segudo periodo planificacion 1 - nasencio

ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Asencio Nadia Período de Práctica: Segundo período Institución Educativa: Colegio Kurt Godel Dirección postal: Quaglia 625, Bariloche Sala/Grado y sección: 4to grado Cantidad de alumnos: 20 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elemental Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Partes del cuerpo Clase Nº1 Fecha: 04 /06/2014 Hora: 11:20 hs Duración de la clase: 80 minutos Fecha de primera entrega: 29/05/2014 Teaching points: Parts of the body have/has Aims: Ss will be able to identify the new vocabulary presented. Ss will be able to identify the new grammar structure presented and its usage. Students will be able to develop their speaking and listening abilities through motivating activities. Ss will understand a story even if they do not understand each single word. Ss will cooperate with each other in order to complete an activity. Language focus: Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation Revision Following certain commands. Greetings, actions, boy, girl, fine, happy/sad, monsters, big, small, numbers, Hello! What day is today? How are you today? You are..... I am..... /g/, /r/, /p/, / New Identifying body parts. Tummy, arms, legs, head, long short, long, short He/she has got......... Has she/he got..... I have got....... /b/ /s/ /l/ /t/ /k/ Teaching approach: Communicative approach. Materials and resources: flashcards, pictures, copies Seating arrangement: We will work at the tables. Potential problems students may have with the language: If students have any difficulty to understand the new vocabulary, the T will have flashcards to show them.

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ALUMNO PRACTICANTE: Asencio Nadia Período de Práctica: Segundo período Institución Educativa: Colegio Kurt Godel Dirección postal: Quaglia 625, Bariloche Sala/Grado y sección: 4to grado Cantidad de alumnos: 20 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Elemental Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Partes del cuerpo Clase Nº1 Fecha: 04 /06/2014 Hora: 11:20 hs Duración de la clase: 80 minutos Fecha de primera entrega: 29/05/2014

Teaching points: Parts of the body – have/has


Ss will be able to identify the new vocabulary presented. Ss will be able to identify the new grammar structure presented and its usage. Students will be able to develop their speaking and listening abilities through

motivating activities. Ss will understand a story even if they do not understand each single word. Ss will cooperate with each other in order to complete an activity.

Language focus:

Functions Lexis Structures Pronunciation

Revision Following certain commands.

Greetings, actions, boy, girl, fine, happy/sad, monsters, big, small, numbers,

Hello! What day is today? How are you today? You are..... I am.....

/g/, /r/, /p/, /

New Identifying body parts.

Tummy, arms, legs, head, long short, long, short

He/she has got......... Has she/he got..... I have got.......

/b/ /s/ /l/ /t/ /k/

Teaching approach: Communicative approach.

Materials and resources: flashcards, pictures, copies

Seating arrangement: We will work at the tables.

Potential problems students may have with the language: If students have any difficulty to understand the new vocabulary, the T will have flashcards to show them.

Assessment: The new vocabulary will be assessed trough a cooperative activity.


Routine (10 minutes)

(Ss do not have a routine, so I think that it will be nice to add one since routines are very important since they make it easier for ss to learn and achieve more. Students realize what is expected from them and they learn how to do certain things on their own focusing on daily vocabulary). First, the T will greet the ss. She will say: “Hello children! Do you remember me? My name is ............” and she will elicit her name from them. Then, she will do some jokes with their names. She will say: “I also remember your names. You are.....” She will point some ss and say some incorrect names, such as “You are Spiderman, you are Cinderella, etc.” Then, she will say the correct names and introduce herself to the new ss. Next, the T will ask ss to stand up and we will sing and dance a hello song (they know it from last year). Then, she will show them a poster with the days of the week and she will teach them a song, she will encourage ss to repeat it. Song: A week has seven days, seven day has a week. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday” What day is today? After saying the day, the T will write the date on the board. The T will tell them: “You are great singers! Now, I have something special here, pay attention” Warm – up (5 minutes) Prediction time She will tell them: “I will tell you a fantastic story! And this story is about....” and she will stick two pictures of two monsters’ heads on the board. She will encourage ss to predict the story (It is about me and my mother. She gives me some body parts pictures because I was bored) she will guide them with some questions such as : “Is this story about dinosaurs-students-singers-animals-monsters?” She will encourage ss to answer: “Yes, it is – No, it isn’t”. Then, she will tell them: “But this story has got another character! Look at the picture” and she will stick a picture of herself on the board. The T will say a rhyme that they already known: “Pay attention, concentration”

Presentation (10 minutes) The T will tell them: “Now, it’s time to prepare the class for a story.” And she will show them a perfume and tell them: “This perfume is very special, it is to pay attention and to listen to the teacher” and she will spray some vanilla perfume.

Then, she will start narrating the story and to do it she will use different tones of voice emphasizing parts of the body vocabulary and the pronunciation. Story: “One day I was at home but I was very bored boring, and my mother gave me some pictures. They were pictures of monsters! My mother told me: Can you help me to put their parts of the body in the correct place, please? And I said: Yes! And she gave me two heads and I stuck them on the wall. Then, she gave me two tummies and I stuck the tummies. Then, she gave me four legs and I stuck the legs. Then, she gave me four arms and I stuck the arms too.”

While the T is telling the story, she will stick the pictures of the parts of the body in the correct place and she will tell them: “Look, they are Charlie and Susan!” The T will ask them: “Do you like my friends? Do you like the story?” and she will encourage ss to answer: “Yes, I do – No, I don’t” Development Activity 1 (10 minutes) – checking comprehension. The T will hand out the different parts of the body pictures to the groups. She will tell them: “Now, you are going to have the pictures and you are going to help me to complete Charlie and Susan. I will tell the story one more time and the group that has the part of the body that I mention has to shout the name of it and we stick it in the correct place.” She will model the first one as an example. She will tell say the story again, and when she has to mention a part of the body, first she will point it on her own body and if ss do not know the name, she will say it and encourage ss to notice if they have the picture mentioned. To guide ss, she will ask some questions such as: “Who has got Charlie’s legs?” And we will complete both pictures. The T will tell them: “Excellent! Thank you for your help!” Activity 2 (10 minutes) The T will tell them: “Do you remember that my mother gave me these pictures? And she told me that Charlie, Susan and I are very different. What do you think? Can you help me to look for the differences?” and she will divide the blackboard into three and she will stick a picture of herself on the board too. First, she will ask ss: “Let’s look at the legs! How

many legs has she got?” she will point to Susan’ legs and encourage ss to answer: “She has got two legs” and she will write this sentence next to the picture. We will follow the same procedure with Charlie and me. Then, the T will say to the ss: “But, pay attention to the legs. Are Susan’s legs long or short?” while she mimes the adjectives. She will encourage ss to answer: “They are short” and she will add the adjective to the sentence written on the board. We will follow the same procedure with the other characters legs and with the arms. Then, she will ask ss to focus on the tummies and we will follow the same procedure but the T will ask them: “Is Susan’s tummy big or small” while she mimes the adjectives too. The sentences will be: Susan has got short legs. She has got long arms. She has got a small tummy. Charlie has got short legs. He has got short legs. He has got a big tummy. I have got long legs. I have got long arms. I have got a small tummy. The T will tell them: “Thanks for helping me to find the differences!” Activity 3 (15 minutes)

The T will tell them: “Now, I want you to draw a monster.” She will handout some sheet of papers for ss to complete the activity.

MY MONSTER FRIEND Name:.........................................

She will tell them: “You also have to think about its name! For example: Jack, Kim or Sam! Let’s draw” The T will monitor students’ work and while they create their monster the T will ask them some questions such as: How many legs has it got? Are they long or short” so students interact in L2.

Activity 4 (8 minutes) Oral production The T will tell them: “Now that we have finished the drawings I need a student to come here with me to show me the monster”. She will choose a student to come to the front of the class to show her/his monster. First, she will ask him/her some questions: “What is your monster’s name? How many legs has he/she got?” she will encourage the student to answer: “He is .......- He has got 3 legs” Then, she will ask ss to work with their peer to show the monster, she will tell them: “Now, you have to show your monster to your peer and talk about him/her. You can ask your peer some questions about the monster, such as: What is his/her name? What else can we ask?” and she will encourage ss to brainstorm some questions. The T will write some of the questions on the board to guide ss. She will also monitor ss’ work. Closure (2 minutes)

First, the T will explain to ss the homework for next class, she will hand out the

copies and tell them: “Pay attention, concentration! Look at the copy! This monsters are my

friends from planet Sibulu!. Look at the first activity, you have to write the names: head,

tummy, leg and arm. Then, in the second activity you have to read and write the name of

the monster to colour it. I will read the first one but don’t say the name”. The T will point to

the activities, pictures and mime the actions for ss to understand. She will tell them: “This

is homework and you have to complete it for next class”

Then, the T will them: “Now, it is time to say goodbye” and she will encourage them

to say the goodbye rhyme (they know it). “Put, put, put, put your things away! See, you,

you another day, day, day!”