soal obstetri i

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  • 8/10/2019 Soal Obstetri i


  • 8/10/2019 Soal Obstetri i



    c. (naphylactic sh"ckd. yp"v"lemic sh"ck

    ;. hich "$ the $"ll"wing is the #rst sign "$ hem"rrhagic sh"ck-

    a. !ecreased bl""d pressureb. Increased pulse ratec. Increased respirat"ry rated. Increased urinary "utput

    1. hich "$ the $"ll"wing is the simplest way t" m"nit"r that h"me"stasis has been

    rec"vered a$ter *uid resuscitati"n during treatment "$ hyp"v"lemic sh"ck-


  • 8/10/2019 Soal Obstetri i



    d. 4yncytial tr"ph"blast A cellular tr"ph"blast

    17. hat must be released $r"m sperm t" break thr"ugh c"r"na radiates A B"ne


    a. @lyceraldehydes 3ph"sphate dehydr"genate ;

    b. e+akinasec. nByme amylased. nByme hyalur"nidase

    18. hat h"rm"ne that will maintain c"rpus luteum th"r"ugh 1st$"ur m"nths

    a. h2@b. h'&c. h24d. str"gen A pr"gester"ne

    ( 15 y." @1'( came t" emergency r""m with chie$ c"mplaint with e+cessive

    v"miting. 4he was 1 weeks pregnant. er bl""d pressure 16 mmg A pulse rate

    1 bpm. er skinCs turg"r was decreased.

    1. %hese statements bel"w are the di?erential diagn"sis "$ the disease, D2'%

    a. (cute pyel"ne$ritisb. @astritisc. ydatidi$"rm m"led. 'ancreatitise. n the physical e+aminati"n y"u $"und *ank pain "n the right c"st"vertebral

    regi"n. 4he als" su?ered $r"m high $ever. hat was the likely diagn"sis-

    a. (cute pyel"ne$ritisb. @astritis

    c. ydatidi$"rm m"led. 'ancreatitise.

  • 8/10/2019 Soal Obstetri i



    a. 'hysical e+aminati"nb. 2"mplete bl""d c"untc. 2hemical bl""d e+aminati"nd. =4@e. 'er$"rm pregnancy test

    6. (b"ut puerperium

    a. %he 3rdtrimesterb. Interval between birth "$ baby and the return "$ repr"ductive "rgans t"

    n"npregnant statec. &ast in ab"ut 8 weeksd. &ast in 0 weeks

    7. 4ympt"m in n"n l"chial bleeding

    a. @reater with uterine c"ntracti"nb. @ush with $undal massagec. 2"ntinues t" bleed bright red "r e+cessived. !ark red indicates p""led bl""d and sh"uld lessen

    8. hich is true ab"ut l"chia-

    a. &"chia rubra H bright red g"ing t" reddish br"wn 30 day ppJb. &"chia ser"sa H pink "r br"wn usually lasting ab"ut 330 daysJc. &"chia albans H yell"w "r white can last up t" 8 weeks ppJd. &"chia rubra H bright red g"ing t" reddish br"wn 1310 day ppJ

    ;. etained placenta $ragments

    a. %he uterus return t" n"npregnant stateb. ithin 1 h"urs "$ delivery, the $undus is ab"ut 1 cm ab"ve the umbilicus

    c. 4ubinv"lusi"nd. %he cervi+ d"esnCt return t" circular "r shape

    3. 2hanges that y"u have t" "bserve at the abd"men

    a. !ecrease estr"gen a?ects rugae A muc"sa "$ vaginab. pisi"t"my and"r lacerati"nsc. em"rrh"idsd. !iastasis recti abd"minis

    31. 4igns "$ lab"r D2'%


  • 8/10/2019 Soal Obstetri i



    a. >pening "$ b"th vulva A anusb. 4h"wing "$ the l"west $etal part at the vulvac.

  • 8/10/2019 Soal Obstetri i



    b. In inches, appr"+imating the lunar m"nth "$ gestati"nc. In centimeters, divided 3.5 appr"+imating the lunar m"nth "$ gestati"nd. In centimeters, appr"+imating the weeks "$ gestati"n between 18 t" 30 weekse. n the $"ll"wing, the m"st w"rry sign "r sympt"m "$ p"tentially path"l"gy in late

    pregnancy is

    a. 4w"llen anklesb. 2"nstipati"nc. /isual changesd. "cturiae. eartburn

    01. hich "ne gives very accurate estimati"n "$ the gestati"nal age can be made

    between 7 t" 13 weeks-

    a. 2&

    b. rbita A thalami symmetrically p"siti"nedc. 2erebellum A thalami symmetrically p"siti"nedd. 2isterna magna, 2erebellum A thalami symmetrically p"siti"ned