· rilk watkhkou d xhwti...

rilK WATKHKOU D XHWti I;STAIII . ISIII :I > 1M,. (Al.l.iiinm liu*'Xi' , l' ni'irii-tiii.) l.\UiU -l (" llii II.VIII 1N IX TIIK Sol III (If lltRI.AMI . I- ,.):: ,;... : , ¦. . ,- ,, F.-¦'•¦:/ ;•; . . „.>. , nl.V" . -I!) Kin. j Sttn-t , OI - I-MMTI . ini: ri:o\iMlAt. BANK .} I' M. 1 'I' n¦: 1' 1: I' I :N < I : ; Y KAIM .Y ( IS A DVANCK ) Kis. ; J' . V 1' lt.T, YlMlil.Y, l. ' .S.. IX AllYANCK. Agents for Sale of THE NEWS: \V \T: ' .i;K()i:il—Mr. W. K KI .I .Y , l.ittlr (¦roiypVstrrrt. •fi:.\MDI! l-:—Mi>s Ci.AMV , JU-fivsliincnt llooms , in < :i;iml-stn. 'rt. 1'VSSAIiK KAST—The Jlissrs I.c.vK, Hotel , Si|ti.ire. 3A1 ! li ' l C K-'lX.Sl'II!—Mr. J.M.MftifHY . Xows Agent. 0L 'N I ; A I!VAN —Mr. Kt-w .Mtii liin.SN.ix, Stationer , \\e., IW :iiiil Ti-hrnip l' Office , Tho Square. - Mr. M.vri ' iir. w WAI . SU , llhicb poul. KILM.U'TIIOMAS- -Mr. Jl. DrxxK , (irocur , *c. Kl l.KKN N V-- L' OYI . K lirolhers , liookselk'ts, Ac , THUMASTD\VX---\V . liiMloi' . SHIPPING. WATERFORD STEAM COMPANY. I S T K . W K L) OHDEH af. -iAlLISU—J VXK , 187:!. VTOTICK. —The Wnti-rlonl Steamship 1 iTv Xs 1\ Company receive Goods fur Shi pment SS3|\1 ^ tin- f.illoivi.iK Terms onl y :-} licj- reserve H - : defective Navigation , <>r am.lents from any oilier cause , n (I,- ,,i,v Ws which n.i Hl" »»™ >"-•'• ^¦r [ ''>• Il ««™'" : f nor f..r Leakage , l>reaVa,:e , Condition , <>.,hty, or contents of " uv Pam-i, .nVackap-s, unless speciall y entered and a . n,- ire ' ,.. Kn-i-M ,..ii.l. H.««l< "»S "-muvwl to beMor.-d at the lisle ;i:i.l espritse of I la- I ' luwSures. ... . . ...... •A \TK UKOlt . D AN H l i MM 0 I- . C'ii »„, J.«r.i . .r ell., r eh-ilne M, 'hrict. |- - r,.m W .t . ' l. ' .id lu lln-tol : : Vioin lSvi ^l^.l to W aliTford : T11. a iv . I nn. I .. 4 Afrn.Tliiir-.lay, . lime 1. ... .. Aft 11 T ... .V ' , II ... !<•¦ ¦ M..mTl,,H>.l:.y. l:i _ M .M..i;u i . :;• ' I* I Alt ' n. TI,iir=u:iv , - -> ... I Affii T Iv ' " ' :. l.. ' . M-ni.Thur-.l:.y, J, ... 1" .M..rn Fioin Warlord to lirUt.T ,j Tr-in Hristol fj Waterfur.l , Hm . cl 1 ca ' .lilii! »' IVinlmike Iloek. Vri.l .v .Inn.- 7 ... II Tn.-.:av , .lime I ... 4J Aft ' ll 1- ri.lVr ' ,. 11 .. :!' , Affll Tii.-.lay, .. H . !• M"i;ii Fri.bV . -I .- l»j .M""iTn.-*y..y. ., I- .-. •.{ Afi M i- n ,l,\. - s : - ,i Aft n Tuesday, - - . ' M..111 ±4- - On Kallv Uninim: Snilin^. llH' Clmi '•> "'>' >'"iin er< will I- Open ' to nwivi! r.ivM-u- ,;.:'* arnvinc Irutn l.umlun •^^ ¦^' I 'K: S,,v,,,,,s a,,l Children , ,, K .... lietun, >1(. .. 'Jo- .; or with liberty to return from lhiblii. O.iV ..r W.'xtur .l , 31s. ud., Steward s I™ im-lmlcil ; Deck 7*. i:d. Keuiah-s attend lla- Ladies ' Cabin. WATKKKOKI) AND 1. I V B 1!. 1' O 0 1 Lara and Camilla m otlm . b- -i ' ne \ .-SM I- . MOM WATKKFCKI': »" 0M '¦'v >-' ; , 1' 1""- ¦ M.. -i.l:.v . ., :: - II .M..n, - .M"ii.l:>y. .I"".- :• - !' Wnl.,.-.Uv ., . " . 11 M..111 VY.-Hi.-by -. : ¦ ¦» > " »' l n.l : .), 7 - 11 M..VI, Kri.l:.y. ,. - I' '!"'•" M,.,, ,l ' iv - I Affi. >l..n.liiy. .. [ -1^ >" . ¦" W.,1... ;.lav ., 1J- I Alfli \V.-.llr«Ml:iy, M - -1 A It 11 Kri.liv ' II— 'i M..fii Kri.lay, ., 11 .. Aft 11 M.., M1:, ' V, 17 -i n' . .Mum >|..u.lay, 1. - '! Alt 1. Wnli:.;i[.u- ,, I" - 11 ' JI'Tti «' MI H. -I.1 . V, ., lU-sJl..rii rri.l:.v . -j| -II .Morn I-Vi.l;.y. -Jl -1 Mora M,.li.lav . Jt - I Aft 'n M..11. I <y- .. -' . - I- 1 >••-¦" W.-hi. ' -I-iv •' •• ¦- I Aft 'n \V.,ln.^U.y, -¦' ¦ - All 11 lri.l.V ., js _ ii Mori, ,. '> - : i Ali i, Cii l ' .m Fiii>- 15- .; Servants .mil i:iiililri-n , 10s.; l )|.ck , 7s. 6'1. ; ( 'Ij iUr.ii . Is. Female- a' .Uinl the Ladies 'Cabin, liuod- n-ccivitl at Clarence l)uc)c. WATKKFOlt H A XI) LONDON. Jnrara an-l Kora, or oilier eligible \ esscls. PI.OM n .MKKF01.Ii , r R0M J-OX1'O> , Tii.- -.lnv , .him- .i - I Afrii . - - aliiPi.-iy, .lull.- 1 - M J nni Tliiir-.l ' iv r, - I Affn Tii.-'lay, 11 —s .M..rn <-it«r.l- .v •• . " ,- I Affli . Tli:ir-.l:iy, -J.i-s •"""¦' " Satiw. .- ..y, ¦£> - > Mum Low-ISO ltBRins:—Lotidun—Unlish and F.;iei-n Mean, Whan , Lower K»»t sjinitlila-M, and We»t Kenl \\ l.arf , Soullm-arli . WATEIIKOKI. AX1. PLYMOUTH. Aurora anl Xo ra , orotber eli j- 'ible \ 1—>'K FH. -. .M WATtnroiii .: r'' •<»! I- LVMOUTU : Tlinr.-.lav , ,lui;c I Aff n si :it-i r.l:.y, ., !• ¦ - I AII ' II W 1-: !•: K L V . Tn.-.lay " , S, - I Ann Talim:''"'"I- for Kalinontli , Snullianii't"ii , 1 'urt-iii.jntli , and plan - adjacent. WATKKKOKl ) AND XKW UOSS . K KOM W AII . KFOUU —llail y, Sunilays excepted , at I r.M. K KH . M X KW J! I—Dail y, Sundays e. vei-iited , at 8.|. " J A . M . W A ')' i: liKH Ii D AM) D I, " X C A XX O X . K K ' IM WAI I . KFU KI IDail y, Sundays eicejitcil, at 3. :W P. M . FKU M D I' SCASNO S— Dail y, Sunday s rxceptwl , »1 8.15 A . M 1' iL-itbs sii-iin-.l and i-vevy infurinalion given l»y tbe A>;.-ntB. jj rls <,, ' _Tbe (ieiu-ral Steam 1' aeVet Ulliie. Lieerju iul— Wali-rionl Sl.-ain Shi p Coin|,»ny, 2S , llrnnswitk-street , Waniiiiiiit'Hi l' miMini:-. I.oii.<u»—AXTiioM. <i . HOUIKSOS , 20 Mark l.:i- .u- ; I' .iiti-b and Knreicn Steam Wliarf , Lower t-i^t Smillilield , ami West Kent Wliarf , Suntliwaik I 'l ir wouffc-llKSKV J.W.MtlS(., tlieWharf , Millmy. [j . 'Jil-lt A., i a"". ..i,.|.ai,) > > :)n ic.- , ll,, MALL . WATKItKOKP. N A T I (J N A 1, L. 1 N K. «*- TIII : . -j I:A. MI:H S "K THI S I.INI: AKK TIII: 1 ir<;;>r/M. - .sK.v'.y;'. ' sv/-:.). ./•> ¦»//' ¦? . -uv.o.n STEAM FROM LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK nTliV IVKDXK .SIWY. AX1) TliOM yUKKXS- TOWN KVKHY THLJiSDAY. __ lL g iKt -yTATmXAL STKAM SKIP y ^F ^— j r iM COMl'AXY (l.IMITKD). ¦&ff i£M$Jl kl& 'l'lionew full-)iowered lliitifh Iron ^^ jg £fjgjj£ gj//g } Screw Sleani-slii jis > /,.,,., . T"«* . Sli p* . TOHM K'SYfT Cp-aii . ' '"it 1 KN' .I. A NI. , Andr< «> :; 1"7 KI'VIN. <:n.ii. «««' ¦ TIIK < . ii:KI-:X , Tli'.ni:L-.... IHI ITALY , T!ii.:nl.M.n « . Hul.l.AMI , I' .niL-L- :I-I7 yiiANi-K , Ti,.,iii-.n :' . " .7i Kins , i-iwH.n :?>. " ..; C.\XAl>.\ , WI -I I-I I T ¦¦"• : HKLV KTIA , IJrires " . '-71 ¦ISHKKCK. Kimp »>i ; llllN.MAUK, Suiain-r ::7J-i Will ili--ii.i:cl.. - .l Ir.jlil l. ive:p... .l hi Xr« Yolk H, I OII MUS KNC1.AXD Wuluc-ilny luno aiilh. Sl'AlX Wdli.csdiiy Jul y Ilnl. CANADA Wcdiicsilay Jul y 1" '<- '•- And tl.iui yiin-l. -t.iwii II..- l.d:..»lli . ' (lays Tl.i ' S.i!'i. n ai -c<.iiiiiii.i]atu>n 011 board these Slv.inn-i> i- uu suipas-«l , tb- Sutr-tooin* in. " iinn-ually liir^-i' , -mil open oil tin- SalMins . wbii-h .ue vituatt-d in 11 *- - poop on dt-. V —the p'.r.p Li-ing l. -l- l ti. ' . h,|.R. Halt- nl pa-sa-i- 12, 15, ami 17 C.iin'a' , .iccordina t.i ac- timmmlat:. ,!! in Stalv iu.-in—nil li:.vm« plivi' .-je n. Sain. 11. IleluTii rickets , 'IVHilylivi-fiuim-an . The Stei-ram' aeeoiiini'iilatii.ii i- iiiit(iu;,i;.-d for -p;i cc, b|<l.l , and TeutiLitiun. Aluinilaiiiw <•! Knsh I' mi-ision-i srivul ui. Cooked by tbc Company ' . " Stewards. Kates ol passa^i. - ciii Jlcduccd Term- . l',i->eii)!ei» booked thrnuisli t'i A-p inwall , hau Franriscn , tbc inland luwns (.f , .ind ol tbf L' nited Stale- , <.n favourable ti-inis : .llso , to Allsli.ili.i , Svvt /. -aland , Clnni , i.i. d .l.i|.;ui , al low tliK.ujb r.iKf , via Xew Yuik and S.m Kiaiic:-(o . Kor Kiciiflit <jr 1' a-n^i- app ly to THE X AUONAL HTK A .M Smr C.-MI- ASV (LIMITK I.), ^1 and23. Watei-stnet . Liveipiol; To. X. and .1. (" CUMINS and linns., Quern-town ; to Mr. M' UI-IIV. X'-w- A?iMit , (. ' arriek-oil-Siiir; or .Mr. i:;< HAiii. I' Hi i.AN , 1' ortl.iw : or to the Aani t /or llaUrfor.i— M1CI1AKL DOWXKY , Ciuay. THE GUION LINE. UN1TKI) STATKS MAIL STKAM KK.S. -V *V >Jfe \ / " V^'- "^ l '" - Wl"«'ii'^ or cither l'ir. -t 2(* " iTJfc u ill In (k-s -patchr'l li-citn LIVfUI'O(Jl. TO NKW YORK , KVKKV W HUNKS DAY. C.up Uiin. Cap tain. WYOMIN G .Kwd.i Wliiiic-r.-j \1 INXK-OTA.... I . M OKOAX WISCOX-IX T.W.r 'reeinau MANIIA 'ITA.N I. I' KICK IDAHO J AMKS 1 ' KiCf ' MOXTANA (II UI IJ"IK ) iilVADA W. K.,i-ylh DAKOTA iDo.) And arc iii ' .n.d.i! to Sail as l..lli.»«:— WISCONSIN Wi. diio .siliiy ltttli .Itmc. XKYADA Wi-ilii c. - .diiy » »ih June. WYOMIX'! Wcdiuj sihi ' y -M Jul y. M1NNKSDTA WcilufsJay l'lih July. I 'Al.I.lNIi at CiUKKNSrO WN the day followiii|C , lu uiiliaik I' ii-M- n/i-i- . I' n'-. nueis lu-ok ed throug h to San l-'ranci-c-i and all inland own- at low rat.- . _ ,. ItHl.-of I' a—.i ^ 'e fioin Livcrpnol 10 X.-w York : Cabin l'a-«»i!« v t'l- ' i IS- . »ii'l i:18 1** ' . StMraiir I' a-»a«t at ¦> ouci-d ral-» . Thif lalt. r ineludin HII unliini tid suppl y ot piuvi-iuu' , : u . ,li ' d and -ITVWI up by tin- (J.un|iali) N hti-wmd' . > "..r lit-il-bl or pKfaL-c , app ly to jl il CAMl'lOX , l. ' u»l(nnhoUM! Cjuay, Watrrh-nl ; .lOHX ' liKYKliKUX, yuHj , Wn t,iio,d- , I II'IMAS KAYANAIill . llu- S<|inuv , [liiiiL'iitvan IA Mh'S SI . 'OTT A <• " .. (in.-ni-.i- i»-ii; 01 to o. -|] til'UlX A <;(J., S.i W«t.-i.»:r.:et , Livniiiwl . ••WII ITK STA It" M X I-;. OCKAXJf STKAM NAVKiATION CO. ( LIVERPOOL to and from NEW YORK. TjKj lrr^— _^^ flTllKSIO liC. -w , riill piiwuri . il Stvain. [ Kra\M A*^ X si"!'- 1 s - iil •" •"»' I l8w^ftil(3W_ l.lYKltl'OOL - - - oi) 'I III . I>|.A ». I . y Q UKKN.STOWX - . on KIM II US. BALTIC -• 'I'liursday, ... Jimii «o . ATLANTIC .• "I'liui>'luy, ... Juno -7. OCKAN1U ... Thursday, ... Jul y Jl. llKl'i;iSLIC Tliursday, . July 18. The-.- Steamshi ps allotd M"''" 1 acccminwlati-n to Cabin IVurni:.-*; Ibe saloon, state-tooin- , and : i,,. . V.-,o..i..s ..« ¦ raid-lni.5. A surgeo n and jUw-nlvs, . llB 18». and flO 10'.. HHU'" 1""1- - . -' , f">»'-a- s t'«" >ce IT. C!- . for bills and lorlhrr p»nicu,aii. , app l y lo 1S1IAY 1MK1K , & CO., lO W alet.-titti , J.iv,.po,l ; nd 7. K»8t Jn.Ua-avenuP , London. [j.iB-tfl T S HAKYKY , West orKniflaiid In»urauci>Oaiep , \\ i. :erlid Mr LABKIS: Government Kmiitiatioii CiDiui.Jioner t. .r the Domini, n uf Canada , at l!l Kdui <-i<'*y, Dublin , and Mr O'X EILI. (iovernuienl toiitrHliun CoinDiis-i.iu.r lor he Vrof incc of Queb. c, at baiuc addiess , will gite lull iu- oruialiou coDieraiut; Cauadu gcuctally. SHIPPING. A M K RICA! AMERICA! "ALLAN" LINK. STEAM from DUBLIN Direct to AMERICA , ONCE A WEEK—SHORT SEA l'ASSAGE. « <- Vv ji. fl lllK Steamers of tlio "Allan "' line iSda^^v X sail from IIUHL1N TO AMKK1CA WJ\Iy^ .V.vtii v TI1UUSDAY , wilb l' lKsrnms lur *S5^3S»QUKIfKC. BOSTON , and XKW YOltK. TlieKe.^rtitttiuis oticr the bliortcst I' lts-aiic loCnu-^da , and [tivu » direct rnuti. to tin Wislcin Slates of An.Plica and Cali- tntni-i , lu which Pa-sen*. -!-!* HTL- lK.okc<l 011 Tlir.mph Ti(ki-t. S.s. ST. PATRICK from K INIWKIWN , TI I IT lt^ J >A Y.Wtli Juuc S.H. ST. ANDHKW do. do. - I'tb And 1CYKKV TI1UKSDAY tlirrenflrr during the &-aeon. HATES UK 1'ASSAliE MONEY. Kaliinn Chili t.i O . U lac 113 13 (1 Intel mrdi.i:e Caliiu to Q'lcbce , Huston , or Xe» Yuik 9 !l (I Sleera^i; (.1 (Jni'bi c, llostim , or Xcw York DOC Int.Tin. 'duli- Hate iuclildos Oulfit , &c, B"iT raiiip ldets on Canada nuil AVisti ru Stati-s fre e on appli- «-ition iit I!i K>Ii ii-i{ii:iy, DuMiti. Mr. JiARKlN , (jnvcriunent llmi- Agent for Oiitnrin , at 1!1 Kilen (}nay, Dublin , and Mr. -N I: M. I., (lovi-nitii.-ut Kniiirration Av'ont for C^uclii^ , nt sanH --, iviij irhr full iufnruiation rc^-anlinp Canada aud tbcr*! provimrs generally. F..r lurili ir pui-ticulais , app ly to J AMES i A LKIANIICB A LLAN , 7ll Great Cl y de slieet , (ilassow , and 13 Eden QIIAJ 1 , Dublin ; ur tu THOMAS I'UHCKLL , Waterlord ; J. M . MUKPHY , Cariirk-on-Suir; 231 ( KDUAUD HUTLKK , Inuistioniic. KXULAXI ) AND SOUTH WALKS , AND TIIK SOUTH 1)1' JUKLAND / UT GltKAT WKsTKHX KAILWAY , via M1LKOUD IIAVKX , lu connection with the WATKitroitn ANI > TJ IM EUICK and WATEHI ' OKII .\. vn CENTRAL I KELAMI Lines. SHORTEST ROUTE , and REDUCED FARES. ^ •*% Ki prt ' . <. < Tt 'ttot* nn 'l jYrft- Fast Mail £{ gf & g^^ S(,vniir. -. < E VKRV WEEK KA Y. & U HL U P.—IjcaTC WATEKI oi:i) at -1 p.m., on Arrival of 11.15 a.m. Triiin from Iiitnciick , and 10.50 a.m Train from Mary borough , A UUIVI NC ; in LDNDON nt 1 l. 'lO following morning. DOWN. JJ EAVK LIIM - OX (radilington) at 1.50 p.m., and A RKIVE AT WATKIU ' CIKU about 0.30 a.m., in time for the Tiaius on tho 'A' aterford and Lime- rick and l i-clnnil Linft.s. r.\ ii Y; K WA TEKFOI ;D AXD LOXDOX : SIM ; I . I : S (available I Days) 1st Class it Saloon , 4lis Od 1 ' nd Class 4. Saloou , :15s Cd . '!rd Class A Fore Cabin , 21M fW l!i 11 i; . \s(av.iilablr forl month) 1st Clsa <t Saloon , 7'is ,, 2nd Clss& Saloon , f>!)s Furl her information ran bo obtained from .Messrs. .1 M KMIN and Co., Now ^lilford ; and Mr. JJOWNKV, Ailrl p hi Wharf , Watcrl'orcl ; and tho JtKiu.TKi ) FAH KS liciwi 'cn (jtlu-r iniportaiil-Klatiniis , tin: Time Tables , ami Thniu^li Hates for (i.ioila , Ac , of .Mr. W. J. Iii:s- Mil., the Oreat Western Company ' s Agent , Paul' s Square , Walcrfunl. .1. (illlEHSOX , fjenei- .il Manager. I' aihlino-f mi , .Tiint 1 , IS72. [mv-2ti CLY1JK KllII'l'lNCi COJIPANY. J UX I-;, 18 72. S T E A il C 0 M M UN I CAT 10 A' Between Glasgow, Cork , and Waterfordi Carry insr<iood« at Through Hates to L IMBKICK , TlprEUAKV , C.UIII1, CLONJIE!., C' AEKICE-OX-Suin , IClLKENKY , All- 11KVLUIX , MACTIIOKOL'Oir , Ulld N E WPOUT (Moil). _ *\ 1 f 1111 K New onil l'owcrful Screw <aawft? < T ! \ x JL Strainers SKKKKYV OKK , CUM- yrilif^ -HUAK. SAXDA , KDDYSTONK , KIN- j« Sx«SK«».SALK , and TOWAHD , or other Fiist-Cl:iss Vessels, are intended Sail as undtr (unless prevented by miv nnloreseeu circuin^lanrc), with or without I'ilots , and witli lilietly to Tow Vessel. -, and to render Assistance to Vessels in j listless :— KKOM GLAS00W TO C'OliK and WAI KKfOKD , every MONDAY , WKDNKS. DAY and FlilDAY . at 2 p.m.; Hail to (irmwclt , 7 p.m. N<»TK. I'I H ' Sit.iiiii-rs Sailiiiir 011 Mondays and \Wilnr-- d.iy^ c.ill first at Walrrlnrd. The Sit-iirii .-r in: Kiidtiy yues diiect to Cork , and calls at Watevlord rrtiini'iip. KKOM WATKRFOKD '10 COKK. WKDNKS DA YS Sth, l' Jt li, I' Jlli . niiil 2llih , June FKIDAYS "ib , II1I1 , Sl-t , Hii.l 2aib .luue KKOM COKK TU WATKKKOKD . MONDAVI :trd Imh , 17tb , and 21th June , and 1st July. KLO.M WAIKKKOl iD TO UK I. FAST, Via COKK. FKIDAYS 7th , U'h "1st and L'Stli June. FHD.M COKK TO IIKLKAST SATi;i:DA YS 1*1 Hlli , loth , 22nd mid anli .June. HK1.KAST TO COKK & WATKKKOKD , I'iaUI.AsliOW. MONDAVS , :inl , lmli , Uiband ' . 'lib June and 1,| , Jul y. FKOM COKK TO DUULIN , Via WATKKFOKD , " MONDAYS ... :iid , l"th , 17lh , and 2Hb June and 1st July. FUO.M WA I KUKOKI) TO DUKI.IN , Direct , TUK^DAYS .-. l-b , lllb . lKili ainl2:ji b June , anl « tl I Jul y Dl. r.LI. N TO COKK .\: W VrKltFOKD . I'm (il.AKIiOW. WKl)XKSi)AY.S...Oth , 12th , l'Jlli, and 2151b June , and 3rd Julv. FKOM COKK TO Glu^pow {via IMfi-st) ... ... Saturday, 1st June 10 p.m <ila».:ow (rio Waterfoid fc Dublin) Miiud.iy, ;)rd 3 p.m lihisifow (direct ) Tliur-iiKy. lith 1 p.m (il.i-now (via lieliatt) Saturday, bill 0 p.m (jla-(!ii»- (»ittWaleiloi -d A Dublin) Monday lu ll 0 p.m (ila-iiiw (diuct) Thunday, i:i:h 7 p.m Cla-fiiw (via Itcllasl) Saturd-ij - , l.illi fl p. . n (;l.i^.,u- (via Wateiloid & Dublin) Monday, 17ib 1 p.m (Jla-foiv (direct) Thursday, limb 3 p.m (il.i-t -.m (Wa Belfast) Saturday, 22nd I p.m (ihi'sun- (via \Vaterlord & Dublin) Monday, 2Hb n 5 p.m (ila-K"«- (dirert) Tliur>dav , "7lll 8 p.lo fjla-s!"*' (via llelfa-t) Saturday, 211 b 10 p.m Glasi:ow(riaWalerl.ird& Dublin) Mond .-y, l-,t July 1 p.m FKOM WATKKFOKD TO Dublin and fil.i-KO'.v 1 lu-Mlay, .1th July 1 p.m CoiK and tilasiiow ... Wednesday, fit Ii 1 p.m Cj r k , lli. , and Cl^gow ... Friday, 7ih 1 p.m Dublin and t;ia«coiv Tui-«duy, 11th lf 1 p.m Curkaiid Olns^jiv Weilnesday , 12th 1 p.u Out , Id-lla-t , nml Uh'gow ... Kiiday, 1 »-b 1 | M ,j Dul.iiu and lilasiiuw ... Tmsday, lmli 1 p. m O.ili and (ilaspoiv Wcdnes-lay, l' .iih 1 p.,,, Cork , lieliai-t and Glasgow ... Friday, 2 Nt 1 p.m ll' .U.n and (Jlasfow ... Tue-d:iy, 'J.iili n 1 p. m Cikand lila-KOtv Wediiisday, i!li-h I ,,. ,,, (* "ik , l!c.!a-.t and (Jlasgow ... Friday , -JSlb 1 p. m Dublin and Glasgow ... Tuesday 2ml Jul y I p.m FA1SKS:- Gla»i'..w to Watcrford or Cork...Cabin , 17-.6.1.; fJeck , llj u . Coik and IVrttcifoid to Hi-Ha,t ... 17> . Ud. lij s. Cork t.. Waterlurd b- . "- I. .h. Coik and Watirfoid to Dublin... 10. -. Oil . Os. Htturn Ticlets t arailahle fur one Htinth , nut tranxftrahle. I ;|: I *J. " J »- to Coik or Waterlord Cabin , 2' ,, . Oil. Wati-rloul tu Coilv Cabin , 12H. 6-1. J/iV NOTK. —Tin- Cly de Sbi pp inR Comp.-ny Insure all (Jo- .nU Shi pped by tli.-ir Line of Steamers , at a< 4-1 per Cent valu.-n be declared at tininof Shi pment. Forms and all ii.lormaliou In In- bad at the Office*. For Kates of Freight , cVc , app ly to— CORK .Sir.AMhiiip Co., I' inros.- yuar. Cork ; Jolts Lvnuv , WA I EHFOKQ and I.I.MKK1CK ItAILUAY OF UM, LlMBKlCK ; I' Ah'JLIX allll KOAS , No . 20, Kden (Juay, Di'liLIX ; JAMES MAH- i!V H mil H ALL , Newport (Mou.) ; J. C. I'IXKKST ON , 10 Victoria S\ , IMfast ; (J BAI (4M liKY.MNKK, Gieenock ; (' Lyi)i: Sjnrpi. NO CUM PANT , ". O««»M Street , Glasgow; on.. WM. II. SIXCLAIK , H. 'J-i.lf Custom House QIIHV , W.itcrford III I'OKTAXT TO K.M 10HANTS. Emigration Office , 43 New Lane , CA 11 Jt 1 C K" -0 N.S U1K , 17TIKST-CLASS STKAllKKSTwice-a-weck Irom Queens- . town , Dublin , lA-rry, (ila«itow , Livrrjwol , and Lo-nloii to Ni-w York , lt..slon. Quebec , I'uitlalld , Hallilliore , Halilix , Ni-w (Jrlean- , Galveston , Norway, Sweibtn , Ital y, Cab-ntla , via Ml. / I ' anal. City Lin.: Monthl y —Cape ol (iood llopr , .Mellmurnr , Xew Zealand ,- . .S ydney, Queeiulaiiil , by !)>•• lul. li.ttini! Im.-: White Siar , liuiim , Ma:l line , Allan line . An- chor Mail Inn- , Xatioiial , TIHCI-V A- ]{.ildiviu , »ti- ., &c. Kir-t l lasn SAILING Ml ITS Monthl y to - , Sv- .n-y, N.w Zealand and Qui-iii,l,iiid. Xnv Orleans , l'lid. Eid.-l plii.i and Xew York Wetrklv. .1. M. ML'Kl'IIY WiiiK Aijcnt for Iho Ilurliiiftton mid Missouii Kiver Kailruau (V , is authorised to is>ue ltailroad at a l..w rate , to all parts of the United .Slates aud Canad.i. To save Kuii K rH ots from imposition and delay in tiaTi -llinir through America , he is aUo piepared to gitc the mccasary itifurniaiion to pn-pa«l Ticket.holders - nnd inteud. inu' etni ^ , respecting the Sah* ot Laud in tho Western State- , now in the baudn railivi.y company, who hart: ", Mi'i , 0U> of acres lo sell at a low nile , mid ten yeais ' cedit. Men with l.uniliL-s , who understand faiiuin?, have many »d- Tai.taK'- by tb«* number ol their etiddu-li , who are entitled tu fie.- cr.iutf. nl laud , under certain restrictions. J. .M. Mllil-ny icturiiH bis best thanks to his: nuruerout frii-inU for Itn* kind bUpport they I IMVC afloided him in )ii^ iii.i-i.ilic.ii business for iho last fifteen yiara , and hopes tu un-ril a continuance of that "dierous (eel UR. (my-tl) WILLIAM WIGHTMAN, SEEKHMAX AND U ENF.UAL UMICUANT , f OMMISSION AUENT , ,yc . J.OWKIl THOMAS STUKKT AND JJIUDGJ-; .S 'l'HKET, WATKKFOKD , A(;i:ST for J. T. JIAHT , M KAT SAI . KSMAN , 1^0 ML-tropolit iiti Meut Markt't, Lonilnn. Oilol Float , Cart , and Stack Covers. Winnowing Shoots anil Kick Covers. Oiled (, ' anvuss llorae-loiu Covera , liued and strapped Woollen <lo. do. do. Iuiii.i Rubber do. du. do. Oiled Waterproof Cart ;iud Fluul Covers , llorsu Mouth llsigs. Tarred Canvaf.s for JIafch COVCI -K. Wuterproof Gi g Aprons , liued with Woolleu Itugd . A Inr-je mpp l y ol "J willed Snck.s. Seed Potatoes of various sorts. Kuling Potatoes of good cjuality. For I' rices and other in format ion , appl y U> f m:tl-lt) WILLIAM WIGHTMAN, Kecdsnian and General Agent , Lower Thoiuas.struct aud Bridge-street, Waterforil r.An.wAY TIM H TAIILES y on JUNE W ATV. HV6 mVANI) ^ CK ' NT ' KAXTrrELANI) AND KILKENNY JUNCTION 1 KAILWAYS. Tno shoitcsl route from Waterfn-il anil Kilkenny to Dubl'n. Athlooe, l' < rtuninK, Par. .onstown.oa Ncnagb , U via Maiyioro * . IC7" Improtod quick ao.t through .inily bi: twecn Maryl.orou^h anil olhrr ttlationi to Watttiford , thence via Noir Milfuril to London and all blatinnson the Urcat Wes- tern railnnynf l-' nuland. TR4I.VJ o.v Wt. f.k DAVH. HVSVAY3. „.„.„ I J '\;:i/ 1 Ac a;• & 2 , 1 k v TTH J 12 41 RTATIONII . Class Class. Class. Claa> . Clasi. CI BSS A.M. P.M. r.M. ! F.M. Ill-Oil ! P.M. h in h in h ~ m h m Ii m ' p m Waterford...iir)j(irfl/rc ? 15 la ii 4 30 li 0 Kilmocow 7 : . r > 13 55 i 40 M l:t -- Mullinavat 7 35 1 a 4 50 12 2.1 Bnllyhale „... J 55 1 3" 5 10 12 50 Thomaslown B III 1 46 0 25 15 HecucUbridse 8 'J5 1 55 S .15 1 ' - '0 Kilkenny ....^arrlenl 8 411 2 15 C 0 14" Do departure 8 45 5 30 I 6 1.1 15" nallycaeset™ 9 15 « JO I C 35 i in Attanacb - , 6 45 i 13 J Abbejlelx 8 50 3 10 7 0 2 30 I Marj lioro " arrierl 10 10 3 3" 7 20 3 u j Ma.)boroU|li u rp ^ v p 1 10 3 4!> - 7 3? 3 *4 Porcarlinntcn Joao ' n 1 36 4 !> 7 SO 3 4.1 Dublin arrival 3 40 5 35 9 40 5 45 Aihlono Junction arrl t*I 8 111 - Maryhoro ' ...<kj> rfdirn 10 40 7 1 : 0 ii 9 52 Roicrra.tFarEoaun.jD II 7 7 30 10 27 111 27 Rosciea 11 44 8 13 _ Pariooitown 12 14 » 48 Portumna _ 12 5D 0 28 I _ _ _ Nenoel 12 32 U 2 Temidi-more Ill 31 M 7 10 36 10 38 Thurle« arriva l'II 47 8 . "0 1] 15 II 13 TO WATEKKORD. TRAIKa ON W'r.f .K DATH. (IL'ftDA Tk. BTiTi nii. ' s ' *' i ' : i*3 ' t i~i ' i i a ' kai 2«c.i "ATIOS*. CI OM . Clam. Class. CU«. Cla« .|CI»»s I A .M. ¦ AM . ! P.M. r.M. r. M. ( ' r.M. h m Ii HI , U m h m h m h :n Thurlci departure 7 ]U , 4 3S 2 2 Ttinplemore ¦ ' 7 28 2 5t , 2 20 Rotcien.U'arsoiiHa Jn 7 ! 3 III 2 41 Nenngli ^ li 30 i 1 < r > Portumna .... 6 0 ' 1 'JO ' Parsonnlown 6 40 I 25 Knscrca ... " 7 13 ' | 2 4-i | .Marj bnro' ...rcLi f 8 31 j 3 4!) 3 2) Albums Junction ...... 8 l.i . lluhlin departure Ii 0 ! 0 II 1 I) ' !> -tl) P-r tarliniiton Juooi ' n 8 11 In n 2 43 11 :il M«ryl.oro '..nrr<...(/u-n « .15 in 4.1 34 .11 52 »»»•» THAI . VS. (lilitc) * ' Maryli-rn' ..Meporture f 4n in :,a 4 0 ' . 4 0 Abl.eyltix ' .(I ' ll 1(1 I 4 20 ! 4 it AHun..k-l !l 15 II 'jr. 4 35 j 4 33 UallyraKKrl !> - . ' . ' i II 3:. I 4 45 ] 4 45 Kilkenny .... arrlmt _ iMj , i2 (|J5 5 I . ' > Ill Do tlr/uH-hirA t 45 III . I'J .1 I S 15 I 5 211 ncnnet. O.tidL'c 1 7 . ' .7 In in 12 17 , ' 5 -J7 5 :U ThnmiiMi.U M s 10 lo V3 '12 :ui 1 5 4 5 5 41 liaMvli.ili; ! R ;i.i 10 ;i5 .12 4.1 0 IS li 1. Mullmavnt ! ss ' III Si 1 |o 11 55 _ fl as Kilmacnw ,.. !l 1.. 1 . ' . - , (i 4u 1; 411 Walprlnnl arrirnll 0 :Kl 11 'JO 1 I.- , 7 0 70 . 'i\nti-.' ThUil C.aII^ lickds tire k-uul at el] ilic Kilkeonj Junction Maiiont bv' lhi« Irnin . ( ' .M:iil tr:iin <>). '1'ickttH issurd for Single JouiDey are arailablc only for tbe Triiin h; Trliich itifjr arc it-nucd. l- 'irKl , -ind Second Clftts Relorn Tickets arc iA.sucd lictitrcn anj tivo StHiions iirail.-iblo for the »ame day ; lho*e is> .ieil for any distance 1'XcceitinK 511 inilc^ , will be ntaihthlc (or tMurn on the day after the .lute of (he Ticket ; nnd iho. -u iftued between Wa. Icifi.r.l and Stalions to Ki!k(.nti)- , incl'i&iTc , and Mar>burough , will be .if:iilnbla for rettlrn for Iwn rl.iyi. afler Ibe dale of the TieLet Kir> t and Second Cl.isi Kvlmn J"ickolK isnued on .Sjlui.l.iy relumntilo on Snlurd:iT , Sunday, or Mondny : and i. -sucil on Sunday are returnable on Sunday or Monday. Tliid class Krtiirn TU I.- IK issuiil al all .Stations liy TbinI C!a»* Train!. , available to return Ibe unne da/ by any Tntin •jcept the Mails. Through 'I' lcketn , at low farcp , ate i*8ned at Marybornuch an.l Kilkenny, via U' alerford and Mllford Hnven , to an.l from l *m- don , Dorer . Red Hill . Alder^hot , Reading, Bastncfitoke. Swin. don, Oifoid . Ilirmingham , Worcester , llerefoid. Cliehcnhani , Hristol . Olonci-sler, NewjKirt. Mvrthyr , Abcrdare , Carditl' , Sentli , .St»anm. -a, I.lauelly. Carmarlben, and Carmarthen .lunclmn , ami NewMilford. \V. WII .MAUI . .St-erctar» . WATKKFOKD AXD LI.MKK1CK KAILWAY. Up Trains from It ' ater/brd. TRAINS O?» WKr.K HAYS. S* |IV. WATrxi-onn 1 I I'! *3 4 ~ &" ¦"&" Ml TO ilM.n.K I' 2*1 . 1*2 I l ei 1, J , I4J.1 AVI2*:i , Cla>«.jClai,ii . Clahi. cia». ClasK . Cla». Cl:ns, ! A.M. I \ . M. AM. t .H. r.M. r.M. I.M. : li in t li 111 11 111 b 111 ' li in h m b in NVutcrf..ld....f/*7' . (1 II [ ... II 10 ' ... I 2 45 8 30 8 30 Csrrick (I 4- . ' j . 11 4S ... j 3 2} !l 18 n ). " . Clonmel ' * an 1 ... 12 2" ' ... ,3 M In 11 lu u Junction nrfrf! H 4.i ._ I 4-1 ; ... ; 5 13 is (I 12 U DCPI.1N.. .arrival 3 4*i . 6 35 I ... ' U 4 11 : 4 an 4 3Q COKK arrival 1 3n ... 8 ii . . ¦ s J ¦ - ' !l 2 D Dublin deji ... !> 0 0 0 1 ... I 1 0 7 45 7 4. ' > Cork a n II 411 1 I t 45 10 r, 10 r. Junclii'n R 50 !ia 411 i 1 65 ! L' lft |5 35 1' . ' 15 12 1J> Limerick....nriri 9 ill j 1 4n I 2 4. ' . I 3 ii.. ' 6 40 1 I 20 1 -JO Xloicil Tra in s from Limerick. TK4ISB OS H' KCK UAYH. fl ' fcr 1.1MMHCK : 1 sT' 3* " I* . " S U* t.,WAiikto»u '••i*312Jti;i42 142 123 1*2 12* 3 Tl WA1"tt0"U- . CInK». CI.««. : Cla«» Clu« Clas» Cla^ Clan. A.M. : A M. ;_ A j _ M. h.M. f .M. P.M, P. M. b in 11 in ' li 'ti h in li m h in h m Limerick a>j. . ' ,4.' , !l Id II 15 12 SS 4 0 Kl 45 10 45 Junction..Mrrirn/ 7 0 ¦[!! :t5 12 25 1 r,ti 5 |(i 12 II 12 0 Coik ,. 1(1 0 i 1 50 2 S.1 ... fl -i . 2 4 JJ 5 Dublin , 1 ... j 3 11, .5 5. ' , j 33 | | 4(1 . 4 3" 4 30 DC B MX 1/17. ... _ (I (I ... I 0 7 45 7 45 Conn , ; ... I ... 8 (l ... si 45 10 10 10 10 Junction , ! 7 10 I ... 13 .15 ... 5 30 Vi 15 12 15 Clonmel ¦ f 4'l I ... . 1 45 ... j 6 511 2 15 2 IS Onrrick ' » 2a ! . , B Is! ... jl 45 1 -J 55 2 55 WBteif"ril ...<irir/ 10 10 ' ... i Si 45 ... ! 8 111 ¦ 3 45 3 45 .Mail 1 raina marked with an asterisk. 1 ' AKM Klrit Clots SinKle Ticket , 14k 61I ; . " econd do . 11 Od Third ilo . Hs 5d. Helurn —Firit CU KS , ale 9d ; Second do, Ifis 6d T. AiitswOBTl l . Secretary. WATKKFOKD AND TKAMOKE KAILWAY. Week Day Trains. F»OM 1 . « ¦ a 4 5 8 " 7 K 0 ' ' * ; a ra a in p in p rn _ p m [i ill p in p m p in li in h in h m h m b m h in h 10 ii " m li m Wind «8 0 11 II 12 15 '2 4 0 5 311 7 15 !l II T' mri :i 15 Ml 311 I 15 3 15 4 3o *6 .0 7 4. ' . !i 30 ... Sunday Trains. >-»o<, I ; 2 " 3 I 4 . 5 11 " 7 . "" a ' ;, "o?t' a 111 : a in p 111 Ji _ rii V in _^m p in p m j> in h in 1 h in h in li m b in h in h in b in * li 111 Woril * c 0 Jl Ij 12 IA 1 ;jn 2 , 'jri I .JII . ' , -,.i r, %II D 1, Tiuoie !i isjjj 4 ^ 5 lr _l r ' _ ' LJ' _!_ " ' ' ' ' 6 " ' <" " 4 5 •Mail trains . (;. N H AKKR T Si>n>tn7iT" hlJlKIUCK AXD fOVXKS RAILW AY NOTICE! Th rr.n. j l. li ,,;i,i ,S' . . -rn>, - i- i " u J' u' jun- '¦• h' il, -u . -h f ar Kilkcc. -\T-OTICK IS I1KKKHV filVKN , that cm aud from ±1 SAT Lit DAY , 1st JCXK , 1*7:2 , Tliu YAXDKLKUK or otlior Steamer will Ic-au: KiU rush al 11 a.m. (Sun.lays exccptcil) making I' oyjn's in time! lor the 1.15 p.m. Train , reaching I.iniei-itk at It. 10 p.m., ami will return fro m Foyncs * after arrival of ll.oO a.m. Tniin from Limerick , arriving in Kil- rush nliout !t. 15 p.m., calling at. Tarbvrl for 1' us.scngeri! anil I'arccls on both L' p and Down Journeys (Wind and Weather permitting) . *On Saturdays the Steamer will uoL relurti from Voyncs 'till arrival of Ii. 15 p.m. Train from Limerick , and will not call at Tarbert. KAKKS , L1.MKKICK AXJ) KlLKl.SH. 1st. Class. :2n(l Class. :inl Class. Sinfrle Fares ,. Is. IU\. :is. Od. ' Js. Sd. Ik-turn do. ... (is. Ud. Gs. M. Is. Oil. 'J'lie Hetnrn Tickets aro available for Seven Days , inclusive of Dav of issue. (liy Order), ISAAC HANKS, Traffic -Manager. Limerick Terminus , May, lt>7~. IIENSON'S WATCHES, CLOCKS, GOLD JEWELLERY SILVJIH , ii,,d JiLEurilO-l'I.ATE. T.i tin- Ijn. i. s- :uid Iti.iAi. I' AMM .V, A C. Il y A|iiiuiu(iui'iit to Hi* /(.ii-al IdVlin.— I'l-in.-.- of tt' nfo I 'lUZK MKUAhS—Ij ti Niiiix , DIMII . IN , AMI I' AHIS . WATCHKS CLOCKS Of all kiwh , at 'I to 2(*J Of all kinds , at \1 lo 1<X) (I Guinea t. Guineas. Li v. r , Veitiral , Churrll , Turret , lluiiz'tiital , Diij ile*. I l. ' .,rri;ife , Cbiiue , Cbr-iiionirler , Cbrij iiojj'ralb , 1 Dining-room mil DntwiiiK- Ki-y l>'» , Unit re Second s room , Hall , Shop, lieiieatcn , Indian , 4c. ' Library, lirackct , &c. liULDJKWKLLKIiV , .SILVKK AKU KL1CCTK0- The Latest Fashions. 1'LATK-ylH New desi gns. Iliac let?. , llnindn b, . Dinner Servicei- , Kir-ri mrf , LocL.-tr , Tea anil Hre.iltlast Scivice. " , Xerklactv . Cbaiii, , ' (, 'iuelii , Ha«kcl« , l!iii(t« , M UI I F . j Iiikot'inda , Claret Ju^-s , I' m-, ( , ' rosses , &t. I >i po. us , Koik" , me. 1 Ilimtiatrd Catalogue of Walcbes , C'lorki , Jewellery , &c., post Irse for two jUmps. Walcbe> , Cloc-ks , Jewelleiy, and I'iate »eut to nil |Mrt» of tbe worl.j . Silver and Kluctro- p late _ Cataloxn» po-t free, "JJ. SLJ** Watches repaired by !.killeil workmen. Old Stiver , Jewrlhry, WHtcliP" , &c, cicliauncil. .Merchants , Sblupern , aud Clul.H supp lied. SHAM FACTOBV AND CITV SHOW KOOM ? , LUDGATE HILL AXD OLD HOND STHEKT, ali'J-Iilit) . L 0 N D O X . (eow) GLENFIELD STARCH, Is tho onl y kind used in Her Majesty' s Laundry. II 11IKIIK AKK AM I.AIHKN WHO IIAVK XOT VI I I SKII TIIK G L K X K 1 K L D STA K C II , They are ruc[H. -c:lfull y holicitcd to give it a T RIAL , And carefull y follow out the directions printed on every l' acknge, and if this is done, They will *uy, liko the QCKKN ' S Laundress' , II if Ibe Slurch they cvi-r used . JJrJT When you ask for Oi.KNriEUi STAIK . II , . «•« that " jon ' jil il , as inferior kinds are ofteu Kubsti- tutod for tin- sake of extra profit. Beware, therufoie. of Bpuriouu Imitatioua. "V^ IM :. ^^oxjisr OBPi &t oo's EDINBURGH , INDIA PALE, AND DINNER ALES, SPARKLIXti , ItEFRESIIING , XOUllISHING , AN'I) ECONOJIICAL , to bo had of tin- p-iuci pal Kelitilora. Obsorve Trade .Murks , as other brands 'ire l ' ri!i|uentl y subrflitiitirl. Breweries—Edinburgh. Established 1749. Waterford Stores—81, Custom-House Quay. Dublin—7, Lower Abbey-street and Sackville Place. Belfast—5, Glo' ster- street. Cork—Merchant's Guay. Limerick—12 , Brunswick-street. Drogheda—30, West-street. London—Belvedere Road , S.E, Liverpool—1, Seel-street. NEW GOODS ! M. POAVElt & SONS Nos. 2 & 3, BROAD STREET and 1 , LITTLE PATRICK STREET, WOOD'S WOllLir.S iJIGHEST 1'RIZ]-: MOWING AND REAPING MACHINES. H535" I r.2, a71 MADE A X I > SO r, i>. ¦138 FMIST PlilZKS AmirJcl , i,icl '"Hi "J ""' lli y hcsl ever "jTi '-rot in E» 'ihmd t Fm, 'O; awl A m c r ' tn . Kt\ l-' ntsr 1 ' RIZES scti'rcl di 'riivj 1B71, in t ' inHi>et ' din o , <U dii jctvnl time? , iritk nil lie' leinUuy .Urto/imes of the ItVx -W. WHITE , BUUD & CO. (Lute \V. Coin), O ESPKCTFULLY inform Ihi . 'ir A«riculHiml friends , llmi they have b.'en Al'I'OIXTKD tho SOLE Ji\> AGEXTS in this District , for this above justl y-celebrated Machines , which they recommend with tho greatest conlidence , as bciiif, 'the best of the kind now before this public. They am nslo receiving con- signments of oilier Xew Imp lements for (lie; Season , from Hie must, cok-brati-d .Manufacturers in England and Irelnntl , viz. :-— KEAIUXG AXD JIOWIXC! MACIUXKS : j LAWX-MOWIXG do. ; j MAXCOLI) AXD TIJHXII' -SOWIXC do. ; j TUB J'H17.E-CHUKXIN (i CEAK; I SAT AH <¦( »:Ukh U. ry ,., ?¦; Their SEED STOItE is now Stocked will, a CI1OIGE [ ASSOliTM KXT ol I'liESH .SEEDS:- MAMiULD S, | CAUKIH'S , | SW EDES , ami | AHEKDEEX S. Selccled from Iliu mual eminent (Jrowers , which tln;y oll' i . 'r at their usual .MnHKUAiK 1' nn K> . Western Counties Superp hosphate of Lime; Peruvian Government. Guano (irn.v..,.' v ' : i •• ¦¦) AURICU LT L'KA I; I.M l'UO .M K.NT, M Al N' S T It I-; K T , PRBK « C ^ S mm UPERPHOSPHATE./ CUKE l-'O ll A LL! XEVEIt DESP A IK! HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. BAD LKUS , I5 AD U KKASTS , \VOUMIS AND L' I .CK - KA TIO . N N OK ALL K IS IM.There is •••» in. .1 pn- (laritiuu winch in:iy I n- so tliuruUKldy K'lii'il "I" 111 •» 1| ' 1' tir:ittnt:ut nt Ilic aljova . - mliiiriits M 1 lulloway ' .i Onitini-iit. Null.ills* call br >iin|ilt- lllld »«f<. ' tli:ill till! Inaliin-I- ill which it is a|.|.Iit. 1 , nulliiii^ - inoio snlillaiy lli.ill IK ^i.-linn nn ti n. body, Uutli liiiudl y uliil!>tilutiul> .ljl )'. Tin; Uilitllirl.l rtllibril nrdlinil the ]iitrl nlTi-ch-il i-iitt-rs tin' porm w s.ilt |i.-r- nii-;ite^ mr:.t. It tjuickl y JIIMM trittrb to tliu >..un:r ul lIn* c-vil , and diivus it tin- t.;st.'iii. IlllOXCIIlTIS , 1)1 I'll Til Kit! A , L' OLU> , ' -Ol'CII.S , Sdl;i: Tnuo Ai s, AND SIII)I ; TM:..» I.K UHEAIH. K.-I..X. -.I . - ¦¦¦¦I conKL'stcd throats , i-loii);alt'd uvula , ulc i-l;.t"l nr liir-^iil l.iu- MI*, whoo[iiiiic cou^h , cn.up, u-llimn . wlu-rziui; liiuii .icriiiiiti- l.itird lliucuu> , and oth'T ililliciiltlf.i of ropiialiuu , al-i. |iil pi- tatiun , stitcliLs :md ?«li'.i-t IIL-> S nt lirratEl , in..y, with u-itjiniy, liccun-il liy rulibiua tins lit 'illing Oillttin-nl ovrt 11,.- t-l,.' >l mid back lur at lea-t lialf an hour Iwice ii d:iy, : I . - M»1.-I l-y atiprnpriute iltis^H nf II O II IAVUV- ' H I' I IU. KOK GLAXDULAIt SwliLLISKd , "TIP? .IlilM.S , ASH l)l»l.A3K8 Of TIIK SKI N . Tl«ie no piipni;itn.ii l.,r ix \a. tary clfccts coiupimblu to (his rciimd y. It *lum]<l luwul! rubbed uvor tliu ..l!i-tlc-i| puts nlltr their .hit: tuim-uuuni with u' arm water. Il act.s by !>titiiiil atiiii; tin* al.^othiMils tu incre^si'd activity, by pt.-vtt.tnn; i:oll|!oitioii ami pi.iumliiii; a free mid rnpinu- riiriil.iti..u in tbu p.trli idl' . -ctcl ; tbi'iici 6peedil y JII J i lbrliidly il irnMilM > rure. GOUT ASH K HI : L- MATI > AI . —Tim invaliiablt ; titi^uL'nt bi.s greater power n<cr itout ..ud rheumatism than any otbi-r preparation. Xuui' nail iL-iuain in pain it its ii-mova! be M-t aboat in good i/anit-st , Ly using thi* itilaltibli! leint-dy ;ir- coidinii lo the printed afliisd to each pni . All ai'ltled aches ami pain-, are reuicdiabk- in the saun; III .HI in-r. 1' ILKI , Fib Ti.LA- , AMI K XCOLIATICWS .Tim turu tbi.s Uiiiiiurnt etiisciit in liniliu« p ih'» '"id I' . stiiUs ,.f luni; klmidnii;, alt.-r Ihcv havn r.Mil'd all .ilhrr app lu-allunv , Inivi- lieniKii cuuntl. J * :id MI nolurinu-i llirniiuhuiil . III.- wm Id I any rflitil to j- 'ive an adi'HU ilely il. l.iilnl ulali-iiM-nl nl llinr number nr clmMCli-i would be vain. It is sulli. -uut to know that tin: Ointment lias nuv. 'r ppiviil ill.-tlieatluus. Is DlSOUDKliS Of TIIK KlllNKVB , SlOSK ASU GlIAVKL. —The Oinliuelit is n wv.-ieilili rvliud y il it be .io|| iubbi»l twice a d«y into I lie small »f 'lie Ullt !"i " v '-r tile rc> :inu of Ibe kidneyr , into which it will gradu.ill j pi-ueirati!. and in almost every ca»e g ive iinuifdinte relief. Wlniicvir this Uiiitiin-iit lias been once m-ed it has cstaWiihed its own worlli , mid bus a(S»in been eauerly »oin? lil for as the easiest and safent n-iuedy II all disordi'is nl the kidneys. Both the Ointment anil I 'M' should he used in the fvll oic- ing co mp lainU- :Dad Ltga Cliieuo-lftol FlutuU, Sorc-llirnat Had Ureattl Chilblains Guul Skin ilitpHnc Uurm Chapped hnnua Olnndular S\vcllini:« . "-eurvy Itanidna (. ' urns (Suit) Luniba);.. S.« beads llil>? nt Mm- Cancetit file* Tyniolin chitoei »nd Cnntrnctril and Kneumalmn lilrcn Hand 1'llet Still' Joints Scalds Woundu Cocoa bay Kteplnntiasii Sore Nlpplca Vawn . ' /The I'ills and Uiutment nre sold at the Kstiibhebini 'iit ol Prufessor HoLLOWAT , o. 'i. 't , Oxford- >ttet -t , I.ouduu ; also , at The A' e«,» Office , K) King-street . Wiitcrinr.1 , and by nearly every respectable Vendor ol Medicine throughout the civilised world , in IWs ,md I' uU , at Is. Il' 1, 2s. IM , li. 0.1, lit , L"J< , mid 33i. each. Tbe 'J*. ild. •>>" contains Hire.- , the li. lid. size six , the lls , size sixteen , the -- ' . size tbiily-tbri-e , and the 33s. siz« fittytwo liiiim tbc quantity nl a u. 1 \*\. Hoi or I'ot. 'J he smallest of Tills contains four do«Ni ; and the sioallcit I'ot of Ointini'iit one ounce. Kull printed dlr»;ctiotn are afTurd to e.ich Hni nnd I' ot. and can be had in any languane , evcu in Turkish , Arabic , ArineniHii , l'eisian , or CbineM*. TO-MORROW , AND FOLLOWING DAYS, W K S II A L L SHOW A LAKGE VARIETY OF NEW GOODS CdXSISTISf FANCY COATINGS ; i WEST OF ENGLAND TH0WSE1UNGS; BL j ACK AND FANCY SILKS ; FRENCH HERINOES ; Do. REPf S, SILK Do. ; ' Also , A LARGE IRISH LINKNS , TICKEXS , HESSIANS ; TOWKI-S AND TOWKI.UNfiS ; GUEY AND WIIIT1 CALICOKS , SUKKTIXGS , Ac. SOLE CONTKACTORS FOR IRELAND WILLIAM WIGHT & CO., 23, EUSTACE STREET , 5. 6, 7, & 8, TEMPLE LANK , DUBLIN. THIS PRIZE CUP WAS AWARDED TO R. S. DOYNE , ESQ., WELLS , COUNTY WEXFORO. The I- 'ield contained Twenty Acres of Purple-lnppi . -il Suedes ; the liulhs were very dense and of fine shape; their keeping quality cmild n'-t Uc s-ir;\is*-<i. THE PRODUCE WAS SIXTY -THREE AND A-HALF TONS PER ACRE. Tilt Judeei comptimented Mr. GOUK , Land Stewart) , f ur the CiCcJlent crop ^'ronn under bis care ex.iiu.CT FROM THI. IIOV . M. oucLiH ' o O. :itrrs rw " . ro,ii. •'The Stand ol Mc*srs. V/IC1IT * CO *jfpon it WiS I' rtr.tiLe' s I' ll... C. .;\ \ \ ' . :.- I ,!:y ( Vexfonl ; also •¦! :;¦<: 'I 1::: .;- . v. ' .: .ii ;; ycricre. The c; i:aiil>- of llie Tiunij. .. >- .. - .. l ' .r- .:-c rtflect t-rcat trc.Jil un Mr. Gi'-jk, l.a:vl S:- V... T !. 1::: :. -.s; 11 -y v . <irr «|-. ... ' .' tar FROM THE FAI' .Mtr. 'S GA7.CTTE PRIZE CUP FOK SVVKUI-: TU UNIT'S. —\\Y .:¦ Cup, value 50 riuinc:i s, or a f' uir.c c..|- .:air.iil;: . .. S..vr-n-t":r; . - of Swede Turni ps j;riiwn urun 1' n niitt. - ' :. S' .ij.v.'i l We lls , Gorcy , Cuuiiiv Wt-Mun!. y. l... . .i- ir..f »ti;:hi »as tlusc tuinjutiliiin*.\tr:i ll:i^ Cr..|- .111': t! >•; Euq , l.isn-.aii), "! tl:t: tultiiMii-n m v.l.ich l!.. - h. .! that they had not ;.t tl.iii linp-s-al 1'RIZ! WILLIAM W ICiri d- CO . meij.r. . '.<- . . i. - .|l. ;,<!:, ¦ t. . ihr ll .e: ni t - i:.. . * >rrtf r::ttA 'Ibc abtivc I-11 si .t.;»>^ li'ii'c L. A. KVAN , W. -itcrfonl ; J. It. ClJIiLKX , Xew Hosa ; AGENTS for IIOHNIillY' s HEAI'ING «,i,( MUWINO MACHIN ES , Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds of Farming Implements and Machines. CO JI JI INS A N I ) C O Jl 1' ANT. GO, QUAY , WATKItKOUI ) . flU-Ora PLUMBERS AND GASPITTERS. COM II INS AND C O., 6G, QUAY. NEW GOODS!! AMKKICAN IKON'-l'OIXTED HAY UAKI- .S IIOKSK IIOKS AND SCL' FFLEKS j (111,-C-A KK HUEAKKHS i IIAliltOW.S, I'U J UUIIS , AC, ic. al M,,n..f.,.l. , ,:;: ' I;:. - ., . SKKD AM) .MA .NUUl -J STURKS , li li N (. ' A I! V A N . ("iyl7) PRIZE |f^% % %:0 N(i OF I'LAIN AXD FANCY POPLINS AliPACCAS , HALKHMOS ; HIIAAVLS , SKIRTS ; HOSIERY AND GLOVES; TIES, SHIRTS, COLLARS, AND FANCY DUESS TRIMMINGS . E STOCK OP I••:.t. ,.-- S:i.-I . «a- ,.( vi-'y c..i« . = !- r- :..:¦ . :. 1 !r.l lo II . S I > . , - . sv: . I . ¦ ' .. \V . - . TI;.: C... r |- :- s.-i:m! , l.i- n>> - ¦ - . '.try Her-. - ::io DEC. (I TM . 1-. 1 s •!• . ! - . I lh:i: •!. . . I- 1 l.v Mr. Wi •! i-h. il: 1 . v.r:l •!.;.; ¦¦•: huilr. a: j r.o t try Ii in ! < >n:e PrL'e of a !:: , i.-r ihv he ~i Ten Ac:ei 1 . U. S. 1>.. . .!!,- . I- . .; .. ..i .:;M«rlri»l: :i.-r.- . T!:rr ; . -i'h..:. . . ha s I c-n .. i,!,.! 1, U. S. 1>. ¦> : : .- . I- ' •;.. "i Si\t;- -l!.i.i- , .||.! ;i l:;,ii ' l,,;:<. p. r lri»l: .i.r.- . T!:-r ; l.jhi-li ;».li - . , i-l-.v. n in on- Ili-M , li> - .\::.. il •¦ ' ¦ ¦¦¦ .. ¦- . r\|l.- s :l, !: I ' .I. . .OIIM . II-:' ..!., !!.. ' :,. I I . r l-:i-: OK KQUAL VALUE to !;i'.c: to Y.:. I' .." -' - .. .i f;. - f. 1 tit .S.;. ' .- it tiuu MuntD rj in .ii lruti i v h 't t ihuii-I.Jlc t:>" It- I'-.l ! '¦ - : JOHN' MOItKI S , Kilkenny ; U. II. HICUIX S , Cloninc-I. im -J" .lf HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! r^M> ( $4i " M . i » i - J .f t . , r . . AV.CI- -.I.V.') . J | M [ rnitv 1 , urriiE CKOHCE ' S STUKKT ^^ -*- IP .1 T E li r ' U U K . (p/< Hats lliMi' . 'lit in this Kstiiblisliiiiunt , li . -. -. -.rd Ft- -> : '¦! rl.,, ,-.,.; (niyil-litli) SOLOMONS' SPECTACLES •M l!, i:. .SOI.O.MOXS , Ol >l ' ' - -i'i,) , V,it.;.l. I ' S)l.rturl.:s, Mltnl if. i 'ln,: , T,ii.. . 'l '.,t, -t l l. (/A,,... -. . - , I'- 1 , NASSAl' S'l'IiKKT. DL'IJIJ X , AM* L' U ' l)R. Vi:il,ll I' l.M K, Soi l II JlKl.lillAVIA , LllMl'i . V , <|s V,-;ir* IVof. -. -ioiinll ^ K-Uhli. -luul in Diililini , BKI .i.S tn caniiuii iliu 1' iililic iij^iiiisi I 'II. -^ ot tla- cniiiinon , ii npropnr , . 111.I h.iilly-inaiii< - . icturi-d i;l.i*-i?< :in.l I'l-lilil rn crnitrall y sold , winch .in- >o highl y!iit;il to Y HIUU that iiuuiht-rs Inivi; M-rimi^l y ith:ri!-l from Ihiriri , iiml liusis th:it il i> now imni'n. -»;ii . v tn iU- i-11 it;l!i 01, tin: csn-Mi'ln-'' ol lii-S |,, cl...:!•¦- (-0 .I. I I. - I .- I. . 1 ' ioto pchhli: 01- siinilar Mihstancc-i , which lur ncrtlli(-l - cuii*lructM t n j.pruvi- - , nor ilis|>o. -.ts i,l , ) an.I 011 I hi- :iilr:inl»ui' > il rrivablr Irom his .icur.ilu iiu-ihoil ul ailaptin^ - lil»»i"i lo Ui 'ltetivc- Siltht (a inallrr ol murl i i|. ..;..! im|iu> I:u.u- than i.s In- iinpully siippu-cd), .issued aic a.liuiralily c. -ilruliliil In tire SITVU iliu i'j-1'ii uiiiinpamil to cxtirini: ol.l ni. ' i". Tl n-y have liL-t'll IIM: I 1 hy thf Inosl il].stiii^ui>lu-i] prl. '.un. s ami .Ml-mhrrj of th i' Faculty ol the Kii^dum OIISEIIVK. Permins i-.ui Im snitnl liy I'liclnsitii; » pair of >p.ct.ii; l i> , or iniL'of tile (il.^sis , in a h-ttrr , stating the ilislani:.! from tho eye thr>' can ILMI ! MII . I II print with it , uml thoM' who have luil emp lo^cit >|H-ctadrs hy iiii-i.tionini; tlurir uxt! and fli- . si-ril»in^ ,si^li(. Cofilninnii . -alloliH fjoin Water- ford and its Vicinity to he. ilirwtnl lo Mu. SOLOMONS' K-I>ilil>>hiiii>it , No. HI , .VASSAU-STKKKT , {Entrance by Jlall Dimr), withn, ui,.: |),,,,r of DAWSOX-STUKET , DLIil.lN. $4?i ~ U.-pairs of all kimli promptly attrailnl to. .M:\VI.Y IXVKNTEII TELESCOPES , Coichiiiin^ poit.ihihty with L-xtrHurdin ary puwt-r mid clear* IIL-IJS of Y IHOII , which SUIRT-C - I I L ' every otlu-r kind lor the Waistoiat l' oektt , l)eer Stalkini;, ililitHiy, . StH , and all pnrposi-s , holhh j- day Hii.l nii{ ht , and noun? from -1 incheii will show 'li.-tihcily .lup itci ' s llitt-- , io. 1' ricL—lUi. fiJ , It!-, lid., l.V,., 'Jin., 3IK, ir. ii. XEW HAY AND AhTUOXOMICAl. TELESCOPE , l'KK'E L' o COMl'LETK—Wltb Mipi-rior 3 incb .lehroinalic olijt -et i^ lans , two iuiprovvd eye p ieces , >un g la-fl , portitljle luclal joitileil stnnJ. Tins extraordinary instrument will clearl y .show tlw most important heavenl y hodiet . Ktid exhibit with distiiiclui . -sit the Inc.) ol ' an individual , or of a clock , sheep, catlle , &c, m ninny tuilea ' distaucr , cquallniK iu the most etisi'iitial points tliote ^ I.iri-Hed usuall y bupplied al JMO or t7D. IMI'liOVK') D0UI1I.E OI'EKA . HACK , & FIELD OI.ASSI' S ' - - / ' lieu lUii. lij ., 15s., \i\-> . ; w1u.1 1 minute in niie tln'l ll.ijr hli p into a Watch l' ocket , yet rival iu extent of powir tht largest made ; also Microscope* of tuo greatest power , flout tVi ., and iuviiibln Photographs. MAOKi LAXTEKNS AND DISSOLVING VIEWS- (, 'lear , brilliant , simp le, thoug h uusurpansed for elite!. Slided in Kicai variety—Couiic , Scmiic, Educational , lllustra- titnt tables , Ac. A superior Lautcru and 12 slides Irom 7a. Ud. A Catalogue 011 npulriatinii. ADMIUAL KITZKOV'S I.MPHOVE1 ) IIAHOMKTEII Accurately foretelling llie Weather , haudsoinel y inountcd iu Mahogany, with Theruioineter , price onl y lot. SOLOMUX'S NEW MODEL HAUOMElElt , i.iice 12s lid. Ciir.i-ct 'I liirinometerii , at . upnnrds. IMPROVED ACOUSTIC INSTRUMENTS for extreme and eveiy degree or deafutrss. CAUTiOW I —lu con.ii-quciicf of numeious attempts at irnpunitioii , it is necessary to Dote name aiid addres-t , aud to purlicuiarly bea r in mind , that M B. E. SOLOMON'S ONLY Establihhmeut is 8^- Number NINETEEN , NASSAU-STKEET, DUII- LIN , thu Entrance KXCLUMVELV by tbe H ALL -D OOB ,that he is not connectei uith any person of same , similar , or other name , aud tbat ho employs NO AGENTS OH TUAVJJLLEUS. LmW-l yi II O T EL S MILFOKD HAVEN. THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL, ADJOINING tin- Terminus of llio SottUi Wnlea liaihvuy Company al New Miltbnl , !"»' tuo L-indinv' Slngu (il' ilio Waterfonl Royal Mail Packets. Tlic I'ulilic are respectfull y informed tliat the above extensive Kstalilislnnent ia replete with every nccom- tnodat I ' DII . Coll' ec, Commercial , nnd Sitting Iiooms ; liilliard and Smoking Kootna. Tlio Rooms nre large, loft y, nnd airy, beautifull y decorated , elegantly fur- nished, and are otherwise lilted up with every regard to c-ninlin-c and convenience. This Hotel is situated on the hanks of the far- famed llillord Haven , anil command 1 a most exten- sive view of Her Majesty ' s Dockyard , aud of tho romantic anil picturesnuo Seenerv of the nei ghbour- hood. Visitors , Tourists , Commercial Gentlemen , and Families will Iiml this Establishment , for situation aud coml' int , cotnliined with Moderate Charges, bar- passed bv no oilier in tho Princi pality' Coy ilot , Cold , and Shower Baths. All communications should he addressed lo ( J. WIIETTON , Manager IMPORTANT TO TRAVELLERS , T0UKISTS AXD OTHERS. // '/on v-nnl C" - iiifin-l , '- oiji v. 'jiiViirc , nil'' rrcvnuiy WATERFORlT ARMS' HOTEL , COUNKK OK COLHKCK ST. AMI THE MALL. r£vr LUNCH KOXS ready at all limes. (jy 1) IMPERIAL HOTEL, KILKENNY WATiTKK. iFANLOX , I' IIONU KTOK , BEGS lo inform his Commercial friends aud the publio generall y, that he has jusl mnde large additions and iniprovi'inenls in his Hotel , and trusts by strict attention to business , to merit thai kind pa* tronagcwhicli they havi: hitherto solibcrall y bestowed. The Piis'liM; KSTAIIMSIIM KNT conducted as hereto- fore, and Oiunibu.-;es , as usual , attend all the Trains. Kilkenny, .March 8, 1S71. fmhlO-tf] KELLY'S CROWN HOTEL, MOXCK STIiEKT , WKXFOKD. rillll'S is :t (' ••innil and Coinfortabli; Hotel , in which JL evi. -rythiiig C ' III be had o.. the most moderate ti'inis . tf cl '" l!i'si Dublin and WuxForcS Sjiirils j ;> IJmiKlica Wines , PnrtiM' , Ale , .Vc. (uul. ' i-if.) $J$' Cars on Hii't! :iL tins shortest notice. D U li L I X . Commercial & Private Lodging House l!i M A li I.JIOllOUU II STIIEKT. PAIf'I'IES Visitini; Duiilin can be at-coiiiinorlato t) , uilli 111- or without Itnai- 'l , aiul all 1 he coinf<hts of ii b.iin. ' , .111 T.'iuis. loi.i-lf) C(V Situation c.. , close to Siii-livillu-alrc*. I . D IT H I, I X . The European Hotel , Bolton Street , rMlli; KI. 'I. 'OPEA X is 1 hi- lai' , the best situate , JL and il..' in.-' .1.nil ' ..'table limr 1 in tin- City. All nn.'h-i ii ini|.i - ..\.-niL-iit- liavi- h< 11 rt-f .'iiilv iiili- «jdu<-i'd , an-l tin' •-ii'ii'- ll'.u.-i' I'afx-n-.l , iinilitrd , and dei . -o rateU. Tui-ntv Snil.- -.- I 'A ].:iri iii.-nts lur l'' ami!ti's. Draw- ing llnuiiK I I -. MII vv (id. ID ' t< . billing Uooms on the gi..iind ll.iur IV.-I-..T I'hai- L' .- . (C^" S.MIp, I' l-it . .billil- - , I'liwl , Mild 1'jll 1-l'IMU l. ' lllli'H i ;ih<l I;.- 1 111 j: 1111 . 111 >m Two to Si-veil o'l. 'hirk ihiil y. li>'d , im-lil'lin;. - Srrv.'inls , ' 1<. i«l., 1 ' s. ami ly. lid. i! .1. MOI.OXV , Pii>|iril-lor. CULLETON S HERALDIC OFFICE ti AX I X II EX , conlaining the Arms of el -"• ti'-»rlv ¦ v.-rv I' ltiuilr in l-a.-l.ui.l , li- .Iaii'l . an.l >QL Sollaii.l. Th- of •n.irty V.-:nv ' IjiLour , . SJQs\ ili— •!• -M"i"- "I kM'.ivin.. . ll,. ir I .KKST or I . IIAT III' r{j"^fc'\AI!JIS:.iv r..|ii-l..l t.. -.11.1 X an.lCoiiMty. Mr. yT*AjJI( . 'ri.i.i:ioN liavin- . ' .I-V..I.-.I many y-ar^ to tin- \ ff r%M ,,l ll. n.l.ln . i- 1nahl.1l to ali.-u-r all •|ii>~fioii- , i-\. XT & 7 |ilaiiiii, ' . - ho» Ann. - l.oni. - l.y 1 ],. 1,-a.l ..I ir\ / ' : "'' l.'iniK . aii.lall 1!,.-.lilV. l.nt Inan ' i-hi-. - 1 li. n ..f - f " - x ^ ¦"- ¦ "¦¦ ' ' Jim, an.I Wit. . - . -houl.l 1H - 1, I.. . -.-In. I- lh- val-ioit- lti:.l*l. - ol * ra.l.-ii.-y tolx- |. lacnl on. -a. -h Coal , Mil- |.i..|» i h. ral'li. ...lour- l..r S rvantV' l.ivi ii.-- whal l.iittmir |o l»- U-..I - . -UI.I li.m- lli.- < ' .iiTi:i- .> -I I.I lie ] , a.-.-.r.|ili^ lii 'tlieirul.-r "! Ii.' .'li.|ii.-tte:- I'lain Sk.-teh i.r Ann- , .: . - . liL ; i:o|oaiv.i;.lilt'. , 7s ; Ann. - , t. - ns-l , an.l Kaniily .Moll.. . l-j.. |>.I J; iAliiiv^of . M;tM au.l «il- hk-iiili.i l t.^t-thi-i- , -J. ' - : DitUi Innr" PI^. ?nUnlil. ; for ii friiiR- to I KIII * in it or Mall , l*:i :;- . ; Sin-.I- Coa l ..r Arm- ilar- - -i/i-), ' li L' s. | il'Kllll. 'I'CKS 'I'ltAl l-.U. <- ..IT. ( t iliC.niiation dole lo ol.tai ' n a iii-iv liraiil ol Ann- , lh- ..-I of .^iiii,. , an.I how to a.hi or .-hail-. ' .' inn- '- nan..- . W ill- -.aivli. .1 , an.l i-very kiu.l ot "i-n.-a. !,.. . .i.:,ni.| ..l.l.,o,..l li I'ari-h Iti-eon^. Till-: .MANI ' AI. "I' lli;i:.\l.lll. 'Y , Kn-i-ivini;- , ;!- . :'.!.. [H .- I tn-. i.y T. i ' i i i.i i-. . \ . 1/ »a» \\( ^HEST EXCliAVED on SEALS , III- with l .r-. -t. . l- - . ; I.iv.ry llnttoti; ; , . ' ,- . | HI - I IO/ I - II ; KiiL'ravin- Silv.-r H|.oon. - , rr. -| , :.- . |.. I .1../. u ; Cl—I ami .Molto , |i^. ]n-r ilo/.-n ; ll.-.k rial.- . Ann- , I' r-. -l . aii'l Motto , .-l.- . -alitlv linish-.l , I. ' -.; M-.l: l'lar- . Id- Ann- "( .Man ;ii»l Mil,. l,|,.n,|,, ' | t,^. , t|,,r, Ui.-. ; lt.Kik I'lwl.- or >-al- i-l|. _ .r:nnl with quarterly Coats ot An n- , from II I' ., ami n|.wanl- , awoiilin. . - to the iiuiuln-r nl quart, rin-js . MKT .M. sr.AI.S, .vith i-l.. . . iiy hamll. , , K ; Ivon- Han.Ilis , 1J- . '«l. - . STnXK SKAI. S, . -ilv.-r iiioimtiil , fnnu 1V- . eaeh ; CUl.l) WATCH . <i:.\l.. -, fi- .nn 1J- . to fl Is. l aeh. ^*£S S ( U.-I.I.KTOX 'S 1.EVE1! KMKOSSIXti f 71 ^, ^ \J rlil>S , - . 'l< ., f..r staiupiiif l'a|ier with ^ \ \ ci.- l , Aiiur . oi-A.liln.-. - . Any l'vi-M-li i-ali life _}? p %> I l- ' ST Pl. 'l iLISIIEl) , ill Various <SV -* " jj k- 'J Clour. -, MuNdlilCA.MS, «'Hi:sTH, %£t*+& ~ ' k (f^ |> i.-r. all tin- l- ' ri ' lit'li Itoyal lalnily. anil ^c- ^ ^^^^-rJa ollh- Arehhi-hol*- of Caiit.-rhiii-v , from I MToi.. I-To . i; . -li..t- .litlo . Ai.-hl.isho|.-or York , l«r»li.l- -7"l. I SI,,, I—CM-. . f IIM ' OI .I ai:.| Caml.riik-e. 1\ . -hi. 1.ll rr Jh. ' .-M '- I, '.. . .im.-Mt- . I". ~ln t.- The l' n . -Is an. 1 MoUoi-s iisul liv ' the laiii-li Nan . i. . -:...:.- The Ann . Su|iiii>rter. - , ami Coron.:- ..f v. iv -an.l M ¦ ¦• ¦ | i i - . lio . -^h.-. ts- 'l h-l . - oroin. -ts , Mu ll -.nut. :n, <i Ann- <l |-i>|-|- . llaiolls , all.I 1Sriti-]t Co n- IT- U . -h" I ¦ C"i:ii> - ¦ \l..ii..-. - ii..,. _ 'l Sli.-et^. •Inliiiary . "llono- ..,;, ' „,, " T| ra<- anil valnaM. . oil. .1 ...n-of Kalilil . vCn. -t- , mv. r li. i..r.- L-inmii !¦¦ lh- |.iil.h. -, :.r- . -•¦!.I al I- . |i> r Mn -I ; li *l|. . t- , :• - . The "hoi- •li.-.l . -i\ Thon-ali.l ilill-ioilt Cr-Hs man- ni.i'h I- . :»li . I.-" . 1'y 'I' . Cri.i 1 ION . . IlliLTaver an.l Ili- -ink' r, !•> a|.|."iiitiu-i.l t.. II. r .M. - .j-sty ' . - l ' ov«liiment , *•- ., Ae . i- th-oiilv .vnanilit.-Ifor |.iir- II..M. S-ll.1 si/- of linyer I.J liltiiiL' a | ' .i..--..f tlnviul , mi.l ii,.iitioiithe |.rii- Itin;/ rnnnri-il. -\1 O <: 11A1! I i !¦: for EintraviiiB DIE will. CHEST , iM MDNOCWAM. or ADDKESS , if an Oul.r !«• given lor a I' .iiinea IL.x of St itiniiiiry, cixitainiii!! a lluiin ut the VITV I' M-1 I' .i pei , .in.l I'ir. ' I[! Enwlopi'S to Match , all I'I nn . Ki.v.f t'h.uu' e ; il Stainpcil in I ' olour , 1-. i: I. | . r |i»i sli.-.-u exlr.i the I)i- lein.iiniiii; lu-re fur liiture Unlei- . ylSITIXti DAIMiS . —A (i.'iitl.'iinin ' s l. ' .ii d l'l.iti! En- v..l , ami . " iO t. ' .ir.U printcl , 2». U.I. post tree.L.i.l y ' s :ls. WeiMiiiir C.nU , " >n t-ucli for L lil y r nil i;. .|ii l.-iniii , oil einho I Kini'lopes , maiden name priuluil in-i.le , all r.mii.Me, \:u. li I. po-t fn-i'. Ol- 'l-'lt . 'li SEALS , lilKs , liNDUUSINIi STAMl'S , .{v., loi-M.-unpinu' Xntes , Mills and Cheques ; Fire linunls lor Slarkuik- U'oo.l ; Stfucil Plates 'IV-lmp t' a-es ; Ilitlo for .Marking Arehilei lural Dr.i\viiu» : Move- ¦ j l.le Ty|iu l ' ..r ila'es . Plili 'i , ciiKraviil with Name , ]• _ ' - . li I. : illtlii , with Nai mil I' rofo-ision , '21s. MAUK YOUIt LIXEX. —Tlio most ea»y Mcthiid of Markini; l.iniu , Omr-e Tuwels , &c , is with CUL- LETON'S ELECTI1O SILVKK PLATES. No preparu- li.m. Any puisi-n cm. u-e thi-in. Hy lnuaas of (his invru- lion a ll'otisaiid p it-res nf I.iiiL-u can tiematlu-d with Initials , Xame , Crust , or Miino-<iaii> , in a few hnura. CVrtificatL' lr..iu Dr. Sl.ernlan Muspr.itt:— " Si-vei.d trials with Mr. Cullelon ' s Electro-Sitver I'latt . -s , iinluce .s me to pronounce thrm cxculhiil , the 1 liters all' marked ill a deep black colour , and alter boilini; wilh eitliL-r Potassa or SoJu , they remain un.ilteri' .l . SIIXUIH A N Mfsl'KilT , College ol Chi'inistr) , Liverpool , May loth , lbot. " FIUL- by post , on receipt uf Stamps , wilh lull directions. Initials , I K. ; Nnmc 'is. ill. : Xainu and Initials , U. ti.l ; Sit ol MoTeable Number- . '2s . lid. lo os . ; frost , .1, . ; Double f rest , 10s. Til O.M A S (, ' i; LLETOX , S. '.i/ . 'i. : i,-,ii ' . -i ' •¦•.¦' /)/•¦ Sihl.-t I., lln- Mnfesbj and Ihc /;..i/ii( Fn- 'iil 't , l "j f< i" . ' -in l A] 'i"Hid>iu -iit , 2. ' i , l'Il.\XlioUllX-ST. I (' iiniiTiil ST. .MAKIIN' .S I.AXE , LUX DON , W.C. The Heraldic Studio ami Library open daily. The largest Collect ion ol Eng lish and Kor. l K n Heraldic Ilnuks iu the Kiuudnm. Post IHiiciJ Orders payable at l. ' r.inbourj i-btrcet I' nst Ollici' , W.f. The Rigs ot ail Nation ", 1 Sheets , beau- tifull y illiiiniiial i-tl . (».28.1y.) 8i$<" (Jrdrrs for any of ihc above will be received at Tltu N KWS (Jllke , Waterlonl. COUPELLE . Do ROOS & Co. ' s PREPARATIONS A J- 'liKSH ASSORTJ MKNT of tbo following r\ l' rcparatiuus haTe just been received nt THK N KWB Orli.e , Kiiiu-street , Wateilord , from COUPXI .LK , D H Hooa & Co., London :—(iutla; Vile , or Vegetable Life Drops, the great remedy f<ir Nfrvousnew, &c. Dr. DK Hoos ' Compound lienal Pill? , for Pains in the hack , (travel , rheumatisui , gout , <te. Price Is. lid. to 33a per box. See advertisement elsewhere for particular. * . Dr. DB KOOS' Vegetable Lif'j Pills , tor regulating the stomach and demising Iliu blood. Madmne CourxLi.g 'a I fair Kestorin fr Kluid , which Ins been loiuid wnnderlull y eflicacious in bringing the hair to its urigiunl color ; also , COOPKLLK ' S Hair Uyc. BUTLER'S CATECHISM TO CATHOLIC CLERGY, BOOKSELLERS , &r. On Sale at The News Office , With the llecomtnendation of the Bishop nf Waterford and Lisrooie, the Ri ght Kev. Ur.O'BsiEH A Catechism for the Instruction of Children HY THE MOST Rev. Dr. JAMES BUTLER , Archbishop of Cashul and Emly. Printed on Good Paper, and in largo clear Type. RECOMMENDATION : " I approve of this Edition of the Right Rev. Dr. JAMES BUTIKR' S Catechism, nnd recommerd it, to tho Faithful of these Dioceses. ">J< D. O'BRIEN, R.C.B. " Watorford, June 2, 1869." 6%° Orders from any part of tho Diocese, sent in and directed to C. R RDMO .M) , Printer and Publisher Watcrford Ncv:s Office , 4'J King-street , promptl y at tended to. The TrndoKupp liud on moderate- terms. Jlay he had Retail from overy Catholic Bookseller in the Diocese. 2/ , liAKKOSSTUAND S THKK.T, WATKKtOHI) , Jct' iiiuLty l.sf , 1872. HENRY AUDLEY & CO. "VXTUILE returning their sincere and grateful " * acknowledgments to tho public for the oxtonsivo Patronaoo hitherto bestowed upon thorn, beg to acquaint their kind patrons that thoy havo added to their Stock , n all Depart- ments, c O Jl )' it 1 s I X <; : G HOC Kit IKS and OILS P KHFLMKUY , J TAI . IAX ( J OOIIN , (Joi.orits , C HAXDI .KKY , Ditl'fiS , CoitDACiK , CANVAS , &C. which they can conlitlentl y recommend. SOLK AiiKxrs in Waterford for P KACOCK and HirciiAx ' s PATENT PAINTS. IJ^J" Orders executed with accuracy and lies- patch. QADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS IO COMMIXS AND CO., ' i'i , QUAY , Vv 'ATERFOKD. I' nat Free for G S t a r nj i s , open ends , or 112 Stavi]is in an Envelope . rillfK 3II-JDICA L, AIJVISKK , on j iromatm-c JL dec^v ol ' tli. - system , and its >i«ritl y resioiiituin ; chap- ti r- on eer'aiii ili-ordei.« , :.nd the h->t iiii-nn^ fur lln-ir n- « tliov' .il ; the ii,ieio>ro|)i! it- ;in aid to d'a^nost^ ; Marrnige, its .1 - IJII . I lil ' ; rules aud prescri ptions tor ielt-lr.-ii'mnit , ke . : i:ln>t|-»ted with nuiiU'lons cases , liv Dr . Waller Dii Koo- , llolinnl H OIKK , lloii.nd Square , London , W.C. Bit. J)K KOOS' celebrated GUTT/E VITVli .. r l.ll' K DKUI'S ; l..r Speni.»ioirliu;i , N' ..c'uniHl I'iioivH'on^ , I II . potency, Sex Ine.ip:icily, Drlnlity, I- ' [iili-|isy, an-l nil thn-c di^ea^t-s lor n-hieh Meirury, S;ir>apanlhi , &* ., aie loo . .lien en.ploepd by Kn^lish 1'lij <ni.uts to tljo c ruin ol th.' Snlferer ' s henlth. Th e lil'TTyK VIT. 'K are tin: r.'-lllt of lonj; pr;u' in- V. .'i . v.l if tin; r.lor.lie-. li.-t ;ol.i[.le-l /or tlie-e <l»i-il» . -. Ti eir rii h, . -.tiiiiuhitiui; , -*timiuchic iiuatitieu , HIII I . nhiive ;il> , ll.i i.[.[.-l>- rrniimtitni of the. net-tinus xi/* tr>n , r^i "It r them in eveiy ie^|,.-t:t woith y Ilier siKiillit 'jut litle. They lliay h'T taken u illn.iil hilelriini-e or re-triiint of d:et , A' ., and iu this ri-pr<:l ;d-u they uuiy rliiin prc-einitii . 'nci: uvi-r uio>,t other advcrlix-d ineil-.i'iu p. .. , lly proui.itiu^ liiypstion— iiourishinj: the riiiislituiion—euriehui^ willn.ut iiiU^uuns the t loo.l —^ without >tiiinthtliu^ th,! n.;ivuus system toil violently— they strengthen tlu' iiiMivial h.ibit , and re-tora the natti I.I! he.ilthy tonn of Ih-- n.-rv.u-j :iui[ ini^cuhtr fibres , thus eiiliv.-iiiiii: iiud itivi gnr ;itri^ bnth leitl y and initid. The (Uni. -K V1T/K have been particularl y Miawful with ynuni: peop le whu have the appear.inee of old ji^o ; whn :m: pale nil.l ellfiiunate , :iud who , having :m utter dt>t.tste foe evervthinif. -in- inirajiaritiilHl for ^tud y, htwnt. 't'S ori;nj..ytiient. Tit- u- .iuds of apparentl y hopi . 'hs^ t:;^*-<, rjiven up by the fa- cilit y, have been permanent l y Lined , ;,nd have hortlt: Kratetul eviilenci! i'f Mi" fact. l' lice ¦!•. 111., Us. aud :i. 'K ol all Clumists , or direct on rdnei j.t ot st.utip", or j.iwl- .lhce order :iihlri'>M'd to Dr. De Kuo- , llolfonl II..UM- , llolford Squarr , London , W.C . Su' .d bv Mi-Master & Co., 121, Capcl-atrpel , Dublin ; . Mr. Whit. ', Obwrrer Olfice , Hallyiiieim ; Mr. llas*elt , Southern Ch ronicle Utll.-e, Luntrick : Mr. ' ' ol^oii , Fermnnaqh Mail OlVu-e, Kuni-liilleii : or at The Nms Ollice , U' uiuil-ril . Pains in the IS.ii-!> ', (iravel , Lumbagn , llheutnatisu: , Uout KlaHilenry, Headache, Nerroumn's. «, Dehilitj- .Strirture . itc DU. DK ROOS' OOMl'OUND RKNAL I'lI.LS (as Iheir nauiu nr the Kidneys , in- ili. iili' -) , are ci'lehialud all over the world , as the safest and he>t Uemisl y fur the above dangerous complaints , Discharges of any kind , and Disease ol ' the Kidney s, liladder , nnd L' tinary Organs generall ), which , if neg lected , Irequcntl y end in .Sinn. . - iu the iilmliler , and n lingtrini;, painfu l death , For ili -pn. of . S|,iriis , Kxcilement , Incapacity lor >So- citty, Stud y or llur-ine?* , Los.s of Memory, Wretch'-dncss, Nervuu-ne-s , nnd evi:n Infinity itself , when (as is ollen tho •:ite) aiismif ti.iin or coinbiued with L' riti.ny Diseases , they ate urn quailed , li y their silut.iiy actinii on Idle ami Ariilny ill the Slniiiacll , they purif y and promote the Uen.ll seciel 1 ot i s, Iht'iehy prevent the formation nt Sione , aud thus establish lur life the hciltby functions ol all these orpins. l' lire Is. Lid., -J<. ' . I.I., Is. (!¦!., 11- . and 3- '!s. per hot , with full directious throui:h all chemists. Tbi'tieuuiur. have the words " Walter De lloa-* , London ," in whil6 letters, on tbe Stamp allilel tn each box , by special direction of Her Ma- jesty ' s Honorable Commissioners, to protect the public from fraud , and to imitate wbicb is felon)' and transportation. CAUTION' . —Some unpiinci p led Vendors when aiki-d for Dr. De linos' Pills , have attempted lo foist other inedi- ciiiPs or compounds ot their own upon tbc purchaser , from whieli they obtain a large profit , but which invariabl y entail disappointment. Ask lor DB. DK KOOS' COMPOUND I I ISII PtLLd , and do not be persuaded into trying anything else ; but should ihe least difficulty occur, enclose the amount by pn-t-olliL- L ' order or stamps as above , and Ihey will be sent per return. Sold by Mc.MasVr & Co., VJ1 , C.ipnl-trccl , Dublin ; Mr. While , OOserrer Office , IUIIy u.i ; Mr. ll.i-sett , Soiir/ifrt; Chrtmiclts U/lice, Limerii . -k" ; Mi . PnKmi , Fermanagh Mail Otl' tce , Kuuiskilh'ii ; and at to , Kiim—ire. t , Watertor.l. DK. DE KOUS' VUAih/a Vl'IVE, or V K(.L- TAU LI : I. IFK I' ILI S, an- r.ip..ll\ -up.-i-..Un- ci-t..i ¦ .'ii rtii.l the old-l.t-lit..hed di-a^ri e.ihh- lue.liciu. s tonoerly ail- lllini-teied hy the lacully, whn-b , it is u»w- admitted , t'-ti fr.qtn-ntl y r.-Milt.-d in a c-'iititintil aiato ot ro-tivin. '-s. Tlit Pih|! :u .Vll »-,/.ll 111' . ' Colltmry , eleall-i: (he stoiuarh , punl y the secietintis , ri-uiovi: he.i.hli'he, illdlL'i-stion , Ac., nu.j iu-le-l<l ol reiideiin^ it ni-i:es-ary tu he always swallowing inedicilie , i few do-i'Minl> , taken ocra-ionall y, will lie f.umd M n leiiuired to keep up a health y stale of tht: -^lem. I^ipialU adapti-d lor all at;.' - , it ht-inz m.-rel y nceessaryto regulate tlie ilo. -e accoiiliii^ to the age and slieu^t 1 : ol thi * patient; whil-t lor leuiale coiiip laiuts tbt'V HII : .iltoj ether uutivalleil. I' rlco Is. 1. ' , I ., •_•-. ' . I.I., U. 1)1., lls., and 3. ')- . per box. Snfd by McMaster ,V: Co., Ac, Ac. T.s above], ami at The ll' aterf nrd Xrun Ollie- . DUKS YOUR II A I 11 i'ALl, (JFF , Ol{ IUI SN i.l.KV , .*. -.!• Il >o, ,,-e KDSA LIK CDI' - I'KLLK' aClilMITKIAIi , noled allovt- r the woihl lur i's uiuaculolis propel ties , and as the onl y tenie.l y that can ho depended upon. It is iriiarantei-d to produce whiskers , uioii.tachios , ie., in a lew weeks , and will be found emin- entl y stieee>sfu l iu nourishing, curling, and beautif ying the hair : checking '^reviles " , streii^tlienuii KCI ^ hut , prerent- intr its fallint! oil and restoring it in bahlnesx from whatever c.iu-e. U pwards nl Id) ph yniriins have recommended it in thn nursciy, for promoting a fine , health y head of hair , and avfriiiiR baldness in after yenrs. In Uottles |irice 2< ea ch. O11SKUVK that n 10 page pamphlet is iuclosed with each parkage , which h.18 a red stamp outside bearing tbe words Uo-ahe Coupelle in white letters ; the word* Coupelle ' s L' rinutiiar are aUo moulded in each bottle. " I was bald nine yuais , but I find new hair coming ra- p idl y." —J. Hone. " Thanks to your hiutl , 1 have an ex- cellent moustache and whiskers. " —Major Urowne. " 1 had lost my hair in patches , hut it h»« restored i' . " - .Mi«« Hewitt. " After ' 20 year ' s baUuess , it bai acted miracul- ously." —II. Moir. (d26.ll.) ^Sj ?-Sold at TnR NKwa Office, Waterford. Just Published , postf rue for Tuo Stamps , A GUIDE TO THE CURE OF NERVOUS- NKSS. liy H EXBT SMITH , W.D., ofilie Uniteriity of .letia , author of the " People' s Guide to Health ,, " &c. A Medical Work on the New Special Treatment , by Medi- cine a only, of Nervous , Mental , and Physical Debility, l.o»-- ni 's of Spirits , Indigestion, Dimnvsi. of Si ght , Painful Dre ros, Wunt or Kucrgy, and Premature Decline ; with in- structions for perfect restoration tp health and vi gour by the New SPECIAL TSBATMKKT . The \VARMINQ VO ' ICB (ltSO pages) is illnslrnted with cases and tntiuioniali. Giffs advice aud rules for Cure by tho use of tbe New Kemedies with a New Chapter on the use and abuse of Electricity for the cure of Nervous diseases , wilh Letters from Patientr who havetripd lbs so-called Kcmedy, proving that ELECTRICITT in NOT LIFK and will not cure Nervous Debility. Free by post tor two stramps . Address Dr . II. SuiTir , 8 Burton Crescent , London , W.C. I MPORTANT TO COUSTRT PATtKitTS.COXSULT A LOK - DON PlIT SICIAN WlTDOOT FKK.Dr. SMITH will , for tho benefit of country patients , on receiving descriptions of iheir cases , send his op inion , with advice and directions tor th most guccpsftfu l restoration to health. fo] -VTERVOUS DEBILITY, and all NERVOUS JJN AFFECTIONS, whether the remit of early errors or otherwise , are by very simple and inexpensive means quickly cured in both France and Uermany. The advertiser a resi dent in this country, will De happy to send free to all aDDli " canti lull particulars of the mndo of truttaent thero adoDted on recei pt of a directed envelop.. . All penon. may cure them. ' selves , and thus not run the risk ol bemg victimised Artdr... Mous. A. DnvAL , 13, Newmarket-strwt BiTmShim HEALTH AND MANLY VIOO&-A »SSl£«rf 20 years ' experience in tho treatment of NERVOUS I > L- BltlTY , Spermatorrho: and other affection. *UA ™ *£l acquired in earl y life , and unfit sufferers for marriam .»3 other social duties, h»s published a Hook piin»Th,fail benefit ol bis long experience gratis , with plain <ii,. # lor the recovery of Health and Strength 1 , " „,.[ Clloni BBUt ta any address OD -««jbt of One Stamp. Addir*. f .^ BKwUi/. InatitttU IA » omy, Birmingham Ql.M *

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Page 1: · rilK WATKHKOU D XHWti I;STAIII .ISIII:I > 1M,. (Al.l.iiinm liu*'Xi', l'ni'irii-tiii.) l.\UiU -l ("llii

r i l K W A T K H K O U D X H W t iI;S T A I I I .I S I I I :I > 1M,.

(Al . l . i i inm liu*'Xi', l'ni'irii-tiii.)

l . \ U i U -l (" l l i i I I . V I I I 1 N I X T I I K Sol I I I (If l l tRI.AMI .

I - ,. ) : : ,;... : ,¦. . ,-,, F.-¦'•¦:/ ;•;.•.•„.>., n l .V". -I!) Kin.j Sttn-t

,OI - I -MM T I . in i : r i : o\ i M l A t . B A N K .}

I'M. 1 'I' n¦: 1' 1: I ' I :N < I : ; Y K A I M .Y ( IS A DV A N C K ) Kis. ;J'.V 1' lt.T, Y l M l i l . Y , l.'.S.. IX A l lY A N C K .

Agents for Sale of THE NEWS:\V \T: '. i ; K ( ) i : i l— M r . W. K KI .I .Y , l . i t t l r (¦roiypVstrrrt.•fi: . \MDI! l-:—Mi>s C i . A M V , JU-fivsliincnt llooms, in

< :i;iml-stn. 'rt.1 'V S S A I i K KAST—The Jlissrs I.c.vK, Hotel , Si|ti.ire.

3A1! li'l C K -' lX.Sl 'I I !—Mr. J . M . M f t i f H Y .Xows Agent.

0L'N I ; A I !VAN —Mr. Kt- w .Mt ii liin.SN.ix, Stationer,\\e., IW :iiiil Ti-hrnip l' Office, Tho Square.

- Mr. M.vri' i ir .w W AI .SU , llhicb poul.KILM .U 'TI IOMAS- -Mr. Jl. Dr x x K , (irocur , *c.Kl l .K KN N V-- L'OYI .K lirolhers, liookselk'ts, Ac,THUMA STD\VX--- \V . liiMloi ' .


I S T K . W K L) OHDEH a f .- iA l L I S U — J V X K , 187:!.

VTOTICK.—The Wnti-rlonl Steamship1 iTvXs 1\ Company receive Goods fur Shi pment

SS3|\1 "» tin- f.illoivi.iK Terms onl y :-} licj- reserve

,«H -: defective Navigation , <>r am.lents from any oilier cause,

n (I,- ,,i,v Ws which n.iHl" »»™ >"-•'• ^¦r[ ''>• Il ««™'":fnor f..r Leakage , l>reaVa,:e , Condition , <>.,hty, or contents of"uv Pam-i, .nVackap-s, unless specially entered and a . n,-

ire',.. Kn-i-M ,..ii.l. H.««l< "»S "-muvwl to beMor.-d at thelisle ;i:i.l espri t se of I la- I 'luwSures. ... .. ......

•A \ T K U K O l t .D A N H l i MM 0 I- .C'ii »„, J.«r.i . . r ell., r eh-ilne M, 'hrict.

|-- r,.m W.t .' l.'.id lu lln-tol : : V ioin lSvi ^l^.l to W aliTford :T11. a iv .I nn. I .. 4 Afrn.Tliiir-.lay, .lime 1. ... .. Aft 11T ... .V' , I I ... !<•¦¦ M..mTl,,H>.l:.y. „ l:i _ M .M..i;ui . :;•' I* I Alt 'n. TI,iir=u:iv, „ •--> ... I Af fiiT I v ' " •':. l..' .M-ni.Thur- .l:.y, „ J, ... 1" .M..rn

Fioin Warlord to lirUt.T,j Tr-in Hristol fj Waterfur.l , 1 ca'.lilii! »' IVin lmike Iloek.

Vri.l .v .Inn.- 7 ... II Tn.-.:av , .lime I ... 4J Aft 'll1- ri .lVr' ,. 11 .. :!', Af f l l Tii.-.lay, .. H ... !• M"i;iiFri.bV . -I .- l»j .M""iTn.-*y..y. ., I- .- . •.{ Afi Mi-n,l,\. -s :-,i Aft n Tuesday, „ - -.' M..111

±4-- On Kallv Uninim: Snilin^. llH' Clmi '•> "'>' >'"iiner< will I- Open 'to nwivi! r.ivM-u-,;.:'* arnvinc Irut n l.umlun

'¦• ^ ¦ 'I'K: S,,v,,,,,s a,,l Children , ,,K ....

lie tun , >1(. .. 'Jo-.; or with liberty to return from lhiblii .

O.iV ..r W.'xtur.l, 31s. ud., Steward s I™ im-lmlcil ; Deck

7*. i:d. Keuiah-s attend lla- Ladies ' Cabin.

W A T K K K O K I ) A N D 1. I V B 1!. 1' O 0 1Lara and Camilla m otlm . b--i 'ne \ .-SM I-.

M O M W A T K K F C K I ' : » "0M '¦'v >-';,1'1""- ¦

M.. -i.l:.v . ., :: - II .M..n,- .M"ii.l:>y. .I"".- :• - !'

W nl., .- .Uv . , .". 11 M..111 VY.-Hi.-by -. : ¦ ¦» > " »'

l n.l :.), „ 7 - 11 M. .VI, Kri.l:.y. ,. • -I' '!"'•"M,.,, ,l'iv - I Affi . >l..n.liiy. .. [ -1^ >".¦"

W.,1... ;.lav ., 1 J - I A l f li \V.- .llr«Ml:iy, „ M - - 1 A It 11

Kr i. l iv ' „ I I — 'i i Kri.lay, ., 1 1 — .. Aft 11

M.., M 1:,'V, 17 -i n'. .Mum >|..u.lay, „ 1. - '! Alt 1.

Wnli:.;i[.u- ,, I " - 11 ' JI'Tti «'M I H . -I.1.V, ., l U - s J l . . r i i

rri.l:.v . • -j| - I I .Morn I-Vi.l;.y. „ -Jl -1 • Mora

M ,.l i . lav . „ Jt - I Aft 'n M..11. I <y- .. -'. - I-1 >••-¦"W.-hi. '- I- iv •'• • ¦- I Aft 'n \V.,ln.^U.y, „ -¦' — ¦- All 11

l ri . l . V ., js _ ii Mori, ,. '> - :i Al i i,

Cii l'.m Fiii>- 15-.; Servants .mil i:iiililri-n , 10s.; l )|.ck , 7s.

6'1. ; ( 'Ij iUr.ii . Is. Female- a'.Uinl the Ladies 'Cabin,liuod- n-ccivitl at Clarence l)uc)c.

W A T K K F O l t H A X I ) L O N D O N .Jnrara an-l Kora, or oilier eligible \ esscls.

PI.OM n .MKKF01.I i , r R0M J- OX 1'O> ,Tii.- -.lnv , .him- .i - I Afrii .--aliiPi.-iy, .lull.- 1 - M J nniTliiir- .l 'iv r, - I Affn Tii.-'lay, „ 11 — s .M..rn<- it«r.l - .v •• .",- I Affl i . Tli:ir-.l:iy, „ -J . i - s• •"""¦'• • " Satiw. .-..y, „ ¦£> - > Mum

Low-ISO ltBRins:—Loti dun—Unlish and F.;iei-n Mean,Whan , Lower K»»t sj initlila -M, and We»t Kenl \\ l.arf ,Soullm-arli .

W A T E I I K O K I . A X 1 . P L Y M O U T H .Aurora anl Xo ra, orotber eli j-'ible \ 1—>'K

FH .-..M WATt n roi i i . : r''•<»! I- LVMOUTU :Tlinr.-.lav , ,lui ;c '¦ — I Aff nsi:it-i r.l:.y, ., !•

¦• - I A I I 'II W 1-: !•: K L V .

Tn.-.lay", „ S, - I A n n

Talim:''"'"I- for Kalinontli , Snulliani i't "ii , 1'urt -iii .j ntli ,and plan - adjacent.

W A T K K K O K l ) A N D X K W UOSS.K KOM W A II .K F O U U —l lail y, Sunilays excepted , at I r.M.K KH .M X KW J! I.«—Dail y, Sundays e.vei-iited , at 8.|."J A.M.

W A ')' i: l i K H Ii D AM) D I," X C A XX O X .K K'IM W AI I .KFU KI I— Dail y, Sundays eicej itcil, at 3.:W P.M .FKU M D I' S C A SN O S— Daily, Sunday s rxceptwl , »1 8.15 A .M

1'iL-itbs sii-iin-.l and i-vevy infurinalion given l»y tbe A>;.-ntB.jjrls <,, '_Tbe (ieiu-ral Steam 1'aeVet Ulliie. Lieerju iul—Wal i-rion l Sl.-ain Ship Coin|,»ny, 2S, llrnnswitk-street ,Waniiiiii it 'Hi l'miMini :-. I.oii .<u»—AXTiioM. <i . HOUIK SO S ,20 Mark l.:i-.u- ; I'.iiti-b and Knreicn Steam Wliarf , Lowert-i^t Smillilield , ami West Kent Wliarf , Suntliwaik I 'l irw o u f f c - l l K S K V J.W.MtlS ( ., t l ieWharf , Millmy. [j . 'Jil-ltA., i a"". • •..i,.|.ai,) > > :)n ic.-, ll ,, M A L L . WATKItKOKP.

N A T I (J N A 1, L. 1 N K .«*- T I I I : .- j I:A.MI:H S "K THI S I . INI: AK K TIII:

1 i r < ; ;> r / M .-.sK.v'.y;'.' sv/- :.)../ •>¦»//' ¦? .-uv.o.n



y ^F ^— j r iM COMl 'A XY ( l . IMITKD).¦&ff i£M$Jlkl& 'l'lionew full-) iowered lliitifh Iron

^ jg £fjgjj£gj//g} Screw Sleani-slii j is

>•/,.,,.,. T"«* . Sl ip *. TOHM

K'SY fT Cp-aii .''"it 1 KN ' .I.A NI ., Andr< «> :; 1"7K I ' V I N . < :n.ii. ««« ' ¦ T I I K < .ii:KI - :X , Tli'.ni:L-.... IHIITALY , T!ii.:nl.M.n « . Hul.l.AMI , I'.niL-L- :I-I7y i iAN i - K , Ti,.,iii-.n :'.".7i Kins , i-iwH.n :?>."..;C . \XAl>.\ , WI -I I-I I T ¦¦"• : HKLV KTIA , IJrires ".'-71

¦ISHKKCK. Kimp »>i ; l l l lN.MAUK, Suiain-r ::7J-iWill l« ili--ii.i:cl.. -.l Ir.jlil l.ive:p... .l hi Xr« Yolk H, I OII MUS

KNC1.AXD Wuluc-ilny luno aiilh.Sl 'AlX Wdli.csdiiy Jul y Ilnl.CANADA Wcdiicsilay Ju l y 1" '<- '•-

And tl . iui yiin-l. -t . iw ii II . . - l .d:. .»ll i .' (lays

Tl.i' S.i!'i. n ai-c<.iiii iii .i]atu > n 011 board these Slv.inn-i> i-uusuipas-«l , tb- Sutr-tooin* l« in." iinn-ually liir^-i ', -mil

open oil tin - SalMins . wbii -h .ue vi tuat t - d in 11 • *-- poop on dt-. V—the p'.r.p Li-ing l.-l- l t i . '. h,|.R.

Halt- nl pa-sa-i- 12, 15, ami 17 C.iin'a' , .iccordina t .i ac-timmmlat: .,!! in Stalv i u . - i n — n i l li:.vm« p l iv i ' .-je n.Sain. 11. I l e luTii rickets , 'IVHilylivi-fiuim-an .

The Stei-ram' aeeoiiini 'iilatii.ii i- iiiit ( iu ;,i;. -d for -p;i cc, b|<l.l ,and Teut i L i t iun . Aluinilaiiiw <•! Knsh I'mi-ision-i sr ivul ui.Cooked by tbc Company '." Stewards. Kates ol passa^i.- ciiiJlcduccd Term-.

l',i->eii) !ei» booked thrnui s l i t' i A-p inwall , hau Franriscn ,tbc inland luwns (.f , .ind ol tbf L'nited Stale-, <.nfavourable t i-inis : .llso , to Allsli.i li. i , Svvt /.-aland , Clnn i ,i.i. d .l.i|.;ui , al low tl iK.ujb r.iKf , via Xew Yuik and S.mKiaiic: -(o . Kor Kici i f l i t <jr 1'a-n^i-app ly to

THE X A U O N A L HTK A .M Smr C.-MI - A S V ( L I M I T K I.),^1 and23. Wate i - stne t .Live ip io l ;

To. X. and .1. (" C U M I N S and linns., Quern-town ; toMr. M' UI-IIV. X'-w- A?iMit , (.'arriek-oil-Sii ir ; or.Mr. i:;< HAi i i . I ' Hi i.AN , 1'ortl.iw : or to theA anit / or llaUrfor.i— M 1 C I 1 A K L DOWXKY , Ciuay.


-V *V>Jfe\ /"V ^'- " l '"- Wl"«'ii'^ or cither l'ir.-t

2(* "iTJfc u il l In (k-s-patchr'l li-citn LIVfUI'O(Jl.


W Y O M I N G .Kwd.i Wliiiic-r.-j \1 INXK-OTA....I . M O K O A X

WISCOX-IX T.W.r'reeinau M A N I I A 'ITA.N I. I'KICK

I D A H O J A M K S 1'KiC f 'MOXTANA (II UI IJ"IK )ii lVADA W. K.,i-ylh DAKOTA iDo.)

And arc iii '.n.d.i! to Sail as l..lli.»«:—WISCON SIN Wi.diio .siliiy lt tt l i .Itmc.X K Y A D A Wi-ilii c.-.diiy — » »ih June.W Y O M I X ' ! Wcdiuj sihi'y -M Jul y.M1NNKSDTA WcilufsJay l ' l ih July.

I 'Al.I.lNIi at C i U K K N S r O W N the day followiii|C ,lu uiiliaik I'ii-M-n/i-i- .

I'n'-. nu e is lu-ok ed throug h to San l-'ranci-c-i and all inlandown- at low rat.- . _ ,.

I t H l . - o f I'a—.i 'e fio in Livcrpn ol 10 X.-w York : — Cabinl'a-«»i!«v t'l-'i IS-. »ii'l i:18 1**'. StMra iir I'a-»a«t at ¦> • ouci-dral -». Thif lalt . r ineludin HII unl i in i t id supply ot piuvi-i uu ' ,:u.,li 'd and -ITVW I up by tin- (J.un|iali) N hti -wmd'.

> "..r lit-il -bl or pK faL- c, app ly toj l il CAMl ' lOX , l.'u»l(nnhoU M ! Cj uay, Watrrh -nl ;.lOHX ' l i K Y K l i K U X , yuHj , W n t , i i o ,d -,

I I I ' I M A S K A Y A N A I i l l . llu- S<|inuv , [liiiiL' iitvanIA Mh'S SI .'OTT A <• ".. (in .-ni-. i- i»-ii; 01 to

o.-|] t i l 'U l X A <;(J., S.i W«t.-i .»:r.:et , Livn i iiwl .

• • W I I I T K S T A It" M X I-;.


TjKj l rr^—_^^ flTllKSIO liC.-w , riill piiwuri .il Stvain.[Kra\MA* X si"!'-1 s-iil •"•"»'I l8w ftil(3W_ l.lYKltl 'OOL - - - oi) 'I I I I . I>|.A ».I .


BALTIC -• 'I'liursday, ... Jimii «o.ATLANTIC .• "I'liui>'luy, ... Juno -7.OCKAN1U ... Thursday, ... Jul y J l .llKl'i ;iSLIC — Tliursday, . July 18.

The-.- Steamshi ps allotd M"''"1 acccminwlati-n to CabinIVurni:.-*; Ibe saloon, state-tooin- , and :i,,..V.-,o..i..s ..«¦ raid-lni.5. A surgeon and j Uw-nlvs, iaMi.i l . .llB18». and flO 10'.. HHU '" 1""1-- .-' , f">»'-a- st'«">ce IT. C!-. for bills and lorlhrr p»nicu ,aii ., app l y lo

1S1IAY 1MK1K , & CO., lO W alet .-titt i , J.iv ,.po ,l ;

• nd 7. K»8t Jn .Ua-avenuP , London. [j.iB-tflT S HAKYKY ,West orKnif laiid In»urauci>Oaiep ,\\ i.:erlid

Mr LA B K I S: Government Kmiit iatioii CiDiui.Jioner t. .rthe Domini , n uf Canada , at l!l Kdui <-i< '*y, Dublin , andMr O'X EILI. (iovernui enl toi itrHliun CoinDiis-i.iu.r lorhe Vrof incc of Queb. c, at baiuc addiess , will gite lull iu-

oruialiou coDieraiut; Cauadu gcuctally.



ONCE A WEEK—SHORT SEA l'ASSAGE.« <-Vvj i. f l lllK Steamers of tlio "Allan"' line

iSda^ v X sail from IIUHL1N TO AMKK1CAWJ\Iy .V.vtiiv TI1UUSDAY , wilb l'lKsrnms lur*S5^3S»QUKIfKC. BOSTON , and XKW YOltK.

TlieKe.^rt itt tiuis oticr the bliortcst I' lts-aiic loCnu-^da, and[t ivu » direct rnuti. to t in Wislcin Slates of An.Plica and Cali-tnt ni- i , lu which Pa-sen*.-!-!* HTL- lK.okc<l 011 Tlir .mph Ti(ki -t.S.s. ST. PATRICK from K I N IW K I W N , TI I IT lt^ J >A Y.Wtli JuucS.H. ST. ANDHKW do. do. -I'tb „And 1CYKKV TI1UKSDAY tlirrenflrr during the &-aeon.

HATES UK 1'ASSAliE MONEY.Kaliinn Chili t.i O.U lac 113 13 (1Intel mrdi.i:e Caliiu to Q'lcbce,Huston , or Xe» Yuik 9 !l (ISleera^i; (.1 (Jni'bi c, llostim, or Xcw York D O C

Int.Tin. 'duli- Hate iuclildos Oulf i t , &c,B"iT raiiipldets on Canada nuil AVisti ru Stati-s free on appli-

«-ition iit I!i K>Ii ii- i{ii:iy, DuMiti. Mr. J i A R K l N , (jnvcriunent llmi-urit i .ni Agent for Oiitnrin , at 1!1 Kilen (}nay, Dublin , and Mr.(» -N I:M.I., (lovi-nitii. -ut Kniiirration Av'ont for C^uclii^ , nt, iviij irhr full iufnruiation rc^-anlinp Canada aud tbcr*!provimrs generally.

F..r l u r i l i i r pui -t iculais , app ly to JAMES i A L K I A N I I C B

A LLAN , 7ll Great Clyde slieet , (ilassow , and 13 Eden QIIAJ1,

Dublin ; ur tu THOMAS I'UHCKLL , Waterlord ;J. M . MUKPHY , Cariirk-on-Suir;

231 ( K D U A U D HUTLKK , Inuistioniic.


lu connection with the WATKitroitn ANI > TJ IM EUICK andWATEHI 'OKII .\.vn CENTRAL I KELAMI Lines.

SHORTEST ROUTE , and REDUCED FARES. •*% K i prt '.<.< Tt'ttot * nn 'l jYrft- Fast Mai l £{ gf &

g^ S(,vniir. -.< E VKRV WEEK KA Y. &UHLU P.—IjcaTC WATEKI oi:i) at -1 p.m., on Arrival of 11.15

a.m. Triiin from Iiitnciick , and 10.50 a.m Trainfrom Maryborough , A U U I V I N C ; in LDNDON nt1 l. 'lO following morning.

DOWN. — J J EA V K LIIM - OX (radilington) at 1.50 p.m.,and A R K I V E AT WATKIU 'CIKU about 0.30 a.m., intime for the Tiaius on tho 'A'aterford and Lime-rick and l i-clnnil Linft.s.

r.\ ii Y; K — WA TEKFOI ;D A X D LOXD OX :SIM ;I.I:S (available I Days) 1st Class it Saloon , 4lis Od

„ 1'nd Class 4. Saloou , :15s Cd„ .'!rd Class A Fore Cabin , 21M fW

l!i 11 i; .\s(av.iilablr forl month) 1st Clsa <t Saloon , 7'is,, „ 2nd Clss& Saloon, f>!)s

Furl her information ran bo obtained from .Messrs..1 M KMIN and Co., Now ^lilford ; and Mr. JJOWNKV,Ailrl phi Wharf , Watcrl'orcl ; and tho JtKiu.TKi ) FAH KSliciwi 'cn (jtlu -r iniportaiil -Klatiniis , tin: Time Tables,ami Thniu^li Hates for (i.ioila , Ac, of .Mr. W. J. Iii:s-M i l . , the Oreat Western Company 's Agent , Paul'sSquare , Walcrfunl.

.1. ( i l l l E H S O X , Manager.I'aihlino-f mi , .Tiint1, IS72. [mv-2ti

CLY1JK KllII'l'lNCi COJIPANY.J UX I-;, 18 72.

S T E A il C 0 M M U N I C A T 10 A'Between Glasgow, Cork,and WaterfordiCarry insr <iood« at Through Hates to L I M B K I C K , T lp rEUAKV ,


_ *\ 1 f 11 11 K New onil l'owcrful Screw<aawft?<T!\x JL Strainers SKKKKYV O KK , CUM-yrilif -HUAK. SAXDA , KDDYSTONK , KIN-j«Sx«SK«».SALK, and TOWAHD , or other Fiist-Cl:issVessels, are intended t» Sail as undtr (unless prevented bymiv nnloreseeu circuin^lanrc), with or without I'ilots , andwitl i lilietly to Tow Vessel.-, and to render Assistance toVessels in j listless :—


DAY and F l i l D A Y . at 2 p.m.; Hail to (irmwclt , 7 p.m.N<»TK. — I'I H ' Sit.iiiii -rs Sailiiiir 011 Mondays and \Wilnr--

d.iy^ c.ill first at Walrrlnrd. The Sit-iirii .-r in: Kiidtiy yuesdiiect to Cork , and calls at Watevlord rrtiini 'iip.

KKOM WATKRFOKD '10 COKK.WKDNKS DAYS Sth, l'Jt li, I'Jlli.niiil 2llih , JuneFKIDAYS "ib , II1I1 , Sl-t , Hii.l 2aib .luue

KKOM COKK TU WATKKKOKD .MONDAV I :trd Imh , 17tb ,and 21th June, and 1st July.

KLO.M W A I K K K O l i D TO UK I. FAST, Via COKK.FKIDAYS 7th , U'h "1st and L'Stli June.

FHD.M COKK TO IIKLKAST;i:DA YS 1*1 Hlli , loth , 22nd mid anli .June.HK1.KA ST TO COKK & WATKKKOKD ,I'iaUI.AsliOW.MONDAV S, :inl , lmli , Uiband '.'lib June and 1,|, Jul y.

FKOM COKK TO DUULIN , Via WATKKFOKD ,"MONDAY S ...:iid , l"th , 17lh , and 2Hb June and 1st July.

FUO.M WA I KUKOKI ) TO DUKI.IN , Direct ,TUK ^ DAY S .-. l-b , l l l b .lKili ainl2:ji b June, a n l «tl I Jul yDl . r.LI.N TO COKK .\: W VrKltFOKD.I'm ( i l .AK IiOW.

WKl)XKSi )AY.S...Oth , 12th , l'Jlli, and 2151b June , and3rd Julv.

FKOM COKK TOGlu ^p ow {via IMf i-st ) ... ... Saturday, 1st June 10 p.m<ila». :ow (rio Waterfoid f c Dublin) Miiud.iy, ;)rd „ 3 p.mlihisi fow (direct ) Tliur -iiKy. lith „ 1 p.m(il.i -now (via liel iat t) Saturday, bill „ 0 p.m(jla-(!ii»- (»ittWaleiloi -d A Dublin) Monda y lu ll „ 0 p.m(ila-i iiw (diuct ) Thunday, i:i:h „ 7 p.mCla-fiiw (via Itcllas l) Saturd -ij - , l.illi „ fl p..n(;l.i^ .,u- (via Wateiloid & Dublin) Monday, 17ib „ 1 p.m(Jla-foiv (direct) Thursday, limb „ 3 p.m(il.i-t-.m (Wa Belfast ) Saturday, 22nd „ I p.m(ihi'sun- (via \Vaterlord & Dublin) Monday, 2Hb n 5 p.m(ila-K"«- (dirert) Tliur> dav ,"7lll „ 8 p.lofjla -s!"*' (via llelfa -t) Saturday, 211 b „ 10 p.mGlasi:ow(ria Walerl.ird& Dublin) Mond .-y, l-,t July 1 p.m

FKOM WATKKFOKD TODublin and fil.i-KO'.v 1 lu-Mlay, .1th July 1 p.mCoiK and tilasiiow ...Wednesday, fit Ii „ 1 p.mCjrk , , and Cl^gow ... Friday, 7ih „ 1 p.mDublin and t ;ia«coiv Tui-«duy, 11th lf 1 p.mCurkaiid Oln s^jiv Weilnesday , 12th „ 1 p.uOut , Id-lla-t , nml Uh'gow ... Kiiday, 1 »-b „ 1 |M,jDul.iiu and lilasi iuw ... Tmsday, lmli „ 1 p.mO.ili and (ilaspoiv Wcdnes-lay, l'.iih „ 1 p.,,,Cork , lieliai -t and Glasgow ... Friday, 2 Nt „ 1 p.mll' .U.n and (J lasfow ... Tue-d:iy, 'J .iili n 1 p.mC i k a n d li la -KOtv Wediiisday, i!li-h „ I ,,.,,,( *"ik , l!c.!a-.t and (Jlasgow ... Friday , -JSlb „ 1 p.mDubl in and Glasgow ... Tuesday 2ml Ju l y I p.m

FA1SKS:-Gla»i'..w to Watcrford or Cork...Cabin , 17-.6.1.; fJeck , llj u.Coik and IVrt tc i foid to Hi-Ha,t ... 17> . Ud. lij s.Cork t.. Waterlurd b-. "-I. .h.Coik and Watirfoid to Dublin... 10.-. Oil . Os.Htturn Ticlets t arailahle fur one H tinth , nut tranxf trahle.

I ;|:I *J."J»- to Coik or Waterlord Cabin , 2',,. Oil.Wati-rloul tu Coilv Cabin , 12H. 6-1.J/iV NOTK.—Tin- Clyde Sbi pp inR Comp.-ny Insure all

(Jo- .nU Shipped by tli . -ir Line of Steamers, at a< 4-1 per Cent— valu.-n l» be declared at t in in of Shi pment. Forms and alli i .lormaliou In In- bad at the Office*.

For Kates of Freight , cVc, apply to— CORK .S i r .AMhi i ipCo., I'inros.- yuar. Cork ; Jolts Lvnuv , W A I E H F O K Q andI.I .MKK1CK I t A I L U A Y OF UM, LlMBKlCK ; I' Ah 'JLIX allllK O A S , No. 20, Kden (Juay, Di'liLIX ; J A M E S M A H-

i!V H m i l H A L L , Newport (Mou.) ; J. C. I'I X K K S T ON ,10 Victoria S\ , IMfast ; (J B A I (4M l iK Y .MNK K, Gieenock ;(' Lyi)i: Sjnrpi.NO CUM P A N T, ". O««»M Street , Glasgow;on.. WM. II. SIXCLAIK ,H . 'J-i .lf Custom House QIIHV , W.itcrford

III I'OKTAXT TO K.M 10HANTS.Emigration Office , 43 New Lane,

C A 11 Jt 1 C K"-0 N . S U 1 K ,

17TIKST-CLASS STKAllKKSTwice-a-weck Irom Queens-. town , Dublin , lA-rry, (ila«itow , Livrrj wol , and Lo-nloii

to Ni-w York , lt..slon. Quebec, I'u i t l a l ld , Hallilliore , Halil ix ,Ni-w (Jrlean- , Galveston , Norway, Sweibtn , Ital y, Cab-ntla ,via Ml. / I 'anal. City Lin.: M o n t h l y —Cape ol (iood llopr ,.Mel lmurnr, Xew Zealand ,-..Sydney, Queeiulaiiil , by !)>•• ini ! Im.-: White Siar , liuiim , Ma:l line, Allan l ine . An-chor Mai l Inn- , Xatioiial , TIHCI-V A- ]{. ildiviu , »ti-., &c.

Kir-t l lasn S A I L I N G Ml ITS Month l y to M . l b . u i i i i - ,Sv- .n-y, N .w Zealand and Qui-iii ,l ,iiid . Xnv Orleans, l'lid.Eid.-l plii.i and Xew York Wetrklv.

.1. M. M L'K l 'I I Y WiiiK Aijcnt for Iho I lur l i i i ft ton midMissouii Kiver Kailruau (V , is authorised to is>ue ltailroadTi i t . tn at a l..w rate , to all parts of the United .Slates audCanad.i. To save Kuii K rH ots from imposition and delay intiaTi - l l inir through America , he is aUo piepared to gitc themccasary i t i furniai ion to pn-pa«l Ticket.holders- nnd inteud.inu ' etni ^r . int- , re specting the Sah* ot Laud in tho WesternState- , now in t he baudn o f .be railiv i .y company, who hart:",Mi ' i ,0U> of acres lo sell at a low nile , mid ten yeais' cedit.Men w i t h l .uniliL-s , who understand fa i iu in? , have many »d-Tai . ta K ' - by tb«* number ol the i r et iddu -li, who are entitledtu fie .- cr.iutf . nl laud , under certain restrictions.

J. .M. M l l i l -n y i ctu r i iH bis best tha nks to his: nurueroutfri i - inU for Itn* k ind bUpport they I I MV C afloided him in )ii ^iii . i -i . i lic.ii business for iho last fifteen yiar a , and hopes tuun-ril a continuance of t ha t "dierous (eel UR . (my-t l )



.S'l'HKET, WATKKFOKD ,A(;i:ST for J. T. JIAHT, M KAT SAI .K S M A N , 1 0

ML-tropolit iiti Meut Markt 't, Lonilnn.Oilol Float , Cart, and Stack Covers.Winnowing Shoots anil Kick Covers.Oiled (,'anvuss llorae-loiu Covera , liued and strappedWoollen <lo. do. do.Iuiii.i Rubber do. du. do.Oiled Waterproof Cart ;iud Fluul Covers ,llorsu Mouth llsigs.Tarred Canvaf.s for JIafch COVCI -K.Wuterproof Gig Aprons , liued wi th Woolleu Itugd .

A Inr-je mpply ol "J willed Snck.s.Seed Potatoes of various sorts.Kuling Potatoes of good cj uality.For I' rices and other in format ion , apply U>

f m:tl-lt) WI L L I A M WIGHTMAN,Kecdsnian and General Agent, Lower

Thoiuas.struct aud Bridge-street, Waterforil



Tno shoitcsl route from Waterfn -il anil Ki lkenny to Dubl 'n .Athlooe, l' < r tuninK, Par..onstown.oa Ncnagb , U via Maiyioro *.

IC7" Improtod quick ao.t throu gh .in ily bi:twecn Maryl.orou ^h anil olhrr t t lat i oni to Watttifor d , thencevia Noir Milfur i l to London and all blatinnson the Urcat Wes-tern ra i lnnynf l-'nuland.

TR4I .VJ o.v Wt. f .k D A V H . H V S V A Y 3 .

„.„.„ I J '\;:i/ 1 Ac a;• & 2, 1 k v TTH J 1 2 41R T A T ION I I . Class Class. Class. Claa> . Clasi. CI BSS

A.M. P.M. r.M. ! F.M. Ill-Oil ! P.M.h in h in h~ m h m Ii m ' p m

Waterford...iir)j( irfl/rc ? 15 la ii 4 30 — li 0 —Kilmocow „ 7 :.r> 13 55 i 40 — M l:t --Mull inavat 7 35 1 a 4 50 — 12 2.1 —Bnllyhale „... J 55 1 3" 5 10 — 12 50 —Thomaslown B III 1 46 0 25 — 1 5 —HecucUbridse 8 'J5 1 55 S .15 — 1 '-'0 —Kilkenny ....^arrlenl 8 411 2 15 C 0 — 1 4" —

Do departure 8 45 5 30 I 6 1.1 — 15" —nallycaeset™ 9 15 « JO I C 35 — i in —Attanacb „ 9« - , 6 45 — i 13 J —Abbejlelx 8 50 3 10 7 0 — 2 30 I —Marj lioro " arrierl 10 10 3 3" 7 20 — 3 u j —Ma.)boroU|li urp ^vp 1 10 3 4!> - 7 3? — 3 *4 —Porcarl in nt cn Joao 'n 1 36 4 !> 7 SO — 3 4.1 —Dublin arrival 3 40 5 35 9 40 — 5 45 —Aihlono Junction arrl t *I 8 111 - — — —Maryhoro '...<kj> rfdirn 10 40 7 1 : 0 ii — 9 52 —Roicrra.tFarEoaun.j D II 7 7 30 10 27 — 111 27 —Rosciea 11 44 8 13 — _ — —Pariooitown 12 14 » 48 — — — —Portumna _ 12 5D 0 28 I — _ _ _Nenoel 12 32 U 2 — — — —Temidi-more I l l 31 M 7 10 36 — 10 38 —Thurle« arriva l' I I 47 8 ."0 1] 15 — II 13 —


T R A I K a ON W'r.f .K DATH. (IL'ftDA Tk.

BTiTi nii. ' s'*' i':i*3 ' t i~i 'i i a 'kai 2«c.i

"ATIOS*. CI OM . Clam. Class. CU«. Cla« .|CI»»sI A .M. ¦ A M . ! P .M . r.M. r.M. (

' r.M.h m Ii HI , U m h m h m h :n

Thurlci departure — 7 ]U , — 4 3S — 2 2Ttinplemore ¦

— ' 7 28 — 2 5t — , 2 20Rotcien.U'arsoiiHa Jn — 7 5« ! — 3 III — 2 41Nenngli — ^ li 30 i — 1 < r> — —Portumna „.... — 6 0 ' 1 'JO — ' —Parsonnlown — 6 40 — I 2 5 — —Knscrca ... " — 7 13 ' | 2 4-i — | —.Marjbnro' ...rcLi f — 8 31 j — 3 4!) — 3 2)Albums Junct ion ...... — — 8 l.i — — . —lluhl in departure — Ii 0 ! 0 II 1 I) — ' !> -tl)P-r tarliniiton Juooi 'n — 8 11 In n 2 43 — 11 :ilM«ryl.oro '..nrr<...(/u-n — « .15 in 4.1 3 4 — .11 52

»»»•» THAI .VS. — (l i l i tc) * 'Maryli-rn' . .Mep orture — f 4n in :,a 4 0 — '. 4 0Abl.eylt ix — '.• (I ' l l 1(1 I 4 20 — ! 4 i tAHun..k-l — !l 15 I I 'jr. 4 35 — j 4 33Ual lyraK K rl — !> -.'.'i I I 3:. I 4 45 — ] 4 45K i l k e n n y . . . . a r r l m t _ iMj , i2 ( | J 5 5 — I .'> I ll

Do tlr/ uH-hirA t 45 III . I'J .1 I S 15 — I 5 211ncnnet.O.tidL'c 1 7 .'.7 In in 12 17 ,' 5 -J7 — 5 :UThnmiiMi.U M s 10 lo V3 '12 :ui 1 5 45 — 5 41liaMvli.i l i; ! R ;i.i 10 ;i5 .12 4.1 0 IS — li 1.Mullmavnt ! ss 'III Si 1 |o 11 55 _ fl asKilmacnw , . . !l 1.. — 1 •.'.-, (i 4u — 1; 411Walprlnnl arrirnll 0 :Kl 11 'JO 1 I.-, 7 0 — 7 0

.'i\nti-.' — ThUil C.aII^ lickds tire k-uul at el] il ic Kilke o njJunction Maiiont bv' lhi« Irnin . ( ' .M:iil tr:iin <>).

'1'ick t t H issurd for Single JouiDey are arailablc only for tbeTriiin h; Trliich itifj r arc it-n ucd.

l-'irKl ,-ind Second Clftts Relorn Tickets arc iA.sucd lictitrcn anjtivo StHii ons iirail.-iblo for the »ame day ; lho*e is> .ieil for anydistance 1'XcceitinK 511 inilc ^ , wi l l be ntaihthlc (or tMurn on theday after the .lute of (he Ticket ; nnd iho.-u iftued between Wa.Icifi.r.l and Stalions to Ki!k( .nti)- , incl'i&iTc , and Mar>burough , willbe .if:iilnbl a for rettlrn for Iwn rl.iyi. afler Ibe dale of the TieLetKir> t and Second Cl.isi Kvlmn J "icko lK isnued on .Sjlui.l.iy i.rerelumntilo on Snlurd:iT , Sunday, or Mondny : and i.-sucilon Sunday are returnable on Sunday or Monday.

Tliid class Krtiirn TU I.- IK issuiil al all .Stations liy TbinIC!a»* Train!., available to return Ibe unne da/ by any Tntin•jcept the Mails.

Through 'I'lcketn , at low farcp, ate i*8ned at Marybornuch an.lKilkenny, via U'alerford and Mllford Hnven , to an.l from l *m-don, Dorer . Red Hil l . Alder^hot , Reading, Bastncfitoke. Swin.don, Oifoid . Ilirmingham , Worcester , llerefoid. Cliehcnhani ,Hristol . Olonci-sler, Newj Kirt. Mvrthyr , Abcrdare , Carditl ', Sentli ,.St»anm.-a, I.lauelly. Carmarlben, and Carmarthen .lunclmn , amiNewMi l ford. \V. W II .M A U I . .St-erctar».

WATKKFOKD AXD LI.MKK1CK KAILWAY .Up Trains from It 'ater/ brd.

T R A I N S O?» WKr.K HAYS. S* |IV.WATrxi-onn 1 I I'! *3 4

~ &"¦"&" M lTO i l M . n . K I ' 2*1. 1*2 I le i 1, J, I 4 J . 1 A V I 2 * : i

,Cla>«.j Clai,ii . Clahi. cia». ClasK . Cla». Cl:ns,! A.M. I \ .M. AM. t .H. r.M. r.M. I.M.: li in t li 111 11 111 b 111 ' li in h m b in

NVutcrf. . ld... .f/*7'. (1 II [ ... I I 10 ' ... I 2 45 8 30 8 30Csrrick (I 4-.' j ... 11 4S ... j 3 2} !l 18 n ) .".Clonmel ' * an 1 ... 12 2" ' ... , 3 M In 11 lu uJunct ion nrfrf! H 4.i ._ I 4-1 ; ... ; 5 13 is (I 12 UDCPI.1N.. .arrival 3 4*i ... 6 35 I ... ' U 411 : 4 an 4 3QCO K K arrival 1 3n ... 8 ii . ...

¦ s J ¦ •-' !l 2 DDublin deji ... !> 0 0 0 1 ... I 1 0 7 45 7 4.'>Cork a n I I 411 1 — I t 45 10 r, 10 r.Junclii 'n „ R 50 !ia 411 i 1 65 ! L' lft | 5 35 1'.' 15 12 1J>Limerick....nriri 9 ill j 1 4n I 2 4.'. I 3 ii.. ' 6 40 1 I 20 1 -JO

Xloicil Tra ins from Limerick.T K 4 I S B OS H ' K CK U A Y H . fl 'fcr

1.1MMHCK : 1 sT'3*" I* . " S U* i«t . ,W A i i k t o » u ' •• i *3 1 2J t i ; i 4 2 1 4 2 1 2 3 1*2 12* 3Tl WA1"t t0 "U - . CInK». CI.««.: Cla«» Clu« Clas» Cla^ Clan.

• A . M . : A M. ;_ Aj_M. h .M. f .M. P.M, P. M.b in 11 in ' li 'ti h in li m h in h m

Limerick a>j. .',4 .', !l Id I I 15 12 SS 4 0 Kl 45 10 45Junction..Mr r irn/ 7 0 ¦[!! :t5 12 25 1 r,ti 5 |(i 12 II 12 0Coik ,. 1(1 0 i 1 50 2 S.1 ... fl -i . 2 4 JJ 5Dublin , 1 ... j 3 11, . 5 5.', j 33 || 4(1 . 4 3" 4 30D C B MX 1/17. ... _ (I (I ... I 0 7 45 7 45Conn , ; ... I ... 8 (l ... si 45 10 10 10 10Junction , ! 7 10 I ... 13 .15 ... 5 30 Vi 15 12 15Clonmel ¦ f 4'l I ... . 1 45 ... j 6 511 2 15 2 ISOnrrick ' » 2a ! ... , B Is! ... j l 45 1 -J 55 2 55WBteif"ril ...<irir/ 10 10 ' ... i Si 45 ... ! 8 111 ¦ 3 45 3 45

.Mai l 1 raina marked with an asterisk.1'A K M — Klrit Clots SinKle Ticket , 14k 61I ; ."econd do. 11 Od

Third ilo. Hs 5d. Helurn —Fir it CU KS , ale 9d ; Second do, Ifis 6dT. AiitswOBTl l . Secretary.


F»OM 1 . « ¦ a 4 5 8 "7 K 0 '

' * ; a ra a in p in p rn_ p m [i ill p in p m p inli in h in h m h m b m h in h 10 ii"m li m

Wind «8 0 11 II 12 15 '2 3» 4 0 5 311 7 15 !l IIT'mr i :i 15 Ml 311 I 15 3 15 4 3o *6 .0 7 4.'. !i 30 ...

Sunday Trains.>-»o<,

I ; 2 "

3 I 4 . 5 11 "

7 .""


;,"o?t' a 111 : a in p 111 Ji_rii V in _^m p in p m j> in

h in 1 h in h in li m b in h in h in b in* li 111

Woril *c 0 Jl Ij 12 IA 1 ;jn 2 ,'jri I .JII .', -,.i r, %I I D 1,Tiuoie !i isjjj 4

^5 lr_lr' _'LJ' _!_ " •'' ' '6 " ' <" " 4 5

•Mail trains . (;. N H A K K R T Si>n>tn7iT"


N O T I C E !Thrr.n.j l. l i ,,;i, i ,S'..-rn>,- i- i"u J 'u'jun- '¦• h 'il , -u .-h f ar Kilkcc.-\T-OTICK IS I 1 K K K H V f i l V K N , that cm aud from±1 SAT Li t DAY , 1st J C X K , 1*7:2 ,Tliu Y A X D K L K U K or otlior Steamer will Ic-au: KiUrush al 11 a.m. (Sun.lays exccptcil) making I'oyj n's intime! lor the 1.15 p.m. Train , reaching I.iniei -itk atIt. 10 p.m., ami wil l re turn fro m Foyncs* after arrivalof ll.oO a.m. Tniin from Limerick, arriving in Kil -rush nliout !t. 15 p.m., calling at. Tarbvrl for 1'us.scngeri!anil I'arccls on both L'p and Down Journeys (Windand Weather permitting) .

*On Saturdays the Steamer will uoL relurt i fromVoyncs 'till arrival of Ii. 15 p.m. Train from Limerick ,and wi l l not call at Tarbert.K A K K S , L 1 . M K K I C K AXJ ) K l L K l . S H .

1st. Class. :2n(l Class. :inl Class.Sinfrle Fares ,. Is. IU\. :is. Od. 'Js. Sd.Ik-turn do. ... (is. Ud. Gs. M. Is. Oil.

'J'lie Hetnrn Tickets aro available for Seven Days,inclusive of Dav of issue.

(liy Order), ISAAC HANKS, Traffic -Manager.Limerick Terminus, May, lt>7~.


S I L V J I H , ii,,d JiLEur ilO- l 'I .ATE.T.i tin- Ijn.i.s- :uid I t i . iA i . I'A M M .V , A C.

Ily A|iiiuiu(iui'iit to Hi* /(.ii-al IdVlin.— I'l- in.-.- of tt'nfo

I ' lUZK M K U A h S — Ij ti Nii i ix , D IMII .I N , A M I I'A H I S .

WATCHKS • CLOCKSOf al l kiwh , at 'I to 2(*J Of all kinds , at \1 lo 1<X) (I

Guinea t. Guineas.Li v. r, Veitiral , Churrll , Turret ,lluiiz 'tiital , Diij ile*. I l.'.,rri;ife, Cbiiue ,Cbr-iiionirler , Cbrij iiojj'ralb ,1 Dining-room mi l Dntwiii K -Ki-y l>'» , Unit re Seconds room , Hall , Shop,lieiieatcn , Indian , 4c. ' Library, lirackct , &c.

l i U L D J K W K L L K I i V , . SILVKK A K U KL1CCTK0-The Latest Fashions. 1'LATK-ylH New desi gns.

Iliac let?., llnindn b, . Dinner Servicei- ,Kir- r i mrf , LocL.-tr , Tea anil Hre.iltlast Scivice.",Xerklactv .Cbaiii, , ' (,'iuelii , Ha«kcl« ,l !iii(t« , M UI I F. j Iiikot ' inda , Claret Ju^-s,I'm-, (,'rosses , &t. I >i po. us, Koik ", me.1 Il imtiatrd Catalogue of Walcbes , C'lorki, Jewellery , &c.,

post Ir se for two j Umps. Walcbe > , Cloc-ks, Jewelleiy, andI'iate »eut to nil |Mrt» of tbe worl.j . Silver and Kluctro -plat e_Cataloxn» po-t free, "JJ.

SLJ** Watches repaired by !.killeil workmen. Old Stiver ,Jewrlhry , WHtcliP", &c, cicliauncil. .Merchants, Sblupern ,aud Clul .H supplied.


ali'J-Iilit). L 0 N D O X . (eow)

GLENFIELD STARCH,Is tho only kind used in Her Majesty's Laundry.



They are ruc[H.-c:lfull y holicitcd to give ita T R I A L ,

And carefull y follow out the directions printedon every l'acknge, and if this is done,

They will *uy, liko the QC K K N 'S Laundress',II if Ibe Slurch they cvi-r used .

JJrJT When you ask for Oi.KNriEUi STAIK .II , .«•«that "jon 'j i l il , as inferior kinds are ofteu Kubsti-tutod for tin- sake of extra profit. Beware,therufoie. of Bpuriouu Imitatioua.


SPARKLIXti , ItEFRESIIING , XOUllISHING , AN'I) ECONOJIICAL , to bo had of tin- p-iuci palKelitilora. Obsorve Trade .Murks, as other brands 'ire l'ri!i|uentl y subrf litiit irl.

Breweries—Edinburgh. Established 1749. Waterford Stores—81, Custom-HouseQuay. Dublin—7, Lower Abbey-street and Sackville Place. Belfast—5, Glo'ster-street. Cork—Merchant's Guay. Limerick—12, Brunswick-street. Drogheda—30,West-street. London—Belvedere Road, S.E, Liverpool—1, Seel-street.




M O W I N G A N D R E A P I N G M A C H I N E S .H535" I r .2, a 7 1 M A D E A X I > S O r, i>.

¦138 FMIST Pli lZKS AmirJcl , i , icl '"Hi "J ""' l l i y hcsl ever "jTi'-rot in E» 'ihmd t Fm, 'O; awl Amcr ' tn . Kt\ l-'ntsr

1'RIZES scti 'rcl di 'ri ivj 1B71, in t 'inH i>et 'din o , <U diijc t vnl time? , iritk nil lie' leinUuy .Urto/imes of the ItVx-W.

WHITE , BUUD & CO. (Lute \V. Coin),O ESPKCTFULLY inform Ihi .'ir A« riculHiml friends , llmi they have b.'en Al 'I'OIXTKD tho SOLE

Ji\> AGEXTS in this District , for this above justl y-celebrated Machines , which they recommend withtho greatest conlidence , as bciiif ,'t h e best of the kind now before this public. They am nslo receiving con-signments of oilier Xew Imp lements for (lie ; Season, from Hie must, cok-brati-d .Manufacturers in Englandand Irelnntl , viz. :-—


SAT A H <¦( »:Ukh U. ry ,.,?¦;

Their SEED STOItE is now Stocked wi l l , a CI1OIGE [ ASSOliTM KXT ol I 'l i E S H .SEEDS:-

M A M i U L D S, | C A U K I H ' S , | SW EDES , ami | A H E K D E E X S.Selccled from Iliu mual eminent (Jrowers , which tln;y oll'i .'r at their usual . M n H K U A i K 1' nn K> .

Western Counties Superphosphate of Lime; Peruvian Government. Guano (irn.v.., .'v ':i •• ¦¦)

A U R I C U LTL'KA I; I.M l'UO .M K.NT,M A l N' S T It I-; K T ,

PRBK «C S mm


C U K E l-'O ll A L L ! X E V E I t D E S P A I K !


K A TIO .N N O K ALL K IS IM .—There is •••» in. .1 pn-( lari t iuu winch in:iy I n- so tliuruUKldy K'lii'il "I" 111 •» 1|'1'tir:ittnt :ut nt I l ic aljov a .- mlii iri its M 1 lulloway '.i O n i t i n i - i i t .Null.ills* call br : >i in| i l t- lllld »«f<.' tli :ill ti l l! Inal i in -I- illwhich it is a|. | .Iit. 1 , null i i i i - inoio snl i l laiy l l i . i l l IK ^i. - l inn nnti n. body, Uutl i liiiudl y uliil!>tilutiul> .ljl )'. Tin; Ui l i t l l i r l . lrtllibril nrdlinil the ]iitrl nlTi-ch-il i- i itt -rs tin' porm w s.ilt |i.- r-nii- ;ite^ mr:.t. I t tj uickl y JIIMM trittrb to tl iu >..un:r ul lIn* c-vi l ,and diivus it Iri. in t in- t.;st.'iii.

I l l l O X C I I l T I S , 1) 1 I'll Til Kit! A , L'OLU> , '-Ol 'CII .S, Sdl;i:Tnuo Ai s, A N D S I II ) I ;TM:..» I. K U H E A I H . — K.- I. .X. - .I .-¦¦¦¦I

conKL'stcd throats , i-loii);alt'd uvula, ulci-l;.t"l nr liir- ^iil l . iu-M I*, whoo[iiiiic cou^h , cn.up, u-llimn.wlu-rziui; l i iui i . icri i i i i t i -l.itird lliucuu>, and oth'T i l i l l i c i i l t l f . i of ropi ia l iuu , al-i. | i i l pi-tatiun , st itcliLs :md ?«li '.i- t I I L-> S nt l irratEl , in..y, wi th u- itj in iy ,liccun-il liy rulibiua tins li t 'illing Oi l l t t in-nl ovrt 11,.- t- l, . '>lmid back lur at lea-t l ia l f an hour Iwice ii d:iy, :I .-M » 1 . - I l-yatiprnpriute iltis^H nf II O II I A V U V- 'H I' I IU.

KOK GLAXDULAIt SwliLLISKd , "TIP? . I l i lM.S, A S Hl)l»l .A3K8 Of T I I K SK I N. Tl«ie i» no p i ipn i ; i tn . i i l.,r ix \a.tary clfccts coiupimblu to (his r ciimd y. I t *lum]<l l u w u l !rubbed uvor t l iu ..l!i-tlc-i| p u t s nll tr their .hit: tu im-uuuniwith u'arm water. Il act.s by !>titiiiil at iiii; tin* al .^othiMils tuincre^si'd act ivi ty, by pt.-vtt . tnn; i:oll|!oitioii ami pi .iumliiii;a free mid rnpinu- riiriil . i t i . .u in tbu p .trli idl'.-ctcl ; tbi 'iici6peedily JIIJ i lbr l i idly il i rnMil M > rure.

GOUT A S H K H I :L- M A T I > AI .—Tim invaliiablt ; t i t i ^uL 'n t bi.sgreater power n<cr itout ..ud rheumatism than any otbi-rpreparation. Xuui' nail iL - iuain in pain it its ii-mova ! be M-taboat in good i/anit-st , Ly using thi* i t i la l t ibl i ! leint-dy ;ir-coidinii lo the printed i i iMructn .in afliisd to each pni . Allai'ltled aches ami pain-, are reuicdiabk- in the saun; III .HI in-r.

1'ILKI , Fib Ti .LA- , A M I K X C O L I AT IC W S .— Tim tu ru wliit.litbi.s Uii i i iurnt etiisciit in liniliu« pih'» '"id I'.st iiUs ,.f luni;klmidnii ;, alt .-r Ihcv havn r .Mi l 'd al l . i lhrr app lu-al lun v , Inivi -lieniK i i cuuntl . ?» J*:id MI nolurinu -i l l i rni iuhui i l . III . - wm Id I b.itany rflit i l to j-'ive an adi'HU ilely il. l.iilnl u lal i - i iM -nl nl l l inrnumber nr clmM Cli-i would be va in . I t is sulli.-u u t to knowthat tin: Ointment lias nuv . 'r ppiviil ill.-tlieatluus.

Is Dl S OUDKl i S Of TIIK K l l l N K V B , SlOSK ASU GlIA V KL.—The Oinliueli t is n wv.-ieilili rvliud y il it be .io|| iubbi» ltwice a d«y into I lie small »f 'lie Ullt !"i "v '-r tile rc> :inu of Ibek idneyr , into which it will gradu.ill j pi -ueirat i !. and in almostevery ca»e g ive i inuifdinte relief. W l n i i c v i r this Uiii t i in -i i tlias been once m-ed it has cstaWiihed its own worl l i , mid busa(S»in been eauerly »oin?lil for as the easiest and safent n-iuedyII all disordi'is nl the kidneys.Both the Ointment anil I 'M' should he used in the fvl l oic -

ing comp lainU- :—Dad Ltga Cliieuo-lftol FlutuU , Sorc-llirnatHad Ureatt l Chilblains Guul Skin i litpH n cUurm Chapped hnnua Olnndul ar S\vcllini :« ."-eurvyItanidna (.'urns (Suit) Luniba) ;.. S.« beadsllil> ? nt Mm- Canceti t file* Tyniolin

chitoei »nd Cnntrnctril and Kneumalmn lilrcnHand 1'llet Still' Joints Scalds Wound u

Cocoa bay Kteplnntiasi i Sore Nlpplca Vawn.'/The I'ills and Uiutmen t nre sold at the Kstiibhebini 'iit olPrufes sor HoLLOWAT , o.'i.'t, Oxford- >ttet -t , I.ouduu ; also , atThe A'e«,» Office , K) King-str eet. Wiitcrinr . 1 , and by nearlyevery respectable Vendor ol Medicine throughout the civili sedworld , in IWs ,md I' uU , at Is. Il'1, 2s. IM , li. 0.1, l i t , L"J<,mid 33i. each. Tbe 'J*. ild. •>>" contains Hire.- , the li. lid.size six , the lls , size sixteen , the --'. size tbiily -tbri -e, andthe 33s. siz« fi t tytwo liiiim tbc quant i ty nl a u. 1 \*\. Hoi orI'ot. 'J he smallest U« of Tills contains four do«Ni ; andthe sioallcit I'ot of Ointin i 'iit one ounce.

Kull printed dlr»;ctiotn are afTurd to e.ich Hni nnd I'ot.and can be had in any languane , evcu in Turkish , Arabic ,ArineniHii , l'eisian , or CbineM*.




Do. REPf S, •SILK Do. ;'





THIS PRIZE CUP WAS AWARDED TO R. S. DOYNE , ESQ., WELLS , COUNTY WEXFORO.The I-'ield contained Twenty Acres of Purple-lnppi .-il Suedes ; the liulhs were very

dense and of fine shape; their keepin g qua l i ty cmild n'-t Uc s-ir;\is*-<i.

THE PRODUCE WAS SIXTY -THREE AND A-HALF TONS PER ACRE.Tilt Judeei compt imented Mr. GOUK , Land Stewart) , f ur the CiCcJlent crop ^'ronn under bis care

ex.iiu.CT FROM THI . I IOV .M. oucLiH 'oO.: i t r r s rw".ro , i i .•'The Stand ol Mc*srs. V/IC1IT * CO

*jfpon it W i S I' rtr.tiLe's I' l l . . . C. .;\ \ \'. :.- I ,!:y (

Vexfonl ; also •¦! :;¦< : 'I 1::: . ; - . v. '.: . i i ;;

ycricre. The c; i:aiil>- of llie T i u n ij . .. >-.. -. . l'.r - .:-crtflect t-rcat trc.Jil un Mr. Gi'-jk, l.a:vl S:- V. . . T ! . 1:::

:.-.s; 11 -y v .<irr « |-. ...

'.' tar


Cup, value 50 riuinc:is, or a f ' uir.c c..|-.:air.iil;: . .. S..vr-n-t":r; . -of Swede Turni ps j;riiwn urun 1'n niitt .- ':. S'.ij.v.'i l

W e lls , Gorcy , Cuuiiiv Wt-Mun!. y. l... ..i- ir..f »ti;:hi

»as tlusc tuinjut i l ii in l . i t*.\tr :i ll:i^ Cr.. |- .111': t!i .it >• ;

Euq , l . isn-.a i i ) , "! tl:t: t u l t i i M i i - n m v . l . ich l!.. - h. .!

that they had not ;.t t l . i i i linp-s-al n s p u . i l 1'RIZ!W I L L I AM W I C i r i d- CO . m e ij . r . !¦ .'.<- . • .• i. - .|l. ; , < ! : , ¦ t. . i h r

l l . e : n i t - i:.. .* > r r tf r : : t t A

'Ibc abtivc I- 11 si .t.;»>^ li'ii'c

L. A. KVAN , W.-itcrfonl ;J. It. ClJIiLKX , Xew Hosa ;

AGENTS for I I O H N I i l l Y ' s H E A I ' I N G «,i,( M U W I N OM A C H I N E S ,

Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds ofFarming Implements and Machines.

CO JI JI I N S A N I) C O Jl 1' A N T .

GO , QUAY , WATKItKO UI ). flU-Ora




A M K K I C A N IKON'-l 'OIXTED HAY UAKI -.SIIOKSK IIOKS AND SCL'FFLEKS j( 111, - C- A KK H U E A K K H S iI I A l i l t O W . S, I'U J U U I I S , AC, ic.

al M , , n . . f . , . l . , ,:;: ' I ; : . -. , .

S K K D A M ) .MA . N U U l - J STURKS ,li li N ( .' A I! V A N . ( "iyl7)

PRIZE |f^%%%:0



I • • : . t . , . - - S : i.- I . «a- ,.( vi-'y c..i« . = !-r-:..:¦ . :.• 1 !r.l lo II . S I > . , -. sv: . I .¦ '.. \V

.-. TI;.: C...r |-:- s.-i:m!, l.i- n> >•-¦ -.'.try Her-.- ::io

DEC. (I TM . 1-.1 s •!•. !-. I lh:i: •!. •..

I - 1 l.v Mr. Wi •! 1. v.r:l • !.;.; ¦¦•: huilr. a: j

r.ot try Ii in ! < >n:e PrL'e of a

!:: , i. - r ihv he ~i Ten Ac:ei

1 . U. S. 1 > . . ..!!,- . I- . .; .. ..i

.:;M « r l r i» l : :i.-r.- . T!:rr;.-i 'h. . :... ha s I c-n j« .. i,!,.! 1 , U. S. 1> . ¦> ::.- . I-' • •;.. "i

S i \ t;- - l ! . i . i - , .||.! ;i l : ; , i i' l , , ; : < . p. r l r i» l : . i . r . - . T!:-r;

l . j h i - l i ;». l i -., i- l - .v . n in on- Ili-M , li>- .\::.. il > ¦ •¦ '¦ ¦¦¦..¦- . r\ | l . - s : l , !: I ' . I . •. • . O I I M .II- :'..!., !!..

':,. I I .r l - : i - :

OK K Q U A L V A L U E to !;i'.c: to Y.:. I' .."- ' - ... i f;. - f. 1 t i t .S.;.'.- i t t iuu M u n tD rj in . ii l rut i ivh 't t

ihuii-I.Jlc t:>" It- I'-.l ! '¦-:

JOHN' MOItKI S , Kilkenny ;U. II. H I C U I X S , Clonin c-I . im -J".lf

HATS ! HATS ! HATS !r^M> ($4i" M . i» i - J .f t . , r .. AV.CI- -.I.V. ') .

J|M[rnitv 1 , urr iiE CKOHCE 'S STUKKT^ -*- IP .1 T E li r' U U K .

(p/<<° Hats ll iMi '.'lit in t h i s Ks t i ib l i s l i i i iu n t , li .-.-.-.rdFt- -> : '¦! rl.,, ,-.,.; (niy il- litli )


•M l!, i:. .SOI.O.MOXS,Ol>l ''-- i ' i , ) , V, i t .; . l . I' S)l .rturl.:s, M l t n l i f . i 'l n ,: ,

T,ii.. .'l '.,t, -t l l. (/A,, ...-..-,I '- 1, NA SSAl' S'l'IiKKT. DL ' I J I J X ,

A M *L'U' l ) R .V i : i l , l l I' l.M K , Soi l II J l K l . l i l l A V I A , Ll lMl'i .V ,

< |s V,-;ir* IVof. -.-ioiinll K-Uhli.-luul in Dii l i l ini ,

BKI .i.S tn can i iu i i i l iu 1'i i l i l ic ii j^i i i is i I'II.-^ot tla- cniiiinon , ii npropnr, .111.I h. i i l ly-inaii i< -.icturi-d

i;l.i*-i?< :in.l I'l-lili l rn crnitrally sold , winch .in- >o highl ydetii. in!iit ;i l to Y HIUU that iiuuiht- rs Inivi; M- rimi^l y ith:ri!-lfrom Ihiriri , iiml l i u s i s th:it il i> now imni'n.-»;ii .v tn iU- i- 11it l .ni; l! i 01, tin: csn-Mi'ln-'' ol l i i -S |,, cl...:!•¦- (-0 .I. I I. - I .- I. . 1'iotopchhli: 01- s i ini lar Mihstancc-i , which lur nc rtl l i (- l - cui i* lructM tnj.pruvi- -, nor ilis |>o.-.ts i,l, ) an.I 011 I hi- :iilr:inl»ui' > il rrivablrIrom his .icur.ilu iiu-ihoil ul a i lapt in - lil»»i"i lo Ui'ltetivc-Siltht (a inallrr ol murl i i|. ..;..! im|iu> I:u.u- than i.s In-iinpully siippu-cd), .issued aic a.liuiralily c.-ilruliliil In tireSITVU iliu i'j-1'ii uiiiinpamil to cxtirini: ol.l ni.'i". Tl n-y haveliL-t 'll IIM:I 1 hy thf Inosl il] .s ti i i ^ui>lu- i ] prl.'.un.s ami .Ml-mhrrjof th i' Faculty ol the Kii^dum

O I I S E I I V K . — Permins i-.ui Im snitnl liy I'liclnsit ii; » pairof >p.ct.ii; l i> , or iniL'of ti le (il.^sis , in a h- ttrr , s t a t i n g theilislani:.! from tho eye thr>' can I L M I! MII .I II print with it , umlthoM' w h o have luil emp lo^cit >|H-ctadrs hy iii i- i . t ionini; tluriruxt! and fli- .si-ril»in ^ ,si^li(. Cofilninnii.-alloliH fjoin Water-ford and its Vicinity to he. ilirwtnl lo Mu. SOLOMONS'K-I>i l i l>>hi i i i> i t , No. HI , .VASSAU-STKKKT, {Entrance byJlal l D imr), w i t h n , ui,.: |),,,,r of DAWSOX-STUKE T,DLIil.lN.

$4?i~ U.-pairs of all kimli promptly attrailnl to..M:\VI.Y I X V K N T E I I TELESCOPES ,

Coichiiiin^ poit. ihihty wi th L-xt rHurdin a ry puwt-r mid clear*IIL-IJS of Y I H O I I , which SUIRT-C- II L' every otlu-r kind lor theWaistoiat l'oektt , l)eer Stalkini; , i l i l i tHiy , .StH , and allpnrposi -s , h o l h h j- day Hii.l nii{ ht , and noun? from -1 incheiiwil l show 'li.- t ihc i ly .lup itci 's l l i t t --, io. 1'ricL—lUi. fiJ ,It!-, lid., l.V,., 'Jin., 3IK, ir.ii.

X E W HAY AND AhTUOXOMICAl. TELESCOPE ,l 'KK'E L'o COMl'LETK—Wltb Mipi-rior 3 incb .lehro inalicolijt -et i lans , two iuiprovvd eye pieces, >un g la-fl , portitlj leluclal joitileil stnnJ. Tins extraordinary ins t rument willclearl y .show tlw most impor tant heavenl y hodiet .Ktid exhibitwith di st i i i c lu i .-sit the Inc .) ol ' an individual , or of a clock ,sheep, catlle , &c, m ninny tuilea ' distaucr , cquallniK iu t hemost eti si'iitial points tliot e ^ I.iri -Hed usuall y bupplied alJMO or t7D.

IMI ' l iOVK' ) D0UI1I.E OI'EKA . HACK , & FIELDOI.ASSI'S'- - / 'lieu lUii. lij ., 15s., \i\- >.; w1u.11 minute inniie tln'l ll.ijr hli p into a Watch l'ocket , yet rival iu extentof powir th t largest made ; also Microscope* of tuo greatestpower , flout tVi., and iuviiibln Photographs.

M A O K i LAXTEKNS AN D DISSOLVING VIEWS-(,'lear , bril l iant , simp le, thoug h uusurpansed for elite!.—Slided in Kicai variety—Couiic , Scmiic, Educational , lllustra-titnt tables , Ac. A superior Lautcru and 12 slides Irom 7a.Ud. A Catalogue 011 npu lriatinii.

A D M I U A L KITZKOV'S I .MPHOVE1 ) IIAHOMKTEII— Accurately foretelling llie Weather , haudsoinel y inountcdiu Maho gany, with Theruioineter , price onl y lot. •

SOLOMUX'S NEW MODEL H A U O M E l E l t , i.iice12s lid. Ciir.i-ct 'I liirinometerii , at 1«. upnnrds.

IMPROVED ACOUSTIC IN STRUMENTS for extremeand eveiy degree or deafutrss.

CAUTiOW I —lu con.ii-quciicf of numeious attempts atirnpunitioii , it is necessary to Dote name aiid addres-t , audto purlicuiarly bear in mind , that M B. E. SOLOMON'SONLY Establihhmeut is

8 - Number NINETEEN , NASSAU-STKEET, DUII-LIN , thu Entrance K XCLU MVELV by tbe H ALL -D OOB ,—that he is not connectei uith any person of same , similar ,or other name , aud tbat ho employs NO AGENTS OHTUAVJJLLEUS. LmW-lyi


THE SOUTH WALES HOTEL,A D J O I N I N G tin- Terminus of llio SottUi Wnlea

liaihvuy Company al New Miltbnl , !"»' tuoL-indinv ' Slngu (il' ilio Waterfonl Royal Mail Packets.

Tlic I'ulilic are respectfully informed tliat the aboveextensive Ksta lilislnnent ia replete with every nccom-tnodat I'DII . Coll'ec, Commercial, nnd Sitting Iiooms ;liilliard and Smoking Kootna. Tlio Rooms nre large,lofty, nnd airy, beautifull y decorated , elegantly fur-nished, and are otherwise lilted up with every regardto c-ninlin-c and convenience.

This Hotel is situated on the hanks of the far-famed llillord Haven , anil command 1 a most exten-sive view of Her Majesty's Dockyard, aud of thoromantic anil picturesnuo Seenerv of the neighbour-hood.

Visitors , Tourists, Commercial Gentlemen , andFamilies will Iiml this Establishment, for situationaud coml'int , cotnliined with Moderate Charges, bar-passed bv no oilier in tho Principality'

Coy ilot , Cold , and Shower Baths.Al l communications should he addressed lo


AXD OTHERS.// '/on v-nn l C"-iiif in-l , '-oiji v.'j iiViir c, nil'' rrcvnuiy


r£vr LUNCH KOXS ready at all limes. (jy 1)


WATiTKK. iFANLOX , I'IIONU KTOK ,BEGS lo inform his Commercial friends aud the

publio generall y, that he has jusl mnde largeadditions and iniprovi'inenls in his Hotel , and trustsby strict attention to business, to merit thai kind pa*tronagcwhicli they havi: hitherto solibcrally bestowed.

The Piis'liM; KS T A I I M S I I M K N T conducted as hereto-fore, and Oiunibu.-;es, as usual , attend all the Trains.

Kilkenny, .March 8, 1S71. fmhlO-tf]


r il l l l 'S is :t ('••innil and Coinfortabli; Hotel , in whichJL evi.-rythiii g C'III be had o.. the most moderatet i' in i s .

tf cl '" l!i'si Dublin and WuxForcS Sj iirils j ;il.s i> IJmiKlic aWines , PnrtiM ', Ale , .Vc. (uul .'i-if.)

$J$' Cars on Hii 't ! :iL t ins shortest notice.

D U li L I X .Commercial & Private Lodging House

l!i M A li I . J I O l l O U U II S T I I E K T .PAIf'I 'IES Visitini; Duii l in can be at-coiiiinorlato t ) ,

u i l l i 111- or wi thout Itnai - 'l , aiul all 1 he coinf <htsof ii b .iin. ', .111 T.'iuis. loi .i-lf)

C(V Situat ion c.. , close to Siii-livillu- alrc *. I .

D IT H I, I X .The European Hotel , Bolton Street,

r M l l i ; KI . 'I .'OPEA X is 1 hi- lai' , the best situate ,JL and il. . ' in.-' .1 .n i l '. .'table l imr 1 in tin- City. All

nn.'h- i ii i n i |. i -. . \ . - n i L - i i t - l i a v i - h< 11 rt-f .'i i i l v i i i l i - «j du<-i'd ,an- l t i n ' • - i i ' i i ' - l l ' . u .-i' I ' a fx -n - . l , i in i l i t rd , and dei .-orateU.

T u i - n t v Sn i l . - - . - I 'A ].:iri i i i . -nts lur l''ami!ti's. Draw-ing l lnu i iK I I -.M I I vv (id. I D 't< . bil l ing Uooms on thegi ..iind ll.iur IV. - I - . .T I 'hai - L'.- .

(C " S.MIp, I' l-it . .billil-- , I'liwl , Mild 1'jll 1-l'IMU l.'lllli'Hl l . i . in i ; ih<l I ; . - 1 111 j : 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 >m Two to Si-veil o'l.'hirk

i h i i l y . l i> ' d , im -l i l ' l i n ; . - Srrv.' i n l s , '1<. i«l., 1's. ami ly . lid.i n i l i l .t f ! .1. MOI.OXV , Pii>|iril-lor.

CULLETON S HERALDIC OFFICEti A X I X II EX , conlaining the Arms ofel -"• t i ' - »r lv ¦ v.-rv I' l t iu i lr in l-a.-l.ui.l , li- .Iaii 'l . an.l

>QL So l la ii . l . Th- 1-. - 1 . l t of •n.irty V.-:nv ' IjiLou r ,

. SJQs\ il i— •!• -M "i "- "I kM' .ivin ... l l , . ir I .KKST or I . I IAT I I I 'r{j"^fc'\AI!JIS:.iv r . . | i i - l . . l t . . -.11.1 X an.lCoiiMty. Mr.yT*AjJI( .'r i . i . i : ioN l iav in -.' .I-V..I. - .I many y-ar^ to tin- stu. lv\ff r%M ,,l l l . n.l.ln . i- 1nahl .1 l to ali.-u-r all • | i i>~fioi i- , i - \ .

XT & 7 | i l a i i i i i , '.- ho» Ann.- l» l.oni. - l.y 1 ],. 1,-a.l ..Iir\ / ' :"'' l.'iniK . aii.lall 1!,.-.lilV. l .nt Inan'i-hi-.- 1 li. n ..f -

f"-x ¦"-¦ "¦¦ ' ' Jim, an.I Wit . .- .-houl.l 1H - 1, . . .- . - In . I- lh- val - io i t - lti:.l*l. - ol* ra.l.-ii.-y to lx - |. lacnl on. -a. -h Coal ,Mil- |.i.. |» i h. ral'li. . . .lour- l..r S rvantV' l . i v i ii.-- whal l . i i t tmir|o l»- U - . . I - .-UI .I li.m- l l i . - < '.iiTi:i- .> -I I.I lie ] , a.-.-.r. |ili^lii 't l i e i rul. -r "! Ii. .' . ' l i . | i i .-t t e : - I' lain Sk.-teh i.r Ann- , .:.- .l iL ; i:o|oaiv.i;.lilt'., 7s ; Ann.-, t.-ns-l , an.l Kaniily .Moll... l-j..|>.I J; iAliiiv^of . M;tM au.l «il - hk-iiili.i l t.^t-thi-i- , -J.'- : DitUiInnr" PI^. ?nUnlil. ; for ii friiiR- to I KIII * in it or Mall , l*:i:;- . • ; Sin-.I- Coa l ..r Arm- ilar- - -i / i - ) , ' li L's.| i l ' K l l l l .'I 'CKS 'I'ltAl l-.U. < - ..IT. ( t iliC.niiation dole lo ol.tai'na iii-iv l i ra i i l ol Ann- , lh- . . - I of .^ii i i ,., an.I how to a.hi or.-hail-.'.' inn- '- nan..- . W i l l - - .aivl i . .1 , an.l i-very kiu.l ot "i-n.-a.!,....i.:,ni.| ..l.l.,o,..l li I'ari-h Iti-eon^.

Till-: . M A N I 'AI . "I' l l i ; i : . \ l . l l l .'Y , . - . l Kn-i-ivin i ;- ,;!-. :'.!.. [H .- I t n -. i.y T. i 'i i i.i i - . .\ .

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III- with l .r-.-t. . l-- . ; I . iv .ry llnttoti ;;, .',- . |H I - I IO/I - II ; KiiL'ravin-Silv.-r H|.oon.-, rr. -| , :.- . |.. I .1../. u ; Cl—I ami .Molto, |i . ]n-rilo/.-n ; ll .- .k rial.-. Ann- , I ' r-.-l . aii ' l Motto , .-l.-.- al i t lv linish- .l ,I.'-. ; M-.l: l'lar- . Id- Ann- "( .Man ;ii»l Mil , . l,|,.n,|,,'| t,^., t|,,r,

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Arehhi-hol*- of Caiit.- rhiii-v , fromI MToi.. I-To. i; .- l i . . t - . l i t l o . Ai.- hl . isho| .- or York , l« r»l i. l--7"l.I SI,,, I — C M -.. f I I M 'OI .I ai:.| Caml.riik-e. 1\ .-hi . 1.— ll rrJh. '. - M '- I,' -Mt- . I " . ~ ln • t .- The l'n .-Is an. 1 MoUoi-s iisulliv 'the l a i i i - l i Nan . i. .-:. . . : .- The Ann . Su|iiii>rter.-, amiCoron.:- ..f • v. i v l l . i l . -an. l M ¦ ¦•¦ | • i i - . lio .- h.-. ts- 'l h-l .-oroin.-ts ,Mu ll -.nut. :n,<i Ann- < l |-i> |- |- . l laiol ls , all.I 1Sriti- ]t Co n-IT- U .-h" I ¦ C"i:ii> -

¦\l..ii.. -.- i i . . , . _'l Sli.-et ^. •Inliiiary ."llono-

..,;,'„,," T| ra<- anil valnaM. . oil. . 1 .. .n-of Kalilil .v C n .-t- ,

m v . r li. i..r.- L - i n m i i !¦¦ lh - | . i i l .h. -, :.r- .-• ¦!.I al I - . |i> r Mn -I ; li*l|. . t - , :•-. The "hoi- • l i . - . l .- i \ Thon-ali.l i l i l l- ioilt Cr-Hsman- ni.i'h I- . :» l i . I.-". 1'y 'I' . Cri.i 1 ION . Il liLTaveran.l I l i - - ink' r, !•> a|. | ."iiitiu-i.l t . . I I . r .M.-.j-sty '.- l 'ov«liiment ,*•- ., Ae .

i- t h - o i i l v .v nani l i t.-I for |.iir- II . .M. S-ll.1 si/- of linyer I.Jl i l t i i iL ' a |'.i . .-- . . f t lnviul , mi.l i i , . i i t i o i i t h e |.rii- It in ;/ rnnnri-il.

-\1O <: 11A1! I i !¦: for Eintra viiiB D I E will . CHEST,iM M DN O C W A M . or ADDKESS , if an Oul.r !«• givenlor a I'.iiinea IL .x of St i t ini i i i ry, cixitainiii!! a lluiin ut theVITV I'M-1 I'.i pei , .in.l I ' ir .' I [ .! Enwlopi'S to Match ,all Siainj i . i l I' I nn . Ki.v.f t ' h .uu 'e ; il Stainpcil in I 'olour ,1-. i: I. |.. r |i»i sli.-.-u exlr.i — the I)i- lein.iiniiii; lu-re furl i i t u re Unlei- .

y l S I T I Xt i D A I M i S .—A (i. 'iitl.'iinin 's l.'.ii d l'l.iti! En-v..l , ami ."iO t.'.ir.U pr in tc l , 2». U.I. post tree.— 's :ls. WeiMiiiir C.nU , ">n t-ucli for L lily r nili;..|ii l . - ini i i , oil einho I Kini'lopes , maiden name priuluilin-i.le , all r.mii.Me, \:u. li I. po-t fn-i'.

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linunls lor Sla rku i k- U'oo.l ; Stfucil Plates 'IV-lmpt'a-es ; I l i t l o for .Mark in g Arehilei lural Dr.i\viiu» : Move-¦j l.le Ty|iu l'..r ila'es . P l i l i 'i, ciiKraviil with Name,]•_'-. li I. : i l l t l i i , wi th Nai mil I'rofo-ision , '21s.

M A U K YOUIt L I X E X . —Tlio most ea»y Mcthiid ofMarkini ; l . in iu , Omr-e Tuwels, &c, is with CUL-

LETON'S ELECTI1O SILVKK PLATES. No preparu-li.m. Any pu is i -n cm. u-e thi-in. Hy lnua as of (his invru-lion a ll'otisaiid pit-res nf I.iiiL -u can t iematlu-d wi th Ini t ia ls ,Xame, Crust , or Mii n o - < iai i> , in a few hnur a . CVrt i f icatL 'lr..iu Dr. Sl.ernlan M u s p r . i t t : — " Si-vei.d tr ials w i t h Mr.Cullelon 's Electro-Sitver I ' lat t .-s, iinluce .s me to pronouncethrm cx cu lh i i l , the 1 l i t e rs all' marked ill a deep blackcolour , and alter boilini; w i l h ei t l iL -r Potassa or SoJu, theyremain un.ilteri'.l .— SI I X U I H A N Mfs l 'K i l T , College olChi'inistr) , Liverpool , May loth , lbot ." F I U L- by post , onreceipt uf Stamps , w i l h lul l directions. In i t ia l s , IK. ;Nnmc 'is. i l l . : Xainu and Ini t ia ls , U. ti.l ; Sit ol MoTeableNumber- . '2s. lid. lo os. ; frost , .1,. ; Double f rest , 10s.

T i l O . M A S (,' i; L L E T O X ,S.'.i/ /¦.'i. :i,-,ii '.-i ' •¦•.¦' /)/•¦ Sihl.-t I., lln- Mnfesbj and Ihc

/; ..i/ii ( Fn- 'ii l 't , l"j f< i". '- in l A] 'i"Hid>iu - i i t ,2.'i, l'Il.\XlioUllX-ST. I ('iiniiTiil ST. . M A K I I N '.S I.AXE,

LUX DON , W.C.The Heraldic Studio ami Library open daily. The largest

Collect ion ol Eng lish and Kor. lK n Heraldic Ilnuks iu theKiuudnm. Post IHiiciJ Orders payable at l.'r.inbourj i-btrcetI'nst Ollici', W.f. The Rigs ot ail Nation ", 1 Sheets , beau-ti full y illiiiniiial i -tl . (».28.1y.)

8i$<" (Jrdrrs for any of ihc above will be received at TltuN KWS (Jllke , Waterlonl.

COUPELLE.Do ROOS & Co.'s PREPARATIONSA J-'liKSH ASSORTJMKNT of tbo followingr\ l' rcparatiuus haTe just been received nt THK N KWB

Orli .e, Kiiiu-street , Wateilord , from COUPXI .LK , D H Hooa& Co., London :—(iutla; Vile, or Vegetable Life Drops, thegreat remedy f<ir Nfrvou snew, &c.

Dr. D K Hoos' Compound lienal Pill? , for Pains in thehack , (travel , rheumatisui , gout , <te. Price Is. lid. to 33aper box. See advertisement elsewhere for particular.*.

Dr. DB KOOS' Vegetable Lif'j Pills, tor regula ting thestomach and demising Iliu blood.

Madmne CourxLi.g 'a I fa i r Kestorin fr Kluid , which Insbeen loiuid wnnderlull y eflicacious in bringing the hair toits urigiunl color ; also, COOPKLLK 'S Hair Uyc.


On Sale at The News Office ,With the llecomtnendation of the Bishop nf Waterford and

Lisrooie, the Right Kev. Ur.O'BsiEHA Catechism for the Instruction of Children


MOST Rev. Dr. JAMES BUTLER , Archbishopof Cashul and Emly.

Printed on Good Paper, and in largo clear Type.RECOMMENDATION :

" I approve of this Edition of the Right Rev. Dr.JAMES BUTIKR'S Catechism, nnd recommerd it, to thoFaithful of these Dioceses.

">J< D. O'BRIEN, R.C.B." Watorford, June 2, 1869."6%° Orders from any part of tho Diocese, sent in

and directed to C. R RDMO .M), Printer and PublisherWatcrford Ncv:s Office , 4'J King-street, promptly attended to. The TrndoKuppliud on moderate- terms.

Jlay he had Retail from overy Catholic Booksellerin the Diocese.

2/ , l iAKKOSSTUAND STHKK.T, WATKK t OHI ) ,Jct'iiiuLty l.sf, 1872.

H E N R Y A U D L E Y & CO."VXTUILE returning their sincere and grateful

" * acknowledgments to tho public for theoxtonsivo Patronaoo hitherto bestowed uponthorn, beg to acquaint their kind patrons thatthoy havo added to their Stock, n all Depart-ments, c O Jl )' it 1 s I X <; :

G HOC Kit IKS and OI LS P K H F L M K U Y ,J TAI .I A X (JOOIIN , (Joi.orits , C H A X D I .K K Y ,

Ditl 'fiS, CoitDACiK ,CANVAS , &C.

which they can conlitlentl y— SOLK AiiKxrs in Waterford for PKACOCK

and Hi rciiAx 's PATENT PAINTS.IJ J" Orders executed with accuracy and lies-



'i'i , QUAY , Vv'ATERFOKD.I' nat Free f o r G Starnj is , open ends , or 112 Stavi] is in an

Envelope .r i l l f K 3II-JDICA L, AIJVISKK , on j iromatm-cJL dec^v ol' tl i . - system , and its > i «r i t l y resioiiituin ; chap-

ti r- on eer 'aiii ili-ordei.«, :.nd the h->t iiii -nn ^ fur l ln -ir n-«tliov'.il ; the ii,ieio>ro|)i! it- ;in aid to d'a^nost^ ; Marrnige, its.1 - IJ II .I lil ' ; rules aud prescri pt ions tor ielt- lr .-ii 'mnit ,ke. : i:ln>t |-»ted w i t h nui iU ' lons cases, liv Dr. Waller DiiKoo- , l lo l inn l H OIKK , l loii .nd Square , London , W.C.

Bit. J ) K KOOS' celebrated GUTT/E VITVli..r l . l l' K DKUI'S ; l..r Speni.»ioirliu;i, N'.. c 'uniHl

I ' i io ivH'on^ , I II . potency, Sex Ine.ip:icily, Drlnlity, I-'[iili- |isy,an- l ni l thn-c di^ea t-s lor n-hieh Meirury, S;ir>apanlhi , &*.,aie loo .. l ien en.ploepd by Kn ^lish 1'lij <ni .uts to tljo i i l t iui . i l cruin ol th. ' Snlferer's henlth .

Th e l i l'T Ty K VIT.'K are tin: r.'-lllt of lonj; pr;u' in-V. .'i .v.l if tin; r.lor.lie- . li.-t ;ol.i[.le-l /or tlie-e <l»i-il» .-.Ti eir rii h, .- .t i i i iuhitiui; , -*timiuchic iiuatit ieu , H I I I I . nhi iv e ; i l> ,l l . i i.[.[. - l>- rrniimtitni of the. net-tinus xi/* tr >n , r i "It rthem in eveiy ie^|,.-t:t w o i t h y I l i er siKiillit'jut l it le . Theylliay h'T taken u i l ln. i i l hilelriini-e or re-triiint of d:et , A' .,and iu this ri-pr<:l ;d-u they uuiy r l i i i n prc-einitii .'nci: uvi-ruio>,t other advcrl ix-d ineil-.i'iu p... , lly proui.itiu^ liiypstion—iiourishinj : the ri i i is l i tui ion—euriehui willn.ut ii iU^uunsthe t loo.l — in^ wi thout >t i i in tht l iu ^ th,! n.;ivuus systemtoil v io lent ly— they strengthen tlu' ii iMivial h.ibit , and re-torathe nat t i I . I ! he. i lthy tonn of Ih -- n.-rv.u-j :iui[ ini^cuhtr fibres ,thus ei i l iv . - i i i i i i : iiud it ivi gnr;itri^ bnth leitl y and init id.

The (U n i .-K V1T/K have been particularl y Miawfulwi th ynuni: peop le whu have the appear.inee of old j i^o ; whn:m: pale nil.l e l lf i iunate , :iud who , havin g :m u t t e r dt>t.tste foeevervthinif . -in- inir ajiaritii l H l for ^tud y, htwnt.'t'S ori;nj ..ytiient.Tit- u- .iuds of apparent l y hopi.'hs^ t:;^*-<, rjiven up by the f a -cility , have been permanent ly Lined , ;,nd have hort lt: Kra te tu leviilenci! i'f Mi" fact.

l' lice ¦!•. 111., Us. aud :i.'K ol all Clumists , or direct onrdnei j .t ot st.utip", or j .iwl- .lhce order :iihlri'>M'd to Dr. DeKuo- , l lolfonl II..UM - , llolford Squarr , London , W.C .

Su'.d bv Mi-Master & Co., 121, Capcl-atrpel , Dublin ; .Mr.Whit .', Obwrrer Olfice, Hallyiiieim ; Mr. llas*elt , SouthernChronicle Utll .-e, Luntrick : Mr. ''ol^oii , Fermnnaqh Mai lOlVu-e, Kuni-liil leii : or at The Nms Ollice, U'uiuil -r i l .

Pains in the IS.ii-!>', (iravel , Lumbagn, llheutnatisu: , UoutKlaHilenry, Headache, Nerroumn's.«, Dehilitj-.Str i r ture .itc

DU. DK ROOS ' OOMl'OUND RKNALI'lI.LS (as Iheir nauiu nr the Kidneys , in-

ili. iili' -) , are ci'lehialud all over the world , as the safest andhe>t Uemisl y fur the above dangerous complaints , Dischargesof any k ind , and Disease ol' the Kidney s, liladder , nndL't inary Organs generall ), which , if neg lected , Irequcntl yend in .Sinn..- iu the i i lmli ler , and n lingtrini ;, painfu l death ,For of .S|,iriis , Kxcilement , Incapacity lor >So-citty, Stud y or llur- ine ?*, Los.s of Memory, Wretch'-dncss,Nervuu-ne-s , nnd evi:n I n f i n i t y itself , when (as is ollen tho•:ite) a i i smif t i . i in or coinbiued wi th L'riti .ny Diseases, theyate urn quailed , liy th eir s i l u t . i i y actinii on Idle amiAr i i lny ill the Slniiiacll , they purif y and promote the Uen.llseciel 1ot i s, Iht' iehy prevent the formation nt Sione, aud thusestablish lur life the hciltby funct ions ol all these orpins.

l'lire Is. Lid., -J<. '.I.I., Is. (!¦!., 11-. and 3-'!s. per hot , wi thfull directious throui:h all chemists. Tbi ' tieuuiur. have thewords " Walter De lloa- *, London ," in whil6 letters, on tbeStamp alli lel tn each box , by special direction of Her Ma-jes ty's Honorable Commissioners, to protect the public fromfraud , and to imitate wbicb is felon)' and transportation.

CAUTION'.—Some unpiinci pled Vendors when aiki -dfor Dr. De linos' Pills, have attempted lo foist other inedi-ciiiPs or compounds ot their own upon tbc purchaser , fromwhieli they obtain a large profit , but which invariabl y entaildisappointment. Ask lor DB. DK KOOS' CO M P O U N D IIISIIPtLL d , and do not be persuaded into t rying anyth ing else ;but should ihe least difficulty occur, enclose the amount bypn-t-olliL -L' order or stamps as above, and Ihey will be sentper return.

Sold by Mc.MasVr & Co., VJ1, C.ipnl-trccl , Dublin ; Mr.While , OOserrer Office , IUIIy u.i ; Mr. ll.i-sett , Soiir/ifrt;Chrtmiclts U/lice, Limerii.-k" ; Mi . PnKmi , Fermanagh MailOtl'tce , Kuuiskilh' i i ; and at to , Kiim—ire. t , Watertor.l.

DK. DE KOUS' V U A i h / a Vl'IVE, or V K(.L-TA U LI: I. I F K I' I L I S, an- r.ip ..ll\ -up.-i-..Un- ci-t..i ¦

.'ii rtii.l the old-l .t-lit..hed di-a^ri e.ihh- lue.liciu. s tono erly ail-lllini-teied hy th e lacully, whn-b , it is u»w- admi t ted , t '-tif r .q tn -n t l y r .-Milt. -d in a c- ' i i t i t in t i l a ia to ot ro- t iv in .'-s. TlitPih|!:u.Vll »-,/ .ll 111' .' Colltmry , eleall-i: (he stoiuarh , pun l y thesecietintis , ri -uiovi: he.i .hli 'he, illdlL 'i-stion , Ac., nu.j iu-le -l<l olreiideiin^ it ni-i:es-ary tu he always swallowing inedici lie , ifew do-i'Minl> , taken ocra-ionall y, wi l l lie f.umd M t l . st nleiiuired to keep up a heal th y stale of tht: -^lem. I^ ipialUadapti -d lor all at;.'-, it ht-inz m.-rely nceessaryto regulate t l i eilo.-e accoiiliii^ to the age and s l i eu ^t 1: ol th i * p a t i e n t ; whi l - tlor leuiale coiiip laiuts tbt 'V H I I : .iltoj ether uut ival le i l . I'rlcoIs. 1.', I ., •_•-. '.I.I. , U. 1)1., lls., and 3.')- . per box.

Snfd by McMaster ,V: Co., Ac, Ac. T.s above], ami at Thell 'aterf nrd Xrun Ollie-.

DUKS YOUR II A I 11 i'ALl, ( JFF , Ol{I U I S N i . l .KV , .*.-.!• Il >o, ,,-e KDSA LIK CDI' -

I 'KLLK' a C l i l M I T K I A I i , noled allovt -r the woihl lur i'suiuaculolis propel ties, and as the onl y tenie.l y that can hodepended upon. It is ir iiarantei -d to produce whiskers ,uioii .tachios , ie., in a lew weeks , and will be found emin-entl y st ieee>sfu l iu nourishin g, curlin g , and beautif ying thehair : checkin g '^reviles ", streii^tlienui i KCI ^ hut , prerent-intr its fallint! oil and restoring it in bahlnes x from whateverc.iu-e. U pwards nl Id) phyniri ins have recommended it inthn nursciy, for promoting a fine , health y head of hair, andavfriiii R baldness in after yenrs. In Uottle s |irice 2< each.

O11SKUVK that n 10 page pamphlet is iuclosed witheach parkage, which h.18 a red stamp outside bearing tbewords Uo-ahe Coupelle in white letters ; the word* Coupelle'sL'r inut i iar are aUo moulded in each bottle.

" I was bald nine yuais , but I find new hair coming ra-pidly."—J. Hone. " Thanks to your hiutl, 1 have an ex-cellent moustache and whiskers."—Major Urowne. " 1 hadlost my hair in patches, hut it h»« restored i' ."-.Mi««Hewitt. " After '20 year 's baUuess, it bai acted miracul-ously."—II. Moir. (d26.ll.)

^Sj ?-Sold at TnR NKwa Office, Waterford.

Just Published , postf rue for Tuo Stamps ,


NKSS. liy H EXBT SMITH , W.D., ofil ie Unit eri ityof .letia , author of the " People's Guide to Health ,," &c.

A Medical Work on the New Special Treatment, by Medi-cinea only, of Nervous, Mental , and Physical Debility, l.o»--ni 's of Spirits , Indigestion, Dimnvsi. of Sight , PainfulDre ros, Wunt or Kucrgy, and Premature Decline ; with in-structions for perfect restoration tp health and vi gour bythe New SPECIAL TSBATMKKT . The \VA RM I N Q VO'ICB(ltSO pages) is illnslrnted with cases and tntiuionial i. Giffsadvice aud rules for Cure by tho use of tbe New Kemedieswith a New Chapter on the use and abuse of Electricity forthe cure of Nervous diseases, wilh Letters from Patientr whohav etrip d lbs so-called Kcmedy, proving that ELECTRICITTin NOT LIFK and will not cure Nervous Debility . Free bypost tor two stramps. Address Dr. II. SuiTir , 8 BurtonCrescent , London , W.C.

I MPORTANT TO COUSTRT PATtKitTS.— COXSULT A LOK -DON PlIT SICIAN WlTDOOT FK K.— Dr. SMITH will , for thobenefit of country patients , on receiving descriptions of iheircases, send his op inion , with advice and directions tor thmost guccp sftfu l restoration to health. fo]

-VTERVOUS DEBILITY, and all NERVOUSJJN AFFECTIONS, whether the remit of early errors orotherwise , are by very simple and inexpensive means quicklycured in both France and Uermany. The advertiser a resident in this country, will De happy to send free to all aDDli

"canti lull particulars of the mndo of truttaent thero adoDtedon receipt of a directed envelop... All penon. may cure them.'selves, and thus not run the risk ol bemg victimised Artdr...Mous. A. DnvAL , 13, Newmarket-strwt BiTmShimHEALTH AND MANLY VIOO&-A »SSl£«rf20 years' experience in tho treatment of NERVOUS I > L-BltlTY, Spermatorrho: and other affection. *UA ™ *£lacquired in early life, and unfit sufferers for marriam .»3other social duties, h»s published a Hook piin»Th,failbenefit ol bis long experience gratis , with plain <ii,. # •lor the recovery of Health and Strength 1 ,"„,.[ ClloniBBUt ta any address OD -««jbt of One Stamp. Addir*. f .BKwUi/. InatitttU IA » omy, Birmingham Ql.M *

Page 2: · rilK WATKHKOU D XHWti I;STAIII .ISIII:I > 1M,. (Al.l.iiinm liu*'Xi', l'ni'irii-tiii.) l.\UiU -l ("llii




TO BE SOLD by AUCTION, on WEDNESDAY ,26th lost., on the Premises, by directions of


(At presuent is his possession) containing about 209Fortile Acres, held from (?. LANE POX, Esq., at 8vory low rent. The Crops at present sown lira nboutI t Acres of Oats (10 Acros laid down in Grass), 3Acres Potatoes, somo Mangolds and Carrots, and nbout10 Acros of Meadows. There arc a most comfortabletwo-storey elated Duelling Uoiise nnd commodiousOut-offices (all in thoroug h repair) on tho Lauds,which are well fenced and drained. Tlio r are situatoabout :t miles from tho City of Waterford , aud :tfrom Tramore.

Immediate possession will ho given.Afterwards will be Sold the cutirc Farming Stock

nnd Implement*, consisting of 122 Primo young 3IilchCOIVE, served liy a thorough-bred Dull ;C> Tiro yea rold lleifers ; 10 Heiler Calves ; 12 Thoroughbred HullCalves ; 20 Store l'igs; a Sow in young ; 3 powerfulFarm Horses ; a Mult." and two Donkeys ; rick of OldIlay j Ploughs, Harrows, Carts, Tackliug, WinnowingMachiuc ; Stout! and Wood Rollers ; large heap ofprime Manure; Garden Tools; Dairy Uteusils of tbobest description ; a quantity of Slates, ie.

Also, tho entiro HorsKlloi.l ) FI R N I T L R K , which isof a good iiud varied description. Sale at 11 o'clock,

THOMAS WALSH & SON, Auctioneers.Tho Mall , Watorford , June H, LS72. 2t


TO BE SOLD by AUCTION , on FRIDAY , 2HthJf SK , itmtaut , at RIVEUSTOWN , TR.VMOHK ,

about EIGHT ACHES of MKADOW 1NG, on foot ,(6rst crop) , in Lots to suit Pu rchasers . Sale at 1-o'Clocfc. THOMAS WALSH & SON, Auctioneers.

Tbo Malt , Waterlonl , Juno i\) , 1872. (It)CITY OV WATKUFOH1 ).


SALE of Valuable LEASEHOLD PREMISES,TO BE SOLD by AUCTION (if not previously dis-

posed of by privato contract), oil TUESDAY ,the 9th JULY , \Wi-, on tho Premises , by directionsof Mr. M ASON , who is concentrating his business in hisestablishment ou tho 3!all,

HIS INTEREST IX TI IK MASKSof tho loiijj .eatedilishod aud Commodiiius

PREMISES , NOS. 10 AMI U , QUAY , held for annueipired term of about 52 years, at a low rent.TIICEO Promises aro located iti the host business

part of the City, being opposite the ( MarketHouso, which in largely attended throughout thoweek , the result uf which is that a largo ready-money trade is dono in them. They :iro most uxtcn-61TC, having a .frontage of 1"» Feet, and depth 115Feet, with Tea Warehouse , Hottling Storo , aud Yardattached. An opportunity will soon oiVor of oxtondingtheso Premises throug h to George'6-sti'cet, when itwill make one of the finest concerns in tho South ofIreland for any busiucss requiring apace.

Seldom docs tin opportunity offer for securing sucha valuablo establishment , fully fitted with every pos-¦iblo requirement for a General Warehouse, Mr. JI ASO .Vhaving recently expended a very largo sum in niakingextensive alterations ami pcrnmiiont improvements tomoot overy possiblo requirement.

They aro at present iu full working order, the Li-couso paid up to October, nnd immediate possessionwill be given. Tho STOCK, &o., can be bad at a Va.luation , if required.

Steamers to and from all tho priuci pal Seaports ofKug laud and Scotland leave tho Quay every week.

Sale ot Tivelvc o'Clock.THOMAS WALSH & PON , Auctioneers.

Mall , Waterford , Juue lfi , 1S72. (jert!1.3l)



8th , at One o'clock, nt onr SAI .FIIOIIUS , the M ALI .,Waterfonl (bv directions of Mr. MeLol eilius), the


Those Houses have buen rcceuil y built of tlio verybest material , and contain each •! gnod S Utiap- rooms,D comfortable Bedrooms , Kitchen , Pantries , W.C., &c.There is a uico Plot of Ground to the rere ; aro situatuin the most bealthy part of Tramoro, immediatel yfronting the Sea ; consequently, command uuinier-raptcd views of Land and Water.

The FUUNITUUE can be had at a Valuation , ifrequired , and immediate possession will be given.

For further particulars , apply to Mr. MtLori -m.iN ,on the Premises ; or

THOMAS WALSH & SON, Auctioneers.Hall , Waterfonl , June IU , 1«72. (j :M-:St)

JSP" Our Fnri-h nnd II * l' nhlic •j unem lhj , vho t""'jenlrn/ t A "cl if , n S 'lbs In Mr . .1. Vii"'rr,' v:W ..U.":i"..h'j Mwlhi) tin-is Hf i U w f uf A 'hef lise iKtnl * in The jYiieidirect In this i./ii'ci'.



JPKNDER having received instructions from Mr.

• HKNKUElt y , will SELL by PUBLIC AUCTION ,on tho Premises, 11 M ANOK S rut Kr , Waterfonl ,

OX Till: USD AY , •1-th ,.f JUXE ,His INTEREST in thu LEASE , of which 'JD years areuuexpired, nt the very nominal Kent of i.'i:i a Y,?*ir.This J louse has always don o n good anil Jirofitab li?business. Tho Concern , wliiuh is (situated IHMI -I V up .posilo the eutriince to tho Tramore Railway , lvlimithoro is a great thoroughfare , has had oxpeudid on itfor tho last ten years, upward s ofjUli iJO in business im.provements. It contains six liuil -ronms , Drawing-room , Dining-room , two Tap-rooms J.akohuusi *, anda good-sized Vurd. 'i'he License i.-< paid up to Octuher.

Mr. H KNKHKIU 'V be-lls his ]nt u i - L-bi. onl y mi u i- ij iinniof not being ablu to attend lu it , as his cuncuru inBrid ge*street occup ies his i.-ntiro linn?.

(It) J. I 'KNDE I t , Auctioneer.

TO DRAPERSGEORGE rTlY.M.\t; iUCE will m-civu Tl vi ' i:i *s

FOR THE RESIDUE OF H I S STOCK ,amounting to about £100, mid consiMiug of Cloths ,Flannels , Linen Sheetings, Silk , Felt , and StrawHals ; Ladies' Hats aud lionnets; Dresses, Mantle *,Shawls, Ribbons , Floweis , Trimmings ; lioots andShoes ; Stationerv aud Perfumery . Tho Stock can lieinspected aud Tenders recuived up to the I f t of .Iri.v.

After tin: removal of thu Stock , tho CON 'CEHN ",which is extensive, situated on thu M I K K K I : S'1>° .\ IIK ,and has beca loug Catabli -s h otl , WILL J1K TO LKT.

Dungarvau , Co. Waterford , Junu lJ , 1S72. (ji l.:it


THE HOARD OF GOVERNORS arc prrpuruil toreceive Application.", with Testimonials, frmn

persons qualifier! to net as

HALL PORTER AND MESSENGERof this Institution. Salary to be X'l D j>i ;r Annum , withRat ions , a furnished Ap artment , Coals and CaKllts.

App lications (with copies i.f Tcatiinouial s) to bi:nd'dief suii to the ilun. Si-eretary, A. D t S S) , KSIJ ..endorsed " App lication for the Office of Hull 1'ortiT ,"nud delivered at tho Institu tion at ur before Twi lvi:o'Clock , on MONDA Y, thu 1st . l'ut' isuuul at-teudnnco of Cundidutus will bu requirud on that day.

H^r A Pensioner will in- preferred . ( j i r H - i t )

STATUTORY NOTICE,} ', i /f u u n t !« l/ic30t/i ,J :lli( Victoria , Cl-up. ot , See. 10.

rnAKE NOTICE, that .MA R OAItKT HA.ltllON .lalcJL of Sanihville (Kilmacthoinas) , in thu Comity ofWaterford , Spinster , deceased , by her Will liuaringdate the 2»th day of October , IHT1 , llr.qt t:trui:o :

iUO to the Roman Catholic liishop of Waterfurd ,nnd the Parish Priest or Stradball y, for tho Huildin gand Establishing of a Roman Catholic C'ouveut atBtradbally, aforesaid. Jt'>< ) for the Repairs and im-provement of the Cliapel <if Kalwg li. -tl2 lor theKelief of tho Poor of Faliagli.

Aud Testotrix appoiutcd as Executrix -Mrs. I.A I H K -liINK A fiSKR U AIII KI S (in said will called Mrs. R I C I I A K I I

THOMA S ISAKUO .V), of Hnnihville , aforesaid , to wlnimProbate was, ou tho 7tli 'lay of February, 1>>7-,••ranted by thn Probate District ltogi«lry cif Watrrlunl .° Dated this 17th day of June , Wit.

CATHERIN E ACNES BARRO.V, Ksuculiu -.Pf lBBW K KM.V, Solicitor for said Executrix, '1 Little

Cieor"o'«-««eot, Wntcrfunl.To the ConimiiSioncr? of Charitable Dotmtions anil

UequcaW for Ireland , and all whom, it may con-cern. (j c2l-:it)


ADJOURNED PRESENTMENT SE8SI0NS.-VTOTICK ii hereby Wivcn , that the ADJOURN EDJN PKESKN TMENT SESSION'S for thu CITY ofWATEHF0J1I), for tho purpose of receiving TEN-DERS and entering iuto CONTRACT for tho £.vecu-tioa of tho following Work , approved of at tho lastSpect«l Sessions, will bo held nt tbo NEW CITYC0DRT UODSE, ou SATURDAY, tho 2!»th d»y ofJUNE , 1872, «t the hour of Ono o'Clock, p.m. :—Forkeeping in order, for «ovon years, tho )Vator Closotsof City Court-hou«e i oxponsa of samo not to oscocd£$ per annnm.

Specification can bo seen at, my Office , wheru alsoForm of Tender can bn obtained.

HKNliY SARGENT , Secretary, Grand Jury.City Secretary 's Office , Court-house,

firgterfad, 170. J«"e, ^72. 021*)




WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY , June 2f> & 27, 1872.1ST PRIZK .—A superior Cottngo Piano, 7 octaves

(walnut). Presented by Mrs. UONOKIA WHELAX , Ab-beysido.

2xo PRIZK .—2 beautiful Vases of Flowers, underglass shade, 21 inches high. Presented by a Rev.Frioud.

.")rd PRIZE.—A lino fat Sheep. Tbo gift of Mr.MOKKISSKY , Kilosera.

¦JTK PRIZE.—A splendid Suit of Sntin Vcstraonts.5rn PKIZK .—An excellent Eight-day Clock. By a

Friend.(Vnt PRIZE .—A Sofa Cushion , beautifully cmhroid-

ercd on Muuvo Velvet.7th PKIZK .—A magoi/iccnt I'raycr Book, bound in

Ivory nnd Gold. A Gift.Sm PK I Z K .—A verv pretty pair of Dahlia Foot-

Stools.On: Pit tzK—A Chest of Tea.lOrn PK I Z K .—A Set of Point Laco i Collar , Cuffs,

and Pocket Handkerchief.11TH PHIZR .—A handsomo Drawing-room Lamp.12TH PKIZK .—A Gentleman 's (massive) Gold Sig-

net Ring.1:1TH PUIZR .—Moore's Irish Melodies, scl to music

(comploto) .1-Hb PHIZE —A pair of exquisite Bannerette Screens.l"»lh PJIIZK .—A Gfutlcnian 'B valuablo Gold Seal.

By a Friend.lfith P1117.K.—Mnguiro's Pontificate of l'ius the 9th .17th PMZK .—A splondidl y-ctnbroidored Stole and

Cincture, with a great variety of other Choico andValuablo Prizes, such asOttomauSj MacaBSors.Cushions,Workboxes, Writing Desk , Books, Portraits, Vases,Dress Dolls, &c.

KNTHAXCE—Siipcnco each. Children : Three Pence.UPSrA BAND WILL ATTEND.

r/.s S.'»pr nf20 TicMs it entitled I D Onr. Free Ticket.



Unly Lot -is* KT.KRTIIN , I Mrs. SI.ATTKI I Y,Lml j- K KASE, I Tlii: .Miwcs K KA NK ,l^ulySKLlNA ()lii:U.. i Mi ^S HV.I.Y,/!;m)ni^s i*Afl.I.\K i'KOCHASKA , M \'* i*t,'rilKK ,Mrs. IlK LY . ' y t if * (I DosxKl.l.,Mr*. QI'I X L A X , ! Miss U WYKII .


Of an 1NDUSTKIAL SCHOOL under thecharge of the SJSTKKS OF .MEItC V will bo heldin CAI'I'OyUIX ,On TUEXDA Y .$• WED SESDA Y, 1th .V nth AUGVST ,under most fashionable ausp ices. All parties arccoming forward kindl y and heartil y fur tho benefit o!tho helpless lit t le lines of the poor. Sir JOHN II.K KANK , Cuppoquiu House , has most generously ofieredthu use of his beautiful Demesne, for the Fancy Fair,and Ladies of all Creeds aro taking stalls aud help ing'the good work.

Tho School is intended fur vorv young Boys, who,instead of a miserable , neglected infancy, will receivethe lender can: of the Sistors of Mercy . When suili-ciently strong aud advanced , llioy will sent to otherSchools for more grown Bovs.

Fathers and Mothers , think of your own litt.lo ones,nnd listen to tho appeal of the poor orp hans andhomeless vagrants. Iu connection with this Schoolthe Sisters will havo another for trnining domesticServants.

They liavn many valuable and very beautiful aiti-':lcs for tho Lottery, the gifts of several friends, suchasahnndsomo Drawing-room Lounger; Gold Watch;a well-bred Heifer ; a ,L'5 note ; a Sewing Machine ; aFat Shoep ; a Silver Watch ; a very handsomo Chestof Carpenters ' Tools; two Cases of Sherry ; WaxFlowers ^vith Shade; set of Raphael' s Cartoons;nandsomc Drawiug-Room Clock ; Point Lace ParasolCover, <tc., with several hundred other useful andvaluable! articles. HOT Tickets , Sixpence each.

Any Donations or Contributions of Fancy Workwill b« gratefully received by (my - 'M )

T I I K SISTERS OF MERC Y, Convent , Cuppnimiii,


WIMJAM YOUNG Kit .t CO.invite particular attention to their

LIGHT D I N N E R ALE ,VTOW so much sought for iu tho London Markets.131 It does not contain hi gh alcoholic properties ,but is well flavoured , and possesses many invi goratingemalilies , resembling Champagne Wines.

Hun s., ~As. ; Bui,*., :ilis.; HAW BKI.S., 18».,to be had iu Wood , Uottlo , or Jars, from tho STOICKS ,

81, CUSTOM-HOUSE QUAY,»--t ini ]tf. ii. CAM1M0X, A I.K.VT

PROVIDENT CLERKSMutual Life Assurance Association.

ESTAHLISIIKII ltS 10—TlU .STKKS :Thomas UuriiiL'. \\~ti-, M .P. I Thomson ]l;mki-v , Ks'|.It. «'. CmuTunf, Fsq., Jr. I*. ( fernu L. A'. Kot)iM:luM , .V.I'.

Assurances of every description effected tlaily.


street, City, EX'., London.—The abyve Association i.ispecially authorised by Act of Parliament and thecertificate of 11.M. Treasury to IFSUU G I A U A N T K I S lorall departments of the Government service. FidelityGuiirantix 's issued fur situations of trust on moderateterms. W.M. TilOS. L1NFOKI ) , Secretary.

A :\i-v ifnr ir,.(.rf ,,-.(—1 -ATRicK POWER , 2 LlniuGeorge's street. j j l 7 -^-' y

The Ulster Marine Insurance Co. (Limited).

CA P I T A L :—i'lm/JOO, full y subscribed .hiiiKcroio :

('HAS. Drm.v,i:s'|.,riiairin.ui , A I.I.XA S'I'KI; .M'1.\IM:, 1V-M ,M. 1!. ll .l .WAY, K.-"i., M.l 1. ; II I :X I I V 11..vI > . KH|.J. i'. CUI :I:Y, K-I |., K. II. Tlluxi'Sfix , l.'-'|.

Maiin^t-r - :iu<l 1,'nui-rwriUrs , Mi- .-rs . SI M I .A I U A; IJ IJ Y II . ) >* ltx-1 .Cargoes and Fre ights Insured i,n Mndeiate Terms.

Claims 111 < > i II j 111 y and liberall y M t i l u d . Jt i i lus takenupon thi; jijjoi bv the Local A gent ,

I.. A. R Y A N , Waterronl.N.l i .—This i» tin ; onl y Irish Ollicu doinj,- Ma i inu

Iiisuranci! hu-itiess. (jal:My |

Alliance Life and Pire AssuranceC 0 M I' A N Y ,

iiA\irii (ii.0MEW LAM :, uj xu tj y .CAI'l'l 'AL.—HVK -Mll .I .IO.V.S STKJiLJXG.

r u I. a l ii K s T :Sir M C»KS .MO.M'KMOHK, JJiirt. , K.U.S.

C^J" Pio.spci-tusi's , Ham ,,f AsMinuiuo aud 'cvci}iufoimaliou may In; had uf

Mil. i l lCHAUD H A K I M S , A gent ,Stock and Sharubruker , 13 yuien - .sl., Watuil'urd .

MA1UXE A.WIIAX CE.Cargoes, per Steamer and Sailing Vt'»:cl, to any

Poll in lilts Irish , Bristol , anil Eng lish ChannelsInsured on very Moderate Terms, ;i.s wull as all Se;arisks. War risks taken. (in

MONE Y.' M O N E Y !M 0 X K Y liberall y ADVAXCKD un GOLD

«,„! >i LVEi : , I'l.A I E, W ATClli:,-., J K W K L 1 . K K Y ,&c, l.y PATRICK CAIIKOLL >t SONS ,

•M NEW ^r i iKKT , A N D II H A I . L Y l l l i l i 'KE.V.Frwii U. Ul U: an Onum nilvmicnl mi IM..U-. HWII I IIII: !¦,lli ahll f.'ictiir i'. C=iV l' iiv. i t ir Oflicc .HI OC I K J. (.'. ,unity K

iminiwliWM iiiomi-t l y at i tnJi . l lo.J', a Lar^t ' sutn a of <A>r

^.'1 "I'd n i>W ri id ^ , at ! t*i lu - -tdIntnut. [..ull-1. 1

£1,000 to £15,000m O I, K N D , on L I F K K S T A T K S, in_L cuiniPxioB with In.surauce.

K. HAKltl .S, 10 Ijiieeii -iitreet , Watoiford . (al'J)



K E P L A C l N I i the INSTALMENTS i.f ili i : ( i O V K H N -MENT LOAN and HOND.S Killing due; are prepa red,unt i l lu r thL -r Nulice , tu Accept LOANS OX MORT -GAGE UONDS at 11 )ier Cent,, pavablo upon OneYea r's notice , or for such term uf Years as may befixed ; and h>r the Debenture Stock , having U|ualj iriority with the Jlorlgagc JJowls, bniring Jiitei-est atI i ' pur Cunt, in perpetuity.

They will also accept LOANS nn DEPOSIT ,bearing Iiiterc.-a tit -I J I'KIl CENT , payable em due 1Year's notice ; a l l per Cent, payable on Six .Munlha'Notici;; in HJ wr ( ,'enl,, j iayublu on Three Months 'notice ; and at^per Cent., payablu on one month' snotice. f

Fur Hie: Vi-ar ending the ailli uf Sept., 1*71, theTr.iuie Recei pts were JMI .KIH «s. l ld . --ll.u Wurkingilfjrj ollic-r Evpcnsfs being i;lli,l'7u ):is. I'd.—leaving abaluiuH tuf JC1'),7I « 1 .">». Dd., being double the Amountrequired for the liilerejt e>n Loiius, after thu )iayuiuntof whic h there is, therefore, « coiie'iilerahlc .¦j uip lusfor Dividends to Slmreholelcrs.

They will , every Half-year , send to enel. Creelitur aStatement nliowin^ thu full jiar ticulars aii'l Aluuiin iof the Kevenil Leians due by th< ! Cumpany.

A pplica t ioiiH to lio addressed tu the undersi gned , atthe Company's Ollices, Waterford Terininurt .

(li y Order} , •WILLIAM WILLIAMS , ,Sccrc;tnry.

Waterford March , kh , 1B72.

VALUABLE U ISUOVKHY foil T I I K HA I K ! !— A verynicely iierfuined hmr ilussiug, callnl " The .Mniuin lUirICmcwcr ," n»>v h.!iii< sold liy most Cl>eini >!i< »"<i I'urlouienat 3i (M t»r bolt¦> - , is lust fupetspi liin; all " Hair Re.stnivr«"—lor it mill po sitively rextore in every case Qrry or llhitthair to it» on<iual culuur, liy H Irw M|ijilic <li<n.» , willmutdyeing \\, or iemuig the ilirturi- riilile hinell u' must " K H .»lort r«." It in.ikf» Ibe hair cliaruiinnl y Uiiutilul , »s wvllai promottog the growth on IMM >|IU I H , wheie the liair-glands Rre not deciynd . Certificate frmn Dr. VfrMinuuion ntry bottle, with full particular!. A'k lur " Tnr Mt i -ICAW H»I8 UBHIWEB ," prepared by 11. C. GALLLT , 1UJOiloid btroet, Loodou


SHIRTS aro au agrccablo Summer substitutofor Flannel .

Our FINE WHITE and COLOURED CAMBRICSHIRTS nro uncqinlled for Sty lo and Value.

Our SOFT FINISH TWILLED NIGHT SHIKT Sare a speciality worth y of attention.

$S5" Wo send Patterns , with instructions for Solf-Measurcmeut, freo by post, and warrant a Perfect Fitin every instance. Outfits for India and tho Colonies.Estimato freo by Post.

P. TOBIN & SONS,Hosiers, Shirt & Collar Makers , & General Outfitters ,

maia .l y] QUAY, WATERFORD.S P E C I A L N O T I C E .


(Successor to \V. IMW X CV.)

Mil. O'REILLY begs to inform tho Nobility ,

Gentry, ami Public of the County aud Adjoin-ing Counties, that Business is KKSUMKD in tho abovoold-established Factory. A largo variety of Carriages ,Cars, Croydons, Ac, ou hands , and every descriptionof Carriage, Cars, &c, will bo found equal to Dublinor London-built. [ju7-lt

|g55" Repairs done in superior sty lo, at Low Prices.


BKG to intimato that they have now addod to theirbusiness a BRASS FOUNDKYand KNGINK 3H-

ING ESTABLISHMENT, ivlii;ro Urass Work of everyicscription will bo cast and finished off in First-classstyle, and with as little delay as possible.

M I LKAN and MCISTOSII also beg to tender tbeirBincere thnuks for tho kind patronage bestowed onthem, and hope, by their constant attention to busi-uess, to merit a continuance of same.

9 ff " Leail , lirasf , Copper, and lion Works,3, LITTLE GEORGE'S STREET, WATERFO RD

and ROSK-INN STREET, KILKENNY.N.H. — Green-houses, Conservatories, ami Public

Buildings Heated on tho most improved princip le bythe . circulation of hot water. (myl5-(3m *LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OP MEAT-


a pint), Soups, Sauces, nnd j nado dishes, costing-hardl y moro than ouo-Courth of what it would whoumade of frcsb moat; keeps good for iiuy time, eveuafter jars bciug opened. 1 Ib. jars recommended ,being relativel y the cheapest size. Now permaueutl yusrd in most households in town and country.

CAI TIU .N .—Ask for LiKiue ; Company 's Extrac t,beingthe only sort warranted genuine and perfect by BarouLI K I I H ;, the invcutor , rcr {uiriiig his signature on everyj '»r. (ju7in





" M r . LAWK s 1 M A N U K E has an iuv,, rml,l e c, ,,si-lion : it is ilry In the teiuch , vrry liiml y Mili-livulc il, ami yI K l l i iMcfurt ' uitcniiive.l n id i { I K ,,nl wieIi uiiiuli lacihty. I1 uiiiy :M I I MI , in rMtnui t t - w i t h a ten-, tli , - iu.,"liil,l, ! l 'li, u.pli.ili: 1'ii'M'iit in t ins .Manuri ', 1 lintl l';irn clr» ul Huntn.which III I I N I au^ int -ut iu value. 1 Is cbar,iuier as an activeallil CLM U IU I r l t i i>l'l* lor !-r]il iu winch Turni ps or til hertircru C'rcfis are lit hu ^'nnvn is >i) w>M oUibhsbtu) , that it isnuilc uuiirccss.iry lor uif lu say a n y t h i n g un such H MI I IJHCI."— KxtmctL -W fiotu l'rolc-s«r Al 'Juuy 's Ki-purt lor 1 7-.

" Tltis is all exi ruuie l y vdluahli .* .M;inurc, cj irflully UKI ;)U -factiiri!i) , iilnl in Miluiil ' .ilile coml ili i iii fur app lyuu tu i l iu MII !.It is very rich ill soluble I'liusp liate*, mi<i cont r f i i iH fa i r prn.pui l iuus uf Aiiiuiuin »aii<l ll ' iiie l'lius |>lni l< ' u,' Lime 1 h.ive-u it-p i-iitcd ly repnr i iu in t l iu uiii st luvuia l i l r ti -nim us tci Hit- .C'otn| iu&l ( i i iu ul i hu Ar t i f ic ia l Ma t iur t -s |)H-|i:iri.-U liy M rLiitvi", t l ial / lll'Cil only KIV of I In.' •ai»|i/u iimv iJe.-crilii. il , itis I 'Vi -iythuii; wl iu l i u >U|iL>r)>l:u *iiliatK oii^ht lo he."—K x-tract l ion, Piulossur CA MI .KON 'S Kt-uott fur 1H7-.

AGEXTS IX THE COL 'XTY WA T K I I F O U H :GEORGE WHITE , WA T K I U O K I I ;Juii .v SCA .VI .A .V, Dungarvau ;JuHN G u r u u &. SUN , Carrick-on-Suir ;J OHN II IU I M N S , Cappo> |uiu ;il. C. ll.ntMAN , Libiuuro ;

And /;,- SEW nuns, Airnicn.'iTn wx, .jc .•JA .IIK .S G A I .A V .I .\- .V Co,, Suw R oss ;I M S A K I . WAI .I.IS , Arlhiirsluwii ;S. CAI :I.H K I ,P, Sail Mills and Tiiitern.

U K S E H A I . A H E X U Y OFFI CE F iji! lUEl .AX h :¦12, EDEN (,H;.\ Y , D U B L I N .,,,i, J,.:im j .1A.M K.S J M ;T I 1 K K K ( ; J ( I J , M ium'j ci


WORKHOUSE MASTER WANTED.f l' l lE GUARDIANS of l.liu abovo Union will , emX TUESDAY , the ^nd uf Jin , l«7i , proceedIn APPOINT ii MASTERuf thu WORKHOUSE , at aSalary uf iihl per Anuuin , liatiuns and Apartments.

Sealed Tenders , addressed lu the Chairman , accom-panied with Testimonials as to character and coiupi'-tency, will be received by me up lo i'l o'Clock on theabove-mentioned day. The person appointed .Mastermust mime Two solventSurolies willing to juin him inadloud fur the sumofiJoOO. Candidates must uttendiu"ier.sou. By urder ,

WILLIAM HUNT, Clerk of Union.Clcrk' .s Ollice , PJth June , 1S7^. (jl I.I lt)


r i^H E G U A R D I A N S of tho abeive Uniun wil l , un_L T U E S D A Y , the •_',",lli Ins tan t , receive. I' m-

pu«il.< fur carry ing (ml certain A L T E R A T I O N S andU K I ' A I K S in the W O R K H O U S E . Spi-cilication ulthe Work can be .seen un app licaliun tu inc.

By urder , W I L L I A M H U N T , Clerk Union.Clerk' s Olliei: , 1 lit Ii June , |s7^. (jl l- -t


NOTICE TO BUILDERS.'».•¦••>..• ••/ (.' i...i ,..?.'ii.| n .yni h:,,.,;,,.,;- ,„ ;,-,m,,, i iy;«i,/;,. r - .i,/;. , unh.i , is;:;.

r p lKNDEIIS an: reipiired lur WORKS ru be done iuJL PULLIN G DU WX ju .wni , OLD I . ATI!INKS ,U K I .VAI.S , Ac , and li'l.' l l .DI . V G NI ; \V L \ T I !I \ K SU R I N A L S , and EARTH STORE , Ac , at

TIIK I N F A N T R Y UA RKACKS , CI .O NMEI , ,In I I - - i.V,,7. / i ,V,¦;• •/ .

PiTsuns di^siriug lu Tender fur the execul ion u( thisU'oik leave their Names at this Dij tricl ItuyalEii^iiii'er'.sO(lia:, Cuii K , ui ihn Ruyal Kng ii,ei:r '.s Ollice ,Cl.uNMM. , ,m or beluro TI.'KSDA Y , Ihe L'nd day ufJi . l.v , Is7- , aud pay thu sum uf Il ls . (id. lor the, Mil l sof l^uantilies , which wi l l bi: furwiitded iu ench j iarlv.

The Secremry of Slaio fur War dues nut bind him-eelf lu accept the lowest or any Tender. fje- l )


1.1OH l l l . I I . D I N G A NEW C H A P E L AT T I I K? U R S U L I N K CONVENT , W A T E R F O R D ,

fruin ihe Druwiugs uf .Messrs. ( t u i . i f i K A. C'ui i .u , Arelit-leet-;, 'J Kensingtou-sc|U;ire , i.uiiduii , W. The quail,lilies may bi: had at lln: Ollicu uf H. .1. ]'.\n K II S U N ,Surveyor , 17 Kildaru Street , Dublin , when; alhu ihi.Drawings cat. be seen up tu SA I I ' I I H A *', ihe lo th in.-t .,aflur which time they may In; seen at S i. J O H N 'S COL.I.M .K , WA 'IKI!H <I ;I I .

A l)R|iusit ur Jtl to be p;,i,l for each Copy or thu(J iiuiili l iea .wliicli w i l l be. relumed il a ly m nfu t , : Tenderis sent in.

Tenders to I K: forwarded tu the Architects , on orbefore SATURDAY , the ^inl Instant.

Ihe Architects do nut hind themselves tu acceptthe lowest or any tend er , nor will any remuuor u liunbu given fur t lm troub le ur expense incm-ml in leu.(Ivriiig. (jl-l-2 1)INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, CO. WATERFORD.

Tlii! CuMMli I K K are now prepared lo receiveTENDERS FOR T il l ; B U I L D I N G uf thu abovu

SCHOOL , iiccuidiug tu thu Plans and Spueitl.culioi iK to bu seen at thu Ollice of It. I.1 . R O I I K I U K ,K.«« I ., Dnngarvau , ou ur after Tin uso.u , I'Dih

Tin! parties tendering must nainu two solvent per.suns wil l ing to join llicm in a joint and several Bundfor ihe amount uf the Contract , fur the due and faith,ful fulfilment of it.

Tenders tu be lwl ged w i t h IIr. M. A. A s r n ux i , be.fore T H U R S D A Y , tl iu 27lli inst . , un which clay theywil l Im upened nud cuiisidered by the Cumuiillee.

DiniKnrvttii, 1 I th Juno, l *~2. ( lg

BRKI'X'Il LOA D IOKS ,WIII .STl .Kl :> -, 11 , STKAND ,


BUKKC1I l- (JAI»i:HS ,K M ,III f lu 10* . upw.inU .

BRKKCH I .UAUKKS ,li y le t (.Minio n M»l i f i . ,

SI :I:ONI ) H A N D .A ili!stri |il:,vi: CiialeiKii nl Piiro Lint furwarilol uu icimp

uf Thrtu Siauij - i.11, hTIUN D ,

II)-lyJ l.fJXDON.

10 UK U I V E N AWAY !A New Medical Wink nn MHi t i a i f r , i l if cati-n' .unl i:iiri> ul

|nr inaturc ili'chnt; in uian , N eivuus Di lt ihly, lu ip , i tr ury<V-4r., wi th ltulrs fur rrmovric cer ta in (Ji .t |UrthfiL'ii l i i i i i h (h., 1dtsiroy the iLipp iiiohi of WrildcJ Lif i', or

E V K B Y MAN HIS OWN 1) O U T OK.Kcir Two Slnuirn inifrrrn m:iy avoi'l tl»' uumi-rniis

impiiKtor s vvho rrntl Ilii-ir hnoks tor ni it lnn ic , inihli sli tisit.rnuuMl s which tl iry writiMhraif,rlvei i , lictiliuus ii-vu-w * IrniDitn:iiiin>iry J.j UriMN ,|iroti-s<t In (.-rirH (I M<M II' I n' l l h UMlrutneiit iiliHte Htl of MeihciucM , and other uhsti nlities HS cruel ad theyare deceptive.

A pliyHicimi , 2,i years riU'iisi'i 'lyciniiKeil in Iliclri-alinctitof Deliihly mill tip . various u icu ln l mi<i n i ' ivnns Hffrctinn. i re¦iiltinf; tl iuri ' fr t i in , will send lri*f, on n-cipt of Two PennySlHinpii '.o pri'|iiiy poKldtei*, n pttinp lili't cntit ituiiui ; lii^ highl yiluccraslul mi'l onl y «nfo ireRtuu-nt , willi nil the an'ewarypr«*.«cri ptiuiH unil directions Ly which sutlerers tilitv cureHictnteUeH nt tr ini i i x cost. ¦ Aildrebs Mr . LAWKS, MedicalPubli»b«, 11 Htud Court, Uulboru , Luuduu.


Theatre Royal (Dublin) Dramatic CompanyUndor tbo management of



ON SATURDAY EVENING, 22ND JUNE,{For that Kij ht only),

Tho porformanco will comraonoo with tho favoriteComedietta , ontitled ,

FAINT IIEAKT NEVER WON FAIR LADY.Kuy Gomez.. ... ,. Mr. W. H. SIIARPE .Duchess do Torronouera .. Miss E. SAVILLE .

(Other characters by tho Company).

To concludo with tho celebrated Iiish Drnmn entitledPYKE O'CALLAGHAN.

Pyko O'Callaghan ... ••• Mr. S. JOHNSON.Neil O'Connor ... .. Mr. W.II. SI I A K I 'KSir Jamc3 Blackuddor... -. Mr. P. H USTLEV .Lady BrouRhtou .. •— Hiss At)\ TUAVEKSHonnor O'Callug lmu .. ••• Mrs. r\ HI;NTLEV

(Other characters by tho company).

ON MONDAY KVKNINO , 21ni OF JUNK ,Qrand Shakcsperian Night!

Ou which occasion will bo prosecuted ,(Fnr thai Kij hl only) ,


Macbeth .. .. .. Mr. W. II. R IIARI 'KMacduir .. .. ... Mr. F. HlNTr.EV.Lad y Macbeth .. ... Miss E. SA V I M.E.

(Other characto.-s by tho Company).

To conclude with tho favorite l''arcc, calledA KISS IN TIIK DAItK!

Mr. Poltibono .. .. ... -Mr. S. JOHNSON ,


Will bo Kopeated tbo great Drama ofL E A H !


Doors ojien at half-past Seven ; to comtnonco atRight precisely. Carriages may bu ordered »t tenminutes before Eleven.

Kosorvud Seats, 2s. (id.; l'ronl Seats, L's. ; BackSeats, Is.; Gallery , fid. Children under 12— Ucscr-ved SculH , Is. (ill. ; Krout Heats , Is. ; 15ack Keaw , (id.



S U M M E R G O O D S.


HAVE just Hcturiiutl from LU N U O S , with aCHOICE STOCK OK (iOODS,

Suited lo the .SV<i.«.w,I N



A I.I. T I I K N KWKST M A T K I I I A I .SFor Summer Dresses and Costumes.


f IIOSIKKVaml all olber Departments$ 4}°j well Slocked aa usual , with l-'j is t

C cl;iss Goods [

\\ ! L L J A M K K I . L V ,M I L L 1 N K H Y , MANTLK , A N D U K N K U A L

DIIAI 'KKY W A H K I I O L S i : ,

I5gi" 7 5 , Q UA )", ll ' .'l TF. Ii F O K I ) .

June 17th, 1S72.


(iU , WA Y.







BRYANT A .N 'I ) .MAY' S I'ATKNT SAFK 'CV11U1.I)I: K, l,n u-,' »linii,T :i .Match i, Ii, ,|ucall;

r,,'!'iTi U l i V A N T A S U . M A Y . „


J4J-.V0. IS , I I E X I I I E T T A f T H E E T .Term-1 , un aji|ilicaliun. ' {dl-:(mj


LADIKS , No. .11, K I N t i STIIKKT.r i l l lK coins'! uf lusti -uetion cum|irises IVench ,| liaiiaii , Knij lish iu all ils branches ; .Music Sin;,'-

inj ;. Aiilhm etie , 1'lnin ami Ornamental Needlework.Terms known on application to

(fllJ - if) .Miss O'MA KA , l' rinui pa 1, 51 King-street.


GREAT SALE OF PIANOFORTES,IMl'OHTKD direct from the .ManiilacluiTis, .Messrs.

Cui.i.Aiin it Cui.i.Min , K I I I K M A N , D AI .M A I S K , liu ixs .M K A P , \C, &C, at

C. A. J(;NKS ' 'MUSIC DKl'OT,i •> (i . Q u .t v , ir A / ¦ /¦; u /•• I I n n .

11 A I t M O N I I ' M S in great variety, Kng lish andKrencb make; Violins, Cornels, Concertinas, Drums ,Flutes, liiinjucd , Music liuxes , <Ve' .. Ai.-.,

AT (' . A. .IONICS'.wi;s;t' i.EXinx i .1 L I H H A H Y , W A T E H F U I I P .

2n ,iKXl NKW SONliS an.! I ' IKCKS , at O.N K TiMiinthu Marked 1'rieu fur Cash , thn entire STOCK now

SKLLINC OKI'1 AT A d'K L'AT KKDCCTION !prOTi'uiw toAlterulieju of J'reuiidi .vs.

C : A . J O N E SIMI 'OU TEI l >.f I ' lAXOFUI t TES , I IAUi luX t t .M f !, ,Jv .


Begs to will special attentiun to his exti .-nsivoT CNINOand K K I 'A I K I N G business. JIU Tuners visit all theSouthern and Midland Cuunties of lielaui .l Quarterly.

84J" l'ianufuite s ami liariuuniums hired by theMouth ur Yea r, with opliou iu purchase, and un theThreei Years' KVS ICIII .

(I A . .Kj.N'KS' MUSIC WARKl lOUSi : .f-'i icketting, Archery, Croi|iiet , and utbur (i:imes, at

unusuall y l.u'w Trices . fm y l - t f j

fU S S E L L'Srj O F F E E S ,


CASSKhl/ S OU 1KNTA N COFFEE consists'¦I -\ si j l i ctu i l i < > r t l l L' tiu i-^ l k ' u i\ \ t l i > i.l Kail I n i l i f l .

I n l ln . iiriirc, »r r.r..""":.' ••*•¦* (.-ri iwlni.- ilii - f i i l l ^ir. n.'il,;,i,i)f i i n.' :iri.iua ,,,,. |, iH », iv . -l, ,,- M , lc t i i i^ it I • I I I ^ eT-

11 .--¦ -,< J

inncli |.r z-.l in O K I K N T A 1 . I X l U N 1 - | 1 I K < , T I I K I 'KIt -FIX TK I .V ,, i COI'l- 'KI--. K'- I I I K C I [irit- 1- . UU. jirr II . .

C1ASSKM7S COFFKKS :iru iilsu supp licil atJ I'M., l.«., 1.-. H.. I"-" 1-, .iinl 1-. »¦'• V" IU., liy (im.

r, i , l l ,r ,»u .lj,, ll i lirbu.l , ill I' nihU-n unil .i : i -t i < lit I'.uk^^ i'atroin UII I- titmtu tu I'H^ t i i iunil.

CASSI'JI/S COFFKKS liavo secured the nuistwielr—pini e i r fpuiHt i i i i i . IIIK I l i n y havo hrvn h i u h l y

P!it |.i'niril .mil r i trnvvi 'l y u«wl tlironeh. ul IrrUinl for nr.irlyA QUAI tTKI t OF A 1,'KNTL'ltV .CASSKUL'S COFFKKS, eulebi-atcil for their

line niulity, »¦•; »¦"> t«(i|"h«.l ui tl.e I tKDL'CKIIDUTY. ( inj l iMj )

st;i'i'i.n:n W II U I .KS A I .K IIY


dLtji" /!".; XM I»J OVwci-s t hf u w j li 'ii ' l lnlnnd.


IJ3J" A SH AI .I. TIIK H KST I NKS ,In JAKS at Oil., In., Is. (id., and 2». each,

TU nc H A D

AT " THE NEWS " OFFICE , KING ST.,«ar With all kinds of STATIONERY, &c,




DEAR CATHOLIC BRETHREN—Urged bytlio prcs» nu n.c-nMlies o( tny poor Jlission, antf liy tliu

r«pe»:«l eiiliciuiious of my Diucesuin, I raaku an truestapne:il to >ou-a eient miel lieiieroiu people-, whose LailiohchcHrt , tlirnlibiiiK with Di'ino lovr , lias Hlwa)9 »} uipatlnsrdwith every pli»«e "( Inim.iu n.i«ery.

Noblo Sons ol St. I'.itrick ! yut brplliroa in the) b.i it l i ,lh(< couiiliyinen u( Alirahoirylie GreHl K-tl ier ol the Riilh-ful , from distant and nncirnt Niuerrli , fupplicite youicharity, and ,1.1k yi.u t" coin- lo llieir a'J . They appeal loyon mi belief ol tlicir olil cliure-lies uisniautleil and m rum ,which tllty yearn lu see rcstureJ , anil nxain hal by iliorite't of tbtir/pri mine worship ; Ibry invite your atlenlion to«e»on hundreil cliildien willmut ncliooU or any provisions tor-their imlrnclwu ; they would lain eiliibil to you the ex-treme porcrir and iKoatil iea i/{ Iheir 1'iiesU of the Sane-tunry, noil solicit your iieneriiiis aiil auel Iiol y e:lurity l» nil—viale lliesp their manifold ilMrmlsii;. Dear lirethren of ourOXR H OLT FA ITU , refuse nut tlirir pmyt-rs ; they slrftc lintit their linmls in you, ili .iliiin uni to succour iliein ; theyhuilil their liMjwj on j«mr Icrvcnt Culiolic dtvotion , do not(linpiioint tli.m. , .

i i y lu lovwl urellircn »f lr.l .nnl!—my heart li-lli me thatIlio prayer ol uiy chiMivn I r.m) Ht'ar vtill ri..t ri-acliyour eais ill vui 'n ; the cry "f tli-ir iinlii?.-iiiv ivill nut I"1

-lined iu ><ni r li. -< n» —ln- nrts that an luvinvl y liillmv tliej.r, ci'|>t ol lur DI V I S B M A S T E I: : " Turn not thy late

nway fnnu iiuy p- 'ui man. "I M-rk nol , di-ar lirclliren , liy tl i i * nppenl to enkindle in

von ihe flmue »t cbiirily — net, my heloved som ul St . 1'Alrirk ,1 know that that holy fire is H I WIIJ - K alive in ynur tic.irl- :you .iri' full ol lnily charity fnd lieueticene:e! ; your Cu'iseianL-rncrutity is lilessrd wherever tlio Standard of the Cio-< i<raised, nay, lul l nwl-ed evou unto I lie ond« i .f tin- uartli .Yimr charily i< u nulili: TACT , not n vain wind. Exii'iid ,I hi'll , lh i< llllarity lo my pour H'Uplr , who an; .I 'acu-dlinin.uit of tliu eaillml ClirU liausi i l l rnlll i—llieili ' «e.vl | i i . i l lH«f ibc old Ninevit i's tulimim I in ¦ lie (iii.spi.-l by our D I V I M -:in»l »i.E.iim) Loim. l iuOD I B I S U M K M '. your i;i>nerii»> aidwill dry vi-ry many leais , mil pour liaiin into lu.iny bruiM -elhenrts ; it will open tin- pnrtaU ol in.iny a church , nud naveilie »nil< of iiMiiy |inui- hllle miiv ol Cluiat 's llnck , ol wlininIII. li.itIi said : " Ol «ui-li is the kiiKiloiii of I K H I C I I ;" andiiioii ' i l i a ii illic it ivillVccure lor you and your." tlieir lile^ins*nud prn\, ¦!.-.

^< C. IJKNUAM BKNNI ,. Syriac Archlislioj. uf llussul (SintvehJ.

Ki-coininrlidatiotl ul 111" Must Ku.iueue *u<) .Muni K^vt-r-rnd the Cardinal Ai .KXAsnr . i i 1S.\ K N A I I O , I'I elect ol tliu HolyCoiu!rri;:etiou ol 1' rnpnL -jui 'lii : -

'• Umvrrsis l i -aiamur K. P. I) , (-'viirti.u.u II B.V I I A M

l iKNM »»I) Au :lii .p i..cupuiii M .I «-.:I II - II .- I- IU r i lu * Syruci ,ijur -tn ominbu> iu Clin- 'o ciiuiiiiiMid.itnu - .

" Daiuin llniueB i- .t ai lilms IUISUK dn- !ii;c>iui i .Sppre -ni-bris nun. 187().

"A LKS . CA K U . H A B S A I I O, Pr." I.. . I A C U I M M ,

"Se-cri- lai imS. CuiiKri -Ei etiuiii s do 1'. t\ uro N PIJU IIM KitusOrirnt i i l l ' ."

" We cL - i t i l y t ha t II"; Mu-t Ki'.vciend Fatlior Liml Cvieii.l l E N H A U l iKXM i» Arrl i l i ij l i i in ut .MIISMI I , ul ihe Syrwi:riti -, aii.l »'.• aroinniii id m Clliisl lo nil ihe K»it l . (n l ."

A I l l t lFK AC CUIST nF Till: ST.1TI! OK JIV HIUCKal '.'fill; h ' l - l po|io!i,liou ol l i iy pnivinc; ul .Mus-ul auiuunts

lo aiioui ru 'yxKi ».iuu—M:ilinmi'taiis in all t in ir variua- rain iti '-alions .Vi»,n«isWrn-Catlt 'ilies - ¦ -" ^,' M *I

Chaldi-an* • • " • -'"•"•"Svrn..I ar< >liil<^ ¦¦ " "'" " .,>"'"1 'NS-rtturians ¦ ¦ - - ''•".' '.lci« -- - ¦ • '"•' "'Dcvil-won-lii piHTs -- ¦ ' - '•".* "'

Tin- i:ity ol . \ I I I-I I I cnUia* i i lmi i t TD.I I O I i n h i l . i i .mi-, nlwht i l l l I - /HK J Otn^ri . in-. «l v,.(i'»j - ,l..n..iiiiil..ti.u- , .> ,u H,

Jiiw s, and I I I " i rmi i l i d i :) - Mai l ¦¦ i i i e i iH l i - . Til-! S/luil y i ,—

Callmlirs all ' i l i-h l l .u l n l nvrl M-v. li pa i i>h i> , I w o ill w h i c h

u l i ' W l l l i u i II i - L' ly o!' Hiii-i ll , iiml I lie o i l . -i. i n Hit; vil l . .(.-.-Tl n-»i- p . in- l i - s nr - - -i-rv nl by i l i i r i y n . i i ivc i i ip - .- i - . Tw «. ..I

lln: p.inchlal t l i u i c ln - li i ivc lie. u hudl w i l h i i i I l i u l : t % l ten

yi Mrs , lillt , .m m .' lo w a n t "f I I I .MI ,» all .I iHn- uirur i<: I f u rt ln-ir erci:liou , t l i u -acml r l i l i i-es ;ui: l io in hclli^ cn in-

pli-li'd. Tin: mla l uumhi ' r ol all i ln; Si ro-Ci l lndic .:liiin:i.. <ot* my .hoi-t'H: ainii imtii lo six t r en ; i iut live ot I l i i -m , I.e n _-iu r u u i i iu - cnditi 'i i i . are u n f i t tor tl .c ciO- 'l iraluiu of tii - : l l' . l ySte-ritiu 1. The l .n t l i lu l v u n i i i l i ui c lu t h n licit nf l l n- i r |-.'.ri i l i ih ty to l l i e inai i ii^ i i i i i ic i ; o! the r lmicl in s , A i c l i l o - l i o p ,Clc-r cy, iind .¦icI.o.iK ; Lui il f iu |i i i - i i i l y luppi-ns lh,-i t l i i - 'Aidil ' i i l iop nnd Ins, Cl-rj r y a ie icdoc.-d to t h u un.-t uii- r-llblrt c x t l e m i l i es , au.l wat .l th>; vcr \ I .CI:.'— ai:t - ^ id tnu'-.l l. l. .This ever. i iitnn i i i i p o v - ri y c.m-c.i t in- *diu>.n lo li> - i l - . - .l ,t hus drl.rivilitf youl l i of '-'l in . i ln l l i Ul- tnn: l i, .n . Tin- j .ri.-t-iu l ln) v i l lag es e-aru u prccnrioiii hv-hhood i l r . t u i^ l ln; l i .m r -t lu- y nt c fn- e t ru in Ihe i x > rcis.- ot t l imr - :ici»d m i n i h hy , li .vt t lh u H t h n I 'tr l . l - i H 'f . i vw j, ur atn>"tiivr n. -r k . A t n - iiw olfj . i

ciiiucs which iinpiivi-n-li ine it-.ui.iry in llie virinity ul.\lua--ul , we t u n y uiiuii; t h e t^ni l i ii : l.-cuil M I - U I J P , wlnt l i , inl l i^ i t t u t i t l i uf A p t i l ot i i i i i i 'nt i- v - r .i y-Mr it i i lj n i Ihe l i - liwc lvc, li- i -t dp .'ir- .yid t in- i i p. i i i - i _- crop- , a n l filled i h - au-n -cul d m i i cl s wil l i ilu-o 'si *i- -n. Tin; C l i r i i t i ans,un .l r r l l i e Sui t >u *s e i < . v i - i u u i > - t i t , im.p l c l il i . -i ly , ic!t _'i'.ui ¦•' <-!pol i l ical . Tli e Al'.ikic H III- ; 'cui.lLlllar O| I |K- IWI JII I I J ;S) i i ii; ib l l ie l i l u i^ i c i l loll^ ll.- : I'l l lku l l UK' i .luYial l.limil.i."ol the: l i o v n t i n i H i t ; vv l i i l -' in t i ..inil.nii-.ii , an,I rura l < i i - >t i i i l i the l.'uul nnd various n'l i .r n l io in- a t e kp .^ . u.

The Aich l i i - l i i 'P ut M.'S<ii l L.y- Leluic l l i « w.|.-i..u. hi . l it i n - i k i l rh ol l l .- . l . i i i - of his 'Ii .o-i-, i n I I .u li.:p.- H. ,1 iron- - wi l l tc lu- i - l .iiii Mime as.iilan..-, lunwv, r l u l l . - , I .M I ',..

i . iku ol 1/ l i t i - iM l i i l y and t ;ivi' ix ,i ' io; . I ].-, ,i- in .In ' v }...III . -Iw i . l i.ol l-u : 1" "ll-'r l .-rv . i il p i . i ic r lu r tli.: l . . i t . f . i L - - ..i. ot l ' i >n.irk ¦¦niiiiiii ' i i' il I M hii dun*-"-.

(f -/**- The Aiu *ii iusnu i' 's Addri-ss is No. 1.", , I t i : i ; - i . i :STIIKKT. Subaeripiions will be ntcrivi-d by any uf ilpiUlurit v of the Cily. (j.- 'J l )


AT a nuiT.eruusIy letlendcd aud itif) u(;ut i .'il . IKKT .INC , held in tho CITY HALL , W.VIKKI UI*!. ,

un Aln .\|i.\> , the 17lh 'l i NK , I S7^, fur thu |iui- |iusii dlakiti -r tho necessary steps to sirun; fur i l i i s dis ii - i it ithe gri-ai. ailvauta^es

lo bit ublaiiu'd by hiivin^' tin'Annii i i l C'atili! Shuw <• ! ' tin: l!uy:el Aj -'rieiilinra lSucii'ty In-Ill in the Cily uf WieU-rfonl , in tip;

ye-ar l" 7:i ,Thu Ki |jlil Woi-fhi pful J A M I > S. U I I , K- H -, Mayur ,

iu Hi. : Chiiir ,The fulluK-in-j Kesuliitiuns wi.-n- i int i i i iuiuu-l y

aduptitd , and unlcre.l i.u liu prinii .-d anil ein-ulaii-d :l' rupo*<e :el by . I O S K I - I I I ' I S I I K I I , KSIJ . ; -.e-comle-il by

CUM . U K M : K UI . K UI , Ksi| . , J . I ' ., anil" ll i:f . i . vri. - Tlml Mr. KnwAiu . .~ . K n x s r v l«- '.V.|M. .-!.¦¦! I - I

a.-t i.^ > . . r. lary to th.- M > . l in-- ."I'riipiisi-il by Sir l i oHK iM •!• I'M I, . H u t . , .1.1' . ;

sei-umlcd by K U W A K H K U I I K K I * S, Kf i \ . , J . I ' ., re.-olve -d asfullmv* .—


" ll.-ciiiiii- it ii iiiall '-r ..f adv.u;t.i» , ' an-l unporl iu i i*.- 1>. l in iili.lri ,- ! thiit the lt .ival Aark -iilliiriil So.i . lv * - .--li.w (¦¦<¦ 1-7.1-l,..,i|.l I,.- l i . l d in l ln - i - i lyot Wiilirl or. l • l!- <.,lv.,l : Tin.! w.- .l.,niiik. ii|.|.liciitioii|..ll|. |-""l lli .- S.«-i-ly f,.|* .iii u.-.1."

l'lopusitd by Kn» vI:l> I'uni .uii, K-i)-, .1.1'. ; sitcuinl.tdby I" , (j. Ml. u u M t i K i . i l . Ki- i |., .1.1' ., and

" llnsoi. vi. l , That a Snli-cri| ili "ii l.i -t I"- »"» »l> ""I.'-piirp,,w of .- i-ii riii -j lli. - i n-i-i - .--.iry ^-iiaiaiit. - .* iui-l iill • vp, i.-- . '

l'rupusi;d by !•'. I i . HI . U.I M M K I . I . . K-*.|., .1 .1'. ;.-e-cundi-il bv K i . W A K i . l i u r . K U n . Ksi|.. .1.1'., and" ISM' .l . vi 'l. Thai Sir UoUTl.l . I'iUl l , I'.iill. , l» p-.|ii.-|.-d lo

A.t ;i- TriM-nr . r 1-. l ln : r iind"On iiml inn u!' Aid. CU M M I N S , s.-cnul.-il by .I. H K I I I

I-'I M I K I :, K-.|., i( . was " / .'¦.—'.i < - ' , t h a t ihi- ful l iH ir in -,'Nobli - i iK -i i anil (.'i-ui l i -ni. -n , wh.w minis wi-re putdown us Siib.-eri l i i t rs tu i l"- l-'und , .shuul.l loim :i

I'luviMoll i i l l .'.ilillll iUi -i- lu culli .-ct and n- .- .-iv . -Suliscripl iuns : ¦

" The Must Nr.ble tin- Maniui . i . i f Wiil-rfi n-d , Cu r i *.i*.'li-m i m- ; I ) - ' - l.'^'lil l lun . l l n - Ivirl uf l i - -.b ,,,-ui iu' l i,

Ki wburuui'li l'ark ; .Sir 1!. -I . Paul , Bart . . .1 . 1'.. B.* l l l y -

{•li i l i ; 1'. li . I l luemil i i- le l , K.-'l-, -LI ' - . X i*w p ;erk ; K- l w a i - d

It iiberts , lv-i|,, J . I' ., UViMuii ; I'ii n.- .Miirc-u- Cur.-n ,

Kif|. , D.L. . li i .- ln iunt I'ark j . l u h i i I I . J -.¦* , K - . , . , D . I . . ,

A lu l l in iibru' ; i h e Ki .u'ht Wursli i ].|nl t in - Miiyur - .1

Wn lurfori l ; Kdiii i inil I'uwer , K-:n., .1 .1' ., I' ., -. V I - I S I : . . . I I *I

Tliiuiun- ; Tliuiuas Klli-.l l , K-i|., .1.1' ., lUthkirliy ;

M:ijur(l "(iornriii , .1.1'., Sprin^li' .'hl ; A b i . i l i a i i i> i i - | i l , .-ijs ,

KM |., .1 .1' ., Dunetai i ; V. W". I'uw. r, K- i , . , .1.1' .,

Ti-umore ; .lo.-i-pl i 1'islp r, K-i[., Wati- rfurd ; . \ l d . \V. K.

C'eimnii i iH , do. ; I I . I-'- Har^i-nl , du. ; Wr ny l iury

I'alli:{i -r , K.-«i |.. -I .P. , Ai iniMtuwn ; Wi l l i :wn (I . I ) . ( ! . , i f ,

K.S((., T.C, H'ateriVml ; J.-uui-s 1'. linn:*, K-. j . .1. 1'.,Wuierpark , Wai urfurd ; Si. ll .uri r i - l*'ri -.-in:n , , K-. |. ,

T.C. W i i l e rf i n d ; M itssrs. T. W:il.,h & Si.n , Mal l , du .

l'ruposi-d by Sir It . .1 . I'.M 'i . , Uari . , J . I ' . : --•-.:¦ .nW t-i l

l,v ]•'. ( I . Hi.u u M i i i i . i l , Kii| . , .1 .1' ., and"" li i s i . l . v l . l - Tint t l i t - M .' i ' l in -.- d -> - l and ii.lj.- -. lrn. .I ill,!]

JU.SIHV , U P: 1-t day "f -I I I V , at T«n i/ f l 'i ck ."

.i.\ .M I-:s SCUTT, .Mayur, niairmaii .K D W A K I ) S. K K N N K Y , Si-er.-tary.

({ Jf SiiliKCi -i pli iiu Lists an- upi 'iii 'd a! I h u Mayur '.-Olliit i.', Town Hall , and nl ihu si:veral I'.ank.s uf l lnC 'i tv . l i .


TO BE LET, Furnished or Unfurnished ,(For .*"u7< Term n.-- mai/ /,. - .i^raW H y > i) ,

ml l K I.) W E I. I N ( i - II U U ri K , 1' I.KASI KKX «KUi ;.NDS A N D L A N D S of

(J Ii i: N V I J - I- I ; ,containing about IU Acres uf I,ami , lr :>h I 'ian iai iuuMeasure , feirincrly tho resielenui! of llm lai« : Mn I I A K L

D. 1I AS > A K I > , K«i|. , M . I' .Tlii! Dwelling l l uii-n, ()iil..dlii;.H , Sl . i l i l in^. and

l'rotni.s*.- .H aru in purfitct urik-r. l'u.iic>.s* i » , i i t-:ui bu

f^iven em ihu 1st d;iy of .Jinn- tn -xh .Tberu is:L|;uud Wallud-iu (iariiuu , uvll M , .I -|;( .,| with

l-'ruit Trees and Vt-i^'iablcs.The Pleasmo ( i iuunds nru well laid .un :iu,| tasie-

fully plunlitd with beautifu l uniutmtntnl Kvui-yreunaand Timber , and i-xlitnd tu tin: m-i-r Sun- , atwhich tliL -ti ; U a ifuml I'ii-r .iiul ll'tat-eiiiay. The-roist au abundiinl supply uf \Vat ( -i - p wi th ;i I ,,: V ,- I .f.iihiigHlreatn through ihu lands and plantatio ns.

Thu lloiiiiu coiiiiuaii 'U :e i i ia ^iii l if .-nL vii .-w uf therivor Suir nnd City uf Wiiterlunl , fruui which it i3diiitaul une mill 1. (j'Jl- It)

Fur furllutr particlu:ir*> . iip plv h,W I L L I A M G. I) . (i Ol 'K , Ksu , Mary-stivPl ; orKOHKUT D01SHY N ", K«i..,, W'aierf. ii-el.

TO BE LET,mllK l)WKLLIN ( i .l l l ) i :«I - ; , SHOP YAK! ) , withX COACII - ll (li;SK , STABLE , and STOKK , at-

tached, situato on llio y lJA Y , DI .-NG AHVAN.The Houso, which is nnwl y built , i.» largo and

commodious , and offers a rare upportunity tu purtie *.-*desirous of gulling into busiucss, being in cloaoproximity tu ilio Shipping, Ac

Tho Yard is well adapted either fur the Coal orTimber Trade!, having amplo uccotnuio datiou furnbout I ,(WO Tons of dial .

A long Lease, with immediate possession , u-milil bogiven to a suitable party .

App ly to M M. M OKIIISSK V , Cappagb ; or to Mr. I).M'CAUTIIY , fault y Stores, Duni;arvaii. (in '.lI-H)


NEW HOUSE in itKOWN-STUEET , PORT -LAW. It contains a Shop nnd D Apur lmcnt.s,

with a Shed at tbo Back , 3U feet by 10, nnd Lock-upYa.d.j ar A pply tu Tl lOMAS STKPHESSON , Ball y-

Uull' iiukcry, Kilmcadeu , Wutcrford. f ui-.'1-tfJ




THE Great Southern and Western Railway Com-pany advertise a Special Train to lcavo Mary -

boroug h ou SATOHDAY, 29th JUNE, at 3.10 p.m.,to nrriro in Dublin about 5.15 p.m., nt tho followingFares for Return Tickets :—Maryborough to Dublinand Buck—First Class, Gs. ; Third do., 4s., availablefor Keturn by Ordinary Trains (oxcept Mail Trains),according to Class, on any day within soven days afterdato ol issue

In order to enable parties to avail thomsolvos ofthis Kxcursion , first , Second , and Third Class RE-TU11N TICKETS , AT A SINGLE FARE , will bnissued from WATEllt 'ORD and all other STATIONSto MARYBOROUGH , on tho abovo day, by a SpecialTrain running as undor :—

Waterford, departure , 11.45 a.m. ; Kilmacow , 12noon j Mulliun vftt , 12.10 p.m. ; Jlall ybalo, 12.y5 p.m. ;Thomastown, 12.53 p.m. ; Hennetsbridgc, 1.10 p.m. ;Kilkenny, 1.30 p.m.; Uall yruKget, 1.50 p.m.; Atta-uag h , -2 p.m. ; .Abbcy luix , 2.13 p.m.; Mary boroug harrival nt- .-13 p.m.

Thuso Tickelo will bo available to return by tlioOrdinary Trains irrespt-ctivh of Class ou any ilay ujito ai'd including Saturday, tho Gth July.

Tickets not Transferable. No Half-Fares. 3(5 lbs.of Ln.'g.ige nllowcd.—tty Oreli' r ,

WILLIAM WILLIAMS , Secretary.Hr-.-i'l Offices , Waterfom Terminun , June 20, 1!S72.

TO BE LET (fully Furnished),THK HOUSE in SWEETliKIAR PARK , TKA-

M0KK , latel y occupied by Mr. SiiKi ei.ucK , con-taining two Sittiug-rooms ; fivo Bed-rooma , nnd Ser-vants ' J iooin ; with .Stabling for two or three horses.Water ou tho Premises. (jl l-2t)App ly to M KS. SlIt'KLOCK, :i Summorhill , Tramore.

PRIVATE LODGING -HOUSEPARTI KS Vi.siting Waterfonl can be accommo-

dated , with or without Hoard , and ,all thecomforts of a home, on Moelorate Terms.j c7.lf) I' . KITW.- KIIALII , Prop rietor.

V>ixi\\*, ittaniitges, A* acutfts.Ann»une tmcntf >lBir th *, it irring etlr D c nll i t , U. racli— tirr- i tiii - l

B I II T II S .At Kill. llnn , l!w wi/o '>f Win. l>i-;i *;h Ilirl:i .- , K-|u ll .l..,

Hi«li Sh.-riir .,f K.-rnr , "f a ilaiiislet. -r.I in tin- 11th in.-t., m fin.-i-nvimv , e:l' .iini .l , tin- wif. - ..f Mr.

Jf idii i i l ircniilieir , inrrcl.iuit , "f a .Uui-.-lit-r.'In tin; lHUl iliil.. tl"' wifc; "f .1. It. Kr l inr , h*|., Llliu-rliik , "f

.lull.- I-- , at l*:itrick-;* t r.-<-t , Kilk. -iuiy, l) i« wife of \Vflli:i:nli'i n.-iili-, K-[., .W.-i .vnr, " K/lkfM/ir Joiirnal ," "f .'• il.-ui-.'lil .r.

.liui. ;* l*:tli , ill riAtli lnrry, l-'.-rni-.y , r -mnty l .'.irk , III-- wif , - »,flli.liiir. l Hi.;.-, K *i., "t :ul:in-.'lil.r.

M A K It I A V, I-: S .Al '.tli.-Cliuri 'h -if SI. XiclKd ii- . ll-eri -ii -k -'m-Snir , liv V.-ry l!.-v .

II. rilj-.j.-1-riil-l, I'.!*., iir .-i-e. l hi- tli'f K.-is. .I'.lni I)-- iiii'l I'.1'i.w. r, I" . Viu. - .iit Sliilt- rv . K«|.. nf'.'", tu Miirv , irld-sldiiiiu 'lil i-r uf tli .' bt- .liiiii ' - llviin. K-.j .. CiirrU -k-uii -Snir.

.list. .Mill 's l.'sit l ii ' i lrii l . l.iw.rick . Miirr , , .l:ui|;lit.r¦,(ll.-nry Klli - , K-'i ., Cliir.- -str. i t , n .k , t- . Williiiin , .- l.j .-i^on of th> - t;il»- I'uiri.-k Sl:itli:rry, IC^ 'i -. «jf l',r..:i.|. tn-'-t . I.iiiii -ri ..-k

.hill.- 11, iit I ta t lmil " , ll .-ni- 1)111111", K-.|., i.f l'.iin.-t'. -.vii ,i: i v K i l d i i r r , '.i Kiitv , H- n- i i t f i ihi i i-.-lit.-r i.f tli.; l:it.; l..i k..Xuliin , K«|., ul' lii-rrynmn: ll'.ii"- , \V.-tn,. uih , uii.l ..f It ili , I-I Hint v l.'nrl 'iu-..fiili.!.1, nt 'tlu: rialvlr:,) , y.-rav, IVjUi.vm, Iliird »>H '•! M r .

.luliil Wiirn-n , ll:illr »iill> - ii , c- .iuily \V. xf .,,-,1, to WUiili- .-tli , "l-l-i- .Ht ¦lum.'lil.r of Mr. l i.-.r,-.; I ' lmpmui , K.-rn- , .-.iii n lv U'. vfor.l.

At X.-nii ^li , Mi * . Kdiii .n.l liuiirki ' , i.f ll,,|i.-r , i-.iiuly I.iin- -rick ,lo Kll .-u Miirr , y.Miu - .-l .liui^ lih -r .-r tl. .- lii t i : ! , . Fit/p i ilri irk ,Kni., T.(;., Xi ua-.'h.

i m tin- 17th iii.-t ., iit St. Miirv '.- e .'l iun-l i , K i l k . i u n , •:•-..wHi rr v , uf .Vrwry , tu . M u t i l i i i , yoiim-. - t .l.i.i*.'lit.r "i Hi.. |.-i:.;Al.ra'liiim e.'.i lt.,)!. m.-n-liiint , Ki lk-miv.

Jiui" l», a t l ln- Catli.-di-iil , Ki l l i i n i i ' V , l,y Hi-: M>. ' t It.-v . HiM o r i . n t r, lli.-ili 'i j i ' i f K-rry, I I . Wull iM - .- , V.-|.. -l I.i i-i .-k , IKliziili-tli , *w.-"ii.lil»ii |rlil.-r<.( I ) i i v i i | i i 'Si i l l iv: i i i , K-| , Kill i ru i - r

D K A T II S ."n ll .o 11th inil .. -\t I. - M An*,'.- l-.r'. Sin I' nm.-.i'i*", "f'

tiou , thv l t i - v . M -urio- Kkeviu , ii;i!-t"i - nf ll.iv..|i|>irt , lnil>ii . |ii.- .iiii.1 liTOtli. -r lu til- ]("v . C. .1. I l i i v i u , <;.<; , Cl-.uini.l. llaviliir rmii|iM.-'l lii< st iidi. -.- ul All Iliillow- r-.ll. L-", Ii.; '-m-l,| |..r .\lil- l l.-:i . wlirp. Il,- liil., .!-.-! * al..u-l y f..r ill- ftilvii.n lion nf for -i-v.-n y.iu-.-, wli.ri i h>- \V;L- i.lj li'-'fl tu n.-lir. - . ini-.l- i-i, . try l,.r.-,-,-.iil lii.-".h.-:il'Ji, but it ]>l .- ;i= «:<l I'r .vi.l'-ii.:,-1., rn '1l .it.i iiwiiv to rr .-'-i* *" tin ; ci- '.vvn u)ii .:!i iiwuit .s hi- f:litllful s.-r-v:uil- h.V" nil i- ;u-tli. "n M'-liday :i 11iirU Mii-i iiml 'illio- was.,:l*.r..l :it S>". IM'-riui 'l IVuiK- lur Hi" r--|...<.-of lii = -uni. Til-If.-i -. I' . V. Klvim, !.-.-l'-liriii it: IL .-v . Mk-hii. ) .M,,,.IH :V, i-M."., l.'ali- r.i l.- ; lii-v. Tli' iniii- Wiil-li , r .i:.. Si. \liiry '-:. .-ii l...l.-ii.:..ii ;I l 'f . .Mauri. " I ' lv i i n , e: i: ., SS. I' . t.-i- uiul I'iiul " -, miL-t i-r -.f vr.-„ j .-.. Tli.-n- ' wn- II iiiiiii. .|- ..ii- ii tt.m.Iaii. - .- uf .-l.-r-.-yin.-u iut l tl,.- (.aaul-r- l,.-ilr_- tli " It. -v. .lulm I), , - iin.l ill- I' , v .>l. l l .uin .

Al Hi" l' |-,-.-titati ..|l 1:1,11 vi lit . Cl.-lii-l . .Mis- ,<!i!lll.illii-|, >liiu -.'ii-t.-r of U L: liil- Mr. .loim Sliiin:ili:iii , l luu I , .|.:vrv..llyui. .111*11, .1.

A! c:. r:iyll II-.11-", i :->iinlvTi | i |»-r: irv , from 11 —v. r.-:it:.u:k ,,fl .r .,i . ,l .ui.-, Thuii i iu- 1'. I'ow.-r . K-").. iwil II viu--.

1111 Hi" I ' i t h i i i - i t . , at li.-r i-.-iil.-ni-.- , ¦>, Miii u - tn •¦•., d.-li. -l ,Mi - - M:irv I tva- .at iiu ii -UMii. --.| :. :¦-.l*;.lu:i. 11, ' a'. Holyi-r -i "* , TI1111I.- , ru i iu tv Tii-p .-niry , M r .1'ii t i -i r lc l i i n . -l l . ii*,"-.! -i' l y.-iir- .

"n l l i" I I t h in-t . , :itS«,-.-tm-iiui t l ion-,- , Dun.I riuii , Jam-, tl i . -widuw uf II IL- lilt" .liimi:- l."r.-<- , )-:-.|., 'it rii>j»ii»ii|.|iliu.i-, l.inii-ri.-l: .

.Inn" IMh , .it :£!, I..- .-J ..II l'iirk , Nulii.ll-i T.-r.-Sii, viiiiiii.'"-trhil.l uf tin: lilt.- TIIOIUIL -I Dn-j-ur, K-'i .nf Mount llriu.-'.-i, countyTipi'-mrv.

Al Monk str.-i-t . Wi-xf. ,nl , .Mr. Tli'iiiiiis Vi/.,-r . :i^,-.| I-i v.-:ir-i.1... Smi'liiy, lUlli in-t .. :,l AUi iou Huii f ". ld:e . -,-

i-.|.. |.|;iii-;lii. r i.f .I..I .M l.ali---l. r, !:.,[., J.I 1., ,,f Ku' - i -k -l MM lv ,roiiiily Tip iM-riirv.

Al thniiliL-tir.v'li . roiintv Linn ri.-k , uu tl i t- 1 Itli iu.-t., Mklia. lI ' lill ' ii - il . E<.|., :*¦-•..I .'.'> v.-ar- .

.lull " 1-Jlll . iit Kil lHV.tu,, Kilk. nny, at t in- r.--:.l.- f lii-iiiilil , Mr.-. l.u.:k-. lvliii- ,ti , | .lu-. ph , .'|.l..,tau,| .l .-iirl y I H -I.. V.-.|-.¦11 of .lol.n .Sulitlnvk-k, K-l , .1.1' , Kil l ro-li". 1.- - I-.--, II -.-.H|' .Inn.'- l - th .al Outratli l|,,ii-".1ii"i"-i.|.|i f li. r -on , -Kll .-n,vi.lo.v of tli.-l:iti ..l«!iii Wiil.h, I-:-..., UL-.-.1 :•! v.iir- .

^Jovt ilclus—^ii^sagc.A 1! R 1 V K 1) .

l.-t l i-! W.- I .-I -I I -, I' .-.ini , Mill - . i . l , - i - ; M.inv . I' l i . - .- .l.iiin. Uv ; S.-ii I ind , Too!.-, I '-il diir , ...iil-i ; Cuiiillii . ,.1 i ' l ) . l.iv-rpool , ¦-¦ ".

l: -tli -- lv.-rrvvi.n- , .-, 'i l i i- a -nv , u c ; Vultiiro , s. D.ivi., Mill 'or.l ,tt'iil. rlor. l , v i :

J- 'tli . luv.r.ia ,.-. D.ivi ;. I l i i - to l , -.•¦; ; Cli.irl".-, l .'.irtliv , U'.- v-fonl . X.-w Hi. -" , iiiii i/." : i;ip-v , Liv.-rpoul , -.-c.

JI-: i -|,.v,.|:,ii-l , I '.-u.liir . i-.ti l.-i ; z.-phvr , riiilail 'dpliia . m:ii-!i-• Jl i- . l- .inlitl , i,..d- ; 1 *1, ami- , l .'unii:!*, n .al- ; iili. 1-- , rani ill-.-•¦ill- ; l-'olii ' 1 , X.-W|iort , r .iiil- .

S A I L E l ) .l - i l i l l . i l-i in , -, X.'11'i- .-rt , .Murray; . «, lir i 'to l . I ' •¦11. -v

!.- < • ;, ... Milf.,r. |, Wat . i ior . l , l',..\rn , ¦¦ .- ; .-i.-iu-l. - , '..'

i'.if ll irilikll . liri- l'il . II.irp-T. nilt-l I; A-.'U"- K-lly, Sla.l,- ,A r l l u i r . ui iil -i ; ll i ini i l la . -* . l.iv.-r|i -«d . o'D.uiiiM , » .: ; .l,. lian.t,- .<,I' .ir , WiU lii i ..i-n . mit-i ; I'ar.i-'uii. Wliit i -lniv i-n , llnu'-t.-r . p itvv. » HlI'.irton . JI.-iiT m.-tmi , l.i-t.-r . lullx-l: William K.hvar.l.-, i ;ii, - . -.v . ll.ii:- . ii-,,:i ..r, - : I'.ii-rilla , Diililin . li . i inv , ; .I ./uitlln-l.; Wlnt . lii iv.-n , r.,ni>av , ¦,inv.»»l : Al .-r-ci -., l.-an ;Wai , r l.ilv . l ar. l hl*. llunpl.y, l.:iy : i:..!l.vt.,r. l.laiu-lly. Dav.-y.ln!l:i -l : th-.r, X,.ivp ..rl , .la.-.'l-oii . Lall iiH ; rn-.|-n ,"X.-w|i,,h>i.-j - IM II U -I ; lirnil W.-.-l, ni . >, I'.- aili , Mi 'for -I . L - .- . C.iil -l i - i , Harrow , I 'a iup li.-ll . plf-v I i Ski-rryvur .- , -, i ilii.i-.--.iv .

J IT 11 K:,t. . II II I I -;:II -V:III , Kriillvi- , lu l l / - - ; Sy llii . You-.;}...!

LOCAL K A I L W A V TKA I 'l-' l l ',/•' .,- »/. .„• ll'.-.-fr nx di tfj Friday, ./¦....: I I , l.sT*i.

Wnti -rf on l lam' ri.*k -k Wal - r l '-l K i lk i -nnyuii.l .iii'i iui.l ami Ki l - Jii i i i-t j o ii

l.iui.:ri .k , Kiiyii.- .- l .u i i i- k "i,nv .:-.l I tni lway,77 mil"-* •!>> ', milts 'JI ,' mile- mil. s Js". iu i|,'.s¦ ,¦1,-111. o|*"ii. op, ,,. „,..„. „,„.„.

1 u ii . d . C ¦• d. C -. d. t ... il. t *. .1I Pa. - .n-.-i r-.

l'ii n-.- 1-i .Vr '.IJ-i I!' " ¦""> '"' ¦"'' ¦'¦'" I" " -111 I" '¦ '"*-' I" f

j 'i , "-l- , l 'a t t l .r l-V! l 7 I I l.'.l J :.|-- * I I I IV. .-. lo -7 :, ,.

I Total ...1»)1 7 •;*.¦»-' f- v |u.:i-". I •;¦;..[ s 11-^ ' I.-, 11• ¦on---iiM iiiB

I w . , k l 'i.,ti-- i . lull ii '---.Ji; ii u:;76 i-j 1 I -IIS I*: 11 11:1 - 1

SL'M .^KK ASSIZES.— L E I X MTEII Cll iCLMT.N.'li.i; li , Tui-aday, July illll , at Hj o'cl.ii-k.Kiikrl i l l) ' , S' .luidiy, .lull l.'lr li , m 11) u 'clurk.Cloiiiui fl , tVeiliir»'l.iy , Ju l y 17:h , at lu..VI rl*.Walrrloid , Moudiiy, Ju l y -J-J .nl, at lu o', l.i.k.Wrxti inl , Tliuf.vl.iy, .In l y aj t li , iie lu ..'c-l.i. 1-.Wickl.iw, Monday, Ju ly 'J'.lili .at 11 oYlm-k..lud/ i'-i— I'' JK'H'e ! Fitzgerald BIUI Mr J U-I I L V Moi rU

F A H I I I0.V .I UL H X E WS.Tlio following ;u-c amongst tho l:iti:st arrivals

ill tiiu lull" rial Hul 'l . Mall. Wiit.-rtnnl -It..,,. Mr- . I' .lnloii ,Tiim-nnv i Mi-*"''-' ItoL. rt Walki-r alut \V. l.'uliltoii , Diililin • 'I'J.-rTar e-s. I-i-it i i-lin , X<-»- K<.»; If.-nry r<,\ , I/ .111I011; II. ,|.||, .Kl-iniiiK', H.irra^ luoi- ,:, Kilkt.-niiy ; M J Power, X.-w It-.-.-; ii K.Ma.-«v. Odlsiuoii- , lliiv.; K llui.t , Duldin ; I.i.rut J .1!(<••> ,* l3t)i n«t; T I II Itciui ;, IniiUkilliin; Drii«.«i,is ; lire Ili i lu.,1 Mix U-.-.uiii.-li ; i;..-iirn-u .M l.'ri". L'urk ; Ca|it M:i _-ii i.-i . l.-:1,.II. ciuii .-r; Mrb iin.l tin: ,\i;i.-iters llov^e, llanuow llous..; .IK-e-niDisiu-Uniki- , lllty Wi-xford ; L'.lll.lll-l AlllH - -l,-v , llagnal-to vvn-,l ;,uu-s I) van , II11I.lin ; Jl e.'badwicic , If.t in: ".lliln p, < :i>l,,-l ;Mr llriis..iiixl..ii . eioivran .cuinity Kilki - iiny ; 11 l) .-iinv . Dul .liii ;J 1: ririiiim,'; M.:--r-i .laiu.s and ll.ior 'i: iiu.l Mis* l'uw.-r , Tr-i-iiinn- ; l)r Koiiv-li, i:arrick ; Mr llnrto!i, .ll , Kilk i-miT; Al,r.iliamSU-p ln-u^ , l)i iii "iiiiiii , ii; Cinrj .',- Wliitf , HarlMlir * Vi.-iv ¦ s \VSu-nnlt ii . I.OII .I'.II ; .l:iin.-" M'Doune-ll , l l aMiu ; II . ,1am... sJ..I111- l.'apt Tyn.lall . ,Vu. '

Mr. ami -Mrs. Itichare l I'UWIM - have 1, arrivoil atKilf.iu. -. fnnu tli. -ir '.r. .•'¦It-lice, Sallyiu.nnt , .'..i iutv K.l.L.r,- , ,m :i\iA lu Sir .loim ami lailv Vow r.

( )L"ll MARKETS— TIMS W KK K .No II.-iri 11 W IIK *T from fariin rr ur parivl r. at m irLct

tlii-\v .-. k. It ii-upl«..,,l In In-ll-iirly nil ,,,1,1.I-.I... K m*r.< .lull , al IU. M. to IU . i-l. This iu-licl" i< k.-.- p.

iiu; low. ua uiTouul uf tin- larj .'..* f"i-i.-i'--ii su[,|ili"-. (Ir '-i- datsU- . to 1 . :'M 1.

l l l l i l .KV ill small miiiiilv , and ilcinanil dull. :-t !¦;. lu IT. f,,rMaltin ? ; 1 irimliiiv 11< . to l.'.s.

llirrri:ii in L'I..»1 Mi|i)ilj, and' tin- ipialily coming iu prim. -MiMSalt. - .!, liri.l-i:l»M liutk-r, -.1.1 al 11),. t,, I17- " . ; SnltvKir.*t *llo. to lli* :S,t:,.iuU .V.. It-.-*. IVu,au,l l,ri-k .lur'iir- theiv.-ck , nuil Um u-.-iilli 'ir fnvunbli! fur tli.- mak... "

H.u-oN. Miirkut vc-ry t-low, and n.iiuiiii il. I'i-'^ inlart-i- siipp ly.

S<1.M.,>. -Kxtn.-iiit lv 'want supply at mark.-t ; not Mi li-li aiu-.irki.-t iliirinu the: wi-i-k. Avi:raj!u pri«: In 1 I , lliiTti - iir.- t.,.'iliiTt

Hifoirx '.s liuuscuiAL 'I' UOCIIKS , lur (do euro ofC- IUK I I -, CnliU, lIii.irv:in-.>, llruucliitii , Asthran, Caurrli . ornuy irritation ,,r smcm'.-Mif tin" llirnnt , an; nnw importednud sold in llii« cnui.tiy il l* 11 pi-r box , put up in tlieform ill a " lnzi-n.ri- ." Il is tliv umsi oonvpnii-nt , pleasant ,Bafr , ami *-ure rFinnl y f«n rli-ming „,„¦ stmnithriiinK theinfcc known iu tlie w..ild. Tin- l v . Henry Ward Hecchersay« : " 1 h H re ulicii n-rooi aiFinlril tli rtn to friends whowore puMic spi-iiker- , and in many ciui» they luve provedeitre- iiuly K-rtiiTiilil. '." Tin- ueiiuine bail the wordi"llriiiv n'K Hroncl-ial Tr.'cl.e-s" ot, tlm Govtrnment Stamparound . ai-h box. Suld by all meelicine veudors.—LondouDepot , 4'Jil Oifonl Slrert

N KW H AY .— iiuy making is progiessing at Ferry,bniil-, on thu prwpory of iluurj F. Slattery,

1-Viencl X oz imus has n capital cartoon tliis wook Kcug li coutcmp lating Captain Nolan in his coffin.

No one knmv g what he; can do until bo has full yrevolted to du what bu cuu.

5J»ittcrfot:Jr ittarftctsWiderhnl, Jun e 21.-(, 1872.

M'.-ii t ln-r (inc. fn .Valirc Oniu , Oittf tin: only kind on >a Ii- .Hcciui'iual ly IIOIII.; saliM, with Iittl.: variation in value- .

Kl l I lKHi N " WilKAT-Slow Kiln , iit a di-cliiie: of <M. per li -i rrcl

I N D I A N CHKX—A lurgo ilouuind , at full pricis of last wii*k

FI.OUH—Duuiand uiixli-netc. Xo e.-linei|.'i!.


P R I 0 B « 0 U R li K X T .

IRISH. j -N'K W - .(.""-i

WIIKAT , pi-r l»irn:l of aS«01>- . I -. d. -¦ d. ¦* ••• '; ''... Whit,, - - - • "i " t" "" "••« " '" •.-,' "_ |t,^| . .. .. t'l " .HI 0.,-n <> .' .I "

shippiinr dn - - ' VI 11 '»' " " ''BAKI.KY, p.-r l.iirr. l <if 36 »l>- . :

_ (ir inilin "" " '"' " I ' " '¦' "Malt i iw ¦ • - "I n '" "l' ; " l ( "

OATS, iwr l.arri'1 of l Pilli.- ._ lllark . . .. mi 11 I I I I ' "— Whit..- - ¦ ¦ ¦ '"' "

i;,.,.v . . . in 11 i- i 11 IJ 'i I- •>Fl.'Jint , prr.-iu-k. nf *;->.IU-.

— SniK-rliiu- .-i - - - <••> I" '" "" " '" "lufe-ri ' irs - - ¦•'• " "" ' "" "

OATMKAI J, ni-r Sack • • " •-' " ' I!IU.V,|K-r liarri-l nfM l l l i .-. - . " " " " " '1 " "

roi iKi i i .v. i- ' "'* .- .U'lfKA T, p.-r Inrn-I nf 2-».!l.< . - . d * - . .1

Ani.:ri.-.-i ii , Sprin g an.l Wint .-r ¦ -"i n to '-* 1 ".Miiriaiinph- . . - ¦ - :ll ii ¦'¦- "

— l!. r. l iai i>ki '" "— i;hirk: i ,Tii -.'.-iiin.-.'. si i i - l n-l-.-ii ¦ ¦:¦ " '¦>• '¦

— ' I N D I A N ' Co l tX , Y. How. (i.|.««, ami l i a l a i / . - I- '¦ '' " "

— il .mil i.ii .l I'uxn i i i au ¦ ¦ ¦ I- '¦ ''' "— Aiiii 'rii :an . - ¦ • • 1. "

rr-nrli ami Ani r r i' -iiii W l i i t - - '" "K'.-y|itiii n ¦ ¦ • ¦'" "Daiii;i-_--- 'l - ¦ ¦ .'• - " '

FU l CIt , Am.r i . -a i i . p.-r Larr.-l of l i- ' i l l .- . -¦ lY.-n.-h , l,"r.-:i.-k . ..[ -J-..H.-. • ¦ •

¦¦ • "I N D I A N M K A I , , A i u . i i " i . n , |« r..vk ..f U'-"H-. ' •' "

( Hoi.i" M: ,i iufa.!ur ", p-r , ,. , ,,— i -ii. -fc. of -jwill,-. . "

fni;iorls,V Erp i ,r '* (••:¦ » '¦¦¦* •¦n - Hu - i Tl ' "- - - '•• ¦ ' . -"'•Mii'i mrs KXi-ii itT -

Wli.-at. . Kin IJiiart. r.-. Wh'-al • '•• ' I'- ' iIli.liiiu I11I7 .1- ,. Ha t- - • :¦¦-¦-Dari - . ¦!„. P.-arl .-yll»r|.-.v- - -- - .1... ,;, Corn I :¦'Kl ,,,,r ( i:..l Sari:.- . . . Ji iN "'r i ¦• - l:= .rr. -l^ . ll:i tii, . -al •M--.-.1 - Ul S:..-k.. iM. li .m ,,|.;,l

W A T K K F O K I ) l i l T TTI i l t M A I i k ' CT .Humlier ; f Firkius K 'iij hr-t ul tin- I' u '- 'ir /(.. ", r

f .i r U'c rk- «i7in-( F r i- l i i i, ( t h i s . / . / ./ ; , - I U I I ' r :

•sii t i i n l a y , - -M'. - I I -'- "-I. ' ¦ !.M-.u.layi — 1"7 ¦ ¦ II" - . ' - I . ITil,-. lay, .1 l i j . - . : .W..hi.-',!a-.- - :>l II "- . - i :Tliur-diiv ," • PI I I iFriday. ' ¦ .1 - .¦¦'¦. IM .

•V... i - i l i r k i tt - f ( i v r - - \"'l i- l: ti .- uv ' 1: >:' • * } '•¦ n

I' l- ir.. l» |- , ->Vt. • I I .".- .' "i . !- . I .

(r,u-,v'-<' *.' '/ ' i'- ¦i " 'i !¦¦¦¦ Ti- - I ' - . '.

I M t n V I S K i N - .II.I..-.V I'l.; -, p-r .-v.:.l l ( i \ | . iiu . '¦'l i.irr il .. .H K A I - S - I -.. . . . . . .T.U.I..- W - I-- . • - i- -I.A K I . -.. lii i iLll - r-' i ' -

¦¦|-.ITi 'I I F . i : S' M K A 'I".

|: I*.I:I . l -r 11. , 7-1 • •¦I > . . |...| I .CI I :, p. r .,11-.. -t. -.ik . - I l' "l :- I ' V IM . p. I- l i

M i - I T - N , p- i ll. , -I I- I ' - l i I ' -- *:!. . p- -r i ;

I' l iTAT'i i : .-.A v.-i-a-.-.- pi i. -- - , -i ' l

l : i: H A D .Wieir i : , |i-*r l in -"-I . :•• "•! . H- i -; i ,v-. 1

u 111.- K !-: yl l l - l i l . lN . |*.- r -.-all' ,ii , I' ' - . "-I 1 u. i- e '- .l : i . , .--Ci liK , |.'.ili. -l : , - . l i , I- '- . ¦:•!.

F I S H .N' l-NI . l .M ' , p r . -w t , Jo- , tu _' l - . : I' l » ; .I l e uu l M i . , , p-r l.rl . I!'- , t" 11-. ' .»¦¦! 1 . 'Sil. -il .iN , li-r Hi. I - H '" "-I. ' T i l :; ¦• : , -

F ' l U l . A N D K.... -Fowi., j i.-r ]iair , -V. :> . •*¦- 'i- . ' K !¦¦ r l j i'."111. h i :>- 1- "-I t > , .".- . J» r pair j Tri :K 1 v- . '- .

S'lAI ' A N D e 'A N D I . K S .Wmr i . , i">n-.vl. JI- . I -. i- l .M' .i'i . i . . [¦¦ r I!III:.,ivy , .1,, . *.¦.*:-¦. I " :>•-

¦. 11,1 ' DilT . .!•• .

W1111I. AXD If .'DKS.lf . ,...-.i:r W....1.. I- . ln.l t., I - I I . I I l ln - i s , *-


W K T I I K I :* F.wr .l- :¦¦! t- . I - . 1".| K: i - - , :¦!.¦

SKI .V nv,,.i., 1. 1.1 to I - il f i n, I.''- , rT 1 M 1; 1: 1; .

M K M I . I . . I -r t '-n , '*."- 'h i ;.i, i.| S i r . l -, ].- rYKI.I . ..W I' lM , .|o 7.".- "'l t " 77- ' I.mi - * , p . .¦.',,,

1: •¦ A I. S .C-. .M.-,p.-r ton , 11-. 1 i.l t , . 11- .-.I. , r -'K i , |H-r :-.n

1' i l D l l K l t A N D i ; l : l ' l - 'N r u - i l- .-I t i v .p-r ton - 7"- to -"¦. ; .il.i .\ ....i 1,- . p. -S r i i V W , I vvi:. , I;) 7"- I . «.. I l* i K MI- . ;,.

Do. l- .al-- :i | .">- :¦. •;.¦.- . i :\ : : l :, . l - .t ;¦¦

l M i ' u i : i s in - i - ( ) i { i : i i i N < ; i ; . \ i N .Will-.-, s. Mi-.'; 11 . Xii .-oli i . - i lf , ".:./-. --. -r - <v : . .1


M O O N ' S C H A N ( i K S .F r- t Quir t i -r Frid ay, .linn: 1 1 . . . 7.1 ' a.inK uil M. . . ,u i i ' l - y , .Inn*: !'• . . . 'V> I - - I :l.a-t e^iiirl.- l Tliei:-diii-, .I-i :o- -J7 .. . :< .-_'7 p.uN.:w Al.luli l-'rid .-ev ,

" .l u l l- J .. . 'i .-J-'i J..111

Uhc SSatcrfort) 4'lcto" UK Jl'*.T, A M I K K i l l NOT

111K A t a t l C L ' l / n . K A I . SHOW F ' l U \- \7.l

'I'll'; ri .- |iori. of t i n - pci ic.- '- ' l in jf- '¦!' r do iri' .'i? ;iiifj ,

In.-Iil DU M ij in l i iy I.'i - I. uni l'- r i l l ' - ] i; -f .-;i l> :ne-v of

l l i u Miiyur, fur l ln : j f - i i i - | « < j — • - n f .'-.• i r i i i - i i i ^ ! i i" l t . ivnl

A gric i i l tui ' i i l Si. i ' i i- iy 's - I m u in 1 *->7"-• . w i l l . - .111-

inantl winii.'.si n l l' /i i i i u i i . Tin: n t i. - i i i l imo * . :v.< l

tl iu spirit niii t i i l 'ijaltjil t l i i ' i - i .. ^'iv.j I K,|II- : '.I! I I H I U M .

tim i l l i . it . Waterl'unl w i l l b': ,- m c- i ->-:'' i! HI i . L : : i ii i -

iug thi s mn-t ili:.- . i i - i i l ) l i ; ;iiul a'lvantf i ir. . H I - • > ' •;• - 1_- 1 •

\\ iiltrrl'onl lias >ir*in^ iitnl pi-cuimr rimiti - ..?; th,-¦?en:ici .y uu this . icc:i.- i . .n , ru nl !\ > r t u i : : i : < ly -.v. - n i l !not l i t : wil l ioi i t iiiiviii 'i ite.-.s in t lm Council us. U i i l . i i i il < i urge: llurtn. Tin: l'ri:.-i il<:ui .- I ' .r .\ I : i • ; ~ : « .-:-

liuppun to I JU t in: M i l k .-- of I )i:von.- l i i n - :m.l i l n -Miin| i i is ol' Wi i ii -r l '. ini , t i p - t \ v - > liu-^.- .-: :, H M 1-- . 1(iropriciors in uur ismii i ty . iiml Imt'i nf l in- ml i i l v e - warmly t;ike: n up i l i u in ; i t i i- r . Sir 1 1 > ¦ i :Kit'sI'li l. wl in i - :i mosl u-of i i l , i ic t i v i- , : i t i . i i ; i i ! i i - - t i : i : i lineMti ln- r of t in .- l .'oinicil , i vj l l I n- pr.- - . - / j : :o > I .- I ?.our claim.--, uinl we- :itv >nr. - h» - w \ { ] \> i - u ;i r i n l \sei.- ia incil Ly t l ie u.uny oiliur inut i i ln-rs w*1 ri . , i i . : t *

in t in: l .'nimcil from tlu.i in.-i gl i l i o r l i. . , , il . l ' i!:. .- . - - ij -fiirs iign, ivl icu t i n - Uoy;tl A ^ric i i l i n t n i s. .ri . - j\v;is at :L >t:ini{ > t i .'l, il imt HI a 'r.-e t n i i^ <- - .* ; ' ! i r i - . i : ,WalL-rl'onl undert ook i l i i s s l iuiv . iun l l l i . ' ¦.n:r.:.-.-u'l i ici i alle-'iuluil il was tlie; .-tanim; j » ¦ . i r , t n, [|,,

caruo i' of prosperity wl i ic l i I I ;LS e:vcr .-v i i i c- m- i rku i ltl i- : -Society. U VL- I- C I. -J I "> wvru th'.-n - ; i l i- , .-n l , ,- i |

I'o r t l i L-*, :I I I I ! til'! n-ci.'i pts nl ' i l i r -lum- .

yanl ivaclioel tin.- i^reiii. sum ul'i.'?1 .*", - .. ilni *. a l t l i eivint l- i i} !, tl ifre was a balaiie :u of > .n i . - L'jon.l.aliDi- anil materials ;eru now mnuli i t i . i t * .. , -v .

pi.-nsive: tliiin at, that pc-rioil , ami. in maki.- - I I I U nlCdvcr ing exponsi .'.--, l!n- p:-o\ i.-i' in :il i - . .mmi: to - .:wimlel want to l iav t Mib.-rrilj .- il -.i,m, - C I . 'J '"i orCl. t-i.'i) m ivarnim tln .-in gniii^' l'ni-u; i ;-.!. A.'ri -iiilva. sum siiMide.-iii m pay ilu - r. .-i |i i i i i .-,| uuara t i t r -.- .il'.t.'.oil is j iroini .-ril. ami w liavi: un |,-i u* aLmu. lln:rumuiiulur being for thcoming Lv ;h. - i i m . - i l iocomtnilleu HICL-I agniu ..n ihi- U; .if .In ly . Woobserve tiny. Cork i.-, in i l l . - li , .-!i| ai.';iiiiM. "n- , Innwu caniiub .-co t h o claims of l h a L c i t y m oim-mri.son iviih ours, OIIO of l lie nLj r c-ts ni ' ilicRoyal Agr icn llnra l Siicii:ty is lo |miv i ln- ainmu lshow hi.-hl, when possible', in rot at i. in. a inh i - i ' nrkhas bail it sine -R Walor lnnl , ii i-* < ( t i i t . - f .- a- i l i lu inthe prcsi -nl. instance: i( , liavc llii '.t ru l i.- carri. -J outbv ' 'ivin^ it to us.

rllOl'OSKl ) NKW D O M I N I C A N ' C I I I U CH.We; uiulcrstaiiil that i!ic Dominican Km hers

of this oily, new locait- il in a i.:m|i .n:irv churchin lSri el gi'-streH , miall y inaelufiuale! for the ni:-cessiiics of ] L-ii_i,'ioii, a iu likel y to ;-sliunl jr obtain amast suitable- sili: iu i^u._-,.-u ..street, whereon lobuilil a now church. I t wil l be remembered that ,in ScptcmbiM 1 I: I ~ L, ihe two blocks of bui le ling s ,fnini 'riiuina-i -slici 't to liriel^c-strect , fell into thehands of the: Corporation , anil included in thisproperly are llie stores of Messrs. C'oi.K amiI'liuxsuii, lho i.-mim.-j ii coni incrclianw, who moveto their now concernsflbovc bridge. This i-: th esilfi selected, and we are .sure the Corporation willdeal liberall y with the Dominican J'atlier.- in giv-ing themultasc whichivilleiic ouragelliLin to buil . l•iclmrch that ivill bo .-inornament , to tin- ciiy. Wemay mention that Mr. Tiiou is 1' itns.sou had in-tended making app licntiunto thc ( .'orporation fora rcncirctl lease of one of the stores, but , havingheard that the Dominican Fathers wen: abom,buildin g ihore, he, in the most gcncroii.-* amihandsome manner , re!iu<iuished his claim. Siu hliberality, ()I11) 10 j ,ar t, of a l'rotcstnnt gi!ntl»iiian ,eleset'vos neiticc. and is worthy of imitation.

N KH A CPOI .NTIIKNTS .—Wo learn tlmt at tliu boardniiii-iinj; of tho Wnterford anil Limerick railway , onTuusilft}-, .Mr. Xicol, iccretary to tho Allicii ri- andTuam railway, was appointed sccrpuirv lo tin; \Vator.font anil Limerick , in rejOTi of 31 r. Aiiu wnrth ,rcsigtioil. Mr. M. J. Kennedy, ."O long and favorablycomtccteel with the line, was promoted to tlio poai-tion of assistant -secretary, at £M) p<:r ainmm.

N EW POTATO ES.—Mr. il'Dowoll , locomotivo super-intendent , W. and C.I. railway, has sent us a speci-men of ucw potatoes, growu in tlie open air , in bisgarden in Mary.stroot. They are an largo ns anypotatoes that wo havo scou almost at any season ofthe your.

TENDERS —CLOXMEL ASVLI M .—OU Tnesday all thecontracts for tbe year wero taken at this asylum,Rev. Thomas English , P.I'., in the chair. Tbe re-porters wero presont , and took full aoteei of tb»proccudiogii.

Page 3: · rilK WATKHKOU D XHWti I;STAIII .ISIII:I > 1M,. (Al.l.iiinm liu*'Xi', l'ni'irii-tiii.) l.\UiU -l ("llii


This talented and deservedly popular companycontinue to draw immense houses nightl y at theCity lla.ll , the current week boing more, taking wi thtlie pulilic than rveu the. opening one of tho season.The desire to seo ami to enjoy tho rich intellectualtreats , so well put up by tho enterprising manager ,niul so admirabl y performed hy tho company, withthe ardent wish of having one's Bides ached by thoJohnsonian comedy, increases as tho .season progresses,anil the result is same of I ho most, crowded houseswe have , perhaps , ever seen at tliu City Hnll. Thisfeature was particularl y observable on Monday nig ht ,when Boneieault 's famous drama of '* Arrah-na-I'll"!!'1" was produced , before a house, packed , naycrammed , front , back , and gallery , rendering italmost itnpossiblo to sit out tho p.ay. 'l'lio audience ,however were well rewarded , fur tl iu j>ieco wascap itall y executed. A» Arrah , Miss Saville. is tho-ri»ui;lilv eH'ect ive, simp le, gushing, true , and reeling,whils t as Shawn. Mr. Johnson is , as ho always is,capita l . Tin: (I ' l i rad y by Mr. I l imtlcy , and theM'Ci'Ui of Mr. Shnrpc, are impersonations B'i well t itidso creditabl y known in Wntcrford , as to lived nopraising :il. our hands, whi ls t Mr. Walton , in thesneaking process server, Michael Kenny, :i chai acteron w h i c h so much of the play depends, and in whichwe siw him , lor the l i i s i t i m e, on Monday night ,was rni i r .enl ly successful. Miss Ada Travel's playsFanny Power w i t h her aecustoir.i'd ability, and Mr.11,-inly is a genllrm.iiilv Major Colliu. Tho incvi tnbluj ii: between Mrs . l luntloy, as Kal ty Walsh , atid Mr.t'lidil y, as ( l i ny Karrell , was so warmly applaudedthat it ha.l to be repealed. The wltt ili: performatiecproves t h e undy ing popularity of this iulcivstinfjdrama. f lic '• Hidden Treasure." a new drama ,founded tj pon a talc of the l'Vench revolulifm , waseani ia l lv put licl'iirc a thronged house, on Tuesdayniirht , and was much relished. I t discloses one oftluw numerous episodes, so common in Parisian lilt)at the dread time of tho rcvolutiou , in which noblescame down socially luwer than menials, anil too oftenwent i'tf the. stain; altogether , and the s.Mis-.-'il.-'i'ivreached a purp le eminence, the liasti le being proi iiin-entl y in tho foreground , with the famous guillot ine.The. scenery was most, appropriate ami striking, thedresses minutel y «n rf j h; and the whole p lay tho-roug hl y successful. The " Sheep in Wolfs Clothing "wound up the performance. Ou Wednesday ui ghl ,the play of " The Man with tho Iron Mask" was re-produce d , and this great character was reudered byJlr. W. II. Sharpe with even muru of that impressiveability he so powerfully displayed last week. Thorest of the cast was filled in tho samo as the firstnight , aud tho whole performance was intensel yrelished. The. screaming farce- of the " Area Belle ,"in which -Messrs. Johnson , lluntler , aud Walton ,with Mrs. Huutlev , kept the audience, in roaringdeli ght for over half an hour , concluded tho perfor-mance. J.asl. ni ght , " Arrah-na-Voguo" was re-pro-dueed. aud to .night the piny will bo Boueieaull 'sci'ined y of " Dennis O'Dowd ," and will bo under tliupatronage of the oflicer.-i of the Inut skillings , audJi ' th regiment , ami no doubt another crammed housewill result. The cap ital sing ing of Miss Trnver-' andilr. Walton cuutinucs to form one of the chief attrac-tions of the theativ.

CATHOLIC CHURCH.H F.TRHAT or i l lK Y UI'M: M KN 'S Socti. tv. —Tho re-

treat of this society which opened ou the 11th , underthe i'er. rather Keating S. ¦!., Dublin , in .St. John 'sChurch , concluded on Sunday , at eight o'clock Masshundreds of young men presented the cheering sightof approaching the Messed Sacrament , and duringDivine service, Father Keating exhorted all to ad-bure to a monthly observance ol tho great command *incuts of the Church. The usual devotions of theSacred Heart of Mary wen; commenced at 7 o'clockby the licv. A. Walsh , spiritual director of the Young.Men's Society. Immediatel y after Father Keating,S..L , ascended the pul pit aud addressed a most re-pj« rtable aud crowded congregation , which throngedtl.e spacious church from the sanctuary to the organh.!l , mi the very important subject, ol " Tliu Win Id :its llo.-li'.ily to lieli gion." The learned and eloquentpreacher took his text from the 1st Kp. St. John , ~>c,•I v., " This is|thc victory which overcometh tin,' wurld ,our faith." Jlo described the world as opposed to thoChurch of Christ , as consisting of three classes of men

I 'ii.-tl v , the world of science and literature, liedenied that fcience , properl y so-called , could bu op-j Hj.-ed to religion , thai su]»eniaiurat and natural t r u t h scould be autagonis'.ic. lie showcil how tho Churchhas always heen tl.c patron and loiterer of t, anil thai thoso who have been the KOSI skil-ful and succi'.ssfid investi gators of t he t r u t h s of naturehave been the most obedient chi ldren of tho Church.Secondly, the world as consisting of those men whohave ijn religious fe:ir--mcn avaricious of power andemolument , such as statesmen, who i-ob the Churehof her stall's in order to extend their dominions, andstri p her of her possessions hy couli-catiug the pro-j ier ty of her religious orders to supply the wan t s oftheir s ink ing exchequers . Third ly, th" world of theidle and dissolute--men who arc the slaves of theirpassions, who being possessed of riches and the meansof l iving ii: t h i s .world according to (lie instincts oftheir miiinal propensities, eannot bear the rrpri iuandrio! the Church , and are irritable because sho disturdsthe i r conscience by reminding them of the eternalt ru th*. Heiiediclion of the ltlessi .'d Sacramenl was

given immediate l y af ter by the Archbishop of Nineveh ,assisted bv thu l'.evs. llobcrl Koran and Hubert Tower ,

as ili 'iicon 'aud i-ub-deacon. The choir executed w i t hexquisi te taste .some choice pieces of s.icral masic.

"!"«¦> • I I I N - . A l l' I . M . I ' l K A S r i rt l l lN O Pt * ol'I.H.— 111

another p int of this evening's paper appears au

e!«,i 'i"n: appea l from his (iraco tLe Archbishop i.f

M H.-MI I (N i i i « .'veh) to the generous people of Ireland ,

toenah ie h im to luri i ish his dioccssos wi th means tor

rc l i™n> us woi-hip, aud cdiicilinu , now so sadl y de-

ficient amongst those ihiere-ting peop le, owing toeiueme poverty. We are contident that thu Arch-

bishop wi l l be m'.l wi th the proverbial gencioii ly of

the sons .-.lid daug hters of Ireland , ever distinguished

where the claims of religion are coiicunied , and thai

the response to (ho apj ieul will be such as to entitle

this country lo the warm and prayerful remembrauco

of those suffering members of our holy chun.l, .

Ku.i' .ioi s i tM K I ' i u i s . —Miss Margate: l lay dcn , ofCahcrlcsk , county K i l k e n n y , has been received into

tho Si.-teis of Mercy Convent , A t h y, on the :17th

Mav by Most llev. lJr. Morau. Tin) novice is nii-ci :

tn 'Very Uev. Wi l l i am llay dcc , I' .I'., St. Patrick's,iiiid is. the M-cuiid member of her l.'unil y who ha> i i n -ij Miced a relig ious I Me -—her sister being a professed

nun in the I' lv.-cntal ion ( .'oiivent , K i lkenny .—.// ».'in '.(.'I I M I I I M A I I I I N .— Dur ing the past week his Lord-

shi p, tl* Coadjutor ISisbop of U.->ory, a'lrnii i isi tnnl

t in - Sacrament m Cui .t l r tnnt iut i in Fn-ahlonl to 17(1

chi.dreti , aud in Tui lar i B i i i to !«J children.

L O C A L I T K M S .

Tiir l!i'.rni; i K:i Sii 'KXK s - A I I'A ^ U . I :. - I n refcretimio ih i - abMird ai.d alarming paragrap hs , telegraphedI', the Dublin papers by Hensatioual , and , generall y,iti.iccura '.i: corre.-j.Niidents, and printed in local jour .i,.'ils , about a ve.-M-l in l'assigi- wi th " ycll.iw fever ,"•• cholera ," or other t errible diseases .>n bond , we are|:iI pj ,v to siiv tha t then.' is nut a particle of t r u t h . TimiiM' il ue >'¦ ¦!/"' ¦'. liollt -\'t«" <)l l '! t l , > lor OucM.'.i lf ,wi th ru '.Xti u , VV IJIC I I we rej iorted in our last as havingtill '. in t<< Passage "i'.li I he master ill , is st i l l ly ii.;;Ihere , bu ' the captain is hi, far restored il,:it Dr.i i 'Su l l ivan , the experienced meilica l onlwr of i - i r ic t , u i .d i rwl io .v.i sk i l fu l charge he ha^ b<-un s.imr e.•n-iivj .j , c-i-i'ti !i"d l '-:il i.l! dangeioiis syni|il«m.4 havef«j—ed nwnv. and t ie ' paliblit has been on ihore , nownim'isi i.n t i i e l y risstoied to hw Usual heal th. Wos.tat' .d last wil l: i hat the vessel , on ci.tiling into thel> :.rb ',ur , deeH:i. d to tak i- a j iilot . This is a<e:.iiutvdf i r bv tho fact that , oil' Dungarvan , a Ji- ln .'weil af .'fjuaint ed w i t h the harbour , was taken onl,.,aid , ai.d pii idi-d her in safety in J'aiKige .

.-!¦ l.n.ll.l-l l l l ' III Tlil. Wutl l l l i l : ! ! AM' I . IMIKH K

> ;ui . » A i . — At the b iiari " ? weekly mctting, ou Tues-ilav la:-! , lie- U 'lj 'iiirii cd fj u e.-tion o!* the appointini ntof "i.-ccn't ary was hi oug ht <.ll , and I (.•.-lilted in theel . e-t :.,n.i ! M i . I 1 '. Ft.wiei -Nic cl . t in - experienced >c«.-rnl:n y(,'i'Ki.ii i -i and .l i l.'Miy rai lway . We are happy I; the huiird , :er..gni-iiig n.erit in thei r mvu .-tair ,j.!,i,wi-d th eir appreciation of it by appointing Mr..M. .1. Keni. i.dy as^isnint .-eeretury, at a «.l}:'l '"l !'' ¦¦¦ annum. Mr. Kennedy is ioiig k n o w n inlh<: Mj CM-tary 's d< '],ariuieiil as a mo-.' competent andoblig ing oUicial , and we aro .-me the announcement(,f his proin "ti .n will give very JJI U'. ral nalin f .iction ,piii l i i ' i i larly tn iho-e having business transaclinnswi th the company. .Mr. Ainswnrih' s counectiou wi th1 l.e eoiul any having cfca*r:d , all cotuiiiuuieati 'ins are, i .,. ;i ,]i| i essed to M r. Kenned y, unMstunt si-cretarv ,t<- i.'Jint' ' '• '' acceptance of nlhce by i l i enow wcreiarr .

^";',r.. ,KM.< l l nN . - - l 'i l i 'ing tin; past weclc there has

bei n 'i.-. view , at Mr. Mosley 's, jeweller , (.'usKim

l'b,use . t.'uav , a beautifu l salvor and biscuit \mx , both

i,l solid s i lver , fo rming a pn. eniat ion to Mr. < i r u \ c

Ai in i sley , .sub-ini.|j i'rtor, Koyal I r i sh Couatul iulary ,/in the oecashm ol h' 'ing l ian .-f. ried fioin ( i n w r a n ,'¦>, K i l k e n n v , after many j sars etlicient and cour-

f'ciius services in tbat d i s t r i c t . 'I'I'JO salver bears t b u

li.llown,".' inscri ption :—" ricsciilcil , u.gclhvr wi th a

bi-cuii \ii>"., to llobert lirovu Aiim sley, Ks. ,., J.'oval

Iri-li fon stab/ i laiy , on his h aving (iowi-m , by i i ,n

nviL'iMrules of tliu distr ict and his numerous friends

in tlie county and city ol Ki lkenny , as a token of

Llieir regard and csl'-em. A pril , JS72 ." The

^.-ticles 'lie s t r iking specimens ol s-upenor workman-

plii |i , and are hig hly crediiablu V, Jlr. Moslcy 's first-

clans esuiblishm. nt . .... ....."

I' Vl -U V H l-NS IW -K CO M . K I . —A RJMTiuf Of COIid Ufit

has sprungup in Kilb arry and neighbourhood of late ,,raverv n-pivhriisible nature , rwpnriug speed y re-or^sion. At the outset , tho conduct to winch >vorelcr althoug h bad eiwug h , was then confined toI 'hasiug and worrying cats wi:). dogs , in which sport-M fields of corn and meadowmg have got tramp ledou aud othrrwi so injured. On Saturday eyening last ,at about lialf-piifil four , thu pastime look r. v/iilcrmn«e for, as a farm laborer named Sjiricc, in tlio(crTic'c of Mr. David Dunp hy, iiallyciishen , was re-turning home from town, he was attacked hy a. ratherferocious bull-terrier , made still more savage by beinghalloed on by his youth ful master, caught by tu oIce thigh and , linally, tlio lace, in each of whichportion of iiia body ho was nuvet el j lacerated by tU 0

brute . With Borne difficulty ho rescued himself afte r nsecond attack , aud went home with torn clothes anda bleedi.ig, injured person. In the samo neighbor -hood , a few cvobings since, n number of mou purcha-sed some beer in a house holding a not to be consumedon the promisps license, aud repaired to a grass fieldM drink it. Durin g tho carouse, one of them , a calfhiiicher , fell asleep, and , when ho invoke, after somuhours , his companions were, gone, mid he fuiiiul hohad been despoiled of live gtiiueas he had in his pos-session when he joined them. This locality clearlyrequires a Ji i t lo moro police supervision.

St.w 1'oiAToKs. —On Wednesday last , Mr. J. Melted -mond , sold in town , Tor James Build , tisq., Tramorc ,Sl> stono of new potatoes, of tho Houuder species,iinion gst the finest , both as to sizo and quality, wehave seen for a long time , at Is., a stone. Consideringthe heavy ruins of the season , they turuod admirabl yout. uf the pot.

II AHV D KI 'I ISITIXII .— On Wednesday morning, adecent-looking woman Ciiini! before the Mayor and Mr.Galhvcy, at tliu I'oliuo Ollice, and stated shu wantedadvice as to what she was to do with tho infant shohad in her arms. About four mouths ago, a girl fromtho country , who was lod giug at Mrs. Fleming 's, in(treat (icurgo's-strcet, engaged applicant to mind herchild whilst, she went into service , receiving £- inhand , with a promise of periodical payments so longas she would have the infant. Tho mother went off,and applicant neither saw her eineo , or received anyremit ianco from her. As sho (applicant) wits, her-self , the mother of seven children , sho could notnlf.ird lokeep this [loor little , thing. Their worshi ps-told tho woman they could not give her any relief ,nnd referred her to the relieving oflicor.

THE 1'iKi tKtTA N T CiTiiKiniAi. H KI .I.S.—The peal ofsix bells in the Proirstaul cathedral , attet manyyea rs service, havo been takou down , under thesuperintendence of -Mr. Wcstcott , who has the con-tract foi putting up tho now peal , arriving this week ,by Mr. J. (inoil and a number of tho tradesmen intheemp lopmeut of Mr. (i. McClelland , builder. Thobells , averag ing 12 cwt. were lowered throug h throe-lofts , a heig ht of 1UII feet , hy moans of a tncklo incoils of full y 7(K) feet long, and without the slighlostaccident.

FWAI. ArrinKM .—A farm laborer named Foley, intho emp loyment , of Mr. Phili p Mahouy, aged abouteighteen , whilst feediug hi.H master's horses ou Tues-day morning, received a kick in the head from oneof them as lie was passing behind .kuocking him down ,and , as was found almost immeJiatul y by a servantgirl named Coredawey, and her master , killing himinstantly. Deceased boro an excellent character.

TK OTTISO M A I C I I .—A fcry interesting tro ttingmatch came off on .Mouday from tho twelfth to thoseventh milestone ou tho Watcrford and Kilinaclh o-mas road, between a mare belong ing to Mr. -MichaelLeckey, aud another belong ing to Mr. Phili p Veale ,for t 'li) a side. A good si art took place at four p.m,Mr. Veale's mare leading as the favorite , and for tin)first four miles Mr. Lcckey's rnaru kept at a distanceof about three perches. Mr. I,cckoy then let his mareout a lit t le , and passed the other , and increasing thopace, sho ultimatel y beat her opponent by nearlythren hundred j arils. Mr. Leckey wrs loudl y cheeredon the victory of his marc . Tho liberal odds of thrcoto one was laid against tho wiuuer.

THE W ATEKKOIII I A HTI LL IRI .—This fine corps wasinspected on Wednesday , at Duticanuoti fort, by Col.Stokes , C.H., aud put throug h a variety of evolutions.They were then exercised at tho guns , and in everybranch of their du ly gavo the utmost satisfaction totin.' iru l lant inspect"!*, who, in a feir ivo/ds', OA'presscdthe pleasure- he felt at seuiug tho high state of pro-ficiency of such a line body of men. Thu regimentwas diMUubi iiliud to-dav.

TIIK SK N S A I I O N A I During the week , basy tonguesand sensational journals have been circulating thereport that tliu aggrieved husband of thu disconten-ted and faithless lady, who recentl y eloped fro mTramorc , in the absence of the injured one at bishome in Tipperary, had encountered the cousin wlinruined the joy s of his heart and thu peace of hisdomestic life , and shot him dead. This tragedy wasreported ti» hare occurred in the vicinity of Limerick ,at a time when the injured husband was in Tipperary,and the guilty pair were us far as London , at least ,and it is believed that more than one sea now dividesthe unhappy lot. A moat painful fact iu the transac-tion is, that the. whole trio are relatives , well knownin tho south of Ireland , the gentlemen having occu-pied prominent positions on the turf , owning togelhurrace.hor.scs that more, than once, were first past thejud go's stand-

TriK A (. I( ICI ;LTI;U A L SHOW.Il l 1'IIK Kl ilTOK Ol T1IK .VtllS.

U FAH Siu--l ntii happy tu observe the movementfor obtaining tlio above show so vigorously and sohopefully inaguiated , indicating ultimate success.When the matter is secured , and the permanoutoominitte. * come to be appointed , there is nothingmoro important to procure than the services of micllicicni , painstaking, and popular secretary j andfrom his e.vporicnee, his cyjU '-bility, and great allabi-lity of manner , public opinion points to Sir HubertPaul as tho gentleman for tho post , under whosemanagement—for, I hern is no doubt, the Fi'crelarymust needs be ihe 111:111—everything will be broughtto 11 successfu l and a Fat i.=iactory climax and termi-nation.—Yours lespectfull y, A N A I .K I C T M T K I M .


TO I 1 I K K l i l l O K (II * T i l l : N K U S .

S11; — Having read the report of the recent meetingof tliogovernnrs of Clonmel lunatic asylum , inwhich ap-peared the astonishing fact that , amongst tho inmatesof that in st i tut ion were two of rather ample means ,one a farmer of "S acres , the other wi th £7!l" in thefunds , supported wholl y upon the rates , 1 proceeded ,according to your instructions , on Tuesday to obt -iina list of the innrites for the paw year at our LunaticAsy lum , specif y ing those amongst them who nii ijhtbe p-iy ing patient.*, for public information. On mywnv I met the resident medical superintendent , of theAsy lum , Dr. MacCabe, and took the liberty of thenpresenting h im wi th a letter, wi th which I had pro-vided myself, respectfully asking th is in fo rmat ion .Having informed himself of my business, Dr. MacCabesaid he did not consider the return I sought was onewhich he would bo authorised to give, and hi: shoulddecline to do so, but tha t he would refer my princi palUi thu iii - i tt 'ctors tit lututcy at. l) u) j ) in Ca.-rlc tdr thein fo rmat ion . 1 thanked the dcotor , for his answer ,and re turned , and you now have, sir , the r.-snlt oft h i s t u n her mission of mine to our Lunatic Asy lum.— I am , sir , vour most obedient servant ,

.I O I IN .1. CA S S I I I V , Keporter, WA I K K I 'OI I I I N*K \\> .June ^11, 1S72.

TO T I I K K D I T O l t OF T U K W A T K I t K O l t D XF.WS.Si I:—We , the salters of Walerford , who formed

a portion of the excursiwnists to Limerick , wi th t h eWalerlord Amateu r lira?* Hand , ou Sunday, ihe i l thinst., be.; i r, t l i i n ik you most sincerel y for your kindnotiee of our tri p, and of our conduct 011 that occasion.Such encomiums we treasure very hi ghl y, and shallever (we hojie) continue to deserve them.-—We remain ,hir , most resp i'Cilul ly yours ,

PA I K H h PI I K I .AN (for self and society) .Si. Itp 'ndoii 's Salt"is ' Society Hall ,

Waterlord , .I I I I IP 1<) , IX72.

N I .'I SAN CKS I N T I I K CKN 'TUK OF T I I K CITY.10 nit: Km run.

Sm — 1 hit: thai t h e sanitary inspector i s -,'oiiig iny ontch (if nuisances beyond the water. Why, sir , heneed not go ~n far—he need not leave the city to JJI -Ilots of them. Let him look into the bark premisesof the houses in Peler-strcet , and seo what he will[»e! there. This wholo neighbourhood is reekingw i t h li l lh. A K KS M IKM .

SKCOND K X C I M -t y U K R — 1 K S T K I I H A I .( l I K In l l l : I ' lK O .N I . K A S V A M I A SI'KI 'IA!. J I ' K t/ .

.S'III -I"', M . I ' ., v. .Wc<i' i'ii"i .---Thi; action of P. .1.Smyth , Ksi| , M.I ' ., Westmeath , a g i i n-t .1. H ,M i ' l l r a t h , II ' HN rU.e. l ( 'ii;_ .,. . lor libel , opened jester .d:i V nlnrnilii : belole thd ubove. Dama^.'es Were laidat I" 1 ,.V«'. De fendan t pleaded " no libel ," and " fniicoinmeni ." and traversed the defamatory seiiso im-puliil . Sergeant Arms t rong 011,'rued p laint i i rs; eas"at mueh length , reci l ing llm three ait icle.s formingthe libel complained of , and , on concluding, llio cnurladjourned tn next ( th i s) n n n m n g ,

Coun-"l for p laint i l f - -Scrgirmit Armstrong, Messrs .l i nn , I ,I.(.\, M.P., Moun han , (,i.C., and S. Walker.Ai torn ie .< -Messrs. Krereiou and ( .'oil. For defen-dant Messrs. Miieilonnj fli , 1 >. ('.., Purcel l , V-C, andU v l an d . At to rnov—Mr. I. Thornton.

Tu t i l i i f A i WK S I K I IN A M , W A I K I U OKH A M I LIM-niirk liuuvw s.— A t a special general meeting ofthe f lr ca t Western Company, held at London lastweek , the chairman (Sir Ii. Cooch , M.I ' .) incident-al Iv mentioned that tin: agreement w i t h the Waterfordand Limerick rai lway company had recently beenapproved bv thu shareholders of that company ; andit would therefore be necl'shary to call a specialmeeting of il.e *!reat Western Company in a fort-night or three weeks to consider and approvo t h i lagreement, before submi t t i ng it for the sanction ofthe Hoard of Trade. I n rep ly to the iiuestioiis , itwas Fia l i .d tha t the broad gunge from Milford toSwiin!.-.!!, a distance of between Till and 'J '.H1 miles,was altered ;o thu narro w guage in tho course offour werks w i t h o u t any Lind of accident. Tho workhud been done in a manner (j n l i ie l y satisfactory tothe. directors aud to tho oflicers who had been cu-gaged iu it ; and it is gratify ing to reflect that ,a l thoug h we bad to collect upwards uf two thousandworM.'iwi .aud to keep them at work fro m four o'clockin the inornini ,' ti l l eight at night , it has been re-ported to us th.ii tiierii wan not a .singlu c;ise of d r u n k -euuess amongst the men.

'I'llK Sol rm.iiN H A I I .H .I V. —At an adjourned spechlgenera l meeting of the (ireat Western Railway Com-pany of Kng land , thu chairman , Sir Daniel Ciooch ]M.I' ., broug ht before the shareholders , and full y ex-rj lai.'UNl tho bills at present before Parliament toom)>uw«.-i' the .Southern Kaihvay Company of Jrclandto make wor'uing arrangements with tho Waterfordand Limerick and tl:n lireat Western Companies.Tho bil l in ipiestiou , upon tho moliou of thu chair-man , serunded by the Itou. F. G. ii. 1'onBOub y, wasuouuioiousij approved of. '


A I ' I ' I . I C A I I O X 01' WA T K U t dK I I TO HAVK THK K X H I I U T I O X —M'l l t l ' I 'EI) COXIHCT I I K S K K V I X H SUCCESS.

Iu ancordaiico with ndvertisemcut, appearing inour last , a meeting, convened by llio Might Worship-ful the Mayor , was held on Monday , at two o'clock ,nt lliu Ciiy Hall , for the purpose of taking measuresfor putting Waterford upon the list of app licants tohavo the show of tho Itoyal Agricultural Society heldin this locality noxt year, and to tako such steps aswould Im necessary to support \vr claims. The meet-ing was very largely and inHuuiitially attended , andthe. utmost unanimity and heartiness of purposo wereobscrviiblo throug hout tho entire proceedings. Attwo o'clock precise!}' the chair was taken by the

Ilijjlit Worsliipfnl .1. SCIOT, Mayor.Therv writ: nl«o lu i ' scnt -Si r It. J. I'iiii l, Hart., J .I'., It.dli' -

•.¦Inn; M e*.rs. K. Hiitertu, ,) .!'. l:it-..|it to tlm Mar.|iiisiit Wati 'r-f<inl); <;. ((¦i.,., r(i. J.P., '/'nun..iv ; K. I'mver, •'¦1'., I'd iversninrl ;dipt. CUK II I IUI , J.P., Drnliiiia j T. Klliutt , .1.1'., H:itlikirby ; .V.Sti-phi -in , .1.1'., cli:iinn:iii Hf the Wati-rf'inl anil bitm-rii -k Itiiil-vray (,'innpiiuy ; Tlinni iw I'mvi-r, Sliaiiarlnni- ; A. N. O'Neill ,WI«H 14,,W1, ; |>. Mamis Itarnm , D.L., ll.-liiuuit 1'ark ; W. CI). (Inir , T.C., .1. Uiul.1. 'I'raiimru ; Harry It. &in.t'iil, Xevvt.iwn; .r .Fwher, ir,H,rf,ml M. iil ; .1. 1'. lirsivcs .1.1'., WiiUirtmrk ; St. 1;.Frcciiinii , T.t':., Majcir (I' l.'n riiiaii , .1.1"., SpriiiL-li ihl ; OplaioPallisi r, .1.1'., Amie.-1.iwii ; .1. \V. l . solr., T. Wnlsli llirmef W11M1 k S, Ilr. ('..inl.-li . l'.lj .i;., J;n. llviin,W. llnlly, I'.L.i:., AM. \V. K. Ciiiililiiis , W. Jnviv, Alilioyfarm ;I'. W. I'liivur .J.l'., L1. mliriik.-stmni ; J. ll.Jamw , 1) 1... Mnlliii:i-lini ' ; T. Sti|ilipiis , Killasnv : Ili oirv Kelly, Gciir^. l), , W.S. Itlw, V.S., TlnnuiUi Ki'llv , Tlininas AiUMvnrth , wi-rctarv /im.f'•>«.. Wati'rrnnl ami l.iniehrk IWIiva.v ; ¥. Ii. UliHii ulii -lil .'.l.L' .,Xiwpark ; K. Carr, K.ilr., N i w lt.iss ; '.I . Wall , snlr. , ;H.-nry Uallwiy, J.I'., K. S. ICM I I M V , Mavur 's sccr.:tiiry, Ilr.WJiite, &c.

-Mr. K. S. K EX .VEV , as Mayor's socretary , took hisseat as secretary to tho meeting, and acted ac-cordingl y.

The CH A I R M A N opened the proceedings by statingit allbrded him much pleasure indeed to comply withtho resolution of the Waterford Farming Society ,so courteousl y forwarded to him , by convening the.present meeting for tho furtherance of the importantobject set forward iu that resolution , but as their pre-sent business was moro of a practical than uf ademonstrative character, ho would not detain themwith many observations. Apart from itst isofulncss indiSusing iuforniation of a licnclicialclmntelcramougsctbo farming class , and showing them tho latest audtho best improvements , thu show of tho ItoynlAgricultural Society was of the most material ad-vantage , in many ways, to tbo locality iu which itwas held (hear, livar). Thu show of tho society,when last held in this city, was eminentl y successful ,and productive of many advantages (bear , hear).He was happy to think they had amp le proof of theinternal prosperity of Watorford , but it was well , attimes, to put that growth of prosperity to the. tost ,and to seo was it likel y to cotitinuo (hear, hear). Hothoug ht it was useful to do HO just at present , becauseiu tho Exhibition of Arts , recently opened in Dublin ,he found Waterford was less large ly represented thanwere places of much loss note, a stato of facts whichit wore desirable should not , at all , exist (hoar, hear).That result , however , was not owing to auy want olmanufacturing industry, or competitivo spirit amongstthe pcoplo of Watcrford , but mainl y to the fact thatthe enterprise of tin) city was devoted to objectsother than thoso which could bo classed under thehead of science and of art (hear, hear). I fe (Mayor)would desire to state that when his friend Mr. St.(Jeorge Freeman , with whom tho idea now beforethis meeting originated , mention ed the subject tohim , he entered into the project most willing ly, full yassured that an) thing calculated , like the presentmovement , to anmso and to quicken the energ ies olt he peop le, was a work ca//iug for earnest supportand encouragement , and , actuated by that feeling, howas there to give thu proposal every aid in hispower (applause) . Ho was happy to Hunk that allcauso for discord or fur dispute had passed away forever fro m amongst them ; a fair field for honourablecompetition was now open before them , and in therace of progress in which they wen) then engaged ,ho trusted they would ever bo animated by a generous ,an honorable rivalry, in competing with the peop leof tho sister counties , united as they wore under onecommon constitutional bond (hear, hear) . When Mr.Freeman aud himself waited upon the Karl of Hcs.s-boroiig h , in reference tu the carry ing out of thi -imovement, that respected nobleman received t hemwith his nsual courtesy , and warml y promised ihemhis best assistance (hear, hear) . Ho was suro thesame support would be received fro m the .Mari|iiisof Waterl 'ord (hear , hear) ; and that everythingwould be done to ensure success in their object. TheHigh Sherill (T. !•'. Keil y, Ks<|., 'I'M.) was unavoidabl yabsent ' rom their meeting; but he had requested him(the Mayor) to assure them all thin the project ofhaving tho show of next year held in Waterford hadhis warfuest sympath y, and would meet with his verybest support (hear , hear) , lie would now he happyto hear auv gontlemau who desired to address themeeting *.

Sir Ii. .1. l'M I . , li .irt. , .1.1'., who was warml y re-ceived , rose aud Maid that the chairman of tin: meetingwhich adopted tb^ resolution requesting ihe mayor toconvene the present meeting, Lord J lu i i l iug dou , ivasobli ged to go to Dungarvan that day ou urgent busi-ness , and regretted his absence from their proceed-ings very much , indeed (hear , hear) . Ho (Sir ltobert)had but little to add to what the mayor had so wellsaid us to tho ue«irabilit.y of having the Ituyal A gri-cul tura l Shovv ot next year held in Waterford , andwi thou t detaining them upon that point with any ob-servations of his , he would briefl y recount , to them theeireum-lanees under which the last show of the so-ciety was held in Waterford , and the result attendantupon it (hear , hear) . In IS.">7 , when that show washeld in l l i is city, the Hoyal A gricultura l Society wasill a very depressed condition , owing to the fact oftheir show of the previous year in Athloue havingproved a failur e from bad weather , and various othercauses ; and it was then seriousl y contemplated byt hat body to inei'gi; itself into tin ; Dublin Society , amirelinquish a separate existence altogether. However ,the Pill owin g year changed the face of things alttigu -th"r (hear . hear) . Waterford was chosen lor theshow of 1*57 , and Providence so far favored themthat they had splendid weather , and , with the cap italarrangements of the local committee , the show was iidecided success (hear, hear). It was well known t hatwhen things descended lo a certain point they I henascended , and fro m that date tin: prospects of theKoyal Agricultural Society began to brighten ; aud ,owing to the fact that Waterford formed the turningpoint in their afT .iirs for the better , lliu Koyul Agri-cultura l .Society of Ireland looked upon l/iern herewi th a species of affection (hear , hear) . Hi: (Sir Hu-bert) had bee:; asked by the secretary of tin: societywh y it was that Walerford had not applied beforeudding he was suro the request would be mon favor-abl y received ; but \m (Sir Hubert 's) answer was, tha tii "as an unde r t ak ing which could not ho often re-pented in oiio local i ty , as it involved a vast amoun tol t roub le and of resp onsibi l i ty . However , t h e inter-val t h a t had now elapsed MIIL-" ; i he show of I N.",7 wasso wide, In; t houg ht they migh t fair l y seek to havenext year 's show held iu this ci ty, and he wa.s readyto support t h e proj ect by every means iu his power(hea r , lienr). He thouM , al. l l iu same tinu:, remindthem t h a t if they delci 'miiicd to go into the matter ,they should he prepared to encounter a grcul deal oltrouble and inconvenience ; s i i l l t hey should not for-gel tha i t h e benef i t s eeriaiu to be derived from theshow would be ol t he very utmost iuiportaue.c, notonl y lo t he l o e - i l i l y i t sHf , but to the sur roundingcoun t ry generall y (hear , hear) . A l t e r tin: show ofiu IS.",7 , a large surp lus rumaliied alter all expense ,and out of t h a i amount the Peop le's Park got a sub.Kcri p i ion , and a portion was allocated lo the localfarming society to increa-c their prize , list. , and llio.-ewere advantagert ol a very important character, notto mention others (hear , hear). Another essentialfeature resulting from the holding of the show wasthat it had the effect of introducing ' a, decided im.provement iu Ihe rearing of t ha t s|*:cie.s of stockwhich consuluidl the .tt i iu lu trade of Waterford, andthat was iu pig.s—a class of stock-rearing to w h i c hthey could not devoto too much a t t en t ion (hea r) ,and amp in proof was fjven that the tratl ic of therailways , tin: sleamers, ihe enliro carry ing trade ofWalerford , had been materially increased by tha t ex-hibition. He (.Sir Uobert) would suggest ihey shouldlirs t pass a general re.-oluliou , s la t ing tha t l in y fellit desirable that the show of next yea r shou ld be' held111 Waterfor t l , and then pass a resolution op .ming asub e iq i t ion l is t LO meet the necessary expenses forcarry ing out. t he show , and f u r t h e r consider t h e sub-j ect in. an adj ourned meeting 10 lie held on a day tobe named heieal'ler. Mr . K. libber 's, t reasurer to" lliola.-.i .«l mw , would inform them what was t in: amoun tol tin., expenses, and what subscriptions h<: rece i vedtn meet t i iem , besides being in a position lo giveother information of :i valuable nature . He. (Sir It.)would now conclude by moving that they app ly tot h e I ' n i i i i f i l of tho Itoyal A gr icul tura l Society to holdtheir show of 1 7:) iu Uater l'ord , Minis ter being theprovince next iu ro ta t ion ent i t led to select ion.

Mr . FI S I I K I : a-b.'d would it not bo better that sucha resolution should come from an adj ourned meeting,having first seen what their position would be as tofunds r In 1J»*7 , the guarantee thoy had to niisewas onl y C.'ilil i, but at present, the i r position was muchaltered, and he felt they would have to look for alarger iiinouii! of siilwcri ptiotis t h a n they rccumu', astheir expeus i'4 would now bo much heavier. Hi;would suggest thai they appoint a committee lo seowhat funds they would be able to raise, nnd to reportto an adjourned meeting.

Sir Kii iiKiu I'A I ' I.—VUII can pass a genera l resolu-tion , such as I have suggested , wi thou t interfer ingwith an adjournment.

Mr. KM.ion—Tlio sooner you make the app licationtho better. Aid. C'I II M I .N S : i say m, loo (hea r , hij ar) .Mr. h. PowKit : You cannot make it too soon.

Mr. (ili.m-.v -Would it not be well to KCC lo-ilav ifwo can liavn the requisite guaran tee , 'i

Sir lt 'iiiKirr PA IT.—That WII can decide on betterat an adjourned nieet i : ,g.

Mr. K ISHKII —Tin; council will not cnusidi .'r theapp lications t in t i I the -SA\-\\ uf Jul y, .and we will haveplenty of time to raiso tho guarantee belbro sendingin our app lication.

Sir |{. PAI 1.—Then you will have ample, time tohold tho adjourned meeting, and you can pass tliugeneral resolution now.(|Mr. St. (i. I' I I K K J I A N — Ciiptain Thornhill , the. socto.-tary, has wri t ten a very courteous letter , mating itwould be. well fo make tho app lication on the Ii7thof Juue, ou which day tho will meet, but tlio

decision will not be made until tho 2:lrd of July. Ifwo now open the guarantee lisi at tho present moot-ing, aud then adjourn for a week , wo will havo fulltimo to have it filled before the 27th Juno.

Mr. Til.oo .M n 1:1,n supported tho passing of tho resolution , and said they should mako tho appli-cation at once. There was no fear of tho guarantee..In answer to an in- |uiry here made, Mr. KltKKMANsaid t'ue amount of the guarantee was £300.

Mr. E. PoWKit—Ono gontleman , Mr. Power, of1'aithlegg, gave, tho guarantee himself last time.

Sir K IIIIKUT PA L I , moved bis resolution , which ,seconded by .Me. K. K OHKKTS , passed mmninum.sly.Sir Kobert then read memorandum ol ngreomont bc-twren tho society and tho local society of tho placein Leinster , where tho show was last held , wbichrecited that tho preliminary arraugementa wero lobo mad e by the local oomniittce , in conjunction with11 committee of tho Royal Agricultural , "tlio latter notlo exceed twent y-ei ght , the actual management thenvesting solely in tin: handa of tho Koyal A gricultura lSociety 's committee , that body boing also responsiblefor Ihe cost of printing, advertising and stationery.Tho council provides llio prizes , and as sometimesthe prizes ran up as hi gh as .UJSOO, they would suu(hat t/ic C.I'IO demanded .is a guarantee would notalways moot tlio experses of tho show. They wouldalso havo the se.lcct.ion of tlio jud ges, and pay theirexpenses , tho local committeu to be their hosts ontho occasion. Tho local comnvttoo was to provideaccommodalion for tho banquet , tho tickets for whichare. not to exceod JOs fid. each , tho same committee,lodging •!"> .KJI'O guarantee on or boforo tho first dayuf July.

Mr. K. HoKKi tTS jsaid as they had just agreod tomako tho app lication , their next step was to open asubscri ption to meet the required expenses. Howould now loll thum what, llio expenses wero in 1S57(hear , hear) . Thu total subscri ptions they receivedWUH £1,438 Is. (Id., and tlio namo and amount of eachsubscriber he had on the list hero in his hand. Theamount received , .C72O, at tho gates, mado thetotal received i.'2 ,!)00, and tho expenditure , includingllio .CiOO guarantee , was £2,300, leaving a balanceof £57- to the credit of tho show, out of which sum£100 wero given to tho People's Park (huar , bea r) .

Sir U. TALI—Then the moral wo draw from thatnlatemcnt is , that we will require £1,400, for wo maybo visited with wet weather , if we, get thu show.The surp lus of 1857 was very much ouiug to tho fineweather with which wo wore then favored.

.Mr. tJitAVKs rumiiided (lie meeting that tlio cost nfmaterials for shedding, and other expenses , hadmuch increased sinco l.S.j ".

Mr. K. ltoliKUTs moved that a subscri ption list opened. Seconded by Mr. Hj .ooMFI K U i , the pro-position was agreed to, and a list w is opened accord-ingly.

Mr. St. (1. r'liKKMAN said that Lord lirasborough ,when waited upon , most readily stated ho wouldbecome part of tho guarantee , as also bis a subscriber ,and Mr. M AI .CO.MSCN said the samo (hear , hear) .

Mr. K. PowKit—-I am auro that Lord Watcrfordwill do tho tame (hear, hear).

-Mi. Koberts declining, Sir Hubert Paul was, uponthu motion of Messrs. Hloomliuh! and Klliotl , unani-mously nominated treasurer to lliu fund.

The .subscriptions wore here being entered by thuhonorary secretary , as given him , Mr. Kum i in srequesting, amid tin: very warmest app lause, thatthe Marquis of Waterford bu put duwu for JUlIJtl .

Mr. SiKi ' i i K.\s, .l.P. (as chairman of the company),sniid he was sure llio Walorford and Limerick railwaycompany would givu a subscri ption similar Iu whatthey gavu in 1 D7 , and carry out the samu tratlic ar-rangements fur the Uvc admission uf goods (hear) .

Mr. K. I'nwt: *:, J.P. (director), said thu Walerfordand Central Ireland railway s' company would givowhat they subscribed before , if they would not givomore ,and do thu samu as to traffic arrangements(liear).

Mr. FISH Kit suggested that tho corporationshould subscribe , and subscribe, largel y, and hisWoitsme said he would have thu mailer p laced beforetin ; corporation, with a .strong recommendation fromhim to subscribe as much as possible.

I Ivor £IOD wore contributed in a very short time , amost encourag ing proof of tho earnest desire ufWntcrford lo succeed.

Alderman CU M M I N S then moved , seconded by Mr.Fisilt ' ii , that the subscribers bu named a provisionalcommittee , and the mntion passed unanimousl y.

On lliu motion of Mr. FISI IKI I , seconded by Mr.I!oi ,Kits , Mr. K. S. Kennuy was unanimousl y requestedto act a* permanent secretary to thu commitiee , towhich hu agreed.

As moved by Sir lloiiKlil' P.U I, , seconded by , it was decided fo adjourn lo that dayfortni ght , ai. two o'clock , and with a hourly vole olthanks lo Liu: chief mag istrate, llio meeting adjournod.

liOA It l l Of ( i t i A K U I A X K — W K H N K S M A I .I,mill V K U S — T I I K K. 1TK—7HKSI IIOOI.S - .MIVKI.I. I.V KIH'Sdipt . I' I I I V K I I , II .V.i:., and Milisi 'i | i i i . |i t ly ttr II. .1. I'm, Hart .

in Ihi'i-liair.AI-" |iiv.- .n t n 'linr i i ia i i , .1 .1'., M.-STS. .11. l l 'Sli. a , .1

.N u r u i n a l , Ii. Mi-a.k , .1. . M u r i i l i v , K. 1/uiiui , I ' . V.-al.- Tr ivan.y, .1. r i l / . j , i a | . l, W. l lal ly ", F. I " . HI.K .mli. l.l , .1.1'., AMIt . . I i.l , I.. Hvan , .1. 1.1- ai i iy, \V. Kelly, I'. 1;. , au.l .1CI.Li iu i .H.

i;ooji N K U S ,'I'lie commissioners forwarded check for £:ISI lO.s.

Hd., being half-year 's proportion for medieal andeducational purposes , for perioil ended :25lh March ,lr>72 . I Hi : SCIII111I.S.

Tin: Commissioners of Kducatiou forwarded extract.*)from district inspector 's report on state of thu houseschools , notif ying progress in both. A few mattersmentioned iu the report as alfecling thu male sohoolwi .'ii : referred to thu .school committee , Capt. Power ,D. V.C., say ing it was not judicious to leave the entirematter in I ho hands of an inspector , and concludedby passing a warm eulog ium upon the zeal aud atten-tion of tin.* t eacher, Aid. Iledmoud observing he(teacher) was one of the finest writers in Ireland. Mr.liloomlield slated Im examined ihe boys in readingthat day, aud their proficiency really astonishedhim (hear , hea r) .

I I I A M o K i : SKWKll . u.t:.At a meeting of the sewer authority in J ramore ,

on Monday , then: were present:—Aid , .IAIOII , J.P.(iu tho chair), Messrs . P. W. Power , J.P., C. lingers ,J.P.. .1. Waike , J. llndd , W. llall y, Thomas Walsh ,with Mr. Caiillield , S.I. Mr. Doyle , K.O., was direct -ed to .serve notices on the owners of all houses lei tuweekl y tenants , and ou the occup iers of all houses asyearly tenants , acconling to the fist now beforo themeeting, and lo report lo a meeting to bu held 011Friday , thu liS'.h inst .

111 K 111.1 M J AS) I.I M.The commit tee tu whom was referred the Consider-

at ion of (h e w i t h d r a w a l of the inmates the board .havein t h i s asy lum , and of which Major O'dormau , J.P.,sal as cha i rman , recommended an adherence to lliode terminat ion to wi thdraw them , believing they weretheru si if l iuiet i l l y louu' to have learned a Hade. -A greed lo. ,\\ AlT l . l i 'A l ION

A letter was read Irorn Mr. Hubert Dobbyn , solr.,staling that Mi* . Samuel Junes , collector , wa.s now ina luiialic asy lum , w i t h hut little hope of* recovery,ami asking that , Mr. Thomas Power, of Shauacluii i .',would be appoimed his assistant, as hu had made avery handsome oll'er to discharge the in-coming col-lection. Very genera l eommiiiseration was expi-i .-ssedby the guardians ai hearing this sad news , severa lmembers s la t ing they never bad a belter collector.

Mr. K1.00MiiKi . i l proposed that they agree to t h erequest , but was met by .Mr. O'S/ IKA , and otherguardians , stat ing tho commissioners would nut• auction a subs t i tu te , and even if they did , Ihe giiar.diai iM oug ht to be very slow in establishing sm-h ,-,proecdem.

< apta in I' liv n; said , wi th every for .M r.Power, he did noi. see whv thev should give a prefer-ence lo him over Mr. l l a l lv , ivho had olfere.l |,f).,,isto do ihe eollect ion. Mr. ll.u.l.l : And Mr . Cowerhas two baronies alread y.

I t appearing tha t , ihe board had no legal power 10elec t, a si lhs t i lu le , inasmuch as the warrants l . , r t hccollection were mil issued as yet , and , therefore,Ihosu ollicers no! being on duly, an assistant or sub-s t i tu te could not be apjioiut i .'d , the law allowing asubs l i t u l e in case of sickness , it was directed that,Mr. Dobbyn be inforeied tho board had no power to;ii :ci'di > lo t h u request , and thai when iln : propertime arrived , mi election would be held to MI [I |, I Vthe vacancy . A X A I M ' O I .VI M K M .

Al the lust election of guardians , a vacancy aii-peared for a warden , a Tdllllileer oflieer connectedwi th the Waterford dispensary . At the board nieei -iug succeeding the dan:, Mr. Keog h moved thai hisantagonist on that occasion should be madea warden.Mr . Devereu.x was soon after app lied lo, lo performhis functions , but , not having his commission , veryproperly declined , sending up a written letter to thoclerk , for thu board , asking for information. I t wasfound , upon inqui ry , speciall y in-i i iu i ed , t hat thename Devercux was not on tin: dispensar y roll , andihe result was , he was now dul y madu warden , uponspecial resolution.

I H K KATK -A I'lN.W. S K T I I .K.MK .VI .Tlio report of llio c.'urnniil tei: silt ing, by appoint ,

mi ni , on Monday, upon the quest ion r.s lo whethertlio eslimale of the clerk (Mr. .Mnclccy) should , orshould not ho reduced , n« moved by .Ilr. Illoo iulield ,was next read , and the. report wa.s lo recommend tin:board lo adhere 'o tho ra'e Klruck upon the ,"• 111 ufJune (the reduced eHt imate), and not to allow any-lliinj f to alter l ici t recommendation.

Mr. Ili.oo.MFiKi.i > warmly uiged the passing of suchrecommendation , and ttrotig ly pressed that , with dunand proper economy, .€10,.'I27, the sum realized up«ithe valuation of the union , would be iimp lu to meetthe wiiutH of the boanl for thu current year.

Mr. W. K KI.I.V— That may be nil very well , hutyou must not. forget that you now have seventy-fivi !persons in the over the numbers of this dnytwelvemonths. If you mu lt i ply tin ; fi gine75 by £12,the averago cost of an inmate , you will very soon seewhat the additional taxation is ; you will he requiredto incut that addiliunal sum instead of reducing thoestimate (hoar , l.ear).

Mr. H1.0M JiiiKi.l1 rep lied thai 7." might be the ex-cess liumbet that day, but it did not follow I hat thatincrease would go on , or remain at that li gurii. J lofull y believed that his reduced estimate uf tho Stliof Juno , by which the proposed rate of ,1s. upon Wa-terford was lo be made 2s. Oil. in the pound , wouldho quite Hullicionl to meel their wauls for tho currentrear , aud be had no hesitation , wliatuvor, iu earnestly

asking tho board to a^re • to his nstimaio. Mr. U AM.1Iin an emphatic manner, .-eeoitdRd tho motioo.

Aid. K KDMON D , whilst t\ predating the existenco ofany reason for an increase of taxation , expressed hisfull conviction that tho 1 educed estimate proposed byhis ablo friend , Mr. Hloomliuld , wonld never moot thewants of the year. A " Mr. Kelly had pointed out tothem , iu a forcible tirunior , they bad 75 moro in thoin tho I IOUBO than they had on that dny twelvemonths—this alono would causo an increase of at Ioast £750—and Mr. Uloomfieltl , who was so great an advocatefor a reduction of tho clerk's estimate, was unablu totell thorn that increase wuuld not continue (hea r,hoar) . Ho thoug ht tho commissioners wore right inthnir view (hear) . Aguiu, ho (Aid. H.) should rotnindthem thoy wero over thrcn thousand pounds in debt totheir trj asure r, tho National Hank , at, that moment ,mid 1 buy ought not to forget that being ill debt tothat , or to any greater or lesser aniouut , w,is not , atill , a creditable position for so important , and sowealth y uud respectable 11 union as Walerfurd (hear) .Even tho smallest and poorest unions wore uot indebt. In his (Aid. H'B.) opinion ihe best courso theycould adopt in this matter would bo to tako an aver-ago between tho clerk's estimate and th o reducedproposition submitted by Mr. Dlooinlieli', and to lettho mean bo the rate for tho current yem- (hear) . Hythis course, they could gradually get uut uf debt ,nnd when out of debt , thoy might then eipuel thuruto Lo go down (hour , hear) .

Mr. CI.AMI'KIT , at much length , supported Mr.Bluomfield , and contended that tho reduced ratowould bu amp ly sufficient tu meet nil tliu require-ments uf tbo union (hear , hear) . Ho ubjected to anyguardian , especiall y an| clotted guardian , advocatinga hi gh rate, when a lesser ouo would answer (hear).Ho expressed himself entire ly against thu viows ofthe comini.ssionors, who could uot understand thequestion as well as llio uuinin iltcu (in thu spot (hoar ,hear) . Mr. O'SIIKA also supported tliu reduction onthu samu grouuds.

Thu U I I A I K M A X (who was now Capt. Power) herdput Mr. liloomficld' s motion , that they adopt thu re-duced estimate , and it was polled on as follows :—

fur—O'Shea, 0'Gorman , Kent , Qiiiim , Vcalo , Fitzgcrald , Fruany, Murp hy, Norwood , Kall y, Clatnpult ,and lliooinlicld—12.

A-jninst. — Kedmond , Kelly, Ityan , and Loamy—1'flu: motion was declared carried , and Mr. llally

thanked Mr. liloomfiold for his economical exertions.Till: LI.OSKII l . l 'NAI ' l f ASV1. I U — AN O I I I K I : K N d l .'K I t

I n 1. M I O I I .Aid. II KII M IIN O said ho would desire lo trespass upon

thorn for a moment to bring forward a short motionin connection with their lunatic asylum. Hi! saw re-centl y, by a report in tliu Clonmel papers , that in thelunatic asy lum of Mint town there were two patients ,one with 2.S acres uf a farm , and another with .U7!IO inthu funds , both wholl y supported iu the iusiiiulio :iat tho expense of llio ratepayers (hear , hear) . Asabuses olien crept into thu very best institutions hesent to thu lunatic asy lum hurt- for a list of the in-mates, specify ing thu pay ing from llio non-pay ij g,but the request was refused , and his representativewas told to refer him (Aid. It.) tu tliu Lunacy Inspec -tors nl Dublin CasLlo. Under these eire iim.itaueeshe wuuld lake luavu to move thu followin g resolu-tion :—¦

H KSOI -VKI I That. Im-iniMvail in t he la,t r ip .it i.f I I I . ('I"|II I I .|bmiat ii - .'Asvliuii in t in - imlilii- pal'i-r.-, tha t tu-n |.<un|iar:iti\vlyWf -al t l iv i iuiiat i- s - Mill- ot t l l ' -iu a fanii'T i.f -S arp's, I I I , - n l l i . ru 'n r t l i i.'7!>l in the fluids -li.i'l Im-ii .-i i |' l"irt '»l t ln -n - a t l l n - i x -iM -ii.--. nf Hi.: rat' .pav . lv , w<- a-.'aiu i-arn.-stly ai i - l n->|H-rtt 'i i l lvrail lip .in 111" _¦">, riinr- i.r ill.- Wal< rl..r.l l . n n M i r A - v l n a l ,wl i' iv .-i irh JIITS - IIIS tnay in liki- inali i i i-r Ix r .-uppm-U il , to lolloivllii! exauipU- nl t h ' - iMvi-ni"!'* ili 'l'ipp'-r aiy, l.'url ;, l.iini-rirk , ,Vi-.,by Kj H- ni i i ..- t lu - i r im-.-l.iiii,'' l- i ( lur pi .- .-.-.

Major O'I I O I I M A N -said lie would , with much pleasure ,second '.he motion , aud should observe lhal suchthing.-: as 1I11: monstrous cases mentioned hy Aldermanlledmoiiil could not continue iu an)1 institution wheruthe nress was admit ted.

Aid. H KII .M U N I I read extracts from the report iu theC'IIIK C / f .'/n'"i'".'''•, detailing tho observations of Aid.Kenny and Aid. li yrne , upon eases, and Lheruling of 1 ho governors thereon.

Mr. O'S I I K A expressed his full concurrence iu thejustice and necessity of the motion , and said hu wasaware that in their oivn asy lum peop le of meanswere maintained at thu expense of lliu ratepayers(hear , hear).

Mr. C I.A M I 'K' IT also warmly supported lliu motion ,and slated In: met a very respectable farmer onu daygoing up to the asy lum , who told him In: had adaughter there, and when asked how much hu p.iyedfor her there, rep li ed, nothing at all (hear , hoar,!,lie was aware of an owner of housu properly , in tin:city of Wuturford, being maintained in it a', thu co-tuf tin; ratepayers, aud hi: certainly felt bound tosupport, the present motion by every means iu hispower (hear , hear) .

Maj or O'l ioitMAX—Tlij : whole grand jury system isrolli'ii 10 the con; (bear , hear) .

Thu motion passed unanimously, and it was fu r therordered that a cupv thereof be sent 10 ll|t: lunat icasy lum. rn .VTKAi ' l s .

A notice of motion by Mr. H I . O O M U K I . I I, to ex t endthe eoi i t rae ls , now taken mon th l y, to l liree monlh.s,was postponed for a fortnight at request , and at touro'clock , 1 In: guardians i i ' L i n d w i t h o u t over havingbroken their last during a vei'y lengthened sitting.Admirable pa t riolie self-de/iia l !

Sr.\rl: or ru i : HOI-SK. — In lums.- .linn: s, K7-s ; a ' lunt(•••I ilm-in:.' tin- vvt-i k . Hi ; I HTII , .tin ., 0 ; il i it i .1; itHi-hai - ;.'. .I'I.., Ti l: in h..11-..

¦.lull.- I.'., olM ; iii'.vr- lli;iti th i- ll:lv I w.-lv.- n i 'Kl l l i S

7--. ; :ilH. .ti.,i|i-ii wu rk inu - inal.-s . -I ; alil.-l..«li. il-W' .rkile.- l-ltla|. s--; in inl i r i i iary , -I-1 : ill frv.-r lin-pital , -J.",; ,(|.,f pniv i - i i iuaii'l iiiiv--ari<.s*n.«.r " viil , li'i» 1--. I'M. ; cii-iiiiit-il, Cli"» I s- M.avi-ra-.-i : i-.i.-t , 1-. I'Jil . ; imiri i iarv , :';. nil. ; f.-vi-r Im-pita l , i;»'*-l. * ;.!nii.|._- h:i l l , 1- . I I . I . No . ..I t-r.-li.-f , l'««; ;.- •>- ! , I'H I".¦M.; I:L-1 v.-ar , swc:; cost , I'!; 17s. ill.

llalsu'ici: :i'uiu->t ... ¦¦• ... Wliiu l:i '•

SKI. I ' -DKS 'I'RCCTION AT T I I K JAM..Vusterday, at two o'clock , Dc. (Jorn , coroner , held

ait inquest iu llio board room uf tho amal gamatedjails , touching tho death of liicliard Walsh , of I.i-more ,aged 'J 2 , found (h:ad frmn hang iii!,', in his cull , onWediii .'.sday evening. A slight delay took [dace u i t hrespect to lliu admissio n uf the pruss. Tliu coronerwas app lied to, bill after a short inleiTal , the re.porlei s were co:ineunsly informed by the localinspector lhal they wero admitted. The governor ,J. l.apham , Ksq., C. N. fiolloii, Ksq., Air. ,1. Miiling,S.I., IJr. (.'arroll , surgeon to the jail , and Uev. .Mr.(^uealv , C.C , chaplain , were also present, dur ing lheiuquiry. 'I'hu f i i l l owin g jury wassupp lid by ConstablePender , who had chaigi,- of lhe proceediiig.i .- -Me.-srs.J. Nolan , foreman ; U. Clarke , P. liricu , .1. Wal.-h ,M. Mc l lra th . J. l-'il/gemld , Andrew I l i r t y , J. Mollov ,Ii. l lal l y, II . I facket t , J. Sheridan , mid .1. Wark.Waller Fol ey , turnkey in thu prisons , deposed In-saw deceased la»L alive at i.'M on Wednesday even-ing ; deceased had then been engaged cu l l i ng t h ugrass iu the yard wi th a muwiiig machine ; he hadllieii left his work without permission , a very unusua lt i l in g for men to do ; deceased asked dep onent. i<ilei him in lo his cell for a bit of paper , and hu m-xltold deponent he could not do auy more work thatday : deponent then put him into his cell at his ownrequest ; dcpouuni , not l ik ing thu modu iu whichdeceased answered him , went to his cell iu about tenniinure.s alter, to spea k to him Jigai/i ; when hu eami;lo open the door he tumid a bod y pressing against il ,and when he pushed il; in he saw deceased hangingfrom the gas-pipe, thu body pressing against t h udoor ; he was hanging by his leather bell ; deponentim:i'ediatel y raised up the bod y to take tho weightotr his neck , and called for hel p ; Mr. Walsh , anotherturnke y, came, and cut him down ; deponent ,at firs t ,lhoii ' 'ht the man was nut dead , but he now believedhe was dead.

Foreman--1 .suppose there is a discretionary powerw i i h the l u r n k u y to admit a prisoner to his cell whenhe ii^ks , under such circumstances J* 'I here is , sir.

'iovernor- -Tliui is tho regulation , and when done ,il i- always reported lo lip : aflerwards.

1'r. Carrol) , physician lo the jail , said il was a mosthumane regulation.

Coroner- -And there was no want of atl.enl ion onI In; part of .M r. I ' .ilcy , for iu ten minutes afiur le t t in ghim into thu cell , he wi:ul lo si.u lifter him , as ho wa.snot salislied w i t h his answers.

Dr. (.'arroll -Aud uut one man in twenty nouldt h i n k ef doiliL ' HO.

Witness—Ileeenscd never showed auy symptoms ofinsanity, but when speaking tu him yesterday, WalshHi'cmed to have been previousl y cry ing. (lovi .-ruor :He was the best conducted priMincr iu the jail. In-speclor : 11 is name was never in tho punishmenthook.

1 homas U'alsh , turnkey nntl *citvuliii ;i dlt:i; itcj uiritu il h a l he wns I'-' t l l id to the cell , and , 011 going in , heIci i i i i l deceased hanging from thu gas pi pe, and cuth i m down ; he believed he was then dead , but wrntimmedia te l y for the doctor ; to lliu best of his leliefdeceased was not then breathing ; Ur. Carroll was , and I lr . l' u r k i t t came ; the man was ih ' -u dead.lus|iec'or : We bruug hi. Dr. I l u r k i t t up al uui;.: 1111 acar. Dr. (.'arroll and Dr. Palmer, lhe apothecary tol l i n j a i l , were up immediately also, (inventor : AndFul her (Juealv was hen; at I lie same time.

Coroner—The conduct of l l iu two warders, par-t i cu la r l y lhal of Foley, was hi ghl y creditable. Noth-ing was left undone thai could bo done under thucircu instances.

Dr. Carroll deposed lie never, ho bclipved , had do-censed under bis cure in the jail , (iovernor : lie wasnever in hospital . Dr. Carroll : Ciinu up to thu prisonimmediately on Inuring of tin: event , and found thumail qu i te dead.

Thu foreman made some remark as to thu gasp i pes being fitted , us they now worn , ovor tho doors ofthu cells , with a view lo have their position altered ,in which suggestion Ur. Carroll eipiussed his fullconcurrence. Tho governor also condemned themvery much , and stated tie wasawaro of n coup le of at-tempts boing niadu beforo by prisoners to bang them-selves from those gas pipes, but this was thu onl yease lhal succeeded. Mr. Hullon said ho wouldmention tin ; matter tu (ho Hoa rd uf Superintendence.I iThu jury found ns their verdict , " Death by suicide ,and desire lo slate that no blamo whatever attachesto any of tho ollicials."

The deceased wasu fine young man ,offull y fourteenslonu weight , uud was sentenced at tho last I.ismoroquarter sessions to four mouths, for an assault uponth« poiice.

PitliT op M KAT .—It is thought that , owing to thoenormous quantity of land under grass, and thu diB-appearance of disease amongst cattle, the price ufmeat mubt soon recede.


BOARD OF r, uAMMAN'S— THURSDAY .Mr. M. A. A NTHONY , U.V.C., in thu chair.

Also present—E. Terry, P. Brett, J Wall , M.Hackolt. Dr. Croknr King, P.L.I., was presentduring tho sitting of f.ho board .

M KIUCA I, FKKS .—The corrc-ipondiMice only com-prised ouo letter from tho puur law commissioner? ,sanctioning tho proposed payment of a feo of threoguineas lo Dr. Luther for medical assistauco ren-dored by him to the medical officer of Whitechurchdispensary district in a ditliciilt case of midwifery.

ScAi.crrr of LAIIOI :HKIIS .—Mr. ferry brought undernotice tho scarcity of manual hands in tbo country ,<ind suggested tho desirability of making an orderrequiring the master to furnish tho board with .1return of nil able-bodied males and females in tbehouse, together with tho names of tho children de-pending upon t.h«:m , with a view of having themdischarged. Ordered accordingl y.

M KIUCAI . OmrKu 's IiKi 'our. —Junn lltth , housohosp ital : Remaining last week , K7; admitted , 14 ;discharged , 111 ; died , 2 ; remaining this day , S7.Fever hospital : I' emaining last week, S; admitted ,1 ; discharged '.i • died, II ; remaining Ihis day, (i.Tho medica l ollicer app lied for one week's leave ofabsence, which was granted , Dr. Ryan , stair assistautsurgeon , having kindly consented to act as substi-tute in his absence.

SAXITAKV H KI 'OHIS .—Mr. Thomas Dee, relievingl.llicer , reported that for thu last month theru werein Dr. Anthony 's dispensary distrivt (Dungarv.-iu)some ten eases of diarrhcea , six of scarlatina , three olsmall-pox , and onn of fever. Mr. Mnhnny , thu otherrelieving ollicer of the union , reported that in Dr.Graves' dispensarv district there wero two cases ofscarlatina , but no other ep idemic. In Dr. Hartland' adistrict there , wero livu cases of scarlatina , an d noother ep idemic. The board considered both reportssatisfactory. J)r. King suggested the necessity olpainting the interior of the. houso , especially thuwindows , and securing same. The mallei* wa.s re-fcrrcd to a committee to report to next meeting .

Qnl?n *l —That in case uf persons receiving pro-visional relief , unit fit tn Im removed to hospital , lliorelieving oflicers be requested to uso their influencein inducing them to receive hospital relief.

* 7i*'''''V''—The boa rd having had under consider-ation tho report of thu visiting committeu of the oOthultimo , suggesting that tbu ward now occupied bytho W'.imen al thu male side of llio house be used asa male ward , approved of the suggestion , iho medi-cal ollicer and Dr. Crokcr King perceiving no ob-jection to its adoption.

Til l - : IN 'D CSTU IAI . SCHOOL C0MM 1TTKK.A meeting of this committeu took place on Thurs-

day al. tin; workhuuso hoard-room , when the follow-ing attended :—It. J. LVsitKi i, J.P., iu the chair ;M. \. Anthony, secretary ; Itevs. Mussrs. 0'lirien ,Kora n , Sheridan , and Mul l in g P. P., Old Parish ; K.r'iugcrald , and M. ilackett.

A lung discussion took place on the proposed sitefor the erection of the schools. Tho secretary readMr. Durdon 's letter , which In: received during thupast week, from which it appeared that Mr. JCeil ydeclined to inner into any oiler for the farm on hear-ing thai thu commiileo had closed with Lord Stuarlfor a site .

The Chairman remarked Ilia t il. would be muchbutter if a proper situ could be procured more con-venient , to the town. Mr. Anthony was of opinionthat the present situ was more suitable , as it, washeller lo have thu school built at a disiauci: from thetown , lie referred to places when: such institutionswon: bui l t elu-a; tn towns , which was not approved uf ,and part icularl y Cashel , which had an industrialschool there that contained , hu believed , one hundredchildren.

llev. .Ur. Sheridan thought it well tha t it should brbu i l t at some distance fro m town , sav a mile , or :imi le and a half .

.Mr. A n t h o ny remaiIced lhal the committee wereunan imous iu their approval of the original site eivonby Lord Stuarl , a part of bis lordshi p's estate alMilenahorna. He was q u i t e sure that the present,member's were unanimous iu their approval of tin:chosen site.

'I'hu Chai rman was of opinion thai tin; ubf.'i.'t ofthe present meet ing was to approve of tin: sesohltionof t h e cummiiu-e lo accept t h e s i tu ulfered by LordSmart.¦ ¦ A fl-ur some fu r the r di.-eussiou , il. was resolved , on

molion of i h e llev. Dr. O'lirieu , seconded bv .Mr.llaeke l l : l; Thai t h i s meet iug eon l inns and approvesuf the resolution of the eouimil l'V , pl'eviollslv passed ,to iircupl t b u site olleri'il by lliu Ilight Hon. LordS t u a r t de llecirs , in t ho lowidand of Mi lunahorna , inthe parish of King," "~'\

Proposed by lhe liov. Air. M u l l i n s , P.P., scjond-ed by Mr . K. Fil/^'-r.ild , and re.solved : " That. in ca-cMr. iiob ' i is declines lo inspect tin: construction of theschool bu i ld ing s , lhe plan and sp'j cilieal ion be siib-niiu ' I t i Mr. l.ang ley, and lha l he be reque sted mai ' .-' id 1 lie nexi meet ing of ihejc ouuii i l teu .and olf.-r a u vsiicge-s i i 'i ns t h a t he has lo make ."

11 was also old.-red lha l the s-'cretary adverl i .-" forlenders for tin: execution -if ihe.'chool buildings , lo beconsidered lhal. day forlmVil. 'J'/ie obj ect "( themeeting this day wa.s lo f ina l l y determine ou l h e site ,as al lhe last meeting of I 'II ; coniniillee, held for theconsideration of the p lans and specifications, a il i !'-ferenen of opinion occurred relative to the eli ir ibi l i l \*of lhe si te olfiM-ed by his lordshi p, somu of l h e sub-.scrib'.'rs bein^' of o/ iini 'in t h a t it, was loo lin* f iointhe t o w n , mid preferred 10 have il. closer, i f a s i t . ecould be go'- on yusunabli ' terms, when: thu clergyand Chr i -Liau l irothers would have its supervision.I t was accordingl y proposed and agreed to, after awarm dis,;u- .sioii, to try and negotiations w i t hMr. K" i lv . 1 be owner of the f a r m adj . l ining the town ,w h i c h l i i > - eommit tee intended at lirst for a site, buthad to abandon , owing lo t h e terms demanded , andwhich they could not possibly accede to. I t wa.s thenhis lordshi p, wi th his usual generosity, came forwardand olfei'i 'd the present site at a nominal rent , audthe co inu i i t t i ."' , al l i i e i r meet ing 011 the !lth u l t imo ,gra'cfully acce|i!ed '.he oiler. A fuiv days subsequent,to t h i s , a l e t t e r was leo-ived from Mr. Dun l in , agent ,s ta t ing tha t , he represent.-d to Mr. Keil y tha t no onuwould bui ld on a ' t l years' lease, and tbat bethoughthe could prevail on h im lo g ive 100 years' lease , the01 her eondil ions , which were eqall y obj ectionable totie: commi t tee , to remain as before. The la t ter , inreply lo 1 his conimi iu ica t io i i from the agent , declinedto le-open M 'goeiatious on those terms, there beingno proposal t o ab e r the othercomli t ions . In referenceto the rc-olution ol ih" commit tee th i s day fortnight ,the secretary wro te lo Mr . Dunl in , but , iu rcplv, wasinformed t h a t Mr. Kel l y regretted hi: could not nowen te r t a in any nller lor the farm, as miru'jd ialelv onhearing t h a i ihey had closed w i t h Lord S tuar l . fur as i t e , he made o the r arrangements in respect of thelaud. The proceedings t e r m i n a t e d wi th a volo oft h a n k s lo lhe cha i rman , which was proposed liy thellev. Mr. M u l l i n s , and scronik-d by tho Kcv. Mr.Sheridan.


Ou th ' i afternoon of Sunday last , H'th inst., in com-pliaucu with a public requisition , largely and iiiHuen.l ia l l y i-i gne.l , requestin g thu worth y chairman of thoTown Commissioners , Mr. AI. A. Anlhoiiy, to convenea public me. 'ting of th e township 011 as early a day aspos-iiile to e.spr -'-s the i r niter co'it i.'iiqit. for llio 111 in(K'-"^ h) who".| 10 e-i l i imii i ii lo tho rcven-d andbeloved c!er_'y of our church , a large .-md cuthu si-aslii: inc ciiug of tie ) peoplo uf Diingarvau and itsvicinitv was held in lhe new Town Hall , for tin: pur-pose of expressin g their deep indignation at the infa -mous attack of Jud ge Keog h , in the (ialway elect ionp etition , upon the Catholic hierarc h y aud priesthoodof Ireland. 'I'hu meeting was wurth y of the occasion ,and ll iu proceedings, which were conducted in a veryorderly ami quiet manner , commenced about twoo'clock. AmongM those present wero : —

The V.TV l!.-v l)r l la l lv , I'.I'. , llev l-'muvis (I ' l l i i r i i , ( '.(.',l td K l - i i '.iii . I '.I :, Iti v 'M r Wi l l iam- U.S.A , lt..v .Mi'Sli.-ri.lati,U S \, M A Anthoiiv, rlaiirtiiaii of tbe 'l'.>M'o <;..itiiiiissionei-.- ;II A n t ho n y , .11 II , .if lla.-k.-tt , IM' , 1' Kly i i n .T.C. 1' IVal-li , I'M J ,1' W i l l i a m s It K . i l y , T.I.', II ll.111ai.M11 , l> M'l.'iirtliv. T.C . V.l-'i lui-ruli l , T.I ', K i l i l i i i ie , W.ltyaii . T.i;, I ' Currv.ii, V.I.. (i , KSpiMtl . .1 Ih imi iiMii , •! riirr.iii . T Kavan.i»li , I' lV I 'itz-.-.-rul.l ,I' I l . an- .K. T. l..iiia an ..l .11ri:atiii , .11 K.-:ui,-, li Sti.k.-s .J Cl.-iirv .IT. .1 Mi l l i . i ins T.t:, I' Wal.-li , A S WuL-h, K Kcuinily.'J.M.-.i t iv . T.c. M 1Vli.-l.ui , -I S.-.uil.ia , T W'siMi , .1 Kl;m:u.'.iii, .1M nrri -'i'V, M Wli i- l aii , II K l l r . i ian , .1 Kirh v, l>U :u*y, M Tubia ,M Hviu i i •' I.»HI -I I , .' <;ri/K« , /' Alu-uni, *¦•.

fiiu Very licv. Dr. llall y was thu lirst to cottiL for-ward , and was received with great cheering. Hounj d—This augurs well for your Town Hall wheu itis ibis day inaugurated by a meeting whoso object is10 defend thu character of your prelates , of yourpriests , of your reli gion , and tin: Catholic people ofIreland (ehuer.s). Vou havo takou thu van in thisgreat movement. i» tho county of Walerfurd—evenyou havu antici pated lliu oiLy (hear , hear) . 1 wailedand deferred it iu order to let thu city of Waturfordtuke thu lead , but thoy delayed so long that tho peo-plo uf Duug ir/an u rged and pressed nm Ou by thuirpatriotic nnd relig ious fueling, and wo aro obli gedibis day to anticipate Iho city aud county of Water-ford ill this great movement (cheers) . It is not thefirst tiinu that you did this. Vou led thu van iu ihouinauci palioii of Ireland (cheers) . Tho county ofWaterford , and Dungarvan particularl y, was iho firstlo laku lliu move f ur thu emanci pation of Irolaud(cheers). This voiy nioiiih forty-sir years I recollectbeing at a meeting with tliu gruat Liberator of Ire -land (cheers), where J.iuk Lawless, Lalor Shiel , andothers weru present , and thoug h last not !easi, !IeuryVilliers Stuirt , now Lord "Stuart do Decios (cheers).We were then as wu are now ,enthusiastic for roii giouaud patriotism (cheers). Cunning was tho PrimeMinister of that day, and what did ho say when hoheard of Wnturford ? I lo said , " if tho Hi:resfords arobeaien in Water ford we must emancipate Irolaud"(cheers). The llereslords wero beaten , and we re-turned Henry Villicrs Stuart (hoar). Tho flamo wasli ghted in Dungarvau and it spread all ovor Ireland-it spread to Claro, and Daniel O'Conuell , thoug h dis-qualified by his religion in consequence of thoao vilopenal laws, was still returned for Clare, and Canningsaid thoy wore obliged to emancipate Ireland (cheers).I congrutulalo you now that you have taken up thiscause, for you havu 1,'tkon up tbo dofeneo of lliu char-acters of your prelates , of your priests , and of tbopeoplo ol Ireland , who are essentially Cntholic(ebceii). 1 congratulate you tbat iu Uiis rnovomoiit

you havo anticipated the ro»t of the county of Water-ford, and oven thecity|(hear, hear) . Without furthertrespassiDg on your time, I beg to move tbat Mr.Anthony, chairman of tho Town Commissioners, takotho chair.

Tho motion was secondod by Capt. Fitzgerald , andpassed unanimously.

.Mr. M. A, A NTHONY then took tho chair, and ac-knowledged tho complement conferred on him. Hosaid a moro appropriate building that that iu whichthey woro assembled could not bo selected for thismeeting (hero) j for he remembered wheu a boy boiugon tho attic utoty of this very building, and bearingtho voice of that mighty man—now no more—DauielO'Connell , ringing within theso walU for bis eouttry(cheers). It was a littlo after tho passing of thoEmancipation Act, but was prior to tho peoplo beingable to assume tho position'the act gavo them (hear).It was a glorious thing that within the walls nf thusame old houso in which they were now assembled,tho eloquence nf tho immortal Dauiel O'Connoll thun -dered forth (cheers). They wero mot that day for agreat purpose , and ho hoped thoy would stato theirminds freely and oponly on thu conduct of a man whopresumed to call himself a Catholic (hear and groansfur Kuogh). He denied that he was uno. He couldn't,be nne (bear) . Being a Catholic , he must abide by thoChurch' s doctrines, and ho couldn't h:ivu any opinionof bis own contrary to thesu (huar , bear) . He askedwas Judgo Kcngb that man (no and groans for him) ?Jud go Kong h suems so purfeelly ignorant of tin ; doc-trines of his church , that he found il necessary locro-i.s-oxamiuo tho hierarch y on points which had noniom to do with tho case than thu jud gment of thulast day (hear , hear). He travelled altogether uul-sidi! lhe precincts of a court of justice (hear , hear) .Ko (the chairman) saw by iho pipers of the pre -vious day that tho country which gavu him birth be-camo so hot for him , thai hu had tu leavo for Kug landbut. thoru hu found it too warm also, aud after half adozen hours stay in London , ho decamped for thocontinent (hear , hear , and a laug h). Irishmen neverrebelled or complained where jusiico was fairly given(hear , hoar). Thuy submitted and buru thu penalty,but they raised their voice against unfair administra-tion of thu law (hear, hear) . This mn a mie-sidedjudgment, against which thu puopl.: of Ireland re-belled ; and thoug h it did not trauspiro in lhe news-paper reports , it was a well-knuwn fact that , dur-ing lliu progress of the trial , thd judicial wig—thuvery horse hair which Kuog h woru—fell severaltimes oil' his)head in disgust with the calumnies whichbu launched against priests and peup lo (cheers andgroans for S.M. (I .K)—the very horse hair refiirei! tosit 0:1 th e brain capable of such calumnies ( y if Jud ge Kuogh wuru to havu his own way allthe Acts uf Parliamen t of recent vcais would be anullity (hear , hear). Judge Keogh had returned amember for (¦'alivay. How lemg would thu pei/p losanction t h a t return ? (A Voice — N o t I1111-;—hear ,hear). W i t h i n a short t ime Ireland would b;: m a k i n glaws for hers.'lf (cheers), aud hu believed i h u j ud g-ment of Jud ge. Keog b had done morn for Homoltuli! than all tin; speeches mad'; up to th': presenttime (hear , hear) . He bad the hardihood to call tin:honest., friu/.'.'-uoateil electors who voted for CaplaiuXolan , a brainless, u n t h i n k i n g mob, but, le: (thechairman) doubled much if Keogh did not wisb nowthat he had ?omu uf thu prudence of these men whomle: sti gmatised iu this manner (hear, hear) . Learningwas a very dangerous th in ..', pa r t i cu la r l y when it '.-ota l.ias iu one direction more lha i i another (hea r. hear) .Hi: hoped and trusted t h a t il would not be very l- .ngwhen thev would not have Mieh*in<:n on the ju lieialbench as Keog h , and that. 1 hu (Mive rn tne .n l would -euthai t in : man who aspired to such a posit ion—when:he was a l .'.i iholiu—did not .-Midy in aliodles.s Collegeas K.'o-h ha.l doie: (le-a r, h";ir). 'I'll' : chairman saidhe believe I Jud ge Iv-'igh had ail ulterior obj ect, iuview iu giving th i s decision (hear , hear). Thaij udgment wa.s deliberated upon aud decided beforohu went in to ihe court at a l l (groans). Keog h wasdetermined befulu hand not alone that hu would u n -seat thu choice of thu peop le, but t ha t hi; would pro -ir.ict I be trial to su-:h a length that tin: costs incurredwould bu ru inous to Captain Xolan (oh and groans).Tie* vih : mind that conceived that idea had no husi-i la i iot i ill a l lowing evidencu ent irel y outside thuquestion at i.-.suu to be heard , iu order 10 increase thecost to Captain N'olan (groans), l in t t l iu peop le off ru land , if they could do no ui'it 'e, were duturmincdto foil t ha t objeel , because they would raise a fundso tha t Captain Xotau would not bu called upon topay oni! fa r th ing of il (cheers). The l ial lul Hi l l waspassing throug h Parliament , aud there would im-mediately bu a genera l oleetiu/i , and all ihu Keogh-Siu Ireland , I hi: Claurlcardes and the Clancarlyswould not return Trench again lor I Ialway (ulcers) .Thu frieze-coated men whom Kco-jh sligm uiscd a< abrainless , senseless, s tupid lot , carried away byecclesiastical inlluence , would show thuir power ahdindependence , aud ihoir coulempt for the utterancesof this ilisi giiifl'j aut m m (hear, hear). Kuogh de-clared that landlords li.-t 'l a perfec t right to i/illuenc:thu voles uf their ieiianls--lhat they had a right tocoerce, their lun i n t r y into voting as ihey pleased (oh).Such a doctrinu wa.s opposed lo the law of thu land ,and instead of b -ing guil ty of 11:1 imcui is t imiioir i !act, 1 In: t ioverninent that would remove such a manI mm a jud ic ia l position iu lliu country, would bu act-ing jus t ly , and decidedl y coiwt.ituiiouall y (cheers).In conclusion , the chairman S'tid that a subscriptionlist would bu opened which , ho trusted would boswelled by t in: punce uf tho puur , as well as thepounds of the rich, for Ji t .was a causo iu which al ltbu countrv was deep ly concerned (hear, huar).

.Mr. lVili i.'i rn s proposed tuo lirst resolution ns fol-lows :— "'That , whi l s t wu repudiate aud denounce asvile .-landers t h u hast: invectives poured out by JudgMKeog h fro m his p lane on thu bi -ncli against the do-ruled prelates and clergy of Galway aud Ireland , womus t -s i igni n i - e a s adul iuura lu falsehood tho assertiontha t the Catholic clergy of Ireland could so dohas"theiiuclvus as .-acrilegiously to pro fanu lhe d iv ine in -s t i tut ion of t in: coutessioual for tli3 ut la iumuul ol*political ends."

Dr. Anthony seconded lhe motion, which wasunanimously agreed to.

Mr. Urchin Hauiii^au , iu proposing tho second 10-Soliuiou, said he would not go so far as the chairmaniu say ing thai Jud gu Kuogh preju dged Ihu case, butif hu ( M r . 11 i n u i gan) weru 011 a ju ry heariii'' iho cas.:wi th Jud ge Keogh , he would hold out very long be-fore he camu lo such a ilucisiou (huar) . His languau'owas altogether improper . It was more the lieryeloquence of a debating society or an election speech ,and had none of that calm, di gnified tone which on->would expect fro m the bench (hear , hear) . lie biv-ged lo thu following resolution :—" That whilst ,not presuming to criticise thu correctness of the jud g-ment by which Captain Xolan was unseated , wu jvi ;declare our linn conviction that Ihu language iu whichthat judgment was delivere d is calculated 10 weakenthe cunlid ' -'iicu of ihu peop le of Ireland in ihu im.p in id .iduiinislmtiou of ju stic.:, whun they seu a ju.l g.imaking use uf thu privileges which his pu-niion on thobench gives hiai , wantonly to insult and mali gn ourbishops and clergy, to whom wu always look up withveneration , respect , and atMehuiunl. "

Mr. P. Hyn u seconded ihu resolution , wbichpassed unamiously.

Mr. M'Carlby proposed the third resolution m fol.lows :—"Thai thu trial of tho (ialway election peti-tion being thu momurnhlu occasion 011 which tho bis-hops and priests of Ireland have been so grossly in-sulted , the feelings of the peop le so sorelv woiludedhistory falsified , the Church and her sacred ordinancesmisrepresented , as a proof of thu indi gnation withwhich we arc filled al those uncalled-for and c i luu iu i.011s utterance*, lha l a subscription list be O|H'I:CI Ithat, wu may assist iu delraying tho heavy expense lowhich thu j udge's (lecioiun has subj ected thu chosenof thu peop le , the gallant Capt N'ohlll."

The resolution, being seconded by Mr. RichardKiiily, passed , and a sulmcripiion list was opened ,when a ruspeetublu sum wus subscribed. The proceed,ings terminated wi th a voto ot thanks to the chair-man.

J I ' l l l i K K KCH.ll I'.I . I IVKI) IX K f l l l i V .This great legal functionary was further bmug hl

under the respectful milieu of the peoplo of Duuj rar-van , by sumo of his admire rs , 011 Monday night , whenn number uf small buys went thruugh thu Maiu streetwith p iercing shouts aud chonrs ,carry ing a rudfi bier ,on which was laid a hi ghl y grotesque aud diminutive!figure, much rrsenibling at a distance a defunct inon-koy. After creating considerable amusement throughthu town for a time, the exhibition proved to lie o^lythu prohuln to a greater one, which turned at the endof thu Main street , near the market house, headed bya juvenile band play ing the appropriate air of " ThoUugue's March." In their taidst was seen a hideousfigure iu sable , oruamonted with a whitu collar andlarge wig, surmounted by a hugo old beaver hut , as aneltigy of tho impartial jud ge. The fi gure , which wasraised ou two poles , and born a striki ng resemblanceto Swearing Keogh .was earned through the princi palstreets, the crowd iucr<:asing to thousands, and on iliifinal passago to iho river , throug h lirid go strcut .deafening cheers wero given at Dr. Ra ll y's, and deepgroans for Keogh. At tho brid ge, tho last sceuc wasonactod, whon Hilly was lit up, amidst tremendousgroaus and rather strange funeral orations ; but thncarcase uot burning as rapidly as might bo wished ,althoug h creating a brilliant blaze, il was well flailed ,then torn aauudor , and flung ovar the ramparts of thubrid ge into iho sea, amidst a thrilling shout of exulta-tion fro m the peoplo, who then dispersed iu a mostiorderl y manner , thoroug hly satisfied.

PETTY SESSIOXS— SATI'KDAV ,(Uoforo Sir J. N. Humble , Bart., and Mr. Mi-ury K.Redmond , R.M.)—There was un uuusunlly laree n um-

ber of assault cases lor heariug to-day, many of theniboing adjourned to next court iluy. Michael Crottvand Michnel Quoal y were eaob fined 10s. for separateassaults, the latter , whu ',v»s under a rule of bail tohave his recoguizapco estreated. '

There nro 75 inmate, in the Waterford uoion tnorothan this timo last year.N KW Q,:.u.-The building of (he new quay abovebridge is progresing. The cut stone is nea, y reTto build the quay wall. When the road w M bu ml'and the lamps oreeted , it will be a splendid additioato our presont noblo qimyx . "™a

On Saturday, Mr. Joseph Walsh, auctioneer, *>r<ia Urge lot of corporation manure at rci.un»,'aiiT0pnoB St

Page 4: · rilK WATKHKOU D XHWti I;STAIII .ISIII:I > 1M,. (Al.l.iiinm liu*'Xi', l'ni'irii-tiii.) l.\UiU -l ("llii

©rfginal \) ottvvM A R Y .

11 He that will come after mp, let bini tU'tiy himself , nud takenp hi.» crois and follow me."—I.Matt. xvi.. 24).

THE IXXUN CtAriO.V.E»ruinc bromlwl o'er a vallry iu a lawl far, far away ;The golden sunbeams tn-mbTul nu tin- languid brow of ilay ;In the West n criunou glory flushed tin; tlit-p ly aznro sky,And broad barn of KUI.1 wcru resting on tho mountain , bare anil

high.The groat, strong huart of Nature scared v tx-at, so still uud deepWas tho ¦luinb'roua calm that bathed all the testless wurld in

_ «Iocp ;Never sinoc the Great Creator11* wondroiu wisdom pave them

birthH«d luch beauty, amt such ratliauiv, and such "lorj, lit the

earth.All around the brow of Henveu plnwiicil a rich, n-fnlgcnt lisht ,Brighter than the brreul Aurora in the imrple (tusk of night ;Golden line* of light huug downward—'twas n fltrauiie aud

myj tic thing-Like tho lancew of tlia antjcls whi n they stand In-fore the King.A deep and nuhtlc perfume floated on tho ovi-uing nir ,Like the cloud of incense Trailed from the ^eraji h'.s ceiiK.-loss

prayir jAnd a tinkling, silvery cadence mingled with the MllmvV roar,TWAS the echo of the p/oldcn hnr))i on Heaven's fur-ntt ¦.linn:.

But tho* all the earth wiw bathed iu that new, uiysterimis li-j bt ,Oni p|wt within the valley was more purely, clearly lirijrht ,All the glorious hosts nf Heaven, with their Kiu", were L-uthirc il

there.Where a gentle, fair-browed maiden lowly In-lit in humlilf

t'rayer.AU the glory Hut was shining 'ronud that liolv , haltuwetl place,Could not match the saintly Irauty iif her fair", uplift, d face.Tho' tho Irotllicad's baud hud painted the il.t'p purple of that

vky,'Twa* not half so blue nnd cloudless as her ..oftlv-smilin!; eye ;And tho floutm;* backwanl from her Imrc, inirurrliil

broir,Wore the name rich llur* that sparkled iu the suii.-ef.s golden

glow.>*ot a ffliad'HT dimnipil tlio hriirhtnes^ of the lovely prli--li face ;Sirrow's withering hand had never tin her forehead U-fl: a trao';Purer tlmn the snow-capited niornibiiiis, wln-re man's footstep*

never re*t.Were the thought* nnd dream? that IHHUMUS! in that lowlymaiden's bn-.nt.

All the. prayer.' tif all the angels in tho radiant hall* nicnv,Were dim U-fon- th.- splemlourof that pputless being's love ;And the Almighty Father seated, ernwnitl with f lory, on Hi<

throne,Dcstiuwl that thL« humble vhyin should ln> Mother of His Soil.Mother of the Ijonl "f lilory—Mother "f the Kini; of Lik-lit—Quciii of Kartli and IJiiet u of Heaven— cjncc-ii of all that 's great

aud bright;And Ho sent His auRt- l iimvuward, when His royal woni was

Riven .To tell tlm hmlr m'.ihirr uli.. «li..ii).l brar the Cud of H eaven.Ah ! what marvel that the. trembled, aud tho lovely (aw grew

pale,As she herd, in sp.*clili-s* wnnder, the ancrel' s mystie tile ;For h'-r spirit , devp,^, saw at onei: the dreadful

doom—SAW the soldicrx, hi-anl the thunders , .-aw the ^ibl«tV fearful

frlooin ;And the shadow fell upon her, nud the laudsc-iin- fair and bright,Ixlst that day, and lu>l for ever, its joyou s, sunny liirhi: IVet she raist*l her forehead meekly, when* the Father's irlory

*hone,Aod "lie (.aid, " Rvhold Thy handmaid ; \v Thy will for ever

done."Tin: XATIVITV .

Mildlj tuoaued the winds of winter thro' the long, dt~erUi.•trvet.

And the dn-p snow ga re no'crlin of the wr-.iry travrllrrs' feet,A" a slender, faulting Rirl, passi^l ali .li>: fimn dtiur to <loor,Htimblv craving rest and shelter till thatdre.-iry nij rht ir.iso'rr.flinty hearts ulune r«-!-pond<-d to the inaid .-ii 's i-:irnesl prayer .Untouched by her pale , sweet l>oaiily, and her linisetiiii yellow

hair ; *Yet she smiiiit with patient sadness, us she slowly tnnieil away,To urck rest within a stable (>n i..nin datnp and scattered hay.And awhile tli> - wintry lirii-zos nioaii.-d alwvi- bergolrh-u hoad.A troroblinn HaW was born in that cold and dreary sluil ;And the gentle mother shivering, thro ' tin: wind ami railing1

«uow,Strove to still hid fi<-ble wailini;, as she reeked him to nud fro.Mary'i* luart was dc-p lv happv , as sin1 cUspeil her l(aU* tri

reit ,CIJI.TK^ her Child wilhin her arm- , elasi»eil her (fod U| H ,II her

breast ;O, what irlory f'<r n erf -niure ! Mr>lher of the HrnvenV King !Lying wi-akly mi ln-r I M .-OIII a feeMe, wailiiej- thirii r.Thro' tho niiilniglit 's .".oleuni stillness ni-e tin- angels ' joyous

¦nut:,Aod the rude, sharp winds grew fruitless they bore the strain

along.On the manger's straw she laid him , and the lnild-»ycd oxt li

cameWith their sweet, hot breath , to warm the tr embliii ' 'Infant 's

frame.Then iiho JiiDubJy knel t iM-side Him , rapture shini i iL - i i i h'-r eyi-sDrinkiti? iu His luiliy beauty, stilliu^ all His baby eries ;Happr Mother ! love and worship iu her Ixisom blent, in one.For the llabe that lay befure her was herliod alul yet her S..u .Ah , sweet Mother ! elasp Him el-.sely, kiss avain His baby faee,Fill your heart with every feature, every wiuniim infant •rniee ;Can you trace the crim-mi lilomliuarks on the hivelj, 5]"itles!

brow ?Does the silken skill pivi. token of the ruthless murderer's blow :No ; but deep within your I XVMHII you can see that vision .-till ;S«* the cords aud blood-stained lliorlis , ami the niu'ired, ero.*.-.

crowned hill ,And vein dare not a>k the father tn n'lea-e His only Sui ;You liavi: f aiil , " Itehold Thy, handmaid ! I K Thy will for ever

doue."Till: ClltCIJIXloN.

To the plains of far .Tudea , n'Kmtide 's nidiant hour was given ,lint no sunlight '* gohleu glory lit the auvry faeeof Heaven :C'ulvary 'n Hill w;u* thickly peopled ; guards and noldiers st<"»l

nr iiuud ;Ilroken chords and scattered garment- lay u|»on Hi'- rie_' .-i|

liround.I/iuiily lualeil tiio rolling- thiimler, and the lifhtditi^ 's huid

blazeFhi>hrd its blood-red sph ndonr hotly o'er each pallid , fr iuht .

ened fne»- ;The gre;it earth reeh^l an<l trembli-«l , and the mountain 's solid

rockSkin-nil like a fragile a«i»'il in the oarth'inakv's feartnl sli>K .-tt.Heaven's brow wns black as uiiduiuht. the sun h:ul set iu dre:ol ;It would not gild the thoni-vrowu on its Maker 's dy ire_» head ;Ymm th-- doomiil citv 's Temple rang the iiooutid.- trumiM -t.

high.And the gathering host of Heaven answered with a d readful ervHut , oh ! the tearful splendour of that lonely, fatal hill .Where the life-hlool of a liod was shed to do' Hi- Fntlier 's willWhen- Ls Mary 't We have seen her hliivling iu the Ji-'ucefn

valu .Listeniutr, in a voiceless rapture, to theang- l s ' uiysti< ' tale.Then her face was fair and eloiuliess, and her heart w;is warm

aud bright ,And her eyi*- as swei-tly spa rkN ^l :is the noontide 's ol b of lightAnd we've si-en the fair, young mother, In uding o'er her liabv '?

I.M1,Whilt th^ cruel sniov fell thiek ly on her drooping, golden lu-ndThen her heart was full of i_d:idi*iec«, for her tvuder arin.- pre.-i- < lAll she hived and nil she worship^! to her wildlv lM-atiugl'ri-:ist,.Now, O .Mother .' well aud truly in His fooL-te]i- you have trod ;Hearing up the Cro.-» as bmvtly and as linuly as your lind ;^be wa< ttau-ling cattn ami silent 'tieath the gihln-t 's I'l a r f u ]

><hnde.While the fitful , lurid l ightning on he ]uillid features playxl .Not a suund ese;iiied hur liosom .not a tear-drop dimim-d ler - 'Ve ,And hei noble form *t<wd lirndv, while her eves w. re tive.1 on

high ;Fix^d in moveless, voiivh--i worship, on that tender, drooping

face.Which had never loofci-d so lovely, never wont Midi radiant

prac«.Wnen thu haiumiT 's dreadful musii: suiol e 11 111 her tort un-d

ear,Tho' her very .-onl wm- riven , h,-r fan- vvw c-uhu and eh-ar :Magdalen and John lay prostratt. cling ing to the¦el ;

Rut Mieh angni.-h could not shake l itr— the Mother of a C'H I.Wlio ban ever known a ,-nrrow like that Mother 's bitter \v»e ?What he:trt w.-w ever kr< ;ken 'neatb -o keen aud eruel a lihov ?Sho whom ti'Nl bad loved aud rherished UKj re than lover,hrotlifr,

Irinid,H<- has w.-ide her drink the chalice of Hi- I';t5kion to the end.And fh<- saw the savage soldiers pitting 'round , with oath.- and

jeers,Casting lots upon the gnrm.nts He had worn so many yim- ;And she saw the .-•¦alule.-i tunic , which hrr own fair lut.ils had

spun .When the rosy light of lmyho"d shon-- around her gt-utl ' 1 S<>n.Hut the Mother's lips were silent , and the Mother ', heart was

still ;She had come to f 'alvarv's summit , but to do tl.e Patber's will ;And at la.-t when ilav wKs closing, in the r-t lly-lliishiug W--t ,From the sham, fill Cross the y to"k Him , and lai'l I l i l I her

breast.<l h. Mother ' 't wa- an hour of wltif -h n» fnilii.-i)) n,n eoid>l telj j'Inly you Clllld fn-1 Mieh :.ngui-h , only you eoul'l love .... wi II.She siiokc not when they laid him iu tie- rude, uti|H -li-hMl

touih,Yet her d-i-p and f.- .irful -*irvow l.'.re no trie.- .,f .rlti-b 'jl.rt .in.Calm, and licautiful , and tendi-r , from Hi- grave -h<-

tiwav ,Andtov k us , His rhildr. n , t'. her heart that bl.--.-d

Illt^nl , y •. f-r l.y Ifi- I> SI-M..II. nud Hi- Mothr-r 's l-ve =ohlim- .We were*r.-eui-d troiu the l-didage of our tir.-t lr lil lliotli er '.-

t:rinj e.THi : ASSI M ITl' .V.

Now tb>- v.-rv br i.rt of summer l»a t iu far .luih-a 's laud ,And the ti.Mitid i-V gulden glory made the .ar th look wildly

grand ;All wa» light and iHi iu tv <.n that day ..f j..\ and j n-avi r,Whrn the hum of ang.-ls.' voi. es tilh-l Hi- l.mgui.1 . v. niie.- air ;For the long, d.irk night is o'er—Mary '- jiil -Tim:.'_-> . is d..u- -And tho angel.- l«.ar her upwanl , to lu-r i .liri.ti.- . l«-.j .l.- her .-¦ml.Lst the «tr«iiis of holy musie, Honting gladly fa rmul v.«le.As th.r >>OII l>-hold« His inoth.-r , radiant , star-erow-iie.1 by His

fill.-.Tin- Almiclit v Fatb-r erowns her (^u-.-n ol all that migi 11 lining,Floating •round th.-tr lovely mi.-tr.-s-, with tin- loud , triumphal

song--" Desimsnit potente- d.- s.-l--," rang tin- stnin :•¦ Kt eialtavit huniih-' ," .tirtb gave bii.-k tie nol i- :icain.tM.pau.l .Ireaclful K ;L- OK.- KV thru ' n lilrli I' l-tnl. -uiotlirr

pa.-?e.l;And a joy as deep anil lioutidb -s.* has ln-n given ln-r at la-t :\ot thn.' intht <.f rlowery bc.inty have her steady fo»t<t>- |i- I f u l ,Hut up hill * *> f rorky h;<rdii e..-, fashi' in.«l by the baud of <iod.,Sl mu.-t we go toiling onwanl , till we f.lin th- iu..imtaili 's i-r. -rt ,And ii|Kiu its lofty summit l.iy th.-cr'^s and t;.k- mir rest :llut not mhlway innst w- linger , n.-v.-r pau-imr t ' .l '^ik d.-wnOn the lovely gun-lit valley, nnd the gay and smiling town.Sparkling rills may flow around us , Bt id our f. i t hi- cut and -or.-lint we may not wash the blo<i.l-staiiis 'till th- weary iiinn-h I H-

And an'nearer lootm the summit , harder, shurjx-r, -/rows thfi

Hani., iii'it then , look luavely upward , never ..f t i nn ingl.n.V.

Tlio' the <T(»f should dr.iin your lire-I.Nio .1, nnd you uri t le- l»-neat h th.- rod.

Onward, onward, you arel tn-aduig in the Ii"it prnit.- of :i l i v l ;I^Bik l» the gl^'lny liK.1111t.1in . ) " th- repiuli- i.f th- ).!i-l.Where tlu- galling Triw* b-taken from us, and we sink to r—t.She will aid the wi-j irv toiler, sh» will whirf li er 111 hi- .-arTlie A> limnii "I the angel , and nil! dry the surlererV tea r ;I> 1 us then go bravely upward , till tin- g.'ld-n en-w u U won ,.-Niyiiif, " I^irJ , I* hold Tliy iHTTant ; Ix-Thy will for ever d..iio."

Wat-rford. >•>**'*•

S VKAK Ki.vm.r.—Much of tlin uit lmppinoss in tlii fivorW nn' OK from siviuff utterance I'J Lasty, unkiiiilword*. Jinny a Forrorrful liour ami steeple** iii R lithtvTff been spont brooding over stimo Itarsh 01 nn«ryword , wbich ha« dtoppeil from the li pa in a momentof unguarded pnusiott . Haw much nnin wo wouldsave our»cWes anil othem, if wo would gunrd nil mirvrnja ond actiotiR ! Kind words spoken in the rij ilittime and place, do more to heal tho wounded sp irittlian all tho gold this world can give. They costnotbinp, while they enrich the heart , nnil /sca t ter sun-Rhino all around, wiimine many truo iind faithfulfriendp, , ,

Hosidcs Inti rel crowni , gold tnodaw , nnu numerousother honor* («y» the it»t» -al Stnvhi n l), Verd ihas received the Hum ofi ;H,f*)0 for his Iu£t opera ," Aida." 'J'liis is more than Ueetluivcn reccivoil forall U10 manic lie ever wrote. Millie. Xilisou iu eu-irigod by St. Jtcrclli to uiug at St. I'eteiEburg nndMoscow, from November next to February, IS7:i.She will receive iW-flO for this period.

About the middle, of next month the; railway willbo opeucd tho whole way from Dub lin to Wcxlbrd.

Oliver Cromwell signed tho death warrant ofCharles tho First.

Tho Times raaVos nearly 1100,001) & year by adver-tisements.

When delivering tho famous jnd gtncnt iu (Jalway ,I«JK<> Keogb flung hia wig about.

Tbe past three or four days' heat will provo thoijreatMi »aluo to the young crops.

The Queen's College, Cork, costs £",fX)O a year.Meetings ha,ve beeu hold in Wexford and llosi to

denounce Koogh'B judgment.


Tho now famous, or infamous harangue of thelast of Jons SADLIKR 'S lot, WIU.UM K KDCII , isan outrage of so base a ch.'irnctei- us to preserveit so fresh iu historical records that it willncvcr beold ; and not being able to ilevoto auflicicnt spaceto its demerit!;, we even now, to keep our readersan conranl, cannot avoid i-ccurrinj f lo tlio crown-ing touoh wbiffl t the Galway scniiDii tif lliepious KKoon received from his two cot/federatesin the ' Court oC Common Pleas, who, without ;iparallel case, Vlcclarcd that C'apl, TKEHCI I , tlt ecandidate forced on thu electors by tho landlordtyrants of Galway, is dul y elected , even thoughhe received 2,101- votes less than Capt. XOI .A N !'Die i|iiestion submitted by Mr. KKUI I II to theCourt for decision was, in legal phraseology,whether " the electors who constituted tlio' majority of the respondent! were fixed with,' sufficient notice1'—that is lit say, wcro aware—" of the disqualification of tho respondent , and" should havo acted on suclOlisqualificnlion , anil" refratj tcd from voting for said respondent. " 1Judges KKOGII , LAWSO.V, and Moittisanswercd thequestion in t i iu a/Hrm ;itivc , Chief Justice JIO.VA -111N alone maintaining the opposite. It wasnecessary that Judge K HO RII should be sustainedinhiscrraticcourse.andhecvidcntly had no troublein persuading two of his confederates to side withthe view of himself and hii Protestant son-in-law ,with the Popish name, Mr. Muni-nv, counsel forCapt. TU IKCII. '1'hc decision of the court r/rttiall yis, that 2,82:i electors who voted lor Capt. N OLAXdill so knowing that they were th rowing awaytheir votes, as they had been cautioned that hewas disqualified , in comcqucncQ of the " con-spiracy" of tbe prolatcs and priests to elect him.This was the decision first pronounced by Jud ge, language evidently intended to imitateJudge KKO iii t in its .style. To give an idea of theextraordinary finding, we quote here a few pas-sages from the pronouncement! of Mr. IJAWSOX :—

" It appeared ," he said , " by tho enso that CajitnitNolan was|ualificd before tho clentiou took placethat he had bi-eii porsotiall y guilty ol'actsof iutitniila -tion and undue intJuortco bul'ovu the (.-lection ; that liehail entered iuU> n combination to procure his owu ru-turn by undue influericu long beforo tho oleotion tookplace. Tho next and the important , question was—had kuowledj,-o of this disqualification been broughthomo to the electors m as to let in tin- application ofthe rulo of law referred to. Upon thai point ho shouldturn again to thn findings of llii ; leurnud jud ge, liecould net doubt upon the liutlinfrs in the ctsu thatovery clt-ctor must bi- ln-ld tu havo known , as a inatt tM*of fiict , that Captain Nolan was guilty of tieraonnl in-timidation and undue influence upon tiie electors.Therefore, upon that part of the case, the oniv i|ue.-<-tion it appeared to him was, whether , knowing alltheso facts, as they must, have knoivit them , 1)10 elec-tors should be [aki-n to liavo been nn-itru of tin ; legnicoDscquaucc of tlte di.squalilicalion oT Captain Nolanto be a candidate for u member of pai*1iaiiit.>j it. To ar-rive at a sound conclusion on that point it was absolu-tel y necessary to eimsidet what itt [mint, of law wasthe character of tho acts found lo havo hi-en commit-ted by Captain Nolan and his agents, and of which thuelectors wore found to have known. Ho said un-hesitating ly they were criminal acts. Ho was nut atliberty, sitting there as a judgii , to gloss over thosracts—to say that thoy were tin ; results of indiscreetzeal , or wcro breaches of decorum. He Was bound ,even at the peril of g iving olli .nce, to desigimto themby their trtn- name, as crimes, atnl to say t hat t.hosi :who engaged in them , whether lay or clerical , wen:criminals en^.'t^e.d in an unlawful romln'nalion. Hnheld thnt every man t it iist lie presumed I -J know thecriminal law , and to IK; aware when ho saw or knew«/fati offence, tJj .it it inrolvf i l certain fDiiseipj encf.'Supon the olfeuder. How je. ilniisly I ho law rc-gardrdtho of sp iritual inlldencn in I he various trail ,sactions of life every one. knew , and just as it wa.spowerful and all pervading, so were tin: safeguard...that tin: law imposes fur the protection <if tliosu onwhom it was sought te bo exercised. Xot onl y diilthe luw of the country cimdemu itsVxt-reise, but it wascontrary to thn mora l law atnl to tho best instincts olour nature , which revolted against tho app lication Inan unworthy motive nf an inllueneo uivuti fur a highatiil holy pur|Kise. If it was t'urliiildeii hy our l:iwwhen cverciscd in tho pri vate a/l/n'r.s of /t'fii , iv li.itjud gment should tho law pronounce upoi ; i|, when theminister of relig ion , standing upon (hi: altar, robed inthe tacred vestmeuts of his order , surrounded by thnmost solemn mysteries of our faith , claiming thepower to bind and In loose, made use. of that positionto denounce and bold up to public odium those, whodarnl to exercise their civil rights, and threatened onthose, ho disapproved , temporal injury and spiritua lpunishment. Whtin such words fell fro m li ps whichshould only convey a message of lovi: and of mereyto sinner*, the language of thu great Catholic K pistl '.tof St. James occurred to his in/ml— " l) ,,ih the foun-tain send forth at the same placo bitter wat'.-r andsweet waters ; out of the same mouth doth there come,blessings and curses ':" These things oug ht not to be.The candidate would henceforth be afraid to invok.. tohis ni .I spiritual influence and altar denunciatio n H ' itwas decided that tin: ell'eet of intiinlucitig such tre -mendous weapons into the contest Would be not onlvto cause tho ultimate defeat of the person who em-ployed them , but also to rftuk-r ultimatel y Kiic- :esslulthe candidate against whom they hail bei u ciiip luyi.-d .In this case ho. was of opinion that both the i{uesl "i')in9t ibmi 'tu (l to tho Court should be answered in thiiaflirmalive.

.Such a finding i=i wi th inii , {iiv.-cf.-d'.-iil. ;md isbfliuved by tin: hi authorit ies in Kn^ lanilto be bad in law. WI H .- II thucaso was b<:ii t !,'ai^ 'ni.ilin tin ; Coimnoii J'lea.s, ihu fblluwing took jTlattson this point :—

" Chief Justice—Is there any case whatever , in allthe contested elections in Kng lanil , sinei: the passingof the recent Act , atnl since the passing of the t.'i,r.rupt I'ntctices l'reventioti Act , in which the petit iotiotgot more than tin; clention dwlarud void ? l\ t ln-raanj- t'wsi! itt which I hu sitting member was unveiled ,and tho p'.-litiniier sealed in his stead !J

" Mr. .Murphy—-Not on.;. Then; is 11.1 case in whichit has been decided either one way or the other . Tinjud gment in the d'alway ease is now pimuiumvi l , amilet tho lips from which it proceeded be silent to-morro w, from any can-,' .- whatever , ii. will stall.I as inhotiounible protest against a pure reli gion being con-verted into an in.- l i ini ienl i ,f lyr.mny, un.l peis i-cu .lion , and slavery , thai would In: degrading m liuinatinature ."

Here -.u' have. ljp >i il .;. l l i i - Gi-.;l , :i very ihr i l l -inj; liltli: pam.'^yric IVuiti a wort hy suit-iit- law , uttt in: rirmes and cxcollciicc uC' in aitii .iMc lallt '-r-in- law I a reli gion mi wli i i -h In .-nr sunn: of t in :.Ml ' l .TU ) .- miist Inivi: t i i f i ie i i i l n - i r l,:n-|;s. (,'hii ..|Justici ' . M u X A l l \ .\ , I I <JIV «:V <T. nil I M .II L TI I h i - n " i f..,|that ( .'apt . N DLAX was |irii|ii .-rl y uiiM -aii-d, vvouldnot. c-ij ineide with Mr. M t R i i n . hi < latln .-r-in .htw.and their conl'cdwali.-s. that. t.'.ipt. 'I' iiKxrH sh.iul-1•;<.-t ll t i ; S'.'at, ;itnl t in: o |iini .in oft hi- t ' l i i . f . l i i s l i n i - .when tin ; ca:-<" comes to be argued in tin.- 11 • > 11 -¦of Cnnini ' iiis , on ;in earh' day, will , nn dni / l i i , l,evustained by tin: lii ^hi-»t h -ual aiti li iu it . i i .->. Heheld , in lii.-' decision , it w.i.s utterl y impo- .'-j b].;that tho large uiajoriiy of eleclors who vuu.-d furCapt. No -UK con Id bi: awari: tha.1 lie was dis-qualified , .anil thai. itU-a is well sustained by th 1:fact that , it took uveu lln: unerrin g .lud ^i; l\ 1:01.11seven weeks t< ; liud iiiitwlu:lhi:f 111: was nr not. Thereasons I'ur his cni t cli isiuii , tin ; Chief Justice dialedas follow :—

"The number ofeleetois competent to vote at theelection were found to have been -l .dsii — 1 )¦•! iiuiiil.eron tin: \io<ik wassotnenhat larger ; but , making allow-anee for double entries and deaths, the. tiuttib nr cap-able of voting would bo. l .liMi. It would appi nr thatof that number ^ .S'JIt voted for Captain Nolan anilG'JS for Captain Trench , leaving Captain .Volan onthe ]«ill a tiwijorily of 2,Hi.",, ,11111 leaving 1,2'13 un .poll'-'l. It appealed to him those figures were verymaterial in the i|iiestions they hail to consider. Itwas slated thnt the ktiowleilgo of such nets, and es-pecially of such iulicni ' latiori and 11111J110 influence ,was generall y known tUroitg h and amongst tho gn.-ttbod y of llie electors throughout lite county, aud espe-ciall y amongst those who afterwards voted for therespondent. Now , whnt w:n to havo lieeoitn: knownwas the fact ol* the uti 'lue iu 'lucucc ; but it was notfound (IK a matter of fact t l rn t those gn-ul numbers ofelectors became aware that 1 hereby, or as a eon-(•Tijiienee thereof , Mr. Nolan was incompetent , to beelectr-d , or was not, iiuuj ifl p tl to be i-lccli.-d. All thatwas fouii-1 was the kno\v |..-di;i: of the fact of undue in-fiuence , but it waR not . stated to what nt t niher of elec-tors the fact had become known. That CaptainNolan was properly unseated ho entertained no iloubt ,but that Captain Trench v-tis entitled to the sea t , sofar as he was able to form an op iniou , it WIIH deei.ledl ythat lie '.vim not. His opinion , which of course wouldbe of no consequence , was that the electors hail notBuOicicnt knowled ge ofdimualification. "

As a matter of course, the foul-mouthed IUH Ifalse harangue , of Mr. K KOII II , and later , tho un-precedented decision of the Court that has sus-tained him, is a source ol very cniisidLTuhli:trouble to a ( iovcrnment that made .such menjud ges, and that hopes tu x"ver" Jroland " sie-coidit i"; to Irish ideus." Jt is not , consequentl y,to bi; w-ondcri:'! at thai , at a Cabinet Council , Mr.(ll .Aii.v/o.N f:, taking mlvuiitn ^e

of tin: prcsi .-iicn nlthree such emieiiL I' sirliamuntary lawyers as theCltief Justice, the Lord Chancellor, and SitJtoi:Niii:i.l. PAI .M K R , elicited t lu'ir op inions withicl'i:i(:uc<:to tin ; ridii i fr uf.l 11stiern l.A«>ox ,M'iltRl. sand K KDI 'H. All three ruled it to be- utisoiind «//inilio , mid expressod their cninp letu ciiiiciirrcnc i ;in the masterly exposition of tin: Ian' and facts uslaid down by Chief Justice M O.V A I I A X . It trans-pired that Sir K IIKKI .NT. MAT had previousl y de-livered himself, un request , to a similar cll'ect.

When , therefore, the ccrlilicato of Judge K KOG II ,who, accompanied by suitable companions—apair of armed dettctives—proceeded to Londonto present, it in person , was brought up in theHouse of Commons, it is not to bo wondered atthat a scene unprecedented was witnessed, andthat a number of notices were given leading tcthe happy and inueh-desircd conclusion , that theone-man power, which we have seen arraignedand challenged in the persons of KEOOH andIlt/citusj willjbc abolished , and somoothertribn ital ,in which there will bi: public conlidenco , estab-lished in its stead.

TIIK li.lI.WAV J l 'Dl iMKNT IX A J.Eli AIV VIEW .The Solicitor*' Jn «rnnl , an English authority, whilst

it rejoices, of Course, over William Keog h's de-nunciation at Galway, denies tho accuracy of thujud gment of the trio who gavo tho seat to CaptainTrench. It says :—" Legal points of considerable-nicety wero involved , and the question whether thesoworo decided in acenrdancowith the law, as previouslyunderstood , is a fair subject of comment. Wo owulo a decided preference for tho view takon by thodissenting jud ge. Chief Justico Monahan. Mr. JusticoLawsou, in whose reasons the two other puisnejud ges concurred , devoted a largo part of his judg-ment to proving by authorities a proposition withwhich lie. might fairl y have started—viz., that if nuolector will voto for a person whom he knows to bodisqualified , it is tho same as if ho voted for a non-existent person , and that is tho saino thing as if hodid not voto at all. Thu real di/licul ty lay, ratherin the application of this rulo to tho facts. Iu ordertu do so, and scat the oaiuliilato who had tho minorityof votes, it was necessary lo make out that tho candi-date who had tho majority was disqualified within themeaning of this rule , and that a number of theelectors who voted for him equal to that of themajority ho had nl tho poll knew the fact. Now, thedisqualification by thu exercise of unduo influencedepends entirely upon tho ^Oth section of tho CorruptPractices Act. That in its terms makes tho disqualili-cation depend not upon the fact of guilt , but upon aconviction of guilt by tlio iiVeisiou of an electioncommittee. It is truo that Mr. Justico Willcs , atWcslbury , held that ho could tit tho hearing of apetition both dccluro the guilt , unt]t umi icln (as huexpresses it subsequently in thu Norwich case), avoidthe election. It by no means follows from tlio factthat tliiii can be ilono that tho disqualification iscomplcto before the declaration of tho orjud ge. In the next place, thu decision uf the Queen'sUetich in the Tuwkesbury case, lo the cflect thaiactual knowled ge of tho law , and not a muro pre-sumption , is necessary, in order thai the. vote may betreated as thrown away, scouts to us in accordancewith tbo previous authorities. In the maxim ij ,m.rttiilin 1 / 15 -it ' .'iiuni ef ciu>nl t tho laal word is an im-portant one. A man cannot excuse himself und'.-r theplea of ignorance , but wheru the question at issue iswhether he knows or not , there is no presumption ontho subject. Hut , lastly, tho majority of the conrLseem scurccl y to havo noticed tho question of num-bers. It was neither found as a fact 011 the case, norcould it- reasonabl y be inferred , that every electorknew even of the facts which caused tho disqualifi-cation. It was only found that it was 'publiclyknown amongst, the electors.' This expression wouldhave been satisfied by ihrco out of four electorsknowing it. In order to destroy C;tpt. Nolan 's ma-jority , it was necessary to make out allinnative l ythat something moro than a proportion cf four out ofevery live of the electors voting for ln'm knew of thedisqualification. Wo think the Chief Justice right insaying that the numbers wcro most important. InInanv respects the decision is a most salutary one, 1mlwe doubt its correctness from a legal point of viewIf it is correct , it seems 10 follow ih.a a corrupt ,practicu made public ; after tlio nomination , when it isloo late to substilme auolhcr candidate , n ecessarilvseats the opponent."

TO VHK K J u t o l t or TIIK MINIKIN TI .MKS.Sue—Might not an appeal bfl allowed in election

cases in questions of law onl y when the Jud ges an.not. unanimous ?

It is impossible lo overrate tho effect which tinrecent, jud gment will have ; on i'uluiv ; election.-,—viz.,that the stall 's of the candidalo is destroyed bv anunproved corrupt practice before ar. election. Onthis most material point tho Judges were divided , andthe majority have decided on grounds disallowed onmany decisions of committees, hut aeto-i on , I believe ,in one instance (the second Hoi-sham cast-, 1, / '. I I .and /',, ^"<s, whcri; also tho coliiinilleo were dividedin op inion) in the year ISI S ; after this decision inls'i l , tin .' I " and is' Victoria , c. ) i)i', s. IJl i , enact nlthai a eaudiilati ) declared by an election committeeguilty of a corrupt practicu should be disqualified ,thus speciall y pointing out that. I IH> finding of attauthorized tribunal was a condition precedent to thenotice of disqualification . In iMill , under iho newprocedure , t he qtlesl.ioti uf personal «/.i '.!>- is dealt,wi th iu the Norwich case, and tin: learned Itaro n whotried it remarked ,—

" If you suppose thai because the agent, of S. com-mitted bribery at .'( o'clock in thu afiernoun ol' tin:polling day, thereupon every vole for S. alter that ,linn: should bi: struck oil', that is not eoireci."

Vet , this decision of lln: Irish Court must remainfor ever without appeal. —I remain , your obedientserva nt , Kf.'.v/t r I) . 1A: .il.utcK.i.vr.

Temple , June. 11,IJ II .M h KOI.Il 's V.1IOI.KS.W.K. • " O X I i K M X A T I I l X .

Judge Keogh's report to thu Speaker, after statingthai he had unseated Captain Nolan and given theseal I') C'apl. Trench , conditionall y on his ruling as LoLhe. law being up hold by the full CourL , proceeds:—" 1 further determined , and do uerlilj -, thai intimida.tion and undue itiHuence , within thu meaning of theCorrupt. I' raeticcs Prevention Acl , did extensivel yprevail in the- said couuly al and previous lo suchL-leelion. I further certify that llie persons whosenames I have seL forth in lln: Schedule tnimlior 'due'lo this certificate annexed ,were gui l ty , al and previousto said election , of undue influence wi th in the mean -ing uf the provi sions of said Act. Awl I 1I0 fur therreport to Mr. Speaker that the Human Catholicclergymen , whose name* Irivo been ,>cl Co t i in the.Schedule number 'Two' to this certificate annexed ,being the persons of the same name included in .Sche-dule ' One,' by threats and denunciations of temporalinjury and spiritual piiuishuieiil , iiilei-nd during oriuimediatel y after Divine .service, ami from the altarsol their respective places of wor shi p, ;u ,il otherwise ,as detailed in lln ; evidence , iiilimii!ai"i! and undul yinlluenced grea t numbers of the Kotiiau Catholic ,ft li .rt'ii'ii of surh county lo voto for the said Julin I ' p Nolan , or to refra in from voting tigaiiial him. Andfurther , it. wu> proved thai numbers ol' sit eh electorswho had promised to vote lor lint said Willi am le l'oerTrench afterwards had been compelled to vote forthe said .lolfti Phili p Nolan , or lo refrain tVom vot iti "for said Will iam le l'oer Trench , aud had avowedth.-y wen: so compelled by said iul iiniilalio n amiUnduo inlluent -e. Anil I further ri -port that , iililmughI have found and reported that the Mo a Itev. JohnMacllnle , the IJ oinan Catholic Archbishop of Tuaui ,nii .l I In; Mont )N ;v. John M'Kvi l ly , the lioinan Calholi i :liiMiop ol ' (ialw.-iy, wen; guilty of unilm- influence , itwas 1101 proved thai tin: said .Most l!ev. John Mellale ,Uoinan Catholic Archbishop of Tuain , or thai the sai.lMost Itev. John M'l '.vill y, Uoinau Catholic. Kisho p 1,1(lalway, sanctioned or had laken pai l iu suchdenunciation! ) as befo re montioiii -d . And ilj .Mosl Uev. the Uotnati Catholic Mi .shop of l ia lwavproved thai any sueh denuncia tions in a Uom auL'alholie chapel , and mote cs|ieeiall y if made agait :>tany person by name are iu diieet viol..tion olthe ordinanc es of the lioiimn Catholic Church inforce in Irelund , as enjoined by certain Syuodiealdecree* to tho court , and wbich are placedupon the notes of evidence. And I havo further 1.1report that lln: Uev. I'ulriclc l<ofiu.s, ono of the clergy,men whoso names appear in said schedule ,was provedby tin: tes timony of several Ik iihworih y witnesses , loh ave , in connection with such election , denounce Ifrom the altar of his church , in tin: presence of hi,,coiigri'g.'.tioii 011 the Sabbath , ihewifc of agetilli .'maijan elector for said county, and resident in his parish(both lif t and his wife professing the I' rotosianl ruli.giou) , and te have made oilier statements material tothu inquiry, which iho said Itev. John l/j ftus denied011 his oath ; anil I , being satisfied of his wilful nn.t ruth , was then of opinion ami so declared , ami :imnow of opinion , thai iu his evidence before mi: hi;committed perjury. And I have further 10 reportto Mr. Speaker that the Kev. t'eter Conway menu.,.nc«l in said (.-cheiliilcs is tin.1 .satnn llav. Valur Cunwnymentioned in the fi ft h resolution of the report , of theHi .'lecl committee appointed to try ami determine theMayo election petition , ls.17, which report wasbroug ht before me during tin: inquiry, and I Inivi:further lo report that a system of iutit t iidalioti pie.vailed throug hout said county lor many weeks pre-ceding said election lo prevent, voters recording theiivotes for the said William I.e I'm r Trench , ami thatsueh inti midation was exercised , aimin g other ways ,bv means of nocturnal visi ts to the houses of voters ,and t lnea is th.-re uttered , and by the posting,aud sending throug h the posl Mlic, ihrealoniugnotices and letters to voters , aud wives of voter *,with a view to intimidate surh voters IVf .in voling, asihi -v had pnii 'iim-ly priimis'-'l and intended , for thesaid Wil l iam l.o l'or-r Trench. And I further reportto Mr. Speaker , thai on the day of the pollin g,at, someof the p olling places in said county, especially in thetowns of Tiinni , Oiighterard, and Jlallinaslun , violentmobs were r.rguimed , and did attack voters , who wereproceeding to the poll , to vote for thu snid WilliamI.e I'OIT Trench , nnd return ed there from , and thatthe lives of voters anil ngettts for the said Wi lliaml,e I'oer Trench wen: endangered by HIIC-I I mobs, andthat in mm part of such county the hi gh roads werociil iicios3 to prevent voters reaching the poll. AndI have furlhrr to report tha t the Itev. I'atrick J.O'ldicn , parish priest in the archdiocese of Tunin , whowas tlio proposer of thu said John 1'liili p Nolan at.-.aid election , publicly announced on Iho morning ofthe [lolling, at tho polling placo in Tuain , ton gentle,man of lln> I' rotostiint persuasion , who hail therevoted for the said William Le I'oer Trench , thatthere would lint be a tiair of his head disturbed—that' nothing would be done to him—thnt they weru allrenegade Koman CalhnlicB , who would be excoriated. 'I have further tu report that lbi> voters throug hout(he county wore on tho day of polling conducted toLlic booth* by' tho Xiumuu Catholic elergy.J who in-

terfered nctivoly in such polliug, and woro in so doingacting as tho agents of tho said John Phili p Solan.And I certify that such acts and praoticoa of tho saidRoman Catholic clergymon in tho povoral waya andon tho occasions to .which I havo roforrcd, nnd atotherwise full y detailed , not ouly in tho ovi-dencu for and on behalf of tho petitioner , butupon tho examination and cross-examination oftho witnesses, lay and clerical , produced to givoeviileuco for tho said John Phili p Nolan , weroiuoonsistont with tho freo oxoreiso of tho franchisoby tho electors of said county and subvorsivo of free-dom of clcctiou therein. And I havo further to reportto Mr. Spoaker, that duriug tho course ol tho trialefforts woro mado to intimidate witnesses who hadcither given or woro about to givo ovideuco boforomo on sueh trial , in couaoquouco of which I was ob-liged to commit to prison two persons—viz., MichaelItoach and I'atrick Barrett—for contempt of court ;tho said Patrick Barrett betug tho porsou named inthe evidence- who was engaged actively, previous tosuch election , insulting and intimidating electors inthe interest of snid petitioner , in language so obscenethat a witness who doposrd thcroto refused to statoil otherwise than in writing, as appears on the notos.And furthor , that , in one caso, 11 witness who was incourt anil about to bo called beforo mo .by Iho peti-tioner 's agent, was addrossod by two Koman Catholicclcrgymou—tho Jicv. Janica Stauutou and Ilov. Pa-trick Lavcllc—ou tho subject of tho cvideucc bo wasaboul to givo, and part icularly told by tho said Rev.James Stauntou that ' there wero two ways of tellingthe truth ,' and otherwise cautioned , as appears ontho notes of evidence , and the said witness was somodays afterward s severely beaten on the high road ,nnd was produced before. 1110 to inako affidavit of thetreatment ho had so received, but iu cousequouco ofthe then Into period of thu inquiry, I was unablo todo more lhau rotnit the case lo the ordinary tribu-nals."

I'HK COIil 'OUATIONA special meeting of tho corporation was hold or

Friday, in tho Council Chamber , City Hall ,'for thepurposo of adopting a memorial to the Lords CommisBurners of her Majesty's Treasury for ponnission t< ;borrow i;:i,()OU on bond , to defray the expense olwidening tieorgo's-strect , and also to transact auyfurther business that iniirht come before it.

Al.l. .I A .'I.K .' .I.I'., |im-iili-il.Tliriv KWI: :i!-¦"> nnvi-iit .—AMi -mnni It . tWm-. William K.

Oitiiinins 1:. Kuliiunul , t > . A. IW.-i-, .1.1'., I 1. K. K.-M , .1.1'.,anil .1. M:iHi:iy. Cmiiii-illoiv T. K. Ki-ilv ,; hi-jli flienlf ; C. I -.M.nk.-.-v, .\J.I>., T. I'ura ll, II. liallw.-v, -I .P., M. (I'Mrani, .1.>li-Km:fy, J . n'll. ill .v ,.l. W. Ifnwiinl , wilr.

Aid. J AI .OII said that he had been requested by hisworship, the Mayor, to stale that he had been unex-pectedly called profcssiouiill y to Kilkenny, ami couldnot, thore foro, attend.

Mr. Mullall y, clerk to Mr. O'ltriou (town clerk),read the memorial intended to be submitted in sup-port, of the appl ication for a loan. It was to thucircct .lhal the special jury had agreed that I ho streetrequired to be widened , and thai a sum of i,'!l,UODwould be necessary for the work.

Thu l l t i i t i n l iKl i i r r moved the adoption of Iho me-morial.

Aid. CU M M I N 'S seconded the million , and said hnwould suggest lltal tin: mayor bo appointed to goover aud prosent Iho memorial. Ho thought therewas a great deal of matter thai would require lo beexp lained , and ho did nol know of any person moresuited to do so than their chief mag istrate. 11 wouldnol involve ivgreat expense , ami without informationthe Treasury might throw il out.

Mr. IVi.'ir .u. objected to the Mayor being sent ;t deputation. Such deputation s cost, tin: Councila great deal. lie thought that il would do j usi quiteas well to leave the mailer in t in: hands of their citymembers. Mr . Delitluinty, their chamberlain , was atpresent in London , aud no person knew rnori: or couldgive better information ill support of it 1 liuu thaigentleman. A greal deal of money hud been uselessl ysquandoiTcd in sending dcpiilatiun a across the chan-nel , and quite uniieces.-ari lv.

Tin: Illolt Sit Kin i f said his ititi-iiiiou was to g<:t ll».Mayor to accompany Mr. Delahunty, as it would In:a grea l weighi with the Treasury to have the citymembers and the chief magistrate exp laining matterslo them.

Mr. O' liKii.i.r opposed the adoption oflho .memorialou more grounds than one. Jf persona! considerationswere lo weig h with him , he would have Jiu lu objec -tion ; but. his personal interests , nor the personal in-terests of any other individua l , should 1101 be mado tobalance a great wrong—for a very greal wrong ilwould be 10 sacrilicu the properly , tho position , andthe prospects of several industrious families in such 11wo.'k. If ihero was anything that created a just in-di giiaton in the country. il was sweeping out thosinalfarmers in order that large farms might be crt-ateiand iho country depopulated , lie asked them if theywished to carry out thai princi p le iu the city ? It.was nonsense- 10 nay il .al trntlic was impeded in(j'eorge's-street , and althoug h Us. Nil. worth of oratoryfrom an interested deputation might have rold themso, everyonu outside llie council , as well as Clio depu-tation itself , laug hed at. the simp licity of the councilfor believing them , lie concluded by assuring thecouncil thai Ihey would meet with u very strenuousopposition from the citizens when the matte r camubefore tho trcumiry.

Aid. CO M M I X S thoug ht that Mr. U'liei ll y had atopportunity of opposing this matter befoie, and hehad not thoug ht proper to do so.

Mr. O'K KII .I .V —This is the proper tiui' : to opposeit, and rest assured il will bu opposed , l.'pwanls o;a hundred respectable citizens have requested me tiopposo it.

l ln .n S l IKI i l l i—Who are tin: hundred citizens ?Mr. O'llKll.l. v — Uo you require their uaiu -.-s ?iln.11 SilKi urr — Oh , certainl y nol.Aid. C00KK suggested that , as llie memorial had li

lie a month iu the clerk' s ollice beforo being presenled, and as llie Commissioners would keep it undeiconsideration for ten day .", then ; was p lenty of limeto arrange aboul tin ; Mayor going over to support tin:memorial. If the Treasury warned any exp lanationit would bo linn: enoug h lor lliein then lo seinl theiichief magistrate over.

1111.11 .Sum/r—Thy coJiiinissiojj iT. s might rejecttin- memorial, and mil ask for any information al all.

Al.l. C00KK—They will givo the tnaller overy con-sideration, and appriso us if any information iu sup-port of th e ni einorial will In: required.

Aid. CU M M I N 'S then withdiviv his proposition aboultin: Mayor , and the memorial «as adopted , .MrO'I I K I I .I.V alone dissenting.

I I U : I 'K O I O ^ K I i K I A A I . A I . K l t I I . I I l;.\l. S H O W .

The Cit.WKM.w said he had beeu ait ihori/. :.l by thnMayor lo slate it. was his wish that the Council -ihottldthat day appoint a committee to co-operate with tb .committees of ol/ ier public bodies , and the WaterfonFanning Society, in endeavouring lo prevail on lln.Itoyal A gricultural Society of Ireland to hold i ts next[iiinlial show iu Walerford. Ho read tho resolutionadopted by the Waterford I ' arming Society, asadver-li.-.ed , and also a letter from Sir l',iil n.-rt ./. .Paul , JJ .u-l.asking the assistance of the Corpora t ion in ih.matter. Mr. I' l l:' 1.1.1. thoug ht ihey wouid require 10,hold a special m.ii :iiiig uf the council to consider lliusubj ect. Mr. M' I.I .M.V , acting for Mr. l l ' l l i ieu , stiiilil was not tleeesiary, a.-i llie mailer came up under thehead of culTcspuiid '.:lii:c. Aid. CO M M I N R said tin.Mayor was anxious that a comiiiiltoi; should be a|ipoioi i 'il.

It was u l t imatel y decided t.o appoint , the followingcommittee , on the motion of Mr. I' l K .- KI .I,, secondedbv AM. CooivK: Mes-rs . Jacob, Slutt.-ry , (,'uuimin.s.U'eid , Hallway, Keil y, Tower, and Mayor.

i *oi it - . i t : .\ i K t -u o i ' i . i.' i) .

Th... L'HA ' l iMAN drew a t ten t ion to the .fact thai atpresent there was a large amount uf property iu thewest ward that remained unle t . Thvir HonmghTreasurer had laken the neces ary steps , and has put.caretakers in them , wh. , won: very discontented , asthey did nut know how they mmA in il«-ir relationslo the Corporat ion, lie thought that J L was timesomething was dune lo let this properly ,so as lo sup-pletnenl the revenue of thu Corporation.

Mr. l ln WA u n said thai when the mutter ctine beforethe rilianco Committee, the Town Clerk was directedlo write 10 all tlio corporations in Ireland as to thecourse they pursued um/rr such circumstances , ani ltho Council was nuw awaiting iheir auswers.

The CI I A I K M A S said that , wild the exception ofDublin , they had all rep lied , but they di.l nol conveyto I hem any information , as very few of ihein weresituated as IVaterfurd .

Aid. I'ow 1:1: hoped that tho next timo t hey bad pro-perty for sale it would be pul up to public: auction.He was aware that thu way their property iu Ihalwind had been disposed of had given very great dis-salisfuctioti.

Mr. 1' t KiT .t .i. was and would always be opposed toturning out person s from their possession s who hadfor years held them. Ai d. I'UH KII : (i ivn them tin :preference. Aid. CoMMixs : You ciiiiuut give anyperson a prefcrruei: at a public auction. .Mr. J' l i;ri :t.i.continued lo say that he was in favor of their pullinga certain valuation ou their properly, and if those inpossession wero will iiu; lo luke il al the valuationsettled by the Council , by all menus lot them have i t ;but if nol , then t hose who oll'ered most for il shouldbo accepted an tcnat .ls (hear , hear) .

Il was decided that the mutter slioulij como buforua speeial meeting of thu council. - -Adjuiirned -

T IIK W ICK I - K OK T/ iK . ST K A M K I I Tuii-cii.i. —The Hoardof Trade inquiry at Liverpoo l into the loss of IhoCiiuard Koyal mail steamer .Tri poli concluded Mon-day, when judgment WHB given. Il will be remem-bered thai tin ; Tripoli struck on the Tusknr Koek,Wc xforil, on this morning of I ho 17th nil., whilo on avoyago from Liverpool to Huston , U.K., wi th mmpassengeis. Tho weather was hazy at the lime , andthe evidence showed that Iho shi p must , have beenvery much closer to the laml than was believed by themaster. In giving ju d gment, (he Courl was of op inionthai the casually had arisen from attempting to roundlln: Tiiakar too closely. Captain liarr had exceedhiuiH -lfon llie ground of the state of the atmospherebeing HO peculia ciis to mislead him iu his estimate ofHie distance from the Tu skar; but under sueh circuui-Mniices he should have given Iu so well.known a dan-ger a wider berth , and for not doing so thu Courtheld him in default. Taking into consideration , how-ever , the excellent character and antecedents of Cap-lain lliur , the Court uuspeuded his certificate for sixLftlciidur months.



Also present :—Mossrs. C. Sailleir , J.P., V.O., F.Ho"an, D.V C, T. B. Wilson , J.P., John Richardson ,J P°, Edmond Quinn , J.P., Win. Britton , J- Kirwan ,Jamos Hickio, P. Connolly, -V. Walsh , P. Pholan(Curragboen), T. Cleary, I*. O'Donuull , M. Casoy ,B. Brown , T. Lalor, D.I,., S. B. Pirn , P. Brophy, J-Shea, D. Coghlan , and Dr. O'llyan , M.O.

TUB D KAK A N D DIJI I I INSTITUTION .—An appli-cation was mado to send n. deaf aud dumb child ,named Cnliill , to tho abovo institution iu Dublin.Tho father in in America , and tho mother in service.As tho mother did not make tho request, an objectionwas raised on tho ground of irregularity, and thocaso was adjourned to next board clay. Mr. Sheasaid a muto was sent threo years ago to Dublin , andho was now bound to n bnkor. IIo thoug ht that wa«not a good trade , as tho bakers, he beard , weregivou to drink. Ho thought it was a hardship totho poor ratepayers to have to pay for him. - Theagent of tho instituto said that the boy was boundfor six years. Mr. Brop hy : He, must servo his ful ltime. Tlio matter tl.en dropped.

A.von tKK CBOWK r»o.M KATinsn i iMAC. —Tho follow-ing refreshing addendum to last week's historical ,and dogmatical totter was snut by Mr. James Crowe ,of that ilk , which production created much laug hter ,and got marked read :—" Relation nf Capt. Tn-ncli :i"'l Arthur 31 'Mnrroiiifh K.iv.iua-.'ll

M.P. Win. Thin. I*: I'wr Tri-ncli , Vi.-r .miit DIIII IM , was tin-tutlinr "f c;«iit. Tnmi:li by hi« wit.-, Uuly Sarah I'.ntl.T, ilaux lit. -rt.i tli.- Karl ..f Oirrick , im.l I.ailv lleurii-ttu M:ir^:ir. l. I..- IWTrench wxi sistrr to tin- alwve Win. Tlvimas t in- MIWMH I wit.- '.ITll.miiis Kaviiimu'li of li.irris anil limthfr tif Arthur. .l"li"tintl. -r, of lJarry rit -ki -n, tin.- re«tiin-d ITth Ivirl of ilrinniiili ', »>bmtliortoSn.-au Iliitl.-r, tin; wife tit Thoinaj Kavaiiilirlmf ll'.rri.-,anil tlin iiiotli .-r of Itrlf na KHvaiiau'li. Iti -li-ua Kavanuuli w;i-nine nl the ITtli Ksirl nf Orinnu .lc, wul IUT S'JII , Mr . Arrhlv ilil .of Dnviilst'iwn, tjn . KiWniv , tliu irr.1111l-111.-1.l1cw i.f tin: I7tli Kirl ,nml TK.t of lm si.n Walter , tlio l^th Ivarl , :i< I ha-tily unitprniiii 'tnislv ffcit t- il in a late Irtlcr. If 1 tlun 't luirtaki -. CaptainTr.-n.-irs fiitlmr , win, W:L< l-lirl nf Clanciirty, .llu.1 lately ; :.i.'lif S", his brotlu -r , Iticlianl .S'liiu-rsi.-t , 1MH -H in 1&:.I , is tin- |iii.-i-ntKirl . That. Mr. An-libuM (i<f..ri'lii..nti"iiiil| t-laiiiuil tUwwt iitfrnni the llarnnstif I'nrtl. -stnr awl !!altiiv.'l:l«.--, mie "f IV IIKMI ,ltinviiinil I'it'. Kii-tam-, wiw Dainty t.. tlio Dukt- of Claniic.- .lxir.1 Il i ff l i Treasurer nf In-laml , ami fatln r-in-law to tliat lirr.-..ami tiirliill i 'iit Karl t.f KiMure »'h« linn. -1 Hi.: (iitlnilral nfC.IKI U-1. Tieliovinj s tlit! An-liliinlinn t» hrt in i t n t tli" timu. Thattain.1 l lmvlntitl nml liis wifn liiiilt Hi .- n.-w Al.U y i.f Kiluiil l i -n .v.-t lie limit.'.! mitl Iutrri1.1l an A r.:lilji.-li..ii ni l li :L~ In-art y a k'"'«lwill .-.- .Iii-lv .. KiH.^'h wtuilil lui i i t anil li:trrv liis nl.l itl"l . Dr.Miu:lliilf ."

A N'KW Li i i i t r . — Mr. Jamos Crrnvo , thn abnvrauthor , sent in an app lication asking to bo admittedin .1 j -t-porler , when lie would be sure to supply anyastorisks or omis-iious which the guafdiaas mig htmake Chairman : Is he reporter I'm- any paper iA (Juardian : Iiidrnd he is not. Chairman : .Shallwe admit him theu ? A Guardian : If you do, youwill be eternall y annoyed. The board declined toadmit a Crowe lo their meetings , ami tbe matter fellthroug h.

TI I K UATIH .OII MA I ' I'fW .—Jfr. I'/iclan siif.J lli.itho was credibl y .informed that the pump at. Rath-tjormac was a greal nuisance. Tin: wator from thepump ran into the well adjacent , rind ho spoki: to aman who said bo would swear he saw a dirty Uei .-ctof wool being washed iindi:r tin ; pump. A gmirdiaicould bear him out in Ibis respect. Mr. lirop hy sai.lthai IK: was also infoniiml that the pump was nnuisance. Mr. Daniel inetilioiied he had inspei. iedthe pump, and In: found it was in yood order , freefro m nuisance , with everything in lirst -rale condition

Mr. Lawrence , I!.(I., said ho had not heard com-plaint of tin: pump. Mr. I'helau : There if . swoi 11evidence- to be had that , sheep ll.:ee<: was washedthere . Mr. Daniel : I saw nothing of tin: soil ; amieven were fleece washed there , the waler could into the wi;ll. Mr. Lawrence : In faei. no nuis-ance could ''cmaiii under the pump, owing to theincline. —Adjourned.

Sri -i r. --K Till , ll .n-si:. — It. - lnaiuiii - nt l:i-t ri-p "rt , SUa .l i i i i t t . - i l , :."'. ; I KHTI . U : ,li, - .l . i ; r |i-r|i:.r :.'iil , :>! ; r-l i iaini l i ^ -.¦ln.-t Si l tunlav , :lji| ; i:.,ni--|.'ili .lill^ >ve.-k , l i i - ty .- l i r . :£!•< ; •-••- !nf |.iiivi-i<m. - r.-c.-iv. ,1, tH 1-. i'l. ; tin. 1 -11111-.I, ll'i I' .'-. M.:in-r:r.-i-;."-t , 2'. *\il : iiilimi:irr , :j'::j.|. : f.-v .-r li-ii |.it:il , ::-. 7!' iatirni - irv , l:!l -, in f, -v.-r fi .»|iit:il , 1;: i.iit-i|.,'ir r.-li. f , I- .',-..- t , LII I-;. i>|.

T I IK G O V K I i X M K N T AXIJ I I M S I I HA1I .WAV S .to TI IK i : inioit 01 nit: W .M K U I O I :H N K W S .

Silt— A K the greal tmijority of Irishmen have- mad.up their minds that buforu the railways of the conntry can be piv.perl y -rian.'i^ed, they must bi: purchi -sed and worked by tin: lIovi.Tiimeiit , will you kindl yallow mo to say a few word s on thai subject ? I havebeen for many years connected w i t h railways ; I h:iv-watched this movement from its commencement , andI have beeu very iiuicli pained to SUM my countrymenhang down thoir heads and rail on the C'over utn .-ntfor hel p, when , I believe , il is iu our power 10 hel puiirsi.'lves.

Il is true thai lln; railwnvs of Ireland art: not giv -ing satisfaction either to the owners or to th- 'pul.lie. Hut shall it be said thai InMimoii are in.:.(Il to manage their own bu -inoss , ami that , our onl yliopi : is in giving up all lo tin: government fas w.-ilid c-ur Parliament once before) regai -il .-ss of 1 hereal interests of those who are to cnni" after us :*

If we thus blindly givo up all our centres of i iulu- -try into tho hantlsol* ihoiruvernnieiil , thoso who comeifl r-r us will re^rel it ijuitu as much a^ wo

now do

lln: loss of our I'ui liament.I t has been said thai the (iov.:rnin. .-iii ran work- t i n

railways so much cheaper than tin: pr .-s.-nt. owner- ;can. This I do nol. bulieve. Sei: what, it cost s thef ioveroiiienl to bui i t l a shi p of war , compared wit hwhat t in : satm: shi p would cost if purchased fromprivate builders.

The people, of Ireland can w'j rk th eir own rai lwayscheaper anil belter than the li . iv. ' i -nnn - in. t:au , but ,they must, awake to a proper sen.--.: of t ln - i r du ty , hot hlo t helnselviM an-l I h '- count ry.

A l l lln. railways nf f r e / i m l SI IUH M I KS .'cmal gvim.iteilund - 'r one administrative depart t i n - t i t .

l.ol, a liailivay I'j i r l ianienl ,-il in Dubl in , ami h: Veaeb company send repre-ieiitai ives airi.-ording In theamount of cap ital iuvc - nted , :md I'-l t h i : bod y uiak . :rules and reglat ions for t in ; work in g ol ' all t ie- ni i l -wav.s of I hi: eouiu i'v, and h-t lln -ni establish i h n - .-largi; liictuJ'ies , one iu COI IV . OIK : iu iJt tb l iu , and otic inHi:lfast , uiid iu those fat .-tori .- -; h-t al l ciig iii' :-* , car-riages, waggons, aud oth-:r sitj ij i l ie s (for t !n- rai lway-)be made , mid so keep tin: money in t h e eouu t ry , in-stead of sending it. to Kug land and Scotland , as isdone al the present l inn* .

Il is a well known fat .-i thai upwards of C.",I IIJ ,I > I I I I

fv:r yea r is p.tM by I r ish r. i ihvay ci.-inpr inii .'s to Kug lisband Seolch houses for lo l l i ng sloek , inaehinery andoilier supplies for the Irish railways. Now- ihi*money ou^ht to be spein. in Ireland , and mil in I-iu ^-land aud Scotland , when; they have p lenty of trad. ¦alread y-

If w\: had our factories in Cork , Dubl in , aud H.-ll 'astw.- would be able to make all tin : .supplies I'm- ourrailways. Ihn. of iho L'.M»1,111 n 1 above meut i. ineil .about IMI H 1,1 WI I is paid ill wages to ineclmuii-s anda-i.- is iants , wh.. work in Kuglaud and Sent laud inuki i ^mai 'liinery aud otht-r supp lies for the Ii -i - .lt railways..Vow this auioiini ,-it an ai'1-r.-ii.'i.1 of L'">" per loan p'-iannum , would suppor t l '.,nO'l men , mechanic; andassistants , or ii,tinu iu t:ach of llu: three faelorii -s inCork , Dublin , and Hela<l.

Now ,-uppo>c eaeh man to have a famil y of f. uiipersons, t hat woultl raise the number in eaeh of th 'above mentioned citie s to S.III II ) or li 1 ,1H H 1 ;„ :,||Theso would be living in Ir .-land instead of Hi ;..;.lau:l and Scotland, and thus the money :m>;peojile would both bo kepi iu lln: country , andth e bi l t iher , tho baker , lln: dnipi .T, the fanm-r , tVtr .Would all get. a sliati: uf Imsines.-, an d the Mi inu l i Kgiven to industry would soon ilicrea-..- t he tr .ttl ic nnthe railways to such an extent thaleoutid i ' i ieo wouldbe restored and capital be freel y expended in developing tin: railways of the coun try.

Now, sir, ibis is what I bulieve tobo thetnn- policyof Llie peop le, of Ireland , and I hope and th a ithey will pause nnd look well In what , they are about ,before they giro up all iheir centres of Industrv iui uthe hands of any government in be dealt, w i t b 'bv fa.vourilisui and " red tape. " l a m sure the peop le, olIreland have bad enough of absentee proprietnrs .

Trusting thai this may >erve 10 awaken dis -it -sion ,uud to bring out turn who are better abl': to -Ii- al withthis most imp i . i lan t Sulijec t , ami 1 hanking you for theU H O of your colinnns , I am, nir , your obedienttnrvaut , A ll.ui.w .u SU A K I :IIOI KFI :.

Al . l .K f iK H I .M.K. v;\T A1SAIT.1. .()„ Satunlay week ,as is alleged by parties more or I.-si coiii-"i-rned , :ilaboring limn , named Walsh , in tin: emplovi m-nt „(y \v. I'atrick Koran , a farmer , living at. HoliiuleiiTtnear Cur -rick , was caught by his nia>u.-r in t in - act ofcommitting an iiuleeenl assault upon an idiotic "illnamed Catherine l-'orau , ui;ed l.'i , and a iii .-ce ,,f thomaster. Fora n , tia t urall y eimng li indi gnant at what ,ho saw, Ihreslicd Walsh upon the spnt , nml thelatter had the assurance to lodgo iid'oruialion s fort in: assault. I' oian subseipienl l y report .-d thi' ou I-rage upon his niece , and WaWi was arrested miSaturday last by l.'onstuble Coinmins , and , withForm , taken before Messrs. T. II. Wilson and Ilerbt:rt ,who commit d-d both lo the Walerford assizes for theirrespect ive nll'i- nce*:.

(: AI - TI I I .\. .M KSMIS. li. W i n n i i i .siv .o.N- tV Vn. Inralhl l -J t in- :ittnili .. |i nl 11"- 11 ..¦!• 1,, a r . . , -n i ,I. I MH M . iu II ."ll.iiix- ur l.nrils , in tin- I-II-I- < >l •• Wntl^.r juHin f. Cuiri--,"nln-ri -l-y lin n i-M -lii.ivi' nVIil I . t|,.. „„. „, ,),„ MW,| •• (,-),.„.fn-l.l" in Kii i i t iM -l i i ' i i wi th S tanh i. iinli.|,u i :il ,lv r»iabli»ln - il ,uniii .l tlUn i u t i i na tn th.i t t ins .h. -i.iun if tnl , is Ih.' s.d.- nlHi.- »liirrli insidi! liy tin' il.l. hi l iht dl iy^ l , n l l l | «ill ml.j . cltin: M-ll t- r nf il tu a IVi i a l ty nl t ' l ii,iaii i, Wi- hie In in t iuu l i -lo tlii!.-.!- B-I III m.-i y h.-ivi- bt- i-ii ih i luni l tn hur ii , ihal to MIVPthrm In t a l I IIKS wi> wil l ;,!l..« \Hu itrr '•«I . lor it , litHie (il iit i f iRM Stnr. -h Winks , l'.,i«|,.y, u, i-j rlnn.L '.- fur tin-pniuiue Hriirlr, al t in- rum-lit |irirp. Thi« will .hliil a Imsupon«. Ivw , ,M thi: | ia.l(,t, «-,|l 1,,. i.r,,^.,, iip ati.l millft.r llustt Slarrh. Inn it will at the ,:,,„,. rtut t ; be the nir amt,f mith -riiiK tin: Ai t i r l t - IIM -!O> S h.r Inrtlu -r ili-r. -i-ti - iti. A n yinfi.runlinn tha t -.vill leail lo lv ieiinn wi l l lip r "«:inleil .

Fi.iiiiii . i .Nt;!-l-<i)r tin: TKK ITI ami H UEATII .— Afuiv ilrops nl \\u: Fragraul Fliiri- iun tni n wrl in- .tl i l ir i ;-h(.rii'lure- a i!« li ^ l i t l u l limn , wln .-h rY;,t, n ,.j t l i t - T.-. :h Iri . 'nnil iui| .nrilii-x , Mu-n t t l i r i ' - an,I'in t in- (.-uin- . prfven t"Inv ta r , mill arrrsta the pr..l-n s < ol ili oiy. It isivt-s tu Hi '1

Twill n i t -ri ilinr nirl l u au l i l u l »liiii-n *---'-, nml impar t . s nilt l ik'iKlul I I-H I I I I I I I I W l o t l . e . hn.alh. I t miuivi's all uii|ili-n -Mint tnli iur :iri-in« (mm il.i .iy .'.l t,vth . a ili-onleml stmniicli inr luliaii-o s kit. Tin: Frag rant Floriliu e is puri - ly v.xc-lahl. -, ami .i|n.dly ailapt iil |<. ,,|,i uu ,i imw:.'. It is the(.Ti-nltst Tinlr-I t liM-ovi-ty ol thn :.RP . Suit! at '.'<. Cl . l y nilt.'ln-'i i-t» nml Pi 1 fiinir-rs. l» ii- |,arril onl y by II . C. G.W.LIT,II 1-"* (Kl 'inl Siru-t, Lunilun. 'flic word " Fluiiline" is .1"Xratlc Marl."

P O L I C E O FF I C EMONDAY —Beforo tho Right Worshipful J. F. bcoti,

Mayor, Aid. Jacob, Mr. II. Gallwoy, and CaptainBronan. A * Kwative Kcane-Vf o have a costlyKcano and an old one in town , for , when not eatingthe poblicbread in a private cell iu tho prisons, she slightening pockets at night , was brought up by bub-oonstablo 35, for having beon drunk and disorderlyon tho Mall , on Sunday night. As a mat tor ofcoui-so, the implicated mado no dofonce, and then , asevery public character is, from that very fnct , opento question , Iho censor of tho ago in this city, Con-st-iblo Doyle, read tho followiug biographical accountof tho defaulting Kcaue :—In January, 1*71, threemonths for recessive li quidation ; tho doso wasrepeated in Apr il , then in August camothrco, reduced-in March last to ono month. Xow tho diclum wn*.forty .shillings, or two months useful resiilouco undertho wings of government. A Stn-j -jerin -j Htncym-i .—Catherine) I'l ynn was erratic in I'etcr-slreet, on

Saturday evening, according to tho mathematicaldexter optic of ri3ing 83, and was takon to the !»«<...-.iviiauh; so well managed by Mr. Doyle, in Potor-st,,for a competitive examination. The meandenngs,as charged , wore not denied by the party, t in:deli "htfiil party (?) interested , and then the liiatio-grapher, tho Macaulay, of I'etor-street , read , withemp hasis, his biogra phical sketch , in this case,showing thnt Hho had , on moro than ono previousoccasion, substantially attracted government notice,the last residence therewith extending fully to aperiod of four months. .Mr. Doy le theu informed the-citv lathers , rather tenderly, as became liH gushing,iii .'xpericneod condition , in tho chaining process, t hittthe present obj"cl of his solicimdo was marrieil samenig ht , and , probabl y, was commencing to enjoy thehoneymoon , thoug h in rather an anti-constitu tionalway." 'flu: delini|uent win ordered to pay is. (id., orlapse tho marital transaction for fony-eighl. hours.Tho lapse look place. Ar'»-rnlir. /•'OI' K-S— One ofthe Mo.Cillicuddies, of what , sept didn 't appear , Intl.bis profix was John , was drunk in John-street , onSaturday ni ght. Sub-constable 1- was so teetotall yaccurate! in bis ind ictment , that the Mcliillicudd ywas called on for u bob. Alas ! for iho mutations' ofilistiiiguisliod families!— '1 1-hours enforced conjunct ionwith tin: mini stry was taken from necessity.

TI 'KSIIAV .—Up ftir t ! the Mayor , Captain Itro -ian , andMr. (jailwry. l>r»«l - —Itwpli -Dalton wa-t drunk anddisorderl y in Michnnl -streot , in tho experienced eyesof Conslr.blc- Wilson , and , having practiced in tin:dock hel'ore , In: W.M now provided with a quiet retreatfor a week ; and Thomas llyan , who , whun asked lodcfi-nd diuxelffroin an ollieial imputatio n of intoxica-t ion , rep lii:d , In; did not. know whether ho was drunkor not , was called on for one shilling line , ninl sixpencecosts , but he preferred tho jug, and took il for i lhours. Dnri - I i><..- .'.(.- "•-.¦ .1/'.' ' - '—Ut ivi t l foster , fortin- pa -it tJirei: or four nuinlhs , has been :\ shiningli ght , cvt 'ii when all coruscations were laid up, in our" model ," iu .iohn-street , lul l David , like his patru-nvuiic of old , or earl y days ,

¦whic h you will , fiaif a

deficiency iu t in: humani ty , and bo got " screw.:.!," avi .-rv expressive , and no U^.^ correct term , on Sundayni ght , and did nol present himself at bis quartersun t i l , as next , moruimr . Chanticl t ; .-r was preparing t> iparado and inspi .'i:l. his sera glio , at. I . l .".,- a.m., onMonday, wh"ll tl : i- knoeker al. tin: " mod.:!" was pmvigoroa>lv iulo ri-i |iiisit ioi: bv Dnvi 'l, of r .j ursi .- to x- -iin. Tin- coniuiand '-r of the furin-ss is Kng iish , w i t htin- patronymic of .|:inn:s , and , iriie lo the codt : ofiiislruelions. entratice In: s iot t i iy refused. U.ividrapped the tloor , and rapped .fami-s out of b id :James cam': down , and told fl.ivid iu In: could not g.-lthat , ni ght , and t here was " 1:11 ««: k-uoi:king at t in :door any more," ;nt .l Pavi.l said l:e would re'.iri; njionhis supports, the flags, for tin: remainder of the night..lani' .'S went to l.'-d again , lull , was no >ooner in th "blankets than bang went, t h e kuoek - 'i- 0111:1: niore , andilowii came llu: j an i to r of 1 h" .r i t i u le l again , w i t h hisv.-:.o as to adtuissioti. liavid r .-tired to il, .: st,r.-.:i ,and Kng lish upst:i i i - r . and this pantomime wa.-: re-r .-.p eat > -d severa l t inn's , u n t i l al last, the I 'jj ^ lish gov.T.nor had lo ru sh fur ui<l lo 'In- U"at«rfiinl police,liavid eatiie to gri'-f , but Mr. Kii'-rlish said he wouldlik > - to spare him , and would wi thdra w t h e charge.This k ind l y i- oi i - iderat ion of an t-rrin ;; David wa.-jI:ik '.'ii in to atr eo itut , a tn l t h e poor fellow was allowedoil on 11 line of Is. and costs ; for which Slim CaptainJ .r - unn fo"ling ly b''C4ine responsible , and David winenfranehi-ed. .1 H7...'.--oi,i. - 1 'h. ¦;!:¦ -James Ilanrahan ,Li-nasteagii ' -, t.-ounty Ki lk enn y , win , on Sundaynighi , t l i unk at the iiiot of Mount. Misery, a heightwhieh l"ads 10 th e l . ik - : of D.:;polid , gu irded by I I IM

L^iatii.s Ural-h and Oi.. b.-std.: him stan-ling a liors '.-iii -l ear , ami iu his poeket. a I'-I 'in eheck. Havinghad no previous police characte r, .lamps was adjudged10 pav ^s. ti I., which sum , w i t h costs , in: dis.:h:irg' 'd ,'.¦\ . : laiiiiiti '_' s.-nieu: iousiy, *• bad inauiiers to it forlr ;nk ," ami r -Mir . -d amid much laughter , p-iierou-lv ,however , tha i ik iug the police for their care, .li - i/ ;;'-, .'/.. /,-....-.'.• — Sub-coiLitable (.'olinollv I..ok T.1111It yan prisoner in Michael. .street, for ln.-iu^ d runk , anaet by Mary , Tom's sister , who inuni-dia ' .- l ypoiiuc .'d upon tin: sub , and soug ht lo enlarge Tomir.mi his talons. Mr. Connolly, t rue 10 the constitu-tion of whieh vitality ho was, upon tin: ueerisiou ( tin?at moling representative, held t>n to his captive, andMary , equally energetic on Llu ) other side, did mort-Ihan her best to enfranchise her own Hesh and blood ,find, iu h.-r evolut ions , luu! llu: temeri ty to snap thes t rap of K'.bby 's nap, and then 10 grasp his baton.M-irv , a f-tnr i le of .-vid 'u i t lv convincing >iim. .-us inns ,i-\ldairi !-d t hru .- in- .-i .-k.-- l tb.: Satra p to li -t h . r conveyh.-r broth.-r home ; that hi: refused ; sle- p,:rsi,t-.f:In: resisted, and out of liis hand iln: nearly iwisi.-this b i t o u : .'ni r i '^ .-d. In: stn lek her w i t h l ln : batull 1111tin: arm . and , living s truck", she f.:lt il was t ime nu-ll .-i- to rap. M-irv produei 'd her t >ff- l ian > l arm , showin"a discoloraii .n i said to have an otlicial oriu ' in, of a/•rr.7.1. n-'-alion , and , l l|.-r .-llp.!n , ollii:. .'i- ( ' ..nn' .llv ,w i t h thin , ebival i - . ius sp irit , ever characl. -ri/.in g lh - -Connoll ys , who an- historicall y ivpiv --ui> - .i us :i v-rysub-lalll ial laulily, at l l ln t i im: till: K^vpt [an bi, irdnf works acei'pted t h e ti:t :.|-.-r f-ir the ere.:u.111 .ifth.- TI .W.T nl Habel , about, whiVh iher. - IV.H -niir-confusion : i t t l n - w i u d -u f i , said that , as Mary was awoman , he would not wish lo be too pivssiiig , ;unlwould l ik > - t 'i have h-T dealt with as l "nie:it l y asP' .s-ibli- . Constable Wilson , t i p : meiitor of court.-sv ,wai at Cotiii "ll y '5 elbow when he sp ->k> - , and Cut.had d.iubl 'vss bis superior's insp iration lor n I'.-. -liiig11.1; sfi' .-eilii.-.ill y m--j iti ')ned in tin.* code royal. C'.n.-. 1 -pi 111 npnu Mr. Conmill y's interferene '- , M irv w.islined bal 2-i. li l, and eo<ls , and got unt i l in-.-ridi 111ii--i. f day l- i pay, aiui t li e i - result ot * the active court. - .-vuf a yallaut roval.

CITV I'KTTV SKSS ItlX.S.l!- 'f. .re t h e Kiuht Wurshi pfiil 1 he Mayor , Alerm-'n

•la .-ol. ami lleid , Capt. Hivnan , and A. li . -u n v .I' II .W M I . II 01 Ln ¦

K X S I :.—Mrs. obi l ined th.-t r . in ,C i- , ,f t h e lic. -n-.t of l i t . - hoii-e 'i.'i H.irr.u-k -.-c. ,I :i' .-I y oec:ip i. .-.l by Mrs. C:iiniin;,'h.-wn.

l!i I .K l i . ov—-Michae l I' lyun , ol Harronsi rand-str .- .- i ,was ehargi 'd w i t h k icking and o therwise i l l - u - i i p .; al"iv in lii.: presence of a i-onsiab!.-. Mr. T. I'lin-i-il ,T.I '., inf.,ruled t h e bench t h a i the bnv.s w. re eon.lini ial l y annoying I ' lynn , calling him " hump.backed ,''and '• Uii -hard the Thinl. " As Mr. Klyim had , how.eve r , usurped their worships ' funetions as tnag isirat '-s ,I..- was lined '1*. t .'.l. and t.-ost-', whie h aiuoiir .t %vaskindl y paid by Mr. I'ureell.

• • ( ' 111.1. , C H I . K , Cur. us.,." - Mary llri. ii sumnioiie.l Sarah Klyun for an assault. Complainant ex.p lained that her hens look a Mi ght into defendant '.-lull , and when she went to look after them , MrsI'l ynn threatened to do for them , and guvn her athreshing, winding U [t by plopp ing on her km-.-- , an. Iatrithainalisitig her. Defendant 's plea was that coin-plaiuaul was taking more- than her own away, a:ul intry ing lo recover her property, the tussle took place.Mary Ilaldwin staled thai , althoug h defendant struckcomp lainaut , and called her a robber , she got as goodas she gave, and Mrs. llrien was non -saUed .

THK IIii ' i 'V I'.WK .— ami Jtridge t Keane areman and wife, but, they don't appear to enjov muchmairit nonial bliss, for JJrid get tiyik .lohn to court t - i -il:iy, on a charge of tryin g to inako a widower ofhimself in this way:—Sirs. Keaue deposed that onWednesday she locked her door when "/oing to town ,and on her return found it open; the d. camehome before her , and when *liu entered the house , lit:charged her with locking him out ; he then gol a stick ,uud caned her ; In- ran after the child , and triet l tobeat it. In fact , said Mrs. K., he wants to kill me ,and said more than once, he would take me 10 ihoriver, and make sun: work of me ; he kicked me, andstruck me with a stool , antl I' m Iho lavins ' tif dati t i ' ,your worshi ps, patheticall y added ihissulTeriiigfeinale.I di.l tell him t., drown me, bill Hot lo In: exposingme, by making me como to courl for protection. De-fendant said th n causo of tin: whole- thing iia-', hiswife lacked ihe door a^ him , ami lloow his clothesill his fiice. The swearing 011 one side, and ihu denials011 the other , b. iug pretty evenly balanced,- tho de-ei>ion was now adjourned for further ovidence .

A I lt -sKum:.—Pa t rick Klyun was brought up as adeserter fro m the l:uh regiment , now ly ing ut Ki|.kenny. Hi: xiiiTt -iidunxl himself volunta rily. .Sub-eonslablii Dunne deposed that al half-past ten o'clm-k011 Sal unlay night , he .saw the man al llu: barrackdoor drunk , and when questioned he said he was ade.-eri"r. He was ordered to be sent 10 his re-'inieul.

A .Vi ls .\.M - K .— Patrick llurl y was charged liy High-constable I ' allis wi th carting manure thr oug h the cityat piohibileil hour.-t. J' roseciitor Miid Ihat severalgentlemen comp lained of the nuisance created by thopassing ,,f manure throug h the city , l lur l y : It isalways done. The Mayor : II is not 'allowable at pro-hibited hours. Alt l. Jacob : You should havi: a covrivdcar. Jltirl v : II was drv manure. I'allis • It was pigmanure. Mr. I'urcell : The man i,,i B|il have done thuthing 111 mistake, anil 1 hope) he will not do si) again,and apologise, l lurl y : I will do anvthin g. Mayor:As y.ui ,.,et,.,l evidentl y iu ignorance , you are finedt i nfy -is. anil costs.—Adjourned .

TIIK I' lnru.sci.t i. J1A .SK , CI.OMTU.. -Mr. Hubert ,lltiiiy Cliapiiiuii , who, fora period of four y.-ars , heldthe olliee of accounlant of the Clotnuel bianch-of thisbank , has been promoted lo the. uccounlaiishi p or themoro important ollice at liclfast. Mr. Chapman is toIn; succeeded by Mr. l.oui, Claro ,; accountant :,ftho '1 emp lemorii Hranch , an appointment which Ucertain to give much satisfaction.

The excesses of mir youth nro drafts upon our oldage, payable with interest thirty years ufterdate .

.Mil' COVJI T&

COUItT Of KXClia i VEll—SATVHMr.(lieforc the Lord Chief lJaron , liaron 1'ilzgerald , a 11(;

JJaron Deasy).( 'ufri 'iim v. iV.A-.sei-.—The Lord Chief liaron pro,

iioiinced tho judgment of tho Court iu this case. Itwas an action for breach of contract brought by JI r,Corcoran , of Sir John Kogcrson's quay, Dublin ,RL-aiust Mr. Henry 1'ronnor, a corn merchant iu Watcrrord The plainliH ' had refused to ))ay tho fullar-iurit of a order forwarded with portion orihowheat contracted for , ou the . grouud that llu: qua,,,tilv was not in fact, equal lo that slated in thedocument. A dispute limn arose ami the defendantbroke off the contract. 'I'll" jury found for thuplaintif T . Tho ilefuiidan r , subsequentl y obtained r,conditional order for a uew trial , or to change thuverdict into one for him. Tin: opinion of tin: com;was that the verdicL alread y had must stand.

COURT OF I-:X fJHK< / C ;KIt—S .viI 'l:i n 1.(Deforc the Lord Chief liaron , liaroii Kit/yera '.d , :tt ,.|

liaron Jteisy).T I I K I I I . M ' K W A T K K I ts |IKI.-lKv . Ihd - >-i /*-.">; .>•;.;.••¦ v. l' ...i. .¦.-( Oil .••¦,¦.— M r .Sergeant Armstrong, on thi : part of the plaimiu", ap.plied lo have a ju ry for tin: trial of this eas.: al t!,,.ensuing assizes struck under 'ht > old M-Hem. Tli-act ion was to assert the plaint iir' s ri ght to a severalfiVhory iu thn river Illackwati.-r. I t w:n tried iirst 111tin; year If i l i '.) , when a verdicl was f-j und for t i n - d- .fendants. A new trial was onl-red and look p lat;.: ., -.tin: last S|iring As-,i/.«!s in Clouinel , wh. -n th- j.irydisagrei .'tl. Mr. liasil Drpeii , al l i irney for the . p laimiir ,stated that , iu Iho ordinary course of pn-»;'"lur>- i'. w,-,sl ikel y thai s'-vera l ol' I In: juro rs who had been ou lln ,spei.'ial jurv pain-Is for tin: South Hiding of Tipp.'taryfor the ass'izos of I SC!) and f.-r t in: Spring .\-i/..-s .'fihis vear , would also be on t h e pain- , for ih i - S-ju iin .-rAssi/'os of |.S7i. II ' : b t- l i i - vi -t l that lie: i.pei-i: il juror smost likely to appea r on lh': pam- 1 f.,r t in- i -t . ^u ingassi/.r: wouf. l be thoso ii-ii. |etil in tl. i- iie iglibourl ,o.>.|ofC |i)nim ;l. Tin: p laituilf ' s claim h -ul b." n t!i " sub.jecl of much ili.--(;iission in the neighbourhood of Clou ,nnd ; and bo believed thai if the special jury>: summoned in the ordinary way, ii. \\..uhl :nchi>J .:persons who had served on the former t r ia l andformed opinions nbotll , t h e ease. Tin: aet ion was < ! >• .feiidedoii I In: ground that then: was a j .ublit: ri ght. '¦.fish iu the river ; uiitl it was desirable to ex .; lu 'h !, ,>uthe jury any persons who worn either dir. -e i i y or ,-¦¦-nntit l y interesti .'d iu the matter in dispm -- . li -.-.- a- ,therefor. ', impoitaiil . lo have lh" 1:1..-an- ol in.pi: , n .ginto the itt i i ifr .-rencv of tlu: jieiv tnis lo ii- : I - III / MI. ; . ' !¦led for t in- next t r ia l which would be al'.'.rd. '! by • :-. .¦old system of striking a ju ry , 'fin: p la iu l id 'b " .:-v.< -lthai a. perfectl y impar t i a l ju ry i.-.mld 1." had I:, •; .. •Souih Kil l ing of Ti |ip..-r.iry, and dt .l no;, d.- -: !'-: anychangi) of venue.

M r. M.-icDouog h , '{. ('.., on t h o par t of .Mr . Pi:n. suhm ft t i .-i f r / i a f , f / n 's tii 'it i 'iti tiu' 'tt t i.t b" i -- 'fn-" .' -.',,

¦•:costs. No grounds had been laid I'-.r i: . T ii- S.i .ii.1,H id ing of Tippera ry had ln .-i -n t i n : p l . i i i i t i l f s ...v :s:rh:t :tiol: ; and ihe re-ull tjf tbe lir.-i. tr .al had ii <-. ,. ;

verdict a irainsl. h i m . I f t h i s 1110:1011 u-'- i - .? '_'ia r ; : .- lt in - re would In- no :-.'a-on why a j u ry .. l i - i i i .-j i!.. - !,.:s iruek under t h e oid sysi.-m in .'v. 'vy ca- -.

Tli..- (,'Jii'.-i' It.-iron -aid i; was to bo ih-p l-.r- .l tl. . -sheritls wereti- . . i t iu i .'b in th' : h a b i t — i f in . -y w.-r. : i, ., -allou'ether in t i n : hab i t — of copy ing th . ; -am" j ni .' -ifor sutre-siv.- as-i/.'s ; and ivh' -n he f tmi id tin: :. l. .¦:¦- ¦

had beet, t w o I r ial . - a lreadv in t h i s fr .i-. - . and I.!.:.'.tin re was a risk of t h i - p : b "in- ly |-<,.-:y- .-j ^ :. -.speeial jurors mi t h e pan"! for th t- i ..-\ i ;i.-i»:- ;r.( "lonin i 'l , of whom t h o l.wenty .f . iu r win, had b'--:i ¦¦::the las', trials ought In In- -"t. a-iilo--aliiioiiL'ii ii'-.;mi ght nol lit; exa' .-li y a ground |..r a t .'hal i euu ' i : -::¦¦thought , it was :u:a-.: in w h i Vh 1 l ien -was soui" *_'.- .u:; ifor adopt ing 1 h" nld sysi.-m. I I - ¦ was r. -Iu . :.,:r :..d'-part from wa.s \\u: g.-m-r.-il r;i!" -¦! ::; -.--

¦ >.:p ie Si 'l l l Wi th respect, I.) j u r i es ; bill t h e n l ' l .-v - :- -n - ,;si r ik iug ju r i i '.s was s t i l l pr. 'seiV"d wha:. t ; , -: t ' '. . ''inl.l t l . i i ik to I' 1: \*vti [ l '-r '.-a-'-s for- 1: < :i[ >\) Y.r:r. - , . .Hi: did not th ink lh" authorities .- -tabl i-h" I '.:.:. - ::j u ry uiid.'i - t in: old svs t .M. i should not li" ^'r.-m:'-! (:::¦less the 'court was sa t i -U. -d tha:, an in lpa r . 1:1' t i . i .

C'UlId not bv otherwise had. The] i|lnv-J'i,i was , w- .-.;ihey in th*: pres"iil cast: to depart fp. in :!i" I ' - i r i s l a i . v- -condemnation of the old svslem as a irener al n i l - -/ I - .was cleat- thai they should not expose th " p!.'.inii:l :.ia trial by ihi: same jnrors t ha t t r ied l i n t eas" b..-f..r.:.There we:-.; onl y two wavs tif av.n. l iug t i n ' . 1 h:-wa:s bv an it i 'i i ina i io i i t.o Ihe .-.h«-riII *. Ti i - - OL I CT -.V:I -by y ielding to the pr-.'S' -'iil apjilie.i: i-m. H- - was I .-J *.awant ihal t in : court had ever mad" .-w<:h m m i i r n -l-tioii 10 the sherill' ; and he thnug hi tha i , t i i " ii- s .s lh"yin:erfi:red w i t h t he selection of jurors , o:- wi: .'; at.y-th ing i-oniu'i:ti:.| w i th t in : sli.:rill"s d u ty , th.; I»- - r r • -r- !-i .-tho aduiiostt-'itioii of j ;jsrir '-. With r .--/"-r:i :-i Pu b i i /j ,thu sp..'cial j u r y pat:el was irj ioriou.-l y in Micha sta:.:of confusion that it would be e \ t i " i i i .- lv •!.r *:r;uIt -¦.have a. sj ieeial j u ry si ruck und -r the o) I .sy, !.-m ; I M :,thai was now to be doi.e away wi th , and I," n.v. l sayno more about it. II.; must say, that, luving t : i ' -Jthis case on t h e Jirst occasion , be had never l- iund uj ury more suitable for il n- trial , both from t h e i r in-telligence and th.-ii' high position in society, th - .utho gentlemen who composed the jury HI. ri ' . inn.'!.I 'oi- these reasons the present app Sieal ion .-.ImaM b.jgnui ti .-d , the costs of the parlies lo b-; cost- in l!i*;cast .-.

Wl f O WAS ( l l . l V h ' l i CI.'O .VWKLL r-( .'roniwell was an Kug lisb soldi . -r who s.^n .-J !h-

d.-ath warrant of Charles I., and s'-i/.!:| ib.- l iuv.-rnmeiil by f..rce. lie eaus.-d t in: iiui:- .l"i- of l .nml p.-r.sotn in t h e Cat .bolii; i-hurc h of l ir - ig b.-.|:t , aud :',nii iuib': Hull Il ing in W. -xf.ird . wi i .h n:iul"r..:is ..'.iif -rslaughters elsew h.-i-e . I I . : i-\. ! .' i -uii ir t : i ' . | nuiu!i. .|-s o!I rUh women and chi ldre n lo t h" We-i lt i . | ' .:.i. 1|.conlise i t . .'.l num- 'ious I r i s h eual- ' - uiel g.- iv> - th. -in t 'jhis Mildl. ' l ' .--. l ie lel'i :i.lli io per.-ons d- .-:t' l :u oil" l u t t i uiu Scotland , and th.'ii r.-ad t h.' 1 ITth p.-alm nv.-r l!i.-iidead bodi"., ! l i e die,) J I I years ago in L- i t i - lun , ai.dwa.s buri . 'd ill \\*.-> T n i in s t . -r Abb .-v. In th i* "" v.-ar-afler , his bod y, w i t h l ln.-e of 1 wo t.f his bru:al cun-panions( wore ri-moved , and dr,igi;"d al i ' i i l l li i-streets of London , af ter which their ln -a-f - . wentaken oi raud plaee.l upon sp ikes iu front of <»! ¦ >• .¦!:- ."London Hrid g.-s. This was l h>; i.-nd ul" I j i i v . -r Croiu.well , aci-' irdiug to Dr. Liug.ird.

o' f U N N K L L UN |..\ v I N TKI i l -' K U K N l 'i: i NKCCI .KSIASTICAL A ITA I KS .

Al. a t ime wln -n the a ; l of tip : s.-cula r :ui :t :Sthr t- at t- iied in l l - r m a n y and i:i oth . -r pl.ic.'S to cru- 'utin: rii,'li( ("ill #i'\'ert'i-t: of eech-siastica i juri "i : i*::"i; "1ecclesia.-tical ca-..- s, tin.- lol ln ' -ving l .;tt i .-r of D 'Coua . .1!!on thi: painfu l t iaii -actiou tha t uriairr. -d so lon ' a-;1 .as |s;!i; W U| be read wi th interest . The f.,; !' .vvin '_' IH

th " letter, wr i t i . -u in I , .,ndi .11 , whil s t t h e Lib. -ra 'oiwas ii; allentlaiu- .: at. his I'arliaiin -nt.i iy duli. -s ,

" 1", I..ia.'li.t:il.| . I s h .'-L .y, 1-d'.'' K r v . Sit: — I In'- :. ivc ni' .-i r.- -p' -. t t u i i .v :.. ¦!•¦: 1, .::v

iu:,-i vi.-.v i\ :tli y.e;. I in.' .iii 11 ¦ .!tl- :iH-'' wli .' -.!--v-:. I .uni N .::IJ J it.!.- ..: i n;.- ., l i u .' 1:, lm; 1 il -dun.- ;¦. -iv \ ¦ .11 f.. • 1 1. --v.liu: 11M-111 that I il-ciint; 1-. -.n-.v.-r y u:* i' - -:''- — !':.- :,Vi.ur ca— i> not mil: ill ivh:. h I'.ul- ilt lfii l r .l i /iv auy r . ; i-f ,T li ." l'.irll.iuieu! h i s 11.1t tl;- I.M'1 t - .tit:..i ..v.-r t h " .i;--cip liai : uf tin: t.'alliohi: t ' lunch :iny 111 'i t - t h a n 1;- .'.,;• 1;, .,:, Iw i t h tht- l.l.'-t-iiiv- .>: t;.i.l , iii-tt 1 - "lull : Si-c. it i.lly, 1 c.i:.:. ; ' a;^.•(Jil. 's^ , in n- N li "U^ I'T . IIS -i> ai, ' .' i n- i - t - 'u: u it i i n .y r.'-;.'Ct l..r y-.m- rov .-i.-nd ch n';u tcr , tn\ ,!;-.; ;i:, ..b i l in i i ..: ll;.' .1.- - it.i i yiti l i ruuht .11 lii- c :;;l- •: !-. .v:i.-:iii:- . t a r l ' i rh f r I ' l l lml - i: |.:i. -t , « i :h «l;, .i,, ,,j| .!" .,, . ..'l lie sr l t' cl ¦iii in y, ..1 by a i.-tv i- .-m-j I., -pi . ru. ,1 -u.p-ri 'ii s ; ,i:nl I l l n u k ,t < ¦! r_-y n -at i nu ^l;: - ., - i i , - ; -a ' i :;.i : i .jsnrh .1 Winll fJ t l i 1:1 an-.: -c.ii'l.i! l.y !;ti ,.-i;,,,,. 1 I' . r - iv.l l tin' .icn.iu «-.i» -i -t i ui t . -.- .: ;nu . a .,• ,¦, ¦ ,. , ,;,.lI lami' i l Vt-lllllii: t> . .htli-r ill - ij .n i l , in wil l ; \ ..,:,, |,i-l. , -, o :,,tin.- jml i;iiii:iit hu liny l .iu i - i l ii-. |in .;,::.> y.,u H:: ' r li iv.u< hiuu^ lit t h a t . irl inii I" A n j . r . t f in; i t t ., :,. .;,_. tin .m. i ft i - r I M'/.I.-I: P.lrli iiiu.-nt \r:.i ) »• <m] \ - m i 'l i t i <: .u - - - tsciiitl il, an 1 will i.ulv in ike 11 iinp'i*-i!,,.- I ,r x ,., r., ,.'i:i,tli.: Miuctl ill nf miy ( '.it li..hc pr-.- l i ' t - to j .nt .,i ".,.,.iit in. - :t t->a p m- l i . f u iny liumb!i- iipui t . i i i . 111":-- - I, A .m iMir i;>:rC'lin-c ..pill you , -.ii. l Hul l- , ui . ij u ,Mi.,| - ;,|,,,,,.,. -,..,' t .,)'"lir -plri l ln d Mip '- i i ' i i . thi: i l i i l iMi -:iun I.. ;.v,":n .K.l«|i r i tual au tho r i t y licui/ t . my mi'. 1 .|'u:.- j , „,,. In civiln . . i i lnsrv,Ty limn may .mil ,,- ,-ht t . rij l .i hi,,, .,.. I ., t ., r .lu, III. ' l.nv ; 111 -pu i l iu i l - 1, r>.i'|«-cMll y li.-tir. -ii i t I .- i^r ;t . - i i , ut-t ln.nty -.l.i.ul.l l..- r.-ii-.:t.'.l, ii" ,ip; ,i..,| „, ,.|,""-..v. ' t 't .,111on.- -.(.iritual -U|..ii-ir 1.1 nn- in a Ir-u.-r ,l,vr,.,, m,:,| ,.;,!„.,i iiH 'ic K' 1I..11C ..i- r lit- h iu ln -r a u l h . n i t y «;ip,..,|,,| lu u i v . -.:,.K VI-II if 111 Tttin , i,.ju -,li.:.' ill that ro.p.-ct i- , in my ju. U iin-ut


pn-l.raM..- t.. araiulal , which , »lti-r .ill , wil l atl'.u. i no 1.-.I1.*.— I h.ivu tin: lunmur lo r. ni.tin , Su , j ,,|.| .,1,,..!,, ,,t , Innn '.-lail.-IV.ill l , - |I A .V I K L UTo.V SMl.

" Tin- Rev. K. 1IU II I .I II. III 1, t'i>iiliii 'r, 'i.i ' l au "

I J IIKAKK.VST — K I - I-.S'.S (.'i , r i i\ - ( i | :\H t i l . 1X1) (.'"«•Kt.KU.NCi-" Hy .1 th. ,r.,,ul , kn.^-l ,.,!,.,. ,,f,|,,, ,,a tu,;,l la» ,«-|m:li Rovi -ril i llu: ,, durations of t li ^e-tiuu anil nutr i t ion , .mlliy a taip 'ul ii|> ti] iiMti.iii ol tin- liin- pr..[OTti>j of wrfl-wlertci lc.ic> , Mr. l-'i.p '. \M pr,,,,,|,.,l ,,,, r hri»kf->l tables w i t h a.l.-lii-.i -.i-l y I l iTur i ' i l I., vt-r a^ i- , wl i iu 'i may safe m uuny li avy¦1-icit.r x l,ii:.."-CiWt S. riirc Gasllti. .«.•"!¦• simi . lvwi th H..ih- , c Winrr ur Mi lk. Kadi p .clct is UlK-IU -d —¦' .l\ui:s l.ri- .s ,t (.',.., ll.,,,,, u,,jH iliic Chtmiit s , 1 !..i. ,"Alv, iiiiiki-iN uf K|iti'.-> Mi 'iky CUCOII (Coctw aud CUMU U-.I-JMiK .

l i C X I ' K I A M AMI (" KAITIFl ' l. II. 4 IK.— .Mis. S. A.Al.l .Kx '.s Woui. ij 's II .H K Hl^TOKKI' OK Dt tBjs tM, I iv. rfails t. . .piiikl y ¦•".inn. Urny or Fadt il Hair tn its y»u:i>tidc-il..r .iu- 1 l, .' :iutj , an,) with tin- first npp hr.itinn :i li, tu!,l'nlcl.i-s ;.i..l .l.-li ^h i i u l ti is eiveu to tin: Hair. I t ltf Il .u'r Itv . -ii l . t l l i t i ^ uff. |t pr.'n'nts balt lni'si . I t pr.nnntPIhi. inri i i ni emwil i ; ,,o utlu-r |-rep»ratinn wil l priLhiri- theMini- li.'ii- fu'ial rt-,ult. In lar|[c Until", l'nce Su M.illui i- .S..I.I l.y i i,,.,,,j» ts 8n,| IVr iuurn cfisrynln -ii-. l'.|i,i , ¦-'¦!€ ,H u h U. illi oii , , Lnnilun.— For CbiUni i '- H ,u . — M r . ,Al. t-K.v '., " /.VI.ollAL»»MCa " f»r "'

¦"¦I" ••'")' p- .ini.l- "r ba :roil , 1111.1 i- 1. i l i - l i ^h t ru l l|.|ir DuirtiiR; it i* a Ji sHm -t .u.iln;,ir,- |.i.p ,Mi,,,i, imin thf r.'-totpr , an.l it- «n. ,«,rii|iiirci| i- itli it . price nf Zrlobjlmi niiim , Tlircr Slii'.!ir i^> .

U UI .I .I )W AV \ 1'ILUS.—The Ctiiofest wm:Urr ofID0.I.TII inn.» .—TIIIJ incuniiiiiiiible Uuihiii.c .ni-i,., ..-, tb»aii|ii--:ite > ^ -r i - iKlhriiH tbe stomach , i-lraii-i-, Hie liv. i . cmrurUbiliou-i , p,,-v.-nla nitulency, purities tbo syslnn , imi ^u-ratrs id,, i,,.r v,..i ,,,,i rpinstnl. '* snuinl lie .-l th . ' f! ie tuoi-nviils .1,man.l l,,r these 1MU tliroil lbi iut lln: clolit - a-tnm-liMr .v -tyl,,,,|V j ,,1H| (l hj, ,gle triul c.iivinci-i Ihu tu.,-t vi'..piic;dtha t no'iiii- rquall l lullmvay 's I 'dU iu ts al . ihly tcrriu. ivw .,11 n.iiiplanit s incident al 10 tin: h u m a n 1 IL.- . 'lbrrmi' a Mart in i ; tu tlie kAliclr il , uuJ » IIMHII lo l lu i I K I K.DIi i n l . r i i i t , :i,al or ( di-irisf. I'm ti . a i i( ,u>, | t | ,L. (jlrwd,'• iii.. v;,i .it a',1 restruin l from the srcreiivi- t .r/an~ , anil (;rutle:'P - l - f i n - ;.i:tion , arc (be prolific soured .,/ Hie . iteimrir i i rHt iv t - run.- nt HrillowayV I' I II *.

W A'II .UFOKI . :—Printed and I'ublisiii-d by K LWAEI.sri:i 'HK.v Ky .x xs \, at The H 'atcrford Xex ct Cieuertll'tiutiii^, ti'.Kii>-lj ii.diu)c aud .Machiui--ruli;i^ Khtnl/lijb*mcut , in Kinn .j troel , ia tbe tartsU uf Trimly Within