sax, 2007

REVIEW ‘My ve moments for hand hygiene’: a user-centred design approach to understand, train, monitor and report hand hygiene H. Sax a,b , B. Allegranzi b , I. Uc ¸kay a , E. Larson b,c , J. Boyce b,d , D. Pittet a,b, * a Infection Control Programme, University of Geneva Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland b Global Patient Safety Challenge, World Alliance for Patient Safety, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland c School of Nursing, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA d Hospital of Saint Raphael, New Haven, CT, USA Avail able online 27 Augus t 2007 KEYWORDS Hand hygiene; Healthcare-associated infections; Patient safety; Healthcare workers Summary  Hand hygiene is a core element of patien t safety for the pre- vention of healthcare-associated infections and the spread of antimicrobial resistance. Its promotion represents a challenge that requires a multi- modal strategy using a clear, robust and simple conceptual framework. The World Health Organization First Global Patient Safety Challenge ‘Clean Care is Safer Care’ has expanded educational and promotional tools devel- oped initially for the Swiss national hand hygiene campaign for worldwide use. Development methodology involved a user-centred design approach incorporating strategies of human factors engineering, cognitive behaviour science and elements of social marketing, followed by an iterative proto- type test phase within the target population. This research resulted in a concept called ‘My ve moments for hand hygiene’. It describes the fun- damental reference points for healthcare workers (HCWs) in a timeespace framework and designates the moments when hand hygiene is required to effectively interrupt microbial transmission during the care sequence. The concept applies to a wide range of patient care activities and healthcare settings. It proposes a unied vision for trainers, observers and HCWs that should facilitate education, minimize inter-individual variation and re- source use, and increase adherence. ‘My ve moments for hand hygiene’ * Corresponding author. Address: Infection Control Programme, University of Geneva Hospitals, 24 Rue Micheli-du-Crest, 1211 Geneva 14, Switzerland. Tel.: þ41 22 372 9828; fax:  þ41 22 372 3987. E-mail address: [email protected] 0195-6701/$ - see front matter  ª 2007 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jhin.2007.06.004 Journal of Hospital Infection (2007) 67, 9e21

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‘My five moments for hand hygiene’:a user-centred design approach to understand,train, monitor and report hand hygiene

H. Sax a,b, B. Allegranzi b, I. Uckay a, E. Larson b,c, J. Boyce b,d,D. Pittet a,b,*

a Infection Control Programme, University of Geneva Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland b Global Patient Safety Challenge, World Alliance for Patient Safety, World Health Organization,

Geneva, Switzerland c School of Nursing, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, NY, USAd Hospital of Saint Raphael, New Haven, CT, USA

Available online 27 August 2007

KEYWORDSHand hygiene;Healthcare-associatedinfections; Patient

safety; Healthcareworkers

Summary   Hand hygiene is a core element of patient safety for the pre-vention of healthcare-associated infections and the spread of antimicrobialresistance. Its promotion represents a challenge that requires a multi-modal strategy using a clear, robust and simple conceptual framework.

The World Health Organization First Global Patient Safety Challenge ‘CleanCare is Safer Care’ has expanded educational and promotional tools devel-oped initially for the Swiss national hand hygiene campaign for worldwideuse. Development methodology involved a user-centred design approachincorporating strategies of human factors engineering, cognitive behaviour science and elements of social marketing, followed by an iterative proto-type test phase within the target population. This research resulted ina concept called ‘My five moments for hand hygiene’. It describes the fun-damental reference points for healthcare workers (HCWs) in a timeespaceframework and designates the moments when hand hygiene is required toeffectively interrupt microbial transmission during the care sequence. Theconcept applies to a wide range of patient care activities and healthcare

settings. It proposes a unified vision for trainers, observers and HCWs thatshould facilitate education, minimize inter-individual variation and re-source use, and increase adherence. ‘My five moments for hand hygiene’

* Corresponding author. Address: Infection Control Programme, University of Geneva Hospitals, 24 Rue Micheli-du-Crest, 1211Geneva 14, Switzerland. Tel.:  þ41 22 372 9828; fax:  þ41 22 372 3987.

E-mail address:   [email protected]

0195-6701/$ - see front matter  ª 2007 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.jhin.2007.06.004

Journal of Hospital Infection (2007) 67, 9e21

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bridges the gap between scientific evidence and daily health practice andprovides a solid basis to understand, teach, monitor and report hand hy-giene practices.ª 2007 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rightsreserved.


Healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) repre-sent a major risk to patient safety and contributetowards suffering,   prolongation of hospital stay,cost and mortality.1,2 Hand hygiene is the coreelement to protect patients against HCAIs and col-onisation with multi-resistant micro-organisms.3

Cleansing hands with alcohol-based hand rub isa simple and undemanding procedure that requiresonly a few seconds.4,5 If hand rub is easily avail-

able at each point of care, hand hygiene can alsoeasily be integrated in the natural workflow   e

even in high-density care settings.6e8 However,most healthcare workers (HCWs) practice handhygiene less than half as often as they should.9,10

Reasons for neglecting hand hygiene have beeninvestigated and include forgetfulness, fear of skindamage, lack of time due to other patient carepriorities, and scarce   or inconvenient access tohand rub and sinks.11,12 However, one essential el-ement is frequently overlooked: the quality of theinformation and training dispensed to HCWs to ex-

plain why, when and how to apply hand hygieneduring routine care activity. Yet, there is accumu-lating evidence that failure to comply with goodpractice is often due to poor design, whether itbe device-related, humanemachine interfaces or,importantly, process design.13e15 This includesmisleading language, complicated   descriptions,or poor definition of target outcomes.16

Several disciplines such as human factors engi-neering and ergonomics, social marketing, peda-gogy, and communication science have been foundto be helpful in bridging the gap between scientificliterature and  user -centred, error-proof productsand processes.17e20 When measured against thesestandards, the concept of hand hygiene has beenpoorly assessed from these perspectives untilnow. Even infection control experts have difficul-ties in reaching a consensus on the relative risklevels of different care activities and how to bestdefine key moments for hand hygiene action.

Building on the longstanding experience at theUniversity of Geneva Hospitals and work on tooldevelopment in the framework of the Swiss na-tional hand hygiene campaign and the WHO Global

Patient Safety Challenge ‘Clean Care is Safer Care’, we developed a user-centred concept for recognising when hand hygiene should be done, aswell as   training, performance assessment andreporting.6e8,11,21e32 We describe here the designprocess of the concept, the rationale for elementsincluded, and its potential practical use.

Requirements and development

Requirement specifications for auser-centred hand hygiene concept

The main specifications for the concept are givenin Table I. Importantly, it must result in a minimalcomplexity and density of hand hygiene actions,integrate well into a natural workflow, but still at-tain a maximum preventive effect. For applicabil-ity across a wide range of care settings andhealthcare professions, it must also create a uni-fied approach without losing the necessary detailto produce meaningful data for risk analysis andfeedback.

The concept should be absolutely congruent indesign and meaning to trainers, observers and theobserved HCWs. This has the dual purpose ofavoiding any lack of clarity by an expertelayperson gap and to cut down on training timerequirement and expenditure. Moreover, thesharing of a unified vision should lead to a strongsense of ownership.33 Additionally, concept robust-ness is equally instrumental both to avoid inter-observer variation and to guarantee intra-hospital,

Table I   Requirement specifications for a user-

centred hand hygiene application conceptConsistent with evidence-based risk assessment ofhealthcare-associated infections and spread of multi-resistant micro-organismsStealth integration into a natural care workflowEasy to learnLogical clarity of the conceptApplicable in a wide range of healthcare settingsMinimising the density of the need for hand hygieneMaximal concept congruence between trainers,observers, and healthcare workers

10 H. Sax  et al.

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inter-hospital and international comparisons andcommunication.

Finally, characteristics known to neuroscience toincrease learning and facilitate uptake such aslimited number of items, clustering of items, sym-metry, rhythm, plain and meaningful terminology,colour codes, clarity and logic, high signal-to-noise

ratio, and correspondence to pre-existing conceptsin the concerned population were applied duringthe design process whenever possible.34e36

Healthcare-associated colonisation andinfection: the negative outcome targets

For conceptual clarity, it is useful to revisit twodistinct outcomes of transmission pathways. Colo-nisation denotes the presenceof micro-organisms onbody sites without invading the tissue and withouttriggering a symptomatic host defence reaction;

infection denotes tissue invasion of micro-or ganismstriggering an inflammatory host response.37

Transmission of micro-organisms from the health-care environment (e.g. furniture, equipment, walls,doors, documents, neighbouring patients, etc.) toa patient mostoftenresultsin cross-colonisation andnot in infection.38,39 Cross-colonisation with multi-resistant micro-organisms represents an importanttarget for prevention because it contributes to in-creasing antimicrobial resistance and the reservoir of potential pathogens.40,41

With respect to cross-colonisation, it is impor-

tant to recognise three facts: first, colonised or infected patients represent the main reservoir for healthcare-associated micro-organisms; second,the environment in the healthcare facility containsa wide variety of different healthcare-associatedmicro-organisms and represents a secondarysource for transmission; and third, the immediatepatient envir onment becomes colonised by thepatient flora.42e47 Cross-transmission can resultin exogenous HCAI, in particular if the patient’sdefence against the implicated micro-organism islow or if it is directly introduced  into a vulnerablebody site, or mucous membrane.48

Most HCAIs, however, are of an endogenousnature, and due to micro-organisms already colo-nising the patient before the onset of infec-tion.39,49 This implies that hands may play a rolein this process by transferring micro-organismsfrom a colonised body site to a ‘clean’ one in thesame patient, e.g. from the perineum to a tr achealtube, or from the leg skin to a catheter hub.3 Care-induced breaks of physical and biological defencemechanisms by invasive procedures and devicesrepresent risk factors for infection.

In addition to patient colonisation and/or infec-tion,two additional negative outcomes are targetedby hand hygiene: infection in HCWs with pathogenscontained in body fluids and cross-colonisation ofinanimate objects in the healthcare environmentand colonisation of HCWs by patient flora.

In summary, four negative outcomes constitute

the prevention target for hand hygiene: (i) cross-colonisation of patients; (ii) endogenous and ex-ogenous infection in patients; (iii) infection inHCWs; and (iv) cross-colonisation of the healthcareenvironment including HCWs.

The core element of hand transmission

During daily practice, HCWs’ hands typically toucha continuous sequence of surfaces and substancesincluding inanimate objects, patients’ intact or non-intact skin, mucous membranes, food, waste,

body fluids and the HCW’s own body. The totalnumber of hand exposures in a healthcare facilitymight reach as many as several tens of thousands per day. With each hand-to-surface exposure a bidirec-tional exchange of micro-organisms between handsand the touched object occurs and the transienthand-carried flora is thus continuously changing. Inthis way, micro-organisms can spread throughouta healthcare environment within a few hours.50,51

An evidence-based hand transmission model hasbeen described elsewhere.3,27 In brief, we illus-trate the core elements stripped down to their 

simplest level in Figure 1. Effective hand cleansingcan prevent transmission of micro-organisms fromsurface A to surface B if applied at any momentduring hand transition between the two surfaces.Typically, surface A could be a door handle colon-ised by meticillin-resistant   Staphylococcus aureus

(MRSA) and surface B the skin of a patient. If trans-mission of micro-organisms between A and B wouldresult in one of the four negative outcomes de-tailed above, the corresponding hand transitiontime between the surfaces is usually calleda ‘hand hygiene opportunity’. If avoidable, nottouching A or B or both would be another very ef-

fective way of preventing cross-contamination andinfection. Touching twice in a row surface B wouldequally not generate a need for hand hygiene.Hence, it follows clearly that the necessity for hand hygiene is defined by a core element ofhand transmission consisting in a donor surface,a receptor surface and hand transition from thefirst to the second. Merely describing a hand hy-giene opportunity as a moment before executinga certain care task is an oversimplification andwill be discussed in a further section.

‘My five moments for hand hygiene’ 11

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Conceptualisation of the risk: two zones,two critical sites

To achieve the objective of creating a user-centredconcept, we opted for a direct translation of theevidence-based hand transmission model describedabove to a practical description of hand hygieneindications. The terms ‘zone’ and ‘critical sites’were introduced to allow a ‘geographical’ visual-isation of keymoments for hand hygiene (Figure2A).

Focusing on a single patient, the healthcaresetting is divided into two virtual geographicalareas, the patient zone and the healthcare zone(Figure 2A and B).

The patient zone contains the patient X and his/her immediate surroundings. This typically in-cludes the intact skin of the patient and allinanimate surfaces that are touched by or in direct

physical contact with the patient such as the bedrails, bedside table, bed linen and infusion tubingand other medical equipment. It further containssurfaces frequently touched by HCWs while caringfor the patient such as monitors, knobs andbuttons, and other ‘high frequency’ touch surfaceswithin the patient zone. The model assumes that

the patient flora rapidly contaminates the entirepatient zone, but that it is being cleaned betweenpatient admissions.

The healthcarezone contains all surfaces outsidethe patient zone of patient X, i.e. all other patientsand their patient zones and the healthcare facilityenvironment. Conceptually, the healthcare zone iscontaminated with micro-organisms that might beforeign and potentially harmful to patient X, either because they are multi-resistant or because their transmission might result in exogenous infection.

Figure 1   Core element of hand transmission. (1) Donor surface ‘A’ contains micro-organisms ‘a’; receptor surface‘B’ micro-organisms ‘b’. (2) A hand picks up a micro-organism ‘a’ from donor surface ‘A’ and carries it over to receptor surface ‘B’, no hand hygiene action performed. (3) Receptor surface ‘B’ is now cross-contaminated with micro-organism ‘a’ in addition to original flora ‘b’. The arrow marks the opportunity for hand hygiene, e.g. the time periodand geographical dislocation within which hand hygiene will prevent cross-transmission; the indications for handhygiene are determined by the need to protect surface ‘B’ against colonisation with ‘a’  e  the preventable negativeoutcome in this example.

12 H. Sax  et al.

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Clean Site

Body Fluid Site


1 4















Figure 2   Unified visuals for ‘My five moments for hand hygiene’. Patient zone defined as the patient’s intact skinand his/her immediate surroundings colonised by the patient flora and healthcare zone containing all other surfaces.(A) Symbols for clean site and body fluid site, two critical sites for hand hygiene within the patient zone. (B) Zones andsites with inserted timeespace representation of ‘My five moments for hand hygiene’.

‘My five moments for hand hygiene’ 13

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Within the patient zone, two critical sites shouldbe distinguished (Figure 2A): clean sites corre-sponding to body sites or medical devices thathave to be protected against micro-organisms po-tentially leading to HCAIs, and body fluid sites lead-ing to hand exposure to body fluids and blood-bornepathogens. Critical sites may co-exist: drawing

blood for example would result in a clean site anda body fluid site at the same time at the site ofneedle perforation of the skin. The added valueof critical sites lies in their potential use in visualmaterial and training: risk-prone tasks becomegeographically located and hence more palpable.

The concept and its practicalapplication

‘My five moments for hand hygiene’


The geographical representation of the two zonesand the two critical sites (Figure 2A) is useful to in-troduce the five moments for hand hygiene. Thecorrelation between these five moments and theindications for hand hygiene according to   WHOGuidelines on Hand Hygiene in Healthcare27 isgiven in Table II. To further facilitate ease of recalland expand the ergonomic dimension, the five mo-ments for hand hygiene are numbered according tothe habitual care workflow (Figure 2B).

Moment 1: Before patient contact

From the two-zone concept, a major moment for hand hygiene is naturally deduced. It occursbetween the last hand-to-surface contact with anobject belonging to the healthcare zone and thefirst within the patient zone  e  best visualised bycrossing the virtual line between the two zones.Hand hygiene at this moment will mainly preventcross-colonisation of the patient and, occasionally,exogenous infection. A concrete example would bethe temporal period between touching the door 

handle and shaking the patient’s hand: the door handle belongs to the healthcare zone and thepatient’s hand to the patient zone.

Moment 2: Before an aseptic task

Once within the patient zone, usually after a handexposure to the patient’s intact skin, clothes or anyother object, the HCW might engage in an aseptictask on a clean site such as opening a venous accessline, giving an injection, or performing wound care.

Importantly, hand hygiene required at this momentaims at preventing colonisation and HCAI. In linewith the predominantly endogenous aetiology ofthese infections, hand hygiene is taking placebetween the last exposure to a surface, evenwithin the patient zone and immediately beforeaccess to a clean site. This is important because

HCWs customarily touch another surface within thepatient zone before contact with a clean site.For some tasks on clean sites, e.g. lumbar 

puncture, surgical procedures, tracheal suction-ing, etc., the use of gloves is standard procedure.In this case, hand hygiene is required beforedonning gloves because gloves alone may notprevent contamination entirely.25,52e54

Moment 3: After body fluid exposure risk

After a care task associated with a risk to expose

hands to body fluids, e.g. after accessing a bodyfluid site, hand hygiene is required instantly andmust take place before any hand-to-surface expo-sure, even within the same patient zone. This hasa double objective. First and most importantly, itreduces the risk of colonisation or infection ofHCWs with infectious agents which can occur evenin the absence of visible soiling. Second, it reducesthe risk of a transmission of micro-organisms froma ‘colonised’ to a ‘clean’ body site within the samepatient.3,27 This routine moment for hand hygieneconcerns all care actions associated with a risk ofbody fluid exposure and is not identical to the

hopefully very rare case of accidental visible soil-ing calling for immediate handwashing.27 Often,clean sites coincide with body fluid sites (Table II).

Disposable gloves are meant to be used asa ‘second skin’ to prevent exposure of hands tobody fluids. However, hands are not sufficientlyprotected by gloves and hand hygiene is stronglyrecommended after glove removal.27 Even if gloveremoval represents a strong cue to hand hygiene ac-tion, the concept chooses to identify this momentfor hand hygiene with the associated risk (e.g. ex-posure to body fluids) rather than with the addi-

tional protective action (e.g. glove use). This hasthe double advantage of being more consistentwith the risk-driven logic of the overall conceptand to cover all times when gloves are not worn.55

Moment 4: After patient contact

After a care sequence, when leaving the patientzone and before touching an object in the health-care zone, hand hygiene action substantially re-duces contamination of HCWs’ hands with the flora

14 H. Sax  et al.

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Table II   ‘My five moments for hand hygiene’: explanations and link to evidence-based recommendations

Moment Endpoints of handtransmission


Examples Link to WHO  Guideline

WHO recommendation(ranking for scientificevidencea)

1 Before


Donor surface: any

surface in thehealthcare zone.

Patient cross-

colonisation;rarely exogenousinfection

Shaking hands, helping a patient

to move around, gettingwashed, taking pulse, bloodpressure, chest auscultation,abdominal palpation

Before and after touching

patients (IB)

Receptor surface:any surface in thepatient zone

2 Beforeaseptictask

Donor surface: anyother surface

Patientendogenousinfection; rarelyexogenousinfection

Oral/dental care, secretionaspiration, skin lesion care,wound dressing, subcutaneousinjection; catheter insertion,opening a vascular accesssystem; preparation of food,medication, dressing sets

Before handling aninvasive device for patiencare, regardless ofwhether or not gloves areused (IB)

Receptor surface:clean site

If moving from acontaminated body site toa clean body site duringpatient care (IB)

3 After bodyfluidexposurerisk

Donor surface: bodyfluid site

Healthcareworker infection

Oral/dental care, secretionaspiration; skin lesion care,wound dressing, subcutaneousinjection; drawing andmanipulating any fluid sample,opening draining system,endotracheal tube insertion andremoval; clearing up urines,faeces, vomit, handling waste(bandages, napkin, incontinencepads), cleaning of contaminatedand visibly soiled material or areas (lavatories, medicalinstruments)

After removing gloves (IB

Receptor surface:any other surface

After contact with bodyfluids or excretions,mucous membranes, non-intact skin, or wounddressings (IA)

If moving froma contaminated body siteto a clean body site durinpatient care (IB)

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from patient X, minimises the risk of disseminationto the healthcare environment, and protects theHCWs themselves. It is noteworthy that HCWsusually touch an object within the patient zoneand not the patient before leaving. Hence, theterm ‘after patient contact’ is somewhat mislead-ing and should be understood as ‘after contact with

the patient or his/her immediate surroundings’.

Moment 5: After contact with patientsurroundings

The fifth moment for hand hygiene is a variant ofmoment 4. It occurs after hand exposure to anysurface in the patient zone but without touchingthe patient. This typically extends to objectscontaminated by the patient flora that are ex-tracted from the patient zone to be decontami-nated or discarded. Because hand exposure topatient objects without physical contact with thepatients is associated with hand contamination,hand hygiene is required.

Coincidence of two moments for handhygiene

Two moments for hand hygiene may sometimes falltogether. Typically this occurs when going fromone patient to another without touching anysurface outside the corresponding patient zones.Naturally, a single hand hygiene action will cover the two moments for hand hygiene.

Practical applications of the model

A multi-modal approach to hand hygiene pro-motion has been found to be the most efficienttechnique to increase patient safety in a sustainedway.8,21,27,56,57 A robust description of the criticalmoments for hand hygiene is important for thevarious elements of a multi-modal strategy in-cluding training, workplace reminders, ergonomiclocalisation of hand rub at the point of care, per-formance assessment by direct observations, and


Understanding and visuals

A critical feature to facilitate the understandingand communication of ‘My five moments for handhygiene’ lies in its strong visual message (Figure 2).The objective was to represent the ever-changingsituations of care into pictograms that could servea wide array of purposes and healthcare settings.The model depicts a single patient in the centre

of a unified visual to represent the point of careof any type of patient. The zones, critical sitesand moments for hand hygiene action are arrangedaround this patient to depict the infectious risksand the corresponding moments for hand hygieneaction in time and space.


There are important interpersonal differences inthe most effective learning styles. Some individ-uals respond better to conceptual grouping andwill respond well to the risk-based construct ofzones and critical sites and the five moments for hand hygiene. For most, however, the rationalbackground of a concept is a strong motivator. It isthus helpful to make very clear the reason for eachof the five moments for hand hygiene (Table II).Others respond better to circumstantial cues and

it is useful to list the most frequent examples oc-curring in the specific care setting. The approachalso offers many possibilities for the developmentof training tools, including on-site accompaniedlearning kits, computer-assisted learning, andoff-site simulators.


Direct observation is the gold standard to monitor compliance with optimal hand hygiene practice.27

The five-moments model can be instrumental inseveral ways. Many care activities do not followa standard operating procedure. Thus, it is difficultto define the crucial moment for hand hygiene.The concept lays a reference grid over these activ-ities and minimises inter-observer variation. OnceHCWs are proficient in the concept, they are ableto become observers with minimal additionaleffort, thus cutting down on training costs.58

Furthermore, the concept solves the typical prob-lems of clearly defining the denominator as anopportunity and the numerator as a hand hygieneaction.


Reporting results of hand hygiene observation toHCWs is an essential element of multi-modalstrategies   to improve hand hygiene prac-tices.21,27,59 Therefore, reporting details on risk-specific hand hygiene performance may increasethe impact of any feedback and make it possibleto monitor progress in a meaningful way thatfully corresponds to training and promotionalmaterial.

‘My five moments for hand hygiene’ 17

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Hand hygiene as it is understood today requiresthree to 30 applications of hand rub per hour during patient care which translates to one handrub application up to every 2 min during intensivecare activities.3,4,6e8,11,21,27,59 The reality, how-

ever, is that unobserved HCWs only perform veryfew hand hygiene actions during their work day.The magnitude of the task of fixing this substan-dard quality of care has challenged infection  con-trol professionals worldwide for many years.60,61

Various indications for hand hygiene during carehave been described in the scientific literature but,to date, there are few studies which focus in detailon practical issues within the framework of obser-vation.62,63 We describe a new model for handhygiene that is intended to meet the needs for training, observation, and performance reportingacross all healthcare settings worldwide. Themodel ‘My five moments for hand hygiene’ was cre-ated to bridge the gap between the results of scien-tific studies and evidence-based guidelines and thenecessity to provide user-centred, practical tools.It is based on available evidence in the fields of mi-crobiology and infectious diseases, a long-standingpractical experience in hand hygiene research andpromotion, and several years of a trial-and-error process.21 Principles and recent insight in the threeoverlapping domains of human factors engineering,behaviour science and social marketing were usedto craft the concept for optimal performance at

minimal cost.The importance of human factors design and

ergonomics for patient safety is increasingly beingrecognized.64e66 What has led to a 100-fold de-crease in aeroplane crashes is now being progres-sively implemented in healthcare: a deliberatedesign process to avoid human error by streamlin-ing processes and work environment to intuitivehuman understanding, behaviour and limitations.Building on this understanding, we provide a con-cept that applies to the complex and unpredictabletask of healthcare delivery and serves as a solid ba-sis for the engineering of the necessary implemen-tation tools.

Behavioural science is used in human factorsengineering. According to cognitive behaviour models, intention to perform any action is motivatedby positive outcome evaluation, social pressure, andthe perception of being in control.23,32,67e70 Theconcept of ‘My five moments of hand hygiene’ tries:(i) to foster positive outcome evaluation by linkingspecific hand hygiene to specific infectious out-comes in patients and HCWs (positive outcome

beliefs); and (ii) to increase the sense of being incontrol by giving HCWs clear advice on how to inte-grate hand hygiene in the complex task of care(positive control beliefs).

Successful examples of powerful commercialmarketing strategies tr ansferred to the realitiesof healthcare exist.19,71 It has been suggested that

science-based work and guidelines regularly fail totranslate into daily practice because of lack of ap-peal to the targeted user.17,72 We used the conceptof branding, term coining, simple wording and vis-uals to facilitate the ‘marketing’ of hand hygieneto HCWs as ‘users’. While developing this concept,we faced some fundamental difficulties whichwere mainly rooted in the lack of detailed scien-tific evidence on hand transmission and its impli-cation in the aetiology of specific infectiousoutcomes. If the relative risk level of specificcare tasks remains unknown, a ‘safe system’ hasto treat them on an equal level. This prohibited

further concept simplification, which would havebeen possible had we been able to eliminate the‘less important’ moments for hand hygiene. It ispossible that accumulating evidence might makefuture adaptations of the concept necessary. Webelieve, however, that gaps in detailed evidenceshould not prevent the construction of an applica-ble holistic approach.61 In this respect, ‘My fivemoments for hand hygiene’ can be compared towearing a safety belt while driving. Although therisk through neglecting a single preventive gesturemay be very low, cumulative negligence results in

a high total number of fatal outcomes due to thesheer frequency of the risk situation. Furthermore,some assumptions made in this model might not befulfilled at all facilities. A high standard of cleaningof the healthcare environment and all objectsbrought in close contact with patients is requiredif the proposed hand hygiene concept is to makesense.

Standardisation is essential to the robustness ofthe concept, i.e. its applicability to a large range ofhealthcare settings. For this, however, we had toomit certain potentially useful concept features.For example, powerful cues for action such as gloveuse, catheter insertion, or other frequently de-scribed moments in care were discarded. Further-more, we opted against educating HCWs torecognize the transmission risk themselves and touse hand hygiene whenever they considered thatmicro-organisms on their hands could be harmful topatients.

In conclusion, efforts to improve hand hygienepractices of HCWs have already travelled far over the past few years by the application of human

18 H. Sax  et al.

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factors engineering: handwashing at the sink hasbeen replaced by alcohol-based hand rubbing asthe quicker and more effective method, and handrub location at the point of care has been advo-cated to make it even more convenient. In thiswork, we revisited the main negative outcomes andtheir causal mechanisms to design a user-centred,

out-of-the-box concept to make understanding,training, and monitoring of hand hygiene in health-care a ‘top seller’ among HCWs worldwide.


The authors wish to thank all members of theInfection Control Programme, University of GenevaHospitals, in particular M.-N. Chraiti and P. Her-rault; Swiss Hand Hygiene participating hospitalsand SwissNOSO members; G. Teague for fruitfulexchange on social marketing strategies; B.

Gordts, MD, for discussion; R. Sudan for outstand-ing editorial assistance; members of the WHO‘Clean Care is Safer Care’ core group: D. Gold-mann, H. Richet, W.H. Seto, A. Voss; the GlobalPatient Safety Challenge team: G. Dziekan, A.Leotsakos, J. Storr; and the WHO Hand HygieneEducation Task Force: B. Cookson, N. Damani,M.-L. McLaws, Z. Memish, M. Rotter, S. Sattar,M. Whitby, A. Widmer.

Conflict of interest statementNone.

Funding sourcesNone.


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