soalan ramalan upsr bi 2011

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  • 8/7/2019 Soalan ramalan UPSR BI 2011




    [Lihat halaman sebelah


    SULIT 2010Hak Sdn. Bhd.


    Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 12 halaman bercetak.

    1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 40 soalan.

    2. Jawab semua soalan.

    3. Tiap-tiap soalan diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan, iaitu A, B, C dan D. Bagi setiap soalan,

    pilih satu jawapan sahaja. Hitamkan jawapan kamu pada kertas jawapan objektif yang


    4. Jika kamu hendak menukar jawapan, padamkan tanda yang telah dibuat. Kemudian hitamkan

    jawapan yang baharu.



    Kertas 1


    50 minit


    Lima puluh minit





    1 2011

    01 EngUPSR (3P).indd 1 1/3/2011 4:34:56 PM

  • 8/7/2019 Soalan ramalan UPSR BI 2011


    SULIT 014/1

    SULIT014/1 2011Hak Sdn. Bhd.


    Questions 1 4

    Choose the best word to complete the sentence.

    Pilih perkataan yangterbaikuntuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

    1 Maria serves food and drinks to the passengers in the plane. She is a .

    A chef

    B waitress

    C air controller

    D ight attendant

    2 My mother is mufns in the oven.

    A frying

    B baking

    C boiling

    D cooking

    3 The outer layer of the tree trunk is called the .

    A bark

    B stem

    C twig

    D branch

    4 The consists of a long-sleeved dress and a long skirt.

    A sari

    B cheongsamC baju kurung

    D salwar kameez

    01 EngUPSR (3P).indd 2 1/3/2011 4:34:56 PM

  • 8/7/2019 Soalan ramalan UPSR BI 2011




    [Lihat halaman sebelah


    SULIT 2011Hak Sdn. Bhd.


    Questions 5 7

    Read the text and choose the best phrase for each of the pictures given.

    Baca petikan dan pilih rangkai kata yangterbaikbagi setiap gambar yang diberi.

    Mr Wong Ah Chang was driving when suddenly he sensed that something was wrong with his

    car. He found out that his car 5 . He wanted to try to 6

    on his own. Luckily, a motorcyclist 7 .

    5 A broke down

    B had a at tyre

    C needed to be towed

    D was dented

    6 A replace the tyre

    B repair the engine

    C get a new tyre

    D call for help

    7 A brought him a new tyre

    B looked for a new tyre

    C asked for his help

    D stopped to help him

    01 EngUPSR (3P).indd 3 1/3/2011 4:34:56 PM

  • 8/7/2019 Soalan ramalan UPSR BI 2011


    SULIT 014/1

    SULIT014/1 2011Hak Sdn. Bhd.


    Questions 8 10

    Choose the best answer for each of the pictures given.

    Pilih jawapan yangterbaikbagi setiap gambar yang diberi.

    8 A Mr Anesh is feeding his daughter at the table.

    B Mr Anesh and his family are having their dinner.

    C Mrs Anesh is preparing dinner for her family.

    D Mrs Anesh is setting the table for dinner.

    9 A The pupils are waiting at the bus stop.

    B The people are sitting on the oor at the bus stop.

    C A boy is holding a racquet.

    D A few people are boarding the bus.

    10 A The shmonger is weighing the sh.

    B Puan Fauziah and her daughter are at the fruit stall.

    C Laila is holding some vegetables and fruits.

    D Puan Azlin is choosing a sh to buy.

    01 EngUPSR (3P).indd 4 1/3/2011 4:34:57 PM

  • 8/7/2019 Soalan ramalan UPSR BI 2011




    [Lihat halaman sebelah


    SULIT 2011Hak Sdn. Bhd.


    Questions 11 15

    Choose the best answer to t the situation shown in the picture.

    Pilih jawapan yangterbaikbagi situasi dalam gambar.

    11 A No, not at all.

    B Sure, I mind it.

    C Of course, I do.

    D Yes, I agree with you.

    12 A How long have you been waiting?

    B Im sorry to keep you waiting.

    C Are you going to play now?

    D Are you ready?

    13 A Do you think so?

    B Oh, how nice of you!

    C Thanks for the compliment.

    D I think this dress suits me well.

    You look beautiful!

    Its alright. We dont

    mind at all.

    Do you mind switching

    on the fan?

    01 EngUPSR (3P).indd 5 1/3/2011 4:34:57 PM

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    SULIT 014/1

    SULIT014/1 2011Hak Sdn. Bhd.


    14 A Its getting better, thank you.

    B Im ne, thank you.

    C I hurt my leg.

    D Its alright.

    15 A Mum, I passed with ying colours.

    B Would you like to see this?

    C I have my exam results.

    D Do you like my results?

    Questions 16 20Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

    Pilih jawapan yangterbaikuntuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.

    16 Those magazines are ours. You can take from the shelf.

    A you

    B yourself

    C yours

    D your

    17 My sister will help our mother today because she has homework than I.A less

    B little

    C least

    D most

    Well done!

    Hows your leg?

    01 EngUPSR (3P).indd 6 1/3/2011 4:34:58 PM

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    [Lihat halaman sebelah


    SULIT 2011Hak Sdn. Bhd.


    18 Puan Hazwani is the teacher I admire the most.

    A who

    B whom

    C which

    D whose

    19 We can go to Pulau Redang Pulau Perhentian during the holidays.

    A either .. nor

    B neither .. or

    C either .. or

    D neither .. nor

    20 Dharmalingam and his brother enjoy some butteries at the park.

    A catch

    B caught

    C catches

    D catching

    Question 21

    Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the underlined word.

    Pilih perkataan yangberlawanan maksud dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

    21 The best student received a hamper but the one was given a warning.

    A bad

    B worseC worst

    D lousy

    01 EngUPSR (3P).indd 7 1/3/2011 4:34:58 PM

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    SULIT 014/1

    SULIT014/1 2011Hak Sdn. Bhd.


    Questions 22 23

    Choose the answer with the correct spelling.

    Pilih jawapan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul.

    22 We saw a pair of grazing the grass happily.

    A rhinoceros

    B rhinocerous

    C rinoceros

    D rinocerous

    23 Datuk Dr Sheikh Muzafar is Malaysias rst to explore the space.

    A astronut

    B astraunat

    C astraunut

    D astronaut

    Questions 24 25

    Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

    Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda baca yang betul.

    24 A The famous band Deep purple, performed at The Awana in Genting highlands.

    B The famous band Deep Purple performed at the Awana in Genting Highlands


    The famous band, Deep Purple, performed at The Awana in Genting Highlands.

    D The famous band Deep purple, performed at the Awana in genting Highlands.

    25 A Khairiah, the farmers wife, grows cacti, orchids and roses.

    B Khairiah, the farmers wife, grows Cacti, orchids and roses.

    C Khairiah the farmers wife, grows cacti, orchids and roses.

    D Khairiah, the farmers wife, grows Cacti, Orchids, and Roses.

    01 EngUPSR (3P).indd 8 1/3/2011 4:34:58 PM

  • 8/7/2019 Soalan ramalan UPSR BI 2011




    [Lihat halaman sebelah


    SULIT 2011Hak Sdn. Bhd.


    Questions 26 30

    Based on the picture, choose the best answer to ll in the blanks in the passage that follows.

    Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yangterbaikuntuk diisikan pada tempat kosong dalam teks

    yang berikut.

    Kassim and his friends are in the park. They are 26 at a monkey. The monkey is

    27 a ball and sitting on a branch. 28 ball belongs to Kassims friends. They

    are waiting for the monkey to 29 the ball to them. However, the monkey just sits there

    ignoring 30 .

    26 A laugh

    B laughs

    C laughed

    D laughing

    27 A passing

    B hanging

    C holding D beating

    28 A A

    B An

    C The


    29 A sell

    B lend

    C catch

    D return

    30 A it

    B him

    C them D their

    01 EngUPSR (3P).indd 9 1/3/2011 4:34:58 PM

  • 8/7/2019 Soalan ramalan UPSR BI 2011


    SULIT 014/1

    SULIT014/1 2011Hak Sdn. Bhd.


    Questions 31 35

    Read the label below and answer the questions that follow.

    Baca label di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut.

    31 How many kinds of ingredients are used for this product?

    A Three

    B Four

    C Five

    D Six

    32 How much do the sardines weigh?

    A One hundred and fty-two grams

    B Two hundred and fty-one grams

    C Five hundred and twelve gramsD Five hundred and twenty-one grams

    33 When is the expiry date?

    A 22 December 2011

    B 22 November 2011

    C 21 October 2011

    D 2 November 2011

    Distributed by :


    335/6, Persiaran Bunga Raya 6,

    40060 Shah Alam, Malaysia

    Average Composition per 100g

    Fat 1.5g

    Protein 86.6g

    Mineral 3.1g

    Vitamin 9.0g

    Net weight : 152g

    Price : RM1.90

    Best Before : 22.11.2011

    Ingredients : Sardines

    Tomato Sauce

    Rened Palm Olean


    Contains : Permitted Food Additives


    01 EngUPSR (3P).indd 10 1/3/2011 4:34:59 PM

  • 8/7/2019 Soalan ramalan UPSR BI 2011




    [Lihat halaman sebelah


    SULIT 2011Hak Sdn. Bhd.


    34 Sardines are good for us because .

    A they are rich in protein

    B they contain many important nutrients

    C they have fat

    D they contain most vitamins

    35 The phrase Net weight refers to the weight of the .

    A tin only

    B label and the tin

    C content in the tin

    D sardines and the tin

    Questions 36 40

    Read the report below and answer the questions that follow.

    Baca laporan di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut.

    KUALA LUMPUR : Building a Friendship Tower and playing Blind Artist were what

    60 children did in a workshop held at the Love and Care Complex recently.

    The objective of the workshop was to teach teamwork, cooperation and positive attitude.

    The children, between the ages of 8 to 12, with some 150 parents, learnt the importance of

    good communication, teamwork and cooperation.

    The two-hour workshop, called Happy Healthy Minds, was organised by Amway (M)

    Sdn. Bhd. While the children were busy with activities and games, the parents attended a talk

    on raising happy children by Dr Zain Asyraf, a psychologist.

    The children, who were divided into teams, played a game, Bingo and Friends in Town.

    Through this game, they practised their listening skills and at the same time increased their


    Fatin Husna Aiman, 11, said, I made many new friends and I learnt the importance of

    working together.Syaq Hadz said that the game she enjoyed the most was Friendship Tower that

    required the use of various materials such as cans, bottles, paper, string and Cellophane tape

    to construct it.

    (Adapted from The Star, 26th April 2007)

    01 EngUPSR (3P).indd 11 1/3/2011 4:34:59 PM

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    SULIT 014/1

    SULIT014/1 2011Hak Sdn. Bhd.


    36 Where was the workshop carried out?

    A Star Complex

    B Friendship Tower

    C Amway (M) Sdn. Bhd.

    D Love and Care Complex

    37 The organiser of the workshop was .

    A Amway (M) Sdn. Bhd.

    B Fatin Husna Aiman

    C Dr Zain Asyraf

    D a psychologist

    38 During the workshop, the parents attended a talk on .

    A playing Blind Artist

    B raising happy children

    C the use of various materials

    D building Friendship Tower

    39 What were the materials needed to construct a Friendship Tower?

    A Cellophane tape and string

    B Cellophane tape, cans, bottles and pens

    C Cans, bottles, Cellophane tape and paper

    D String, Cellophane tape, bottles, cans and paper

    40 The children involved in the workshop were pupils of .

    A Year 1 to 6B Year 2 to 6

    C Year 3 to 6

    D Year 4 to 6