sharing dan tips berburu beasiswa

Amsterdam, New York, Berlin? Berburu Beasiswa Deka @Sharing Alumni FKMUI, Jan 2012

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Slide ini dari kegiatan sharing alumni pada tanggal 12 Januari 2013 oleh Dr. Dian Kusuma, SKM, MPH


Page 1: Sharing dan Tips Berburu Beasiswa

Amsterdam, New York, Berlin? Berburu Beasiswa

Deka @Sharing Alumni FKMUI, Jan 2012

Page 2: Sharing dan Tips Berburu Beasiswa

Pertanyaan umum

•Kalo udah pengen, apa langkah selanjutnya?

•Apa profil ideal penerima w/r/t nilai, jurusan, aktifitas organisasi, pengalaman kerja?

•Bagaimana memilih universitas? Kuliah di tempat yang rangking lebih baik dari UI?

•Apa jenis beasiswa yang ada?

Page 3: Sharing dan Tips Berburu Beasiswa

One step at a time

•Bermimpi▫Dream jobs, dream schools

•Kenali opsi beasiswa▫StuNed, Fulbright, Ford, DAAD, ADS …

•Mempersiapkan profil diri (eligibility)▫Experiences, TOELF/IELTS

•Mempersiapkan aplikasi dan proses seleksi

Page 4: Sharing dan Tips Berburu Beasiswa

•Bermimpi▫Dream jobs, dream schools

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Dream jobs … find role models

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Dream schools …

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•Kenali opsi beasiswa▫StuNed, Fulbright, Ford, DAAD, ADS …

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MASTER DEGREE PROGRAMS: Fulbright Master’s Degree Program Fulbright-Freeport Master’s Degree Program Fulbright Master of Science & Technology Initiative Degree Program

DOCTORAL DEGREE PROGRAMS: Fulbright Presidential Scholarship Program (Ph.D. Program)

RESEARCH PROGRAMS: Fulbright Doctoral Dissertation Research Program Fulbright Senior Research Program

SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Fulbright Foreign Language (Indonesian) Teaching Assistant (FLTA)

Program Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program for Mid-Career Professionals ILEP (International Leaders In Education Program) Community College Initiative Program Global Undergraduate Exchange program

DIKTI funded FULBRIGHT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS: DIKTI funded Fulbright Master’s Degree Program DIKTI funded Fulbright Ph.D Program DIKTI funded Fulbright Doctoral Dissertation Research Program DIKTI funded Fulbright Senior Research Program

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Fulbright MASTER’S Degree ProgramPreference will be given to applicants who serve as faculty members of state and private institutions of higher

education in Indonesia. However, others who are not lecturers may apply.

Applicants will possess: a Bachelor (S1) degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (4.00 scale) leadership qualities a good understanding of Indonesian and international cultures demonstrated commitment to the chosen field of study a willingness to return to Indonesia upon completion of the Fulbright program a minimum ITP TOEFL score of 550 or IBT TOEFL score of 79/80 or IELTS score of 6.0. Please note that

TOEFL prediction or TOEFL-like score cannot be accepted.

HOW TO APPLY Candidates should complete the appropriate application forms which can be downloaded below. Shall you

decide to send your application by mail, please send them to the following address: AMINEF Office: CIMB NIAGA Plaza, 3rd Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 25 Jakarta 12920

Please return to AMINEF your complete application package by the application deadline that includes: Completed application form. This includes a clearly written and concise one page study objective. Copy of your most recent, less than two year old, ITP TOEFL or IBT TOEFL or IELTS score report. One letter of reference, either from your current employer or previous lecturer. Copy of academic transcript (English translation). Copy of identity document (KTP or passport).

DEADLINE The deadline for the submission of application materials for the program is April 15, 2013.

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Fulbright Presidential Scholarship Program (Ph.D. Program)

Preference will be given to applicants who serve or plan to serve as faculty members of state and private institutions of higher education in Indonesia and have not previously received any Fulbright scholarship.

Applicants will possess:

1. a Master's degree with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.00 scale).

2. demonstrated leadership qualities.

3. a good understanding of Indonesian and other cultures.

4. a deep commitment to the chosen field of study.

5. a determination to return to Indonesia upon completion of the Fulbright program and to take up academic positions in higher education upon their return.

6. a minimum ITP TOEFL score of 575 or IBT TOEFL score of 90 or IELTS score of 6.5. Please note that TOEFL prediction or TOEFL-like score cannot be accepted.

Note: Based on recent changes in U.S. institution requirements, the TOEFL requirement for this program has been changed. The new requirement is as follows: "Generally, the TOEFL requirement for PhD program is 575 and above. However, a score of 550 and above will be considered for the following fields: non applied Physics, non applied Mathematics, and non applied Chemistry."

(Grant duration is 3 years.)


All disciplines and fields of study are eligible for a Fulbright award. The fields of study covered by the Fulbright scholarship program in the past were limited to the Social Sciences and Humanities. Since 2004, however, the policy has been changed to include also other disciplines with the exception of fields related to patient care or medical training or to continue their study at medical school.


Candidates should complete the appropriate application forms. Please return to AMINEF your complete application package:

7. Completed application form. This includes a clearly written and concise one page study objective and three to five pages research proposal.

8. Copy of your most recent, less than two year old, ITP/IBT TOEFL or IELTS score report.

9. One letter of reference, either from your current employer or previous lecturer.

10. Copy of academic transcript (English translation).

11. Copy of identity document (KTP or passport).

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• Mempersiapkan profil diri (eligibility)▫Experiences, TOELF/IELTS

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Good Luck!