should i sanitize my air ducts in 2021?

1/8 Should I Sanitize My Air Ducts In 2021? It is vital to ensure that the ducts are clean because COVID-19 around house owners cannot afford to take any risks. Duct cleaning and sanitization are two methods through which we can easily ensure safety. Therefore, here we are going to highlight the importance of sanitizing the air ducts in 2021. Good air quality is highly essential for good health. As a house owner, it is vital to ensure that you have good air quality. MMI Home Improvement can help you achieve this in your home with the help of its outstanding technicians. They have the right technicians who have the knowledge and the expertise to deal with difficult situations. How to Choose the Best Ductwork Treatment and Services?

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Post on 14-Feb-2021




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Good air quality is highly essential for good health. As a house owner, it is vital to ensure that you have good air quality. MMI Home Improvement can help you achieve this in your home with the help of its outstanding technicians. They have the right technicians who have the knowledge and the expertise to deal with difficult situations.


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Should I Sanitize My Air Ducts In 2021?

It is vital to ensure that the ducts are clean because COVID-19 around house owners

cannot afford to take any risks. Duct cleaning and sanitization are two methods through

which we can easily ensure safety. Therefore, here we are going to highlight the

importance of sanitizing the air ducts in 2021.

Good air quality is highly essential for good health. As a house owner, it is vital to ensure

that you have good air quality. MMI Home Improvement can help you achieve this in your

home with the help of its outstanding technicians. They have the right technicians who

have the knowledge and the expertise to deal with difficult situations.

How to Choose the Best Ductwork Treatment and Services?

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For this, you need first to understand the difference between ductwork cleaning,

sanitization, and disinfection.

Ductwork Cleaning Services: This service removes the solid matter from within the

ducts physically. It is hugely significant to clean the vents because they hinder the flow of

the air. Moreover, if the ducts are dirty, they might also carry germs.

Ductwork Sanitizing and Cleaning: It is a process in which the ductwork is sanitized

with chemicals, ensuring that the duct is free of bacteria and germs.

Ductwork Disinfecting and Cleaning: The main objective of this air duct treatment

is to kill germs, bacteria, and viruses from the HVAC. It helps protect people from any

health problems. Some of the most common health issues faced by people are headaches

and allergies.

How Leading HVAC Experts Sanitize and Disinfect the Ducts?

Suppose you live in Georgia, USA, and are looking for reliable services for Air Duct

Cleaning in Atlanta. In that case, you must contact MMI Home Improvement because

they are one of the leading companies in this regard.

Finding an expert for Air Duct Sanitizing in Atlanta is not difficult anymore. It is so

because you have MMI Home Improvement at your service. They have expert technicians

that have the knowledge and the expertise to overcome every situation effectively.

When is air duct sanitizing important?

Most of the time, duct cleaning is enough to overcome all the issues. However, duct

sanitizing is essential in special situations such as follows:

Suppose you have a family member or an employee who suffers from health issues. Some

of the common health issues include allergies etc.

If there are pets in your home

Foul odor coming from the heating and cooling system

If there is any water seepage or damage in the ductwork

If pests, mold, bacteria, viruses, or microorganisms grow in the ducts

How Often Ducts Need to Be Cleaned and Disinfected?

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The HVAC systems need to be inspected and cleaned frequently. You should use DIY

methods or professional services for this purpose. Experts recommend scheduling

cleaning sessions after every three months. And if the condition of the HVAC ducts is

worse, then sanitizing is also required.

It is hard to identify how long the HVAC unit cleaning will last. It is so because situations

vary from place to place. If your house is using HVAC very often, then you might need

cleaning yearly. However, if you recently had a construction activity, then you must go for

cleaning right away.

And if the circumstances in your home have altered since the last sanitizing episode, then

you must consider getting it treated once again. When there is a new pet in the house, or

the family went through an infectious disease or there is mold growth in the house.

Whatever the reason, you need to ensure that house owners need to perform duct

cleaning and sanitizing.

If you are cautious about the air quality, coronavirus spread, and care about your family,

you must opt for the best HVAC cleaning and sanitizing services. These preventive

measures can save you from many risks.

NADCA suggests washing of ductwork as part of the entire heating and cooling unit

cleaning, which may include scrubbing and replacement of air filters, dusting grills and

diffusers, inspecting drain pans, draining lines, an examination of the heat exchanger and

chilling coils, grills, boiler air plenum, and blower motor.

How Safe is Duct Sanitization and Disinfection?

To know if HVAC sanitization and disinfection methods are safe, you must know about

the treatment and its application. Qualified technicians have the expertise to disinfect the

ducts safely properly.

There are several different disinfectants that you can use to sanitize the ducts. Duct

sanitization is vital because, through this process, we need to kill germs and stop the

spread. However, it is critical to get a disinfectant that is least harmful to humans. It is so

because humans will apply it to the ducts.

The Use of Clouding Method for Disinfecting the Air Ducts

Experts recommend the clouding method for disinfecting. It is a method that requires the

technician to be an expert; therefore, you need to contact MMI. An MMI technician is well

aware of the ways that he can use to overcome all the issues.

As an HVAC owner, you must ensure that the ductwork should be clean. Dirty ducts are

one primary reason for spreading germs. Moreover, they also contribute towards low air

quality, which becomes one of the leading causes of poor health.

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In this pandemic, we need to be careful about the possible reason that may contribute to

the transmission of germs. Different researches have shown that a dirty ventilation

system is also one of the leading causes of the spread of COVID.

How Is Coronavirus Spread Through HVAC Ducts?

Different reports show that the duct system has contributed significantly to spreading

COVID. If the ducts are dirty, then dirty air will circulate through the area, and it will

become one of the reasons for diseases. Apart from regular ductwork cleaning and

changing filters, disinfecting the common area can prove an effective way to clean the air.

So, there is no time to waste because it’s time for you to book MMI services and get ready

to mesmerize your customers with your exceptional services.

If your house members are sensitive to allergies or are suffering unexplained symptoms,

or sickness, the reason might be contaminated ductworks. In this case, you must call a

professional HVAC service for inspection and cleaning.

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Pollen, dirt, debris, smoke, mold spores, rodents, and chemicals sucked from the external

air get accumulated in the system. When the system functions, these hazardous particles

get suspended in the air.

Hence, polluted ductwork can contaminate the indoor air quality. Although all systems

have air filters installed, these filters cannot screen all toxins. This is the reason regular

ductwork washing is essential. Better air quality means better health and well being of the

people exposed.

Clean systems work more efficiently than unclean ones. If system ductwork is blocked, it

restricts airflow and impacts its efficient performance as the system has to struggle harder

to maintain the desired temperature, it will use more energy leading to high energy bills.

Regular maintenance and cleaning of the HVAC reduce the chances of wear and tear.

When the system runs smoothly it may require less repair and have a longer lifespan.