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SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau Sentani 97 Malang Email: [email protected]

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Program S1 Sastra Inggris

STIBA Malang

Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang

Jl. Terusan Danau Sentani 97 Malang

Email: [email protected]

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Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang

Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang

Jl. Terusan Danau Sentani 97 Malang

email: [email protected]

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Silabus Dan Satuan Acara Perkuliahan S1 Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang



Satuan Acara Perkuliahan (S.A.P.)

Program S1 Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang

Tim Perumus : Ketua : Dr. Zainul Mujahid, M.Hum. Tim Perumus : 1. Prof. Dr. Grahita Chandrarin, M.Si. 2. Drs. Joni Susanto, M.Pd. 3. Drs. Muhammad BSA, M.Pd. 4. Dra. Enny Andjarwati, M.Pd. 5. Gogot Satriyo, S.Pd. 6. Ratna Sustriani, S.S. Editor : 1. Dr. Zainul Mujahid, M.Hum. 2. Gogot Satriyo, S.Pd. Layout : Suhariyanto

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Silabus Dan Satuan Acara Perkuliahan S1 Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang


KATA PENGANTAR Dalam rangka mempersiapkan peserta didik yang tidak hanya memiliki

kedalaman keilmuan dalam bidang bahasa, sastra, budaya dan filsafat; akan

tetapi memiliki horizon berfikir global – sehingga mampu bertahan dan

berkompetisi dalam era yang sangat kompetitif, maka diperlukan kurikulum yang

berorientasi akademik dan praktis.

Tim perumus telah berusaha keras dalam melakukan kaji ulang kurikulum

sebelumnya, melakukan kajian terhadap pasar kerja sebagai pengguna dan

bertukar pikiran dengan para ahli dan alumni guna mewujudkan kurikulum yang

sesuai dengan kebutuhan pasar. Tentunya, kurikulum ini dirancang tidak hanya

untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar yang sangat subject to change; akan tetapi

pada tataran keilmuan juga mendapat porsi yang cukup. Dengan demikian,

alumni yang ingin melanjutkan studi ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi sudah dibekali

dengan ontologi, epistimologi dan aksiologi keilmuan yang cukup.

Akhirnya, saya menyampaikan terima kasih kepada: Prof. Dr. Grahita

Chandrarin, M.Si., Drs. Joni Susanto, M.Pd., Drs. Muhammad BSA, M.Pd., Dra.

Enny Andjarwati, M.Pd., Gogot Satriyo, S.Pd., dan Ratna Sustriani, S.S. yang

telah bekerja keras menyelesaikan kurikulum ini yang diberi judul SILABUS DAN


INGGRIS STIBA MALANG. Terima kasih yang mendalam juga saya sampaikan

kepada semua karyawan, khususnya Suhariyanto, yang telah bekerja sama

melayani tim perumus dalam penyelesaian tugasnya. Sekali lagi, terima kasih

yang tidak terhingga saya sampaikan kepada Gogot Satriyo, S.Pd. yang telah

dengan setia mendampingi saya sebagai editor, penata dan penyelaras cetakan

akhir. Jujur saya katakan, tanpa kerja sama yang baik dari semua tim, kurikulum

ini tidak akan terwujud sesuai dengan yang diharapkan.

Malang, 20 April 2014


Dr. Zainul Mujahid, M.Hum.

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MATAKULIAH PROGRAM S1 SASTRA INGGRIS A. Matakuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian (MPK)


1 MPK – 101 Religion Education 3

2 MPK – 102 Civic Education 3

3 MPK – 103 Indonesian Language 3

4 MPK – 104 Pancasila Philosophy 2

Jumlah 11

B. Matakuliah Keilmuan dan Keterampilan (MKK)


1 MKK – 201 Pronunciation 2

2 MKK – 202 Listening Comprehension 1 2

3 MKK – 203 Listening Comprehension 2 2

4 MKK – 204 Listening Comprehension 3 2

5 MKK – 205 Speaking 1 2

6 MKK – 206 Speaking 2 2

7 MKK – 207 Speaking 3 2

8 MKK – 208 Speaking 4 2

9 MKK – 209 Reading Comprehension 1 2

10 MKK – 210 Reading Comprehension 2 2

11 MKK – 211 Reading Comprehension 3 2

12 MKK – 212 Extensive Reading 2

13 MKK – 213 Writing 1 2

14 MKK – 214 Writing 2 2

15 MKK – 215 Writing 3 2

16 MKK – 216 Essay Writing 2

17 MKK – 217 Vocabulary 1 2

18 MKK – 218 Vocabulary 2 2

19 MKK – 219 Grammar 1 2

20 MKK – 220 Grammar 2 2

21 MKK – 221 Grammar 3 2

22 MKK – 222 Introduction to Linguistic 2

23 MKK – 223 Introduction to English Literature 2

24 MKK – 224 Phonology 2

25 MKK – 225 Morphology 2

26 MKK – 226 Syntax 2

27 MKK – 227 Discourse Analysis 2

28 MKK – 228 Sociolinguistics 2

29 MKK – 229 Method of Language Research 2

30 MKK – 230 Seminar On linguistic 2

31 MKK – 231 British Society and Culture 2

32 MKK – 232 American Society and Culture 2

33 MKK – 233 English Prose 2

34 MKK – 234 English Drama 2

35 MKK – 235 English Poetry 2

36 MKK – 236 Method of Literary Study 2

37 MKK – 237 Literary Appreciation 2

38 MKK – 238 Seminar on Literature 2

39 MKK – 239 Pragmatics & Semantics 2

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40 MKK – 240 Theory of Literature 2

41 MKK – 241 Theory of Language 2

42 MKK – 242 Psycholinguistics 2

Jumlah 84

C. Matakuliah Keahlian Berkarya (MKB)


1 MKB – 301 Second Foreign Language 1 4

2 MKB – 302 Second Foreign Language 2 4

3 MKB – 303 Second Foreign Language 3 4

4 MKB – 304 Second Foreign Language 4 4

5 MKB – 305 Second Foreign Language 5 4

6 MKB – 306 Second Foreign Language 6 4

7 MKB – 307 Translation 2

8 MKB – 308 Interpretation 2

9 MKB – 309 Public Speaking 2

10 MKB – 310 Public Relations 2

11 MKB – 311 Hotel and Tourism 3

12 MKB – 312 TEFL 2

13 MKB – 313 Teaching and Learning Strategy 2

14 MKB – 314 Teaching and Learning Media 2

15 MKB – 315 Apprenticeship 2

16 MKB – 316 Final Assignment 6

Jumlah 49

D. Matakuliah Perilaku Berkarya ( MPB )


1 MPB – 401 Introduction to Philosophy 2

2 MPB – 402 History of Modern Thought 2

3 MPB – 403 Modern Culture Studies 2

Jumah 6

E. Matakuliah Berkehidupan Bermasyarakat ( MBB )


1 MBB – 501 Indonesian Society and Culture 2

2 MBB – 502 Basic Natural Sciences 3

3 MBB – 503 Basic Social Studies 3

4 MBB – 504 Cross Culture and Understanding 2

Jumlah 10

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Sebaran Matakuliah Tiap – Tiap Semester Jurusan Sastra Inggris Program Strata-1

Semester I

No Kode Nama Matakuliah sks Prasyarat

1 MPK – 101 Religion Education 3

2 MPK – 103 Indonesian Language 3

3 MPK – 104 Pancasila Philosophy 2

4 MKK – 201 Pronunciation 2

6 MKK – 205 Speaking 1 2

7 MKK – 219 Grammar 1 2

8 MKK – 209 Reading Comprehension 1 2

9 MKK – 217 Vocabulary 1 2

10 MKB – 301 Second Foreign Language 1 4



IEC matrikulasi 10x meeting Semester II

No Kode Nama Matakuliah Sks Prasyarat

1 MPK – 102 Civic Education 3

2 MBB – 503 Basic Social Studies 3

3 MKK – 202 Listening Comprehension 1 2

4 MKK – 206 Speaking 2 2 MKK – 205

5 MKK – 213 Writing 1 2

6 MKK – 218 Vocabulary 2 2 MKK – 217

7 MKK – 220 Grammar 2 2 MKK – 219

8 MKK – 210 Reading Comprehension 2 2 MKK – 209

9 MBB – 302 Indonesian Society and Culture


10 MKB – 302 Second Foreign Language 2 4 MKB – 301


Semester III

No Kode Nama Matakuliah Sks Prasyarat

1 MBB – 502 Basic Natural Sciences 3

2 MKK – 203 Listening Comprehension 2 2 MKK – 202

3 MKK – 207 Speaking 3 2 MKK – 206

4 MKK – 211 Reading Comprehension 3 2 MKK – 210

5 MKK – 214 Writing 2 2 MKK – 213

6 MKK – 221 Grammar 3 2 MKK – 220

7 MKK – 222 Introduction to Linguistic 2

8 MKK – 223 Introduction to English Literature


9 MKB – 303 Second Foreign Language 3 4 MKB - 302

10 Introduction to Philosophy 2


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Semester IV

No Kode Nama Matakuliah Sks Prasyarat

1 MKK – 208 Speaking 4 2 MKK – 207

2 MKK – 212 Extensive Reading 2 MKK – 211

3 MKK – 215 Writing 3 2 MKK – 214

4 MKK – 204 Listening Comprehension 3 2 MKK – 203

5 MKK – 224 Phonology 2

6 MKK – 225 Morphology 2

7 MKK – 234 English Drama 2 MKK – 223

8 MKB – 310 Public Relation 4

9 MKK – 307 Translation 2

10 MBB – 504 Cross Cultural Understanding


11 MKB – 304 Second Foreign Language 4

4 MKB – 303


Semester V

No Kode Nama Matakuliah Sks Prasyarat

1 MKK – 216 Essay Writing 2 MKK – 215

2 MKK – 235 English Poetry 2 MKK – 223

3 MKK – 233 English Prose 2 MKK – 223

4 MKK – 241 Theory of Language 2

5 MKK – 240 Theory of Literature 2

6 MKK – 308 Interpretation 2 MKK – 307

7 MKB – 313 Teaching and Learning Strategy


8 MPB – 402 History of Modern Thought 2

9 MKB – 311 Hotel & Tourism 3

10 MKB – 305 Second Foreign Language 5 4 MKB – 304


Semester V I

No Kode Nama Matakuliah Sks Prasyarat

1 MPB – 403 Modern Cultural Studies 2

2 MKK – 226 Syntax 2 MKK – 222

3 MKK – 239 Semantic & Pragmatics 2 MKK – 222

4 MKK – 242 Psycholinguistics 2 MKK – 222

5 MKK – 225 Method of Language Research

2 MKK – 222, MKK – 224, MKK – 225, MKK – 239

6 MKK – 236 Method of Literary Study 2 MKK – 234, MKK – 233, MKK – 235

7 MKK – 309 Public Speaking 2 MKK - 208

8 MKB – 314 Teaching and Learning Media


9 MKB – 306 Second Foreign Language 6 4 MKB – 305


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Semester VII

No Kode Nama Matakuliah sks Prasyarat

1 MKB – 312 Teaching English as Foreign Language


2 MKK – 227 Discourse Analysis 2

3 MKK – 278 Sociolinguistics 2 MKK – 222

4 MKK – 230 Seminar on Linguistic 2 MKK – 224 MKK – 225 MKK – 226 MKK – 239

5 MKK – 231 British Society and Culture 2

6 MKK - 232 American Society and Culture


7 MKK – 237 Literary Appreciation 2 MKK – 234 MKK – 233 MKK – 235

8 MKK – 238 Seminar on Literature 2


Semester VIII

No Kode Nama Matakuliah sks Prasyarat

1 Apprenticeship 2

2 MKB - 316 Final Assignment (Skripsi) 6



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1 MPK – 101 Religion Education 3

By the end of this semester, the learners understand religion systems of beliefs and values, are able to practice the religion teachings in daily life, develop and practice inter – religion tolerance in daily and professional life.

2 MPK – 102 Civic Education 3

The course is aimed at building students’ awareness of the need of civic education for building their nationalism and patriotism.

3 MPK – 103 Indonesian Language 3

This lecture consists of general insight about Indonesian, norm and used of word and Indonesian term, norm of Indonesian sentence arrangement, norm and writing applications with Indonesian punctuation.

4 MPK – 104 Pancasila Philosophy 2

The course is intended to build students’ awareness of their inherited-national philosophy that is Pancasila as an ideology, philosophy, and foundational stand-point of socio-cultural as well as state-political life.

Jumlah 11

B. Matakuliah Keilmuan dan Keterampilan (MKK)


1 MKK – 201 Pronunciation 2

This course is designed to facilitate the learners in understanding English alphabet, and in getting acquainted with English sound system and speech organs.

2 MKK – 202 Listening Comprehension 1 2

This subject is designed to facilitate the learners to get aquinted with way of expressing life communication, daily needs and facilities of life.

3 MKK – 203 Listening Comprehension 2 2

This subject is to perform a variety of Listening tasks individually and in group in the language laboratory. The tasks consist of: Numbers an numerical relationships; Letter, sounds, abbreviations, spelling, and alphabetizing; Directions and spatial relations.

4 MKK – 204 Listening Comprehension 3 2

This subject is to provide for the learners to get used to comprehending how to grasp detail information topics, reading passages and the meaning of statements or phrases of special expressions.

5 MKK – 205 Speaking 1 2

This subject is designed to teach the students the speaking skill needed to express and understand a basic core of topics and communicative functions in English.

6 MKK – 206 Speaking 2 2

This subject is designed to provide the learners for attaining the speaking skill of English to express and understand topics and

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communicative functions in English.

7 MKK – 207 Speaking 3 2

This subject is primarily functions topics and grammatical notions. Each unit deals with a group of related functional and communicative needs. Variety of different activities and exercise types are emploted to permit free practice of each item.

8 MKK – 208 Speaking 4 2

This subject emphasizes on a variety of functions: describing activities, giving opinion, agreeing/disagreeing, giving reason for agreement/disagreement, for clarification, responding criticism and different points of view.

9 MKK – 209 Reading Comprehension 1 2

The subject is designes to direct students to understanding reading and practicing reading comprehension on the basis of bottom – up and top – dowb models.

10 MKK – 210 Reading Comprehension 2 2

The subject is designed to develop students’ reading skills by enhancing students’ interaction with text through multiple strategies

11 MKK – 211 Reading Comprehension 3 2

The subject is designed to acquint students with rhetorical approach to reading and train them to apply approach to comprehend variant reading texts especially expository.

12 MKK – 212 Extensive Reading 2

This course is designed to develop students’ reading fluency and positive attitudes to reading. Students will read a range of different English language text which promoting general language ability and world knowledge.

13 MKK – 213 Writing 1 2

The focus of writing 1 is on building skills in writing paragraph, esp. the main components such as topic sentence, supporting details, concluding sentence, unity and coherence.

14 MKK – 214 Writing 2 2

The subject is intended to train students in writing types of paragraphs which include narrative, descriptive, and expository.

15 MKK – 215 Writing 3 2

The focus of this course is to guide students to the practice of scientific writing on the basis of understanding the nature of science to the organization of scientific writing. Students will be taken into understanding inductive and deductive reasoning, analyzing and synthesizing and giving evidence. The intended outcome is the ability to write scientific articles and thesis proposal.

16 MKK – 216 Essay Writing 2

On the basis of writing 1, 2, and 3 the course is designed to provide students with the procedures of essay writing. Students will be exposed to the structures, concepts, and the know-how of composing essay from outlining, drafting to producing good and proper essay.

17 MKK – 217 Vocabulary 1 2

This subject is designed for the learners to practice contextualized exposure to words related collocation, compounding, affixation and

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aspect of grammar (derivatives: noun, verb, adjective, and adverb), everyday items, and remembering new words.

18 MKK – 218 Vocabulary 2 2

This subject is designed for the learners to practice contextualized exposure to words related collocation, compounding, affixation and aspect of grammar (derivatives: noun, verb, adjective, and adverb), everyday items, and remembering new words.

19 MKK – 219 Grammar 1 2

This course is designed to facilitate the learners in acquiring the knowledge of basic grammatical structures of English and to develop the learners’ ability to use them

20 MKK – 220 Grammar 2 2

This course is designed to facilitate the learners in acquiring the knowledge of intermediate grammatical structures of English and to develop the learners’ ability to use them.

21 MKK – 221 Grammar 3 2

This course is designed to facilitate the learners in acquiring the knowledge of advanced grammatical structures of English and to develop the learners’ ability to use them and to solve the problems of TOEFL exercises.

22 MKK – 222 Introduction to Linguistic 2

This course deals with knowledge of basic concepts or theories of linguistics in order that the students understand and comprehend important issues relating to language and its development

23 MKK – 223 Introduction to English Literature 2

This course covers teaching learning activities that aim to enable the students to have introductory knowledge of English literature and its historical phases.

24 MKK – 224 Phonology 2

Phonology is a theoretical subject which consists of theories on articulatory phonetics and phonological rules which covers the features of speech sounds and the organization.

25 MKK – 225 Morphology 2

This course is to provide an introduction to the fundamentals of English Lexical Morphology and develop the student capability of varying the use of words

26 MKK – 226 Syntax 2

This course introduces students to different approaches on how rule-governed syntactical structures make meaning out of the smaller units, lexis. This takes the approach to syntax adopted by Bloomfield. However, the position of syntax in communication and other linguistics branches as well as other approaches of syntax are touched upon.

27 MKK – 227 Discourse Analysis 2

This course provides an introduction to the analysis of discourse and dialogue. Discourse here is defined as the study of the organization of language above the sentence level, but also as any manifestation of language in context. Dialogue is defined as an instance of language that involves interaction between two or more people. The course will provide an overview of the phenomena included in the study of discourse and dialogue, from linguistic, psycholinguistic and computational points of view.

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28 MKK – 228 Sociolinguistics 2

This course is designed to cover the topics in the introduction to sociolinguistics, varying from the social study of language; the ethnography of speaking and the structure of conversation; locating variation in speech; styles, gender, and social class; bilinguals and bilingualism; societal multilingualism; to applied sociolinguistics.

29 MKK – 229 Method of Language Research 2

This subject is generally designed to facilitate the learners in understanding Kinds of research/Research paradigm & important terms in research; Differences of Qualitative and Quantitative Research; Qualitative paradigm in language research; Data Collection in language research; Research problems; Language Informants; the linguistic corpus; Data Analysis; Corroboration in language research; Validity, Reliability, Generalizability, and Authenticity; and the Significance of theory.

30 MKK – 230 Seminar On linguistic 2

This subject is designed to facilitate the learners in understanding (a) the objectives of a research proposal; (b) criteria of a good research proposal; (c) kinds of a research proposal and (d) Research proposal design (element & content of research proposal)

31 MKK – 231 British Society and Culture 2

This course is generally designed to facilitate the learners in understanding British society and institutions, such as its historical background; cultural values; political system; foreign policy; economic system; and educational system.

32 MKK – 232 American Society and Culture 2

This course is generally designed to facilitate the learners in understanding American society and institutions, such as its historical background; cultural values; political system; foreign policy; economic system; and educational system.

33 MKK – 233 English Prose 2

This course is designed to facilitate the studnets in understanding the theories of prose, the forms and genres of prose, and the intrinsic and extrinsic approaches.

34 MKK – 234 English Drama 2

This course is designed to develop students’ understanding and skills about the basic concept of drama study both component of the play and also several popular drama works. This course also facilitates students’ need of creative thinking and writing to make a good drama script and performance.

35 MKK – 235 English Poetry 2

This course is designed to cover the topic in understanding and analyzing poetry, varying from the basic concept of poetry, the elememnts of poetry, figurative languages, and the approaches used in analyzing poetry.

36 MKK – 236 Method of Literary Study 2

This course is designed to enable the students to have a knowledge on research methodology - focussing on literary works and its ontoligical, epistimological and axiologial domain of inquiry.

37 MKK – 237 Literary Appreciation 2

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This course will cover teaching learning activities that aim to enable the students to have introductory knowledge of English Literature and its practice of interpretation.

38 MKK – 238 Seminar on Literature 2

This course covers teaching and learning activities that aim to enable the students to present a topic or issue related with literary study in a class seminar.

39 MKK – 239 Pragmatics & Semantics 2

This subject is designed to facilitate the students in understanding the basic concept of pragmatics and its properties, introduces the students to the problem areas in the philosophy of language which are relevant to linguistics, intended to develop the student’s knowledge of semantics concepts and its possible application in teaching English, and intends to show the students how arguments can be constructed in semantics by putting forward a series of arguments.

40 MKK – 240 Theory of Literature 2

This course is designed to enable the students to have a comprehensive understanding on some theories of literature and its historical development from the past till present.

41 MKK – 241 Theory of Language 2

This course is designed to enable the students to have a comprehensive understanding on some theories of language and its historical development from the past till present.

42 MKK – 242 Psycholinguistics 2

This course equips students with the psychological factors which involve First Language Learning, Second Language Learning, Language, Mind, and the Brain, Mental Grammar and Language Processing.

Jumlah 84

C. Matakuliah Keahlian Berkarya (MKB)


1 MKB – 301 Second Foreign Language 1 4

Language proficiency program specially designed for basic SFL 1 (Arabic 1, Chinese 1, Japanese 1, German 1) learners using a highly integrated set of materials consisting of a coursebook, workbook, glossary and cassettes.

2 MKB – 302 Second Foreign Language 2 4

Language proficiency program specially designed for basic SFL 1 (Arabic 2, Chinese 2, Japanese 2, German 2) learners using a highly integrated set of materials consisting of a coursebook, workbook, glossary and cassettes.

3 MKB – 303 Second Foreign Language 3 4

Language proficiency program specially designed for basic SFL 3 (Arabic 3, Chinese 3, Japanese 3, German 3) learners using a highly integrated set of materials consisting of a coursebook, workbook, glossary and cassettes.

4 MKB – 304 Second Foreign Language 4 4

Language proficiency program specially designed for basic SFL 4 (Arabic 4, Chinese 4, Japanese 4, German 4) learners using a highly integrated set of materials consisting of a coursebook,

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workbook, glossary and cassettes.

5 MKB – 305 Second Foreign Language 5 4

Language proficiency program specially designed for basic SFL 5 (Arabic 5, Chinese 5, Japanese 5, German 5) learners using a highly integrated set of materials consisting of a coursebook, workbook, glossary and cassettes.

6 MKB – 306 Second Foreign Language 6 4

Language proficiency program specially designed for basic SFL 6 (Arabic 6, Chinese 6, Japanese 6, German 6) learners using a highly integrated set of materials consisting of a coursebook, workbook, glossary and cassettes.

7 MKB – 307 Translation 2

This course, a beginning of a series courses on translating, encourages an intensive and accurate of translating from English to Indonesian in different subjects. Except for the first session which is intended to inform students (at glance) values of translation from both scientific and economic points of view and to motivate them to learn the translation skills more intensively, all the sessions in this course takes the form of guided and supervised exercises. The materials of 100-150 words are taken from a variety of branches of knowledge and culture, from a variety of sources as to give the students various basic knowledge, as a background required by every professional translator.

8 MKB – 308 Interpretation 2

This course provides students with basic knowledge of theory and practice of interpretation that can lead to their understanding and build their skill in simultaneous interpretation context.

9 MKB – 309 Public Speaking 2

This lecture supplies the students with theoretical erudition and technical rhetoric science and public speaking. Rhetoric a art communicatings effective with speech. Rhetoric refers at one particular language use technique as art, based at one particular that erudition.

10 MKB – 310 Public Relations 2

This course will cover teaching learning activities that aim to enable the students to understand concepts of public relation and how to start public communication

11 MKB – 311 Hotel and Tourism 3

This course gives knowledge and skills about the job in Hotel and Tourism concept.

12 MKB – 312 TEFL 2

The description of the course is to acquaint students with rudimentary theories of TEFL (approaches and methods of teaching, learner difference, classroom management, and teaching evaluation as well as practicing teaching receptive skills (listening and speaking) and productive skills, reading and writing.

13 MKB – 313 Teaching and Learning Strategy 2

This course examines various strategy of teaching, productive and receptive, either skills or components

14 MKB – 314 Teaching and Learning Media 2

In this course is discussed about the function of media in course of

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learn to teach, value and benefit of the media, kind and criteria of choosing media, media production, media program utilization based on pattern and utilization strategy, media device, graphic media, photography media, projection media, audio media, audio-visual, internet media, and environment as media.

15 MKB – 315 Apprenticeship 2

In practice, after doing the On Job Training (OJT) activities, the participants of OJT are expected to have (a) a sufficient overview on the details of job affairs, (b) readiness to come into job affairs (c) professional competence in job affairs, (d) experience to apply the knowledge which they have learned with the demands of job readiness which involves the interdisciplinary sciences, and (e) the experience on structured training. Institutionally, OJT aims at (a) developing a link with the related service industries, (b) matching the needs of job affairs with the graduates of STIBA, (c) preparing the graduates of STIBA for their readiness to work, and (d) functioning it as promoting media.

16 MKB – 316 Final Assignment 6

By the end of this semester, the learners are able to conduct research either on language (linguistic) or literature, write the process and the finding of the research in English correctly, and report them in a real written master piece product - a thesis.

Jumlah 49

D. Matakuliah Perilaku Berkarya ( MPB )


1 MPB – 401 Introduction to Philosophy 2

This course aims at being an introduction to philosophical thinking in general rather than to provide a full survey of philosophical disciplines, their methods, doctrines and leading ideas. In addition, the course will provide a preliminary orientation about the notion of philosophical argument, its various forms and the ways arguments should be analyzed.

2 MPB – 402 History of Modern Thought 2

The course is aimed at acquiring students with historical line of modern thoughts which have much influenced upon academic nuances of thinking.

3 MPB – 403 Modern Culture Studies 2

This course is provided to facilitate the studnets in understanding the concept of popular culture and its dynamic phenomenon; some critical thinking in pop culture studies; influences of pop culture for Indonesian; and approaches of pop culture studies.

Jumah 6

E. Matakuliah Berkehidupan Bermasyarakat ( MBB )


1 MBB – 501 Indonesian Society and Culture 2

This subject is generally designed to facilitate the learners in understanding the history of Indonesian Culture

2 MBB – 502 Basic Natural Sciences 3

This subject includes natural science explanation and natural science scope base, the connection with other sciences,

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connection between physics and technological development with the influence towards human life.

3 MBB – 503 Basic Social Studies 3

This lecture gives comprehension about the importance of formation and personal development with insight extension, hit various existing phenomenon in society, culture and humanity.

4 MBB – 504 Cross Culture and Understanding 2

This Course is designed to develop the students’ awareness of the close relationship between language and culture, and different cultural aspects which may be encountered. During the course, the students will do a lot of reading, thinking, and discussing about different cultures in an attempt to learn more about them and to better understand them.

Jumlah 10

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A. Matakuliah Pengembangan Kepribadian (MPK)

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Religion Education (Christianity) Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MPK – 101 Subject : Religion Education (Christianity) Credit : 3 sks Semester : I (one) Prerequisite : - Description : This subject is generally designed to facilitate the learners in understanding the Concept of Christianity and trinity. Competence : Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Christianity and the implementation.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Christianity and the implementation.

Students are able to understand the Religion Education (Christianity) course outline

Discussion about the Religion Education (Cristianity) course outline

Introduction 150’ 1. Groenen, Panggilan Kristus 2. Kisah Suci Perjanjian Baru

(edisi Pelita) 3. Yakobs, Gereja, seri pastoral

No. 4

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Christianity and the implementation.

Students are able to understand the church and its teaching

Discussion about the church and its teaching

The main teaching of church 150’ 1. Groenen, Panggilan Kristus 2. Kisah Suci Perjanjian Baru

(edisi Pelita) 3. Yakobs, Gereja, seri pastoral

No. 4

3 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Christianity and the implementation.

Students are able to understand the individuals, church and faith for interpersonal relationship

Discussion about the individuals, church and faith for interpersonal relationship

Faith and personal development 150’ 1. Groenen, Panggilan Kristus 2. Kisah Suci Perjanjian Baru

(edisi Pelita) 3. Yakobs, Gereja, seri pastoral

No. 4

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Religion Education (Christianity) Syllabus


4 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Christianity and the implementation.

Students are able to understand the individuals, church and faith for interpersonal relationship

Discussion about the individuals, church and faith for interpersonal relationship

Faith and personal development 150’ 1. Groenen, Panggilan Kristus 2. Kisah Suci Perjanjian Baru

(edisi Pelita) 3. Yakobs, Gereja, seri pastoral

No. 4

5 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Christianity and the implementation.

Students are able to understand the divinity, trinity, and elements

Discussion about the divinity, trinity, and elements

The meaning of divinity and trinity 150’ 1. Groenen, Panggilan Kristus 2. Kisah Suci Perjanjian Baru

(edisi Pelita) 3. Yakobs, Gereja, seri pastoral

No. 4

6 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Christianity and the implementation.

Students are able to understand the divinity, trinity, and elements

Discussion about the divinity, trinity, and elements

The meaning of divinity and trinity 150’ 1. Groenen, Panggilan Kristus 2. Kisah Suci Perjanjian Baru

(edisi Pelita) 3. Yakobs, Gereja, seri pastoral

No. 4

7 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Christianity and the implementation.

Students are able to understand the teaching practices of Christianity

Discussion about the teaching practices of Christianity

The synchronization of the teaching practices of Christianity

150’ 1. Groenen, Panggilan Kristus 2. Kisah Suci Perjanjian Baru

(edisi Pelita) 3. Yakobs, Gereja, seri pastoral

No. 4


9 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Christianity and the implementation.

Students are able to understand the teaching practices of Christianity

Discussion about the teaching practices of Christianity

The synchronization of the teaching practices of Christianity

150’ 1. Groenen, Panggilan Kristus 2. Kisah Suci Perjanjian Baru

(edisi Pelita) 3. Yakobs, Gereja, seri pastoral

No. 4

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Religion Education (Christianity) Syllabus


10 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Christianity and the implementation.

Students are able to understand the internal responsibility

Discussion about the internal responsibility

The responsibilities of Christians 150’ 1. Groenen, Panggilan Kristus 2. Kisah Suci Perjanjian Baru

(edisi Pelita) 3. Yakobs, Gereja, seri pastoral

No. 4

11 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Christianity and the implementation.

Students are able to understand the external responsibility

Discussion about the external responsibility

The responsibilities of Christians 150’ 1. Groenen, Panggilan Kristus 2. Kisah Suci Perjanjian Baru

(edisi Pelita) 3. Yakobs, Gereja, seri pastoral

No. 4

12 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Christianity and the implementation.

Students are able to understand the relationship with other religions

Discussion about the relationship with other religions

The responsibilities of Christians 150’ 1. Groenen, Panggilan Kristus 2. Kisah Suci Perjanjian Baru

(edisi Pelita) 3. Yakobs, Gereja, seri pastoral

No. 4

13 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Christianity and the implementation.

Students are able to understand the christ live revisited and call of christ

Discussion about the christ live revisited and call of christ

Call of Christs 150’ 1. Groenen, Panggilan Kristus 2. Kisah Suci Perjanjian Baru

(edisi Pelita) 3. Yakobs, Gereja, seri pastoral

No. 4

14 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Christianity and the implementation.

Students are able to understand the christ live revisited and call of christ

Discussion about the christ live revisited and call of christ

Call of Christs 150’ 1. Groenen, Panggilan Kristus 2. Kisah Suci Perjanjian Baru

(edisi Pelita) 3. Yakobs, Gereja, seri pastoral

No. 4

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Religion Education (Christianity) Syllabus


15 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Christianity and the implementation.

Students are able to understand the history and implementation

Discussion about the history and implementation

New testament 150’ 1. Groenen, Panggilan Kristus 2. Kisah Suci Perjanjian Baru

(edisi Pelita) 3. Yakobs, Gereja, seri pastoral

No. 4



1. Groenen, Panggilan Kristus 2. Kisah Suci Perjanjian Baru (edisi Pelita) 3. Yakobs, Gereja, seri pastoral No. 4

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Religion Education (Hindu) Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MPK – 101 Subject : Religion Education (Hindu) Credit : 3 sks Semester : I (one) Prerequisite : - Description : This subject is generally designed to facilitate the learners in understanding the Concept of Hinduism, the history an Implementation Competence : Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Hinduism the significance of Hindu rituals and

the role of rituals in Hindu.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Hinduism the significance of Hindu rituals and the role of rituals in Hindu.

Students are able to understand the Religion Education (Hindu) course outline

Discussion about the Religion Education (Hindu) course outline

Introduction 150’ 1. Oka, I.G.A., 1968, Sad Darsna, Jilid I, II dan III, Denpasar.

2. Pudja, G., 1963, Sosiologi Hindu Dharma, Yayasan Pembangunan ta Maha, Jakarta.

3. Sura, G., 1981, Pengantar Tattwa Darsana, Dep. Agama RI., Jakarta.

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Hinduism the

Students are able to understand the history of Hindu in the world, Indonesia and the spread of

Discussion about the history of Hindu in the world, Indonesia and the spread of Hindu

History of Hindu and its spread 150’ 1. Oka, I.G.A., 1968, Sad Darsna, Jilid I, II dan III, Denpasar.

2. Pudja, G., 1963, Sosiologi Hindu Dharma, Yayasan

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Religion Education (Hindu) Syllabus


significance of Hindu rituals and the role of rituals in Hindu.

Hindu Pembangunan ta Maha, Jakarta.

3. Sura, G., 1981, Pengantar Tattwa Darsana, Dep. Agama RI., Jakarta.

3 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Hinduism the significance of Hindu rituals and the role of rituals in Hindu.

Students are able to understand the tantrayana and Hindu development in Indonesia

Discussion about the tantrayana and Hindu development in Indonesia

The development of tantrayana in Indonesia and Hindu development

150’ 1. Oka, I.G.A., 1968, Sad Darsna, Jilid I, II dan III, Denpasar.

2. Pudja, G., 1963, Sosiologi Hindu Dharma, Yayasan Pembangunan ta Maha, Jakarta.

3. Sura, G., 1981, Pengantar Tattwa Darsana, Dep. Agama RI., Jakarta.

4 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Hinduism the significance of Hindu rituals and the role of rituals in Hindu.

Students are able to understand the tantrayana and Hindu development in Indonesia

Discussion about the tantrayana and Hindu development in Indonesia

The development of tantrayana in Indonesia and Hindu development

150’ 1. Oka, I.G.A., 1968, Sad Darsna, Jilid I, II dan III, Denpasar.

2. Pudja, G., 1963, Sosiologi Hindu Dharma, Yayasan Pembangunan ta Maha, Jakarta.

3. Sura, G., 1981, Pengantar Tattwa Darsana, Dep. Agama RI., Jakarta.

5 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Hinduism the significance of Hindu rituals and the role of rituals in Hindu.

Students are able to understand the basic hinduistic teaching, objectives of hinduistic, and implementation of hinduistic teaching

Discussion about the basic hinduistic teaching, objectives of hinduistic, and implementation of hinduistic teaching

Basic and objective of hinduistic teaching and its implementation

150’ 1. Oka, I.G.A., 1968, Sad Darsna, Jilid I, II dan III, Denpasar.

2. Pudja, G., 1963, Sosiologi Hindu Dharma, Yayasan Pembangunan ta Maha, Jakarta.

3. Sura, G., 1981, Pengantar Tattwa Darsana, Dep. Agama RI., Jakarta.

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Religion Education (Hindu) Syllabus


6 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Hinduism the significance of Hindu rituals and the role of rituals in Hindu.

Students are able to understand the basic hinduistic teaching, objectives of hinduistic, and implementation of hinduistic teaching

Discussion about the basic hinduistic teaching, objectives of hinduistic, and implementation of hinduistic teaching

Basic and objective of hinduistic teaching and its implementation

150’ 1. Oka, I.G.A., 1968, Sad Darsna, Jilid I, II dan III, Denpasar.

2. Pudja, G., 1963, Sosiologi Hindu Dharma, Yayasan Pembangunan ta Maha, Jakarta.

3. Sura, G., 1981, Pengantar Tattwa Darsana, Dep. Agama RI., Jakarta.

7 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Hinduism the significance of Hindu rituals and the role of rituals in Hindu.

Students are able to understand the basic hinduistic teaching, objectives of hinduistic, and implementation of hinduistic teaching

Discussion about the basic hinduistic teaching, objectives of hinduistic, and implementation of hinduistic teaching

Basic and objective of hinduistic teaching and its implementation

150’ 1. Oka, I.G.A., 1968, Sad Darsna, Jilid I, II dan III, Denpasar.

2. Pudja, G., 1963, Sosiologi Hindu Dharma, Yayasan Pembangunan ta Maha, Jakarta.

3. Sura, G., 1981, Pengantar Tattwa Darsana, Dep. Agama RI., Jakarta.


9 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Hinduism the significance of Hindu rituals and the role of rituals in Hindu.

Students are able to understand the panca cradda and faith of Hindu

Discussion about the panca cradda and faith of Hindu

Panca Cradda as faith source in Hindu

150’ 1. Oka, I.G.A., 1968, Sad Darsna, Jilid I, II dan III, Denpasar.

2. Pudja, G., 1963, Sosiologi Hindu Dharma, Yayasan Pembangunan ta Maha, Jakarta.

3. Sura, G., 1981, Pengantar Tattwa Darsana, Dep. Agama RI., Jakarta.

10 Students are able to describe and comprehend the

Students are able to understand the panca cradda and

Discussion about the panca cradda and faith of Hindu

Panca Cradda as faith source in Hindu

150’ 1. Oka, I.G.A., 1968, Sad Darsna, Jilid I, II dan III, Denpasar.

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Religion Education (Hindu) Syllabus


theoretical concept of Hinduism the significance of Hindu rituals and the role of rituals in Hindu.

faith of Hindu 2. Pudja, G., 1963, Sosiologi Hindu Dharma, Yayasan Pembangunan ta Maha, Jakarta.

3. Sura, G., 1981, Pengantar Tattwa Darsana, Dep. Agama RI., Jakarta.

11 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Hinduism the significance of Hindu rituals and the role of rituals in Hindu.

Students are able to understand the yajna and samskara

Discussion about the yajna and samskara

Scope of Hindu 150’ 1. Oka, I.G.A., 1968, Sad Darsna, Jilid I, II dan III, Denpasar.

2. Pudja, G., 1963, Sosiologi Hindu Dharma, Yayasan Pembangunan ta Maha, Jakarta.

3. Sura, G., 1981, Pengantar Tattwa Darsana, Dep. Agama RI., Jakarta.

12 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Hinduism the significance of Hindu rituals and the role of rituals in Hindu.

Students are able to understand the dharma siddharta and darsana Hindu dharma

Discussion about the dharma siddharta and darsana Hindu dharma

Scope of Hindu 150’ 1. Oka, I.G.A., 1968, Sad Darsna, Jilid I, II dan III, Denpasar.

2. Pudja, G., 1963, Sosiologi Hindu Dharma, Yayasan Pembangunan ta Maha, Jakarta.

3. Sura, G., 1981, Pengantar Tattwa Darsana, Dep. Agama RI., Jakarta.

13 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Hinduism the

Students are able to understand the modern Hindu

Discussion about the modern Hindu

Hindu in Modernity 150’ 1. Oka, I.G.A., 1968, Sad Darsna, Jilid I, II dan III, Denpasar.

2. Pudja, G., 1963, Sosiologi Hindu Dharma, Yayasan

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Religion Education (Hindu) Syllabus


significance of Hindu rituals and the role of rituals in Hindu.

Pembangunan ta Maha, Jakarta.

3. Sura, G., 1981, Pengantar Tattwa Darsana, Dep. Agama RI., Jakarta.

14 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Hinduism the significance of Hindu rituals and the role of rituals in Hindu.

Students are able to understand the challenges of modernity

Discussion about the challenges of modernity

Hindu in Modernity 150’ 1. Oka, I.G.A., 1968, Sad Darsna, Jilid I, II dan III, Denpasar.

2. Pudja, G., 1963, Sosiologi Hindu Dharma, Yayasan Pembangunan ta Maha, Jakarta.

3. Sura, G., 1981, Pengantar Tattwa Darsana, Dep. Agama RI., Jakarta.

15 Students are able to describe and comprehend the theoretical concept of Hinduism the significance of Hindu rituals and the role of rituals in Hindu.

Students are able to understand the challenges of modernity

Discussion about the challenges of modernity

Hindu in Modernity 150’ 1. Oka, I.G.A., 1968, Sad Darsna, Jilid I, II dan III, Denpasar.

2. Pudja, G., 1963, Sosiologi Hindu Dharma, Yayasan Pembangunan ta Maha, Jakarta.

3. Sura, G., 1981, Pengantar Tattwa Darsana, Dep. Agama RI., Jakarta.


References 1. Oka, I.G.A., 1968, Sad Darsna, Jilid I, II dan III, Denpasar. 2. Pudja, G., 1963, Sosiologi Hindu Dharma, Yayasan Pembangunan ta Maha, Jakarta. 3. Sura, G., 1981, Pengantar Tattwa Darsana, Dep. Agama RI., Jakarta.

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Civic Education Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MPK – 102 Subject : Civic Education Credit : 3 sks Semester : II (two) Prerequisite : - Description : The course is aimed at building students’ awareness of the need of civic education for building their nationalism and patriotism. Competence : Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate the meaning of civic education and which includes its purposes,

patterns and conception. (2) to understand the national security and its factors, national strategy and its threads, the present day development of civic education and the to restructure it for the future.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate the meaning of civic education and which includes its purposes, patterns and conception. Intensive in the course are national security and its factors, national strategy and its threads, the present day development of civic education and the to restructure it for the future.

Students are able to understand what “Civic Education Course” is.

Discussion about the Civic Education Course

Introduction 150’ Kewiraan untuk Mahasiswa.(Lemhanas.1986)

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

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Civic Education Syllabus


2 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate the meaning of civic education and which includes its purposes, patterns and conception. Intensive in the course are national security and its factors, national strategy and its threads, the present day development of civic education and the to restructure it for the future.

Students are able ble to understand the concept and the meaning of civic education

Discussion about the concept and the meaning of civic education

Basic considerations of civic education

150’ Kewiraan untuk Mahasiswa.(Lemhanas.1986:19)

3 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate the meaning of civic education and which includes its purposes, patterns and conception. Intensive in the course are national security and its factors, national strategy and its threads, the present day development of civic education and the to restructure it for the future.

Students are able ble to understand the historical background, implication, and the implementation of civic education

Discussion about the historical background, implication, and the implementation of civic education

The purposes of civic education 150’ Kewiraan untuk Mahasiswa.(Lemhanas.1986:22)

4 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate the meaning of civic education and which includes its

Students are able ble to understand the characteristics and the program of the nation

Discussion about the characteristics and the program of the nation

The patterns of civic education 150’ Kewiraan untuk Mahasiswa.(Lemhanas.1986:29)

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Civic Education Syllabus


purposes, patterns and conception. Intensive in the course are national security and its factors, national strategy and its threads, the present day development of civic education and the to restructure it for the future.

5 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate the meaning of civic education and which includes its purposes, patterns and conception. Intensive in the course are national security and its factors, national strategy and its threads, the present day development of civic education and the to restructure it for the future.

Students are able ble to understand the characteristics and the essential of national security

Discussion about the characteristics and the essential of national security

Basic conception of national security

150’ Kewiraan untuk Mahasiswa.(Lemhanas.1986:31)

6 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate the meaning of civic education and which includes its purposes, patterns and conception. Intensive in the course are national

Students are able ble to understand the national defense

Discussion about the national defense

Factors of the national strategy 150’ Kewiraan untuk Mahasiswa.(Lemhanas.1986:39)

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Civic Education Syllabus


security and its factors, national strategy and its threads, the present day development of civic education and the to restructure it for the future.

7 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate the meaning of civic education and which includes its purposes, patterns and conception. Intensive in the course are national security and its factors, national strategy and its threads, the present day development of civic education and the to restructure it for the future.

Students are able ble to understand the material from first until seventh meeting

Review the material The material from first until seventh meeting

150’ Kewiraan untuk Mahasiswa.(Lemhanas.1986)


9 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate the meaning of civic education and which includes its purposes, patterns and conception. Intensive in the course are national security and its factors, national strategy and its threads, the present day development of civic

Students are able ble to understand ideology, economy, and socio-cultural

Discussion about ideology, economy, and socio-cultural

The influencial factors of the politics of the national strategy

150’ Kewiraan untuk Mahasiswa.(Lemhanas.1986:50)

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Civic Education Syllabus


education and the to restructure it for the future.

10 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate the meaning of civic education and which includes its purposes, patterns and conception. Intensive in the course are national security and its factors, national strategy and its threads, the present day development of civic education and the to restructure it for the future.

Students are able ble to understand the definition, the formulation, and the problems of national politics

Discussion about the definition, the formulation, and the problems of national politics

National politics 150’ Kewiraan untuk Mahasiswa.(Lemhanas.1986:52)

11 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate the meaning of civic education and which includes its purposes, patterns and conception. Intensive in the course are national security and its factors, national strategy and its threads, the present day development of civic education and the to restructure it for the future.

Students are able ble to understand the understanding of national strategy and aspects of national strategy

Discussion about understanding national strategy and aspects of national strategy

National strategy 150’ Kewiraan untuk Mahasiswa.(Lemhanas.1986:60)

12 Students are able (1) to understand and

Students are able ble to understand the

Discussion about the definition and types of

The thread to national security 150’ Kewiraan untuk Mahasiswa.(Lemhanas.1986:63)

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Civic Education Syllabus


appreciate the meaning of civic education and which includes its purposes, patterns and conception. Intensive in the course are national security and its factors, national strategy and its threads, the present day development of civic education and the to restructure it for the future.

definition and types of threads


13 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate the meaning of civic education and which includes its purposes, patterns and conception. Intensive in the course are national security and its factors, national strategy and its threads, the present day development of civic education and the to restructure it for the future.

Students are able ble to understand Internal/national factors and External/international factors

Discussion about Internal/national factors and External/international factors

The development of civics education

150’ Kewiraan untuk Mahasiswa.(Lemhanas.1986:65)

14 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate the meaning of civic education and which includes its purposes, patterns and conception. Intensive in

Students are able ble to understand the: a. Considering the

resources b. Formulating the


Discussion about the: a. Considering the

resources b. Formulating the patterns

The need to restructuring civic education

150’ Kewiraan untuk Mahasiswa.(Lemhanas.1986:69)

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Civic Education Syllabus


the course are national security and its factors, national strategy and its threads, the present day development of civic education and the to restructure it for the future.

15 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate the meaning of civic education and which includes its purposes, patterns and conception. Intensive in the course are national security and its factors, national strategy and its threads, the present day development of civic education and the to restructure it for the future.

Students are able ble to understand all materials from this course

Review the material All materials from this course 150’ Kewiraan untuk Mahasiswa.(Lemhanas. 1986)



Compulsory :

Lemhanas. 1986. Kewiraan untuk Mahasiswa. Jakarta: PT Gramedia

Suplementary :

1. Danuesaputro, Munajat. 1981. Wawasan Nusantara. Bandung: Penerbit Alumsi 2. Pusat Studi Kewiraan. 1986. Ilmu Kewiraan. Malang. Universitas Brawijaya

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Indonesian Language Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MPK – 103 Subject : Indonesian Language Credit : 3 sks Semester : I (one) Prerequisite : - Description : This lecture consists of general insight about Indonesian, norm and used of word and Indonesian term, norm of Indonesian sentence arrangement, norm and writing applications with Indonesian punctuation. Competence : Student has a comprehension and know-how about: general insight about Indonesian, norm and used of word and

Indonesian term, norm of Indonesian sentence arrangement, norm and writing applications with Indonesian punctuation.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Student has a comprehension and know-how about: general insight about Indonesian, norm and used of word and Indonesian term, norm of Indonesian sentence arrangement, norm and writing applications with Indonesian punctuation.

Students are able to understand the Indonesian function and parts in written form

Discussion about the Indonesian function and parts in written form

Indonesian function and parts 150’ Pembinaan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia. (Sabarti.1988:7)

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Student has a comprehension and know-how about: general insight about Indonesian, norm and used of word

Students are able to understand the kinds of language as the way of scientific communication

Discussion about the kinds of language as the way of scientific communication

Kinds of language 150’ Pembinaan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia. (Sabarti.1988:18)

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Indonesian Language Syllabus


and Indonesian term, norm of Indonesian sentence arrangement, norm and writing applications with Indonesian punctuation.

3 Student has a comprehension and know-how about: general insight about Indonesian, norm and used of word and Indonesian term, norm of Indonesian sentence arrangement, norm and writing applications with Indonesian punctuation.

Students are able to understand the spelling and punctuation

Discussion about the spelling and punctuation

Punctuation 150’ Pembinaan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia. (Sabarti.1988:25)

4 Student has a comprehension and know-how about: general insight about Indonesian, norm and used of word and Indonesian term, norm of Indonesian sentence arrangement, norm and writing applications with Indonesian punctuation.

Students are able to understand the way to get the good diction

Discussion about the way to get the good diction

Diction 150’ Pembinaan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia. (Sabarti.1988:34)

5 Student has a comprehension and know-how about: general insight about Indonesian, norm and used of word and Indonesian term, norm of Indonesian

Students are able to understand the use of effective sentence

Discussion about the use of effective sentence

Effective sentence 150’ Pembinaan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia. (Sabarti.1988:47)

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Indonesian Language Syllabus


sentence arrangement, norm and writing applications with Indonesian punctuation.

6 Student has a comprehension and know-how about: general insight about Indonesian, norm and used of word and Indonesian term, norm of Indonesian sentence arrangement, norm and writing applications with Indonesian punctuation.

Students are able to understand the types of effective sentence

Discussion about the types of effective sentence

Effective sentence 150’ Pembinaan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia. (Sabarti.1988:55)

7 Student has a comprehension and know-how about: general insight about Indonesian, norm and used of word and Indonesian term, norm of Indonesian sentence arrangement, norm and writing applications with Indonesian punctuation.

Students are able to understand the descendant sentence

Discussion about the descendant sentence

Effective sentence 150’ Pembinaan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia. (Sabarti.1988:62)


9 Student has a comprehension and know-how about: general insight about Indonesian, norm and used of word and Indonesian term, norm of Indonesian sentence arrangement,

Students are able to understand the use of paragraph

Discussion about the use of paragraph

Paragraph 150’ Pembinaan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia. (Sabarti.1988:69)

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Indonesian Language Syllabus


norm and writing applications with Indonesian punctuation.

10 Student has a comprehension and know-how about: general insight about Indonesian, norm and used of word and Indonesian term, norm of Indonesian sentence arrangement, norm and writing applications with Indonesian punctuation.

Students are able to understand the deductive and inductive paragraph

Discussion about the deductive and inductive paragraph

Paragraph 150’ Pembinaan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia. (Sabarti.1988:77)

11 Student has a comprehension and know-how about: general insight about Indonesian, norm and used of word and Indonesian term, norm of Indonesian sentence arrangement, norm and writing applications with Indonesian punctuation

Students are able to understand the way to make a scientific article

Discussion about the way to make a scientific article

Scientific article 150’ Pembinaan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia. (Sabarti.1988:84)

12 Student has a comprehension and know-how about: general insight about Indonesian, norm and used of word and Indonesian term, norm of Indonesian

Students are able to understand the definition and explanation of outline

Discussion about the definition and explanation of outline

Outline 150’ Pembinaan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia. (Sabarti.1988:91)

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Indonesian Language Syllabus


sentence arrangement, norm and writing applications with Indonesian punctuation.

13 Student has a comprehension and know-how about: general insight about Indonesian, norm and used of word and Indonesian term, norm of Indonesian sentence arrangement, norm and writing applications with Indonesian punctuation.

Students are able to understand the use of quotation

Discussion about the use of quotation

Quotation 150’ Pembinaan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia. (Sabarti.1988:112)

14 Student has a comprehension and know-how about: general insight about Indonesian, norm and used of word and Indonesian term, norm of Indonesian sentence arrangement, norm and writing applications with Indonesian punctuation.

Students are able to understand the use of abstract and reference

Discussion about the use of abstract and reference

Abtract and reference 150’ Pembinaan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia. (Sabarti.1988)

15 Student has a comprehension and know-how about: general insight about Indonesian, norm and used of word and Indonesian term,

Students are able to understand the writing process in University

Discussion about the writing process in University

Writing in University 150’ Pembinaan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia. (Sabarti.1988)

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Indonesian Language Syllabus


norm of Indonesian sentence arrangement, norm and writing applications with Indonesian punctuation.



Compulsory :

Akhdiah, Sabarti(dkk).1988.Pembinaan Kemampuan Menulis Bahasa Indonesia.Jakarta: Erlangga

Suplementary :

1. Badudu, JS.1985.Pelik-Pelik Bahasa Indonesia.Bandung: Pustaka Prima. 2. Keraf, Gorys.1987.Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa.Jakarta: Gramedia. 3. Marsoedi, I.L.1982.Pengantar Memahami Hakekat Bahasa.Malang:FKSS-IKIPMalang. 4. Moeliono, M.Anton.1988.Tata Bahasa Baku Indonesia.Jakarta: Balai Pustaka

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Pancasila Philosophy Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MPK – 104 Subject : Pancasila Philosophy Credit : 2 sks Semester : I (one) Prerequisite : - Description : The course is intended to build students’ awareness of their inherited-national philosophy that is Pancasila as an ideology, philosophy, and foundational stand-point of socio-cultural as well as state-political life. Competence : Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate Pancasila as an ideology, nation’s philosophy, bases of democratic

life-style, ethical codes, educational principles, as well as value-based for character building. In addition the course provides perspectives of Pancasila on human rights and modern and postmodern life of thoughts as well.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate Pancasila as an ideology, nation’s philosophy, bases of democratic life-style, ethical codes, educational principles, as well as value-based for character building. In addition the course provides perspectives of Pancasila on human rights and modern and postmodern life of thoughts as well.

Students are able to understand what “Pancasila Philosophy Course” is.

Discussion about the Pancasila Philosophy Course

Introduction 100’ Dasar dan Konsep Pendidikan Moral Pancasila (Daroesoe. 1986)

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

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Pancasila Philosophy Syllabus


2 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate Pancasila as an ideology, nation’s philosophy, bases of democratic life-style, ethical codes, educational principles, as well as value-based for character building. In addition the course provides perspectives of Pancasila on human rights and modern and postmodern life of thoughts as well.

Students are able to understand History of Pancasila :

a. Past b. Present-day

Discussion about the History of Pancasila :

c. Past d. Present-day

The historical background of Pancasila Philosophy

100’ Dasar dan Konsep Pendidikan Moral Pancasila (Daroesoe. 1986:12)

3 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate Pancasila as an ideology, nation’s philosophy, bases of democratic life-style, ethical codes, educational principles, as well as value-based for character building. In addition the course provides perspectives of Pancasila on human rights and modern and postmodern life of thoughts as well.

Students are able to understand Pascasila as nation’s philosophy

Discussion about Pascasila as nation’s philosophy

The positions of Pancasila (1) 100’ Dasar dan Konsep Pendidikan Moral Pancasila (Daroesoe. 1986:17)

4 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate Pancasila as

Students are able to understand Pascasila as state

Discussion about Pascasila as state ideology

The positions of Pancasila (2) 100’ Dasar dan Konsep Pendidikan Moral Pancasila (Daroesoe. 1986:17)

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Pancasila Philosophy Syllabus


an ideology, nation’s philosophy, bases of democratic life-style, ethical codes, educational principles, as well as value-based for character building. In addition the course provides perspectives of Pancasila on human rights and modern and postmodern life of thoughts as well.


5 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate Pancasila as an ideology, nation’s philosophy, bases of democratic life-style, ethical codes, educational principles, as well as value-based for character building. In addition the course provides perspectives of Pancasila on human rights and modern and postmodern life of thoughts as well.

Students are able to understand the socio-political role of Pancasila

Discussion about the socio-political role of Pancasila

The role of Pancasila (1) 100’ Dasar dan Konsep Pendidikan Moral Pancasila (Daroesoe. 1986:17)

6 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate Pancasila as an ideology, nation’s philosophy, bases of democratic life-style,

Students are able to understand about the cultural-educational role of Pancasila

Discussion about the cultural-educational role of Pancasila

The role of Pancasila (2) 100’ Dasar dan Konsep Pendidikan Moral Pancasila (Daroesoe. 1986:17)

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Pancasila Philosophy Syllabus


ethical codes, educational principles, as well as value-based for character building. In addition the course provides perspectives of Pancasila on human rights and modern and postmodern life of thoughts as well.

7 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate Pancasila as an ideology, nation’s philosophy, bases of democratic life-style, ethical codes, educational principles, as well as value-based for character building. In addition the course provides perspectives of Pancasila on human rights and modern and postmodern life of thoughts as well.

Students are able to understand Pancasila and democracy a. Western

democracy b. Indonesian


Discussion about Pancasila and democracy

a. Western democracy

b. Indonesian democracy

Pancasila democracy 100’ Dasar dan Konsep Pendidikan Moral Pancasila (Daroesoe. 1986:37)

8 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate Pancasila as an ideology, nation’s philosophy, bases of democratic life-style, ethical codes, educational principles, as well as value-based for

Students are able to understand the material from first until seventh meeting

Review the material The material from first until seventh meeting

100’ Dasar dan Konsep Pendidikan Moral Pancasila (Daroesoe. 1986:37)

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Pancasila Philosophy Syllabus


character building. In addition the course provides perspectives of Pancasila on human rights and modern and postmodern life of thoughts as well.


10 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate Pancasila as an ideology, nation’s philosophy, bases of democratic life-style, ethical codes, educational principles, as well as value-based for character building. In addition the course provides perspectives of Pancasila on human rights and modern and postmodern life of thoughts as well.

Students are able to understand Ethical values a. Universality b. Pancasila’s


Discussion about Ethical values

a. Universality b. Pancasila’s


Pancasila as ethical rights 100’ Dasar dan Konsep Pendidikan Moral Pancasila (Daroesoe. 1986:65)

11 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate Pancasila as an ideology, nation’s philosophy, bases of democratic life-style, ethical codes, educational principles, as well as value-based for character building. In addition the course

Students are able to understand perspectives of human rights a. Western b. Pancasila

Discussion about perspectives of human rights

a. Western b. Pancasila

Pancasila and human rights 100’ Dasar dan Konsep Pendidikan Moral Pancasila (Daroesoe. 1986:65)

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Pancasila Philosophy Syllabus


provides perspectives of Pancasila on human rights and modern and postmodern life of thoughts as well.

12 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate Pancasila as an ideology, nation’s philosophy, bases of democratic life-style, ethical codes, educational principles, as well as value-based for character building. In addition the course provides perspectives of Pancasila on human rights and modern and postmodern life of thoughts as well.

Students are able to understand the root of nation’s characters

Discussion about the root of nation’s characters

Pancasila and character building 100’ Dasar dan Konsep Pendidikan Moral Pancasila (Daroesoe. 1986:80)

13 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate Pancasila as an ideology, nation’s philosophy, bases of democratic life-style, ethical codes, educational principles, as well as value-based for character building. In addition the course provides perspectives of Pancasila on human rights and modern and

Students are able to understand developing and socializing Pancasila based-characters building

Discussion about developing and socializing Pancasila based-characters building

Pancasila and character building 100’ Dasar dan Konsep Pendidikan Moral Pancasila (Daroesoe. 1986:85)

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Pancasila Philosophy Syllabus


postmodern life of thoughts as well.

14 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate Pancasila as an ideology, nation’s philosophy, bases of democratic life-style, ethical codes, educational principles, as well as value-based for character building. In addition the course provides perspectives of Pancasila on human rights and modern and postmodern life of thoughts as well.

Students are able to understand the faces of Pancasila a. In modern life b. Pancasila past

modern trends of thoughts

Discussion about the faces of Pancasila a. In modern life b. Pancasila past

modern trends of thoughts

Pancasila and modern life 100’ Dasar dan Konsep Pendidikan Moral Pancasila (Daroesoe. 1986:99)

15 Students are able (1) to understand and appreciate Pancasila as an ideology, nation’s philosophy, bases of democratic life-style, ethical codes, educational principles, as well as value-based for character building. In addition the course provides perspectives of Pancasila on human rights and modern and postmodern life of thoughts as well.

Students are able to understand all materials from this course

Review the material All materials from this course 100’ Dasar dan Konsep Pendidikan Moral Pancasila (Daroesoe. 1986)


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Pancasila Philosophy Syllabus


References Compulsory :

Bambang, Daroesoe. 1986. Dasar dan Konsep Pendidikan Moral Pancasila. Semarang: Aneka Ilmu Suplementary : 1. Darmodiharjo, Darfi, 1991. Santi Sejarah Pancasila. Surabaya: Usaha Nasional 2. Moerdiono, 1993. Pancasila sebagai Ideologi. Jakarta: BP.7 Pusat 3. Sumoto. 2001. Mengenal Filsafat Pancasila. Yogyakarta: PT. Hanindita Graha Widia

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B. Matakuliah Keilmuan dan Keterampilan (MKK)

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SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 201 Subject : Pronunciation Credit : 2 sks Semester : I (One) Prerequisite : - Description : This subject is designed to exercise the learners in getting acquainted with English sound system and speech organs and in understanding and producing the correct pronunciation of letters, syllables, words, phrases and sentences of English Alphabet, English consonants and English vowels. Competence : Students are able to describe English sound system and speech organs and they should have their ability in producing correct pronunciation of English letters, syllables, words, phrases, sentences with correct stress and intonation.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students are able to describe English sound system and speech organs and they should have their ability in producing correct pronunciation of English letters, syllables, words, phrases, sentences with correct stress and intonation

Students are able to understand and know the important features of English pronunciation

Discussion about the features of English pronunciation



2 Students are able to describe English sound system and speech organs and they should have their ability in

Students are able to produce the sounds /p/, /b/, and /m/ in words, phrases, and sentences.

Producing the sounds /p/, /b/, and /m/ in words, phrases, and sentences

The sounds /p/, /b/, and /m/ 100’ Book 7200 ; American Language Course English Sound System, p.35 - 39

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

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producing correct pronunciation of English letters, syllables, words, phrases, sentences with correct stress and intonation.

3 Students are able to describe English sound system and speech organs and they should have their ability in producing correct pronunciation of English letters, syllables, words, phrases, sentences with correct stress and intonation.

Students are able to produce the sounds /t/, /θ/, /ð/, /d/, and /n/ in words, phrases, and sentences.

Producing the sounds /t/, /θ/, /ð/, /d/, and /n/ in words, phrases, and sentences

The sounds /t/, /θ/, /ð/, /d/, and /n/ 100’ Book 7200 ; American Language Course English Sound System, p.71 – 76 & 233 - 237

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

4 Students are able to describe English sound system and speech organs and they should have their ability in producing correct pronunciation of English letters, syllables, words, phrases, sentences. i

Students are able to produce the sounds /k/, /g/, and /j/ in words, phrases, and sentences.

Producing the sounds /k/, /g/, and /j// in words, phrases, and sentences

The sounds /k/, /g/, and /j/ 100’ Book 7200 ; American Language Course English Sound System, p. 117 - 122

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

5 Students are able to describe English sound system and speech

Students are able to produce the sounds /f/and /v/ in words,

Producing the sounds /f/ and /v/ in words, phrases, and sentences

The sounds /f/ and /v/ 100’ Book 7200 ; American Language Course English Sound System, p. 159 - 163

1. Individual practice / assignment

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organs and they should have their ability in producing correct pronunciation of English letters, syllables, words, phrases, sentences with correct stress and intonation.

phrases, and sentences.

2. Group practice/ assignment

6 Students are able to describe English sound system and speech organs and they should have their ability in producing correct pronunciation of English letters, syllables, words, phrases, sentences with correct stress and intonation.

Students are able to produce the sounds /s/ and /z/ in words, phrases, and sentences.

Producing the sounds /s/, and /z/ in words, phrases, and sentences

The sounds /s/ and /z/ 100’ Book 7200 ; American Language Course English Sound System, p. 281 - 283

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

7 Students are able to describe English sound system and speech organs and they should have their ability in producing correct pronunciation of English letters, syllables, words, phrases, sentences with correct stress and intonation.

Students are able to produce the sounds /s/, /z/, /c/, and /j/ in words, phrases, and sentences.

Producing the sounds /s/, /z/, /c/, and /j/ in words, phrases, and sentences

The sounds /s/, /z/, /c/, and /j/ 100’ Book 7200 ; American Language Course English Sound System, p. 284 - 285

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

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9 Students are able to describe English sound system and speech organs and they should have their ability in producing correct pronunciation of English letters, syllables, words, phrases, sentences with correct stress and intonation.

Students are able to produce the sounds /s/, /z/, /c/, and /j/ in word pairs.

Pproducing the sounds /s/, /z/, /c/, and /j/ in word pairs

The sounds /s/, /z/, /c/, and /j/ 100’ Book 7200 ; American Language Course English Sound System, p. 321 - 326

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

10 Students are able to describe English sound system and speech organs and they should have their ability in producing correct pronunciation of English letters, syllables, words, phrases, sentences with correct stress and intonation.

Students are able to produce the sound /h/ in words and word pairs

Producing the sound /h/and word pairs

The sound /h// 100’ Book 7200 ; American Language Course English Sound System, p. 361 - 366

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

11 Students are able to describe English sound system and speech organs and they should have their ability in producing correct pronunciation of English letters,

Students are able to produce the sound /l/ in words and word pairs.

Pproducing the sound /l/ in wordsand word pairs

The sound /l/ 100’ Book 7200 ; American Language Course English Sound System, p. 403 - 407

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

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syllables, words, phrases, sentences with correct stress and intonation.

12 Students are able to describe English sound system and speech organs and they should have their ability in producing correct pronunciation of English letters, syllables, words, phrases, sentences with correct stress and intonation.

Students are able to produce the vowel sounds /i/ in “me”, /I/ in “it”, /ε/ in “end”, and /e/ in “say”.

Producing the vowel sounds/i/ in “me”, /I/ in “it”, /ε/ in “end”, and /e/ in “say”

The vowel sounds/i/ in “me”, /I/ in “it”, /ε/ in “end”, and /e/ in “say”

100’ Clarey, M Elizabeth and Dixson Robert J. 1963. Pronunciation Exercises in English. New York: Regents Publishing Company, Inc, p. 98 - 109

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

13 Students are able to describe English sound system and speech organs and they should have their ability in producing correct pronunciation of English letters, syllables, words, phrases, sentences with correct stress and intonation.

Students are able to produce the vowel sounds in “cat’, ‘her”, “cut”’, and “too”.

Producing the vowel sounds in “cat’, ‘her”, “cut”’, and “too”

The vowel sounds in “cat’, ‘her”, “cut”’, and “too”

100’ Clarey, M Elizabeth and Dixson Robert J. 1963. Pronunciation Exercises in English. New York: Regents Publishing Company, Inc, p. 110 - 121

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

14 Students are able to describe English sound system and speech organs and they should

Students are able to produce the vowel sounds in “book”, “old”, “all”, and

Producing the vowel sounds in “book”, “old”, “all”, and “army”

The vowel sounds in “book”, “old”, “all”, and “army”

100’ Clarey, M Elizabeth and Dixson Robert J. 1963. Pronunciation Exercises in English. New York: Regents Publishing Company,

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/

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have their ability in producing correct pronunciation of English letters, syllables, words, phrases, sentences with correct stress and intonation.

“army”. Inc, p. 122 - 133


15 Students are able to describe English sound system and speech organs and they should have their ability in producing correct pronunciation of English letters, syllables, words, phrases, sentences with correct stress and intonation.

Students are able to produce the diphtongs in “dry”, “cow”, and “oil”.

Producing the diphtongs in “dry”, “cow”, and “oil”

The diphtongs in “dry”, “cow”, and “oil”

100’ Clarey, M Elizabeth and Dixson Robert J. 1963. Pronunciation Exercises in English. New York: Regents Publishing Company, Inc, p. 134 - 140

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment


References: 1. Compulsory : Clarey, M Elizabeth and Dixson Robert J. 1963. Pronunciation Exercises in English. New York: Regents

Publishing Company, Inc. Book 7200 ; American Language Course English Sound System

2. Supplementary : Hill, L.A. 1964. English sounds and spellings. London: Oxford University Press. Jones, Daniel. 1956. The Pronunciation of English 4th Ed. New York: The Cambridge University Press.

Newman, Edwin. 1984. NBC Handbook of Pronunciation 4th.Ed. US: Harper & Row Publishers, Inc.

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SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 202 Subject : Listening Comprehension 1 Credit : 2 sks Semester : II (two) Prerequisite : - Description : This subject is designed to facilitate the learners to get acquainted with listening tasks consisting of numbers, names, time, date, food, furniture, price, health, other needs and facilities of life. Competence : Students are able to focus their attention on listening material dealing with numbers, names, time, date, food, furniture, price, health, other needs, and facilities of

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students are able to focus their attention on listening material dealing with numbers, names, time, date, food, furniture, price, health, other needs, and facilities of life.

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about numbers: scoring, telephone numbers and addresses.

Pronouncing numbers, reading and discussing phone numbers and addresses

Kinds of numbers: scoring, telephone numbers, and addresses

100’ Richards, J. Richards, J.C. Listen Carefully. Oxford University Press. p. 1 - 4 .

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

2 Students are able to focus their attention on listening material dealing with numbers, names, time, date, food, furniture, price, health, other needs, and facilities of life.

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about names and home address.

Listening, writing, and discussing names and home address

Name and home address 100’ Richards, J. Richards, J.C. Listen Carefully. Oxford University Press. p. 5 - 9 . Listen Car .

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

3 Students are able to focus their attention on

Students are able to get and understand

Listening, writing, discussing, and telling time

Time and dates: dates of birth, calendars

100’ Richards, J. Richards, J.C. Listen Carefully. Oxford University Press. p. 10 - 13

1. Individual practice /

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listening material dealing with numbers, names, time, date, food, furniture, price, health, other needs, and facilities of life.

information from recorded material about time and dates and to tell time

and dates Listen Care .

assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

4 Students are able to focus their attention on listening material dealing with numbers, names, time, date, food, furniture, price, health, other needs, and facilities of life.

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about food, recipe, and restaurant menu

Listening, writing, discussing, grouping, and buying kinds of food

Food: kinds of food, recipes, and restaurant menu

100’ Richards, J. Richards, J.C. Listen Carefully. Oxford University Press. p. 14 - 16 . Listen Car. .

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

5 Students are able to focus their attention on listening material dealing with numbers, names, time, date, food, furniture, price, health, other needs, and facilities of life.

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about furniture, rooms, and building

Listening, writing, discussing, and grouping kinds of furniture, rooms, and buildings

Furniture, rooms, and buildings 100’ Richards, J. Richards, J.C. Listen Carefully. Oxford University Press. p. 17 - 21 . Listen Car. .

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

6 Students are able to focus their attention on listening material dealing with numbers, names, time, date, food, furniture, price, health, other needs, and facilities of life.

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about prices, currencies and to pronounce prices.

Listening, writing, discussing prices and currencies, and pronouncing prices

Prices and currencies 100’ Richards, J. Richards, J.C. Listen Carefully. Oxford University Press. p. 22 - 25 Listen Care .

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

7 Students are able to Students are able to Listening, writing, Health: parts of the body, pain, 100’ Richards, J. Richards J.C. Listen Carefully. 1. Individual

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focus their attention on listening material dealing with numbers, names, time, date, food, furniture, price, health, other needs, and facilities of life.

get and understand information from recorded material about health

discussing, and telling parts of the body, pain, and medicine

medicine Oxford University Press. p. 26 - 29 Richards, J. .

practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment


9 Students are able to focus their attention on listening material dealing with numbers, names, time, date, food, furniture, price, health, other needs, and facilities of life.

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about objects and to describe them

Listening, writing, discussing, and describing people, families, and photos

People, families, and photos 100’ Richards, J. Richards, J.C. Listen Carefully. Oxford University Press. p. 30 - 34 Listen Caref .

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

10 Students are able to focus their attention on listening material dealing with numbers, names, time, date, food, furniture, price, health, other needs, and facilities of life.

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about shops and shopping, to classify items in shopping list, to recognize quantities, items for sale, and location in a department store

Listening, writing, and classifying items on shopping list and recognizing quantities, items for sale, and locations in a department store

Shops and shopping 100’ Richards, J. Richards, J.C. Listen Carefully. Oxford University Press. p 35 - 37. Listen Care . Richards, J.

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

11 Students are able to focus their attention on listening material dealing with numbers, names, time, date, food, furniture, price,

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about going on holiday

Listening, writing, discussing, and telling about personal choice of holiday activities

Going on holiday 100’ Richards, J Richards, J.C. Listen Carefully. Oxford University Press. p 38 - 40 Listen Care .

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

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health, other needs, and facilities of life.

Richards, J..

12 Students are able to

focus their attention on listening material dealing with numbers, names, time, date, food, furniture, price, health, other needs, and facilities of life.

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about kinds of transport and to recognize destination and directions

Listening, writing, discussing, and telling the kinds of transport, recognizing destination and directions

Transport and street directions 100’ Richards, J. Richards, J.C. Listen Carefully. Oxford University Press. p. 41 - 44. Listen Care .

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

13 Students are able to focus their attention on listening material dealing with numbers, names, time, date, food, furniture, price, health, other needs, and facilities of life.

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about activities in jobs and personal preference for jobs

Listening, writing, discussing, and telling activities in jobs and personal preference for jobs

Jobs 100’ Richards, J. Richards, J.C. Listen Carefully. Oxford University Press. p. 45 - 49 Richards, J. .

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

14 Students are able to focus their attention on listening material dealing with numbers, names, time, date, food, furniture, price, health, other needs, and facilities of life.

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about personal leisure activities and to distinguish acceptance and refusal

Listening, writing, discussing personal leisure activities and distinguising acceptance and refusal

Leisure activities 100’ Richards, J. Richards, J. C. Listen Carefully. Oxford Oxford University Press. p 50 - 57 .

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

15 Students are able to Students are able to Listening, writing, Airport and immigration 100’ Richards, J..Richards, J.C. Listen Carefully. 1. Individual

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focus their attention on listening material dealing with numbers, names, time, date, food, furniture, price, health, other needs, and facilities of life.

get and understand information from recorded material about airport and immigrations

discussing airport activities and recognizing announcements

Oxford University Press.p. 58 - 61 .

practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment


References 1. Compulsory : Richards, J.C. Listen Carefully. Oxford University Press. . 2. Supplementary : Byme, D. and Walsh, G. 1973 Listening Comprehension Book 2. London : Longman.

Ellis, G. and Sinclair, B. 1989 Learning to Learn English. Cambridge : CUP.

Jordan, RR. 1984. Active Listening. London : Collins ELT

McDowell, J. and Stevens, S. 1982. Basic Listening. London : Edward. Strokes, J. 1984. Elementary Task Listening. Cambridge : CUP.Blundell.

Togg, F. 1981. Focus Listening. London : The Macmillan Press Ltd.

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SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 203 Subject : Listening Comprehension 2 Credit : 2 sks Semester : III (three) Prerequisite : MKK - 202 Description : This subject is to perform a variety of Listening tasks individually and in group in the language laboratory. The tasks consist of:

1. Numbers an numerical relationships 2. Letter, sounds, abbreviations, spelling, and alphabetizing 3. Directions and spatial relations.

Competence : Students are able to focus their attention on: listening, numbering, and writing facts in each of the concept areas, covering numbers, letters, direction, times, dates, measurements, proportions and amounts. Students are also able to practice with facts, involving places, actions, events, descriptions of geography, and mathematics.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students are able to focus their attention on: listening, numbering, and writing facts in each of the concept areas covering numbers, letters, direction, times, dates, measurements, proportions and amounts. Students are also able to practice with facts, involving places, actions, events,

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about numbers to hundred.

Listening and discussing numbers to hundreds

Kinds of numbers and hundreds

100’ Maorley, Jean. Improving Aural Comprehension. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. p. 3 - 14

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

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descriptions of geography, and mathematics.

2 Students are able to focus their attention on: listening, numbering, and writing facts in each of the concept areas covering numbers, letters, direction, times, dates, measurements, proportions and amounts. Students are also able to practice with facts, involving places, actions, events, descriptions of geography, and mathematics.

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about numbers from thousands up to billions and to solve problems of multiplication.

Listening and discussing numbers from thousands up to billions and solving problems of multiplication

Thousands to billions and multiplication

100’ Maorley, Jean. Improving Aural Comprehension. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. p. 15 – 19

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

3 Students are able to focus their attention on: listening, numbering, and writing facts in each of the concept areas covering numbers, letters, direction, times, dates, measurements, proportions and amounts. Students are also able to

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about Arithmatics and phone numbers.

Listening and discussing phone numbers and solving Arithmatics problems

Arithmatics and phone numbers 100’ Maorley, Jean. Improving Aural Comprehension. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. p. 21 - 23

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

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practice with facts, involving places, actions, events, descriptions of geography, and mathematics.

4 Students are able to focus their attention on: listening, numbering, and writing facts in each of the concept areas covering numbers, letters, direction, times, dates, measurements, proportions and amounts. Students are also able to practice with facts, involving places, actions, events, descriptions of geography, and mathematics.

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about Addresses and statistical data of population of large cities.

Listening and discussing addresses and statistical data of population of large cities

Addresses and statistical data of population of large cities

100’ Maorley, Jean. Improving Aural Comprehension. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. p. 25 – 28

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

5 Students are able to focus their attention on: listening, numbering, and writing facts in each of the concept areas covering numbers, letters, direction, times, dates, measurements,

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about Statistical data of popular magazines.

Listening and discussing statistical data of popular magazines

Statistical data of popular magazines

100’ Maorley, Jean. Improving Aural Comprehension. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. p. 29 – 32

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

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proportions and amounts. Students are also able to practice with facts, involving places, actions, events, descriptions of geography, and mathematics.

6 Students are able to focus their attention on: listening, numbering, and writing facts in each of the concept areas covering numbers, letters, direction, times, dates, measurements, proportions and amounts. Students are also able to practice with facts, involving places, actions, events, descriptions of geography, and mathematics.

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about decimal system and to compare number data number.

Listening and discussing decimal system and comparing number data

Decimal system and number data 100’ Maorley, Jean. Improving Aural Comprehension. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. p. 33 – 36

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

7 Students are able to focus their attention on: listening, numbering, and writing facts in each of the concept areas covering

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about number data and to compare

Listening and discussing number data of comparison

Comparing data and review 100’ Maorley, Jean. Improving Aural Comprehension. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. p. 37 - 48

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

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numbers, letters, direction, times, dates, measurements, proportions and amounts. Students are also able to practice with facts, involving places, actions, events, descriptions of geography, and mathematics.

them .


9 Students are able to focus their attention on: listening, numbering, and writing facts in each of the concept areas covering numbers, letters, direction, times, dates, measurements, proportions and amounts. Students are also able to practice with facts, involving places, actions, events, descriptions of geography, and mathematics.

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about alphabet system and abbreviations and to spell .

Listening, discussing alphabet system and abbreviations, and spelling

Alphabet system and abbreviations

100’ Maorley, Jean. Improving Aural Comprehension. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. p. 49 – 54

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

10 Students are able to focus their attention on:

Students are able to get and understand

Listening and discussing Initials, acronyms, and

Initials, acronyms, and homonyms 100’ Maorley, Jean. Improving Aural Comprehension. The University of

1. Individual practice /

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listening, numbering, and writing facts in each of the concept areas covering numbers, letters, direction, times, dates, measurements, proportions and amounts. Students are also able to practice with facts, involving places, actions, events, descriptions of geography, and mathematics.

information from recorded material about Initials, acronyms, and homonyms.

homonyms Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. p. 57 – 67

assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

11 Students are able to focus their attention on: listening, numbering, and writing facts in each of the concept areas covering numbers, letters, direction, times, dates, measurements, proportions and amounts. Students are also able to practice with facts, involving places, actions, events, descriptions of geography, and mathematics.

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about Roman numeral, English family names, and rhyming.

Listening and discussing Roman numeral, English family names, and rhyming

Roman numeral, English family names, and rhyming

100’ Maorley, Jean. Improving Aural Comprehension. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. p. 73 – 95

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

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12 Students are able to focus their attention on: listening, numbering, and writing facts in each of the concept areas covering numbers, letters, direction, times, dates, measurements, proportions and amounts. Students are also able to practice with facts, involving places, actions, events, descriptions of geography, and mathematics.

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about Direction, position, and three dimension relationship.

Listening and discussing direction, position, and three dimension relationship

Direction, position, and three dimension relationship

100’ Maorley, Jean. Improving Aural Comprehension. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor . p. 96 – 103

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

13 Students are able to focus their attention on: listening, numbering, and writing facts in each of the concept areas covering numbers, letters, direction, times, dates, measurements, proportions and amounts. Students are also able to practice with facts, involving places, actions, events,

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about spatial relationship, lines, angles, and shapes and to follow directions.

Listening, discussing spatial relationship, lines, angles, and shapes numbers, and following directions

Spatial relationship, lines, angles, and shapes

100’ Maorley, Jean. Improving Aural Comprehension. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. p. 105 - 111

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

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descriptions of geography, and mathematics

14 Students are able to focus their attention on: listening, numbering, and writing facts in each of the concept areas covering numbers, letters, direction, times, dates, measurements, proportions and amounts. Students are also able to practice with facts, involving places, actions, events, descriptions of geography, and mathematics.

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about punctuation and mathematical signs and symbols and to fill out charts.

Listening, discussing, and filling out charts with punctuation and mathematical signs and symbols

Punctuation and mathematical signs and symbols

100’ Maorley, Jean. Improving Aural Comprehension. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. p. 113 – 115

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

15 Students are able to focus their attention on: listening, numbering, and writing facts in each of the concept areas covering

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about geographical locations and to

Listening and discussing geographical locations and locating people

Geographical locations 100’ Maorley, Jean. Improving Aural Comprehension. The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor. p. 117 – 157

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

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numbers, letters, direction, times, dates, measurements, proportions and amounts. Students are also able to practice with facts, involving places, actions, events, descriptions of geography, and mathematics.

locate people.


References: 1. Compulsory : Maorley, Jean, Improving Aural Comprehension, The University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor 2. Supplementary : Byme, D. and Walsh, G. 1973 Listening Comprehension Book 2. London : Longman.

Ellis, G. and Sinclair, B. 1989 Learning to Learn English. Cambridge : CUP.

Jordan, RR. 1984. Active Listening. London : Collins ELT

McDowell, J. and Stevens, S. 1982. Basic Listening. London : Edward.

Richards, J.C. Listen Carefully. Oxford University Press. Strokes, J. 1984. Elementary Task Listening. Cambridge : CUP.Blundell.

Togg, F. 1981. Focus Listening. London : The Macmillan Press Ltd.

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SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 204 Subject : Listening Comprehension 3 Credit : 2 sks Semester : IV (four) Prerequisite : MKK - 203 Description : This subject is to facilitate the learners to get used to comprehending how to grasp detail information of topics, reading passages and the meaning of statements or phrases of special expressions. Competence : Students will acquire the ability to comprehend authentic English, spoken at normal speech in (intermediate level) both informal and formal situation.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students will acquire the ability to comprehend authentic English, spoken at normal speech in (intermediate level) both informal and forma situation

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about language

Listening, note taking and discussing language


100’ Weisberg, R. C. 1974 The Micro lectures, IKIP Malang: Balai Bahasa Malang. p. 1 - 4

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

2 Students will acquire the ability to comprehend authentic English, spoken at normal speech in (intermediate level) both informal and forma situation

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about language learning

Listening, note taking and discussing language learning

Language Learning 100’ Weisberg, R. C. 1974 The Micro lectures, IKIP Malang: Balai Bahasa Malang. p. 4 - 7

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

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3 Students will acquire the ability to comprehend authentic English, spoken at normal speech in (intermediate level) both informal and forma situation

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about the influence of Geography in world history.

Listening, note taking and discussing the influence of Geography in world history.

Geography 100’ Weisberg, R. C. 1974 The Micro lectures, IKIP Malang: Balai Bahasa Malang. p. 7-10

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

4 Students will acquire the ability to comprehend authentic English, spoken at normal speech in (intermediate level) both informal and forma situation

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about food production

Listening, note taking, and discussing food production

Food Production 100’ Weisberg, R. C. 1974 The Micro lectures, IKIP Malang: Balai Bahasa Malang. p. 11 – 14

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

5 Students will acquire the ability to comprehend authentic English, spoken at normal speech in (intermediate level) both informal and forma situation

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about the history of building construction.

Listening, note taking and discussing the history of building construction

The history of building construction

100’ Weisberg, R. C. 1974 The Micro lectures, IKIP Malang: Balai Bahasa Malang. p. 14 – 18

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

6 Students will acquire the ability to comprehend authentic English, spoken at normal speech in (intermediate level) both informal and

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about nature materials for making clothing

Listening, note taking, and discussing nature materials for making clothing

Nature materials for making a clothing

100’ Weisberg, R. C. 1974 The Micro lectures, IKIP Malang: Balai Bahasa Malang. p. 18 -22

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

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forma situation

7 Students will acquire the ability to comprehend authentic English, spoken at normal speech in (intermediate level) both informal and forma situation

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about the four earliest civilisation of the world.

Listening, note taking, and discussing the four earliest civilisation of the world.

The four earliest civilisation of the world

100’ Weisberg, R. C. 1974 The Micro lectures, IKIP Malang: Balai Bahasa Malang. p. 23 – 27

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment


9 Students will acquire the ability to comprehend authentic English, spoken at normal speech in (intermediate level) both informal and forma situation

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about TOEFL test 1 A & B.

Listening, note taking discussing, and answering the questions of TOEFL test 1 A & B

TOEFL Test 1 A & B 100’ Sharpe, Pamela J. 1993. Barron’s How to Prepare for the TOEFL, Test of English as a Foreign Language. 8th Ed. Woodbury: Barrons Educational Series, Inc. p. 151 - 154

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

10 Students will acquire the ability to comprehend authentic English, spoken at normal speech in (intermediate level) both informal and forma situation

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about TOEFL Test 1 C & TOEFL Test 2 A.

Listening, note taking discussing, and answering the questions of TOEFL Test 1 C & TOEFL Test 2 A

TOEFL Test 1 C & TOEFL Test 2 A

100’ Sharpe, Pamela J. 1993. Barron’s How to Prepare for the TOEFL, Test of English as a Foreign Language. 8th Ed. Woodbury: Barrons Educational Series, Inc. p. 154 – 155 & p. 171 - 172

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

11 Students will acquire the ability to comprehend authentic English, spoken at normal speech in

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about TOEFL Test 2

Listening, note taking discussing, and answering the questions of TOEFL Test 2 B & C

TOEFL Test 2 B & C 100’ Sharpe, Pamela J. 1993. Barron’s How to Prepare for the TOEFL, Test of English as a Foreign Language. 8th Ed. Woodbury: Barrons Educational Series, Inc.

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

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(intermediate level) both informal and forma situation

B & C. p. 173 - 175

12 Students will acquire the ability to comprehend authentic English, spoken at normal speech in (intermediate level) both informal and forma situation

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about TOEFL Test 3 A & B.

Listening, note taking discussing, and answering the questions of TOEFL Test 3 A & B

TOEFL Test 3 A & B 100’ Sharpe, Pamela J. 1993. Barron’s How to Prepare for the TOEFL, Test of English as a Foreign Language. 8th Ed. Woodbury: Barrons Educational Series, Inc. p. 191 -194

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

13 Students will acquire the ability to comprehend authentic English, spoken at normal speech in (intermediate level) both informal and forma situation

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about TOEFL Test 3 C & 4 A

Listening, note taking discussing, and answering the questions of TOEFL Test 3 C & 4 A

TOEFL Test 3 C & 4 A 100’ Sharpe, Pamela J. 1993. Barron’s How to Prepare for the TOEFL, Test of English as a Foreign Language. 8th Ed. Woodbury: Barrons Educational Series, Inc. p. 194 – 195 & p. 211 - 212

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

14 Students will acquire the ability to comprehend authentic English, spoken at normal speech in (intermediate level) both informal and forma situation

Students are able to get and understand information from recorded material about TOEFL Test 4 B & C & 5 A

Listening, note taking discussing, and answering the questions of TOEFL Test 4 B & C & 5 A

TOEFL Test 4 B & C & 5 A 100’ Sharpe, Pamela J. 1993. Barron’s How to Prepare for the TOEFL, Test of English as a Foreign Language. 8th Ed. Woodbury: Barrons Educational Series, Inc. p. 213 – 215 & p. 231 - 233

1. Individual practice / assignment 2. Group practice/ assignment

15 Students will acquire the ability to comprehend authentic

Students are able to get and understand information from

Listening, note taking discussing, and answering the questions of TOEFL

TOEFL Test 5 B & C 100’ Sharpe, Pamela J. 1993. Barron’s How to Prepare for the TOEFL, Test of English as a Foreign

1. Individual practice / assignment

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English, spoken at normal speech in (intermediate level) both informal and forma situation

recorded material about TOEFL Test 5 B & C.

Test 5 B & C. Language. 8th Ed. Woodbury: Barrons Educational Series, Inc. p. 233 - 235

2. Group practice/ assignment


References 1. Compulsory : Weisberg, R. C. 1974 The Micro lectures, IKIP Malang: Balai Bahasa Malang

Sharpe, Pamela J. Barron’s How to Prepare for the TOEFL test of English

as a Foreign Language. 8th-Ed. Woodburry : Baron’s Educational Series, Inc, 1993.

2. Supplementary : Byrne, D. and Walsh, G 1973 Listening Comprehension Book 3 London : Longman.

Dunkel, P. and Lim, P.L. 1986 Intermedia Listening Comprehension Cambridge : Newbury House Publishers.

: Maorley, Jean, Improving Aural Comprehension, The University of

Michigan Press, Ann Arbor Pyle, Michael A, Cliffs TOEFL Preparation Guige. Scarbrough, D. 1984. Reasons For Listening. Cambridge : CUP.

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Speaking 1


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK 205 Subject : Speaking 1 Credit : 2 sks Semester : I (one) Prerequisite : - Description : This subject is designed to teach the students the speaking skill needed to express and understand a basic core of topics and communicative functions in English. Competence : Students are able to speak English at the elementary level

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to speak English at the elementary level

Students are able to understand the nature of speaking

Class discussion seeing students’ perpective

The nature of speaking 100’ Binham, P. 1968. How to Say It. London: Logman Collie, J. and Slater, S. 1993. Speaking 1. Cambridge: CUP Huggins, V. 1983. What to Say. Jakarta : Gramedia Klippel, F. 1987. Keep Talking. Cambridge :CUP Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1984 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Tillitt, B. and Bruder, M.N 1993. Speaking Naturally. Cambridge: CUP

1. Student’s presentation

2. Peer work / group work

3. Mid-term test 4. Final test

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Speaking 1


2 Students are able to speak English at the elementary level

Students are able greet and part correctly

Peer and group conversation

Greetings and partings: cross culture difference

100’ Binham, P. 1968. How to Say It. London: Logman Collie, J. and Slater, S. 1993. Speaking 1. Cambridge: CUP Huggins, V. 1983. What to Say. Jakarta : Gramedia Klippel, F. 1987. Keep Talking. Cambridge :CUP Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1984 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Tillitt, B. and Bruder, M.N 1993. Speaking Naturally. Cambridge: CUP

3 Students are able to speak English at the elementary level

Students are able to introduce him/her self in an appropriate way

Personal presentation 1. Greeting and small talk 2. Self introduction

100’ Binham, P. 1968. How to Say It. London: Logman Collie, J. and Slater, S. 1993. Speaking 1. Cambridge: CUP Huggins, V. 1983. What to Say. Jakarta : Gramedia Klippel, F. 1987. Keep Talking. Cambridge :CUP Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N.

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Speaking 1


1984 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Tillitt, B. and Bruder, M.N 1993. Speaking Naturally. Cambridge: CUP

4 Students are able to speak English at the elementary level

Able Students are able to introduce others and identify people appropriately

Personal and peer presentation

Introducing others and identifying people

100’ Binham, P. 1968. How to Say It. London: Logman Collie, J. and Slater, S. 1993. Speaking 1. Cambridge: CUP Huggins, V. 1983. What to Say. Jakarta : Gramedia Klippel, F. 1987. Keep Talking. Cambridge :CUP Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1984 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Tillitt, B. and Bruder, M.N 1993. Speaking Naturally. Cambridge: CUP

5 Students are able to speak English at the elementary level

Students are able to declare and decline a request clearly

Peer presentation 1. Granting and decalaining a request using could, may, can

2. Granting and declining a request using do you mind if ..., could you do me .....,

100’ Binham, P. 1968. How to Say It. London: Logman Collie, J. and Slater, S. 1993. Speaking 1. Cambridge: CUP

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Speaking 1


would you mind ... Huggins, V. 1983. What to Say. Jakarta : Gramedia Klippel, F. 1987. Keep Talking. Cambridge :CUP Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1984 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Tillitt, B. and Bruder, M.N 1993. Speaking Naturally. Cambridge: CUP

6 Students are able to speak English at the elementary level

Students are able to: ask about prices, bargain, ask the way of buying something, and order goods appropriately

Peer and group presentation

1. Asking about prices 2. Bargaining 3. The way of buying things 4. Reading text about

supermarket 5. Ordering goods

100’ Binham, P. 1968. How to Say It. London: Logman Collie, J. and Slater, S. 1993. Speaking 1. Cambridge: CUP Huggins, V. 1983. What to Say. Jakarta : Gramedia Klippel, F. 1987. Keep Talking. Cambridge :CUP Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1984 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Tillitt, B. and Bruder, M.N 1993. Speaking Naturally. Cambridge: CUP

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Speaking 1


7 Students are able to speak English at the elementary level

Students are able to: ask about prices, bargain, ask the way of buying something, and order goods appropriately

Peer and group presentation

1. Asking about prices 2. Bargaining 3. The way of buying things 4. Reading text about

supermarket 5. Ordering goods

100’ Binham, P. 1968. How to Say It. London: Logman Collie, J. and Slater, S. 1993. Speaking 1. Cambridge: CUP Huggins, V. 1983. What to Say. Jakarta : Gramedia Klippel, F. 1987. Keep Talking. Cambridge :CUP Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1984 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Tillitt, B. and Bruder, M.N 1993. Speaking Naturally. Cambridge: CUP

8 Students are able to speak English at the elementary level

Students are able to describe places, location, weather, population, transportation, buildings, tourism object clearly

Personal presentation Describing places, location, weather, population, transportation, buildings, tourism objects

100’ Binham, P. 1968. How to Say It. London: Logman Collie, J. and Slater, S. 1993. Speaking 1. Cambridge: CUP Huggins, V. 1983. What to Say. Jakarta : Gramedia Klippel, F. 1987. Keep Talking. Cambridge :CUP Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N.

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Speaking 1


1984 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Tillitt, B. and Bruder, M.N 1993. Speaking Naturally. Cambridge: CUP

9 Students are able to speak English at the elementary level

Students are able to comprehend reading text well

Class discussion 1. Reading about description 2. Understanding a passage from

a travel brochure

100’ Binham, P. 1968. How to Say It. London: Logman Collie, J. and Slater, S. 1993. Speaking 1. Cambridge: CUP Huggins, V. 1983. What to Say. Jakarta : Gramedia Klippel, F. 1987. Keep Talking. Cambridge :CUP Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1984 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Tillitt, B. and Bruder, M.N 1993. Speaking Naturally. Cambridge: CUP

10 Students are able to speak English at the elementary level

Students are able to write a description, tell the time appropriately

Personal work and peer presentation

1. Writing a description of a place 2. Telling the time using terms to,

before, past, after, a.m, p.m, sharp and half

100’ Binham, P. 1968. How to Say It. London: Logman Collie, J. and Slater, S. 1993. Speaking 1. Cambridge: CUP

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Speaking 1


Huggins, V. 1983. What to Say. Jakarta : Gramedia Klippel, F. 1987. Keep Talking. Cambridge :CUP Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1984 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Tillitt, B. and Bruder, M.N 1993. Speaking Naturally. Cambridge: CUP

11 Students are able to speak English at the elementary level

Students are able to tell time, days, months, and dates correctly

Class discussion, peer presentation

Telling time, days, months, and dates

100’ Binham, P. 1968. How to Say It. London: Logman Collie, J. and Slater, S. 1993. Speaking 1. Cambridge: CUP Huggins, V. 1983. What to Say. Jakarta : Gramedia Klippel, F. 1987. Keep Talking. Cambridge :CUP Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1984 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Tillitt, B. and Bruder, M.N 1993. Speaking Naturally. Cambridge: CUP

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Speaking 1


12 Students are able to speak English at the elementary level

Students are able to read, comprehend timetable and frequency well

Personal work and class discussion

Timetable and frequency 100’ Binham, P. 1968. How to Say It. London: Logman Collie, J. and Slater, S. 1993. Speaking 1. Cambridge: CUP Huggins, V. 1983. What to Say. Jakarta : Gramedia Klippel, F. 1987. Keep Talking. Cambridge :CUP Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1984 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Tillitt, B. and Bruder, M.N 1993. Speaking Naturally. Cambridge: CUP

13 Students are able to speak English at the elementary level

Students are able to describe spare time, weekend activities, and one’s job clearly

Personal and peer presentation

1. Talking about spare time activities

2. Describing weekend activities

3. Talking about one’s job

100’ Binham, P. 1968. How to Say It. London: Logman Collie, J. and Slater, S. 1993. Speaking 1. Cambridge: CUP Huggins, V. 1983. What to Say. Jakarta : Gramedia Klippel, F. 1987. Keep Talking. Cambridge :CUP Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N.

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Speaking 1


1984 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Tillitt, B. and Bruder, M.N 1993. Speaking Naturally. Cambridge: CUP

14 Students are able to speak English at the elementary level

Students are able to explain day in life appropriately

Personal presentation A day in my life and TV or no TV 100’ Binham, P. 1968. How to Say It. London: Logman Collie, J. and Slater, S. 1993. Speaking 1. Cambridge: CUP Huggins, V. 1983. What to Say. Jakarta : Gramedia Klippel, F. 1987. Keep Talking. Cambridge :CUP Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1984 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Tillitt, B. and Bruder, M.N 1993. Speaking Naturally. Cambridge: CUP

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Speaking 2


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK 206 Subject : Speaking 2 Credit : 2 sks Semester : II (two) Prerequisite : Speaking 1 Description : This subject is designed to provide the learners for attaining the speaking skill of English to express and understand topics and communicative functions in English. Competence : Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and showing directions, aproving-disaproving, asking

and giving opinions, reasoning, agreeing, disagreeing, group discussion and comparing things.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and showing directions, aproving-disaproving, asking and giving opinions, reasoning, agreeing, disagreeing, group discussion and comparing things

Students are able to ask, show direction of certain location accurately

Peer dialog Could you tell me the way? 100’ Ellis, G.and Sinclair, B. 1989. Learning to Learn English. Cambridge: CUP Hadfield, J. 1987. Communication Games. Walton-on Thames: Thomas Nelson & Sons Methold, T.H. and Sandberg, K.C. 1969. Conversational English. New York: John Wiley & Sons Poedjosoedarmo, G. 1985. Dialogues for Oral Skill. Jakarta: Gramedia Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford

1. Student’s presentation

2. Peer work / group work

3. Mid-term test 4. Final test

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Speaking 2


Univerirty Press. Ur, P. & Wright, A. 1992. Five-Minute Activities. Cambridge: CUP

2 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and showing directions, aproving-disaproving, asking and giving opinions, reasoning, agreeing, disagreeing, group discussion and comparing things

Students are able to comprehend the text and explain it to their peer well

Peer and group conversation

Looking for a place through advertisements and tourist guide

100’ Ellis, G.and Sinclair, B. 1989. Learning to Learn English. Cambridge: CUP Hadfield, J. 1987. Communication Games. Walton-on Thames: Thomas Nelson & Sons Methold, T.H. and Sandberg, K.C. 1969. Conversational English. New York: John Wiley & Sons Poedjosoedarmo, G. 1985. Dialogues for Oral Skill. Jakarta: Gramedia Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Ur, P. & Wright, A. 1992. Five-Minute Activities. Cambridge: CUP

3 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and showing directions, aproving-disaproving, asking

Students are able to apologize, express regret, shock, decline invitations appropriately

Personal, peer, group discussion

I’m sorry 100’ Ellis, G.and Sinclair, B. 1989. Learning to Learn English. Cambridge: CUP Hadfield, J. 1987. Communication Games. Walton-on Thames:

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Speaking 2


and giving opinions, reasoning, agreeing, disagreeing, group discussion and comparing things

Thomas Nelson & Sons Methold, T.H. and Sandberg, K.C. 1969. Conversational English. New York: John Wiley & Sons Poedjosoedarmo, G. 1985. Dialogues for Oral Skill. Jakarta: Gramedia Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Ur, P. & Wright, A. 1992. Five-Minute Activities. Cambridge: CUP

4 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and showing directions, aproving-disaproving, asking and giving opinions, reasoning, agreeing, disagreeing, group discussion and comparing things

Students are able to ask about transportation, interesting places, buy tickets, call a cab, identify signs from tourist brochure well

Peer dialog How do we get there? 100’ Ellis, G.and Sinclair, B. 1989. Learning to Learn English. Cambridge: CUP Hadfield, J. 1987. Communication Games. Walton-on Thames: Thomas Nelson & Sons Methold, T.H. and Sandberg, K.C. 1969. Conversational English. New York: John Wiley & Sons Poedjosoedarmo, G. 1985. Dialogues for Oral Skill. Jakarta: Gramedia Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N.

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Speaking 2


1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Ur, P. & Wright, A. 1992. Five-Minute Activities. Cambridge: CUP

5 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and showing directions, aproving-disaproving, asking and giving opinions, reasoning, agreeing, disagreeing, group discussion and comparing things

Students are able to ask about transportation, interesting places, buy tickets, call a cab, identify signs from tourist brochure well

Peer dialog How do we get there? 100’ Ellis, G.and Sinclair, B. 1989. Learning to Learn English. Cambridge: CUP Hadfield, J. 1987. Communication Games. Walton-on Thames: Thomas Nelson & Sons Methold, T.H. and Sandberg, K.C. 1969. Conversational English. New York: John Wiley & Sons Poedjosoedarmo, G. 1985. Dialogues for Oral Skill. Jakarta: Gramedia Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Ur, P. & Wright, A. 1992. Five-Minute Activities. Cambridge: CUP

6 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and showing

Students are able to identify menu, order food in restaurants, accept an offer, offer

Peer and group presentation

What would you like to eat? 100’ Ellis, G.and Sinclair, B. 1989. Learning to Learn English. Cambridge: CUP

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Speaking 2


directions, aproving-disaproving, asking and giving opinions, reasoning, agreeing, disagreeing, group discussion and comparing things

food, and ask for more appropriately

Hadfield, J. 1987. Communication Games. Walton-on Thames: Thomas Nelson & Sons Methold, T.H. and Sandberg, K.C. 1969. Conversational English. New York: John Wiley & Sons Poedjosoedarmo, G. 1985. Dialogues for Oral Skill. Jakarta: Gramedia Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Ur, P. & Wright, A. 1992. Five-Minute Activities. Cambridge: CUP

7 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and showing directions, aproving-disaproving, asking and giving opinions, reasoning, agreeing, disagreeing, group discussion and comparing things

Students are able to identify menu, order food in restaurants, accept an offer, offer food, and ask for more appropriately

Peer presentation Reading on certain texts on restaurants’ menu

100’ Ellis, G.and Sinclair, B. 1989. Learning to Learn English. Cambridge: CUP Hadfield, J. 1987. Communication Games. Walton-on Thames: Thomas Nelson & Sons Methold, T.H. and Sandberg, K.C. 1969. Conversational English. New York: John Wiley & Sons Poedjosoedarmo, G. 1985. Dialogues for Oral Skill. Jakarta: Gramedia

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Speaking 2


Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Ur, P. & Wright, A. 1992. Five-Minute Activities. Cambridge: CUP

8 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and showing directions, aproving-disaproving, asking and giving opinions, reasoning, agreeing, disagreeing, group discussion and comparing things

Students are able to express like and dislike with reasons well

Peer dialog How do you like it? 100’ Ellis, G.and Sinclair, B. 1989. Learning to Learn English. Cambridge: CUP Hadfield, J. 1987. Communication Games. Walton-on Thames: Thomas Nelson & Sons Methold, T.H. and Sandberg, K.C. 1969. Conversational English. New York: John Wiley & Sons Poedjosoedarmo, G. 1985. Dialogues for Oral Skill. Jakarta: Gramedia Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Ur, P. & Wright, A. 1992. Five-Minute Activities. Cambridge: CUP

9 Students are able to speak English at the

Students are able to express like and

Class discussion Reading certain texts on travelling, food, hotel etc.

100’ Ellis, G.and Sinclair, B. 1989. Learning to Learn English.

Page 90: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Speaking 2


intermediate level: asking and showing directions, aproving-disaproving, asking and giving opinions, reasoning, agreeing, disagreeing, group discussion and comparing things

dislike with reasons well

Cambridge: CUP Hadfield, J. 1987. Communication Games. Walton-on Thames: Thomas Nelson & Sons Methold, T.H. and Sandberg, K.C. 1969. Conversational English. New York: John Wiley & Sons Poedjosoedarmo, G. 1985. Dialogues for Oral Skill. Jakarta: Gramedia Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Ur, P. & Wright, A. 1992. Five-Minute Activities. Cambridge: CUP

10 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and showing directions, aproving-disaproving, asking and giving opinions, reasoning, agreeing, disagreeing, group discussion and comparing things

Students are able to describe, compare things well

Personal work and peer presentation

Which one do you like better? 100’ Ellis, G.and Sinclair, B. 1989. Learning to Learn English. Cambridge: CUP Hadfield, J. 1987. Communication Games. Walton-on Thames: Thomas Nelson & Sons Methold, T.H. and Sandberg, K.C. 1969. Conversational English. New York: John Wiley & Sons Poedjosoedarmo, G. 1985.

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Speaking 2


Dialogues for Oral Skill. Jakarta: Gramedia Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Ur, P. & Wright, A. 1992. Five-Minute Activities. Cambridge: CUP

11 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and showing directions, aproving-disaproving, asking and giving opinions, reasoning, agreeing, disagreeing, group discussion and comparing things

Students are able to describe, differ, and compare comparison text accurately

Personal performance Reading comparison texts on the same field

100’ Ellis, G.and Sinclair, B. 1989. Learning to Learn English. Cambridge: CUP Hadfield, J. 1987. Communication Games. Walton-on Thames: Thomas Nelson & Sons Methold, T.H. and Sandberg, K.C. 1969. Conversational English. New York: John Wiley & Sons Poedjosoedarmo, G. 1985. Dialogues for Oral Skill. Jakarta: Gramedia Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Ur, P. & Wright, A. 1992. Five-Minute Activities. Cambridge: CUP

Page 92: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Speaking 2


12 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and showing directions, aproving-disaproving, asking and giving opinions, reasoning, agreeing, disagreeing, group discussion and comparing things

Students are able to conduct mini surveys and explain their result appropriately

Personal work Conducting mini surveys 100’ Ellis, G.and Sinclair, B. 1989. Learning to Learn English. Cambridge: CUP Hadfield, J. 1987. Communication Games. Walton-on Thames: Thomas Nelson & Sons Methold, T.H. and Sandberg, K.C. 1969. Conversational English. New York: John Wiley & Sons Poedjosoedarmo, G. 1985. Dialogues for Oral Skill. Jakarta: Gramedia Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Ur, P. & Wright, A. 1992. Five-Minute Activities. Cambridge: CUP

13 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and showing directions, aproving-disaproving, asking and giving opinions, reasoning, agreeing, disagreeing, group discussion and comparing things

Students are able to grasp the idea, reasons, and result of surveys’ text accurately

Group discussion Reading text on surveys 100’ Ellis, G.and Sinclair, B. 1989. Learning to Learn English. Cambridge: CUP Hadfield, J. 1987. Communication Games. Walton-on Thames: Thomas Nelson & Sons Methold, T.H. and Sandberg, K.C. 1969. Conversational English. New York: John Wiley & Sons

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Speaking 2


Poedjosoedarmo, G. 1985. Dialogues for Oral Skill. Jakarta: Gramedia Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Ur, P. & Wright, A. 1992. Five-Minute Activities. Cambridge: CUP

14 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and showing directions, aproving-disaproving, asking and giving opinions, reasoning, agreeing, disagreeing, group discussion and comparing things

Students are able to grasp the ideas, reasons, and results then compare them accurately

Personal presentation Comparing surveys’result from the same field

100’ Ellis, G.and Sinclair, B. 1989. Learning to Learn English. Cambridge: CUP Hadfield, J. 1987. Communication Games. Walton-on Thames: Thomas Nelson & Sons Methold, T.H. and Sandberg, K.C. 1969. Conversational English. New York: John Wiley & Sons Poedjosoedarmo, G. 1985. Dialogues for Oral Skill. Jakarta: Gramedia Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford Univerirty Press. Ur, P. & Wright, A. 1992. Five-

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Speaking 2


Minute Activities. Cambridge: CUP

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Speaking 3


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK 207 Subject : Speaking 3 Credit : 2 sks Semester : III (three) Prerequisite : - Description : This subject is primarily functions topics and grammatical notions. Each unit deals with a group of related functional and communicative needs. Variety of different activities and exercise types are emploted to permit free practice of each item. Competence : Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and giving advice, warning, suggesting, requesting, encouraging, persuading, complaining, group discussion, and debate.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and giving advice, warning, suggesting, requesting, encouraging, persuading, complaining, group discussion, and debate

Students are able to respond and handle on asking and giving personal background information appropriately

Class discussion 1. Asking formally for personal information.

2. Giving personal and background information

100’ Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP

Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N.

1. Student’s presentation

2. Peer work / group work

3. Mid-term test 4. Final test

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Speaking 3


1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford University Press.

2 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and giving advice, warning, suggesting, requesting, encouraging, persuading, complaining, group discussion, and debate

Students are able to ask opinions, elicit and exchange factual information appropriately

Peer and group conversation

1. Asking for opinion 2. Eliciting and exchanging

factual information 3. Reading and exercising on it

100’ Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP

Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford University Press.

3 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and giving advice, warning, suggesting, requesting, encouraging, persuading, complaining, group discussion, and debate

Students are able to express their intension well

Peer conversation Individual performance

1. Intension: future courses, job, holidays

2. Discussing plans

100’ Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions).

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Speaking 3


Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP

Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford University Press.

4 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and giving advice, warning, suggesting, requesting, encouraging, persuading, complaining, group discussion, and debate

Able Students are able express their improvement plans well

Personal and peer presentation

1. The improvement plans 2. Reading and exercise on it

100’ Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP

Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford University Press.

5 Students are able to Students are able to Peer and group 1. Expressing agreement and 100’ Hadfield, J. 1984.

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Speaking 3


speak English at the intermediate level: asking and giving advice, warning, suggesting, requesting, encouraging, persuading, complaining, group discussion, and debate

express agreement and disagreement correctly

conversation disagreement 2. Disagreeing politely with an

opinion 3. Disagreeing strongly 4. Partly agree

Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP

Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford University Press.

6 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and giving advice, warning, suggesting, requesting, encouraging, persuading, complaining, group discussion, and debate

Students are able to debate appropriately

Group discussion Class debate

1. Reading on a certain text 2. Debating: expressing

agreement or dsagreement based on the text given

100’ Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP

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Speaking 3


Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford University Press.

7 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and giving advice, warning, suggesting, requesting, encouraging, persuading, complaining, group discussion, and debate

Students are able to: ask and give advice, make suggestions, agree and disagree Politely and appropriately

Peer and group conversation

1. Asking and giving advice 2. Accepting advice 3. Giving negative advice 4. Making suggestions 5. Agreeing and disagreeing

with suggesions

100’ Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP

Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford University Press.

8 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and giving advice, warning,

Students are able to grasp the information from articles well

Individual presentation 1. Reading some articles on advice column

2. Performing what have been read

100’ Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons

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Speaking 3


suggesting, requesting, encouraging, persuading, complaining, group discussion, and debate

Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP

Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford University Press.

9 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and giving advice, warning, suggesting, requesting, encouraging, persuading, complaining, group discussion, and debate

Students are able to express how to describe and get things done appropriately

Class discussion 1. Decribing things that need doing

2. Talking about getting things done

3. Talking about attending to ailment

100’ Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP

Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley

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Speaking 3


Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford University Press.

10 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and giving advice, warning, suggesting, requesting, encouraging, persuading, complaining, group discussion, and debate

Students are able to grasp the information from advertisements and conduct a mini survey well

Personal work 1. Reading advertisements on newspaper

2. Doing a survey to buy products from advertisements

100’ Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP

Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford University Press.

11 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and giving advice, warning, suggesting, requesting, encouraging, persuading, complaining, group

Students are able to conduct informal discussion well

Class discussion, peer presentation

1. Informal discussion about accomodation

2. Informal discussion about fitness and ailment

3. Informal discussion about food

100’ Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill

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Speaking 3


discussion, and debate (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP

Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford University Press.

12 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and giving advice, warning, suggesting, requesting, encouraging, persuading, complaining, group discussion, and debate

Students are able to read aloud appropriately

Individual performance 1. Reading letters 2. Reading aloud on the letters

100’ Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP

Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford University Press.

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Speaking 3


13 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and giving advice, warning, suggesting, requesting, encouraging, persuading, complaining, group discussion, and debate

Students are able to debate the given motion in appropriate way

Class debate 1. Parents responsibilities 2. Misunderstanding between

the older and young generation

100’ Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP

Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford University Press.

14 Students are able to speak English at the intermediate level: asking and giving advice, warning, suggesting, requesting, encouraging, persuading, complaining, group discussion, and debate

Students are able to debate the given motion in appropriate way

Class debate 1. Women’s role in modern society

2. Women’s role in popular sports

100’ Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP

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Speaking 3


Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley Richard, J. C. and Long, M.N. 1985 A course in English Communication Practice. Oxford University Press.

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Speaking 4


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK 208 Subject : Speaking 4 Credit : 2 sks Semester : IV (four) Prerequisite : - Description : This subject emphasizes on a variety of functions: describing activities, giving opinion, agreeing/disagreeing, giving reason for agreement/disagreement, for clarification, responding criticism and different points of view. Competence : Students are able to express themselves confidently in both informal and formal discussion using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structure with emphasizing on fluency and acceptable pronounciation, stress and intonation.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to express themselves confidently in both informal and formal discussion using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structure with emphasizing on fluency and acceptable pronounciation, stress and intonation.

Students are able to descibe compotion and location , organization of STIBA, its teaching and learning activity fluenly

Personal opinion Class discussion

Being a student of STIBA 100’ Dobson, Julia, M, 1974. Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups. Rowley, Massachusetts 01969 Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP

1. Student’s presentation

2. Peer work / group work

3. Mid-term test 4. Final test

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Speaking 4


Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley

2 Students are able to express themselves confidently in both informal and formal discussion using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structure with emphasizing on fluency and acceptable pronounciation, stress and intonation.

Students are able to describe their hometown from general to detail informations appropriately

Personal performance My hometown 100’ Dobson, Julia, M, 1974. Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups. Rowley, Massachusetts 01969 Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley

3 Students are able to express themselves confidently in both informal and formal discussion using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structure with emphasizing on fluency and acceptable

Students are able to state their opinions with proofs accurately

Peer conversation

How I think the children should be raised

100’ Dobson, Julia, M, 1974. Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups. Rowley, Massachusetts 01969 Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons

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Speaking 4


pronounciation, stress and intonation.

Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley

4 Students are able to express themselves confidently in both informal and formal discussion using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structure with emphasizing on fluency and acceptable pronounciation, stress and intonation.

Students are able to debate well

Class debate Television and its impacts 100’ Dobson, Julia, M, 1974. Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups. Rowley, Massachusetts 01969 Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley

5 Students are able to Students are able to Class debate Living in the country 100’ Dobson, Julia, M, 1974. Effective

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Speaking 4


express themselves confidently in both informal and formal discussion using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structure with emphasizing on fluency and acceptable pronounciation, stress and intonation.

debate well Techniques for English Conversation Groups. Rowley, Massachusetts 01969 Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley

6 Students are able to express themselves confidently in both informal and formal discussion using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structure with emphasizing on fluency and acceptable pronounciation, stress and intonation.

Students are able to debate well

Group discussion Class debate

Youngsters’ hang out 100’ Dobson, Julia, M, 1974. Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups. Rowley, Massachusetts 01969 Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill

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Speaking 4


(International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley

7 Students are able to express themselves confidently in both informal and formal discussion using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structure with emphasizing on fluency and acceptable pronounciation, stress and intonation.

Students are able to explain the process of browsing and dowloading the internet appropriately

Peer and group conversation

Browsing and dowloading internet 100’ Dobson, Julia, M, 1974. Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups. Rowley, Massachusetts 01969 Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley

8 Students are able to express themselves confidently in both informal and formal discussion using

Students are able to explain the description, function, and everything dealing with library

Personal performance Libraries 100’ Dobson, Julia, M, 1974. Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups. Rowley, Massachusetts 01969

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Speaking 4


appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structure with emphasizing on fluency and acceptable pronounciation, stress and intonation.

accurately Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley

9 Students are able to express themselves confidently in both informal and formal discussion using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structure with emphasizing on fluency and acceptable pronounciation, stress and intonation.

Students are able to classify, choose , and fnd out the opportunities of good occupations appropriately

Peer, personal, group discussion

Job opportunities 100’ Dobson, Julia, M, 1974. Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups. Rowley, Massachusetts 01969 Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP

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Speaking 4


Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley

10 Students are able to express themselves confidently in both informal and formal discussion using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structure with emphasizing on fluency and acceptable pronounciation, stress and intonation.

Students are able to grasp the idea, background, analysis, and result of a research accurately

Class discussion Research articles 100’ Dobson, Julia, M, 1974. Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups. Rowley, Massachusetts 01969 Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley

11 Students are able to express themselves confidently in both informal and formal discussion using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structure with emphasizing on fluency

Students are able to explain the idea, background, analysis, and result of a research accurately

Personal work Students’ own research article 100’ Dobson, Julia, M, 1974. Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups. Rowley, Massachusetts 01969 Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons

Page 112: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Speaking 4


and acceptable pronounciation, stress and intonation.

Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley

12 Students are able to express themselves confidently in both informal and formal discussion using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structure with emphasizing on fluency and acceptable pronounciation, stress and intonation.

Students are able to explain the idea, background, analysis, and result of a research accurately

Personal work Students’ own research article 100’ Dobson, Julia, M, 1974. Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups. Rowley, Massachusetts 01969 Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley

Page 113: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Speaking 4


13 Students are able to express themselves confidently in both informal and formal discussion using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structure with emphasizing on fluency and acceptable pronounciation, stress and intonation.

Students are able to compare the diferences of the articles being compared accurately

Peer and group discussion

Comparing research articles of the same field

100’ Dobson, Julia, M, 1974. Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups. Rowley, Massachusetts 01969 Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book). Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley

14 Students are able to express themselves confidently in both informal and formal discussion using appropriate vocabulary and grammatical structure with emphasizing on fluency and acceptable pronounciation, stress and intonation.

Students are able to compare the diferences of the articles being compared accurately

Individual performance Comparing research articles of the same field

100’ Dobson, Julia, M, 1974. Effective Techniques for English Conversation Groups. Rowley, Massachusetts 01969 Hadfield, J. 1984. Communication Games. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelseon & Sons Keller, D.P. and Thrush, E.A, 1987/91. Interactions I (a Speaking Activities Book).

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Speaking 4


Singapore: McGraw-Hill (International Editions). Klippel, F. 1984/87. Keep Talking. Cambridge: CUP Sion, C.ed. 1985. Recipes for Tired Teachers. Reading: Addison - Wesley

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Reading Comprehension 1


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK 209 Subject : Reading Comprehension 1 Credit : 2 sks Semester : I (one) Prerequisite : - Description : The subject is designes to direct students to understanding reading and practicing reading comprehension on the basis of bottom – up and top – dowb models. Competence : Students are able to comprehend reading by finding main idea, writer’s message, practice scanning, skimming, and have

skill to activate background knowledge.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to comprehend reading by finding main idea, writer’s message, practice scanning, skimming, and have skill to activate background knowledge.

Students are able to understand the nature of reading

Discussion about the nature of reading

The nature of reading 100’ Alexander.L.G.1983.Practice And Progress.Yogyakarta:Yayas Kanisius. Nathall, Christine. 1985. Teaching Reading Skills in Foreign Language. London: Heinemann Education Book. Richards, Jack. 2008. Strategic Reading I. Building Effective Reading Skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1. Personal work

2. Peer work 3. Mid-term test 4. Final test

2 Students are able to comprehend reading by finding main idea, writer’s message, practice scanning,

Students are able to understand the composites, reader, text, and context

Reading and discussiing about the composites, reader, text, and context

Understanding reading: - The composites - Reader - Text - context

100’ Alexander.L.G.1983.Practice And Progress.Yogyakarta:Yayas Kanisius. Nathall, Christine. 1985. Teaching

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Reading Comprehension 1


skimming, and have skill to activate background knowledge.

Reading Skills in Foreign Language. London: Heinemann Education Book. Richards, Jack. 2008. Strategic Reading I. Building Effective Reading Skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

3 Students are able to comprehend reading by finding main idea, writer’s message, practice scanning, skimming, and have skill to activate background knowledge.

Students are able to apply reading strategies

Reading and discussing about the reading strategies

Reading strategies: skimming and scanning

100’ Alexander.L.G.1983.Practice And Progress.Yogyakarta:Yayas Kanisius. Nathall, Christine. 1985. Teaching Reading Skills in Foreign Language. London: Heinemann Education Book. Richards, Jack. 2008. Strategic Reading I. Building Effective Reading Skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

4 Students are able to comprehend reading by finding main idea, writer’s message, practice scanning, skimming, and have skill to activate background knowledge.

Students are able to recognize text structure

Readinf and discussing about the text structure

Text structure: signification and cohesion

100’ Alexander.L.G.1983.Practice And Progress.Yogyakarta:Yayas Kanisius. Nathall, Christine. 1985. Teaching Reading Skills in Foreign Language. London: Heinemann Education Book. Richards, Jack. 2008. Strategic Reading I. Building Effective Reading Skills. Cambridge:

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Reading Comprehension 1


Cambridge University Press.

5 Students are able to comprehend reading by finding main idea, writer’s message, practice scanning, skimming, and have skill to activate background knowledge.

Students are able to identify key idea

Reading and discussing about sentence pattern

Sentence pattern: identifying key idea

100’ Alexander.L.G.1983.Practice And Progress.Yogyakarta:Yayas Kanisius. Nathall, Christine. 1985. Teaching Reading Skills in Foreign Language. London: Heinemann Education Book. Richards, Jack. 2008. Strategic Reading I. Building Effective Reading Skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

6 Students are able to comprehend reading by finding main idea, writer’s message, practice scanning, skimming, and have skill to activate background knowledge.

Students are able to locate details

Reading and discussing about sentence pattern

Sentence pattern: locating details 100’ Alexander.L.G.1983.Practice And Progress.Yogyakarta:Yayas Kanisius. Nathall, Christine. 1985. Teaching Reading Skills in Foreign Language. London: Heinemann Education Book. Richards, Jack. 2008. Strategic Reading I. Building Effective Reading Skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

7 Students are able to comprehend reading by finding main idea, writer’s message, practice scanning,

Students are able to recognize and identify sentences that combine ideas

Reading and discussing about the combination of ideas

Reading sentences that combine ideas: sentence connection

100’ Alexander.L.G.1983.Practice And Progress.Yogyakarta:Yayas Kanisius. Nathall, Christine. 1985. Teaching

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Reading Comprehension 1


skimming, and have skill to activate background knowledge.

Reading Skills in Foreign Language. London: Heinemann Education Book. Richards, Jack. 2008. Strategic Reading I. Building Effective Reading Skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

8 Students are able to comprehend reading by finding main idea, writer’s message, practice scanning, skimming, and have skill to activate background knowledge.

Students are able to recognize and identify ideas on paragraphs

Reading and discussing about paragraph

Reading sentences that combine ideas: paragraph

100’ Alexander.L.G.1983.Practice And Progress.Yogyakarta:Yayas Kanisius. Nathall, Christine. 1985. Teaching Reading Skills in Foreign Language. London: Heinemann Education Book. Richards, Jack. 2008. Strategic Reading I. Building Effective Reading Skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

9 Students are able to comprehend reading by finding main idea, writer’s message, practice scanning, skimming, and have skill to activate background knowledge.

Students are able to identify paragraph’s topic

Reading and discussing about paragraph

Paragraph: identifying the topic 100’ Alexander.L.G.1983.Practice And Progress.Yogyakarta:Yayas Kanisius. Nathall, Christine. 1985. Teaching Reading Skills in Foreign Language. London: Heinemann Education Book. Richards, Jack. 2008. Strategic Reading I. Building Effective Reading Skills. Cambridge:

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Reading Comprehension 1


Cambridge University Press.

10 Students are able to comprehend reading by finding main idea, writer’s message, practice scanning, skimming, and have skill to activate background knowledge.

Students are able to recognize relating sentence parts

Reading and discussing about relating sentence ‘parts

Recognizing relating sentence parts: interpreting reference and elliptical expression

100’ Alexander.L.G.1983.Practice And Progress.Yogyakarta:Yayas Kanisius. Nathall, Christine. 1985. Teaching Reading Skills in Foreign Language. London: Heinemann Education Book. Richards, Jack. 2008. Strategic Reading I. Building Effective Reading Skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

11 Students are able to comprehend reading by finding main idea, writer’s message, practice scanning, skimming, and have skill to activate background knowledge.

Students are able to identify signal of change or reversal of thought and signal of additional information

Reading and discussing about signal words

Signal words: signal of change or reversal of thought and signal of additional information

100’ Alexander.L.G.1983.Practice And Progress.Yogyakarta:Yayas Kanisius. Nathall, Christine. 1985. Teaching Reading Skills in Foreign Language. London: Heinemann Education Book. Richards, Jack. 2008. Strategic Reading I. Building Effective Reading Skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

12 Students are able to comprehend reading by finding main idea, writer’s message, practice scanning,

Students are able to identify illustration signal

Reading and discussing about signal words

Signal words: signal an illustration 100’ Alexander.L.G.1983.Practice And Progress.Yogyakarta:Yayas Kanisius. Nathall, Christine. 1985. Teaching

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Reading Comprehension 1


skimming, and have skill to activate background knowledge.

Reading Skills in Foreign Language. London: Heinemann Education Book. Richards, Jack. 2008. Strategic Reading I. Building Effective Reading Skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

13 Students are able to comprehend reading by finding main idea, writer’s message, practice scanning, skimming, and have skill to activate background knowledge.

Students are able to identify signal of summary

Reading and discussing about signal words

Signal words: signals of summary or conclusion

100’ Alexander.L.G.1983.Practice And Progress.Yogyakarta:Yayas Kanisius. Nathall, Christine. 1985. Teaching Reading Skills in Foreign Language. London: Heinemann Education Book. Richards, Jack. 2008. Strategic Reading I. Building Effective Reading Skills. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

14 Students are able to comprehend reading by finding main idea, writer’s message, practice scanning, skimming, and have skill to activate background knowledge.

Students are able to apply summarizing techniques

Reading and discussing about summarizing techniques

Summarizing: techniques of summarizing

100’ Alexander.L.G.1983.Practice And Progress.Yogyakarta:Yayas Kanisius. Nathall, Christine. 1985. Teaching Reading Skills in Foreign Language. London: Heinemann Education Book. Richards, Jack. 2008. Strategic Reading I. Building Effective Reading Skills. Cambridge:

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Reading Comprehension 1


Cambridge University Press.

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Reading Comprehension 2 2

SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK 210 Subject : Reading Comprehension 2 Credit : 2 sks Semester : II (two) Prerequisite : Reading Comprehension 1 Description : The subject is designed to develop students’ reading skills by enhancing students’ interaction with text through multiple trategies Competence : Students are able to comprehend reading by activating background knowledge and metacognitive strategies

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to comprehend reading by activating background knowledge and metacognitive strategies

Students are able to activate background knowledge appropriately

Discussion about how to activate background knowledge

Background knowledge: activating prior-knowledge

100’ Alexander,L. G.1995.Developing Skills.Yoyakarta:Yayasan Kanisius. Kimmelman, Joan;Charles Martin; Harriet Krantz nd Sandra Seltzer.1984.Reading Study Skills:A Rhetorical Approach.New York: Macmillan Publishing House Wood, Nancy V. 1991. Strategies for College Reading and Thinking. New York: Mc Graw-Hills. Inc.

1. Personal work

2. Peer work 3. Mid-term test 4. Final test

2 Students are able to comprehend reading by activating background knowledge and metacognitive

Students are able to apply metacognitive strategies in reading well

Reading and discussing certain texts

Metacognotive strategy: K-W-L 100’ Alexander,L. G.1995.Developing Skills.Yoyakarta:Yayasan Kanisius. Kimmelman, Joan;Charles Martin; Harriet Krantz nd Sandra

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Reading Comprehension 2 3


Seltzer.1984.Reading Study Skills:A Rhetorical Approach.New York: Macmillan Publishing House Wood, Nancy V. 1991. Strategies for College Reading and Thinking. New York: Mc Graw-Hills. Inc.

3 Students are able to comprehend reading by activating background knowledge and metacognitive strategies

Students are able to apply metacognitive strategies in reading well

Reading and discussing certain texts

Metacognotive strategy: SQ3R 100’ Alexander,L. G.1995.Developing Skills.Yoyakarta:Yayasan Kanisius. Kimmelman, Joan;Charles Martin; Harriet Krantz nd Sandra Seltzer.1984.Reading Study Skills:A Rhetorical Approach.New York: Macmillan Publishing House Wood, Nancy V. 1991. Strategies for College Reading and Thinking. New York: Mc Graw-Hills. Inc.

4 Students are able to comprehend reading by activating background knowledge and metacognitive strategies

Students are able to apply semantic mapping in reading appropriately

Reading and discussing certain texts

Mapping strategy: semantic mapping

100’ Alexander,L. G.1995.Developing Skills.Yoyakarta:Yayasan Kanisius. Kimmelman, Joan;Charles Martin; Harriet Krantz nd Sandra Seltzer.1984.Reading Study Skills:A Rhetorical Approach.New York: Macmillan Publishing House

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Reading Comprehension 2 4

Wood, Nancy V. 1991. Strategies for College Reading and Thinking. New York: Mc Graw-Hills. Inc.

5 Students are able to comprehend reading by activating background knowledge and metacognitive strategies

Students are bale to apply story mapping strategy well

Reading and discussing certain texts

Mapping strategy: story mapping 100’ Alexander,L. G.1995.Developing Skills.Yoyakarta:Yayasan Kanisius. Kimmelman, Joan;Charles Martin; Harriet Krantz nd Sandra Seltzer.1984.Reading Study Skills:A Rhetorical Approach.New York: Macmillan Publishing House Wood, Nancy V. 1991. Strategies for College Reading and Thinking. New York: Mc Graw-Hills. Inc.

6 Students are able to comprehend reading by activating background knowledge and metacognitive strategies

Students are able to identify imlicit idea correctly

Reading and discussing certain texts

Making interference: finding implicit idea

100’ Alexander,L. G.1995.Developing Skills.Yoyakarta:Yayasan Kanisius. Kimmelman, Joan;Charles Martin; Harriet Krantz nd Sandra Seltzer.1984.Reading Study Skills:A Rhetorical Approach.New York: Macmillan Publishing House Wood, Nancy V. 1991. Strategies for College Reading and Thinking. New York: Mc Graw-Hills. Inc.

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Reading Comprehension 2 5

7 Students are able to comprehend reading by activating background knowledge and metacognitive strategies

Students are able to identify imlicit idea correctly

Reading and discussing certain texts

Making interference: finding explicit idea

100’ Alexander,L. G.1995.Developing Skills.Yoyakarta:Yayasan Kanisius. Kimmelman, Joan;Charles Martin; Harriet Krantz nd Sandra Seltzer.1984.Reading Study Skills:A Rhetorical Approach.New York: Macmillan Publishing House Wood, Nancy V. 1991. Strategies for College Reading and Thinking. New York: Mc Graw-Hills. Inc.

8 Students are able to comprehend reading by activating background knowledge and metacognitive strategies

Able to define difficult words correctly

Reading and discussing certain texts

Defining words: guessing 100’ Alexander,L. G.1995.Developing Skills.Yoyakarta:Yayasan Kanisius. Kimmelman, Joan;Charles Martin; Harriet Krantz nd Sandra Seltzer.1984.Reading Study Skills:A Rhetorical Approach.New York: Macmillan Publishing House Wood, Nancy V. 1991. Strategies for College Reading and Thinking. New York: Mc Graw-Hills. Inc.

9 Students are able to comprehend reading by activating background knowledge and metacognitive

Able to define difficult words correctly

Reading and discussing certain texts

Defining words: contextual 100’ Alexander,L. G.1995.Developing Skills.Yoyakarta:Yayasan Kanisius. Kimmelman, Joan;Charles Martin; Harriet Krantz nd Sandra

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Reading Comprehension 2 6


Seltzer.1984.Reading Study Skills:A Rhetorical Approach.New York: Macmillan Publishing House Wood, Nancy V. 1991. Strategies for College Reading and Thinking. New York: Mc Graw-Hills. Inc.

10 Students are able to comprehend reading by activating background knowledge and metacognitive strategies

Students are able to intepret writer’s correctly

Reading and discussing certain texts

Paraphrasing: interpreting writers’ idea

100’ Alexander,L. G.1995.Developing Skills.Yoyakarta:Yayasan Kanisius. Kimmelman, Joan;Charles Martin; Harriet Krantz nd Sandra Seltzer.1984.Reading Study Skills:A Rhetorical Approach.New York: Macmillan Publishing House Wood, Nancy V. 1991. Strategies for College Reading and Thinking. New York: Mc Graw-Hills. Inc.

11 Students are able to comprehend reading by activating background knowledge and metacognitive strategies

Students are able to relate thoughts in passages appropriately

Reading and discussing certain texts

Related thoughts: understanding how thoughts are related

100’ Alexander,L. G.1995.Developing Skills.Yoyakarta:Yayasan Kanisius. Kimmelman, Joan;Charles Martin; Harriet Krantz nd Sandra Seltzer.1984.Reading Study Skills:A Rhetorical Approach.New York: Macmillan Publishing House

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Reading Comprehension 2 7

Wood, Nancy V. 1991. Strategies for College Reading and Thinking. New York: Mc Graw-Hills. Inc.

12 Students are able to comprehend reading by activating background knowledge and metacognitive strategies

Students are able to recognize and list signals correctly

Reading and discussing certain texts

Descriptive: recognizing listing in descriptive writing

100’ Alexander,L. G.1995.Developing Skills.Yoyakarta:Yayasan Kanisius. Kimmelman, Joan;Charles Martin; Harriet Krantz nd Sandra Seltzer.1984.Reading Study Skills:A Rhetorical Approach.New York: Macmillan Publishing House Wood, Nancy V. 1991. Strategies for College Reading and Thinking. New York: Mc Graw-Hills. Inc.

13 Students are able to comprehend reading by activating background knowledge and metacognitive strategies

Students are able to recognize and list signals correctly

Reading and discussing certain texts

Descriptive: recognizing listing signals

100’ Alexander,L. G.1995.Developing Skills.Yoyakarta:Yayasan Kanisius. Kimmelman, Joan;Charles Martin; Harriet Krantz nd Sandra Seltzer.1984.Reading Study Skills:A Rhetorical Approach.New York: Macmillan Publishing House Wood, Nancy V. 1991. Strategies for College Reading and Thinking. New York: Mc Graw-Hills. Inc.

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Reading Comprehension 2 8

14 Students are able to comprehend reading by activating background knowledge and metacognitive strategies

Students are able to identify how the author select important ideas well

Reading and discussing certain texts

Understanding selectively: identifying how the author select important ideas

100’ Alexander,L. G.1995.Developing Skills.Yoyakarta:Yayasan Kanisius. Kimmelman, Joan;Charles Martin; Harriet Krantz nd Sandra Seltzer.1984.Reading Study Skills:A Rhetorical Approach.New York: Macmillan Publishing House Wood, Nancy V. 1991. Strategies for College Reading and Thinking. New York: Mc Graw-Hills. Inc.

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Reading Comprehension 3 2

SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK 211 Subject : Reading Comprehension 3 Credit : 2 sks Semester : 3 (three) Prerequisite : - Description : The subject is designed to acquint students with rhetorical approach to reading and train them to apply approach to comprehend variant reading texts especially expository. Competence : Students are able to comprehend the features of descriptive, cause-effect, contrasting and comparing, as well as definition,

classification, process and narrative texts

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to comprehend the features of descriptive, cause-effect, contrasting and comparing, as well as definition, classification, process and narrative texts

Students are able to identify and use the rhetorical approach well

Reading and Class discussion

Rhetorical approach 100’ Conlin, Mary Lou. 1993. Pattern: A Short Prose Reader. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Kemmelman, 1994. Reading and Study Skills: A Rhetorical Approach. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

1. Personal work

2. Peer work 3. Mid-term test 4. Final test

2 Students are able to comprehend the features of descriptive, cause-effect, contrasting and comparing, as well as definition, classification, process and narrative texts

Students are able to recognize and identifysequence signal correctly

Reading and Class discussion

Recognizing sequence and sequence signal

100’ Conlin, Mary Lou. 1993. Pattern: A Short Prose Reader. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Kemmelman, 1994. Reading and Study Skills: A Rhetorical Approach. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

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Reading Comprehension 3 3

3 Students are able to comprehend the features of descriptive, cause-effect, contrasting and comparing, as well as definition, classification, process and narrative texts

Students are able to descibe object from textsappropriately

Reading and peer discussion

Describing object 100’ Conlin, Mary Lou. 1993. Pattern: A Short Prose Reader. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Kemmelman, 1994. Reading and Study Skills: A Rhetorical Approach. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

4 Students are able to comprehend the features of descriptive, cause-effect, contrasting and comparing, as well as definition, classification, process and narrative texts

Students are able to describe process from texts appropriately

Reading and peer discussion

Describing process 100’ Conlin, Mary Lou. 1993. Pattern: A Short Prose Reader. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Kemmelman, 1994. Reading and Study Skills: A Rhetorical Approach. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

5 Students are able to comprehend the features of descriptive, cause-effect, contrasting and comparing, as well as definition, classification, process and narrative texts

Students are to recognize the features of comparison passages correctly

Reading and class discussion

Comparing passages 100’ Conlin, Mary Lou. 1993. Pattern: A Short Prose Reader. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Kemmelman, 1994. Reading and Study Skills: A Rhetorical Approach. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

6 Students are able to comprehend the features of descriptive, cause-effect,

Students are able to recognize the features of contrast passages correctly

Reading and class discussion

Constrating passages 100’ Conlin, Mary Lou. 1993. Pattern: A Short Prose Reader. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

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Reading Comprehension 3 4

contrasting and comparing, as well as definition, classification, process and narrative texts

Kemmelman, 1994. Reading and Study Skills: A Rhetorical Approach. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

7 Students are able to comprehend the features of descriptive, cause-effect, contrasting and comparing, as well as definition, classification, process and narrative texts

Students are able to recognize the features of causal relation passages correctly

Reading and peer discussion

Causal relation 100’ Conlin, Mary Lou. 1993. Pattern: A Short Prose Reader. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Kemmelman, 1994. Reading and Study Skills: A Rhetorical Approach. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

8 Students are able to comprehend the features of descriptive, cause-effect, contrasting and comparing, as well as definition, classification, process and narrative texts

Students are able to recognize the features of causal relation passages correctly

Reading and answering questions

Causal relation 100’ Conlin, Mary Lou. 1993. Pattern: A Short Prose Reader. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Kemmelman, 1994. Reading and Study Skills: A Rhetorical Approach. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

9 Students are able to comprehend the features of descriptive, cause-effect, contrasting and comparing, as well as definition, classification, process and narrative texts

Students are able to recognize the features of classification and division in texts appropriately

Reading, answering questions, and peer discussion

Classification and division 100’ Conlin, Mary Lou. 1993. Pattern: A Short Prose Reader. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Kemmelman, 1994. Reading and Study Skills: A Rhetorical Approach. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

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Reading Comprehension 3 5

10 Students are able to comprehend the features of descriptive, cause-effect, contrasting and comparing, as well as definition, classification, process and narrative texts

Students are able to recognize the features of classification and division in texts appropriately

Reading, answering questions, and peer discussion

Classification and division 100’ Conlin, Mary Lou. 1993. Pattern: A Short Prose Reader. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Kemmelman, 1994. Reading and Study Skills: A Rhetorical Approach. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

11 Students are able to comprehend the features of descriptive, cause-effect, contrasting and comparing, as well as definition, classification, process and narrative texts

Students are able to identify type of definitions correctly

Reading and class discussion

Type of definitions 100’ Conlin, Mary Lou. 1993. Pattern: A Short Prose Reader. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Kemmelman, 1994. Reading and Study Skills: A Rhetorical Approach. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

12 Students are able to comprehend the features of descriptive, cause-effect, contrasting and comparing, as well as definition, classification, process and narrative texts

Students are able to identify type of process passages correctly

Reading and class discussion

Process 100’ Conlin, Mary Lou. 1993. Pattern: A Short Prose Reader. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Kemmelman, 1994. Reading and Study Skills: A Rhetorical Approach. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

13 Students are able to comprehend the features of descriptive, cause-effect,

Students are able to identify and recognize the sequence in

Reading and class discussion

Sequence in narrative writing 100’ Conlin, Mary Lou. 1993. Pattern: A Short Prose Reader. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

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Reading Comprehension 3 6

contrasting and comparing, as well as definition, classification, process and narrative texts

narrative writing correctly

Kemmelman, 1994. Reading and Study Skills: A Rhetorical Approach. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

14 Students are able to comprehend the features of descriptive, cause-effect, contrasting and comparing, as well as definition, classification, process and narrative texts

Students are able to recognize and identify the sequence narrative signal appropriately

Reading and class discussion

Sequence in narrative signal 100’ Conlin, Mary Lou. 1993. Pattern: A Short Prose Reader. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. Kemmelman, 1994. Reading and Study Skills: A Rhetorical Approach. New York: Macmillan Publishing Company.

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Extensive Reading 2

SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK 212 Subject : Extensive Reading Credit : 2 sks Semester : IV (four) Prerequisite : Description : This course is designed to develop students’ reading fluency and positive attitudes to reading. Students will read a range of different English language text which promoting general language ability and world knowledge. Competence : Students are able to develop confidence, motivation, be comfortable with reading, increase speed and fluency in reading,

decide reading targets and goals, choose reading materials for their own interests, increase background knowledge and respond to reading in various ways.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to develop confidence, motivation, be comfortable with reading, increase speed and fluency in reading, decide reading targets and goals, choose reading materials for their own interests, increase background knowledge and respond to reading in various ways

Students are able to potray the content of extensive reading well

Explanation Question – answer discussions

Introduction: the objective, assessmnet, and task

100’ 1. Personal presentation on result of reading activity

2. Course reflextion portofolio

2 - 4 Students are able to Students are able to Group discussion Get familiar with “How – to 300’

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Extensive Reading 3

develop confidence, motivation, be comfortable with reading, increase speed and fluency in reading, decide reading targets and goals, choose reading materials for their own interests, increase background knowledge and respond to reading in various ways

identify the content of “how – to articles”, retell the text, discuss the vocabulary and sentence development, discuss the content of the text and plan the next article to read well

Question - answer articles” (tips)

5 – 6 Students are able to develop confidence, motivation, be comfortable with reading, increase speed and fluency in reading, decide reading targets and goals, choose reading materials for their own interests, increase background knowledge and respond to reading in various ways

Students are able to identify the content of the story, retell the story, and discuss the vocabulary and sentence development, discuss the content of the text and plan the next story to read well

Group discussion Question - answer

Get familiar with many kinds of story


7 – 10 Students are able to develop confidence, motivation, be

Students are able to identify the genre, the content of teh

Group discussion Question - answer

Novels 400’

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Extensive Reading 4

comfortable with reading, increase speed and fluency in reading, decide reading targets and goals, choose reading materials for their own interests, increase background knowledge and respond to reading in various ways

novels, discuss the content and plan novel to read well

11 – 12 Students are able to develop confidence, motivation, be comfortable with reading, increase speed and fluency in reading, decide reading targets and goals, choose reading materials for their own interests, increase background knowledge and respond to reading in various ways

Students are able to grasp the idea, basic knowledge, and result of linguitics article, discuss the findings and plan journal to read well

Group discussion Question - answer

Linguitics article taken from journal


13 – 14 Students are able to develop confidence, motivation, be comfortable with reading, increase

Students are able to identify the content of the article, retell, discuss the content, and plan the next

Group discussion Question - answer

Get exposed to academic writing/journal


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Extensive Reading 5

speed and fluency in reading, decide reading targets and goals, choose reading materials for their own interests, increase background knowledge and respond to reading in various ways

articles to read well

15 Students are able to develop confidence, motivation, be comfortable with reading, increase speed and fluency in reading, decide reading targets and goals, choose reading materials for their own interests, increase background knowledge and respond to reading in various ways

Students are able to show positive attitude towards reading

Group discussion Question - answer

Summing up 100’

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SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 213 Subject : Writing 1 Credit : 2 sks Semester : II Prerequisite : - Description : The course is designed to develop students’ skills in writing types of English sentences with fairly high degree of language accuracy.

Competence : At the end of course students are able to write well-formed sentences in well-organized short narrative, descriptive and expository paragraph, and

practice using appropriate cohesive devices, punctuation and choice of words

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 – 3

At the end of course students are able to write well-formed sentences in well-organized short narrative, descriptive and expository paragraph, and practice using appropriate cohesive devices, punctuation and choice of words

Students are able to know, understand, and produce English sentence structure consisting of : a. S + P b. S + P + O c. S + P + Compl.

Discussing, understanding, and producing English sentence structure

Sentence Structure

100’ Wishon, George E. & Burks, Julia M. 1980. Let’s Write English Revised Ed. NY: Litton Educational Publishing, Inc. p. 2 - 66


4 – 5 At the end of course students are able to write well-formed sentences in well-organized short narrative, descriptive

Students are able to know, understand, and produce English sentence structure consisting linking verbs

Discussing, understanding, and producing English sentence structure consisting of linking verbs

Linking Verbs

100’ Wishon, George E. & Burks, Julia M. 1980. Let’s Write English Revised Ed. NY: Litton Educational Publishing, Inc. p. 67 - 86

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

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and expository paragraph, and practice using appropriate cohesive devices, punctuation and choice of words

6 – 7 At the end of course students are able to write well-formed sentences in well-organized short narrative, descriptive and expository paragraph, and practice using appropriate cohesive devices, punctuation and choice of words

Students are able to know, understand, and produce English construction consisting of: a. Noun phrases b. Verb phrases

Discussing, understanding, and producing English construction consisting of NP and VP

Noun phrases and verb phrases 100’ Wishon, George E. & Burks, Julia M. 1980. Let’s Write English Revised Ed. NY: Litton Educational Publishing, Inc. p. 93 - 132

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment


9 At the end of course students are able to write well-formed sentences in well-organized short narrative, descriptive and expository paragraph, and practice using appropriate cohesive devices, punctuation and choice of words

Students are able to know, understand, and produce English sentences combining more than one idea using coordinating conjunctions

Discussing, understanding, and producing English sentences combining more than one idea using coordinating conjucntions

Coordination 100’ Wishon, George E. & Burks, Julia M. 1980. Let’s Write English Revised Ed. NY: Litton Educational Publishing, Inc. p. 133 - 152

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

10 – 12 At the end of course students are able to write well-formed sentences in well-

Students are able to know, understand, and produce English sentences combining

Discussing, understanding, and producing English sentences combining more

Subordination 100’ Wishon, George E. & Burks, Julia M. 1980. Let’s Write English Revised Ed. NY: Litton Educational Publishing, Inc. p.

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

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organized short narrative, descriptive and expository paragraph, and practice using appropriate cohesive devices, punctuation and choice of words

more than one idea using subordinating conjunctions

than one idea using subordinating conjunctions

154 - 182

13 At the end of course students are able to write well-formed sentences in well-organized short narrative, descriptive and expository paragraph, and practice using appropriate cohesive devices, punctuation and choice of words

Students are able to know, understand, and produce English sentence structure consisting auxiliaries

Discussing, understanding, and producing English sentence structure consisting of auxiliaries

Auxiliaries 100’ Wishon, George E. & Burks, Julia M. 1980. Let’s Write English Revised Ed. NY: Litton Educational Publishing, Inc. p. 227 - 258

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

14 At the end of course students are able to write well-formed sentences in well-organized short narrative, descriptive and expository paragraph, and practice using appropriate cohesive devices, punctuation and choice of words

Students are able to know, understand, and produce kinds of verbal English sentences

Discussing, understanding, and producing kinds of verbal English sentences

Verbals 100’ Wishon, George E. & Burks, Julia M. 1980. Let’s Write English Revised Ed. NY: Litton Educational Publishing, Inc. p. 259 - 284

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

15 At the end of course students are able to write well-formed

Students are able to know, understand, and produce English

Discussing, understanding, and producing English

Preposition 100’ Wishon, George E. & Burks, Julia M. 1980. Let’s Write English Revised Ed. NY: Litton

1. Individual assignment 2. Group

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sentences in well-organized short narrative, descriptive and expository paragraph, and practice using appropriate cohesive devices, punctuation and choice of words

sentence structure having prepositions

sentence structure having prepositions

Educational Publishing, Inc. p. 285 - 316



References 1. Compulsory : Wishon, George E. & Burk, Julia M. 1980. Let’s Write English Revised Ed. New York: Litton Educational Publishing, Inc. 2. Supplementary : Oshima, Alice and Ann Hogue.1999.Writing Academic English. Singapore: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Carter, Bonnie and Craig Skates.1990. Rinehart Guide to Grammar and Usage. San Francisco: Holt, Rinehart, Winston, Inc.

Siew, Terence.2003.Write Better.Kelvin Yoo:Singapore.

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SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 214 Subject : Writing 2 Credit : 2 sks Semester : III (Three) Prerequisite : Writing 1 Description : The course is designed to develop students’ skills in writing paragraph, esp. the main components such as topic sentence,

supporting details, concluding sentence, unity and coherence. The subject is also intended to train students in writing types of paragraphs which include narrative, descriptive, and expository paragraphs.

Competence : It imparts to students skills in writing topic sentence, supporting sentences, concluding sentences as well as understanding

the organization of idea, unity and coherence in a paragraph. Upon the course completion, students are expected to be able to write narrative, descriptive, and expository paragraphs on the basis of their understanding of the structures and characteristic features of those paragraphs.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students able to write to write descriptive, and expository paragraphs on the basis of their understanding of the structures and characteristic features of those paragraphs.

Students are able to get and understand information about the structure and characteristic features of types of paragraphs in general.

Discussing the structure and characteristic features of types of paragraphs in general

Introduction 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle. Broadman, C. 2008. Writing to Introduction to Communicate.New York: Pearson Education.

Individual practice and assignment

2 Students able to write to write descriptive, and expository

Students are able to get and understand information about

Discussing topics and topic sentences, choosing topics, and making topic

Topics and topic sentence 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining

Individual practice and assignment

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paragraphs on the basis of their understanding of the structures and characteristic features of those paragraphs.

topics and topic sentences, choose topics, and making topic sentences.

sentences Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle. p. 3 - 12

3 Students able to write to write descriptive, and expository paragraphs on the basis of their understanding of the structures and characteristic features of those paragraphs.

Students are able to get and understand information about supporting sentences and find supports.

Discussing supporting sentences and finding supports

Developing topic sentences 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle. p. 12 - 14

Individual practice and assignment

4 Students able to write to write descriptive, and expository paragraphs on the basis of their understanding of the structures and characteristic features of those paragraphs.

Students are able to get and understand information about unity, coherence, cohesion and make a concluding sentence.

Discussing unity, coherence, cohesion and making a concluding sentence

Unity, coherence, cohesion, and concluding sentence.

100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle. p. 14 - 18

Individual practice and assignment

5 Students able to write to write descriptive, and expository paragraphs on the basis of their understanding of the structures and characteristic features

Students are able to do exercises about topics, topic sentences, supports, unity, and coherence and correct their friend’s work.

Doing more exercises about topics, topic sentences, supports, unity, and coherence and peer correcting

Exercises and discussion 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle.

Individual practice and assignment Individual

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of those paragraphs.

6 Students able to write to write descriptive, and expository paragraphs on the basis of their understanding of the structures and characteristic features of those paragraphs.

Students are able to get and understand information about the structure and characteristic features of present narrative paragraph and are able to write this type of paragraph.

Discussing the structures and characteristic features of presesnt narration and its composition skills and writing this type of paragraph

Present narration 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle. p. 24 - 41

Individual practice and assignment

7 Students able to write to write descriptive, and expository paragraphs on the basis of their understanding of the structures and characteristic features of those paragraphs.

Students are able to get and understand information about the structure and characteristic features of past narrative paragraph and are able to write this type of paragraph.

Discussing the structures and characteristic features of past narration and its composition skills and writing this type of paragraph

Past narration 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle. p. 41 - 57

Individual practice and assignment

8 Midterm Test

9 Students able to write to write descriptive, and expository paragraphs on the basis of their understanding of the structures and characteristic features of those paragraphs.

Students are able to get and understand information about the structure and characteristic features of description of a place and are able to write this type of paragraph.

Discussing the structures and characteristic features of description of a place and its composition skills and writing this type of paragraph

Description of a place 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle. p. 59 - 77

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10 Students able to write to write descriptive, and expository paragraphs on the basis of their understanding of the structures and characteristic features of those paragraphs.

Students are able to get and understand information about the structure and characteristic features of description of a person and are able to write this type of paragraph.

Discussing the structures and characteristic features of description of a person and its composition skills and writing this type of paragraph

Description of a person 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle. p. 77 - 99

11 Students able to write to write descriptive, and expository paragraphs on the basis of their understanding of the structures and characteristic features of those paragraphs.

Students are able to get and understand information about the structure and characteristic features of expository paragraphs and the supports

Discussing the structures and characteristic features of expository paragraphs and the supports

Expository paragraphs 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle. p. 100 - 116

12 Students able to write to write descriptive, and expository paragraphs on the basis of their understanding of the structures and characteristic features of those paragraphs.

Students are able to get and understand information about the structure and characteristic features of a cause and effect paragraph and are able to write this type of paragraph.

Discussing the structures and characteristic features of a cause and effect paragraph and its composition skills and writing this type of paragraph

Cause and effect paragraph 100’ Broadman, C. 2008. Writing to Introduction to Communicate.New York: Pearson Education. p. 48 - 52

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13 Students able to write to write descriptive, and expository paragraphs on the basis of their understanding of the structures and characteristic features of those paragraphs.

Students are able to get and understand information about the structure and characteristic features of a comparison paragraph and are able to write this type of paragraph.

Discussing the structures and characteristic features of a comparison paragraph and its composition skills and writing this type of paragraph

Comparison paragraph 100’ Broadman, C. 2008. Writing to Introduction to Communicate.New York: Pearson Education. p. 69 - 73

14 Students able to write to write descriptive, and expository paragraphs on the basis of their understanding of the structures and characteristic features of those paragraphs.

Students are able to analyze and correct oter students’ works on cause and effect and comparison paragraphs.

Discussing and correcting other students’ works on cause and effect and comparison paragraphs

Peer correcting 100’ Broadman, C. 2008. Writing to Introduction to Communicate.New York: Pearson Education.

15 Students able to write to write descriptive, and expository paragraphs on the basis of their understanding of the structures and characteristic features of those paragraphs.

Students are able to get and understand information about the structure and characteristic features of argumentative paragraph and are able to write this type of paragraph.

Discussing the structures and characteristic features of argumentation and its composition skills and writing this type of paragraph

Argumentation 100’ Broadman, C. 2008. Writing to Introduction to Communicate.New York: Pearson Education. p. 42 - 44

Individual practice and assignment

16 Peer correcting of the final project (Argumentation)

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References 1. Compulsory : Broadman,C. 2008. Writing to Introduction to Communicate. New York: Pearson Education. Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Kozyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle. 2. Supplementary : Oshima, Alice and Ann Hogue.1999. Writing Academic English. Singapore: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

Siew, Terence.2003.Write Better. Kelvin Yoo: Singapore.

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SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 215 Subject : Writing 3 Credit : 2 sks Semester : IV (Four) Prerequisite : Writing 2 Description : The focus of this course is to guide students to the practice of scientific writing on the basis of understanding

the nature of science to the organization of scientific writing. Students will be taken into understanding inductive and deductive reasoning, analyzing and synthesizing and giving evidence. The intended outcome is the ability to write scientific articles and thesis proposal.

Competence : The goal to reach is that students will understand the basic nature of science and the framework

scientific writing and based on these understandings they will be guided to analytical, synthetic, critical writings, as well as giving evidence, defining formally and informally. Also included in this course is the ability to write thesis proposal.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 students will understand the basic nature of science and the framework of scientific writing and based on these understandings they will be guided to analytical, synthetic, critical writings, as well as giving evidence, defining formally and informally. Also

Students are able to get and understand information about the basic nature of science and the framework of scientific writing

Discussing the basic nature of science and the framework of scientific writing

Introduction 100’ Bram, Barli. 1995. Write Well-Improving Writing Skills. Yogyakarta: Kanisius. Oshima, Alice and Hogue. 2003. Writing Academic English. Singapore: Addison-Wesley Publishing House. Swales, John. 1974. Writing Scientific English. England: Butler and Tanner, Ltd.

Individual practice and assignment

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included in this course is the ability to write thesis proposal.

2 students will understand the basic nature of science and the framework of scientific writing and based on these understandings they will be guided to analytical, synthetic, critical writings, as well as giving evidence, defining formally and informally. Also included in this course is the ability to write thesis proposal.

Students are able to get and understand information about science and scientific writing (the nature of science and the organization of scientific writing).

Discussing science and scientific writing (the nature of science and the organization of scientific writing)

Science and scientific writing (the nature of science and the organization of scientific writing)

100’ Oshima, Alice and Hogue. 2003. Writing Academic English. Singapore: Addison-Wesley Publishing House. p. 1 - 10

Individual practice and assignment

3 students will understand the basic nature of science and the framework of scientific writing and based on these understandings they will be guided to analytical, synthetic, critical writings, as well as giving evidence, defining formally and informally. Also included in this course

Students are able to get and understand information about clarity, precision, and consistency.

Discussing clarity, precision, and consistency

Critical Writing : clarity, precision, and consistency

100’ Bram, Barli. 1995. Write Well-Improving Writing Skills. Yogyakarta: Kanisius. p. 64 - 67

Individual practice and assignment

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is the ability to write thesis proposal.

4 students will understand the basic nature of science and the framework of scientific writing and based on these understandings they will be guided to analytical, synthetic, critical writings, as well as giving evidence, defining formally and informally. Also included in this course is the ability to write thesis proposal.

Students are able to get and understand information about point or thesis.

Discussing point or thesis Point or thesis 100’ Oshima, Alice and Hogue. 2003. Writing Academic English. Singapore: Addison-Wesley Publishing House. p. 11 - 15

Individual practice and assignment

5 students will understand the basic nature of science and the framework of scientific writing and based on these understandings they will be guided to analytical, synthetic, critical writings, as well as giving evidence, defining formally and informally. Also included in this course is the ability to write

Students are able to get and understand information about supports.

Discussing supports Supports 100’ Oshima, Alice and Hogue. 2003. Writing Academic English. Singapore: Addison-Wesley Publishing House. p. 16 - 21

Individual practice and assignment Individual

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thesis proposal.

6 students will understand the basic nature of science and the framework of scientific writing and based on these understandings they will be guided to analytical, synthetic, critical writings, as well as giving evidence, defining formally and informally. Also included in this course is the ability to write thesis proposal.

Students are able to get and understand information about the evidence and organize evidence.

Organizing evidence Evidence 100’ Oshima, Alice and Hogue. 2003. Writing Academic English. Singapore: Addison-Wesley Publishing House. p. 40 - 53

Individual practice and assignment

7 students will understand the basic nature of science and the framework of scientific writing and based on these understandings they will be guided to analytical, synthetic, critical writings, as well as giving evidence, defining formally and informally. Also included in this course is the ability to write thesis proposal.

Students are able to get and understand information about the topic and write clearly.

Discussing the topic and writing clearly

Writing clearly 100’ Oshima, Alice and Hogue. 2003. Writing Academic English. Singapore: Addison-Wesley Publishing House. p. 54 -55

Individual practice and assignment

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8 Midterm Test

9 students will understand the basic nature of science and the framework of scientific writing and based on these understandings they will be guided to analytical, synthetic, critical writings, as well as giving evidence, defining formally and informally. Also included in this course is the ability to write thesis proposal.

Students are able to get and understand information about the four bases for evaluating.

Discussing the four bases for evaluating

Four bases for evaluating 100’ Oshima, Alice and Hogue. 2003. Writing Academic English. Singapore: Addison-Wesley Publishing House. p. 63 - 76

10 students will understand the basic nature of science and the framework of scientific writing and based on these understandings they will be guided to analytical, synthetic, critical writings, as well as giving evidence, defining formally and informally. Also included in this course is the ability to write thesis proposal.

Students are able to get and understand information about the key factors in writing.

Discussing the key factors in writing

Key factors in writing 100’ Oshima, Alice and Hogue. 2003. Writing Academic English. Singapore: Addison-Wesley Publishing House. p. 89 - 106

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11 students will understand the basic nature of science and the framework of scientific writing and based on these understandings they will be guided to analytical, synthetic, critical writings, as well as giving evidence, defining formally and informally. Also included in this course is the ability to write thesis proposal.

Students are able to get and understand information about analyzing, synthesizing, and defining and practise doing them

Analyzing, synthesizing, and defining

Analyzing, synthesizing, and defining

100’ Swales, John. 1974. Writing Scientific English. England: Butler and Tanner, Ltd. p. 66 – 80

12 students will understand the basic nature of science and the framework of scientific writing and based on these understandings they will be guided to analytical, synthetic, critical writings, as well as giving evidence, defining formally and informally. Also included in this course is the ability to write thesis proposal.

Students are able to get and understand information about proposal writing and write introduction pages.

Writing introduction pages Proposal writing (1) 100’ Bram, Barli. 1995. Write Well-Improving Writing Skills. Yogyakarta: Kanisius. Oshima, Alice and Hogue. 2003. Writing Academic English. Singapore: Addison-Wesley Publishing House. Swales, John. 1974. Writing Scientific English. England: Butler and Tanner, Ltd.

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13 students will understand the basic nature of science and the framework of scientific writing and based on these understandings they will be guided to analytical, synthetic, critical writings, as well as giving evidence, defining formally and informally. Also included in this course is the ability to write thesis proposal.

Students are able to get and understand information about proposal writing and write introduction pages.

Writing introduction pages Proposal writing (2) 100’ Bram, Barli. 1995. Write Well-Improving Writing Skills. Yogyakarta: Kanisius. Oshima, Alice and Hogue. 2003. Writing Academic English. Singapore: Addison-Wesley Publishing House. Swales, John. 1974. Writing Scientific English. England: Butler and Tanner, Ltd.

14 students will understand the basic nature of science and the framework of scientific writing and based on these understandings they will be guided to analytical, synthetic, critical writings, as well as giving evidence, defining formally and informally. Also included in this course is the ability to write thesis proposal.

Students are able to analyze and correct oter students’ works on cause and effect and comparison paragraphs.

Discussing and correcting other students’ works on cause and effect and comparison paragraphs

Peer correcting 100’ Bram, Barli. 1995. Write Well-Improving Writing Skills. Yogyakarta: Kanisius. Oshima, Alice and Hogue. 2003. Writing Academic English. Singapore: Addison-Wesley Publishing House. Swales, John. 1974. Writing Scientific English. England: Butler and Tanner, Ltd.

15 students will Students are able to Reviewing related Review of related literature 100’ Bram, Barli. 1995. Write Well- Individual

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understand the basic nature of science and the framework of scientific writing and based on these understandings they will be guided to analytical, synthetic, critical writings, as well as giving evidence, defining formally and informally. Also included in this course is the ability to write thesis proposal.

get and understand information about the review of related literature and review, quote, and elaborate the quotation.

literature, quoting, and elaborating the quotation

Improving Writing Skills. Yogyakarta: Kanisius. Oshima, Alice and Hogue. 2003. Writing Academic English. Singapore: Addison-Wesley Publishing House. Swales, John. 1974. Writing Scientific English. England: Butler and Tanner, Ltd.

practice and assignment

16 Final project

References 1. Compulsory : Bram, Barli. 1995. Write Well-Improving Writing Skills. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

Oshima, Alice and Hogue. 2003. Writing Academic English. Singapore: Addison-Wesley Publishing House.

Swales, John. 1974. Writing Scientific English. England: Butler and Tanner, Ltd. 2. Supplementary : Basham, Gregg,William Irwin; Henry Nardone and James Wallas.2002.Critical Thinking .A Student’s

Introduction. Boston: Mc Grawhill.

Langan, John.1986.College Writing Skills With Readings.Mc.Graw Hill Books Company.

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SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 215 Subject : Essay Writing Credit : 2 sks Semester : V (Five) Prerequisite : Writing 3 Description : The course is designed to provide students with the procedures of essay writing. Students will be exposed to

the structures, concepts, and the know-how of composing essay from outlining, drafting to producing good and proper essay.

Competence : By way of instilling the structures of an essay (outlining, general statement, thesis statement, topic sentences and

supports)and types of essays (descriptive, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, division and classification, reporting, narrating and arguing),and intensive writing practices, students are expected to able to write well-composed academic essays by the end of the course.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students will understand the structures of an essay (outlining, general statement, thesis statement, topic sentences and supports) and the type of essay (descriptive, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, division and classification,

Students are able to get and understand information about the structures of an essay and the types of essays in general.

Discussing the structures of an essay and the types of essays in general

Introduction 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle.

Individual practice and assignment

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reporting, narrating and arguing),and intensive writing practices, students are expected to able to write well-composed academic essays by the end of the course.

2 Students will understand the structures of an essay (outlining, general statement, thesis statement, topic sentences and supports) and the type of essay (descriptive, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, division and classification, reporting, narrating and arguing),and intensive writing practices, students are expected to able to write well-composed academic essays by the end of the course.

Students are able to get and understand information about an introductory paragraph containing general statements and a thesis statement and produce them.

Discussing an introductory paragraph containing general statements and a thesis statement and producing them.

Introductory paragraphs 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle. p. 105 - 112

Individual practice and assignment

3 Students will understand the structures of an essay (outlining, general

Students are able to get and understand information about topic sentences,

Discussing topic sentences, supports, and concluding sentences and producing them

The body of essays 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia:

Individual practice and assignment

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statement, thesis statement, topic sentences and supports) and the type of essay (descriptive, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, division and classification, reporting, narrating and arguing),and intensive writing practices, students are expected to able to write well-composed academic essays by the end of the course.

supports, and concluding sentences and produce them.

Heinle and Heinle. p. 112 - 120

4 Students will understand the structures of an essay (outlining, general statement, thesis statement, topic sentences and supports) and the type of essay (descriptive, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, division and classification, reporting, narrating and arguing),and intensive writing practices, students are

Students are able to get and understand information about conclusion and state the conclusion of essays.

Discussing and stating the conclusion of essays

Conclusion 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle. p.121 - 126

Individual practice and assignment

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expected to able to write well-composed academic essays by the end of the course.

5 Students will understand the structures of an essay (outlining, general statement, thesis statement, topic sentences and supports) and the type of essay (descriptive, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, division and classification, reporting, narrating and arguing),and intensive writing practices, students are expected to able to write well-composed academic essays by the end of the course.

Students are able to get and understand information about comparison and contrst and expose them.

Discussing and exposing comparison and contrast

Comparison and contrast 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle. p. 164 - 197

Individual practice and assignment Individual

6 Students will understand the structures of an essay (outlining, general statement, thesis statement, topic sentences and supports) and the type

Students are able to get and understand information about classification and classify objects.

classifying objects Classification 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle. p.198 - 202

Individual practice and assignment

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of essay (descriptive, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, division and classification, reporting, narrating and arguing),and intensive writing practices, students are expected to able to write well-composed academic essays by the end of the course.

7 Students will understand the structures of an essay (outlining, general statement, thesis statement, topic sentences and supports) and the type of essay (descriptive, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, division and classification, reporting, narrating and arguing),and intensive writing practices, students are expected to able to write well-composed academic essays by the end of the course.

Students are able to analyze and discusse other students’ works.

Analyzing and discussing other students’ works

Discussion 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle.

Individual practice and assignment

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9 Students will understand the structures of an essay (outlining, general statement, thesis statement, topic sentences and supports) and the type of essay (descriptive, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, division and classification, reporting, narrating and arguing),and intensive writing practices, students are expected to able to write well-composed academic essays by the end of the course.

Students are able to get and understand information abot the types of process essays and write them.

Discussing the types of process essays and writing them

Process 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle. p. 224 – 250

10 Students will understand the structures of an essay (outlining, general statement, thesis statement, topic sentences and supports) and the type of essay (descriptive, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, division and

Students are able to analyze and discuss other students’ works..

Analyzing and discussing other students’ works

Discussion 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle.

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classification, reporting, narrating and arguing),and intensive writing practices, students are expected to able to write well-composed academic essays by the end of the course.

11 – 12 Students will understand the structures of an essay (outlining, general statement, thesis statement, topic sentences and supports) and the type of essay (descriptive, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, division and classification, reporting, narrating and arguing),and intensive writing practices, students are expected to able to write well-composed academic essays by the end of the course.

Students are able to get and understand information about the types of cause-effect essays and cause-effect relation and write them.

Discussing the types of cause-effect essays and cause-effect relation and writing them

Cause and effect 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle. p. 251 - 266

13 Students will understand the structures of an essay

Students are able to analyzing and discuss other

Analyzing and discussing other students’ works

Discussion 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining

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(outlining, general statement, thesis statement, topic sentences and supports) and the type of essay (descriptive, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, division and classification, reporting, narrating and arguing),and intensive writing practices, students are expected to able to write well-composed academic essays by the end of the course.

students’ works. Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle.

14 Students will understand the structures of an essay (outlining, general statement, thesis statement, topic sentences and supports) and the type of essay (descriptive, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, division and classification, reporting, narrating and arguing),and intensive writing

Students are able to get and understand information about the types of arguing (inductive and deductive reasoning) and write them.

Discussing the types of arguing (inductive and deductive reasoning) and writing them

Argumentation 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle. p. 281 - 297

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practices, students are expected to able to write well-composed academic essays by the end of the course.

15 Students will understand the structures of an essay (outlining, general statement, thesis statement, topic sentences and supports) and the type of essay (descriptive, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, division and classification, reporting, narrating and arguing),and intensive writing practices, students are expected to able to write well-composed academic essays by the end of the course.

Students are able to analyze and correct oter students’ works on cause and effect and comparison paragraphs.

Discussing and correcting other students’ works on cause and effect and comparison paragraphs

Peer correcting 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle. p.

15 Students will understand the structures of an essay

Students are able to analyze and discuss other students’

Analyzing and discussing other sudents’ works

Discussion 100’ Smalley, Regina L, Mary K. Ruetten, and Oann Rishel Korzyrev. 2001. Refining

Individual practice and assignment

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(outlining, general statement, thesis statement, topic sentences and supports) and the type of essay (descriptive, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, division and classification, reporting, narrating and arguing),and intensive writing practices, students are expected to able to write well-composed academic essays by the end of the course.

works. Composition Skills. Australia: Heinle and Heinle.

16 Final project

References 1. Compulsory : Smalley,Regina L;Mary K Ruetten and Oann Rishel Kozyrev.2001.Refining Composition Skills,Rhetoric and

Grammar.Australia:Heinle & Heinle.

2. Supplementary : Oshima, Alice and Hogue. 2003. Writing Academic English. Singapore: Addison-Wesley Publishing House.

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Vocabulary 1 Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 217 Subject : Vocabulary 1 Credit : 2 sks Semester : I (One) Prerequisite : - Description : This subject is designed for the learners to practice contextualized exposure to words related collocation, compounding,

affixation and aspect of grammar (derivatives: noun, verb, adjective, and adverb), everyday items, and remembering new words.

Competence : Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand the Overview on the Course and word formation

Discussion about Overview on the Course and word formation

Introduction: Word formation

100’ English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate).(Redman.2003:C6)

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and

Students are able to understand Phrase building

Discussion about Phrase building

Phrase building 100’ English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate).(Redman.2003:C12)

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Vocabulary 1 Syllabus


essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

3 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand Parts of speech (special problems)

Discussion about Parts of speech (special problems)

Parts of speech (special problems)

100’ English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate).(Redman.2003:C33)

4 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand Connecting and linking

Discussion about Connecting and linking

Connecting and linking 100’ English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate).(Redman.2003:39)

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Vocabulary 1 Syllabus


5 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand The world around us

Discussion about The world around us

The world around us 100’ English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate).(Redman.2003:C43)

6 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand People terms

Discussion about People terms

People 100’ English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate).(Redman.2003:C47)

7 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of

Students are able to understand Daily life terms

Discussion about Daily life terms

Daily life 100’ English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate).(Redman.2003:C53)

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Vocabulary 1 Syllabus


new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.


9 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand work terms

Discussion about work terms

Work 100’ English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate).(Redman.2003:C69)

10 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand Leisure and entertainment terms

Discussion about Leisure and entertainment terms

Leisure and entertainment 100’ English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate).(Redman.2003:C74)

11 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and

Students are able to understand Communivatin and technology terms

Discussion about Communivatin and technology terms

Communivatin and technology 100’ English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate).(Redman.2003:C78)

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Vocabulary 1 Syllabus


essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

12 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand Social concerns terms

Discussion about Social concerns terms

Social concerns 100’ English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate).(Redman.2003:C82)

13 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand Tourism terms

Discussion about Tourism terms

Tourism 100’ English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate).(Redman.2003:C89)

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Vocabulary 1 Syllabus


14 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand Notional concepts

Discussion about Notional concepts

Notional concepts 100’ English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate).(Redman.2003:C93)

15 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand Varieties in English

Discussion about Varieties in English

Varieties in English 100’ English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate).(Redman.2003:C97)


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Vocabulary 1 Syllabus


Refference: Compulsory : Redman, Stuart.2003.English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate).Cambridge University Press Sumplementary:

1. Hill, , L. A. 1985. Word Power 1500. Hong Kong : OUP 2. Fowler, W.S. 1987. The right Word. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelson & Sons 3. Peaty, D. 1983. Working with English Idioms. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas Nelson 4. Redman, S. 1991. A Way with Words. Book 3. Cambrige : CUP 5. Taylor, L. 1992. Vocabulary in Action. Helmel Hempstead: Prentice-Hall

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Vocabulary 2 Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 217 Subject : Vocabulary 2 Credit : 2 sks Semester : II (two) Prerequisite : Vocabulary 1 Description : This subject is designed for the learners to practice contextualized exposure to words related collocation, compounding,

affixation and aspect of grammar (derivatives: noun, verb, adjective, and adverb), everyday items, and remembering new words.

Competence : Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand Part 1 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Discussion about Part 1 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Part 1 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

100’ Word Power 3000(Hill.1985:Part 1)

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that

Students are able to understand Part 2 Pictures, Synonyms,

Discussion about Part 2 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives,

Part 2 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in

100’ Word Power 3000(Hill.1985:Part 2)

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Vocabulary 2 Syllabus


are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

3 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand Part 3 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Discussion about Part 3 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Part 3 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

100’ Word Power 3000(Hill.1985:Part 3)

4 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand Part 4 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Discussion about Part 4 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Part 4 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

100’ Word Power 3000(Hill.1985:Part 4)

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Vocabulary 2 Syllabus


5 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand Part 5 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Discussion about Part 5 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Part 5 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

100’ Word Power 3000(Hill.1985:Part 5)

6 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand Part 6 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Discussion about Part 6 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Part 6 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

100’ Word Power 3000(Hill.1985:Part 6)

7 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of

Students are able to understand Review material Part 1 – 6

Discussion about Review material Part 1 – 6

Review 100’ Word Power 3000(Hill.1985)

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Vocabulary 2 Syllabus


new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.


9 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand Part 1 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Discussion about Part 1 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Part 1 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

100’ Word Power 4500(Hill.1985:Part 1)

10 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand Part 2 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Discussion about Part 2 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Part 2 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

100’ Word Power 4500(Hill.1985:Part 2)

11 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and

Students are able to understand Part 3 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives,

Discussion about Part 3 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences,

Part 3 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and

100’ Word Power 4500(Hill.1985:Part 3)

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Vocabulary 2 Syllabus


essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Adverbial Particels

12 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand Part 4 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Discussion about Part 4 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Part 4 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

100’ Word Power 4500(Hill.1985:Part 4)

13 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand Part 5 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Discussion about Part 5 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Part 5 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

100’ Word Power 4500(Hill.1985:Part 5)

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Vocabulary 2 Syllabus


14 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand Part 6 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Discussion about Part 6 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

Part 6 Pictures, Synonyms, Opposites, Derrivatives, Words in Sentences, Prepositions and Adverbial Particels

100’ Word Power 4500(Hill.1985:Part 6)

15 Students will acquire a sufficient mastery of vocabulary items that are practical and essential for everyday communication and develop basic skills and strategies for effective learning of new words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions.

Students are able to understand Review material Part 1 – 6

Discussion about Review material Part 1 – 6

Review 100’ Word Power 4500(Hill.1985)


Refference: Compulsory :

Hill, L. A. 1985. Word Power 3000. Hong Kong : OUP Hill, L. A. 1985. Word Power 4500. Hong Kong : OUP

Sumplementary: 1. Fowler, W.S. 1987. The right Word. Walton-on-Thames: Thomas

Nelson & Sons 2. Peaty, D. 1983. Working with English Idioms. Walton-on-Thames:

Thomas Nelson 3. Redman, S. 1991. A Way with Words. Book 3. Cambrige : CUP 4. Taylor, L. 1992. Vocabulary in Action. Helmel Hempstead: Prentice-


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SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 219 Subject : Grammar 1 Credit : 2 sks Semester : I (One) Prerequisite : - Description : This subject is designed to facilitate the students in acquiring the knowledge of basic grammatical structures of English and to develop the students’ ability to use them. Competence : Students have their ability in using English tenses, modal auxiliaries, passive construction, and question construction.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students have their ability in using English tenses, modal auxiliaries, passive and question construction.

Students are able to know and understand the components of basic grammatical structures of English.

Discussing the components of basic gramatical structures of English


100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education.

2 Students have their ability in using English tenses, modal auxiliaries, passive and question construction.

Students are able to understand the tenses and their functions and to use them.

1. Discussing the tenses and their functions 2. Doing exercises

Present tenses: 1. Simple present tense 2. Present progressive tense

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 12 - 26

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

3 Students have their ability in using English tenses, modal auxiliaries, passive and question construction.

Students are able to understand the tenses and their functions and to use them.

1. Discussing the tenses and their functions 2. Doing exercises

Past tenses: 1. Simple past tense 2. Past progressive tense

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 27 - 33

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

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4 Students have their ability in using English tenses, modal auxiliaries, passive and question construction.

Students are able to understand the tenses and their functions and to use them.

1. Discussing the tenses and their functions

2. Doing exercises

Perfect Tenses (part 1): 1. Present perfect tense 2. Present perfect progressive tense

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 34 - 44

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

5 Students have their ability in using English tenses, modal auxiliaries, passive and question construction.

Students are able to understand the tenses and their functions and to use them.

1. Discussing the tenses and their functions

2. Doing exercises

Perfect Tenses (part 2): 1. Past perfect tense 2. Past perfect progressive tense

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 45 - 50

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

6 Students have their ability in using English tenses, modal auxiliaries, passive and question construction.

Students are able to understand the tense and the functions and to use it.

1. Discussing the tenses and their functions

2. Doing exercises

Future Tense (part 1): Simple future tense

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 51 - 59

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

7 Students have their ability in using English tenses, modal auxiliaries, passive and question construction.

Students are able to understand the tenses and their functions and to use them.

1. Discussing the tenses and their functions 2. Doing exercises

Future Tenses (part 2): 1. Future progressive tense 2. Future perfect tense 3. Future perfect progressive tense

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Educatio, p. 60 - 64

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

8 Students have their ability in using English tenses, modal auxiliaries, passive and question construction.

Students are able to understand the tenses and their functions and to use them.

1. Discussing the tenses and their functions 2. Doing exercises

Riview of all tenses 100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 12 - 82

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment


10 Students have their ability in using English tenses, modal auxiliaries, passive and

Students are able to understand the modals and their functions and to use

1. Discussing the modals and their functions 2. Doing exercises

Modals (part 1) expressing: 1. polite requests 2. necessity 3. prohibition

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 151 - 173

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

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question construction. them. 4. advisability 5. expectation 6. suggestion

11 Students have their ability in using English tenses, modal auxiliaries, passive and question construction.

Students are able to understand the modals and their functions and to use them.

1. Discussing the modals and their functions 2. Doing exercises

Modals (part 2) expressing: 1. degree of certainty 2. ability 3. past repeated actions 4. preference

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 174 - 207

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

12 Students have their ability in using English tenses, modal auxiliaries, passive and question construction.

Students are able to understand the passive constructions and to use them.

1. Discussing the passive constructions and their functions 2. Doing exercises

The passive (part 1): 1. Forming and using 2. Indiret objects as the passive subjects

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 208 - 224

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

13 Students have their ability in using English tenses, modal auxiliaries, passive and question construction.

Students are able to understand the passive constructions and to use them.

1. Discussing the passive constructions and their functions 2. Doing exercises

The passive (part 2): 1. Stative passive 2. The passive with get

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 225 - 238

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

14 Students have their ability in using English tenses, modal auxiliaries, passive and question construction.

Students are able to understand the question constructions and to use them.

1. Discussing the question construction 2. Doing exercises

The question constructions: 1. Yes/no questions 2. Wh-questions 3. Tag questions

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. A8 – A16

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

15 Students have their ability in using English tenses, modal auxiliaries, passive and question construction.

Students are able to understand English tenses, modal auxiliaries, passive and question construction and to use them

1. Discussing all topics 2. Doing exercises

Review of all topics 100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education.

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment


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References 1. Compulsory : Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed.New York: Person Education. 2. Supplementary : Hayden, Rebecca E, Pilgrim, Dorothy W and Haggard, Aurora Q. 1956. Mastering American English. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc Taylor, Grant. 1956. Mastering American English. US: Mc. Graw-Hill Book Company, Inc.

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SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 220 Subject : Grammar 2 Credit : 2 sks Semester : II (two) Prerequisite : Grammar 1 (MKK – 219) Description : This subject is designed to facilitate the students in acquiring the knowledge of intermediate grammatical structures of English and to develop the students’ ability to use them. Competence : Students have their ability in using English nouns, pronouns, gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences, coordinating conjunctions, paired conjunctions, noun clauses, and adjective clauses.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students have their ability in using English nouns, pronouns, gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences, coordinating conjunctions, paired conjunctions, noun clauses, and adjective clauses.

Students are able to know and understand the components of intermediate grammatical structures of English.

Discussing the components of intermediate grammatical structures of English


100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education.

2 Students have their ability in using English nouns, pronouns, gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences, coordinating conjunctions, paired conjunctions, noun

Students are able to understand English nouns and their functions and to use them.

1. Discussing the nouns and their functions 2. Doing exercises

Nouns (part 1): 1. Countable and uncountable nouns 2. Regular and irregular nouns 3. Functions of nouns

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 99 - 111

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

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clauses, and adjective clauses.

3 Students have their ability in using English nouns, pronouns, gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences, coordinating conjunctions, paired conjunctions, noun clauses, and adjective clauses.

Students are able to understand English nouns, the articles and the expressions of quantity.

1. Discussing the nouns, the articles, and the expressions of quantity 2. Doing exercises

Nouns (part 2): 1. Article usage 2. Expressions of quantity

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 112 – 130

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

4 Students have their ability in using English nouns, pronouns, gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences, coordinating conjunctions, paired conjunctions, noun clauses, and adjective clauses.

Students are able to understand English pronouns and their functions and to use them.

1. Discussing the pronouns and their functions 2. Doing exercises

Pronouns 100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 131 – 150

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

5 Students have their ability in using English nouns, pronouns, gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences, coordinating conjunctions, paired conjunctions, noun clauses, and adjective clauses.

Students are able to understand English gerunds and infinitives and their functions and to use them.

1. Discussing the gerunds and infinitives and their functions 2. Doing exercises

Gerunds and infinitives (part 1): 1. The functions of gerunds 2. Sentence structures

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 297 - 310

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

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6 Students have their ability in using English nouns, pronouns, gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences, coordinating conjunctions, paired conjunctions, noun clauses, and adjective clauses.

Students are able to understand English gerunds and infinitives and the sentence structures using them.

1. Discussing the gerunds and infinitives and the sentence structures using them 2. Doing exercises

Gerunds and infinitives (part 2): 1. Sentence structure using gerunds 2. Sentence structure using infinitives 3. Sentence structure using both of them

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 311 – 330

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

7 Students have their ability in using English nouns, pronouns, gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences, coordinating conjunctions, paired conjunctions, noun clauses, and adjective clauses.

Students are able to understand English nouns, pronouns, gerunds, infinitives and their functions and to use them.

1. Discussing the nouns, pronouns, gerunds, and infinitives and their functions 2. Doing exercises

Review of nouns, pronouns, gerunds, and infinitives

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 99 – 330

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment


9 Students have their ability in using English nouns, pronouns, gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences, coordinating conjunctions, paired conjunctions, noun clauses, and adjective clauses

Students are able to understand English gerunds and infinitives, their passive and past form, and their usage.

1. Discussing gerunds and infinitives, the passive and past form, and their usage 2. Doing exercises

Gerunds and ifinitives (part 3): 1. Passive and past form of gerunds and infinitives 2. The usage of gerunds and infitives

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 331 - 346

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

10 Students have their ability in using English

Students are able to understand English

1. Discussing compound sentences, their

Compound sentences 100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English

1. Individual assignment

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nouns, pronouns, gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences, coordinating conjunctions, paired conjunctions, noun clauses, and adjective clauses.

compound sentences and their constructions and to use them,

construction and their functions 2. Doing exercises

Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 348 - 357

2. Group assignment

11 Students have their ability in using English nouns, pronouns, gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences, coordinating conjunctions, paired conjunctions, noun clauses, and adjective clauses.

Students are able to understand the kinds and the usage of English noun clauses and to use them.

1. Discussing the kinds and the usage of noun clauses 2. Doing exercises

Noun clauses (part 1): 1. The kinds of noun clauses 2. The usage of noun clauses

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 239 – 250

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

12 Students have their ability in using English nouns, pronouns, gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences, coordinating conjunctions, paired conjunctions, noun clauses, and adjective clauses.

Students are able to understand English noun clauses in reported speech and subjunctive verbs in noun clauses.

1. Discussing noun clauses in reported speech and subjunctive in noun clauses 2. Doing exercises

Noun clauses (part 2): 1. Quoted and reported speech 2. Subjunctive verbs in noun clauses

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 251 - 266

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

13 Students have their ability in using English nouns, pronouns, gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences,

Students are able to understand English adjective clauses using subject and object pronouns,

1. Discussing adjective clauses using subject and object pronouns, whose, when. and where

Adjective clauses (part 1): 1. Using subject and object pronouns 2. Using whose, when, and where

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 267 – 281

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

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coordinating conjunctions, paired conjunctions, noun clauses, and adjective clauses.

whose, when, and where.

2. Doing exercises

14 Students have their ability in using English nouns, pronouns, gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences, coordinating conjunctions, paired conjunctions, noun clauses, and adjective clauses.

Students are able to understand English adjective clauses and the punctuation.

1. Discussing, adjective clauses and their punctuation 2. Doing exercises

Adjective clauses (part 2): 1. Punctuation 2. Expression of quantity 3. Using which and of which

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 281 – 296

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

15 Students have their ability in using English nouns, pronouns, gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences, coordinating conjunctions, paired conjunctions, noun clauses, and adjective clauses.

Students are able to understand English gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences, noun clauses, adjective clauses, their constructions, and their functions and to use them.

1. Discussing gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences, noun clause, adjective clauses, their construction and their functions 2. Doing exercises

Review of gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences, noun clauses, and adjective clauses

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 239 – 357

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment


References 1. Compulsory : Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed.New York: Person Education. 2. Supplementary : Hayden, Rebecca E, Pilgrim, Dorothy W and Haggard, Aurora Q. 1956. Mastering American English. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc Taylor, Grant. 1956. Mastering American English. US: Mc. Graw-Hill Book Company, Inc

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SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 221 Subject : Grammar 3 Credit : 2 sks Semester : III (three) Prerequisite : Grammar 2 (MKK – 220) Description : This subject is designed to facilitate the students in acquiring the knowledge of advanced grammatical structures of English and to develop the students’ ability to use them and to solve the problems of TOEFL exercises. Competence : Students have their ability in using English subordinating conjunctions, adverb clauses, conditional sentences and solving the problems of TOEFL exercises.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students have their ability in using English subordinating conjunctions, adverb clauses, conditional sentences and solving the problems of TOEFL exercises.

Students are able to know and understand the components of advanced grammatical structures of English.

Discussing the components of advanced grammatical structures of English


100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education.

2 Students have their ability in using English subordinating conjunctions, adverb clauses, conditional sentences and

Students are able to understand adverb clauses of time and their functions and to use them.

1. Discussing the adverb clauses of time and their functions 2. Doing exercises

Adverb clauses (part 1): Adverb clauses of time

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 70 – 75 & 359 - 361

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

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solving the problems of TOEFL exercises.

3 Students have their ability in using English subordinating conjunctions, adverb clauses, conditional sentences and solving the problems of TOEFL exercises.

Students are able to understand adverb clauses expressing cause and effect and contrast and their functions and to use them.

1. Discussing adverb clauses expressing cause and effect and contrast and their functions 2. Doing exercises

Adverb clauses (part 2) : 1. Expressing cause and effect 2. Expressing contrast

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 362 – 367

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

4 Students have their ability in using English subordinating conjunctions, adverb clauses, conditional sentences and solving the problems of TOEFL exercises.

Students are able to understand adverb clauses expressing condition and their functions and to use them.

1. Discussing adverb clauses expressing condition and their functions 2. Doing exercises

Adverb clauses (part 3): expressing condition

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 367 – 373

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

5 Students have their ability in using English subordinating conjunctions, adverb clauses, conditional sentences and solving the problems of TOEFL exercises.

Students are able to understand the reduction of adverb clauses to modifying adverbial phrase and the functions and to use it.

1. Discussing the reduction of adverb clauses to modifying adverbial phrase and the functions 2. Doing exercises

Reduction of adverb clauses to modifying adverbial phrases

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 374 – 383

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

6 Students have their ability in using English subordinating conjunctions, adverb clauses, conditional

Students are able to understand English connectives and their functions and to use them.

1. Discussing English connectives and their functions 2. Doing exercises

Connectives 100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 385 - 411

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

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sentences and solving the problems of TOEFL exercises.

7 Students have their ability in using English subordinating conjunctions, adverb clauses, conditional sentences and solving the problems of TOEFL exercises.

Students are able to understand English adverb clauses, connectives and their functions and to use them .

1. Discussing the nouns, adverb clauses, connectives and their functions 2. Doing exercises

Review of adverb clauses and connectives

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 70 – 411

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment


9 Students have their ability in using English subordinating conjunctions, adverb clauses, conditional sentences and solving the problems of TOEFL exercises.

Students are able to understand English gerunds and infinitives, their passive and past form, and their usage.

1. Discussing gerunds and infinitives, the passive and past form, and their usage 2. Doing exercises

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 331 – 346

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

10 Students have their ability in using English subordinating conjunctions, adverb clauses, conditional sentences and solving the problems of TOEFL exercises.

Students are able to understand English compound sentences and their constructions and to use them,

1. Discussing compound sentences, their construction and their functions 2. Doing exercises

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 348 - 357

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

11 Students have their ability in using English subordinating

Students are able to understand the kinds and the usage of

1. Discussing the kinds and the usage of noun clauses

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York:

1. Individual assignment 2. Group

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conjunctions, adverb clauses, conditional sentences and solving the problems of TOEFL exercises.

English noun clauses and to use them.

2. Doing exercises

Person Education, p. 239 – 250 assignment

12 Students have their ability in using English subordinating conjunctions, adverb clauses, conditional sentences and solving the problems of TOEFL exercises.

Students are able to understand English noun clauses in reported speech and subjunctive verbs in noun clauses.

1. Discussing noun clauses in reported speech and subjunctive in noun clauses 2. Doing exercises

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 251 – 266

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

13 Students have their ability in using English subordinating conjunctions, adverb clauses, conditional sentences and solving the problems of TOEFL exercises.

Students are able to understand English adjective clauses using subject and object pronouns, whose, when, and where.

1. Discussing adjective clauses using subject and object pronouns, whose, when. and where 2. Doing exercises

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 267 – 281

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

14 Students have their ability in using English subordinating conjunctions, adverb clauses, conditional sentences and solving the problems of TOEFL exercises.

Students are able to understand English adjective clauses and the punctuation.

1. Discussing, adjective clauses and their punctuation 2. Doing exercises

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 281 – 296

1. Individual assignment 2. Group assignment

15 Students have their ability in using English

Students are able to understand English

1. Discussing gerunds, infinitives, compound

100’ Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English

1. Individual assignment

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subordinating conjunctions, adverb clauses, conditional sentences and solving the problems of TOEFL exercises.

gerunds, infinitives, compound sentences, noun clauses, adjective clauses, their constructions, and their functions and to use them.

sentences, noun clause, adjective clauses, their construction and their functions 2. Doing exercises

Grammar 3rd Ed. New York: Person Education, p. 239 – 357

2. Group assignment


References 1. Compulsory : Azar, Betty. S. 1990. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd Ed.New York: Person Education. 2. Supplementary : Hayden, Rebecca E, Pilgrim, Dorothy W and Haggard, Aurora Q. 1956. Mastering American English. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc Taylor, Grant. 1956. Mastering American English. US: Mc. Graw-Hill Book Company, Inc.

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 227 Subject : Introduction to Linguistic Credit : 2 sks Semester : III ( Three ) Prerequisite : - Description : This course deals with knowledge of basic concepts or theories of linguistics in order that the students understand and comprehend important issues relating to language and its development Competence : Students are able to know fundamental concepts of language such as its definition and origin, able to understand, and

comprehend the rough components of language such as phonology, morphology, and syntax, able to know and understand the diversity of language , and able to identify, conceptualize, and discuss linguistics issues and problems found within their social environment.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to know fundamental concepts of language such as its definition and origin, able to understand, and comprehend the rough components of language such as phonology, morphology, and syntax, able to know and understand the diversity of language , and able to identify,

Able to understand the definition of language and its related concepts

1. Learning autonomously, and doing assigned exercises

2. Discussing the topic within small groups

The definition of language and its related concepts: 1. The definition of Language

and linguistics 2. The creative system,

generality, equality, universality, and the changeability of language.

100’ 1. Akmajian, Adrian dkk.1984.Linguistics:An Introduction to Language and Communication.The MIT Press: London England.

2. Samarin, William J.1966.Field Linguistics: A guide to Linguistic Field Work.New York: Chicago – London.

3. Finegan, E. (2004). Language: Its Structure and Use (4th ed.). Boston: Thomson Wadsworth

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


conceptualize, and discuss linguistics issues and problems found within their social environment.

4. Fromkin, V., Blair, D. & Collins, P. (1991). An Introduction to Language (4th ed.) NSW: Harcourt Australia Pty, Limited

5. O’Grady, W. et al. (1996). Contemporary Linguistics: an Introduction. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited

2 Students are able to know fundamental concepts of language such as its definition and origin, able to understand, and comprehend the rough components of language such as phonology, morphology, and syntax, able to know and understand the diversity of language , and able to identify, conceptualize, and discuss linguistics issues and problems found within their social environment.

Able to understand the language origin

1. Learning autonomously, and doing assigned exercises

2. Discussing the topic within small groups

Language Origin: 1. God’s Gift to Mankind? 2. Human Invention or the

Cries of nature? 3. Language and the Brain

100’ 1. Akmajian, Adrian dkk.1984.Linguistics:An Introduction to Language and Communication.The MIT Press: London England.

2. Samarin, William J.1966.Field Linguistics: A guide to Linguistic Field Work.New York: Chicago – London.

3. Finegan, E. (2004). Language: Its Structure and Use (4th ed.). Boston: Thomson Wadsworth

4. Fromkin, V., Blair, D. & Collins, P. (1991). An Introduction to Language (4th ed.) NSW: Harcourt Australia Pty, Limited

5. O’Grady, W. et al. (1996). Contemporary Linguistics: an Introduction. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


3 Students are able to know fundamental concepts of language such as its definition and origin, able to understand, and comprehend the rough components of language such as phonology, morphology, and syntax, able to know and understand the diversity of language , and able to identify, conceptualize, and discuss linguistics issues and problems found within their social environment.

Able to understand Phonetics: The Sound of Language

1. Learning autonomously, and doing assigned exercises

2. Discussing the topic within small groups

Phonetics: The Sound of Language

1. The Phonetic Alphabet 2. Sound Categories:

Consonants and Vowels

100’ 1. Akmajian, Adrian dkk.1984.Linguistics:An Introduction to Language and Communication.The MIT Press: London England.

2. Samarin, William J.1966.Field Linguistics: A guide to Linguistic Field Work.New York: Chicago – London.

3. Finegan, E. (2004). Language: Its Structure and Use (4th ed.). Boston: Thomson Wadsworth

4. Fromkin, V., Blair, D. & Collins, P. (1991). An Introduction to Language (4th ed.) NSW: Harcourt Australia Pty, Limited

5. O’Grady, W. et al. (1996). Contemporary Linguistics: an Introduction. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited

4 Students are able to know fundamental concepts of language such as its definition and origin, able to understand, and comprehend the rough components of language such as phonology,

Able to understand Phonetics: The Sound of Language

1. Learning autonomously, and doing assigned exercises

2. Discussing the topic within small groups

Phonetics: The Sound of Language 1. Diphtongs

100’ 1. Akmajian, Adrian dkk.1984.Linguistics:An Introduction to Language and Communication.The MIT Press: London England.

2. Samarin, William J.1966.Field Linguistics: A guide to Linguistic Field Work.New York: Chicago –

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


morphology, and syntax, able to know and understand the diversity of language , and able to identify, conceptualize, and discuss linguistics issues and problems found within their social environment.

London. 3. Finegan, E. (2004).

Language: Its Structure and Use (4th ed.). Boston: Thomson Wadsworth

4. Fromkin, V., Blair, D. & Collins, P. (1991). An Introduction to Language (4th ed.) NSW: Harcourt Australia Pty, Limited

5. O’Grady, W. et al. (1996). Contemporary Linguistics: an Introduction. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited

5 Students are able to know fundamental concepts of language such as its definition and origin, able to understand, and comprehend the rough components of language such as phonology, morphology, and syntax, able to know and understand the diversity of language , and able to identify, conceptualize, and discuss linguistics issues and problems found within their social environment.

Able to understand Phonetics: The Sound of Language

1. Learning autonomously, and doing assigned exercises

2. Discussing the topic within small groups

Phonetics: The Sound of Language 1. Stress 2. Intonation

100’ 1. Akmajian, Adrian dkk.1984.Linguistics:An Introduction to Language and Communication.The MIT Press: London England.

2. Samarin, William J.1966.Field Linguistics: A guide to Linguistic Field Work.New York: Chicago – London.

3. Finegan, E. (2004). Language: Its Structure and Use (4th ed.). Boston: Thomson Wadsworth

4. Fromkin, V., Blair, D. & Collins, P. (1991). An Introduction to Language (4th ed.) NSW: Harcourt Australia Pty, Limited

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


5. O’Grady, W. et al. (1996). Contemporary Linguistics: an Introduction. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited

6 Students are able to know fundamental concepts of language such as its definition and origin, able to understand, and comprehend the rough components of language such as phonology, morphology, and syntax, able to know and understand the diversity of language , and able to identify, conceptualize, and discuss linguistics issues and problems found within their social environment.

Able to understand the coming of Hindhu, the influence and the Hindhu Kingdoms

1. Learning autonomously, and doing assigned exercises

2. Discussing the topic within small groups

Morphology: The Analysis of Word Structure 1. Morpheme 2. Root, Affixes, and Base

100’ 1. Akmajian, Adrian dkk.1984.Linguistics:An Introduction to Language and Communication.The MIT Press: London England.

2. Samarin, William J.1966.Field Linguistics: A guide to Linguistic Field Work.New York: Chicago – London.

3. Finegan, E. (2004). Language: Its Structure and Use (4th ed.). Boston: Thomson Wadsworth

4. Fromkin, V., Blair, D. & Collins, P. (1991). An Introduction to Language (4th ed.) NSW: Harcourt Australia Pty, Limited

5. O’Grady, W. et al. (1996). Contemporary Linguistics: an Introduction. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited

7 Students are able to know fundamental concepts of language such as its definition and origin, able to

Able to understand Morphology: The Analysis of Word Structure

1. Learning autonomously, and doing assigned exercises

2. Discussing the topic

Morphology: The Analysis of Word Structure 1. English Derivation and

Inflection 2. Compounding

100’ 1. Akmajian, Adrian dkk.1984.Linguistics:An Introduction to Language and Communication.The MIT Press: London

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


understand, and comprehend the rough components of language such as phonology, morphology, and syntax, able to know and understand the diversity of language , and able to identify, conceptualize, and discuss linguistics issues and problems found within their social environment.

within small groups

England. 2. Samarin, William

J.1966.Field Linguistics: A guide to Linguistic Field Work.New York: Chicago – London.

3. Finegan, E. (2004). Language: Its Structure and Use (4th ed.). Boston: Thomson Wadsworth

4. Fromkin, V., Blair, D. & Collins, P. (1991). An Introduction to Language (4th ed.) NSW: Harcourt Australia Pty, Limited

5. O’Grady, W. et al. (1996). Contemporary Linguistics: an Introduction. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited


9 Students are able to know fundamental concepts of language such as its definition and origin, able to understand, and comprehend the rough components of language such as phonology, morphology, and syntax, able to know and understand the diversity of language ,

Able to understand Syntax: The Sentence Patterns of Language

1. Learning autonomously, and doing assigned exercises

2. Discussing the topic within small groups

Syntax: The Sentence Patterns of Language

1. Phrase structure rules 2. Lexical Insertion rules

100’ 1. Akmajian, Adrian dkk.1984.Linguistics:An Introduction to Language and Communication.The MIT Press: London England.

2. Samarin, William J.1966.Field Linguistics: A guide to Linguistic Field Work.New York: Chicago – London.

3. Finegan, E. (2004). Language: Its Structure and Use (4th ed.). Boston:

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


and able to identify, conceptualize, and discuss linguistics issues and problems found within their social environment.

Thomson Wadsworth 4. Fromkin, V., Blair, D. &

Collins, P. (1991). An Introduction to Language (4th ed.) NSW: Harcourt Australia Pty, Limited

5. O’Grady, W. et al. (1996). Contemporary Linguistics: an Introduction. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited

10 Students are able to know fundamental concepts of language such as its definition and origin, able to understand, and comprehend the rough components of language such as phonology, morphology, and syntax, able to know and understand the diversity of language , and able to identify, conceptualize, and discuss linguistics issues and problems found within their social environment.

Able to understand Syntax: The Sentence Patterns of Language

1. Learning autonomously, and doing assigned exercises

2. Discussing the topic within small groups

Syntax: The Sentence Patterns of Language 1. Transformational rules 2. Surface and deep structure

100’ 1. Akmajian, Adrian dkk.1984.Linguistics:An Introduction to Language and Communication.The MIT Press: London England.

2. Samarin, William J.1966.Field Linguistics: A guide to Linguistic Field Work.New York: Chicago – London.

3. Finegan, E. (2004). Language: Its Structure and Use (4th ed.). Boston: Thomson Wadsworth

4. Fromkin, V., Blair, D. & Collins, P. (1991). An Introduction to Language (4th ed.) NSW: Harcourt Australia Pty, Limited

5. O’Grady, W. et al. (1996). Contemporary Linguistics: an Introduction. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


11 Students are able to know fundamental concepts of language such as its definition and origin, able to understand, and comprehend the rough components of language such as phonology, morphology, and syntax, able to know and understand the diversity of language , and able to identify, conceptualize, and discuss linguistics issues and problems found within their social environment.

Able to understand The Diversity of Language Dialects

1. Learning autonomously, and doing assigned exercises

2. Discussing the topic within small groups

The Diversity of Language Dialects

1. The “Standard” 2. Lingua Francas

100’ 1. Akmajian, Adrian dkk.1984.Linguistics:An Introduction to Language and Communication.The MIT Press: London England.

2. Samarin, William J.1966.Field Linguistics: A guide to Linguistic Field Work.New York: Chicago – London.

3. Finegan, E. (2004). Language: Its Structure and Use (4th ed.). Boston: Thomson Wadsworth

4. Fromkin, V., Blair, D. & Collins, P. (1991). An Introduction to Language (4th ed.) NSW: Harcourt Australia Pty, Limited

5. O’Grady, W. et al. (1996). Contemporary Linguistics: an Introduction. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited

12 Students are able to know fundamental concepts of language such as its definition and origin, able to understand, and comprehend the rough components of language such as phonology,

Able to understand The Diversity of Language Dialects

1. Learning autonomously, and doing assigned exercises

2. Discussing the topic within small groups

The Diversity of Language 1. Pidgins and Creoles 2. Taboo or not Taboo

100’ 1. Akmajian, Adrian dkk.1984.Linguistics:An Introduction to Language and Communication.The MIT Press: London England.

2. Samarin, William J.1966.Field Linguistics: A guide to Linguistic Field Work.New York: Chicago –

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


morphology, and syntax, able to know and understand the diversity of language , and able to identify, conceptualize, and discuss linguistics issues and problems found within their social environment.

London. 3. Finegan, E. (2004).

Language: Its Structure and Use (4th ed.). Boston: Thomson Wadsworth

4. Fromkin, V., Blair, D. & Collins, P. (1991). An Introduction to Language (4th ed.) NSW: Harcourt Australia Pty, Limited

5. O’Grady, W. et al. (1996). Contemporary Linguistics: an Introduction. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited

13 Students are able to know fundamental concepts of language such as its definition and origin, able to understand, and comprehend the rough components of language such as phonology, morphology, and syntax, able to know and understand the diversity of language , and able to identify, conceptualize, and discuss linguistics issues and problems found within their social environment.

Able to understand Linguistics issues and problems

Discussing the topic within small groups

Linguistics issues and problems 100’ 1. Akmajian, Adrian dkk.1984.Linguistics:An Introduction to Language and Communication.The MIT Press: London England.

2. Samarin, William J.1966.Field Linguistics: A guide to Linguistic Field Work.New York: Chicago – London.

3. Finegan, E. (2004). Language: Its Structure and Use (4th ed.). Boston: Thomson Wadsworth

4. Fromkin, V., Blair, D. & Collins, P. (1991). An Introduction to Language (4th ed.) NSW: Harcourt Australia Pty, Limited

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


5. O’Grady, W. et al. (1996). Contemporary Linguistics: an Introduction. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited

14 Students are able to know fundamental concepts of language such as its definition and origin, able to understand, and comprehend the rough components of language such as phonology, morphology, and syntax, able to know and understand the diversity of language , and able to identify, conceptualize, and discuss linguistics issues and problems found within their social environment.

Able to understand Linguistics issues and problems

Discussing the topic within small groups

Linguistics issues and problems 100’ 1. Akmajian, Adrian dkk.1984.Linguistics:An Introduction to Language and Communication.The MIT Press: London England.

2. Samarin, William J.1966.Field Linguistics: A guide to Linguistic Field Work.New York: Chicago – London.

3. Finegan, E. (2004). Language: Its Structure and Use (4th ed.). Boston: Thomson Wadsworth

4. Fromkin, V., Blair, D. & Collins, P. (1991). An Introduction to Language (4th ed.) NSW: Harcourt Australia Pty, Limited

5. O’Grady, W. et al. (1996). Contemporary Linguistics: an Introduction. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited

15 Students are able to know fundamental concepts of language such as its definition and origin, able to

Able to understand Linguistics issues and problems

Discussing the topic within small groups

Linguistics issues and problems 100’ 1. Akmajian, Adrian dkk.1984.Linguistics:An Introduction to Language and Communication.The MIT Press: London

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


understand, and comprehend the rough components of language such as phonology, morphology, and syntax, able to know and understand the diversity of language , and able to identify, conceptualize, and discuss linguistics issues and problems found within their social environment.

England. 2. Samarin, William

J.1966.Field Linguistics: A guide to Linguistic Field Work.New York: Chicago – London.

3. Finegan, E. (2004). Language: Its Structure and Use (4th ed.). Boston: Thomson Wadsworth

4. Fromkin, V., Blair, D. & Collins, P. (1991). An Introduction to Language (4th ed.) NSW: Harcourt Australia Pty, Limited

5. O’Grady, W. et al. (1996). Contemporary Linguistics: an Introduction. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited


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Department : English Literature

Code : MKK - 223

Subject : Introduction to English Literature

Credit : 2 credits

Semester : III

Prerequisite : -

Description : This course covers teaching learning activities that aim to enable the students to have introductory knowledge of

English literature and its details.

Competence : Students are able to: 1) comprenhend some definitions of literature and the general background of English literature;

2) understand periods of English literature; and 3) identify the characteristics of English and American literature.

Meeting Basic Competence Indicator Learning Experience Topic Time

(Minutes) Source Evaluation

1 - 2 Students understand

the definition of

literature and are able

to identify literary


Students are able

to explain various

definitions of

literature and

literary genres

starting from the

oral tradition and

written tradition,

including the

examples and


1. Reading various

definition of


2. Discussion on

literary genres and

their characteristics

1. Definition of Literature

2. Literary Genre

100’ 1. Response to

Literature (Grace,

1965: 1-48)

2. How to Study

Literature in

English (Fox,

1989: 5-10, 17-22)

3. Literary Theory:

An Introduction

(Eagleton, 1983: 1-

1. Individual


3. Group


4. Middle Test

5. Final Test

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4. Fiction: An

Introduction to

Reading and

Writing (Roberts &

Jacabs, 1987: 1-17)

5. Traditional

Literature of

ASEAN (Osman &

Tamin, 2000: 1-81)

2 - 3 Students understand

the characteristics,

know some important

figures, and works of

Old English

Literature and Middle

English Literature

Students are able

to explain the


some important

figures, and

works of Old

English Literature

and Middle

English Literature

Reading and discussion

on Old English

Literature and Middle

English Literature

1. Old English


2. Middle English


100’ 1. Response to

Literature (Grace,


2. How to Study

Literature in

English (Fox,


3. Shorter

Introduction to

English Literature.

(Kooistra and

Schutt. 1950)

3 - 5 Students understand

the characteristics,

know some important

fugures, and works in

Students are able

to explain the


some important

Reading and discussion

on the Transition

Period and the

1. The Transition Period

2. The Elizabethan

100’ 1. Response to

Literature (Grace,


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the Transition Period

and the Elizabethan


fugures, and

works in the

Transition Period

and the



Elizabethan Period Period 2. How to Study

Literature in

English (Fox,


3. Shorter

Introduction to

English Literature.

(Kooistra and

Schutt. 1950)

6 Middle Test

7 - 8 Students understand

the characteristics,

know some important

fugures, and works in

John Milton Era and

Restoration Drama

Students are able

to explain the


some important

fugures, and

works in John

Milton Era and



Reading and discussion

on John Milton and

Restoration Drama.

1. John Milton and His


2. Restoration Drama

and its Time

100’ 1. Response to

Literature (Grace,


2. How to Study

Literature in

English (Fox,


3. Shorter

Introduction to

English Literature.

(Kooistra and

Schutt. 1950)

9 - 10 Students understand

the characteristics

Students are able

to explain the

Reading and discussion

on the Age of Dryden

1. The Age of Dryden 100’ 1. Response to

Literature (Grace,

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and know the works

of the Age of Dryden

and the Ange of Pope

and Swift


and the works of

the Age of

Dryden and the

Ange of Pope and


and the Age of Pope

and Swift

2. The Age of Pope and



2. How to Study

Literature in

English (Fox,


3. Shorter

Introduction to

English Literature.

(Kooistra and

Schutt. 1950)

11 - 12 Students understand

the characteristics,

know some important

fugures, and works in

the Early 19th and

20th Century


Students are able

to explain the


some important

fugures, and

works in the Early

19th and 20th

Century literature

Reading and discussion

on Early 19th and 20th

Century LIterature

1. Early 19th Century


2. Early 20th Century


100’ 1. Response to

Literature (Grace,


2. How to Study

Literature in

English (Fox,


3. Shorter

Introduction to

English Literature.

(Kooistra and

Schutt. 1950)

13 - 14 Students understand

the characteristics,

Students are able

to explain the

Reading and discussion

on victorian literature

1. Victorian Literature 100’ 1. Response to

Literature (Grace,

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know some important

fugures, and works in

Victorian Literature

and Modern Drama


some important

fugures, and

works in


Literature and

Modern Drama

and modern drama 2. Modern Drama 1965)

2. How to Study

Literature in

English (Fox,


3. Shorter

Introduction to

English Literature.

(Kooistra and

Schutt. 1950)

15 Students understand

the characteristics,

know some important

fugures, and works of

American literature

in general

Students are able

to explain the


some important

fugures, and

works of


literature in


Reading and discussion

on American literature

and its basic foundation

American Literature: An


100’ 1. Response to

Literature (Grace,


2. How to Study

Literature in

English (Fox,


3. Shorter

Introduction to

English Literature.

(Kooistra and

Schutt. 1950)

16 Final Test

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Compulsory Books:

Kooistra, J. And J. H. Schutt. 1950. A Shorter Introduction to English Literature. Djakarta: Groningen.

Eagleton, Terry. 1983. Literary Theory: An Introduction. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Fox, Alistair (ed). 1989. How to Study Literature in English: A Guide for the Advanced Student. New Zealand: university of Ontago Press.

Grace, William J. 1965. Response to Literature. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.

Osman and Mohd Tamin (eds). 2000. Traditional Literature of ASEAN. Brunei Darussalam: Asia Printers

Roberts, Edgar V. and Henry E. Jacobs. 1987. Fiction: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. New Jersey: Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, Inc.

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Phonology Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : Subject : Phonology Credit : 2 sks Semester : .... (.....) Prerequisite : - Description : Phonology is a theoretical subject which consists of theories on articulatory phonetics and phonological rules which covers the

features of speech sounds and the organization.

Competence : Students are able are able to;(1)Describe the organs of speech and their mechanism to produce the speech sounds (2)Clarify the

distinctive features of the speech sounds (3)Describe the role of phonology in language learning (4)Describe basic phonological rules in English

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students are able to;(1)Describe the organs of speech and their mechanism to produce the speech sounds (2)Clarify the distinctive features of the speech sounds (3)Describe the role of phonology in language learning (4)Describe basic phonological rules in English

Students are able to understand the Overview on the Course

Discussion about Overview on the Course

Introduction 100’ Course Outline 1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to;(1)Describe the

Students are able to understand Preliminaries

Discussion about Preliminaries

Preliminaries 100’ A Manual of English Phonetics and Phonology

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Phonology Syllabus


organs of speech and their mechanism to produce the speech sounds (2)Clarify the distinctive features of the speech sounds (3)Describe the role of phonology in language learning (4)Describe basic phonological rules in English


3 Students are able to;(1)Describe the organs of speech and their mechanism to produce the speech sounds (2)Clarify the distinctive features of the speech sounds (3)Describe the role of phonology in language learning (4)Describe basic phonological rules in English

Students are able to understand The description of speech sounds

Discussion about The description of speech sounds

The description of speech sounds

100’ A Manual of English Phonetics and Phonology (Skandera.2005:9)

4 Students are able to;(1)Describe the organs of speech and their mechanism to produce the speech sounds (2)Clarify the distinctive features of the speech sounds (3)Describe the role of phonology in language learning (4)Describe

Students are able to understand Consonants

Discussion about Consonants

Consonants 100’ A Manual of English Phonetics and Phonology (Skandera.2005:19)

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Phonology Syllabus


basic phonological rules in English

5 Students are able to;(1)Describe the organs of speech and their mechanism to produce the speech sounds (2)Clarify the distinctive features of the speech sounds (3)Describe the role of phonology in language learning (4)Describe basic phonological rules in English

Students are able to understand Vowels

Discussion about Vowels Vowels 100’ A Manual of English Phonetics and Phonology (Skandera.2005:31)

6 Students are able to;(1)Describe the organs of speech and their mechanism to produce the speech sounds (2)Clarify the distinctive features of the speech sounds (3)Describe the role of phonology in language learning (4)Describe basic phonological rules in English

Students are able to understand Allophonic Variation

Discussion about Allophonic Variation

Allophonic Variation 100’ A Manual of English Phonetics and Phonology (Skandera.2005:43)

7 Students are able to;(1)Describe the organs of speech and their mechanism to produce the speech sounds (2)Clarify the distinctive features of

Students are able to understand Allophonic Variation

Discussion about Allophonic Variation

Allophonic Variation 100’ A Manual of English Phonetics and Phonology (Skandera.2005:43)

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Phonology Syllabus


the speech sounds (3)Describe the role of phonology in language learning (4)Describe basic phonological rules in English


9 Students are able to;(1)Describe the organs of speech and their mechanism to produce the speech sounds (2)Clarify the distinctive features of the speech sounds (3)Describe the role of phonology in language learning (4)Describe basic phonological rules in English

Students are able to understand Connected Speech

Discussion about Connected Speech

Connected Speech 100’ A Manual of English Phonetics and Phonology (Skandera.2005:57)

10 Students are able to;(1)Describe the organs of speech and their mechanism to produce the speech sounds (2)Clarify the distinctive features of the speech sounds (3)Describe the role of phonology in language learning (4)Describe basic phonological rules in English

Students are able to understand The Syllable

Discussion about The Syllable

The Syllable 100’ A Manual of English Phonetics and Phonology (Skandera.2005:65)

11 Students are able to;(1)Describe the

Students are able to understand Strong and

Discussion about Strong and Weak Forms

Strong and Weak Forms 100’ A Manual of English Phonetics and Phonology

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Phonology Syllabus


organs of speech and their mechanism to produce the speech sounds (2)Clarify the distinctive features of the speech sounds (3)Describe the role of phonology in language learning (4)Describe basic phonological rules in English

Weak Forms (Skandera.2005:79)

12 Students are able to;(1)Describe the organs of speech and their mechanism to produce the speech sounds (2)Clarify the distinctive features of the speech sounds (3)Describe the role of phonology in language learning (4)Describe basic phonological rules in English

Students are able to understand Connected Speech, continued

Discussion about Connected Speech, continued

Connected Speech, continued. 100’ A Manual of English Phonetics and Phonology (Skandera.2005:87)

13 Students are able to;(1)Describe the organs of speech and their mechanism to produce the speech sounds (2)Clarify the distinctive features of the speech sounds (3)Describe the role of phonology in language learning (4)Describe

Students are able to understand Allophonic variation, continued.

Discussion about Allophonic variation, continued.

Allophonic variation, continued. 100’ A Manual of English Phonetics and Phonology (Skandera.2005:101)

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Phonology Syllabus


basic phonological rules in English

14 Students are able to;(1)Describe the organs of speech and their mechanism to produce the speech sounds (2)Clarify the distinctive features of the speech sounds (3)Describe the role of phonology in language learning (4)Describe basic phonological rules in English

Students are able to understand More allophones

Discussion about More allophones

More allophones 100’ A Manual of English Phonetics and Phonology (Skandera.2005:109)

15 Students are able to;(1)Describe the organs of speech and their mechanism to produce the speech sounds (2)Clarify the distinctive features of the speech sounds (3)Describe the role of phonology in language learning (4)Describe basic phonological rules in English

Students are able to understand Intonation

Discussion about Intonation

Intonation 100’ A Manual of English Phonetics and Phonology (Skandera.2005:119)


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Phonology Syllabus


Refference: Compulsory : Skandera,Paul.2005.A Manual of English Phonetics and Phonology.Tuebingen:Gunter Narr Verlag Sumplementary:

1. Ladefoged, P. (1933). A Course in Phonetics 3rd ed. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Pub. 2. Giegerich, H., J. (1992). English Phonology: an Introduction. Cambridge University Press 3. Fromkin, V., Blair, D. & Collins, P. (1991). An Introduction to Language (4th ed.) NSW: Harcourt Australia Pty, Limited 4. Finegan, E. (2004). Language: Its Structure and Use (4th ed.). Boston: Thomson Wadsworth 5. O’Grady, W. et al. (1996). Contemporary Linguistics: an Introduction. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited

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Morphology Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 225 Subject : Morphology Credit : 2 sks Semester : .... (.....) Prerequisite : - Description : This course is to provide an introduction to the fundamentals of English Lexical Morphology and develop the

student capability of varying the use of words

Competence : Students are able to be able to describe; Fundamentals of morphology, a word and its parts; roots, affixes and their shapes,

Derivation and conversion, compound words, Minor word-formation processes. Productivity and lexicalization

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students are able to be able to describe; Fundamentals of morphology, a word and its parts; roots, affixes and their shapes, derivation and conversion, compound words, Minor word-formation processes. Productivity and lexicalization

Students are able to understand the Overview on the Course

Discussion about Overview on the Course

Introduction 100’ Course Outline 1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to be able to describe; Fundamentals of morphology, a word and its parts; roots, affixes and their

Students are able to understand Words, sentences and dictionaries

Discussion about Words, sentences and dictionaries

Words, sentences and dictionaries

100’ An Introduction to English Morphology (M.Carthy.2002:4)

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Morphology Syllabus


shapes, derivation and conversion, compound words, Minor word-formation processes. Productivity and lexicalization

3 Students are able to be able to describe; Fundamentals of morphology, a word and its parts; roots, affixes and their shapes, derivation and conversion, compound words, Minor word-formation processes. Productivity and lexicalization

Students are able to understand A word and its parts:roots, affixes and their shapes

Discussion about A word and its parts:roots, affixes and their shapes

A word and its parts:roots, affixes and their shapes

100’ An Introduction to English Morphology (M.Carthy.2002:16)

4 Students are able to be able to describe; Fundamentals of morphology, a word and its parts; roots, affixes and their shapes, derivation and conversion, compound words, Minor word-formation processes. Productivity and lexicalization

Students are able to understand A word and its forms

Discussion about A word and its forms

A word and its forms 100’ An Introduction to English Morphology (M.Carthy.2002:28)

5 Students are able to be able to describe; Fundamentals of morphology, a word and its parts; roots,

Students are able to understand A word and its relatives

Discussion about A word and its relatives

A word and its relatives 100’ An Introduction to English Morphology (M.Carthy.2002:44)

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Morphology Syllabus


affixes and their shapes, derivation and conversion, compound words, Minor word-formation processes. Productivity and lexicalization

6 Students are able to be able to describe; Fundamentals of morphology, a word and its parts; roots, affixes and their shapes, derivation and conversion, compound words, Minor word-formation processes. Productivity and lexicalization

Students are able to understand A word and its relatives

Discussion about A word and its relatives

A word and its relatives 100’ An Introduction to English Morphology (M.Carthy.2002:44)

7 Students are able to be able to describe; Fundamentals of morphology, a word and its parts; roots, affixes and their shapes, derivation and conversion, compound words, Minor word-formation processes. Productivity and lexicalization

Students are able to understand Compounds words, blends and phrasal words

Discussion about Compounds words, blends and phrasal words

Compounds words, blends and phrasal words

100’ An Introduction to English Morphology (M.Carthy.2002:59)


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Morphology Syllabus


9 Students are able to be able to describe; Fundamentals of morphology, a word and its parts; roots, affixes and their shapes, derivation and conversion, compound words, Minor word-formation processes. Productivity and lexicalization

Students are able to understand Compounds words, blends and phrasal words

Discussion about Compounds words, blends and phrasal words

Compounds words, blends and phrasal words

100’ An Introduction to English Morphology (M.Carthy.2002:59)

10 Students are able to be able to describe; Fundamentals of morphology, a word and its parts; roots, affixes and their shapes, derivation and conversion, compound words, Minor word-formation processes. Productivity and lexicalization

Students are able to understand A word and its structure

Discussion about A word and its structure

A word and its structure 100’ An Introduction to English Morphology (M.Carthy.2002:71)

11 Students are able to be able to describe; Fundamentals of morphology, a word and its parts; roots, affixes and their shapes, derivation and conversion, compound words, Minor word-

Students are able to understand Productivity in shape and meaning

Discussion about Productivity in shape and meaning

Productivity 100’ An Introduction to English Morphology (M.Carthy.2002:85)

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Morphology Syllabus


formation processes. Productivity and lexicalization

12 Students are able to be able to describe; Fundamentals of morphology, a word and its parts; roots, affixes and their shapes, derivation and conversion, compound words, Minor word-formation processes. Productivity and lexicalization

Students are able to understand Productivity in compounding and in syntax

Discussion about Productivity in compounding and in syntax

Productivity 100’ An Introduction to English Morphology (M.Carthy.2002:85)

13 Students are able to be able to describe; Fundamentals of morphology, a word and its parts; roots, affixes and their shapes, derivation and conversion, compound words, Minor word-formation processes. Productivity and lexicalization

Students are able to understand The historical sources of english word formation

Discussion about The historical sources of english word formation

The historical sources of english word formation

100’ An Introduction to English Morphology (M.Carthy.2002:100)

14 Students are able to be able to describe; Fundamentals of morphology, a word and its parts; roots, affixes and their shapes, derivation and conversion, compound

Students are able to understand The historical sources of english word formation

Discussion about The historical sources of english word formation

The historical sources of english word formation

100’ An Introduction to English Morphology (M.Carthy.2002:100)

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Morphology Syllabus


words, Minor word-formation processes. Productivity and lexicalization

15 Students are able to be able to describe; Fundamentals of morphology, a word and its parts; roots, affixes and their shapes, derivation and conversion, compound words, Minor word-formation processes. Productivity and lexicalization

Students are able to understand Words in english and in language generally

Discussion about Words in english and in language generally

Words in english and in language generally

100’ An Introduction to English Morphology (M.Carthy.2002:114)


Refference: Compulsory : Mc.Carthy.2002.An Introduction to English Morphology.Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press Sumplementary:

1. Bauer, Laurie. (2003). Introducing linguistic morphology (2nd ed.) Washington,D.C.: Georgetown University Press. ISBN 0-87840-343-4. 2. Bauer, Laurie. (2004). A glossary of morphology. Washington, D.C.: Georgetow. 3. Bubenik, Vit. (1999). An introduction to the study of morphology. LINCON course books in linguistics, 07. Muenchen: LINCOM Europa. ISBN 3-89586-570-

2. 4. Bybee, J. L. (1985). Morphology: A Study of the Relation between Meaning and Form.

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Syntax Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 226 Subject : Syntax Credit : 2 sks Semester : IV (four) Prerequisite : - Description : This course introduces students to different approaches on how rule-governed syntactical structures make

meaning out of the smaller units, lexis. This takes the approach to syntax adopted by Bloomfield. However, the position of syntax in communication and other linguistics branches as well as other approaches of syntax are touched upon.

Competence : Students are able 1) to familiarize students with the notion of syntax related to human communication and other linguistic branches, 2) to familiarize students with major approaches to syntactical analyses, 3) to enable students to analyze English syntactical structures adopting the structural school.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students are able 1) to familiarize students with the notion of syntax related to human communication and other linguistic branches, 2) to familiarize students with major approaches to syntactical analyses, 3) to enable students to analyze English syntactical structures adopting the structural school.

Students are able to understand the Overview on the Course

Discussion about Overview on the Course

Introduction 100’ An introduction to English Syntax (Miller.2002)

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

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Syntax Syllabus


2 Students are able 1) to familiarize students with the notion of syntax related to human communication and other linguistic branches, 2) to familiarize students with major approaches to syntactical analyses, 3) to enable students to analyze English syntactical structures adopting the structural school.

Students are able to understand heads and modifiers, complements and adjuncts, clauses

Discussion about heads and modifiers, complements and adjuncts, clauses

Heads and modifiers 100’ An introduction to English Syntax (Miller.2002:1-9)

3 Students are able 1) to familiarize students with the notion of syntax related to human communication and other linguistic branches, 2) to familiarize students with major approaches to syntactical analyses, 3) to enable students to analyze English syntactical structures adopting the structural school.

Students are able to understand arrangements of words, phrases, and coordination

Discussion about arrangements of words, phrases, and coordination

Constituent structure 100’ An introduction to English Syntax (Miller.2002:11-21)

4 Students are able 1) to familiarize students with the notion of

Students are able to understand constructions

Discussion about constructions

Constructions 100’ An introduction to English Syntax (Miller.2002:23-32)

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Syntax Syllabus


syntax related to human communication and other linguistic branches, 2) to familiarize students with major approaches to syntactical analyses, 3) to enable students to analyze English syntactical structures adopting the structural school.

5 Students are able 1) to familiarize students with the notion of syntax related to human communication and other linguistic branches, 2) to familiarize students with major approaches to syntactical analyses, 3) to enable students to analyze English syntactical structures adopting the structural school.

Students are able to understand the Definitions and boundaries of friend and friendship from different cultures. Different levels of friendship in several cultures. Typical cultural misunderstanding involving attitudes toward friendship.

Discussion about the Definitions and boundaries of friend and friendship from different cultures. Different levels of friendship in several cultures. Typical cultural misunderstanding involving attitudes toward friendship.

Friendship 100’ An introduction to English Syntax (Miller.2002)

6 Students are able 1) to familiarize students with the notion of syntax related to human communication and other linguistic

Students are able to understand word classes and the criteria

Discussion about word classes and the criteria

Word classes 100’ An introduction to English Syntax (Miller.2002:34-45)

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Syntax Syllabus


branches, 2) to familiarize students with major approaches to syntactical analyses, 3) to enable students to analyze English syntactical structures adopting the structural school.

7 Students are able 1) to familiarize students with the notion of syntax related to human communication and other linguistic branches, 2) to familiarize students with major approaches to syntactical analyses, 3) to enable students to analyze English syntactical structures adopting the structural school.

Students are able to understand syntax and lexical items

Discussion about syntax and lexical items

The lexicon 100’ An introduction to English Syntax (Miller.2002:47-57)


9 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal

Students are able to understand clauses and sentences

Discussion about clauses and sentences

Clauses 100’ An introduction to English Syntax (Miller.2002:60-85)

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Syntax Syllabus


pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

10 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

Students are able to understand subject and object

Discussion about subject and object

Grammatical functions 100’ An introduction to English Syntax (Miller.2002:88-99)

11 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

Students are able to syntactic linkage in English

Discussion about syntactic linkage in English

Syntactic linkage 100’ An introduction to English Syntax (Miller.2002:101-111)

12 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the

Students are able to understand verb, core, nucleus and periphery

Discussion about verb, core, nucleus and periphery

Heads and modifiers revisted 100’ An introduction to English Syntax (Miller.2002:113-116)

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Syntax Syllabus


close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

13 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

Students are able to understand roles, grammar and meaning

Discussion about roles, grammar and meaning

Roles 100’ An introduction to English Syntax (Miller.2002:119-131)

14 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

Students are able to understand case, gender and mood

Discussion about case, gender and mood

Grammar and semantics 100’ An introduction to English Syntax (Miller.2002:133-142)

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Syntax Syllabus


15 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

Students are able to understand aspect, tense and voice

Discussion about aspect, tense and voice

Grammar and semantics 100’ An introduction to English Syntax (Miller.2002:143-157)


Refference: Compulsory : Miller, Jim.2002.An Introduction to English Syntax.Edinburgh University Press. Sumplementary:

1. Culicover, W, Peter. 1997. Principles and Parameters: An Introduction to Syntactic Theory.Great Britain : Cambridge University Press.

2. Francis , Nelson. 1987. The Structure of American English. New York: The Ronald Press Company. 3. Gerot, Linda and Wignell, Peter. 1995. Making Sense of Functional Grammar. Sydney: Antipodean Educational Enterprises. 4. Lock, Graham. 1996. Functional English Grammar. New York: Cambridge University Press. 5. Radford, Andrew. 1981. Transformational Syntax. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 6. Radford, Andrew. 1988. Transformational Grammar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 7. Sells, Peter. 1985. Lecturers on Contemporary Syntactic Theories. CSLI.

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Discourse Analysis Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 227 Subject : Discourse Analysis Credit : 2 sks Semester : ....... (.......) Prerequisite : - Description : This course provides an introduction to the analysis of discourse and dialogue. Discourse here is defined as the study of the organization of language above the sentence level, but also as any manifestation of language in context. Dialogue is defined as an instance of language that involves interaction between two or more people. The course will provide an overview of the phenomena included in the study of discourse and dialogue, from linguistic, psycholinguistic and computational points of view. Competence : Students are able to comprehend major theoretical frameworks and current issues in discourse analysis and demonstrate

the relevance and usefulness of discourse studies to the field of applied linguistics, and to provide for the practical application of the course instruction, each participant is expected to conduct research on a particular topic in discourse analysis,

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to comprehend major theoretical frameworks and current issues in discourse analysis and demonstrate the relevance and sefulness of discourse studies to the field of applied linguistics, and to provide for the

Able to understand What is “discourse”?

1. Overview on the Course.

2. Discuss What is “discourse”?

Introduction to the course 100’ 1. Rogers, Rebecca. 2003. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power In and Out of Print. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (Ethnographic study of family literacy. Uses Fairclough’s framework).

2. Bloome, D. et al. 2005. Discourse Analysis and the

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

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Discourse Analysis Syllabus


practical application of the course instruction, each participant is expected to conduct research on a particular topic in discourse analysis,

Study of Classroom Language and Literacy Events. A Microethnographic Perspective. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Ass.

3. Christie, Frances. 2002. Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Functional Perspective. London: Continuum.

4. Bourdieu, P. 1998. Practical Reason: On theTheory of Action. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

2 Students are able to comprehend major theoretical frameworks and current issues in discourse analysis and demonstrate the relevance and sefulness of discourse studies to the field of applied linguistics, and to provide for the practical application of the course instruction, each participant is expected to conduct research on a particular topic in discourse analysis,

Able to understand the Structural or textual definition of discourse Functional definition of discourse

Discuss about the Structural or textual definition of discourse Functional definition of discourse

The Study of discourse 100’ 1. Rogers, Rebecca. 2003. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power In and Out of Print. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (Ethnographic study of family literacy. Uses Fairclough’s framework).

2. Bloome, D. et al. 2005. Discourse Analysis and the Study of Classroom Language and Literacy Events. A Microethnographic Perspective. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Ass.

3. Christie, Frances. 2002. Classroom Discourse

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Discourse Analysis Syllabus


Analysis: A Functional Perspective. London: Continuum.

4. Bourdieu, P. 1998. Practical Reason: On theTheory of Action. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

3 Students are able to comprehend major theoretical frameworks and current issues in discourse analysis and demonstrate the relevance and sefulness of discourse studies to the field of applied linguistics, and to provide for the practical application of the course instruction, each participant is expected to conduct research on a particular topic in discourse analysis,

Able to understand the Speech acts, Implicature, Ambiguity, the Cooperative Principal:

Discuss about the Speech acts, Implicature, Ambiguity, the Cooperative Principal:

Pragmatics 100’ 1. Rogers, Rebecca. 2003. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power In and Out of Print. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (Ethnographic study of family literacy. Uses Fairclough’s framework).

2. Bloome, D. et al. 2005. Discourse Analysis and the Study of Classroom Language and Literacy Events. A Microethnographic Perspective. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Ass.

3. Christie, Frances. 2002. Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Functional Perspective. London: Continuum.

4. Bourdieu, P. 1998. Practical Reason: On theTheory of Action. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

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Discourse Analysis Syllabus


4 Students are able to comprehend major theoretical frameworks and current issues in discourse analysis and demonstrate the relevance and sefulness of discourse studies to the field of applied linguistics, and to provide for the practical application of the course instruction, each participant is expected to conduct research on a particular topic in discourse analysis,

Able to understand the Locution, Illocution, Per- locution

Discuss about the Locution, Illocution, Per- locution

Speech acts 100’ 1. Rogers, Rebecca. 2003. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power In and Out of Print. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (Ethnographic study of family literacy. Uses Fairclough’s framework).

2. Bloome, D. et al. 2005. Discourse Analysis and the Study of Classroom Language and Literacy Events. A Microethnographic Perspective. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Ass.

3. Christie, Frances. 2002. Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Functional Perspective. London: Continuum.

4. Bourdieu, P. 1998. Practical Reason: On theTheory of Action. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

5 Students are able to comprehend major theoretical frameworks and current issues in discourse analysis and demonstrate the relevance and sefulness of discourse

Able to understand: 1. Maxim of Quality 2. Maxim of Quantity 3. Maxim of Relation 4. Maxim of Manner

Discuss about: 1. Maxim of Quality 2. Maxim of Quantity 3. Maxim of Relation 4. Maxim of Manner

Conversational implicature 100’ 1. Rogers, Rebecca. 2003. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power In and Out of Print. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (Ethnographic study of family literacy. Uses Fairclough’s

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Discourse Analysis Syllabus


studies to the field of applied linguistics, and to provide for the practical application of the course instruction, each participant is expected to conduct research on a particular topic in discourse analysis,

framework). 2. Bloome, D. et al. 2005.

Discourse Analysis and the Study of Classroom Language and Literacy Events. A Microethnographic Perspective. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Ass.

3. Christie, Frances. 2002. Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Functional Perspective. London: Continuum.

4. Bourdieu, P. 1998. Practical Reason: On theTheory of Action. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

6 Students are able to comprehend major theoretical frameworks and current issues in discourse analysis and demonstrate the relevance and sefulness of discourse studies to the field of applied linguistics, and to provide for the practical application of the course instruction, each participant is expected to conduct research on a

Able to understand: 1. system-sentences 2. text – sentences 3. language function

Discuss about: 1. system-sentences 2. text – sentences 3. language function

Approaches to discourse 100’ 1. Rogers, Rebecca. 2003. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power In and Out of Print. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (Ethnographic study of family literacy. Uses Fairclough’s framework).

2. Bloome, D. et al. 2005. Discourse Analysis and the Study of Classroom Language and Literacy Events. A Microethnographic Perspective. London:

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Discourse Analysis Syllabus


particular topic in discourse analysis,

Lawrence Erlbaum Ass. 3. Christie, Frances. 2002.

Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Functional Perspective. London: Continuum.

4. Bourdieu, P. 1998. Practical Reason: On theTheory of Action. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

7 Students are able to comprehend major theoretical frameworks and current issues in discourse analysis and demonstrate the relevance and sefulness of discourse studies to the field of applied linguistics, and to provide for the practical application of the course instruction, each participant is expected to conduct research on a particular topic in discourse analysis,

Able to understand: 4. system-sentences 5. text – sentences 6. language function

Discuss about: 4. system-sentences 5. text – sentences 6. language function

Approaches to discourse 100’ 1. Rogers, Rebecca. 2003. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power In and Out of Print. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (Ethnographic study of family literacy. Uses Fairclough’s framework).

2. Bloome, D. et al. 2005. Discourse Analysis and the Study of Classroom Language and Literacy Events. A Microethnographic Perspective. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Ass.

3. Christie, Frances. 2002. Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Functional Perspective. London: Continuum.

4. Bourdieu, P. 1998. Practical Reason: On theTheory of

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Discourse Analysis Syllabus


Action. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.


9 Students are able to comprehend major theoretical frameworks and current issues in discourse analysis and demonstrate the relevance and sefulness of discourse studies to the field of applied linguistics, and to provide for the practical application of the course instruction, each participant is expected to conduct research on a particular topic in discourse analysis,

Able to understand 1. Negative face 2. Positive face 3. Face-threatening

Acts 4. Politeness theory

Discuss about the 1. Negative face 2. Positive face 3. Face-threatening Acts 4. Politeness theory

Indirectness 100’ 1. Rogers, Rebecca. 2003. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power In and Out of Print. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (Ethnographic study of family literacy. Uses Fairclough’s framework).

2. Bloome, D. et al. 2005. Discourse Analysis and the Study of Classroom Language and Literacy Events. A Microethnographic Perspective. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Ass.

3. Christie, Frances. 2002. Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Functional Perspective. London: Continuum.

4. Bourdieu, P. 1998. Practical Reason: On theTheory of Action. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

10 Students are able to comprehend major theoretical frameworks and current issues in

Able to understand 1. To understand a

variety of discursive terms

Discuss about the 1. To understand a

variety of discursive terms and concepts

Construction of meaning 100’ 1. Rogers, Rebecca. 2003. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power In and Out of Print.

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Discourse Analysis Syllabus


discourse analysis and demonstrate the relevance and sefulness of discourse studies to the field of applied linguistics, and to provide for the practical application of the course instruction, each participant is expected to conduct research on a particular topic in discourse analysis,

and concepts 2. The relationship

between language and context.

2. The relationship between language and context.

Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (Ethnographic study of family literacy. Uses Fairclough’s framework).

2. Bloome, D. et al. 2005. Discourse Analysis and the Study of Classroom Language and Literacy Events. A Microethnographic Perspective. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Ass.

3. Christie, Frances. 2002. Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Functional Perspective. London: Continuum.

4. Bourdieu, P. 1998. Practical Reason: On theTheory of Action. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

11 Students are able to comprehend major theoretical frameworks and current issues in discourse analysis and demonstrate the relevance and sefulness of discourse studies to the field of applied linguistics, and to provide for the practical application of

Able To understand a variety of discursive terms and concepts The relationship between language and context.

Discuss about the 1. To understand a

variety of discursive terms and concepts

2. The relationship between language and context.

Construction of meaning 100’ 1. Rogers, Rebecca. 2003. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power In and Out of Print. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (Ethnographic study of family literacy. Uses Fairclough’s framework).

2. Bloome, D. et al. 2005. Discourse Analysis and the Study of Classroom

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Discourse Analysis Syllabus


the course instruction, each participant is expected to conduct research on a particular topic in discourse analysis,

Language and Literacy Events. A Microethnographic Perspective. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Ass.

3. Christie, Frances. 2002. Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Functional Perspective. London: Continuum.

4. Bourdieu, P. 1998. Practical Reason: On theTheory of Action. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

12 Students are able to comprehend major theoretical frameworks and current issues in discourse analysis and demonstrate the relevance and sefulness of discourse studies to the field of applied linguistics, and to provide for the practical application of the course instruction, each participant is expected to conduct research on a particular topic in discourse analysis,

Able to understand 1. What Is Critical

Discourse Analysis?

2. Textual analysis 3. Analysis of social

context 4. Inter-textual

analysis 5. Linguistics

analysis 6. Micro and macro

level analysis

Discuss about: 1. What Is Critical

Discourse Analysis? 2. Textual analysis 3. Analysis of social

context 4. Inter-textual analysis 5. Linguistics analysis 6. Micro and macro level


Critical discourse analysis 100’ 1. Rogers, Rebecca. 2003. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power In and Out of Print. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (Ethnographic study of family literacy. Uses Fairclough’s framework).

2. Bloome, D. et al. 2005. Discourse Analysis and the Study of Classroom Language and Literacy Events. A Microethnographic Perspective. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Ass.

3. Christie, Frances. 2002. Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Functional

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Discourse Analysis Syllabus


Perspective. London: Continuum.

4. Bourdieu, P. 1998. Practical Reason: On theTheory of Action. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

13 Students are able to comprehend major theoretical frameworks and current issues in discourse analysis and demonstrate the relevance and sefulness of discourse studies to the field of applied linguistics, and to provide for the practical application of the course instruction, each participant is expected to conduct research on a particular topic in discourse analysis,

Able to understand 1. What Is Critical

Discourse Analysis?

2. Textual analysis 3. Analysis of social

context 4. Inter-textual

analysis 5. Linguistics

analysis 6. Micro and macro

level analysis

Discuss about: 1. What Is Critical

Discourse Analysis? 2. Textual analysis 3. Analysis of social

context 4. Inter-textual analysis 5. Linguistics analysis 6. Micro and macro level


Critical discourse analysis 100’ 1. Rogers, Rebecca. 2003. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power In and Out of Print. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (Ethnographic study of family literacy. Uses Fairclough’s framework).

2. Bloome, D. et al. 2005. Discourse Analysis and the Study of Classroom Language and Literacy Events. A Microethnographic Perspective. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Ass.

3. Christie, Frances. 2002. Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Functional Perspective. London: Continuum.

4. Bourdieu, P. 1998. Practical Reason: On theTheory of Action. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

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Discourse Analysis Syllabus


14 Students are able to comprehend major theoretical frameworks and current issues in discourse analysis and demonstrate the relevance and sefulness of discourse studies to the field of applied linguistics, and to provide for the practical application of the course instruction, each participant is expected to conduct research on a particular topic in discourse analysis,

Able to understand 1. What Is Critical

Discourse Analysis?

2. Textual analysis 3. Analysis of social

context 4. Inter-textual

analysis 5. Linguistics

analysis 6. Micro and macro

level analysis

Discuss about: 1. What Is Critical

Discourse Analysis? 2. Textual analysis 3. Analysis of social

context 4. Inter-textual analysis 5. Linguistics analysis 6. Micro and macro level


Critical discourse analysis 100’ 1. Rogers, Rebecca. 2003. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power In and Out of Print. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (Ethnographic study of family literacy. Uses Fairclough’s framework).

2. Bloome, D. et al. 2005. Discourse Analysis and the Study of Classroom Language and Literacy Events. A Microethnographic Perspective. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Ass.

3. Christie, Frances. 2002. Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Functional Perspective. London: Continuum.

4. Bourdieu, P. 1998. Practical Reason: On theTheory of Action. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

15 Students are able to comprehend major theoretical frameworks and current issues in discourse analysis and demonstrate the relevance and sefulness of discourse

Able to understand 1. What Is Critical

Discourse Analysis?

2. Textual analysis 3. Analysis of social

context 4. Inter-textual

Discuss about: 1. What Is Critical

Discourse Analysis? 2. Textual analysis 3. Analysis of social

context 4. Inter-textual analysis 5. Linguistics analysis

Critical discourse analysis 100’ 1. Rogers, Rebecca. 2003. A Critical Discourse Analysis of Family Literacy Practices: Power In and Out of Print. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (Ethnographic study of family literacy. Uses Fairclough’s

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Discourse Analysis Syllabus


studies to the field of applied linguistics, and to provide for the practical application of the course instruction, each participant is expected to conduct research on a particular topic in discourse analysis,

analysis 5. Linguistics

analysis 6. Micro and macro

level analysis

6. Micro and macro level analysis

framework). 2. Bloome, D. et al. 2005.

Discourse Analysis and the Study of Classroom Language and Literacy Events. A Microethnographic Perspective. London: Lawrence Erlbaum Ass.

3. Christie, Frances. 2002. Classroom Discourse Analysis: A Functional Perspective. London: Continuum.

4. Bourdieu, P. 1998. Practical Reason: On theTheory of Action. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.


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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 228 Subject : Sociolinguistic Credit : 2 sks Semester : ....... (.......) Prerequisite : - Description : This course is designed to cover the topics in the introduction to sociolinguistics, varying from the social study of language; the ethnography of speaking and the structure of conversation; locating variation in speech; styles, gender, and social class; bilinguals and bilingualism; societal multilingualism; to applied sociolinguistics. Competence : Students are able to understand the relationship between language and society, both at the micro level (the function of

language in individual) and at the macro level focusing on the sociology of language and aspect of behavior with which it is concerned, techniques used to investigate behavior, style of speech, discourse routines, verbal skills, dialects, mapping the distribution of dialect features of different religions, the relationship between the vocabulary and attitudes of the society that produces it.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to understand the relationship between language and society, both at the micro level (the function of language in individual) and at the macro level focusing on the sociology of language and aspect of behavior with which it is concerned, techniques

Able to understand the definition of sociolingustics and the scope of sociolinguistics

1. Overview on the Course.

2. Discuss definition of sociolingustics.

3. Discuss the scope of sociolinguistics.

Introduction 100’ 1. Chaer, Abdul dan Leonie Agustina. 1995. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

2. Spolsky, Bernard. 2003. Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3. Wardaugh, Ronald. 1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York:Basil Blackwell.

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


used to investigate behavior, style of speech, discourse routines, verbal skills, dialects, mapping the distribution of dialect features of different religions, the relationship between the vocabulary and attitudes of the society that produces it.

2 Students are able to understand the relationship between language and society, both at the micro level (the function of language in individual) and at the macro level focusing on the sociology of language and aspect of behavior with which it is concerned, techniques used to investigate behavior, style of speech, discourse routines, verbal skills, dialects, mapping the distribution of dialect features of different religions, the relationship between

Able to understand the the ethnography of speaking, the structure of conversations, politeness and politeness formulas.

Discuss about the ethnography of speaking, the structure of conversations, politeness and politeness formulas.

The ethnography of speaking and the structure of conversation

100’ 1. Chaer, Abdul dan Leonie Agustina. 1995. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

2. Spolsky, Bernard. 2003. Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3. Wardaugh, Ronald. 1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York:Basil Blackwell.

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


the vocabulary and attitudes of the society that produces it.

3 Students are able to understand the relationship between language and society, both at the micro level (the function of language in individual) and at the macro level focusing on the sociology of language and aspect of behavior with which it is concerned, techniques used to investigate behavior, style of speech, discourse routines, verbal skills, dialects, mapping the distribution of dialect features of different religions, the relationship between the vocabulary and attitudes of the society that produces it.

Able to understand the the ethnography of speaking, the structure of conversations, politeness and politeness formulas.

Discuss about the ethnography of speaking, the structure of conversations, politeness and politeness formulas.

The ethnography of speaking and the structure of conversation

100’ 1. Chaer, Abdul dan Leonie Agustina. 1995. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

2. Spolsky, Bernard. 2003. Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3. Wardaugh, Ronald. 1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York:Basil Blackwell.

4 Students are able to understand the relationship between language and society, both at the micro level

Able to understand the speech commnities and repertoires, and dialect

Discuss about the speech commnities and repertoires, and dialect

Locating variation in speech 100’ 1. Chaer, Abdul dan Leonie Agustina. 1995. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


(the function of language in individual) and at the macro level focusing on the sociology of language and aspect of behavior with which it is concerned, techniques used to investigate behavior, style of speech, discourse routines, verbal skills, dialects, mapping the distribution of dialect features of different religions, the relationship between the vocabulary and attitudes of the society that produces it.

2. Spolsky, Bernard. 2003. Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3. Wardaugh, Ronald. 1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York:Basil Blackwell.

5 Students are able to understand the relationship between language and society, both at the micro level (the function of language in individual) and at the macro level focusing on the sociology of language and aspect of behavior with which it is concerned, techniques used to investigate behavior, style of

Able to understand the Styles: 1. Specialized

varieties or registers and domains.

2. Slang and solidarity.

3. Language and gender

4. Social stratification

5. Accommodation and audience design

Discuss about the Styles: 1. Specialized varieties

or registers and domains.

2. Slang and solidarity. 3. Language and gender 4. Social stratification 5. Accommodation and

audience design

Styles, gender, and social class 100’ 1. Chaer, Abdul dan Leonie Agustina. 1995. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

2. Spolsky, Bernard. 2003. Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3. Wardaugh, Ronald. 1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York:Basil Blackwell.

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


speech, discourse routines, verbal skills, dialects, mapping the distribution of dialect features of different religions, the relationship between the vocabulary and attitudes of the society that produces it.

6 Students are able to understand the relationship between language and society, both at the micro level (the function of language in individual) and at the macro level focusing on the sociology of language and aspect of behavior with which it is concerned, techniques used to investigate behavior, style of speech, discourse routines, verbal skills, dialects, mapping the distribution of dialect features of different religions, the relationship between the vocabulary and attitudes of the society that produces it.

Able to understand the Styles: 1. Specialized

varieties or registers and domains.

2. Slang and solidarity.

3. Language and gender

4. Social stratification

5. Accommodation and audience design

Discuss about the Styles: 1. Specialized varieties

or registers and domains.

2. Slang and solidarity. 3. Language and gender 4. Social stratification 5. Accommodation and

audience design

Styles, gender, and social class 100’ 1. Chaer, Abdul dan Leonie Agustina. 1995. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

2. Spolsky, Bernard. 2003. Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3. Wardaugh, Ronald. 1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York:Basil Blackwell.

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


7 Students are able to understand the relationship between language and society, both at the micro level (the function of language in individual) and at the macro level focusing on the sociology of language and aspect of behavior with which it is concerned, techniques used to investigate behavior, style of speech, discourse routines, verbal skills, dialects, mapping the distribution of dialect features of different religions, the relationship between the vocabulary and attitudes of the society that produces it.

Able to understand language socialization, the description of bilingualism, bilingual competence, and code switching and code mixing

Discuss about the language socialization, the description of bilingualism, bilingual competence, and code switching and code mixing

Bilinguals and bilingualism 100’ 1. Chaer, Abdul dan Leonie Agustina. 1995. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

2. Spolsky, Bernard. 2003. Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3. Wardaugh, Ronald. 1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York:Basil Blackwell.


9 Students are able to understand the relationship between language and society, both at the micro level (the function of language in individual) and at the macro level

Able to understand 1. Multilingualism 2. Language

loyalty and reversing language shift.

3. Language and ethnic identity.

Discuss about the 1. Multilingualism 2. Language loyalty and

reversing language shift.

3. Language and ethnic identity.

Societal Multilingualism 100’ 1. Chaer, Abdul dan Leonie Agustina. 1995. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

2. Spolsky, Bernard. 2003. Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


focusing on the sociology of language and aspect of behavior with which it is concerned, techniques used to investigate behavior, style of speech, discourse routines, verbal skills, dialects, mapping the distribution of dialect features of different religions, the relationship between the vocabulary and attitudes of the society that produces it.

3. Wardaugh, Ronald. 1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York:Basil Blackwell.

10 Students are able to understand the relationship between language and society, both at the micro level (the function of language in individual) and at the macro level focusing on the sociology of language and aspect of behavior with which it is concerned, techniques used to investigate behavior, style of speech, discourse routines, verbal skills,

Able to understand 1. Multilingualism 2. Language

loyalty and reversing language shift.

3. Language and ethnic identity.

Discuss about the 1. Multilingualism 2. Language loyalty and

reversing language shift.

3. Language and ethnic identity.

Societal Multilingualism 100’ 1. Chaer, Abdul dan Leonie Agustina. 1995. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

2. Spolsky, Bernard. 2003. Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3. Wardaugh, Ronald. 1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York:Basil Blackwell.

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


dialects, mapping the distribution of dialect features of different religions, the relationship between the vocabulary and attitudes of the society that produces it.

11 Students are able to understand the relationship between language and society, both at the micro level (the function of language in individual) and at the macro level focusing on the sociology of language and aspect of behavior with which it is concerned, techniques used to investigate behavior, style of speech, discourse routines, verbal skills, dialects, mapping the distribution of dialect features of different religions, the relationship between the vocabulary and attitudes of the society that produces it.

Able to understand language and politics, language rights, Pidgins and creoles, diglossia

Discuss about the language and politics, language rights, Pidgins and creoles, diglossia

Societal Multilingualism 100’ 1. Chaer, Abdul dan Leonie Agustina. 1995. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

2. Spolsky, Bernard. 2003. Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3. Wardaugh, Ronald. 1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York:Basil Blackwell.

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


12 Students are able to understand the relationship between language and society, both at the micro level (the function of language in individual) and at the macro level focusing on the sociology of language and aspect of behavior with which it is concerned, techniques used to investigate behavior, style of speech, discourse routines, verbal skills, dialects, mapping the distribution of dialect features of different religions, the relationship between the vocabulary and attitudes of the society that produces it.

Able to understand language and politics, language rights, Pidgins and creoles, diglossia

Discuss about the language and politics, language rights, Pidgins and creoles, diglossia

Societal Multilingualism 100’ 1. Chaer, Abdul dan Leonie Agustina. 1995. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

2. Spolsky, Bernard. 2003. Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3. Wardaugh, Ronald. 1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York:Basil Blackwell.

13 Students are able to understand the relationship between language and society, both at the micro level (the function of language in individual) and at the macro level focusing on the

Able to understand language policy and language planning. 1. Status planning. 2. Corpus

planning. 3. Normativism

and prescriptivism.

Discussing the language policy and language planning. 1. Status planning. 2. Corpus planning. 3. Normativism and

prescriptivism. 4. Language acquisition

planning or language

Applied sociolinguistics 100’ 1. Chaer, Abdul dan Leonie Agustina. 1995. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

2. Spolsky, Bernard. 2003. Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3. Wardaugh, Ronald. 1986.

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


sociology of language and aspect of behavior with which it is concerned, techniques used to investigate behavior, style of speech, discourse routines, verbal skills, dialects, mapping the distribution of dialect features of different religions, the relationship between the vocabulary and attitudes of the society that produces it.

4. Language acquisition planning or language education policy

education policy An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York:Basil Blackwell.

14 Students are able to understand the relationship between language and society, both at the micro level (the function of language in individual) and at the macro level focusing on the sociology of language and aspect of behavior with which it is concerned, techniques used to investigate behavior, style of speech, discourse routines, verbal skills, dialects, mapping the

Able to understand language policy and language planning. 1. Status planning. 2. Corpus

planning. 3. Normativism

and prescriptivism.

4. Language acquisition planning or language education policy

Discussing the language policy and language planning. 1. Status planning. 2. Corpus planning. 3. Normativism and

prescriptivism. 4. Language acquisition

planning or language education policy

Applied sociolinguistics 100’ 1. Chaer, Abdul dan Leonie Agustina. 1995. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

2. Spolsky, Bernard. 2003. Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3. Wardaugh, Ronald. 1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York:Basil Blackwell.

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Introduction to Linguistic Syllabus


distribution of dialect features of different religions, the relationship between the vocabulary and attitudes of the society that produces it.

15 Students are able to understand the relationship between language and society, both at the micro level (the function of language in individual) and at the macro level focusing on the sociology of language and aspect of behavior with which it is concerned, techniques used to investigate behavior, style of speech, discourse routines, verbal skills, dialects, mapping the distribution of dialect features of different religions, the relationship between the vocabulary and attitudes of the society that produces it.

Able to understand language policy and language planning. 1. Language

diffusion policy or linguistic imperialism.

2. The spread of English—imperialism or hegemony?

3. Reviewing the course

Discussing the language policy and language planning. 1. Language diffusion

policy or linguistic imperialism.

2. The spread of English—imperialism or hegemony?

3. Reviewing the course

Applied sociolinguistics 100’ 1. Chaer, Abdul dan Leonie Agustina. 1995. Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta.

2. Spolsky, Bernard. 2003. Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

3. Wardaugh, Ronald. 1986. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. New York:Basil Blackwell.


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Method of Language Research Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 229 Subject : Method of Language Research Credit : 2 sks Semester : .... (.....) Prerequisite : - Description : This subject is generally designed to facilitate the learners in understanding Kinds of research/Research paradigm &

important terms in research; Differences of Qualitative and Quantitative Research; Qualitative paradigm in language research; Data Collection in language research; Research problems; Language Informants; the linguistic corpus; Data Analysis; Corroboration in language research; Validity, Reliability, Generalizability, and Authenticity; and the Significance of theory.

Competence : Students are able to describe the ontology, epistemology and axiology of language research. They are also hoped to be able to describe the importance of theory/ies and apply it/them in a research.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students are able to describe the ontology, epistemology and axiology of language research. They are also hoped to be able to describe the importance of theory/ies and apply it/them in a research.

Students are able to understand the Overview on the Course

Discussion about Overview on the Course

Introduction 100’ Course Outline 1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to describe the ontology,

Students are able to understand Kinds of

Discussion about Kinds of research/

Kinds of research/ Research paradigm & important

100’ Metode Penelitian(Nazir,1983:27)

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Method of Language Research Syllabus


epistemology and axiology of language research. They are also hoped to be able to describe the importance of theory/ies and apply it/them in a research.

research/ Research paradigm & important terms in research

Research paradigm & important terms in research

terms in research

3 Students are able to describe the ontology, epistemology and axiology of language research. They are also hoped to be able to describe the importance of theory/ies and apply it/them in a research.

Students are able to understand Differences of Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Discussion about Differences of Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Differences of Qualitative and Quantitative Research

100’ Research Method on Language Learning an Introduction (Adnan.2012:73)

4 Students are able to describe the ontology, epistemology and axiology of language research. They are also hoped to be able to describe the importance of theory/ies and apply it/them in a research.

Students are able to understand Qualitative paradigm in language research

Discussion about Qualitative paradigm in language research

Qualitative paradigm in language research

100’ Research Method on Language Learning an Introduction (Adnan.2012:73)

5 Students are able to describe the ontology, epistemology and axiology of language

Students are able to understand Data Collection in language research

Discussion about the Data Collection in language research

Data Collection in language research

100’ Research Method on Language Learning an Introduction (Adnan.2012:230)

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Method of Language Research Syllabus


research. They are also hoped to be able to describe the importance of theory/ies and apply it/them in a research.

6 Students are able to describe the ontology, epistemology and axiology of language research. They are also hoped to be able to describe the importance of theory/ies and apply it/them in a research.

Students are able to understand Research problems

Discussion about Research problems

Research problems

100’ Research Method on Language Learning an Introduction (Adnan.2012:15)

7 Students are able to describe the ontology, epistemology and axiology of language research. They are also hoped to be able to describe the importance of theory/ies and apply it/them in a research.

Students are able to understand Language Informants

Discussion about Language Informants

Language Informants 100’ Research Method on Language Learning an Introduction (Adnan.2012:)


9 Students are able to describe the ontology, epistemology and axiology of language research. They are

Students are able to understand The linguistic corpus

Discussion about The linguistic corpus

The linguistic corpus 100’ Research Method on Language Learning an Introduction (Adnan.2012:73)

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Method of Language Research Syllabus


also hoped to be able to describe the importance of theory/ies and apply it/them in a research.

10 Students are able to describe the ontology, epistemology and axiology of language research. They are also hoped to be able to describe the importance of theory/ies and apply it/them in a research.

Students are able to understand Data Analysis

Discussion about Data Analysis

Data Analysis 100’ Research Method on Language Learning an Introduction (Adnan.2012:73)

11 Students are able to describe the ontology, epistemology and axiology of language research. They are also hoped to be able to describe the importance of theory/ies and apply it/them in a research.

Students are able to understand Corroboration in language research

Discussion about Corroboration in language research

Corroboration in language research

100’ Research Method on Language Learning an Introduction (Adnan.2012)

12 Students are able to describe the ontology, epistemology and axiology of language research. They are also hoped to be able to describe the

Students are able to understand Validity, Reliability, Generalizability, and Authenticity

Discussion about Validity, Reliability, Generalizability, and Authenticity

Validity, Reliability, Generalizability, and Authenticity

100’ Research Method on Language Learning an Introduction (Adnan.2012:209)

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Method of Language Research Syllabus


importance of theory/ies and apply it/them in a research.

13 Students are able to describe the ontology, epistemology and axiology of language research. They are also hoped to be able to describe the importance of theory/ies and apply it/them in a research.

Students are able to understand Validity, Reliability, Generalizability, and Authenticity

Discussion about Validity, Reliability, Generalizability, and Authenticity

Validity, Reliability, Generalizability, and Authenticity

100’ Research Method on Language Learning an Introduction (Adnan.2012:222)

14 Students are able to describe the ontology, epistemology and axiology of language research. They are also hoped to be able to describe the importance of theory/ies and apply it/them in a research.

Students are able to understand Schedule & Reporting

Discussion about Schedule & Reporting

Schedule & Reporting 100’ Research Method on Language Learning an Introduction (Adnan.2012)

15 Students are able to describe the ontology, epistemology and axiology of language research. They are also hoped to be able to describe the importance of theory/ies and apply

Students are able to understand The Significance of Theory & Review

Discussion about The Significance of Theory & Review

The Significance of Theory & Review

100’ Research Method on Language Learning an Introduction (Adnan.2012)

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Method of Language Research Syllabus


it/them in a research.


Refference: Compulsory : Adnan Latief, Mohammad.2012.Research Method on Language Learning an Introduction.UM PRESS Sumplementary:

1. Bogdan, Robert C. 1982. Qualitative Research for Education: An Introduction to Theory and Methods. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc. 2. Djojosuroto, Kinayati and M.L.A. 2004. Sumaryati. Prinsip-prinsip Dasar Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra. Bandung: Penerbit Nusa. 3. Levin, Jack and Gerald S. Ferman. 1975. Social Science Research: A Handbook for Students. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 4. Miles, Matthew B. and A. Michael Huberman. 1994. Qualitative Data Analysis. London: SAGE Publication. 5. Schlegel, Stuart A. 1982. Asas-asas dan Metodologi Penelitian Grounded. Solo: Uiversitas Sebelas Maret. 6. Spradley, James P. 1979. The Ethnographic Interview. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 7. -----------------------. 1980. Participant Observation. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 8. Stainback, Susan and William Susan. 1988. Understanding and Conducting Qualitative Research. Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. 9. Samarin, William J. 1966. Field Linguistics: A Guide to Linguistic Filed Work. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston. 10. Thomas, R. Murray. 2003. Blending Qualitative & Quantitative Research Methods in Theses and Dissertation. California: Corwin Press, Inc.

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Seminar on Linguistics Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 230 Subject : Seminar on Linguistics Credit : 2 sks Semester : ....... (.......) Prerequisite : - Description : This subject is designed to facilitate the learners in understanding (a) the objectives of a research proposal; (b) criteria of a good research proposal; (c) kinds of a research proposal and (d) Research proposal design (element & content of research proposal)

Competence : Students are able to design and write a scientific research proposal based on their filed of interests in linguistics (e.g. general linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, etc.)

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to design and write a scientific research proposal based on their filed of interests in linguistics (e.g. general linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, etc.)

Able to understand the Course.

Overview on the Course. Introduction to the course 100’ 1. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: The Modern Language Association of America.

2. Turabian, L Kate. 1996. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

3. Merdi, Lalu, Drs.MA. 2008. Panduan Penulisan Skripsi STIBA MALANG. Malang: Sarasvati Press.

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

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Seminar on Linguistics Syllabus


2 Students are able to design and write a scientific research proposal based on their filed of interests in linguistics (e.g. general linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, etc.)

Able to understand the 1. Objectives of a

research proposal 2. Criteria of a good

research proposal 3. Kinds of a

research proposal 4. Research proposal

design (element & content of research proposal)

Discuss about the 1. Objectives of a

research proposal 2. Criteria of a good

research proposal 3. Kinds of a research

proposal 4. Research proposal

design (element & content of research proposal)

Research Proposal 100’ 1. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: The Modern Language Association of America.

2. Turabian, L Kate. 1996. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

3. Merdi, Lalu, Drs.MA. 2008. Panduan Penulisan Skripsi STIBA MALANG. Malang: Sarasvati Press.

3 Students are able to design and write a scientific research proposal based on their filed of interests in linguistics (e.g. general linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, etc.)

Able to understand the 1. Objectives of a

research proposal 2. Criteria of a good

research proposal 3. Kinds of a

research proposal 4. Research proposal

design (element & content of research proposal)

Discuss about the 1. Objectives of a

research proposal 2. Criteria of a good

research proposal 3. Kinds of a research

proposal 4. Research proposal

design (element & content of research proposal)

Research Proposal 100’ 1. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: The Modern Language Association of America.

2. Turabian, L Kate. 1996. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

3. Merdi, Lalu, Drs.MA. 2008. Panduan Penulisan Skripsi STIBA MALANG. Malang: Sarasvati Press.

4 Students are able to design and write a scientific research proposal based on their filed of interests in linguistics (e.g. general linguistics,

Able to understand the 1. Objectives of a

research proposal 2. Criteria of a good

research proposal 3. Kinds of a

research proposal

Discuss about the 1. Objectives of a

research proposal 2. Criteria of a good

research proposal 3. Kinds of a research


Research Proposal 100’ 1. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: The Modern Language Association of America.

2. Turabian, L Kate. 1996. A Manual for Writers of Term

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Seminar on Linguistics Syllabus


sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, etc.)

4. Research proposal design (element & content of research proposal)

4. Research proposal design (element & content of research proposal)

Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

3. Merdi, Lalu, Drs.MA. 2008. Panduan Penulisan Skripsi STIBA MALANG. Malang: Sarasvati Press.

5 Students are able to design and write a scientific research proposal based on their filed of interests in linguistics (e.g. general linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, etc.)

Able to understand the 1. Objectives of a

research proposal 2. Criteria of a good

research proposal 3. Kinds of a

research proposal 4. Research proposal

design (element & content of research proposal)

Discuss about the 1. Objectives of a

research proposal 2. Criteria of a good

research proposal 3. Kinds of a research

proposal 4. Research proposal

design (element & content of research proposal)

Research Proposal 100’ 1. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: The Modern Language Association of America.

2. Turabian, L Kate. 1996. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

3. Merdi, Lalu, Drs.MA. 2008. Panduan Penulisan Skripsi STIBA MALANG. Malang: Sarasvati Press.

6 Students are able to design and write a scientific research proposal based on their filed of interests in linguistics (e.g. general linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, etc.)

Able to present the research proposal

Discuss about: Students’ personal interest in linguistics (various topics)

Students’ Presentation 100’ 1. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: The Modern Language Association of America.

2. Turabian, L Kate. 1996. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

3. Merdi, Lalu, Drs.MA. 2008. Panduan Penulisan Skripsi STIBA MALANG. Malang: Sarasvati Press.

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Seminar on Linguistics Syllabus


7 Students are able to design and write a scientific research proposal based on their filed of interests in linguistics (e.g. general linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, etc.)

Able to present the research proposal

Discuss about: Students’ personal interest in linguistics (various topics)

Students’ Presentation 100’ 1. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: The Modern Language Association of America.

2. Turabian, L Kate. 1996. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

3. Merdi, Lalu, Drs.MA. 2008. Panduan Penulisan Skripsi STIBA MALANG. Malang: Sarasvati Press.


9 Students are able to design and write a scientific research proposal based on their filed of interests in linguistics (e.g. general linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, etc.)

Able to present the research proposal

Discuss about: Students’ personal interest in linguistics (various topics)

Students’ Presentation 100’ 1. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: The Modern Language Association of America.

2. Turabian, L Kate. 1996. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

3. Merdi, Lalu, Drs.MA. 2008. Panduan Penulisan Skripsi STIBA MALANG. Malang: Sarasvati Press.

10 Students are able to design and write a scientific research proposal based on their filed of interests in linguistics (e.g. general

Able to present the research proposal

Discuss about: Students’ personal interest in linguistics (various topics)

Students’ Presentation 100’ 1. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: The Modern Language Association of America.

2. Turabian, L Kate. 1996. A

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Seminar on Linguistics Syllabus


linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, etc.)

Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

3. Merdi, Lalu, Drs.MA. 2008. Panduan Penulisan Skripsi STIBA MALANG. Malang: Sarasvati Press.

11 Students are able to design and write a scientific research proposal based on their filed of interests in linguistics (e.g. general linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, etc.)

Able to present the research proposal

Discuss about: Students’ personal interest in linguistics (various topics)

Students’ Presentation 100’ 1. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: The Modern Language Association of America.

2. Turabian, L Kate. 1996. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

3. Merdi, Lalu, Drs.MA. 2008. Panduan Penulisan Skripsi STIBA MALANG. Malang: Sarasvati Press.

12 Students are able to design and write a scientific research proposal based on their filed of interests in linguistics (e.g. general linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, etc.)

Able to present the research proposal

Discuss about: Students’ personal interest in linguistics (various topics)

Students’ Presentation 100’ 1. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: The Modern Language Association of America.

2. Turabian, L Kate. 1996. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

3. Merdi, Lalu, Drs.MA. 2008.

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Seminar on Linguistics Syllabus


Panduan Penulisan Skripsi STIBA MALANG. Malang: Sarasvati Press.

13 Students are able to design and write a scientific research proposal based on their filed of interests in linguistics (e.g. general linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, etc.)

Able to present the research proposal

Discuss about: Students’ personal interest in linguistics (various topics)

Students’ Presentation 100’ 1. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: The Modern Language Association of America.

2. Turabian, L Kate. 1996. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

3. Merdi, Lalu, Drs.MA. 2008. Panduan Penulisan Skripsi STIBA MALANG. Malang: Sarasvati Press.

14 Students are able to design and write a scientific research proposal based on their filed of interests in linguistics (e.g. general linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, etc.)

Able to present the research proposal

Discuss about: Students’ personal interest in linguistics (various topics)

Students’ Presentation 100’ 1. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: The Modern Language Association of America.

2. Turabian, L Kate. 1996. A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

3. Merdi, Lalu, Drs.MA. 2008. Panduan Penulisan Skripsi STIBA MALANG. Malang: Sarasvati Press.

15 Students are able to design and write a scientific research proposal based on

Able to present the research proposal

Discuss about: Students’ personal interest in linguistics (various topics)

Students’ Presentation 100’ 1. Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. New York: The Modern Language

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Seminar on Linguistics Syllabus


their filed of interests in linguistics (e.g. general linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, etc.)

Association of America. 2. Turabian, L Kate. 1996. A

Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

3. Merdi, Lalu, Drs.MA. 2008. Panduan Penulisan Skripsi STIBA MALANG. Malang: Sarasvati Press.


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Department : English Literature Code : MKK - 232 Subject : American Society and Culture Credit : 2 credits Semester : VII Prerequisite : -

Description : This course is generally designed to facilitate the learners in understanding American society and institutions, such

as its historical background; cultural values; political system; foreign policy; economic system; and educational


Competence : Students are expected to be able to understand and describe: 1) the concept of American society and institutions; 2)

American historical background; 3) foundations of American Beliefs and Cultural Values; 4) religion and pluralism; 5)

Ameircan economic system; 6) American political system; 7) American foreign policy and its global role; 8) the

media; 9) the changing role of women; and 9) urbanization.

Meeting Basic Competence Indicator Learning Experience Subject Matter Time

(Minutes) Source Evaluation

1 - 2 Students are able to

describe the historical

and philosophical

background of a

Making of a Nation

Students are able

explain American

the hostorical

background and

its historical


1. Reading on American

Historical Phases

2. Discussion on the Making of a

Nation; the first Americans;

Explorers from Europe;

Puritan New England;

Fighting for Independence;

Forming the New Nation; the

Civil War; andMiners,

American History in Brief

100’ 1. America in Close-

Up (Fiedler, 1990:


2. An Illustrated

History of the USA

(O’Callaghan, 1990:


1. Individual


2. Structured


3. Group


4. Midlle Test

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railroads & cattlemen. 5. Final Test

3 - 4 Students are able to

mention the four

sources of American

cultural values: the


Reformation; the

Englightenment; the

Industrial Revolution;

and the Westward


Students are able

to describe and

explain American

belief and values


Dreams) and

compare them

with Indonesian

cultural values

1. Reading on American Beliefs

and Values that color the life

of American people

2. Discussion on some ideals

and values, such as: freedom;




ess; future orientation;

control over the invironment;

change as natural & positive;

control over time;

informality; personal


competition; ”Doing”

orientation & Achievements;

practicality/efficiency and


American Beliefs and Values 100’ 1. America in Close-

Up (Fiedler,

1990: 25-42)

2. A Look Inside

America (Perry,

2000: 7-93)

5 - 6 Students are able to

systematically explain

the form of American

government; political

party system and the

check and balances

system of the three


Students are able

to describe the

tasks and

membership of the

three branches

and the details of

the political


1. Reading on American political


2. Discussion on the form of

governement; federalism;

separation of powers;

legislative branch; executive

branch; judicative branch;

check and balances; interest

groups; the lobbyists;

American Political System

100’ 1. America in Close-

Up (Fiedler, 1990:


2. American


(Volkomer, 1986:


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political party system;

election system and party


7 Midlle Test

8 Students are able to

explain the historical

perspective of

American economy,

the role of the

government and its

global economic policy

Students are able

to describe all

aspects of


economic system

and its historical


1. Reading on the U.S Economy

and its historical background

2. Discussion on free enterprise

system; capitalism; the role

of government; the US

economic profile; foreign

trade; foreign market; and

changes of a mature


American Economic System 100’ 1. America in Close-

Up (Fiedler, 1990:


2. Outline of


Economy (McCan,

1981: 10-188)

9 - 10 Students are able to

explain American

Foreign Policy

committed differently

to each country based

on America’s


Students are able

to describe the

foundation of

American Foreign

Policy and

America’s Global


1. Reading on America’s Global

Role and its policy

2. Discussion on USA political,

military, and economic

influence; military strenght;

the existence of NATO;

foreign investement; the role

of the dollar; protectionism;

isolationism to

interventionism; World War

II; Cold War; the nuclear

threat; policy of detente; and

American Foreign Policy 100’ 1. America in Close-

Up (Fiedler, 1990:


2. An Illustrated

History of the USA


1990: 116-136)

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some other current issues.

11 - 12 Students are able to

explain the benefits

and disavantages of

urbanization for

American people

Students are able

to describe the

distinction of rural

life and urban life

and the causes


1. Reading on the details of

American Urbanization

(Background information)

2. Discussion on some states in

USA; growth of cities;

suburbanization; the

transport factor;

deterioration &

abandonment; slum

clearance; gentrification; and

the new down town

3. Discussion on essay on

”Small Town Life”, ”Revival

of City’s Virtues”,

Neighborhoods” and

”Children of Poverty: Crisis in

New York”.

The Urbanization of America 100’ America in Close-Up

(Fiedler, 1990: 81-


13 - 14 1. Reading on American media

(history and development)

and its role as a control


2. Discussion on commercial

control of the media;

newspapers and magazine;

coglomeration; objectivity;

radio and television;

networks; cable and satellite

television; and some advance

The Media 100’ America in Close-Up

(Fiedler, 1990: 261-


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media technology.

3. Discussion on some cases:

”The Case for Television

Journalism” by Eric Sevareid;

”The Nature of TV in

America” by Richard Burke;

”This is not Your Life: TV as

the Third Parent” by

Benjamin Stein

15 1. Reading on the role of

women in America (past,

present and future)

2. Discussion on the statistical

reveal changes for women;

sex discrimination; the

modern feminist

movement; legislation for

equality; professional

women; women in politics;

and predicament of working


3. Discussion on some cases

(articles): ”Second Thoughts

on Having it All” by Tony

Schwartz; ”The Choices that

Brought Me Here” by

Amanda Spake; ”How to

Have Successful Christian

Family” by Jerry Falwell

The Changing Role of Women 100’ 3. America in Close-

Up (Fiedler, 1990:


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16 Final Test


Compulsory Books:

Fiedler, Echard, Reimer Jansen & Mil Norman-Risch. 1990. America in Close-Up. UK.: Longman Group Limited.

O’Callaghan, Bryn. 1990. An Illustrated History of the USA. UK.: Longman Group Limited.

Perry, Bill. 2000. A Look Inside America: Exploring America’s Cultural Values and Holidays. Florida: Multi-Language Media, Inc.

Volkomer, Walter E. 1986. American Government. New Jersy: Prentince-Hall, Englewood Cliff.

Supplementary Books:

Article Alert, US Embassy (Periodicals)

Postman, Neil (ed.). 1969. Language in America. New York: The Bobbs-Merill Company, Inc.

Wilder, Howard B. 1983. This is America’s Story. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.

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Department : English Literature

Code : MKK - 233

Subject : English Prose

Credit : 2 credits

Semester : V

Prerequisite : -

Description : This course is designed to facilitate the studnets in understanding the theories of prose, the forms and genres of prose,

and the intrinsic and extrinsic approaches.

Standard Competency : The students understand some theoretical concepts of English prose, the general characteristics and types of prose, the

internal elements, approaches of prose analysis, and techniques of analyzing and reporting.

Meeting Basic Competence Indicator Learning Experience Topic Time

(Minutes) Source Evaluation

1 - 2 Students are able to

describe the

theoretical concept

of prose and the

craftmanshipness of

the author.

Students are able

to explain the


concept of prose

and the


of the author.

Reading and discussion

on the value of

literature; types of

literature; reading and

studying fiction; the

process of writing an


1. Introduction

2. Reading and writing

about fiction

100’ Fiction: An

Introduction to

Reading and

Writing (Roberts &

Jacobs, 1987: 1 –


1. Individual



2. Group


3. Midlle Test

4. Final Test

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2 - 3 Students are able to


Reading and discussion

on modern fiction;

short story; elements of

fiction; character, plot,

& structure; and the

writer’s tools.

Fiction: An Overview of the


100’ Fiction: An

Introduction to

Reading and

Writing (Roberts &

Jacobs, 1987: 58 –


4 Students are able to

describe and

identify the kinds of

plot and its structure

Students are able

to explain and

identify the kinds

of plot and its


Reading and discussion

on the definition and

kind of plot and the

structure of fiction

Plot and Structure 100’ Fiction: An

Introduction to

Reading and

Writing (Roberts &

Jacobs, 1987: 87 –


5 Middle Test

6 Students are able to

describe and

identify the kinds of

characters in fiction

and their differences

Students are able

to explain and

identify the kinds

of characters in

fiction and their


Reading and discussion

on kinds of character;

choice and character;

major character traits;

how is character

disclosed in fiction;

and reality and



Characters: the People in


100’ Fiction: An

Introduction to

Reading and

Writing (Roberts &

Jacobs, 1987: 119

– 160)

7 Students are able to

describe the kinds

of view point in

fiction and give

Students are able

to explain the

kinds of view

point in fiction

and give example

Reading and discussion

on point of view &

”Throwing the Voice”;

point of view as a

physical position;

Point of View 100’ Fiction: An

Introduction to

Reading and

Writing (Roberts &

Jacobs, 1987: 162

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example of it of it kinds of point of view;

mingling points of

view; and point of

view and evidence.

– 188)

8 Students are able to

describe the setting

of place, time and

other socio-cultural


Students are able

to explain the

setting of place,

time and other



Reading and discussion

on types of setting and

studying the use of


Setting: Place and Objects in


100’ Fiction: An

Introduction to

Reading and

Writing (Roberts &

Jacobs, 1987: 190

– 191)

9 Students are able to

describe the fiction

style as a stylistic


Students are able

to explain the

fiction style as a

stylistic study

Reading and discussion

on disction; rhetoric;

and style in general

Style: the Words that Tell the


100’ Fiction: An

Introduction to

Reading and

Writing (Roberts &

Jacobs, 1987: 221

– 229)

10 Students are able to

describe various

ideas or themes

explicitly and

implicitly stated

Students are able

to explain various

ideas or themes

explicitly and

implicitly stated

Reading and discussion

on ideas – topics –

assertions – meaning;

formulating ideas in

fiction; distinguishing

ideas for summaries;

ideas and values; and

finding ideas in fiction

Idea or Theme: the Meaning

and Message in Fiction

100’ Fiction: An

Introduction to

Reading and

Writing (Roberts &

Jacobs, 1987: 318

– 321)

11 Students are able to

describe symbolism

and allegory as the

two devices to

demystify the

Students are able

to describe

symbolism and

allegory as the

two devices to

Reading and discussion

on symbolism;

allegory; allusion in

symbolism & allegory

Symbolism and Allegory:

keys to Extended Meaning

100’ Fiction: An

Introduction to

Reading and

Writing (Roberts &

Jacobs, 1987: 279

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meaning of a work demystify the

meaning of a


– 284)

12 - 15 Students are able to

describe the

elements availabe in

literary works,

especially fiction

Students are able

to explain the

elements availabe

in literary works,

especially fiction

Reading fictions Reading and analyzing fiction

(short stories & Novels):

1. ”The Necklace” by Guy

De Maupassant.

2. ”The Bride Comes to

Yellow Sky” by Stephen


3. ”First Confession” by

Frank O’Cornnor

4. ”The Masque of the Red

Death” by Edgar Allan


5. ”Ombak Berdansa di

Pantai Liquisa” by Yossi


6. ”Sarinah” by Soekarno


16 Final Test


Compulsory Book:

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Roberts, Edgar V & Henry E. Jacobs. 1987. Fiction: An Introduction to Reading and Writing. NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Supplementary Books:

Aminuddin. 1995. Pengantar Apresiasi Karya Sastra. Bandung: Sinar Baru

Novels and Short Stories from various authors

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Department : English Literature

Code : MKK - 235

Subject : English Poetry

Credit : 2 credits

Semester : V

Prerequisite : -

Description : This course is designed to cover the topic in understanding and analyzing poetry, varying from the basic concept of

poetry, the elememnts of poetry, figurative languages, and the approaches used in analyzing poetry.

Competence : Students are expected to be able to 1) comprehend the basic concept of poetry; 2) understand the elements of poetry;

3) indentify figurative languages and kind of approaches; and 4) analyze the topic/idea presented in the poems.

Meeting Basic Competence Indicator Learning Experience Subject Matter Time

(Minutes) Source Evaluation

1 - 2 Students are able to

describe the theoretical

concept of poetry and

the craftmanshipness of

the poet

Students are able to

explain the

theoretical concept

of poetry, the

generes, and the

craftmanshipness of

the poet

Reading and discussion

on the definition of

poetry, process of

creaivity, and the relation

between the poet and the


1. Introduction

2. The family of the arts:

(a) art & craft and (b)

the fine arts.

3. The poets as artist

4. The poet and his craft:

the creative process

100’ The Art & Craft of

Poetry: An


(Zillman, 1967: 3 –


1. Individual


2. Group


3. Midlle Test

4. Final Test

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2 - 3 Students are able to

describe and give

examples of devices for

rhythm and sound.

Students are able to

describe and give

examples of

devices for rhythm

and sound

Reading and discussion

on the devices for rhythm

and sound: the syllable;

the foot; and verse

[rhythm] – rime; refrain

& parallelism; allitration;

assonance; and


Poetic Tools:

Devices for rhythm and sound

100’ The Art & Craft of

Poetry: An


(Zillman, 1967: 31 –


4 - 5 Students are able to

describe forms of

stanza and poem and

give examples on both.

Students are able to

explain forms of

stanza and poem

and give examples

on both.

Reading and discussion

on stanza forms: blank

verse; heroic &

octosyllabic couplets;

terza rima; quatrains, etc,

and poem forms: the

sonnet; the ode; free

verse, etc.

Poetic Tools:

1. Stanza forms

2. Poem forms

100’ The Art & Craft of

Poetry: An


(Zillman, 1967: 64 –


Middle Test

7 - 8 Students are able to

describe and employ

the kinds of imagery

and figure of speech

and give examples on


Students are able to

explain and employ

the kinds of

imagery and figure

of speech and give

examples on both.

Reading and discussion

on imagery and figure of

speech the include:

imagery of taste; touch,

hear; sight; & smell

[Imagery] – Figure of

Speech: simile; metaphor;

conceit; personification;

apostrophe; hyperbole;

antithesis, etc.

Poetic Tools:

1. Imagery

2. Figure of Speech

100’ The Art & Craft of

Poetry: An


(Zillman, 1967: 109 –


9 - 11 Students are able to

describe three kinds of

poetry: narrative

poetry; dramatic poetry

and the lyric and its

Students are able to

explain three kinds

of poetry: narrative

poetry; dramatic

poetry and the lyric

Reading and discussion

on the ballad; the epic;

the metrical romance; &

the metrical tale

[narrative poetry]; poetic

The Poet & His Poem, The

Range of Poetry:

1. Narrative Poetry

100’ The Art & Craft of

Poetry: An


(Zillman, 1967: 3 –

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modern voice. and its modern


drama; dramatic poems;

dramatic dialogue; the

aside; the soliloquy; the

dramatic monologue, etc.

2. Dramatic Poetry

3. The Lyric and Its

Modern Voice


12 - 15 Students are able to

read and analyze the

old and modern poems

from the prominent


Students are able to

explain the old and

modern poems from

the prominent


Reading and discussion

on Shakespeare’s Sonnet

XXX; Milton on his

blidness; etc.

The Poet and His Poem: A

reading of Six Sonnet from Five

Centuries and others

100’ The Art & Craft of

Poetry: An


(Zillman, 1967: 123 –


16 Final Test


Compulsory Books:

Zillman, Lawrence John. 1967. The Art and Craft of Poetry: An Introduction. New York: Collier Books.

Supplementary Books:

Aminuddin. 1995. Pengantar Apresiasi Karya Sastra. Bandung: Sinar Baru

Siswantoro. 2002. Apresiasi Puisi-puisi Sastra Inggris. Surakarta: UMS Press

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Department : English Literature Code : MKK - 238 Subject : Seminar on Literature Credit : 2 credits Semester : VII Prerequisite : -

Description : This course covers teaching and learning activities that aim to enable the students to present a topic or issue related

with literary study.

Competence : Students are expected to be able to: 1) design a good research proposal; 2) present current issues on literary study;

and 3) develop better understanding on those issues.

Meeting Basic Competence Indicator Learning Experience Subject Matter & Activity Time

(Minute) Source Penilaian

1 Students are able to

describe systematically

the criteria of a good

literary study proposal.

Students are able

to write a good

literary study


1. Reading on


concerining with



2. Discussion on

the items


needed in a

literary study

Writing a good research


Thesis and

Dissertation Writing

in a Second Language

(Patridge, 2007)

Writing the


Dissertation (Meloy,


1. Individual



2. Group



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2 - 16 Activity: Seminar (individual &

group proposal presentation)


Meloy, Judith M. 2002. Writing Qualitative Dissertation. New Jersey: Lawrence Erbaum Associates Publishers.

Paltridge, Brian and Sue Starfield. 2007. Thesis and Dissertation Writing. London & New York: Routledge.

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Pragmatic and Semantic Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 238 Subject : Pragmatic and semantic Credit : 2 sks Semester : ....... (.......) Prerequisite : - Description : This subject is designed to facilitate the students in understanding the basic concept of pragmatics and its properties, introduces the students to the problem areas in the philosophy of language which are relevant to linguistics, intended to develop the student’s knowledge of semantics concepts and its possible application in teaching English, and intends to show the students how arguments can be constructed in semantics by putting forward a series of arguments. Competence : Students are able to describe and use the theories of pragmatics in breaking up the hidden meaning of texts whether they

are written or oral, to understand theoretical and applied semantics, componential analysis, structural semantics and lexicology, the independence of syntax and semantics, meaning and language use, meaning and language forms, meaning and truth, sentence meaning and vagueness in English language.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to describe and use the theories of pragmatics in breaking up the hidden meaning of texts whether they are written or oral, to understand theoretical and applied semantics, componential analysis, structural semantics and lexicology, the independence of

Able to understand the definitions of pragmatics Syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.

1. Overview on the Course.

2. Discuss definitions of pragmatics

3. Syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.

Pragmatics 100’ 1. Yule, George. 1953. pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press.Handbooks of Pragmatics (collection of articles)

2. Fodor, Dean Fodor. 1980. The Theories of Meaning in Generative Grammar. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

3. Hofmann T. R. 1993. Realms of Meaning. London:

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

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Pragmatic and Semantic Syllabus


syntax and semantics, meaning and language use, meaning and language forms, meaning and truth, sentence meaning and vagueness in English language.

Longman. 4. Lyons, John. 1979.

Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5. Palmer, F. R. 1983. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

6. Ulmann, Stephen. 1983. Semantics: The Science of Meaning. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

7. Wahab, Abdul. 1995. Teori Semantik. Surabaya: Airlangga Univ. Press

2 Students are able to describe and use the theories of pragmatics in breaking up the hidden meaning of texts whether they are written or oral, to understand theoretical and applied semantics, componential analysis, structural semantics and lexicology, the independence of syntax and semantics, meaning and language use, meaning and language forms, meaning and truth, sentence meaning and vagueness in English

Able to understand the Person deixis, Spacial deixis, Temporal deixis, Deixis and grammar

Discuss about the Person deixis, Spacial deixis, Temporal deixis, Deixis and grammar

Deixes and distance 100’ 1. Yule, George. 1953. pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press.Handbooks of Pragmatics (collection of articles)

2. Fodor, Dean Fodor. 1980. The Theories of Meaning in Generative Grammar. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

3. Hofmann T. R. 1993. Realms of Meaning. London: Longman.

4. Lyons, John. 1979. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5. Palmer, F. R. 1983. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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Pragmatic and Semantic Syllabus


language. 6. Ulmann, Stephen. 1983. Semantics: The Science of Meaning. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

7. Wahab, Abdul. 1995. Teori Semantik. Surabaya: Airlangga Univ. Press

3 Students are able to describe and use the theories of pragmatics in breaking up the hidden meaning of texts whether they are written or oral, to understand theoretical and applied semantics, componential analysis, structural semantics and lexicology, the independence of syntax and semantics, meaning and language use, meaning and language forms, meaning and truth, sentence meaning and vagueness in English language.

Able to understand the Referencial and attributives uses, Names and references, The role of co-text, Anaphoric reference

Discuss about the Referencial and attributives uses, Names and references, The role of co-text, Anaphoric reference

Reference & Inference 100’ 1. Yule, George. 1953. pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press.Handbooks of Pragmatics (collection of articles)

2. Fodor, Dean Fodor. 1980. The Theories of Meaning in Generative Grammar. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

3. Hofmann T. R. 1993. Realms of Meaning. London: Longman.

4. Lyons, John. 1979. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5. Palmer, F. R. 1983. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

6. Ulmann, Stephen. 1983. Semantics: The Science of Meaning. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

7. Wahab, Abdul. 1995. Teori Semantik. Surabaya: Airlangga Univ. press

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Pragmatic and Semantic Syllabus


4 Students are able to describe and use the theories of pragmatics in breaking up the hidden meaning of texts whether they are written or oral, to understand theoretical and applied semantics, componential analysis, structural semantics and lexicology, the independence of syntax and semantics, meaning and language use, meaning and language forms, meaning and truth, sentence meaning and vagueness in English language.

Able to understand the Presupposition Types of presupposition, The projection problem, Ordered entailment

Discuss about the Presupposition Types of presupposition, The projection problem, Ordered entailment

Presupposition and entailment 100’ 1. Yule, George. 1953. pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press.Handbooks of Pragmatics (collection of articles)

2. Fodor, Dean Fodor. 1980. The Theories of Meaning in Generative Grammar. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

3. Hofmann T. R. 1993. Realms of Meaning. London: Longman.

4. Lyons, John. 1979. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5. Palmer, F. R. 1983. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

6. Ulmann, Stephen. 1983. Semantics: The Science of Meaning. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

7. Wahab, Abdul. 1995. Teori Semantik. Surabaya: Airlangga Univ. Press

5 Students are able to describe and use the theories of pragmatics in breaking up the hidden meaning of texts whether they are written or oral, to

Able to understand: 1. The

cooperative principle

2. Hedges 3. Coversational


Discuss about: 1. The cooperative

principle 2. Hedges 3. Coversational

implicature 4. Generalized

Cooperation and implicature 100’ 1. Yule, George. 1953. pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press.Handbooks of Pragmatics (collection of articles)

2. Fodor, Dean Fodor. 1980.

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Pragmatic and Semantic Syllabus


understand theoretical and applied semantics, componential analysis, structural semantics and lexicology, the independence of syntax and semantics, meaning and language use, meaning and language forms, meaning and truth, sentence meaning and vagueness in English language.

4. Generalized conversational implicatures

5. Scalar implicatures

6. Particularized conversational implicatures

7. Properties of conversational implicaatures

8. Conentional implicatures

conversational implicatures

5. Scalar implicatures 6. Particularized

conversational implicatures

7. Properties of conversational implicaatures

8. Conentional implicatures

The Theories of Meaning in Generative Grammar. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

3. Hofmann T. R. 1993. Realms of Meaning. London: Longman.

4. Lyons, John. 1979. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5. Palmer, F. R. 1983. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

6. Ulmann, Stephen. 1983. Semantics: The Science of Meaning. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

7. Wahab, Abdul. 1995. Teori Semantik. Surabaya: Airlangga Univ. Press

6 Students are able to describe and use the theories of pragmatics in breaking up the hidden meaning of texts whether they are written or oral, to understand theoretical and applied semantics, componential analysis, structural semantics and lexicology, the independence of syntax and semantics,

Able to understand: 1. Speech acts 2. Felicity conditions 3. Performative

hypothesis 4. Speech act

classification 5. Direct and

Indirect speech acts

6. Speech events

Discuss about: 1. Speech acts 2. Felicity conditions 3. Performative

hypothesis 4. Speech act

classification 5. Direct and Indirect

speech acts 6. Speech events

Speech acts and events 100’ 1. Yule, George. 1953. pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press.Handbooks of Pragmatics (collection of articles)

2. Fodor, Dean Fodor. 1980. The Theories of Meaning in Generative Grammar. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

3. Hofmann T. R. 1993. Realms of Meaning. London: Longman.

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Pragmatic and Semantic Syllabus


meaning and language use, meaning and language forms, meaning and truth, sentence meaning and vagueness in English language.

4. Lyons, John. 1979. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5. Palmer, F. R. 1983. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

6. Ulmann, Stephen. 1983. Semantics: The Science of Meaning. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

7. Wahab, Abdul. 1995. Teori Semantik. Surabaya: Airlangga Univ. Press

7 Students are able to describe and use the theories of pragmatics in breaking up the hidden meaning of texts whether they are written or oral, to understand theoretical and applied semantics, componential analysis, structural semantics and lexicology, the independence of syntax and semantics, meaning and language use, meaning and language forms, meaning and truth, sentence meaning and vagueness in English language.

Able to understand Politeness Face wants, Negative and positive face, Self and other: say nothing Say something: off and on record Positive and negative politeness

Discuss about the Politeness Face wants, Negative and positive face, Self and other: say nothing Say something: off and on record Positive and negative politeness

Politeness and Interaction 100’ 1. Yule, George. 1953. pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press.Handbooks of Pragmatics (collection of articles)

2. Fodor, Dean Fodor. 1980. The Theories of Meaning in Generative Grammar. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

3. Hofmann T. R. 1993. Realms of Meaning. London: Longman.

4. Lyons, John. 1979. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5. Palmer, F. R. 1983. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

6. Ulmann, Stephen. 1983.

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Pragmatic and Semantic Syllabus


Semantics: The Science of Meaning. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

7. Wahab, Abdul. 1995. Teori Semantik. Surabaya: Airlangga Univ. Press


9 Students are able to describe and use the theories of pragmatics in breaking up the hidden meaning of texts whether they are written or oral, to understand theoretical and applied semantics, componential analysis, structural semantics and lexicology, the independence of syntax and semantics, meaning and language use, meaning and language forms, meaning and truth, sentence meaning and vagueness in English language.

Able to understand 1. Meaning and

references. 2. Image theory of

meaning. 3. Meaning and

concept. 4. Componential


Discuss about the 1. Meaning and

references. 2. Image theory of

meaning. 3. Meaning and

concept. 4. Componential


Explanation of word meaning 100’ 1. Yule, George. 1953. pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press.Handbooks of Pragmatics (collection of articles)

2. Fodor, Dean Fodor. 1980. The Theories of Meaning in Generative Grammar. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

3. Hofmann T. R. 1993. Realms of Meaning. London: Longman.

4. Lyons, John. 1979. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5. Palmer, F. R. 1983. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

6. Ulmann, Stephen. 1983. Semantics: The Science of Meaning. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

7. Wahab, Abdul. 1995. Teori Semantik. Surabaya: Airlangga Univ. press

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Pragmatic and Semantic Syllabus


10 Students are able to describe and use the theories of pragmatics in breaking up the hidden meaning of texts whether they are written or oral, to understand theoretical and applied semantics, componential analysis, structural semantics and lexicology, the independence of syntax and semantics, meaning and language use, meaning and language forms, meaning and truth, sentence meaning and vagueness in English language.

Able to understand 1. Tarsky’s

definition of truth and sentence meaning.

2. Truth condition and word meaning.

3. Meaning and absolute truth.

4. Truth condition and logical form.

5. Sentence meaning and non declarative sentence.

Discuss about the 1. Tarsky’s definition of

truth and sentence meaning.

2. Truth condition and word meaning.

3. Meaning and absolute truth.

4. Truth condition and logical form.

5. Sentence meaning and non declarative sentence.

Meaning and truth 100’ 1. Yule, George. 1953. pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press.Handbooks of Pragmatics (collection of articles)

2. Fodor, Dean Fodor. 1980. The Theories of Meaning in Generative Grammar. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

3. Hofmann T. R. 1993. Realms of Meaning. London: Longman.

4. Lyons, John. 1979. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5. Palmer, F. R. 1983. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

6. Ulmann, Stephen. 1983. Semantics: The Science of Meaning. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

7. Wahab, Abdul. 1995. Teori Semantik. Surabaya: Airlangga Univ. Press

11 Students are able to describe and use the theories of pragmatics in breaking up the hidden meaning of texts whether they are written or oral, to

Able to understand Bloomfield and behaviorism, Speech act semantics, Speech act semantics and sentence relations,

Discuss about the Bloomfield and behaviorism, Speech act semantics, Speech act semantics and sentence relations, Speech act semantics and

Meaning and language use, Speech act semantics VS truth condition semantics.

100’ 1. Yule, George. 1953. pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press.Handbooks of Pragmatics (collection of articles)

2. Fodor, Dean Fodor. 1980.

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Pragmatic and Semantic Syllabus


understand theoretical and applied semantics, componential analysis, structural semantics and lexicology, the independence of syntax and semantics, meaning and language use, meaning and language forms, meaning and truth, sentence meaning and vagueness in English language.

Speech act semantics and non declarative sentence. Pragmatics.

non declarative sentence. Pragmatics.

The Theories of Meaning in Generative Grammar. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

3. Hofmann T. R. 1993. Realms of Meaning. London: Longman.

4. Lyons, John. 1979. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5. Palmer, F. R. 1983. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

6. Ulmann, Stephen. 1983. Semantics: The Science of Meaning. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

7. Wahab, Abdul. 1995. Teori Semantik. Surabaya: Airlangga Univ. Press

12 Students are able to describe and use the theories of pragmatics in breaking up the hidden meaning of texts whether they are written or oral, to understand theoretical and applied semantics, componential analysis, structural semantics and lexicology, the independence of syntax and semantics,

Able to understand the Word, lexical item and homonimy, Lexical structure, Componential analysis and lexical relations, The relationship between lexical items and components, Deep structure and sentence meaning, Definition of deep structure,

Discuss about the Word, lexical item and homonimy, Lexical structure, Componential analysis and lexical relations, The relationship between lexical items and components, Deep structure and sentence meaning, Definition of deep structure, Limitation of choices,

The formalization of word meaning, Sentence meaning

100’ 1. Yule, George. 1953. pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press.Handbooks of Pragmatics (collection of articles)

2. Fodor, Dean Fodor. 1980. The Theories of Meaning in Generative Grammar. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

3. Hofmann T. R. 1993. Realms of Meaning. London: Longman.

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Pragmatic and Semantic Syllabus


meaning and language use, meaning and language forms, meaning and truth, sentence meaning and vagueness in English language.

Limitation of choices, Negation

Negation 4. Lyons, John. 1979. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5. Palmer, F. R. 1983. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

6. Ulmann, Stephen. 1983. Semantics: The Science of Meaning. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

7. Wahab, Abdul. 1995. Teori Semantik. Surabaya: Airlangga Univ. Press

13 Students are able to describe and use the theories of pragmatics in breaking up the hidden meaning of texts whether they are written or oral, to understand theoretical and applied semantics, componential analysis, structural semantics and lexicology, the independence of syntax and semantics, meaning and language use, meaning and language forms, meaning and truth, sentence meaning and vagueness in English language.

Able to understand Four kinds of ambiguity. Ambiguity test Ambiguity and negation. Quantifiers and the problems of ambiguity tests.

Discussing the Four kinds of ambiguity. Ambiguity test Ambiguity and negation. Quantifiers and the problems of ambiguity tests.

Ambiguity and vagueness 100’ 1. Yule, George. 1953. pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press.Handbooks of Pragmatics (collection of articles)

2. Fodor, Dean Fodor. 1980. The Theories of Meaning in Generative Grammar. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

3. Hofmann T. R. 1993. Realms of Meaning. London: Longman.

4. Lyons, John. 1979. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5. Palmer, F. R. 1983. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

6. Ulmann, Stephen. 1983.

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Pragmatic and Semantic Syllabus


Semantics: The Science of Meaning. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

7. Wahab, Abdul. 1995. Teori Semantik. Surabaya: Airlangga Univ. Press

14 Students are able to describe and use the theories of pragmatics in breaking up the hidden meaning of texts whether they are written or oral, to understand theoretical and applied semantics, componential analysis, structural semantics and lexicology, the independence of syntax and semantics, meaning and language use, meaning and language forms, meaning and truth, sentence meaning and vagueness in English language.

Able to understand Deep structure and feature semantics. Surface structure and feature semantics.

Discussing Deep structure and feature semantics. Surface structure and feature semantics.

Syntax and semantics 100’ 1. Yule, George. 1953. pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press.Handbooks of Pragmatics (collection of articles)

2. Fodor, Dean Fodor. 1980. The Theories of Meaning in Generative Grammar. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

3. Hofmann T. R. 1993. Realms of Meaning. London: Longman.

4. Lyons, John. 1979. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5. Palmer, F. R. 1983. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

6. Ulmann, Stephen. 1983. Semantics: The Science of Meaning. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

7. Wahab, Abdul. 1995. Teori Semantik. Surabaya: Airlangga Univ. Press

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Pragmatic and Semantic Syllabus


15 Students are able to describe and use the theories of pragmatics in breaking up the hidden meaning of texts whether they are written or oral, to understand theoretical and applied semantics, componential analysis, structural semantics and lexicology, the independence of syntax and semantics, meaning and language use, meaning and language forms, meaning and truth, sentence meaning and vagueness in English language.

Able to understand Deep structure and feature semantics. Surface structure and feature semantics.

Discussing Deep structure and feature semantics. Surface structure and feature semantics.

Syntax and semantics 100’ 1. Yule, George. 1953. pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press.Handbooks of Pragmatics (collection of articles)

2. Fodor, Dean Fodor. 1980. The Theories of Meaning in Generative Grammar. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

3. Hofmann T. R. 1993. Realms of Meaning. London: Longman.

4. Lyons, John. 1979. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

5. Palmer, F. R. 1983. Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

6. Ulmann, Stephen. 1983. Semantics: The Science of Meaning. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

7. Wahab, Abdul. 1995. Teori Semantik. Surabaya: Airlangga Univ. Press


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Department : English Literature Code : MKK - 240 Subject : Theory of Literature Credit : 2 credits Semester : V Prerequisite : -

Description : This course is designed to enable the students to have a comprehensive understanding on some theories of

literature and its details.

Competence : Students are expected to be able to: 1) know some prominent figures in literary studies and understand their critical

thinking; 2) differenciate some fundamental concepts of literature; and 3) apply appropirate literary theory/ies in

literary research.

Meeting Basic Competence Indicator Learning Experience Subject Matter Time

(Minute) Source Evaluation

1 Students are able to (a)

describe the strenght

and weaknesses of

some literary theories

and (b) apply the

theories in their


Students are able

to explain the

historical phases of

literary criticism

and the significance

of understanding

and applying some

literary theories.

1. Reading on Literary

Theories and some

current issues on the

development of

literary theories.

2. Discussion on the

significance of

literary theories and

their application;

3. Introduction

4. Mimetic Criticism: Reality as


100’ 1. A History of


Criticism: From

Plato to the

Present (Habib,


2. Context for


(Keesey, 1994:

1. Indivial


2. Group


4. Middle Test

5. Final Test

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literary works as

imitation of life; and

Plato, Aristotles &


perspectives on


187 – 241)

2 Students are able to

decribe the basic ideas

of Formalism and its

focus of study.

Students are able

to (a) explain

Formalism and its

prominent figures

including their

critical thinking and

(b) apply Formalism

in literary study.

1. Reading on

Formalism that

emphasizes on the

form (internal

structure of the text)

and some important

figures in Formalism

(Victor Shklovsky;

Boris Eichenbaum;

Mikhail M. Bakhtin;

Roman Jakobson;

and some others).

2. Discussion on

Russian & American

Formalism and some

ctritical thoughts of

some formalists

Formalism 100’ 1. A History of


Criticism: From

Plato to the

Present (Habib,

2005: 602 – 630)

2. Context for


(Keesey, 1994:

65 – 112)

3 Students are able to

describe the basic ideas

of Structuralism and its

focus of study

Students are able

to (a) explain

Structuralism and

its prominent

figures including

their critical

thinking and (b)

apply Structuralism

1. Reading on the

history of

Stucturalism and its

basic ideas.

2. Discussion on (a) the

concept of

Structuralism in

Structuralism 100’ A History of Literary

Criticism: From Plato

to the Present

(Habib, 2005: 631 –


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in literary study. language and

literature and (b) the

foundations of

Structuralism laid in

the work of the Swiss

linguist Ferdinant de

Saussure, whose

insights were

developed by the



Claude Levi-Strauss,

Roland Barthes, and

some others

4 Students are able to

describe the basic ideas

Reader-Response &

Reception Criticism and

its focus of study

Students are able

to (a) explain

Reader-Response &

Reception Criticism

and its prominent

figures including

their critical

thinking and (b)

apply Reader-

Response &

Reception Criticism

in literary study.

1. Reading on the

history of Reader-

Response &

Reception Criticism

and its basic ideas.

2. Discussion on the


perpsepctive of

Reader-Response &



Husserl; Martin

Heideggar; Hans

Robert Jauss;

Wolfeng Iser; and

Stanley Fish); the

role of the reader or

Reader-Response & Reception


100’ 1. A History of


Criticism: From

Plato to the

Present (Habib,

2005: 708 – 736)

2. Context for


(Keesey, 1994:

119 – 179)

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audience of a literary

work; and


theories developend

by Friedrich


Martin Heidegger,

and Hans George

Gadamer, as well as



theories inspired by

Edmund Husserl &

Roman Ingarden.

5 Students are able to

describe the basic ideas

of Feminist Criticism

and its focus of study

Students are able

to (a) explain

Feminist Criticism

and its prominent

figures including

their critical

thinking and (b)

Feminist Criticism

in literary study.

1. Reading on the

history of Feminist

Criticism and its

basic ideas.

2. Discussion on the


perspectives of

Feminist Criticism

that comprises

female literary

tradition; the

representation of

women in male

literature; the role of

gender in both

literary creation and

literary criticism (as

Feminist Criticism 100’ A History of Literary

Criticism: From Plato

to the Present

(Habib, 2005: 667 –


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studied in so called

”gynocriticism”); the

connection between

gender and various

aspects of literary

form; French,

American and British

Feminism; and some

prominent figures,

such as Virginia

Woolf, Simone de

Beauvoir, Elaine

Showalter, Michele

Barrett, Julia

Kristeva, and Helena


6 Middle Test

6 Students are able to

describe the basic ideas


Criticism and its focus

of study

Students are able

to (a) explain


Criticism and its

prominent figures

including their

critical thinking and

(b) apply


Criticism in literary


1. Reading on the

history of


Criticism and its

basic ideas.

2. Discussion on the


perspective of


Criticism that



dimensions of

literature, ranging

Psychoanalytic Criticism 100’ A History of Literary

Criticism: From Plato

to the Present

(Habib, 2005: 571 –


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from an author’s

motivation and

intentions to the

effect of texts and

performances on an

audience (the

application of


principles to the

study of literature);

Freud’s dream

interpretation to

literary texts;

analysis of the

motives of an

author, of readers,

and fictional

characters, relating

to a text to features

of the author’s

biography such as

childhood memories,

relationship to

parents; the nature

of the creative

process; the

psychology of

reader’s responses

to literary texts;

interpretation of

symbols in the text –

to unearth latent

meanings; analysis of

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the connection

between various

authors in a literary


examination of

geneder role and

stereotypes; and the

function of language

in the constitution of

the conscious and


7 Students are able to

describe the basic ideas


Criticism and its focus

of study

Students are able

to (a) explain Post-

structural Criticism

and its prominent

figures including

their critical

thinking and (b)

apply Post-

structural Criticism

in literary study.

1. Reading on the

history of Post-

structural Criticism

and its basic ideas.

2. Discussion on the

way of reading texts

that combines and

extends formal and

intertextual analysis.

It also offers a

metacritical and

skeptical critique of

all contexts and

systems and theories

of reading. Further

discussion is on the

prominent figures of


Post-structural Criticism:

Language as Context

100’ Context for Criticism

(Keesey, 1994: 335 –


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8 Students are able to

describe the basic ideas

Intertextual Criticism

and its focus of study

Students are able

to (a) explain


Criticism and its

prominent figures

including their

critical thinking and

(b) apply


Criticism in literary


1. Reading the history

of Intertextual

Criticism and its

basic ideas.

2. Discussion on some

prominent figures in


(Graham Allen;

Michael S. Macovski;

Julia Kristeva;

Michael Worton &

Judith Still; Harold

Bloom; and some

others) and their

critical thinking.

Further discussion on

the notion that

theory of

intertextuality insists

that a text cannot

exist as a hermetic or

self-sufficient whole,

and so does not

function as a closed


Intertextual Criticism 100’ Context for Criticism

(Keesey, 1994: 257 –


9 Students are able to

describe the basic ideas

Historical Criticism and

its focus of study

Students are able

to (a) explain

Historical Criticism

and its prominent

figures including

their critical

1. Reading the history

of Historical Criticism

and its basic ideas.

2. Discussion on history

and aesthetic that do

seem to have vital

Historical Criticism 100’ Context for Criticism

(Keesey, 1994: 9 –


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thinking and (b)

apply Historical

Criticism in literary


fact in common, that

they are concerned

with events which

are particular and

individual rather

than instances of the

application of

scientific law.

Further discussion

that historicism

began toward the

end 18th century

with German writers

such Herder, and

continued through

the 19th century

historians Von Ranke

& Meinecke.

10 Students are able to

describe the basic ideas

New Historicism and its

focus of study

Students are able

to (a) explain New

Historicism and its

prominent figures

including their

critical thinking and

(b) apply New

Historicism in

literary study.

1. Reading the history

of New Historicism

and its basic ideas.

2. Discussion on the

view that literary

text not as somehow

unique but as a kind

of discourse situated

within a complex of

cultural discourses –

religious, political,

economic, aesthetic

– which both shaped

New Historicism 100’ A History of Literary

Criticism: From Plato

to the Present

(Habib, 2005: 760 –


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it and, in their turn,

were shaped by it.

’History’ itself is a

text, an

interpretation, and

that there is no

single history.

Further discussion is

on some prominent

figures of New

Historicism (Stephen

Greenblatt, Michel

Foucault, etc.)

11 Students are able to

describe the basic ideas

Post-colonial Criticism

and its focus of study

Students are able

to (a) explain Post-

colonial Criticism

and its prominent

figures including

their critical

thinking and (b)

apply Post-colonial

Criticism in literary


1. Reading the history

of Post-colonial

Criticism and its

basic ideas.

2. Discussion on


literature and

criticism arose both

during and after the

struggles of many

nations in Africa,

Asia, Latin America

(now referred to as

the ”tricontinent”

rather than the

”third world”), and

elsewhere for

Post-colonial Criticism 100’ A History of Literary

Criticism: From Plato

to the Present

(Habib, 2005: 737 –


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independence from

colonial rule. Post-

colonialism has

embraced a number

of aims: most

fundamentally, to

examine the history

of colonialism from

the perspective of

the colonized; to

determine the

politic, political, and

cultural impact of

colonialism on both

the colonized

peoples and the

colonizing powers; to

analyze the process

of decolonialization,

and above all, to

participate in goals

of political liberation,

which includes equal

access to material

resources, the

contestation of

forms of domination,

and the articulation

of political and

cultural identities.

Furhter discussion is

on some figures that

focus their study on

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literature (Frantz

Fanon, Edward Said,

Gayatri Chakravorty

Spivak, Homi

Bhabha, Henry Louis

Gates, Jr.)

12 Students are able to

describe the basic ideas

Deconstruction and its

focus of study

Students are able

to (a) explain

Deconstruction and

its prominent

figures including

their critical

thinking and (b)


Deconstruction in

literary study.

1. Reading the history

of Deconstruction

and its basic ideas

(Jacques Derrida).

2. Discussion on the

most fundamental

project of

deconstruction that

is to display the

operations of

”logocentrism” in

any text (where the

meaning of a ”text”

is broadened to

include not merely

written treatises in a

variety of disciplines

but the entire range

of their political,

theological, social,

and intellectual

contexts, as

manifested primarily

Deconstruction 100’ A History of Literary

Criticism: From Plato

to the Present

(Habib, 2005: 649 –


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in their use of


13 Discussion & Review 100’

14 Discussion & Review 100’

15 Discussion & Review 100’

16 100’ Final Test


Compulsory Books

Habib, M.A.R. 2005. A History of Literary Criticism: From Plato to the Present. Victoria: Blackwell Publishing.

Keesey, Donald. 1994. Contexts for Criticism. London: Mayfield Publishing Company.

Supplementary Books

Eagleton, Terry. 1996. Literary Theory: An Introduction. Minneapolis: The University of Minneasota Press.

Culler, Jonathan. 1997. Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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Psycholinguistics Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKK – 241 Subject : Psycholinguistics Credit : 2 sks Semester : ....... (.......) Prerequisite : - Description : This course equips students with the psychological factors which involve First Language Learning, Second Language Learning, Language, Mind, and the Brain, Mental Grammar and Language Processing.

Competence : Students are expected to be familiar with the psychological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are expected to be familiar with the psychological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language

Able to understand the Course.

Overview on the Course. Introduction to the course 100’ 1. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited.

2. Stewart. 2001. Language Files. The Ohio State University Press.

3. Lenneberg, Eric. 1967. Biological Foundation of Language. New York: John Wiley & Sons

4. Taylor, Insup. 1990. Psycholinguist: Learning, and Using Language. U S A. Prentice Hall, Inc.

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

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Psycholinguistics Syllabus


5. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited

2 Students are expected to be familiar with the psychological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language

Able to understand Children and language

Lecturing, discussing, and group presentation

Children and language 100’ 1. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited.

2. Stewart. 2001. Language Files. The Ohio State University Press.

3. Lenneberg, Eric. 1967. Biological Foundation of Language. New York: John Wiley & Sons

4. Taylor, Insup. 1990. Psycholinguist: Learning, and Using Language. U S A. Prentice Hall, Inc.

5. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited

3 Students are expected to be familiar with the psychological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and

Able to understand Children and language

Lecturing, discussing, and group presentation

Children and language 100’ 1. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited.

2. Stewart. 2001. Language

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Psycholinguistics Syllabus


produce language Files. The Ohio State University Press.

3. Lenneberg, Eric. 1967. Biological Foundation of Language. New York: John Wiley & Sons

4. Taylor, Insup. 1990. Psycholinguist: Learning, and Using Language. U S A. Prentice Hall, Inc.

5. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited

4 Students are expected to be familiar with the psychological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language

Able to understand Deaf and language

Lecturing, discussing, and group presentation

Deaf and language 100’ 1. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited.

2. Stewart. 2001. Language Files. The Ohio State University Press.

3. Lenneberg, Eric. 1967. Biological Foundation of Language. New York: John Wiley & Sons

4. Taylor, Insup. 1990. Psycholinguist: Learning, and Using Language. U S A. Prentice Hall, Inc.

5. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001.

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Psycholinguistics Syllabus


Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited

5 Students are expected to be familiar with the psychological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language

Able to understand the Theory of language learning

Lecturing, discussing, and group presentation

Theory of language learning 100’ 1. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited.

2. Stewart. 2001. Language Files. The Ohio State University Press.

3. Lenneberg, Eric. 1967. Biological Foundation of Language. New York: John Wiley & Sons

4. Taylor, Insup. 1990. Psycholinguist: Learning, and Using Language. U S A. Prentice Hall, Inc.

5. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited

6 Students are expected to be familiar with the psychological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language

Able to understand First language acquisition

Lecturing, discussing, and group presentation

First language acquisition 100’ 1. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited.

2. Stewart. 2001. Language Files. The Ohio State

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Psycholinguistics Syllabus


University Press. 3. Lenneberg, Eric. 1967.

Biological Foundation of Language. New York: John Wiley & Sons

4. Taylor, Insup. 1990. Psycholinguist: Learning, and Using Language. U S A. Prentice Hall, Inc.

5. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited

7 Students are expected to be familiar with the psychological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language

Able to understand First language acquisition

Lecturing, discussing, and group presentation

First language acquisition 100’ 1. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited.

2. Stewart. 2001. Language Files. The Ohio State University Press.

3. Lenneberg, Eric. 1967. Biological Foundation of Language. New York: John Wiley & Sons

4. Taylor, Insup. 1990. Psycholinguist: Learning, and Using Language. U S A. Prentice Hall, Inc.

5. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics;

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Psycholinguistics Syllabus


Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited


9 Students are expected to be familiar with the psychological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language

Able to understand Children and adults in second language learning

Lecturing, discussing, and group presentation

Children and adults in second language learning

100’ 1. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited.

2. Stewart. 2001. Language Files. The Ohio State University Press.

3. Lenneberg, Eric. 1967. Biological Foundation of Language. New York: John Wiley & Sons

4. Taylor, Insup. 1990. Psycholinguist: Learning, and Using Language. U S A. Prentice Hall, Inc.

5. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited

10 Students are expected to be familiar with the psychological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language

Able to understand Bilingualism, cognition, transfer, and learning strategies

Lecturing, discussing, and group presentation

Bilingualism, cognition, transfer, and learning strategies

100’ 1. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited.

2. Stewart. 2001. Language Files. The Ohio State

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Psycholinguistics Syllabus


University Press. 3. Lenneberg, Eric. 1967.

Biological Foundation of Language. New York: John Wiley & Sons

4. Taylor, Insup. 1990. Psycholinguist: Learning, and Using Language. U S A. Prentice Hall, Inc.

5. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited

11 Students are expected to be familiar with the psychological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language

Able to understand Language thought and culture

Lecturing, discussing, and group presentation

Language thought and culture 100’ 1. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited.

2. Stewart. 2001. Language Files. The Ohio State University Press.

3. Lenneberg, Eric. 1967. Biological Foundation of Language. New York: John Wiley & Sons

4. Taylor, Insup. 1990. Psycholinguist: Learning, and Using Language. U S A. Prentice Hall, Inc.

5. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics;

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Psycholinguistics Syllabus


Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited

12 Students are expected to be familiar with the psychological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language

Able to understand Language knowledge

Lecturing, discussing, and group presentation

Language knowledge 100’ 1. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited.

2. Stewart. 2001. Language Files. The Ohio State University Press.

3. Lenneberg, Eric. 1967. Biological Foundation of Language. New York: John Wiley & Sons

4. Taylor, Insup. 1990. Psycholinguist: Learning, and Using Language. U S A. Prentice Hall, Inc.

5. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited

13 Students are expected to be familiar with the psychological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language

Able to understand Language and the brain

Lecturing, discussing, and group presentation

Language and the brain 100’ 1. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited.

2. Stewart. 2001. Language Files. The Ohio State University Press.

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Psycholinguistics Syllabus


3. Lenneberg, Eric. 1967. Biological Foundation of Language. New York: John Wiley & Sons

4. Taylor, Insup. 1990. Psycholinguist: Learning, and Using Language. U S A. Prentice Hall, Inc.

5. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited

14 Students are expected to be familiar with the psychological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language

Able to understand Language criteria for assessing grammar

Lecturing, discussing, and group presentation

Language criteria for assessing grammar

100’ 1. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited.

2. Stewart. 2001. Language Files. The Ohio State University Press.

3. Lenneberg, Eric. 1967. Biological Foundation of Language. New York: John Wiley & Sons

4. Taylor, Insup. 1990. Psycholinguist: Learning, and Using Language. U S A. Prentice Hall, Inc.

5. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and

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Psycholinguistics Syllabus


World. London: Person Education Limited

15 Students are expected to be familiar with the psychological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language

Able to understand Natural grammar

Lecturing, discussing, and group presentation

Natural grammar 100’ 1. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited.

2. Stewart. 2001. Language Files. The Ohio State University Press.

3. Lenneberg, Eric. 1967. Biological Foundation of Language. New York: John Wiley & Sons

4. Taylor, Insup. 1990. Psycholinguist: Learning, and Using Language. U S A. Prentice Hall, Inc.

5. Steinberg , Danny D. 2001. Psycholinguistics; Language, Mind and World. London: Person Education Limited


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C. Matakuliah Keahlian Berkarya (MKB)

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Chinese 1 Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 301 Subject : Chinese 1 Credit : 4 sks Semester : I (one) Prerequisite : - Description : Language proficiency program specially designed for basic Chinese 1 learners using a highly integrated set of materials consisting of a coursebook, workbook, glossary and cassettes. Competence : Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Han Yu Pin Yin

Discussion and praxis Han Yu Pin Yin

Han Yu Pin Yin 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Han Yu Pin Yin

Discussion and praxis Han Yu Pin Yin

Han Yu Pin Yin 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

3 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Han Yu Pin Yin

Discussion and praxis Han Yu Pin Yin

Han Yu Pin Yin 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

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Chinese 1 Syllabus


4 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Han Yu Pin Yin

Discussion and praxis Han Yu Pin Yin

Han Yu Pin Yin 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

5 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Bi Shun Bi Hua

Discussion and praxis Bi Shun Bi Hua

Bi Shun Bi Hua 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

6 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Bi Shun Bi Hua

Discussion and praxis Bi Shun Bi Hua

Bi Shun Bi Hua 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

7 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Bi Shun Bi Hua

Discussion and praxis Bi Shun Bi Hua

Bi Shun Bi Hua 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

8 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Bi Shun Bi Hua

Discussion and praxis Bi Shun Bi Hua

Bi Shun Bi Hua 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

9 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Shu Shu Zi

Discussion and praxis Shu Shu Zi

Shu Shu Zi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

10 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Shu Shu Zi

Discussion and praxis Shu Shu Zi

Shu Shu Zi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

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Chinese 1 Syllabus


11 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Shu Shu Zi

Discussion and praxis Shu Shu Zi

Shu Shu Zi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

12 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Shu Shu Zi

Discussion and praxis Shu Shu Zi

Shu Shu Zi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

13 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Shi Jian Ci

Discussion and praxis Shi Jian Ci

Shi Jian Ci 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

14 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Shi Jian Ci

Discussion and praxis Shi Jian Ci

Shi Jian Ci 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004


16 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Jia Li Ren

Discussion and praxis Jia Li Ren

Jia Li Ren 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

17 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Jia Li Ren

Discussion and praxis Jia Li Ren

Jia Li Ren Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

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Chinese 1 Syllabus


18 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Jia Li Ren

Discussion and praxis Jia Li Ren

Jia Li Ren Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

19 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Jia Li Ren

Discussion and praxis Jia Li Ren

Jia Li Ren Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

20 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Nian Yue Ri

Discussion and praxis Nian Yue Ri

Nian Yue Ri Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

21 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Nian Yue Ri

Discussion and praxis Nian Yue Ri

Nian Yue Ri Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

23 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Nian Yue Ri

Discussion and praxis Nian Yue Ri

Nian Yue Ri Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

24 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Nian Yue Ri

Discussion and praxis Nian Yue Ri

Nian Yue Ri Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

25 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zi Wo Jie Shao

Discussion and praxis Zi Wo Jie Shao

Zi Wo Jie Shao Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

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Chinese 1 Syllabus


26 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zi Wo Jie Shao

Discussion and praxis Zi Wo Jie Shao

Zi Wo Jie Shao Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

27 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zi Wo Jie Shao

Discussion and praxis Zi Wo Jie Shao

Zi Wo Jie Shao Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

28 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Yi Tian Te Shi

Discussion and praxis Yi Tian Te Shi

Yi Tian Te Shi Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

29 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Yi Tian Te Shi

Discussion and praxis Yi Tian Te Shi

Yi Tian Te Shi Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004


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Chinese 2 Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 302 Subject : Chinese 2 Credit : 4 sks Semester : II (two) Prerequisite : Chinese 1 Description : Language proficiency program specially designed for basic Chinese 2 learners using a highly integrated set of materials consisting of a coursebook, workbook, glossary and cassettes. Competence : Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Wen Hou

Discussion and praxis Wen Hou

Wen Hou 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Wen Hou

Discussion and praxis Wen Hou

Wen Hou 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

3 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Wen Hou

Discussion and praxis Wen Hou

Wen Hou 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

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Chinese 2 Syllabus


4 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Wen Hou

Discussion and praxis Wen Hou

Wen Hou 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

5 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Huan Ying

Discussion and praxis Huan Ying

Huan Ying 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

6 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Huan Ying

Discussion and praxis Huan Ying

Huan Ying 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

7 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Huan Ying

Discussion and praxis Huan Ying

Huan Ying 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

8 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Huan Ying

Discussion and praxis Huan Ying

Huan Ying 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

9 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zao Shang Hao

Discussion and praxis Zao Shang Hao

Zao Shang Hao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

10 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zao Shang Hao

Discussion and praxis Zao Shang Hao

Zao Shang Hao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

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Chinese 2 Syllabus


11 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zao Shang Hao

Discussion and praxis Zao Shang Hao

Zao Shang Hao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

12 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zao Shang Hao

Discussion and praxis Zao Shang Hao

Zao Shang Hao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

13 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Ni Hao Ma

Discussion and praxis Ni Hao Ma

Ni Hao Ma 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

14 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Ni Hao Ma

Discussion and praxis Ni Hao Ma

Ni Hao Ma 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004


16 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Jian Peng Yu

Discussion and praxis Jian Peng Yu

Jian Peng Yu 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

17 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Jian Peng Yu

Discussion and praxis Jian Peng Yu

Jian Peng Yu 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

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Chinese 2 Syllabus


18 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Jian Peng Yu

Discussion and praxis Jian Peng Yu

Jian Peng Yu 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

19 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Jian Peng Yu

Discussion and praxis Jian Peng Yu

Jian Peng Yu 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

20 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Qu Nar

Discussion and praxis Qu Nar

Qu Nar 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

21 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Qu Nar

Discussion and praxis Qu Nar

Qu Nar 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

23 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Qu Nar

Discussion and praxis Qu Nar

Qu Nar 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

24 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Qu Nar

Discussion and praxis Qu Nar

Qu Nar 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

25 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Wen Xing Ming

Discussion and praxis Wen Xing Ming

Wen Xing Ming 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

Page 327: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Chinese 2 Syllabus


26 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Wen Xing Ming

Discussion and praxis Wen Xing Ming

Wen Xing Ming 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

27 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Wen Xing Ming

Discussion and praxis Wen Xing Ming

Wen Xing Ming 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

28 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Jie Shao Beng Yu

Discussion and praxis Jie Shao Beng Yu

Jie Shao Beng Yu 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

29 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Jie Shao Beng Yu

Discussion and praxis Jie Shao Beng Yu

Jie Shao Beng Yu 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004


Page 328: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Chinese 3 Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 303 Subject : Chinese 3 Credit : 4 sks Semester : III (three) Prerequisite : Chinese 2 Description : Language proficiency program specially designed for basic Chinese 3 learners using a highly integrated set of materials consisting of a coursebook, workbook, glossary and cassettes. Competence : Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zai Xue Xiao

Discussion and praxis Zai Xue Xiao

Zai Xue Xiao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zai Xue Xiao

Discussion and praxis Zai Xue Xiao

Zai Xue Xiao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

3 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zai Xue Xiao

Discussion and praxis Zai Xue Xiao

Zai Xue Xiao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

Page 329: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Chinese 3 Syllabus


4 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zai Xue Xiao

Discussion and praxis Zai Xue Xiao

Zai Xue Xiao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

5 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hu Xiang Jie Shao

Discussion and praxis Hu Xiang Jie Shao

Hu Xiang Jie Shao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

6 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hu Xiang Jie Shao

Discussion and praxis Hu Xiang Jie Shao

Hu Xiang Jie Shao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

7 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hu Xiang Jie Shao

Discussion and praxis Hu Xiang Jie Shao

Hu Xiang Jie Shao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

8 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hu Xiang Jie Shao

Discussion and praxis Hu Xiang Jie Shao

Hu Xiang Jie Shao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

9 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zai Su She

Discussion and praxis Zai Su She

Zai Su She 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

10 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zai Su She

Discussion and praxis Zai Su She

Zai Su She 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

Page 330: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Chinese 3 Syllabus


11 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zai Su She

Discussion and praxis Zai Su She

Zai Su She 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

12 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zai Su She

Discussion and praxis Zai Su She

Zai Su She 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

13 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Qu Xue Xiao

Discussion and praxis Qu Xue Xiao

Qu Xue Xiao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

14 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Qu Xue Xiao

Discussion and praxis Qu Xue Xiao

Qu Xue Xiao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004


16 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Qu Xue Xiao

Discussion and praxis Qu Xue Xiao

Qu Xue Xiao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

17 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Qu Xue Xiao

Discussion and praxis Qu Xue Xiao

Qu Xue Xiao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

Page 331: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Chinese 3 Syllabus


18 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Qu Xue Xiao

Discussion and praxis Qu Xue Xiao

Qu Xue Xiao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

19 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Qu Xue Xiao

Discussion and praxis Qu Xue Xiao

Qu Xue Xiao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

20 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Da Dian Hua

Discussion and praxis Da Dian Hua

Da Dian Hua 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

21 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Da Dian Hua

Discussion and praxis Da Dian Hua

Da Dian Hua 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

23 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Da Dian Hua

Discussion and praxis Da Dian Hua

Da Dian Hua 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

24 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Da Dian Hua

Discussion and praxis Da Dian Hua

Da Dian Hua 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

25 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Kan Dian Shi

Discussion and praxis Kan Dian Shi

Kan Dian Shi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

Page 332: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Chinese 3 Syllabus


26 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Kan Dian Shi

Discussion and praxis Kan Dian Shi

Kan Dian Shi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

27 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Kan Dian Shi

Discussion and praxis Kan Dian Shi

Kan Dian Shi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

28 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Kan Dian Ying

Discussion and praxis Kan Dian Ying

Kan Dian Ying 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

29 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Kan Dian Ying

Discussion and praxis Kan Dian Ying

Kan Dian Ying 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004


Page 333: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Chinese 4 Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 304 Subject : Chinese 4 Credit : 4 sks Semester : IV (four) Prerequisite : Chinese 3 Description : Language proficiency program specially designed for basic Chinese 4 learners using a highly integrated set of materials consisting of a coursebook, workbook, glossary and cassettes. Competence : Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Fang Wen

Discussion and praxis Fang Wen

Fang Wen 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Fang Wen

Discussion and praxis Fang Wen

Fang Wen 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

3 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Fang Wen

Discussion and praxis Fang Wen

Fang Wen 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

Page 334: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Chinese 4 Syllabus


4 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Fang Wen

Discussion and praxis Fang Wen

Fang Wen 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

5 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Qu Shang DIan

Discussion and praxis Qu Shang DIan

Qu Shang DIan 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

6 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Qu Shang DIan

Discussion and praxis Qu Shang DIan

Qu Shang DIan 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

7 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Qu Shang DIan

Discussion and praxis Qu Shang DIan

Qu Shang DIan 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

8 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Qu Shang DIan

Discussion and praxis Qu Shang DIan

Qu Shang DIan 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

9 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Zai Shui Guo Dian

Discussion and praxis Zai Shui Guo Dian

Zai Shui Guo Dian 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

10 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Zai Shui Guo Dian

Discussion and praxis Zai Shui Guo Dian

Zai Shui Guo Dian 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

Page 335: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Chinese 4 Syllabus


11 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Zai Shui Guo Dian

Discussion and praxis Zai Shui Guo Dian

Zai Shui Guo Dian 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

12 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Zai Shui Guo Dian

Discussion and praxis Zai Shui Guo Dian

Zai Shui Guo Dian 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

13 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend You Wan

Discussion and praxis You Wan

You Wan 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

14 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend You Wan

Discussion and praxis You Wan

You Wan 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004


16 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Qu Yin Hang

Discussion and praxis Qu Yin Hang

Qu Yin Hang 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

17 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Qu Yin Hang

Discussion and praxis Qu Yin Hang

Qu Yin Hang 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

Page 336: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Chinese 4 Syllabus


18 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Qu Yin Hang

Discussion and praxis Qu Yin Hang

Qu Yin Hang 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

19 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Qu Yin Hang

Discussion and praxis Qu Yin Hang

Qu Yin Hang 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

20 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Mai Dong Xi

Discussion and praxis Mai Dong Xi

Mai Dong Xi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

21 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Mai Dong Xi

Discussion and praxis Mai Dong Xi

Mai Dong Xi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

23 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Mai Dong Xi

Discussion and praxis Mai Dong Xi

Mai Dong Xi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

24 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Mai Dong Xi

Discussion and praxis Mai Dong Xi

Mai Dong Xi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

25 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Kan Zhan Lan Hui

Discussion and praxis Kan Zhan Lan Hui

Kan Zhan Lan Hui 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

Page 337: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Chinese 4 Syllabus


26 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Kan Zhan Lan Hui

Discussion and praxis Kan Zhan Lan Hui

Kan Zhan Lan Hui 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

27 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Kan Zhan Lan Hui

Discussion and praxis Kan Zhan Lan Hui

Kan Zhan Lan Hui 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

28 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Qu Cai Guan

Discussion and praxis Qu Cai Guan

Qu Cai Guan 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

29 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 4

Students able to understand and comprehend Qu Cai Guan

Discussion and praxis Qu Cai Guan

Qu Cai Guan 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004


Page 338: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Chinese 5 Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 305 Subject : Chinese 5 Credit : 4 sks Semester : V (five) Prerequisite : Chinese 4 Description : Language proficiency program specially designed for basic Chinese 5 learners using a highly integrated set of materials consisting of a coursebook, workbook, glossary and cassettes. Competence : Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Han Yu Yu Fa

Discussion and praxis Han Yu Yu Fa

Han Yu Yu Fa 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Han Yu Yu Fa

Discussion and praxis Han Yu Yu Fa

Han Yu Yu Fa 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

3 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Han Yu Yu Fa

Discussion and praxis Han Yu Yu Fa

Han Yu Yu Fa 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

Page 339: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Chinese 5 Syllabus


4 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Han Yu Yu Fa

Discussion and praxis Han Yu Yu Fa

Han Yu Yu Fa 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

5 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Ju Zi

Discussion and praxis Ju Zi

Ju Zi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

6 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Ju Zi

Discussion and praxis Ju Zi

Ju Zi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

7 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Ju Zi

Discussion and praxis Ju Zi

Ju Zi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

8 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Ju Zi

Discussion and praxis Ju Zi

Ju Zi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

9 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Shen Qing Gong Zuo

Discussion and praxis Shen Qing Gong Zuo

Shen Qing Gong Zuo 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

10 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Shen Qing Gong Zuo

Discussion and praxis Shen Qing Gong Zuo

Shen Qing Gong Zuo 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

Page 340: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Chinese 5 Syllabus


11 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Shen Qing Gong Zuo

Discussion and praxis Shen Qing Gong Zuo

Shen Qing Gong Zuo 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

12 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Shen Qing Gong Zuo

Discussion and praxis Shen Qing Gong Zuo

Shen Qing Gong Zuo 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

13 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Mian Tan

Discussion and praxis Mian Tan

Mian Tan 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

14 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Mian Tan

Discussion and praxis Mian Tan

Mian Tan 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004


16 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Sheng Ri

Discussion and praxis Sheng Ri

Sheng Ri 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

17 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Sheng Ri

Discussion and praxis Sheng Ri

Sheng Ri 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

Page 341: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Chinese 5 Syllabus


18 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Sheng Ri

Discussion and praxis Sheng Ri

Sheng Ri 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

19 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Sheng Ri

Discussion and praxis Sheng Ri

Sheng Ri 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

20 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Xin Nian

Discussion and praxis Xin Nian

Xin Nian 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

21 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Xin Nian

Discussion and praxis Xin Nian

Xin Nian 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

23 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Xin Nian

Discussion and praxis Xin Nian

Xin Nian 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

24 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Xin Nian

Discussion and praxis Xin Nian

Xin Nian 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

25 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Sheng Bing

Discussion and praxis Sheng Bing

Sheng Bing 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

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Chinese 5 Syllabus


26 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Sheng Bing

Discussion and praxis Sheng Bing

Sheng Bing 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

27 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Sheng Bing

Discussion and praxis Sheng Bing

Sheng Bing 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

28 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Qu Yi Yuan

Discussion and praxis Qu Yi Yuan

Qu Yi Yuan 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

29 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 5

Students able to understand and comprehend Qu Yi Yuan

Discussion and praxis Qu Yi Yuan

Qu Yi Yuan 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004


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Chinese 6 Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 306 Subject : Chinese 6 Credit : 4 sks Semester : VI (six) Prerequisite : Chinese 5 Description : Language proficiency program specially designed for basic Chinese 6 learners using a highly integrated set of materials consisting of a coursebook, workbook, glossary and cassettes. Competence : Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Tian Qi

Discussion and praxis Tian Qi

Tian Qi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Tian Qi

Discussion and praxis Tian Qi

Tian Qi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

3 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Tian Qi

Discussion and praxis Tian Qi

Tian Qi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

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Chinese 6 Syllabus


4 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Tian Qi

Discussion and praxis Tian Qi

Tian Qi 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

5 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Ai Hao

Discussion and praxis Ai Hao

Ai Hao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

6 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Ai Hao

Discussion and praxis Ai Hao

Ai Hao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

7 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Ai Hao

Discussion and praxis Ai Hao

Ai Hao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

8 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Ai Hao

Discussion and praxis Ai Hao

Ai Hao 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

9 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zai Gong Yuan

Discussion and praxis Zai Gong Yuan

Zai Gong Yuan 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

10 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zai Gong Yuan

Discussion and praxis Zai Gong Yuan

Zai Gong Yuan 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

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Chinese 6 Syllabus


11 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zai Gong Yuan

Discussion and praxis Zai Gong Yuan

Zai Gong Yuan 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

12 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zai Gong Yuan

Discussion and praxis Zai Gong Yuan

Zai Gong Yuan 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

13 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zai Che Sheng

Discussion and praxis Zai Che Sheng

Zai Che Sheng 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

14 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Zai Che Sheng

Discussion and praxis Zai Che Sheng

Zai Che Sheng 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004


16 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Qu Ji Chang

Discussion and praxis Qu Ji Chang

Qu Ji Chang 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

17 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Qu Ji Chang

Discussion and praxis Qu Ji Chang

Qu Ji Chang 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

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Chinese 6 Syllabus


18 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Qu Ji Chang

Discussion and praxis Qu Ji Chang

Qu Ji Chang 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

19 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Qu Ji Chang

Discussion and praxis Qu Ji Chang

Qu Ji Chang 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

20 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lii You

Discussion and praxis Lii You

Lii You 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

21 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lii You

Discussion and praxis Lii You

Lii You 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

23 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lii You

Discussion and praxis Lii You

Lii You 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

24 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lii You

Discussion and praxis Lii You

Lii You 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

25 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Yun Dong

Discussion and praxis Yun Dong

Yun Dong 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

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Chinese 6 Syllabus


26 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Yun Dong

Discussion and praxis Yun Dong

Yun Dong 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

27 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Yun Dong

Discussion and praxis Yun Dong

Yun Dong 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

28 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Fang Jia

Discussion and praxis Fang Jia

Fang Jia 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004

29 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic Chinese 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Fang Jia

Discussion and praxis Fang Jia

Fang Jia 100’ Yayasan Pendidikan Cinta Budaya Medan, “Hanyu 400 Ju”, Nan Hua, 2004


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Deutsch 1 Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 301 Subject : Deutsch 1 Credit : 4 sks Semester : I (one) Prerequisite : - Description : Language proficiency program specially designed for basic German 1 learners using a highly integrated set of materials consisting of a coursebook, workbook, glossary and cassettes. Competence : Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Sich begrűβen Sich und andere vorstellen

Discussion and praxis Sich begrűβen Sich und andere vorstellen

Erste Kontakte 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic

Students are able to understand and comprehend Sich begrűβen

Discussion and praxis Sich begrűβen Sich und andere vorstellen

Erste Kontakte 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch,

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Deutsch 1 Syllabus


German 1 Sich und andere vorstellen

Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

3 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Alphabet und Zahlen

Discussion and praxis Alphabet und Zahlen

Erste Kontakte 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

4 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Alphabet und Zahlen

Discussion and praxis Alphabet und Zahlen

Erste Kontakte 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 :

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Deutsch 1 Syllabus


Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

5 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Text: Leute leute

Discussion and praxis Text: Leute leute

Erste Kontakte 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

6 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Aufsatz schreiben

Discussion and praxis Aufsatz schreiben

Erste Kontakte 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

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Deutsch 1 Syllabus


7 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Aufsatz schreiben

Discussion and praxis Aufsatz schreiben

Erste Kontakte 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

8 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Dialog machen

Discussion and praxis Dialog machen

Erste Kontakte 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

9 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Dialog machen

Discussion and praxis Dialog machen

Erste Kontakte 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning

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Deutsch 1 Syllabus


bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

10 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Gegenstände im Haus und Haushalt

Discussion and praxis Gegenstände im Haus und Haushalt

Nomen und Artikel 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

11 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Gegenstände im Haus und Haushalt

Discussion and praxis Gegenstände im Haus und Haushalt

Nomen und Artikel 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Deutsch 1 Syllabus


Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

12 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Negation

Discussion and praxis Negation

Nomen und Artikel 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

13 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Negation

Discussion and praxis Negation

Nomen und Artikel 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

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Deutsch 1 Syllabus


14 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Negation

Discussion and praxis Negation

Nomen und Artikel 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.


16 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Possesive Pronomen (schreiben)

Discussion and praxis Possesive Pronomen (schreiben)

Nomen und Artikel 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

17 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic

Students are able to understand and comprehend Possesive

Discussion and praxis Possesive Pronomen (schreiben)

Nomen und Artikel 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch,

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Deutsch 1 Syllabus


German 1 Pronomen (schreiben)

Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

18 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Possesive Pronomen (Hörtext)

Discussion and praxis Possesive Pronomen (Hörtext)

Nomen und Artikel 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

19 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Possesive Pronomen (Hörtext)

Discussion and praxis Possesive Pronomen (Hörtext)

Nomen und Artikel 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 :

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Deutsch 1 Syllabus


Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

20 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lernspiel

Discussion and praxis Lernspiel

Nomen und Artikel 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

21 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lernspiel

Discussion and praxis Lernspiel

Nomen und Artikel 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

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Deutsch 1 Syllabus


23 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Nominativ und Akkusativ

Discussion and praxis Nominativ und Akkusativ

Essen und Trinken 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

24 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Nominativ und Akkusativ

Discussion and praxis Nominativ und Akkusativ

Essen und Trinken 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

25 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Nominativ und Akkusativ

Discussion and praxis Nominativ und Akkusativ

Essen und Trinken 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning

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Deutsch 1 Syllabus


bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

26 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hörtext

Discussion and praxis Hörtext

Essen und Trinken 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

27 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hörtext

Discussion and praxis Hörtext

Essen und Trinken 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Deutsch 1 Syllabus


Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

28 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Dialog machen

Discussion and praxis Dialog machen

Essen und Trinken 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

29 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 1

Students are able to understand and comprehend Dialog machen

Discussion and praxis Dialog machen

Essen und Trinken 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.


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Deutsch 2 Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 302 Subject : Deutsch 2 Credit : 4 sks Semester : II (two) Prerequisite : Deutsch 1 Description : Language proficiency program specially designed for basic German 2 learners using a highly integrated set of materials consisting of a coursebook, workbook, glossary and cassettes. Competence : Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Willkommen an Board (S.46-47)

Discussion and praxis Willkommen an Board (S.46-47)

Freizeit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic

Students are able to understand and comprehend Willkommen an

Discussion and praxis Willkommen an Board (S.46-47)

Freizeit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch,

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Deutsch 2 Syllabus


German 2 Board (S.46-47) Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

3 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Uhrzeit

Discussion and praxis Uhrzeit

Freizeit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

4 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Uhrzeit

Discussion and praxis Uhrzeit

Freizeit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 :

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Deutsch 2 Syllabus


Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

5 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Freizeit ...und Arbeit (S.50-51)

Discussion and praxis Freizeit ...und Arbeit (S.50-51)

Freizeit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

6 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Freizeit ...und Arbeit (S.50-51)

Discussion and praxis Freizeit ...und Arbeit (S.50-51)

Freizeit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

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Deutsch 2 Syllabus


7 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hörtext (S.52-53)

Discussion and praxis Hörtext (S.52-53)

Freizeit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

8 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hörtext (S.52-53)

Discussion and praxis Hörtext (S.52-53)

Freizeit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

9 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend (Alltagsprogram)

Discussion and praxis Aufsatz schreiben (Alltagsprogram)

Freizeit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning

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Deutsch 2 Syllabus


bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

10 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend (Alltagsprogram)

Discussion and praxis Aufsatz schreiben (Alltagsprogram)

Freizeit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

11 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Die Wohnung (S.58-59)

Discussion and praxis Die Wohnung (S.58-59)

Wohnen 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Deutsch 2 Syllabus


Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

12 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Die Wohnung (S.58-59)

Discussion and praxis Die Wohnung (S.58-59)

Wohnen 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

13 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Arbeit am Text (S.62-63)

Discussion and praxis Arbeit am Text (S.62-63)

Wohnen 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

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Deutsch 2 Syllabus


14 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Arbeit am Text (S.62-63)

Discussion and praxis Arbeit am Text (S.62-63)

Wohnen 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.


16 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Arbeit am Text (S.64-65)

Discussion and praxis Arbeit am Text (S.64-65)

Wohnen 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

17 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic

Students are able to understand and comprehend Arbeit am Text (S.64-65)

Discussion and praxis Arbeit am Text (S.64-65)

Wohnen 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch,

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Deutsch 2 Syllabus


German 2 Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

18 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Körper (S.70)

Discussion and praxis Der Körper (S.70)

Krankheit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

19 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Körper (S.70)

Discussion and praxis Der Körper (S.70)

Krankheit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 :

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Deutsch 2 Syllabus


Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

20 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hörtext (S.71)

Discussion and praxis Hörtext (S.71)

Krankheit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

21 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hörtext (S.71)

Discussion and praxis Hörtext (S.71)

Krankheit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

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Deutsch 2 Syllabus


23 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Dialog machen (S.73)

Discussion and praxis Dialog machen (S.73)

Krankheit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

24 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Dialog machen (S.73)

Discussion and praxis Dialog machen (S.73)

Krankheit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

25 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Dialog machen (S.73)

Discussion and praxis Dialog machen (S.73)

Krankheit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning

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Deutsch 2 Syllabus


bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

26 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hörtext (S.76-77)

Discussion and praxis Hörtext (S.76-77)

Krankheit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

27 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hörtext (S.76-77)

Discussion and praxis Hörtext (S.76-77)

Krankheit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Deutsch 2 Syllabus


Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

28 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Aufsatz schreiben (S.79)

Discussion and praxis Aufsatz schreiben (S.79)

Krankheit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

29 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 2

Students are able to understand and comprehend Aufsatz schreiben (S.79)

Discussion and praxis Aufsatz schreiben (S.79)

Krankheit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.


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Deutsch 3 Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 303 Subject : Deutsch 3 Credit : 4 sks Semester : III (three) Prerequisite : Deutsch 2 Description : Language proficiency program specially designed for basic German 3 learners using a highly integrated set of materials consisting of a coursebook, workbook, glossary and cassettes. Competence : Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Perfekt und Präteritum

Discussion and praxis Perfekt und Präteritum

Alltag 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in

Students are able to understand and comprehend Perfekt

Discussion and praxis Perfekt und Präteritum

Alltag 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Deutsch 3 Syllabus


the use of basic German 3

und Präteritum Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

3 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hörtext (S.82-83)

Discussion and praxis Hörtext (S.82-83)

Alltag 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

4 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hörtext (S.82-83)

Discussion and praxis Hörtext (S.82-83)

Alltag 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

5 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Arbeitstag (S.86)

Discussion and praxis Ein Arbeitstag (S.86)

Alltag 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

6 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Arbeitstag (S.86)

Discussion and praxis Ein Arbeitstag (S.86)

Alltag 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

7 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in

Students are able to understand and comprehend Brief

Discussion and praxis Brief (S.90)

Alltag 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Deutsch 3 Syllabus


the use of basic German 3

(S.90) Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

8 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Brief (S.90)

Discussion and praxis Brief (S.90)

Alltag 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

9 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Orientierung in der Stadt

Discussion and praxis Orientierung in der Stadt

Wo? Und wohin? 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

10 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Orientierung in der Stadt

Discussion and praxis Orientierung in der Stadt

Wo? Und wohin? 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

11 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Berliner Bär (S.99-100)

Discussion and praxis Der Berliner Bär (S.99-100)

Wo? Und wohin? 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

12 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in

Students are able to understand and comprehend Berliner

Discussion and praxis Der Berliner Bär (S.99-100)

Wo? Und wohin? 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Deutsch 3 Syllabus


the use of basic German 3

Bär (S.99-100) Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

13 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Arbeit am Text (S.101-103)

Discussion and praxis Arbeit am Text (S.101-103)

Wo? Und wohin? 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

14 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Arbeit am Text (S.101-103)

Discussion and praxis Arbeit am Text (S.101-103)

Wo? Und wohin? 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.


16 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Dialog spielen

Discussion and praxis Dialog spielen

Wünsche 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

17 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Dialog spielen

Discussion and praxis Dialog spielen

Wünsche 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

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18 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Aufsatz schreiben

Discussion and praxis Aufsatz schreiben

Wünsche 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

19 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Aufsatz schreiben

Discussion and praxis Aufsatz schreiben

Wünsche 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

20 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Kaufen und schenken

Discussion and praxis Kaufen und schenken

Wünsche 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

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2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

21 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Kaufen und schenken

Discussion and praxis Kaufen und schenken

Wünsche 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

23 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Dativ und Akkusativ

Discussion and praxis Dativ und Akkusativ

Nominativ 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

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Deutsch 3 Syllabus


24 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Dativ und Akkusativ

Discussion and praxis Dativ und Akkusativ

Nominativ 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

25 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Dativ und Akkusativ

Discussion and praxis Dativ und Akkusativ

Personal Pronemen 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

26 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Dativ und Akkusativ

Discussion and praxis Dativ und Akkusativ

Personal Pronemen 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

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2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

27 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Komparativ und Superlativ

Discussion and praxis Komparativ und Superlativ

Die Steigerung 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

28 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Komparativ und Superlativ

Discussion and praxis Komparativ und Superlativ

Die Steigerung 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

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29 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 3

Students are able to understand and comprehend Komparativ und Superlativ

Discussion and praxis Komparativ und Superlativ

Die Steigerung 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 1 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.


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Deutsch 4 Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 304 Subject : Deutsch 4 Credit : 4 sks Semester : IV (four) Prerequisite : Deutsch 3 Description : Language proficiency program specially designed for basic German 4 learners using a highly integrated set of materials consisting of a coursebook, workbook, glossary and cassettes. Competence : Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Wie sehen die Personen aus?

Discussion and praxis Wie sehen die Personen aus?

Aussehen und Persönlichkeit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in

Students are able to understand and comprehend Wie

Discussion and praxis Wie sehen die Personen aus?

Aussehen und Persönlichkeit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Deutsch 4 Syllabus


the use of basic German 4

sehen die Personen aus?

Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

3 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Gesicht (S.9-10)

Discussion and praxis Gesicht (S.9-10)

Aussehen und Persönlichkeit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

4 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Gesicht (S.9-10)

Discussion and praxis Gesicht (S.9-10)

Aussehen und Persönlichkeit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

5 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Arbeit am Text (S.13)

Discussion and praxis Ein Arbeit am Text (S.13)

Aussehen und Persönlichkeit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

6 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Arbeit am Text (S.13)

Discussion and praxis Ein Arbeit am Text (S.13)

Aussehen und Persönlichkeit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

7 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in

Students are able to understand and comprehend Was

Discussion and praxis Was ziehen Sie an?(S.14-15)

Aussehen und Persönlichkeit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Deutsch 4 Syllabus


the use of basic German 4

ziehen Sie an?(S.14-15)

Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

8 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Was ziehen Sie an?(S.14-15)

Discussion and praxis Was ziehen Sie an?(S.14-15)

Aussehen und Persönlichkeit 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

9 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Das will ich werden

Discussion and praxis Das will ich werden

Schule, Ausbildung, und Beruf 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

10 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Leser Umfrage (S.24)

Discussion and praxis Leser Umfrage (S.24)

Schule, Ausbildung, und Beruf 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

11 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend wollte-sollte-musste-konnte-durfte (S.25)

Discussion and praxis wollte-sollte-musste-konnte-durfte (S.25)

Schule, Ausbildung, und Beruf 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

12 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in

Students are able to understand and comprehend wollte-

Discussion and praxis wollte-sollte-musste-konnte-durfte (S.25)

Schule, Ausbildung, und Beruf 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Deutsch 4 Syllabus


the use of basic German 4

sollte-musste-konnte-durfte (S.25)

Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

13 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend wollte-sollte-musste-konnte-durfte (S.25)

Discussion and praxis wollte-sollte-musste-konnte-durfte (S.25)

Schule, Ausbildung, und Beruf 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

14 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Schule ...und was dann? (S.26)

Discussion and praxis Schule ...und was dann? (S.26)

Schule, Ausbildung, und Beruf 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Deutsch 4 Syllabus


Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.


16 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Schule ...und was dann? (S.26)

Discussion and praxis Schule ...und was dann? (S.26)

Schule, Ausbildung, und Beruf 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

17 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Arbeit am Text (S.29)

Discussion and praxis Arbeit am Text (S.29)

Schule, Ausbildung, und Beruf 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

18 Students are able to acquire both receptive

Students are able to understand and

Discussion and praxis Arbeit am Text (S.29)

Schule, Ausbildung, und Beruf 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 :

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Deutsch 4 Syllabus


and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

comprehend Arbeit am Text (S.29)

Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

19 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Bewerbungsbrief und Lebenslauf

Discussion and praxis Bewerbungsbrief und Lebenslauf

Schule, Ausbildung, und Beruf 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

20 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Bewerbungsbrief und Lebenslauf

Discussion and praxis Bewerbungsbrief und Lebenslauf

Schule, Ausbildung, und Beruf 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 :

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Deutsch 4 Syllabus


Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

21 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Sendungen und Fernsehprogram

Discussion and praxis Sendungen und Fernsehprogram

Schule, Ausbildung, und Beruf 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

23 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Sendungen und Fernsehprogram

Discussion and praxis Sendungen und Fernsehprogram

Unterhaltung und Fernsehen 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

24 Students are able to acquire both receptive

Students are able to understand and

Discussion and praxis Arbeit am Text (S.38)

Unterhaltung und Fernsehen 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 :

Page 393: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Deutsch 4 Syllabus


and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

comprehend Arbeit am Text (S.38)

Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

25 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Arbeit am Text (S.38)

Discussion and praxis Arbeit am Text (S.38)

Unterhaltung und Fernsehen 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

26 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Refleksiv Verben und Lieder

Discussion and praxis Refleksiv Verben und Lieder

Unterhaltung und Fernsehen 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 :

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Deutsch 4 Syllabus


Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

27 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Refleksiv Verben und Lieder

Discussion and praxis Refleksiv Verben und Lieder

Unterhaltung und Fernsehen 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

28 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

Students are able to understand and comprehend Arbeit am Text ( S.43-44)

Discussion and praxis Arbeit am Text ( S.43-44)

Unterhaltung und Fernsehen 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

29 Students are able to acquire both receptive

Students are able to understand and

Discussion and praxis Arbeit am Text ( S.43-44)

Unterhaltung und Fernsehen 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 :

Page 395: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Deutsch 4 Syllabus


and productive skills in the use of basic German 4

comprehend Arbeit am Text ( S.43-44)

Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 1 – 3). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.


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Deutsch 5 Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 305 Subject : Deutsch 5 Credit : 4 sks Semester : V (five) Prerequisite : Deutsch 4 Description : Language proficiency program specially designed for basic German 5 learners using a highly integrated set of materials consisting of a coursebook, workbook, glossary and cassettes. Competence : Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend mündliche Prüfung

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

Industrie, Arbeit, und Wirtschaft 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in

Students are able to understand and comprehend

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

Industrie, Arbeit, und Wirtschaft 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Deutsch 5 Syllabus


the use of basic German 5

mündliche Prüfung Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

3 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend mündliche Prüfung

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

Industrie, Arbeit, und Wirtschaft 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

4 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend Gehalt. Wofür (S.57)

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

Industrie, Arbeit, und Wirtschaft 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Deutsch 5 Syllabus


Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

5 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lesen und Schreiben Test

Discussion and praxis Lesen und Schreiben Test

Familie 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

6 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lesen und Schreiben Test

Discussion and praxis Lesen und Schreiben Test

Familie 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

7 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hören

Discussion and praxis Hören Test

Familie 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

Page 399: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Deutsch 5 Syllabus


the use of basic German 5

Test Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

8 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hören Test

Discussion and praxis Hören Test

Familie 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

9 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend mündliche Prüfung

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

Familie 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Deutsch 5 Syllabus


Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

10 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend mündliche Prüfung

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

Natur und Umwelt 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

11 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lesen und Schreiben Test

Discussion and praxis Lesen und Schreiben Test

Natur und Umwelt 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

12 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lesen

Discussion and praxis Lesen und Schreiben Test

Natur und Umwelt 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

Page 401: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Deutsch 5 Syllabus


the use of basic German 5

und Schreiben Test Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

13 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hören Test

Discussion and praxis Hören Test

Natur und Umwelt 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

14 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hören Test

Discussion and praxis Hören Test

Natur und Umwelt 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als

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Deutsch 5 Syllabus


Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 4 – 6). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.


16 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend mündliche Prüfung

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

Deutsche im Ausland und Ausländer in Deutschland

100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

17 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend mündliche Prüfung

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

Deutsche im Ausland und Ausländer in Deutschland

100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

18 Students are able to acquire both receptive

Students are able to understand and

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

Deutsche im Ausland und Ausländer in Deutschland

100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 :

Page 403: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Deutsch 5 Syllabus


and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

comprehend mündliche Prüfung

Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

19 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend Gehalt. Wofür (S.57)

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

Deutsche im Ausland und Ausländer in Deutschland

100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

20 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lesen und Schreiben Test

Discussion and praxis Lesen und Schreiben Test

Nachrichten und Politik 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 :

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Deutsch 5 Syllabus


Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

21 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lesen und Schreiben Test

Discussion and praxis Lesen und Schreiben Test

Nachrichten und Politik 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

23 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hören Test

Discussion and praxis Lesen und Schreiben Test

Nachrichten und Politik 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

24 Students are able to acquire both receptive

Students are able to understand and

Discussion and praxis Lesen und Schreiben Test

Nachrichten und Politik 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 :

Page 405: Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Malang Jl. Terusan Danau ... Kurikulum Complete.pdf · SILABUS DAN SATUAN ACARA PERKULIAHAN (S.A.P.) Program S1 Sastra Inggris STIBA Malang Sekolah Tinggi

Deutsch 5 Syllabus


and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

comprehend Hören Test

Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

25 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hören Test

Discussion and praxis Lesen und Schreiben Test

Deutschland 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

26 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend mündliche Prüfung

Discussion and praxis Hören Test

Deutschland 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 :

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Deutsch 5 Syllabus


Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

27 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lesen und Schreiben Test

Discussion and praxis Hören Test

Deutschland 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

28 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lesen und Schreiben Test

Discussion and praxis Hören Test

Deutschland 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.

29 Students are able to acquire both receptive

Students are able to understand and

Discussion and praxis Hören Test

Deutschland 100’ 1. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 :

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Deutsch 5 Syllabus


and productive skills in the use of basic German 5

comprehend Hören Test

Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Kursbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München: Max Hueber Verlag.

2. Aufderstrasse, Hartmurt, et all.1993.Themen Neu 2 : Lehrwerk für Deutsch als Fremsprache (Arbeitsbuch, Lektion 7 – 9). Ismaning bei München : Max Hueber Verlag.


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Deutsch 6 Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 306 Subject : Deutsch 6 Credit : 4 sks Semester : VI (six) Prerequisite : Deutsch 5 Description : Language proficiency program specially designed for basic German 6 learners using a highly integrated set of materials consisting of a coursebook, workbook, glossary and cassettes. Competence : Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend mündliche Prüfung

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

A1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend mündliche Prüfung

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

A1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

3 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend mündliche Prüfung

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

A1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

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Deutsch 6 Syllabus


4 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Gehalt. Wofür (S.57)

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

A1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

5 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lesen und Schreiben Test

Discussion and praxis Lesen und Schreiben Test

A1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

6 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lesen und Schreiben Test

Discussion and praxis Lesen und Schreiben Test

A1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

7 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hören Test

Discussion and praxis Hören Test

A1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

8 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hören Test

Discussion and praxis Hören Test

A1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

9 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend mündliche Prüfung

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

A2 Deutschtest 100’ 1. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

10 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend mündliche Prüfung

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

A2 Deutschtest 100’ 1. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

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Deutsch 6 Syllabus


11 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lesen und Schreiben Test

Discussion and praxis Lesen und Schreiben Test

A2 Deutschtest 100’ 1. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

12 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lesen und Schreiben Test

Discussion and praxis Lesen und Schreiben Test

A2 Deutschtest 100’ 1. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

13 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hören Test

Discussion and praxis Hören Test

A2 Deutschtest 100’ 1. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

14 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hören Test

Discussion and praxis Hören Test

A2 Deutschtest 100’ 1. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. A1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2


16 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend mündliche Prüfung

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

B1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

17 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend mündliche Prüfung

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

B1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

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Deutsch 6 Syllabus


18 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend mündliche Prüfung

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

B1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

19 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Gehalt. Wofür (S.57)

Discussion and praxis mündliche Prüfung

B1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

20 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lesen und Schreiben Test

Discussion and praxis Lesen und Schreiben Test

B1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

21 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lesen und Schreiben Test

Discussion and praxis Lesen und Schreiben Test

B1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

23 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hören Test

Discussion and praxis Lesen und Schreiben Test

B1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

24 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hören Test

Discussion and praxis Lesen und Schreiben Test

B1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

25 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hören Test

Discussion and praxis Lesen und Schreiben Test

B1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

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Deutsch 6 Syllabus


26 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend mündliche Prüfung

Discussion and praxis Hören Test

B1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

27 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lesen und Schreiben Test

Discussion and praxis Hören Test

B1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

28 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Lesen und Schreiben Test

Discussion and praxis Hören Test

B1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2

29 Students are able to acquire both receptive and productive skills in the use of basic German 6

Students are able to understand and comprehend Hören Test

Discussion and praxis Hören Test

B1 Deutschtest 100’ 1. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 1

2. B1 Grundstufe Deutsch Modelsatz 2


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Translation Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 307 Subject : Translation Credit : 2 sks Semester : IV Prerequisite : - Description : This course, a beginning of a series courses on translating, encourages an intensive and accurate of translating from

English to Indonesian in different subjects. Except for the first session which is intended to inform students (at glance) values of translation from both scientific and economic points of view and to motivate them to learn the translation skills more intensively, all the sessions in this course takes the form of guided and supervised exercises. The materials of 100- 150 words are taken from a variety of branches of knowledge and culture, from a variety of sources as to give the students various basic knowledge, as a background required by every professional translator.

Competence : Students are comprehend with some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture and train students to work as a professional translator

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students are comprehend with some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture and train students to work as a professional translator

Students are able to understand the Overview on the Course

Discussion about Overview on the Course

Introduction 100’ Course Outline 1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are comprehend with

Students are able to understand External

Discussion about External Knowledge: The user’s

External Knowledge: The user’s view

100’ Becoming a Translator (Robinson.2003.5)

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Translation Syllabus


some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture and train students to work as a professional translator

Knowledge: The user’s view


3 Students are comprehend with some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture and train students to work as a professional translator

Students are able to understand External Knowledge: The translator’s view

Discussion about External Knowledge: The translator’s view

External Knowledge: The translator’s view

100’ Becoming a Translator (Robinson.2003.21)

4 Students are comprehend with some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture and train students to work as a professional translator

Students are able to understand Translator as learner

Discussion about Translator as learner

Translator as learner 100’ Becoming a Translator (Robinson.2003.47)

5 Students are comprehend with some basic skills and experiences in

Students are able to understand Translator as learner

Discussion about Translator as learner

Translator as learner 100’ Becoming a Translator (Robinson.2003.47)

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Translation Syllabus


translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture and train students to work as a professional translator

6 Students are comprehend with some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture and train students to work as a professional translator

Students are able to understand The process of translation

Discussion about The process of translation

The process of translation 100’ Becoming a Translator (Robinson.2003.83)

7 Students are comprehend with some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture and train students to work as a professional translator

Students are able to understand The process of translation

Discussion about The process of translation

The process of translation 100’ Becoming a Translator (Robinson.2003.83)


9 Students are comprehend with some basic skills and experiences in translating English

Students are able to understand Experience: abduction, induction, and deduction

Discussion about Experience: abduction, induction, and deduction

Experience 100’ Becoming a Translator (Robinson.2003.98)

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Translation Syllabus


texts of various branches of knowledge and culture and train students to work as a professional translator

10 Students are comprehend with some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture and train students to work as a professional translator

Students are able to understand People: abduction, induction, and deduction

Discussion about People: abduction, induction, and deduction

People 100’ Becoming a Translator (Robinson.2003.112)

11 Students are comprehend with some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture and train students to work as a professional translator

Students are able to understand Working place: abduction, induction, and deduction

Discussion about Working place: abduction, induction, and deduction

Working place 100’ Becoming a Translator (Robinson.2003.128)

12 Students are comprehend with some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of

Students are able to understand Languages: abduction, induction, and deduction

Discussion about Languages: abduction, induction, and deduction

Languages 100’ Becoming a Translator (Robinson.2003.142)

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Translation Syllabus


knowledge and culture and train students to work as a professional translator

13 Students are comprehend with some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture and train students to work as a professional translator

Students are able to understand social networks: abduction, induction, and deduction

Discussion about social networks: abduction, induction, and deduction

Social networks 100’ Becoming a Translator (Robinson.2003.160)

14 Students are comprehend with some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture and train students to work as a professional translator

Students are able to understand cultures: abduction, induction, and deduction

Discussion about cultures: abduction, induction, and deduction

Cultures 100’ Becoming a Translator (Robinson.2003.185)

15 Students are comprehend with some basic skills and experiences in translating English texts of various branches of knowledge and culture and train students to

Students are able to understand When habit fails: abduction, induction, and deduction

Discussion about When habit fails: abduction, induction, and deduction

When habit fails 100’ Becoming a Translator (Robinson.2003.207)

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Translation Syllabus


work as a professional translator


Refference: Compulsory : Robinson, Douglas.2003.Becoming a Translator: an Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation 2nd Ed.London and New York:Routledge Sumplementary:

1. Beekman and Callow. 1974.Translating the Word of God. Grand Rapids:Zondervan 2. D. A. Carson. 1998.The Inclusive Language Debate: A Plea for Realism. Grand Rapids: Baker, 3. Jan de Waard and Eugene Nida. 1986.From One Language to Another: Functional Equivalence in Bible Translation. Nashville: Nelson, 4. Jack Lewis. 1981.The English Bible: From KJV to NIV. Grand Rapids: Baker, 5. Louw, Johannes P., ed. 1991.Meaningful Translation: Its Implications for the Reader. New York: United Bible Societies,

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Interpretation Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 308 Subject : Interpretation Credit : 2 sks Semester : V Prerequisite : - Description : This course provides students with basic knowledge of theory and practice of interpretation that can lead to their

understanding and build their skills in simultaneous interpretation context. .

Competence : Students are able and comprehend basic knowledge of theory and practice of interpretation.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students are able and comprehend basic knowledge of theory and practice of interpretation.

Students are able to understand the Overview on the Course

Discussion about Overview on the Course

Introduction 100’ Course outline

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able and comprehend basic knowledge of theory and practice of interpretation.

Students are able to understand theory and practice of language interpreting

Discussion about theory and practice of language interpreting

The theory and practice of language interpreting

100’ Topic in language interpreting (Janzen.2005:3)

3 Students are able and comprehend basic knowledge of theory and practice of interpretation.

Students are able to understand Aspects of interpreting theory

Discussion about Aspects of interpreting theory

Aspects of interpreting theory 100’ Topic in language interpreting (Janzen.2005:27)

4 Students are able and Students are able to Discussion about Some Some considerations for 100’ Topic in language interpreting

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Interpretation Syllabus


comprehend basic knowledge of theory and practice of interpretation.

understand Some considerations for language interpreters

considerations for language interpreters

language interpreters (Janzen.2005:51)

5 Students are able and comprehend basic knowledge of theory and practice of interpretation.

Students are able to understand Interpretation and language use

Discussion about Interpretation and language use

Interpretation and language use 100’ Topic in language interpreting (Janzen.2005:69)

6 Students are able and comprehend basic knowledge of theory and practice of interpretation.

Students are able to understand Contact sign, transliteration and interpretation

Discussion about Contact sign, transliteration and interpretation

Contact sign, transliteration and interpretation

100’ Topic in language interpreting (Janzen.2005:107)

7 Students are able and comprehend basic knowledge of theory and practice of interpretation.

Students are able to understand Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting

Discussion about Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting

Consecutive and simultaneous interpreting

100’ Topic in language interpreting (Janzen.2005:135)


9 Students are able and comprehend basic knowledge of theory and practice of interpretation.

Students are able to understand Ethics and professionalism in interpreting

Discussion about Ethics and professionalism in interpreting

Ethics and professionalism in interpreting

100’ Topic in language interpreting (Janzen.2005:165)

10 Students are able and comprehend basic knowledge of theory and practice of interpretation.

Students are able to understand The working interpreter

Discussion about The working interpreter

The working interpreter 100’ Topic in language interpreting (Janzen.2005:203)

11 Students are able and comprehend basic knowledge of theory and practice of interpretation.

Students are able to understand Best practices in interpreting

Discussion about Best practices in interpreting

Best practices in interpreting 100’ Topic in language interpreting (Janzen.2005:231)

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Interpretation Syllabus


12 Students are able and comprehend basic knowledge of theory and practice of interpretation.

Students are able to understand Vying with variation

Discussion about Vying with variation

Vying with variation 100’ Topic in language interpreting (Janzen.2005:251)

13 Students are able and comprehend basic knowledge of theory and practice of interpretation.

Students are able to understand Case studies in education

Discussion about Case studies in education

Case studies in education 100’ Topic in language interpreting (Janzen.2005:293)

14 Students are able and comprehend basic knowledge of theory and practice of interpretation.

Students are able to understand Best practices in interpreting

Discussion about Best practices in interpreting

Best practices in interpreting 100’ Topic in language interpreting (Janzen.2005:231)

15 Students are able and comprehend basic knowledge of theory and practice of interpretation.

Students are able to understand Best practices in interpreting

Discussion about Cultural Adjustment

Best practices in interpreting 100’ Topic in language interpreting (Janzen.2005:231)


Refference: Compulsory : Janzen, Terry.2005.Topic in Language Interpreting.Amsterdam/Philadelphia:John Benjamins Publishing Company. Sumplementary: 1. Pöchhacker, F. (2004). Introducing Interpreting Studies. Routledge. London. 2. Bouladon-Taylor. V. (2001). Conference Interpreting. National Library of Australia.

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Public Speaking Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 309 Subject : Public Speaking Credit : 2 sks Semester : VI Prerequisite : - Description : This lecture supplies the students with theoretical erudition and technical rhetoric science and public speaking. Rhetoric a art

communicatings effective with speech. Rhetoric refers at one particular language use technique as art, based at one particular that erudition.

Competence : Students are needed to: 1. be able to prepare and submit speech/presentation well; 2. be able to choose word and true language

style; 3. has skill of good persuation; 4. be able to use vocal technique and with good intonation ; 5. has appearance and self confidence; 6. has ability dominates public and restrain situation; 7. be able to do speech/presentation well

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students are needed to: 1. be able to prepare and submit speech/presentation well; 2. be able to choose word and true language style; 3. has skill of good persuation; 4. be able to use vocal technique and with good intonation ; 5. has appearance and self confidence; 6. has

Students are able to understand the Overview on the Course

Discussion about Overview on the Course

Introduction 100’ Course Outline 1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

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Public Speaking Syllabus


ability dominates public and restrain situation; 7. be able to do peech/presentation well

2 Students are needed to: 1. be able to prepare and submit speech/presentation well; 2. be able to choose word and true language style; 3. has skill of good persuation; 4. be able to use vocal technique and with good intonation ; 5. has appearance and self confidence; 6. has ability dominates public and restrain situation; 7. be able to do peech/presentation well

Students are able to understand Getting started – the basic

Discussion about Getting started – the basic

Getting started – the basic 100’ Public Speaking (Lamerton.2001: 8)

3 Students are needed to: 1. be able to prepare and submit speech/presentation well; 2. be able to choose word and true language style; 3. has skill of good persuation; 4. be able to use vocal technique and with good

Students are able to understand Planning structure

Discussion about Planning structure

Planning structure 100’ Public Speaking (Lamerton.2001:16)

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Public Speaking Syllabus


intonation ; 5. has appearance and self confidence; 6. has ability dominates public and restrain situation; 7. be able to do peech/presentation well

4 Students are needed to: 1. be able to prepare and submit speech/presentation well; 2. be able to choose word and true language style; 3. has skill of good persuation; 4. be able to use vocal technique and with good intonation ; 5. has appearance and self confidence; 6. has ability dominates public and restrain situation; 7. be able to do peech/presentation well

Students are able to understand Deciding on the words

Discussion about Deciding on the words

Deciding on the words 100’ Public Speaking (Lamerton.2001:26)

5 Students are needed to: 1. be able to prepare and submit speech/presentation well; 2. be able to choose word and true language style; 3. has skill of good

Students are able to understand Words are not enough

Discussion about Words are not enough

Words are not enough 100’ Public Speaking (Lamerton.2001:48)

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Public Speaking Syllabus


persuation; 4. be able to use vocal technique and with good intonation ; 5. has appearance and self confidence; 6. has ability dominates public and restrain situation; 7. be able to do peech/presentation well

6 Students are needed to: 1. be able to prepare and submit speech/presentation well; 2. be able to choose word and true language style; 3. has skill of good persuation; 4. be able to use vocal technique and with good intonation ; 5. has appearance and self confidence; 6. has ability dominates public and restrain situation; 7. be able to do peech/presentation well

Students are able to understand Coping with venue

Discussion about Coping with venue

Coping with venue 100’ Public Speaking (Lamerton.2001:78)

7 Students are needed to: 1. be able to prepare and submit speech/presentation well; 2. be able to

Students are able to understand Personal presentation

Discussion about Personal presentation

Personal presentation 100’ Public Speaking (Lamerton.2001:88)

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Public Speaking Syllabus


choose word and true language style; 3. has skill of good persuation; 4. be able to use vocal technique and with good intonation ; 5. has appearance and self confidence; 6. has ability dominates public and restrain situation; 7. be able to do peech/presentation well


9 Students are needed to: 1. be able to prepare and submit speech/presentation well; 2. be able to choose word and true language style; 3. has skill of good persuation; 4. be able to use vocal technique and with good intonation ; 5. has appearance and self confidence; 6. has ability dominates public and restrain situation; 7. be able to do peech/presentation well

Students are able to understand Time for questions

Discussion about Time for questions

Time for questions 100’ Public Speaking (Lamerton.2001:108)

10 Students are needed Students are able to Discussion about Special Special speeches 100’ Public Speaking

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Public Speaking Syllabus


to: 1. be able to prepare and submit speech/presentation well; 2. be able to choose word and true language style; 3. has skill of good persuation; 4. be able to use vocal technique and with good intonation ; 5. has appearance and self confidence; 6. has ability dominates public and restrain situation; 7. be able to do peech/presentation well

understand Special speeches

speeches (Lamerton.2001:120)

11 Students are needed to: 1. be able to prepare and submit speech/presentation well; 2. be able to choose word and true language style; 3. has skill of good persuation; 4. be able to use vocal technique and with good intonation ; 5. has appearance and self confidence; 6. has ability dominates public and restrain situation; 7. be able to

Students are able to understand Special speeches

Discussion about Special speeches

Special speeches 100’ Public Speaking (Lamerton.2001:120)

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Public Speaking Syllabus


do peech/presentation well

12 Students are needed to: 1. be able to prepare and submit speech/presentation well; 2. be able to choose word and true language style; 3. has skill of good persuation; 4. be able to use vocal technique and with good intonation ; 5. has appearance and self confidence; 6. has ability dominates public and restrain situation; 7. be able to do peech/presentation well

Students are able to understand Speaking at wedding

Discussion about Speaking at wedding

Speaking at wedding 100’ Public Speaking (Lamerton.2001:136)

13 Students are needed to: 1. be able to prepare and submit speech/presentation well; 2. be able to choose word and true language style; 3. has skill of good persuation; 4. be able to use vocal technique and with good intonation ; 5. has appearance and self confidence; 6. has

Students are able to understand Speaking to the media

Discussion about Speaking to the media

Speaking to the media 100’ Public Speaking (Lamerton.2001:164)

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Public Speaking Syllabus


ability dominates public and restrain situation; 7. be able to do peech/presentation well

14 Students are needed to: 1. be able to prepare and submit speech/presentation well; 2. be able to choose word and true language style; 3. has skill of good persuation; 4. be able to use vocal technique and with good intonation ; 5. has appearance and self confidence; 6. has ability dominates public and restrain situation; 7. be able to do peech/presentation well

Students are able to understand Problems and troubleshooting

Discussion about Problems and troubleshooting

Problems and troubleshooting 100’ Public Speaking (Lamerton.2001:206)

15 Students are needed to: 1. be able to prepare and submit speech/presentation well; 2. be able to choose word and true language style; 3. has skill of good persuation; 4. be able to use vocal technique and with good

Students are able to understand Problems and troubleshooting

Discussion about Problems and troubleshooting

Problems and troubleshooting 100’ Public Speaking (Lamerton.2001:206)

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Public Speaking Syllabus


intonation ; 5. has appearance and self confidence; 6. has ability dominates public and restrain situation; 7. be able to do peech/presentation well


Refference: Compulsory : Lamerton, John.2001.Public Speaking.London:Harpers Collins Publisher Sumplementary:

1. Hendrikus ,Dori Wuwur. 1991. Retorika: Terampil Berpidato, Berdiskusi, Berargumentasi, Bernegosiasi. Penerbit Kanisius. 2. Stephen E. Lucas. The Art of Public Speaking 9th ed. McGraw-Hill 3. Sellnow ,Deanna D., 2005. Confident Public Speaking 2nd ed. Thomson Learning. 4. Hidajat ,M.S., 2006. Public Speaking dan Teknik Presentasi. Penerbit Graha Ilmu. 5. Keraf,Gorys. 1994. Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa. Penerbit Gramedia. 6. Littlejohn ,Stephen W. 1996. Theories of Human Communication. Wadsworth Publishing.

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Public Relations Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 310 Subject : Public Relations Credit : 2 sks Semester : IV Prerequisite : - Description : This course will cover teaching learning activities that aim to enable the students to understand concepts of public relation and how to

start public communication

Competence : Students are able to make various communication practices

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students are able to make various communication practices

Students are able to understand the Overview on the Course

Discussion about Overview on the Course

Introduction 100’ Course Outline 1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to make various communication practices

Students are able to understand What is public relations? Public relations and communication

Discussion about What is public relations? Public relations and communication

What is public relations? Public relations and communication

100’ The Public Relations Handbook (Theaker.2001:3)

3 Students are able to make various communication practices

Students are able to understand Public relations, politics and the media; public relations and management;

Discussion about Public relations, politics and the media; public relations and management; professionalism and

Public relations, politics and the media; public relations and management; professionalism and regulation

100’ The Public Relations Handbook (Theaker.2001:24)

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Public Relations Syllabus


professionalism and regulation


4 Students are able to make various communication practices

Students are able to understand Corporate communication and corporate identity

Discussion about Corporate communication and corporate identity

Corporate communication and corporate identity

100’ The Public Relations Handbook (Theaker.2001:65)

5 Students are able to make various communication practices

Students are able to understand Public affairs and issues management; business ethic, public relations and corporate social responsibilities

Discussion about Public affairs and issues management; business ethic, public relations and corporate social responsibilities

Public affairs and issues management; business ethic, public relations and corporate social responsibilities

100’ The Public Relations Handbook (Theaker.2001:93)

6 Students are able to make various communication practices

Students are able to understand Media relations and internal communications

Discussion about Media relations and internal communications

Media relations and internal communications

100’ The Public Relations Handbook (Theaker.2001:121)

7 Students are able to make various communication practices

Students are able to understand Corporate community involvement and an introduction to financial public relations

Discussion about Corporate community involvement and an introduction to financial public relations

Corporate community involvement and an introduction to financial public relations

100’ The Public Relations Handbook (Theaker.2001:147)


9 Students are able to make various communication practices

Students are able to understand Public sector public relations

Discussion about Public sector public relations

Public sector public relations 100’ The Public Relations Handbook (Theaker.2001:173)

10 Students are able to make various communication practices

Students are able to understand Consumer public relations

Discussion about Consumer public relations

Consumer public relations 100’ The Public Relations Handbook (Theaker.2001:186)

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Public Relations Syllabus


11 Students are able to make various communication practices

Students are able to understand Business-to-business public relations

Discussion about Business-to-business public relations

Business-to-business public relations

100’ The Public Relations Handbook (Theaker.2001:199)

12 Students are able to make various communication practices

Students are able to understand IT sector public relations

Discussion about IT sector public relations

IT sector public relations 100’ The Public Relations Handbook (Theaker.2001:218)

13 Students are able to make various communication practices

Students are able to understand Changing media

Discussion about Changing media

Changing media 100’ The Public Relations Handbook (Theaker.2001:241)

14 Students are able to make various communication practices

Students are able to understand Research and evaluation – PR grows up?

Discussion about Research and evaluation – PR grows up?

Research and evaluation – PR grows up?

100’ The Public Relations Handbook (Theaker.2001:253)

15 Students are able to make various communication practices

Students are able to understand Future challenges for PR

Discussion about Future challenges for PR

Future challenges for PR 100’ The Public Relations Handbook (Theaker.2001:265)


Refference: Compulsory : Theaker, Alison.2001.The Public Relations Handbook.London:Routledge Sumplementary:

1. Hendrikus ,Dori Wuwur. 1991. Retorika: Terampil Berpidato, Berdiskusi, Berargumentasi, Bernegosiasi. Penerbit Kanisius. 2. Stephen E. Lucas. The Art of Public Speaking 9th ed. McGraw-Hill 3. Sellnow ,Deanna D., 2005. Confident Public Speaking 2nd ed. Thomson Learning. 4. Hidajat ,M.S., 2006. Public Speaking dan Teknik Presentasi. Penerbit Graha Ilmu. 5. Keraf,Gorys. 1994. Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa. Penerbit Gramedia. 6. Littlejohn ,Stephen W. 1996. Theories of Human Communication. Wadsworth Publishing.

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Hotel and Tourism Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 311 Subject : Hotel and Tourism Credit : 3 sks Semester : V Prerequisite : - Description : This course gives knowledge and skills about the job in Hotel and Tourism concept.

Competence : Students will get knowledge and skills about the job in Hotel and Tourism concept.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students will get knowledge and skills about the job in Hotel and Tourism concept.

Students are able to understand the Overview on the Course

Discussion about Overview on the Course

Introduction 150’ Course Outline 1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students will get knowledge and skills about the job in Hotel and Tourism concept.

Students are able to understand Hotel development process

Discussion about Hotel development process

Hotel development process 150’ Hotel management and operations (Rutherford.2001:5)

3 Students will get knowledge and skills about the job in Hotel and Tourism concept.

Students are able to understand Hotel organization structure

Discussion about Hotel organization structure

Hotel organization structure 150’ Hotel management and operations (Rutherford.2001:69)

4 Students will get knowledge and skills about the job in Hotel and Tourism concept.

Students are able to understand General managers: a view at the top

Discussion about General managers: a view at the top

General managers: a view at the top

150’ Hotel management and operations (Rutherford.2001:89)

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Hotel and Tourism Syllabus


5 Students will get knowledge and skills about the job in Hotel and Tourism concept.

Students are able to understand Operations: Rooms

Discussion about Operations: Rooms

Operations: Rooms 150’ Hotel management and operations (Rutherford.2001:121)

6 Students will get knowledge and skills about the job in Hotel and Tourism concept.

Students are able to understand Operations: Housekeeping, Engineering, and security

Discussion about Operations: Housekeeping, Engineering, and security

Operations: Housekeeping, Engineering, and security

150’ Hotel management and operations (Rutherford.2001:167)

7 Students will get knowledge and skills about the job in Hotel and Tourism concept.

Students are able to understand Food and Beverage division

Discussion about Food and Beverage division

Food and Beverage division 150’ Hotel management and operations (Rutherford.2001:235)


9 Students will get knowledge and skills about the job in Hotel and Tourism concept.

Students are able to understand Marketing and assosiated activities

Discussion about Marketing and assosiated activities

Marketing and assosiated activities

150’ Hotel management and operations (Rutherford.2001:303)

10 Students will get knowledge and skills about the job in Hotel and Tourism concept.

Students are able to understand Financial control and information management

Discussion about Financial control and information management

Financial control and information management

150’ Hotel management and operations (Rutherford.2001:365)

11 Students will get knowledge and skills about the job in Hotel and Tourism concept.

Students are able to understand Human resources policy mangement

Discussion about Human resources policy mangement

Human resources policy mangement

150’ Hotel management and operations (Rutherford.2001:415)

12 Students will get knowledge and skills about the job in Hotel and Tourism concept.

Students are able to understand New trend in tourism

Discussion about New trend in tourism

New trend in tourism 150’ Tourism management dynamics (Buhalis.2006:7)

13 Students will get knowledge and skills about the job in Hotel and Tourism concept.

Students are able to understand New management in tourism

Discussion about New management in tourism

New management in tourism 150’ Tourism management dynamics (Buhalis.2006:85)

14 Students will get knowledge and skills

Students are able to understand New tools in

Discussion about New tools in tourism

New tools in tourism 150’ Tourism management dynamics (Buhalis.2006:173)

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Hotel and Tourism Syllabus


about the job in Hotel and Tourism concept.


15 Students will get knowledge and skills about the job in Hotel and Tourism concept.

Students are able to understand hotel and tourism management

Reviewing the material Conclussion and review 150’


Refference: Compulsory :

1. Rutherford,Ph.D., Denney G.2001.Hotel Management and Operations 4th Ed.Canada:Wiley Inc. 2. Buhalis, Dimitrios.2006.Tourism Management Dynamics.London:Elsevier Ltd.

Sumplementary: 1. Mangkuwerdoyo, Sudarto.1999.Pengantar Industri Akomodasi dan Restoran.FE - UI. 2. Z.S.A., Zahulata.1994.Tarif dan Dokumen Prasasi(Ticketing).Gramedia:Jakarta. 3. Musanef.1995.Maajemen Usaha Pariwisata Indonesia.PT.Gunung Agung. 4. Foster, Dennis L.1994.An Introduction to Travel and Tourism.Macmillan/Mc.Graw-Hill.

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TEFL Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 312 Subject : TEFL Credit : 2 sks Semester : VII Prerequisite : - Description : The description of the course is to acquaint students with rudimentary theories of TEFL (approaches and methods of teaching, learner difference, classroom management, and teaching evaluation as well as practicing teaching receptive skills (listening and speaking) and productive skills, reading and writing.

Competence : Students will have sufficient acquaintance with approaches and methods of teaching, learners difference, teacher’s roles, classroom management, method teaching grammar and vocabulary, teaching receptive skills (listening and reading) and productive skills (speaking and writing ), evaluation (assessment and testing) as well as teaching practices.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students will have sufficient acquaintance with approaches and methods of teaching, learners difference, teacher’s roles, classroom management, method teaching grammar and vocabulary, teaching receptive skills (listening and reading) and productive skills (speaking and writing), evaluation

Able to understand the Course.

Overview on the Course. Introduction to the course 100’ 1. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.

2. Celce – Mauricia, Marianne Edler. 2001. Teaching English as Second Language. Singapore: Thomson Learning.

3. Nun, David. 1999. Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

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TEFL Syllabus


(assessment and testing) as well as teaching practices.

2 Students will have sufficient acquaintance with approaches and methods of teaching, learners difference, teacher’s roles, classroom management, method teaching grammar and vocabulary, teaching receptive skills (listening and reading) and productive skills (speaking and writing), evaluation (assessment and testing) as well as teaching practices.

Able to understand 1. Syntax 2. Morphology 3. LC

Discuss about the 1. Syntax 2. Morphology 3. LC

Describing English Linguistics 100’ 1. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.

2. Celce – Mauricia, Marianne Edler. 2001. Teaching English as Second Language. Singapore: Thomson Learning.

3. Nun, David. 1999. Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.

3 Students will have sufficient acquaintance with approaches and methods of teaching, learners difference, teacher’s roles, classroom management, method teaching grammar and vocabulary, teaching receptive skills (listening and reading) and productive skills (speaking and writing),

Able to understand the Grammar Translation Method, Audiolingualism Method, Natural Approach, Communicative Approach, Content – Based Instruction

Discuss about the Grammar Translation Method, Audiolingualism Method, Natural Approach, Communicative Approach, Content – Based Instruction

Approaches and Methods 100’ 1. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.

2. Celce – Mauricia, Marianne Edler. 2001. Teaching English as Second Language. Singapore: Thomson Learning.

3. Nun, David. 1999. Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.

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TEFL Syllabus


evaluation (assessment and testing) as well as teaching practices.

4 Students will have sufficient acquaintance with approaches and methods of teaching, learners difference, teacher’s roles, classroom management, method teaching grammar and vocabulary, teaching receptive skills (listening and reading) and productive skills (speaking and writing), evaluation (assessment and testing) as well as teaching practices.

Able to understand the Learner Difference 1. Cognitive: Intelligence and aptitude. 2. Affective: Between anxiety and motivation. 3. Learning Style Age Socio-Cultural Background Characteristics of good learners

Discuss about the Learner Difference 1. Cognitive: Intelligence and aptitude. 2. Affective: Between anxiety and motivation. 3. Learning Style Age Socio-Cultural Background Characteristics of good learners

Describing Learners 100’ 1. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.

2. Celce – Mauricia, Marianne Edler. 2001. Teaching English as Second Language. Singapore: Thomson Learning.

3. Nun, David. 1999. Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.

5 Students will have sufficient acquaintance with approaches and methods of teaching, learners difference, teacher’s roles, classroom management, method teaching grammar and vocabulary, teaching receptive skills (listening and reading) and productive skills

Able to understand the Teacher’s multiple roles Characteristics of a good teacher

Discuss about the Teacher’s multiple roles Characteristics of a good teacher

Understanding Teachers 100’ 1. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.

2. Celce – Mauricia, Marianne Edler. 2001. Teaching English as Second Language. Singapore: Thomson Learning.

3. Nun, David. 1999. Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle

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TEFL Syllabus


(speaking and writing), evaluation (assessment and testing) as well as teaching practices.

and Heinle Publishers.

6 Students will have sufficient acquaintance with approaches and methods of teaching, learners difference, teacher’s roles, classroom management, method teaching grammar and vocabulary, teaching receptive skills (listening and reading) and productive skills (speaking and writing), evaluation (assessment and testing) as well as teaching practices.

Able to understand and practice Teaching Small Class, Large Class, Grouping Students

Discuss about: Teaching Small Class, Large Class, Grouping Students

Classroom Setting 100’ 1. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.

2. Celce – Mauricia, Marianne Edler. 2001. Teaching English as Second Language. Singapore: Thomson Learning.

3. Nun, David. 1999. Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.

7 Students will have sufficient acquaintance with approaches and methods of teaching, learners difference, teacher’s roles, classroom management, method teaching grammar and vocabulary, teaching receptive skills (listening and reading)

Able to understand and practice Introductive Way, Deductive Way

Discuss about: Introductive Way, Deductive Way

Teaching Grammar 100’ 1. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.

2. Celce – Mauricia, Marianne Edler. 2001. Teaching English as Second Language. Singapore: Thomson Learning.

3. Nun, David. 1999. Second Language Teaching and

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TEFL Syllabus


and productive skills (speaking and writing), evaluation (assessment and testing) as well as teaching practices.

Learning. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.


9 Students will have sufficient acquaintance with approaches and methods of teaching, learners difference, teacher’s roles, classroom management, method teaching grammar and vocabulary, teaching receptive skills (listening and reading) and productive skills (speaking and writing), evaluation (assessment and testing) as well as teaching practices.

Able to understand and practice Individual Vocabulary, Contextualized Vocabulary Using Media: Realia, Pictures, and Multi Media.

Discuss about: Individual Vocabulary, Contextualized Vocabulary Using Media: Realia, Pictures, and Multi Media.

Teaching Vocabulary 100’ 1. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.

2. Celce – Mauricia, Marianne Edler. 2001. Teaching English as Second Language. Singapore: Thomson Learning.

3. Nun, David. 1999. Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.

10 Students will have sufficient acquaintance with approaches and methods of teaching, learners difference, teacher’s roles, classroom management, method teaching grammar and vocabulary, teaching

Able to understand and practice Methods for Teaching Listening Methods for Teaching Reading

Discuss about: Methods for Teaching Listening Methods for Teaching Reading

Teaching Receptive Skills 100’ 1. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.

2. Celce – Mauricia, Marianne Edler. 2001. Teaching English as Second Language. Singapore: Thomson Learning.

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TEFL Syllabus


receptive skills (listening and reading) and productive skills (speaking and writing), evaluation (assessment and testing) as well as teaching practices.

3. Nun, David. 1999. Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.

11 Students will have sufficient acquaintance with approaches and methods of teaching, learners difference, teacher’s roles, classroom management, method teaching grammar and vocabulary, teaching receptive skills (listening and reading) and productive skills (speaking and writing), evaluation (assessment and testing) as well as teaching practices.

Able to understand and practice Methods for Teaching Listening Methods for Teaching Reading

Discuss about: Methods for Teaching Listening Methods for Teaching Reading

Teaching Receptive Skills 100’ 1. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.

2. Celce – Mauricia, Marianne Edler. 2001. Teaching English as Second Language. Singapore: Thomson Learning.

3. Nun, David. 1999. Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.

12 Students will have sufficient acquaintance with approaches and methods of teaching, learners difference, teacher’s roles, classroom management, method teaching grammar and

Able to understand and practice Methods for Teaching Speaking Methods for Teaching Writing

Discuss about: Methods for Teaching Speaking Methods for Teaching Writing

Teaching Productive Skills 100’ 1. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.

2. Celce – Mauricia, Marianne Edler. 2001. Teaching English as Second Language. Singapore:

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TEFL Syllabus


vocabulary, teaching receptive skills (listening and reading) and productive skills (speaking and writing), evaluation (assessment and testing) as well as teaching practices.

Thomson Learning. 3. Nun, David. 1999. Second

Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.

13 Students will have sufficient acquaintance with approaches and methods of teaching, learners difference, teacher’s roles, classroom management, method teaching grammar and vocabulary, teaching receptive skills (listening and reading) and productive skills (speaking and writing), evaluation (assessment and testing) as well as teaching practices.

Able to understand and practice Methods for Teaching Speaking Methods for Teaching Writing

Discuss about: Methods for Teaching Speaking Methods for Teaching Writing

Teaching Productive Skills 100’ 1. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.

2. Celce – Mauricia, Marianne Edler. 2001. Teaching English as Second Language. Singapore: Thomson Learning.

3. Nun, David. 1999. Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.

14 Students will have sufficient acquaintance with approaches and methods of teaching, learners difference, teacher’s roles, classroom management, method

Able to understand the Understanding Assessment, Testing and Evaluating Scoring System Criterion – Referenced Norm – Referenced

Discuss about: Understanding Assessment, Testing and Evaluating Scoring System Criterion – Referenced Norm – Referenced

Assessing and Testing 100’ 1. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.

2. Celce – Mauricia, Marianne Edler. 2001. Teaching English as Second

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TEFL Syllabus


teaching grammar and vocabulary, teaching receptive skills (listening and reading) and productive skills (speaking and writing), evaluation (assessment and testing) as well as teaching practices.

Language. Singapore: Thomson Learning.

3. Nun, David. 1999. Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.

15 Students will have sufficient acquaintance with approaches and methods of teaching, learners difference, teacher’s roles, classroom management, method teaching grammar and vocabulary, teaching receptive skills (listening and reading) and productive skills (speaking and writing), evaluation (assessment and testing) as well as teaching practices.

Able to understand and practice teaching Englisch as Foreign Language

Observing classroom teaching

Final project 100’ 1. Harmer, Jeremy. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. England: Pearson Education Limited.

2. Celce – Mauricia, Marianne Edler. 2001. Teaching English as Second Language. Singapore: Thomson Learning.

3. Nun, David. 1999. Second Language Teaching and Learning. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers.


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Teaching and Learning Strategy Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 313 Subject : Teaching and Learning Strategy Credit : 2 sks Semester : V (five) Prerequisite : - Description : This course examines various strategy of teaching, productive and receptive, either skills or components Competence : Students are able to teach using the strategy of teaching before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language


Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students are able to teach using the strategy of teaching before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching

Students are able to understand the Teaching and Learning course outline

Discussion about the Teaching and Learning course outline

Introduction 100’ 1. Davies, Ivor K. 1981.Instructional Technique.New York:Mc.Graw Hill Book Company

2. Gebhard, Jerry G.1996.Teaching English as Foreign Language (A Teacher Self – Development and Methodology Guide). USA:The University of Michigan Press

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to teach using the strategy of teaching before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching

Students are able to understand the explanation of teaching and learning

Discussion about the explanation of teaching and learning

Teaching and Learning 100’ Teaching English as Foreign Language (A Teacher Self – Development and Methodology Guide (Gebhard, 1996:12)

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Teaching and Learning Strategy Syllabus


3 Students are able to teach using the strategy of teaching before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching

Students are able to understand the differences between Approach, Strategy, Method, Model, and Technik in TLS

Discussion about the differences between Approach, Strategy, Method, Model, and Technik in TLS

Approach, Strategy, Method, Model, and Technik in TLS

100’ Teaching English as Foreign Language (A Teacher Self – Development and Methodology Guide (Gebhard, 1996:34)

4 Students are able to teach using the strategy of teaching before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching

Students are able to understand the Kemp, ADDIE, and Dick Carey Model

Discussion about the Kemp, ADDIE, and Dick Carey Model

Teaching Model Background 100’ Teaching English as Foreign Language (A Teacher Self – Development and Methodology Guide (Gebhard, 1996:34)

5 Students are able to teach using the strategy of teaching before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching

Students are able to understand the Inductive thinking and concept attainment model

Discussion about the Inductive thinking and concept attainment model

Models of Teaching 100’ Teaching English as Foreign Language (A Teacher Self – Development and Methodology Guide (Gebhard, 1996:49)

6 Students are able to teach using the strategy of teaching before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching

Students are able to understand the scientific inquiry and inquiry training model

Discussion about the scientific inquiry and inquiry training model

Models of Teaching 100’ Teaching English as Foreign Language (A Teacher Self – Development and Methodology Guide (Gebhard, 1996:57)

7 Students are able to teach using the strategy of teaching before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching

Students are able to understand the cognitive growth and advance organizer model

Discussion about the cognitive growth and advance organizer model

Models of Teaching 100’ Teaching English as Foreign Language (A Teacher Self – Development and Methodology Guide (Gebhard, 1996:70)


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Teaching and Learning Strategy Syllabus


9 Students are able to teach using the strategy of teaching before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching

Students are able to understand the direct teaching and indirect teaching model

Discussion about the direct teaching and indirect teaching model

Models of Teaching 100’ Teaching English as Foreign Language (A Teacher Self – Development and Methodology Guide (Gebhard, 1996:82)

10 Students are able to teach using the strategy of teaching before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching

Students are able to understand the problem based learning and problem solving learning model

Discussion about the problem based learning and problem solving learning model

Models of Teaching 100’ Teaching English as Foreign Language (A Teacher Self – Development and Methodology Guide (Gebhard, 1996:99)

11 Students are able to teach using the strategy of teaching before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching

Students are able to understand the synectics and awareness training model

Discussion about the synectics and awareness training model

Models of Teaching 100’ Teaching English as Foreign Language (A Teacher Self – Development and Methodology Guide (Gebhard, 1996:125)

12 Students are able to teach using the strategy of teaching before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching

Students are able to understand the classroom meeting, role playing, and social simulation model

Discussion about the classroom meeting, role playing, and social simulation model

Models of Teaching 100’ Teaching English as Foreign Language (A Teacher Self – Development and Methodology Guide (Gebhard, 1996:151)

13 Students are able to teach using the strategy of teaching before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching

Students are able to understand the STAD and JIGSAW model

Discussion about the STAD and JIGSAW model

Models of Teaching 100’ Teaching English as Foreign Language (A Teacher Self – Development and Methodology Guide (Gebhard, 1996:175)

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Teaching and Learning Strategy Syllabus


14 Students are able to teach using the strategy of teaching before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching

Students are able to understand the outbound activities, icebreaking and energizer model

Discussion about the outbound activities, icebreaking and energizer model

Models of Teaching 100’ Teaching English as Foreign Language (A Teacher Self – Development and Methodology Guide (Gebhard, 1996:199)

15 Students are able to teach using the strategy of teaching before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching

Students are able to understand the evaluation process in teaching and learning

Discussion about the evaluation process in teaching and learning

Evaluation of Teaching and Learning

100’ Teaching English as Foreign Language (A Teacher Self – Development and Methodology Guide (Gebhard, 1996:225)


References Compulsory :

Gebhard, Jerry G.1996.Teaching English as Foreign Language (A Teacher Self – Development and Methodology Guide). USA:The University of Michigan Press

Suplementary : 1. Davies, Ivor K. 1981.Instructional Technique.New York:Mc.Graw Hill Book Company 2. Bruce Joyce & Marsha Weil (1991), Models of Teaching (seconds edition), London: Prentice Hall International Inc. 3. Mary Alice Gunter, Thomas H. Estes & Ian Schaw (1995). Instruction: A Model Approach. Boston: Allyn & Bacon. 4. Komalasari, K. 2010. Pembelajaran Kontekstual: Konsep dan Aplikasi. Bandung: Refika Aditama.

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Teaching and Learning Media Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MKB – 314 Subject : Teaching and Learning Media Credit : 2 sks Semester : VI (six) Prerequisite : - Description : In this course is discussed about the function of media in course of learn to teach, value and benefit of the media, kind and criteria of choosing media, media production, media program utilization based on pattern and utilization strategy, media device, graphic media, photography media, projection media, audio media, audio-visual, internet media, and environment as media. Competence : Students are able to use media to teach before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Reference Evaluation

1 Students are able to use media to teach before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching.

Students are able to understand the Teaching and Learning Media course outline

Discussion about the Teaching and Learning Media course outline

Introduction 100’ 1. Sadiman, Arief S, et al.2005.Media Pendidikan:Pengertian, Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatannya.Seri Pustaka Teknologi Pendidikan Nomor 6.Jakarta: PT.Rajagrafindo Persada.

2. Sudjana, Nana, et al.2005.Media Pengajaran.Bandung: Sinar Baru Algesindo

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to use media to teach before applying them in the field

Students are able to understand the explanation of

Discussion about the explanation of teaching and learning media and

About Teaching and Learning Media

100’ MediaPengajaran (Sudjana,2005:6)

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Teaching and Learning Media Syllabus


of teaching, especially language teaching.

teaching and learning media and usage of media

usage of media

3 Students are able to use media to teach before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching.

Students are able to understand the value and benefits of the media

Discussion about the value and benefits of the media

About Teaching and Learning Media

100’ MediaPengajaran (Sudjana,2005:10)

4 Students are able to use media to teach before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching.

Students are able to understand the kinds and characteristic of media

Discussion about the kinds and characteristic of media

About Teaching and Learning Media

100’ MediaPengajaran (Sudjana,2005:23)

5 Students are able to use media to teach before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching.

Students are able to understand the way to develope media

Discussion about the way to develope media

How to choose media 100’ MediaPengajaran (Sudjana,2005:30)

6 Students are able to use media to teach before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching.

Students are able to understand the program and graphic media

Discussion about the program and graphic media

How to use media 100’ MediaPengajaran (Sudjana,2005:44)

7 Students are able to use media to teach before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching.

Students are able to understand the photography and projection media

Discussion about the photography and projection media

How to use media 100’ MediaPengajaran (Sudjana,2005:46)


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Teaching and Learning Media Syllabus


9 Students are able to use media to teach before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching.

Students are able to understand the audio-visual media

Discussion about the audio-visual media

How to use media 100’ MediaPengajaran (Sudjana,2005:70)

10 Students are able to use media to teach before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching.

Students are able to understand the 3D media

Discussion about the 3D media

How to use media 100’ MediaPengajaran (Sudjana,2005:79)

11 Students are able to use media to teach before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching.

Students are able to understand the internet media

Discussion about the internet media

How to use media 100’ MediaPengajaran (Sudjana,2005:86)

12 Students are able to use media to teach before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching.

Students are able to understand the environment media

Discussion about the environment media

How to use media 100’ MediaPengajaran (Sudjana,2005:90)

13 Students are able to use media to teach before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching.

Students are able to understand the steps to develope media

Discussion about the steps to develope media

Developing media in teaching and learning

100’ MediaPengajaran (Sudjana,2005:130)

14 Students are able to use media to teach before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching.

Students are able to understand the steps to develope media

Discussion about the steps to develope media

Developing media in teaching and learning

100’ MediaPengajaran (Sudjana,2005:130)

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Teaching and Learning Media Syllabus


15 Students are able to use media to teach before applying them in the field of teaching, especially language teaching.

Students are able to understand the steps to develope media

Discussion about the steps to develope media

Developing media in teaching and learning

100’ MediaPengajaran (Sudjana,2005:130)


References Compulsory :

Sudjana, Nana, et al.2005.Media Pengajaran.Bandung: Sinar Baru Algesindo Suplementary : 1. Sadiman, Arief S, et al.2005.Media Pendidikan:Pengertian, Pengembangan dan Pemanfaatannya.Seri Pustaka Teknologi Pendidikan Nomor

6.Jakarta: PT.Rajagrafindo Persada. 2. Sudjana, Nana, et al.2005.Media Pengajaran.Bandung: Sinar Baru Algesindo

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D. Matakuliah Perilaku Berkarya ( MPB )

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Introduction of Philosophy of Science Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MPB – 401 Subject : Introduction to Philosophy of Science Credit : 2 sks Semester : III (three) Prerequisite : - Description : This course aims at being an introduction to philosophical thinking in general rather than to provide a full survey of

philosophical disciplines, their methods, doctrines and leading ideas. In addition, the course will provide a preliminary orientation about the notion of philosophical argument, its various forms and the ways arguments should be analyzed.

Competence : Students are able (1) to learn how to read and interpret philosophical texts (rightly considered as belonging to the

category of the most complex intellectual products), (2) to acquire an initial command of philosophical language. The ultimate objective, of course, remains, (3) to demonstrate what does it mean to adopt "philosophical attitude" as an elevated form of human curiosity and resistance to any kind of dogmatism.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students are able (1) to learn how to read and interpret philosophical texts (rightly considered as belonging to the category of the most complex intellectual products), (2) to acquire an initial command of philosophical language.

Students are able to understand what “Introduction to Philosophy of Science Course” is.

Discussion about the objectives of Introduction to Philosophy of Science Course

Introduction 100’ Pengantar Filsafat.(Kattsoff.1996)

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

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Introduction of Philosophy of Science Syllabus


The ultimate objective, of course, remains, (3) to demonstrate what does it mean to adopt "philosophical attitude" as an elevated form of human curiosity and resistance to any kind of dogmatism.

2 Students are able (1) to learn how to read and interpret philosophical texts (rightly considered as belonging to the category of the most complex intellectual products), (2) to acquire an initial command of philosophical language. The ultimate objective, of course, remains, (3) to demonstrate what does it mean to adopt "philosophical attitude" as an elevated form of human curiosity and resistance to any kind of dogmatism.

Students are able to understand the nature of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science

Discussion about nature of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science

The nature of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science

100’ Pengantar Filsafat.(Kattsoff.1996:17)

3 Students are able (1) to learn how to read and interpret philosophical texts (rightly considered as belonging to the category of the most complex intellectual

Students are able to understand the nature, object, and structure of Science

Discussion about nature, object, and structure of Science

Ontological Dimensions of Science

100’ Pengantar Filsafat.(Kattsoff.1996:87)

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Introduction of Philosophy of Science Syllabus


products), (2) to acquire an initial command of philosophical language. The ultimate objective, of course, remains, (3) to demonstrate what does it mean to adopt "philosophical attitude" as an elevated form of human curiosity and resistance to any kind of dogmatism.

4 Students are able (1) to learn how to read and interpret philosophical texts (rightly considered as belonging to the category of the most complex intellectual products), (2) to acquire an initial command of philosophical language. The ultimate objective, of course, remains, (3) to demonstrate what does it mean to adopt "philosophical attitude" as an elevated form of human curiosity and resistance to any kind of dogmatism.

Students are able to understand: a. Ways to get science b. Truth c. Theories of truth

Discussion about: a. Ways to get science b. Truth c. Theories of truth

Epistemological Dimension Sciences

100’ Pengantar Filsafat.(Kattsoff.1996:87)

5 Students are able (1) to learn how to read and interpret philosophical texts (rightly considered

Students are able to understand: a. understanding Axiology

Discussion about: a. understanding Axiology b. Science and Principles of Morals

Axiological dimension Sciences 100’ Pengantar Filsafat.(Kattsoff.1996:325)

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Introduction of Philosophy of Science Syllabus


as belonging to the category of the most complex intellectual products), (2) to acquire an initial command of philosophical language. The ultimate objective, of course, remains, (3) to demonstrate what does it mean to adopt "philosophical attitude" as an elevated form of human curiosity and resistance to any kind of dogmatism.

b. Science and Principles of Morals

6 Students are able (1) to learn how to read and interpret philosophical texts (rightly considered as belonging to the category of the most complex intellectual products), (2) to acquire an initial command of philosophical language. The ultimate objective, of course, remains, (3) to demonstrate what does it mean to adopt "philosophical attitude" as an elevated form of human curiosity and resistance to any kind of dogmatism.

Students are able to understand: Space, Time and Movement

Discussion about: Space, Time and Movement

The Universe (Cosmology) 100’ Pengantar Filsafat.(Kattsoff.1996:239)

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Introduction of Philosophy of Science Syllabus


7 Students are able (1) to learn how to read and interpret philosophical texts (rightly considered as belonging to the category of the most complex intellectual products), (2) to acquire an initial command of philosophical language. The ultimate objective, of course, remains, (3) to demonstrate what does it mean to adopt "philosophical attitude" as an elevated form of human curiosity and resistance to any kind of dogmatism.

Students are able to understand: a. Life issues b. Mental problems

Discussion about: a. Life issues b. Mental problems

Human Life (Sociology)

100’ Pengantar Filsafat.(Kattsoff.1996:397)


9 Students are able (1) to learn how to read and interpret philosophical texts (rightly considered as belonging to the category of the most complex intellectual products), (2) to acquire an initial command of philosophical language. The ultimate objective, of course, remains, (3) to demonstrate what does it mean to adopt "philosophical attitude"

Students are able to understand: Issues Values, Ethics and Aesthetics

Discussion about: Issues Values, Ethics and Aesthetics

Axiology Issues Values, Ethics and Aesthetics

100’ Pengantar Filsafat.(Kattsoff.1996:325)

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Introduction of Philosophy of Science Syllabus


as an elevated form of human curiosity and resistance to any kind of dogmatism.

10 Students are able (1) to learn how to read and interpret philosophical texts (rightly considered as belonging to the category of the most complex intellectual products), (2) to acquire an initial command of philosophical language. The ultimate objective, of course, remains, (3) to demonstrate what does it mean to adopt "philosophical attitude" as an elevated form of human curiosity and resistance to any kind of dogmatism.

Students are able to understand: History of Ancient Greek Philosophy Thought: From Myth to Logos

Discussion about: History of Ancient Greek Philosophy Thought: From Myth to Logos

History of Ancient Greek Philosophy Thought: From Myth to Logos

100’ Pengantar Filsafat.(Kattsoff.1996:17)

11 Students are able (1) to learn how to read and interpret philosophical texts (rightly considered as belonging to the category of the most complex intellectual products), (2) to acquire an initial command of philosophical language.

Students are able to understand: History of Patristic and Scholastic Age Philosophy Thought: Philosophy of Religion In and For

Discussion about: History of Patristic and Scholastic Age Philosophy Thought: Philosophy of Religion In and For

History of Patristic and Scholastic Age Philosophy Thought: Philosophy of Religion In and For

100’ Pengantar Filsafat.(Kattsoff.1996:17)

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Introduction of Philosophy of Science Syllabus


The ultimate objective, of course, remains, (3) to demonstrate what does it mean to adopt "philosophical attitude" as an elevated form of human curiosity and resistance to any kind of dogmatism.

12 Students are able (1) to learn how to read and interpret philosophical texts (rightly considered as belonging to the category of the most complex intellectual products), (2) to acquire an initial command of philosophical language. The ultimate objective, of course, remains, (3) to demonstrate what does it mean to adopt "philosophical attitude" as an elevated form of human curiosity and resistance to any kind of dogmatism.

Students are able to understand: History of Modern Age Philosophy Thought: Birth and Growth of Science Tradition

Discussion about: History of Modern Age Philosophy Thought: Birth and Growth of Science Tradition

History of Modern Age Philosophy Thought: Birth and Growth of Science Tradition

100’ Pengantar Filsafat.(Kattsoff.1996:17)

13 Students are able (1) to learn how to read and interpret philosophical texts (rightly considered as belonging to the category of the most

Students are able to understand: History of Contemporary Philosophy Thought: A Confirmation of

Discussion about: History of Contemporary Philosophy Thought: A Confirmation of the Autonomous Science

History of Contemporary Philosophy Thought: A Confirmation of the Autonomous Science

100’ Pengantar Filsafat.(Kattsoff.1996:17)

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Introduction of Philosophy of Science Syllabus


complex intellectual products), (2) to acquire an initial command of philosophical language. The ultimate objective, of course, remains, (3) to demonstrate what does it mean to adopt "philosophical attitude" as an elevated form of human curiosity and resistance to any kind of dogmatism.

the Autonomous Science

14 Students are able (1) to learn how to read and interpret philosophical texts (rightly considered as belonging to the category of the most complex intellectual products), (2) to acquire an initial command of philosophical language. The ultimate objective, of course, remains, (3) to demonstrate what does it mean to adopt "philosophical attitude" as an elevated form of human curiosity and resistance to any kind of dogmatism.

Students are able to understand: A Philosophy Thought.: a. Philosophy and Science b. Philosophy and Religion

Discussion about: A Philosophy Thought.: a. Philosophy and Science b. Philosophy and Religion

A Philosophy Thought.: a. Philosophy and Science b. Philosophy and Religion

100’ Pengantar Filsafat.(Kattsoff.1996:17)

15 Students are able (1) to learn how to read and interpret philosophical

Students are able to understand: A Philosophy

Discussion about: A Philosophy Thought: Benefits studied

A Philosophy Thought: Benefits studied Philosophy

100’ Pengantar Filsafat.(Kattsoff.1996:17)

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Introduction of Philosophy of Science Syllabus


texts (rightly considered as belonging to the category of the most complex intellectual products), (2) to acquire an initial command of philosophical language. The ultimate objective, of course, remains, (3) to demonstrate what does it mean to adopt "philosophical attitude" as an elevated form of human curiosity and resistance to any kind of dogmatism.

Thought: Benefits studied Philosophy



References Compulsory :

Kattsoff, Louis O.1996.Pengantar Filsafat.Yogyakarta : Tiara Wacana Yogya Suplementary :

1. Kaelan, Prof. Dr.2002.Filsafat Bahasa:Masalah dan Perkembangannya.Yogyakarta : Paradigma 2. Suriasumantri, Jujun.2001.Filsafat Ilmu sebuah pengantar populer.Jakarta : Pustaka Sinar Harapan 3. Liang Gie.1991.Pengantar Filsafat Ilmu.Yogyakarta : Liberty

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History of Modern Thought Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MPB – 402 Subject : History of Modern Thought Credit : 2 sks Semester : V (five) Prerequisite : - Description : The course is aimed at acquiring students with historical line of modern thoughts which have much influenced upon academic nuances of thinking. Competence : Students are able to trace the historical background of modern thoughts. Following the historical line, the schools of the

thoughts are periodically classified into the age of adventure, the age of reason, the age of enlightenment, the age of ideology and the age of analysis. Inseperably, in the course line of that history, the past-modern era has criticized the thoughts of the past and has laid critical preposition for the thoughts on the future.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students are able to trace the historical background of modern thoughts. Following the historical line, the schools of the thoughts are periodically classified into the age of adventure, the age of reason, the age of enlightenment, the age of ideology and the age of analysis. Inseperably, in the course line of that

Students are able to understand the history of modern thought course outline

Discussion about the history of modern thought course outline

Introduction 100’ History of Modern Thought Module (Satriyo.2013:1)

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

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History of Modern Thought Syllabus


history, the past-modern era has criticized the thoughts of the past and has laid critical preposition for the thoughts on the future.

2 Students are able to trace the historical background of modern thoughts. Following the historical line, the schools of the thoughts are periodically classified into the age of adventure, the age of reason, the age of enlightenment, the age of ideology and the age of analysis. Inseperably, in the course line of that history, the past-modern era has criticized the thoughts of the past and has laid critical preposition for the thoughts on the future.

Students are able to understand the periods of modern thought (ancient-modern-postmodern)

Discussion about the periods of modern thought (ancient-modern-postmodern)

Historical background of history of modern thought

100’ History of Modern Thought Module (Satriyo.2013:3-19)

3 Students are able to trace the historical background of modern thoughts. Following the historical line, the schools of the thoughts are periodically classified

Students are able to understand the figures: Leonardo da vinci, Bicollo Marchiavelli, and Nicolas Copernicus

Discussion about the figures: Leonardo da vinci, Bicollo Marchiavelli, and Nicolas Copernicus

The age of adventure the renaissance (1)

100’ History of Modern Thought Module (Satriyo.2013:42-59)

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History of Modern Thought Syllabus


into the age of adventure, the age of reason, the age of enlightenment, the age of ideology and the age of analysis. Inseperably, in the course line of that history, the past-modern era has criticized the thoughts of the past and has laid critical preposition for the thoughts on the future.

4 Students are able to trace the historical background of modern thoughts. Following the historical line, the schools of the thoughts are periodically classified into the age of adventure, the age of reason, the age of enlightenment, the age of ideology and the age of analysis. Inseperably, in the course line of that history, the past-modern era has criticized the thoughts of the past and has laid critical preposition for the thoughts on the future.

Students are able to understand the figures : Sir Thomas More, Martin Luther, and John Calvin

Discussion about the figures : Sir Thomas More, Martin Luther, and John Calvin

The age of adventure the renaissance (2)

100’ History of Modern Thought Module (Satriyo.2013:61-69)

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History of Modern Thought Syllabus


5 Students are able to trace the historical background of modern thoughts. Following the historical line, the schools of the thoughts are periodically classified into the age of adventure, the age of reason, the age of enlightenment, the age of ideology and the age of analysis. Inseperably, in the course line of that history, the past-modern era has criticized the thoughts of the past and has laid critical preposition for the thoughts on the future.

Students are able to understand the figures : Sir Francis Bacon, William Shakespeare, and Galileo Galilei

Discussion about the figures : Sir Francis Bacon, William Shakespeare, and Galileo Galilei

The age of reason (1) 100’ History of Modern Thought Module (Satriyo.2013:75-77)

6 Students are able to trace the historical background of modern thoughts. Following the historical line, the schools of the thoughts are periodically classified into the age of adventure, the age of reason, the age of enlightenment, the age of ideology and the age of analysis. Inseperably, in the course line of that

Students are able to understand the figures : Thomas Hobbes and Rene Descartes

Discussion about the figures : Thomas Hobbes and Rene Descartes

The age of reason (2) 100’ History of Modern Thought Module (Satriyo.2013:102-104)

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History of Modern Thought Syllabus


history, the past-modern era has criticized the thoughts of the past and has laid critical preposition for the thoughts on the future.

7 Students are able to trace the historical background of modern thoughts. Following the historical line, the schools of the thoughts are periodically classified into the age of adventure, the age of reason, the age of enlightenment, the age of ideology and the age of analysis. Inseperably, in the course line of that history, the past-modern era has criticized the thoughts of the past and has laid critical preposition for the thoughts on the future.

Students are able to understand the material from first until sixth meeting

Review the material The material from first until sixth meeting

100’ History of Modern Thought Module (Satriyo.2013:1-108)


9 Students are able to trace the historical background of modern thoughts. Following the historical line, the schools of the thoughts

Students are able to understand the figures : John Locke, George Berkeley, and Baron de Montesquieu

Discussion about the figures : John Locke, George Berkeley, and Baron de Montesquieu

The age of enlightenment (1) 100’ History of Modern Thought Module (Satriyo.2013:106-108)

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History of Modern Thought Syllabus


are periodically classified into the age of adventure, the age of reason, the age of enlightenment, the age of ideology and the age of analysis. Inseperably, in the course line of that history, the past-modern era has criticized the thoughts of the past and has laid critical preposition for the thoughts on the future.

10 Students are able to trace the historical background of modern thoughts. Following the historical line, the schools of the thoughts are periodically classified into the age of adventure, the age of reason, the age of enlightenment, the age of ideology and the age of analysis. Inseperably, in the course line of that history, the past-modern era has criticized the thoughts of the past and has laid critical preposition for the thoughts on the future.

Students are able to understand the figures : David Hume, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and Adam Smith

Discussion about the figures : David Hume, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and Adam Smith

The age of enlightenment (2) 100’ History of Modern Thought Module (Satriyo.2013:109-110)

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History of Modern Thought Syllabus


11 Students are able to trace the historical background of modern thoughts. Following the historical line, the schools of the thoughts are periodically classified into the age of adventure, the age of reason, the age of enlightenment, the age of ideology and the age of analysis. Inseperably, in the course line of that history, the past-modern era has criticized the thoughts of the past and has laid critical preposition for the thoughts on the future.

Students are able to understand the figures : Immanuel Kant, Jeremy Bentham, and Frederich Hegel

Discussion about the figures : Immanuel Kant, Jeremy Bentham, and Frederich Hegel

The age of ideology (1) 100’ History of Modern Thought Module (Satriyo.2013:115-135)

12 Students are able to trace the historical background of modern thoughts. Following the historical line, the schools of the thoughts are periodically classified into the age of adventure, the age of reason, the age of enlightenment, the age of ideology and the age of analysis. Inseperably, in the course line of that

Students are able to understand the figures : Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, and Sanders Pierce

Discussion about the figures : Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, and Sanders Pierce

The age of ideology (2) 100’ History of Modern Thought Module (Satriyo.2013:136-147)

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History of Modern Thought Syllabus


history, the past-modern era has criticized the thoughts of the past and has laid critical preposition for the thoughts on the future.

13 Students are able to trace the historical background of modern thoughts. Following the historical line, the schools of the thoughts are periodically classified into the age of adventure, the age of reason, the age of enlightenment, the age of ideology and the age of analysis. Inseperably, in the course line of that history, the past-modern era has criticized the thoughts of the past and has laid critical preposition for the thoughts on the future.

Students are able to understand the figures : Fridriech Nietze, Sigmund Freud, Ferdinand de Saussure, and John Dewey

Discussion about the figures : Fridriech Nietze, Sigmund Freud, Ferdinand de Saussure, and John Dewey

The age of analysis 100’ History of Modern Thought Module (Satriyo.2013:148-156)

14 Students are able to trace the historical background of modern thoughts. Following the historical line, the schools of the thoughts are periodically classified

Students are able to understand the figures : Theodore Adharmo, Jean Paul Satre, Michel Foucault, and Juergen Habermas

Discussion about the figures : Theodore Adharmo, Jean Paul Satre, Michel Foucault, and Juergen Habermas

The post-modern era 100’ History of Modern Thought Module (Satriyo.2013:157-176)

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History of Modern Thought Syllabus


into the age of adventure, the age of reason, the age of enlightenment, the age of ideology and the age of analysis. Inseperably, in the course line of that history, the past-modern era has criticized the thoughts of the past and has laid critical preposition for the thoughts on the future.

15 Students are able to trace the historical background of modern thoughts. Following the historical line, the schools of the thoughts are periodically classified into the age of adventure, the age of reason, the age of enlightenment, the age of ideology and the age of analysis. Inseperably, in the course line of that history, the past-modern era has criticized the thoughts of the past and has laid critical preposition for the thoughts on the future.

Students are able to understand all materials from this course

Review the material All materials from this course 100’ History of Modern Thought Module (Satriyo.2013:75-176)


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History of Modern Thought Syllabus



Compulsory :

Gogot Satriyo.2013.History of Modern Thought Module.Malang:STIBA Malang

Suplementary :

1. Rosidi, Sya’ban. 2002. History of Modern Thoughts. Malang: Center for Interdisciplinary Study and Cooperation

2. Mustansyir, Rizal. 1988. Filsafat Bahasa. Jakarta: Prima Karya

3. White, Morton. 1985. The Age of Analysis. USA: The Mentor Philosophers

4. Berlin, Isarah. 1985. The Age of Enlightenment. USA: The Mentor Philosophers

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E. Matakuliah Berkehidupan Bermasyarakat ( MBB )

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Indonesian Society and Culture Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MBB – 501 Subject : Indonesian Society and Culture Credit : 2 sks Semester : II (two) Prerequisite : - Description : This subject is generally designed to facilitate the learners in understanding the history of Indonesian Culture Competence : Students are able to describe and comprehend Indonesian culture and its historical development

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students are able to describe and comprehend Indonesian culture and its historical development

Students are able to understand the history, Indonesian man, Indonesian culture, and Indonesian civilization

Discussion about the history, Indonesian man, Indonesian culture, and Indonesian civilization

The meaning of Indonesian culture

100’ Kebudayaan Mentalitas dan Pembangunan (Koentjaraningrat. 1985)

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able to describe and comprehend Indonesian culture and its historical development

Students are able to understand the cultural artifacts and Indonesian in prehistoric time

Discussion about the cultural artifacts and Indonesian in prehistoric time

Prehistoric time 100’ Kebudayaan Mentalitas dan Pembangunan (Koentjaraningrat. 1985:23)

3 Students are able to describe and comprehend Indonesian culture and its historical development

Students are able to understand the cultural artifacts and Indonesian in prehistoric time

Discussion about the cultural artifacts and Indonesian in prehistoric time

Prehistoric time 100’ Kebudayaan Mentalitas dan Pembangunan (Koentjaraningrat. 1985:23)

4 Students are able to describe and comprehend Indonesian culture and its historical

Students are able to understand the coming of Hindhu, the influence and

Discussion about the coming of Hindhu, the influence and the Hindhu Kingdoms

Hindhu and the culture 100’ Kebudayaan Mentalitas dan Pembangunan (Koentjaraningrat. 1985:30)

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Indonesian Society and Culture Syllabus


development the Hindhu Kingdoms

5 Students are able to describe and comprehend Indonesian culture and its historical development

Students are able to understand the coming of Hindhu, the influence and the Hindhu Kingdoms

Discussion about the coming of Hindhu, the influence and the Hindhu Kingdoms

Hindhu and the culture 100’ Kebudayaan Mentalitas dan Pembangunan (Koentjaraningrat. 1985:30)

6 Students are able to describe and comprehend Indonesian culture and its historical development

Students are able to understand the coming of Hindhu, the influence and the Hindhu Kingdoms

Discussion about the coming of Hindhu, the influence and the Hindhu Kingdoms

Hindhu and the culture 100’ Kebudayaan Mentalitas dan Pembangunan (Koentjaraningrat. 1985:30)

7 Students are able to describe and comprehend Indonesian culture and its historical development

Students are able to understand islamic influence, the relationship between Islam and other culturaal elements, Islamic Kingdoms and culture

Discussion about islamic influence, the relationship between Islam and other culturaal elements, Islamic Kingdoms and culture

The influence of Islam 100’ Kebudayaan Mentalitas dan Pembangunan (Koentjaraningrat. 1985:44)


9 Students are able to describe and comprehend Indonesian culture and its historical development

Students are able to understand islamic influence, the relationship between Islam and other culturaal elements, Islamic Kingdoms and culture

Discussion about islamic influence, the relationship between Islam and other culturaal elements, Islamic Kingdoms and culture

The influence of Islam 100’ Kebudayaan Mentalitas dan Pembangunan (Koentjaraningrat. 1985:44)

10 Students are able to describe and

Students are able to understand

Discussion about islamic influence, the relationship

The influence of Islam 100’ Kebudayaan Mentalitas dan Pembangunan (Koentjaraningrat.

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Indonesian Society and Culture Syllabus


comprehend Indonesian culture and its historical development

islamic influence, the relationship between Islam and other culturaal elements, Islamic Kingdoms and culture

between Islam and other culturaal elements, Islamic Kingdoms and culture


11 Students are able to describe and comprehend Indonesian culture and its historical development

Students are able to understand the coming of Europeans, colonization, and the influence to Indonesian culture

Discussion about the coming of Europeans, colonization, and the influence to Indonesian culture

The infuence of Europeans 100’ Kebudayaan Mentalitas dan Pembangunan (Koentjaraningrat. 1985:56)

12 Students are able to describe and comprehend Indonesian culture and its historical development

Students are able to understand the coming of Europeans, colonization, and the influence to Indonesian culture

Discussion about the coming of Europeans, colonization, and the influence to Indonesian culture

The infuence of Europeans 100’ Kebudayaan Mentalitas dan Pembangunan (Koentjaraningrat. 1985:56)

13 Students are able to describe and comprehend Indonesian culture and its historical development

Students are able to understand the Indonesian culture after independence, the contruction of national culture, and the place of local culture in national cuture

Discussion about the Indonesian culture after independence, the contruction of national culture, and the place of local culture in national cuture

Independence 100’ Kebudayaan Mentalitas dan Pembangunan (Koentjaraningrat. 1985:67)

14 Students are able to describe and comprehend Indonesian culture and its historical development

Students are able to understand the Indonesian culture after independence, the contruction of

Discussion about the Indonesian culture after independence, the contruction of national culture, and the place of

Independence 100’ Kebudayaan Mentalitas dan Pembangunan (Koentjaraningrat. 1985:67)

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Indonesian Society and Culture Syllabus


national culture, and the place of local culture in national cuture

local culture in national cuture

15 Students are able to describe and comprehend Indonesian culture and its historical development

Students are able to understand the Indonesian culture after independence, the contruction of national culture, and the place of local culture in national cuture

Discussion about the Indonesian culture after independence, the contruction of national culture, and the place of local culture in national cuture

Independence 100’ Kebudayaan Mentalitas dan Pembangunan (Koentjaraningrat. 1985:67)



Compulsory :

Koentjaraningrat. 1985.Kebudayaan Mentalitas dan Pembangunan. Jakarta: Gramedia

Suplementary :

1. Soekomo, R. 1973. Sejarah Kebudayan Indonesia.Jogyakarta; Kanisius 2. Koentjaraningrat. Manusia dan Kebudayaan Indonesia. Jakarta: Gramedia

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Basic Natural Science Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MBB – 502 Subject : Basic Natural Science Credit : 3 sks Semester : III (three) Prerequisite : - Description : This subject includes natural science explanation and natural science scope base, the connection with other sciences, connection between physics and technological development with the influence towards human life. Competence : Students get the knowledge about the natural science explanation and natural science scope base, the connection with

other sciences, connection between physics and technological development with the influence towards human life.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students get the knowledge about natural science explanation and natural science scope base, the connection with other sciences, connection between physics and technological development with the influence towards human life.

Students are able to understand the natural science explanation

Discussion about the natural science explanation

Introduction 150’ Ilmu Alamiah.(Darmodjo Hendro.1996:5)

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students get the knowledge about natural science explanation and natural science scope

Students are able to understand the universe

Discussion about the universe

Natural science scope 150’ Ilmu Alamiah.(Darmodjo Hendro.1996:13)

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Basic Natural Science Syllabus


base, the connection with other sciences, connection between physics and technological development with the influence towards human life.

3 Students get the knowledge about natural science explanation and natural science scope base, the connection with other sciences, connection between physics and technological development with the influence towards human life.

Students are able to understand the solar system theory and earth

Discussion about the solar system theory and earth

Natural science scope 150’ Ilmu Alamiah.(Darmodjo Hendro.1996:19)

4 Students get the knowledge about natural science explanation and natural science scope base, the connection with other sciences, connection between physics and technological development with the influence towards human life.

Students are able to understand the matter, element, periodic table, and chemistry reaction

Discussion about the matter, element, periodic table, and chemistry reaction

Chemistry 150’ Ilmu Alamiah.(Darmodjo Hendro.1996:23)

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Basic Natural Science Syllabus


5 Students get the knowledge about natural science explanation and natural science scope base, the connection with other sciences, connection between physics and technological development with the influence towards human life.

Students are able to understand the physics branch and character

Discussion about the physics branch and character

Physics 150’ Ilmu Alamiah.(Darmodjo Hendro.1996:30)

6 Students get the knowledge about natural science explanation and natural science scope base, the connection with other sciences, connection between physics and technological development with the influence towards human life.

Students are able to understand the humanbeings, and geography

Discussion about the humanbeings, and geography

Living on earth 150’ Ilmu Alamiah.(Darmodjo Hendro.1996:34)

7 Students get the knowledge about natural science explanation and natural science scope base, the connection with other sciences, connection between physics and technological

Students are able to understand the evolution

Discussion about the evolution

Living on earth 150’ Ilmu Alamiah.(Darmodjo Hendro.1996:47)

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Basic Natural Science Syllabus


development with the influence towards human life.


9 Students get the knowledge about natural science explanation and natural science scope base, the connection with other sciences, connection between physics and technological development with the influence towards human life.

Students are able to understand the explanation of ecology

Discussion about the explanation of ecology

Ecology 150’ Ilmu Alamiah.(Darmodjo Hendro.1996:50)

10 Students get the knowledge about natural science explanation and natural science scope base, the connection with other sciences, connection between physics and technological development with the influence towards human life.

Students are able to understand the human in ecology

Discussion about the human in ecology

Ecology 150’ Ilmu Alamiah.(Darmodjo Hendro.1996:57)

11 Students get the knowledge about natural science explanation and natural science scope

Students are able to understand about science and technology

Discussion about science and technology

The impact of technology 150’ Ilmu Alamiah.(Darmodjo Hendro.1996:65)

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Basic Natural Science Syllabus


base, the connection with other sciences, connection between physics and technological development with the influence towards human life.

12 Students get the knowledge about natural science explanation and natural science scope base, the connection with other sciences, connection between physics and technological development with the influence towards human life.

Students are able to understand social economy and culture

Discussion about social economy and culture

The impact of technology 150’ Ilmu Alamiah.(Darmodjo Hendro.1996:73)

13 Students get the knowledge about natural science explanation and natural science scope base, the connection with other sciences, connection between physics and technological development with the influence towards human life.

Students are able to understand the energy

Discussion about the energy

The impact of technology 150’ Ilmu Alamiah.(Darmodjo Hendro.1996:90)

14 Students get the knowledge about natural science explanation and

Students are able to understand the conventional and

Discussion about the conventional and non-conventional energy

The impact of technology 150’ Ilmu Alamiah.(Darmodjo Hendro.1996:90)

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Basic Natural Science Syllabus


natural science scope base, the connection with other sciences, connection between physics and technological development with the influence towards human life.

non-conventional energy

15 Students get the knowledge about natural science explanation and natural science scope base, the connection with other sciences, connection between physics and technological development with the influence towards human life.

Students are able to understand human resource and genetic

Discussion about human resource and genetic

The impact of technology 150’ Ilmu Alamiah.(Darmodjo Hendro.1996:90)



Compulsory :

Darmodjo Hendro.1996.Ilmu Alamiah Dasar.Jakarta:Karumika UT.

Suplementary :

1. Aly Abdullah & Eny Rahma.1991.Ilmiah Alamiah Dasar.Jakarta:Bina Aksara

2. Darmodjo Hendro.1996.Ilmu Alamiah Dasar.Jakarta:Karumika UT. 3. Jasin Maskoeri.1986.Ilmu Alamiah Dasar.Jakarta:PT.Raja Garafindo

Persada. 4. Asimov, Isaac.1972.Guide to Science.New York:Basic Book Inc.

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Basic Social Studies Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MBB – 503 Subject : Basic Social Studies Credit : 3 sks Semester : II (two) Prerequisite : - Description : This lecture gives comprehension about the importance of formation and personal development with insight

extension, hit various existing phenomenon in society, culture and humanity. Competence : Students will get the knowledge about the importance of formation and personal development with insight extension, hit various

existing phenomenon in society, culture and humanity.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students will get the knowledge about the importance of formation and personal development with insight extension, hit various existing phenomenon in society, culture and humanity.

Students are able to understand the social studies and the scope of social studies

Discussion about the social studies and the scope of social studies

Introduction 150’ Ilmu Sosial Dasar.(Darmansyah M.1986)

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students will get the knowledge about the importance of formation and personal development with insight extension, hit various existing phenomenon in society, culture and humanity.

Students are able to understand the concept in literature and arts

Discussion about the concept in literature and arts

Basic social studies concept 150’ Ilmu Sosial Dasar.(Darmansyah M.1986:7)

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Basic Social Studies Syllabus


3 Students will get the knowledge about the importance of formation and personal development with insight extension, hit various existing phenomenon in society, culture and humanity.

Students are able to understand the religion, philosophy and aesthetic

Discussion about the religion, philosophy and aesthetic

Basic social studies concept 150’ Ilmu Sosial Dasar.(Darmansyah M.1986:18)

4 Students will get the knowledge about the importance of formation and personal development with insight extension, hit various existing phenomenon in society, culture and humanity.

Students are able to understand the human and love affection

Discussion about the human and love affection

Sociology 150’ Ilmu Sosial Dasar.(Darmansyah M.1986:23)

5 Students will get the knowledge about the importance of formation and personal development with insight extension, hit various existing phenomenon in society, culture and humanity.

Students are able to understand the goal of life, human responsibility and expectation

Discussion about the goal of life, human responsibility and expectation

Sociology 150’ Ilmu Sosial Dasar.(Darmansyah M.1986:25)

6 Students will get the knowledge about the importance of formation and personal development with insight

Students are able to understand the culture affects

Discussion about the culture affects

Culture 150’ Ilmu Sosial Dasar.(Darmansyah M.1986:30)

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Basic Social Studies Syllabus


extension, hit various existing phenomenon in society, culture and humanity.

7 Students will get the knowledge about the importance of formation and personal development with insight extension, hit various existing phenomenon in society, culture and humanity.

Students are able to understand the primitive, agrarian and industrial culture

Discussion about the primitive, agrarian and industrial culture

Culture 150’ Ilmu Sosial Dasar.(Darmansyah M.1986:32)


9 Students will get the knowledge about the importance of formation and personal development with insight extension, hit various existing phenomenon in society, culture and humanity.

Students are able to understand the explanation Basic social studies background

Discussion about the explanation of Basic social studies background

Basic social studies background 150’ Ilmu Sosial Dasar.(Darmansyah M.1986:4)

10 Students will get the knowledge about the importance of formation and personal development with insight extension, hit various existing phenomenon in society, culture and humanity.

Students are able to understand the individual, family, and society

Discussion about the individual, family, and society

Social interaction 150’ Ilmu Sosial Dasar.(Darmansyah M.1986:48)

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Basic Social Studies Syllabus


11 Students will get the knowledge about the importance of formation and personal development with insight extension, hit various existing phenomenon in society, culture and humanity.

Students are able to understand about teenagers and the problems

Discussion about teenagers and the problems

Social interaction 150’ Ilmu Sosial Dasar.(Darmansyah M.1986:56)

12 Students will get the knowledge about the importance of formation and personal development with insight extension, hit various existing phenomenon in society, culture and humanity.

Students are able to understand goverment, state, and civilitation

Discussion about goverment, state, and civilitation

Social interaction 150’ Ilmu Sosial Dasar.(Darmansyah M.1986:78)

13 Students will get the knowledge about the importance of formation and personal development with insight extension, hit various existing phenomenon in society, culture and humanity.

Students are able to understand about social grading

Discussion about social grading

The impact of social interaction 150’ Ilmu Sosial Dasar.(Darmansyah M.1986:80)

14 Students will get the knowledge about the importance of formation and personal development with insight

Students are able to understand the demography

Discussion about the demography

The impact of social interaction 150’ Ilmu Sosial Dasar.(Darmansyah M.1986:85)

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Basic Social Studies Syllabus


extension, hit various existing phenomenon in society, culture and humanity.

15 Students will get the knowledge about the importance of formation and personal development with insight extension, hit various existing phenomenon in society, culture and humanity.

Students are able to understand structural and cultural development

Discussion about structural and cultural development

The impact of social interaction 150’ Ilmu Sosial Dasar.(Darmansyah M.1986:88)



Compulsory :

Darmansyah M.1986.Ilmu Sosial Dasar. Surabaya : Usaha Nasional

Suplementary :

1. ____________.1996.Ilmu Sosial Dasar:Teori dan Konsep Ilmu Sosial.Bandung 2. Sumaatmaja, Nursidi.1986.Pengantar Studi Sosial.Bandung : Alumni Wangsanegara 3. Soewaryo.1986.Ilmu Sosial Dasar. Universitas Terbuka

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Cross Culture Understanding Syllabus


SYLLABUS Department : English Code : MBB – 504 Subject : Cross Culture Understanding Credit : 2 sks Semester : IV (four) Prerequisite : - Description : This Course is designed to develop the students’ awareness of the close relationship between language and culture, and different cultural aspects which may be encountered. During the course, the students will do a lot of reading, thinking, and discussing about different cultures in an attempt to learn more about them and to better understand them. Competence : Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship between language and culture:

essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

Meeting Competence Indicator Learning Activity Topic Time Source Evaluation

1 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

Students are able to understand the Overview on the Course

Discussion about Overview on the Course

Introduction 100’ Course outline Beyond Language (Levine.1982:3)

1. Personal Assigment 2. Group

Assigment 3. Midterm Test 4. Final Test

2 Students are able and comprehend to improve their

Students are able to understand Verbal Patterns

Discussion about Verbal Patterns

Verbal Patterns 100’ Beyond Language (Levine.1982:19)

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Cross Culture Understanding Syllabus


awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

3 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

Students are able to understand Non-verbal Communication

Discussion about Non-verbal Communication

Non-verbal Communication 100’ Beyond Language (Levine.1982:43)

4 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family

Students are able to understand Personal Relationships

Discussion about Personal Relationships

Personal Relationships 100’ Beyond Language (Levine.1982:67)

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Cross Culture Understanding Syllabus


and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

5 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

Students are able to understand Personal Relationships

Discussion about Personal Relationships

Personal Relationships 100’ Beyond Language (Levine.1982:67)

6 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

Students are able to understand Family Values

Discussion about Family Values

Family Values 100’ Beyond Language (Levine.1982:89)

7 Students are able and comprehend to improve their

Students are able to understand Family Values

Discussion about Family Values

Family Values 100’ Beyond Language (Levine.1982:89)

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Cross Culture Understanding Syllabus


awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.


9 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

Students are able to understand Educational Attitudes

Discussion about Educational Attitudes

Educational Attitudes 100’ Beyond Language (Levine.1982:109)

10 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal

Students are able to understand Educational Attitudes

Discussion about Educational Attitudes

Educational Attitudes 100’ Beyond Language (Levine.1982:109)

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Cross Culture Understanding Syllabus


relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

11 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

Students are able to understand Work Values

Discussion about Work Values

Work Values 100’ Beyond Language (Levine.1982:131)

12 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

Students are able to understand Time and Space Patterns

Discussion about Time and Space Patterns

Time and Space Patterns 100’ Beyond Language (Levine.1982:1153)

13 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship

Students are able to understand Cultural Conflict

Discussion about Cultural Conflict

Cultural Conflict 100’ Beyond Language (Levine.1982:177)

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Cross Culture Understanding Syllabus


between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

14 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

Students are able to understand Cultural Conflict

Discussion about Cultural Conflict

Cultural Conflict 100’ Beyond Language (Levine.1982:177)

15 Students are able and comprehend to improve their awareness of the close relationship between language and culture: essential parts of culture, verbal pattern, personal relationship, family and work values, cultural and cultural adjustment.

Students are able to understand Cultural Adjustment

Discussion about Cultural Adjustment

Cultural Adjustment 100’ Beyond Language (Levine.1982:195)


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Cross Culture Understanding Syllabus


Refference: Compulsory : Levine, Deena R.1982.Beyond Language.New Jersey:Prentice Hall. Sumplementary: 1. Genzel, Rhona B. And Cummings, Martha Graves. 1994. Culturally Speaking. Boston: Heinle&Heinle. 2. Levine, Deena R. and Adelman, Mara B. 1993.Beyond Language Cross Cultural Communication. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Regents. 3. Zanger, Virginia Vogel. 1993. Face to Face: Communication, Culture, and Collaboration. Boston: Heinle&Heinle.