serengeti national park_ale_saavedra

SERENGETI NATIONAL PARK PHOTO SAFARI By: Ale Saavedra MYP3 Humanities http:// stores/JelyneShop/images/ 2010217164052_NIKOND3000kit with18-55mmlens.jpg safari.jpg http:// review/canon/eos1dsmark3/ photography/safari-tour.jpg

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Post on 19-Aug-2015




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By: Ale SaavedraMYP3



Buffalo’s drinking water, and eating grass


Dry grass, hot weather, dry season

Wild plants, which show that their starting to grow because their green

Dry mountains, with dry plants, and grass

Acacia tree in the back, with a shape of a umbrella and large roots

Wildebeest migrate back home

Zebras migrate for survival

Dry grass, hot, dry season

Acacia trees in the background

Dry Soil

Sky, clouds, hot season, rainy season

Acacia tree

Green wet grassHerd of


Zebras, eating grass, and drinking water

Buffalos eating grass, and drinking water

Wild giraffe eating leafs, and fruits

Green grass, rich soil, and little white flowers

Zebra eating grass

Acacia tree’s, wide branches and little brown leafs

Green tall tree, leafs and fruits

Rainy season, humidity

Yellow dry grass

Dry, hard, soil, hot, dry season

Wild lion resting, eating and searching for prey

Buffalo herds migrating back home

Dry, hot, hard soil

Green, yellow tall grass

Acacia African trees: Big, medium, small sizes

Lion, Predator

Dry soil

Yellow tall thick grass

African acacia brown, green trees

Buffalo, Wildebeest herd

Aspects of Slide #2• Vegetation- In the picture of the slide #2 there is a lot of vegetation.

Dry and yellow grass, with big acacia trees in the background and in the mountains.

• Animals-There is a full herd of buffalos eating grass and drinking water peacefully with no predators around.

• Animals and Vegetation-Animals link to vegetation as vegetation links to the animals. Animals live out of vegetation such as grass and other types of vegetations. These buffalo’s eat grass so that they could survive their trip back home. Vegetation lives out of animals because these animals take a crap and that makes soil and when the rain falls it creates their food.

• People and Environment-People link to environment as environment links to people. In this picture people go to take pictures and to hunt these beautiful animals. Environment affects people because it attracts us to go and take pictures, to go for vacation and mainly to go hunt these buffalos and sell them for money.

Aspects of Slide #3• Vegetation-In this picture there is a lot of green grass, and

some yellow grass. There isn't that many trees but there are some at the far back.

• Animals-In this picture there are two big herds. One of zebras and the other one of wildebeest’s.

• Animals and Vegetation-Animals link to vegetation as well as vegetation links to animals in one way or another. In this two herds link to the grass because they eat it for survival. The grass links to the herd’ because it gives them food so that they could actually go thee to migrate.

• People and Environment-People link to the environments as the environments link to people. People go here to hunt and to investigate history of Africa, and environment affect people because that’s how they discover things with n environment there wouldn't be history.

Aspects of Slide #4• Vegetation-In this picture there is a lot of green tall grass and a big

acacia tree with three or o four more in the background.• Animals-There are two little herds of zebra’s and of buffalo’s.• Animals and Vegetation-Animals link to vegetation as well as

vegetation links to animals. IN this picture animals are eating the grass and the fruits that fall of the tree. Vegetation links to animals in a way that the tree gives shade to the animals so that they could rest on the migration.

• People and Environment-People and environment link as well as environment links to people. In this picture people like the acacia tree and they love the shape and the form that they grow in. Environment links to people in a way that the acacia tree is loved around the world and they take pictures and sell them worldwide.

Aspects of Slide #5• Vegetation-In this picture there is a lot of vegetation compared to the

amount of animals. There is tall green grass with come little bushes and five or six acacia trees at the back and a big one in the middle.

• Animals-there are three animals one giraffe that eating the leafs and the branches and two buffalos that are eating the grass and fruits from the bushes.

• Animals and Vegetation-Animals link to vegetation as vegetation links to animals. In this picture animals are eating the leaves, the grass, and the fruits of the bushes. The vegetation is growing because of the crap they take, which makes soil rich, which creates vegetation.

• People and Environment-people link to environment as environment links to people. In this picture the people link to the environment because people like this type o feature and create safaris so that tourists could see and feel the beauty of planet earth. The environment links to people because that s where we get food and cloth and meat.

Aspects of Slide #6• Vegetation-In this picture there is tall, thick, yellow grass.• Animals-there is a female and a male lion preparing for

hunt.• Animals and Vegetation-Animals link to vegetation as well

as vegetation to animals. Here animals are eating and resting in vegetation so that they can get energy to catch their prey. The vegetation links to the animals because that’s where the lions get their energy from so that they can have a good meal every night.

• People and Environment-people link to environment as environment links to people. People link to this because they eat and sell lion skin. Environment links to people because that’s where we get our carpets and some food.

Aspects of Slide #7• Vegetation-In this picture there is a lot of vegetation. The grass

is green and yellow blended together. There are about ten trees in the background where the herds take a nap and rest.

• Animals-In this picture there are a lot animals. There are two huge herds of zebras and buffalos.

• Animals and Vegetation-Animals link to vegetation as vegetation links to animals. Animals are walking in vegetation eating vegetation and most likely resting in vegetation.

• People and Environment-people link to environment as environment links to people. In the scene of this picture people go on safaris to hunt and to appreciate nature as it is. Environment is giving humans being and every living thing oxygen so that they could live that’s how they link to people.

Aspects of Slide #8• Vegetation-There is a lot of vegetation in this picture. There's

mainly grass in front and a lot o f trees in the background. • Animals-There is a complete herd of buffalo’s and one lion

that got lucky because that’s his meal for the night and for the next day.

• Animals and Vegetation-animals link to vegetation as vegetation links to animals. Animals eat, poo, take naps, and rest in vegetation. Vegetation links to animals because that’s how they survive in the Serengeti national park.

• People and Environment-People link to environments as environments link to people. People adore the beauty of these national parks in Africa. The environment gives Africa a big resource of tourism, so that people can come and watch the unique beauty of Africa.