus and Sadhavis should renounce

all material possessions and aids may not go down well with the faction

of SadhusSadhavis who think on the contrary This group who is pro-

technology and which wishes to use the available options like vehicles

mobiles social media to spread the message of Jainism more effectively

may choose to depart from the Shraman Sangh

Thus any particular lsquostandrsquo taken by the Sangh will result in a further

polarization and an exodus from the Sangh by the opposing bloc It is in the

larger interest of the Sangh to continue to exist with a unified vision and

purpose on the part of each of its members in order to propagate the

principles of Jainism in the society Hence it is crucial to stop dissention of

either group from the Sangh In order for this to happen we present the

second option

2) Creation of a new cadre of SadhakSadhikaPracharak (Alternative

nomenclature can be decided) This category should be created to

accommodate those members who feel the need to use modern

communication channels like vehicles mobiles social media for their

work A different Code of Conduct should be created for this category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak to ensure smooth functioning

Potential benefit

a) This group of pro-technology members will be greatly facilitated by

the provisions under the new category This shall also prevent them

from departing from the Sangh and they can continue to work for

the cause of the Sangh in ways and means more appealing to them

by the use of faster and progressive modes of communication

b) This new category would also serve as a boon to those individuals

who have not currently joined the ranks of SadhusSadhavis but who

have renounced their worldly life in order to be associated with the

Sangh They can do so even if they do not wish to comply with a

stringent code of conduct

c) The creation of this cadre will also address one other challenge

currently facing the Shraman Sangh namely that of a lack of

dissemination of Jain principles far and wide This challenge has


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 56: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


arisen because of the reluctance on the part of several Jain Sadhus

and Sadhavis to use alternate forms of communication to spread the

message with a wider reach The Sangh in the past has faced many

a challenge while arranging for their travel from one place to the

other for their public discourses The Sadhaks and Sadhikas who will

agree to be a part of this new category can greatly simplify the

above mentioned concern because of their propensity to use

alternate modes of communication It has been seen that such a

system has greatly benefited when adopted by the Christian

missionaries and the Tera Panth

We sincerely urge you to consider the second option during the

upcoming Sadhu Sammelan This will ensure the continued support and

participation of all SadhusSadhavis harbouring a variety of belief

systems and thought processes

In the event of the creation of this new category of

SadhakSadhikaPracharak it will be imperative to simultaneously create

a new Code of Conduct with clearly defined roles and responsibilities of

every SadhakSadhikaPracharak It also entails an added responsibility

for the organizing members of this Sammelan If the Sangh decides to

create this cadre then all the necessary facilities required for the

members (existing and new alike) of this cadre would have to be

provided A comprehensive project report delineating the roles

responsibilities benefits of this cadre to Jainism along with the entire

mechanism to operationalize this system will have to be created Once

the decision to create such a cadre has been taken in the Sammelan the

next steps for the project planning have to be initiated based on the

number of members enrolling in this category The views of Acharya

Yuvacharya Upadhyay Pravartaks and Secretaries should be taken into

consideration along with the Sammelan proceedings while planning for

this project


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 57: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


Ideal Chaturmas A New Perspective

The Jain community has established thousands of Sthanaks in multiple

locations within the country and these Sthanaks have been utilized by the

Samaj for various programs in the past Out of all these Sthanaks those

which do not conduct the Chaturmas are greatly under utilized Even those

where the Chaturmas is conducted get considerably under utilized over the

remaining 8 months

That apart it has been seen that over last few years the young children and

the youth belonging to the Jain community have distanced themselves from

the programs of the Sthanaks and Jainism generally This doesnrsquot imply that

this population is turning irreligious rather it flags the critical need to

change the age old processes of the Sthanaks in keeping with the changing

times A major challenge posing in front of all of us is to reestablish the

weakening connect between our religion and the youth and the children

In order to address this issue we have offered to outline a new perspective

through the medium of lsquoIdeal Chaturmasrsquo by virtue of which not only will the

Sthanaks be optimally utilized but this will also serve to bring the youthkids

of the Jain community closer to the principles of Jainism and get involved

with the programs of the Sthanaks This seemingly challenging proposition

was addressed when a few years back an ideal Chaturmas was

conceptualized designed and conducted at the Vardhaman Sthanakwasi

Sangh Shivajinagar Pune by Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana (BJS) This success

story has been completely documented with reports for reference We hope

and expect this concept to be taken up as a pilot project by the big Sthanaks

in 10-20 cities across the country The implementation of this project should

be showcased to the Jain community be well documented and subsequently

be considered for up scaling to other Sthanaks of the country BJS has met

with success in this project and will be willing to offer assistance for the roll

out of this concept of ideal Chaturmas


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 58: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan


The program highlights of the ideal Chaturmas have been presented as


Holistic Development of Family (HDF)


Jains world over have been known for being an entrepreneurial community

rich in its culture traditions and its philanthropic activities

The Jain Samaj has built religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India for religious spiritual and social

purposes in all sampradayrsquos Our Jain SadhuSadhavirsquos have been working

tirelessly to imbibe the Jain culture moral and values to society through

different platforms via these establishments

However off late we have been noticing a paradigm shift in the audiences

participating in the religious establishment programs There is a certain

disconnect is our todayrsquos samaj Our younger generation is not being

attracted to attend for reasons many It was felt necessary that each of the

Jain Families must be a part of a large network and have a global reach to

enhance and synergise the community strengths

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana conducted a needs analysis first a general

community meeting followed by specific age-group wise meetings to ponder

over the needs of society reasons on low-participation and what will

encourage them to participate The analysis drew upon the point that

todayrsquos Jains are additionally looking at the Sthanak as a platform for

1) Networking

2) Skill development

3) Knowledge Upgradation

4) Need-based age-group wise programs

5) A place where ALL members of the family connect with respective

fellow Jains and create a Strong Jain Community

Bharatiya Jain Sanghatana is proud to announce the pilot implementation

of ldquoHolistic Development of Familyrdquoa well-researched technology

backed documented in detail scalable project which includes programs for

all members of a family in the form of lecturesseminarsworkshops classes

designed to be implemented at various locations



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 59: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan



The Holistic Development of Family project comprises of programs for all

age-groups across the following thrust areas

1 Little Explorers (4 ndash 13 years) At schooling age activities are

focused to enhance their brainpower moral amp value education

coextra-curricular physical fitness skills etc

2 Y-Jaineration (14-24 years) where aptitude assessment soft-skills

building career guidance empowerment of girls marriage will be the


3 Young Professionals (25-40 years male) A turning point where

passion for growth is backed by a large network of fellow Jains to

exchange ideas pursue learning and share best practices to achieve

personal and professional success

4 Leading Ladies (25-40 years female) Creative home management

skills will be honed to include cooking home decoration

child development lectures on various subjects by experts etc

5 Family Heads (40+ years) Happy family management business

strengthening delegation and decision making retirement with pride

health awareness issues will be addressed

Some programs have been developed in-house and for some subjects BJS

have invited experts to come and present their subjects in the form of

panel discussions lectures workshops classes etc

A well designed calendar of events is planned in consultation with the MS

wherein the Chaturmas activities planned by them is first incorporated and

in the Remaining time activities are plugged in to meet the requirements

of the Jain community This calendar is prepared and sent to all the Jain

families for information and encouraging them to join the programs in


Also the programs continue for its respective time span even after the

Chaturmas where the religious establishmentrsquos like Temples Sthanaks

Upashrays Bhavanrsquos all across India can be used all year round as the

centre point of the jain samaj society meeting up



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 60: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan



1) Imbibe a culture for all members of a family to come to the sthanak

2) Nurturing religious attachments

3) Being a part of a strong networked samaj

4) Formation of social circles

5) Social Security

6) Increased knowledge

7) Opportunities for building new skills to face challenges

8) Collective bargaining for workshops classes

9) Addressing family and society gaps

10) Health informed society

11) Platform to integrate all sub-sects of society

Additional Suggestions

1) We should create a separate calendar of the presiding MSrsquos

pravachan topics to enable more information being passed on to the

community and entice them to come to the Sthanaks

2) We should enable the process of uploading videos of the daily

pravachans on the website for the benefit of all those who have not

been able to attend the pravachans in person This has been

designed such that all our fellow Jains globally have access to a

chaturmas come together listen to the MS pravachans and ponder

over to lead a better life

Page 61: Sadhu sadhavi samaj chintan