santiago romero bourdieu

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  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    mircoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

    South There's a manSouth

    There's a manborn at ditchbigger trousers which won't ever fitand half-emptier pewter platesas taken from vessel ship outfit

    He's seeking mood,

    sea king stoodalways late at no gatesin hunger-sharpened wit

    There's a man foughtat the misery blackoutonly by your eyeslit

    Who loves you infinitely more in love than neatWho lives infinitely more alive than in peace

    just like thisill-at-easeMe that is

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:58Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    Two PoemsWith these love poems in my stemand these songs of freedom aftWith a long paragraph of laughand unremitting aff-air shaftsI shoot the boot stole the owl's smilefrom a great great whileJust by showing it the humans' guileto keep well-off style

    With my passions nosegay of todayand those fulfilled of tomorrow
  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    With green hopes-ropes at stern to learnand my cerulean sky at prow to rowIn this cold world whose peace booksstill refuse to be perusedI look for your love thru my love

    to convert it to common use

    Edible parts of feeble minepart and fall apart and stay behindmy every way and my never sayabout how many were the pains had signed

    Not from bashfulness but modestyNot to end the mess but just to be'cause all fresh and nesh my skin liquefiesraindrops and teardrops to give more tries

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:56Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    Restos InconexosRestos inconexos inculpan al ya

    n os inculpans in nexo

    s inculpaLenguas sin besos

    menguan el excesode vivir

    Es esoY la ciudad nos devora fatigados de insentirTcitamente extraviadosen el insistir de subsistir

    Santiago Romero BourdieuPublicado porArtisantiago en08:54Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    ForeignerMy country was making of me a nestless foreignerlitlle by little from breakfast to dinnerThe crude fast of losers, the fake feast of winnersThe sheer peer is guilty, the honest a sinner

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu
  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:53Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    Everything Sings This NeedWords' landmark in the darkrewards me, towards theetrust worthy but far

    There you are where i goon my song, on my ownoverawed, waiting road

    In the least, in the mostin the risk and its frostwhen it brisks to my cost

    And lost goes with the breezeand miss' dogs know my hissand this is 'cause that was

    Just two ghost just to kissreeds of spring, everythingsings this need feeds no been

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:51Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    El DesconciertoEl desconciertotoma posesin de lo ciertoy grita las noticias del da:

    Alud de penas y crmenes en conciertoAlgunos nmeros y la moda que vendraa tapar millones de voces escondidas

    Son tan aburridos cuando son pobres los muertosque a los guardianes del brillo no les queda otra salidaque proteger nuestra idiotez con un fucsia cielo abiertopara evitarnos la molestia de la mirada torcida

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu
  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:50Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    OblivionYou ask next years to unso you and unthen youbut they do nothing out of fear or anythingexcept the relentless aftermath cartsscattered careless thingsno matter if you castled the kingor grasped your smart stony heartas you pleased, no letters but phonely and phoney,and shot me in a phiz which risk wears onlyto erase all spots that nots could bring

    And what makes us weep

    when cannot make us laughand people call it loveand i call it deep sipof the life will survive in my sob

    Because i'll crossover the futile losswhere your disdainsenvied me and arose

    I'll wet the sea with millions of non-crystallised pains

    and will open its sky as a new never ending reignand shape many an unproportional stork

    Your oblivion shall have been in vain

    your too late workyour tool ate work

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:48Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    Cat's Strange ModestyHaplywhen luxury relations look weak enoughto interfear in and with one anotheryou guess right i won't have your crestfallen pridefor lunch in a week or two

    nor even know i how to make you want tobe free
  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    Whose hardships are rolling upwhen someone like you swoops our desires to hatch 'emlest we endlessly hook on dreamsin front of your golden fence?

    How does stray cats' miserylook thru opulens?

    You are a pretty tender eavesdropperin her first class cagewith her stainless still deftnessand the words of my tectonic messens ampleunaskedly

    My otter

    wishes it couldn't readMy head wishes it could forget its thirstand my heart just not to be the firstof the triplet for onceto give you some timeindeed

    Let's try our streamlet's try

    We know anyone can learnto understand and listen

    if we did. . .

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:46Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    TergiversationIt's ocularly clear

    But they persist ontergiver sat i onto resist

    They mask their guiltinessby logogriphical wordsWhere is backward?Where is forward?It's like a ketch or a road

    Against all odds
  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    and evens we unevenlykeep our budsalive to arriveat the end of the strophebecause their lies are in the end

    and their bluff is in the buffSantiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:44Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    Anvil For HammerDilute your beliefsentenced to beput down in fashion





    alamode in no particularbut structural mannerto be anvil for hammer

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:43

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    Tug BoatTug boat of Ishouldhavebeen of yorereaches offshore lanterns of yours

    No beaches could stop it 'cause it teachesand teaching things are rich in short-cutswhich got thousand Troy horses-thoughtsto avoid thick sandbanksand the undeniable lowbred slanksof your widespread arrogance

    Captain Soap opera already took his note book
  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    and his eyesight is enough past sproutto wash you out by a look-lashwhile you still mistakenly guess(more or less)that you'll get

    stalmatein your mess

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:41Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    Love contentRankish rudimentsAnguish sedimentsLove trends to clogs tentsby fog to wane and thenwends and whenit shapes your dreams' shoreor what is morebecomes you dreamtand knock at you dooryou just can understandyour essence bentyour deffence all spentand the top on the floorWhat a for begging forhumans call love content

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.

    Publicado porArtisantiago en08:40Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    Playing As LivingPlaying as livingin natural stateis always a fulfillingscrewdriverbetter than nothingness and lateris oftimes too lateBeyond the mechanic nonchalancebefore the pure and clear chancea bishop must mate
  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:39Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    ABRACADABRAEn medio de un manojode soledades y de dasy mentiras que se escurrena su antojo,la comercial matanza est cebaday la esperanza es un ojo.Las tuberas ests repletas de nada

    en la tierra en que el silenciono d lugar a la palabraABRACADABRABR

    El tringulo est deshechoya no hay magia en el hechosino galpones vacos en desmesura.Arpones de despechoatentan con desvaros.Pero atacaremos con derechoa la ternuray al contento tuyo y moen virulento artey las formas y reglas aparteque es el tiempo de planear al nidode hacer tu parte

    Los funestos se vuelvan olvidoLos honestos san unidos

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:38Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    A Hole In The Middle Of The SeaA hole in the middle of the sea(if it possible and need be)would be the right place to restafter the milky current of animal seedi'll inly bleed for you in torrent as far as your breast
  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    Then with harassed forces of horses try to get ridof thousands of evil horsemen or millions wasps pestwe'll begin to shape the sand from our fulfilled fleshy needon sleeping till noon and seeping hearts rum

    so sweetly to paint the room with our bestSantiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:37Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    Oversmoothings SmilesAll about at one strokeA joke is a kingbrings new deems&An Adam would give his Adam's applejust to be able on feeling your feelingsto dig his heels in

    Self-conscious hate doesn't find any gateNettler nuisance doesn't have any chance

    Off-the-cuff rough sways unsay whilean old dream comes trueAnd all due to youAll dance in your styleYour smiles smooth things overOversmoothings smiles

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin Obras

    Derivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:36Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    An Elegant ChantAn innate waitis staringat your eyes elegantly saying:"It's getting late"An abetter awareness of your fate(So to say) poisons silence with stingof two thousand springsin devouring good trim
  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    Liable elector conversant with obligations(Except the important) and communicationsand import-export and good correctorTrustworthy who nobody really trusts emotionssave that it brings a bit of benefit at last or a notion

    about to reach stage up or a good references' portionaccording to regular forms and norms of civic motionSuch good father and much better sonup to every fine dressed one's sayingand other people would sign to get on timeas kindness your usual gift of bottles wine

    On bearing all terrifying dangers of solemness in mindMind don't let the former words slip in front of yourselfBut... Stop your frantic citizen's walk and listen to your crying heartThat's why you are cryingIt's falling apart

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:34Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    S o No?penarenajenartrabajarenargentinaenloquecerenloqueserTHE LASTimaONErosamente

    SI pOr serargentiNO ?

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:33Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    Inside this human being there's a heart that chimesHungrier than the writer who writes these linesInside these lines are shouts which shout in timeThey're for both enough feed of most important kind

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:30Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    Idolo DesterradoDifusamente se aleja lo conseguidoy era, ido lo deseado,

    lo nico an vivido

    Nuestro dolo desterrado,lo mutuo compartido,es olvido y papel quemado

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:29Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    DistantimeWe remember the shineWe miss a distantimeNot a drawback comes backof many we had

    Forgotten distressing thingsA lot of full up dustbins

    go round downtownof our ommission

    O mission !Forgetfulness defrayerthat keeps on hiding us fromthe thinkingover frayer

    What a truth, she aims to write the lane butuntilfurthernoticepencilis not
  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    for her

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:28Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    Si Mis LgrimasSi mis lgrimas sobrevivieranal momento del encuentroay sin amori sin am oro qu se yo corazones adentro

    el temor venciera o el qu dirn

    Cul sera el alma piadosaque recogera mis partes borrosas?

    Quin dira: Di todo en verdad!y del lodo de las injustas cosasrecogera mi ser sin ser?

    Miser sin would be glad

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:26Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    CatsIntimacyinto me i see

    Dropped linesfrom felines to meThey are windsinterlardjoy of decoyand bards' dreams

    Someone undresses mejust by staring at meand writes the protohistory of myselfand wends in the end just like that

    What else could be but a cat?
  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:24Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    AtardecerCae la tarde obstinadamentesobre mi espaldaLa misma tarde(nada es diferente)nadiestrndome en guardiame mantiene latentesolitariamente despierto

    navegando a despuertoinquietamente conscientedel mar nunca demasiado abiertoNunca demarcado el lmite hirientede mi estado desoladonunca indecente

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin Obras

    Derivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:22Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    A SlenderivationA slenderivationA bit of meditationright thereMy deft rounddown leftMy fight ground

    down rightOh! My darlingYour darlingererwell blindwalking thereA slenderivationas sign of cautionright there

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu
  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:21Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    So Brilliant And FineNails will not fall for talesabout pure of passion and compassionon artists which always run about

    And all they who saletheir feelings therewon't even pay the carpentereven though his artwork will be fair

    Our crosslike lossforwords hours

    shall see a stupid fashioned suninstead of clamorous showersSo brilliant and fine and spic-and-spanworld keeps on crucifying genuine artisans

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:20Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    Sent To You, Sent To Meest ahLO VEmos venirson SENTimienTOsque YO Un pobre poetapuedo predecirest ahLO VEmos venirpuros SENTimienTOs

    que ME alienTAN a seguirANDandocONfiado

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:19Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    In Memoriam Thomas Paine
  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    - Thine shall be on approval -Life said,but He was not a usualbut a less than seldom footloose bornIn words and acts freer than freedom

    Before needers, so sheer, he never took a leer at fearBy respecting no serfdom he really knew the use of wisdomand wanted to set free all the thralls of all the worldsOne of most human man, if any were anywhere,hundred times betrayed but never frayed at allSo death dared not even to make the callAt such times society works for it everywhereeven keeping his example undercover forever

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:18Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    Al final Del LaberintoAl final del laberinto de dasy horas aflora nuestra hora retenidaen este sin fin de demora diluidahacia algn lugar que es tuyoy mo y cuyo primer resplandor del daespera ver a la espera arrepentidade pintar este lago de tiempo entre nosotros dosque slo agrega ms ansias a mi vida por tu vida

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:17

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    Nobody's Gonna WaitThe inexpugnable sight of the cattook a look at the tower of booksat my cellar of memoriesmy lincoln's hatI'm hook'd on so many fightsbetween redeemer dreamer wordsand sounding dreams' platesNobody's gonna waitfor me tonight

    The strange unquenchable medley
  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    fast and friendly embodies me at lastand we are feelings forecast for the futureand rails of glowing on the trails of pastWe're hook'd on so many fightsbetween redeemer dreamer words

    and sounding dreams' platesNobody's gonna waitfor us tonight

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:16Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    Little CircusEach day many traffic jams of frightened stay lambsset you in the same question along the fool procession landKeep you cool or run like them?A human or cold citizenYou know, you go out into the street and thenThe loud trip just began

    Cheats on time and the struggle for fameShining tips, fashion freaks and then what then?Push and push for the sake of itWhose is the profit of that stand and sitand turn left and turn right and go straight until night?(Put it under light!)

    Nothingproof our heart with a palimpsest of time to be spentthis little circus with a crazy crest and fleshy tentgot its own floor by being boldwhich must be fizzy or a waltrons shoalWhy don't you put its need before routine greed and big media world?

    Do set all the tables so that all the walls fall

    and the chances are able to warm it when it's coldC'mon leave the enslaving fenCan't you see the kings of golden shameHow could you give your core to them with countless storms of thorns to stem?

    Where were the sweet words of rainwhen we had no time for listening to them?We got modern flowerpots for plastic painsWhere has our lifeline sunk whenwe forgot our treasures trunk under the daily plundering strain?

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu
  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:16Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    Mucho MsTal vez no llegue mas all de mis sueostodo lo que escribaDe ser as no me lo digasCmo y por qu debera olvidarteimaginartelejos de msi el mundo de las distancias es tan confusopuros juegos cotidianos hasta cansarsede no entender nada y quedarse

    profundamente dormidoscuando la oscuridad nos escondelos objetos tras las sombrasLa brisa de ste invierno te nombraa mi costadopoco ha quedadosin tu mielpoco has dejado en el caminode volver a reconocerme en tu ternuray sin embargo mi locurapuede escribir en mi corazn

    mucho ms de lo que puede haceruna mquina como stamucho mas que esta cartasin tu vozy sin respuesta

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.

    Publicado porArtisantiago en08:14Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    Less I Than I AmInnenstadt in der tatDowntown indeedA spark of caressing darkThe round sweet weedgrows just like thatEdulcoration of painsand covered stains

    keeping fashion fatSupine minds of fine ratson killing my whys and whats
  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    and the Fatherlessland of mineSo that i cannot outwalk the three dotsLest i can show my best by shine

    Less i than

    i amis what they'd like to find

    A brighter writer's whineTOO FINEto be a heart in rhymeto be part of mineto be a whole deemvictim of world crime

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:13Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    Frente Al Cielo De Tu FrenteFrente al cielo de tu frente he cadovencido inexorablementeRendidoante tu mirada en el tiempoCargando el peso de la derrotay de una victoria con cuentagotasAshe venidoAs llegu a tu nidoCruzando las distancias invisiblesde un mundo sin sentidopara florecer en tu ternurapara despertar tu manantial dormido

    Para renacer, amarte y sentir

    ya de una vez por todasque nada est perdido

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:12Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    Our Unspoken Own
  • 8/13/2019 Santiago Romero Bourdieu


    Thousand watching eyes look for what i feelrunning along this carbonic monoxide vigilVictims of love well hidden beyond the shades, sea wavestrying to escape from the euphoric fog of some deal

    While logos goes dual as usualand silence tries to fillthe hall and shall be able to do it, dense fruitthat puts this twin game between themin which land must teach manhow to go for each lost speechA well spoken broken pitchwhich shall never reach you awoken

    Round tokens of one's self's asleepthat keep our own unspokenA well spoken broken pitch

    which shall never reach you awoken

    Oblivion webs and boredom ebbs inside those wallsNo feelings sleep a wink within our soulsLife is a gulf and night dreams' just the stolen choiceinterrupting halfway of my words and your voice

    While logos goes dual as usualand silence tries to fillthe hall and shall be able to do it, dense fruitthat puts this twin game between them

    in which land must teach manhow to go for each lost speechA well spoken broken pitchwhich shall never reach you awoken

    Round tokens of one's self's asleepthat keep our own unspokenA well spoken broken pitchwhich shall never reach you awoken

    A new glib misdo anewparts the parts of you in twoToo dark the bark seems trueto lard your heart in blue

    Santiago Romero Bourdieu

    Esta obra est licenciada bajo unaLicencia Creative Commons Atribucin-No Comercial-Sin ObrasDerivadas 3.0 Unported.Publicado porArtisantiago en08:11Enviar por correo electrnicoEscribe un blogCompartir con TwitterCompartir con Facebook

    Your Man