simulacro inglés posgrado

Examen competencia lectora id=2 Este es un examen diseñado para medir la comprensión lectora en INGLÉS. El examen está diseñado para 1:50 minutos. Se puede utilizar diccionario. Examen Competencia Lectora Inglés Posgrado Este es un examen de Competencia Lectora Ingles para Posgrados. Tiene 25 preguntas y se aprueba con 15 respuestas correctas (60%). Las preguntas buscan medir las capacidades de las persona para identificar la idea principal, el tema de la lectura, información explícita, información implícita y vocabulario en contexto. Método de calificación: Calificación más alta Límite de tiempo: 1 hora 50 minutos

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Page 1: Simulacro inglés posgrado

Examen competencia lectora

Este es un examen diseñado para medir la comprensión lectora en INGLÉS. El examen está diseñado para 1:50 minutos. Se puede utilizar diccionario. 

Examen Competencia Lectora Inglés Posgrado

Este es un examen de Competencia Lectora Ingles para Posgrados. Tiene 25 preguntas y se aprueba con 15 respuestas correctas (60%). Las preguntas buscan medir las capacidades de las persona para identificar la idea principal, el tema de la lectura, información explícita, información implícita y vocabulario en contexto.

Método de calificación: Calificación más alta

Límite de tiempo: 1 hora 50 minutos

While many nineteenth-century reformers hoped to bring about reform through education or by eliminating specific social evils, some thinkers wanted to start over and remake society by founding ideal, cooperative communities. The United States seemed to them a spacious and unencumbered country where models of a perfect society could succeed. These communitarian thinkers hope their success would lead to imitation, until communities free of crime, poverty, and other social ills would cover the land. A number of religious groups, notably the Shakers, practiced communal living, but the main impetus to found model communities came from nonreligious, rationalistic thinkers.

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Among the communitarian philosophers, three of the most influential were Robert Owen, Charles Fourier, and John Humphrey Noyes. Owen, famous for his humanitarian policies as owner of several thriving textile mills in Scotland, believed that faulty environment was to blame for human problems and that these problems could be eliminated in a rationally planned society. In 1825 he put his principles into practice at New Harmony, Indiana. The community failed economically after a few years but not before achieving a number of social successes. Fourier, a commercial employee in France, never visited the United States. However, his theories of cooperative living influenced many Americans through the writings of Albert Brisbane, whose Social Destiny of Manexplained Fourierism and its self-sufficient associations or "phalanxes." One or more of these phalanxes was organized in every Northern state. The most famous were Red Bank, New Jersey, and Brook Farm, Massachusetts. An early member of the latter was the author Nathaniel Hawthorne. Noyes founded the most enduring and probably the oddest of the Utopian communities, the Oneida Community of upstate New York. Needless to say, none of these experiments had any lasting effects on the patterns of American society.

Question1Puntos: 1/1

1. The main topic of the passage is

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. American reformers 

b. nineteenth-century schools 

c. the philosophy of Fourierism 

d. model communities in the nineteenth century 

CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

model communities in the nineteenth century

13:54:02 on 8/10/13

1 1

2 Cerrar model communities in the nineteenth century

15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 1

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Question2Puntos: 0/1

2. Which of the following is NOT given in the passage as one of the general goals of communitarian philosophers?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. To establish ideal communities 

b. To remake society 

c. To create opportunities through education 

d. To spread their ideas throughout the United States 

The correct answer is the one that talks about "To establish ideal communities"

IncorrectoPuntos para este envío: 0/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

To remake society 13:55:20 on 8/10/13

0 0

2 Calificación

To spread their ideas throughout the United States

14:04:12 on 8/10/13

0 0

3 Cerrar To spread their ideas throughout the United States

15:09:38 on 25/10/13

0 0

Question3Puntos: 0.9/1

3. The Shakers are mentioned in paragraph 1 as an example of

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. radical reformers 

b. an influential group of writers 

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c. rationalistic thinkers 

d. a communal religious group CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1. Con las penalizaciones previas esto da como resultado 0.9/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

rationalistic thinkers 14:01:19 on 8/10/13

0 0

2 Calificación

a communal religious group

14:01:29 on 8/10/13

1 0.9

3 Cerrar a communal religious group

15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 0.9

Question4Puntos: 1/1

4. Why does the author mention Nathaniel Hawthorne in paragraph 2?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. He was a critic of Charles Fourier. 

b. He wrote a book that led to the establishment of model communities. 

c. He was at one time a member of the Brook Farm community. 

d. He founded Brook Farm in Massachusetts. CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

He was at one time a member of the Brook

13:59:29 on 8/10/13

1 1

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Farm community.

2 Cerrar He was at one time a member of the Brook Farm community.

15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 1

Question5Puntos: 0.9/1

5. The word oddest in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to which of the following?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Largest 

b. Earliest 

c. Most independent 

d. Most unusual CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1. Con las penalizaciones previas esto da como resultado 0.9/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

Most independent

14:02:54 on 8/10/13

0 0

2 Calificación

Most unusual 14:03:11 on 8/10/13

1 0.9

3 Cerrar Most unusual 15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 0.9

Question6Puntos: 0/1

6. The author implies that, for readers, the conclusion of the passage 


Seleccione una respuesta.

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a. absurd 

b. surprising 

c. practical 

d. obvious The correct answer says "   obvious  "

IncorrectoPuntos para este envío: 0/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta Calificación

1 Calificación practical 14:05:47 on 8/10/13 0 0

2 Calificación surprising 14:05:56 on 8/10/13 0 0

3 Cerrar surprising 15:09:38 on 25/10/13 0 0

Question7Puntos: 0.7/1

7. Why did the author probably divide the passage into two paragraphs?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. To present an overview of a concept in the first paragraph and specific examples in the second 

b. To give the causes for a phenomenon in the first paragraph and its consequences in the second 

c. To compare nineteenth-century reforms with twentieth-century reforms 

d. To contrast the work of Utopian thinkers with that of practical reformers 

CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1. Con las penalizaciones previas esto da como resultado 0.7/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación Calificació

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bruta n

1 Calificación

To contrast the work of Utopian thinkers with that of practical reformers

14:08:07 on 8/10/13

0 0

2 Calificación

To give the causes for a phenomenon in the first paragraph and its consequences in the second

14:08:21 on 8/10/13

0 0

3 Calificación

To compare nineteenth-century reforms with twentieth-century reforms

14:08:38 on 8/10/13

0 0

4 Calificación

To present an overview of a concept in the first paragraph and specific examples in the second

14:08:48 on 8/10/13

1 0.7

5 Cerrar To present an overview of a concept in the first paragraph and specific examples in the second

15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 0.7

Passage 2

Fifty-five delegates representing all thirteen states except Rhode Island attended the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphiafrom May to September 1787. The delegates had been instructed by the Continental Congress to revise the old Articles of Confederation, but most believed that a stronger central government was needed. There were differences, however, about what structure the government should take and how much influence large states should have.

Virginia was by far the most populous state, with twice as many people as New York, four times as many as New Jersey, and ten times as many as Delaware. The leader of the Virginia delegation, James Madison, had already drawn up a plan for government, which became known as the Large State Plan. Its essence was that congressional representation would be based on population. It provided for two or more national executives. The smaller states feared that under this plan, a few large states would lord over the rest. New Jersey countered with the Small State Plan. It provided for equal representation for all states in a national legislature and for a single national executive. Angry debate, heightened by a stifling heat wave, led to deadlock.

A cooling of tempers seemed to come with lower temperatures. The delegates hammered out an agreement known as the Great Compromise—actually a bundle of shrewd compromises. They decided that Congress would consist of two houses. The larger states were granted representation based on population in the lower house, the House of

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Representatives. The smaller states were given equal representation in the upper house, the Senate, in which each state would have two senators regardless of population. It was also agreed that there would be a single executive, the president. This critical compromise broke the logjam, and from then on, success seemed within reach.

Question8Puntos: 0.9/1

8. What is the main topic of this passage?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. A disagreement at the Constitutional Convention and a subsequent compromise 

b. The differences in population and relative power between the original states 

c. The most important points of the Small State Plan 

d. James Madison's plan to create a stable structure for the government of the United States

CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1. Con las penalizaciones previas esto da como resultado 0.9/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

The differences in population and relative power between the original states

14:14:00 on 8/10/13

0 0

2 Calificación

A disagreement at the Constitutional Convention and a subsequent compromise

14:14:15 on 8/10/13

1 0.9

3 Cerrar A disagreement at the Constitutional Convention and a subsequent compromise

15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 0.9

Question9Puntos: 0/1

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9. According to the passage, how many states were represented at the Constitutional Convention?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Fifty-five 

b. Twelve 

c. Fourteen 

d. Thirteen The correct answers is ..."twelve"

IncorrectoPuntos para este envío: 0/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta Calificación

1 Calificación Thirteen 14:14:37 on 8/10/13 0 0

2 Cerrar Thirteen 15:09:38 on 25/10/13 0 0

Question10Puntos: 0.9/1

10. It can be inferred from the passage that the Articles of Confederation

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. were supported by a majority of the delegates at the Convention 

b. allowed small states to dominate large ones 

c. provided for only a weak central government 

d. were revised and presented as the Large State Plan 

CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1. Con las penalizaciones previas esto da como resultado 0.9/1.Historial de respuestas

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# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

allowed small states to dominate large ones

14:17:35 on 8/10/13

0 0

2 Calificación

provided for only a weak central government

14:17:43 on 8/10/13

1 0.9

3 Cerrar provided for only a weak central government

15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 0.9

Question11Puntos: 1/1

11. According to the passage, in 1787 which of the following states had the FEWEST people?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. New Jersey 

b. New York 

c. Virginia 

d. Delaware CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta Calificación

1 Calificación Delaware 14:19:58 on 8/10/13 1 1

2 Cerrar Delaware 15:09:38 on 25/10/13 1 1

Question12Puntos: 0.9/1

12. According to the passage, the weather had what effect on the Constitutional Convention?

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Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Hot weather intensified the debate while cooler weather brought compromise. 

b. Cold temperatures made Independence Hall an uncomfortable place to work 

c. Delegates hurried to achieve an agreement before winter arrived. 

d. Bad weather prevented some of the delegates from reaching Philadelphia. 

CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1. Con las penalizaciones previas esto da como resultado 0.9/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

Cold temperatures made Independence Hall an uncomfortable place to work

14:20:35 on 8/10/13

0 0

2 Calificación

Hot weather intensified the debate while cooler weather brought compromise.

14:20:44 on 8/10/13

1 0.9

3 Cerrar Hot weather intensified the debate while cooler weather brought compromise.

15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 0.9

Question13Puntos: 0.9/1

13. The author uses the phrase broke the logjam in paragraph 3 to indicate that

Seleccione una respuesta.

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a. some major problems had been solved 

b. the government was nearly bankrupt 

c. the situation had become desperate 

d. the Convention came to a sudden end CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1. Con las penalizaciones previas esto da como resultado 0.9/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

the Convention came to a sudden end

14:21:11 on 8/10/13

0 0

2 Calificación

some major problems had been solved

14:21:21 on 8/10/13

1 0.9

3 Cerrar some major problems had been solved

15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 0.9

Passage 3

The first two decades of this century were dominated by the microbe hunters. These hunters had tracked down one after another of the microbes responsible for the most dreaded scourges of many centuries: tuberculosis, cholera, diphtheria. But there remained some terrible diseases for which no microbe could be incriminated: scurvy, pellagra, rickets, and beriberi. Then it was discovered that these diseases were caused by the lack of vitamins, a trace substance in the diet. The diseases could be prevented or cured by consuming foods that contained the vitamins. And so in the decades of the 1920's and 1930's nutrition became a science and the vitamin hunters replaced the microbe hunters.

In the 1940's and 1950's, biochemists strived to learn why each of the vitamins was essential for health. They discovered that key enzymes in metabolism depend on one or another of the vitamins as coenzymes to perform the chemistry that provides cells with

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energy for growth and function. Now, these enzyme hunters occupied center stage. You are aware that the enzyme hunters have been replaced by a new breed of hunters who are tracking genes—the blueprints for each of the enzymes—and are discovering the detective genes that cause inherited diseases — diabetes, cystic fibrosis.

These gene hunters, or genetic engineers, use recombinant DNA technology to identify and clone genes and introduce them into bacteria cells and plants to create factories for the massive production of hormones and vaccines for medicine and for better crops for agriculture. Biotechnology has become a multibillion-dollar industry.

According to the inexorable progress in science, we can expect that the gene hunters will be replaced in the spotlight. When and by whom? Which kind of hunter will dominate the scene in the last decade of our waning century and in the early decades of the next, I wonder whether the hunters who will occupy the spotlight   will be the neurobiologists who apply the techniques of the enzyme and gene hunters to the functions of the brain. What to call them? The head hunters?

Question14Puntos: 0.9/1

14. What is the main topic of the passage?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. The potential of genetic engineering 

b. The discovery of enzyme 

c. The microbe hunters 

d. The progress of modern medical research CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1. Con las penalizaciones previas esto da como resultado 0.9/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

The microbe hunters 14:24:46 on 8/10/13

0 0

2 Calificación

The progress of modern medical research

14:24:54 on 8/10/13

1 0.9

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3 Cerrar The progress of modern medical research

15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 0.9

Question15Puntos: 0.9/1

15. The word "which" in paragraph 1 refers to

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. cholera 

b. diseases 

c. microbe 

d. Diphtheria CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1. Con las penalizaciones previas esto da como resultado 0.9/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta Calificación

1 Calificación microbe 14:27:55 on 8/10/13 0 0

2 Calificación diseases 14:28:20 on 8/10/13 1 0.9

3 Cerrar diseases 15:09:38 on 25/10/13 1 0.9

Question16Puntos: 0.9/1

16. Which of the following can be cured by a change in diet?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Cholera 

b. Tuberculosis 

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c. Pellagra 

d. Cystic fibrosis CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1. Con las penalizaciones previas esto da como resultado 0.9/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

Cystic fibrosis

14:31:58 on 8/10/13 0 0

2 Calificación

Pellagra 14:33:00 on 8/10/13 1 0.9

3 Cerrar Pellagra 15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 0.9

Question17Puntos: 1/1

17. How do vitamins influence health?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. They protect the body from microbes. 

b. They are necessary for some enzymes to function. 

c. They are broken down by cells to produce energy. 

d. They keep food from spoiling. CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

They are necessary for some enzymes to function.

14:33:24 on 8/10/13

1 1

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2 Cerrar They are necessary for some enzymes to function.

15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 1

Question18Puntos: 0.9/1

18. The word "them" in paragraph 3 refers to

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. hormones . 

b. genes 

c. gene hunters or genetic engineers 

d. cells and plants CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1. Con las penalizaciones previas esto da como resultado 0.9/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

gene hunters or genetic engineers

14:34:42 on 8/10/13

0 0

2 Calificación

genes 14:35:16 on 8/10/13

1 0.9

3 Cerrar genes 15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 0.9

Question19Puntos: 1/1

19. The phrase "occupy the spotlight" in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. conquer territory 

b. lighten the load 

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c. go the furthest 

d. receive the most attention CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

receive the most attention

14:37:43 on 8/10/13

1 1

2 Cerrar receive the most attention

15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 1

Question20Puntos: 0.9/1

20. The author implies that the most important medical research topicof the future will be

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. the structure of genes 

b. the functions of the brain 

c. inherited diseases 

d. the operation of vitamins CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1. Con las penalizaciones previas esto da como resultado 0.9/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


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1 Calificación

the operation of vitamins

14:38:39 on 8/10/13

0 0

2 Calificación

the functions of the brain

14:38:46 on 8/10/13

1 0.9

3 Cerrar the functions of the brain

15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 0.9

Passage 4

Cloning humans has recently become a possibility that seems much more feasible in today's society than it was twenty years ago. It is a method that involves the production of a group of identical cells or organisms that all derive from a single individual. It is not known when or how cloning humans really became a possibility, but it is known that there are two possible ways in which humans can be cloned. The first way involves splitting an embryo into several parts and creating many new individuals from that embryo. The second method of cloning a human involves taking cells from an already existing human being and cloning them, in turn creating other individuals that are identical to that particular person. There is no doubt that many problems involving the technological and ethical sides of this issue will arise and will be virtually impossible to avoid, but the overall idea of cloning humans is one that we should accept as a possible reality for the future.

Cloning humans is an idea that has always been thought of as something that could be found in science fiction novels, but never as a concept that society might actually experience. It has been much in the news, with the public bombarded with newspaper and magazine articles, books and television shows. Much of this information leads the public in the wrong direction and makes them wonder how easy it would be for everyone around them to be cloned. Bizarre ideas about cloning appear in many science fiction books; such books scare the public with their unbelievable scenarios.

Puzzling questions about humans and cloning are still to be answered today, and scientists and the public alike are eager to learn all they can about cloning.

Question21Puntos: 0.9/1

21. What is the main difference between the two means of cloning?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Many individuals are involved in the second method, whereas the first method only requires one embryo. 

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b. One method produces more clones than the other method. 

c. One involves taking cells from a breathing organism and the other using an as yet unborn organism. 

d. There are more problems involved in using the first way than in using the second 

CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1. Con las penalizaciones previas esto da como resultado 0.9/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

Many individuals are involved in the second method, whereas the first method only requires one embryo.

14:44:55 on 8/10/13

0 0

2 Calificación

One involves taking cells from a breathing organism and the other using an as yet unborn organism.

14:45:17 on 8/10/13

1 0.9

3 Cerrar One involves taking cells from a breathing organism and the other using an as yet unborn organism.

15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 0.9

Question22Puntos: 0.9/1

22. In general, the public reaction to all this material shows that theyare

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. alarmed. 

b. knowledgeable. 

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c. gullible. 

d. reliably informed. CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1. Con las penalizaciones previas esto da como resultado 0.9/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

reliably informed.

14:46:24 on 8/10/13

0 0

2 Calificación

gullible. 14:46:31 on 8/10/13

1 0.9

3 Cerrar gullible. 15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 0.9

Question23Puntos: 0.9/1

23. According to the passage, what does cloning actually involve?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Generating a batch of duplicate cells from one living thing. 

b. Producing similar cells from an individual. 

c. Taking cells from an individual and dividing them into many halves. 

d. Dividing identical individuals into many cells or organisms. 

CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1. Con las penalizaciones previas esto da como resultado 0.9/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

Producing similar cells from an individual.

14:46:53 on 8/10/13

0 0

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2 Calificación

Generating a batch of duplicate cells from one living thing.

14:47:01 on 8/10/13

1 0.9

3 Cerrar Generating a batch of duplicate cells from one living thing.

15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 0.9

Question24Puntos: 0.9/1

24. What, according to the author, will be impossible to avoid?

Seleccione una respuesta.

a. The public learning about cloning. 

b. The many unanswered questions. 

c. The experience of cloning. 

d. The moral and scientific implications involved. 

CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1. Con las penalizaciones previas esto da como resultado 0.9/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

The many unanswered questions.

14:47:50 on 8/10/13

0 0

2 Calificación

The moral and scientific implications involved.

14:47:57 on 8/10/13

1 0.9

3 Cerrar The moral and scientific implications involved.

15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 0.9

Question25Puntos: 0.9/1

25. With which of the following conclusions would the author most likely agree?

Seleccione una respuesta.

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a. The cloning of humans will never become a reality. 

b. Scientists will never have all the answers. 

c. Cloning was a viable possibility twenty years ago. 

d. The cloning of humans is attainable in the future. 

CorrectoPuntos para este envío: 1/1. Con las penalizaciones previas esto da como resultado 0.9/1.Historial de respuestas

# Acción Respuesta Fecha Puntuación bruta


1 Calificación

The cloning of humans is attainable in the future.

14:48:22 on 8/10/13

0 0

2 Calificación

Scientists will never have all the answers.

14:48:33 on 8/10/13

1 0.9

3 Cerrar Scientists will never have all the answers.

15:09:38 on 25/10/13

1 0.9

Usted se ha autentificado como Leonardo Miranda (Salir)

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