september 5, ‘17 kaj newsletter newsletter...june 6/13 sivan, mrs. sara wiederblank, who teaches...

KAJ NEWSLETTER A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun September 5, ‘17 י"ד אלול ת שע"זVolume 48 Number 1 MESSAGE FROM THE BOARD The Board of Trustees wishes all our members and friends a כתיבה וחתימה טובה. Please continue to be mispallel for Rav Gelley רב זכריה בן רבקה, for a רפואה שלמה. WELCOME BACK The KAJ Newsletter welcomes back all its readers from what we hope was a pleasant and restful summer. At the same time, we wish a Tzeisechem LeSholom to our members’ children who have left, or will soon be leaving, for a year of study, whether in Eretz Yisroel, America or elsewhere. As we begin our 48 th year of publication, we would like to remind you, our readership, that it is through your interest and participation that the Newsletter can reach its full potential as a vehicle for the communication of our Kehilla’s newsworthy events. Submissions, ideas and comments are most welcome, and will be reviewed. They can be emailed to [email protected]. Alternatively, letters and articles can be submitted to the Kehilla office. מראה מקומו ת ל ד ר שת מוה ר ''ר ישראל נתן הלוי מנטל שליט''א שבת שובה תשע'' ח לפ''ק בענין תוספת שבת ויו"ט ויום הכפורים ר"ה דף ט' ע" א רמב"ם פ"א שבית ת עשור הל' א' ,ד', ו' טור או"ח סי' רס"א בב"י סוד"ה וז מנו, וטור סי' תר"ח תוס' פסחים צ"ט: ד"ה עד שתחשך, תוס' ר' יהודה חסיד ברכות כ"ז . ד"ה דרב ד"ה דמסר לה תוס' כתובות מ"ז. ביאור הגר"א או"ח סי' רס"א סעיף ב ' בסוד"ה וי"א שצריך ביאור הגר"א או"ח סי' תרל"ט סעיף ג' בד"ה ולא יאכל ביאור הגר"א יו"ד סי' קצ"ו ס"ק ו' ד"ה י"א שמותר סי' מ"ה ס"ק ה'(סלאבאדקה) דברי יחזקאל כתבי הגר"ח בענין ת וספ ת יו"ט לענין מצהCHOSON BEREISHIS The Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that Rabbi Yitzchok Israel will be our Choson Bereishis of Simchas Torah 5778.

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  • KAJ NEWSLETTER A monthly publication of K’hal Adath Jeshurun

    September 5, ‘17

    שע"זי"ד אלול ת

    Volume 48 Number 1


    The Board of Trustees wishes all our members and friends a כתיבה וחתימה טובה.

    Please continue to be mispallel for Rav Gelley רב זכריה בן רבקה, for a רפואה שלמה.

    WELCOME BACK The KAJ Newsletter welcomes back all its readers from what we hope was a pleasant and restful summer. At the same time, we wish a Tzeisechem LeSholom to our members’ children who have left, or will soon be leaving, for a year of study, whether in Eretz Yisroel, America or elsewhere. As we begin our 48th year of publication, we would like to remind you, our readership, that it is through your interest and participation that the Newsletter can reach its full potential as a vehicle for the communication of our Kehilla’s newsworthy events. Submissions, ideas and comments are most welcome, and will be reviewed. They can be emailed to [email protected]. Alternatively, letters and articles can be submitted to the Kehilla office.

    ''ר ישראל נתן הלוי מנטל שליט''ארשת מוהרדל תמראה מקומו לפ''ק חשבת שובה תשע''

    בענין תוספת שבת ויו"ט ויום הכפורים

    אע"דף ט' ר"ה

    ו' ,עשור הל' א' ,ד' תרמב"ם פ"א שבית מנו, וטור סי' תר"חסוד"ה וז בב"י או"ח סי' רס"א טור

    . ד"ה דרב תוס' פסחים צ"ט: ד"ה עד שתחשך, תוס' ר' יהודה חסיד ברכות כ"ז תוס' כתובות מ"ז. ד"ה דמסר לה

    ' בסוד"ה וי"א שצריךביאור הגר"א או"ח סי' רס"א סעיף ב ביאור הגר"א או"ח סי' תרל"ט סעיף ג' בד"ה ולא יאכל

    ביאור הגר"א יו"ד סי' קצ"ו ס"ק ו' ד"ה י"א שמותר דברי יחזקאל (סלאבאדקה) סי' מ"ה ס"ק ה'

    יו"ט לענין מצהת וספכתבי הגר"ח בענין ת CHOSON BEREISHIS The Board of Trustees is pleased to announce that Rabbi Yitzchok Israel will be our Choson Bereishis of Simchas Torah 5778.

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 2 THREE WEEKS The Kehilla, and Klal Yisroel, once again unfortunately experienced the days of 17 Tamuz through 9 Av as the Bein HaMetzorim, as opposed to the Moadim Tovim which we await. The somber mood of the Three Weeks was perceptible in the davening, through the melodies of Birkas Yerushalayim, the ends of Brochos, HaShem Elokei Yisroel, Shomer Yisroel, Keil Erech Apayim and, on Shabbosos, in Lecho Dodi. Likewise, the daily Divrei Halocho were devoted to timely laws. On Wednesday, July 26/3 Av, Rav Mantel spoke on Inyanei Tisha B’Av. The Rav focused on one aspect of the loss and lack we experience in our own lives, as a result of the Churban HaBayis: As Chazal state, from the time of the Churban and the cessation of the Korbonos onwards, Nital Taam HaPeiros, etc. Referring to explanations of the Chovos HaLevovos, the Seforno and the Maharal, the Rav illustrated how when Gashmiyus is not infused with Ruchniyus, its quality diminishes—resulting in an ever more increasing desire for quantity therein, as a poor substitution, something we see as never before in our days, and against which we must work. TISHA B’AV Tisha B’Av was observed in somber fashion in a darkened Beis HaKnesses. Chazon Lasdun davened Maariv and Chazon Ezra Hes led the Tzibbur in the reading of Megillas Eicho on Leil Tisha B’Av. Rav Mantel recited the special Kinno composed by Rav Schwab. Written at Rav Breuer’s request, this Kinno commemorates the Kedoshim of the Churban HoAcharon, the Holocaust, and has not only become a part of our Kehilla’s Tisha B’Av service, but in those of many other communities as well. Chazon Lasdun led the davening of Tisha B’Av morning, and Chazon Hes joined him in the saying of Kinnos. In the afternoon, our Kehilla hosted the local presentation of the annual Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation video. Our thanks go to Rabbi and Mrs. Raphael and Julia Weis, assisted by Mrs. Draizel Strauss, for organizing this most appropriate event in our Kehilla, as well as to Mr. and Mrs. Yosef and Sari Levi for arranging the showing of the CCHF’s children’s video presentation, earlier in the afternoon. CHODESH ELUL For Kehillla members, and all who daven in our Beis HaKnesses, the approach of the Yomim Noroim has been felt in increasingly perceptible ways, beginning from Shabbos Nachamu, with the insertion of the appropriate melodies at the end of the Friday night Kaddish, and the entire concluding Shabbos Musaf Kaddish; with the arrival of Chodesh Elul, Lefonnov Naavod was sung on Friday nights. Likewise, for the morning Divrei Halocho, Rav Mantel has continued learning the Orchos Chaim from where he had left off last year. The Rav will IYH deliver his annual Yomim Noroim lecture to the Sisterhood on Wednesday evening, September 13/23 Elul. Thanks go to Messrs. Ben Ettlinger, Jacob Lowenthal and Gavriel Strauss, Rabbi Kalman Strauss, and Rabbi Yisrael Strauss who provide the Kehilla with a twice-daily “wake up call”, by their Shofar blowing. DAF YOMI SIYUM ON MASSECHES BOVO BASRO On Sunday, July 16/23 Tammuz, the Kehilla’s Daf Yomi Chaburos celebrated their having concluded מסכת a day early. At the siyum, held in a classroom below the Shul, Mr. Alan Ettlinger introduced ,בבא בתראRabbi Dr. Johny Hellmann, who was mesayeim the Masechta. Mr. Ettlinger also noted that two longtime members of the Daf Yomi Chabura—Mr. Eugene Goldman and Mr. Samuel Taub z.l.— were niftar

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 3 during the months the Chaburos had been learning the Masechta. Rabbi Elchonon Stern began the next Masechta, Sanhedrin, after which Rav Mantel spoke. The Rav Mantel recounted a Devar Torah that he heard at a siyum on Bava Basra (culminating a four year learning program, not a 175 day Daf Yomi one!) in Belgium over 50 years ago. The 3 letters of בבא (a gate) are the ראשי תיבות of בראשית ברא אלוקים. Furthermore, transposing the letters of בבא via the א''ת ב''ש method (i.e. the first letter of the Aleph- Beis with the last, etc.) yields the word ששת which, besides for the ששת ימי בראשית, also alludes to the .Thus the three Bavos are the “gates” to the entire Mishnayos and Gemara .ששה סדרי משנה

    YESHIVA BEIS MEDRASH YESHURUN The Yeshiva had a successful, as well as enjoyable, summer Zman up in Tannersville, NY. The Yeshiva has now begun the Elul Zman, back in Washington Heights, and IYH —together with the Kollel, Mesivta and other departments of our Yeshiva—looks forward to productive and inspiring months ahead, under the direction of the Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Yehoshua Rubanowitz. Pictured below, the Beis Medrash in Elul, alive again with the Kol Torah of Rav Rubanowitz, Rabbi Yisrael Stein, and the Bochurim.

    RABBI AVROHOM FARBER The Kehilla/Yeshiva community was deeply saddened by the petira, this past summer, of Rabbi Avrohom Farber Rabbi Farber, a master mechanech, taught in our pre-Mesivta and Mesivta for 40 years and . ז''לretained the love, respect and devotion of countless talmidim, as most recently witnessed at the Annual Dinner in 2011 when he received both the Keser Torah Award and the grateful adulation of scores of alumni who attended the event. In addition to being an outstanding Talmid Chochom, Rabbi Farber had a unique way of connecting to a broad range of students. He was famous for announcing on the first day of class, "If anyone did not eat

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 4 breakfast or forgot lunch, I will buy it for you." He took his students on skiing trips, housed them in his home in Tannersville, and took a personal interest in them which lasted well beyond their graduation from our Yeshiva. Many students became his friends and some even conceded that they remained frum solely due to Rabbi Farber's influence on them. Not only was Rabbi Farber a remarkable rebbe, he was an accomplished Baal Tefilla and Baal Menagen. Together with his wife, Esther he established and headed a day camp in Tannersville, NY known , תבלח''טas Camp Sharon, which also became an extension of his talents as a rebbe and guide. In his enthusiasm and love for children, he had a unique way of achieving a sense of Achdus amongst campers who came from different walks of Jewish life.

    יהי זכרו ברוך AHAVAS YISRAEL PAR EXCELLENCE Not content with merely the tremendous Harbotzas HaTorah and Gemilus Chasodim he does on a daily basis as a rebbi, teacher and Rabbi, this summer Rabbi Avrohom Hoffman undertook another, very extraordinary, act of Chessed, and donated a kidney. BH, the recipient—as well as Rabbi Hoffman—are doing well. “YEDIDYA’S SPECIAL REBBI”

    The following article is reprinted below with permission of Mishpacha Magazine (, for the enjoyment of our readership. All content is copyrighted: © Mishpacha Magazine Inc. All rights reserved.

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 5

    SISTERHOOD LECTURE The Rambam's Shemona Perokim, serve as an introduction to Pirkei Avos, a Masechta of the Mishna’s Seder Nezikin dealing with character refinement and the development of ethical behavior. On Tuesday, June 6/13 Sivan, Mrs. Sara Wiederblank, who teaches Limudei Kodesh to high school girls and lectures widely to adult women, gave the Sisterhood a fascinating lecture on this important work. (Mrs. Wiederblank is also a proud YRSRH parent and former YRSRH Beth Jacob high school teacher.) After identifying different levels of the Neshomo, Mrs. Wiederblank explained how the Rambam compares being physically sick with being sick in the Nefesh. Bad Midos (character traits) are manifestations of “something sick” in the spiritual realm akin to fever letting a person know that there is physical sickness in the body. Similarly, just as a person goes to a doctor to learn what to do in order to heal his/her body from its illness, a person with a sick Nefesh also needs to go to a professional, to a chacham or a Rav, in order to learn what steps to take so that they can learn how to rid themselves of their negative traits.

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 6 The metaphor of physical health extends to the concept of moderation. The Rambam advises that in all corporal things one must not have too much or too little. Likewise, Midos are on a continuum and we should strive for the middle road in all attributes (except for anger and pride). A person should use his free will to make choices about his behavior. If, after introspection, he finds that in some areas he leans too much to one extreme he should bend his nature and adjust his behavior to the other extreme in order to achieve the middle ground. There are two types of individuals, and chachomim have debated about which type is greater: The “me'uleh,” the person who is naturally righteous, or the “moshel berucho,” one who is victorious at conquering his inner inclination. The Rambam posits that the latter individual is greater, as proved by the fact that the Torah is full of Mitzvos which help us to work on and perfect our midos and address the areas where we are likely to struggle. It is not typical human nature to be a “me’uleh,” born with little or no flaws. The spring/summer months, during which Pirkei Avos is read, is a perfect time to delve into the topic of personal growth and trying to reach higher. Mrs. Wiederblank gave us so much to think about and we thank her for her inspiring words. SENIOR SOCIAL CLUB TRIPS Gulliver’s Gate A group of close to 70, including a number of youngsters, joined the Senior Social Club on a trip to Gulliver’s Gate, a new exhibit in midtown Manhattan featuring the entire world in miniature. The pyramids, London Bridge, Red Square, Tiananmen Square, the Eiffel Tower, famous NYC buildings and more were all masterfully represented. A relatively large Israel section was featured as well, complete with the “Aron HaKodesh” buried underground.

    No one could accuse the exhibit of being staid. Aside from the visual architectural feast, trains, boats, and more moved about, livening the exhibit. Some of these vehicles moved at the command of electronic keys provided to every guest. And those really adventurous could take 3D photos of themselves which Gulliver’s Gate, for a fee, would transform into tiny humans and place among the streets and scenes of its world.

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 7

    Trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls By Mrs. Judy Fulda

    Dear Diary,

    Having never gone on an overnight trip before with the Senior Social Club of KAJ I really wonder how everything will turn out. The itinerary looks great: varied, non-stop and interesting. Mrs. Molly Resnick, the director of the program, chose attractions and sites that I would've chosen myself. I hope the people will be congenial and that everything goes as planned.

    Aug. 20, 2017/10:30 PM

    Dear Diary,

    Wow! What a great first day! Alex, our bus driver, is quite an accommodating, personable fellow, which is pretty important considering how much time we'll be spending with him. There are a few young women assisting Molly which makes things more efficient. We have a nice mix of people within a wide age range from different communities besides the core group from Washington Heights; I have a good feeling about all of us getting along.

    The first stop at the Corning Museum of Glass broke up the long ride. We saw the most beautiful glassware made by Tiffany and other artists as well as a live glass-blowing demonstration (pictured below). Crossing the border went seamlessly. When we arrived at the Four Points hotel by Sheraton we were already exhausted but an IMAX film awaited us. After Maariv, many opted to walk the few blocks to see a view of the Falls all lit up. Absolutely gorgeous!

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    Today, the food in the morning came a little late and the food in the evening came a little late. The room designated for Mincha needed to be changed. You learn quickly not to sweat the small stuff and to go with the flow. Somehow, Molly managed to get everything to work out.

    Aug. 21, 2017/10:20 PM

    Dear Diary,

    Our hotel is so perfectly situated-right across the street from the Chabad of Niagara where Shacharis and breakfast will take place today and tomorrow. We get an early start (Shacharis at 6:45) so that we can pack in a full day's worth of touring, beginning with a ride on the iconic Hornblower (similar to The Maid of the Mist which operates from the New York side of the Falls). The rain ponchos provided barely kept us dry as we took a thrilling ride beside the Horseshoe Falls. The grandeur and sheer power of the Falls cannot be described adequately. Ma Rabbu Maasecho Hashem!

    The next stop was at the CN Tower in Toronto. Molly had arranged for a tour guide to meet us there and he stayed with us for the rest of the day, pointing out interesting things along the way and telling

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 9 us about the history of the city and about Jewish Ontario. The solar eclipse was partially visible in Toronto at the time of our lunch stop at the boardwalk. Those who had the special eclipse glasses shared them so that everyone could experience this historic moment.

    We then toured some very interesting shuls in Toronto. At Anshei Minsk, in the downtown area, Rabbi Shmuel Spero gave a very fascinating talk about his unique congregation. The Sephardic Kehila Centre/Abir Yaakov has the most magnificent mosaic fountain in the lobby, donated by the government of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of Morocco! (Another gentleman named Mohammed, who also had fond feelings for Jews, met Molly during the trip and gave her a $100 donation for her son's outreach work! Amazing, no?!). A Mincha minyan was arranged for the tour at the Chabad of Flamingo (located on Flamingo Road). Rabbi Mendy Kaplan kept us all spellbound when he spoke of the challenges he had in acquiring the building and creating relationships with the unaffiliated Jews in the area. Of particular interest was Rabbi Kaplan's description of the immense thought and planning that went into designing an edifice that would be inviting to all members.

    Our final stop in Toronto was at the Ba-Li Laffa restaurant on Bathurst Street. After dining on delectable Middle Eastern grill-type cuisine we boarded the bus for our trip back to Niagara where fireworks at The Falls awaited us.

    Aug. 22, 2017/Rosh Chodesh Elul/11:00 PM

    Dear Diary,

    After an earlier Shacharis (the men really started their day early, at 6:30!), another busy day began. Our final stop in Niagara was the Skylon Tower. We took an elevator that climbed up 114 stories on the outside of the building! The aerial view was truly spectacular. The bus arrived sometime later at Watkins Glen in New York's Finger Lake region where an hour-long boat ride was enjoyed on Seneca Lake with Mincha on the boat. Scenic Watkins Glen also has a spectacular waterfall which is worthwhile to see.

    When Alex found a serene and comfortable rest stop for the dinner break I could feel a certain melancholy within the group that this was the last activity we would do together. There was a lovely sense of camaraderie that had developed. After a delicious fried-chicken dinner, there was pressure to make it to Washington Heights in time for the 9 o'clock Maariv. What a round of applause for the bus driver (and for the Driver behind it all) when Alex pulled up to Dombrow shul just before 9 PM!

    I am absolutely exhausted! Exhilarated, but exhausted. Molly pulled it off again! So many things to organize. So many details. So many instances of having to think outside the box. But, we all had a really great time which we will long remember. Now I need to sleep!

    SUMMER AT MORIAH SENIOR CENTER Seniors enjoyed an informative and fun-filled summer as Moriah cranked up its education and recreation programming to its highest level. Extra wellness programming included an evidence based, eight week Matter of Balance fall-prevention workshop, a health fair which included both glaucoma and dental screenings and much more, a Body Mechanics occupational therapy seminar and a Healthy Aging seminar.

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 10 On the technology front, Moriah seniors received two special Tech Topics lectures - one on internet safety and avoiding scams and the other on smartphones. Recreational programming included Opera in the A.M. sessions, a fun and reminiscent virtual tour of the Borscht Belt, aromatherapy and beading. The highlight of our summer was the exciting trip to the Chihuly exhibit at the NY Botanical Garden. These amazing masterpieces provide an explosion of colors and their organic forms blend seamlessly into the floral and botanical landscape.

    Moriah is actively seeking volunteers to assist with check-in and lunch service. Volunteer for an hour, volunteer once a week, or volunteer more often. The choice is yours. If you are interested it being part of our warm and welcoming environment, please call us at 212-923-5715. If you are 60+, working or retired, this might be the time to come in and register. See what Moriah can offer you. If you would like to receive our monthly newsletter via email, please contact us at [email protected]. ZACK’S SHOE REPAIR Located on 181st, just west of Pinehurst Avenue, Zack’s Shoe Repair shop has a Mezuza on its door, and is owned by Zack, who is a Yehudi. When Mr. Jacob Lowenthal, who has patronized his shop several times, suggested to Zack he close his shop for Shabbos, noting it would help his business as he would gain more Kehilla members as customers, Zack replied that he would have to think it over. Zack has now, before Rosh HaShana decided to close for Shabbos. Zack used to work in the shoe repair store at Bennett Avenue and 181st Street, and opened his own shop a few years ago. He does quality work, and we join Mr. Lowenthal in urging Kehilla members to patronize this store, as the owner experiences the Nisayon—and, it is to be hoped, the Brocha and rewarding feeling—of Shemiras Shabbos.

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  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 11

    SHIURIM NOTICES Thursday Night Chumash Shiur The following shiurim will take place in Shul following Maariv Maariv Thursday, September 7 Ki Savo 8:10 PM Rabbi Shlomo Gottesman (Upper West Side) Thursday September 14 Nitzovim-Vayelech. 8:00 PM Rav Yaakov Perlow Thursday September 28 Erev Yom Kippur. 8:00 PM Rabbi Lipa Geldwerth Sisterhood Shabbos Shiurim The following shiurim will take place in Dr. Moller Hall at 5:00 PM Date Parsha Speaker September 9 Ki-Savo Rabbi Avrohom Hoffman 16 Nitzavim-Vayelach Dr. Paul Breuer October 21 Noach Miss Shaindy Hirsch 28 Lech Lecha Dr. Rivkah Blau November 4 Vayera Miss Rochel Alpert Fort Tryon Ladies Shiur (in memory of Mr. Marc Breuer ז"ל) Sept. 9 כי תבוא 6:15 Miss Rochel Alpert Sept. 16 וילך-נצבים 6:00 Mr. Michael Gutmann

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 12

    SOCIAL REGISTER All our good wishes to Rav and Rebbetzin Yehoshua Rubanowitz on the marriage of their daughter, Rivka to Yitz Wiggins. Mazel tov to the Choson’s parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Shimon Wiggins. Heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mordechai and Rivka Golombeck on the marriage of their daughter, Penina to Ariel Zaghi, son of Dr. and Mrs. Binyamin Zaghi. Our good wishes to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Hoff and Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchak Golombeck. All our good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Levi on the marriage of their daughter, Kayla Michal to Moishy Wayntraub. Mazel tov to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Refoel Wayntraub of Southfield, MI, and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Levi and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ishakis.

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 13 Double mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Israel on the birth of their twin grandchildren, a boy and girl. All the best to the parents, Levi Simcha and Veeta Israel, and grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Shraga Weimer. Mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Joel Stern on the birth of their granddaughter. Best wishes to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Reuven Bauman, the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Mark Bauman and the great-grandmothers, Mrs. Bea Bauman and Mrs. Rivka Moeller. At the same time, we are delighted to wish Rabbi and Mrs. Stern another mazel tov on the engagement of their daughter, Basya, to Sruli Botwinick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Botwinick and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Litwin. Our best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Samson Bechhofer on the birth of their granddaughter. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi Yitzchak and Hindy Bechhofer and the great-grandmothers, Mrs. Meta Bechhofer and Mrs. Martha Hexter. Heartiest mazel tov to Mrs. Edith Erlbach on the birth of her great-grandson. Best wishes to the parents, Binyomin and Nechama Mayerfeld and the grandparents, Rabbi Uri and Esther Mayerfeld and Rabbi and Mrs. Leib Shulman. It gives us pleasure to extend another mazel tov to Mrs. Erlbach on the engagement of her grandson, Shimon Mayerfeld to Esti Gartner, daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Gartner. Mr. and Mrs. Chaim Amsel are happy to announce the birth of a new great-grandson. The parents are Binyamin and Leah Ebstein, the grandparents are Bentzy and Shainy Goldberg and Eli and Rivkie Ebstein. The other great-grandparents are Rabbi and Mrs. Yankel Goldberg, Mrs. Ruth Ebstein of Yerushalayim and Mrs. Tamara Jacobovits. Mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Yaakov Bechhofer on the marriage of their son, Naftoli to Shoshana Maryles of Chicago. Best wishes to the grandmother, Mrs. Meta Bechhofer. It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Rabbi Shmuel Hersh and Mrs. Dvora Hersh on the engagement of their daughter, Shanna Hersh to Joel Mann and, in addition, double mazel tov wishes on the birth of twin grandchildren – a boy and a girl – born to their children, Chaim and Rebecca Hersh. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Ronnie and Miriam Schlanger on the birth of their grandson. Best wishes to the parents, Yehuda and Tova Gross. At the same time, we are pleased to wish the Schlangers another mazel tov on the birth of their granddaughter, born to their children, Binyomin and Shira Schlanger and to the great-grandfather of both babies, Mr. Salo Schlanger. We are also happy to extend heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. Schlanger on the birth of his great-granddaughter, born to his grandchildren, Ricki and Judah Kurtz of Bergenfield and the grandparents, Susan and Michael Richmond of Teaneck as well as on the marriage of his granddaughter, Tamar Schlanger to Chaim Goldman. The parents are Jacob and Esther Schlanger and Shmuel and Tzirl Goldman of Crown Heights.

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 14 Mr. and Mrs. Moishe Spreiregen happily announce the marriage of their granddaughter, Esther Chaya Wolf to Akiva May. Mazel tov to the parents, Yael and Yona Wolf and Rabbi and Mrs. Yaakov Moshe May and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David Wolf and Mrs. Lorraine Schumsky. At the same time, we are delighted to wish the Spreiregens another mazel tov on the birth of their great-granddaughter, born to their grandchildren, Ethan and Gwen Soskel. Best wishes to the grandparents, Esther and Marc Soskel. All our good wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. L. Leslie Weis on the birth of their granddaughter. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Peretz Goldenberg of North Miami Beach and the grandmother, Mrs. Tova Goldenberg. It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Avrohom Hoffman on the birth of two granddaughters. Mazel tov to the parents of the first little girl, Yosef and Nechama Bauman, the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Mark Bauman and the great-grandmothers, Mrs. Bea Bauman, Mrs. Margot Lasdun, Mrs. Rivka Moeller and Mrs. Ruth Hoffman. Our best wishes to the parents of the second baby girl, Shevy and Dovid Aryeh Gold, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Shlomo Zalman Gold and the great-grandmothers, Mrs. Margot Lasdun and Mrs. Ruth Hoffman. Heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schuster on the birth of their granddaughter. Best wishes to the parents, Bassie and Michael Gold and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Avram Moshe Gold. Mrs. Rivka Moeller happily announces the engagement of her granddaughter, Nechama Kravetz to Moshe Garber. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yerucham Fisher and Mrs. Miriam Kravetz. At the same time, we are delighted to wish Mrs. Moeller another mazel tov on the birth of her great-granddaughter and great-grandson. All the best to the parents of the little girl, Chilly and Blimy Israel, the parents of the little boy, Yaakov Yosef and Esty Israel and the grandparents of both, Yonoson and Chavy Israel Mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef Stern on the birth of their grandson. Best wishes to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Meir Padawer of Monsey. At the same time we are delighted to wish Rabbi and Mrs. Stern mazel tov on the birth of their granddaughter, born to their children, Rabbi and Mrs. Casriel Beer of Lakewood and on the marriage of their daughter, Basya, to Moshe Tzvi Strauss, grandson of Mr. Leon and Dr. Shiela Strauss. Best wishes to the Chosson’s parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yekusiel Strauss. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Yakov Weiman on the marriage of their daughter, Elana to Naftoli Jacobson. Mazel tov to the Choson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Jacobson. Levi and Karin Kluger are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Talia, born to their children, Aaron and Sivan Kluger. All our good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Riselsheimer on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Dovid Chaim. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchok Riselsheimer and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Zvi Neuwirth.

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 15 Best wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Jacobovits on the birth of their granddaughter and grandson. Mazel tov to the parents of the baby girl, Eli and Chana Fisher, the parents of the little boy, Eliezer and Hadassah Schreiber and the great-grandparents of both, Rabbi and Mrs. Solomon Jacobovits. Heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mansbach on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Sholom, son of Avi and Rochel Itta Mansbach. Best wishes to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yaakov Moshe Gutfreund and the great-grandmother, Mrs. Hollander. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Strauss and Mrs. Lucy Lang happily announce the birth of their great-grandson, Joseph Strauss, born to their grandchildren, Rabbi Avi and Dr. Sara Strauss. Best wishes to the grandparents, Mrs. Claire Strauss and Drs. Daniel and Pearl Rosenbaum. Rabbi and Mrs. Nesanel Stefansky are happy to announce the birth of a new granddaughter born to their children, Mr. and Mrs. Yoel Stefansky in Yerushalayim. Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yaakov Fleishmann. They are also the proud grandparents of a bar mitzvah boy, Reuvain Stefansky. The parents are Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Stefansky. Mazel tov to the great- grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Edwin Katzenstein and Rabbi and Mrs. Akiva Stefansky. Best wishes to Mrs. Lottie Herrmann on the birth of her great-grandson. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Dovid Rosman and the grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Wachtel. Mr. and Mrs. Naftoli and Miriam Lehmann happily announce the birth of their two granddaughters, the first born to their children Elisheva and Yitzchak Kempe. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Joe and Revital Kempe of Los Angeles, and the second born to their children, Drs. Matt and Tova Scharf. All our good wishes to Mrs. Inge Dayton on the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson, Tzvi Dovid Berman. Mazel tov to the parents, Jacquelyn and Zachary Berman. Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Yitzchak Dyckman on the birth of their first grandchild, a boy, born to their children, Yisroel Aryeh and Esther Dyckman. All the best to the great-grandmother, Mrs. Bella Dyckman. All our good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan and Becky Hellmann on the birth of their granddaughter. Mazel tov to the parents, Meir and Julie Golding. Rabbi and Mrs. Menachem Kunofsky are happy to announce the birth of their daughter. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Haiim Gutgold and Mr. and Mrs. Jules Kunofsky. Mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Yosef Lasdun on the birth of their grandson and granddaughter. Our best wishes to the parents of the little boy, Moshe and Sara Lasdun, the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Heshy Mann, the parents of the baby girl, Menachem and Leah Lasdun, the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yitzchok Pollock, and the great-grandparents, Mrs. Margot Lasdun and Mr. and Mrs. Ismar Berlinger. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Dr. and Mrs. Yosef Adler and Mrs. Miriam Nussbaum on the engagement of their granddaughter, Adina Adler to Mordechai Berinstein. Mazel tov to the

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 16 parents, Rabbi Aryeh and Dr. Keri Adler of Atlanta and Yehoshua and Esti Berinstein of Lakewood, the grandparents of the Chosson, Rabbi and Mrs. Myer Schwab and Mrs. Berinstein, and the great-grandmother of the Kalloh, Mrs. Elsie Adler. Mrs. Judith Levi is happy to announce the birth of her great-grandson. Our best wishes to the parents, Efraim and Esti Altmann of Yerushalayim, the grandparents, Shimon and Yael Altmann of Zurich and Mr. and Mrs. Elchonon Masher of Manchester. It gives us pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Jonathan and Chavy Rosenstock on the birth of their grandson. Best wishes to the parents, Meir Amram and Rachel Rosenstock and the great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. David H. Rosenstock and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sommer. Heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Helmreich on the marriage of their granddaughter, Chaya Blechman to Shlomo Katz. All our good wishes to the parents, Dr. and Mrs. Tuvia and Tzippy Blechman of Baltimore and Mr. and Mrs. Shuky Katz of Lakewood. All our good wishes to Uri and Tzippy Kirschner on the marriage of their daughter, Racheli, to Moshe Tischler. Mazel tov to the grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Kirschner and Mr. and Mrs. Getzy Tischler. Heartiest mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Yehuda Levy on the engagement of their daughter, Kayla, to Yosef, son of Mr. and Mrs. Heshy Marx. Best wishes to the grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Ronny Levy and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marx. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Mrs. Sonja Wechsler on the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson, Elchonon Shlomo Wechsler. Best wishes to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Menachem Wechsler. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Joshua are happy to announce the engagement of their granddaughter, Miriam Joshua to Avi Farkas, both of Toronto. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Meir Joshua and Mr. and Mrs. Nosson Farkas. It gives us great pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Avram J. Gutmann on the engagement of their daughter, Jennifer, to Moshe Birnbaum of Toronto. Our best wishes to the grandmother, Mrs. Judith Levi. Mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Tsvi Rogin of Yerushalayim on the birth of their grandson. All the best to the parents, Shoshana and Shlomo Teitelbaum. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Binny and Sheri Baum on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Menachem Dovid. Best wishes to the grandparents, Hershel and Jeanette Baum. All our good wishes to Shaya and Leah Tesser on the birth of their grandson. Mazel tov to the parents, Menachem and Malky Hauer, the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Shloimy Hauer and the great-grandparents, Rabbi and Mrs. Edwin Katzenstein.

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 17 Heartiest mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Yaakov Tannenbaum on the engagement of their son, Yosef, to Bracha Levine. Best wishes to the grandmother, Mrs. Margot Lasdun. Mr. Leon and Dr. Shiela Strauss happily announce the engagement of their grandson, Shimon Strauss to Yehudis Rosenman. Mazel tov to the parents, Rabbi and Mrs. Yekusiel Strauss of South Fallsburg and Rabbi and Mrs. Avraham Rosenman of Spring Valley and to the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Meyers of Silver Sp;ring, Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Rosenman of Lakewood and Rabbi and Mrs. Ahron Levitansky of Cleveland. Our heartiest mazel tov wishes to Rabbi and Mrs. Yisroel Ashen on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Refoel Yaakov. Best wishes to the grandmother, Mrs. Gail Ashen. It gives us much pleasure to extend mazel tov wishes to Rabbi Yaakov and Mrs. Giti Hoffman on the birth of their daughter. ANNOUNCEMENTS • Whenever Maariv is recited before nightfall, as it is in Shul on Friday evenings and the weekday first

    Maariv, one is obligated to repeat the three Parashiyos of Shema after night.

    • Mincha Gedola in Shul – 1:25 PM September 11-14 1:20 PM September 18-28 1:15 PM October 2-March 8

    • Produce from Eretz Yisroel which requires terumos and maasros to be taken is currently available in the stores. If you have shaalos about this procedure, please call the Rabbinate.

    • The second Sunday Shacharis minyan will take place on Sunday, September 10th (but not during Selichos) and will resume on Sunday, October 1st.

    • Davening in Dr. Moller Hall: 1st Minyan during Selichos, Monday-Friday 1st Minyan Hoshana Rabbah, Shemini Atzeres and Simchas Torah 1st Minyan October 20 Rosh Chodesh 1st Minyan Monday & Thursday, October 23 & 26 1st Minyan Monday-Friday, October 30, November 3

    • The Semi-Annual Luach – The luach for Rosh Hashana through Adar 5778 will soon be emailed to our members. Please email or call the Kehilla office if you wish to receive a hard copy.

    • Auctioning of Mitzvos and Aliyos • For Rosh Hashana and Yayin L’Kiddush Ul’Havdalah: – Motzoei Shabbos Nitzovim-Vayelech,

    Sept. 16, after Maariv • For Yom Kippur, Shemini Atzeres & Simchas Torah – Motzoei Shabbos Shuvah, Sept. 23, after

    Maariv • For Sukkos and Shabbos Chol Hamoed – Auctioning will be done online:

    To bid on first day click: To bid on second day click: To bid on Shabbos Chol Hamoed click:

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 18 To bid on Shabbos Chol Hamoed mincha click:

    • The annual communal visit to the Beis Olam will take place on the first day of Selichos, Sunday, Sept. 17 at 9:30 AM. Please register with the Kehilla Office.

    • The Mikveh will be open for men on Erev Rosh Hashana and Erev Yom Kippur from after davening until 1:30 PM and on Erev Sukkos from 6:50 until 9:00 AM. The fee for using the Mikveh is $10 for men and $8 for students.

    • Shofar will be blown again on the afternoon of the first day before Tehillim and before Mincha at 4:05 and 4:55 PM and on the second day before Tehillim at 5:40.

    • Tehillim will be said on the afternoon of the first day of Rosh Hashana at 4:10 PM and on the second day at 5:45 PM.

    • Drosho on Shabbos Shuva will take place between Mincha and Maariv (Mincha at 6:05) • On Erev Yom Kippur the lighting of the candles takes place no later than 6:25 PM. If women want

    to light the candles earlier so that they can still carry their machzorim to Shul, they should make a silent provision that for them the lighting of the candles does not mean the beginning of Yom Kippur, otherwise they may no longer carry after they have lit the candles. In this case, שהחינו should not be said at the time of lighting the candles, but should be said later with the Shliach Tzibbur in Shul. Beginning of fast 6:25 PM.

    • Kol Nidrei begins at 6:35 PM. • Women who leave Shul immediately after Neila should say ללחו ברוך המבדיל בין קודש if they wish to

    carry or do any melacha before they hear Havdalah.

    • We will again provide catered meals in the Kehilla Sukkah for our members and friends provided there is sufficient demand. Please make your reservations early (see attached letter).

    • The community Sukkah will be open every day from after the first minyan until 11 PM. • Security will be provided at the two Kehilla Sukkos from 11 PM through the night. Donations to

    help defray the cost are appreciated.

    • The Kehilla Sukkah is available for rent for private affairs upon prior reservation only with the Kehilla office.

    • Eiruv Tavshilin must be made on the following days: Wednesday, September 20, Erev Rosh Hashana Wednesday, October 4, Erev Sukkos Wednesday, October 11, Erev Shemini Atzeres

    • The Yom Tov Lecture will take place on the first day of Sukkos in Moller Hall between Mincha and Maariv (Mincha in Shul at 6:05 PM).

    • Shabbos Chol Hamoed Seudo Shelishis will take place in the Kehilla Sukkah following Mincha at 5:45 PM.

    • Simchas Beis HaShoeva will take place Monday evening, October 9 with Divrei Torah followed by music and dancing in Moller Hall. Sponsorships for this year’s Simchas Beis HaShoeva are available. Please call Ben Ettlinger at 212-927-1267 for more information.

    • Hoshana Rabbo learning on Tuesday, October 10 will begin at 8:30 PM and the Rav will speak at 9:30 PM. There will be a 3rd Maariv Minyan (in Moller Hall) after the Rav’s speech.

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 19 • The Matnas Yad Reception will take place on Shemini Atzeres at the Sukkah of Rav and

    Rebbetzin Mantel from 4:45 – 6:00 PM. • The Simchas Torah Party will take place in Dr. Moller Hall after Mincha on Shabbos Bereishis

    (Mincha at 5:00 PM in Shul).

    • Rabbi Reisman’s Novi Shiur will resume on Motzoei Shabbos Bereishis, October 14 at 9:00 PM in the Multi-Purpose Room

    Forthcoming Events: • Wednesday, September 13 – Sisterhood Yomim Noroim Shiur by Rav Mantel – 8:15 PM -

    Dr. Moller Hall • Sunday, September 17 – Annual Visit to Beis Olam – Please contact Kehilla office to make a



    The Sisterhood is updating its list of participants in the daily recital of the entire Sefer Tehillim.

    Please call or email Mrs. Kelda Spreiregen to let her know which perek you are saying daily

    or let her know if you want to change or add another perek.

    Tel: 212-942-6413 or email: [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 20


    Mr. Leon Metzger (4551 Livingston Avenue, Riverdale) and Mrs. Bernice Gilbert mourn the passing of their father, our member, Mr. Erich Metzger (3777 Independence Avenue, Riverdale)

    Mrs. Myriam Reiss (24 Bennett Avenue), Mr. Alter Shimon Reiss, Miss Rochel Reiss, Mrs. Devorah Wolofskyu and Mrs. Sarah Schwartz mourn the passing of her husband, their father and our member, Rabbi Israel Reiss

    Mrs. Manya Richter and children, Mrs. Chaya Zucker 1754 E. 22nd Street, Brooklyn), Mrs. Dina Rosenberg, Mrs. Gitty Acker (122-13 Metropolitan Avenue, Kew Gardens) and Mrs. Raisy Hirsch mourn the passing of her husband, their father and brother, Mr. Eli Richter

    Mr. Sidney Bender (16 Briarcliff Drive, Monsey) and Mrs. Sandy Horne mourn the passing of their mother, our member, Mrs. Elfriede Bender (720 Ft. Washington Avenue)

    Rabbi Shlomo Goldberg (44 Bennett Avenue) mourns the passing of his brother, Rabbi Osher Goldberg Mr. Max Kaufmann (620 Ft. Washington Avenue) Mrs. Roz Lieberman, Mr. Julius J. Klugman (739 W. 186th

    Street) and Mrs. Jeanette Meyer mourn the passing of his wife, their mother and sister, our member, Mrs. Hanna Kaufmann

    Rabbi Hershel Reichman (17 Ft. George Hill) mourns the passing of his mother, Mrs. Ella Reichman


    GEMILLUS CHASSODIM & FREE LOAN FUND Zum Andenken an Frau Rabbiner Rika Breuer, o.h. (Av/Elul) ......................................................... 173.40 Mrs. Eva Bree in loving memory of her dear parents, Manfred and Blanka Plaut, a.h.. ............. 108.00 Mrs. Rivky Cohn in loving memory of her father, Rabbi Yitzchok Shlomo Pevsner, zl. (14 Elul) ........................................................................................................................................... 18.00 Rabbi Dr. Manfred Fulda in memory of his beloved parents, Louis and Sophie Fulda, z.l........... 18.00 Mrs. Naomi Fulda in memory of her beloved parents, Samuel and Ida Wenger, z.l. ................... 18.00 Mrs. Ruth Grunwald for Yahrzeit of her dear mother, Dorothy Victor, o.h. (10 Av) ................ 25.00 Mrs. Rita Moss for Yahrzeit of her mother, o.h. (16 Eul) ................................................................... 18.00 Dr. and Mrs. Seymour Perlstein in loving memory of Arnold and Else Haas, a.h. ...................... 500.00 Proceeds from the Mincha minyan pushke at the law firm of Skadden Arps, LLP ..................... 150.00

    ד"בס I would like to express my tremendous Hakoras HaTov and gratitude to everyone who answered so warmly during this Eis Tzoro of my brother's sudden petiro, leaving his family bereft and in urgent need of parnassa. Since it would be impossible to thank everyone personally, I would like to take this opportunity to express my great appreciation. Special thanks to those who helped with the organization and mailing of the letter, including Mr. Alan Ettlinger and Mr. Jonathan Simons, as well as Misses Esty Ettlinger, Ayala Klugmann, Michal Rosenstock and Tamar Spoerri. I extend the Brocho that the Avi Yesomim veDayan Almonos should from Shomayim bensch everyone with Brocha VeHatzlacha, and a Kesiva VaChasima Tova.

    Respectfully, Shlomo Goldberg

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 21

    בס"דThe Family of Erich Metzger, ז"ל

    expresses gratitude to the Chevra Kadisha for its alacrity, and thanks the members of the Greater KAJ-YRSRH Family

    for their visits, correspondence, and contributions to charity during the shivo period. For many years, he was a prodigious fundraiser for the Annual Dinner, “Czar of the Bazaar,” and

    Member of the YRSRH Administrative Committee. _____________________________________________________________________________

    בס"דWe would like to thank all members and friends for their visits, calls, and cards and Rabbi Edwin Katzenstein, the Chevra Kadisha, the Chevra Kadisha d’Noshim, and especially Mrs. Sonja Wechsler and Mrs. Rivka Moeller and the other ladies of the community who so graciously helped our family during the Shivo for our dear mother, Mrs. Elfriede Bender, ע"ה. May we be zoche to share only simchos in the future.

    Sandy and Bernie Horne Sidney and Miriam Bender

    _____________________________________________________________________________ בס"ד

    We wish to express our gratitude to our dear relatives, friends and neighbors for your heartfelt expressions of נחמה with your visits, telephone calls and letters during the shivo for For my dear wife For my dear mother For our sister, Mrs. Hanna Kaufmann ע"ה. Wishing everyone a healthy year with אריכת ימים ושנים.

    כתיבה וחתימה טובה

    Max Kaufmann Rosalyn Liberman Jeanette Meyer Julius Klugman _____________________________________________________________________________

    Photo credits for this issue: We thank Mr. Alan Ettlinger, Mr. Ben Ettlinger, Mrs. Shuli Gutmann and Mrs. Molly Resnick for providing the photos featured in this issue.

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 22

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 23

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 24


    We are pleased to advise you that we are planning to have complete full course meals served during Sukkos. However, in order to be able to make arrangements with the caterer, we must have a minimum of 25 reservations for each meal.

    MEAL # 1: Wednesday night, October 4, after davening MEAL # 2: Thursday lunch, October 5, 12 noon MEAL # 3: Thursday night, October 5, after davening MEAL # 4: Friday lunch, October 6, 12 noon MEAL # 5: Friday night, October 6, after davening MEAL # 6: Shabbos lunch, October 7, 12 noon MEAL # 7: Wednesday night, October 11, after davening MEAL # 8: Thursday lunch, October 12, 12 noon

    The cost per meal is $35.00 per person ($30 for children under the age of 13) and must be paid in advance. The menu appears on the next page. In order to avail yourself of this service we ask you to indicate your choice on the slip below and return it with your check payable to K'hal Adath Jeshurun or submit your order online at The menu appears on that page. Please send in your reservations by September 19 in order that we may ascertain that we will have sufficient reservations to provide catered meals. In the event we do not have enough reservations to offer full course meals, we expect to offer other meal alternatives. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I/We reserve the following Sukkah meals: Meal # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 No. of Adults: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ No. of Children: ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Total Reservations: ____@ $35.00 ____@ $30.00 Total Amount: $_____ (Make checks payable to K’hal Adath Jeshurun) Name: __________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 25

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 26

    From the Memorbook of our Kehilla

    Elul 1 Lily Moses-NY 2 Jonas Eschwege-NY 3 Alice Ansbacher-NY 4 Jenny Katzenstein-NY 4 Gertrude Katzenstein-NY 4 Margarete Weglein-Stone-NY 6 A. Gruenebaum-Bad

    Kissingen 6 Bernard Falk-NY 6 Ida Rosenstock-Eiterfeld 7 Sara Klein-Berlin 7 Isidor Halberstadt-Ffm 8 Eva Stern-NY 10 Paul Stern-NY 11 Michael Kahn-Ffm 11 Ida Goldschmidt-Gelnhausen 11 Arthur Morris-NY 12 Sara Berlowitz-Nuernberg 13 Walter (Wolfgang) Gonzwa-

    London-Ffm 13 Jacques Schlanger-Strasbourg 13 Samuel Katz-NY 15 Dr. Joshua Breuer-NY 15 Max Ehrmann-NY 15 Emma Guggenheim-


    15 Heinrich Guggenheim-Amsterdam

    16 Arthur Moses-NY 16 Max Nussbaum-NY 16 Jack Oppenheim-NY 16 Bernard Stone-NY 17 Meir Liebster-NY 17 Felix Strauss-Jerusalem 17 Norbert Hellmann-NY 18 Chajim Plaut-NY-Israel 18 Fanny S. Berlowitz-NY 18 Selma Philipps-Ffm 18 Hugo Kugelman-NY 19 Moritz Levi-NY 19 Pinkus Klibansky-Ffm 19 Hanna Sommer-NY 20 Adolf Neufeld-Nuernberg 20 Jacob Ehrenfeld-Antwerp 20 Shlomo Ehrenfeld-Antwerp 20 Meir Ehrenfeld-Antwerp 20 Adolf Goldschmiedt-Zehlem

    (Ungarn) 20 Herm. Dingfelder-Fuerth 21 Max Distelburger-Ffm 21 Bertha Hamburger-NY 21 Max Hackenbroch-NY 22 Salli Plaut-Schenklengsfeld

    22 Baruch Zimmer-Fuerth-Tel Aviv

    23 Minna Ansbacher-Cohn-Kopenhagen-Ffm

    23 Abe Wertheim-NY 23 Edith Gruenebaum-NY 24 Burkhardt Froelich-Bad

    Mergentheim 25 Rosa Weil-Ffm 25 Simon Bodenheimer-

    Darmstadt 25 Salomon Pfeifer-Braunsbach 25 Anna Pfeifer-Braunsbach 25 Julia Pfeifer-Braunsbach 26 Bertha Stein-Ffm 26 Jul. Ries-Ffm 27 Jul. Gruenebaum-Ffm 27 William Katzenstein-NY 27 Ricke Fromm-Muenchen 28 Salomon Nussbaum-NY 28 Ilse Lehmann-NY 29 Rabbi Dr. Leo Hirschfeld-

    Giessen 29 Werner Blank-NY


    GARY EICHHORN Showroom

    1898 Flatbush Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11210

    Telephone: 718-375-5333 Fax: 718-252-9300

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 27

    From the Memorbook of our Kehilla TISHREI 1 Joshua Goldberger-NY 1 Max Gutmann-

    Burgpreppach 1 Clara Weil-Ffm 2 Rosette Kruskal-Ffm 2 Bertha Goldman-Leipzig 2 Jacobine Wohlfarth-Ffm-

    Theresienstadt 2 Amalie Kugelman-NY 2 Rosy Bondi-Baltimore 3 Helene Offenbacher-NY 3 Sophie Baumann-Karlsruhe 3 David Strauss-Ffm 3 Henny Strauss-Ffm 3 Max Blattner-Schwanfeld 3 Sara Blattner-Schwanfeld 3 Luise Blattner-Schwanfeld 3 Fritz Nussbaum, Herta

    Nussbaum and children 3 Gustav Hoechster-Fuerth 3 Paula Hoechster-Fuerth 3 Hermann Schornstein-

    Mainstockheim 3 Emilie Schornstein-

    Mainstockheim 3 Louis Grebenau-Ffm 4 Rebecca Levisohn-NY 4 Bjorn Bamberger-NY 5 Babette Bamberger-NY 6 Regina Adler-Burghaun 7 Meta Mariam-Ffm-

    Theresienstadt 7 Levi Oppenheim-NY 8 Moses Stern-Fulda 9 Ferdinand Ehrmann-Ffm 9 Valentine Kaufmann-Irlich

    (Neuwied) 9 Rose Stone-Long Beach-NY 9 Ilse Katzenstein-Jerusalem 10 Adolf Oberndoerfer-

    Creglingen 10 Moritz Adler-Niedenstein

    10 Selma Raphael Mariam-Blackpool (England)

    10 Max G. Schlessinger-Mainz-Auschwitz

    10 Benno Levita-Ffm-Holland 10 Karl Baumann-Zuerich 10 Eva Neufeld-Nurnberg 10 David Freund-NY 10 Bertha Katz-Guxhagen-

    Kassel 10 Gertrude Heckscher-

    Hamburg 10 Ludwig Katzenstein-

    Baltimore 11 Eli Ascher-NY 11 Josef Birk-Sterbfritz 11 David Ginsberger-Ffm 11 Gerda Bamberger-NY 11 Sigmund Hammelburger-NY 11 Else Lehmann-Hamburg-

    London-Melbourne 12 Gertrud Warburg-NY 12 Salomon Andorn-NY 12 Emma Morris-NY 13 Levy Wallheimer-NY 13 Max Strauss-NY 14 Dir. Dr. Gerson Lange-Ffm 14 Jakob From-Muenchen 14 Jeannette Loewy-Kuestrin-

    NY 15 Bertha Ehrmann-Ffm-NY 15 N.Homburger-Ffm 15 Moritz Fuld-NY 15 Simon Ullman-Gelnhausen-

    NY 17 Joseph Goldman-NY 18 Max Klein & Family-Berlin 18 Markus Goldschmidt-Fulda 19 Bernhard Bechhofer-NY 19 Max and Blanka Stern and

    daughters-Voelkersleier 19 Herman Eschwege-Fulda 19 Fannie Saenger-NY 19 Sender Ehrman-NY

    20 William Moeller-Hamburg 20 Dina Bamberger-NY 21 Jettchen Apt-Angerod 21 Selma Loewenstein-NY 21 Claire Wiesenfelder-

    Bamberg-NY 21 Josef Marx-NY 21 Alice Neufeld-NY 22 Ruben Suessfeld-

    Hengstfeld 22 Selma Siegel-NY 22 Max Herz-Reichelsheim 22 Dora Stern-NY 23 Rosie Halberstadt-

    Hamburg 24 S. L. Bodenheimer-

    Biblis 24 Samuel Cahn-NY 24 Max Rosenthal-Ffm 24 Harry Katzenstein-NY 24 Selma Jonas-NY 25 Leo Stern-NY 25 Siegfried Max Bier-NY 25 Clothilde Weglein-

    Nuernberg-Theresienstadt 26 Ida Goldschmiedt-Fulda 26 Therese Singer-Ffm-

    Theresienstadt 27 Walter M. Strauss-NY 27 Frieda Neu-NY 28 Isidor Goldschmiedt-NY 28 Isidor Kaiser-Ffm 28 Bertha Kaiser-Ffm 28 Siegfried Salomon-Ffm 28 Erika Goldsmith-NY 29 Ruth Fulda-Loewenthal-

    Mainz 29 Martin Bondi-Berlin-

    Theresienstadt 29 Gutta Freudenberger-

    Darmstadt 30 Gustl Goldman-NY 30 Meta Schwartz-Ffm

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 28

    ALL PURPOSE ROOM Lower level of Preschool Building Season pass: $80 individual ($60 student) $120 family Per shiur: $5 ($3 student)

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 29

  • Vol. 48, No. 1 KAJ NEWSLETTER Page 30

    SHAATNEZ Shaatnez (wool and linen) is often found in garments bought even from a reliable Jewish clothing store. Therefore, it is forbidden to wear any man’s, woman’s or child’s garment that contains wool or linen until it has been determined not to contain shaatnez. To determine whether your garment is shaatnez-free, garments may be dropped off at the Kehilla office, 714 W. 186th Street at the following times:

    Weekdays 9:30 – 4:30 Fridays 9:30 – 12:00

    If you are not available at these times, please make an appointment by emailing [email protected]. If you do not have email, call 917-359-2873 and leave a message.

    Rabbi Kalman Strauss will test the garments on our premises.

    Please note that it is important to leave on tags with information where garment is manufactured and list of materials contained in it.


    Chevra Kadisha When the services of the Chevra Kadisha are required - Bar Minon - kindly contact

    any of the following immediately:


    RABBI EDWIN KATZENSTEIN-730 Ft. Washington Avenue 201-579-0483

    LEON GERSTLE – 100 Bennett Avenue Cell: 917-733-3639

    All levaya arrangements must be made verbally with the Chevra Kadisha or the Kehilla office. Family members should not contact the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel. To avoid mix-ups, the Chevra Kadisha will communicate with the Plaza Jewish Community Chapel regarding levaya arrangements.

    CONTACT INFORMATION Synagogue, 85-93 Bennett Avenue, New York, NY 10033

    HATZOLOH: 1-212-230-1000 or 1-212-387-1750

    Kehilla Office: 700 W. 186 Street New York, NY 10033 212-923-3582 /212-923-5936 Fax 212-781-4275

    Rav Zachariah Gelley (Study) 347-640-0264 Rav Yisroel Mantel (Study) 212-781-1345

    E-mail [email protected] Rav Jacob Posen 212-740-0020 90 Bennett Ave (Social Hall) 212-923-8984 Rav Chaim Kohn 718-252-3343 Phone in Shul 212-923-3614 Email [email protected] Mikve - 4351 Broadway 212-923-1100 Rabbi Moses Edelstein 845-425-9089 Yeshiva Executive Office 212-568-6250 Fax 845-356-2938 Beth Hamedrash Payphone 212-928-9981 Email: [email protected] Yeshiva Office 212-568-6200 Mr. Victor Sussman 212-568-2867 Mesivta Office 212-781-3399 Kehilla Maintenance [email protected]

    Jewish Community Council 212-568-5450 Moriah Senior Center 212-923-5715

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:Email:%20%[email protected]:[email protected]://

    SHIURIM NOTICESSisterhood Shabbos ShiurimFort Tryon Ladies Shiur (in memory of Mr. Marc Breuer ז"ל)

    SOCIAL REGISTERANNOUNCEMENTSGEMILLUS CHASSODIM & FREE LOAN FUNDPhoto credits for this issue:Meal # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8GARY EICHHORNSHAATNEZWeekdays 9:30 – 4:30Rabbi Kalman Strauss will test the garments on our premises.Chevra KadishaWhen the services of the Chevra Kadisha are required - Bar Minon - kindly contactOFFICE OF THE CONGREGATIONCONTACT INFORMATIONSynagogue, 85-93 Bennett Avenue, New York, NY 10033