shop! · h in loror of...

$Btfft: it w t ;gt narr-Trr \ kMfUtt 19| .-». *»«—? i«t tt*»H»irMi o««4*t aiattai&Bj mmmmmmmmmm > ittJftf *'-• ^;; Wa»m ,•;.* > * ^ v »r m Ko* jririr **>**: [f-'l, 1 1 11 i i ABIUttAM t. rAftK^Ft. t.kDUi*BAJrifcLrk}fc. | ^xm.WOTiTir birxymmfyAl? ft. N 1>hu, i m f l n w i m B. e n Are|sn. jjf? J, Y. CHAtTO: v m 04 IL WIL80H. w A f t J< k PALIrtttO »*TI I IBBSIfBH!MBL?OMrUCTr GawfojitM (TMM) Nififc tho . And boil of oil toutborni Jotfr* under We tdltohU hfad i f " A f Queakloa M bit bjau recent]/ lay ibflprorirlity ana ne^eaeltjr retiig 'le dUllnot eyatera of aj*tt proptouUngettor* a apeala) eonetabularr I Umo* to meet ovary n*y In Any port of he Now* aiajre ;-> The ettlko oomo ptradao oo Innovation, but thaif loo thai itiob o system, toil* orgoofood, a ojrotem oifcbody* notice *nMd,oqolppod md »on. Uy mobollood, would bo admit- adopted to uphold the poaceend Uy of tbo etete, terrlfr tbo erWt- element, rBproasylawlooanooe, ood a oom/orteble oenee of ea> iy tot lift ood^roporty tbroogb- tbo Uud.'V Tbo baro neeeealtr roo4nt itiob worda nooeeeory lo toniinf ntar? upon tbo ootual ooo^ oJepototyla ooo of.tbo ooutb* ateteet and thfo may bottakoni M Oiioplo Of tbo tnipunlahed jrlo* Olid tinreatraltied lawltottieae fondoro tbo rlajhte of btaok moo n tat Ml 4f tbo "Mid Booth. woftdlr, In rftf? Of tbo con* ptva> of v t n l e W Inttttridav •inirder, that tbo oototH !• io domooratH ihat omoo of tho r iwpubltoeai loadoro l« tbo OTfc oUtte ototod (at tbo oooAn^ ofnpobHoon loadoro OHfi loot woob) that blloaju hoto on o to many! of tbo yot tboy doop^lr o olootoral r4to of any I of tbtoo +t Tho roooona glVoo for tbooo OUirorotbat ai olootlqn mo» ; of tho W i l d K>ulh" lo in b o d d i o f t b o ^ N b o l doi|ioorao)r will count fvo^y iUtoa|i oror* H In loror of 'Mlanoock, oof rf4»rm/ 9 flM « 1# ^ <^i|b It If i« open and plain oa doyllf btptoall roadlng and think- pooplo, that *l loait two thlrJi 0 1M olof torol votoo of tho optith boo boeo raado V"d / l * kr i )l by brutol nolctio^y aOtl otuol IdaMon, iro j-opuhll^iw In any otoMlon^ yot a] ?M ibultUtMd oi born domocraoi, rvf»" who wtmli t ond rcoUt lor tt o doatti iho Opooloo of w«og if commliUd aro to bllod^o by partl«an. x^al tboy iro willing, »>o oro Ubour- f* and will totb t<i bond Iho romont Of or l^lo Iho bioo«ly and hand* of Ihooo who dinrngariM farm of right ajid Ju^iluo to! control of tho n%llon wMah Qgbt foil yoar« to doitroy. f bO "tolld (looth^ ran ttfcoood f by t OOd proooot method* of vio* and bloof, In gaining oontrofc atlon othloh booof % of llo ool* ffoOp roflnomout ond low t|ot<lb*y>ay Vol) bollovo that they OfO a i t b o r f y d to eontkiiio In tholr wjoyooVwIckMooM which hare mad© llunaafb fbr ailW ropuMloan ( to pro- olMtnhlo bonoir^ontlmeiil^ dangor^ r 0 oortbonMnan tp bo, a ro* ond Jrtiprly llmpooolblo lOfod raMobllo^n ib oo|oy and tbo rfght <f Iba olootlro In Now Ithoogb Itpolod tutboril »oo or* ibliDlmuvaii^iT^ hrattno4 tbo doplOriblo fbot tbtt aiy tot of men whof baro * owood t I bought, oold* bl|f)^odp drlron, aod mordorod poor tand huiMnt blaofc-moi tho#oar]lootibbbood down •» tboclooo'ff tbo iMNro^loldoro'ifobo^ doll wilf ity no#JoolUto to oof anr Oiotbf |d tholr powor to doprrri thorn of th*lr fbll right! ao Amorloanj cltt- aooo^ Will bo who hat oror cruelly parttd tbo uillki fiKHxl bmibanil olid wlfOr tod oMd tnom tb bo oopairotod fbrovor f orj Wh^ bao oror brOtally torn tbo baackl boby from I to mothor'o lot log ormi to bo made more hand loo, > m bo boottoto to doprlto a no|ro of oaohi and lover* Ood-gfron right trblob tbo » w of tbo land and 6brlo- ^lan ^IvIBoitlon ooeordo to every bu- tton bolbglr Tbo bitter experience Of tho pait llftooo bloody yoaro.which bare boom drowdod with horror and browned jwltb tbo flondlob murder of Ot leoit 13,000 blookrropubllcooo |n the Oolld anU olavo ooourood ooutbolnce tho war^aod All bocauoo they fared loaoiert thot mknbood, wltbwbloh ibe mofcoly of tbo low [ bao clftbed 9bom# wO ooy tb#oobltt#r oxporUonceo bovo taught ajl.mon that tbo ex-febe), ox«elavo*boldoro ore not yet ready to aooord fbll freedom oof oqooll)ty of oltfiebibjp to tbooo wh*>m tboy! onoo bought and told u iUvfo. If tbla la true, thou tblo Mooofllot 11 between juotlco end, oppfjcmlim ^rblob 4oomo M lrroproootblo f# N pot ye|t ended. :,n > Both tbo dota^otooy of tbo oorth ond tbo ooutb have bad jo good long term of toboollpg from their republl- pM^ocbool;lloioicr. u Dotb braooboo of dfjnodraey, ibf #obtherb, traitorouo and/obelllouf go wbll at the northern oyo^olbUlof portion,haVeeach loam- od ond on loo mod J&anyjt bingo. And ye,t tboy qpro hot oufloleoitlv advanced la tho now, bettor and higher doo- trlnoo of tho rtpubllo to render Ibetn eafbor eoapeteut to toko charge of national affaire. Thoy need a few yooiomoro of lhitmcMon and Ulocl- plinfj % Thly need a few more yeora of lo>al republican rule to*break and bymblo tbo domineering and oiur* dorouo aplrlt of the aontherii t>ull- doaoro.], Wo nocd a new aucoeoalon ot overwhelming Union v^ctoricn tyf teach tbo fcro shtftn ooljr W^k »t>il Ibloader aod do wtvn$, «Uj; f l l t o lit tho boil miii, «ybu|a tht oAoo>btmry democrat Oortainly! by all ntoana do tfibt, Obm Girfleld wttl Oo oUpted by g grondOf m^orlty than any faan baa roclevod oindo the dayaof Waahlngtofti. { No eand man Who comprebentU and then compafbo the, qdalifloatlono of Gbrfleld] ond llancoclrcan fall to ooo that doe lo •Imply a aoldler, trained only and ea peclally lo the arta of war t wbio the othor la a atateaman who, bkvlnf occdpled all poolttona fh>m a blow- boy to Member of Congreaai baa ahown a broader comproBooalon of the wayo and wan^a of government and,a deeper Inolgbt into the difficult problema of flnanoe ond leglolatlon than other man of hit, time*.) Let jBvery candid roan, without frill vote for the beat men. : i ^v [ HKftJLL-DUrOb; Waa J. a. cob corned In Egfvpt i a' dear iSuch A atag patty lo Oaually browd.— Yonker$ Statement. partlee ofted feel cheap enough When a tloo-mcfitto tw|go their game, j • I Tib republican* aei the dajy of JUdgmeut In the election of Hancock. +~Mbrntng De»patvh,. Ah, yea! hitm tinner la faat becoming aynictple of anti-fat. Yonkery Hjatcman. Wat-cr melon-cholly f i$kJr > L ,. l! itfftdo bot know aaytfeen abple* oetang to any oocret/Thaternitylyet tnoifaeem to have arte grip.—Mara* ikon lndet*tntient,/jLr&* % Maratpon! thby due;. Thejtfbo* out the gjrand ailing algh-in m diatroaa, then they give the grlp/^ . t A Botlndr ateamer ha* not rookedybr more thnn two dayai aod e cotyC of tho accident ia unknown. ^*v/i$\omi IferaM. Wy, NorHs^. the/ve gone through the sound ior^a RlBf. #arc now getting ready to tigkle omtoundonoa. i, y /^ ft il tin Irigyqur bualnrafft Ve/y tjiucb aoutborn chivalry " tyC I like courting'a girl. No oM eUe! can they do not *M own (the diaky f|^d booo the fob but yourjelf^lf^/^Aoa f^aedmon, nor havd Ihef atll^thb 7Yrn4t. Sartlnl bua-neM la bus b c u right of life and death dverXu«m. L L W ^ ' ,^JLK ».. t ^,1 A . . . . i .* -.71 4 Oooa butter* *ay, a '•dpniaV lite thia That tboy have not, nor will thoH w^S #hteh io-INH*" Waiwi tie over again have tho right to play thjl role of Imperioua maatera, beeau#t,b| tho Imperial majeaty of Joatlco anl law tholr obattleo have boon Irani formed toto Amerloan freemen, Thf eoothern democrat* who bavooo looi ruled and controlled tbo northei doqaocrocy muat loam that they d| not ahOOlutely own the northern alllej lo the txtont of treatIbg them Uk< tholrformer duoky faood *lavc*. Th< republloan p4rty boa bo^n o^grtatj oootbora boaooe. have unlearn many of their former domineer IngliaW elav*>drtvtng jnannera and^ /(nolr norlhora prothern have^ alao ntbde maob Improvement Botb fckv* loomed totepoat the trul*** (tboOgh tboy do It with a aavagtj grimace) thatalavory laaof a H dlyine Inetliu* ttt>n» fl thai a ubton aoif lor la Mdt a ^^Uncoln 1 ilrellng/; thet tbo wan la wol ootltelt a <, fbl>Ore; 9, [that the (<m* aaolpalioo |6f two mllllbd alavoe la no$ ° unooriitltOtlooal riVolwtionory and void ;?I that there ila aupretoe power III tie atroog err*)* and loyal hearta o^ IAmerican ireemen to •^oorebratoo^or people back idto thai upftoniwbloh thoy might to 41a- man^ber and dootmy; rboi oven negro olt^ena have aoOie 4 Tight* which tbby a*% b o u n d to roipect;° I that ttro not- [>fonal credit, which Woa aadly 1m- pilred by democratic inl*manago- f IfUeOt and a M *olld-i(4»i^ rn M rebel- plonj oau hr (bocau9C it ha)* boon) mado ki good a* aye better Jbon gold; that the Two DiMJOM 1M-— * a ^ A hich thU«>ff|o 4 '^li p ilport the co reo^oo eon \w \ publican fltiA (|chi baa bent roih7cc< ftiillion* already and tl tieen funded at a vcrjj IbtcreMi ( j Thf republican parti 1 isntfr' don« Wrtoh GEHFRAi. NKVTH. ^Ibbda hove damage In Npt^th Carolina. > Aiiotbor atoamboat with 800 payt- oengera auak near N. Y^ but no Uvea iooi.i-i- GeWall.Garfield received many callcbl 7 , aipong them Oenoral ^re> mogi t ; - ( y ^ , i - i , ^ .; j: i I y t>(jmocrat* bavc carrkhl Alobidia giland^ good and aucoooafbl teacher td Iind Kentucky by oolld Sogthem |na both wlago of the democracy*. The|f Jorltlea. .I.AIW of debt M)u«h" rntali- >v Ita wicked <|cau*fi by good |( the original nauy hundred a balanco haa lour rate of haa t teed Y ot! loo whloh to aafcredly guaran* *otory law of the la**d to eaoh II cltlaen*, re^ardloaa of their dor or plodo of birth, \ lo tbo elvlllajettofi 6> the north ekplkedL turned i^tlo rod before tne]borbor(*bi of Utlaern aiave-holgero, ao pong j haired, blood-thlraty aojutb* valry,w&tb bludgeon and oani>, bowle anlfe, domlifeered pattooal kafta of leglalatlou, In tbo hotel* and avenue* oa^ttal of tbo Union ond in* led bod bullied northern wen heir* righto ao freemen. But the pluck and courfigo of b WOO aronood; and northern oolturO ond refinement met thorn •*flr*>e*tere," Ond foot face to fbee and hand to band and maintained the righto rtloe of the cant, uorth and t\igit other u\h\\ repeat veVr I* tba»: ••JA e- *N( it t,oM , Hok , I »4.11 t i % Hot lb % the fi|oUtepo of the fierce aau anrry <U btteo lo eongrea* oimo H)e|>hflen roar of cannon and the itlf of mookotry. which fore- toMUritew aod mora bloody field of *)onilot to whlob theelave-bofding OOfltbomro bod Invttod tbo peae*> ilttitooo of tbo 'free epaiee. atfaolt of tbla branob of the ly M lfrepreeolble eoofl|ot M ln^l iletiiocrjcv innny I Jrauwe whloh tl^ey cad yllMv and among them] right to nfrtt baltnt it a night prhtrrH. fire ufaUYighU, and muu and $hall Ac tn<tf*to$nc<itn ertty pamof the Und&l Mat*)' Tbla thoy havb learned ao ell jtliai they have eottlall* Incorpo- ited It Into their notlokal platform, hoyl hove learned thU Ind aithoiigh hey nove^ attempt to reduce it to otuol practice they can and do alnf In khe north,to the tunecf "Yenke^ Dqlc" *nd all other patriotic na- ooal alr*| while their bretherenof e oolld *unny aouth, hum It to the tMnoff 4 * Dixie" and the "Bonnie Illoej riag.f' They dI*regard lta aplrlt aaj okucu ao tboy did their "economy* a^id reform" cry when thfy were run^ nlng Bam Tllden In 18G6. la Woelng thla artlole that *i aolld north muit 9 | ^iodftd aouth M until the nokber obracy pluck up euftlcleot co ^ Over 170,000,006 hoa been dlebufeed to the], Navy Department alnce 187* Without a dollar^ lo*p. of H We* Trepcet* wallop 9 ' thei dem* to Itlaiatfjtbat their ex-rcbo|l; aoothe ^ polltloal alllfU oiiall obey tjbe lawa and {fteetejll republican cltliena, white and b^aok I wlt^ Itho aome falruaaa and Wly that ropubllc*>na extend to to In all aoctlona pf the union, but not unlit thcta will the plo over permit, tbo *oothr to' oasumo oootro) of ranent, for then, and theft HI fbi 'irreptrtaajblecofllot", Iberlir and UwlceOooaa have i The ^tecutlva) Committee 1 of [the Democratic State Committee met at thoSt, Jamee Hotel. ( , ,. . j Bpoclo la rapidly flowing Into [h(a country from Europe; a euro afgej of onr Increaalog prosperity. j ( 4 Kbthoiiaatlc Sontberh nepubllckna lay they can carry Florida, N. Ca*ro- Una and Weot Va-, In November, j An Important conference of the Republican Jeadera waa bold |a*t Thuraday $( the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Tbo Kueeien harvest lo poor wblph bjplpo to Inauro.a remunerative outlet for our cjver crowded granaries of the Weat, ^ ,.-..' v ]| •• ; ...; , • !j.-h i |Gdn. Garfield opent loot Sunday ot Chautauqua Lake and vlaited 1 tbo Sabbath achbol convention, now In aooalpn at that place. : j. i i 8. It. Nfaaon, who ran a* the G r b m 4 back! candidate "for Governor of Penney I van la* two year* ago* haa ^e> turned to tho Republican tank*, j A Jffoat Republican xlemonstrotlOn waa made laat Friday evening alt a aerenade t^ Orr Oral Garfield in N. Y. olty. Hpeeohra were dellvrred by General Garficld r General Arfhor, General Sharpe t FMward* IMerrepoot, Benjamin flarrbon, Anaon O, Mc- Cook and othera.' . L i I>n Tanner finished W fikf* f\at {in New York, la»t Saturday at nocao, le then, after eatlnir a peach, drabk II quantity of milk and Ote quite a puberal aupply pf water-mellob. 8incb then ho haa oajten Voracloualy of all *qn* of food and drank wine ond alelnad^all quantities lie la rapidly gaining \n atrength and weight, havlijg Inc\a*ed In weight 4 Ibe In halt*] day. of the groat lift I*falland pilch hroortyntid odel political campa. Your buoyant with bdpb uolw^ and I beg you, when you pliob your tenL pitch it amjong the living Ocjd notjambng tbeMacL (Applaooe,]| If yob are at alllodilnod If pilch it amobg tbo Democratic peopti ^dd with that party] let me go with you fo| a mo- ment (while we aorvejj the ground where I hope you will dot ohortly lif. [Laugbter. J It is k aad place yo man/for you to put ypuryodng Into. I It U to mo far frarevard than like a livlng[^Look,at itt It 1 I'Tb try" T-<* (bo At €m.rnauL fair In tho Bi all ovilwlth the grave* of burled oplnlono, thoorleo, of d You cannot live in place. [Laughter.} ofdoMloooda exploded doctrine^ rt in ouch a y, look hero! e mound. I look d, 'Sabred to r Sovereignty l*lon. oerato dead A mil- voted fifteen Here lo a little down Ion It and Ibe mlmory of and trie Dred «coU fl lion ai|d a haff of Do for tha;t/but It bog yeara-idlM by the haa^d of Abraham Llncolt/and here It HelaJ [Applauae.] Younjflman, that ia nbt the piiace for you/ ji •. ? kit took a little AorjtlLer. Here la another monument*~a mack tjomb— apd beside it, aa Our Ldiatingpiabed fj-lead ajaid, there tywera to thej aky a m II oninnoletit of four mtan fetters tak aiavu, ind I read ob l|ta onettjla: 'Sacred to human slavery/ F lta fofamoofs U(| the rty tkught that' 1 odle laatltutloo* aon pairs of fr*>nji the a^ms of little Ihcad*. the memory fortyj year* Democratic Woo d i v i n e - defended it, they stdod around U, thejp followed iti to lta gravo ao a bi<[oh)er, But bore it iliee* dead by I tpf] babd of brabain Lincoln. [Applaote.] Dead bkr the! power of the Republican Pfrir. [Applause.] : |>iait b^ the JcjMke ojf Almighty dod.[ [Gre|it ap* Don't \ camp ptauae and cheer*. J t^ero young man. ' <4 IIbt bore ia another4~<L little brim aflonm tomb flaughtcrjMmd I read airoaa hk yellow face Id lurid, bloody lijieij these w^rde : 'iaired to the imOry of Bute Hovevelgnty and !o*aioh/ Twelve ml HOn of Herna* citat ^ flustered around |it| in arm* toi b*)ep it sjllve; but hero it [lie*, *hot diath by 4 the million gt|n| of \hi Re publio. IfApplaUsojilljere It Ilea, it* obHnb burnt to IrisljtoaL under the blozing ifeftere of tkje ibuAid^lcpn- federa^cyj fApplau*^.]j It is cleadt I would not have yoiu itajy in thbre a minute, •ven in the sWljn^ nlghi air, to look Out f uch a plaice; fLaughlttr.] <4 But lust before] 1 lebve It If la- cover a new-made gtaje, a jiitlo raOun<jl—»horU Tbejgreea haaha|rd)y a pro t ted over it, anq all (around it I •ce torn pieces of bopetr with the word^flait'bn tbem [)adghterj, ahd I look do win In curloaM^ wondering what ibe little gravel l< pad,, I i*ead on It, 'tigered toAho^meinory ; oTribe^l 4 Rag Baby; [laughterJ, njuritod in! the brain of all the fanaticjUn of! the world [laughter], rocjked by Thomas Ewing, doorge II. Pendleton, 8amueJ Cory, ana a few othera throughout the land.{ But it v died oil theUtof January, (1879, and the oho hundred and forty millions of gold tbotOod made, and not flat pbwer 9 lie upori its lUtle carpaos to keep it do^rn forever. [Prolonged applauao J :• "Oh, yourtg man, dome but of that! [Liugbteifl] . That la no place In which to \fukyour young life. Come out, and qorae over into jtllis Camp of liberty, of order, 6t law), bf juat oe, ia of freedom ['Ameb^Jof I oil tbatl glorious under these nignlLtars* M Is there any deatlh hero in bur cam p ? Ye* I yes I fbrio hundred and dfty thousand solalorU the nob- lest bond that ever trod the earth, died to make thi/ capon J a camp of glory and of libertyvLc»reW<T. fTrc« mondous applau*e.J f 4 *But there sre no doad Usues he^e. There nvd no dead l«*m*s hirCi ll^i^r out our banner from umlUr t> <• bb e sky thin night until ft ^hHllMue p ihi greon turf under ymir fwi \\ It h:tn| o over our cotnp. Kertd awn the 4i *r,s. Uio lii^rii^iifin jl In li. Iti! th»'*n tw-fii> tli^ 5 K upcpun. tM ejerop i,ofi?rle,bilpo BMuie at PotodHb rtobid, bf Redwood, M^d tt^s legWflly britob by a ntnawajf edit laaVBaturdajl aritavlllej tahnery io in foil blaot d enctenslve improvements I are being made ibis season* . Horace T.jBa I formerly of Iljiria- ville bjaa a A e stock of Ready made clothing at mw rf tea. ..,;• ; I ( Tbo jomaiao cjf Mr. S. Comatollpof fiermob work burled Sunday Aui 1th wlthmaaonlo]coa|emonleo.\ i 1 PleaJure slekira from alt aectSons of the moot J are flocking to Tt-out Lake far restjand pleasure, i v The ftmg «|re<jt in the Tditti ofjDe- Kalb f beretJrori yclept < 'Otm|et n Will hereof toil bej known aa leffenon atreet | I r" 1 CbO«J Hoamen of PUcatrn ibas real* ded In that tJwnj for the pait 40 ybara la bow [in hia] 90th year and la the bldeat man inltowo. He wfasborb in Concord, Ma*, Iti 1761. 'jl Geo Jlyon formerly of Gbuverbeur died lam month In Clinton prison of hoArt disease! Our authority lifor this is Mr. ILlTnompson or the place who haO written to his fr at Fullervlllo ks above. The republftans of Potsdam [H^vo organized a Gkrfleld and Arjthuijiiub and decked th|it f tlrltng end ab publican, Gl His name ULs^u ? a.. Dont be fkM gentle caught in the the vole fan gu Lake of Lake]A Blclod obape oi]2ydofcg Same end* preside afonei i 0 re- nt, are Erwln energy an amplb guirkntjoe of succoas. Wild beAsie|ro4m shout the }|sirde HarUvllle in the tiaaraii months'old. afraidlto stop at their expel lent hotel on this accouut aa brti pletore df tho keeping k Urat a lamb. Tbey idirondacks by IIfi|me de and hunter. & Blobd of Harrlsvilli Adirondac House I are la>8 hotel in every) re- opect and travelers to the huniindlnd fishing brouni^ of the Adlroidac hills wiiiMlud tliis a most convenient place to Jnirchafce their outfit. Livery t|0^ma fiijoishef at low rates. Tney 4lso hnvb 4 fu grocerle^ aud banlc | r Is Ms 4 re pro- line of drugs ierai merchandise at ICSW sar Aug town tbla year Mr. S. Boper CoigOto Acadeahy at Hamilton, aplendifl time heyviaited U rs deserted ht ver the old icb anil ijbad was cut fllrest in 1812. on Fine, 7|th.—Fine is the cham^ for a hay crop. ! two friends from and i*S the "Adriondabjs a fjlilns and 8. Soay- il llngs 9 thence nofth if^Nny road aa fail Lorfnobie AGU'L THE GdlTVRilNStja ANNUAL jANI) will hold pondsi This i rough the track if tts* Had *>Pr. ^ BASlAV, TillRHDAT iKD FVIDMY. 0»JFt«lfBpril»T, a!*>|AIfD5D. IH80, Oil 8&0- G E l GlKIJ Mtiveai GodJ SIE OX THE 8TUMP, " to YoirWa writtlt'ii yeir*. *»Twti|iy : Avf«'>eai'0 «rgo llj ly WHM married to lieaii par and t h is ) eitlf n«. wo thily oilier be H our ^llver tttHlding.fellew tip Uud l we \rh e Itfj it Liwrt MKCH. SOCIE t* lwcntx-?ocon*J fATTLS SHOW ess a* t >fn!'w F: MI R / )< PHEkitJMsl Ive &tlck. roultry. AarlculttWal rodu<f* t Manlif*otor64l AjrUeM*. Doin*>Uo PiixlucU, etc. OOOii IWSbJlKD I DOLLARS prksks &r*&'jqt'D FOR Tjidrrim}/ fUV H U-SQUlRp rioifctJoaoifT sseqttmoaferdpotinr M \J tjataiiatnt tir t**Ht *lx of 6iOeo&*uni« 1 jLwt>^(ii th^^am^r a*hwir).]n*4 Uoa*>twelr* a&0 o B e o a of artlole Oft of ikm b e a i e B i T a e as to re*4 Tb* aapeHstooart^ in the T<4*^ UM ooiiHjQrf ebmsMB plea* l y o C H w York, the rape end UM Mtr «n*rt of BroolUyaare oo ita UM> pcrwer* awt JertaOietloci thoy BOW MTerailT bare, and *aon fortaer civil apd orimiojl JurMle eoaapesedof Goaof tlil*i ooert of eoi threV: tetion ** BIT be oonterred pr eoeaortor eoartof New vork *aaU bo •iz judge* In ofleo at the ador• Article, Bad their *aoo*aoor*. Tfio eoaimon plea* of New York, of the w then In office, and their moo—ton Additional Jpaiaes. The inporlor ooort of BntAlo, of the iodge* now In office, mad jhelr *B0e—*ot*} and th* oitj ooart of Brook- ITB, of rah iraaiber of Jadge*, not exceeding three, a* may be provided by Uw. The Jodfi* of *aid pottru in office urtiote 7 *** oeBiteaeO Oatil the eYptraOoa Of their ten**. Aohiaf M«re shall be appofhteit the adopUoaof this eiplfatiej* bf the Jodg** of aeoh of aaid ooart* froai their own otmtDer. who shall act aa tuch dariaa; hi* official teraaJ. Vaoanoiea in the office of the ludae* naaio* ia tai* aeotlon, oocotrtnt; other- wisethaabrexpiration of ter«.ahail beeued in the same manner a* •aeanele* In the supreme ooert. The leaialature may proTide; for detail- Jog Jad*e* of the *npe»r court i common plea* of Kew York to bold circuits special term* of the supreme eoartja that city: and for detailing judge* of the ofly court of Brooklyn, to hold etrcaim and special term* of (be{supreme court In Kings county a* the pub- liototerestmsyfeqaire, , gIS. JuaUeos of the Jropreme odott shall bo ehojien by the electors ot their respectrre judl- oonrtef cUl distriet*. Jsvlges Of all the eoort* ^ tiojied in the last preceding seoUon shall be 1 chosen *>? the electors of the cities respect! r« ild courts aro instituted. In r#hieh the sal ofBdial terms of the saJdJosU shall be elected after the; adoption of this aiti •hlli be foarteea yea " Srsqeay of January and judge* mofthlsaii and laeladlBg Butino ludie of any ooart 1< Inglhe last day of B after tneir i offl< {the offlee of joatiee than until and ineli bar next after he The oomponsation f appeaJ*,and of erei rourt, who** term pursuant to this pi •erred Mauehfedi or justice ten year* oi more, shall be ooatliui during the remainder^ of the term for whicjh 1 was elected. And whereas the foreaWrtg SmebdnienHo constitution was agreed lo by a majority of I to " ' "" " of the two houses in aad sc?eutr-nlni generil members elected to. e the year eighteen hundred aad se?eoty-al aod waa entered en the] journal with the y and nay* taken thereon and referred to tb legislature after publication thereof for thrt months' preTlous to the |ast general election of senatori ! » Rfokmlilt tbd Mfedbly conear). That foregoing amendment be submitted to the pie of the state of iNew York at the next ge election, ; ] BTATH Of XKW YORK, . . I { IN SBNATB, April aViiaa The alters revolution was duly passed. By order of the senate. 4o*ut )y. VaooiTA v, Clerk, « O* NKWJ YORK, aflOBMbLiL May 25.1S8QL iofa*ea was But? pasoed. 1. ST. The forraelng; By order of OMHSOir eople of th) State bV NJ* Tork, rdprei In Senate and Atterobly, do enaei a* i^ONCUBaaifT BESOLUTlOK proposing V amendment to ssoUontwe4e of arUele of the conitituaon, Thepeop; •entea In follows: . ^ Evolved (It iht&temhlf confuri, Tlist *e& lion twelve of article six of the bonstitutton be amended so as read as follows: 4 t It.* The huperior oourt of Tork, tho court of common pi and county of New York, the **|~. Buffalo and the city court of Briokly tinued with the powers *>nd jutWicUorU that now sererally hare, and luch fiirther ciril and criminal juristlictioii as > may Be conferred of law. The superior court of N e # York shall 00 composed of the six judges In office at the adop* of this article and their •uecotior. The oo ' of common pleas of Kew Yoik. of the tb judges then In office and their kaccessor*, an* the olty oourt ot Brooklyn, of aucli number 0 it gi* tu*t exceeding three a* may be prorWh law. The judge* of said oodrte ia N,qe#l i tlte adoption of this article are tonUnued until the expiration of their terms. IA chief Judge! shall be appointod by the judge* of each of a a u ooart* from their own number, #ho shall act as such donng hi* official term. Vlaoanclas In taj*) offio e of the judge named In this section, occur- ring otherwise than by explratfota ot term, shall be filled ih the same manner a* uacancie* in supreme court. The legislature may pro? for detaOing judge* of the supf rior court a court of common plea* of New] \ork, to h circtiils *nd special terms, of thef supreme COB in that city; Ibr del ailing judies of the ci court of Brooklyn, to hold clrcaft* and spool terms of the supreme oourt in Kings count; and for detailing Judges o{ the superior court ( Buffalo to hold circuit courts of j Of er and tei miner and special terms of the supreme ooo as the pubiio interest may require. ; Ji€*ohHd Of the assembly concur), That t foregoing amendment be referred to the ta latiire, to bo chosen at the next general election of senators, and that in oaniormhy to seotlo* one of article thirteen of the oonsjiituf ion, to be publishe<t for three months previous lo thr time of such ©lection. , \ a(rATK OF KBW \loaa. Ui Bxjf ATB, aisy ig lb*X : The above resolution was ddly passed.] M By order of tho Senate. . j , • I JOHN W. VROOMAN, dicrk. \ i. * S\ STATKOF n*W TOBK, j IN AssaitULY, Slay *>, isaa. The shore resolution waa duly passed. By order Of the assembly. , , KDWD ItToaxSOH, Clerk. ' +m J^welr^t £tOs pBifiitDs Afro PAymoriaor I J * \ *> i: i?-^ 410 noi wU'to loo4c sight of his 1*miliar face, >they i always to be fours! at his post In the Sty and so they oontibue to oail<on him where he I* ys to be fours! at his post In the Slype btocJk. Bis linger*, like the bandd of a watoh, hare { VVM. UOLaaM,>—- 1 V ; - ^•HHyVaTa j aa^X'• f«t^' r ?Vii l hy % WATCH MAKE3 ux~—-n~) |ses/l " L •-•« H AND JEWfcLKB, 1 •sst- 1st* khi would tjtffaieeeefftd kave lie 'tad(*> cat id examineftockandprtceabelerenuxeltt^iMU elsewhere. -a^« * i RiohTllle Station Ad. T)ri4CKi I.' A mm SHOP! AT mcm^itiK &TA ,sn K. « ' ; ; • j . • " ' I hare secured the ser«*oce of }CEAV^an experienced Black fsbnrg, who Will do all business herewith \ ' ialsohaTea^i dxbRMENCmp WAQON *tyttR or weed wer*x. r '-' ^ j \ e Irtilfli aii Henc Sfiwiu a Specialty. M|- ! 0 ^ « vn A CALtf ' BicuVUle Station, afireh 1,1*0* -, gOltf . , FBANE ai -J- * i ; > i ** V I niOTod so steadily to the tick, tick of the time bleee that BOW about erery hour of the day (hey are kept busy fixing a cog, repairing a Wheel, or putting in a mam-spring, until itnas Sow become almost a household sayiag, "If any- thing goes wrong with the timepiece, lake it to Holmes; ho can fix it." Besides, a moo Bneef jjewelry, watches and chains, s|»octacles, rings, scarf-pint and other articles too numerous to mention, aro displayed ia his showcase*. Price*, from the smallest article to a watch, aro marked down low, and purchasers can M+IJ on getting full value for their money. Noltrouble to shdw good*. Call and ket prion* befono buying elsewhere. 1 ~ L WIXWAOI HOLafXOL OoOrorneuri N. T*. June 1, ls?s. glitf Jewelr] he. J* hke, eadh of thefr day if ^o oie atbitifa *n. if magnlflebnt piece of^opular £very sentence it ruca; *r I to lubf LA"" JiOniberary fbr ooathern ALH rrrako* a dUmat howl pactfloatIon. llut no moa who la ata a knave or a tiataral born Idiot eon point to a r lire lo fact tea)dloaW to ahoV that the er-reW delraooakey of the Ootid a^o«th are del porfeetjy tVaO to do any end all ej>te !go<Hl oi ba^l In aroordanoe with the^lr own wbh orwlll, evon to dUfrsnoal- slof and eountiog out all republloati nalorltpeo throughout t^e oouth v eioej^eaeo W a l e * a\lre Xlke Oaaaiel of a Tr«a|pot. Garfield del Ive apecct| lo Cleveland last waam oratoi the toto* of a trip-hammer. % W Join lta elaolnff appeal to young We do not know where tp look anything equally effective Id toae|ln| pathootlrreolotibie hambraeuatir^ln enee: j AprtAL To votlwo wot. , fallow ollltenf, a wordj b*i fbre I leave) you, on the very evej ot the bttfy day of God—a fit momeqt io oonoeerale ouroolveo finally to the! treat work of next Topeday morning/ I lee iff thfa great audience to-nfght a great many youdg men, yojing cast tbelrOnt l>ou a. word of hoard a Vai t h e obo*eleoa d r i v e l l of deteorr^fy loaalbe food t^i tho battles fbr the j Ibr a otaang la the administration of to oearo bf the vet ran*, the wound* of the involldo who cnep or hobMe ~\r otreetav and/ In the half aotdUr gaaves which are tbrowflicMit the leagth and ibe land. # : M v * vr'; MUtorr'o/Sf, e llU if. npr^iMMfit •I 1 moo wtremre about tQ vote, I want to give suggestion and odvlek very brilliant thing aaid by a boy iho other day op In one if our north- weotcrn counties. He I maid to ibe, ^General, I nave a greek mlb& to vpte the Democratio tlokel' That Wo not tho brilliant thing! I Laughter.] I said to him,'Why,' said he''my fattier I* a Republican *>nd my broth- era are Itfep*4dieaao f and 1 am a Re* [publUaokll ovrnjbut I want to be an independent nlan f and I d6n't want say body tooay» 'That IWtow votes tfio Ropnbllekn ticket Jo*t be> fth-eitt npplau in riKtl pa if iter on thu" day silver we|Ulliikr than on thb their firit espousals t and truer to Liberty today,t and .dearej to God tlhan we were when we spo our flr*t word of liberty, Rejad aw up under the aky across our starrl banner tihat first word we uttere twenty-five years agof What is It 'Slartryl shall never extend o another foot of the terrltorils of the great, West/ [Apiplause.j [Is thajt deed ;oralive? Alive, thanlk OodL for eVerjpaore! , fApplau*e.l Ana truer to-night than it was thejhour it war written If fApplio»o.J Then it waa a hope, a protalsjs, a porpooel To night it is equal wflth the aUro4 immortal hhtory and Iraroortil truth! [Applau*e,Jr , , ; ( .. : -. • • j.'. t L-. .., I "Come down the glprlboa stepeof our banner* | Every great rewrdwej i ma^e we have vindicated with bloodj aad our; truth* It [aweepo ur^d, and it touched tha oUroj Dome there, young man, and put In your y*ur)g life where all is lllvlngj and whete nothlh| la dead but the horoeowljadlefended Itt [lApfjlauec.j t think ttMMjroung men will djo tbaf!j ^OfooorefthBt will!] * I ^ #< Qeiitle«iieo,>»7e are cio*Injg tbi«| memorablir campnten. Wte hope gotj our eneinka on the\ run everywhere^ [LaughterJ] And alK/ou beedto del ifcS^NfcLLli; THUR^TO^, QTJll^K OF THE AUI Will l a k e a ^•fa(N» aa^a^v,tipir ascrptrsiow i ibar U between 2 and 5 r. I huri^lit, Sept The) iaanagei eohvfloolety,i y pollUeal and official atfalra la Juat fcbout oi logical ao thongh a burglar who) hid triad; to tyreaki into a orlplSM of buolnboe for yeara Inptjopor porpoocs Obould cry oat in Ideepafif. Ob, give no k ohange, put oai tha takers and mairobinta who dofef ***** lwlw>oo wisely and aakpalawo la so ttatt,wbo I have half a naoeratle ticket epen^esiea. 1 I tW» boysUg- tro tbo spirit %yt to have oome eauee hi* dad does, tabid to ^votethe |aat to prove my did pot like the th *^t*Xhut I did ad f tMboyV)st want independence of hie own* ^ * -, t \ 4< Now, I toll you, young aaaa,don^t vtotcth* Uepubllcan tlokot joatba- oanie your father vote* It* [Lattgh- Ur.l But let ma glvef yoo tbla! one w^ordofodvioe, ao yoo areaboattb $w in this noble old clty^hia capital ot the Weoteati Reserve, Is to follow them up and finish It by a*)s>wlng the! Rebellion j under once rajorw. We CMand oa aa iatbmo*. Thia yiaarand deoft la the narrow ia^hmjoa oa and perpetual vlctorjy. If ydnNcan win now, and win in 1860^ then ta\e very star* la their ooorpeo will 1 fight foru*. [AbplaueV] ikio den|m|i will do thie work, end will fjtve[o*i thirty mere freemen of the (North to our Congk*eoa that will mike tip fbr the ton of the Sooth] [Greai op- Iau*e.]; Vrearepoetad here, eie the reeko were pdste^tThei^pyhc, to eel tbla one great tMHrbadw,X*prxae ^ftbeUtbmus. Stand toyobr men of Ohio I Fight this batUeJ Ihia victory, and thea onaqiota yooinaaietvifbreverr o to the regular aajflay* Witt -UUooffm+UL fBetuseti upon two aanlloads o4 Has the JuaUf eeiobratedi WEBER •rat Sdr Word I OUnageM of thf Oouyeroevr Ag*l an Hoclety are hapir to announce Ian en^j gageaiskt wnh)WTfll>. apulre wheriby lhe| BopnlaH and odly eubeessful la^ly wroaaut id Amoflcii will mjalte oaeTof her Grand fcUoonl A*eeO*imsfrookthe r*Jr Grounds, the Isecondi day of the Fair, metweef the hours of a and 5 p m, v iO k newjlnd beautiful balloOa. 1 Mis* Thurston's oeteoHty as I navigator of itao op peri deep is world«|wlde, and need* noieoutmentt will Jrail UiemaelTto* of Oti*| litis little ladyfaoar ^ s, I The gas will ho ds, employing about tert|ls aad apprat»£ hatw8| 35 bfarg Atiai -.r-A. PHK StatloneA'y vnrj ^'CCESS y dBvmr mt« *rATttaiTo>wa TY CROCKERY STORE [ ' is now stocked with the MOST COMPLETE AssofemtNT | Jh Northern New Yorit. , MerchahdLsc from all parte of the world how on exhibition: J I . *•• and ibf sale at- ^1*: > N0.I12 Court St,; WatertoSvn. No advance in prices as yet. Now is THE, TIM* to Btrv., L. R. MURRAY*^ N. R~Orders by mail will be promptly and carefully attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed; £ Sw.,Ji'SSLJ?^ 0 *^--"^::::|fc::;::z;::^:::::::::;;::: l «itf" -»£&.rife Cotm* DrtmQotto ]>MMU«MlM^irto. ^ y.. h «•. " ?••»«ft>rLMIIM. U«aU, UlmS, m _. . Wnppmri.....i..... i t a* nUn 8a«Mdert from »to tSe-*b«ti UO P«nwoU Intai 6o to •A«o«i«M eb«S. *• IJMM TtM MKI ft»rb ftt IOM Itaa wHl«u J|» II*U-Ktr»<r, Wool and rur-lo oloM^mitl r'i f, -iii, Qeata 1 •>»•••• •*••'•'• »*»»»! , fc . Ralf-neee lo ckw^rtscardl Chiklrew " *• toWose. % ; > W £ Vaioa ^tdle^ofiioai^i^^ tor »rloc r C ies<«»r <o»t. 1 "-I- Dionor Plates Breakfast " fee *• rle l> •• Onuoo •* 1 . . Gups aa48anr>ers.V 300 Bets J. 4 61 aieasJns' tf*n 1^. r ie China a/ttie7«iiowh& l^r FrmOsl •ft f*« - • . m4+-,+*-.tymm*++**.+r >»*• 4m»* -'fc« t T -.». ..^,««, 1 .23* |JJ«|T Skirts, Now Shi-*!*, Now [• j • . C ] ' J i " '' 2f«W Il0fclery>irew Otov^*, No# Jf!«. Ko# is the time lo gel what you U ahoay ^ooJa, and gaUifai>ti<if. ^ui j . ..' -' -• :>,. it -.'w-» )«./*"«*' ••' ji C hurf at t<htr Owk Prir**: INTa t - |^*-r if > U • * . K« .,*+(> m , -n. > ' J. * - • y * i'. • y l in Las I nesJ,-of' J. M, REYNOLDS JR., Is owlnjr lo thi fact that he ha* alwar* *eld foods lor so much )L»SS roooer than any other this •(olnHy. He believes in selling s wis and realisln*; a sntaJ 1 sold, ami th is a**fefatiaj profit on each attic on his sales in puik .. . 1. ». i— «J ^•nrla that will enable him lo keep up kritld Iho lime* and imokitHiki, kxlh d^atrnrroBO. - Hehsa reeenjlf Ikted ti4 els alreadr Jarfc siock, a beanilfiM as4ortmeu| Of SIlVEUWAhlf Atfb JEWELRY, and only asts thoati rloehll foods. Nolo Intern who d no Is Ire to eoao aad mpelled to bar, butthosolntendi**; to dp so w^ll not leare store withont* porchaslna;. If low pdoes flrst-class gYtods are *>y oTiJcol. j iiEimniNQ NdSTEINWAY irffto lem Kew Ifofk fdr lite Haii Also haa (he Gemral Alencl for the ijaatons ECHAN1 Tli^'Wdsi wfClerfa a#> WMI naVer lt^tth pesetas Clock* and Jewelrrl hare ha«l years of «a' U acknowledged by a > ' 1 done by workmen who >erience ( and whose sMUl l 4 Bissaoekof BOOKS, o^ATiOK^Br, ni>v*ta. ETL is onsiirpassed In Northern on the sub; article CllrtOMOSt •f i U: i.r ; > '*'*'* ^ 7 ebleWIVES, I CIIROM03;!! .'.; '• h . ~ * . j .^ CimOMOS! *&?}£* t? 9 *?* ^red «ioftaiii arorihof bean- U /*J ¥t?° mo t twr •o^ P iht > extremely low sum of T ai.fc each. Nothjof makes a a^mV look OHsTftt th haTsfeew deolfna, and alll soremejita, and are aa.rersH ihoLBUD erfnl IN<| HEID OI- mnstial InrenUon of the roetJ A child can operate M e t froairia to l e a There Is no excuse noX for ant. home? Sfthto soetlon, tomoanorer Mare and naked Walls.tor the low Wlcas at whieb «eyn<^ld* Is offsrtiT I fe^ *W*°?0 jpl cwr " plaees them wlthB * ithereachjof the ham blest laborer. Ma\e yonr house atiraeUte; These jOcteresTire One k ^ ^ B d e r n ihe wail* of*onr «o*ffelea5St L#*W^obeV t when yon want aJVateh. fcsoclu Book Picture or anythui ekO l n ^ ' line of Jewelry or ftUUonsrr' niliT^ fe ril< hetf P«H j llii I 111 m Kg 1 **V$P <* *M|oBei7; caaroa tand by ao wan* cave at Spavin iiUBi r^Bi hfosi aucctaav aaUcDT trera^veYedTas Wre ^ Tsiety. FrwH Be*. V.X. C0U|r«JEB. fre*tdinf Elder eft he Ot. Aiaiaa District Jl. ' 1^ t Alhana. y t # 4aa, ao, lOal and every Weakly, sickly person can surely strengthen arid build up the brpkeo-down system by t a k i n g RKJHARD'S TEETOTAL TOIIC Mo-remedy has ever imade more woftdcrful cures ofjr)yS; pepsja, Nervousness and kvery Weakness and Debility. It lis thi best regulatoij if th« hlvei and Kidneys, and ihe saf | est a^id best stomach, brsih and ne^rve tonifc in the world '^ It makes the weakest nerves strong, and the most despairing ~ * J britjjht and cheerful; it giv^s new Jife, vigor and energy to! the Qvierworked body and brim, and all who take it eat anfl slee|> better and become healthier land stronger^ Free from alcoholic dangers. Physicians pronounce it th& saf- est remedy ever sokUnd it must be tried jto kpow the perfect llealth MMtlsirnifftli it* uw huorM. 5B5S Boot »nd Bho« Bkop. rraetSeal as)Wr H" H v& m OA' iaaai W ^1 Ore «*.0i taraatt aim Mt v-\ Mr prtoM M wkSSnUvfamiiVito » PLATFOBMSP tea* goaoral we wltaJa Hat !*** law licDWOajtb - ^ 4 :tanee M prfoe oi matertala, I am able to sail at L A^ff prKAaVO PEigstR. iB s &%#'•' l prloe oi matertala, I am able lo sell at L A roifl+La?TK A 0 0 O # # X K T Of taofaoT on the market .Owlnf before Ohoreeemtad-1 I hare ia sleek aj •J&S L -Boardii /it -v-.'i I iBilBito****! Bitaattoato ^^^leftanTaalw^ j :- - CJLL AHD atXAlOinstffOCt c aJlWowtWA*iu5W»«BwlB^ J8HO^ ea hand a eompieao sjMilaViQlot; me todaplieate or a^tohiay tnwksB: srHao,** i ^ ^ y^x I f. K\< \li !%v *t.T. M k imm + mm *••••••«•• ••••#• »8TB*rr,'^>f! WB» OoaL* i OOtTVERKEUE, IT, Y.j •mat f &$:

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Page 1: SHOP! · H In loror of 'Mlanoock, • oof rf4»rm/9 flM ... Oolld anU olavo ooourood ooutbolnce tho war^aod All

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I IBBSIfBH!MBL?OMrUCTr GawfojitM ( T M M ) Nififc tho

. And boil of oil toutborni Jotfr* under We tdltohU hfad i f " A

f Queakloa M bit bjau recent]/ lay ibflprorirlity ana ne^eaeltjr

retiig 'le dUllnot eyatera of aj*tt proptouUngettor* a apeala) eonetabularr I Umo* to meet ovary

n*y In Any port of he Now* aiajre ; - > The

ettlko oomo ptradao oo Innovation, but thaif loo thai itiob o system,

toil* orgoofood, a ojrotem oifcbody* notice *nMd,oqolppod md »on. Uy mobollood, would bo admit-adopted to uphold the poaceend Uy of tbo etete, terrlfr tbo erWt-element, rBproasylawlooanooe, ood

a oom/orteble oenee of ea> iy tot lift ood^roporty tbroogb-tbo Uud.'V Tbo baro neeeealtr roo4nt itiob worda nooeeeory lo toniinf ntar? upon tbo ootual ooo^

oJepototyla ooo of.tbo ooutb* ateteet and thfo may bottakoni M

Oiioplo Of tbo tnipunlahed jrlo* Olid tinreatraltied lawltottieae fondoro tbo rlajhte of btaok moo

n tat Ml 4f tbo "Mid Booth. woftdlr, In rftf? Of tbo con* ptva> of vtnleW Inttttridav •inirder, that tbo oototH !• io

domooratH ihat omoo of tho r iwpubltoeai loadoro l« tbo

OTfc oUtte ototod (at tbo oooAn^ ofnpobHoon loadoro OHfi loot woob) that

blloaju hoto on o to many! of tbo

yot tboy doop lr o olootoral r4to of any I of tbtoo

+t Tho roooona glVoo for tbooo OUirorotbat ai olootlqn mo» ; of tho Wi ld K>ulh" lo in

boddiof tbo^Nbol doi|ioorao)r will count fvo^y iUtoa|i oror*

H In loror of 'Mlanoock, • oof r f4»rm/ 9

f l M « 1# ^ <^i|b It If i« open and plain oa

doyllf btptoall roadlng and think-pooplo, that *l loait two thlrJi 0 1M olof torol votoo of tho optith

boo boeo raado V"d /l * k r i ) l

by brutol nolctio^y aOtl otuol IdaMon, iro j-opuhll^iw In any

otoMlon^ yot a] ? M ibultUtMd oi born domocraoi, rvf»" who wtml i t ond rcoUt lor tt o doatti iho Opooloo of w « o g if c o m m l i U d aro t o bllod^o by partl«an. x^al

tboy iro willing, »>o oro Ubour-f* and wil l t o tb t<i bond Iho

r o m o n t Of or l^lo Iho bioo«ly and hand* of Ihooo w h o dinrngariM farm of r ight ajid Ju^iluo t o !

control of tho n%llon wMah Qgbt foil yoar« to doitroy. f

bO "tolld (looth^ ran ttfcooodf by t OOd proooot method* of vio* and bloof, In gaining oontrofc

atlon othloh booof % of llo ool* ffoOp roflnomout ond low

t | o t < l b * y > a y Vol) bollovo that they OfO a i tbor fyd to eontkiiio In tholr wjoyooVwIckMooM which hare mad© llunaafb fbr ailW ropuMloan (to pro-olMtnhlo bonoir^ontlmeiil^ dangor^

r 0 oortbonMnan tp bo, a ro* ond Jrtiprly llmpooolblo

lOfod raMobllo^n ib oo|oy and tbo rfght <f Iba olootlro

In Now Ithoogb Itpolod tutboril

»oo or*

ibliDlmuvaii^iT^ hrattno4 tbo doplOriblo fbot tbtt aiy tot of men whof baro * owoodt I bought, oold*

bl|f) odp drlron, aod mordorod poor tand huiMnt blaofc-moi

tho#oar]lootibbbood down •» tboclooo'ff tbo iMNro loldoro'ifobo^ doll wilf i ty no#JoolUto to oof anr Oiotbf |d tholr powor to doprrri thorn of th*lr fbll right! ao Amorloanj cltt-aooo^ Will bo who hat oror cruelly parttd tbo uillki fiKHxl bmibanil olid wlfOr tod oMd tnom tb bo oopairotod fbrovorf orj Wh^ bao oror brOtally torn tbo baackl boby from I to mothor'o lot log ormi to bo made more hand loo,

> m bo boottoto to doprlto a no|ro of oaohi and lover* Ood-gfron right trblob tbo » w of tbo land and 6brlo-

lan ^IvIBoitlon ooeordo to every bu­tton bolbglr Tbo bitter experience Of tho pait llftooo bloody yoaro.which bare boom drowdod with horror and browned jwltb tbo flondlob murder of Ot leoit 13,000 blookrropubllcooo |n the Oolld anU olavo ooourood ooutbolnce tho war^aod All bocauoo they fared loaoiert thot mknbood, wltbwbloh ibe mofcoly of tbo low [ bao clftbed 9bom# wO ooy tb#oobltt#r oxporUonceo bovo taught ajl.mon that tbo ex-febe), ox«elavo*boldoro ore not yet ready to aooord fbll freedom oof oqooll)ty of oltfiebibjp to tbooo wh*>m tboy! onoo bought and told u iUvfo. If tbla la true, thou tblo Mooofllot11 between juotlco end, oppfjcmlim ^rblob 4oomo Mlrroproootblof# N pot ye|t ended. :,n > Both tbo dota^otooy of tbo oorth

ond tbo ooutb have bad jo good long term of toboollpg from their republl-pM^ocbool;lloioicr. u Dotb braooboo of dfjnodraey, ibf #obtherb, traitorouo and/obelllouf go wbll at the northern oyo^olbUlof portion,haVeeach loam-od ond on loo mod J&anyjt bingo. And ye,t tboy qpro hot oufloleoitlv advanced la tho now, bettor and higher doo-trlnoo of tho rtpubllo to render Ibetn eafbor eoapeteut to toko charge of national affaire. Thoy need a few yooiomoro of lhitmcMon and Ulocl-plinfj% Thly need a few more yeora of lo>al republican rule to*break and bymblo tbo domineering and oiur* dorouo aplrlt of the aontherii t>ull-doaoro.], Wo nocd a new aucoeoalon ot overwhelming Union v^ctoricn tyf teach tbo

fcro shtftn ooljr W^k »t>il Ibloader aod do wtvn$, «Uj;

f l l t o l i t tho boil miii, «ybu|a tht oAoo>btmry democrat Oortainly! by all ntoana do tfibt, Obm Girfleld wttl Oo oUpted by g grondOf m^orlty than any faan baa roclevod oindo the dayaof Waahlngtofti. { No eand man Who comprebentU and then compafbo the, qdalifloatlono of Gbrfleld] ond llancoclrcan fall to ooo that doe lo •Imply a aoldler, trained only and ea peclally lo the arta of war t wbio the othor la a atateaman who, bkvlnf occdpled all poolttona fh>m a blow-boy to Member of Congreaai baa ahown a broader comproBooalon of the wayo and wan^a of government and,a deeper Inolgbt into the difficult problema of flnanoe ond leglolatlon than other man of hit, time*.) Let jBvery candid roan, without frill vote for the beat men. : i v

[ HKftJLL-DUrOb;

Waa J. a. cob corned In Egfvpt i

a' dear iSuch

A atag patty lo Oaually browd.— Yonker$ Statement. partlee of ted feel cheap enough When a tloo-mcfitto tw|go their game, j •

I T i b republican* aei the dajy of JUdgmeut In the election of Hancock. +~Mbrntng De»patvh,. A h , yea! hitm

t i n n e r la faat becoming aynictple of anti-fat. — Yonkery Hjatcman. Wat-cr melon-cholly f i$kJr > L ,.

l! itfftdo bot know aaytfeen abple* oetang to any oocret/Thaternitylyet tnoifaeem to have arte grip.—Mara* ikon lndet*tntient,/jLr&*% Maratpon! thby due;. Thejtfbo* out the gjrand ailing algh-in m diatroaa, then they give the grlp/^ . t

A Botlndr ateamer ha* not rookedybr more thnn two dayai aod e cotyC of tho accident ia unknown.

^*v/i$\omi IferaM. Wy, NorHs^. the/ve gone through the sound ior a


# a r c now getting ready to tigkle omtoundonoa . i, y /

ft il tin I rig yqur bualnrafft Ve/y tjiucb aoutborn chivalry" t y C I like courting'a girl. No oM eUe! can

they do not *M own (the diaky f | ^ d booo the fob but yourjel f^lf^/^Aoa f^aedmon, nor havd Ihef atl l^thb 7Yrn4t. Sartlnl bua-neM la bus bcu right of life and death dverXu«m. L L W ^ ' ,^JLK ».. t ^,1 • A . . . . i .* - . 7 1 4 Oooa butter* *ay, a '•dpniaV lite thia That tboy have not, nor will thoH w^S #hteh io-INH*" Waiwi tie over again have tho right to play thjl role of Imperioua maatera, beeau#t,b| tho Imperial majeaty of Joatlco anl law tholr obattleo have boon Irani formed toto Amerloan freemen, Thf eoothern democrat* who bavooo looi ruled and controlled tbo northei doqaocrocy muat loam that they d| not ahOOlutely own the northern alllej lo the txtont of treatIbg them Uk< tholrformer duoky faood *lavc*. Th< republloan p4rty boa bo^n o^grtatj

oootbora boaooe. have unlearn many of their former domineer IngliaW elav*>drtvtng jnannera and^ /(nolr norlhora prothern have^ alao ntbde maob Improvement Botb fckv* loomed totepoat the trul*** (tboOgh tboy do It with a aavagtj grimace) thatalavory laaof a Hdlyine Inetliu* ttt>n»fl thai a ubton aoif lor la Mdt a ^^Uncoln1 i l re l lng / ; thet tbo wan la wol ootl te l t a <,fbl>Ore;9, [that the (<m* aaolpalioo |6f two mllllbd alavoe la no$ ° unooriitltOtlooal riVolwtionory and void ;?I that there i l a aupretoe power III t i e atroog err*)* and loyal hearta o ^ IAmerican ireemen to •^oorebratoo^or people back idto thai upftoniwbloh thoy might to 41a-man^ber and dootmy; rboi oven negro olt^ena have aoOie4 T ight* w h i c h tbby a*% bound to r o i p e c t ; ° I that ttro not-

[>fonal credit , w h i c h Woa aadly 1m-p i l red by democrat ic inl*manago-

f IfUeOt and a M*ol ld- i (4»i^ rnM rebel-plonj oau hr (bocau9C it ha)* boon) mado ki g o o d a* aye better Jbon g o l d ; that the T w o DiMJOM 1 M - — * a ^A

hich thU«>ff|o4'^li p ilport the co reo^oo eon \w \

publican fltiA (|chi baa bent roih7cc< ftiillion* already and tl tieen funded at a vcrjj IbtcreMi ( j

Thf republican parti1

isntfr' don« Wrtoh


^Ibbda hove damage In Npt^th Carolina.

> Aiiotbor atoamboat with 800 payt-oengera auak near N. Y^ but no Uvea iooi.i-i-

GeWall.Garfield received many callcbl7, aipong them Oenoral ^re> mogi t

; -( y ^ , i-i, ^ .; j: i I y t>(jmocrat* bavc carrkhl A l o b i d i a

giland^ g o o d and aucoooafbl teacher td I i n d Kentucky by oolld S o g t h e m |na both w l a g o o f the democracy*. The|f Jorltlea.

.I.AIW of debt M)u«h" rntali->v Ita wicked

<|cau*fi by good |( the original nauy hundred a balanco haa

lour rate of

haa t




loo whloh to aafcredly guaran* *otory law of the la**d to eaoh

II cltlaen*, re^ardloaa of their dor or plodo of birth, \

l o tbo elvlllajettofi 6> the north ekplkedL turned i^tlo

rod before tne]borbor(*bi of Utlaern aiave-holgero, ao pong j

haired, blood-thlraty aojutb* valry,w&tb bludgeon and oani>,

bowle anlfe, domlifeered pattooal kafta of leglalatlou,

In tbo hotel* and avenue* oa^ttal of tbo Union ond in* led bod bullied northern wen heir* righto ao freemen. But

the pluck and courfigo of b WOO aronood; and northern oolturO ond refinement met

thorn •*flr*>e*tere," Ond foot face to fbee and hand to band

and maintained the righto rtloe of the cant, uorth and

t\igit other u\h\\

repeat veVr I* tba»: • • J A

e- *N( it t , o M , Hok

, I »4.11 t i %

Hot lb % the fi|oUtepo of the fierce aau anrry <U btteo lo eongrea* oimo H)e|>hflen roar of cannon and the

i t l f of mookotry. which fore-t o M U r i t e w aod mora bloody field of *)onilot to whlob theelave-bofding OOfltbomro bod Invttod tbo peae*>

ilttitooo of tbo 'free epaiee. atfaolt of tbla branob of the

ly Mlfrepreeolble eoofl|otM

ln^l iletiiocrjcv innny I Jrauwe whloh tl^ey cad yllMv and among them] right to nfrtt baltnt it a night prhtrrH. fire ufaUYighU, and muu and $hall Ac tn<tf*to$nc<itn ertty pamof the Und&l Mat*)' Tbla thoy havb learned ao

ell jtliai they have eottlall* Incorpo-ited It Into their notlokal platform, hoyl hove learned thU Ind aithoiigh

hey nove^ attempt to reduce it to otuol practice they can and do alnf

In khe north,to the tunecf "Yenke^ Dqlc" *nd all other patriotic na-

ooal alr*| while their bretherenof e oolld *unny aouth, hum It to the

tMnoff4* Dixie" and the "Bonnie Illoej riag.f' They dI*regard lta aplrlt aaj okucu ao tboy did their "economy* a id reform" cry when thfy were run^ nlng Bam Tllden In 18G6.

la Woelng thla artlole that *i aolld north muit 9 |

iodftd aouthM until the nokber obracy pluck up euftlcleot co

^ Over 170,000,006 hoa been dlebufeed to the], Navy Department alnce 187* Without a dollar^ lo*p.

of H

We* Trepcet* wallop9' thei

dem* to

Itlaiatfjtbat their ex-rcbo|l; aoothe ^ polltloal alllfU oiiall obey tjbe lawa and {fteetejll republican cltliena, white and b^aok I wlt^ Itho aome falruaaa and

Wly that ropubllc*>na extend to to In all aoctlona pf the union,

but not unlit thcta will the plo over permit, tbo

*oothr to' oasumo oootro) of ranent, for then, and theft

HI fbi 'irreptrtaajblecofllot", Iberlir and UwlceOooaa have

i The tecutlva) Committee1 of [the Democratic State Committee met at thoSt, Jamee Hotel. ( , ,. . j • Bpoclo la rapidly flowing Into [h(a country from Europe; a euro afgej of onr Increaalog prosperity. j (

4 Kbthoi iaat lc Sontberh nepubl lckna l a y t h e y can carry Flor ida , N . Ca*ro-Una and Weot Va-, In November , j

A n Important conference of t h e Republ ican Jeadera waa bold |a*t Thuraday $( the Fif th A v e n u e Hotel .

T b o Kueeien harvest lo poor wblph bjplpo to Inauro.a remunerative out let for our cjver crowded granaries o f the W e a t , ^ , . - . . ' v ] | •• ; ...; , • !j.-h

i |Gdn. Garfield opent loot Sunday ot Chautauqua Lake and vlaited1 tbo Sabbath achbol convention, now In aooalpn at that place. : j. i i

8. It. Nfaaon, who ran a* the G r b m 4 back! candidate "for Governor of Penney I van la* two year* ago* haa e> turned to tho Republican tank*, j

A Jffoat Republican xlemonstrotlOn waa made laat Friday evening alt a aerenade t^ Orr Oral Garfield in N. Y. olty. Hpeeohra were dellvrred by General Garficldr General Arfhor, General SharpetFMward* IMerrepoot, Benjamin flarrbon, Anaon O, Mc-Cook and othera.' . L i

I>n Tanner finished W fikf* f\at {in New York, la»t Saturday at nocao,

le then, after eatlnir a peach, drabk II quantity of milk and Ote quite

a puberal aupply pf water-mellob. 8incb then ho haa oajten Voracloualy of all *qn* of food and drank wine ond alelnad^all quantities l i e la rapidly gaining \ n atrength and weight, havlijg Inc\a*ed In weight 4 Ibe In halt*] day.

of the groat lift I* fall and

pilch hroor tynt id odel political campa. Your buoyant with bdpb uolw^ and I beg you, when you pliob your tenL pitch it amjong the living Ocjd notjambng tbeMacL (Applaooe,]| If yob are at alllodilnod I f pilch it amobg tbo Democratic peopti ^dd with that party] let me go with you f o | a mo­ment (while we aorvejj the ground where I hope you will dot ohortly lif. [Laugbter. J It is k aad place yo man/for you to put ypuryodng Into. I It U to mo far frarevard than like a livlng[^Look,at i t t It1

I 'Tb t ry"

T-<* (bo A t

€m.rnauL fair In tho


all ovilwlth the grave* of burled oplnlono, thoorleo, of d You cannot live in place. [Laughter.}

ofdoMloooda exploded

doctrine^ rt in ouch a

y, look hero! e mound. I look

d, 'Sabred to r Sovereignty l*lon. oerato


A mil-voted


Here lo a little down Ion It and Ibe mlmory of and trie Dred «coU fl lion ai|d a haff of Do for tha;t/but It bog yeara-idlM by the haa d of Abraham Llncolt/and here It HelaJ [Applauae.] Younjflman, that ia nbt the piiace for you/ ji •. ?

kit took a little AorjtlLer. Here la another monument*~a mack tjomb— apd beside it, aa Our Ldiatingpiabed fj-lead ajaid, there tywera to thej aky a

m II oninnoletit of four mtan fetters tak

aiavu, ind I read ob l|ta onettjla: 'Sacred to

human slavery/ F lta fofamoofs U(| the

rty tkught that'1

odle laatltutloo*

aon pairs of fr*>nji the a^ms of

little Ihcad*. the memory

fortyj year* Democratic

Woo divine-defended it,

they stdod around U, thejp followed iti to lta gravo ao a bi<[oh)er, But bore it iliee* dead by I tpf] babd of

brabain Lincoln. [Applaote.] Dead bkr the! power of the Republican Pfrir. [Applause.] : |>iait b^ the JcjMke ojf Almighty dod.[ [Gre|it ap*

Don't \

camp ptauae and cheer*. J t^ero young man. '

<4IIbt bore ia another4~<L little brim aflonm tomb flaughtcrjMmd I read airoaa hk yellow face Id lurid, bloody lijieij these w^rde : ' iaired to the

imOry of Bute Hovevelgnty and !o*aioh/ Twelve ml HOn of Herna*

citat ^ flustered around |it| in arm* toi b*)ep it sjllve; but hero it [lie*, *hot diath by4 the million g t |n | of \hi Re publio. I fApplaUsoji l l jere It Ilea, it* obHnb burnt to IrisljtoaL under the blozing ifeftere of tkje ibuAid^lcpn-federa^cyj fApplau*^.]j It is cleadt I would not have yoiu itajy in thbre a minute, •ven in the sWljn^ nlghi air, to look Out f uch a plaice; fLaughlttr.]

<4But lust before] 1 lebve It If la-cover a new-made gtaje , a jiitlo raOun<jl—»horU Tbejgreea haaha|rd)y a pro t ted over it, anq all (around it I •ce torn pieces of bopetr with the word^flait'bn tbem [)adghterj, ahd I look do win In curloaM^ wondering what ibe little gravel l< pad,, I i*ead on It, 'tigered toAho^meinory; oTribe^l 4 Rag Baby; [laughterJ, njuritod in! the brain of all the fanaticjUn of! the world [laughter], rocjked by Thomas Ewing, doorge II. Pendleton, 8amueJ Cory, ana a few othera throughout the land.{ But itv died oil t h e U t o f January, (1879, and the oho hundred and forty millions of gold tbotOod made, and not flat pbwer9 lie upori its lUtle carpaos to keep it do^rn forever. [Prolonged applauao J :•

"Oh, yourtg man, dome but of that! [Liugbteifl] . That la no place In which to \fukyour young life. Come out, and qorae over into jtllis Camp of liberty, of order, 6t law), bf juat oe,

ia of freedom ['Ameb^Jof I oil tbatl glorious under these nignlLtars*

MIs there any deatlh hero in bur cam p ? Ye* I yes I fbrio hundred and dfty thousand solalorU the nob­lest bond that ever trod the earth, died to make th i / capon J a camp of glory and of libertyvLc»reW<T. fTrc« mondous applau*e.J f

4*But there sre no doad Usues he^e. There nvd no dead l«*m*s hirCi ll^i^r out our banner from umlUr t> <• bb e sky thin night until ft ^hHllMue p ihi greon turf under ymir fwi \\ It h:tn| o over our cotnp. Kertd awn the 4i *r,s. Uio lii^rii^iifin jl

I n l i . Iti! th»'*n tw-fii> tli




i ,of i?r le ,bi lpo BMuie at PotodHb

rtobid, bf Redwood, M d tt^s legWflly britob by a ntnawajf edit laaVBaturdajl

aritavlllej tahnery io in foil blaot d enctenslve improvements I are

being made ibis season* . Horace T.jBa I formerly of Iljiria-ville bjaa a A e stock of Ready made clothing at mw rf tea. ..,;• ; I

( Tbo jomaiao cjf Mr. S. Comatollpof fiermob work burled Sunday A u i 1th wlthmaaonlo]coa|emonleo.\ i 1

PleaJure slekira from alt aectSons of the m o o t J are flocking to Tt-out Lake far restjand pleasure, i v

The ftmg «|re<jt in the Tditti ofjDe-Kalbf beretJrori yclept < 'Otm|e t n

Will hereof toil bej known aa leffenon atreet | I r" 1 CbO«J Hoamen of PUcatrn ibas real* ded In that tJwnj for the pait 40 ybara la bow [in hia] 90th year and la the bldeat man inltowo. He wfasborb in Concord, Ma*, Iti 1761. 'jl

Geo Jlyon formerly of Gbuverbeur died lam month In Clinton prison of hoArt disease! Our authority lifor this is Mr. ILlTnompson or the place who haO written to his fr at Fullervlllo ks above.

The republftans of Potsdam [H^vo organized a Gkrfleld and Arjthuijiiub and decked th|it f tlrltng end ab publican, Gl His name

ULs^u ? a . .

D o n t be

fkM gentle caught in the the vole fan gu


of Lake]A Blclod obape oi]2ydofcg

Same end*

preside afonei i

0 re­nt, are

Erwln energy

an amplb guirkntjoe of succoas. Wild beAsie|ro4m shout the }|sirde

HarUvllle in the tiaaraii months'old.

afraidlto stop at their expel lent hotel on this accouut aa brti

pletore df tho keeping k Urat

a lamb. Tbey idirondacks by IIfi|me de and hunter.

& Blobd of Harrlsvilli Adirondac House I are la>8 hotel in every) re-

opect and travelers to the huniindlnd fishing brouni^ of the Adlroidac hills wiiiMlud tliis a most convenient place to Jnirchafce their outfit. Livery t|0^ma fiijoishef at low rates. Tney 4lso hnvb 4 fu grocerle^ aud banlc | r

Is Ms4 re


l ine of drugs ierai merchandise at



Aug town tbla year

Mr. S. Boper CoigOto Acadeahy at Hamilton,

aplendifl time heyviaited U rs deserted ht

ver the old icb anil

ijbad was cut fllrest in 1812.

on Fine,

7|th.—Fine is the c h a m ^ for a hay crop. !

two friends from


i*S the "Adriondabjs a fjlilns and 8. Soay-il llngs9 thence nofth

if^Nny road aa fail Lorfnobie

A G U ' L

T H E G d l T V R i l N S t j a



will hold

pondsi Th i s i rough the track

i f •




^ BASlAV, TillRHDAT i K D F V I D M Y . 0»JFt«lfBpril»T, a!*>|AIfD5D. IH80, Oil 8&0-






" t o YoirWa

writtlt'ii yeir*.

*»Twti|iy:Avf«'>eai'0 «rgo llj ly WHM married to lieaii par

and t h is ) eitlf n«. wo thily oilier be

H our llver tttHlding.fellew

t ip Uud l we \rh

e Itfj it



t* lwcntx-?ocon*J




t >fn!'w

F: MI R / )<

PHEkitJMsl Ive &tlck. roultry. AarlculttWal

rodu<f*tManlif*otor64l AjrUeM*. Doin*>Uo PiixlucU, etc. OOOii


prksks &r*&'jqt'D FOR Tjidrrim}/



rioifctJoaoifT sseqttmoa ferdpotinr M \J t jatai iatnt tir t * * H t *lx of 6iOeo&*uni« 1 jLwt> (ii th^ am r a*hwir).]n*4 Uoa*>twelr* a&0 o B e o a of artlole Oft of

ikm b e a i e B i T a e as to re*4 Tb* aapeHstooart^ in the

T<4*^ UM ooiiHjQrf ebmsMB plea* l y o C H w York, the rape

end UM Mtr «n*rt of BroolUyaare oo ita UM> pcrwer* awt JertaOietloci thoy

BOW MTerailT bare, and *aon fortaer civil apd orimiojl JurMle eoaapesedof Goaof tlil*i ooert of eoi threV:

tetion ** B I T be oonterred pr eoeaortor eoartof New vork *aaU bo

•iz judge* In ofleo at the ador• Article, Bad their *aoo*aoor*. Tfio

eoaimon plea* of New York, of the w then In office, and their moo—ton Additional Jpaiaes. The inporlor

ooort of BntAlo, of the iodge* now In office, mad jhelr *B0e—*ot*} and th* oitj ooart of Brook-ITB, of rah iraaiber of Jadge*, not exceeding three, a* may be provided by Uw. The Jodfi* of *aid pottru in office urtiote7*** oeBiteaeO Oatil the eYptraOoa Of their ten**. Aohiaf M«re shall be appofhteit

the adopUoaof this eiplfatiej*

bf the Jodg** of aeoh of aaid ooart* froai their own otmtDer. who shall act aa tuch dariaa; hi* official teraaJ. Vaoanoiea in the office of the ludae* naaio* ia tai* aeotlon, oocotrtnt; other-wisethaabrexpiration of ter«.ahail beeued in the same manner a* •aeanele* In the supreme ooert. The leaialature may proTide; for detail-Jog Jad*e* of the *npe»r court i common plea* of Kew York to bold circuits special term* of the supreme eoartja that city: and for detailing judge* of the ofly court of Brooklyn, to hold etrcaim and special term* of (be{supreme court In Kings county a* the pub-liototerestmsyfeqaire, ,

gIS. JuaUeos of the Jropreme odott shall bo ehojien by the electors ot their respectrre judl-


cUl distriet*. Jsvlges Of all the eoort* ^ tiojied in the last preceding seoUon shall be1

chosen *>? the electors of the cities respect! r« ild courts aro instituted. In r#hieh the sal

ofBdial terms of the saJdJosU shall be elected after the; adoption of this aiti •hlli be foarteea yea " Srsqeay of January

and judge* mofthlsaii

and laeladlBg Butino ludie of any ooart 1< Inglhe last day of B

after tneir i offl< {the offlee of joatiee

than until and ineli bar next after he The oomponsation f appeaJ*,and of erei rourt, who** term

pursuant to this pi •erred Mauehfedi

or justice ten year* oi more, shall be ooatliui during the remainder^ of the term for whicjh 1 was elected.

And whereas the foreaWrtg SmebdnienHo constitution was agreed lo by a majority of

I to " ' "" " of the two houses in aad sc?eutr-nlni


members elected to. e the year eighteen hundred aad se?eoty-al aod waa entered en the] journal with the y and nay* taken thereon and referred to tb legislature after publication thereof for thrt months' preTlous to the |ast general election of senatori ! »

Rfokmlilt tbd Mfedbly conear). That foregoing amendment be submitted to the pie of the state of iNew York at the next ge election, ;

] BTATH O f XKW YORK, . . I { IN SBNATB, April aViiaa

The alters revolution was duly passed. By order of the senate.

4o*ut )y. VaooiTA v , Clerk, « O * NKWJ YORK, aflOBMbLiL May 25.1S8QL

iof a*ea was But? pasoed.

1 . ST.

The forraelng; By order of


eople of th) State bV NJ* Tork, rdprei In Senate and Atterobly, do enaei a*

i ^ O N C U B a a i f T BESOLUTlOK proposing V amendment to s soUontwe4e of arUele of the conitituaon,

Thepeop; •entea In follows: . „ ^

Evolved (It iht&temhlf confuri, Tlist *e& lion twelve of article six of the bonstitutton be amended so as read as follows:

4 t It.* The huperior oourt of Tork, tho court of common pi and county of New York, the **|~. Buffalo and the city court of Briokly tinued with the powers *>nd jutWicUorU that now sererally hare, and luch fiirther ciril and criminal juristlictioii as > may Be conferred of law. The superior court of N e # York shall 00 composed of the six judges In office at the adop* of this article and their •uecotior. The oo ' of common pleas of Kew Yoik. of the tb judges then In office and their kaccessor*, an* the olty oourt ot Brooklyn, of aucli number 0

it gi* tu*t exceeding three a* may be prorWh law. The judge* of said oodrte ia



tlte adoption of this article are tonUnued until the expiration of their terms. IA chief Judge! shall be appointod by the judge* of each of a a u ooart* from their own number, # h o shall act as such donng hi* official term. Vlaoanclas In taj*) offio e of the judge named In this section, occur­ring otherwise than by explratfota ot term, shall be filled ih the same manner a* uacancie* in supreme court. The legislature may pro? for detaOing judge* of the supf rior court a court of common plea* of New] \ork, to h circtiils *nd special terms, of thef supreme COB in that city; Ibr del ailing judies of the ci court of Brooklyn, to hold clrcaft* and spool terms of the supreme oourt in Kings count; and for detailing Judges o{ the superior court (

Buffalo to hold circuit courts of j Of er and tei miner and special terms of the supreme ooo as the pubiio interest may require. ;

Ji€*ohHd Of the assembly concur), That t foregoing amendment be referred to the ta latiire, to bo chosen at the next general election of senators, and that in oaniormhy to seotlo* one of article thirteen of the oonsjiituf ion, to be publishe<t for three months previous lo thr time of such ©lection. , \

a(rATK OF KBW \loaa. Ui Bxjf A T B , aisy ig lb*X :

The above resolution was ddly passed.] M By order of tho Senate. . j , • •

I J O H N W. V R O O M A N , dicrk. \ i. * S\ STATKOF n*W TOBK, j

I N AssaitULY, Slay *>, isaa. The shore resolution waa duly passed.

By order Of the assembly. , , KDWD I t T o a x S O H , Clerk. ' +m

J^welr^t £tOs pBifiitDs Afro PAymoriaor I J

* • \

*> i :

i ? - ^

410 noi wU'to loo4c sight of his 1*miliar face, >theyi

always to be fours! at his post In the Sty and so they oontibue to oail<on him where he I*

ys to be fours! at his post In the Slype btocJk. Bis linger*, like the bandd of a watoh, hare

{ VVM. U O L a a M , > — -

1 V;- ^•HHyVaTa j aa^X'•

f « t ^ ' r ?Vii lhy% WATCH MAKE3


| s e s / l " L •-•« H AND JEWfcLKB, 1 • s s t - 1st*

khi would tjtffaieeeefftd kave lie 'tad(*> cat id examine ftockandprtceabelerenuxeltt^iM U

elsewhere. - a ^ « * i

RiohTll le Station Ad. T)ri4CKi

I.' A mm

SHOP! AT mcm^itiK &TA

, s n K. « ' ; ; • j . • " ' I hare secured the ser«*oce of

}CEAV an experienced Black fsbnrg, who Will do all business herewith

\ ' ialsohaTea i dxbRMENCmp WAQON *tyttR

or weed wer*x.r'-' ^ j \

e Irtilfli aii Henc Sfiwiu a Specialty.

M|- ! 0 ^ « vn A CALtf ' BicuVUle Station, afireh 1,1*0* -, gOltf . , FBANE a i









niOTod so steadily to the tick, tick of the time bleee that BOW about erery hour of the day (hey are kept busy fixing a cog, repairing a Wheel, or putting in a mam-spring, until itnas Sow become almost a household sayiag, "If any­thing goes wrong with the timepiece, lake it to Holmes; ho can fix it." Besides, a moo Bneef jjewelry, watches and chains, s|»octacles, rings, scarf-pint and other articles too numerous to mention, aro displayed ia his showcase*. Price*, from the smallest article to a watch, aro marked down low, and purchasers can M+IJ on getting full value for their money.

Noltrouble to shdw good*. Call and ket prion* befono buying elsewhere.

1 ~ L WIXWAOI HOLafXOL OoOrorneuri N. T*. June 1, ls?s. glitf


he. J* h k e , eadh

of thefr day i f

^ o oie

atbitifa *n. if

magnlflebnt piece o f ^ o p u l a r £very sentence it ruca; *r I to


LA"" JiOniberary

fbr ooathern


rrrako* a dUmat howl pact float Ion. l lu t no

moa who la ata a knave or a tiataral born Idiot eon point to a r lire lo fact tea)dloaW to ahoV that the e r - r e W delraooakey of the Ootid a o«th are de l porfeetjy tVaO to do any end all ej>te

!go<Hl oi ba l In aroordanoe with the^lr own wbh orwlll , evon to dUfrsnoal-slof and eountiog out all republloati nalorltpeo throughout t^e oouthv

eioej^eaeo W a l e * a\lre X l k e Oaaaiel of a Tr«a|pot. Garfield del Ive

apecct| lo Cleveland last waam oratoi the toto* of a trip-hammer. %W Join lta elaolnff appeal to young We do not know where tp look anything equally effective Id t o a e | l n | pathootlrreolotibie hambraeuatir^ln

enee: j AprtAL To votlwo wot.

, fallow ollltenf, a wordj b*i fbre I leave) you, on the very evej ot the bttfy day of God—a fit momeqt io oonoeerale ouroolveo finally to the! treat work of next Topeday morning/ I lee iff thfa great audience to-nfght a great many youdg men, yojing

cast tbe lrOnt l>ou a. word of

hoard a


t h e obo*eleoa drivel l of deteorr^fy loaalbe food t i tho battles fbr the j Ibr a otaang la the administration of

to oearo bf the vet ran*, the wound* of the involldo

who c n e p or hobMe ~\r otreetav and/ In the half aotdUr gaaves which are

tbrowflicMit the leagth and ibe land. #: M • v * vr';

MUtorr'o/Sf,e l lU if. npr^iMMfit


moo wtremre about tQ vote, I want to give suggestion and odvlek very brilliant thing aaid by a boy iho other day op In one i f our north-weotcrn counties. He I maid to ibe, ^General, I nave a greek mlb& to vpte the Democratio t lokel ' That W o not tho brilliant thing! I Laughter.] I said to h im, 'Why , ' said h e ' ' m y fattier I* a Republican *>nd my broth-era are Itfep*4dieaaof and 1 am a Re*

[publUaokll ovrnjbut I want to be an independent nlanf and I d6n't want say body tooay» 'That IWtow votes tfio Ropnbllekn ticket Jo*t be>

fth-eitt npplau in riKtl pa if

iter on thu" day silver we|Ulliikr than on thb their firit espousals t and truer to Liberty today,t and .dearej to God tlhan we were when we spo our flr*t word of liberty, Rejad aw up under the aky across our starrl banner tihat first word we uttere twenty-five years agof What is It 'Slartryl shall never extend o another foot of the terrltorils of the great, West / [Apiplause.j [Is thajt deed ;oralive? Alive, thanlk OodL for eVerjpaore! , fApplau*e.l Ana truer to-night than it was thejhour it war written If fApplio»o.J Then it waa a hope, a protalsjs, a porpooel To night it is equal wflth the aUro4 immortal hhtory and Iraroortil truth! [Applau*e,Jr , ,; ( ..: -. • • j.'. t L-. .., I

"Come down the glprlboa stepeof our banner* | Every great rewrdwej

i ma^e we have vindicated with bloodj aad our; truth* It [aweepo

ur^d, and it touched tha oUroj Dome there, young man, and put In your y*ur)g life where all is lllvlngj and whete n o t h l h | la dead but the horoeowljadlefended Itt [lApfjlauec.j t think ttMMjroung men will djo tbaf!j ^OfooorefthBt will!] * I ^ #<Qeiitle«iieo,>»7e are cio*Injg tbi«| memorablir campnten. Wte hope gotj our eneinka on the \ run everywhere^ [LaughterJ] And alK/ou beedto del

ifcS^NfcLLli; THUR^TO^,


Will l a k e a

^•fa(N» aa^a^v,tipir ascrptrsiow i ibar U between 2 and 5 r. Ihuri lit, Sept

The) iaanagei eohv floolety, i


pollUeal and official atfalra la Juat fcbout o i logical ao thongh a burglar who) h i d triad; to tyreaki into a

orlplSM of buolnboe for yeara Inptjopor porpoocs Obould cry oat

in Ideepafif. Ob, give no k ohange, put oai tha takers and mairobinta who

dofef ***** lwlw>oo wisely and aakpalawo la so ttatt,wbo

I have half a naoeratle ticket epen^esiea.1 I

tW» boysUg-tro tbo spirit %yt

to have oome

eauee hi* dad does, tabid to ^votethe |aat to prove my did pot like the th *^t*Xhut I did ad

ftMboyV)st want independence of hie own* ^ *-,t \

4<Now, I toll you, young aaaa,don^t vtotcth* Uepubllcan tlokot joatba-oanie your father vote* It* [Lattgh-Ur.l But let ma • glvef yoo tbla! one w^ordofodvioe, ao yoo areaboattb


in this noble old clty^hia capital ot the Weoteati Reserve, Is to follow them up and finish It by a*)s>wlng the! Rebellion j under once rajorw. We

CMand oa aa iatbmo*. Thia yiaarand deoft la the narrow ia hmjoa oa and perpetual vlctorjy. If ydnNcan win now, and win in 1860 then ta\e very star* la their ooorpeo will 1 fight foru*. [AbplaueV] ikio den|m|i will do thie work, end will fjtve[o*i thirty mere freemen of the (North to our Congk*eoa that will mike tip fbr the

ton of the Sooth] [Greai op-Iau*e.]; Vrearepoetad here, eie the reeko were pdste^tThei^pyhc, to eel tbla one great tMHrbadw,X*prxae

^ftbeUtbmus. Stand toyobr men of Ohio I Fight this batUeJ Ihia victory, and thea onaqiota yooinaaietvifbreverr

o to the regular aajflay*

Witt -UUooffm+UL

fBetuseti upon two aanlloads o4

Has the JuaUf eeiobratedi


• r a t

Sdr Word


OUnageM of thf Oouyeroevr Ag*l an Hoclety are hapir to announce Ian en j

gageaiskt w n h ) W T f l l > . apulre wheriby lhe| BopnlaH and odly eubeessful la ly wroaaut id Amoflcii will mjalte oaeTof her Grand fcUoonl A*eeO*imsfrookthe r*Jr Grounds, the Isecondi day of the Fair, metweef the hours of a and 5 p m,v iO k newjlnd beautiful balloOa. 1 Mis* Thurston's oeteoHty as I navigator of itao op peri deep is world«|wlde, and need* noieoutmentt

will Jrail UiemaelTto* of Oti*| litis little ladyfaoar ^

s, I The gas will ho ds, employing about

tert|ls aad appratȣ hatw8| 3 5

bfarg Atiai -.r-A.

P H K StatloneA'y

vnrj ^ ' C C E S S

y dBvmr mt« *rATttaiTo>wa

TY CROCKERY STORE [ ' is now stocked with the MOST COMPLETE AssofemtNT | Jh Northern New Yorit. , MerchahdLsc from all parte of

the world how on exhibition: J I . *•• and ibf sale at- ^1*: •>

N0.I12 Court St,; WatertoSvn. No advance in prices as yet. Now is THE, TIM* t o Btrv.,

L. R. MURRAY*^ N. R~Orders by mail will be

promptly and carefully attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed; £

Sw.,Ji'SSLJ?^0*^--"^::::|fc::;::z;::^:::::::::;;:::l«itf" -»£&.rife Cotm* DrtmQotto ]>MMU«MlM^irto. ^ y..h

« • . " ? • • » « ft>r LMIIM. U«aU, UlmS, m

_ . . Wnppmri.....i..... i t a * n U n 8a«Mdert from » t o tSe-*b«ti UO P«nwoU Intai 6o to •A«o«i«M eb«S. * • IJMM TtM MKI ft»rb ftt IOM Itaa wHl«u J|» II*U-Ktr»<r, Wool and rur- lo oloM^mitl

r'i f, -iii,


• > » • • • • • * • • ' • ' • » * » » » ! , fc .

Ralf-neee lo ckw rtscardl Chiklrew " *•

toWose. % ; > W £ Vaioa

^tdle^ofi ioai^i^^

tor »rlocrC

ies<«»r <o»t. 1 "-I-

Dionor Plates Breakfast " fee *• r l e l> •• Onuoo •* 1. . Gups aa48anr>ers.V

300 Bets J. 4 61 aieasJns' tf*n

1 .

r ie China a/ttie7«iiowh& l ^ r FrmOsl

• f t f*« - • . m4+-,+*-.tymm*++**.+r

> » * • 4m»* -'fc«

t T -.». ..^,««,

1 .23*

|JJ«|T Skirts, Now Shi-*!*, Now

[• j • . C ] ' J i " '' 2f«W Il0fclery>irew Otov^*, N o #


K o # is the time lo gel what you

U ahoay ^ooJa, and gaUifai>ti<if. ^ui j . ..' -' -• :>,. it -.'w-» )«./*"«*' ••' ji

C hurf a t t<htr Owk Prir**: INT a t

- | ^ * - r if > U • * . K« .,*+(> m,

-n. > ' J. * - • y * i'. •

y l

in Las I nes J,-of'

J. M, REYNOLDS JR., Is owlnjr lo th i fact that he ha* alwar* *eld foods lor so much )L»SS roooer than any other

this •(olnHy. He believes in selling s wis and realisln*; a sntaJ1

sold, ami th i s a**fefatiaj profit on each attic on his sales in puik .. • . 1. ». i— «J ^ • n r l a that will enable him lo keep up kritld Iho lime* and

imokitHiki, kxlh d atrnrroBO. -Hehsa reeenjlf Ikted ti4 els alreadr Jarfc

siock, a beanilfiM as4ortmeu| Of


and only asts thoati rloehll foods. Nolo

Intern who d no Is

Ire to eoao aad mpelled to bar,

butthosolntendi**; to dp so w^ll not leare store withont* porchaslna;. If low pdoes flrst-class gYtods are *>y oTiJcol. j




lem Kew Ifofk fdr lite


Also haa (he Gemral A l e n c l for the ijaatons

E C H A N 1

Tli^'Wdsi wfClerfa a#> WMI naVer lt^tth p e s e t a s

Clock* and Jewelrrl hare ha«l years of «a' U acknowledged by a

> ' 1 done by workmen who

>erience( and whose sMUl l4 Bissaoekof

BOOKS, o ATiOK^Br, ni>v*ta. E T L

is onsiirpassed In Northern on the sub; article


•f • •

i U:


> '*'*'*

^ 7



.'.; '• h . ~ * . j .^ CimOMOS!

*&?}£* t?9*?* r e d «ioftaiii arorihof bean-U/*J ¥t?°mottwr •o^P iht> extremely low sum of Tai.fc each. Nothjof makes a a mV look


th haTsfeew deolfna, and alll soremejita, and are aa.rersH ihoLBUD

erfnl IN<| HEID OI-

mnstial InrenUon of the roetJ A child can operate M e t froairia to l e a

There Is no excuse noX for ant. home? Sfthto soetlon, tomoanorer Mare and naked Walls.tor the low Wlcas at whieb «eyn<^ld* Is offsrtiT I fe^ * W * ° ? 0 j p l c w r " plaees them wlthB *

ithereachjof the ham blest laborer. Ma\e yonr house atiraeUte; These jOcteresTire One

k ^ ^ B d e r n ihe wail* of*onr «o*ffelea5St L # * W ^ o b e V t when yon want aJVateh. fcsoclu Book Picture or anythui ekO l n ^ ' line of Jewelry or ftUUonsrr' niliT^ feril<

hetf P«H j l l i i I 111 m

K g 1 **V$P <* *M|oBei7; caaroa tand by ao wan* cave at


i iUBi r Bi

hfosi aucctaav aaUcDT trera^veYedTas

Wre ^ Tsiety.

FrwH Be* . V.X. C0U|r«JEB. fre*tdinf Elder eft he Ot. Aiaiaa District Jl. ' 1 t Alhana. y t# 4aa, ao, lOal

and every Weakly, sickly person can surely strengthen arid build up the brpkeo-down system by

tak ing RKJHARD'S TEETOTAL TOIIC Mo-remedy has ever imade

more woftdcrful cures ofjr)yS; pepsja, Nervousness and kvery Weakness and Debility.

It lis thi best regulatoij i f th« hlvei and Kidneys, and ihe saf | est a id best stomach, brsih and ne rve tonifc in the world '

It makes the weakest nerves strong, and the most despairing ~ * J britjjht and cheerful; it giv^s new Jife, vigor and energy to! the Qvierworked body and brim, and all who take it eat anfl slee|> better and become healthier land stronger^

Free from alcoholic dangers. Physicians pronounce it th& saf­est remedy ever sokUnd it must be tried jto kpow the perfect l l ea l th MMtlsirnifftli i t * u w huorM.

5B5S Boot »nd Bho« Bkop.



H" H v &


OA' iaaai

W ^1

Ore «*.0i

taraatt aim

Mt v-\

Mr prtoM M wkSSnUvfamiiVito »

PLATFOBMSP tea* goaoral w e wltaJa Hat !*** law

l icDWOajtb - ^ 4

:tanee M prfoe oi matertala, I am able to sail at L A ff prKAaVO PEigstR.

iBs & % # ' • '

l prloe oi matertala, I am able lo sell at L A

roifl+La?TK A 0 0 O # # X K T Of


on the market .Owlnf before Oho reeemt ad-1 I hare ia sleek aj


L -Boardii

/it -v-.'i

I iBilBito****! Bitaattoato

^^^leftanTaalw^ j :- - CJLL AHD atXAlOinstffOCt

c aJlWowtWA*iu5W»«BwlB^ J8HO^

ea hand a eompieao sjMilaViQlot; me todaplieate or a^tohiay tnwksB:

srHao,** — i

^ ^ •

y^x I f.





M k

imm + mm * • • • • • • « • • • • • • # •

»8TB*rr,'^>f! WB» OoaL* i

OOtTVERKEUE, IT, Y.j •mat f
