soal us b. inggris

NASKAH SOAL UJIAN SEKOLAH MATA PELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS TAHUN PELAJARAN 2014/2015 Read the following text and answer the question 1 to 2 1. What kind of text is it ? a. Invitation card b. Short message c. Greeting card d. Announcement 2. The card tells us about ….. a. a sweet birthday b. a newly baby born c. a marriage ceremony d. a burial ceremony 3. . What does the text mean ? a. The weekend will be closed by the road b. All cars may not enter the road until weekend c. The road will be closed next weekend d. All cars may enter the closed roads 4. Where can you find the above text ? a. Over the flyovers b. In a car dealer c. A long the ways d. At a Junction Read the following text and answer the question 5 to 7 Wishing You Joy When your birthday is here And all of the things That your heart holds most dear Not only today ROAD CLOSED UNTIL WEEKEND Jakarta Timur February 16, 2015 Dear Marini, How’s everything with you? I hope things are going well. I am very busy so I haven’t got time to write to you. I just go to school every morning and come home to my new house in the afternoon. Jakarta is full of people, but I haven’t known many them. It’s very crowded. There are a lot of things to see and to do here. I like the city, and my new school is very nice, most of my new friends are friendly and helpful. I love to stay here. What are your plans for next holiday? If you don’t have any plans, come and share my house. My parents will be very happy if SLOW DANGEROUS CROSSROADS

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Naskah Soal UJIAN SEKOLAHmata pelajaran bahasa inggrisTahun Pelajaran 2014/2015Read the following text and answer the question 1 to 2

1. What kind of text is it ?

a. Invitation card

b. Short message

c. Greeting card

d. Announcement

2. The card tells us about ..

a. a sweet birthday

b. a newly baby born

c. a marriage ceremony

d. a burial ceremony

3. .

What does the text mean ?

a. The weekend will be closed by the road

b. All cars may not enter the road until weekend

c. The road will be closed next weekend

d. All cars may enter the closed roads


Where can you find the above text ?

a. Over the flyovers

b. In a car dealer

c. A long the ways

d. At a Junction

Read the following text and answer the question 5 to 7

5. From the text above we know that Dinda ..

a. has lived in Jakarta for a long time

b. has just moved to Jakarta

c. has known all the people in Jakarta

d. doesnt really love her new city

6. What is Dindas purpose to write the letter?

a. To show how busy she is now

b. To retell her experience when she lived in Jakarta

c. To persuade her friend to love his new city

d. To invite her old friend to visit her next holiday

7. Sincerely Dinda, This part of the letter is called ..

a. opening

b. salutation

c. closing

d. body

Read the following text and answer the question 8 to 11

8. How many kinds of materials do you need to make juice ?

a. one

b. two

c. three

d. four

9. How much sugar do you need to make two glasses of Guava juice ?a. two tablespoons

b. four tablespoons

c. six tablespoons

d. eight tablespoons

10. What material is not put into the blender ?

a. sugar

b. water

c. milk

d. guava

11. Here are the tools we dont need in the text, ..a. pan

b. knife

c. straw

d. blender

Read the following text to answer questions 12 to 14

12. The text above is a kind of ..

a. notice

b. brochure

c. announcement

d. advertisement

13. What is the function of such kind of text ?

a. to give an information about a certain carpet

b. to attract peoples interest to buy carpet

c. to make people aware how high quality carpet is

d. to show that the carpet is really special

14. How long does the store open a day ?a. ten hoursb. eleven hours

c. twelve hours

d. thirteen hours

Read The following text and answer question no 15 to 17

15. The Porseni will be held for ..

a. one day

b. two days

c. three days

d. four days

16. What is the purpose of that text ?

a. to inform the football players for intensive training

b. to remind the football players

c. to invite the football players for meeting

d. to describe the Porseni

17. How often do they train in a week ?a. Once a weekb. Twice a weekc. Three times a weekd. Four times a weekRead the following text and answer the question 18 to 19

18. Who wrote the note ?

a. Ridho

b. Fiona

c. Fionas friend

d. Ridhos sister

19. The form of the text is ..a. an announcement

b. a direction

c. a caution

d. a message

Read the following text and answer the question 20 to 24Penguins are birds that cannot fly. There are eighteen different species. They are all splendid swimmers and can propel themselves through the water at a rate of 30 kilometers per hour. They live only in the southern seas of the world, on the islands off Australia, in New Zealand, South Africa and Southern South America. Those that live in the snow and ice cannot build nests.

The biggest are the Emperor penguins which stand about 1-2 meters and weigh about 75 kilograms. When a female lays an egg, it is the male that keeps it off the ice by resting it on top of his feet. When the chick hatches, the male which will not have eaten for two months, then goes off to feed while the female stays with the chick to feed and protect it. Adelie penguins gather in huge colonies, sometimes as many as half a million in one group.

Rockhopper penguins are so called because of the way they hop from rock to rock. They have long crests on their heads. Their chicks are covered with soft down when hatched. They are helpless at first and need to be looked after and fed for several weeks.

As far as 1499 it was noted that the Jackass penguin (right) brayed like an ass. It is also known as the black-footed penguin. Gentoo penguins live on many of the Antarctic island. They are very friendly and do not fear man. King penguins also live in the Antarctic. They Toboggan on their stomachs at great speed on the ice to escape their enemies.

20. What does paragraph one tell us about ? It tells us about .

a. Penguins are similar with birds

b. The environment of penguins

c. General classification of penguin

d. The habit of penguins

21. How many species of penguins are there ?a. 16 species

b. 18 species

c. 20 species

d. 22 species

22. The following statement is NOT TRUE according to the text.

a. Female keeps an egg by resting it on top of her feet

b. Penguins that live in the snow cannot build nests

c. Female stays with the chick to feed and protect it

d. Gentoo penguins are very friendly and do not fear man

23. It is also known as the black-footed penguin (Paragraph 5). The word It refers to ..a. Emperor penguin

b. Adelie penguin

c. Jackass penguin

d. Rockhopper penguin

24. They are all splendid swimmers and can propel themselves through the water (paragraph 1)

The word propel has the similar meaning with ..

a. jump into

b. move forward

c. crawl into

d. dive off

Read the following text and answer the question 25 to 26

25. The purpose of the text is ..a. to give a special wedding present

b. to show the way how to get Rinas house

c. to ask Rina to get married

d. to invite someone to a wedding party

26. The party will be held ..

a. in Rinas house

b. at the corner of the house

c. on the street

d. on a bus

Read the following text and answer the question 27 to 31

In the field one summers day, a Grasshopper was hopping about chirping and singing. An ant passed by, carrying a bit of corn he was taking to the nest.Why do you not come and chat with me said the grasshopper, instead of working hard in that way ?

I am helping to lay up food for the winter, said the Ant, and recommend you to do the same.

Why bother about winter ? said the Grasshopper. We have got plenty of food at present. But the Ant went on its way and continued its work. When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food, and found it self dying of hunger, while it saw the ants distributing every corn and grain from store they had collected in the summer.

Then the Grasshopper knew, it is the best to prepare for the days of necessity.27. What does the story tell about ?

a. A cheerful grasshopper

b. A diligent grasshopper

c. A kind grasshopper

d. A lazy grasshopper

28. The second paragraph is about .

a. The ant asked grasshopper to came and chatb. Grasshopper helped the ant to lay up food

c. The ant recommended grasshopper to lay up food for the winter

d. Grasshopper worked hard in the summer

29. What happened to grasshopper in the winter ?

a. collecting food

b. dying of hunger

c. working hard

d. carrying corns

30. I am helping to lay up food for the winter said the ant .. (paragraph 2).

The word lay up means ..

a. storeb. share

c. give

d. distribute

31. Which is the moral value you can learn from the story ?a. dont be lazy if you want to get success

b. enjoy your life by chirping and singing

c. prepare everything for the future

d. always do something diligentlyRead the following text and answer the question 32 to 36

The biggest Buddhist temple In the world as a Master Piece work of art among the seven wonders of the word which is situated at Borobudur village, Borobudur sun district, Magelang Regency, Central Java, around 3 km from Kota Mungkid, or 40 km from Yogyakarta to north west ward

This temple complex was built by King Samaratungga of Syailendra Dynasty in the 8th century. This temple, at present has been surrounded by an Archeological Park with some attractive facilities for visitors. 32. What is the text about ?

a. The building of the temple

b. Archeological park

c. Borobudur temple

d. Archeologist

33. Who built the temple ?

a. The goverment

b. King Samaratungga

c. People of Magelang

d. Archeologist

34. When was the temple built ?

a. In 7th century

b. In 8th century

c. In 9th century

d. In 10th century

35. Where is the temple located

a. In Yogyakarta

b. In Semarang

c. In Kota Mungkid

d. In Magelang36. The word Master Piece in the text means ..

a. huge art

b. intelligent temple

c. biggest temple

d. the best work of art

Read the following text and answer the question 37 to 38

The fox and the Rabbit.

Once upon a time in the jungle, there lived a fox. His name was Rox. No one didnt know him. Everybody in the jungle was afraid of him because his face and style looked very vicious.

One day , in a beautiful summer morning, when Rox was drinking at the side of the river, he saw a little rabbit in danger. A snake came sneaking behind the little rabbit . The snake was going to eat it. Rox jumped over the snake as soon as possible and scared it away.

The little rabbit then felt relieved that fox just saved his life from the threat of the dangerous snake. After that , it told the whole jungle that Rox was a kind fox. He just saved its life. There was no need to be afraid of him anymore.

37. What is the setting of the story above ?

a. Jungle and the riverb. At the side of the riverc. one day in the riverd. once upon a time in jungle38. What the lesson can we learn from story?a. Be careful of the dangerous snakeb. Dont judge the people from their physical appearancec. Always help the other peopled. Please think first before doing something39. Arrange the words into a good sentence

Her sister English than can speak more Syntia 1 23 4 56 7



a. 7-4-5-2-6-8-3-1

b. 7-6-8-5-2-3-1-4c. 5-2-6-8-7-4-1-3

d. 5-2-8-6-3-1-4-740. Not boys two like does big she those 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The correct arrangement is ..

a. 8-2-5-1-4-3-6-7

b. 7-5-1-4-3-6-8-2

c. 8-3-6-2-5-1-4-7

d. 7-5-1-4-8-3-6-2

Read the text and answer the question 41-42Hi, Im Rina. I have a twin sister, named Rani.

We were born on August 5, 1994. We are in the nine grade now. Rani and I do everything together. We are in the same class. We does alike. We look the same. We always get other people confused. This really makes Rani and I laugh. Teachers and friends always get us mixed up at school. Even our father has trouble telling us a part. Our mother doesnt. She always knows which twin is which. Rani and I often try to confuse her, but it has never happened.

One day, our teacher told our mother to get one of us a different haircut, so that he could tell us a part. Rani and I were horrified. We didnt want to look different. We liked looking the same.

Our mother came to the rescue, and refused to make us cut our hair. We were happy just the way we were and didnt want to change.

Our dad just shook his head. He would have to stay confused.

Rani and I didnt care.

We knew which one was which, and that was all that mattered.

41. How old are Rina and Rani ?

a. 13 years

b. 14 years

c. 15 years

d. 16 years

42. Who never gets confused ?

a. Their father

b. Their mother

c. Their friends

d. Their teachers

43. always get us mixed up at school.

The synonym of mixed up in that sentence is .

a. excited

b. surprised

c. bored

d. confused

44. What do you think the suitable tittle for the story is ?

a. Rinas sister

b. Ranis sister

c. Twin girls

d. Rina and Ranis school

45. Smart not only Marina is but also nice 1 2 3 4 5 6

The best arrangement is ..

a. 3-4-2-1-5-6

b. 2-1-3-5-4-6

c. 3-4-6-5-2-1

d. 2-6-5-1-3-446. Arrange these sentences to make a good paragraph.

1. Plug in the cooker and turn it on

2. Put the rice into the cooker

3. Here are some steps how to use a rice cooker

4. Put two glasses of water

5. First, wash a glass of rice

a. 2-1-5-3-4

b. 3-2-4-1-5

c. 3-5-2-4-1

d. 2-5-3-1-4 For questions 47 to 49, choose the best words to complete the text.

47. a. modern

b. ancient

c. careful

d. interest48. a. getting

b. got

c. gets

d. get

49. a. connectsb. changes

c. networks

d. results

50. Arrange these sentences to make a good paragraph

1. The police found several finger prints on the door of the building

2. The robbers entered the department store through a back door

3. City police reported that two men broke into a department store last night.

4. They escaped with clothing and sport goods worth more than Rp. 50.000.000,-

5. They hoped to find the two men soon

a. 3-2-4-1-5

b. 3-5-4-1-2

c. 2-1-5-3-4

d. 2-5-3-1-4

Wishing You Joy

When your birthday is here

And all of the things

That your heart holds most dear

Not only today

But each day of the year



Jakarta Timur

February 16, 2015

Dear Marini,

Hows everything with you? I hope things are going well.

I am very busy so I havent got time to write to you.

I just go to school every morning and come home to my new house in the afternoon. Jakarta is full of people, but I havent known many them. Its very crowded. There are a lot of things to see and to do here.

I like the city, and my new school is very nice, most of my new friends are friendly and helpful. I love to stay here.

What are your plans for next holiday? If you dont have any plans, come and share my house. My parents will be very happy if you can come.

They want to see you. Our house is quite near the mall. We can eat and watch film there. It must be fun.

Write soon and say you can spend the holiday here.



How to make Guava Juice

Materials :


1 sachet of milk

a glass of water

2 tablespoons of sugar

Tools :





drinking straw

Steps :

First, cut the guava into cubes, then put it into the blender, pour the sugar and water too.

After that blend it well for two minutes.

Finally pour the juice into the glass and give some milk on it. Now the Guava is ready for you.


Oriental carpet from Iran (Persia), Afghanistan, Kashmir, Pakistan, India & China. Come & view our carpets with special offer. Open 7 days a week 9 a.m 10 p.m. Jl.Imam Bonjol No.12 Phone : 76889, 765899

To : All football Players

The Porseni will begin on September

18 to 20. Our football team must be ready for intensive training every Tuesday and Saturday afternoon. We dont want to lose the game, so please come on time.



Hi Ridho,

Hope you had a good day at work !

Gone to supermarket to get something for diner. Back at 6




Date: March 27

Time: 11.00 a.m

Place: Jl. T.B. Simatupang No.60

Direction: Take the No.53 bus to the corner of Jl.T.B Simatupang and Jl.Tengah, We are the first house on the left. Please come on time.

This is a surprise party

Internet is one of the most (47) .. ways to spread information. People can (48) . All kinds of information on the internet. People use the internet to work at home.

Scientists use the internet to help them do research. The internet has made big (49) .. in the way many people live and work.