serious gaming ht gastcollege rob willems

School of Communication & Media Serious Gaming Rob Willems

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Page 1: Serious Gaming HT Gastcollege Rob Willems

School of Communication & Media

Serious Gaming

Rob Willems

Page 2: Serious Gaming HT Gastcollege Rob Willems

School of Communication & Media

Page 3: Serious Gaming HT Gastcollege Rob Willems

School of Communication & Media

• Cognitief Psycholoog

• Usability consultant bij TNO ICT

• Serious Gaming

• Docent Human Technology (tot 2007)

• Docent Communicatiesystemen (nu)

Wie ben ik?


Page 4: Serious Gaming HT Gastcollege Rob Willems

School of Communication & Media


Serious Games zijn (computer)spellen die ontwikkeld zijn,

niet alleen vanwege de entertainmentwaarde, maar ook

om een ander doel te dienen.

Page 5: Serious Gaming HT Gastcollege Rob Willems

School of Communication & Media

Welke doelen zijn dat dan?

• Voorlichting / naamsbekendheid

• Gedrags- /attitude verandering

• Training en educatie (Edu gaming)

Page 6: Serious Gaming HT Gastcollege Rob Willems

School of Communication & Media

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School of Communication & Media

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School of Communication & Media

Page 9: Serious Gaming HT Gastcollege Rob Willems

School of Communication & Media

Page 10: Serious Gaming HT Gastcollege Rob Willems

School of Communication & Media

Flow is belangrijk!

• Bij vaardigheden training is belangrijk dat

de cursist zich helemaal kan verplaatsen

in de situatie.

• Flow is the mental state of operation in

which a person in an activity is fully

immersed in a feeling of energized focus,

full involvement, and success in the

process of the activity. (Mihaly


05/10/2010 IDU college 1, introductie 10

Page 12: Serious Gaming HT Gastcollege Rob Willems

School of Communication & Media

Wat is Edu-gaming en hoe werkt het?

• Kennis en vaardigheden aanbieden in de

vorm van (computer)games

• Deelnemers kiezen zelf (via internet: thuis

of werk)

• Eigen tempo

• Resultaten opgeslagen

• Toegang tot (digitale) informatiebronnen

Page 13: Serious Gaming HT Gastcollege Rob Willems

School of Communication & Media


• Leerspellen

• Rollenspel

• Quiz

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School of Communication & Media


• Persoonlijk

• Effectief

• Flexibel

• Up-to-date

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School of Communication & Media

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School of Communication & Media

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School of Communication & Media

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School of Communication & Media

Page 19: Serious Gaming HT Gastcollege Rob Willems

School of Communication & Media

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School of Communication & Media

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School of Communication & Media

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School of Communication & Media

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School of Communication & Media

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School of Communication & Media

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School of Communication & Media

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School of Communication & Media05/10/2010 IDU college 1, introductie 30

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School of Communication & Media05/10/2010 IDU college 1, introductie 31

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School of Communication & Media05/10/2010 IDU college 1, introductie 32

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School of Communication & Media05/10/2010 IDU college 1, introductie 33

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School of Communication & Media05/10/2010 IDU college 1, introductie 34

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School of Communication & Media05/10/2010

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School of Communication & Media


Page 37: Serious Gaming HT Gastcollege Rob Willems

School of Communication & Media


• Kijkoperatievaardigheden


• Revalidatie oorlogsgewonden

• Pijnreductie

• Militaire missie

• Virtual humans

• Teambuilding met mobiele applicaties

• Informatiebeveiliging

• Brandweertraining

• Spel voor kinderen met PDD NOS

• Dijkwacht


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School of Communication & Media05/10/2010

Docent informatie

Rob Willems

Kamer F208

Tel: 050 - 595 2053

[email protected]

Page 39: Serious Gaming HT Gastcollege Rob Willems

School of Communication & Media