senarai kaunter patuh syariah di bskl

30 Mei 2008 List of Shariah-Compliant Securities by the Shariah Advisory Council of the Securities Commission Senarai Sekuriti Patuh Syariah oleh Majlis Penasihat Syariah Suruhanjaya Sekuriti

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Page 1: Senarai Kaunter Patuh Syariah Di BSKL

30 Mei 2008

List of Shariah-Compliant Securitiesby the Shariah Advisory Councilof the Securities Commission

Senarai Sekuriti Patuh Syariah oleh Majlis Penasihat Syariah Suruhanjaya Sekuriti

Page 2: Senarai Kaunter Patuh Syariah Di BSKL


Penolak Tuntutan

Buku kecil ini bukan merupakan satu syor untuk membeli atau menjual sekuriti yang diklasifikasikansebagai sekuriti patuh Syariah oleh Majlis Penasihat Syariah Suruhanjaya Sekuriti. Tujuannya hanyalahuntuk memberikan penerangan am. Buku ini tidak mengandungi nasihat atau maklumat yangmenyeluruh berkaitan dengan perkara yang dibincangkan. Ia tidak seharusnya digunakan sebagaipengganti kepada nasihat perundangan atau pelaburan. Sekiranya terdapat sebarang kemusykilan,anda disyorkan supaya mendapatkan nasihat profesional.

Walaupun segala usaha telah diambil dalam memastikan ketepatan kandungan buku kecil ini, pihakSuruhanjaya Sekuriti tidak akan dipertanggungjawab bagi mana-mana maklumat yang tidak tepatatau tidak lengkap.

Senarai sekuriti patuh Syariah oleh Majlis Penasihat Syariah Suruhanjaya Sekuriti akan dikemas kinidan diumumkan kepada orang ramai oleh Suruhanjaya Sekuriti.

Senarai SekuritiPatuh Syariah oleh

Majlis Penasihat SyariahSuruhanjaya Sekuriti

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Majlis Penasihat Syariah (MPS) Suruhanjaya Sekuriti (SC) telah meluluskan senarai terkinisekuriti yang diklasifikasikan sebagai sekuriti patuh Syariah. Senarai sekuriti patuhSyariah, iaitu yang tersenarai di Bursa Malaysia, berkuat kuasa mulai 30 Mei 2008.

Dua puluh tiga sekuriti yang baru diklasifikasikan oleh MPS sebagai sekuriti patuhSyariah telah dimasukkan dalam senarai tersebut (Jadual 1). Dua belas sekuriti yangberada dalam senarai sebelum ini telah dikeluarkan (Jadual 2). Senarai lengkap 843sekuriti patuh Syariah serta pecahan sekuriti ini berdasarkan sektor adalah seperti diLampiran.

Jadual 1Sekuriti yang baru diklasifikasikan sebagai sekuriti patuh Syariah

Bil. Kod Nama sekuritistok

* Sekuriti syarikat-syarikat ini telah diklasifikasikan sebagai patuh Syariah di peringkat IPO.

13. 3808 Mechmar Corporation Bhd

14. 8389 Metacorp Bhd

15. 7247 SCGM Bhd*

16. 7246 Signature International Bhd*

17. 7248 SLP Resources Bhd

18. 6289 Sunway City Bhd

19. 0145 TFP Solutions Bhd

20. 6888 TM International Bhd*

21. 5140 Trans-Asia Shipping

Corporation Bhd

22. 7245 Weng Zheng Resources Bhd

23. 0141 Winsun Technologies Bhd

Bil. Kod Nama sekuriti stok

1. 7243 Bio Osmo Bhd

2. 5141 Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd

3. 6815 EUPE Corporation Bhd

4. 7249 Ewein Bhd

5. 8281 Golden Frontier Bhd

6. 5168 Hartalega Holdings Bhd

7. 0146 JF Technology Bhd

8. 0143 Key Asic Bhd*

9. 7017 Komarkcorp Bhd

10. 2011 Lingui Development Bhd

11. 3581 Lion Corporation Bhd

12. 7087 Magni-Tech Industries Bhd

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Dalam mengklasifikasikan sekuriti ini, MPS menerima input dan sokongan daripadaSC. Pihak SC mengumpulkan maklumat syarikat melalui pelbagai sumber sepertilaporan kewangan tahunan syarikat, maklum balas kepada borang kaji selidik yangdikeluarkan untuk mendapatkan maklumat terperinci dan juga melalui pertanyaanyang dibuat kepada pihak pengurusan syarikat berkenaan. SC melalui MPS akansentiasa mengawasi aktiviti semua syarikat yang tersenarai di Bursa Malaysia untukmenentukan statusnya daripada perspektif Syariah.

MPS telah menggunakan beberapa kriteria tertentu iaitu kajian ditumpukan kepadaaktiviti sesebuah syarikat yang sekuritinya tersenarai di Bursa Malaysia. Oleh yangdemikian, tertakluk kepada beberapa syarat yang telah ditetapkan, syarikat yangmenjalankan aktiviti selaras dengan prinsip Syariah akan diklasifikasikan sebagai sekuritipatuh Syariah. Sebaliknya, sesebuah syarikat diklasifikasikan sebagai sekuriti yang tidakpatuh Syariah sekiranya syarikat menjalankan aktiviti teras yang tidak selaras denganSyariah seperti yang berikut:

(a) Perkhidmatan kewangan yang berteraskan riba (faedah);

(b) Perjudian dan pertaruhan;

(c) Pengeluaran atau penjualan barangan yang tidak halal atau barangan yangberkaitan;

(d) Insurans konvensional;

(e) Aktiviti hiburan yang tidak selaras dengan Syariah;

1. 8516 Aliran Ihsan Resources Bhd

2. 5355 Daiman Development Bhd

3. 1147 Equine Capital Bhd

4. 3298 Hexza Corporation Bhd

5. 2186 Kuchai Development Bhd

6. 3174 Land & General Bhd

Jadual 2Sekuriti yang baru diklasifikasikan sebagai sekuriti tidak patuh Syariah

Bil. Kod Nama sekuriti stok

Bil. Kod Nama sekuriti stok

7. 6114 Metro Kajang Holdings Bhd

8. 4103 Pan Malaysian Industries Bhd

9. 8613 Perduren (M) Bhd

10. 9865 Suiwah Corporation Bhd

11. 4308 Sunway Holdings Bhd

12. 7692 Widetech (M) Bhd

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(f) Pengeluaran atau penjualan barangan yang berasaskan tembakau atau baranganyang berkaitan;

(g) Pembrokeran atau jual beli sekuriti tidak patuh Syariah; dan

(h) Aktiviti lain yang didapati tidak selaras dengan Syariah.

MPS juga mengambil kira tahap sumbangan daripada pendapatan faedah yangdiperoleh syarikat hasil daripada simpanan tetap konvensional atau instrumenkewangan konvensional yang lain. Selain itu, dividen yang diterima daripada pelaburandalam sekuriti tidak patuh Syariah juga diambil kira dalam kajian yang dijalankan olehMPS.

Bagi syarikat yang menjalankan aktiviti bercampur di antara aktiviti yang selaras dantidak selaras dengan Syariah, MPS mempertimbangkan dua kriteria tambahan iaitu :

(a) pandangan masyarakat umum tentang imej syarikat berkenaan mestilah baik;dan

(b) aktiviti teras syarikat mempunyai kepentingan dan maslahah (kebaikan secaraumum) kepada umat Islam dan negara manakala unsur yang tidak selaras denganSyariah adalah amat kecil dan melibatkan perkara ‘umum balwa (perkaraterlarang yang sukar dielakkan), ‘uruf (amalan kebiasaan) dan hak-hakmasyarakat bukan Islam yang diperakui oleh Islam.

Untuk penentuan percampuran sumbangan yang dibolehkan daripada aktiviti yangselaras dan tidak selaras dengan Syariah kepada perolehan dan keuntungan sebelumcukai sesebuah syarikat, MPS telah menetapkan beberapa tanda aras tertentu mengikutijtihad (proses mengeluarkan pendapat daripada sumber Syariah oleh ulama’ yanglayak). Sekiranya sumbangan daripada aktiviti yang tidak selaras melebihi tanda arasyang telah ditetapkan, maka sekuriti syarikat tersebut akan diklasifikasikan sebagaisekuriti tidak patuh Syariah. Tanda aras tersebut adalah seperti yang berikut:

(a) Tanda aras lima peratus

Tanda aras ini digunakan bagi mengukur tahap percampuran sumbangan aktivitiyang jelas keharamannya (tidak selaras dengan Syariah) seperti riba (syarikatberasaskan faedah seperti bank konvensional), judi, minuman keras dan dagingbabi.

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(b) Tanda aras 10 peratus

Tanda aras ini digunakan bagi mengukur tahap percampuran sumbangan aktivitiyang melibatkan unsur “umum balwa” iaitu perkara terlarang yang melibatkankebanyakan orang dan sukar untuk dielakkan. Contoh sumbangan tersebutadalah pendapatan faedah daripada simpanan tetap dalam bank konvensional.Tanda aras ini juga digunakan bagi aktiviti yang melibatkan tembakau.

(c) Tanda aras 20 peratus

Tanda aras ini digunakan bagi mengukur tahap percampuran sumbanganterimaan sewaan daripada aktiviti tidak patuh Syariah seperti terimaan sewaanpremis yang menjalankan aktiviti perjudian, jualan arak dan sebagainya.

(d) Tanda aras 25 peratus

Tanda aras ini digunakan bagi mengukur tahap percampuran sumbangan aktivitiyang secara umumnya selaras dengan Syariah dan mempunyai maslahah kepadamasyarakat awam, namun terdapat unsur lain yang boleh menjejaskan statusSyariah aktiviti berkenaan. Antara aktiviti yang mempunyai tanda aras ini ialahaktiviti pengoperasian hotel dan pusat peranginan, perniagaan saham,pembrokeran dan sebagainya kerana aktiviti tersebut berkemungkinanmelibatkan aktiviti lain yang tidak selaras dengan Syariah.

Sekuriti patuh Syariah ini termasuk saham biasa, waran dan hak langganan bolehpindah (TSR). Ini bermakna waran dan TSR diklasifikasikan sebagai sekuriti patuh Syariahdengan syarat saham pendasar kedua-duanya merupakan sekuriti patuh Syariah. Walaubagaimanapun, stok pinjaman dan bon ialah sekuriti tidak patuh Syariah melainkanterbitannya berpandukan prinsip Syariah.

Sebagai panduan kepada pelabur, MPS ingin menasihatkan para pelabur mengenaimasa yang sesuai untuk melupuskan sekuriti tidak patuh Syariah.

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(i) “Sekuriti patuh Syariah” yang kemudiannya bertukar status kepada“tidak patuh Syariah”

Ini merujuk kepada sekuriti yang sebelum ini diklasifikasikan sebagai sekuritipatuh Syariah tetapi oleh kerana beberapa alasan, seperti pertukaran dalamoperasi syarikat, kemudiannya diklasifikasikan sebagai tidak patuh Syariah. Olehyang demikian, sekiranya pada tarikh senarai terkini ini berkuat kuasa (30 Mei2008), nilai sekuriti yang dipegang melebihi kos pembelian asal; pelabur yangmemegang sekuriti tidak patuh Syariah itu mesti melupuskannya. Sebarangkeuntungan modal yang diperoleh daripada pelupusan sekuriti tidak patuhSyariah pada masa pengumuman dibuat boleh diambil oleh pelabur. Walaubagaimanapun, sebarang lebihan keuntungan modal yang diperoleh daripadapenjualan selepas hari pengumuman pada harga pasaran yang lebih tinggidaripada harga penutup pada hari pengumuman, hendaklah disalurkan kepadabadan kebajikan.

Sebaliknya, pelabur dibenarkan untuk memegang pelaburan mereka dalamsekuriti tidak patuh Syariah sekiranya harga pasaran sekuriti tersebut adalahbawah kos pembelian asal. Dalam tempoh pegangan itu, pelabur jugadibenarkan untuk menerima dividen sehingga jumlah keseluruhan dividen yangditerima dan nilai pasaran sekuriti tidak patuh Syariah tersebut menyamai kospembelian asal. Pada ketika itu, pelabur dinasihatkan untuk melupuskan sekurititersebut.

Di samping itu, dalam tempoh pegangan itu, pelabur juga dibenarkan untukmelanggan:

(a) sebarang terbitan sekuriti baru oleh syarikat tidak patuh Syariah yangdipegang oleh pelabur, contohnya terbitan hak, terbitan bonus, terbitankhas dan waran [tidak termasuk sekuriti tidak patuh Syariah seperti stokpinjaman tak bercagar boleh tukar tak boleh tebus (ICULS)]; dan

(b) sekuriti syarikat lain yang ditawarkan oleh syarikat yang mana sekurititidak patuh Syariah dipegang oleh pelabur,

dengan syarat mereka menyegerakan proses pelupusan sekuriti tidak patuhSyariah. Bagi sekuriti syarikat lain [seperti yang dinyatakan dalam (b) di atas],sekuriti tersebut mestilah sekuriti patuh Syariah.

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(ii) Sekuriti tidak patuh Syariah

MPS menasihatkan pelabur yang melabur berpandukan prinsip Syariah supayamelupuskan sekuriti tidak patuh Syariah yang dipegang sekarang, dalam tempohtidak melebihi satu bulan selepas mengetahui status sekuriti tersebut. Sebarangkeuntungan dalam bentuk keuntungan modal atau dividen yang diperoleh ketikaatau selepas pelupusan sekuriti berkenaan hendaklah disalurkan kepada badankebajikan. Pelabur hanya berhak untuk memperoleh kembali kos pembelianasal sahaja.

Perhatian : Kos pembelian asal termasuk kos pembrokeran atau kos transaksi yang berkaitan.

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1 Setakat 22 Mei 2008.

Papan Utama/Papan Kedua/Pasaran MESDAQ

Barangan Pengguna

Barangan Industri










Dana Tertutup


Sekuriti patuh Syariah














Jumlah sekuriti1














Peratus sekuritipatuh Syariah














Jadual 3Sekuriti patuh Syariah di Bursa Malaysia

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List of Shariah-compliantSecurities by the

Shariah Advisory Councilof the Securities Commission


This document does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell the listed approved securitiesby the Securities Commission’s Shariah Advisory Council. It is intended solely for your generalinformation. It does not claim to contain all advice or information on the subject matter, nor is it asubstitute for legal or investment advice. If in doubt, you are strongly recommended to seek professionaladvice.

While care has been taken in the preparation of this booklet, the Securities Commission shall not beliable for any inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information contained in this booklet.

This list of Shariah-compliant securities approved by the Shariah Advisory Council of the SecuritiesCommission will be updated and made known to the public by the Securities Commission.

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Table 1Newly classified Shariah-compliant securities

The Shariah Advisory Council (SAC) of the Securities Commission (SC) has approvedan updated list of securities, which have been classified as Shariah-compliant securities.The list of Shariah-compliant securities which are listed on Bursa Malaysia, will takeeffect from 30 May 2008.

Twenty three securities, newly classified by the SAC as Shariah-compliant securities,have been added to the list (Table 1). Twelve securities which were in the previous listhave been excluded (Table 2). The complete list of the 843 Shariah-compliant securities,as well as a breakdown of these securities according to sector, is provided in theAppendix.

1. 7243 Bio Osmo Bhd

2. 5141 Dayang Enterprise Holdings Bhd

3. 6815 EUPE Corporation Bhd

4. 7249 Ewein Bhd

5. 8281 Golden Frontier Bhd

6. 5168 Hartalega Holdings Bhd

7. 0146 JF Technology Bhd

8. 0143 Key Asic Bhd*

9. 7017 Komarkcorp Bhd

10. 2011 Lingui Development Bhd

11. 3581 Lion Corporation Bhd

12. 7087 Magni-Tech Industries Bhd

No. Stock Name of securities code

No. Stock Name of securities code

13. 3808 Mechmar Corporation Bhd

14. 8389 Metacorp Bhd

15. 7247 SCGM Bhd*

16. 7246 Signature International Bhd*

17. 7248 SLP Resources Bhd

18. 6289 Sunway City Bhd

19. 0145 TFP Solutions Bhd

20. 6888 TM International Bhd*

21. 5140 Trans-Asia Shipping

Corporation Bhd

22. 7245 Weng Zheng Resources Bhd

23. 0141 Winsun Technologies Bhd

* The securities of these companies have been classified as Shariah compliant at IPO stage.

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Table 2Newly classified Shariah non-compliant securities

1. 8516 Aliran Ihsan Resources Bhd

2. 5355 Daiman Development Bhd

3. 1147 Equine Capital Bhd

4. 3298 Hexza Corporation Bhd

5. 2186 Kuchai Development Bhd

6. 3174 Land & General Bhd

No. Stock Name of securities code

No. Stock Name of securities code

7. 6114 Metro Kajang Holdings Bhd

8. 4103 Pan Malaysian Industries Bhd

9. 8613 Perduren (M) Bhd

10. 9865 Suiwah Corporation Bhd

11. 4308 Sunway Holdings Bhd

12. 7692 Widetech (M) Bhd

In classifying these securities, the SAC received input and support from the SC. The SCgathered information on the companies from various sources, such as company annualfinancial reports, company responses to survey forms and through inquiries made tothe respective company’s management. The SC, through the SAC, continues to monitorthe activities of all companies listed on Bursa Malaysia to determine their status fromthe Shariah perspective.

The SAC has applied a standard criterion in focusing on the activities of the companieslisted on Bursa Malaysia. As such, subject to certain conditions, companies whoseactivities are not contrary to the Shariah principles will be classified as Shariah-compliantsecurities. On the other hand, companies will be classified as Shariah non-compliantsecurities if they are involved in the following core activities:

(a) Financial services based on riba (interest);

(b) Gambling and gaming;

(c) Manufacture or sale of non-halal products or related products;

(d) Conventional insurance;

(e) Entertainment activities that are non-permissible according to Shariah;

(f) Manufacture or sale of tobacco-based products or related products;

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(g) Stockbroking or share trading in Shariah non-compliant securities; and

(h) Other activities deemed non-permissible according to Shariah.

The SAC also takes into account the level of contribution of interest income receivedby the company from conventional fixed deposits or other interest bearing financialinstruments. In addition, dividends received from investment in Shariah non-compliantsecurities are also considered in the analysis carried out by the SAC.

For companies with activities comprising both permissible and non-permissibleelements, the SAC considers two additional criteria:

(a) The public perception or image of the company must be good; and

(b) The core activities of the company are important and considered maslahah(‘benefit’ in general) to the Muslim ummah (nation) and the country, and thenon-permissible element is very small and involves matters such as ̀ umum balwa(common plight and difficult to avoid), `uruf (custom) and the rights of thenon-Muslim community which are accepted by Islam.

To determine the tolerable level of mixed contributions from permissible and non-permissible activities towards turnover and profit before tax of a company, the SAChas established several benchmarks based on ijtihad (reasoning from the source ofShariah by qualified Shariah scholars). If the contributions from non-permissible activitiesexceed the benchmark, the securities of the company will be classified as Shariahnon-compliant. The benchmarks are:

(a) The five-percent benchmark

This benchmark is used to assess the level of mixed contributions from theactivities that are clearly prohibited such as riba (interest-based companies likeconventional banks), gambling, liquor and pork.

(b) The 10-percent benchmark

This benchmark is used to assess the level of mixed contributions from theactivities that involve the element of “umum balwa” which is a prohibitedelement affecting most people and difficult to avoid. An example of such acontribution is the interest income from fixed deposits in conventional banks.This benchmark is also used for tobacco-related activities.

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(c) The 20-percent benchmark

This benchmark is used to asses the level of contribution from mixed rentalpayment from Shariah non-compliant activities such as the rental payment fromthe premise that involved in gambling, sale of liquor etc.

(d) The 25-percent benchmark

This benchmark is used to assess the level of mixed contributions from theactivities that are generally permissible according to Shariah and have an elementof maslahah to the public, but there are other elements that may affect theShariah status of these activities. Among the activities that belong to thisbenchmark are hotel and resort operations, share trading, stockbroking andothers, as these activities may also involve other activities that are deemed non-permissible according to the Shariah.

Shariah-compliant securities include ordinary shares, warrants and transferablesubscription rights (TSRs). This means that warrants and TSRs are classified as Shariah-compliant securities provided the underlying shares are also Shariah-compliant. Onthe other hand, loan stocks and bonds are Shariah non-compliant securities unlessthey are issued based on Shariah principles.

As a guide to investors, the SAC would like to advise investors on the timing for thedisposal of securities which have been classified as Shariah non-compliant.

(i) “Shariah-compliant securities” which are subsequently considered“Shariah non-compliant”

This refers to those securities which were earlier classified as Shariah-compliantsecurities but due to certain reasons, such as changes in the companies’operations, are subsequently considered Shariah non-compliant. In this regard,if on the date this updated list takes effect (30 May 2008), the value of thesecurities held exceeds the original investment cost; investors who hold suchShariah non-compliant securities must liquidate them. Any capital gains arisingfrom the disposal of the Shariah non-compliant securities made at the time ofthe announcement can be kept by the investors. However, any excess capitalgains derived from the disposal after the announcement day at a market pricethat is higher than the closing price on the announcement day should bechannelled to charitable bodies.

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On the other hand, investors are allowed to hold their investment in the Shariahnon-compliant securities if the market price of the said securities is below theoriginal investment costs. It is also permissible for the investors to keep thedividends received during the holding period until such time whenthe total amount of dividends received and the market value of the Shariahnon-compliant securities held equal the original investment cost. At this stage,they are advised to dispose of their holding.

In addition, during the holding period, investors are allowed to subscribe to:

(a) any issue of new securities by a company whose Shariah non-compliantsecurities are held by investors, for example rights issues, bonus issues,special issues and warrants [excluding securities whose nature is Shariahnon-compliant e.g. irredeemable convertible unsecured loan stock(ICULS)]; and

(b) securities of other companies offered by the company whose Shariahnon-compliant securities are held by the investors,

on condition that they expedite the disposal of the Shariah non-compliantsecurities. For securities of other companies [as stated in (b) above], they mustbe Shariah-compliant securities.

(ii) Shariah non-compliant securities

The SAC advises investors who invest based on Shariah principles to dispose ofany Shariah non-compliant securities which they presently hold, within a monthof knowing the status of the securities. Any gain made in the form of capitalgain or dividend received during or after the disposal of the securities has to bechannelled to charitable bodies. The investor has a right to retain only the originalinvestment cost.

Note: Original investment cost may include brokerage cost or other related transaction cost.

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Main Board/Second Board/MESDAQ Market

Consumer Products

Industrial Products







Infrastructure (IPC)



Closed-end Fund
















Total securities1














Percentage ofShariah-compliant















1 As at 22 May 2008.

Table 3Shariah-compliant securities on Bursa Malaysia

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15. 2976 DNP Holdings Bhd

16. 7198 DPS Resources Bhd

17. 3026 Dutch Lady Milk Industries(Malaya) Bhd

18. 5074 DXN Holdings Bhd

19. 5091 Ekowood InternationalBhd

20. 7125 Emivest Bhd

21. 7149 Eng Kah Corporation Bhd

22. 9172 Formosa ProsonicIndustries Bhd

23. 5649 Golden Pharos Bhd

24. 5102 Guan Chong Bhd

25. 4294 Halifax Capital Bhd

26. 3301 Hong Leong IndustriesBhd

27. 7213 Hovid Bhd

28. 5024 Hup Seng Industries Bhd

29. 5058 Hytex Integrated Bhd

30. 5107 IQ Group Holdings Bhd

31. 7152 Jaycorp Bhd

32. 8931 Jerasia Capital Bhd



No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 7120 Acoustech Bhd

2. 2658 Ajinomoto (M) Bhd

3. 7090 Apex Healthcare Bhd

4. 6432 Apollo Food Holdings Bhd

5. 7129 Asia File Corporation Bhd

6. 5039 Baneng Holdings Bhd

7. 9288 Bonia Corporation Bhd

8. 2828 C. I. Holdings Bhd

9. 7174 CAB Cakaran CorporationBhd

10. 7148 CCM Duopharma BiotechBhd

11. 7202 Classic Scenic Bhd

12. 7205 Cocoaland Holdings Bhd

13. 2925 Cycle & Carriage BintangBhd

14. 7119 DeGem Bhd

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33. 8532 John Master IndustriesBhd

34. 7182 KBB Resources Bhd

35. 7030 Kenmark Industrial Co.(M) Bhd

36. 6203 Khee San Bhd

37. 7151 Kimble Corporation Bhd

38. 0002 Kotra Industries Bhd

39. 7006 Latitude Tree HoldingsBhd

40. 4839 Leong Hup Holdings Bhd

41. 7089 Lii Hen Industries Bhd

42. 2887 Lion Diversified HoldingsBhd

43. 7126 London Biscuits Bhd

44. 3662 Malayan Flour Mills Bhd

45. 5282 Mamee-Double Decker(M) Bhd

46. 9733 Maxbiz CorporationBhd

47. 5886 Mintye Industries Bhd

48. 3921 MWE Holdings Bhd

49. 4707 Nestle (Malaysia) Bhd

50. 7060 New Hoong Fatt HoldingsBhd

51. 5017 Nikko Electronics Bhd

52. 5066 NTPM Holdings Bhd

53. 7107 Oriental Food IndustriesHoldings Bhd

54. 4006 Oriental Holdings Bhd

55. 7052 Padini Holdings Bhd

56. 3719 Panasonic ManufacturingMalaysia Bhd

57. 6068 PCCS Group Bhd

58. 5231 Pelikan InternationalCorporation Bhd

59. 7088 Poh Huat ResourcesHoldings Bhd

60. 5080 Poh Kong Holdings Bhd

61. 4065 PPB Group Bhd

62. 2895 Putera Capital Bhd

63. 7134 PW Consolidated Bhd

64. 7084 QL Resources Bhd

65. 7184 Sequoia Holdings Bhd

66. 7180 Sern Kou Resources Bhd

67. 7136 Silver Bird Group Bhd

68. 4316 Sin Heng Chan (Malaya)Bhd

69. 7200 Tek Seng Holdings Bhd

70. 7230 Tomei Consolidated Bhd

71. 4421 Tradewinds (M) Bhd

72. 4588 UMW Holdings Bhd

73. 7757 UPA Corporation Bhd

74. 7121 Xian Leng Holdings Bhd

75. 7178 Y.S.P. Southeast AsiaHolding Bhd

76. 5584 Yee Lee Corporation Bhd

77. 4642 Yeo Hiap Seng (M) Bhd

78. 5131 Zhulian Corporation Bhd

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21. 5797 Choo Bee Metal IndustriesBhd

22. 5071 Coastal Contracts Bhd

23. 5082 Cymao Holdings Bhd

24. 8125 Daibochi Plastic AndPackaging Industry Bhd

25. 6505 Delloyd Ventures Bhd

26. 5086 DK Leather CorporationBhd

27. 5835 Dolomite Corporation Bhd

28. 7169 Dominant Enterprise Bhd

29. 9016 Eksons Corporation Bhd

30. 7166 Englotechs Holding Bhd

31. 7217 Eonmetall Group Bhd

32. 7773 EP Manufacturing Bhd

33. 3042 Esso Malaysia Bhd

34. 5101 Evergreen Fibreboard Bhd

35. 7552 Evermaster Group Bhd

36. 2984 FACB IndustriesIncorporated Bhd

37. 7229 Favelle Favco Bhd

38. 2755 FCW Holdings Bhd

39. 3611 Goh Ban Huat Bhd

40. 2135 Gopeng Bhd

41. 3247 GUH Holdings Bhd

42. 5168 Hartalega Holdings Bhd

43. 5095 Heveaboard Bhd

44. 5072 Hiap Teck Venture Bhd

45. 8443 HIL Industries Bhd

46. 9644 Hirotako Holdings Bhd


No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 7191 Adventa Bhd

2. 7609 Ajiya Bhd

3. 2674 Aluminium Company ofMalaysia Bhd

4. 2682 Amalgamated IndustrialSteel Bhd

5. 4758 Ancom Bhd

6. 6556 Ann Joo Resources Bhd

7. 5568 APB Resources Bhd

8. 5479 APL Industries Bhd

9. 5015 APM AutomotiveHoldings Bhd

10. 7162 Astino Bhd

11. 7187 Boon Koon Group Bhd

12. 8133 Boustead Heavy Ind Bhd

13. 5100 BP Plastics Holding Bhd

14. 7135 BSA International Bhd

15. 5105 Can-One Bhd

16. 7076 CB Industrial ProductHolding Bhd

17. 2844 Cement Industries ofMalaysia Bhd

18. 7171 Century Bond Bhd

19. 2879 Chemical Company ofMalaysia Bhd

20. 5007 Chin Well Holdings Bhd

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47. 3328 Hume Industries(Malaysia) Bhd

48. 6829 Industrial ConcreteProducts Bhd

49. 7112 Ingress Corporation Bhd

50. 2127 Integrated RubberCorporation Bhd

51. 7223 Jadi Imaging Holdings Bhd

52. 2747 Java Incorporated Bhd

53. 4383 Jaya Tiasa Holdings Bhd

54. 7167 Johore Tin Bhd

55. 3476 Keck Seng (M) Bhd

56. 6211 Kia Lim Bhd

57. 5371 Kim Hin Industry Bhd

58. 5060 Kinsteel Bhd

59. 9466 KKB Engineering Bhd

60. 7164 KNM Group Bhd

61. 7153 Kossan Rubber IndustriesBhd

62. 8362 KYM Holdings Bhd

63. 3794 Lafarge Malayan CementBhd

64. 9326 LB Aluminium Bhd

65. 5092 LCTH Corporation Bhd

66. 9881 Leader Steel Holdings Bhd

67. 4529 Leader Universal HoldingsBhd

68. 8745 Leweko Resources Bhd

69. 9504 Linear Corporation Bhd

70. 2011 Lingui Development Bhd

71. 3581 Lion Corporation Bhd

72. 4235 Lion IndustriesCorporation Bhd

73. 5068 Luster Industries Bhd

74. 7087 Magni-Tech Industries Bhd

75. 3743 Malaysia Aica Bhd

76. 5916 Malaysia SmeltingCorporation Bhd

77. 5098 Malaysia Steel Works (KL)Bhd

78. 7075 Malaysian Ae ModelsHoldings Bhd

79. 9202 Maxtral Industry Bhd

80. 3778 Melewar Industrial GroupBhd

81. 5223 Mentiga Corporation Bhd

82. 6149 Metrod (M) Bhd

83. 5001 Mieco Chipboard Bhd

84. 5576 Minho (M) Bhd

85. 3883 Muda Holdings Bhd

86. 5087 Mycron Steel Bhd

87. 5000 Narra Industries Bhd

88. 5025 NWP Holdings Bhd

89. 4944 Nylex (M) Bhd

90. 7109 Octagon ConsolidatedBhd

91. 7140 OKA Corporation Bhd

92. 5065 Ornapaper Bhd

93. 5094 Ornasteel Holdings Bhd

94. 7225 P.A Resources Bhd

95. 7095 P.I.E. Industrial Bhd

96. 4081 Pan Malaysia CorporationBhd

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97. 5022 Paos Holdings Bhd

98. 5436 Perusahaan Sadur TimahM’sia (PERSTIMA) Bhd

99. 6033 Petronas Gas Bhd

100. 6637 PNE PCB Bhd

101. 7175 Poly Tower Ventures Bhd

102. 8869 Press Metal Bhd

103. 9873 Prestar Resources Bhd

104. 7123 Priceworth WoodProducts Bhd

105. 7803 Rubberex Corporation (M)Bhd

106. 9113 Sanbumi Holdings Bhd

107. 7811 Sapura Industrial Bhd

108. 4731 Scientex Bhd

109. 7158 Scomi Group Bhd

110. 7131 SDKM Fibres, Wires &Cable Bhd

111. 4286 Seal Incorporated Bhd

112. 4324 Shell Refining Company(F.O.M.) Bhd

113. 2739 Sino Hua-An InternationalBhd

114. 6262 Sinora Industries (M) Bhd

115. 4359 Sitt Tatt Bhd

116. 7155 SKP Resources Bhd

117. 5134 Southern Acids (M) Bhd

118. 5665 Southern Steel Bhd

119. 6904 Subur Tiasa Holdings Bhd

120. 7207 Success TransformerCorporation Bhd

121. 7106 Supermax CorporationBhd

122. 5012 Ta Ann Holdings Bhd

123. 4448 Tasek Corporation Bhd

124. 6378 Tekala Corporation Bhd

125. 8257 Tenggara Oil Bhd

126. 7034 Thong Guan IndustriesBhd

127. 5103 Titan Chemical Corp. Bhd

128. 5010 Tong Her Resources Bhd

129. 7113 Top Glove CorporationBhd

130. 4537 UAC Bhd

131. 7100 Uchi Technologies Bhd

132. 7133 United U-Li CorporationBhd

133. 6963 V.S. Industry Bhd

134. 5142 Wah Seong CorporationBhd

135. 7111 Weida (M) Bhd

136. 7231 Wellcall Holdings Bhd

137. 5009 White Horse Bhd

138. 4022 Wijaya Baru Global Bhd

139. 4243 WTK Holdings Bhd

140. 7463 Ye Chiu Metal SmeltingBhd

141. 5048 Yi-Lai Bhd

142. 7014 YLI Holdings Bhd

143. 8737 YTL Cement Bhd

144. 7020 Yung Kong GalvanisingIndustries Bhd

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22. 5085 Mudajaya Group Bhd

23. 5703 Muhibbah Engineering(M) Bhd

24. 4901 Nam Fatt Corporation Bhd

25. 5093 PECD Bhd

26. 4073 Pilecon Engineering Bhd

27. 9598 Pintaras Jaya Bhd

28. 7055 PLB Engineering Bhd

29. 7145 Prinsiptek CorporationBhd

30. 5070 Protasco Bhd

31. 5117 Putrajaya Perdana Bhd

32. 5030 Ranhill Bhd

33. 5207 SBC Corporation Bhd

34. 1813 SPK-Sentosa CorporationBhd

35. 5054 TRC Synergy Bhd

36. 5042 TSR Capital Bhd

37. 4855 UEM Builders Bhd

38. 1775 UEM World Bhd

39. 9679 WCT Engineering Bhd

40. 4677 YTL Corporation Bhd

41. 2283 Zelan Bhd


No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 6599 AEON Co. (M) Bhd

2. 5099 AirAsia Bhd


No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 7078 Ahmad Zaki ResourcesBhd

2. 5932 Bina Puri Holdings Bhd

3. 8761 Brem Holdings Bhd

4. 8591 Crest Builder HoldingsBhd

5. 7528 DKLS Industries Bhd

6. 8877 Ekovest Bhd

7. 9261 Gadang Holdings Bhd

8. 5398 Gamuda Bhd

9. 5169 Ho Hup ConstructionCompany Bhd

10. 6238 Hock Seng Lee Bhd

11. 3336 IJM Corporation Bhd

12. 8834 Ireka Corporation Bhd

13. 5063 Isyoda Corporation Bhd

14. 4723 Jaks Resources Bhd

15. 7323 Ken Holdings Bhd

16. 7706 Loh & Loh CorporationBhd

17. 1651 Malaysian ResourcesCorporation Bhd

18. 5129 Melati Ehsan HoldingsBhd

19. 5006 Merge Energy Bhd

20. 9571 Mitrajaya Holdings Bhd

21. 5924 MTD ACPI EngineeringBhd

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3. 5115 Alam Maritim ResourcesBhd

4. 6351 Amway (Malaysia)Holdings Bhd

5. 7083 Analabs Resources Bhd

6. 5055 Atis Corporation Bhd

7. 6025 Berjaya Media Bhd

8. 6998 Bintai Kinden CorporationBhd

9. 5032 Bintulu Port Holdings Bhd

10. 7209 Cheetah Holdings Bhd

11. 5104 CNI Holdings Bhd

12. 5136 Complete Logistic ServicesBhd

13. 5037 Compugates HoldingsBhd

14. 5141 Dayang EnterpriseHoldings Bhd

15. 5132 Deleum Bhd

16. 7277 Dialog Group Bhd

17. 5908 DKSH Holdings (M) Bhd

18. 8265 Eastern Pacific IndustrialCorporation Bhd

19. 3557 Ecofirst Consolidated Bhd

20. 5036 Edaran Bhd

21. 4774 Edaran Otomobil NasionalBhd

22. 5056 Engtex Group Bhd

23. 5081 Esthetics InternationalGroup Bhd

24. 1368 Faber Group Bhd

25. 6939 Fiamma Holdings Bhd

26. 9318 Fitters Diversified Bhd

27. 7210 Freight ManagementHoldings Bhd

28. 3204 George Kent (Malaysia)Bhd

29. 2062 Harbour-Link Group Bhd

30. 7455 Hexagon Holdings Bhd

31. 5046 Hock Sin Leong GroupBhd

32. 7013 Hubline Bhd

33. 5614 Integrated Logistics GroupBhd

34. 9555 Integrax Bhd

35. 7331 INTI Universal HoldingsBhd

36. 5673 Ipmuda Bhd

37. 0058 JobStreet CorporationBhd

38. 8672 Kamdar Group (M) Bhd

39. 5079 KBES Bhd

40. 5122 Kencana Petroleum Bhd

41. 3492 KFC Holdings (Malaysia)Bhd

42. 5035 Knusford Bhd

43. 6157 Konsortium Logistik Bhd

44. 4847 Konsortium TransnasionalBhd

45. 5878 KPJ Healthcare Bhd

46. 6874 KUB Malaysia Bhd

47. 6491 Kumpulan Fima Bhd

48. 5843 Kumpulan PerangsangSelangor Bhd

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49. 7177 LCL Corporation Bhd

50. 2534 Liqua Health CorporationBhd

51. 8559 M3nergy Bhd

52. 5077 Malaysian Bulk CarriersBhd

53. 7040 Malaysian MerchantMarine Bhd

54. 3514 Marco Holdings Bhd

55. 5983 MBM Resources Bhd

56. 3875 Measat Global Bhd

57. 3808 Mechmar CorporationBhd

58. 5090 Media ChineseInternational Limited

59. 3069 Mega First CorporationBhd

60. 8389 Metacorp Bhd

61. 3816 MISC Bhd

62. 2194 MMC Corporation Bhd

63. 9032 MTD Capital Bhd

64. 9768 MTD Infraperdana Bhd

65. 4464 Naim Indah CorporationBhd

66. 9806 Nationwide ExpressCourier Services Bhd

67. 5509 NCB Holdings Bhd

68. 5533 OCB Bhd

69. 5128 Ogawa World Bhd

70. 3697 Oilcorp Bhd

71. 3549 Opus Group Bhd

72. 6866 Padiberas Nasional Bhd

73. 5125 Pantech Group HoldingsBhd

74. 5657 Parkson Holdings Bhd

75. 5041 PBA Holdings Bhd

76. 6254 PDZ Holdings (M) Bhd

77. 8346 Perak Corporation Bhd

78. 5133 Petra Energy Bhd

79. 7108 Petra Perdana Bhd

80. 5681 Petronas Dagangan Bhd

81. 7081 Pharmaniaga Bhd

82. 7122 PJI Holdings Bhd

83. 5052 PLUS Expressways Bhd

84. 4634 Pos Malaysia Bhd

85. 7201 Progressive ImpactCorporation Bhd

86. 9415 QSR Brands Bhd

87. 8885 Reliance Pacific Bhd

88. 8567 Salcon Bhd

89. 8575 Sapuracrest PetroleumBhd

90. 2356 Sarawak Energy Bhd

91. 7045 Scomi Marine Bhd

92. 9792 SEG International Bhd

93. 4197 Sime Darby Bhd

94. 9989 SRII Bhd

95. 6084 Star Publications (M) Bhd

96. 1201 Sumatec Resources Bhd

97. 6521 Suria Capital HoldingsBhd

98. 5119 Swee Joo Bhd

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99. 0016 Symphony House Bhd

100. 8524 Taliworks Corporation Bhd

101. 7228 Tanjung Offshore Bhd

102. 4863 Telekom Malaysia Bhd

103. 5347 Tenaga Nasional Bhd

104. 8702 Texchem Resources Bhd

105. 3999 The New Straits TimePress (Malaysia) Bhd

106. 5711 The Store CorporationBhd

107. 4456 Time Engineering Bhd

108. 8397 Tiong Nam LogisticsHoldings Bhd

109 6888 TM International Bhd

110. 5140 Trans-Asia ShippingCorporation Bhd

111. 9911 Triumphal Associates Bhd

112. 7091 Unimech Group Bhd

113. 5754 Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd

114. 7150 VADS Bhd

115. 5016 Warisan TC Holdings Bhd


No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 5959 A & M Realty Bhd

2. 5975 Asas Dunia Bhd

3. 4057 Asian Pac Holdings Bhd

4. 1473 Bandar RayaDevelopments Bhd

5. 6602 BCB Bhd

6. 6173 Bina Darulaman Bhd

7. 5057 Binaik Equity Bhd

8. 1538 Bolton Bhd

9. 2046 Boustead Properties Bhd

10. 5738 Country Heights HoldingsBhd

11. 5049 Country View Bhd

12. 6718 Crescendo CorporationBhd

13. 3484 Damansara Realty Bhd

14. 5401 Dijaya Corporation Bhd

15. 3468 E&O PropertyDevelopment Bhd

16. 3417 Eastern & Oriental Bhd

17. 3085 Ekran Bhd

18. 6815 EUPE Corporation Bhd

19. 6041 Farlim Group (M) Bhd

20. 3107 FIMA Corporation Bhd

21. 8206 Focal Aims Holdings Bhd

22. 6335 Fountain ViewDevelopment Bhd

23. 2097 Furqan BusinessOrganisation Bhd

24. 5020 Glomac Bhd

25. 7404 Gold Bridge Engineering& Construction Bhd

26. 9962 Gromutual Bhd

27. 5062 Hua Yang Bhd

28. 5018 Hunza Properties Bhd

29. 5084 Ibraco Bhd

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30. 1635 IOI Properties Bhd

31. 6564 Johor Land Bhd

32. 6769 Keladi Maju Bhd

33. 5089 KLCC Property HoldingsBhd

34. 6653 Krisassets Holdings Bhd

35. 5038 KSL Holdings Bhd

36. 6246 Kumpulan HartanahSelangor Bhd

37. 5789 LBS Bina Group Bhd

38. 8583 Mah Sing Group Bhd

39. 9725 Mahajaya Bhd

40. 8141 Majuperak Holdings Bhd

41. 6548 Malaysia PacificCorporation Bhd

42. 6181 Malton Bhd

43. 1694 Menang Corporation Bhd

44. 5033 Merge Housing Bhd

45. 8893 MK Land Holdings Bhd

46. 3913 MUI Properties Bhd

47. 5043 Mutiara GoodyearDevelopment Bhd

48. 5073 Naim Cendera HoldingsBhd

49. 5827 Oriental Interest Bhd

50. 6661 OSK Property HoldingsBhd

51. 6912 Pasdec Holdings Bhd

52. 2208 Petaling Tin Bhd

53. 5339 PK Resources Bhd

54. 5075 Plenitude Bhd

55. 5215 RB Land Holdings Bhd

56. 4596 Sapura Resources Bhd

57. 2224 Selangor Dredging Bhd

58. 6017 SHL Consolidated Bhd

59. 4375 South Malaysia IndustriesBhd

60. 8664 SP Setia Bhd

61. 6165 Sunrise Bhd

62. 6289 Sunway City Bhd

63. 2305 TAHPS Group Bhd

64. 2259 Talam Corporation Bhd

65. 1589 Tebrau Teguh Bhd

66. 5622 Triplc Bhd

67. 4561 United Malayan Land Bhd

68. 3158 YNH Property Bhd

69. 2577 YTL Land & DevelopmentBhd


No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 2291 Asiatic Development Bhd

2. 7054 Astral Asia Bhd

3. 1899 Batu Kawan Bhd

4. 5069 BLD Plantation Bhd

5. 8982 Cepatwawasan GroupBhd

6. 1929 Chin Teck Plantations Bhd

7. 3948 Dutaland Bhd

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8. 5029 Far East Holdings Bhd

9. 2372 Glenealy Plantations (M)Bhd

10. 5138 Hap Seng PlantationsHoldings Bhd

11. 2216 IJM Plantations Bhd

12. 2607 Inch Kenneth KajangRubber PLC

13. 1961 IOI Corporation Bhd

14. 5027 Kim Loong Resources Bhd

15. 1996 Kretam Holdings Bhd

16. 2445 Kuala Lumpur KepongBhd

17. 2003 Kulim (Malaysia) Bhd

18. 5193 Kurnia Setia Bhd

19. 6572 Kwantas Corporation Bhd

20. 5851 Ladang Perbadanan FimaBhd

21. 5026 MHC Plantations Bhd

22. 1902 Multi Vest Resources Bhd

23. 2038 Negri Sembilan Oil PalmsBhd

24. 5047 NPC Resources Bhd

25. 5113 Rimbunan Sawit Bhd

26. 5126 Sarawak Oil Palms Bhd

27. 5135 Sarawak Plantation Bhd

28. 2054 TDM Bhd

29. 8109 TH Group Bhd

30. 5112 TH Plantations Bhd

31. 2313 The Ayer Molek RubberCompany Bhd

32. 6327 Tradewinds Plantation Bhd

33. 9059 TSH Resources Bhd

34. 5019 Unico-Desa PlantationsBhd

35. 2089 United Plantations Bhd


No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 9547 AIC Corporation Bhd

2. 7068 AKN Technology Bhd

3. 7838 Computer SystemsAdvisers (M) Bhd

4. 7204 D&O Ventures Bhd

5. 8826 Eng Teknologi HoldingsBhd

6. 0021 GHL Systems Bhd

7. 7022 Globetronics TechnologyBhd

8. 0082 Green Packet Bhd

9. 5028 HeiTech Padu Bhd

10. 6971 Kobay Technology Bhd

11. 9075 Lityan Holdings Bhd

12. 9822 LKT Industrial Bhd

13. 3867 Malaysian PacificIndustries Bhd

14. 5011 Mesiniaga Bhd

15. 0043 Metronic Global Bhd

16. 7042 Patimas Computers Bhd

17. 7160 Pentamaster CorporationBhd

18. 5005 Unisem (M) Bhd

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No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 6947 Digi.Com Bhd

2. 6645 Lingkaran Trans KotaHoldings Bhd

3. 6807 Puncak Niaga HoldingsBhd

4. 5050 Ranhill Utilities Bhd

5. 5031 TIME dotCom Bhd

6. 6742 YTL Power InternationalBhd


No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 5258 BIMB Holdings Bhd

2. 1287 Pan Malaysia HoldingsBhd

3. 6139 Syarikat Takaful (M’sia)Bhd



No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 7051 Amtek Holdings Bhd

2. 7165 App Industries Bhd

3. 7156 Baswell Resources Bhd

4. 7243 Bio Osmo Bhd

5. 7193 Biosis Group Bhd

6. 7154 Caely Holdings Bhd

7. 7128 CAM Resources Bhd

8. 7035 CCK ConsolidatedHoldings Bhd

9. 9423 Chee Wah CorporationBhd

10. 7179 DBE Gurney ResourcesBhd

11. 9091 Emico Holdings Bhd

12. 7208 Euro Holdings Bhd

13. 7094 Eurospan Holdings Bhd

14. 9776 Farm’s Best Bhd

15. 8605 Federal Furniture Holdings(M) Bhd

16. 7098 Foremost Holdings Bhd

17. 7722 Hing Yiap KnittingIndustries Bhd

18. 7141 Huat Lai Resources Bhd

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19. 7029 Hunza Consolidation Bhd

20. 8478 Hwa Tai Industries Bhd

21. 7216 Kawan Food Bhd

22. 7062 Khind Holdings Bhd

23. 8303 Kuantan Flour Mills Bhd

24. 9385 Lay Hong Bhd

25. 7943 Len Cheong Holding Bhd

26. 7085 LTKM Bhd

27. 7935 Milux Corporation Bhd

28. 7002 Nakamichi CorporationBhd

29. 7237 Natural Bio Resources Bhd

30. 7215 Ni Hsin Resources Bhd

31. 9407 Paragon Union Bhd

32. 8966 Prolexus Bhd

33. 9946 Rex Industries Bhd

34. 7412 SHH Resources HoldingsBhd

35. 7246 Signature InternationalBhd

36. 7103 Spritzer Bhd

37. 7082 SYF Resources Bhd

38. 7211 Tafi Industries Bhd

39. 7439 Teck Guan Perdana Bhd

40. 9369 Teo Guan Lee CorporationBhd

41. 7176 TPC Plus Bhd

42. 7203 Wang-Zheng Bhd

43. 7139 Yikon Corporation Bhd

44. 7066 Yong Tai Bhd


No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 7061 Abric Bhd

2. 9148 Advanced Packaging Tech(M) Bhd

3. 7146 Ae Multi Holdings Bhd

4. 7116 Aikbee Resources Bhd

5. 7214 A-Rank Bhd

6. 7070 Astral Supreme Bhd

7. 7181 Aturmaju Resources Bhd

8. 7044 Autoair Holdings Bhd

9. 7008 AV Ventures CorporationBhd

10. 7447 Axis Incorporation Bhd

11. 7005 B.I.G Industries Bhd

12. 7221 BSL Corporation Bhd

13. 7188 BTM Resources Bhd

14. 8052 Central IndustrialCorporation Bhd

15. 7027 Changhuat CorporationBhd

16. 7016 Chuan Huat ResourcesBhd

17. 7986 CN Asia Corporation Bhd

18. 7041 CNLT (Far East) Bhd

19. 8044 Computer Forms(Malaysia) Bhd

20. 8435 Concrete EngineeringProducts Bhd

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21. 7157 CYL Corporation Bhd

22. 8176 Denko IndustriesCorporation Bhd

23. 7114 D’nonce Technology Bhd

24. 7233 Dufu Technology Bhd

25. 8907 EG Industries Bhd

26. 7189 Emas Kiara Industries Bhd

27. 7249 Ewein Bhd

28. 7168 Furniweb IndustrialProducts Bhd

29. 7161 Fututech Bhd

30. 7086 Gefung Holdings Bhd

31. 7197 Ge-Shen Corporation Bhd

32. 8281 Golden Frontier Bhd

33. 7192 Goodway IntegratedIndustries Bhd

34. 7096 GPA Holdings Bhd

35. 7676 Gunung Capital Bhd

36. 9342 Harvest Court IndustriesBhd

37. 7919 HPI Resources Bhd

38. 7222 Imaspro Corporation Bhd

39. 7183 Ire-Tex Corporation Bhd

40. 7220 IRM Group Bhd

41. 8648 Jasa Kita Bhd

42. 7043 JMR Conglomeration Bhd

43. 7104 Jotech Holdings Bhd

44. 7092 JPK Holdings Bhd

45. 7199 Kein Hing InternationalBhd

46. 7017 Komarkcorp Bhd

47. 9636 Kosmo TechnologyIndustrial Bhd

48. 7033 Kumpulan H & L High-Tech Bhd

49. 7130 Kumpulan Powernet Bhd

50. 7064 Latexx Partners Bhd

51. 8494 LBI Capital Bhd

52. 8079 Lee Swee Kiat Group Bhd

53. 7194 Limahsoon Bhd

54. 7118 Lipo Corporation Bhd

55. 9199 Lysaght Galvanized SteelBhd

56. 7781 Major Team Holdings Bhd

57. 8192 Mercury Industries Bhd

58. 7059 Metal Reclamation Bhd

59. 9024 Metech Group Bhd

60. 7079 Minply Holdings (M) Bhd

61. 8311 Mithril Bhd

62. 7004 Multi-Code ElectronicsIndustries (M) Bhd

63. 7049 OCI Bhd

64. 9954 Pahanco Corporation Bhd

65. 7190 Pelangi Publishing GroupBhd

66. 9997 Pensonic Holdings Bhd

67. 7080 Permaju Industries Bhd

68. 7163 PJBUMI Bhd

69. 7172 PMB Technology Bhd

70. 8117 Poly Glass Fibre (M) Bhd

71. 9458 Premium Nutrients Bhd

72. 8273 Public Packages HoldingBhd

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73. 7544 Quality Concrete HoldingsBhd

74. 7498 Ralco Corporation Bhd

75. 7765 Rapid Synergy Bhd

76. 7232 Resintech Bhd

77. 8087 Rock Chemical Industries(Malaysia) Bhd

78. 9237 Sarawak ConcreteIndustries Bhd

79. 7239 Scanwolf Corporation Bhd

80. 7247 SCGM Bhd

81. 7366 Scomi Engineering Bhd

82. 7073 Seacera Tiles Bhd

83. 7115 SKB Shutters CorporationBhd

84. 7248 SLP Resources Bhd

85. 7132 SMIS Corporation Bhd

86. 7099 SMPC Corporation Bhd

87. 7143 Stone Master CorporationBhd

88. 9741 STS Technic Bhd

89. 7358 Sunchirin Industries (M)Bhd

90. 8656 Super Enterprise HoldingsBhd

91. 7235 Superlon Holdings Bhd

92. 8699 Syarikat Kayu Wangi Bhd

93. 7097 Ta Win Holdings Bhd

94. 9849 Tai Kwong Yokohama Bhd

95. 7024 Techventure Bhd

96. 7854 Timberwell Bhd

97. 7285 Tomypak Holdings Bhd

98. 7173 Toyo Ink Group Bhd

99. 7026 Toyochem CorporationBhd

100. 7147 Tracoma Holdings Bhd

101. 7186 UDS Capital Bhd

102. 7227 UMS-Neiken Group Bhd

103. 9687 United Bintang Bhd

104. 7127 United Kotak Bhd

105. 7595 VTI Vintage Bhd

106. 7226 Watta Holdings Bhd

107. 8818 Wawasan TKH HoldingsBhd

108. 8958 Welli Multi CorporationBhd

109. 7245 Weng Zheng ResourcesBhd

110. 7587 Wonderful Wire & CableBhd

111. 7050 Wong EngineeringCorporation Bhd

112. 7025 Woodlandor Holdings Bhd

113. 7196 Ya Horng Electronic (M)Bhd


No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 7007 ARK Resources Bhd

2. 7023 Bina Goodyear Bhd

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14. 9121 KPS Consortium Bhd

15. 7170 LFE Corporation Bhd

16. 8486 Lion Forest Industries Bhd

17. 7234 MESB Bhd

18. 7219 Minetech Resources Bhd

19. 8923 Nagamas InternationalBhd

20. 9903 Nepline Bhd

21. 7927 Ngiu Kee Corporation (M)Bhd

22. 7206 Ramunia Holdings Bhd

23. 7032 Rhythm Consolidated Bhd

24. 9652 SAAG Consolidated Bhd

25. 7212 Satang Holdings Bhd

26. 7053 See Hup ConsolidatedBhd

27. 9431 Seni Jaya Corporation Bhd

28. 9563 Stamford College Bhd

29. 9474 Tamadam BondedWarehouse Bhd

30. 7218 Transocean Holdings Bhd

31. 8842 TSM Global Bhd

32. 7137 UMS Holdings Bhd

33. 7240 Voir Holdings Bhd

34. 7039 WWE Holdings Bhd

35. 7293 Yinson Holdings Bhd

3. 7047 Fajarbaru Builder GroupBhd

4. 7010 Grand Hoover Bhd

5. 9083 Kumpulan Jetson Bhd

6. 9628 Lebar Daun Bhd

7. 7617 Magna Prima Bhd

8. 7641 Seloga Holdings Bhd

9. 9717 Sycal Ventures Bhd

10. 7028 Zecon Bhd


No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 7315 AHB Holdings Bhd

2. 7031 Amtel Holdings Bhd

3. 7579 AWC Facility SolutionsBhd

4. 7241 BHS Industries Bhd

5. 7117 Century Logistics HoldingsBhd

6. 7018 CME Group Bhd

7. 7471 Eden Inc Bhd

8. 9377 FSBM Holdings Bhd

9. 7242 Global Carriers Bhd

10. 7105 Golsta Synergy Bhd

11. 7110 Haisan Resources Bhd

12. 7236 Help InternationalCorporation Bhd

13. 7185 Kejuruteraan SamudraTimur Bhd

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No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 9814 Bertam Alliance Bhd

2. 7003 Merces Holdings Bhd

3. 7889 Mulpha Land Bhd


No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 7501 Harn Len Corporation Bhd

2. 9695 Pembinaan LimbonganSetia Bhd

3. 7382 Tanah Emas CorporationBhd


No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 7195 Comintel Corporation Bhd

2. 8338 Dataprep Holdings Bhd

3. 9008 Formis Resources Bhd

4. 9393 Industronics Bhd

5. 9334 KESM Industries Bhd



No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 0105 Asia Poly Holdings Bhd

2. 0076 Carotech Bhd

3. 0091 Daya Materials Bhd

4. 0006 Discomp Bhd

5. 0067 Ecofuture Bhd

6. 0100 ES Ceramics TechnologyBhd

7. 0109 Flonic Hi-Tec Bhd

8. 0136 Greenyield Bhd

9. 0125 HDM-Carlaw CorporationBhd

10. 0061 Impressive Edge GroupBhd

11. 0054 Karyon Industries Bhd

12. 0025 LNG Resources Bhd

13. 0070 MQ Technology Bhd

14. 0049 Oceancash Pacific Bhd

15. 0035 Opcom Holdings Bhd

16. 0047 Perisai PetroleumTeknologi Bhd

17. 0038 Plastrade Technology Bhd

18. 0133 Sanichi Technology Bhd

19. 0028 Scope Industries Bhd

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20. 0116 Focus DynamicsTechnologies Bhd

21. 0071 Fotronics Corporation Bhd

22. 0033 FTEC Resources Bhd

23. 0104 Genetec Technology Bhd

24. 0020 Global Soft (MSC) Bhd

25. 0045 GPRO Technology Bhd

26. 0056 Grand-Flo Solution Bhd

27. 0139 H-Display (MSC) Bhd

28. 0023 IFCA MSC Bhd

29. 0024 Infortech Alliance Bhd

30. 0034 Ingenuity Solutions Bhd

31. 0094 INIX TechnologiesHoldings Bhd

32. 0088 INS Bioscience Bhd

33. 0003 Intelligent EdgeTechnologies Bhd

34. 0069 I-Power Bhd

35. 0010 IRIS Corporation Bhd

36. 0131 ISS Consulting SolutionsBhd

37. 0146 JF Technology Bhd

38. 0127 JHM Consolidation Bhd

39. 0111 K-One Technology Bhd

40. 0110 KZEN Solutions Bhd

41. 0107 Litespeed EducationTechnologies Bhd

42. 0017 M3 Technologies (Asia)Bhd

43. 0052 MEMS Technology Bhd

44. 0075 Mexter Technology Bhd

45. 0126 Microlink Solutions Bhd

20. 0055 Sersol Technologies Bhd

21. 0001 Supercomal TechnologiesBhd

22. 0084 Techfast Holdings Bhd

23. 0012 Three-A Resources Bhd


No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 0123 Airocom Technology Bhd

2. 0068 Asdion Bhd

3. 0039 AsiaEP Bhd

4. 0072 AT Systematization Bhd

5. 0130 BCT Technology Bhd

6. 0098 Borneo Aqua Harvest Bhd

7. 0041 CBS Technology Bhd

8. 0102 Connectcounty HoldingsBhd

9. 0079 Cwork Systems Bhd

10. 0022 Cybertowers Bhd

11. 0029 Digistar Corporation Bhd

12. 0063 DIS Technology HoldingsBhd

13. 0036 DVM Technology Bhd

14. 0030 eBworx Bhd

15. 0090 Elsoft Research Bhd

16. 0081 Equator Life Science Bhd

17. 0118 ETI Tech Corporation Bhd

18. 0065 Excel Force MSC Bhd

19. 0119 Extol MSC Bhd

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46. 0112 Mikro Bhd

47. 0085 MLABS Systems Bhd

48. 0113 MMS Ventures Bhd

49. 0042 MoBif Bhd

50. 0057 Modular TechcorpHoldings Bhd

51. 0092 mTouche Technology Bhd

52. 0108 N2N Connect Bhd

53. 0096 NextnationCommunication Bhd

54. 0083 Notion Vtec Bhd

55. 0026 Nova MSC Bhd

56. 0074 Online One CorporationBhd

57. 0040 OpenSys (M) Bhd

58. 0015 Orisoft Technology Bhd

59. 0005 Palette Multimedia Bhd

60. 0018 Portrade Dotcom Bhd

61. 0007 PUC Founder (MSC) Bhd

62. 0106 Rexit Bhd

63. 0135 Scan Associates Bhd

64. 0129 Silver Ridge Holdings Bhd

65. 0117 SMR Technologies Bhd

66. 0093 Solution EngineeringHoldings Bhd

67. 0048 Tamco CorporateHoldings Bhd

68. 0132 TechnoDex Bhd

69. 0140 Tejari Technologies Bhd

70. 0060 The Media Shoppe Bhd

71. 0062 Tricubes Bhd

72. 0120 VisDynamics Holdings Bhd

73. 0097 Vitrox Corporation Bhd

74. 0050 Viztel Solutions Bhd

75. 0008 Willowglen Msc Bhd

76. 0115 Wimems Corporation Bhd

77. 0141 Winsun Technologies Bhd

78. 0086 YGL Convergence Bhd


No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 0122 Advance InformationMarketing Bhd

2. 0011 Brite-Tech Bhd

3. 0051 Cuscapi Bhd

4. 0087 eB Capital Bhd

5. 0064 Efficient E-Solutions Bhd

6. 0080 Envair Holding Bhd

7. 0128 Frontken Corporation Bhd

8. 0078 GD Express Carrier Bhd

9. 0077 Kannaltec Bhd

10. 0143 Key Asic Bhd

11. 0095 Key West GlobalTelecommunications Bhd

12. 0138 My E.G. Services Bhd

13. 0073 NasionCom Holdings Bhd

14. 0032 REDtone International Bhd

15. 0099 Scicom (MSC) Bhd

16. 0137 StemLife Bhd

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17. 0089 Tex Cycle Technology (M)Bhd

18. 0145 TFP Solutions Bhd


No. Kod/ Nama Sekuriti/Code Name of Securities

1. 0013 MCM Technologies Bhd

2. 0053 OSK VenturesInternational Bhd

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