sebagai penuaan sukses cenderung lebih tergantung pada perilaku

Sebagai penuaan sukses cenderung lebih tergantung pada perilaku, sikap dan lingkungan daripada sifat-sifat turun-temurun, peneliti dan dokter sedang mengembangkan strategi untuk meningkatkan penuaan dengan baik. Strategi saat ini termasuk membatasi asupan kalori, berolahraga, berhenti merokok dan penggunaan substansi, memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan yang tepat, dan makan sehat. Mencari bantuan untuk penyakit mental seperti depresi sangat penting, karena kondisi ini mengganggu hampir semua faktor penentu penuaan sukses. Selain itu, hal ini dianggap penting untuk mengembangkan strategi kognitif dan psikologis seperti sikap positif, ketahanan, dan mengurangi stres. Kognitif dan adaptasi emosional untuk penyakit kronis yang sering mempengaruhi orang dewasa yang lebih tua juga merupakan aspek penting. Akhirnya, strategi sosial, seperti mencari dan memberikan dukungan sosial melalui relawan, bekerja dalam kelompok, belajar keterampilan baru, atau mentoring individu muda, telah ditemukan untuk mempromosikan penuaan sukses. [29] [30] [31] Meskipun suplemen makanan banyak di pasar dan diiklankan sebagai memiliki efek anti-penuaan, ada kurangnya bukti seperti untuk dampaknya terhadap penuaan, dan beberapa peneliti bahkan menunjuk ke beberapa risiko kesehatan yang mungkin terjadi. Saat ini sebagian besar suplemen tidak dikategorikan sebagai obat oleh US Food and Drug Administration [32]. Ada delapan langkah untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup di usia tua: Istirahat cukup Makanlah dengan penuh cinta Gunkan vitamin dengan bijaksana Meningkatkan integrasi pikiran dan tubuh Olah Raga Hidup harus fleksibel jang terlalu kaku Bersangka baik Selalu memelihara pikiran anda tetap muda Model Lansia yang “sukses” atau “optimal”

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Post on 07-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Sebagai Penuaan Sukses Cenderung Lebih Tergantung Pada Perilaku

Sebagai penuaan sukses cenderung lebih tergantung pada perilaku, sikap dan lingkungan daripada sifat-sifat turun-temurun, peneliti dan dokter sedang mengembangkan strategi untuk meningkatkan penuaan dengan baik. Strategi saat ini termasuk membatasi asupan kalori, berolahraga, berhenti merokok dan penggunaan substansi, memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan yang tepat, dan makan sehat. Mencari bantuan untuk penyakit mental seperti depresi sangat penting, karena kondisi ini mengganggu hampir semua faktor penentu penuaan sukses. Selain itu, hal ini dianggap penting untuk mengembangkan strategi kognitif dan psikologis seperti sikap positif, ketahanan, dan mengurangi stres. Kognitif dan adaptasi emosional untuk penyakit kronis yang sering mempengaruhi orang dewasa yang lebih tua juga merupakan aspek penting. Akhirnya, strategi sosial, seperti mencari dan memberikan dukungan sosial melalui relawan, bekerja dalam kelompok, belajar keterampilan baru, atau mentoring individu muda, telah ditemukan untuk mempromosikan penuaan sukses. [29] [30] [31]

Meskipun suplemen makanan banyak di pasar dan diiklankan sebagai memiliki efek anti-penuaan, ada kurangnya bukti seperti untuk dampaknya terhadap penuaan, dan beberapa peneliti bahkan menunjuk ke beberapa risiko kesehatan yang mungkin terjadi. Saat ini sebagian besar suplemen tidak dikategorikan sebagai obat oleh US Food and Drug Administration [32].

Ada delapan langkah untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup di usia tua:Istirahat cukupMakanlah dengan penuh cintaGunkan vitamin dengan bijaksanaMeningkatkan integrasi pikiran dan tubuhOlah RagaHidup harus fleksibel jang terlalu kakuBersangka baikSelalu memelihara pikiran anda tetap muda

Model Lansia yang “sukses” atau “optimal”

Para teoris tidak sepakat untuk mendefinisikan dan mengukur masa tua yang sukses atau optimal. Beberapa investigator memfokuskan pada fungsi jantung, performa kognitif, dan kesehatan mental yang seperti diharapkan. Peneliti lain memfokuskan pada produktivitas, ekonomi dan lainnya sebagai kriteria penting untuk hidup sehat. Sementara pendekatan lain mencoba menguji pengalaman subyektif, yaitu bagaimana individu berhasil mencapai tujuannya dan seberapa puas mereka dengan hidupnya. Menanggapi hal ini, beberapa teori klasik maupun yang baru menjelaskan tentang masa tua yang baik, diantaranya adalah teori disengagement versus activity, teori kontinuitas, peran produktivitas, dan optimisasi selektif dengan kompensasi.

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Menurut teori aktivitas, peran yang disandang oleh lansia adalah sumber kepuasan yang besar; semakin besar mereka kehilangan peran setelah masa pensiun, menjanda, jauh dari anak-anak, atau infirmitas, maka semakin merasa tidak puaslah mereka. Orang yang tumbuh menjadi tua akan mempertahankan aktivitasnya sebanyak mungkin dan menemukan pengganti bagi perannya yang sudah hilang (Neugarten, Havighurst,&Tobin, 1968 dalam Papalia, 2003). Penelitian lain juga menyatakan hasil bahwa keterlibatan dalam aktivitas yang menantang dan peran sosial mennimbulkan retensi pada kemampuan kognitif dan mungkin berefek positif pada kesehatan dan penyesuaian diri sosialnya.

Menjadi seseorang yang aktif adalah hal yang penting untuk menjadi successfull aging. Selain itu, lansia yang sukses juga melibatkan perasaan kontrolnya terhadap lingkungan dan self efficacy (Bertrand&Lachman, 2003 dalam Santrock, 2006). Menurut hasil studi, diet yang tepat, gaya hidup yang aktif, stimulasi mental, dan fleksibilitas, positive coping skill, mempunyai hubungan dan dukungan sosial yang baik, dan jauh dari penyakit serta kemampuan lainnya dapat dipertahankan atau bahkan dapat dikembangkan ketika seseorang beranjak menjadi tua.

• Low-fat vs. low-carb

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Regardless of how they shed pounds in the first place, big losers stayed that way by limiting fat rather than carbohydrates, according to new research that could add fuel to the backlash against low-carb diets.

• Report: Obesity surgery more than cosmetic

Obesity surgery helps patients do more than shed weight -- it often cures their diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, researchers say.

• Fiber boosts effects of heart drugs

People can add a fiber supplement to their diet and get the same effect as doubling the dose of powerful cholesterol-lowering drugs, researchers said Tuesday.

• Fighting the flu

The health-care system is making gains in the fight with the flu, a scourge that contributes to the deaths of thousands of Canadians every year, chokes hospital wards each winter and increases the pressure on strained budgets.

The flu shot is the heavy artillery in this battle against the highly contagious respiratory disease that strikes as many as eight million people in flu season, between October and March.

While flu and cold symptoms are similar, influenza is much more serious because it drastically reduces the body's ability to fight off other infections.

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• Banning bad fats

Harry Voortman may not have shaken up the snack food world – but he did make a lot of people stand up and take notice.

On Nov. 24, 2003, Voortman announced that his Burlington, Ont., factory would become the first in North America to produce cookies without trans fatty acids.

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• Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a common skin condition that occurs when the skin replaces itself too quickly. There are many different types of psoriasis. The most common form is called chronic plaque psoriasis.

• Fighting the flu

The health-care system is making gains in the fight with the flu, a scourge that contributes to the deaths of thousands of Canadians every year, chokes hospital wards each winter and increases the pressure on strained budgets.

The flu shot is the heavy artillery in this battle against the highly contagious respiratory disease that strikes as many as eight million people in flu season, between October and March.

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• Plan takes steps toward reducing obesity

A year ago, Dr. James Hill took a deliberate step to change fat America: Every day, he declared, people should walk a little more and eat a little less to prevent weight gain.

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• Food labels: Canada's rigorous rules

Canadians will have the world's most detailed food labels by the end of 2005 - but low carbohydrate claims will not be on them.

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Health Canada began a new labelling program in 2003 that requires most foods to bear a standardized nutrition box and allows diet-related health claims for the first time.

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• Cancer: The Facts

More than one in three of us will develop cancer at some point in our lives.

Excluding certain skin cancers, there were more than 220,000 new cases of the disease in 2000.

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• Ask an expert

What would you like to know about food? People send questions on all sorts of food-related topics to Sam, our online nutrition expert.

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• Food myths debunked

Is 'low fat' always a good thing? Is a cooked breakfast always unhealthy? Test out your food knowledge in our true or false section. There are lots of myths and old wives' tales about food. But if you want to challenge your assumptions, check out the following popular beliefs.

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• Practical answers to your nutrition questions

Practical answers to your nutrition questions, whether you’re a parent with a young baby, have a growing child to feed, or if you’re trying for a baby. Includes advice aimed specifically at men and older people, and information on food and sport and vegetarian diets.

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• Cutting down on salt

Most of us are probably eating more salt than the maximum of 6g per day recommended for adults. But there are lots of ways we can reduce the amount of salt we eat. It’s not just a case of adding less at the table, although this will help, because about three-quarters of the salt we eat comes from processed foods.

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• Diet panel: Leave room for dessert

A federal dietary advisory panel is considering whether its revision of nutrition guidelines should let some people treat themselves to guilt-free desserts.

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• How aging affects your skin

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• Anti-aging therapies: Youth in a bottle?

You feel 25, but your body keeps reminding you you're not. You tire easily. Your knees hurt. The only part of you that's thinning is your hair.

You wonder about those anti-aging products you see advertised. Can they really slow down or even stop the aging process? When evaluating claims made about such remedies, some old advice is good advice — if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

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• Test your stress levels

Why not find out how stressed you are by taking the online assessment? At the end of the test you will be given some advice on how to lower your stress levels.

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• You are what you eat...

A good diet is central to good health. But what goes into good nutrition? How can we make realistic, informed food choices?

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• Q&A: Obesity

Obesity is a major issue around the world, and as more and more people put on excess weight it is a problem that is only likely to get worse.

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• Heart Disease and Stroke: The Facts

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• Summer safety guide: Information you need for a safe, healthy season

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Keeping your kids safe, healthy and happy 365 days a year is challenging. Each season brings its own set of concerns. Summer tends to be the most injury-prone season, according to the National Safe Kids Campaign. No school, good weather and more unsupervised activity contribute to a higher number of injuries. Here's information regarding health and safety issues your family may encounter this summer, whether you're hiking, biking, boating or floating.

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• Keep your child safe: Prevent accidents and injuries

Did you know that accidents are the leading cause of death for children in the United States? You can protect your child from accidental injury and death by focusing on seven common sources: falls, motor vehicle accidents, drowning, poisoning, burns and fires, choking and firearms.

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• Caregiving - Planning Ahead

Read our Special Report on Planning for Caregiving, excerpted from the December 2003 Vital Aging Report.

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• Alzheimer's Disease Education & Referral Center

Use this site to find current, comprehensive Alzheimer's disease (AD) information and resources from the U.S. Government's National Institute on Aging (NIA).

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• Trans fat: Glossary

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• Walking & Rambling

Most people walk somewhere sometime, but making walking a regular activity and focusing on the intensity or distance covered can greatly increase fitness benefits.

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• So many exercise videos, so little time

Consumers seeking to add a little exercise into their lives don't have to trek to the gym on a regular basis. These days home exercise videos and DVDs offer workouts in all areas of fitness, including funk aerobics, yoga, Pilates and gym-style strength training.

But with hundreds of titles on the market, where should consumers begin?

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• Parkinson's disease: How do sufferers cope with a loss of co-ordination?

Parkinson's Awareness Week

18-25 April 2004

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• Heart and blood

Learn how diet and disease affect the heart and circulatory system in the CNN and library.

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• Safe sex and STD savvy

ALmost everything you ever wanted to know about safe sex. Note: All links within content go to

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• A guide to pregnancy

Minor complications of pregnancy

Pregnancy wreaks havoc on the female body: while some women 'bloom' many also experience morning sickness and mood swings.

Pain relief during labour

One of a pregnant woman's greatest concerns is the pain of labour and how to lessen it.

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• The Allergy Guide - Allergic Conditions

Summer hay fever is also called seasonal allergic rhinitis because it only occurs during the spring and summer pollen season.

This condition is similar to allergic rhinitis although they both have slightly different types of symptoms and occur when an allergen causes inflammation and irritation of the delicate linings of the nose and eyes.

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• Federal guidelines advise on how much of what kind to eat

Worried that mercury in fish poses a hazard to youngsters -- while still trying to stress the health benefits of seafood -- the U.S. government has issued new guidelines for eating fish.

Women who are pregnant, nursing or may become pregnant, and young children should not eat certain kinds of fish that tend to be high in mercury, said Lester Crawford, deputy commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

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• A General Guide to staying fit

This is a guide for staying fit that has been provided by CNN and the Mayo Clinic.

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• Order up: Eating out the healthy way

With lunches out, after-work parties and family celebrations, you probably eat out more than ever before. But what about your desire to eat healthy? Do you need to sacrifice your healthy meal plan because you're away from home? Not at all. Simply make wise meal choices and practice moderation in portion control and menu selections.

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• You & your partner

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In a single day you've become a family with children! More love has come along and some major life changes are just kicking in.

Communication is the key

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• Pam Kirkbride's journal

During the eight weeks of the New You Resolution program, participants are keeping a journal. Experts recommend journal-keeping in helping to set goals and implement action for change. Below are excerpts from participant Pam Kirkbride's journal from the past week, with the most current at the top.

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• Influenza (Flu)

Influenza (or flu) is a common respiratory illness affecting millions of Canadians each year. In Canada, flu season usually runs from November to April.

The most effective way to protect yourself from flu is to be vaccinated each year in the fall. Regular hand washing is another way to help minimize your risk. By washing your hands often, you will reduce your chance of becoming infected after touching contaminated surfaces.

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• Influenza (Flu)

Influenza (or flu) is a common respiratory illness affecting millions of Canadians each year. In Canada, flu season usually runs from November to April.

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The most effective way to protect yourself from flu is to be vaccinated each year in the fall. Regular hand washing is another way to help minimize your risk. By washing your hands often, you will reduce your chance of becoming infected after touching contaminated surfaces.

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• Cardiovascular disease: A blueprint for understanding the leading killer

You've seen the stories time and again: Exercise to prevent coronary artery disease. Eat better to reduce your risk of coronary heart disease. Stop smoking to stop heart disease. Lower your cholesterol to lower your odds of developing cardiovascular disease.

Coronary artery disease? Coronary heart disease? Heart disease? Cardiovascular disease? What are all these things? And what's the difference, anyway?

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• Staying motivated: Sticking to your diabetes eating plan

It's easy to arm yourself with meal plans, exchange lists and food logs. But it's not always so easy to follow your diabetes meal plan day after day. Sticking to a healthy eating plan is one of the most challenging aspects of living with diabetes. The key is to find ways to keep motivated and overcome potential hurdles.

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• Popular diets: The good, the fad and the iffy

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A calorie is a calorie, no matter where it comes from. Most weight-loss diets help you to restrict calories in one way or another. Ideally the new routine gets you to eat less, eat healthier and exercise more. Seems simple, right? It is, in theory.

Your weight remains stable when you eat the same number of calories you use up. So, in theory, if you eat well and exercise — and in the process burn more calories than you consume — you lose weight.

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• Skin Eruptions

Practically everyone has a story about an unwelcome pimple that managed to rear its ugly head on a day that involved a job interview, class photo or date.

One possible reason for the poor timing of breakouts is that acne can be caused by stress. And although we may be tempted to blame these eruptions on the chocolate bar or greasy hamburger eaten the night before, there's little scientific evidence to back up this old wives' tale or many of the other myths about acne.

It's well established, however, that teenagers are particularly unlucky when it comes to acne. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, nearly 100 percent of teenagers have pimples now and then, and 40 percent of teens have acne that is severe enough to require treatment.

But it's not just a problem for adolescents: Acne can continue to be an issue into the 20s and 30s — and sometimes people get acne for the first time as adults.

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• Grapefruit may help weight loss

Eating or drinking grapefruit may help people who are obese to lose weight, a study suggests.

Researchers in the United States say adding grapefruit to people's diet may also protect them from diabetes.

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The findings are based on a study of 100 obese people, who ate or drank grapefruit for 12 weeks.

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• Using antibiotics sensibly

Your child says her throat feels like sandpaper, her nose like a clogged pipe. Her eyes are watering and her head throbs. You ask her doctor for an antibiotic, but he tells you she probably has a viral cold and that antibiotics are useless for such illnesses. You plead and press until the doctor prescribes an antibiotic.

Or perhaps you're the patient and have been prescribed an antibiotic for a bacterial infection. Your doctor stresses that you take the medicine for the entire prescribed period. But you stop taking the antibiotic when you start to feel better, sticking the half-empty pill bottle in the cabinet.

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• When Meds Don't Mix

While there are some people who refuse to take aspirin, many Americans, especially middle aged and older people, take a potpourri of medications every morning and night.

Each medication, whether it is a prescription medication, over-the-counter remedy or an herbal supplement, contains powerful ingredients that have the potential to interact with each other. These drugs can also interact with certain foods, with medical conditions such as diabetes, and even with sunlight.

Such interactions can cause unexpected and sometimes dangerous side effects. They can also worsen an existing side effect, or make a life-saving drug less effective.

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• Cancer: The facts

Detailed information about the UK's most common cancers - read and listen to experts and patients.

Get the facts on Cancer

• Atkins diet boss: 'Eat less fat'

People following the Atkins diet should not gorge themselves on fatty foods, says the company marketing it.

Original advice suggested that foods such as butter, meat, cheese and eggs could be eaten "liberally".

Now, however, Atkins Nutritionals suggests that intake of saturated fats should be limited to 20% of total calories.

The change of tack will come as a relief to nutrition experts who say that a high-fat diet poses a health risk to some.

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• Depression a common, but treatable, disease

They call it "the invisible illness," and for good reason: Depression affects nearly one in 10 U.S. adults each year, but experts say the disease is treatable in most cases.

For a proper diagnosis, health professionals look at several symptoms, including change in weight or sleeping habits, loss of energy or fatigue, and feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt. Most of these signs and symptoms must be present most of the day, every day for at least two weeks.

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• An empty nest can promote freedom, improved relationships

A developing line of research suggests that many parents get a new lease on life when their children leave.

Click here for the empty nest story

• Carbohydrate Confusion

It's hard to believe that 10 years ago, dieters were advised to eat a low-fat diet high in pasta, bread and other carbohydrates. In today's most popular diets-the Atkins diet, The South Beach Diet and The Zone-carbohydrates are often banished from the menu, or only permitted in very limited amounts.

Many Americans are left wondering if the success of these diets means that all carbohydrates are bad for your health. And some might be surprised to know that carbs are found in fruits and vegetables as well as bread and pasta. Below, Martha McKittrick, a certified diabetes educator at New York-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City, explains exactly what carbohydrates are and what role they play in nutrition and weight loss.

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• Eat to Live: Healthy Snacks Keep Binges at Bay and Energy Levels High

One of the keys to maintaining a healthy weight is watching what you eat, not only at meals, but also when you snack.

Heidi Skolnik, a nutritionist and contributing editor at Self magazine, says that having healthy snacks on hand helps you avoid overeating.

Click here for some Q & A

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• Combating the Cold

You don't have to climb Mount Everest to run the risk of frostbite and hypothermia. People can develop these and other cold weather conditions in much milder climates if they're not fully prepared to face the elements.

Failure to take the appropriate precautions can go far beyond a little Jack Frost nipping at your nose. Untreated frostbite can lead to amputation, and hypothermia can cause death in just 30 minutes. About 700 people in the United States die from hypothermia a year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Click here for more on the COLD

• Hair Loss for Women, While as Common as for Men, Carries Extra Worries

Although many balding men are distressed by their hair loss, they don't have to look far to find examples of bald men who are considered successful, youthful and handsome.

Andre Agassi, Bruce Willis, Michael Jordan, Vin Diesel — the list goes on and suggests that baldness can be sexy … in men.

Balding women, however, are hard-pressed to find celebrity women who are visibly losing hair.

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• Mad cow in humans: How afraid should you be?

Could that burger you're eating have a deadly secret? Or could Fido's dog food bring mad cow disease into your home?

Many questions, concerns and maybe some urban myths have been surfacing across the country since mad cow disease stampeded back into the U.S. headlines again late last month.

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Click here for more on Mad Cow

• Influenza - When to seek medical advice

See your doctor right away if you have flu symptoms, especially if you're at high risk of a severe case of influenza or complications of the disease. For some people, drugs known as neuraminidase inhibitors may help shorten the flu's duration and intensity. Other antiviral drugs, such as amantadine (Symmetrel), may help reduce the duration and severity of type A influenza, but may also cause side effects. To be effective, antiviral drugs need to be taken no later than 24 to 48 hours after you first notice symptoms.

In addition, seek medical help if you have trouble breathing, a severe sore throat, a cough that produces a lot of green or yellow mucus, or you feel faint. See your doctor immediately if you think you might have signs or symptoms of pneumonia. These may include a severe cough that brings up phlegm, a high fever and a sharp pain when you breathe deeply. If you have bacterial pneumonia, you'll need treatment with antibiotics.

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• Assess your risk of Arthritis

To be at risk means that there is a possibility, based on certain factors known to contribute to the disease, that you may develop arthritis or a related condition.

Answer the following five questions as best as you can to determine if you have any of the factors that may put you at increased risk for developing arthritis.

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• Childhood Vaccines Are Safe

The preservatives, additives and various other substances added to childhood vaccines are safe.

That's the conclusion of a summary of existing studies that appears in the December issue of Pediatrics.

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Besides the actual vaccine agent, vaccines often contain small amounts of proteins, antibiotics and other materials — such as mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, gelatin and yeast.

This array of substances has provoked some controversy about vaccine safety.

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• Questions answered about the Flu

Health officials say this year's flu (search) outbreak, which has spread faster and earlier than usual, appears to be the worst in at least three years. And the leading vaccine makers have shipped all of their supply. Here are answers to some common questions:

Get your questions answered here

• Does Tea Belong in the Medicine Chest?

Drink tea. Drink lots of it. Drink black tea. Drink green tea. Drink it iced, drink it hot; you might even want to rub it on your skin.

A dozen or so recent studies report health benefits from the beverage that range from fighting fat to fighting cancer.

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• Hot Cocoa, the Healthy Drink?

That cup of hot cocoa may do more than just warm your body and spirit after you spend an evening skating on the pond. It may actually offer you some health benefits.

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• Flu in Adults - Treatment

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Here are some tips on treatment for individuals who already have the flu.

Flu Treatments

• Flu in Adults - Symptoms

Many people commonly and incorrectly confuse influenza (the flu) with the common cold. Flu differs from the cold in that someone with the flu gets sick suddenly, looks much sicker, and feels much weaker than if the ailment were a common cold.

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• Health Decision Guides

Are you facing a major decision for treating or preventing a condition? The Mayo Clinic Health Guide tools can help you weigh the pros and cons of different options to help you choose which approach is best for you.

The Mayo Clinic Health Guides

• Facts Related to Chronic Diseases - Diabetes

Click here for the facts on Diabetes

• Manage life's stresses

Pain and stress go hand in hand. When you're in pain, you're less able to handle the stress of everyday life. Common hassles turn into major obstacles. Stress may also cause you to do things that intensify your pain, such as tense your muscles, grit your teeth and stiffen your shoulders. In short, pain causes stress, and stress intensifies pain.

The first step in breaking this pain-stress cycle is to realize that stress is your response to an event, not the event itself. It's something you can control. That's why events that are stressful for some people

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aren't for others. For example, your morning commute may leave you anxious and tense because you use it as worry time. Your co-worker, however, finds her commute relaxing. She enjoys her time alone without distractions. Understanding that you have control over your stress can help you develop positive strategies for dealing with stress.

Click here for more about stress

• Evaluate the claims of treatment success of alternative medicine

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) may give you more treatment options, but some of those options can help you, and some can hurt you. When considering CAM, steer a middle course between uncritical acceptance and outright rejection. Be open-minded yet skeptical at the same time. Assess the credentials of anyone who advocates CAM. Gather information from a variety of sources and evaluate the information carefully. Remember — if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Click here to read some more about alternative medicine

• Health Tips for the Sleep Deprived

Sound nutrition, weight control and exercise are important for everyone. They help to keep the mind and body in tiptop condition. It's even more important for anyone suffering from a chronic illness, from sleep deprivation or poor health in any form.

There is more! Click here

• Different People Need Different Amounts of Food

The amount of food you need every day from the 4 food groups and other foods depends on your age, body size, activity level, whether you are male or female and if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. That's why the Food Guide gives a lower and higher number of servings for each food group. For example, young children can choose the lower number of servings, while male teenagers can go to the higher number. Most other people can choose servings somewhere in between.

Health Canada

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• You can build a secure financial future

One of the best ways to deal successfully with life's many uncertainties is to arm yourself with the knowledge that your financial future is secure. This means different things to different people and it can vary as you progress through life's stages. Life insurance can play an important role in your financial planning . Depending on your needs at the time, life insurance can provide as simple a solution as protection for your family if you die. It can also combine protection with the immediate advantages of tax-deferred investing, as is the case with a type of insurance called universal life insurance. For more information on how life insurance can help you build a secure financial future,

Click here

• Love yourself first

Lucille Ball said "Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world." These are smart words. Not only will you feel better about yourself, others are very attracted to a person brimming with self worth.

Please remember, everyday, so many people believe in you...make sure you're one of them!

• You cannot make the sun shine

None of us can control weather conditions, or what other folks say or do, nor can we control a lot of things in life. However, we CAN control how we react to those things.

That ball is always in your court.

• Do away with guilt

Far too many adults are too hard on themselves and suffer untold stress from feelings of guilt. If you have done the best you can do in any situation, & most of us do, don't beat up on yourself if it didn't have a positive outcome. If you let someone down and you regret it, say you are sorry, then move on. If

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you couldn't do all you wanted to because you were unable to be superman/woman, let it go. Be as kindly & forgiving of yourself as you would be to a dear friend.

• Lift those weights

While it is important to do cardio exercises to protect our hearts, it is also important to maintain good muscle tone so that we can go about our daily life with the strength we need to function at optimal levels. Even if you don't want to join a gym, you could hire a personal trainer who works in one to show you how to do strength training. With a chair and some simple weights, it is possible to tone your body by working out two or three days weekly. There are also excellent books on the market and videos that will show you the basics.

• Every fall, get a flu shot

Flu shots are not just precautions for the very young or the elderly, it is a smart idea for most of us to be protected from the flu and its nasty side effects. When the trees start to turn, ask your doctor about a flu shot. It could keep you healthy this winter. The shot is free to all residents of Canada. Put it on the top of your "to do" list every year.

• Update your vaccinations

We all seem to be quite good about getting ours kids vaccinated - but when was the last time you spoke to your doctor about your vaccinations? Why not make an appointment just to bring that aspect of your health up to date.

• Keep a journal

Often our lives seem overly hectic and on the verge of being out of control. Take an old exercise book or purchase a small blank book in a dollar store, then start to record your thoughts. You might do it daily or whenever you remember to. Just write down whatever comes into your head. Maybe set some goals, maybe not. Perhaps it would be helpful to write out some frustrating experiences. Maybe write down

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what was the best thing that happened to you that day. It is healthy to focus totally on yourself and let your mind take it's own course as you write.

• Buy a pedometer

Some new research suggests that we can increase physical activity by being more aware of how far we walk daily. Pop by a sports store & purchase a pedometer to put in your pocket. Wear it for one day to see how far you walk on an average day. The next day, try to increase the distance you walk by 10%. Do that for a few days. Then increase to 20%. Do that for a few days. Continue to increase until you reach a distance that you feel is a personal achievement for you. Keeping the pedometer with you will make you far more likely to walk that extra distance. We promise your body will reap the benefits.

• Try sneaky ways to increase activity

It is terrific that you go to the gym and do a 30 minute cardio work-out three days a week. Bravo! However, besides this great effort, your body needs more. Try parking your car as far as possible from your destination, take the stairs not the elevator, walk the dog every day for an hour, take up dance classes, learn to rollerblade, swim on the weekends, book a squash court for a healthy work-out as often as you can, make extra trips up and down to the basement, rake the leaves, do extra gardening, do the "twist" in your kitchen - put activity at the top of your priority list. Your body will love you for it!

• Pace yourself

For every hour you work, it is an excellent idea to stop for five minutes, have a good stretch and walk about. It will not only be good for your body - it may well increase your productivity.

• Keep out the smog

Unfortunately many of us live in cities where the air quality can be a real problem. To cut back on the effects of pollution, plant as many shrubs and trees as you can in your garden. It is a positive action to play a small but significant role in improving air quality.

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• Hug someone

It is always a good idea to reach out to your friends and family in a positive way. We all can get so busy we forget how good it feels to give a good old-fashioned bear hug. It feels equally good to get one. What are you waiting for? Start your own hug campaign today.

• Tanning salons

When the sun tans your skin it causes damage and signs of premature aging. Getting a tan at a salon also damages the skin and causes premature aging signs. It is a much safer idea to use makeup to create a tanned look so as to avoid the extra damage tanning can do.

Remember, your best beauty asset, every time, is a sunny smile! It makes every face look beautiful!

• Wear sun screen

Our bodies need to be protected from the harmful rays of the sun every day, no matter what the season. Wear a good suncreen and reapply according to the instructions on the bottle. In for a swim, reapply sunscreen lotion when you get out of the water. Going for a stroll on a sunny day, wear a hat for extra protection against the sun.

• Water - make sure you get your six to eight

Two-thirds of your body is made up of water. That means it is the most vital nutrient needed. Water plays many roles in keeping you healthy. It helps to digest food so you can absorb the nutrients you need. It gives you an important source of minerals like magnesium and calcium. Water moistens mucous membranes and lubricates the joints and cools the body through perspiration. Try to get the equivalent of six to eight glasses of water daily. Don't wait until you feel thirsty to get that all important drink. Keeping a large glass of water by your kitchen sink and another glass by your desk is a good way to jog your memory to keep well hydrated.

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• Laughter - one of the best things in life

It has been written that children will giggle and laugh up to 400 times a day. Adults, however, are laughing more like 12 to 15 times daily. Or less. What happened to the funny side of life? Learn from the kids - get your laugh quota up. Take life less seriously. It will make you feel great.

Feeling like nothing is funny? Work at getting some laughter. Get a funny book by Bill Cosby or a joke book. Rent some hilarious movies like City Slickers or The Pink Panther or videos with Goldie Hawn or Austin Powers or Mr. Bean or John Cleves. Tell some jokes; recall a really funny incident. Go online to find sites on humour, laughter and being jolly. If laughter is good medicine for Patch Adams, it is good medicine for us all. Come on, you can do this!

• Getting the zzzz's you need

Everyone feels better & seems to function better when they have had enough sleep. We used to think that folks needed 8 full hours sleep but nowadays we are hearing that 6 to 8 hours may be just fine. Having trouble getting to sleep? Maybe a warm bath, a glass of milk & a boring book will aid the process. Don't get into bed to rest and rebuild your body and lie there stressing over problems. Think peaceful, pleasant thoughts. Review all the good things that happened during your day. What made you smile? Leave any bad thoughts or worries for the morning - after your brain is well rested.

• Dental check-ups are vital

Good oral health is a vital part of overall good health. Flossing 2-3 times daily when you brush your teeth keeps teeth and gums healthy. See your dentist every year - every 6 months if you have any problems with your gums. Healthy gum tissue does not routinely bleed. Inflamation in your gum tissue could effect your health in other parts of your body - it is really important to have bleeding corrected and gums at their best. Dazzle us with your healthy mouth.

• Medical check-ups are a good plan

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Annual check-ups are important! Having one pretty well ensures any problems that exist will be discovered early.

Pap-smears and mammograms for women over 50 are wise - as well as prostate exams for males in this age group. There may be other tests recommended as well. Men are especially bad at getting check-ups - we hope they read this and decide to change that. Nobody would leave their car without good care, is your body's health and well-being any less important? Are you stronger than a car? Exactly.

Remember what Gramma said, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." If you haven't been for a check-up lately, please call for an appointment soon.

• Don't drink too much

Red wine is said to be good protection against heart disease. This is where moderation comes into the picture. One glass of wine for women, a maximum of two for men, on a daily basis, would look after getting the protection wine may offer. More than that and it may not be especially good for you. And no, you can't save the wine for Friday night and drink it all then.

If you want more of the possible wine benefits without feeling tipsy - try eating red grapes or drinking grape juice. The grapes will be a lot easier in the calorie department. Delicious!

As for other alcoholic drinks - keep it to very moderate levels to maximize your health.

• Stressed out? It could age you prematurely. Learn to relax

The evidence is in. Being stressed for long periods of time can hurt your health, it can cause illness, it could shorten your life. Exercise, laughter and healthy eating help. The big step you need to take is learning to chill out, to stop over-reacting when stress hits. With lots of practice you can become really stress resistant by using tools like - deep breathing, muscle relaxation, visualization and meditation. You can go to the programs area of our web site and get all the instructions you need to learn how to de-stress yourself. We have done the research on these methods, they really work! Try it today.

• Wear your seat belt, always

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Statistics clearly show that people who wear seat belts live longer and have fewer injuries. You can do it. Get into the "click it" habit. All the exercise and healthy eating won't help much if you are in a crash without your seat belt. Get hip, "click it!"

• Smoking does not look cool

If you are still tied to the dreaded cigarettes, see your doctor about trying the patch, if you haven't already. Get a referral to a psychologist who can teach you behaviour modification. Tell yourself, you can kick this, you can do it. Imagine the joy your loved ones would feel if you stopped. Imagine their pain if you don't & you end up with lung cancer or airway diseases. You can do it, your worthy of clean lungs & a healthy body.Come on, butt out!

• Exercise for the mind

We all know it is vital to get fit, to move our bodies. It is also really important to exercise our minds, to keep the brain in top shape. Use it or lose it! What ways might you do this? Why not limit your TV time so that you actually use that grey matter for what it was intended. Read a good book, memorize a few verses of poetry weekly, play chess and board games, play cards, learn a new skill, take a course, write a letter or start writing your life story. Memorize the grocery list. Count backwards by 7 from 200. Socialize and chat with your friends. Challenge your mind with a crossword puzzle or a brainteaser. See, you are smarter already!

• Tips for Reducing Fat in your Diet

Trim visible fat from meats. Choose low fat milk and dairy foods. Choose low-fat cooking methods - broiling, baking, roasting, barbecuing, steaming or poaching. Avoid frying. Avoid processed foods whenever possible. Shop on the outside areas of the supermarket - it is where most of the natural foods & produce are. Read labels. If you can't pronounce the ingredients & additives, should you eat them?

Eat to live well.

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• Stay Positive

Cultivate an upbeat attitude and stay positive. Happier people handle stress better and can enjoy better health. Count your blessings. Every time you hear yourself saying something negative, turn it around, rephrase it into something more positive.

Soon we will be offering some excellent chapters on this site on stress management & self-esteem. Keep tuned in.

• Eat Well to Stay Well

Avoid fatty meals & junk food. Make a good breakfast your main stay. How about oatmeal with blueberries, a glass of orange juice, a boiled egg on w/w toast & green tea? Sounds yummy. Eat a lunch which combines complex carbs and whole grains with lean protein. Ditto for supper meal. Make sure you get the calcium you need daily. A glass of low fat milk with meals or a serving of yogurt is a good plan. Want a good snack choice? How about fruit? Or raw veggies? Try to get 10 servings daily of fruits & vegetables.

• Exercise - Use it or Lose it

After making sure your doctor approves, get your heart rate up by walking, biking, treadmilling, swimming or some form of activity for at least 30 -60 minutes a day. Choose some activity you like - it will make exercise more enjoyable. If you exercise daily or almost daily, you will become fit within a few short months.

Exercise offers numerous benefits. You will feel better, your heart will work more efficiently, you may well sleep better and you will feel more enthused about life. You will have a higher energy level as well. You are never too old to take up exercise. Being fit does wonderful things for your confidence too!

Too busy to fit it into your day? Try getting up an hour earlier and get moving. You will feel terrific in no time. We promise!